Monday, January 29, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 30 2018

Remember that here in PENSAMIENTO DE COLOR we make sure that your quality of life is better,

This video is called "El Cantero", it is a tale of Zen reflection.

There was once a stonemason who was dissatisfied with himself and with his position in life.

One day he passed by the house of a rich merchant. Through the open entrance, he saw many

fine possessions and important visitors. "How powerful the merchant must be!",

thought the stone cutter. It's become very envious and wished he could be like the

merchant. To his great surprise, he became suddenly in the merchant, enjoying

of more luxury and power than there ever was imagined, but envied and detested by

those less rich than him.

Soon a senior official passed by, led in a sedan chair, accompanied by assistants

and escorted by soldiers beating gongs. Everyone, no matter how rich, had to

make a bow before the procession. "How much That official is powerful! "he thought.

I could be a high official! "

Then he became the high official, carried everywhere in his embroidered chair

of hands, feared and hated by the people of all around. It was a hot summer day,

that's why the official felt very uncomfortable in the sticky chair. He looked up at

Sun. Shining proud in the sky, unaffected for his presence. "How powerful is the

sun! "he thought." I wish it could be the Sun!".

Then it became the sun, shining fiercely over all, scorching the fields,

cursed by farmers and workers. But a huge black cloud interposed between

he and the earth, so that his light could not shine more on everything down there. "How much

powerful is that storm cloud! "he thought. "I wish it could be a cloud!"

Then it became the cloud, flooding the fields and the villages, rebuked by all.

But he soon discovered that he was being pushed away by some great strength, and he realized

that it was the wind. "How powerful it is!", thought. "I wish it could be the wind!"

Then it became the wind, taking away tiles from the roofs of houses, plucking

trees, feared and hated by all below of the. But after a while, it became

against something that would not move, it does not matter how strongly it will blow against her,

a huge and very high rock. "How powerful It's that rock! "he thought." I wish I could

be a rock! "

Then it became the rock, more powerful that nothing else on earth. But while

He was standing there, he heard the sound of a hammer hitting a chisel on the hard surface,

and he felt that he was being changed. "What Could it be more powerful than me, the rock? ",

thought. He looked down and saw far below from him, the figure of a stonemason.

As far as this story can go in your being, we do not know, but, ahh, it has

knowledge. We love how many Zen and we want to share them

with you, leave us a LIKE, a comment and if you can subscribe to our channel to

new reflections In PENSAMIENTO DE COLOR we want your quality

of better life will always be better, see you soon.

For more infomation >> Zen Story "The stonemason" - Do you envy the life of the other? - Duration: 4:43.


07. Felipe Morris - 27's Club [Broken Kid] - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> 07. Felipe Morris - 27's Club [Broken Kid] - Duration: 3:11.


01. Felipe Morris - Memory Lane [Broken Kid] - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> 01. Felipe Morris - Memory Lane [Broken Kid] - Duration: 3:26.


El aguacate, protagonista silente del SuperBowl - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> El aguacate, protagonista silente del SuperBowl - Duration: 2:15.


09. Felipe Morris - Mamá [Broken Kid] - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> 09. Felipe Morris - Mamá [Broken Kid] - Duration: 3:07.


08. Felipe Morris - Otra (ft. Mashine Kid) [Broken Kid] - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> 08. Felipe Morris - Otra (ft. Mashine Kid) [Broken Kid] - Duration: 3:24.


Veterano de guerra deportado estará en Estado de la Nación - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Veterano de guerra deportado estará en Estado de la Nación - Duration: 2:05.


05. Felipe Morris - Ambición [Broken Kid] - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> 05. Felipe Morris - Ambición [Broken Kid] - Duration: 2:28.


10. Felipe Morris - Broken [Broken Kid] - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> 10. Felipe Morris - Broken [Broken Kid] - Duration: 3:12.


058 Carla & Hanna - Duration: 16:03.

The result is... negative

My blood values aren't compatible with Hanna's

Which means...?

That unfortunately I'm not eligible to be an organ donor for her

What a bummer


Even the doctor was counting on a match. After all, I'm a first-degree relative.

Are you positive about the result??

Don't you believe me? Do you want to see the written notification?

No, no

It's just, I was hoping so badly that you would qualify for the kidney transplant

So was I, Felix! I would have loved to help Hanna!

Yeah, I know

And I think it's great that you had yourself tested

Aside from that...

I'm...I'm sorry that I made such strong accusations against you

Do you have some time? I'll reserve a table for us at Schneiders.

No, thanks. I'm gonna be going.

Oh, too bad. Uh, Felix?


I wish it were under other circumstances, too, but...

... I'm glad that we've talked to each other again after so long

My main concern was Hanna

I know. Nevertheless, maybe it's still a first step towards reconciliation.

If so, then it was a very small one

Don't think I've forgotten what you did with AllMedia!

You know my opinion on that

Yeah all right, you thought I was acting like an idiot

Still, you had no right to sell my father's company

Whatever... on that point we'll probably never find common ground

Looks that way. Despite that, I'm glad we're back in contact.

You really don't make it easy for someone. But for Hanna we should pull together.

Yes. ...Yes, that's right.

Good. Then I'm going to go see her and give her the news.

You're going to see Hanna now?


Maybe you shouldn't even tell her that I got tested. I mean, she was opposed to it from the beginning...

And the... negative result is only going to be an additional disappointment for her

Yeah, you're probably right

Okay, so long

Man, will I be glad when I finally have this behind me

What's that?

