Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!
My Hotel @ KL Sentral en Kuala Lumpur, Malasia, Asia. Lo mejor de My Hotel @ KL Sentral - Duration: 5:07.-------------------------------------------
🏍 Concentración Africa Twin Catalunya | Entrevistamos a Ian Coates! 🏍🌍😱 - Duration: 7:49.we're at the distributor
where we bought our motorbike
today we're celebrating the 1st Africa Twin meeting in Catalunya
and there are about 30 or 40 Africa Twin or more
we're going to Montseny to have a good breakfast
and there'll be also a man who travelled the world with his old Africa Twin
and we hope we'll have the opportunity to ask him few questions
we hope you'll enjoy the video
MOTOCICLISMO magazine already dedicated a section to Ian in 2012
travelling the world
with some tips to travel the world by motorbike
pictures from Alaska
we're very glad to have him among us today
we've already got to St Esteve, here's where we're having the breakfast
we've been able to talk to Ian Coates already, very kind
good guy it seems
he didn't even know what date is today, he didn't even know the year!
you can imagine how happy he is
we're having the 1st Africa Twin meeting in Catalunya
here we've met some cool mates
we've had a very good breakfast here in St Esteve
we just interviewed Mr Coates and he is
an amazing guy, great man
he's explained many things to us so very nice
very hearty
the meeting is already over
we hope you enjoyed the video
if so, please like it
and subscribe
see you in our next video!
9 formas de saber si tienes un trabajo tóxico - Duration: 6:44.-------------------------------------------
Real History of Islam in Bangladesh | Spread of Islam in Bangladesh - Duration: 10:03.Real History of Islam in Bangladesh - Spread of Islam in Bangladesh
Real History of Islam in Bangladesh - Spread of Islam in Bangladesh
Islam was promulgated by the Prophet in Arabia in the seventh century within 50
years of his death Muslims went in the West to the coast of Atlantic
simultaneously Muslims were moving towards the East they had entered the
borders of India the end and reached the Indus Valley and that what that
momentous year is 711 and in the North Muslims had moved up in Central Asia and
pushing the further into a with Pakistan and Georgia and other places so this was
a unique event in human history that simultaneous movements in the east west
and the north now we're gonna be obviously focusing here to the east
Muhammad bin Qasim moved into Moulton and Sindh region and established Muslim
settlements in that area subsequently and like this is these are very brief
comments and understandably because of lack of time subsequently you had a Arab
rulers ruled these places during the Abbasid times a and what was happening
in the subcontinent was Muslims kept on pushing further in eventually reached
Delhi which became the Delhi Sultanate was established there and we're looking
at here a period of massive expansion until the early part of the 13th century
by that time you already had a Delhi Sultanate well established in a in what
is today known as New Delhi and the ruler in there at that time was
Sultan coat abuddin Eibach kotoba deny back was of turkish exit of turkish
afghan extraction and he was keen to expand his dominions he found a general
and nominated him to take things forward his name was FDR deen muhammad
bacteriology bhaktir he'll G was also of Afghan Turkic extraction from the
village tribe in Afghanistan very short man with long arms he was recruited into
his army kotoba dean's army proved to be very successful and then he was
commissioned with some work say go on move towards the east if you can he
waved rather quickly we are told by the classical historian of muslim bengal by
some a sham CC raj that in east ibaka tenacity he provides a an account very
brief account of how dr. LG marched into places like bihar and surrounding areas
with a gore and other places with handful of horsemen faced very little
resistance why because the low local population were actually suffering under
the existing rulers and they wanted liberation and they cooperated with this
new hero so to speak who marched in as long as he was going to be anything
better than what they had at the time they'd be too happy to welcome him and
that's exactly what happened he pretty quickly expanded his
the minions settled in what is today now a North Bangladesh a place called Epcot
at that time he was ambition man he was not going to sit around and do nothing
he planned the next big expedition from not been goal he wanted to go to Tibet
he said with an army there wasn't aware of the terrain some massive problems and
resistance returned back demoralized and died eventually but he is the founder of
if you like Muslim ruling man goal his successors continued ruling for several
decades after him and then you had the phases of phases of Muslim rule in
Bengal and two main phases would be the Sultanate period which was initiated by
bhakti hlg beginning of the 13th century we look in at 12:04 that persisted and
continued with ups and downs successors and setbacks for several centuries on
until the moguls appeared on the scene in 1576 under Akbar the great so you're
looking at from the beginning of the 13th century towards the latter part of
the sixteenth century this period is known as the Sultanate period in Bengal
fascinating period for a whole range of reasons
politically massive expansion the the presence of Muslims which bangla boy
Bangladesh being the third largest Muslim country in the world at the
moment population wise this is a a miracle in the history of Islam that you
have so many people in a Buddhist and Hindu Ocean who are Muslims and no major
armies came from Arabia or Persia to go and convert anybody by force there you
had bhakti ecology and his successors and as I said earlier these guys marched
in there with according to I mean Haji Suraj they marched in to Bengal with
handful of horsemen and the locals probably thought these are traitors from
Persia or Arabia so he wasn't a huge army that came here to find yourself
with the third largest population was Muslim country in the world in
Bangladesh now it's a mighty miracle in the history of Islam
now centuries before bhakti our LG Muslims were you could find local Muslim
communities embedded across subcontinent including Bengal
how did that happen because of traitors from Persia Arabia coming to trade and
they will bring their culture and language and their faith with them and
they were marrying locally and settling there naturally they were they had
assimilated we assimilated with with the local communities and a Shah Jalal is a
a monotonicity a Jew Mary and many many others in the history that the guns box
I will hassan ali al Hajj very better also known as these these luminaries
came and they preached a they these guys were Sufis but also Islamic scholars who
came and brought people together through their peaceful preaching you had protest
Hindus Sikhs animist people were coming all different faiths and cultures
flocking to these people because all all they were coming with was peace which is
what the Arabic word Islam means and a Muslim the word Muslim means the one
who's in a state of peace and they were living their faith and showing people
that you can live in peace and naturally people flocked to them so that they
played a massive role the traitors plays a massive role along with the political
dimension you could see there was 3 4 or 5 different ways
Islam spread into these places I would say a
combination a combination between the the preachers and the traders who paved
the way initially and then a a political and military forces came and
consolidated things so it's like saying you can only get a coin with a head and
a tail and you and I need same here you had the early preachers and traders
came first and pioneered the way followed by the influx of the political
and military military rulers who established themselves in those lands
and ruled some successfully others not so
yeah one any fish t ha ha what and meaning and the t hunter we won
me be huh move on our montage infants what would it be
Amaia, de Operación Triunfo, defenderá 'Al cantar' de Rozalén en Eurovisión 2018 - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
劉詩詩裝酷被誇「美死了」 回撩攝影師「爽了咩」 - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
Super Mario Odyssey. BOSS Ruined Dragon DRAGON Bowser Walkthrough - Duration: 15:03.-------------------------------------------
Laeticia Hallyday « a su chasser » ses idées noires grâce à Sébastien Farran - Duration: 1:19.-------------------------------------------
4 hierbas y especias que fomentan el crecimiento del cabello - Duration: 11:42.-------------------------------------------
Lo que une a Shakira y 'Operación triunfo' y no te esperas - Duration: 4:59.-------------------------------------------
Productos de belleza que debes usar si tienes más de 40 años - Duration: 8:29.-------------------------------------------
Paula Echevarría confirma su divorcio con Bustamante, como nunca antes - Duration: 2:02.-------------------------------------------
Top 5 Funniest Football Presentations in History-5 peores presentaciones de jugadores en la historia - Duration: 2:14.Top 5 Funniest Football Presentations in History-5 peores presentaciones de jugadores en la historia.
Jean-Jacques Goldman : les vraies raisons de sa retraite anticipée [ Nouvelles 24/7 ] - Duration: 3:58.-------------------------------------------
El Constitucional obliga a Puigdemont a ir al Parlament si quiere ser presidente - Duration: 2:57.-------------------------------------------
Tổng hợp người mẫu đón u23 việt nam nm lại thanh hương bị CĐM phẫn nộ - Duration: 2:53.-------------------------------------------
হায়! তালিকা তৈরি শেষ,খালেদার জিয়ার মামলার রায়ের আগেই গ্রেপ্তার হতে পারেন বিএনপির শীর্ষস্থানীয় নেতারা - Duration: 2:16.
Dr Shahid Masood Exposed by Mansoor Ali Khan and Jami #SupremeCourt #ZainabCase - EZ Learning - Duration: 2:28.Dr Shahid Masood Exposed by Mansoor Ali and Jami (anchors)
It is really hurts me that Dr. shahid Masood said "What ever I said it is not a news it is information"
Dr. Shahid masood requests to investigate on that information
this is really a dirty game which mostly anchor persons play
Dr. Shahid Masood is one of them whi is playing this dirty game.
He is trying to escape from the whole scene.
