Hi I'm Roberto, he's Guillermo we're from "De Perilla".
We are very happy for today's launch of our Disc "Jazz Huachaca"
We send greetings to our friends of "Dial Urbano".
Search their channel on youtube Subscribe, share, and follow them
Big hug everyone and enjoy our music
For more infomation >> De Perilla - Santiago Blues | Dial Urbano | Santiago - Chile - Duration: 10:09.-------------------------------------------
Secretary Tillerson Meets With Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha - Duration: 0:32.
SECRETARY TILLERSON: Prime[sic] Minister, welcome to the State Department.
FOREIGN MINISTER KANG: Thank you so much.
Great to be here.
SECRETARY TILLERSON: Glad to have you here.
QUESTION: Mr. Secretary, are you on the same page on reining in North Korea?
QUESTION: (inaudible)
Estrenos 2017 Reggaeton - Shakira ✘ Daddy Yankee ✘ J Balvin ✘ Nacho ✘ Carlos Vives ✘ Joey Montana - Duration: 1:01:57.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
Un bonito final - Los rebujitos - Cover by Matias Neiff (english subs) - Duration: 2:37.
I just like to walk if your body is with me
I just like to rest only when you hug me
And walking all over your body
Feeling the look that is in you
I already miss you
I already miss you
And i do not know where you will be
I do not know if it comes or if you go
I'm waiting for this
Around here it's still the same
The only thing you are not
And your absence is noticed, it shows, you already notice
That's why my life I write to you every day
I write from afar but I feel you near
I left you half poetry
To see what you would put
Sure a nice end
Sure a nice end
With you I could fly
Cogiditos of the hand
With you the fear is gone, the joy wins
And it's something that gets me through my body
And I can not control
It looks like poison
Poison you give me
And i do not know where you will be
I do not know if you're coming or if you're going
I'm waiting for this
Around here it's still the same
The only thing you are not
And your absence is noticeable note
It's obvious
That's why my life
I write to you every day
I write from afar
But i feel you close
I left you half poetry
To see what you would put
Sure a nice end
Sure a nice end
Recuperación de datos - Ondata Partner Program - Duration: 1:24.
Daddy Yankee, Nicky Jam, J Balvin, Maluma, Shakira, Nacho, Pitbull - POP LATINO MIX 2017 - Duration: 1:02:30.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
Fiesta Latina 2017 ★ Pitbull, Wisin, Daddy yankee, Joey Montana, J Balvin, Anitta ★ Latin Hits 2017 - Duration: 1:01:27.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
Learn vegetables and fruits Collection of educational songs for children Learn colors for toddlers - Duration: 10:02.
Diksha Basu (author of The Windfall) | 8 Great Questions - Duration: 2:22.
I'm Diksha Basu and I'm answering 8 Great Questions
(music playing)
I'm reading THE ACCUSATION by Bandi
It's a collection of short stories by a North Korean writer.
It's written under a pseudonym and it was smuggled out of North Korea.
I keep coming back to all the Jeeves and Wooster stories
by P. G. Wodehouse.
There's a collection of poetry by Ono No Komachi and Izumi Shikibu
who are ninth and eleventh century Japanese poets.
It's been translated by Jane Hirshfield and I always give that as a gift.
It's a very romantic gift, so I think I'm misleading some
people about what our relationship is...
but I still continue to give it.
It's also easier to gift poetry because, you know, when people
gift you novels that you have no intention of reading, you have to, sort of,
end the friendship. So it's easier to gift poetry.
That's a tough question...
Nora Ephron...
Seth Meyers...
I've got one spot left and it's just very stressful to answer this but...
Aziz Ansari right now.
I have two right now at the moment: Chimamanda Adichie
for just how she not just writes but lives her life,
and also Knausgaard because of how handsome he is.
I try to use boarding passes because in my mind I have this idea that I'm going to, at some
point, start collecting my boarding passes to keep track of my travel.
That never happens but I always use one as a bookmark.
None. If I'm in the mood to write, I can write
absolutely anywhere at any time, and if I'm not in the mood to write it doesn't matter
how perfect conditions are I can't do it.
Waiting to hear back from either my agent or my editor.
