Hello, Hello boys and girls .. hope you are well.
Here, reviewing my social networks. What is facebook and the page of the dance group.
the Internet is very slow
Group page Checking what is there
As well as reviewing the page K-DF REACTION
Revising little by little. While I dress to leave.
Since I'm going to an event where I'm going to dance. In a neighborhood of cali - colombia. To promote or spread the kpop culture
Although it is something short but something is something.
Which is a process that arrived in 2017
Although I start in a neighborhood and now I'm in another neighborhood, but the important thing is to move on.
Because when you get into difficulties, the important thing is to face it and move on. And that's what I'm doing.
Then, because I'm not so good doing vlogs
As today is June 4, 2017
Then making this new vlog
Although I'm not very good but try
something different
but equal. There i am trying
And then I know that this channel is more of videos reaction. But this is another random video vlogs
And this blog is the number 5 or 6 or 8 or I do not know. Anyway, I'm doing it and I hope you like it.
And I know this blog for those who are from Asia or from those sides.
Because I do not know if they see it or if they understand it. But oh I will try to put subtitles in English.
Or if not then there is for those who like or want to see.
good. I'm ready to leave here. For this first event or presentation
With these guys or girls who are getting to know this kpop culture. Although it is not easy to know this kpop culture.
But I'm already trying and I know everything will work out fine. Then let's all go for this first presentation
Since they are like three presentation that you have in this month of June.
so. As we are today. But I know that we will do well.
Then I will show you some of the route. But we are in Colombia and hard to record in the streets
Then we will see you on the site or at the salsera download academy
Which is where I have the process or I am teaching.
Then we'll see each other. in academia
For more infomation >> Momentos antes de las tres presentaciones(Proceso/grupo baile) Divulgando el KPOP Vlog #9 - Duration: 18:01.-------------------------------------------
Salvadoreño gana demanda de 190,000 dólares por una detención ilegal en San Francisco - Duration: 1:57.
Patricia Nash Enrica Embossed Leather ToeLoop Sandal - Duration: 4:34.
Guillermo Cantú, sobre Juan Carlos Osorio: "Tenemos un proyecto que se nota el crecimiento" - Duration: 3:14.
BREAKING: Trump Wins Massive Victory No One Thought Possible – Libs FURIOUS | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:31.
Trump has been able to overcome all odds since his time in the White House.
Today, there is another MASSIVE victory that every Patriot should be celebrating.
News broke today that Kate's Law OFFICIALLY passed the House.
Donald Trump tweeted a victory message to the American people.
Not only is this a victory, but it is also a sign that everything President Trump promised
us when he ran for president is coming to full fruition.
It has not felt this good to be an American in a long time.
Kate's Law was initially proposed when Kate Steinle, a San Francisco Native, was senselessly
murdered by an illegal immigrant who made it into the United States MULTIPLE TIMES.
He kept getting deported, and would just return.
The two-year anniversary of her death is this Saturday.
The new law makes it so that if you are deported as an illegal, and return to this country,
your punishment will be MUCH more severe.
Many people were upset over the death of Steinle, as you can imagine.
They said that it did not HAVE to be this way.
The illegal immigrant who killed her should have been kept from coming back into the United
States the FIRST time he was deported.
Having this law pass is historic, but it is not the only fantastic bill that passed today.
The other bill is designed to stop ANY federal grants from going to sanctuary cities, according
to FOX News.
This needed to happen too!
The Sanctuary cities around the country are a cesspool of crime and hate.
The "tolerant" Left violently protest anyone who opposes them, particularly in these
It is going to be hard for progressives to make much of anything happen now that these
cities are not going to be receiving their Federal grants.
Maybe this will cause some of the leaders in these communities to quit harboring criminals.
If you are here illegally, you ARE committing a crime.
It doesn't matter if you're convicted of a violent crime or not.
Crossing our border, costing our taxpayers MILLIONS, and causing havoc in our cities
is starting to take its toll.
It is fantastic to see our President step-up in such a big way for our country.
We are all feeling much safer since President Trump took office.
As time passes, he is no doubt going to do more to keep illegal immigrants out of our
country and preserve our freedoms!
Do YOU support Kate's Law?
Please Share this and tell us what you think!
Volkswagen up! 1.0 HIGH UP! BLUEMOTION DYNAMIC+EXECUTIVE PAKKET - Duration: 0:57.
Indocumentado que fue voluntario en Zona Cero cuenta su alegría por salvarse de una deportación - Duration: 2:23.
En exclusiva: Kate Del Castillo señala los motivos que la llevaron a denunciar al gobierno mexicano - Duration: 2:18.
The Reality Check Project - Ep 1 - Duration: 4:10.
[20170630][莫忘林奕含之死][林奕含高二時就曾向父母透露自己被陳星逼迫口交][林奕含之死][台灣最後變態色狼陳星][共犯日創社謝如玉][猴子哥哥][網路繼續關注][陳星出來自首自己閹割老二] - Duration: 4:32.
Baby Doll Eat Fruits and Vegetables and Robocar Poli Cars Plants Vs Zombies Finger Family Song - Duration: 13:40.
BREAKING: Trump Wins Massive Victory No One Thought Possible – Libs FURIOUS | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:31.
Trump has been able to overcome all odds since his time in the White House.
Today, there is another MASSIVE victory that every Patriot should be celebrating.
News broke today that Kate's Law OFFICIALLY passed the House.
Donald Trump tweeted a victory message to the American people.
Not only is this a victory, but it is also a sign that everything President Trump promised
us when he ran for president is coming to full fruition.
It has not felt this good to be an American in a long time.
Kate's Law was initially proposed when Kate Steinle, a San Francisco Native, was senselessly
murdered by an illegal immigrant who made it into the United States MULTIPLE TIMES.
He kept getting deported, and would just return.
The two-year anniversary of her death is this Saturday.
The new law makes it so that if you are deported as an illegal, and return to this country,
your punishment will be MUCH more severe.