There is no any code of conduct for anchors
Super Mario Odyssey. BOSS Ruined Dragon DRAGON Bowser Walkthrough - Duration: 15:03.-------------------------------------------
Is it Prohibited to Drink Milk From Wife in Islam - Duration: 5:11.SUBSCRIBE my Channel For Daily Videos
VR 配信test - Duration: 1:09:27.-------------------------------------------
9 formas de saber si tienes un trabajo tóxico - Duration: 6:44.-------------------------------------------
Uomini e donne, Gemma lascia il programma dopo la rissa? La verità | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:28.-------------------------------------------
Daniele Bossari vuota il sacco: come spende i 100 mila euro vinti al Gf Vip | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 1:33.-------------------------------------------
Rita Dalla Chiesa 'contro' Al Bano Carrisi e la figlia Cristel: ecco il motivo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
Isola dei famosi 2018: Paola Di Benedetto contro Alessia Mancini | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:44.-------------------------------------------
Cảm xúc trận chung kết U23 Việt Nam AFC 2018 sinh viên KTX ĐHQG TPHCM - Duration: 1:36.-------------------------------------------
Uomini e donne,Sabrina Ghio umiliata da Nicolò: ecco perchè ha detto no | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
"박항서 베이비가 쏟아지겠다" 결승 진출에 베트남 국민들이 보인 반응 - Duration: 7:49.-------------------------------------------
수요미식회 학교 앞 떡볶이, 갈현시장 할머니 떡볶이 40년 전통의 집..이원석 감독 맛집|TKRTV - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
Sell Your Music With MondoT...-------------------------------------------
Cute Background Music for Videos I Happy & Girly I No Copyright Music - Duration: 42:13.» Cute Background Music for Videos «
Presented by MrSnooze
I FELL in front of JUSTIN BIEBER | STORYTIME | German with English subtitles - Duration: 6:51.Suddenly I fell.
Suddenly. I. Fell. In. Front. Of. Justin. Bieber.
Hello and welcome to my new video.
It's time for another „celebrity meeting" video and today I will tell you about JUSTIN BIEBER.
Well, I WAS one of his biggest fans. The emphasis is on the word "was". I will tell you later why.
It all started in November 2016. There he had a concert in Vienna.
I bought a very expensive „meet and greet" ticket for that day,
but he canceled the meet and greets due to his breakdown months before.
The day before the concert I spontaneously decided to drive to Vienna.
I went to the hotel where he already slept during his first stay in Vienna.
There have been other fans and people waiting with cameras, but I was still not sure if he would sleep here again.
Since I'm a very impatient person, I asked drivers in front of the hotel if they knew if he would sleep here again.
They actually told me, that was not the case and told me where he really slept.
So I went to the other hotel where nobody was waiting for him. Apparently nobody knew that he was actually sleeping there.
Of course I wasn't sure either, but nevertheless I went to the lobby and had a cup of coffee.
Someone spoke to me after my third cup of coffee and it turned out that he was one of Justins dancers. (So it was the right hotel.)
Then an elderly man came to me and asked what I'm doing here. I told him that I'm drinking a coffee and he asked me if I was waiting for someone.
I said yes. He asked if I was waiting for Justin Bieber and I said no. Then he left me alone.
I wanted to pay for my coffee, but the waiter told me that they were already paid and pointed to the man from earlier. I walked over to him and thanked him.
He asked again if I would wait for Justin and I told him the truth that that was actually the case.
He then asked if I would like to meet him and of course I said yes.
But then he made me a very dubious offer, which of course I refused.
It turned out that he was Justin Biebers security chief and so everything was very strange.
I left the hotel very outraged.
The next day I went back to the hotel and could actually see how Justin left the hotel, but unfortunately I couldn't talk to him.
That was the "prehistory".
Actually, this video is about what happened in June 2017
because my mom and I were in London at a festival where Justin Bieber was the headliner.
I googled beforehand and found out that Justin always is in a particular club in London.
The night before the concert we were there, but weren't able to go in the club because you have to reserve a table for 1000 euros to be guest there.
It was really early in the morning when Brooklyn Beckham came out the club and I knew he was one of Justins friends.
And then the moment had come: he. left. the. club.
And the reason why I say it so slowly is because everything what had happened after that, happened so so so fast.
He passed me in one meter distance - in Vienna it has been 4-5 meters, but that was completely different than just 1! meter.
I had to take the chance and walked over to him, through the security people and touched him on the shoulder and just wanted a hug.
I didn't have my cell phone with me.
Either he did not notice me or he did not want to notice me or he was just too drunk, I do not know.
In any case, he just did not react and suddenly I fell down.
Suddenly I fell in front of Justin Bieber.
I can not quite describe what it was like.
That's why I'm showing you a video of how I fell in front of Justin Bieber.
Well, I fell, in front of him.
I was feeling so uncomfortable.
Paparazzi photographed the situation
and the photos show that his foot was standing on my foot.
I apparently wanted to move my foot before he did it and logically I got stuck and eventually fell down because of him.
I'll show you the video and you'll see how he reacted.
Exactly, as you could see, he did not react - at all.
It's a human reflex that you look back or just do SOMETHING when someone falls down next to you, isn't it?
But he just didn't do anything.
He continous like a robot to walk to his car.
That was the moment when I thought "okay, maybe you are not as great as I thought".
Of course, I still like his music, but not him as a human I guess.
The "pink glasses" were put down in one fell swoop.
I fell in front of Justin Bieber and he was interested like ****.
So that was my Justin Bieber story.
I'm looking forward to the next video because it's about Martin Garrix and Alan Walker.
These two were really sympathetic people.
Subscribe to my channel so you won't miss it and give this video a thumbs up.
See you!
[Eng/Kor sub] I went to crystal cascades / dinner with my host family - Duration: 4:54.my room is so messy.
today is Saturday?
today, we're going to crystal cascades which is famous in cairns in Australia.
you can take half of it.
before we leave here,
I'm reading some kids books.
Ancient Egypt!
where are we going?
Crystal Cascades.
so there are humming birds.
just small one.
(Chinese)tropical rain forest.
now we're just walking along the street in the mountain.
we've come far away to see that.
it looks so nice.
there is my friend
(he failed to jump in for fear of it. I don't dare to do it, either!)
I lost my eyebrows(it's removed from swimming).
bye, see you.
can I just wash my hands?
thank you.
we're leaving now after swmming.
you should make a big collage online.
Chloe's making her taco.
oh, it looks really good.
make tacos!
passionfruit cream?
help yourself.
did you get some strawberries?
colourful dessert!
a lot of ice cream.
there is Anthony's!
this is so..lol
I'm not a star lol
and here's a dog!
looks great and colourful
what is this?
um.. cheese?
no, nougat!
it's Italian nougat.
that's passionfruit cream
yeah, my host mom made it, and it's really delicious
thank you!
so funny
we're gonna play the game which is called cluedo.
that's right.
actually I don't know the rules of this game.
every player needs a pen.
I have a pen, I have a pineapple (song)
I'm nervous.
it's an easy game.
so pick your colour.
I'm the orange.
2nd African President Shreds Media's "Trump's a Racist" Narrative - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
St. Beauty - Holographic Lover (Legendado) - Duration: 3:04.-------------------------------------------
Daniele Bossari vuota il sacco: come spende i 100 mila euro vinti al Gf Vip | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 1:33.-------------------------------------------
I 7 migliori alimenti per aumentare le piastrine nel sangue - Duration: 7:32.-------------------------------------------
Is The Bible Real? Which Religion Is True! Q&A - Duration: 12:51.This is going to be my first Q&A so I might be a little nervous but hopefully everything
goes well.
Today I'm going to be looking through my Facebook fan age and answer a couple of questions that
I get a lot.
I get so many messages so I'm going to be turning this into a series.
If you have any questions please go and like my Facebook fan page and send me a private
message, I'm always trying to answer every question and I will really like to get to
know you guys better.
So lets start this series with the first question.
Carlos, I want to be happy and reset my life, but where do I start?
It seems like every time I try to change I end up in the same spot.
Well you see, toxic attitudes, behaviors, and cultural influences that you allow into
your life put your soul in danger.
Everything that you allow to your mind has an impact on your spiritual growth.
I always tell people if you want to change your life you have to start changing your
How do you do this?
Well start by seeing life through a different perspective.
Start thinking positive.
Mentally prepare yourself by accepting that in life there will be challenges, so when
the difficult times comes it won't hurt as much.
Surround yourself with people who wants success as bad as you do and distant yourself from
those who are negative all the time.
Believe me life will get better the moment you decide to make it better.
Is the Bible Real?
Can I Trust It?
I think this is one of the main questions asked by believers and non believers, I get
this question a lot.
you see, the Bible is true because it's from the author of truth.
Understand that ever since the serpent said to Eve, "Indeed, has God said?" the Word
of God has been questioned, attacked, and the Bible's authority has been criticized.
The Holy Bible was uniquely written.
It's historical and archaeological accuracy makes it hard to debate.
The Bible have rightly foretold future events.
Detailed prophecies that has come to pass.
The Bible explains our origins.
Where we came from and our purpose in life.
Unlike other beliefs, it includes many moral failings, it doesn't require you to practice
good works to be saved but to believe in Jesus Christ.
It teaches forgiveness, how to love and respect each other.