126 AWESOME PARCEL FROM ADRIAN LEON sub eng - Duration: 5:26.
Hello guys, welcome back
Today I want to show a package sent me my friend Adrián León
Thank you very much Adrian, it's a blast, I love it
send me two padlocks
two spectacular padlocks
very good quality
I show, this would be the first one
is a Squire padlock
I don´t know if I have been pronounced well, I apologize if it is not
six pinner
as you see, interchangeable core
This would be the key
It works perfect, very soft
there it is
a thick shackle
it's very heavy
Steel made, it really is very heavy
it´s key retaining
can not be removed
I love it
it is amazing
very pretty
body of hardened steel, made in Britain, very nice
I had not had any
and it is really nice, they are very heavy padlocks
I show the key coding
there would be
third and fourth are quite short
I have picking a couple times, and gives problems
the pins overset very easy, it is a really interesting opening
It has surprised me
it is not easy to open, you have to touch it with good taste
Thank you very much to Adrián
and here is the crown jewel
I love it
a Lince padlock
for me the most beautiful of which are manufactured in Spain
and one of the better quality of course
It is a high performance padlock
steel body, is very heavy
weighs even more than this
Lince plus A-55
as you see with the shielded shackle
a thick shackle
is an shackle measured about 10 millimeters, I have not measured it
bringing an exchangeable cylinder, a Lince C4, ten pinner, all active pins
five keys
this would be the key
They are faced pins
and being confronted
and by touching each other, they haven´t got limited movement
when the higher pin is very short
and lower is very long
the top pushes the lower and causes that the lower is overset from the beginning
It is complicated enough opening
This would be the keyway
It works perfect, no springs
key retaining logically
awesome padlock, I love it
I had not had none, I was behind them
they are not cheap, are not easy to get, they do not really see in stores
It is difficult to locate
and it makes me really happy, thank you very much Adrian, is a blast
You've spent with the package, but I really appreciate it
It stays in the collection and is one of my best padlocks
It is very nice
Lince plus A-55
It will be challenging open
C4 cylinders that have opened before, I have always done in the sense opposite clockwise
It was easier, and this other sense was much more difficult
it will be hard for me and I'll have to put him hours
but certainly I'll try
and I will offer the video to share it with all
I do not know what more to say
Awesome package
This lock is amazing, the Squire is cool, I also really like
Thank you very much Adrian, and thank you all for your time
a greeting
¡Bienvenido a Madrid, Asier! | Tenants - Duration: 0:35.
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse Sportcoupe 200 K. - Airco - 6 Bak - Groot glasdak - Leer ! - Duration: 0:58.
Vlog #008 - SOV3 CANCELADA??? - Duration: 3:17.
Les petits immigrés britanniques - Duration: 1:50.
How to make notebook easy | Mini Notebook from ONE sheet of Paper | NO GLUE | DIY MINI NOTEBOOKS - Duration: 1:50.
How to make notebook easy
Mini Notebook from ONE sheet of Paper
Diseño Responsive - Duration: 1:59.
Mult Gambling Subway Serf Talking Ben Cote Tom Passage - Duration: 10:46.
Benedict Cumberbatch Beyonce Yürüyüşü Yapıyor The Graham Norton Show (Altyazılı) - Duration: 3:06.
Fake News - Tin tức giả là gì? - Duration: 5:31.
You've probably heard a lot of people recently screaming and yelling about Fake News.
Charges fly from all points on the political spectrum: this story is mistaken — it's Fake News;
that statement is incorrect — it's Fake News.
But to my mind, these arguments miss the point.
Mainstream American news is ALL fake because the major news outlets are so consistently
biased toward the left that whether any given story they report is factual or not, their
overall reportage is essentially leftist propaganda.
You can complain about the right-wing slant of Fox News all you want, but left-wing ABC,
CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN have, combined, almost ten times the viewers.
Look, the chief journalist at ABC is former Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos; the
president of CBS News is David Rhodes, the brother of a former senior Obama staffer.
Comcast, which owns NBC, is run by a major Democrat donor.
Same for the leadership at CBS and Time Warner, which owns CNN.
Only seven percent of American journalists identify as Republican.
And while a lot of news outlets forbid their reporters to donate to candidates, 96 percent
of those who did donate last time out gave to Hillary Clinton.
These journalists claim that despite the fact they're all Democrats, they can be objective.
It just ain't so.
Psychologists have shown that when people associate almost exclusively with those who
agree with them, they suffer from groupthink and confirmation bias and lose their ability
to see events clearly.
Now, it's not that these journalists are liars, exactly – it's that their bias
skews their reporting in very specific ways.
Let me give you Andrew Klavan's Three Rules of Mainstream Media Journalism.
