Very good.
They're all very beautiful.
Get them out of here.
Don't mess with them too much.
-Move! -Zopi!
Move it! Hurry!
It's been three months since the mission
and you still don't know where Monica Robles is, do you?
No, I don't know, sir.
But we're doing all we can to locate her.
Know how I'll be greeted when I emerge tonight
to celebrate Independence Day?
With boos!
My approval ratings have plummeted.
Every day there are more narcos, kidnappers
and criminals on the streets.
With all due respect, Mr. President,
I doubt that depends on whether we've located Robles or not.
Now, if there's nothing else, I beg you to let me
get back to my work.
I doubt it'll help. Go!
Tonight's fireworks are ready.
Have you finally decided to join us?
No, I have a lot of work to do and I don't want to see my dad.
Sounds more like you've got a boyfriend who keeps you busy.
Well, there's always someone.
How's Monica doing?
She's the same as ever.
She's like a rose.
Except she'll never wilt thanks to her ventilator.
The best part is we don't have to put up with her moods.
I want you to be very happy.
I'll always make you happy.
Will you marry me?
<i> How are you?</i>
Not well at all, Lourdes.
Get me out of here ASAP before I'm killed.
My enemies in Colombia have started to send their regards.
Why the f--- hasn't Emiliana gotten me out of prison?
I don't know. She must be confused.
I can't believe she's living with the Lord of the Skies
instead of squashing that bug
and flushing him down the toiiet like he deserves.
I know what's wrong with her.
She started dropping her panties and fell in love with him.
That's horse---t, Felina.
Emiliana will keep her word and she'll get you out of prison.
I just hope she does it before Aurelio realizes
Evelyn, wait.
Don't touch me!
Haven't you read the rules?
Or are you here for a conjugal visit
after condemning me to this s---hole?
For f---'s sake! I'm trying to help you.
If that were true, I wouldn't be rotting in here.
You shot at people who were unarmed, Evelyn.
A woman and her child.
I ordered you to back down, but you didn't.
There were witnesses, and the law is the law!
Drop the act, Rodrigo!
You know I'm here because I shot Monica Robles.
Where's her body?
Where was she given first aid?
Who signed her death certificate?
The president ordered an exhausNo, no...stigation,
Damn, girl!
Next time, come dressed as a tennis player.
I want nothing covering this.
You're too much.
Also, bring your friend too.
I'm sure the three of us will think of something to do.
We're taking over.
Don't you realize where you are?
You sure have a mouth on you.
Tell us what you want and then leave.
We won't leave until my friend gets better
and things cool off out there.
You're in charge, aren't you?
Where's your phone?
Mother Superior's office.
YYou finally decided to call, motherf----r.
Where the f--- are you keeping Monica?
Forget about Monica. We have a problem.
No, we'll have a problem if you don't tell me where she is.
I want to see her!
Listen up, Omarcito.
Someone wants to make you maggot food.
Someone wants to set you up! They want you dead, man!
Oh, please!
I have an army at my disposal.
I don't need you, Aurelio.
I have to hang up because I have matters to attend to.
Feel free to call when you decide to tell me where she is.
With idiots like this it's no wonder the country's a mess.
You knew he was coming and you didn't say anything, huh?
He told me.
I agreed to meet with him.
It's best if they talk things over, Mom.
What's up?
You can stop missing me now.
What's all this about you backing out, Dalvio?
Your b---s just for show, or what?
You can't talk to my man like that, you bastard.
Take it down a peg, f---er!
Oh, for f---'s sake! This is a private talk.
I hope there's plI must be nervous....
G--damn, bitches!
You damn murderer!
You asked for it.
I'll handle the rest of you.
Hello? Who's calling?
Aurelio, it's me.
Where the hell are you?
I can't explain, but I need your help.
I'm at the Rosario Convent in Sinaloa.
Some bastards got in here.
There were six of them, but I've dealt with one.
Damn it!
Long live Mexico!
Why didn't you launch the damn rocket?
What's up, kiddo?
Was this some kind of publicity stunt?
Well, sucks for you!
<i> Motherf---ing son of a bitch.</i> <i> How 'bout them apples?</i>
I'm going to kill you, motherf---er.
I'll kill you like a dog!
Why would anyone kill a dog?
Your b---s aren't big enough for the big leagues.
What's... going on? Aurelio...
Don't worry, ma'am.
You're going to be okay. Don't speak.
Skies and the flames of Hell if you don't put that gun down!
How about you lower yours instead?
You think you can boss me around?
My, my! Look at the b---s on him!
What the hell are you doing here?
This isn't your problem.
No, man.
Now you've crossed the line.
You've got it all wrong.
You put your gun down first and then I'll put mine down.
It's cool,AMom!.It's cool.
Oh, son!
I've never been so happy to see you!
How could you have disappeared like that?
Well, I...
You became a nun?
Oh, sweetie.
Aurelio, we've gotta go.
The cops are coming.
Let's go.
Come on, Mom.
These f---ing Russians What'sare
If one thing's allowed me to survive this damned business
it's my instincts, Mrs. Alba.
You know that.
Maybe so.
But it seems to me that was your ninth life.
There's something about that woman...
I don't like one bit.
My son is here, too.
Oh, it's you, Counselor.
Any news?
At 8AM she'll be transferred to the airport's military annex.
I'll send you the route they'll use.
Very well.
I'll be waiting for it. Thank you.
ve some good news, though.
Guess who I met?
My grandmother!
Mrs. Alba?
She finally turned up.
Please tell her that I love her and send my regards.
you were acting strange.
You seemed tense. Is everything alright?
Yeah, I'm fine. But you seemed tense too.
Is it because you never helped me find my father's murderer?
You don't care, do you?
How can you say that?
I wish we'd met under other circumstances.
It's just that it hurts me to see you like this.
I don't like seeing you sad, but you know something?
I'm going to help you find them.
I need to go. I have things to do, alright?
See you later.
Yeah. See you.
Vitaminas, get over here. Hurry.
Come in!
Yes, sir?
What's up?
Listen to me.
We're going to have to find someone
to blame for the deaths of Lencho and that old broad.
-Remember? -Yeah, yeah.
And go tell that guy to write us another corrido.
Maybe he can sing you yours at the party.
For more infomation >> El Señor de los Cielos 5 | Recap (06/23/2017) | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 15:13.-------------------------------------------
Félix Fernández retó al 'Bofo' Bautista a una tanda de penales… con un resultado lamentable - Duration: 2:34.
French Guy React to #ProudToBe / Je réagis à la vidéo #ProudToBe - Duration: 8:38.