It demonstrates God's unconditional love in the sending of his Son to die for our sins.
The Bible has consistently dramatically changed civilizations and cultures of those who apply
its teaching.
You see the Bible is more than just a book and it can be trusted because it is indeed
the very words of God.
It can change your life for the better.
I tell this to everyone, before doubting his words I encourage you to study them and see
for yourself why God's words are the only one that matters and will have the last say.
Lets see, the next question,
How To Let Go Of My Past?
It's So Hard!
Letting go doesn't mean you gave up, it just means that you finally accepted the fact that
there are things that you cannot change and is out of your control.
Start focusing on what's ahead and stop wasting time on what can't be undone.
Your past doesn't define you.
The choices you make today is what matters.
The more time you spend focusing on the past the more time you're wasting for a better
The next question is,
What made you start YouTube?
Since I was kid I always felt this urge to help people and make a difference.
I've experienced so much in my childhood that it really kind of prepared me for this.
I figured YouTube will be a great platform to get my message out there.
I get a thrill when I help people and I love that feeling when people write and tell me
because of you I didn't give up, because of you I found God, I can't ask for a better
feeling in knowing that I prevented someone from committing suicide today.
Its amazing.
Which Religion Is True?
Which God Is Real?
With all the religion in the world, which religion is true?
And which God is real?
Well which God really wants you to know him and built a relationship with him?
Which God teaches unselfish love and respect towards every human race?
Which God welcomes anyone despite of their background, language, culture, or race?
Which God promotes love towards each other?
Which teaching accurately reflects the world we live in?
Which teaching answers the big questions in life?
Which teaching tells you where you came from?
How you should live?
What is your purpose?
And where are you heading?
There's only one name that pops out, one God, Jesus Christ (Bold letters of name on screen).
Jesus has done what many other hasn't.
Jesus fulfilled the prophecies in the old testament, He claimed to be the only way for
salvation, He backed up his statement by performing many eyewitness miracles, and while man claim
to be Gods, the only true God sought to be man, died on the cross and rose from the dead
so He can save not just one nation, but the world.
The Holy Bible is not hearsay or legends, it is eyewitness recordings of Jesus's life.
This isn't about religion, it's really about a relationship.
This isn't about rules and rituals, the only way to make right with Jesus is by letting
yourself be used by God, not man.
Jesus wants to know you and wants you to know him.
He wants to have a personal relationship with you.
Stop wasting your time following false Gods.
Jesus Christ is the only way.
What else,
Why do you always sound so sad on your videos?
You see most of the things I talk about in my videos our chapters of my life.
I've went through bullying, sickness, depression, loneliness, and when I talk about these topics
its hard not to think of that pain I felt when I went through these tough times.
You see I'm not a saint.
Also, a lot of the things I talk about are things that I'm currently experiencing.
I'm human too.
I go through hard times as well but I look at my mistakes like an opportunity to learn
from them and help those who are experiencing something similar.
What do you like most about your ministry?
Oh that's easy, the people.
I truly see you guys like family and I love reading your comments and messages.
I love providing help to those who feel like giving up.
There's people who has been with me since the very beginning and I'm grateful to have
you guys part of my life.
I'm in a abusive relationship, every time I want to leave him he tells me he's going
to change and like an idiot I believe him.
What should I do?
There's a saying that goes "Too many `IFS' Too many `WHENS' Too many `SORRYS' And
`NEVER AGAINS' Too many `PROMISES' Too many `LIES' Far too many `ONE MORE TRIES'
How many were there, Before I knew That `ACTIONS' speak louder Than `PROMISES' do?"
The moment you feel something is wrong than something must be wrong.
Pay attention to the signs and don't wait for things to get worse.
This goes to everyone watching this today that are suffering through domestic violence
or any form of abuse, and I'm not just talking to the women but man and kids too, don't stay
in silent.
There's many people who're willing to help you.
Change starts with you.
Abuse doesn't get better if you don't do anything.
How Do You Deal With Your Problems?
I accepted the fact that everything happens for a reason that I may never understand.
I'm not going to sit here and lie, there's times I get angry, frustrated, and lonely.
But I keep telling myself that what I'm feeling is just that a "feeling" it will eventually
go away.
A feeling is controlled by the mind which means I have the power to change it.
I use to blame God for things I wasn't willing to change and I use to blame him for the bad
positions that I put myself in.
I'm grateful to be alive and I know God has a wonderful place waiting for me if I stay
faithful to his word during the bad times.
I don't let people bring me down.
I don't let there negativity affect my way of thinking.
Do you know how many hate messages I receive for preaching the Gospel, when the truth contradicts
the lie they live expect to receive a lot of hate.
I know life can be tough, you may have your up and downs, but life is so much easier when
you have by your side.
So that's going to be it for this video, like I said earlier this is going to be turned
into a series.
I figure this is an easier way to answer these questions because I get a lot of people asking
the same questions and I might as well answer everyone at the same time.
If you haven't done so already I encourage you to go visit my Facebook fan page and send
me a private message introducing yourself I will like to put a face to my subscribers
and get to know you guys better.
Thanks for watching and for all the support I get from all of you.
God bless you so much and may the Gospel continue give you life.
MASSIVE Art Supply Haul! | Christmas & Winter 2017 - 2018 - Duration: 13:04.Hi guys and welcome to another haul video!
I was incredibly spoiled over Christmas by lovely friends and family members.
And of course myself- you know me, I'm always on the look-out for interesting products!
Many of these items I'll be showing today were Christmas gifts, but I also bought a
few things with Christmas money and my own money as well whilst I was staying with family
in England.
Additionally, the assortment contains both things that are brand new to me and some refills
of favourite products.
First up we have the 24 set of Derwent Tinted Charcoal pencils.
If you follow me on facebook or Instagram, you'll know that I've already given this
set a go and of course it's on my list to review!
Next I have here are some Winsor and Newton drawing inks.
This set has the Henry colour assortment, and as you may recall I reviewed the William
set around springtime in 2017- a link to which will be in the cards and description along
with anything else today I've reviewed before.
I love these inks and I'm looking forward to creating some fun and vibrant paintings
with my new colours
Here we have another 24 set of Derwent pencils!
As you can see, this is the artists line.
I really enjoy using the Black and White six set of the Artists pencils, so I put this
24 set of colours on my wishlist.
The same aunt who gifted me these for Christmas actually also gifted me my very old Derwent
Studio set more than a decade ago- and the Derwent Studio and Artists set contain the
same formula.
My old studio pencils haven't aged very well and I don't think I could pass fair judgment
on them now, so I'm looking forward to reviewing this newer set and giving them a fair test!
Next up are the Faber-Castell Albrecht Dürer 36 set.
Again, another gorgeous set of pencils, and a lovely box to store them in too.
I've had a little play with these watercolour pencils as well and I'm really looking forward
to continue using them.
The colours in this set match the Polychromos Coloured Pencils and Pitt Artist pen lines,
so I think at some point I'll have to make a drawing with all three to see how they work
Here I've got two little sets of some of my favourite pencils, and these are for two of
you lucky viewers at some point in the near future!
To celebrate 2,000 subscribers, I'll be running a giveaway here on YouTube where I'll be sending
off sets of these pencils, an assortment of paper and some original art as well as some
other arty goodies as a sort of "care package".
So stay tuned for that- perhaps hit that subscribe button if you haven't already so you don't
miss out on the announcement!
Moving on, I've bought myself some refills of a few things I was running low of- so first
we have the Derwent Artists Black and White set- which is a small set of 6 coloured pencils
containing 3 different tints of white and 3 shades of black.
I also bough another pack of 24 Prismacolor Col-Erase coloured pencils as my most-used
colours are wearing down quite considerably.
I also bought a larger bottle of Zest It pencil blend.
I now know that I like it, and although a little goes a long way, I don't want to get
caught short towards the end of my small 125ml bottle that I originally bought.
I also bought some pencils open-stock to supplement and refill my collection.
So I bought another Derwent Drawing Chinese White as this is a brilliant pencil to use
to add in highlights to a piece.
And similarly I bought some open stock Caran d'Ache luminance as well.
The Luminance pencils I bought another White (to refill my tiny little stubby whites I
have left) and I also went ahead and bought a Titanium Buff and two very dark browns...
which I think are Cassel Earth and Sepia.
These will all be used similarly to what I do with the Derwent Artists Black and White
set: bright and dark detailing for my coloured pencil pieces.
I also bought a bunch of Polychromos colours that I'm quickly burning through- namely the
lightest and darkest colours again.
Additionally, I bought some more Pastelmat- I bought some loose sheets of my favourite
colour- which is the dark grey- so I feel less guilty burning through it for my own
personal projects.
And I also bought a couple of large 50cm by 70cm sheets (which is about 20 by 27 inches),
which I've cut in half so now I have the opportunity to offer A3 commissions.
On top of this, I bought another set of Derwent Blender pens, a Burnt Umber Winsor and Newton
Watercolour marker (as I felt like I was missing a dark brown from the 6 set I own) and 3 Caran
d'Ache fibralo metallic markers.
I actually wanted to pick up for my Fibralo review but just couldn't track them down anywhere
online, until I found them in person at a little art shop.