Many people were upset over the death of Steinle, as you can imagine.
They said that it did not HAVE to be this way.
The illegal immigrant who killed her should have been kept from coming back into the United
States the FIRST time he was deported.
Having this law pass is historic, but it is not the only fantastic bill that passed today.
The other bill is designed to stop ANY federal grants from going to sanctuary cities, according
to FOX News.
This needed to happen too!
The Sanctuary cities around the country are a cesspool of crime and hate.
The "tolerant" Left violently protest anyone who opposes them, particularly in these
It is going to be hard for progressives to make much of anything happen now that these
cities are not going to be receiving their Federal grants.
Maybe this will cause some of the leaders in these communities to quit harboring criminals.
If you are here illegally, you ARE committing a crime.
It doesn't matter if you're convicted of a violent crime or not.
Crossing our border, costing our taxpayers MILLIONS, and causing havoc in our cities
is starting to take its toll.
It is fantastic to see our President step-up in such a big way for our country.
We are all feeling much safer since President Trump took office.
As time passes, he is no doubt going to do more to keep illegal immigrants out of our
country and preserve our freedoms!
Do YOU support Kate's Law?
Please Share this and tell us what you think!
CHARCOAL JOE by Walter Mosley Book Recommendation I An Easy Rawlins mystery - Duration: 3:56.
so what's going on youtube Did I pull that off? y'all let me know in
the comments down below. I tried to hit it man
you know he had a cigarette . I dont smoke cigarettes but everything else I think I
got pretty close to. anyway man a book I'm recommending today is Charcoal Joe
by Walter Mosley. this is the hardback version so it actually has a different
cover in the paperback. I think pretty much everybody's doing that these days
but I actually like this just cover better than the paperback one I seen you
but anyway so let me tell you our man Walter Mosley of course is a pretty
distinguished mystery detective fiction writer probably the most distinguished
black writer in that genre. he recently just received a 2016 Grand
Master Award from the Mystery Writers of America, and you know so this character
he writes is the Easy Rawlin.s it's a easy Rawlins mystery and so he had a lot
of books on this character Easy Rawlins who was a black detective back in the
day in like the 60s you know in California and someone somewhere has
some of the books about easy bronze have actually been made into movies such as
like devil in the blue dress stuff like that with Denzel Washington play them so
I mean you know walter got some clout and easy rawlins as a
recurring character has some clout. this is actually my first Walter Mosley book
I feel a little ashamed to say that but you know it is what it is man we all
gotta start somewhere, and I enjoyed it man I you know just right off the bat
it's clear to see how he is so respected as a writer because the descriptions are
good the way he puts the story together the plot
the pieces the hints he drops where you see them coming into play later on this
story. all of that was put together um it almost seemed like effortlessly, like he
did it very effortlessly and you know just like just reading it I
was like ooo, like yeah you could tell he got some skills you know I
mean like this ain't his first time doing it and you know so shoutout to him this
is not gonna be my last one I read I'm definitely gonna check out some more
of his novels so that's the thing no that's the big thing on ah I'm more my
preference is more into like current modern crime fiction mystery stuff like
that and this does not take place modern this is like in the 60s so you kind of
got to keep that in mind because some racial stuff come up where it's a lot
more prevalent in that time than it is today
and he kind of shows the kind of shows of dynamic with that man but all of them
and I enjoyed the book I recommend it for anybody out there read it already or
any box think about checking it out definitely recommend a good real
entertainment there's a lot of fun and I let me down below comment down below
and lets discussion I didnt want to give away any spoilers because like I said this is
a detection detective mystery fiction so pretty much if I give it away man y'all
need to read the book so let's not do that in this video but yeah let me know down
below and let me know what you thought babout the book, peace
News 2 I-Team: Clear cutting - Duration: 3:50.
MAN, I SUCK AT THIS GAME | Jump Doper - Duration: 4:18.
(RG starts dancing like a moron.)
(RG starts air humping.)
Heyo peoples!
My name is ThePandaPunchGamer!
And welcome to "Jump Doper."
Now I tried recording this...
...a LONG (a week) time ago.
Uh...but I failed.
And now I notice my voice is a little bit lower this time.
So, hyeah!
Puberty is a thing!
Let's go, okay!
I-I've played this before, and you can see from the preeeevious scores...
...I was better than I think I might be nah--
Yeah, see!
My high score...
...was 40.
But I can't get up to my level anymore.
Ah! (x2)
Fu-What the fuck?
That was GAY! (nothing against gay people)
"Oof." (xb3nsavage 2017)
(whispering) Okay.
I'm gonna chaaaaange...
I'm gonna change my character.
Yeah! Hold on, I gotta sneeze!
Excuse me,
I'm gonna need a tissue.
Holy crap.
Oh shit.
Ah, fuck.
Why do I suc-
I suck with the car!
Four on the car?
Fucking kidding--
You got decapitate--
(RG hits the table, until his phone falls.)
My camera fell over.
Ah great!
Great, my camera fell over!
Ah fucking god-damn it!
Slicing me up.
Not "slicsh," what's a "slicsh?"
I usually catch it more...
Lada Niva 1.7i 4x4 4034KM!! UNIEK! - Duration: 0:59.
Chrysler Grand Voyager 3.3I V6 SE Luxe Stow'NGo 178.000km 7Persoons,Airco/ECC,Navigatie,Leder - Duration: 1:01.
Rudimental feat. James Arthur - Sun Comes Up (LYRICS) - Duration: 3:54.