Hi guys
I know this video is completly different from my channel
But I wanted to react because I dislike hate
I watched this video
I didn't plan to make this video so it's not very well prepared
I made this video mostly for americans
I put subtiltles on the video
Why so much hate in the comments?
Why so much Dislike?
Why so much nastiness? I don't understand
I watched this video
I watched this video several times
To find out if the homosexual community had bad stuff to say about 'straight' people.
and I didn't find any bad stuff
Some people think this video is propaganda
but I don't see it.
This video makes people react and that's the point
A lot of comments say, homosexuals are not really vicitims
and they just like to be considered as victims
but in some countries, homosexuals ARE victims
I read an article in the New York Times
In 2014, homosexuals became the "first" victim before Jewish
It means, before ethnic groups, before religions
The first victims of aggressions was according to their sexual orientations
It's serious, it's important
We can have our own opinion,
we can disagree the sexual opinion of someone
Why so much hate?
Why so much hate? I don't get it
I noticed some comments, we will read them
Youtube had to censure some comments
because they are extreme
Of this point of view,
I can understand the censure from Youtube
The video, at this moment
counts 4 million views in 23 hours
with 170 000 dislikes
for 98 000 likes
The ratio is enormous
The number of dislike is crazy
It's a bad buzz
I saw scary comments from guys who wanted another Orlando attack
Is it normal to post that kind of comments?
In many comments I read, some people ask why homosexuals have the right to have a parade
Homosexuals have fought for their rights, to be themselves,
And they still fighting for it
Maybe it's excessif in USA, i don't know
I'm French, I don't live in America
That's why, let me know in the comments section
personally, i didn't see anything disgusting or shocking
Maybe France is more open mind than USA
but uselly we say: Everything is possible in USA
like the "American Dream"
I saw many comments about people who want a "WHITE man day"
What is the link? I don't get it
In USA, Is there a kind of supremacy of the white human race?
Maybe i'm to much with my words
But I saw a lot of comment like this...
It's frightening
This comment says :
It's crazy how people can like this kind of comments
Look at those guys, there are proud to be homophobic
What is the pride to be homophobic?
and he is from France !
I wrote him back a comment and I hope he will answer
Some people in their comment are to extreme
I'm not surprise about the censure from Youtube
They claim the hate.
This guy try a 'troll' with his comment to defend the white race
but why the white race?
What is the link with the homosexual community?
Why are you excessive like that?
but the worst is 120 people like his comment
120 people are off topic
It's what I said
I see what they think
Why homosexuel and not us?
It's stupid
In our society, everything is appropriate for straight people.
when you have any parade / event in the street,
it's basically for straight people (except Gay Pride)
A parade for homosexual people, doesn't shock me at all.
Homosexuals stood up for their rights, be themselves...
Maybe I'm more open mind than an American personn
but I don't think I'm the only one
Here is what I said about hatefull comment,
Do you realize the level of hatred in this comment?
with 34 likes
34 other people like this humor also
I don't know if it's humor, but anyway, it's serious
As if the Orlando attack was not enough.
Look at this one
Frankly, I would not be botheded by a lot of colors and diversities
Why would you give a shit about it?
Another hateful comment
Do you seriously realize the level of hatred in this kind of comment?
I don't think there was as much gays
but from my point of view, a lot of them didn't assume themselves
and now, it's more 'open mind'.
We have a positive comment
basic answer
Some people say
I'm ok with this, good reason
however, nowadays homosexual community is still victim of aggressions or harassment
It doesn't come from me, it's the statistics
I have nothing to say about people who are proud to be homophobic
too many people follow this kind of comment
This comment says
personnaly, I'm not a transgender
I think, if it's difficult for them to accept themselves,
it's because basicly, society doesn't accept them.
for me it works in this way, not the contrary
It's just my opinion
It was a little video,
nothing to do with my channel
I was working on another video
but when I saw that, I just wanted to react
because I wanted to understant
What do you think about this video, French community?
In your opinion, why so many dislike, reactions of those people, are they normal for you?
You can disagree on something
there are many videos we don't like
but why so many haters for a community?
That's why I made this vithat way, every body can talk about it in comment section
Provided there is no hatred
or I will censor your comments like Youtube
I want you to react, share some opinions
For you, Are these 170 000 dislikes and hate comments are justified?
[/Just a blabla for my french subscribers \]
be against hatred
doesn't hesite to subscribe my channel
I have a lot of video coming
I making a video...
Are you shocked by this video?
Not at all, It's a message of hope, i liked it
I had goosebumps.
Taken (Extended Cut) - Movie - Duration: 1:33:24.
Servicio profesional de subtítulos / Video de muestra (traducción inglés a español) / Linear algebra - Duration: 1:19.
June Favorites - Duration: 2:37.
hey guys
Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman, and Wonder Woman
Orange is the New Black
although how sad is it
so the last two things I have to talk to you go together
her name is Lucy and I've had her since middle school
I said I was going to learn how to play keyboard
you know the drill
here are my June favorites
literally the only movie I saw this month
but it was amazing
if you haven't watched my squealing about Wonder Woman video
I will put a card
it was just so good you guys
so season four of Orphan Black started a couple weeks ago
it is been a trip you guys
but I'm really excited to see how everything wraps up
and I'm glad that they're not drawing this out
into a bajillion and one seasons
like some shows I could mention
and my Netflix jam this month has been season five of
Oh guys it was so good
if you haven't watched it yet
I finished two books this month
go do it
what are you waiting for
The Art of Forgetting by Camille Noe Pagan
and Love Lucy by Lucille Ball
I will be doing a drunk review of this one
I don't really have much to say about Love Lucy
aside from the fact that I learned a lot
not just about Lucille's life
but about the Hollywood movie industry at the time
and did you know
that Ginger Rogers's mom had a theater for aspiring actresses?
yeah I did not either
I finally caved and got a pop vinyl figure
she was on clearance
that the Wonder Woman Merch at Walmart
is already on clearance?
it's still in theaters
I love you, Diana
and neither one of them is new
but I've gotten really dedicated this month
it's my guitar
but I never actually learned how to play
because I'm not very good at self teaching
I've mentioned this before
I've also mentioned Yousician before
well that kind of went out the window
and now I'm learning guitar
I'm not very good but I'm learning
thank you guys for watching
I'm off to play with Lucy
and I will see you next time
[finger snaps] bye
it's the end of the month
so good
Law x Kidd [Doujinshi Yaoi] - Love Lock - [FR] /-18\ ♂♂ - Duration: 4:27.