These can transform any story, whether it's true or not, into Fake News.
Rule Number One: Whenever left-wing prejudices are confirmed
by a single event, that event is treated as representative.
But whenever left-wing prejudices are contradicted by a single event, that event is treated as
an isolated incident – and if you treat it as representative, you are deemed to be hateful.
So, for instance, a white cop shoots a black suspect.
The mainstream media treats that story as representative of general police racism
even though studies show cops don't use deadly force more often on blacks than on whites.
On the other hand, if a Muslim commits an act of terrorism, and someone is bold enough
to point out that the terrorist act is, in fact, representative of the daily acts of
Muslim terror around the world, this is considered Islamophobic.
The leftist media cherry-picks when an event illustrates a larger narrative.
That's Fake News.
Rule Number Two: When a scandal breaks on the right, the news
is the scandal.
When a scandal breaks on the left, the news is: who wrongfully disclosed
that scandalous information?
Thus, when the media wanted to raise suspicions that Donald Trump was somehow in league with
the Russians, they freely quoted illegally leaked information from intelligence sources.
But when Congressman Devin Nunes announced he had information that the Obama administration
might have misused intelligence against Donald Trump's transition team, the story became:
How did Nunes get that information?
And did he do it legally?
The scandal meter is heavily weighted to fall to the right.
Fake News.
Rule Number Three: Individual extremists on the right are highlighted,
but the overall extremism of the left is ignored.
In one of the fakest Fake News stories in recent history, the mainstream media rose
up as one to tar conservative Tea Party members as racist, when all they really wanted were
lower taxes and less government spending.
Reporters gave the Tea Party disparaging nicknames; represented their almost universally peaceful
gatherings as "ugly" and "violent"; and whenever an individual Tea Partier said
something wrong, it was cited as evidence that the movement itself was tainted.
Meanwhile, the continually violent, vandalizing, anti-Semitic socialist movement that went
by the name of Occupy Wall Street was hailed by journalists as an important social development
right up to the moment it vanished without a trace
(except for the piles of litter its protesters left behind).
Peaceful Tea Partiers wanted the small government prescribed by the Constitution, so they were radicals;
violent Occupiers wanted the widespread government intrusion of socialism,
so they were heroes.
Very Fake News.
Newsweek Editor Evan Thomas was once criticized when his magazine essentially convicted some
white Duke University lacrosse players of raping a black woman — a rape, it turns out,
they did not commit – because it didn't happen.
Thomas defended himself, saying, "The narrative was right, but the facts were wrong."
The mainstream media almost always get their left-wing narrative right, whether the facts
support it or not.
That's called confirming your own prejudices.
It's called bias.
It's called Fake News.
I'm Andrew Klavan for Prager University.
How to make notebook easy | Mini Notebook from ONE sheet of Paper | NO GLUE | DIY MINI NOTEBOOKS - Duration: 1:50.
How to make notebook easy
Mini Notebook from ONE sheet of Paper
5 Ways to Cause a Zombie Apocalypse | #TeleAbdul 063 - Duration: 9:04.
Welcome or welcome back TeleAbdul
haha thank you so much for being many to
follow the second season of Abdullywood "La vendetta"
Thank you guys, thank you very
much ohhhhh And in a "Zombie Park" from
Abdullywood season two the webseries we
saw the real epidimic of zombies
And today we talked about five ways to cause
a zombie Apocalypse
and Apocalypse scenary has influenced many writers artists
and filmmakers but from a scientific point
of view really possible transformer to a
person in a zombie. Ehhhhhhh, yes there are five
reasons for transformes a people in zombie
Parasites. Parasites are organisms that
use another organism, for their survival
some of them have developed a technique
for really exiting parasitism
such as control of the mind of you could
Theb phiocordyceps is a fungus that infects the
brain of ants. Ohhhhh and Antman? And ordering him to
find the most suitable area is
development once your foundering the
ant attacks a leaf and the
fungus breaks through the skull of
victims by releasing its spores.
The wasp Hymenoepimecis Argyraphaga
that's impossible pronunciation that
immobilize the spider to leave their
own larvae in the abdomen. The larvae
using chemicals ordering the spider to build
a nest and stay in it until you will be nourishes
of his body
Ohhhhh. The Leucochloridium Paradoxum worm
that infects the eyes of snails
forcing of them to expose themselves to
sunlight and therefore the danger of
being eaten by the bird. hmm in this way
the worm is able to reach the intestine
of the bird and to deposit its eggs
then once opened will repetitive the cycle
of parasitism. Even mammals have
similar parasites, Toxoplasma gondii ohhhh is
in fact a protozoan that infects rats
and making them attracted by the smell
of cats (their natural predators),
Wow the purpose of the protozoan is to
devour the rat and to reach the cat intestine.