So I might've gone a little overboard on a Christmas present to myself and purchased
a set of 80 Caran d'Ache Pablo Coloured Pencils!
Just look how stunningly gorgeous they are though!
I've used them a little already but not enough to have really gotten to know them, but I'm
keen to give them a good go soon.
I found these as a bargain on ebay for considerably cheaper than their normal retail price, because
they were from a private seller and had been used once or twice.
Honestly though they had barely been touched- only one had been sharpened a fraction but
otherwise they were as new.
I seriously recommend this option for buying art supplies if you have patience and some
time to spare.
On top of this 80 set, I also bought some extra colours open stock to supplement the
range of colours.
Up next, here I have a few small things that I'd like to compare to items I already own.
So here we have a couple of sets of waterbrushes.
I bought this 3 pack of Derwent Waterbrushes... uhm... which happened to be half price, and
I was given this set of Royal and Langnickel waterbrushes as well.
I've grown madly in love with my Caran d'Ache waterbrushes and I use them very frequently,
so it'll be good to have a little more selection to choose from.
I also picked up two of these Lyra Splender blending pencils.
In the comment section of my Coloured Pencil Blender comparison, I remember somebody asking
what these were like compared to some other brands of blending pencils, so now I can find
I also received another awesome Christmas gift- a set of 12 Winsor and Newton Cotman
half-pans with brush, which seems to be perfect for going out and about.
And I also received a really beautiful and thorough book on watercolour techniques.
I also found my set of 40-something halfpans that I remember receiving when I was about
8 from an encouraging arty grandmother.
Looking at them now, it doesn't appear that I used them very much as a child, but I suppose
that's a positive thing for present-day-Claudia as I can now can put them to good use.
I also got given these Kure-Art brush pens, second hand from that arty grandmother again.
I've swatched them out and they are really fun and think I might have to do some doodles
and patterns with these.
Next up we have some more paper.
I have two little Strathmore Toned Mixed Media pads, which I found for relatively cheap on
Jackson's Art Supplies.
I've seen some gorgeous things created on this paper so wanted to try out each colour
for myself.
I was also given this very slightly used A4 pad of Fabriano Artistico Cold pressed watercolour
paper, which I think will be perfect for the inks and watercolour I received too.
Here are three loose sheets of Spectrum Colourfix paper, which is a type of sanded paper for
An I found these gathering dust in an art shop and I managed to haggle down the price
You certainly can't beat a good bargain!
And on top of this paper, I ordered some more sanded paper- the Canson Mi Teintes Touch,
but I'm still waiting for it to arrive with me.
And I explained the whole ordeal in my update vlog so if you're curious you can check out
the story there.
Whilst I was in England I also bought some of these mounts or passpartouts, which for
some reason are incredibly expensive for what they are here in Norway.
I've yet to decide if I intend on selling pieces with passpartouts already included,
or if I'll just be using them to photograph my artwork with, but either way I'm sure they'll
be useful.
On a simialr note, I was also given a load of thick mountboard as well which I think
I'll use to protect originals and commissions during shipping, or perhaps I'll get something
I can use to cut the board with to make custom mounts for my work.
Finally, finishing up with two items that were indispensible during my trip!
I bought a Derwent Carry All bag to safely haul my pencils around with me where I went.
On top of this, I also bought two extra "pencil leaves", which fit into the bag in a ring-binder-like
This bag fits a huge amount of pencils.
I have 5 of these leaves, and they are double-sided with each side being able to hold up to 22
So excluding the other space available in the bag, you could easily fit 220 pencils
in here!
As you can see, I've currently got my 60 set of Polychromos and most of my Pablos in here
right now, and I've found it to be really convenient at home as well as it's a lot easier
to flip through this bag to find pencils I need rather than open a bunch of different
pencil tins.
And one of my favourite purchases and most-used so far, although surprisingly simple, is this
crank sharpener, the Derwent Superpoint Mini.
I still love my KUM longpoint handheld sharpener for slipping into a pencil case, but this
large crank one just makes life so much easier with coloured pencils.
A couple of cranks and pencils become needle-sharp!
So as you might be able to tell, it was quite the challenge to get all of this stuff in
my suitcase for the way back to Norway!
It all made it through in one piece though which I'm very pleased about, although I took
the majority of my pencils with me in handluggage because I just didn't feel brave enough to
leave them alone in the hold!
This way I also got to make the most out of my time sitting on the planes and in the airports-
I was able to do a bit of arting on the go!
I'm currently working my way through review videos and I still have some items from previous
hauls that I plan on reviewing, but if you're interested in learning more about any of the
items I mentioned in today's video, be sure to comment down below and I'll bump the item
up on the list of things to review!
As I said earlier, I've already made videos on some of the items shown today, so be sure
to check the cards and description box to find the links to them.
If you'd like to see more haul videos in the future, don't forget to give this video
a like- it really helps me out!
I now have a haul video playlist that I'll leave a link to in the cards and description
Don't forget to subscribe to keep up to date with my arty videos- and remember to keep
an eye out for the giveaway announcement in the course of the next couple of weeks!
Thank you very much for watching, hope you have a lovely week and I'll see you in the
next video!
How To Retire In 5 Years - Duration: 9:27.So here's the question, right. Is it possible to retire from real estate in
five years? Yes, it's absolutely possible, I know that because I did it and what I
really want to do today is I want to break it down for you, I want to show you
how to do it and then show you how to access some of the tools so that you can
make it real and possible for you as well.
So is it possible to retire in five years? Yeah, I did it. I did it in less
than five years but how would you do it if you wanted to retire in five years?
I want to play today. I want to do a game plan, I'm going to make some assumptions
about who you might be and I'm going to pretend that you're starting with
average credit, you're starting with no money. How would you actually go about
retiring in five years knowing what I know? Would you like to play that game?
Boom, let's do it. First of all, we're calling this the five year game plan of
awesome. Why? Because you're awesome, that's your name today, okay, it's your
nickname, run with it. The 5-year game plan for you, Mr. Awesome, Mrs. Awesome, is
we need to start off and we're going to talk about year one, what are we going to do?
We need to purchase a property. If you're starting with nothing, you've got some
options on how you can make this happen. For me, I ended up buying a primary
residence which meant a three and a half percent down payment. For most of you,
that's going to require five thousand dollars. Now remember, you're starting
with no money so how do you get five thousand dollars? We're going to chat about
that. I need a property, I can get it with five
thousand dollars and I'm going to get it through a parent, a friend. I'm going to buy
a property that's loaded with equity and if a property has ten, twenty, thirty,
forty thousand dollars of equity, could you bring someone on to put the down
payment to make it happen? I hope so, right? Because that's what this 5-year
game plan is going to require. The secret sauce is what we call partnering. What is
it? Very good. It's partnering. So here's what
partnering really looks like. Partnering is finding someone that has the money
and then you doing all of the work and coming together in a partnership. Now in
my story, I bought my first property, I saved up the five thousand dollars, I
needed thirty five hundred dollars of it as a down payment. When I bought my house,
something happened in year number two. I end up using the equity in this to buy
another house. How did I do that? Well, when you have equity in the home, you can
get what's called a home equity line of credit, HELOC and that's a bank coming in
saying, well you've got equity, we'll let you a borrow a certain amount of that, my
home equity line allowed me for $18,500. I remember how I felt when I got that
from the bank and they told me that I could do this. So I used that money and
you know what I did? I did something stupid at first, I went and I actually
bought a car, tried to flip it, drove it for a number of months,
it was a BMW, eventually sold it and lost a couple thousand dollars which was
equivalent to me making five hundred dollar payments on this older
BMW. Instead I said, you know what, it worked the first time, it's called what? Real
estate so we're going to do it the second time. It's called what? It's called real
estate. I used that and I bought this property. What was great about buying
this home is that this home also had a cash flow. This one had a basement
apartment that was rented out, whether you have that or not, you're focusing on
a $300 to $500 a month cash flow, had another property here producing my $300
to $500 a month cash flow and I used the equity in this house
in year 3 to do what? Dude, you're catching on. I used it to buy another house but
something else happened. I actually moved out of this house and I put another
small mini downpayment on from equity in these homes and I used it to buy another
house that I lived in and at a basement apartment, paid for the majority the
mortgage. This house started cash flowing like a beast because it was now true
investment and I wasn't living there. Now you've got this house, this house bought
this house, this house here later about this house. You moved above this one, this
one just went way more profitable and then that's when I hit your for in year
five, something very very exciting happened, I ended up building enough of a
portfolio that I attracted partners to come in and start buying a lot more real
estate with me. So in this third year, once I had bought these first three
homes and it just bought my fourth, I went to four individuals and said, hey
why don't you partner with me to do more. At first it was my father-in-law so we
started buying a lot more homes. When I got to my fourth year, I had now bought
these nine homes and I started thinking now. It's amazing that one partner made
all of that possible. I'm only getting 50% of the money,
because remember partnering is 50/50, on these properties but you know what? 50%
or half of something is better than none of nothing, right? Or a hundred percent of
nothing is I think the way they say that. So my fourth year, I started actually
going nuts on my partner. This is where I started saying, look at what I've done, I
started showing other people and I said, I'll do the work, I've got the system,
I've got the deals and I said, you go ahead and bring the money to the table. I
had four individuals sign up to be my partners and every month I
started buying multiple properties a month. By the time that's four and a half
years in, I had 25 homes, these 25 homes were giving me a six-figure residual
after I paid my partners and I had increased my net worth personally on my
side to $1.6 million. Now if you look at this whole thing, notice that
in this example, I bought this house and I bought this house so I put a small
down payment here, $3,500 but the equity then bought these
investment properties and even put the money down on my next primary.