If You Eat Just One Avocado Everyday - Here's The Effects On Your Body for Eat Avocado - Duration: 2:27.
eat avocado everyday eat avocado everyday
eat avocado everyday eat avocado everyday
eat avocado everyday
If You Take A Spoonful of Honey Before Bed, See What Happens to Your Body - Duration: 4:11.
a spoonful of honey a day benefits a spoonful of honey a day benefits
a spoonful of honey a day benefits a spoonful of honey a day benefits
I'm not sorted | daily sprout 274 - Duration: 0:26.
What is wrong? (5) (Grammar Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:49.
Hi, everyone!
Welcome back to ForB English.
I'm Gabriella and you're watching "What is wrong?"
So I'm going to say a sentence and you need to check what the mistakes are.
There are two mistakes in this sentence.
Are you ready?
He speaks Germany and she speaks Italy.
I'll say that again.
He speaks Germany and she speaks Italy.
So what is wrong with this sentence?
Let me repeat that a little bit more slowly.
Are you ready?
He speaks Germany and she speaks Italy.
He speaks Germany and she speaks Italy.
So have you found the mistakes yet?
Let's take a look at the actual sentence as I say it.
So the sentence is "He speaks Germany and she speaks Italy."
Can you find the mistakes?
The mistakes are "Germany" and "Italy".
Do you know why?
Well, it's because they are country names and not languages,
so for example "Germany" is the country, but the language is "German".
"Italy" is the country, but the language is "Italian".
So the correct sentence would be "He speaks German and she speaks Italian."
Let's practice this phrase together now, using the correct language terms
and not the country names.
Please repeat after me.
He speaks German and she speaks Italian.
Excellent and one more time!
He speaks German and she speaks Italian.
Great job!
Thank you very much for watching.
You're watching the "What's wrong?" series at ForB English and I'm Gabriella.
Please like, share and subscribe.
See you next time!
Lifting the Veil Report #11 — Hope for Humanity - Duration: 14:47.
Lifting the Veil Report #11 � Hope for Humanity
Reshaping a world without American Cabal Corporate Hegemony, posing as a Government fronting
only the Pariah Deep State, incalculable Fraud, or Zionists Banksters.
We need Hope for Humanity, once clear of the Beltway and Jesuit Beast.
World Independence � FROM the Cabal Day?
Putting back!
Our world is now power shape-shifting, but to where?
History is profound, and one thing is constant.
All Empires end.
Usually badly, because lacking Hubris, Elites never see it coming.
America�s uncultured predatory Klutz Elites Post collapse, will see even less.
Was ever such an evil and truly vile Deep State Cabal ever more deserving of ruin.
In Global dynamics, the Deep State simply fails to factor in that 350M can no longer
bully and seek to control 7 Billion.
A hegemony empire which will leave behind little apart from McDonald�s when implosion
A vacuum of ignominy.
Zero Culture.
How do we help them reintegrate, not disintegrate.
It�s going to be tough for the world�s perception of Billy No Mates as the world
polarises towards Eurasia.
Only the evolved cultural associations of mutual trade and civilised values offer a
trade recovery lifeline, as they did post the British Empire failure.
Global family links and The Commonwealth saved them, by retaining the Banking and Foreign
Exchange powers of the Financial City of London.
Money made the world go around, with London as its Epicenter.
Yet it still is the Epicenter of all Global Financing and Foreign Exchange.
The Culture Capital of the world, owned by no one, inclusive for all to coexist.
A Revolution of minds.
Emergent new thinking.
A Homogeneous society which simply gets on together.
Because we can!
So apart from mass ignorance, what else is going so wrong in a world of Human Beings
where man�s inhumanity plumbs to new lows.
Where pernicious Cults pass as Religions, Kiddy fiddlers rule the Vatican, Priests pray
on children, and the Muslims follow a certified Mad Pedo with ever escalating violence . It�s
time you all stood up and asked � What is truth?
2 to 5,000 year old convoluted fables?
Work it out, it�s mainly all BS!
Carnal houses conning you.
Mans time of dark ignorance needs to end.
You are the protector and Steward of your own Soul, so why would you willingly entrust
that and your children�s to deluded and conniving Bar � stewards in silly dresses?
Smell the sulfur.
How then, following the economic collapse of the old British Empire, did this nation
survive and maintain both its culture and economy?
Mainly, Trust, Goodwill and Cultural values.
Britain�s Public School Educational system was the envy of the world, being used by leading
Colonial Power Families to educate their own children, boarding out with Britain�s own
aristocracy, and its Merchant Banks were entrusted to help and shape new Global emerging powerhouses.
Public schools forged new Dynasty chains.
Unique privileged access and allegiances.
America, devoid of real Culture, has none of this.
The shifting sands of time has left no foundation.
Too late now.
Ambulance chasing a departing bus saddled down with US defaulted debt ledgers is a big
Nations do not forgive arrogant cheats and liars.
Especially one when seen to be in such a visible death spiral.
Where is the so much needed Global Leadership, as all now seems to be predicated only upon
the coming Eurasia.
Is now a time to be seeking the release of higher Human Consciousness and new ideals?
While we give no full credence to multiple blog sites and articles, it�s well worth
going by Google into such sites as to be claiming interaction with Higher Ascended Soul civilisations
such as the Arcturians and others, then expanding out.
Do the research and follow the tracks.
It�s going to be a whole new journey of enlightenment for you.
One worth making.
Step into Star consciousness.
Think Cosmic realities.
What are values we need as a Collective mankind, when whole Political hierarchies are now proving
truly inept, corrupt and useless.
So much research merits reading.
How do we retrack humanity?
Self help.
It�s an interesting journey with far better answers.
NASA itself is on the very verge of disclosure to announce the ET communications established,
the visitations and impending arrivals.
Also the multidimensional visitations, and ethereal variations of Cosmic forces.
The FBI already has disclosure briefings in place, but the usual CIA intransigency is
in play protecting Cabal Deep State domains.
Unfortunately with a Chump like Trump, sophisticated Leadership will not be availed via that comb-over
Klutz, when disclosure comes.
For the ET�s it will be on a par with meeting a Space Monkey in a suit.
America needs to be looking at the next intellectually endowed President.
The Chump was only ever a Hillary blocker.
The emergence of the new Train and Rail track Systems bringing goods overland from Beijing
to London, heralds a whole new Cultural epoch in emergent civilisations.
Who needs malcontents or Machiavellian mischief from the Halls of DC Agency mischief.
Regime changes dictated by DC are ending.