I wonder, maybe they'd never find me I've been waitin' such a long, long, long
time to feel it Swallowed by the waters around me
Though I took so many wrong, wrong, wrong turns to see it, woah
But I dance through the blisters at night And I laughed 'til I cried and cried and
I ran 'til my feet couldn't run no more (no more, no more)
And I sat 'til my lungs were burnin' 'Til I know I'm alive, alive, yeah
I'll sit 'til I can't hear words no more
Suddenly the sun goes up And I feel my love floodin' back again, yeah
Until the sun goes up And I feel my love comin' up again
Suddenly the sun goes up And the dark is gone
We made it to the dawn And I don't miss you anymore
When the sun goes up I can feel my love comin' back again
It wasn't easy tryin' to run with these handcuffs I had to sleep through such a cold, cold,
cold night to see it Green flashes hit me right where I'm standing
Sunlight cut into your bones, bones, bones, started to heal it
But I dance through the blisters at night And I laughed 'til I cried and cried and
I ran 'til my feet couldn't run no more (no more, no more)
And I sat 'til my lungs were burnin' 'Til I know I'm alive, alive, yeah
I'll sit 'til I can't hear words no more
Suddenly the sun goes up And I feel my love floodin' back again, yeah
Until the sun goes up And I feel my love comin' up again
Suddenly the sun goes up And the dark is gone
We made it to the dawn And I don't miss you anymore
When the sun goes up I can feel my love comin' back again
Give a little light To get a little love back
Give a little light To get a little love back
Give a little light Won't you give it
Give a little love back
Won't you give it Turn your light on me
Give a little To get a little love
To get a little love back ooohhh...
Dance through the blisters at night I laughed 'til I cried and cried and
I ran 'til my feet couldn't run no more (no more, no more)
And I sat 'til my lungs were burnin' I'm alive, alive
I can't hear words no more
Suddenly the sun goes up And I feel my love
Sun comes up again, my love Until the sun goes up
And I feel my love comin' up again I can feel my love, I can feel my love
Sun goes up I can feel my love comin' back again
Starseed 'Proof' And Changing The 3D - Duration: 8:54.
Starseed �Proof� And Changing The 3D
How do I know if I�m Starseed? Where�s the �proof�? Here�s a look at what the
word �Starseed� may mean � why �proof� is relevant (yet completely irrelevant) and
how as Starseeds we can work together to change the collective 3D Consciousness.
by Naomi Cook
Here in 3D we get bogged down with words and their meanings and how these meanings relate
exactly to what we experience in the 3rd Dimension itself. Cross examining, referencing and proving
things is useful here in the third dimension but it can be a circular messy state of affairs
for beings who are trying to bring higher frequencies down and through the wormhole
that enters into our Planet!
Take the word �Starseed� � if we consider it in a literal context we may understand
that Starseeds are souls incarnated here on Earth as ambassadors or light workers who
have perhaps primarily incarnated in other Star Systems. They are here assigned with
tasks to increase Unity Consciousness in order, ultimately, to raise the vibration of both
Humans, Earth and the Solar System. But how, as Starseeds can we PROVE this is what and
who we are? And why is �proof� relevant in the first place?
3D Proof
Proof is a big deal here in 3D � �being scientifically proven� is what moves truths
forward here, no matter how transient those truths may prove to be (and that�s a whole
other kettle of fish). I�d go as far as to argue that science is the new demi-god
for many humans right now. But what about proof of being a �Starseed�?
Some of us have intergalactic memories � but here in 3D, this doesn�t� count as proof
of our intergalactic origins � we just get called imaginative (or weird). Some of us
have had Extra-terrestrial encounters, via telepathic communication or actual physical
experiences. But, we are all aware that even photographic or video evidence of ET family
encounters don�t work as �proof� here in 3D � we can get branded �attention
seekers� or phonies (or weird).
Starseeds do not come here with birth certificates or cosmic passports from other Star Systems
� yet, here in 3d that is the kind of thing that might count as �proof� � at least
that is how it works for the human race and differing nationalities: Here on Earth it
is all about where you were born and what country you come from.
At first sight, it appears there is no 3D proof that Starseeds can offer the Globe with
regards to their inherent knowing that they are �not of this planet��
Why is Proof of our Cosmic Heritage Relevant Anyway?
Consider this, for many of us, as part of our incarnation and unique assignments here
in on Earth in 3D we try to make what we do relevant to the rest of the Planet and this
means that to a certain extent this entails making what we do resonant to 3D thinking.
Once something new has been introduced to a 3D mindset, it (they � the person) will
play around a little with the concept then hopefully, after further exposure and a normalization
of this previously novel concept, it will become incorporated as a �norm.� Eventually
after massive incorporation of new norms from higher densities there will be a shift from
3D thinking to 4D thinking and reality.
So as you can see, it is not about �proving� a concept to be true, it is about making this
concept real to those who haven�t yet incorporated it into their thinking. Bringing forth a new
concept, such as �I Am a Starseed� may be an accepted �truth� once enough people
have been introduced to the concept, integrated the concept which eventually produces the
new norm. The �proof� lies in the accepted the new truth and therefore the new reality
� this a form of Truth Theory known in philosophy as �Coherence.�
This brings me to my second point � it is true that there are millions of Starseeds
who don�t remember they are Starseeds and who go about their Earthly incarnation quite
happily � fulfilling projects and assignments with no problems at all � no cosmic questions
or intergalactic issues raised. Yet for many other Starseeds who may find they have Root
Chakra Issues �leaking wistful energy back home� (see this post on Starseed healing
for more) addressing their cosmic nature and intergalactic heritage may be important for
earth assignments to fully unfold � which is why I�ve started talking and writing
about Starseeds: As we look within and heal the grief /separation/confusion we�ve experienced
in a human body we must realize that by bringing these secret, deeper aspects of ourselves
into the light we just might, together, change the world as we know it�
Bringing our Cosmic Heritage into the 3D Collective Consciousness
I use the term Starseed loosely � we do not have passports, Intergalactic DNA tests
or birth certificates declaring where we have come from. What we do have is an inner knowing
on what and who we are: What we have (and no one can take it away) is our Inner Truth.
So when I ask �Are you a Starseed?� I am asking: Do you feel yourself to be an intergalactic,
cosmic, universal, eternal being?� The resonance and vibration of the word Starseed for me
brings in these other aspects of our being. Remember how in 3D we get bogged down with
the meaning of words and how these meanings relate exactly to what we see � we must
remember that all words carry a vibration � for me the vibration of �Starseed�
is not �proof� of a birth certificate or passport or even intergalactic memories
and actual ET encounters: it is broad, all encompassing vibration of Cosmic, Universal
beings of love who know they are more than �just human�.