I created $1.6 million from $3,500 through what? Through partnering.
Now could you do something very similar to this yes? It's actually really easy.
Imagine for just a moment, Mr. Awesome, Mrs. Awesome,
let me give you a what this kind of looks like a little bit here. If you want
to follow my system, then here's what you're going to need. Number one, you're
going to need deals and they need to be really really good. Number two, to get a
partner, you need track record. Track record means you've done it before.
I'm going to show you how to bypass that and then the third thing that you need
is a business proposal. It's a plan, it's a document that you can share that says,
here are my deals, here's my track record, be 50/50 partner up and do business with
me. The last thing actually that you do need
is you need to have a team. Now I ended up building and creating all of this
from scratch. If you've read my book, The Straight Path To Real Estate, if you
haven't, go ahead and click this link and I'll give it to you for free, just enter
in your information, I'll send you some other tips through email and we'll get
you rockin' on your journey. I talked about how you do all these things but I
want you to know that you read the book then I'll show you how to do it yourself
or you can join my team and I'll give you access to my team and here's what it
looks like. If you sign up for my partnering profits course, I will teach
you how to partner and ultimately what it means is, all of my excess deals, I
give them to you in the best markets around the country producing 15% 20% plus
returns which by the way for your partners out there with money,
they're not making that kind of money on their portfolio. Track record, my track
record of nearing a billion dollars of real estate now becomes whose track
record? Yours. Why? Because you're using my system and you're
using everything that we've created and now you're plugged into that system so
you get to claim that. The third thing is a business plan. In my partner profits
course, I just give that to you. Why? Because all you're going to do is swap
out, I actually make it editable so you intentionally put your name in it and
the entire business plan is already done. You just say, hey, here's my deals, here's
my track record and it includes what? My team, team of 200 experts around the
country and the best markets that do it for you. Now read my book, you can build
all of this yourself but if you want to know in five years how to retire then
I'm basically given you a turnkey very simple system and way of doing that.
Click the link up here, check out my partner profits program, invest in it,
join my personal team and what will end up happening is, I'll give you the deals,
the track record, the business plan, the team and I'll show you even how to put
it in front of people who have the money that you don't even know yet that you
can bring to the table and do these 50/50 deals with. Partnering is, Mr. and Mrs.
Awesome, how you actually retire in five years. It's how I did it and if I did do
it all over again, that'd be that simple, it'd be that easy
and now it can be for you too. Now I feel super blessed because I have mentors, I
had helpers, I had business partners. Ultimately, that made it possible for me
to retire in that four and a half year period of time but if I had to go back
and do it all over again, man, it would seem really intimidating to
figure out how to do all that all over again and that's why I wish I can
sometimes go back in time and just say, Kris, look at the amazing team you've
created, use this and essentially that's what I'm offering to every one of you.
You know, not everyone, it's easy to give lip service to the idea of I'd love to
be retired in five years and I want to be financially free. Do you know how many
of you reach out to me saying that? And then once you find out a little bit
what's involved, you back down. So I want to challenge you a little bit,
if you're really serious about this 5-year commitment to being
financially free, I want to meet you in the middle. Click the link up here and
research the option that I share that makes the most sense and then get with
me and my team and let's break down exactly the magic of how we can make
that happen with you, together, crushing it in real estate. Thanks for watching
this video. Make sure that you subscribe, ring the bell on your way out so that we
can notify you about tomorrow's video. We got more real estate awesomeness coming
your way.
RGB - Reingeschaut Gesetz Buch - Duration: 2:57.-------------------------------------------
Vacation to FLORIDA- Year Abroad - Duration: 5:23.Hi everybody and welcome back to my channel! As you can see from behind me,
I'm somewhere new. Well, I'm in Florida right now, I'm in Marco Island. Me and my
host mom are here only for two days and a half, but we hope it will be a good vacation.
It is 1:40 in the morning and we arrived an hour ago. The problem
is that we were supposed to leave from Charlottesvillel at like 4:15, but our flight was delayed
and we actually left at 7. I can't wait to see everything in the morning!
Hi! Well this is our first day here in Marco Island
after we arrived last night. The weather it's not the best. These are the
worst days we could have come because next week it's going to be warmer again.
It's not that bad actually, because in Crozet it's snowing right now. This is a
really nice neighborhood. There are amazing houses that I'm going to show to you
with beautiful gardens, and there's like a canal that goes to the sea,
to the Gulf of Mexico. Each house has a boat, at least almost each house.
I have to say rich people live here. During the year in Marco Island there
are around 17,000 inhabitants, but during the high season, like in summer or
whatever, they even reach 35,000 people and most of the population is retired people.
they would... that one they would have bought two houses and tore them down and put up one
the sand it's really white and it's so bright.
It's so big and large
There's a lot wind too, so you probably can't hear what I'm saying
This is Tigertail Beach and we're here to find shells, because everyone's said here we can find very beautiful ones
I actually think this is like a park and well here
there's a sort of lagoon but over there we can already see the white beach.
no, there are no shells at all
Look, I've found this! It's so cool
Today's Friday and we're flying back home, and now we are doing a puzzle that we bought yesterday.
It's about the shells in the Gulf of Mexico, so maybe they will frame it and hang it to the wall.
Here we go with our work in progress that's how it should be.
We are on the plane ready to go home. We made. We made really in time.
Barely. I've never been in such a rush before taking a plane
we arrived at 2 at the airport and the plane started boarding at 2:20, and we
really struggled to put the car seat into the bag. we made it and now we're waiting
to leave, and of course now that we're leaving the weather is changing and it's
warm again. of course
My little sweethearts | EVS project in Vietnam - Duration: 6:22.-------------------------------------------
#4 Bicycle Tour: Thüringer Wald / Rennsteig - Duration: 10:49.We are now in Blankenstein at the beginning of the „Rennsteig"- cycle path and are heading up to the Thuringian forest.
We are excited about the altimeters and the landscape.
The first day on the "Rennsteig" cycle path is now over and we have found this perfect "Rennsteighaus".
There are 5 of these buildings along the path.
Here you can get a free shower, free toilet and a kitchen to cook your own food.
There is cold beer in the fridge and you can charge your electronical devices - that's cool.
We will rest here for two hours to charge our electronics, to shower and to cook and then we will continue to find a place to sleep.
Do we have to get up?
I can't see any clouds on the sky. But then it actually should be quite cold.
Great - clear sky and 15 degrees, I think.
That's the source of the river "Werra", in the middle of the Thuringian Forest.
In two days we will cycle along it on the Werra cycle path.
But then the stream will be more a river, so that we could also do some kayaking.
The second day on the Rennsteig cycle path is now over and we have found a place for the night:
a great hut, where we could sleep on the banks.
There is a big fireplace where we could cook our dinner tonight.
We will make some potatoes in the embers and therefore we need much wood, which we have already collected.
And even better: over there is a little fresh water source, perfect to cool the beer.
But now we will start to make the campfire.
That tastes good. Olives, but without cheese.
Cheers! Cheers!
Well, refined taste.
These trails are driving me crazy.
I think we have a little problem with the rack.
Let's see if we are able to fix that problem.
And it's all caused by these "amazing" tracks - official cycle path.
Well, what to say?!
Well, let's tight it stronger this time.
The rack is now mounted again and all the screws are tightened, we can now continue to cycle on these f*** tracks.
Today's bicycle problem no 2, caused by these amazing tracks: a broken screw.
But luckily, I have been really slow climbing up a steep hill, so that I could stop immediately and nothing else got broken.
What would have happened if we had been on a 45 km/h downhill?
Well, I think our journey would have been over now.
First aid for the bike. Tools.
This is the start and endpoint of the Rennsteig cycle path and we are finishing our time on this route here.
The time we spend in the Thuringian forest was quite short, maybe too short.
The off-road tracks were a bit challenging and next time we should take wider tires, but the landscape was really beautiful.
We will now continue along the rivers Werra and Leine.
31st January 2018 ~ Eclipse meditation - Duration: 6:36.31st January 2018 ~ Eclipse meditation
by Therese Zumi Sumner
TZ here; Sword has compiled great information to help introduce this meditation to support
the Allied Light Forces in their ongoing removal of the dark forces.
I am glad that he/she has also placed a focus upon the liberation and healing of slaves
in this meditation, as also a broader view of the Reptilian races.
31.01 Eclipse meditation It`s time to take action!
An upcoming celestial event can help US create a new reality, dissolve the old one and speed
up our ascension!
It`s time to do what never have been done.