As are US alliances.
America is fast becoming Passe.
Emergent nations are doing so, bypassing America.
Rather like stepping by a poop scoop.
With emergent alternative Gold backed currencies and barter level trade exchange models, and
fast incoming blockchains, who needs to deal with an ageing and failing Industrial nation
who lost their pot, and the plot, in the Casinos of life?
There is no despised Defaulter Credit Trading lifeline when on the way down.
Just the waiting knives and payback.
The Pond divides America from all trading continents.
Simmering discontent more so.
People are finding a way now to dislodge the parasitic suits.
No to taxes.
No to the State.
No to Bank tyrannies.
No to tracking where the youth of today using fast evolving technology will just simply
slip all leashes, dump the flea pack, and live fast and loose.
The parasites cannot survive without you and all their laws are for them not you.
None are thinking forward to evolve humanity.
Only how more to encroach upon it.
Think for yourself.
Already America is now passing Laws to make all cash and asset holding illegal and subject
to total confiscation unless declared.
Wake up, these Bastards want to steal the lot as their tyranny ends!
Wake up!
We need to remove all Churches from School control, and tax them as the businesses they
Any Corporate Educating Company caught molesting its students would lose its license to operate
and be closed down, jailing all those responsible.
So then why not close the worst offenders of all, the false churches?
We live in a world where we can put a man on the moon, send explorer rockets to the
Stars, circle Saturn and reach out to the Universe.
Yet we cannot build a bridge between nations?
But we can build a Trump or an Israe-Hell wall to divide all?
Is this evolving as a species?
We have vast Space Radar investments trying to reach out and communicate with any far
reaching Cosmic life forms.
Yet none it seems dedicated to reaching out to the most important life forms of all, each
We are still as divided as Abel and Cain, but with ever more sophisticated ways to kill
each other.
A world is waiting in limbo for a GS restrained by malcontents, and the usual shape-shifting
Zionist / Jewish Banking shysters.
A world is denied while this �We are Special� mistracked bunch of Kazakhs play their usual
games with Goyim lives.
Until it costs them theirs.
After 5,800 years it is clear, they will never learn.
So we must.
The danger with a sad Cult like Judaism, is that their children are brainwashed from birth,
inheriting a Mantra of clear division, and a Kleptomaniac ethos.
It�s all acquisition with no cultural vision.
The end games is always an Exodus, whether Egypt, banishment from most European nations
for centuries, Hitler�s Camps, the Gulags in Russia, or those yet to come.
Their venal, inhumane and psychotic cruelty to Palestinians, earns them no friends, and
their Coven malpractice in America typifies a world left to their delusional entreaties.
Their sexual degeneracy in Hollywood and Epstein�s vile, sordid Island, projects an all too common
image of their predatory, seedy practices.
As they own the media, what exposure?
Truth denied, their morality lied.
Eurasia will tolerate none of it, and with the might of the world�s largest Economic
and Military power being assembled, a Governing assembly forewarned of the malpractices and
Oligopoly tactics of this Sect, will have none of it.
They will either assimilate, or face viral consequences.
This predatory Cult has gone far enough.
From Egyptian stonemasons and Tribal Craft scheming Gypsies Dogs, to our 21st century
version of still not refined, just better educated Armani or Gucci suited and booted
Gypsies dogs.
Proof, dress a Mutt but it�s still a Mutt.
Only higher family education focus has kept the Mutt pool in the game.
Look at the sheer scale of Jewish inbreeding genetic abnormalities.
Yet no Heads Up to Abraham?
America is a stark example warning to Eurasia of the iniquities of this species if left
unchecked, and consequences for nations once they assume control, as with America.
This can be such a ruthless, parasitical, deviant and divisive Sect.
One Eurasia must and will remove.
All in pursuit of Nutter Yahoos and Nutter Abraham�s deranged fantasies.
Psychotic malcontents.
Yet no one dares call them out.
A world divided with their cynical contempt for Goyims.
So much brutal ignorance, arrogance, contempt for Brother man, and such cruelty is practised
in Israel.
Their cynical abuse of America�s goodwill is sad to observe.
As is this profane manipulated Congressional Oath of Allegiance to this despotic Kazakh
Cult, with its so many despicable perversions, and profane tendencies.
Good Americans real future, needs to be interfaced now under the Commonwealth alongside their
Colonial Cousin Brits.
Trade benefits, Cultural links, and joint participants in contributing towards a sophisticated,
Science driven, Ethereal new world.
America has significant talents, why waste it?
Even Russia has a sound core Orthodox religious base and good base values.
All nations have �issues� but both Russia and China have well educated populations and
strong pact bonds.
Put simply, in the new, emerging Globally educated, scientific accomplished nations,
there simply is neither a place, nor room, for Jewish chicanery and their Oligopoly practices.
Family values Yes, but the Goyim delusion will be their undoing.
Divided, they will not stand.
As 6 Million were force marched to the Nazi camps, where was their Special Bond with God?
As is this sad and mythical Bond nonsense.
Time to grow up, review the insanity of Abraham, and reintegrate with humanity.
Time to shave off the circumcising Shivas!
A truly barbaric, Blood Cult practice.
There are no Goyims, just Fellow man.
There are no worse Zealots than blind Bigots.
The sordid, misguided misfits of Zionism is worse.
The US Treasury and US Federal Reserve, reeks of malpractice.
Ever more so the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, with its Foreign Ownership, Tax Evasion
and Audit Evasions, geared more to mask its blatant criminality.
A Kleptocracy of vanity
Why is all American money held , issued and manipulated by a Jewish only Federal Cabal?
Try such an Anti Trust Oligopoly on them and they will all screaming blue murder and head
banging at the Wailing Wall.
It�s long overdue time America heads were banged together to stop that blatant Bankster
Chicanery, and the lot outed!
Truly, it�s now time for Humanity to wake up, wise up and grow up!
Get Real!
Post the NASA releases all will change.
Mans wake up call.
A vortex spiral for the churches, and the singularity call
for mankind.
And we worry only for RV�s?
Mookie Firebrand Smoke sesh Live Stream - Duration: 44:03.
"Captain Planet" breaks - Duration: 10:39.
Learn COLOR MotorCycles JUMPING into the water with Superhero ! Funny 3D Cartoon for kids and babies - Duration: 2:05.
Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
French Guy React to #ProudToBe / Je réagis à la vidéo #ProudToBe - Duration: 8:38.
