The onion is a vegetable very used in the kitchen but besides having that strong flavor
and smell that characterizes it, it has different medicinal properties that can be used
both to treat external and internal conditions, today in todo en salud we will show you
how to extract the Juice of the onion and the external uses that we can give to this juice.
To begin we must take a previously washed onion, then we cut it in pieces, now
we take a grater and we pass each one of the pieces of onion by this one,
Onion juice contains a compound known as organo-sulfur which is believed to fight
cancer, also contains vitamin C, potassium, folic acid and magnesium.
When we finish to pass the pieces of onion by the grater, we put a cheesecloth and we passed the
grated onion to this one, now we only close, we put a container and we began to tighten so that
the juice comes out.
In itself this juice could be used to:- Combat acne, because of the amount of sulfur
it contains is very effective to combat those unwanted grains in our body, for this you
should only apply this juice on clean skin and leave it for 15 minutes, be careful
to apply it very close to the eyes Because it can itch.
- Goodbye stains on the skin, if the stains are taking hold of your skin this juice
can help you to diminish the appearance of these, for this only apply the juice in the
previously washed area and leave it for 10 minutes, then you can wash it.
- Healthy hair, if your desire is to have a hair of envy, the onion juice
can be used both for hair loss and to increase hair growth.
Just apply this juice to the scalp and let it act for at least 1 hour, do
it twice a week.
- Prevents and combats the appearance of gray
hair. If the gray hairs are starting to look like your hair use this juice 3 times a week, giving a gentle massage on the scalp and
let it act for at least 30 minutes.
This juice we can save it maximum three days in the refrigerator, where possible use
it fresh ie after it has been extracted.
So do not wait any longer to get the juice out of the onions and take advantage of the properties
and benefits you can do for yourself, when you try and tell us what you think.
We hope this video has been useful, remember that your opinion is very important
so score, comment and share and if you have not subscribed, subscribe every day
upload new videos.
For more infomation >> How to extract the juice from the onion and to serve it when it is used in the body - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
Felipe de Marichalar, noche de música y complicidad en buena compañía - Duration: 2:24.
Bitcoin y Criptomonedas en Español - 2.1 Consenso sin identidad: la cadena de bloques - Duration: 18:01.
So let's now dig into the technical details of Bitcoin's consensus algorithm.
And while we're looking at that, we should keep in mind that Bitcoin does all of this
without nodes having any persistent long term identities.
This is, yet again, a difference from how traditional distributive consensus
algorithms operated and if nodes did have identities,
it would make things a lot easier for a couple of reasons.
One is a pragmatic reason.
It would allow you to put into your protocol things like, now the node
with the lowest numerical ID should take some step or something like that.
So that's a simple pragmatic reason which, already if nodes are completely anonymous,
becomes harder to do.
But a much more serious reason for nodes to have identities, is for security,
because if nodes were identified,
and they weren't attribual to create new node identities, then we could
make assumptions like, let's say that less than 50% of the nodes are malicious.
And we could derive security properties out of that.
So for both of those reasons,
the consensus protocol in Bitcoin is a bit harder.
But why is it exactly that Bitcoin nodes don't have identities?
Well, it's for a couple of reasons.
One is that if you're in a decentralized model in a peer-to-peer system,
there is no central authority to give identities to nodes and
verify that they're not creating new nodes at will.
And, in fact, the technical term for this is a Sybil attack.
Sybils are just copies of nodes that a malicious adversary can create
to look like there are a lot of different participants, when in fact,
all those pseudo participants are really controlled by the same adversary.
The other reason is that pseudonymity is inherently a goal of Bitcoin.
Even if it were possible or easy to establish identities for all nodes or
all participants, we wouldn't necessarily want to do that.
So, Bitcoin doesn't give you strong anonymity guarantees out of the box,
in that the different transactions that you make can probably be linked together,
but at the same time nobody is forcing you to put your real life identity,
like your name or IP address or anything like that, in order to participate in
the peer-to-peer network and in the block chain, and that's an important property.
So, what we can do instead is we can make a weaker assumption.
And I kind of wanted you to take a leap of faith with me here
that this weaker assumption is something that is going to be feasible.
And I'm gonna make this assumption here, and
later show you how this is actually accomplished.
And what this weaker assumption is, is that we're gonna assume that there is some
ability, somehow, to pick a random node in the system.
And a good motivating analogy for this, is a lottery or
a raffle, where any number of real life systems, we're tracking and
verifying people and giving them identities.
And verifying those identities is pretty hard and so what we do in those contexts
is we might give them tokens or tickets or something of that sort and
that then enables us to later pick a random token ID and call upon that person.
So we're gonna do something similar with respect to these Bitcoin nodes, and
further assume, for the moment, that this token generation and
distribution algorithm has enough smarts so that, if the adversary is going to try
to create a lot of civil nodes, together, all of those civils just get one token, so
the adversary is not able to multiply his power that way.
So let's make this assumption for now, and
let's see what becomes possible if we make this assumption.
Here's the key idea.
What becomes possible under this assumption of random node selection and
something called implicit consensus.
So what is implicit consensus?
In each round, and there are gonna be multiple rounds,
each round corresponding to a different block in the block chain,
in each round a random node is somehow selected, magically for the moment.
And this node gets to propose the next block in the chain.
There is no consensus algorithm.
There is no voting.
This node simply unilaterally proposes what the next
block in the block chain is going to be.
But what if that node is malicious?
Well, there is a process for this, but it is an implicit one.
Other nodes will implicitly accept or reject that block.
And how will they do that?
If they accept that block, they will signal that acceptance
by extending the block chain starting from that block, or if they reject that block,
they will extend the chain by ignoring that block and
starting from whatever was the previous, latest block in the block chain.
And technically, how is that implemented?
Recall that each block contains a hash of the block that it extends and
this is the technical mechanism that allows nodes to signal
which block it is that they are extending.
So, given this, this is what the overall consensus algorithm in Bitcoin is
going to look like.
Now this is a little bit simplified and the reason it's simplified is again that
I'm assuming sort of this magic random node selection process.
But except for
that simplification, this is pretty close to how Bitcoin actually works.
So whenever Alice wants to pay Bob, she will create a transaction, and
she will broadcast it to all of the nodes.
And any one of these nodes is constantly listening to the network and collecting
a list of outstanding transactions that have not yet made it into the block chain.
At some point,
one of these nodes is going to be randomly called upon to propose the next block.
It's going to round up all of the outstanding transactions that it's heard
about and propose that block.
Now presumably, that node was honest, but it could also be a malicious node or
a faulty node and propose a block that contains some invalid transactions.
Invalid transactions are those that don't have the right crypto signature or
where the transaction is already spent, in other words, an attempt to double spend.
So if that happens, other nodes are going to signal their acceptance or
rejection of the block, as we saw in the last slide, by either including the hash
of this latest block in their next block or ignoring this block and including
the hash of whatever was the previous block that they considered to be valid.
Right, so now let's try to understand why this consensus algorithm works.
And the way I like to understand this is instead of asking why this works,
let's try to ask how can a malicious adversary try to subvert this process.
So let's look at that for a second.
So here we have a couple of blocks in the block chain.
Assume that this extends to the left a long way back,
all the way to what is called the genesis block.
But here, I'm only showing you a couple of blocks in the block chain.
And that pointer that you see over there is
a block referring to what is the previous block that it extends,
by including a hash of that previous block within it's own contents.
So, a malicious attacker, let's call her Alice.
What might she try to do?
Can she simply steal Bitcoins belonging to another user at a different address that
she doesn't control?
Now, even if it is now Alice's turn to propose the next block in this chain,
she cannot steal other user's Bitcoins.
Because she cannot forge their signatures, so
as long as the underlying crypto is solid, she's not able to simply steal Bitcoins.
Another thing she might try to do, is if she really, really hates some other user,
Bob, then she can look at Bob's address and
she can decide that any transactions originating from Bob's address, she will
simply not include them in any block that she proposes to get onto the block chain.
In other words, she's denying service to Bob.
So this is a valid attack that she can try to mount.
But luckily, it's nothing more than a little annoyance,
because if Bob's block doesn't make it into the next block that Alice proposes,
he will just wait another block until an honest node gets the chance to propose
a block and then his transaction will get into that block.
So that's not really a good attack, either.
So the only one that we're really left with, for
what a malicious node can try to do here, is called a double spending attack.
So how might a double spending attack work?
To understand that, let's assume that Alice is a customer of some online
merchant or website run by Bob, who provides some online service,
in exchange for payment in Bitcoins.
Let's say he allows the download of some software.
So here's how a double spending attack might work.
Alice goes to Bob's website and decides to buy this item, pays for
it with Bitcoins, and what that means, in technical terms, is that she's
going to create a Bitcoin transaction from her address to Bob's address.
She broadcasts it to the network.
And let's say that some honest node creates the next block,
listens to this transaction, and includes it in that block.
So, what is going on here?
So, there is this block that was created by an honest node that contains
a transaction that represents a payment from Alice to the merchant, Bob.
By C subscript A, I mean, a coin belonging to Alice, and
that is now being sent to Bob's address.
Let's zoom into this in a little bit more technical detail.
A transaction, as we saw earlier, is a data structure that contains Alice's
signature here, and an instruction to pay to Bob's public key, and also a hash.
What is this hash?
This hash represents a pointer to the transaction where Alice,
in fact, received that coin from somebody else.
And that must be a pointer to a transaction that was included
in some previous block in the consensus chain.
So visually, it's going to look something like this.
Let's pause for a second here, because there's something subtle going on.