So why use only the word �Starseed� when the vibration of the word carries so much
more with it? Here in 3D we need specific words to describe things even if at first
sight, it simplifies them. I see it like this:
The enormity of �what we are� is too big to fully comprehend here in 3D, so, after
connecting to this infinite expanse of truth we must somehow funnel it in to our brains
and condensed energy fields here before projecting it out into the world around us. This funnel
of the infinite and projection of our experience of this �funneled infinite� narrows our
ability to fully express or describe it. So we create words that resonate to these concepts
or experiences. These words are a narrow version of a vibration of a much broader truth yet
they serve us well here because we can use them, share them and learn from them hopefully
creating concepts that other people in the 3D can resonate with.
The question I am asking today �to whomever will answer it: Are you a Starseed? If the
answer is yes, then we have another awakened individual whose �norm� carries a cosmic
vibration. I am hoping and believe that as the numbers of Awakened Starseeds increase
by making this 3D �gesture� of claiming back their identify and heritage as Universal
Cosmic Being a new �norm� will begin to creep through the rest of the human consciousness
� the �proof� will be in our numbers yet the �truth� will, I feel, emerge energetically
through a Morphic Resonant effect on the consciousness of others as this cosmic knowing and feeling
there is more to our �human� story becomes the accepted norm and thus emerges as a new
3D-4D truth.
�Be humble for you are made of Earth, be noble for you are made of Stars� � Serbian
The Reality Check Project - Ep 1 - Duration: 4:10.
Flaxseed Gel: Benefits and Uses - Duration: 3:28.
The health benefits and uses of flaxseed gel, and how to make this yourself at home.
Flax seeds are well known in the health community for their nutritional benefits, however you
can also use these seeds to make a gel which has some fantastic uses.
In some countries, these are known as linseeds.
Benefits For Hair.
Flax seed gel can be used to condition to nourish and condition the hair.
It is highly moisturising and can repair damaged and brittle follicles.
Cost Effective
Hair care products can be very costly, however this gel is a simple and natural remedy, and
is therefore cheap to make.
Hair Growth
Using this as a conditioner regularly, will help your hair to grow longer faster.
The follicles will be less likely become dry and break.
Hair Types
This is most beneficial for those with naturally curly or wavy hair, It can be used to add
definition to curls, making them look much healthier and vibrant.
The nutrients found within flax seeds are within the gel.
This leeches into the hair providing extra support, without harmful additives found in
store bought products.
Other uses
Constipation can be a chronic problem for many people, leaving us feeling uncomfortable
and bloated.
4 Tablespoons of flax seed gel can be added to your drinks up to three times per day.
This lubricates the intestines and clears up constipation within 3-5 days.
We recommend blending this into delicious juice and smoothie drinks.
You can find many recipes for these on our channel.
How To Make Flaxseed Gel
You Will Need:
200g Flax Seeds 500ml of Water
Method Add the water and flax seeds to a saucepan.
Using medium heat, allow this mixture to simmer, whilst constantly stirring with a wooden spoon.
Bring to the boil, and when a frothy gel begins to form remove the heat source.
Allow this to continue thickening on its own for around 40 minutes.
The liquid will have the consistency and texture of egg whites.
Strain the mixture using a cheesecloth to remove the seeds and particles.
Be sure to squeeze this well to bring the gel through the material.
. You can also use pantyhose if you do not have a cheesecloth.
Store this gel in an airtight container and store in the refrigerator.
This will stay fresh for around 2 weeks.
You can also add some essential oils to add fragrance, and honey or coconut oil as a preservative
to make this last a little longer.
Apply this to the hair to hydrate your hair and define the curls.
Allow this to air dry.
Be sure to see our other video to learn more about natural remedies.
Thank you very much for listening, a like is always appreciated and remember to subscribe
for more healthy videos.
I wish you great health, wealth and happiness.
Police Told To Leave Protective Gear Behind - Duration: 4:47.
Jury Finds Police Chief Not Guilty - Duration: 2:29.
Liverpool and Tottenham approach Monaco over Thomas Lemar as Arsenal prepare £35m bid - Duration: 2:22.
Liverpool and Tottenham approach Monaco over Thomas Lemar as Arsenal prepare £35m bid
The midfielder is attracting strong interest from the Premier League with Arsenal thought to be leading the race for his signature.
Arsene Wenger is keen to bolster his midfield options and sees the 21-year-old winger as an ideal acquisition with Alexis Sanchez tipped to leave the Emirates.
However, French publication Le 10 Sport claim they are now battling with the likes of Tottenham and Liverpool for his signature. Liverpool and Spurs have both made approaches to the French outfit to sound out Lemars availability.
The Premier League duo could be about to put forward proposals in a bid to tempt Monaco into selling. But Le10 Sport claim Arsenal are ready to put in an offer of around £35m with bonuses included.
Reports suggest the Gunners have already had a £30.7m bid rejected but are keen to test Monacos resolve once more.
But Arsenal face a fight on their hands to convince Monaco into selling with the Ligue 1 champions desperate to hold onto their star players.
They have already sold Bernardo Silva to Manchester City, while Benjamin Mendy, Fabinho, Tiemoue Bakayoko and Kylian Mbappe are all being linked with moves away.
Lemar, who scored nine goals and provided 10 assists in the league last season, is under contract with Monaco until 2020.
JULY TBR || 2017 - Duration: 4:45.