Toxoplasma gondii is able to infect the
humans and maybe it will adapt to our
brain and command us to bite a person in
order to continue to be trasmitted. It has
been shown in fact thate people affected
by this parasite can develop mental
disorders, while others are attracted by
the smell of cat urine. Maybe in some
unexplored region of the world it is a
parasite waiting for some unfortunate
victim to control.
In the scenary of a zombie apocalypse caused by
a virus has become very popular. In the
famous movie "Resident Evil" the virus T
causes a transformation in the guests that
infects making them cannibals. In real
life the rabies virus causes
confusion, agitation, insomnia, anxiety, panic,
hallucination and delirium...but is best
known for his ability to make his guest
extremely aggressive you remember the
movie "Cujo" by Stephen King? However, the
only way that the virus has to pass from animals
to humans through the bit is, since the virus is
present in saliva. The only recorded case
of transmission from one person to have
occured as a result of
transplantation of the contaminated
organs. Doctors, take care doctor. The route of
transmission is a more efficient than air,
just like the influenza virus. Therefore, a
viruses crossing between the rabies
virus and the influenza virus
is the virus that is closest to
that of the "Resident evil" movie. However,
the Nature doesn't always accept these
crossings, as these two viruses are too
different and the intersection could be born
a dead virus, unable to infect or replicate.
The Discovery of Pithovirus Sibericum in a
permafrost in Alaska has shocked scientists,
because even if it remained frozen for
30,000 years the virus is still able to
infect amoebas. Maybe because of global
warming it could thaw a prehistoric virus
that can turn people into aggressive
creatures incapable of reasoning.
Neurogenesis with the study of stem cell
in the medicine will soon be possible to
replace dead cells of decaying bodies. As
the stem cells even if immature, they are able
to differentiate into a specific cell
type. But you cannot replace the most
important organ, namely the brain, which
begins to decompose very quickly when a
person dies. As a matter of fact,
however, that the first brain cells to
die are those surface that control
learning, memory and emotions. While the
internal cells, which are involved in the
control of basic istincts, die last. So,
in the future, a medicine scientist might
decide to use stem cells to replace
the internal areas of the brain. Creating
an army of zombies who only responds to
primal instinct as the feed.
Chemicals. The story of a farmer in Haiti,
Clairvius Narcisse, looks like a real
case of zombification. He declared dead in
1962, 18 years after he was
found wandering around his village.
Narcisse claimed that he was the victim of
black magic by a Bokor (one Voodoo
sorcerer) and was forced to work for
two years after his death until nineteen
sixty-four. Trying to give an explanation
for albeit that, it was assumed
that the Bokor administred to Narcisse a
potent neurotoxin, tetrodotoxin found in
puffer fish, which is capable of causing
a state of death-like coma. Then
administer toxins Daturia Stramonium,
which have hallucinogenic effects, and
conditioned into believing they are a
zombie at his command. Another case of
zombification came in 2012
in Miami, when a naked boy attacked
a homeless devouring part of the face.
Many say that the aggressor was under the
influence of bath salts, but you cannot say
for sure if they were only upgrade to
provoke this attack... or if the boy was
already mentally unstable and therefore
the Bath salts have only worsened his
mental state. However, these two cases
demonstrate how neurotoxins and the
drugs can profoundly affect a person...and
in the future a new drug can damage various
areas of the brain with a zombies
effects. Nanobots. The nanobots are
microscopic robot, invisible to the human
eye, with the aim of destroying in an
"intelligent" infectious and genetic
diseases. The terrifying part of these
Nanobots is their ability to remain
active even a month after the death
of their host. Being inside a lifeless
body, they might decide that in order
to preserve themselves have to move into a
new body. A decision so "human" born instinct
for survival would imply the existence
of a kind of artificial
intelligence...that is still something
purely fiction, although many scientists try
to make it real. The nanobots re would
activate those areas of the brain that
control movement and would order the
person to bite so as to move inside it.