The hearing. Vanessa actually really is taking back her sexual assault accusations.

Well that's at least something

Hey, don't look so skeptical! This time I believe her.

That's not what I'm talking about

My mother was informed about the lab results

Does that mean she...

"... IS eligible to be an organ donor for Ms. Hanna Novak."

Damn! That was Hanna's last chance to have surgery soon!

Let's just wait and see

Maybe a suitable kidney for Hanna will turn up through the organ donor bank

Felix, we both know that can take years!

Yes, but we can't give up hope!

Maybe Sylvia isn't so coldhearted after all

What? We just cooked together the other day. Have you forgotten?

I did the cooking. YOU chopped vegetables. That's kinda hard to screw up.

You just listen to me good! You really shouldn't underestimate my culinary skills.

I'm not

I should have guessed he'd invite her

Why's that? Do they see each other a lot?

You could say that. Leonard even spent the night at Isabell's.

Allegedly on the sofa

Cécile! Carla!


How are you?

Good. I just wanted to know how it was in Paris.

And to be cooked for by Leonard

So, the main course is sizzling away quite nicely

== Aaah! == But I'm not telling what it is.

== Leonard! == Oh, come on!

== I'm guessing lamb. == Lamb?!

Who knows...?

Sorry. I just had to check real quick with Arno and Elisabeth, whether Carolin was doing okay.

Oh please, Isabell, that's totally understandable

== Thank you. == Cheers. == You're welcome.

And, how is the baby? Isabell's daughter is really a little ray of sunshine.

Yes, that's true

== Well, I think we can start heading into the dining room. == Ohh.

It's surely not easy for you. The pub, the kid, and everything without Florian, hm?

== The child's father, I take it? == Mhm.

For professional reasons my husband is currently living in Milan

Milan? A gorgeous city!

Yes. I'd like to go there again soon with Carolin.

It's not right that it's only in pictures that he's seeing his child grow up.

Yes, that's true. You can tell that you're missing a man.

Excuse me?

You can tell that you're missing your husband

Are you planning to tell Hanna about the results, after all? Or why are you here?

I just wanted to check in on her, is that so unusual?

Do you want an honest answer, or a polite one?

It would be nice if they could be one and the same

I don't understand your skepticism, Felix. After all, I did do the test.

The electrician can't do much more, either. I'm afraid we're due for a new stove.

Yeah, and until then?

We hope for the best, and offer more salads

Hello, what can I get you?

A coffee, please. - Hello, Hanna.

What are YOU doing here again?

Even if you don't believe me, I'm not indifferent to the fact that fate is being so hard on you

Yes, I really imagine so. You have a highly developed sense of schadenfreude.

You're being unfair to her. Sylvia really is worried about you.


I came to ask you if there's any way I can help you

What are you talking about??

And you hopefully aren't falling for her sympathy scam, either

Well, this time you really outdid yourself. It was exquisite.

Although the lamb ultimately turned out to be rabbit

YOU guys suggested it might be lamb, not me

I haven't eaten that well in a long time. Thank you, Leonard.

I'm glad. But you need to thank Cécile. She was the reason for today's menu.

Please, sit down

I'm pleased to finally be able to get to know you a little better

Cécile and Leonard have told me a lot about you

Oh, I hope not too much! We've spent several enjoyable evenings together.

Yes, we have. It's just too bad that Florian was never able to be there. I'm sure he would have had a lot of fun, too.

I really have no clue why I should subject myself to this farce any longer

You see, Felix, there is no point

It's really a shame you think so badly of me

I'd better go then

Thank you!

Sylvia, wait!

Why shouldn't we go ahead and tell her?


Yes, I know we had an agreement, but I think Hanna might as well know what you did for her

Well yeah, I suppose it probably doesn't matter anymore

She got tested

You aren't serious

I know you don't want to let me help you, but I had to do something!

We didn't actually want to tell you at first, because the result...

The result turned out to be negative

As sorry as I am about that

But even if she wasn't able to do anything for you, she at least tried

Yes, come in

Thanks for driving me home

Well, can I offer you anything?

A glass of wine, beer, maybe a Coke?

Some other time

I think Hanna could have at least apologized to you for her accusations

Yeah well, she's in a difficult situation

That's very noble of you!

Would never have thought me capable of it, would you?


Oh, and what I also wanted to say...

Thank you

I mean, that you spoke up for me with Hanna like that

Oh, I just wanted her to know how you were actually standing by her

Nonetheless, it meant a lot to me

I was glad to do it

Well, so would you like a beer now?

No, thanks


Good morning


Evidently we aren't the only early risers in this house

Well, to be honest, I didn't sleep at all

And Isabell?

She's long gone

Did you two have a fight?

What makes you ask that?

Well, at some point, everything had been said, and so then she left

And... so then why didn't you sleep all night?

I opened myself a nice bottle of wine...

... picked up a good book, and... before you knew it, the night was over

Oh, and here I thought you stayed up all night...

... annoyed that Isabell hadn't succumbed to your charm

Chubbylein, maybe you should take note of the fact that men do NOT spend 24 hours a day thinking only about women, hm?

And maybe YOU should take note of the fact that you should finally stop calling me 'Chubby'

I promise, Chubby

== Furthermore, that's Ansgar's seat. == Nee, nee, nee, nee.

You're in a pretty good mood, though, hm?

== Why shouldn't I be? == Considering you didn't sleep all night.

Florian called


Haha, did Grampa and Gramma not let you sleep last night, little mouse?