Hey guys, it's Emily! For today's video I'm doing my July TBR. Per "uge"--I feel like
I've been putting this in front of all of my TBR's--I don't like to pick all
that many. I like a little bit of structure so that I don't get lost in
the crisis of choice, but I also like to give myself some room to pick whatever
book I want to pick up in the moment. Maybe, surprise! There's a new release that I
didn't know about. Or surprise! Someone whose opinion I respect is raving
about some book and I need it now. I like to leave a little room for that kind of
stuff. So my TBRs are much shorter than generally the number of books that I
actually end up reading in a month. Also right now my voice is like a little
croak-y, but whatever. So let's get started! The first book that I want to read is a
buddy read! And that is Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake. You should go check
out my buddy, Elliot Brookes, she has a dope channel
that has a ton of awesome fantasy books if you're looking for some new fantasy
recs. She's like the Queen! So you should definitely go check her out.
Anyway, Three Dark Crowns is a YA fantasy book. It takes place in a matriarchal society
in which there are triplets born, I think. And they have to somehow fight each
other for the crown and they have different manifestations of powers. Like
there's three distinct types of power, I think... Maybe there's more, but each of the
triplets has one type of power and the one that we follow has poisons of some kind...
Like she's poisonous, she can make poisons? Who knows! But I've heard
awesome things about this book. I've heard it's very political and people
whose opinions I trust on BookTube are some of its biggest fans, so I am very
excited to check it out. Next up I plan on reading The Strange Library by Haruki
Murakami. This is literary fiction. It'll be my first Murakami. I have not
read anything of his but theshelfdn, who is someone I follow on Instagram,
on Bookstagram, on whatever you want to call it. She posted a photo and I was like,
"That sounds dope!" and she said it was a great place to start with Murakami.
Also, shameless off promo, I'm kind of trying to do the Bookstagram thing, maybe...
I'm okay at posting semi-regularly. If you want to see some pictures of some
books that I like or I'm reading or whatever, you should check it out. It is
the same name, possiblyiterate. It's always link down below, but if you wanted to
check that out that would be pretty cool! Anyway, I don't know very much about this
except that it's a really cool looking book, and I'm kind of frustrated. It looks like
it's gonna be difficult to physically read because oh look!
It goes like this. When I got this in the mail I was like, "Huh... How do I open it?
What do I do?" But it falls down like this and then you read it like this,
which is beautiful book construction, but I think it might get kind of annoying when I'm actually
reading it. So we'll see if that's an enhancer or a detractor to the reading
experience. Regardless I'm very excited to pick this up. On the off chance that I
found myself on the beach I wanted a good book to read on the beach which is
different than they like beachy book like it's not about some seaside town.
It's... I have had friends who like read it on vacation and they were like, "It's a
great beach read." And that is A Man called Ove by Frederik Backman. Oovah? Ooooh... I looked it
up a while back and I have since completely repressed that memory so I
think it's pronounced "Oovah." I know it's not Ohv know that for sure, but I don't
remember exactly how you're supposed to say it. This is about a curmudgeony old
man, the titular Ove, and it takes place and I think Sweden. He's mean and grumpy
all the time and I've heard wonderful things about it. I've heard wonderful
things about Frederik Backman in general. So really excited to read this.
Next up I plan on reading Furies of Calderon by Jim Butcher. This is book
one and his Codex Alera series which is a fantasy series that follows a boy named
Tavi. He is the only person in the land who can't control to some extent Furies
which are these elemental spirit things. I heard they were inspired by Pokemon,
which is why I haven't read this book before because I was like, "That sounds
like a terrible idea! Why?? I don't want to read that..." Which is me being a snob, but
I've heard a lot of people say like, "I know about the Pokemon thing, it's good
regardless," so I am getting over my snobbery and finally picking this up. I
have heard amazing things about it so I'm really excited to read it. And
finally the last planned book I have for July and switching it up a bit we're
going for some nonfiction now, and this is also a very short book. And that is On
Tyranny: 20 lessons from the 20th century by Timothy Snyder, who is a professor of
history focusing on fascism at Yale. And this is basically 20 lessons from some
of the darkest periods of time in the 20th century as a kind of how-to guide
for dealing with the rise of authoritarianism in 21st century America. I am ready to be
inspired--although that's kind of a high bar to set it to. I'm ready to be somewhat
inspired. We'll have that, and then if Snyder passes it... Dope! Super cool! So
that is it. All the books and I'm planning on reading in July. Let me know
what you guys are planning on reading downin the comments below. If
you liked this video give it a thumbs up. Hit subscribe to see more of my face, and
I will see you next time!
Conspiracy Theories / Episode one / - Duration: 3:20.
Hi, Guys welcome back to another video!
Today.. I'm going to be talking to you guys about a conspiracy theory that I have... and this is the theory that our world is a simulation!!
So basically this theory has been expressed in
Movies, Like Matrix or episodes of Supernatural such as " what is and what should never be "
Basically the theory goes that some people can get glimpses into the future!
In their dreams like.. months.. YEARS into the future and it could be at places like restaurants or hotels
Places that haven't been built yet
And people will tell you this is Deja Vu like when you say I've seen this somewhere before
It's not Deja Vu because that hadn't been built yet when you saw years ago in your dreams
people think that...
The reason we get these like premonitions is because our world is
Simulated so it's already been planned out.. but sometimes
slices of reality fade into our fake society and that is why we lucky few have premonitions?!
This theory would explain things such as the Mandela effect! ( where some people remember things spelled a certain way)
Maybe it's because they're immune to whatever is
Being put into our heads in the simulation
Maybe they saw things before they were changed
another theory could be that this is the government because like I'll be talking about something and like right when I'm done talking about it a
Commercial about the answer will come on TV, or I'll be talking about an idea
I have and the next day one of my favorite youtubers will make a video about it. So maybe it's not a simulation
Maybe it could just be the government and the premonitions could be an entirely different idea!
I don't know, guys, tell me what you think in the comment section down below and I'll try to read all those comments!:)
but I can't promise that I can read them all right away like I normally can because
My schedule is just crazy right now like I said
And I'm also going to apologize for the poor quality of this video because like I've been mentioning
I don't have my normal recording setup stuff
And I can't get on snapchat or musical.ly either to talk to you guys, so I'm really sorry about that
And I hope I can get back to my normal schedules and then
at least in a few months..hopefully sooner. I don't know but thanks for listening guys and I hope you enjoyed the video
And I'll see you guys next time! Bye!