A doomsday scenario would occur with the
loss of control of these machines, which
turn voluntarily areas of the brain
that give people their individuality,
creating a "Zombie-cyborg army". Oh zombie
zombies. Ready for the
invasion? haha The video ends here, puts a like
or you'll become a zombie, please write a
comment below and not beyond,
because beyond there are zombies.
See you at the next video. Capiscie?
Zombies, zombies are alive.
Cười không nhặt được mồm ║ Những pha chơi ngu hài hước bá đạo nhất - #22 - Duration: 12:37.
8 Ball Pool Unlimited Coins and Cash !! 100% Working links 2017 - Duration: 0:26.
Bring Change | Bring Peace |😇😇😇😇😇😇 | A video By Nick Gautam | for peace and happier world 😇❤ - Duration: 1:24.
Hi, Friends. How are you?
All I wish you all are fine in this world when we look around we feel to change so many things
Everyone means meeting me children everyone is jealous of this children. We all wish to live in peace
We all want to live happily by loving each other
But we can't because world is full of bad and negative
Ripples if you be nice in this world people will take advantage of you they want to think you are b and Gonna
Trouble you so what should you do should you be back and trouble the people troubling you should you take revenge?
No, you should never take revenge because if they are hurting you and you are going to hurt them back
Then there is no difference between you and them we should know to forgive each other
Because an eye for an eye will make whole world blind
So we should forgive each other and so many countries wars are going on
They are fighting for what why these humans forget war is not a solution for anything? They should remember in war nobody loses, okay?
We should forgive and love each other so let's start forgiving others mistakes. They started from now
Let us start it from our self because every change that we want to print which is static from ourselves
So let first change ourselves so start forgiving others and start loving them
Hope everyone do the same share this video with everyone may God bless you all take care
Love you all see you all again in my next video
Как начать зарабатывать в интернете? С чего начать зарабатывать в интернете? Видео-отзыв - Duration: 4:05.
4 Con giáp mang vận mệnh sang giàu sau tuổi 30 |Tử Vi Trọn Đời - Duration: 6:18.
E-Sport - Profi-Computerspieler in Taiwan I Y-Kollektiv Dokumentation - Duration: 13:44.
BAREFOOT: Do I pass the Special Forces Test?! Running with Weights. - Duration: 5:30.
Hey guys, Manuel here from Tykato Fitness.
Last year i did the military special forces test where i ran 7.5km(4.7miles) with a +20kg(+44lbs)
weight vest.
Today i'm attempting this again but because i'm crazy like you know me i'm gonna attempt
this barefoot today.
So let's see if i can do it.
Last year i came one minute short off the time that i needed.
Enjoy the footage!
So i'm in the nature and set up for the run.
And as you can see this is where i'm going to run.
Let's go.
So the first kilometer is over.
Tried to go not too fast, so i can save a bit energy.
But it's already very hard, but yeah.
Let's see if i can follow through with this speed.
I've got 52 minutes for the course to finish.
If i - well that's the time for the special forces - that's the minimum time you need
to have.
So you can go faster if you want to.
This is the beautiful landscape where i'm running. Enjoy.
Currently at kilometer three.
Need to walk for the first time but i'm at 6:30
per kilometer so far.
So i'm still within time.
Yeah, i'll walk for 200 meters and then i get running again.
This is super hardcore barefoot.
I am - well, i underestimated this without shoes.
But i will still try to "win" this.
For you guys.
And for myself.
Yeah, i'll just keep pushing.
Because i can do this. Let's go. Fuck this.
So i'm at four kilometers right now.
Trying my best to catch up.
This is much harder than anticipated but i'll run until i'm finished.
Even though i might not make it in time, i'll definitely finish this run.
It feels so good and it's a real strength and endurance test for me.
So i love it.
Let's see what time i'll get.
Six and a half kilometers now.
Almost finished.
I might still do this in time actually.
I just need to run, run, run and ignore the pain.
These little rocks at the bottom - they really, really hurt my feet.
Who cares.
I can still do this.
Just gotta go fast now and ignore those fucking rocks.
[exhales] I'm finished.
Breath is out.
This is how i look.
Yeah, well.
Sadly, i didn't manage to break my record.
Did 55 minutes.
I overpaced in the end and - yeah, well - lost a little bit of minutes there because i had
to walk the last 500 meters.
But i did it.
And i hope you guys enjoyed this episode of running with weights for the special forces.
See you guys around.
YOUTUBERS I HATE - Duration: 4:06.