There are at least two different types of pointers
in this diagram that I've showed you.
There is, in fact, a third one corresponding to Merkle trace, but
we're not gonna look at that, at the present moment.
But this two types of pointers that I refer to, are blocks that include a hash
of the previous block that they're extending, and transactions that
include a pointer to whatever the previous transaction that where the coin came from.
Right, so this is the situation, and this block was now generated by an honest node,
and now let's assume that the next time a random node is called,
that node is a malicious node controlled by Alice.
Right, so this is the block chain as it stands right now.
Bob has already looked at this block chain, decided that Alice has paid him,
and has allowed Alice to download the software or
whatever it is that she was buying on his website.
Right, so as far as Bob is concerned, he is satisfied, the transaction is
completed, Alice has now received her goods in exchange for the payment.
Now what might happen, is if Alice now gets to propose the next block,
she could propose a block that looks like this.
Ignores altogether this valid block over here, and
instead, contains a pointer to the previous block.
And furthermore,
it's going to contain a transaction that contains a transfer of coins,
of Alice's coins to another address, A prime, that's also controlled by Alice.
So this is a classic double-spend pattern.
What is going on here, is Alice now creates a new transaction that
transfers that coin, instead of to Bob's address, to another address owned by her.
And visually it's gonna look like this.
This is a completely different transaction,
also with the hash pointer going back to same transaction referred to earlier.
Right, so this is what an attempt at a double-spend look like.
And how do we know if this double-spend attempt is going to succeed or not?
Well, that depends on whether this green transaction here or this red transaction
is going to ultimately end up in the long term consensus chain.
So what determines that?
That is determined by the facts that honest nodes
are always following the policy of extending the longest valid branch.
So now, which of these is the longest valid branch?
You might look at this and say, a-ha, the first one is the longest valid branch,
not the second one, because it's a double-spend attempt.
But here's a very subtle point that I want you to appreciate, from sort of a moral
point of view, this transaction in green and the transaction in red might look very
different, because based on the explanation that I've given you,
the first one is an attempt by Alice to pay Bob, whereas the second one
is an attempt by Alice to defraud Bob and pay coins back to herself.
But from a technological point of view,
these two transactions are completely identical.
The nodes that are looking at this,
really have no way to tell which one is the legitimate transaction.
I'm putting legitimate in air quotes,
because it's a moral judgment that we apply to it,
it's not a technical distinction, versus which one is the attempted double-spend.
It could easily be the other way around.
Now, nodes often follow a heuristic of extending the block that they first
heard about on the peer-to-peer network, but it's not a solid rule.
And in any case,
because of network latency, that could easily be the other way around.
So now there is at least some chance that the next node
that gets to propose a block will extend this block instead of this one.
Or it could be that even if it's an honest node, Alice could try to bribe that node
or try to subvert the process in a variety of ways.
So for whatever reason, without going too much into the details, let's say that
the next node extends the block with the red transaction instead of the green one.
What this means is that at this point,
the next honest node is much more likely to extend this block instead of this
one because now this has become the longest valid chain.
So let's say that after one more block, the situation looks like this.
Now it's starting to look pretty likely that this double-spend has succeeded,
in fact, what might happen is that this ends up the long term consensus chain and
that this block gets completely ignored by the network, and this is now called
an orphan block, and this is an example of a successful double-spend.
So now let's look at this whole situation from Bob, the merchant's point of view,
and understanding how Bob can protect himself from this double-spending attack,
it's really gonna be a key part of understanding Bitcoin security.
So let's look at what happened here again.
We have a couple of blocks in the block chain.
And at this point,
Alice broadcasts a transaction that represents her payment to Bob.
And so Bob is going to hear about it on the peer-to-peer network right here,
even before the next block gets created.
And so, Bob can do something even more foolhardy than what he did in the previous
light which is, that as soon as he hears about the transaction on the peer-to- peer
network, he can complete the transaction on the website and
allow Alice to download whatever she's downloading.
That's called a zero confirmation transaction.
Or, he could wait until the transaction gets one confirmation in the block chain,
which means that at least some node has created a block and has proposed
this transaction and that has gone into the block chain, but as we saw earlier,
even after one confirmation, there could be an attempt at a double-spend.
So let's say that this actually happens.
If, as in the previous slide, the double-spend attempt succeeds,
what Bob should do is to realize that the block that he though represented
Alice paying him has now been orphaned, and so he should abandon the transaction.
Instead, if it so happens that despite this double-spend attempt, the next block
that's generated turns out to extend the block that he's interested in,
now he sees that his transaction has two confirmations in the block chain.
Now he gets a little more confidence that his transaction is going to end up
on the long term consensus chain.
So let's say there's one more, and now there are three confirmations, in general,
the more confirmations your transaction gets, the higher the probability
that it is going to end up on the long term consensus chain.
Because if you recall, the honest node's behavior,
that they will always extend the longest valid branch that they see, the chance
that this one is going to catch up to this longer branch is now very minuscule,
especially if only a minority of the nodes are malicious.
Right, because, typically, the only reason that this double-spend attempt block would
be extended at this point, is if the next node to be picked randomly was a malicious
node, and then you'd need another malicious node and
then another for this shorter branch to then become the longer branch.
In general, the double-spend probability decreases exponentially with
the number of confirmations.
So, if the transaction you're interested in has received k confirmations,
then the probability that this other transaction is going to end up on the long
term consensus chain, goes down exponentially as a function of k.
And the most common heuristic, that's used in the Bitcoin ecosystem,
is that you wait for six confirmations.
There is nothing really special about the number six.
It's just a good trade-off between the amount of time you have to wait and
your guarantee that the transaction you're interested in
ends up on the consensus block chain.
So let's recap what we saw here.
Protection against invalid transactions,
that is protection against a malicious node, simply making up a transaction to
steal someone's Bitcoins, is entirely cryptographic.
But it is enforced by consensus, which means that if a node does attempt that,
then the only reason that that transaction won't end up in the launch group consensus
chain is because a majority of the nodes are honest and
will treat that transaction as invalid.
On the other hand, protection against double-spending is purely by consensus.
Cryptography has nothing to say about this and true transactions that represent
a double-spending attempt, kind of look identical
from the prospective of signatures, and so on, but it's the consensus that determines
which one will end up on the long term consensus chain.
And finally, you're never 100% sure that a transaction you're interested in is on
the consensus branch, but this exponential probability guarantee is pretty good.
After about six transactions,
there's virtually no chance that you're gonna go wrong.
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Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
Prince Royce, Romeo Santos, Marc Anthony, Marco Antonio ► Bachatas 2017 Romanticas - Bachatas 2017 - Duration: 1:00:10.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
La Pareja Japonesa - Duration: 1:42.
My girlfriend is great, tender, funny and treats me great ...
My god you're ugly look eh
You are the proof that God has a sense of humor
The dessert now please!
If you will cook dessert as well as you disappoint me we would have five trays of food so far
The joke is on you idiot ...
Spanish is not read ...
Daisy and sometimes we get angry and lose patience ...
Stop walking like a gay!
a day ago Japanese ...
Stop laughing!
I'll spit in your fucking mouth while you sleep!
Fence, lucky you ...
Surely you survived three attempts as abortion
Strangle as if you were gay
To dinner was a mistake!
Your birth if it was a mistake!
If I COJI good mobile without permission last night.
Who is Samanta?
Is my sister, I told you before when-
I did not know that genetics was so good ...
Say: Nya-CHAN!
Hey bitch
I do not copy the style
If I had the Dragon Balls wish you were dead!
I wish you were Kira ...
Usually fun when you teach me how to play Japanese games
The truth is that it is the love of my life and I would not do that without why-
Ohh you were here
By the way I've eaten all your food so they do not fatten
Do not're angry right?
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La Pareja Japonesa - Duration: 1:42.
My girlfriend is great, tender, funny and treats me great ...
My god you're ugly look eh
You are the proof that God has a sense of humor
The dessert now please!
If you will cook dessert as well as you disappoint me we would have five trays of food so far
The joke is on you idiot ...
Spanish is not read ...
Daisy and sometimes we get angry and lose patience ...
Stop walking like a gay!
a day ago Japanese ...
Stop laughing!
I'll spit in your fucking mouth while you sleep!
Fence, lucky you ...
Surely you survived three attempts as abortion
Strangle as if you were gay
To dinner was a mistake!
Your birth if it was a mistake!
If I COJI good mobile without permission last night.
Who is Samanta?
Is my sister, I told you before when-
I did not know that genetics was so good ...
Say: Nya-CHAN!
Hey bitch
I do not copy the style
If I had the Dragon Balls wish you were dead!
I wish you were Kira ...
Usually fun when you teach me how to play Japanese games
The truth is that it is the love of my life and I would not do that without why-
Ohh you were here
By the way I've eaten all your food so they do not fatten
Do not're angry right?
Guess The ASL | ASL Charades ft. BrizzyVoices - Duration: 12:44.
(marker scratching)
(Pokemon game sound)
In frame.
- Ooh! - (laughs)
DEVON: That was unexpected. Where the heck was (inaudible)?
- That's terrifying.
- I already have a blooper section. This is great.
So, today obviously we are at VidCon
and I'm here with my friend Anna, who – fun fact,
I almost called her Brianna at Playlist
because my mouth was trying to say Anna,
my brain was trying to say Brizzy
and then they both kind of just tried to come out that way.
-Brizzy Anna. It works. -Yes.
That also works for Brianna.
But - I was... Brianna, like, no that's not your name.
-It's my ship name with myself.
-Yes. That works perfectly.
Because you've got to love yourself.