Text on screen ( music playing )
Music fades
#2 Experiment of the Week - Breakfast in Bread - Duration: 2:57.
Hi there, it's Shannon here from Bee in the Kitchen - Bee in the Bakeshop and Bee in
Sourdough. I just wanted to talk to you, touch base with you on a Monday evening.
It's about 8:55 p.m. and I just wanted to let you know what my plans for this past
day were. Tomorrow is my lovely daughter's birthday, her 12th birthday and
we're doing a birthday brunch. Earlier on this weekend my sister-in-law
inspired me with some really beautiful breakfast bowls and so I thought why not
let's try that out. I'm just gonna to turn you over to look at them and we'll
go from there. Here they are. These are just little mini guys. You can see my
hand and if I pick one up there's a little, they are like a little small bun.
These ones are still hot. I just experimented with a little bit of art on
them. This is supposed to be a 12 for my daughter's 12th birthday and some
of these are just some other little shapes. These ones over here, I cooked them a
little less because I am thinking that I'm gonna to be baking them pretty hot tomorrow which
I'll show you the final product when we get them all done. This was just the
leftover, little 50 gram roll. This was an adjustment to my Pain au Belle loaf. I'm
going to talk to you a little bit tomorrow about how the texture is, how it
all worked out and that's about that. For the rest of my day on a Monday I was
also, I was thinking about this bread, but then I also started thinking about how
the rest of the week is going to go. The rest of the week, I've got some
croissants going today that I started ... what I did I started the batch tonight I
just threw it right to the fridge. I'm not going to have time to start laminating
my dough until tomorrow afternoon, but that's gonna work out for a gift for a
friend who's just had a baby, so I wanted to get that done and into the fridge and
then the rest of this week I'm gonna be looking at reinventing some of the
leftovers from the brunch tomorrow. We've got roasted potatoes and we have
sweet potatoes. We're going to have these bread bowls and as well as bacon and ham
and a few other favorites of my daughter's. I will let you know how the
week goes ,show you some reinventing of these awesome items and we'll go from
there. Have a
wonderful day. Bye. Here are those bowls I showed you yesterday. We're
getting them ready to eat. I've done a double egg because I feel that these are
plenty sized for two and we're going to get these into the oven. A really hot oven
500°F in a couple of minutes. I think they will need me about five
minutes in the oven at this point maybe even four and I will let you know how it
goes. In here we've got some, these ones are all meat and cheese and here we've
got some veggie, caramelized onions mushrooms, organic grape tomatoes, looks
awesome! I'll show you a few minutes. All righty,
here we have our lovely breakfast bowls. Bien Cuit means very well done
How To Make Indoor Low Carb BBQ Ribs Tender and Juicy - Duration: 3:12.
Welcome all! Papa G here. Today I present my low carbohydrate barbecue ribs. In this video
I'll show you how I make tender and juicy ribs, indoors, without a grill, while
still having that hint of smokiness. Let's get started...
We'll be using pork ribs for this recipe and I'll be cooking three full slabs. Now with the way we're
going to cook our ribs, I find this method easier to remove the silver skin.
Turn the ribs over and with a sharp knife score the silver skin by placing
several slits along the backside. Now we'll cut each slab into thirds.
This will make them easier to work with and provide a nice serving size portion.
To a large pot filled halfway with water, add one tablespoon of salt and two
tablespoons of liquid smoke. Bring the water up to a rolling boil and carefully
add the ribs to the pot. Cover the pot and bring back to a boil. When it begins
to boil, uncover and cook the ribs for 45 minutes. After 45 minutes, drain and place
the ribs on a large pan to allow them to cool a bit. When the ribs are cool enough
to touch, place the ribs on a cutting surface silver skin up and with a sharp
knife cut and scrape to remove the silver skin layer. Now we'll season our
ribs. Of course, I'll be using my favorite seasoning, but use any seasoning or rub
you like. Just be sure it has no added sugar. Generously apply the seasoning to
the ribs. Be sure they're nicely coated. Line a baking pan with foil and place
the ribs on the pan. I'll use two pans here so they won't be crowded as they
cook. Cover the ribs with foil and place in a preheated three hundred fifty degree oven for forty
minutes. While the ribs bake, use this time to make my low-carb barbecue sauce.
I added a little cayenne pepper to mine, as I like it spicy. I'll leave a
link in the description below for the recipe. After forty minutes, remove the ribs
and uncover. Generously apply the low carbohydrate barbecue sauce to the ribs.
Now place the ribs back in the oven uncovered for twenty minutes. This will allow
the sauce to bake in. After twenty minutes, remove the ribs from the oven and give
them another coating of sauce . Now they're ready to serve and enjoy. Look
how the meat easily pulls away from the bone. Delicious! There you have it folks!
My version of indoor, tender, juicy low carbohydrate barbecue ribs. I hope you enjoyed
this video. If you did, please like and consider subscribing. I'll have something
new every week. Thanks for watching
and I'll see you next time!
150 Years of Being "Nice" - Duration: 1:01.
Here's to 150 years of being nice.
Not just the polite nice.
Not the funny nice.
The real nice.
The kind of nice that takes guts.
The courageous nice.
The selfless nice.
And the disruptive nice.
But being nice means finding the good within the bad.
Nice means screaming when you have no voice.
Nice is opening doors when others are closed.
Nice is standing tall when you can barely stand at all.
And sometimes, nice is knowing when sorry just isn't enough.
Here's to another 150 years of being nice.
EXPLORING THE BEST OF ROME!! - Duration: 9:15.
Hello you travelers! Pedro here again and today we are in Rome
This city guys, is the king of city you can drop yourself in the city center
and just turn anywhere and just walk.
There is a lot of stuff to see in here guys
Literally a lot of stuff, it's impossible for me in one day to see the whole city
The sun is very high so we still have a lot of time so lets see what I can do in a couple of hours.