Hi guys
I know this video is completly different from my channel
But I wanted to react because I dislike hate
I watched this video
I didn't plan to make this video so it's not very well prepared
I made this video mostly for americans
I put subtiltles on the video
Why so much hate in the comments?
Why so much Dislike?
Why so much nastiness? I don't understand
I watched this video
I watched this video several times
To find out if the homosexual community had bad stuff to say about 'straight' people.
and I didn't find any bad stuff
Some people think this video is propaganda
but I don't see it.
This video makes people react and that's the point
A lot of comments say, homosexuals are not really vicitims
and they just like to be considered as victims
but in some countries, homosexuals ARE victims
I read an article in the New York Times
In 2014, homosexuals became the "first" victim before Jewish
It means, before ethnic groups, before religions
The first victims of aggressions was according to their sexual orientations
It's serious, it's important
We can have our own opinion,
we can disagree the sexual opinion of someone
Why so much hate?
Why so much hate? I don't get it
I noticed some comments, we will read them
Youtube had to censure some comments
because they are extreme
Of this point of view,
I can understand the censure from Youtube
The video, at this moment
counts 4 million views in 23 hours
with 170 000 dislikes
for 98 000 likes
The ratio is enormous
The number of dislike is crazy
It's a bad buzz
I saw scary comments from guys who wanted another Orlando attack
Is it normal to post that kind of comments?
In many comments I read, some people ask why homosexuals have the right to have a parade
Homosexuals have fought for their rights, to be themselves,
And they still fighting for it
Maybe it's excessif in USA, i don't know
I'm French, I don't live in America
That's why, let me know in the comments section
personally, i didn't see anything disgusting or shocking
Maybe France is more open mind than USA
but uselly we say: Everything is possible in USA
like the "American Dream"
I saw many comments about people who want a "WHITE man day"
What is the link? I don't get it
In USA, Is there a kind of supremacy of the white human race?
Maybe i'm to much with my words
But I saw a lot of comment like this...
It's frightening
This comment says :
It's crazy how people can like this kind of comments
Look at those guys, there are proud to be homophobic
What is the pride to be homophobic?
and he is from France !
I wrote him back a comment and I hope he will answer
Some people in their comment are to extreme
I'm not surprise about the censure from Youtube
They claim the hate.
This guy try a 'troll' with his comment to defend the white race
but why the white race?
What is the link with the homosexual community?
Why are you excessive like that?
but the worst is 120 people like his comment
120 people are off topic
It's what I said
I see what they think
Why homosexuel and not us?
It's stupid
In our society, everything is appropriate for straight people.
when you have any parade / event in the street,
it's basically for straight people (except Gay Pride)
A parade for homosexual people, doesn't shock me at all.
Homosexuals stood up for their rights, be themselves...
Maybe I'm more open mind than an American personn
but I don't think I'm the only one
Here is what I said about hatefull comment,
Do you realize the level of hatred in this comment?
with 34 likes
34 other people like this humor also
I don't know if it's humor, but anyway, it's serious
As if the Orlando attack was not enough.
Look at this one
Frankly, I would not be botheded by a lot of colors and diversities
Why would you give a shit about it?
Another hateful comment
Do you seriously realize the level of hatred in this kind of comment?
I don't think there was as much gays
but from my point of view, a lot of them didn't assume themselves
and now, it's more 'open mind'.
We have a positive comment
basic answer
Some people say
I'm ok with this, good reason
however, nowadays homosexual community is still victim of aggressions or harassment
It doesn't come from me, it's the statistics
I have nothing to say about people who are proud to be homophobic
too many people follow this kind of comment
This comment says
personnaly, I'm not a transgender
I think, if it's difficult for them to accept themselves,
it's because basicly, society doesn't accept them.
for me it works in this way, not the contrary
It's just my opinion
It was a little video,
nothing to do with my channel
I was working on another video
but when I saw that, I just wanted to react
because I wanted to understant
What do you think about this video, French community?
In your opinion, why so many dislike, reactions of those people, are they normal for you?
You can disagree on something
there are many videos we don't like
but why so many haters for a community?
That's why I made this vithat way, every body can talk about it in comment section
Provided there is no hatred
or I will censor your comments like Youtube
I want you to react, share some opinions
For you, Are these 170 000 dislikes and hate comments are justified?
[/Just a blabla for my french subscribers \]
be against hatred
doesn't hesite to subscribe my channel
I have a lot of video coming
I making a video...
Are you shocked by this video?
Not at all, It's a message of hope, i liked it
I had goosebumps.
Taken (Extended Cut) - Movie - Duration: 1:33:24.
February 3rd, 1959 - Duration: 7:21.
[Song: Sleepwalk]
February 3rd, 1959 was the day culture took a drastic step in a different direction, the
day the innocence of the early rock and roll generation had come to an end, the day the
music died. ♫Para bailar la bamba!♫
On a cold winter night in Clear Lake, Iowa, rock and roll singing stars Buddy Holly, Ritchie
Valens, and J. P. "the Big Bopper" Richardson were continuing their music tour across the
Midwest United States known as "the Winter Dance Party" attending the Surf Ballroom.
Due to fierce weather conditions and difficulties operating their travel bus, a plane was chartered
to take them to their next destination instead. They departed at 12:55 am on the early hours
of February 3rd. The plane crashed just minutes after takeoff,
landing in a corn field 5 miles away from Mason City, leaving behind no survivors. The
scene was discovered at around 9:30 am by the owner of the Dwyer Flying Service Company,
which operated the flight. There were no witnesses. The significance of this incident stretched
far beyond the end of the rock and roll music era and made news around the country. The
implication of these three musician's death on the same day hailed in not only the death
of an era of music, but marked the end of a decade of stylistically unique American
culture. It was the quintessential end of the 1950s. ♫I had a girl!♫
Without any first account bystanders present for the tragic event, no certain conclusions
can be made about the cause of the crash. The most widely accepted theory is that the
plane crashed due to pilot error and spatial disorientation due to the snowy weather that
night. The pilot, Roger Peterson, was not officially qualified to fly in visually challenging
conditions and likely took flight beyond his certified limitations. Peterson had received
multiple weather forecast reports hours before takeoff, and despite warnings of lowering
cloud base, strong winds, and heavy snowfall, continued the flight anyway. If he was unable
to perform the duties that VFR flight required, a misinterpretation of the plane's altitude
and direction may very well have solely resulted in a crash.