He misses Carolin and you

Yeah, I... I...I...I miss him too...

== Isabell. == Mhm?

You do know that you can talk with me about anything?

I'm angry at myself

Why? You always come home like a good girl.

Last night, though, I didn't... come home... like a good girl

Oh no!

It just happened

And Leonard?

I...I didn't ask him. Afterwards, I just came straight home.

Yeah, but you'll have to straighten this out!


But I think, I mean... I love Florian, but all this--

== That's Leonard. == Should I send him away?

What do you think?

Talk things out. The sooner, the better, for everyone involved.

I know what I'm talking about!


== Hello. == Hello.

Can I come in?

You know, in the car... on the way here, I had it all figured out so nicely, and... and now I sit here and--

I know exac--

I...I don't know, either, how it could come to that, that we--

== Hi. == Hello.

I'm just gonna go lie down, hm?

Uhm, Hanna, we can't forget to talk about your medication

Sure! Can we do it later?

Of course

Anyway, regardless HOW it came to that... it's happened

And we can't undo it now, either

I wouldn't want to, either

Me either

But... we should probably leave it at the one time


I'd better go then

I would find it nice if we could still remain friends, though

Me too

You're done for today

Are you nuts? All hell is loose here, how is that supposed to work?

I can manage it by myself. If not, I'll call Nicole.

I can handle it

Listen, you're going to go rest

I'm not an invalid yet

You have a serious operation behind you

Don't you worry

Maybe I'll get my seaside vacation after all

Gazing into the distance, long walks on the beach

That sounds good! Will you take me with you?

Hey, Carla

I'd never go anywhere without you anyway

But first work, then pleasure...


What's wrong?

Thank you, THANK you, I'm doing fine now, all right?!

For ONCE you're going to do what we say!

== Did you hear me? == Ohh.

I know you hate it, but it has to be!

Isabell is right

It was a little too early for your 'comeback'

I have to go back down

Go ahead and go, after all I'm not alone

Hey, I'm sorry. I'm not much of a help to you right now, I know.

In a few weeks, it'll be different

Believe me


I really overestimated myself

You simply have to learn how to listen to your body more

And if Isabell ISN'T right?

If maybe I NEVER really get healthy again?


Your kidney isn't functioning anymore. Obviously that's going to make everything a little more difficult.

But that's far from meaning that your life has to totally change. Despite the dialysis.

But it already has

For more infomation >> 058 Carla & Hanna - Duration: 16:03.


02. Felipe Morris - She's Back [Broken Kid] - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> 02. Felipe Morris - She's Back [Broken Kid] - Duration: 2:47.


06. Felipe Morris - Con La Mitad [Broken Kid] - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> 06. Felipe Morris - Con La Mitad [Broken Kid] - Duration: 1:59.


03. Felipe Morris - Sin Dirección [Broken Kid] - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> 03. Felipe Morris - Sin Dirección [Broken Kid] - Duration: 2:44.


11. Felipe Morris - Lejos (ft. Madafunky) [Broken Kid] - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> 11. Felipe Morris - Lejos (ft. Madafunky) [Broken Kid] - Duration: 2:48.


Coração Indomável Capítulo 11 - Reprise 29-01-2018 #coracaoindomavel011 #coracaoindomavel - Duration: 33:26.

For more infomation >> Coração Indomável Capítulo 11 - Reprise 29-01-2018 #coracaoindomavel011 #coracaoindomavel - Duration: 33:26.


Cómo tratar la sudoración excesiva con 5 remedios naturales - Duration: 8:52.

For more infomation >> Cómo tratar la sudoración excesiva con 5 remedios naturales - Duration: 8:52.


Hallan vivo a joven desaparecido en México - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Hallan vivo a joven desaparecido en México - Duration: 2:24.


Cómo Dibujar a GOGETA ULTRA INSTINTO | How To Draw GOGETA ULTRA INSTINCT | FeLipeArt - Duration: 26:37.

For more infomation >> Cómo Dibujar a GOGETA ULTRA INSTINTO | How To Draw GOGETA ULTRA INSTINCT | FeLipeArt - Duration: 26:37.


04. Felipe Morris - Ella Sabe (ft. Aldo Berardi) [Broken Kid] - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> 04. Felipe Morris - Ella Sabe (ft. Aldo Berardi) [Broken Kid] - Duration: 2:46.


Christensen Shines At U-Hi - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Christensen Shines At U-Hi - Duration: 2:18.


베트남 항공사, 박항서 감독 대표팀 전용기서 '비키니 쇼' - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> 베트남 항공사, 박항서 감독 대표팀 전용기서 '비키니 쇼' - Duration: 3:43.


박항서 '투혼의 축구' 이식…베트남 홀린 매력남 - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> 박항서 '투혼의 축구' 이식…베트남 홀린 매력남 - Duration: 1:05.