Lets go guys!
It's very hot guys! So what we gonna see now it's the Palatino Hill
And the Colosseum, the very famous one. One of the biggest attractions they have here in Rome
So we are officially in!
I just bought the ticket for the Foro Romano Palatino and the Colosseum.
It's a ticket for the three of them and it cost me twelve euros
If you want to choose only one of them of course it's gonna be cheaper
I think five euros for one, seven euros for two and twelve euros for the three of them
I'm quite tired already, we just started!
We still have a lot of things to see in here and I'm already thinking that
were already very worth it guys so lets keep going.
Isn't this amazing?
And this was built hundreds and hundreds of years ago
I guess we should go that way
You can see behind me...
the sun is setting, we don't have much time and we're going now to the Colosseum
Don't do the same mistake as me guys
the Colosseum closes at 18:15
It's already passed that, way passed 18:15
The tickets are valid for 2 days, so if you're coming here for a week remember they are valid for 2 days
so you can come the day after if this happens, hopefully doesn't happen to you
Now we are going to a place called Piazza Venecia and, the Trevi Fountain
This place where we are right now is called Piazzia Venecia
We are heading to the Trevi Fountain It's very famous as well
It's a fountain, and it's very famous, so... we gonna check it out!
We just got here to the Trevi Fountain
and this is huge!
This fountain is huge guys!
So the thing is that you have to throw a coin in the fountain and as for a wish
Here it goes! 50 cents!
There was too many people in that fountain guys so our next place, let me check in here
So our next place is gonna be the Pantheon and from where I am, from the Trevi Fountain
it's 450 meter walk
It's a really nice place, a lot of restaurants in here
and a lot of people as well.
Next place, will be Piazza Navona and I think it will be one of the last places we gonna see 'cause
we need to have some dinner guys
They love fountains here in Rome! There is a lot of them
Every place, like open spaces they have here in the city, they have a fountain
I don't know why, maybe you know...
So write it down in the comments if you guys know the reason why
cause history is not a thing that I follow a lot
but I'm trying to learn!
The fountain you can see behind me, I'm gonna have to read it for you because Italian is not my thing
"Fontana di quattro fiumi"
OK, so from here, we gonna finish
Our day in...
Piazza di Espana
Near there there is something that i saw on the internet called "The Spanish Steps"
So that's were we go now!
This, is "Piazza di Espana"
Or Spanish Plaza, and these are the steps I was telling you about, The Spanish Steps
It's probably out of focus
But It's a lot of steps guys
We just got here, we still have a couple more to go
Up that way, lets go!
We just go to Vila Borgesa
and damn, I'm super tired
I'm probably getting a taxi back to the city center because...
It's a couple of kilometers and I want to sit down relax, and eat something guys
So I just got to the first restaurant that I saw here next to the bus stop
Hopefully it's a good one. So I just asked for some wine and some food
It's gonna be Lasagna and a Cabernet Sauvignon
So lets try this food guys I'm just waiting for it...
OK guys, so the food is already here
Lets taste it!
Quite hot!
Amazing! Pasta is amazing here guys!
The dish is finished, time for dessert
and the guy was nice he offered me some sweet wine
So lets try these desserts
That's it guys, finished, lets go!
OK, so that's it it we just got out of the restaurant
the food was amazing, the wine was good as well.
Now we gonna take the bus back to the hotel it's gonna take us like half an hour
from "Marcello Theater" That's where we gonna get the bus
and, tomorrow we gonna catch a flight back to Dubai, and
That will be it guys. If you enjoyed the video don't forget put a like on it
and don't forget to subscribe and share it with your friends guys
So I guess I'll see you in my next trip!
See you!
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy - Sono Scarso! Playthrough! - Gameplay ITA / Walkthrough PS4 PRO - Duration: 53:43.
Ripped bodybuilder reveals this food helped her gain ONE STONE of pure muscle - Duration: 6:45.
Ripped bodybuilder reveals this food helped her gain ONE STONE of pure muscle
BULKING UP: Pamela Hunt credits one food for her muscular transformation. Pamela Hunt revealed the bizarre secret behind her six-pack abs and bulging biceps is downing 30 egg whites a day.
The 51-year-old used to dodge the gym until she moved to Spain and fell in love with personal trainer Ray, 59, who is now her fiancé.
She had always been naturally slim but envied her lover's super-buff body so she started hitting the gym.
Pamela found she was shedding body fat but not bulking up, so gym owner Ray suggested she try drinking egg whites – which are packed with protein.
Quick six-pack transformations A look into the incredible body transformations that can happen in as little as 6 weeks. Patrick Magno ditched 3.5st and swapped his bloated belly for a rippling six-pack in just a matter of months.
She had to mix them with banana-flavoured protein powder to make them easier to swallow but her unusual diet paid off.
Now the bodybuilding fan has transformed from a super-slim size 6 to a muscly size 12 – she has gained a stone in pure muscle, going from 9st 4lbs (59kg) to 10st 3lbs (65kg).
And proud Pamela from Newmarket, Suffolk, says her incredible transformation is only 20% to do with exercise and 80% due to the 30 eggs whites she downs every day. She said: The strength I have now is just mind-blowing..
BEFORE: Pamela was always slim but used to swerve the gym. Pamela explained: When Ray first suggested the egg whites I was quite sceptical – I thought it sounded a bit disgusting. It took me a while to get used to it.
I was a bit put off by the smell of the eggs at first but I persevered and its become a lot easier. When I first started I couldnt even do a press-up – it took me months of trying.
Now I have to try and make press-ups harder for myself by making them slower and longer so that theyre still a challenge..
Pamela had previously worked front-of-house at a Fitness First gym in Suffolk and had always been slim but never had an interest in working out.
She said: "It was never my sort of thing but when I moved to Spain I thought Id give it another try and do something different as I was getting a bit older.
The first time I met Ray I said to him: Id like to look like you.' He was fit, healthy, muscular – he looked great.