Let`s remove another obstacle on OUR path of absolute light.
Let`s heal those who need it and end meaningless conflict.
This meditation is on 31 January.
A very significant day.
The day when Lunar Eclipse and Super Moon (Blue Moon) occur on same day.
It`s the day when our power is amplified:
Latest Cobra update told US about negative IBC, Reptilians and Slaves that need liberation:
It`s worth to remember that not all reptilians are negative some of them were tricked and
enslaved trough nanites by chimera and exploited, especially those who were native to EARTH
and exploited under false human-reptilian conflict:
�Pfc1216 Lynn � Is an Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) controlling most of the Draco�s & reptilian
races actions & behaviors?
COBRA � To a certain degree but I would not say they are controlling it; I would say
there is a certain symbiosis of a negative nature between A.I.
�� I should even put it this way.
The Chimera group is using A.I. to control Draco�s and Reptilians.�
�gc1017) COBRA � Okay, here I have to say something � explain something � about
the Reptilians.
There are different types of Reptilians.
There are so-called native Reptilians that were part of the Earth evolution that evolved
here to remain in geological ages and the dinosaurs were part of that � I would say
� native group that was native for this planet.
It is true that they were destroyed in a cataclysm but there was one faction of those native
Reptilians that survived below the surface of the planet and they were inhabiting many
caves underground� they were inheriting areas along underground rivers and lakes and
then about 1 million years ago as I said, there was an invasion and along with the Archon
Families and the Dracos, many Orion Reptilians came and Orion Reptilians are much more warlike
and they have infested the whole Reptilian population underground with that warlike mentality.
So the native reptilians that were here before are not the same anymore.
They have actually joined this� um� big warlike meme that exists among the Reptilian
race and they consider this to be their planet�.and they consider humans to be invaders and this
is the main conflict between the Reptilian race and the human race and actually it is
not easy to resolve this conflict but finally it will be resolved because there are not
many Reptilians left on the planet � almost zero on the surface and very little below
the surface and Reptilian race some of this � one part of the Reptilian race will reform
back into the light.
They will become peaceful and beings that will respect the free will of the others but
the rest of the Reptilian race will have to go to the Central Sun so this is one of the
issues that needs to be addressed here.� OR ELSE
Many of them try to also bring light (channeling so discernment wise):
Meditation Protocol: This meditation takes 15 minutes:
Bring yourself to relaxed state.
State your intent to use this meditation as tool to speed up removal of negative beings
in underground bases of IBC, liberation and healing of slaves in there and bringing back
to light reptilians ending human-reptilians conflict.
Visualize a pillar of electric blue Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun going
through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through Moon to your body
then to the center of the Earth.
Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your
body and upwards into the sky through Moon towards all beings of Light in our Solar System
and our galaxy finally connecting with Galactic center and Source.
You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards
Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.
Visualise a rainbow vortex embodiment Goddess energy and presence from Moon expanding from
those light pillars all over whole Earth upward and downward to Earth center.
Visualise Resistance force and Light forces liberating all of slaves in underground bases,
taking them from Earth to positive planet and healing
Visualise removal of negative underground bases, arrest and transporting to galactic
center all negative beings.
7.Visualise rainbow descending on all reptilians beings on surface and underground, penetrating
them, healing them and freeing from negative influence, nanites and implants.
Bringing them back to light.
Turning into positive beings who can coexist with human and abide Galactic Codex.
Visualise speed up of operation Mjolnir in sublunar space, removal of all negative beings
in space.
Visualise breakthrough taking place manifesting mass arrest, full disclosure, abundance for
everyone and Ascension for Gaia and its inhabitants.
Victory of Light!
See instructions link in the article source link below in our description
HOLLAND "NEVERLAND" - REACTION - Duration: 5:32.That makes me happy (a mistake :D)
How to grow Chandramallika plant in smallest pot (with english subtitle) - Duration: 11:09.Hello
These are
chandramallika mother plant
from these mother plant
I am cutting the top part upto 1 to 1.5 inch
now see
The thing in which I am planting
is consisting of 50 small bucket in one plastic container
The soil which I am using in this container consist of
50% normal soil and 50% sand
Now see roots have grown in the cutting part which I have planted earlier.
so I an shifting the plant to another big pot.
The pot which I am using is of size
2.5 * 3 inch.
The soil which I am using for this consist of
40% normal soil 30% compost or cow manure 30% wooden dust or coco peat
I am trying to make the flower bloom in these pots,
so I am cutting the upper part of the plant.
now I am tying these pots with bamboo stick and wire for hanging.
now see I am hanging the pots from the pipe of my garage.
These are mustard cake.
I will soak them in water to use it as liquid fertilizer.
This fertilizer can be used in any plant.
After soaking it for two days
I am applying the liquid fertilizer to the plant,
which I have planted earlier.
Thanks all of you for watching this video patiently.
[eng sub] Island Trio EP23 INFINITE's Sunggyu[cut] part 8 - Duration: 4:55.Let's sewing.
Right now? - Hyung, how many days have you been here?
I arrived yesterday. Yesterday.
I just thought he has been here for a very long time.
If we have to talk about the feeling.
I have always been here.
I integrated here very fast.
This kind of feeling.
About during night.
After one glass of soju.
You will turn into me tomorrow.
Just tomorrow.
It has to be finished before the sunset. So help me quickly.
We, no, we have to go down.
Just one, not with many. Just help me with one.
Doing this by my own is really tiring.
Help me to hold this.
Sunggyu try it once.
How can you become like this just with one day?
I'm doing this for the first time. The first time.
How do I do this?
After this, you pull it back. I'll help you with holding it.
There's still water outside.
Use the feet to hold it.
You don't need to do this. Come here. Let hyung show it once.
Because we need two. I will do one and you'll do one.
Just at the beginning you have to pull like that.
Really cute.
Let me try it once.
The saw and me are not very compilable.
Because of Heesun-noona it was also the first time for me doing this during that time.
It's not difficult.
Then you just do it. Yonghwa you do it.
I will help you with holding.
This is also very low.
That tree is a strong tree.?
A thick tree.
Don't talk, sit over there to help.
Wasn't it the shortest time?
That's really amazing. Swag.
But looking at Jiyong-hyung his eyes are bleeding.
Than after I'm done, I will meet you guys.
See you later.
The background of Jiyong-hyung is giving a feeling of filming in saturation.
It's a poster.
Hyung, see you later.
Thanks. -We're going back.
Really thanks. Thank you very much.
Aunty, I... - Souhui
There's someone calling you, Souhui.
What are you doing?
Really cute.
Hello Sunbae.
Oh? What's the matter?
How did you come?
Are you fine?
I also don't know how I came here.
What's the matter?
I'm really happy to see you, Sunggyu.
We really haven't see for a long time. - Did you come after changing clothes?
We've seen each other once in Radio Star.
During that time we were in the show together,
Yes, we came together.
How many years ago?
Three years ago.
After that it's your first time seeing each other?
Today, Gummy, Sunggyu, Yonghwa.
I think it's very interesting.
Today is the music special of Island trio.
The music special. Really.
Noona, but why are you cooking bread?
The aunty of here is not feeling very well today.
I'm preparing the dinner a little bit.
Use this.
Noona, I'm having one bite.
Eat, eat. (T/N: Yonghwa must be very hungry lol)
Rohee, give uncle a hug. What kind of pancake is that?
Tuna pancake.
Can I eat? I really like tuna a lot.
Can I eat?
Cute. Our Rohee.
Is it delicious?
Yes, it's very delicious.
Yeah, also hug me. Putting chilly will make it even more delicious.
Play with unnie in the house.
See you later.
Ah, look now.
It's sunset now, preparing for the performance slowly.
I want to see.
It's slowly getting red.
It's really starting to burn.
Really. Really.
It will become pius, devout, sincere???
15 THINGS YOU DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THE UFC - Duration: 10:34.Ultimate Fighting Championship has been around since the 90s, and I'm sure as fans we all
feel like we have a good handle on what it is and what it means.
But there are a lot of things that we don't know about this sport, the business behind
it, and its surrounding culture.
So hit that subscribe button and let Babbletop take you down this list of stuff you just
didn't know about UFC.
The Agency Formerly Known as Endeavor The William Morris Endeavor Entertainment,
LLC was formed in 2009 when Endeavor Agency merged with William Morris Agency, and since
then this mega agency has made a name for itself as one of the biggest and most successful
talent agencies in the world.
They represent talent across many fields including movies, music and sports.
However, it's less known that in 2016 the company actually bought UFC, MMA's most recognized
brand, for $4 billion.
Yup, billion with a b.
Fighting as Entertainment Several critics of UFC have charged the organization
as being as "fake" as the WWE, an organization that used to hold that it was a real sport,
but has long since embraced the notion that it is really selling entertainment.
This is an important distinction, because it means that WWE can fix matches without
breaking any laws.
The WWE has become a highly successful, but partially scripted form of entertainment.
Some have argued that UFC has done the same thing so it can script scenarios and outcomes
as it chooses.
This might be good news for fans who want interesting story-lines and sensational match-ups,
but not so great for gamblers.