HomePod - Beat - Apple

For more infomation >> HomePod - Beat - Apple


Damian Lillard: 'I Think we're playing our best basketball right now' - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> Damian Lillard: 'I Think we're playing our best basketball right now' - Duration: 0:20.


small engine shop remodel (part 1) - Duration: 11:05.

alright here's the new project that shelves coming down that's coming down

the second shelf the lower shelf is coming down all the tools are coming

down the hose reel is coming down and I'm gonna redo this whole wall this

shelf is gonna come down a few inches that shelf is gonna be gone I've got a

new double bulb LED light that's gonna go on the new shelf I'm gonna redo this

a little bit these shelves and oh that's it I'm just basically gonna make make

this more convenient the little shelf for that battery the battery will go on

this shelf when I get this put back up and this is gonna get moved down a

little bit and in between there's going to be a place for my Makita tools and

that's it I got everything I was going to buy a light that had get this

Bluetooth speakers built into the light but I got to thinking in order for them

to put Bluetooth and speakers in a 60 dollar light they had to go really cheap

on the lights so I don't want to replace this again so I just decided to buy a

good LED light and be done with it not not one with the speakers already let me

get started I got to take everything off of here and oh yeah this is how warm it

is back in shorts all right we're getting there I got one shelf down I'm

fixin to unscrew this shelf and then all the trim the reason I have these two by

fours behind the shelf brackets is to see the trim back here and window trim

this used to be a window I closed this window up when I built this carport over

here and uh so I'm gonna take the window trim

off so I can put the shelf flush up against the wall where we get there I'm

gonna have a lot more room now go get that battery off and take this down and

get the shelf off that's next all right it doesn't look level through

the camera but I put my level on it and it's level all the way across so I guess

it's just the camera making it look odd all right now on this end I'm gonna put

my air hose probably just under I'll bolt it up just between the shelf

bracket and the corner bracket for the battery I decided to leave that battery

up because that's pretty heavy and the stand I have it sitting on is pretty

stout so uh I don't have to worry about it being you know too heavy for the

shelf because I do have the shelf brackets inverted just because okay now

I'm going to paint it and everything that's not wait I'm gonna paint white

and I'll probably do that tomorrow and below that against the wall I've got

a new piece of plywood I'm gonna put over there and go back to hang on the

tools back up and then I'm thinking this shelf system right here bolts to that

wall I'm thinking about turning it around and bolting it to that wall it'll

move it a little further away and it'll keep stuff from falling over the far

edge give me basically two sides you know it'll give me this side and that

side to put stuff on the shelf because I knock stuff out of that shelf constantly

and you know when I'm messing with weight eaters or saw this thing needs to

be a little bit further away from the bench so I'll do that tomorrow too but

for now

yeah I may go ahead and get my paint out and go ahead and paint it and then be

done for the day I got my plywood in the truck I'm gonna get that in here just in

case it rains overnight see you know I all righty

I got the first coat on the Shelf from the brackets I'm gonna put a second coat

on the shelf and a first coat on that behind the bench and then a second coat

on that then I'm gonna go to putting stuff back and I'm gonna make some

little cubbies up under here that are four inches deep or wide or thick

whatever 12 inches deep and as wide as these storage containers I have so I've

got four of them and I'm gonna make a space for four of them underneath the

Shelf because these are where I put all my little a lot more parts and stuff

that get away from me if I don't keep careful track of them so the painting

and finish the painting and then go to working on these cubbies I'm going to

use a 1 by 4 for the sides and I've got a piece of quarter-inch back there

behind everything I'm gonna use that for the for the base and then I will be

rehanging all my tools up they're coming along I'm a let me finish this today I'm

in no hurry but that's what it's looking like so far

much is done but I got that up I've got these mounted now I'm gonna paint them

before I put the bottom on I hate that I'm giving up four inches of tulle

hanging space back here and I'm rethinking putting the light under here

I think I'm gonna put my new light up here replace this single tube

fluorescent and I put my original single LED bulb back up under here and I see

these these little storage containers that's where they're gonna go there

slide it in like that oh I got four and I'm gonna paint them first

and then I'm going to put my plywood across the bottom let me get let me get

paid we're getting there I got my hose real hung back up and I'm gonna put it

what I'm doing here I'm gonna put two more here between the hose reel and my

plug here I'm gonna leave that plug open and then hung up put one more coat of

paint on the other one by fours here and then I'm going to cut this quarter inch

put it on the bottom you know this is only 3/8 so I just might go with with

the plywood cuz I don't want it to flex and there's a couple of them things that

are pretty freakin heavy with you know filled up with spark plugs and stuff I'm

decided but now I got to go in get on the computer and find out what the hell

the thyroid is because apparently mine has to come out at a cat-scan the other

day the second one in six months and uh I got something called nodules on on the

thyroid and the last few months my heart has been pounding funny and they told me

that that's why anyway let me go in and see what the hell of a thyroid is and if

it's one of them Parts I just got to have and then meantime this will dry and

I'll come put the second coat on okay girly my back well there's a there's

what I had intended see those little cases that are in there I have two more

but that they're full and that's what I I built those will hold my little one

more small engine parts I've got as I said I'm going to build another big one

here to put stuff like that and oh I've got a tire pageant kit just stuff that I

use all the time and I want to have easily accessible without other stuff

setting on it then I got a pickup oh yeah my thyroid it turns out I need it

it's still a little premature the symptoms I'm having our hardest wallow

hard to breathe irregular rapid heartbeat and a few

other things smelly feet oh no my feet smell anyway so they want to know about

your family history so I talked to my sister and turns out I don't know why I

didn't know this but her and my other sister both older by the way much much

much much older really old old they love it when I do that they both have thyroid

problems and my grandmother had to have a thyroid removed so it is hereditary so

anyway just one day a time I ain't gonna get all upset about it there's

treatments and you know it's not nothing that will kill you if you deal with it

you know I'm gonna deal with it so anyway I'm gonna paint that two coats

and then I'm gonna put my light up underneath it and then I think I'll work

on that light just so I can get that out of the box and mounted it's kind of

really bright over there which is what I need cuz I'm telling you the older you

get the more bright light you need on stuff you're working on because it's

really hard to see guys don't see like you like you did when you were in your

20s and maybe even 30s so that's next I'm gonna paint that let me show you how

it works just I know you know but I'm kind of proud of this low light here

here see you need a part look in there take it apart put it away I'm gonna

paint I'm not gonna paint the base where they're setting cuz it will just rub the