It was a look that I realised really appealed to me, although it had never crossed my mind..
STACKED: Pamela started bulking up after meeting her partner Ray. The pair worked out a general overall programme of exercise but soon she wanted to bulk up, so at the end of 2012 he suggested the egg whites diet.
Pamela continued: "I said to him I couldnt be bothered with buying all those eggs, but then he told me you can buy them already pasteurised in a bottle and persuaded me to give it a go." Pamela says she now drinks up to 30 egg whites a day – the equivalent of 500 calories or three small meals throughout the day.
The muscle-building drink has given her the strength and energy to train up to five times a week.
Amazing real life body transformations Take a look at these exceptional body transformations. Elora Harre, 23 has lost eight stone .
BUFF COUPLE: Pamela and Ray plan to stay as active as possible as they get older. She said: "It makes a difference almost immediately. I was really pleased with how quickly it started to shrink my stomach and fill out my muscles.
Pamela Hunt My body fat measurement has gone down from 19.9% cent to 12.1% in just the last year and thats down to the egg whites.
Its such a simple thing, but its so effective. She has lost 7.8% in body fat and gained almost 5% in muscle mass, going up from 35.6% muscle to 40.1% in just the past year.
Pamela trains in the gym for about 90 minutes each weekday and has worked as a personal trainer at the weekends for the last two years.
GYM-HONED: Pamela now works out five times a week.
As well as egg whites, Pamela enjoys a bowl of porridge for breakfast every morning and usually has chicken with salad for dinner. She occasionally indulges in a "cheat" meal but no longer fancies sweet treats.
She said: "I feel young and full of energy.
I want to do this for the rest of my life – both Ray and I want to stay really active and to keep fit and healthy and mobile even as we get older.
When I moved to Spain six years ago, I never thought any of this would happen – I didnt think Id be joining a gym, taking up bodybuilding, falling in love.
But its made me stronger not only physically, but mentally too. I feel better than I ever have..
2008 Maryland O Line Drills part 1 - Duration: 29:38.
2008 Maryland O Line Drills part 2 - Duration: 30:01.
Rambo 5: O confronto final - Trailer Oficial - Duration: 3:11.
Directed by someone
From the creators of
Put the banana on Cursino right now
In 2016
Or never
In a destroyed world
By a potato
And your last hope
A production by...
We finally met each other
Is it all you have to say?
It might be your last words
'Cause it ends now
In february
Soon... Not 3d
february 30 on theather
Tudo sobre make: Glitter - Duration: 3:13.
Entrada do Noivo You Shook Me All Nigth Long Instrumental AC DC | Música Instrumental para Casamento - Duration: 1:58.
Momentos antes de las tres presentaciones(Proceso/grupo baile) Divulgando el KPOP Vlog #9 - Duration: 18:01.
Hello, Hello boys and girls .. hope you are well.
Here, reviewing my social networks. What is facebook and the page of the dance group.
the Internet is very slow
Group page Checking what is there
As well as reviewing the page K-DF REACTION
Revising little by little. While I dress to leave.
Since I'm going to an event where I'm going to dance. In a neighborhood of cali - colombia. To promote or spread the kpop culture
Although it is something short but something is something.
Which is a process that arrived in 2017
Although I start in a neighborhood and now I'm in another neighborhood, but the important thing is to move on.
Because when you get into difficulties, the important thing is to face it and move on. And that's what I'm doing.
Then, because I'm not so good doing vlogs
As today is June 4, 2017
Then making this new vlog
Although I'm not very good but try
something different
but equal. There i am trying
And then I know that this channel is more of videos reaction. But this is another random video vlogs
And this blog is the number 5 or 6 or 8 or I do not know. Anyway, I'm doing it and I hope you like it.
And I know this blog for those who are from Asia or from those sides.
Because I do not know if they see it or if they understand it. But oh I will try to put subtitles in English.
Or if not then there is for those who like or want to see.
good. I'm ready to leave here. For this first event or presentation
With these guys or girls who are getting to know this kpop culture. Although it is not easy to know this kpop culture.
But I'm already trying and I know everything will work out fine. Then let's all go for this first presentation
Since they are like three presentation that you have in this month of June.
so. As we are today. But I know that we will do well.
Then I will show you some of the route. But we are in Colombia and hard to record in the streets
Then we will see you on the site or at the salsera download academy
Which is where I have the process or I am teaching.
Then we'll see each other. in academia
Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2017-06-30 07:09:18 대한민국 경기도 파주시 금촌1동 796-7 - Duration: 1:00:02.
Life at ASU's Downtown Phoenix campus - Duration: 1:28.
I absolutely love living at the Downtown campus.
I love the small community.
You honestly get to know your classmates,
and your teachers are super nice.
So I just love that I feel like I'm not alone.
You see business people. You see students.
People from a lot of different backgrounds,
a lot of different cultures.
People that are very like relaxed and cool,
but also very professional.
Living in downtown, you are close to everything.
We have the opportunity to live downtown,
like in the heart of a city that's growing.
I think the biggest thing that stands out for people
is First Fridays. We have Roosevelt Row.
There's a lot of local markets around
that you can just walk to.
There's City Scape with more restaurants.
We can go watch Suns games.
We can go to Diamondback games.
The night life is really pretty. The city is all lit up.
Having the light rail so close to campus
makes it very convenient to go to Tempe.
You'll just turn a corner, and you'll probably find
something that will peak, like, anybody's interest.
Living in Taylor Place is so convenient.
I absolutely love it.
So we actually scan in to get into our building,
which makes it very safe downtown.
I'm in Barrett, The Honors College
so all the students on my floor are Barrett students.
It's easier to find people to go hang out with, study with.
Based on your major, there's different clubs you can join.
Internships are pretty much 5 to 10 minutes away,
if not on campus.
You make connections with people every day.
You network every day. That's pretty much
what your entire experience is here.
You really make these great connections that
are going to stay with you for the rest of your life.
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