While this conjecture has been overall deemed true, theorists also speculate about other
possibilities of a more grim and strange cause of the incident, due in particular to an unusual
piece of evidence recovered from the site. About two months after the crash happened,
a .22 caliber pistol was found in the residual wreckage. It was also observed that this gun
had been fired more than once. Serial numbers verified that the gun in fact belonged to
Buddy Holly. A popular theory arose that an accidental firing from the gun could have
caused a sudden panic and led to an unexpected crash when the plane was in flight.
Another theory poses the idea that J.P. Richardson survived the initial crash, and went looking
for help, and was shot. This takes into consideration that Richardson's body was in fact the farthest
from the scene, appearing over 30 feet away from the wreckage and the other three bodies.
People have questioned whether this crash was solely a tragic accident, or a murder
case as well. In 2007, Richardson's casket was exhumed for reburial in the monument section
of the Forest Lawn cemetery. The Richardson family thought this would be the perfect time
to find the true answer to this long told legend. During the exhumation process, forensic
anthropologist William Bass performed an autopsy and discussed his findings. "Okay, so we have
to change this. Let's do an x-ray autopsy of him. We got the body out of the casket
and we x-rayed from the top of the skull to the bottom of the feet. He is fractured from
the top of the skull, to the bottom of the feet. There were probably, 200 fractures in
that body. Both legs broken across and, um, fractures in the skull and the face and so
forth. There's no way he could have survived and there's no indication of a gunshot wound.
So, I was able to answer both of them." These discoveries bring us much closer to the truth,
though they might not entirely invalidate the possibility of gunplay being involved.
There isn't any evidence that backs up or disproves the notion that an accidental firearm
discharge occurred midflight, not necessarily wounding anyone, but potentially crashing
the plane. There are just too many questions that haven't been answered.
In March of 2015, a petition was brought to the National Transportation Safety Board to
reopen the investigation of the event. The request was made by former pilot L. J. Coon,
who came up with his own theories on the failure of the flight. Based on his experiences in
aviation, he suggested the possibility of problems with the plane's rudder and fuel
system, as well as weight imbalances. Unfortunately, this petition was turned down, and the case
was not reinstated. Ritchie Valens. Jyles Richardson. Roger Peterson.
Buddy Holly. In a single day these names became etched onto a special part of the American
consciousness, perhaps for eternity, perhaps not to fade away. ♫You're mine! And we belong
together!♫ ♫Ah ah ah ah!♫ ♫Yes we belong together♫ ♫Oh oh oh oh♫ ♫For
enternity! Eterni-ternity!♫
Arsenal fall just short in Pedro Neto bid as Barcelona prepare offer - Duration: 2:14.
Arsenal fall just short in Pedro Neto bid as Barcelona prepare offer
The 17-year-old has attracted strong interest from the Gunners who appear to have made their move. Winger Neto, who can play across the frontline, has a buyout clause of £17.6million.
And according to Portuguese newspaper A Bola, Arsenal have tabled £13.2m to Braga. But that has been rebuffed, with Barcelona and Manchester United also in the hunt.
Following Arsenal's rejected offer, the Catalan giants are expected to put forward a bigger proposal. However, that fee may still not match his release clause.
A Bola add that Braga are unwilling to sell for less than the fixed fee in Neto's contract. While Barcelona have been tracking the youngster for years, United boss Jose Mourinho also carries a keen interest.
The Mirror claim Neto's compatriot at Old Trafford believes he will be a future superstar. United have not made a bid of their own but Mourinho is continuing to watch him closely.
It is said Monaco could swoop too, having helped Bernardo Silva progress in France. And the Ligue 1 club are more likely to offer Neto chances of first-team football.
With Barcelona ready to outbid Arsenal though, Arsene Wenger could return with another offer.
20 Things Highly Intelligent People Don't Do - Duration: 22:07.
Farming Simulator 17 BLACKHAMMER KEMPER 2020 Cutter - Duration: 12:02.
HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You a Very Fast Multi Cutter The BLACKHAMMER KEMPER 2020 Cutter.
BLACKHAMMER KEMPER 2020 Cutter Can Cut Grass Colorable 20m Working Width 35Km/h Working Speed I have done a lot of work with a tool like that at FS 15
I will choose this Green It is Fix With the harvester
To test the Cuter I will use the KRONE BIG X 1100 From KRONE BIG X PACK NLD MAN TGS 18 480 And The My own Upgaded KRAMPE SB30 60 Tipper 250.000 Capacity
I will use the follow me mod To let the truck follow the harvester at right distance The Adjustments is 4.5 right and 0.2 back If you cannot adust the follow me mod less than <<5>> per time Keep pushed the (RIGHT CTRL + A or S ) key and you will see That the distance change by 1 per time ( Same for A or D )
I will PAUSE the follow me mod until the harvester make the turn and take position again. TO PAUSE THE FOLLOW ME MOD USE THE ''RIGHT CTRL + H KEY"" USE SAME KEYS TO RESUME THE TASK.
What is this black smoke !!!!
It is come from the John Deere Loader This is V2 Version And as you can see it is works fine :p
More than 1 million chaff at the silage silo At last I will make the Final video of Smoother silage ever Series. Stay tuned...
Let's see if the loader catch fire hahaha
It's seems fine
If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb
June Favorites - Duration: 2:37.
hey guys
Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman, and Wonder Woman
Orange is the New Black
although how sad is it
so the last two things I have to talk to you go together
her name is Lucy and I've had her since middle school
I said I was going to learn how to play keyboard
you know the drill
here are my June favorites
literally the only movie I saw this month
but it was amazing
if you haven't watched my squealing about Wonder Woman video
I will put a card
it was just so good you guys
so season four of Orphan Black started a couple weeks ago
it is been a trip you guys
but I'm really excited to see how everything wraps up
and I'm glad that they're not drawing this out
into a bajillion and one seasons
like some shows I could mention
and my Netflix jam this month has been season five of
Oh guys it was so good
if you haven't watched it yet
I finished two books this month
go do it
what are you waiting for
The Art of Forgetting by Camille Noe Pagan
and Love Lucy by Lucille Ball
I will be doing a drunk review of this one
I don't really have much to say about Love Lucy
aside from the fact that I learned a lot
not just about Lucille's life
but about the Hollywood movie industry at the time
and did you know
that Ginger Rogers's mom had a theater for aspiring actresses?
yeah I did not either
I finally caved and got a pop vinyl figure
she was on clearance
that the Wonder Woman Merch at Walmart
is already on clearance?
it's still in theaters
I love you, Diana
and neither one of them is new
but I've gotten really dedicated this month
it's my guitar
but I never actually learned how to play
because I'm not very good at self teaching
I've mentioned this before
I've also mentioned Yousician before
well that kind of went out the window
and now I'm learning guitar
I'm not very good but I'm learning
thank you guys for watching
I'm off to play with Lucy
and I will see you next time
[finger snaps] bye
it's the end of the month
so good
9 Things You Need To Stop Doing If You Want To Be Successful - Duration: 12:01.
9 Things You Need To Stop Doing If You Want To Be Successful
Earl Nightingale, American motivational speaker and author, once said, "We become what we
think about."