paint off I'm gonna paint this and underneath it the reason I'm gonna do

that it's so the light will reflect down so paintin's next seen a bit already

that's done painted we're gonna know I was going to put the light up under

there but I freaking broke it and it ain't worth fixing I'm gonna buy me a

new one that is old and since I bought that they've really improved le t LED

technology so I'm just gonna buy a new what the heck alright see you tomorrow

I'm going in my back hurts so bad it hurts to breed you ever you ever had a

back hurt so bad that inhaling is painful well that's the point on that

see you tomorrow

For more infomation >> small engine shop remodel (part 1) - Duration: 11:05.


Toradex Update Jan 2018 - Embedded World, i.MX 8, i.MX 6ULL, and more - Duration: 2:37.

Hello, my name is Wes Oebel and I'm a new Account Manager for Toradex based out

of Seattle, Washington, USA. I'm excited to be part of the Toradex monthly update

in January to tell you about some new products and an upcoming event. The first

thing I'd like to tell you about is our new i.MX 6ULL module based on the

NXP i.MX 6ULL processor. This module is the first from Toradex to have

embedded Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capability. It's an ideal fit for Industrial IoT and

embedded applications. If you'd like more information, please check out our website.

Another exciting piece of information I'd like to share is Toradex was given

early access by NXP to their new i.MX 8QuadMax processor. This new processor

will have 2 Arm Cortex-A72 and 4 Arm Cortex-A53 cores. This will put

it at the leading edge of technology for a System on Module and we will be

showcasing our new module at the Embedded World show in Germany at the

end of February. At the Embedded World show, we will also have engineers who can

talk about another module we are coming out with that will include the NXP i.MX 8X

processor. We will also have partners at the show who will be showing

off their technology. These partners include Qt, Crank,

CodeSys, Greenhills, QNX, and many others. If you would like more information about

these products or to see how you can get free tickets for the show, please check

our website. I will be at the show and I look forward to meeting you there.

A couple more things I would like to tell you about, we've released a new

version of Windows Embedded Compact for the i.MX 6 module. This new version will

have a faster boot time, camera support, and will be much more power efficient. We

also have released a new stable Linux BSP, if you would like more information

please look at our BSP roadmap on our developer website. I'm excited that you

joined this monthly update and I look forward to seeing you again next month.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Toradex Update Jan 2018 - Embedded World, i.MX 8, i.MX 6ULL, and more - Duration: 2:37.


Why The Blake Griffin Trade To the Pistons Changes NOTHING In The NBA - Duration: 3:28.

Blake Griffin got traded to the Pistons!


In the blockbuster trade that no one expected, did anything really change?

What is up dudes, dudettes, ballers, players.

It's ya boi MJ.

Today I wanted to talk about Why the Blake Griffin trade to the Pistons means nothing

in the NBA, for now.

Let me know in the comments, who won the trade?

Are the Pistons better with Blake Griffin?

Alright let's get into it.

I did not expect this.

I legit just saw this now, and hopped onto the mic to speak this out, to air this out.

Then I realized that this trade doesn't change too much.

The Clippers traded Blake Griffin For Tobias Harris, who's averaging 18 points

per game and shooting over 40%.

Avery Bradley who's a lockdown defender, Boban Marjanovic and a first round pick.

The Clippers got some good pieces for Griffin, but might take a fall, especially since their

trying to rebuild and trade DeAndre Jordan and Louis Williams.

The Pistons are 3 games behind the 8th seeded Philadelphia.

And Drummond and Griffin both seem like a pretty lethal combo, especially since the

Pistons now got that guy who has an offensive game.

If you want to know more about how that might look, let me know in the comments and I might

make a video on that.

Still, even if the Pistons do climb up the ladder to the 8th seed, and even surpass the

Pacers, I don't think that they are better than Milawakee.

If anything they would be on a similar level.

I look at the Pistons as a bootleg version of the Lob City Clippers.

Reggie Jackson ain't Chris Paul and Andre Drummond is comparable, if not a bit better

than DeAndre Jordan, definitely in the free throw department.

If Blake Griffin had been traded to some title contender like the Celtics for example, the

Blake Griffin trade would have meant a whole lot more.

And although the Pistons do improve, I just don't know how far they can go, not yet.

Obviously adding an ALL Star like Blake Griffin is still meaningful, but even with this in

the NBA, there still isn't an upheaval of Eastern Conference Powers.

So really, there isn't much change in the NBA right now.

But this is definitely something to worry about in the future.

This was more of a news video on the whole Blake Griffin Trade.

I'm still super shocked on what just happened but I really don't think this changes much.

The Clippers are already trying to rebuild and the Pistons are still a few pieces away

from really making an impact.

They need more role players, especially since they trade significant role players like Tobias

Harris who could get buckets and Avery Bradley who as the prototypical 3 and D guy.

I kind of look at the Pistons as the old Clippers and with all these powerful teams, I don't

know what the Pistons can do.

But what do you think?

Was there any significant change in the NBA?

Are the Pistons the next super team?

Let me know in the comments down below.

Drop a like if you liked this video.

Thanks for the ALLDAY support.