-Perfect. OK. So do you want to tell them a little bit
about your channel, real quick?
-Um, my channel is mostly voice impressions of cartoons
and nerdy-centric or fandom videos.
Some make-up tutorials.
A lot of character-y stuff.
-And we both like Pokemon so you're going to see a lot of that on there.
And a lot of her content is captioned so you know,
you will likely find a video.
Not everything but you know, it taking a while to get there.
But, access.
So, today we are going to play a little bit of a game.
It doesn't have an official name but it's kind of
Guess The ASL sign type of thing.
I've given her a sharpie, index cards, some extras just in case.
And we have a whole pile anyway.
And I picked ten - plus two more as a bonus - signs that are easy.
They kind of look the same as our English counterpart I guess,
for lack of a better word.
You know, what it would translate to.
Nothing hard. I'm not that mean plus we'd be here all day.
So just wanting to make it a little bit easier for everybody. So...
-I took ASL in second grade
when I was very little, but...
and I've watched one or two seasons of 'Switched at Birth'
and that's it. So... (laughs)
-You have a little bit of... Oh, what's the word I'm looking for?
You've had a little bit of access to it.
-Are you ready?
-OK. So... -(squeals)
-It's my list. She can't see it.
No super Harry Potter wand powers. I'm watching you.
Number one:
-Oh! -I'll do it one more time.
-I mean... -This is the sign:
She guessed 'whiskers'. Close.
-But not really. It means 'cat'. -Cat!
-It's you know, the whiskers of a cat. So, close.
That's a pretty good guess. I would think so.
-Related. -OK.
So, this is a sign I've seen a couple of different versions of
but we're just going with the one I'm most familiar with:
I'll do it one more time.
And I'll go to the camera. It's like...
She guessed 'laptop'.
-And you are correct. -Yay!
It was like, computer, right here
and then the one I just did was doing it like this,
like both of them.
I've just seen it mostly just like this.
-Ready? Go:
Do it again.
For the camera.
She said, 'house'.
-And you are correct. -What!
-So, you know the roof of a house it goes down.
Of course unless you have a rectangular one.
But most are like:
Two right, two right.
-You got 'laptop' and 'house' right. -Two out of three.
Fantastic. So number four.
-(laughs) OK.
Just to be fair. Sign:
She said 'turtle'.
-You are correct. -Yay!
-That's three. -That one was obvious.
-It's just so cute. Hello. How are you?
-OK. So, number five. Ready? -Yep.
Oh! I know.
-It kind of has two translations so if you get one or the other,
I'll take it.
-Uh huh. -Oh and I'll show the camera:
OK she said 'eat'.
-You are correct. -Yes!
-It could also mean 'food'. -Mm-hm.
Yeah, that could mean 'food'. Four right.
You got laptop, house, turtle and eat.
Four in a row. Yes!
Anna says 'book'.
-And you are correct. -Yes!
-It can also be used for like 'menu' and stuff like that.
-Yeah. When you did 'laptop' I thought a 'book'
but I was like, no, that would be something like this.
-Maybe an iPad but not quite.
-Yay. Five in a row, right? -Yes. So good.
-I think you were really nervous
before we started this when I was telling you
about it and you're going like, oh gosh,
I watched Switch At Birth but I don't-
-OK. She says 'water'.
-You are correct. -Whoo! I'm so good.
-I think it's one of the more basic signs that everybody learns at first
but it can be a little, wait, what is that? But yeah.
-Maybe I learned in second grade and I subconsciously remembered it.
-And then, OK. Number eight.
OK this one has a couple of different signs, OK like two.
One like American version and one Canadian version.
So I'll do both just for the heck of it.
-So, we'll start with the Canadian one which is:
What is it?
And now I'll show you the US version which is just:
-Ooh. I've seen this.
-For the record.
-This one was the more visual one rather than the Canadian one.
-This is not right. It's not right. I know it's not right.
-She says 'stop'.
-That is not right. It was 'ketchup'.
-Ketchup! -(laughs)
Yeah. So, like, you're holding the bottle.
-Yeah. -And you're smacking
the bottom of it.
Yeah, and this is 'red'. Red and then sauce.
So in Canada people go red sauce and then here
they just smack that pesky bottle of ketchup.
But for the record, 'stop' - we don't have that on the list do we? No.
-'Stop' is just: -Yeah.
I knew it was like a down.
-Something like a very stern, what are you doing?
So. Not bad. Still not doing too bad, though. Very good.
-OK. -You're getting most of them right.
-So far. -Most, yeah.
-OK. We're on number nine. OK ready? OK:
-One more time?
For the camera.
OK. She said 'ocean' and I'm going to say you're right.
-The other translation, the one I've seen the most, is 'sea'.
But sea and ocean kind of tend to be the same thing.
-Yeah. I don't know what the difference is.
-I'm going to say you're right.
If somebody wants to say she's wrong...
-Big sea. can correct.
But I'm going to count it, personally.
-But yeah the little waves. -Yeah.
-Five, six, seven out of ten so far.
OK so, this one has a couple of different variations
and I'll just go through each of them.
So the first one:
-Ooh. -Next one:
-So you're not going to really see it on the camera
but if you know what this is:
-Ah! OK.
-She said 'pants'.
-That is incorrect. -No!
-'Dog.' -'Dog'?
-You're snapping for the dog.
-So like, I can't snap very well so it's like.
For actual pants you're not going to be able to see right here.
If you want to do pants you are kind of touching your pants.
But you can't see on the camera but
if you look it up you'll get the idea.
-So, Bonus Round. -Bonus.
-And you might get this because you said you've seen
'Switched at Birth'.
-So, I'll give you one hint. It's the first season. That this is covered.
-So that's as far as I'm going to give you. OK.
So the first one, 'cause there's two:
-Ooh. OK. Ooh.
-I'll give you one hint. It's in this room.
I know that's so helpful. There's a lot of things in this room.
But I figure, 'Switched at Birth', it's in this room... Maybe.
Her face is like, no, fuck no.
-What hap-?
-OK. She said 'friend'.
While you are my friend. That is not correct.
It's 'coffee'.
-But for the record, 'friend', I'll tell you what that is.
-Ah. OK. Yeah.
-This is 'coffee'. 'Friend'.
So, last one:
-Oh! -For the camera:
-Does that say pepper? -Yes.
-OK. So, she said 'pepper'.
That is not correct.
-It's 'make out'. -Yes.
-I knew it was something romantic or sexual, possibly but I wasn't sure.
-It was when Daphne's biological mom was
trying to ask if she wanted to have coffee or something
and then she actually does this.
And Daphne was like,
"Mom! You just asked if you can make out with me."
-Right. -Mmm, honey.
Actually, fun fact,
when I met my friend Jules who is a deaf filmmaker,
for the first time in person,
and this was when my ASL was pretty crappy,
my sign for plane was this
and I got laughed at.
And I just told her I wanted coffee
and I accidentally did this:
instead of this:
and she was like...
And I was like... This. I want this! This.
So you got... What's the count?
-Well, not Bonus. -Not counting the bonus.
-Seven. -So you got 7/10 for the bonus.
Oh, that's... You did pretty well. You got most of them.
-I guess it's not failing if it's at least 70.
It's failing in my mind.
-For the record, I think 'pepper' is this.
And 'salt' and then 'pepper'.
So her prize was going to be this
but I kind of gave it to her
a little early because I got too excited.
It's a little Pikachu pen.
-(imitating Pikachu) Pikachu. -Pikachu
-Pika, Pika!
-So I was gonna be like, "Wait, I have a surprise for you"
but then I got too excited when I went to go pick her up.
So it's like, here, here is your boring wrist band present.
By the way, here's a better one.
Yeah, so. 7/10. Not bad. Congratulations. Very good.
Or the deaf applause.
So, thank you for coming and doing this with me.
-I thought it was a fun game to do. -Yeah.
-So that's all that we have for you.
Feel free to check out her channel.
Where can they find out what it's called.
-Very good.
Yeah. So, you'll find great voice impressions and other stuff.
Very good, might I add.
And my personal favourite was the Pokemon voice impression.
I think that's actually how I found you or the original way that
I found you was last year at VidCon
when you were wearing the Gastly backpack.
-And I asked you where you got that and then I was like,
I like this girl.
And then I looked you up and then that whole thing happened.
Go check out her channel.
We'll probably have a link here again, also, down below.
And once again thank you for coming.
-Yay. You're welcome. -I appreciate it. Have a hug.
-Mmm. -Yes.
Did very well so go compliment her on trying. OK?
And we'll see you later. Bye.
Fiat Punto 1.2 Dynamic - Duration: 0:58.
Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI Comfortline - Duration: 1:02.
PoE коммутаторы: борьба с зависанием IP-камер - Duration: 3:26.
Why I Don't Have Kids: Make Your Mark - Duration: 1:42.
Let's move on and talk about kids.
You might have them.
I do not and I will show you why in a segment.
>> [LAUGH] >> Why I don't have kids.
All right this is from Kurt from Sydney, Australia.
I left my son alone with his finger paints.
This is what I found when I came back.
>> [LAUGH] >> You left your son
alone with finger paints.
I'm not sure who needs to learn a lesson.
>> [LAUGH] >> My God, Gray from Massapequa, New York.
I went to the bathroom to get ready for bed and
when I came back I found this.
>> [LAUGH]
>> Well, clearly he did it, so.
Showing you who did it.
Leslie from Portland, Maine.
This is what happens when you leave a four year old alone with your laptop.
Congratulations, your child wins worst of the month.
>> [LAUGH] >> And finally,
here's a video of some more kids doing their worst.