Perhaps truer words have never been spoken.
The human mind is an incredible thing, and having the right attitude and mindset has
routinely been stated by numerous successful people as being a pivotal key to success.
Sometimes, however, it is easy to get side-tracked.
Situations in life can get in the way of our goals, self-esteem, and personal well being.
Truthfully, success is a subjective term, and everyone will disagree over what constitutes
being successful.
In this video, I'm going to show you 9 things you need to stop doing if you want to be successful.
But before we start, make sure to like this video and subscribe our channel so you won't
miss any interesting updates in the future guys!
So, here are 9 things you need to stop doing if you want to be successful.
Stop Expecting Perfection
Often, we get frustrated when things don't work out the way we want them to, or as quickly
as we'd like them to.
We stress over small details, or beat ourselves up for getting one thing wrong, or forgetting
to dot one I or cross one T. People are fallible.
Mistakes and drawbacks are a fact of life.
Nothing is nor will it ever be perfect, and that's okay.
Stressing out over minute details or things that would have been impossible to get to
is unproductive and unhealthy.
Start saying that you will do your personal best, because at the end of the day, you're
not in competition with anyone but yourself.
Example: Jennifer Lawrence is someone who everyone seems to be talking about right now,
but did you know she was rejected for the role of Bella Swan in 'Twilight'?
She also didn't take theater classes.
She just trusted her instincts and worked as hard as possible to land acting roles.
Obviously, she wasn't perfect for every role, but she didn't expect perfection.
She takes her failures and rejections well, trying to learn from each situation.
Stop Saying Yes When You Want to Say No
It's always important to know your limits, and people will always try to test them.
Human beings are social animals.
We want to interact with others and feel like we are a part of something or like we are
special to someone else.
People also, for the most part, like to please others.
Sometimes, however, it's easy to be taken advantage of.
Whether it's helping a co-worker with something when you can't really afford to, or loaning
a friend money you can't really afford to give.
Out of guilt, people often say yes to people and situations that they really should say
no to.
Don't be afraid to trust your gut and say no.
Sometimes you can't stay a few hours later because you had other plans or important errands
to run.
Sometimes it's okay to say no to that co-worker that keeps nagging you for help but is really
just stalling because they don't want to work and know you'll help them.
Sometimes it's okay to prioritize other things over work.
Saying no is healthy.
Saying no means that you know your boundaries and can demand respect.
Example: Margaret Thatcher is known as being tough.
She was a powerful politician.
She also knew during her career when she had to take a stand, and sometimes that stand
meant saying no to bad political and economic policy.
Stop Negative Self-Dialogue
We all can probably play back in our minds every negative or embarrassing thing we've
ever done to ourselves, been subjected to, or done to someone else.
Whether it's tripping over one's shoelaces in the fourth grade, or being fired from a
job, wronging someone else, or overhearing someone speaking negatively about us, those
thoughts are forever solidified in our minds.
Replaying those thoughts, however, and constantly punishing oneself for past mistakes, is counterproductive
at certain points.
At some point, it's more important to learn from situations and move on, instead of psychologically
beating yourself up.
The next time you find yourself saying, "I'm not pretty enough", "I did this horrible
thing once five years ago and I'll never forgive myself", or any type of statement
along those lines, turn off that negative self-dialogue.
Look in the mirror and say something kind to yourself.
Read some inspirational quotes.
Acknowledge that you are taking steps and making an effort to be a better person.
Admit to yourself that everyone makes mistakes, and most importantly, that making mistakes
is okay.
Example: This video does a good job of listing Steve Job's failures.
We remember him anyway, and we remember him as a pioneer and someone who didn't give
When things go wrong, and they often do, it's easy for us to remember every mistake we have
ever made along the way.
Sometimes it's easy to lose sight of our goals because of that lack of confidence.
Don't give up and attempt to stay positive.
Train your brain to think of things in a new, more positive way.
Most of all, keep working hard.
Failure doesn't have to be permanent.
Stop Focusing On Just Today
Successful people tend to understand the value of a good plan.
They plan out their day, their goals, a budget and they plan how much to save for retirement.
That doesn't mean they don't have fun, though.
They most certainly do!
They just make sure to plan when it is appropriate and inappropriate to have fun.
They make time for productivity and fun, but still save and think about the future.
So, stop just focusing on today and having fun.
Think about where you want to be in five, 10 or 15 years down the road!
Having a good focus aids in success!
Example: Neil deGrasse Tyson has been in love with the universe and science since he was
nine years old.
Because of that love, he worked long-term to study the things he cared about.
He was accepted into Harvard where he majored in physics, eventually moving on to advanced
His list of accomplishments would take up another full article in and of itself.
Stop Ignoring Your Goals
Stop believing things will just work out for you because you're a good person.
Good things only happen to people who make an effort.
A part of making an effort is setting goals for oneself.
As evidenced in the previous point, it's not enough to just focus on the day at hand.
It's important to manage time and set short-term and long-term goals in order to be able to
track progress and have something to strive for.
Example: Alan Turing is considered the father of artificial intelligence and computers.
He also broke the code to the Nazi encryption machine called Enigma.
He faced many challenges along the way, such as the inability to identify with others and
being charged with indecency, for which he was eventually pardoned.
Despite his personal struggles, though, he managed to break the code for Enigma, saving
approximately 14 million people from death and in turn helped end World War 2.
Stop Isolating People
Successful people understand that not everything is about work, church or similar obligations.
Some things are about family, relaxation, and hobbies.
It's easy to get the impression that everyone who feels or defines themselves as successful
probably has no spare time on their hands, and in some cases, that's true.
However, it isn't always.
Social isolation can kill people.
In fact, many successful people have mastered the art of balance.
They don't isolate the people they love because they have large goals or something
they want to accomplish.
Instead, they incorporate those they love into their goals and hobbies.
Example: According to a recent Forbes article, many leaders feel lonely.
It's okay to know how to work alone and prefer that, but it's also important to
be able to rely on your staff, friends, and family for support.
Involving people in leadership or product processes makes them feel valued and provides
valuable feedback.
Successful people enjoy that relationship.