Make sure to hit the bell for ALLDAY notifications and if you're not a sub, hit that subscribe

button to join the ALLDAY community for more fire content and ALLDAY support.

It's ya boi MJ.

We Out!

For more infomation >> Why The Blake Griffin Trade To the Pistons Changes NOTHING In The NBA - Duration: 3:28.


I was bored. :P - Duration: 0:35.





AHH! My body is an animal!






For more infomation >> I was bored. :P - Duration: 0:35.


CZY WIESZ, ŻE... Magdalena Walach i Paweł Okraska są małżeństwem - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> CZY WIESZ, ŻE... Magdalena Walach i Paweł Okraska są małżeństwem - Duration: 2:18.


Jazz enabling VoLTE everything explained (Urdu) - Duration: 5:58.

Salam viewers,

as jazz chief technology officer had said that they would soon enable VoLTE for calling.

there test were successful for 4g VoLTE.

they had help of huawei and nokia.

we will see

what is VoLTE?

if want more vidoe about Jazz, Zong, Telenor and Ufone. Subscribe me.

3g broadband, free internet codes trick etc.

For more infomation >> Jazz enabling VoLTE everything explained (Urdu) - Duration: 5:58.


Intel Committee to MEET as Pressure to Release FISA MEMO Grows!! - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Intel Committee to MEET as Pressure to Release FISA MEMO Grows!! - Duration: 1:27.


1976 Patriots vs Steelers - Duration: 20:24.

For more infomation >> 1976 Patriots vs Steelers - Duration: 20:24.


Report: 2 Democrats In Federal Prison Still Get Cushy Government Perks - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Report: 2 Democrats In Federal Prison Still Get Cushy Government Perks - Duration: 2:45.


Magia Record | Voiced Main Story | Episode 1-1 | (Translated) - Duration: 8:44.

Lately I've been having the same dream.

A girl I don't know is sitting in a hospital room on the bed. She reads books, or she eats. And I just watch.

The girl sometimes smiles at me, but when she speaks I can't hear her voice.

I'm sure it's because I'm not in the hospital room.

I'm just seeing into another world, from behind a screen.

Why did I... Start having this dream over and over?

Kamihama City

Shinsei District

Iroha: ..........

Iroha: (The dream I keep on having...)

Iroha: (It all started the last time I came to this city...)

Iroha: (Ever since then, my heart aches each time I have it...)

Iroha: (As if it's shaking loose something that's buried deep inside...)

Iroha: ... That's why I need to find out the truth.

Iroha: About the dreams... About this heartache...

Iroha: After all, that's what I came to this city for...

I need to find out...

I need to be certain...

The Beginning for Iroha

Iroha: ...............

Iroha: (I thought I would find it if I looked for a witch...)

Iroha: (There are so many witches and familiars that I can't follow their magic.)

Iroha: But....

Iroha: (I think there's a witch nearby...)

Iroha: I'll try searching again...

Iroha: .............

Iroha: It's definitely close...

Iroha: -------?! No, it's right here!

Iroha: (If I come home late, mom will be mad...)

Iroha: (I need to hurry and check it out!)

Iroha: Where is it...?

Iroha: (I would be able to find another magical girl quickly if they would use their magic, but...)

Iroha: .............

Iroha: There - it's close...

Iroha: (Must be nearby...)


Iroha: -----?!

Iroha: This way!

???: Ouch!

???: I've gotta run... Quick...

???: Huh?!

Iroha: Are you okay?!

???: Eh, ah, um... Yes...!

Iroha: Thank goodness! Now let's get out of here!

???: Y-yeah!

???: *sigh* ................

Iroha: Haah... We made it, somehow.

Iroha: Have you caught your breath?

???: Y-yes, sorry... Thank you for helping me...

Iroha: No, don't worry about it.

Iroha: I was just startled by how strong those familiars were.

???: Strong...?

???: Um, are you... Not from Kamihama...?

Iroha: Eh? Yeah, that's right.

???: Then you should go back. The witches are strong, here...

???: The familiars just now were actually pretty weak.

Iroha: What - no way!

???: I mean it. So...

Iroha: I appreciate your concern.

Iroha: But I can't leave.

???: Eh, but I'm serious...

Iroha: Oh, uh, I believe you!

Iroha: It's just that I'm here for a reason...

???: A reason?

Iroha: Yes....

Iroha: Actually, yeah... Have you seen one in this city?

???: O-one what...?

Iroha: A "small Kyuubey," I mean...

Iroha: Something that looks like a baby Kyuubey...

???: A small... Kyuubey...?

Iroha: S-sorry. I guess you haven't seen one.

???: N-no, that's not it. I've seen one.

Iroha: ....... Really?!

???: Y-yeah, I mean, lately they're the only Kyuubeys around.

Iroha: I'm here looking for them!

???: Eeh?!

Iroha: I know I've seen one before, but I don't know where to find them.

???: Oh, um! Then you'd better hurry!

Iroha: Eh, better hurry...?

???: Yeah, yeah!

???: There was one in that barrier just now. At least... I think I saw one...

Iroha: Eeh?!

Iroha: (In that witch's barrier...?!)

Iroha: (It's like I thought, it's already gone...)

Iroha: (But...)

Iroha: Thanks for telling me! I'll try following that witch!

???: But be careful.

???: That small Kyuubey is skittish. He'll run away from you.

Iroha: Alright, got it. Thank you!

???: Me too. Thanks for helping me!

???: ..............

???: What's she gonna do when she finds a small Kyuubey?

Iroha: ...........