So this is what happens when you leave two toddlers
alone in their own room for seven minutes.
>> [LAUGH] >> What are you doing?- What is this?
>> My gosh.
>> [MUSIC]
>> You don't know what happened?
>> I don't know..
>> [LAUGH]
>> [NOISE]
>> [LAUGH]
>> [APPLAUSE] >> Thank you, Clint and Roseanne.
>> If your kids do something you think I should see, send it to me.
Trump Goes After Fake News NYTimes, Slams Media Criticism On Healthcare I Know The Subject Well - Duration: 2:59.
Trump Goes After Fake News NYTimes, Slams Media Criticism On Healthcare I Know The Subject
by Tyler Durden
One day after he repeatedly lashed out at CNN, on Wednesday President Trump blasted
the the NYT in particular, and the broader press in general, for reporting that he is
"not totally engaged" on healthcare.
"Some of the Fake News Media likes to say that I am not totally engaged in healthcare,"
Trump tweeted shortly before 7am.
"Wrong, I know the subject well & want victory for U.S."
Trump's fury appears to have been focused on a Times story published on Tuesday titled
"On Senate Health Bill, Trump Falters in the Closer's Role," in which the Gray Lady said
that the president was "largely on the sidelines" as the Senate leadership sought to attract
votes for its healthcare bill.
It added that the president's team's "heavy-handed tactics have been ineffective in the Senate."
As the Hill reports, a Republican senator who supports the Senate GOP's healthcare bill
reportedly does not think President Trump has a clear understanding of the plan.
The New York Times reported that a senator left a White House meeting Tuesday with the
feeling that the president didn't fully understand some basic parts of the plan, citing an aide
who received a detailed readout of the exchange.
The senator felt Trump "seemed especially confused" after a moderate Republican said
those who were against the bill would say it appeared to be a "massive tax break for
the wealthy," according to The Times.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) after the White House meeting ignored a question
regarding Trump�s command of the details of the negotiations and smiled blandly, the
newspaper noted.
Trump met with Republican senators just hours after GOP leaders decided on Tuesday to postpone
a vote on its healthcare legislation.
The huddle came as one GOP strategist with close ties to the White House told The Hill
that Trump had not yet fully engaged with the effort to pass a bill in the upper chamber.
Trump said Tuesday he had a "great meeting" with Republican senators, adding that they
"really want to get it right."
Trump is likely to be particularly sensitive to healthcare criticism today, one day after
the Senate GOP leaders delayed a vote to repeal and replace ObamaCare after it became clear
the measure - again - lacked the votes for passage.
On Tuesday afternoon, Trump met with Republican senators at the White House, just hours after
the GOP leaders decided to postpone the vote on the healthcare legislation.
It was not immediately clear if Trump had managed to change any holdouts' opinions on
the vote.
Go Fetch! 🐶 - Duration: 1:03.
Hey there Spot. Be a good dog and grab me a soda.
Good boy! Say, what else can you fetch? Can you grab me some money?
Wow, free money! How about a motorcycle?
This is amazing. Okay. One more thing. Can you get me an ice cream cone?
Is this your dog?
You've taken my money, my motorcycle, and now my ice cream... This calls for payback!
Say buddy, would ya grab me a soda?
Yes sir...
I GOT A HAIRCUT|Life in Taiwan Daily Vlog #55 - Duration: 9:23.
Telling a Story from the Inside Out - Duration: 12:51.
Hi, I'm Michael.
This is Lessons from the Screenplay.
A popular piece of advice for writers is to "write what you know."
While I do think a story's emotional authenticity comes from the storyteller's own experience,
I don't like the stagnation this phrase encourages.
Instead, I prefer: "write what you want to know."
Because, in many ways, a story is as much a journey for the person writing it as
it is for the characters in it.
Such was the case for Pixar's "Inside Out."
It took their team a lot of introspection to arrive at the emotional truth that is the
core of their story.
So today I want to look at the process of writing this film.
To examine how creating some of its most powerful moments
required the writers to explore vulnerable places within their own psychology.
And show how trying to answer a simple question can lead to the discovery of a creative premise
and an emotionally honest theme.
Let's take a look at "Inside Out."
In my previous video I talked about how character arc should be an expression of the story's theme.
But as a writer, how do you find the theme you want to explore?
Often, it can help to think about it in the form of a question you want answered.
For example, the question that led to "Inside Out" came when the film's director,
Pete Docter, noticed something about his daughter.
According to Meg LeFauve, who wrote "Inside Out" with Pete Docter:
"The director, he had a daughter."
"And she was so happy all the time, and was so joyful."
"And then she turned eleven."
"And suddenly she was quiet and she wasn't smiling..."
"And he sat at breakfast and he wondered, 'What happened to joy?'"
"And then he thought: I'm going to make a move about that."
From this question, he came up with the idea of the story taking place in the mind of a young girl
and having her emotions being characters in the film.
But asking the question is only the beginning.
The theme is expressed when you answer it.
To answer the question "What happened to joy?"
they needed to figure out the protagonists's character arc,
which required asking even more questions.
"We always want to answer the same questions for any movie that we start."
"What does the character want?"
"What does the character need?"
They quickly decided that Joy's want is for Riley to be happy.
But figuring out her need proved more difficult.
The writers realized that pairing her up with someone would help express her need, so they
partnered Joy with Fear.
Joy: "Stop!"
"You have caused enough trouble."
But the lessons she learned while on the journey with Fear didn't seem to answer the question.
"Pete Docter, the director, says that when he was an adolescent he was mostly afraid."
"So he wanted to explore fear."
"But his problem was that when they got back up to headquarters,
he didn't know what he wanted to say about fear."
This is one of the many reasons the writing process is so difficult.
This question came from Pete Docter's personal life,
so I'm sure it seemed logical to try to answer it based on his own experience
growing up with fear.
But sometimes the right answer requires uncomfortable self-reflection.
"Hi. Pete here.
I'm out walking in the woods because I'm stressed."
Realizing that the film wasn't working, Pete Docter took a walk in the woods,
allowed himself to be vulnerable,
and started asking himself some questions.
"I started thinking, 'Ok, what if I lost everything.
What would mean something to me?'"
"And like most of us, I think, the answer is relationships."
"The people that really mean something deeply are those that I have cried with,
that I've been pissed off at, that I've experienced fear with."
"It's all the aspects of emotions that bond us together."
And only then was he able to finally figure out the answer to his original question.
"So that gives me this idea."
"That maybe joy, as much as we all want it in our lives, is not the answer."
"The answer is actually sadness."
And now that he had the answer, Joy had a character arc and the film had a theme.
As much as Joy wants everything to be happy all the time, to have healthy relationships
she needs to embrace sadness.
So how do you bring the audience along on this journey?
The first step is to bring them into Joy's point of view.
In order for the audience to discover Sadness the same way that Joy does,
they have to be able to empathize with Joy's beliefs in the beginning to the story.
But there were two obstacles in the way of that.
The first was that Joy was a jerk.
JOY: "So weak."
"No way we're going to that!"
FEAR: "Joy."
JOY: "We should spit in that girl's face."
OTHERS: "Whoa!"
They originally made Joy angry and entitled, hoping that by giving her this flaw there
would be opportunities for humor.
But she pretty much just came off as unlikeable.
JOY: "Francis.
That rat-faced creep."
JOY: "We ought to break his legs."
OTHERS: "Whoa! Yikes!"
But even after they toned that down,
they realized the audience might not immediately identify with Joy and her aversion to Sadness.
To solve this, they made Sadness as annoying as possible.
You nearly touched a core memory.
And when you touch them, we can't change them back!"
"I keep making mistakes like that.
I'm awful…"
"Nooo, you're not."
"…and annoying."
"Well… uh…
"You know what? you can't focus on what's going wrong."
"There's always a way to turn things around, to find the fun!"
And Joy's need to fix things was a solution to another obstacle they ran into,
which is that incessantly happy characters are annoying.
"You have to make it very clear that Joy's chipperness is her solution to her vulnerability."
"If you don't have the vulnerability behind the 'ha-ha-ha'
you're just annoyed at her."
The writers included several moments where we see Joy deal with doubt and worry
by forcing happiness back into the situation.
FEAR: "Dad just left us."
SADNESS: "Oh, he doesn't love us anymore."
"That's sad."
"I should drive, right?"
"What are you doing?"
"Uh, just uh, gimme one second…"
"You know what I've realized?"
"Riley hasn't had lunch!"
By showing that Joy's incessant happiness was a defense mechanism,
and by making Sadness as annoying as possible,
the Pixar writers allowed the audience to empathize with Joy
and see things from her point of view.
With this connection made, the story could finally begin to explore
the importance of sadness.
"So you've set the belief system, and then act two is literally psychologically saying
to them, 'Is that true?'"
"You're trying to break their psychology, you're trying to bring something to consciousness."
Act one clearly establishes that Joy believes being happy all the time
is the right way to live.
So in act two the writers start to poke holes in that belief system.
One of the clearest examples is when they're trying to get to the train station,
but Bing Bong's rocket is pushed into the memory dump.
"Riley can't be done with me."
Here, both Sadness and Joy have the same objective.
They want Bing Bong to lead them to the train station.
But by having them use different tactics,
the story demonstrates to the audience and the characters
the lesson that needs to be learned.
Joy impatiently tries to make Bing Bong feel better the only way she knows how—
by forcing him to be happy.
"Hey, who's ticklish, huh?
Here comes the tickle monster…"
No response.
"Hey! Bing Bong, look at this!
She makes a silly face.
"Oh, here's a fun game!