Training with the military There's a difference between fighting in
the octagon and fighting on the battlefield, but the military is trying learn what they
can about MMA.
UFC fighter Dominick Cruz traveled to help train soldiers in his skills.
The details of his training mission have been kept secret, however it has been reported
that Cruz traveled to several U.S. military bases around the world to meet with soldiers
to help them hone their self-defense skills.
Most likely the MMA fighter trained with men from elite units such as the Navy SEALs and
Army Delta Force, but we may never know.
Fishing for Victory Like any combat sport, MMA is known to be
fairly brutal at times.
And UFC came under serious scrutiny in the 1990s when Arizona Senator John McCain took
an interest in the sport.
Unfortunately for hardcore fans, the senator's interest was in reigning in what he perceived
as the more barbarous elements.
The technique known as fish hooking, for example, became a particular focus for critics and
the media.
A fighter will use his fingers to grab and poke his opponent often jamming his fingers
in his mouth like a hook in a fish's mouth.
While McCain obviously didn't end UFC as we know it, his campaign did lead to the banning
of fish hooking and a few similar techniques.
The late Steve Irwin was beloved as the Crocodile Hunter for his exploits as an adventurer who
fearlessly faced down crocodiles and other dangerous beasts.
But did you know he was crazy about UFC too?
Irwin's rugged spirit of adventure didn't allow him to stay in the stands.
He apparently built a training area at his compound where he could work out and spar.
Aussie MMA fighter Kyle Noke claimed that Irwin was very strong and determined - no
doubt from wrestling crocodiles.
Hm, I wonder where some of those holds came from…
A Star was Born?
Ronda Rousey is a skilled fighter; she earned a bronze medal in the 2008 Olympics Games
in Judo.
That and her charisma made her the face of UFC for years.
But in retrospect was Rousey a truly great MMA fighter?
A growing number of critics charge that UFC never should have touted her as an unbeatable
champion — even though she vanquished the best contenders.
Against fighters like Holly Holm and Amanda Nunes, the results were not pretty — but
should they have been expected?
We may never get a definitive answer about this reality versus hype question, because
after her two losses, Rousey says she's retired for good.
Cut Me Mick "Making weight" is a big deal in fighting,
and has lead to some competitors taking extreme measures.
But the weight cutting problem in UFC seems to be hiding in plain sight—a number of
sports outlets have covered the issue while the organization stays silent.
While they've thankfully so far avoided any deaths, some fighters have lost 25-30
pounds in a week, mostly water weight that gets sweated out.
Ronda Rousey supposedly lost 17 pounds in a day by spending 5 hours in a sauna just
to show that she could.
Putting the Wood to it "... You need to be a man and owe me a public
And if I don't get that, I'm going to start leaking some s— that people don't want to
be out in the wind.
I'm not kidding about that."
So said fighter Tyron Woodley about the controversial head of UFC Dana White.
Woodley was reportedly unhappy with comments White made about Woodley's performance in
the octagon.
The question people wanted answered was: what sh*t was Woodley talking about?
Some speculated that he had dirt on White, while others asked if he had info about the
truth regarding allegations that UFC fights are scripted.
To date, Woodley has never acted on his threat, but we may know someday…
Coupling Outside the Octagon Ronda Rousey is known to fans of UFC as a
fighter who quickly made a mark in the sport of MMA.
She's now moved onto roles in television and film, but fans hope her fighting career
isn't really over.
But she might not be in a rush to get back to the octagon, since she just tied the knot!
In April 2017, Rousey exchanged wedding vows with fellow MMA fighter Travis Browne in Hawaii.
Observers were quick to speculate that the timing of the ceremony was no accident, rather
designed to unfold away from the medias' gaze as it was focused on the McGregor vs. Mayweather
Team Caveman There are a lot of side hustles and further
career routes retired fighters can take, but few have gone into the barista business.
Caveman Coffee Company is based in New Mexico where founders Keith Jardine, Tait Fletcher
and Lacie Mackey roast small batches of special coffee blends.
Their sports and entertainment careers have given these entrepreneurs a leg up when it
comes to battling in the highly competitive world of high-end, specialty coffees.
As an avid coffee drinker I intend to sample Caveman coffee for myself because I'm eager
to see if it will give my next workout a jolt.
Let's Brock!
Brock Lesnar is a force to be reckoned with; this was obvious as far back as 1996 when
he won a gold medal in wrestling.
Since then, Lesnar has gone on to make a name for himself both in UFC and WWE.
A former WWE employee has maintained that Lesnar and fellow WWE star Kurt Angle had
a feud that had been brewing for a while and finally came to a head in 2003 a few hours
before a major event.
According to the source the two fighters actually got into the ring and prepared to square off,
when Vince McMahon stormed onto the scene and abruptly put a stop to the proceedings.
Too bad—it's an incident I would have paid good money to see.
The Devlin Inside Conor McGregor has many people in his corner
to help him with training and strategy.
Perhaps it isn't surprising that it isn't his trainers or his managers that he credits
with much of his success at UFC.
The most important person in his life is his long-time girlfriend Dee Devlin.
Devlin has been McGregor's rock through trials and tribulations in and out of the
They met at a club in Ireland and have pretty much been inseparable ever since.
Although she doesn't get involved in his training, she does help him manage his reported $14
million fortune.
White Hot The UFC is a rough and tumble place and not
for the faint of heart.
Dana White seems like just the right tough guy to lead the organization, right?
Well, it depends who you ask.
While many associates and MMA fighters have good things to say about Mr. White a man with
his larger than life personality is bound to have detractors.
According to some sources, he's quick to bully adversarial journalists. and his relationships
with some UFC fighters is more than a bit problematic.
Beyond his dustup with Tyron Woodley, a number of other fighters have come out against White's
UFC Reebok deal because they say it limits their ability to cultivate other sponsors.
Cocaine Cowboy Chuck Liddell is known to MMA fans as one
of the true champions of UFC.
Unfortunately, to many YouTube viewers he's known from the infamous "Chuck Liddell on
The 49 second clip in question has millions of views, but it's inconclusive—though
one could definitely make the case that Liddell is snorting something while watching a fight.
However, sniffing isn't proof.
He does appear to be pretty amped up while watching the fight, but hell, he's Chuck Liddell!
Many who've viewed the clip have made up their minds one way or the other, but the
controversy will likely continue.
Trumping McGregor vs. Mayweather Sitting presidents have attended sporting
events, but it is always a security nightmare for the Secret Service agents who protect
President Trump is known to be a fan of UFC and no one was surprised when the media began
reporting that Trump was interested in attending the historic McGregor vs. Mayweather fight
that was held in Las Vegas in August 2017.
UFC president Dana White told reporters that the president's office had contacted UFC headquarters
to let them know Mr. Trump was indeed interested in attending the event.
White responded to questions about the president's attitude about attending such a high profile
venue: "He feels like he'll ruin the event if he shows up."
When it came time to make a decision the official word was that Trump deferred to the Secret
Service and decided not to attend, but we don't know if that's the real reason.
Are there things about UFC that even we don't seem to know?
Drop a dime in the comments below!
And don't forget to check out some of our other videos.
Thanks for watching!
Marvel - Black Panther-------------------------------------------
Movimiento naranja ver:pucherin animacion o animatic no c - Duration: 0:43.-------------------------------------------
Increíbles beneficios de consumir Aloe Vera en ayunas - Duration: 4:32.-------------------------------------------
Hello, this video is going to be very quick
today I'm going to teach you a method for you to think in English
and therefore
you will improve your speaking
but before we start, remember that if you subscribe to the channel
you'll be given access to the pdf files
with extra exercises and homework based on my videos
so please, subscribe
Let's get started because I've just woken up and I need to have breakfast
ok, but I know the ultimate secret for the perfect speaking
but it's a secret
oh noo, Rodger! Tell me the secret!
but it's a secret, I can't tell you
Look at my face, am I smiling?
come on, man! Tell me the secret.
Now, it's finally the moment to reveal the ultimate secret for the perfect speaking.
ok, I'm going to tell you the secret for the perfect speaking
the secret is
you need to think in English
But english is not my first language. How can I do it? It's not possible!!!
nothing is impossible
you just have to go there and do it
if you work hard you can do it
ok, I'm going to tell you one perfect strategy
to think in english, but there are many different strategies
to think in English but today I'm going to focus on one
specific strategy and it works
It's related to sensations and feelings
The following method is connected to your emotions, sensations and feelings. Please write down
and sensations and feelings are very connected to your mind
the thing is...Whatever you're feeling at the moment
whatever sensation you're having
try to translate this sensations into words in English
I'll give you an example:
Let's imagine your first language is Spanish. How do you say "I'm hungry" in Spanish?"
and let's imagine your first language is Portuguese
how do you say "I'm hungry" in Portuguese?
but whenyou feel that you're hungry
Try to translate this sensation into English
and how do you say that in English?
I'm hungry
now, you're going to force yourself into thinking that. Don't say it out loud
think that
"I'm hungry"
and repeat that in our mind many times
so, repeat it, twenty times in your mind first
and then bring it to your mouth
What?!?! Bring what to my mouth?