They also enjoy their time away from their goals and work to spend time with their loved
Stop Comparing Yourself To Everyone Else
Successful people understand that the only person they can compete with today is the
person they were yesterday.
They are too focused on themselves and their goals to worry about anyone else.
They don't want to compare themselves to others because it's counterproductive.
However, they do analyze where they have weak points and are able to genuinely admire people
who have mastered things they have not.
There is no use to comparing yourself to someone else.
It's counterproductive and harmful to your self-esteem.
It also helps to harbor negative self-dialogue.
Example: Taylor Swift is one of the most successful recording artists of our time, but before
that, she was a struggling musician in Nashville playing at small venues and coffee shops.
She would turn in demos to various studios, covering a variety of songs.
It was only when she started playing and writing her own music that she got noticed and became
the celebrity she is today.
She faced a lot of adversity as well.
There were people who doubted her skills and told her she couldn't sing.
Her confidence and faith in herself overcame that.
Stop Living In The Past
Successful people learn from their failures, but they do not live in the past.
They take the skills and lessons they acquired from their failures and apply them to the
present and future.
Don't live in your own personal past.
Don't define yourself by who you were.
Define yourself by who you are today and by who you're working toward becoming.
Example: Would we even remember Thomas Edison if he gave up on his ideas before becoming
Can you imagine simply focusing on what happened yesterday?
So what if yesterday was a failure?
Try again!
Failure teaches us about what doesn't work, and helps us get closer to a process that
does work.
Choose your attitude and control it.
Move forward.
Remember, failure is feedback.
Stop Tolerating Dishonest People
Successful people appreciate other people for their unique traits and gifts.
They do not attempt to harm, belittle, or in any way demean others for their own successes
or ideas.
They are open to relationships with others, but know when to cut the cord, so to speak.
People can be too forgiving when it comes to being wronged, and it's important to
know one's limits.
Successful people do not tolerate negative and dishonest people, because they are too
busy loving honest, sincere people.
Example: Everyone.
We have all had frenemies.
We have all invested in people who did not return our investment in them.
Successful people know how to weed these dishonest people out.
No one wants unneeded negativity around themselves or around the people they love.
Well, that's the 9 things you need to stop doing if you want to be successful.
Really cool information isn't it?
Leave us a comment down below and let us know what your thought of this video.
Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel, thanks
for watching!
Weekend Reflection - July 2, 2017 - Duration: 2:21.
(peaceful music)
- Hello everyone and welcome to our weekend reflection,
brought to you by Spirit Juice Studios.
This week in the 10th chapter of Matthew,
Jesus has some challenging words for all of us.
"Whoever loves father or mother more than me
"is not worthy of me.
"Whoever loves son or daughter more than me
"is not worthy of me.
"Unless you take up your cross and follow me,
"you are not worthy of me.
"If you find your life, then you're gonna lose it.
"But if you lose your life for my sake,
"then you will find it."
It's shocking, especially in Jesus' time
whenever his audience is strongly Jewish
and blood ties, family ties are everything.
And that would be striking and shocking.
But of course Jesus was saying it to make a point.
There is something different about him.
Jesus is just not some religious leader.
He is indeed who he says he is.
He is the son of God, coequal with the father.
When he said to Phillip, "When you've seen me,
"you've seen the father." he revealed everything.
And he calls us to take up our cross
and to follow after him and to love him above all else.
To give him everything.
I remember when I was younger,
before I found my vocation to the priesthood,
those words of whoever finds his life will lose it,
but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
I found that very intimidating as a young man.
Because I had dreams and aspirations
and things that I wanted to be
and I was scared to ask God what he wanted me to do
because I thought that it wouldn't be any fun
or that it wouldn't be fulfilling.
But it's the opposite, and that's the paradox
that Jesus give us.
If you lose your life for my sake you will find it.
Putting Jesus on the throne of our hearts
is where we find our life.
It's where we find our true selves.
It's where we find the great adventure that we can live out.
I tell my people all the time,
that there is this principle that you can never outgive God.
If you're at a crossroads or maybe you're struggling,
wherever you are in your life,
give yourself completely to the Lord.
If you lose what you think life is about,
Jesus will give you the true definition of life.
He will make your life the great adventure.
Carrying your cross for Jesus
is the truest way to live in this world.
And it leads to eternal life.
渡部秀、プライベート韓国旅行にマネージャーがついてきてしまう - Duration: 3:14.
前田希美、事務所移籍で新たな挑戦「卒業も考えてしまう」Popteen最年長としての思いとは<モデルプレスインタビュー> - Duration: 10:12.
元KAT-TUN田中聖、不起訴処分となり謝罪<コメント全文> - Duration: 2:29.
Dalla vostra parte -''CHIUDETE I PORTI AGLI IMMIGRATI '' KARABOUE ''UN IPOTESI FOLLE'' - Duration: 10:09.
ITS TIME!! - Duration: 0:11.
Hey guys I'm starting this channel for Brawl Stars, Console Games and even more! Sometimes (first few months or so) ill be busy so I wont get to upload. Anyways vote in the poll or tell me down below. Byeee!
Get Your Winning Numbers N...
Farming Simulator 17 BLACKHAMMER KEMPER 2020 Cutter - Duration: 12:02.
HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You a Very Fast Multi Cutter The BLACKHAMMER KEMPER 2020 Cutter.
BLACKHAMMER KEMPER 2020 Cutter Can Cut Grass Colorable 20m Working Width 35Km/h Working Speed I have done a lot of work with a tool like that at FS 15
I will choose this Green It is Fix With the harvester
To test the Cuter I will use the KRONE BIG X 1100 From KRONE BIG X PACK NLD MAN TGS 18 480 And The My own Upgaded KRAMPE SB30 60 Tipper 250.000 Capacity
I will use the follow me mod To let the truck follow the harvester at right distance The Adjustments is 4.5 right and 0.2 back If you cannot adust the follow me mod less than <<5>> per time Keep pushed the (RIGHT CTRL + A or S ) key and you will see That the distance change by 1 per time ( Same for A or D )
I will PAUSE the follow me mod until the harvester make the turn and take position again. TO PAUSE THE FOLLOW ME MOD USE THE ''RIGHT CTRL + H KEY"" USE SAME KEYS TO RESUME THE TASK.
What is this black smoke !!!!
It is come from the John Deere Loader This is V2 Version And as you can see it is works fine :p
More than 1 million chaff at the silage silo At last I will make the Final video of Smoother silage ever Series. Stay tuned...
Let's see if the loader catch fire hahaha
It's seems fine
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