You point to the train station and we all go there!"
"Won't that be fun?
Come on, let's go to the train station."
When this tactic doesn't work, Sadness sits next to Bing Bong
and patiently empathizes with him.
"I'm sorry they took your rocket."
"They took something that you loved."
"It's gone, forever."
"Sadness, don't make him feel worse."
"It's all I had left of Riley."
"I bet you and Riley had great adventures."
"We were best friends."
"It's sad."
Bing Bong puts his head on Sadness' shoulder and CRIES.
Sadness keeps her arm around him until he's done.
"I'm okay now."
"C'mon, the train station is this way."
This shows Joy that she might be looking at life the wrong way—
that happiness isn't always the answer.
This idea is pretty unconventional, especially for a kid's movie.
As a culture we tend to constantly seek happiness and joy,
and look at sadness as something to be avoided at all costs.
But this moment rings very true to me,
and I think it's because it's actually based on experiences from Meg LeFauve's life.
"My son went to what's called an attachment preschool,
where they're not teaching ABCs, 123s, they're teaching emotional intelligence."
"Let your kid have whatever emotion they're having right now.
And just meet them where they are."
"And then you would just keep narrating it, and they would talk, and you'd narrate it."
"And then they'd pass through and toddle off and be happy
or angry whatever next emotion is coming up."
But Joy doesn't fully learn the lesson here,
as later in the film she chooses to leave Sadness behind
when she finds a way back to headquarters.
"I'm sorry."
"Riley needs to be happy."
She's still refusing to let go of her old beliefs,
and this selfish choice is met with catastrophe.
Joy realizes that despite her best intentions, she's found herself at her lowest point yet.
It's the same point that Pete Docter found himself in
when he realized the film wasn't working.
He thought wanted to talk about fear, but it wasn't what he needed to talk about.
And for both he and the character of Joy,
it took arriving at this dark, painful place for them to realize the truth.
"Mom and Dad…"
"The team…"
"They came to help because of Sadness."
"Joy, as much as we all want it in our lives, is not the answer."
"The answer is actually sadness."
Joy's character arc mimics Pete Docter's.
And her realization is powerful and authentic largely because it was inspired by the director's
own discovery of the importance of sadness.
"The mysterious thing about telling stories is that it ends up changing you."
"As a storyteller, the research that you do,
the almost meditation-like focus on a theme
that you're dealing with."
"It ends up seeping into your own system and changing the way you look at the world."
Knowing the mechanics of storytelling is important.
But it's also important to remember that the ultimate goal of telling a story
is to share something.
And I believe the way to ensure that your story is generous and not simply a vanity project
is to for it to be emotionally authentic—which is rarely an easy thing to do.
As Meg LeFauve says...
"There should probably be, as a writer—now, I'm just talking about myself, personally..."
"A point in the process when you're writing that to write this scene..."
"You feel like you're going to throw up because it's so emotional.
It's so digging into something in your psychology."
"In other words, you're asking the audience to have a cathartic experience...
odds are you probably need to have one when you're writing."
This is something the team at Pixar fully embraced,
and the result is a film that deeply resonated with many people, both kids and adults.
The writers allowed themselves to be vulnerable, went on a journey into their minds,
and returned with an emotional truth to share with us.
The power of the film didn't come from a clinical, outside-in approach,
but rather, from the inside-out.
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Eye Makeup Tutorial Compilation June 2017 ♥ part 27 ♥ New Eye Makeup I Amazing Eye Art Designs - Duration: 3:31.
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Think I can do my own minor surgery with stuff from the farm store? (Healthcare in 2017) - Duration: 7:49.
All right so here's the video about how I you know maybe could perform my own
minor surgery and how that relates to the potential Obama care reform, Trumpcare
care whatever you wanna call it. Little background how we got here
I got unfortunately caught in the corporate layoff the company I was with
the last two years which I really like a lot of wise unfortunately just hit some
you know kind of financial speed bumps along the way and had to jettison a you
know chunk of their workforce. I was already planning on leaving and so I'd
already been through you know some interviews and everything so I'm
actually pretty excited about what's next. I've been talking to some great
companies so it's not one of those like oh my gosh what am I going to do stories.
It's more like pretty excited to step into the next chapter of my career. Amanda is
doing the same thing which sounds awesome that it is she's going to work
with a company that's going to allow her to use a mix of design and sewing and
management and really pumped for her as she's going to kill it with that. Here's
the thing about it though that means that we are completely uninsured for
three months or you know until I land my next full-time thing due to the fact
that Amanda's insurance doesn't kick in for three months and my insurance runs
out in about 72 hours so you know that's that's kind of a thing I'm going to
doctor right now it sound a little like conference bump on my rib like a little
like fatty thing on and you know I mean depending on what they say we may just
have to cut that sucker open because I grew up on a farm and we would do this
with hogs if they had like a little like tumor type thing you just take like a
little knife used for castration and you just let that thing open and
get the crap out of it and then you like sterilize it and they're usually fine.
Richest country in America it may come to that if you're like oh well
this is the case for universal health care it would actually be worse in
Canada right now. The Canadian system is backed up by about twenty weeks which is
really really insane and you know as far as the reason I don't want us to go to
like a Canadian or British or Swedish kind of state-run health care is because
of what happen with the VA. One of my good friends in town who's a vet has
had just terrible terrible experience trying to get some knee issues worked
out but our result of the stuff that happened to have in Afghanistan you know
and the system is pretty jacked right now but I don't think that the
government getting involved in running it is going to go any better the reason
I know that's because of the way the government runs the the VA hospitals. Now
if you were in combat just to get free health care for life and I have yet to
see that go well for anybody. I don't think there's any stopping at this point
some kind of socialized health care it's just the way we're going at the bottom
line and so the best situation that I see would be to do what Switzerland does
and what that is is everybody pays 8% of their income towards health care. It
doesn't matter if you're rich or poor or whatever and if you're poor and 8%
is not enough and the government comes in and you know picks up the rest
of it. But that's the one where you actually can still
get care. So if we're going to do something and we are that would be my
preference on that. As far as how we got here is what I like how cost
is skyrocketed so much one of the biggest things is that every time you
pay a medical bill you wind up paying for a lawsuit if somebody's won. I
believe it's something like last time I read I mean it just didn't look this up
this morning so this may not be an accurate stat now but it will play it
was like 20% of your medical bill goes to lawsuits and there is some validity
to being able to file a lawsuit if you are you know injured, God forbid, a family
member loses their life because of poor health care which that happens a lot
more than you think about again I'm I didn't look this morning so may not
be an accurate stat now but I've read that as much as one in three deaths in
the hospital are due to a staff error so you know that's a not great and you
certainly should have some you know legal abilities to seek financial
restitution from a medical provider who injures, or God forbid, kills somebody but
when those get completely out of hand like you know when something minor
happens and you're getting a couple million dollars and you know you didn't
have to miss more than a week of work you know what that means is that all
you're really doing is passing along the cost to the customer because if the
medical companies don't have the money then they're just gonna have to raise
their prices and it's healthcare so you can't you know for the most part live
without it. Although I really have all I can say you know about the Obamacare
thing and I haven't heard any my super you know socialized medicine
friends really give me a good report on this. Obamacare kicked in in 2012
which caused me to change careers I was freelancing part-time teaching college
part-time and I had to actually switch things up and go back into a full-time
job because Blue Cross Blue Shield functionally dropped me before it kicked
in because I was too expensive. I have an outage and nuts spend
a decent amount of time in the emergency room you know kind
of like have one of those frequent flyer punch cards not really but you know that
was so 2012 was the last time I've ever been able to use my insurance. It's
been five years and the deductible has gotten higher and higher with different
you know a couple different places I've worked so I've never actually like not
paid cash. So in the five years since Obamacare you know I've had around 1,500
all deductible. Thank God that my medical expenses haven't been higher than that
and you know I do for insurance I do get you know a physical and my teeth cleaned
twice a year so that's that's something right I don't have to pay out of pocket.
But for the most part it certainly feels to me like you know that somebody took
my insurance and gave us somebody else because since Obamacare kicked in I have
not been able to actually use any insurance because the deductibles been
so high. That's great. It means I didn't cancer didn't get in catastrophic car
accident. B ut I remember back when like you know if I was going through
something I would be able to go to counseling I'm a really big proponent of
mental health care when you need it. And when I was my deductible was 300 bucks I
would just go to counseling if you know something's going on. That's not really
an option these days especially not when I'm unemployed. You're like hey what about
Cobra? The Cobra bill is about 25 percent of my former salary so given
that I'm fairly healthy overall that you know and I've got great job prospects I
don't think it makes a lot of sense to pay that as looks like I'll be back in
the workforce pretty quickly. So that's all I gotta say I gotta go in
there and you know find out if I have a little little fatty tumor on my ribs and
whether or not I'm not kidding I'm going to go to the vet store and you know get
a small castration knife to split it open and then put a little stitch into
myself and pour some whiskey on it because I'm from Fishhook Illinois and
dagnabbit I can do that.
Volkswagen Golf 1.4i 55KW Trendline - Duration: 0:54.
Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I ASPIRATION - Duration: 0:43.
Toyota Yaris 1.5 VVT-I ASPIRATION (Navigatie, LM Velgen, Glossypakket) - Duration: 1:00.
Peugeot 407 1.8i-16V Pack 5drs, Airco! Zondag OPEN!! - Duration: 0:59.
How To Win The Heart Of A Goddess - Duration: 6:20.