Iroha: (Found it...!)

Iroha: (This magic has the same pattern as the witch from before.)

Iroha: (I can follow it, but... Something feels strange...)

Iroha: (Earlier it was in a heavily populated area...)

Iroha: (But now it's somewhere isolated.)

Iroha: (What is its goal...?)

Iroha: -------?!

Iroha: (I can sense it close by all of a sudden...)

Iroha: The witch is this close...?!

Iroha: (No! It's coming from over there!)

Iroha: ......... Huh...?

Iroha: (... There are no familiars...?)

Iroha: ------?!

Small Kyuubey: Kyu?

Iroha: I found you!

Iroha: (Oh... I'd better approach it slowly so it doesn't run away...)

Little Kyuubey: Mokyuu!!

Iroha: (Huh?! It's coming over here on its own?!)

Iroha: (You aren't so skittish after all...)

Iroha: What bad timing...!

Iroha: ------?!

Iroha: Why are there so many?!

Iroha: (These familiars...)

Iroha: (Did they realize I was following them...?!)

Iroha: Ugh!

Iroha: Not yet!!

Iroha: -----?! No way, from there, too...?!

Iroha: Auugh!

Iroha: Haah... Haah... Haah...

Iroha: (Oh no... If I don't get back soon...)

Iroha: Ah...

Iroha: AAAAH!!

Huh... I... What happened to me...?

I don't... Have any... Strength left...




You can't stay in this city.

For more infomation >> Magia Record | Voiced Main Story | Episode 1-1 | (Translated) - Duration: 8:44.


This is a cool video ⎮Savannah cabanna - Duration: 8:05.

For more infomation >> This is a cool video ⎮Savannah cabanna - Duration: 8:05.


Humane Sagar Death, Khanti Berhampuriya Human Sagar Odia Singer News Funny | Fake News 15 || By Aj.. - Duration: 5:09.

Thanks To All Subscribers Of Berhampur Aj Channel...

See Description Below For More Details..

For more infomation >> Humane Sagar Death, Khanti Berhampuriya Human Sagar Odia Singer News Funny | Fake News 15 || By Aj.. - Duration: 5:09.


'번개맨'과 깜짝 인연 공개한 이민정 (ft.청순미) - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> '번개맨'과 깜짝 인연 공개한 이민정 (ft.청순미) - Duration: 2:07.


[MV] 이달의 소녀/고원 (LOONA/Go Won) "One&Only" - Duration: 3:10.
























































For more infomation >> [MV] 이달의 소녀/고원 (LOONA/Go Won) "One&Only" - Duration: 3:10.


Meltdowns: A Sensory Integration Issue? - Duration: 8:10.

hi Cara fromHealth, Home, and Happiness here today we're going to talk about sensory

issues this is something that's becoming way more common with our children and I

will go in another video I will go into why I believe it's becoming more common

but for right now we're just gonna talk about sensory issues in the meltdowns

that they cause and some quick things you can do to help balance your children

out if you're finding that your children are melting down or seem to be more

stressed out in the typical child or what's developmentally appropriate for

their age sensory issues most likely had some at least a little or sometimes a

lot to do with it so first what is our sensory system our sensory system is

feeling our feet on the ground it's hearing the hum of the refrigerator

right now it's smelling the different smells that are in my kitchen as I talk

to you and it's seen the different lights come in from the windows and all

of that I have a typical sensory system if you don't have a typical sensory

system you might classify yourself as a highly sensitive at all and this is kind

of the continuation of children that have sensory issues adults also have

sensory issues they're becoming much more common in our children so there's a

lot of kind of normal sensory parents that are having children with sensory

issues and so this video is to bring some more understanding so like I said

there's auditory which is sounds there's sight which is like the lights and the

visual input and then there's feet on the floor

that's tactile input which you might not notice like you might just be standing

in one spot and you're not thinking about your feet you're thinking about

what you're reading you're thinking about which you've seen you're thinking

about what you're going to say you're meeting that's coming up so first we're

gonna talk about tactile input for and this is probably the most common sensory

issue that people know about you always know this one child that won't walk on

the grass in their bare feet they don't like this touch of water they want all

of their food to be pureed they like they like stroking soft blankets they

need to have clothes that are not too tight this is all tactile input and on

the other end of this Germa and this is what people on the

other end of the spectrum and this is what people often forget is there is a

flip side to that coin so for every child that is two cents too sensitive to

sensory input there is one child that isn't getting the sensory input they

need this is something that you don't realize is going on but all of the input

in our world our biology has developed so that it's kind of regulating to our

body so if we were in like a weightless chamber we wouldn't be getting the

sensory input that we need either so for that other children that don't recognize

as much sensory input they're not getting regulated by having just a

normal everyday they're not getting regulated and calmed down this is what

happens is if we're getting too much and we're not getting enough our body is

kind of on high alert just like we need to go get this input it's like

nourishment for our sensory system so if on the other end of the spectrum if a

child and so I'm saying spectrum and I'm not talking about the autism spectrum at

this point there's many children that do not have autism but do have sensory

integration dysfunction or sensory issues and sensory issues also are

extremely common with children with autism but it doesn't mean that you need

to have an autism diagnosis and it does not mean that every child that has

sensory issues has autism but anyways back to our tactile input so on the

other side of the coin is the child that isn't getting input they need from just

walking around doing everyday activities picking up their spoons picking up their