The words!!! I'm talking about the words!!!
then you say "I am hungry"
and you are really hungry
then you say that 20 times
"I'm hungry"
after having done that, add words to the sentence
trying to make it a little more complex...Example:
"I am very hungry"
and then you say that many times
"I'm very hungry"
after that, make your sentence even more sophisticated
"I'm extremely hungry. I need to eat right now"
and then you say that many times
"I'm extremely hungry. I need to eat right now"
and say that many times
paying attention to the pronunciation of every word
So, do I have to repeat that three times?
You have to repeat that around 64 times
"Asian Style"
If you want to speak english perfectly, you're going to have to work hard on it.
"No pain, no gain"
well, pain is good sometimes
Pain is good sometimes
Can you say that faster?
Pain is good sometimes
Ok, so whatever you're feeling
translate that into English in your mind first
and then you say that in your mind many times
because you're forcing your brain into thinking in English
and bring this thought, this sentence to your mouth, and
say it out loud
after having said that out loud
try to add words to this sentence
and repeat that many times
take the whole day to practice that
you're going to see that you will improve your speaking a lot
another example:
My stomach hurts because last night for dinner
I had vodka with toddynho. I mixed them.
and I drank it
Now my stomach hurts, so
I'm going to translate this sensation into words in English
and I'll think:
of a sentence and I'll repeat that in my mind many times
"I have a stomachache"
I'm going to think this, many times... "I have a stomachache
but without saying it. Just thinking.
then I'm going to bring this thought. This sentence to my mouth
and then I'm going to say it 20 times
"I have a stomachache" (many times)
Now i'm going to try to make it longer
To make it longer, Rodger?!
Shut up, man!
Yes, I'm going to make this sentence longer
I have a stomachache because I drank vodka and Toddynho last night
and say this sentence many times
"I have a stomachache because I drank vodka and Toddynho last night"
and then add more words to it
"I have a stomachache because last night I had four pizzas, vodka and Toddynho"
and then repeat that around 64 times.
Next time you have a stomachache you will automatically think:
"I have a stomachache"
I'm sure of that because
this is a very serious practice
in which you're forcing your brain into thinking in English
you can use this technique with anything...Example:
I feel that my breath stinks
so what do I feel?
"I need to brush my teeth"
I'mgoing to force my brain into thinking that:
"I need to brush my teeth"
many times but without saying it
just thinking
so after having repeated that many times in my mind
I'm going to bring it to my mouth and say:
"I need to brush my teeth"
and then I will add words
"I need to brush my teeth because I had garlic for breakfast"
There is another secret to this technique
When you are repeating the same sentence again
each time you say it
say it a little faster
for example:
"I need to brush my teeth because I had garlic for breakfast"
the second time
say it faster
"I need to brush my teeth because I had garlic for breakfast"
and faster
"I need to brush my teeth because I had garlic for breakfast"
This is a very good way to practice
Thank you very much for watching this video, please hit the LIKE button, subscribe to the channel
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Many things are happening on Instagram right now:
So please follow me there
Meanwhile on Instagram:
Hey come here
I'm going to tell you a secret
the secret to talk to a girl is just for you to be yourself
don't lie to her
be yourself
Maybe she is the one who is going to be with you for the rest of your life
Can you see that beautiful girl over there?
Let me see!
Oh she's really beautiful. I don't know. I'm very shy!
Ok, talk to her
hey girl. Hi. What's your name?
I think I've lost my telephone number. Can I have yours?
People call me "chocolate milk"
Because my body is delicious
I love "chocolate milk"
Can I take a photo of you, darling?
I want to prove my friends that angels exist
Yes! Now I have a girlfriend!
Please share this channel with your friends
and I'll see you next class
Stamping and cutting with BROTHER SCANNCUT CM900 - Duration: 24:41.-------------------------------------------
FAÇA VOCÊ MESMO: Aprenda Como Fazer PEDRA SANITÁRIA Caseira que Deixa Seu Banheiro Limpo e Cheiroso - Duration: 2:53.-------------------------------------------
9 formas de saber si tienes un trabajo tóxico - Duration: 6:44.-------------------------------------------
Real History of Islam in Bangladesh | Spread of Islam in Bangladesh - Duration: 10:03.Real History of Islam in Bangladesh - Spread of Islam in Bangladesh
Real History of Islam in Bangladesh - Spread of Islam in Bangladesh
Islam was promulgated by the Prophet in Arabia in the seventh century within 50
years of his death Muslims went in the West to the coast of Atlantic
simultaneously Muslims were moving towards the East they had entered the
borders of India the end and reached the Indus Valley and that what that
momentous year is 711 and in the North Muslims had moved up in Central Asia and
pushing the further into a with Pakistan and Georgia and other places so this was
a unique event in human history that simultaneous movements in the east west
and the north now we're gonna be obviously focusing here to the east
Muhammad bin Qasim moved into Moulton and Sindh region and established Muslim
settlements in that area subsequently and like this is these are very brief
comments and understandably because of lack of time subsequently you had a Arab
rulers ruled these places during the Abbasid times a and what was happening
in the subcontinent was Muslims kept on pushing further in eventually reached
Delhi which became the Delhi Sultanate was established there and we're looking
at here a period of massive expansion until the early part of the 13th century
by that time you already had a Delhi Sultanate well established in a in what
is today known as New Delhi and the ruler in there at that time was
Sultan coat abuddin Eibach kotoba deny back was of turkish exit of turkish
afghan extraction and he was keen to expand his dominions he found a general
and nominated him to take things forward his name was FDR deen muhammad
bacteriology bhaktir he'll G was also of Afghan Turkic extraction from the
village tribe in Afghanistan very short man with long arms he was recruited into
his army kotoba dean's army proved to be very successful and then he was
commissioned with some work say go on move towards the east if you can he
waved rather quickly we are told by the classical historian of muslim bengal by
some a sham CC raj that in east ibaka tenacity he provides a an account very
brief account of how dr. LG marched into places like bihar and surrounding areas
with a gore and other places with handful of horsemen faced very little
resistance why because the low local population were actually suffering under
the existing rulers and they wanted liberation and they cooperated with this
new hero so to speak who marched in as long as he was going to be anything
better than what they had at the time they'd be too happy to welcome him and
that's exactly what happened he pretty quickly expanded his
the minions settled in what is today now a North Bangladesh a place called Epcot
at that time he was ambition man he was not going to sit around and do nothing
he planned the next big expedition from not been goal he wanted to go to Tibet
he said with an army there wasn't aware of the terrain some massive problems and
resistance returned back demoralized and died eventually but he is the founder of
if you like Muslim ruling man goal his successors continued ruling for several
decades after him and then you had the phases of phases of Muslim rule in
Bengal and two main phases would be the Sultanate period which was initiated by
bhakti hlg beginning of the 13th century we look in at 12:04 that persisted and
continued with ups and downs successors and setbacks for several centuries on
until the moguls appeared on the scene in 1576 under Akbar the great so you're
looking at from the beginning of the 13th century towards the latter part of
the sixteenth century this period is known as the Sultanate period in Bengal
fascinating period for a whole range of reasons
politically massive expansion the the presence of Muslims which bangla boy
Bangladesh being the third largest Muslim country in the world at the
moment population wise this is a a miracle in the history of Islam that you
have so many people in a Buddhist and Hindu Ocean who are Muslims and no major
armies came from Arabia or Persia to go and convert anybody by force there you
had bhakti ecology and his successors and as I said earlier these guys marched
in there with according to I mean Haji Suraj they marched in to Bengal with
handful of horsemen and the locals probably thought these are traitors from
Persia or Arabia so he wasn't a huge army that came here to find yourself
with the third largest population was Muslim country in the world in
Bangladesh now it's a mighty miracle in the history of Islam
now centuries before bhakti our LG Muslims were you could find local Muslim
communities embedded across subcontinent including Bengal
how did that happen because of traitors from Persia Arabia coming to trade and
they will bring their culture and language and their faith with them and
they were marrying locally and settling there naturally they were they had
assimilated we assimilated with with the local communities and a Shah Jalal is a
a monotonicity a Jew Mary and many many others in the history that the guns box
I will hassan ali al Hajj very better also known as these these luminaries
came and they preached a they these guys were Sufis but also Islamic scholars who
came and brought people together through their peaceful preaching you had protest
Hindus Sikhs animist people were coming all different faiths and cultures
flocking to these people because all all they were coming with was peace which is
what the Arabic word Islam means and a Muslim the word Muslim means the one
who's in a state of peace and they were living their faith and showing people
that you can live in peace and naturally people flocked to them so that they
played a massive role the traitors plays a massive role along with the political
dimension you could see there was 3 4 or 5 different ways
Islam spread into these places I would say a
combination a combination between the the preachers and the traders who paved
the way initially and then a a political and military forces came and
consolidated things so it's like saying you can only get a coin with a head and
a tail and you and I need same here you had the early preachers and traders
came first and pioneered the way followed by the influx of the political
and military military rulers who established themselves in those lands
and ruled some successfully others not so
yeah one any fish t ha ha what and meaning and the t hunter we won
me be huh move on our montage infants what would it be
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