How To Win The Heart Of A Goddess
Even in today�s age of growing gender equality, the onus is still predominantly on our men
to make the first move in relationships and many of you are struggling with this. So,
allow me to pass on an important tip to winning the heart of that Goddess you have fallen
for � One which will place you way ahead of any other suitors who may be knocking on
her door.
As a single, spiritually awakened woman, I don�t get out much in the real life social
scene. I�m done with the small talk from men, the awkward chat up lines and most definitely
being appraised up and down like a piece of meat. I�m a happy homebody who enjoys her
own company, independence and peaceful, drama free lifestyle. However, that�s not to say
I wouldn�t welcome a relationship but I�m only willing to renounce my single status
for a man who can fearlessly open his heart. Someone who is strong enough to be vulnerable
� A modern day warrior who can show me who he is without his walls and armour � I�m
looking for a hero
I hang out quite a bit on social media. I love my online vibe tribe. We have a, beautiful,
inspiring connection, sharing a passion to lift humanity and the planet. The other topic
that gets thrown around is the fact that many of us are single. The men often lamenting
about how us women have set our standards way too high and us ladies wondering, where
the hell are all the heart connected men hiding?
If my inbox is any indication, I believe the problem here lies in the initial approach
that many men have when they decide to reach out to the woman who has flipped their interest.
They see a woman they like, maybe it�s her smile, her energy or her passion for life
and decide to test the waters. So, they decide to reach out half-heartedly in a nonchalant
manner, unwilling to risk rejection and gauge the level of interest by just sticking their
big toe in the water.
Maybe they send a casual message just saying, �Hi beautiful� or �Are you single?�
or �Can I teach you Tantra?� � I�m laughing because believe me, I�ve heard
them all. These introductions lack depth and originality. They are just not to stop the
girl of your dreams dead in her tracks and make her go � �Wow, I really feel I want
to get to know this guy better.�
If you really want to impress your crush and explore if she�s open to getting to know
you better, you�re going to have to dig deeper and give her something special. Oh
boy I can hear you saying, more flowers, chocolates, fancy restaurants � Well no actually, that�s
definitely not going to win the heart of a woman with any depth, and what I�m suggesting
you give her cannot be bought with any credit card or impressive bank balance either. If
she�s an awakened woman, you�re just not going impress her with your shiny car, bulging
biceps, cheesy words or corny memes.
Right from the start she�s going to want to know if you can fearlessly open your heart�.
That�s what she�s looking for in a man.
So be brave and give her something no one else can � Give her a piece of your heart.
Give her an insight into a side of you that you don�t show to everyone else. Tell her
how you feel about her and mention that you�re nervous but she�s worth taking the risk
for. Be authentic and genuine, she�s not interested in flashy showmanship and you only
ever going to get one chance to make that vital first impression.
Now doing that takes real guts � Warrior courage�. But she�s never going settle
for anything less in a man.
Look at you, you�ve been walking the hard yards on your own spiritual journey. You�ve
embraced the lessons from past relationships and grown from the inevitable pain. You know
you have something special to offer her. You are unique, no one else can give her what
you�ve got � After all that�s what you�re selling right? � Your heart.
And you know what? Despite your best efforts, maybe she�s still won�t reciprocate your
same level of interest. But I�ll tell you one thing � You�ll have gained her respect
and she�s unlikely to forget you either.
If she�s not interested, don�t see it as rejection, we can�t fall romantically
in love with everyone we meet. Just look how strong you are to even allow yourself be vulnerable
� Now that shows real strength as a man.
If it doesn�t work out, don�t close the door on your heart, everything is a stepping
stone. Gently remind yourself that you�ve managed to wrench open your heart a tiny bit
more, ready for when that one special lady who will see you as her true hero, comes along
� And she will. because a man who can open his heart is in huge demand with us single
You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Fearlessly show her your heart �
And just maybe, you will win hers.
How to Make Popsicles - Easy Ice Cube Tray Popsicles Recipe - Duration: 3:57.
How to make popsicles - easy ice cube tray popsicles recipe
Hello and welcome back to In the Kitchen with Matt.
I am your host Matt Taylor.
Today I will show you how to make popsicles.
In fact the next three videos are going to all be Popsicle related.
I had a request to make some popsicles so here we go we are going to make some popsicles.
Umm, It's summer time, it's super hot outside, it was what 122 degrees here in Phoenix a
couple days ago, crazy hot, so what better way to cool off then to eat some popsicles.
This first video is going to be ice cube tray popsicles.
Really easy to do, we used to make these as kids growing up, let's get started.
All you need is an ice cube tray obviously, and then you are going to need some kind of
liquid that you are going to put in there.
Now for this I am going to use orange juice, really really cool.
We loved using orange juice growing up, umm so that is what we are going to do.
So you just take some juice and we are going to pour it in the ice cube tray.
All right and now we are going to take some plastic wrap, and we are going to cover it,
and we want to get it nice and tight here.
Now you get some toothpicks, these toothpicks I have are pretty long so I am just going
to break them in half and then just push them down in there like that.
You see if you use a long one, it is going to keep falling over like that, which is okay,
you can do that too, and the plastic wrap just helps to keep the toothpick in place.
And if you come up with a better way to do this that is fantastic this is how we did
it as kids, and just so these all match, I am going to break this one in half.
All right, now you just put it in the freezer and let it freeze for at least 4 hours until
it sets completely, over night is better.
All right after our ice cube tray popsicles are frozen, just take it out of the freezer
and then we are going to go ahead and remove the plastic wrap.
And then what we are going to do is we are going to twist it a little bit, like you would
with normal ice cubes.
And then we will just go ahead and grab one, look at that, a little ice cube Popsicle,
made from Orange Juice.
All right our ice cube tray popsicles are done, they turned out amazing, really easy
to do, if I can do it, you can do it, go out there and make your own.
I am Matt Taylor; this has been another episode of In the Kitchen with Matt, thank you for
joining me, as always if you have any questions or comments put them down below and I will
get back to you as soon as I can, thumbs up, down in the corner, push it.
Don't forget to subscribe to my channel and check out my other videos.
Take care, mmm, mmm, mmm, time for me to dive into one of these guys, I am going to grab
this one, it's like a cool little popsicle, mmm, amazing.
Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i Dynamic - Duration: 0:59.
Hyundai i30 1.6 GDI i-Catcher Leder Ecc enz... - Duration: 1:02.
Toyota Aygo 5 drs 1.0 VVT-i x-play airco - Duration: 1:01.
Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I Executive | Navi | Leder - Duration: 0:42.
Community Tab & Marauder's Marathon! | Wake Up Date #31 - Duration: 5:25.
Good morning and welcome to this month's episode of the Wake Up Date! I've been
working on a ton of new videos lately, some of which you probably have already
seen, so that's good news! Last month, I came home from YouTube Nextup full of
inspiration and motivation and I came up with a ton of video ideas while I was
there and so I'm just really excited to make videos right now, which is good news
for you! Because it means that hopefully there will be lots of things
for you to watch. And in addition to that, I've been coming up with a bunch of new
ways to interact with all of you, which for me is really exciting because I love
that part of having a YouTube channel! I'm not just making videos and putting
them on the internet. It's like the start of a conversation, you know? And I love
reading all of your comments and it just makes me so happy that I get to talk to
all of you. So one very exciting new way that I've been doing that this month is
that I've got the community tab on my youtube channel! If you don't know what
that is, that's probably because very few youtubers actually have this
functionality so far. They did kind of a limited release to some very
specific channels a while back and while I was at YouTube Nextup, they announced
that all of the winners would actually be getting the community tab, so that's
pretty cool! So the way that you can find my community tab is by going to my
channel page and up where it says videos and about and all of those little tabs
you see, there's also a new tab on there that says community and this is where
I've been posting polls and questions and all sorts of little ways for us to
chat in between posting videos. If there's anything that you would love to
see from me in my community tab, definitely leave a comment down below
and let me know what that it is and if you already subscribe to any youtubers
that have had the community tab for a while, what are some of the things that
they do that you really like? Mostly I'd love to know what would be most exciting
to all of you. And the last little news update is that I am doing the Marauder's
Marathon. This is a Harry Potter themed virtual race, it's going to take place
this summer, and I'm really excited for it. It's being run by the Harry Potter
Alliance which I love and this is their third race. I've participated in all of them
so far, so I'm naturally really excited for the next one. It's going to be a
marathon length race but you can finish it in pieces and you can do it in any
way you want to. You can walk, you can bike, you can wheel, you can - run.
I mean running might be the obvious choice, but I actually have not been
running very much lately so I'm going to use this
as a way to kind of get back into running again. We'll see how that goes! If
not, I'll walk some of it but the point is to be active and travel some miles and
you get to log them in the app and since it's virtual and Harry Potter-themed, it
actually, as you log miles, it takes you on a little virtual tour of a bunch of
different Harry Potter filming locations so you get to see all of these places that
you're virtually visiting and then at the end, you get a medal so that's
exciting for me. So to find out how to sign up for the Marauder's Marathon, read
the video description below, I'll put some information in there, and I hope
that you'll join me for this little challenge! I think it's going to be
really fun. Okay, so I have a piece of mail to open, I have actually had this
for a little while now and I'm kind of excited to open it. So there's a note! This
package came from Marlene by the sea. she says "I hand crochet these items myself."
they're actually made to order and she says that they could come in any color
you choose at no extra cost which is amazing. Doing made-to-order Etsy shops is
really hard, so awesome job, Marlene! Aww! This is so cute! It's a little crocheted
seashell coin purse, it's beautiful! Oh my gosh! And this one's a starfish! Oh it's so
cute. I'm always really impressed when I see wonderful beautiful creative work
like this, especially little teeny tiny crochet projects like this, I just love
them. Thank you so much for sending me these, Marlene! That was so nice of you. I
get so excited when I get handmade stuff in the mail because I know all the work
that goes into it and I just appreciate it so much. Thank you! If you like these
as much as I do and you want to buy one, check out Marlene's Etsy shop! I'm going
to leave a link in the video description below. Okay, so lastly I want to give out a
couple of patreon shoutouts! This is something that I do every month to thank
my members over on it means so much to
me that those of you who have the means to do so are willing to pledge a little
bit of money every time I post a video. It's huge for me and I really really
appreciate it. Thank you so so much! This month I actually have a new patron which
is really exciting to me. He's actually somebody that I know from my Etsy shop.