toys playing with toys you might see these children running into walls they

seem to play too rough and this is just these kids are too rough they're

stomping they're bashing into walls they love going high on the swings they love

all of that stuff that child needs more tactile input so now we've talked about

tactile for a little bit in another video we will go more in depth into each

of these categories but right now we're just going to do a quick overview so you

have an idea of our sensory system and where your child might fall on needing

less or more of any particular sensory next we're going to talk about visual

sensory input so visual sensory input as we said before is from the light

coming in it's from the windows coming in its from even patterns on the walls

colors on the walls children that are too sensitive to visual and I have one

of those might avert their eyes and hate TV like that it's just too much input

too much visual input for these children to handle children that prefer to avoid

visual input can benefit from wearing sunglasses or having a very column like

beige walls in the room with very minimal decorations these children are

really bothered by clutter and then on the other side of the coin is children

who are visual seeking seeking and these kids might love strobe lights they love

playing with flashlights they love bright bold colors like

especially young toddlers will love like the big black and white images of

checker boards or things like that that is just fascinating for these kids

glitter bright colors all of that these children are not getting their normal

visual input that they need to come there's their sensory system these

children are not getting the normal visually a visual input that they need

to calm their sensory system so they are looking for other sources of it then

finally we have auditory and this is probably the most well known besides

tactile the child that won't touch grass with their bare feet that's well known

auditory is the next one and these are these children are bothered by the hem

of the refrigerators of course they can't concentrate on their schoolwork of

course they're going to be on edge and this is true with any of the sensory

issues these children are on edge if they're either getting too much input or

they're not getting enough input then these kids are going to be like trying

to combat either of those needs and so they're not going to be able to these

children are trying to fulfill those needs so they are just kind of

preoccupied with either making it stop or trying to get more in we can help

them as parents by either minimizing as much of the stuff that they are adverse

to as we can or providing some extra and we'll go into future videos of how we

can provide that so the last last one that we're going to talk about is

auditory and this is one of the more well-known auditory avoidant children

you'll see them with the head is on like just noise cancelling

headphones and that can help them so they are hearing the hem of the fridge

and where we can tune that out and continue with our conversation continue

reading our book continue with what we're working on to them it sounds like

a freight train is running through the kitchen and so of course if a freight

train or the sound of a freight train was running through my kitchen I could

not concentrate I'd be on edge it's just like it's just too much stuff for them

to process and so that's where the children that the children that are

trying to avoid auditory stimulation auditory sensations are children were it

sounds more than it does to us and on the other end of the spectrum here's the

other side of the coin is children that crave that and they might have a voice

that's too loud they might love banging stuff together we might need to invest

in headphones noise-cancelling headphones when we have these children

they just crave loud music they crave loudness and it's because they're just

not registering that's that they're just not ready registering that

auditory sensation that we do and so of course with the children that are

craving if they are talking too loud if they seem to want everything loud we do

want to check their hearing first but if their hearing is fine it might be a

sensory issue in future videos we are going to go into what to do to help

these kids for each one auditory seeking an auditory avoiding tactile seeking

tactile avoiding visual seeking and visual avoiding but for now I just

wanted to bring awareness that if your child's prone to meltdowns it might be a

sensory issue thanks for joining me and come back soon I hope you found that

helpful I love sharing tips with you so if you could comment below if you have

any questions I try to apply to all of my comments and if you could subscribe

by clicking over there I always love to bring you new content so thanks and bye

for now

For more infomation >> Meltdowns: A Sensory Integration Issue? - Duration: 8:10.


If Bollywood Was Real Life | Bollywood VS. Reality - Duration: 5:32.

Hey, Could you click a picture of me?

A bit to the left

Now to the right

Now smile

Now pout a bit

Show me

Yes, take this mom

Oh My!

This is so good

Now you take a sip

No Varun I don't want to drink

Just a sip

I don't drink alcohol

Nothing happens in a sip

Oh my!

Oh my!


Could you put this heavy suitcase on the cupboard?

Oh My!

What are you doing? Come help me!

I'm not getting any sleep

For more infomation >> If Bollywood Was Real Life | Bollywood VS. Reality - Duration: 5:32.


Alternative Wedding Bouquets - Part 2. Ideas & Inspirations - DIY. Brooch Bouquets. Non-traditional - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> Alternative Wedding Bouquets - Part 2. Ideas & Inspirations - DIY. Brooch Bouquets. Non-traditional - Duration: 5:32.


Amazing Chocolate Cake Videos Compilation | Best Chocolate Recipes | Chocolate Cake Style 2018 - Duration: 10:47.

Amazing Chocolate Cake Videos Compilation | Best Chocolate Recipes | Chocolate Cake Style 2018

For more infomation >> Amazing Chocolate Cake Videos Compilation | Best Chocolate Recipes | Chocolate Cake Style 2018 - Duration: 10:47.


How To Make Chocolate Cake Tutorials | Best Chocolate Cakes Decorating | So Yummy Chocolate Cake - Duration: 11:33.

How To Make Chocolate Cake Tutorials | Best Chocolate Cakes Decorating | So Yummy Chocolate Cake

For more infomation >> How To Make Chocolate Cake Tutorials | Best Chocolate Cakes Decorating | So Yummy Chocolate Cake - Duration: 11:33.


Si votre groupe sanguin est O, vous devez éviter de faire ceci pour sauver votre vie ! - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Si votre groupe sanguin est O, vous devez éviter de faire ceci pour sauver votre vie ! - Duration: 4:53.


Dj Remix 4 - Duration: 17:09.

Dj Remix

Dj Remix

Dj Remix

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