He's bought a couple of my plush toys in past years and so it was very exciting
to me to see that he had joined on patreon as well. So I just wanted to say
hi and welcome and thank you so much to Mohammed B. Shout-out to
Antonio G, he actually makes YouTube videos as well - he does all kinds of
review videos on comic books and movies and if you're into that sort of thing, you
would love his channel so definitely go check it out.
I'd like to send out a big THANK YOU to Nicky B, thank you for leaving comments
on my videos you're super sweet and I really appreciate you thank you so much
to Lucy Black, you are the best, thank you to Markslide, I just you're amazing, you
I - I don't even have words apparently for how great you are. And hey how's it goin
Andrew Hansen, thank you so much! Okay so that's it for this month's wake up date
I'm gonna go work on some more videos because Matt's watching the baby and I'm
all motivated and excited and so, yeah! I hope you like em! I'm excited to share
them with you when they're done. Thank you for watching and I'll see you soon!
Seat Arosa 1.4I Signo, Airco, nieuwe APK - Duration: 0:59.
Volvo 850 2.5I-20V GLT Airco Cruise control Stoelverwarming Nieuwe APK Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 0:54.
A inquietação do homem de saber o nome da morte - Duration: 1:10.
TrKn yll #(HERKESİ MERAKTAN DELİRTEN O 2 SORU VE CEVAPLARI)# çğty snsenbdrnk - Duration: 3:11.
Klip o klipu PornSong - Duration: 3:19.
This is my fear-zone!
You see how I got my legs?
-No. -OK than.
-You may arrange yourself as you wish. -OK, OK...
Some took pineapple, some took a drum, yeah? Let's do this.
-Did you have a beer? -A lot.
-Why is the red light flashing? -There's no red light.
That's what everybody says.
-How is it going so far? -Wait, what do you mean...?
-Like everything. Making the video. How is it going? -Makin' the viedo, yeah.
I didn't expect Štofi to be able to do something like this.
So, how is it going so far?
Like OK, you know.
-It's a video. And it's a sport. -Alright.
-Right, can you expand it a little? -OK, um...
We're making... A video...
It's cold here!
I' cold,
I don't have my pants...
-I'm hungry.
-You're hungry? Are you cold? -Nope.
I feel great, because...
...I might be a little drunk.
I'm really cold here.
It may not seem so, but it's like 12 degrees in here.
Why are you in underwear?
I'm in my underwear, 'cause my jeans are blue
and the screen is also blue,
so my jeans...
...would blend.
-Why don't you have your pants? -I'm wearing them.
-Are you? -I am.
-Why weren't you wearing them before? -I was.
-You had them on? -I always had them on. -You always wore a pants?
Porn, porn, porn
Yeah, I love porn!
Porn, porn, porn...
How do you like my pomelos?
-Did you read the screenplay? -No.
And what do you think of the screenplay?
I think it could be really cool...
...if I read it...
Well... Lukáš wrote it so...
-Is it good? -No. But you should cut this out. Did you read a screenplay?
What do you think about screenplay?
Yeah. Well I would think something if we...
if we had one...
-You don't have a screenplay? -No, we don't have a screenplay.
-This pink one in my hand? -Um... No, it's not a screenplay
Did you read a screenplay
Of course.
I wrote it.
-You are the first one. -For real?
Shit, wait a moment...
This is not good!
Half of the video is done! This can't go well.
I'm not cutting this.
Como evitar sobrecalentamiento en tu computadora - Duration: 1:49.
Tyro - Dama de Preto (Videoclipe oficial) Prod. Dactes - Duration: 2:30.
iPhone's 10th anniversary: A Look Back At First Appearance On The Show | TODAY - Duration: 3:50.
Eroi printre urși - Episodul 11 - Duration: 2:59.
I'm Gabi
and today we will see how technology
brings solutions to a more effective rehabilitation process
for orphan bears.
One of the most difficult and most important parts
of the rehabilitation process for orphan bears
is the minimum contact with humans.
So the feeding of the bears
is problematic.
Leo had to take the food for the cubs
on a steep hill all the way to the the enclosed forest
and to hide it without being seen by the cubs.
But technology brings solutions
and Leo managed to modify a drone
to deliver food for the bears from above.
A plastic bucket with a metal lid and an electric trigger
make the newest container for food
and can carry up to 1.5 kilograms of food.
The drone moves with speeds over 100 km and hour
and the two kilometers until the enclosures
are covered in just a few seconds.
Once the drone reaches the spot that Leo wants
it releases the cargo with the press of a button
and within a few seconds it is back in the hands of the pilot
and is ready to be loaded with a new meal for the cubs.
This invention brings great advantages
now the cubs have almost zero contact with humans
which means that the Rehabilitation Center for Orphan Bears
is very similar to the natural environment
and gives the cubs even greater survival chances
after they are released
I'm Gabi
and if you like what you saw
don't forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel
and like our Facebook page WWF-Romania.
If you wish to help the cubs that are in our care
you can by accessing this link.
I'll see you next week!
La Pareja Japonesa - Duration: 1:42.
My girlfriend is great, tender, funny and treats me great ...
My god you're ugly look eh
You are the proof that God has a sense of humor
The dessert now please!
If you will cook dessert as well as you disappoint me we would have five trays of food so far
The joke is on you idiot ...
Spanish is not read ...
Daisy and sometimes we get angry and lose patience ...
Stop walking like a gay!
a day ago Japanese ...
Stop laughing!
I'll spit in your fucking mouth while you sleep!
Fence, lucky you ...
Surely you survived three attempts as abortion
Strangle as if you were gay
To dinner was a mistake!
Your birth if it was a mistake!
If I COJI good mobile without permission last night.
Who is Samanta?
Is my sister, I told you before when-
I did not know that genetics was so good ...
Say: Nya-CHAN!
Hey bitch
I do not copy the style
If I had the Dragon Balls wish you were dead!
I wish you were Kira ...
Usually fun when you teach me how to play Japanese games
The truth is that it is the love of my life and I would not do that without why-
Ohh you were here
By the way I've eaten all your food so they do not fatten
Do not're angry right?
------------------------------------------- Fidget Spinner Multiplayer IO Game like & - Top of Leaderboard - Duration: 7:26.
well hello everyone this is DragoNatr and welcome to so as you
can tell by um this this lovely screen here you can tell this is going to be a
fidgety spinner kind of game okay so I am I once again got a request to play
this game through my fiverr page and as you can see this is basically what the
heck is going on is this is this that was spectate only there we go okay
that's that's much better okay so this game is basically exactly like a agario
but it's with fidget spinners so for some reasons is this is what the people
are doing lately that they're making so many games with fidget spinners and so
many agario look-alikes and and that kind of thing I mean it's still
interesting it's still very interesting to play I I will I will admit that it
gives an interesting design and style and I apologize sincerely to anyone who
has a hard time with all these flying flashing colors and things like that
because that doesn't seem like it's going to be too too fun for you guys and
look at this I've already made it to number six on the leaderboards so this
is nice mm-hmm and we are also if you're wondering
about the music that is playing right now we are listening to to music by
Nathan o wills okay well this guy's afk here so let us grab him go up to 4,000
why why why why do we need more of these fidget spinner games and that kind of
thing fidget spinners are enough of a of a thing on their own why do we need all
these games to be fidget spinners as well you can't even see my mass number
up on the top left there I mean well maybe you guys can I I have no clue
but now I just got bigger than this guy's so so now we're number four now
we're number four in the leaderboard this guy isn't doing so great these guys
I'm doing took right here um but hey Luis how is Luis do it does Luis want
some of me oh I feel like Luis might want some of me oh look at this I look
in history are we oh my god we just absorbed in Lewis oh my oh my god oh my
god okay well we did manage to get up to in number one on the leaderboard I don't
know why I'm talking like this now but we did make it to number one another
leaderboard sorry for whatever that was and now we're back down to number seven
on the leaderboard so yay me I did super super well did I not mmm-hmm come here
give me yes hahaha there's no reason for me to be laughing like an evil psycho
right now don't think that once you split I don't think you can actually go
back together because I haven't seen anyone up high on the leaderboard as one
frigid spinner oh but you can see Louis dropped down to number five so now we're
actually higher than Luis now so Luis I screwed up earlier here's Luis Oh is
Luis going to come back for the revenge huh or hey hey whoa you actually can go
back together oh sweet it just takes a very very long
time I did not even notice that okay well I just popped as well I guess I was
totally fine I am pot why am i popping all of it like oh wait no what why am i
popping all over the place I don't know why I'm talking so much okay mr. mr.
risky is coming for me oh no I knew I knew
and yeah this is this is not good things at all mr. risky I don't like please
please leave me alone mr. risky shit this looks like the end for me
Oh God oh I've hit the edge Hey but here comes Chris on weed to save me from mr.
risky well I just gave Luis a part of me I like how I'm in-between Luis right now
oh my god oh no no why why does my mouse my mouse keeps going like all the way to
the left there for some reason I banned and then I get stuck and I died and the
bad things happened to me I don't know I never risk use coming back Oh God
let's look at this we've taken pretty much all of Chris on weeds so now this
guy is uh kinda stuck in a bad the position
okay I've pretty much taken over risky here now Luis over here has gotten back
up almost no actually he is that number one again so and he just left
I think I think he literally just left the game because he just phased out of
existence there what the heck buddy why would you do that you can't accept
defeat so you just leave instead Wow that's how that seems or you just got
disconnected and I'm being a total jerk about it right now so huh oh wait note
because Luis is right here no he popped I think I think he popped or he just
rejoined and just happened to spawn right beside me
all right this is not good things right here I mean I I'm at number one I am at
number one on the leaderboard but I'm also in a bunch of tiny little pieces
well okay I've got a few big ones so it never mind I'm complaining for nothing
but here's his bubble bubble balls or whatever over here that seems like it's
going to be fun to try and get him oh gosh I just popped again oh no those
things literally appear everywhere okay well this doesn't look good because
this guy is literally eaten all of me but he's still not big enough to
actually eat the rest of me oh yes oh yes that was not too good for you buddy
now was it okay well it looks like mr. bubble balls is gonna get me so this
isn't a very good thing and it seems like this might just be in the end yep
because I just popped myself okay well maybe maybe this is actually a good
place to end it let's just give myself to mr. bubble balls
there you go okay so that's a very very quick game like I said I'm not gonna
play to too much of that so there's not a whole heck of a lot going on in there
but yeah it was still kind of fun to play thank you all so much for watching
I hope you enjoyed watching this I know this is a typically but it was so kind
of fun time yeah you got it you got to be silly you got to have fun sometimes
so yes but if you enjoyed watching this don't forget to leave a like we got the
high score of like 36,000 or something along them lines I think it may have
been closer to 32600 but that is okay the game seems to be broken now so yeah
it was good so haha dont leave a like if you enjoyed and I will see you again
very very soon sure Godbless
Go Fetch! 🐶 - Duration: 1:03.
Hey there Spot. Be a good dog and grab me a soda.
Good boy! Say, what else can you fetch? Can you grab me some money?
Wow, free money! How about a motorcycle?
This is amazing. Okay. One more thing. Can you get me an ice cream cone?
Is this your dog?
You've taken my money, my motorcycle, and now my ice cream... This calls for payback!
Say buddy, would ya grab me a soda?
Yes sir...
PLAYLIST Para Sentir a Música Preta do Brasil - Por Anelis Assumpção - Duration: 0:16.
Momento Petrol l A diferença entre os tipos de óleos lubrificantes - Duration: 1:51.
Kate Middleton NEW Looks in Gucci Tweed Dress at The Open the New Wing at London's V&A - Duration: 4:11.
Floaty floral dresses or crisp lacy numbers are her go-to for summer, but today the Duchess
of Cambridge opted for something a little more ladylike.
Kate was channeling Jackie O chic as she arrived at London's V&A to open the new exhibition
spaces in a £1,790 tweed dress by Gucci.
The tailored black and white piece with red trim and gold buttons hugged the royal's famously
svelte figure perfectly, while she wore her brunette locks swept back in a half up do.
Kate strode through the new courtyard, with its brilliant white tile flooring, to meet
its designer and museum staff, before enjoying a tour of the new area.
Just a stone's throw from her official residence, Kensington palace, the V&A Exhibition Road
Quarter is the museum's largest architectural project in the last 100 years.
The Duchess will tour the V&A Exhibition Road Quarter's new spaces, designed by British
architect Amanda Levete and her practice AL-A, who have created new public areas and gallery
space, transforming the experience of the V&A for visitors, and revealing the historic
facades of the Museum's existing Grade I buildings for the first time.
She will also visit The Sackler Courtyard where she will unveil a commemorative plaque
to officially mark the opening of the V&A Exhibition Road Quarter.
A new public entrance to the V&A has also been created on Exhibition Road, reconnecting
the V&A with its neighbouring museums and institutions founded on the vision of 'Albertopolis',
following the Great Exhibition of 1851.
The new entrance leads visitors through the historic Aston Webb Screen into the world's
first porcelain tiled courtyard, which floats above a new column-free gallery that will
host the V&A's world-class exhibition programme.
The new entrance will reconnect the V&A with its neighbouring museums and institutions
founded on the vision of Albertopolis, following the Great Exhibition of 1851.
During the tour Her Royal Highness will also visit The Sackler Courtyard – the world's
first porcelain tiled public courtyard – The Blavatnik Hall, the V&A's new entrance and
The Sainsbury Gallery.
The Sainsbury Gallery will host temporary site-specific installations for the opening,
including immersive sound and light works by artist Simon Heijdens and viol player Liam
Byrne, as well as industrial designer Jonathan Olivares' Aluminium Bench, a twelve-metre
long bench which curves throughout the space.
The Duchess, who is a patron of the National Portrait Gallery, will attend a short reception
in the Blavatnik Hall to meet guests involved in the project.
She will be shown around the Sainsbury Gallery, which is hosting a selection of temporary
light and sound installations.
Kate will also hear about the design and unique features of the V&A's largest architectural
project in the last 100 years.
Her interest in art has led to patronages of London's National Portrait Gallery and
the charity The Art Room, which uses art in a therapeutic way to help disadvantaged children.
When she became patron of the latter in 2012, Kensington Palace said she'd chosen the organisation
as it reflected her 'interest in the arts and her particular interest in using the creativity
of art to enrich the lives of young people.'
During an event to celebrate the work of The Art Room, she told the audience: 'I am a firm
believer in the power of art to make a difference.'
When her first official portrait was commissioned, she insisted on taking on the task of picking
a shortlist of artists herself before settling on Paul Emsley.
And she showed off her own impressive skills as an artists, sketching a picture of St Mark's
Church in Englefield which appeared on the order of service for her sister Pippa's wedding
in May.
Curta - O Florista - Duration: 18:25.
The Florist
A tranvestite was brutally killed. Police suspects a skinhead assault.
Tranvestite is killed in capital city.
One More Tranvestite corpse is found, spanked to death.
Five transvestites murdered already.
A murder victim was found this morning
but this time it was at Garden City neighborhood.
The body was found
with the same marks of the other two victims
it indicates
to be a serial killer.
Due to the fact flowers
have been found with the bodies and thorns
have been put in the eyes of the victims
some already call it "The Florist".
What surprises more
is that according to some specialists
this psychopath
sees the victims as part of his arrangement.
Don't fuck move!
Don't move or I'll kill you right here!
Don't move!
Look at me!
Look at me!
Don't you like it?
Now I'll beat your ass son of a bitch!
Is the little fag still alive?
What the fuck is this?
Did you come here to help the little fag?
What are you going to do with him?
You woke up, didn't you?
How is it, not being able to defend yourself?
Bad, isn't it?
And to feel...unable to do anything?
It also is, right?
hate that.
You know...
The indians, they used to put on the tip of their arrows
some kind of poison called "curare"
and I put this same kind of poison...
in you.
So, I feel sorry to tell you but...
you're paralyzed.
Look what I see here...
I see the terror in your eyes...
the same fear
that I saw you provoking
in that person you beat up tonight.
The beater forgets the beating...
but the beaten never do.
The cops and the press they call me...
serial killer,
I think I'm just...
cleaning up the garden of...
blights like you.
And now...
The final touch!
Hello, how can I help you?
Yes, please!
I'm looking for a flower!
It's for my mother, it's her birthday
but I want something different, something special.
Something different...
Your name?
Look. I think that I have what you need.
Follow me, please.
Wow! It's really different.
It's what I make in the lab.
What do you do for it to be like this?
Let's say that the flower is what it eats.
What does it eats?
That's a secret!
Ok! So, it must be more expensive!
No, for you I make a special price
after all it's your mom's birthday.
Wow, cool! I liked it!
Come here with daddy!
Please, follow me to the cash register.
It's amazing! I don't believe it!
Look at this!
An Attorney General, who sexually abused his nephew
will not be arrested.
It might be because he's an attorney.
The world is like a garden
we have flowers but we also have the blights.
But that's blight, isn't it?
And he lives at the end of my street. He's my neighbor!
What street?
On Amazon Street.
Patricia is your name, right?
Patricia your arrangement is ready!
I'll ask the motoboy to send it to your mother.
It was a pleasure to assist you.
Thank you so much!
Come back soon!
Whose death was attributed to the serial killer
known as "The Florist".
The corpse belongs to Marcelo Barros
the son of diplomat, Rubens Barros.
Marcelo was a law student
according to family and friends
he was a nice and exemplary young man.
Police guarantees
that they will keep investigating the case with care.
→ Programa De Restauração Auditiva - Tratamento Zumbido No Ouvido - Tratamento Natural - Duration: 29:02.
GST || latest gst news || gst act details || gst details - Duration: 0:45.
GST is a tax that people need to pay on supply of goods & services. Any person, who is providing or supplying goods and services is responsible to charge GST.
Indirect Tax system is highly complicated in India because there are various types of taxes that are charged by the Central and State Governments on Goods and Services.
Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a reformatory legislation which is a single tax on the supply of goods and services, right from the manufacturer to the consumer.
GSTN, the Goods and Services Tax Network is being setup with the objective to provide the requisite IT infrastructure and services for the proper roll-out and implementation of GST.
GST is a consumption based tax. It is based on the "Destination principle." Goods and Services Tax is imposed on goods and services at the place where final/actual consumption occurs.
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