Drew&A? More like Drew&Gay
"What happened to your hair, Drew? You look like idubbbz."
Good start.
"How does Hetafacts have more views and viewers on her stream(s),
but less subscribers than Drew?"
Good question.--
"Do you do it with your socks on?"
You can barely see me.
That's probably for the best thoooooooough.
"Do you dislike furries? Why?"
Guys, I found a-a LEGITIMATE reason to kill myself.
They're all legitimate reasons.
"What do you think of kids and they're darn fidget spinners?"
See this is the problem with, um..
Trying to make a weekly show and only doing it like twice per month:
You miss out on all of the good memes.
I wasn't able to make any good respect women memes,
A Fidget spinner one, even though I tried, and it just didn't end up working out.
"What is WRONG with you people?!"
I'm really good at convincing people to do things.
"What's your favorite meme?"
Uh, being sad.
"What's your maiden name?"
Every day, I wake up and I think:
"He's beauty, he's grace. He probably wants to kill himself."
"Are there any YouTubers you hate?"
Yes, when you search up Drew&A, a few other things come up. Who do I hate?
Kasper Tait.
I Don't know.
See he stole the title "Drew&A", he called it a Drew&A! That's MY thing! I've been I've been doing that since...
For a while.
And the video is about being gay--
Why are you showing your underwear?
Why is there a thumbs up in the background in a...fishbowl?
Why does his boyfriend look like Mike Faist from Dear Evan Hansen?
What's this guy all about?
Okay, he's a pretty generic vlog--vlogtuber. He hasn't even uploaded in five months
like, what a generic thing for a vlogtuber to do!
--Seems the only difference between him and me is he has more than twice as many subscribers...
We're going--a-- me and
Me and him are going to war
Declaring it officially right now. All that comes up for Drew&A when you search it up as a bunch of trash.
What else comes up?
"the things i drew and a voice REVEL i giuess".
When--. Okay, When people say "YouTube is all dried up, and there's no good content anymore,
and that's why everything's going downhill"
This is probably the content they're talking about.
Let's see--let's check it out.
Let's bully some kids! I'm ready to get all Leafy up in here.
*inaudible video*
You know, YouTube's home to some of the greatest content ever created by ordinary people like you and me.
If you have a question,
or something you'd like me to... not really answer, but...attempt:
Go ahead and leave it in the comments below and I'll answer it in next episode...
...of YAIY.
Link to the last episode in the description and at the end of this video. Enjoy.
(I'm gay)
♪ "Theme from Flood" by They Might Be Giants ♪
SP4ZIE, ATHENA & KLAS KÖR QUADS | #CokeTVBucketlist - Duration: 7:43.
Okay, so did we learn any Spanish yet?
Hi and welcome to CokeTV Sweden with me Athena and...
-Me, Sp4zie. -Yes.
And we're here in Ibiza and are just enjoying life.
We've got the chance of doing a lot of fun stuff. This is the last episode.
-Yes it is. -And can you tell us one last time...
...why we're here and doing all this.
Yes, the thing is that you who are watching has the chance of winning the "CokeTV Beach House experience"...
...where you get the chance to go to Ibiza in August with "moi" and a lot of other amazing European YouTubers.
Yes, and if you would like to compete you need to buy a Coca-Cola with a summer label, and then under the bottle cap...
...you find a code. Go down in the description and press the link to compete to win the...
-..."CokeTV Beach House experience". -Exactly.
-We've also got this last episode in Ibiza another guest. -Yes!
-Klas Eriksson! -Yay!
-Klas! -Klas!
-Hey! -How's it going?
It's going great... AH!
-There are so many animals here! -You have to go down and get him.
It was a lizard screaming at me.
I get that you think it's hard walking these stairs because...
No I'm not used to these kind of stairs, and not this kind of heat either.
-Hi Jonas. -How are you?
-I'm good, thanks. -Sit down.
What are you most famous for?
-A YouTube series called "Nordic Hillbillies". I think that's the thing I'm most famous for. -Yes.
-Yes. And from SVT, Leif & Billy. -Yes.
-But now you're here to do a challenge with us. -Yes.
-And you've got the honor to pick the challenge. -Oh that's fun, let's do this.
I'm not looking down.
-"Try quads" -Yes!
-That's nice. -That's awesome!
-Do you have a racing... -Yes, I did own a quad.
I like riding quads. I like engines overall.
Then you're in lead because I've no idea of how to ride them.
Is that so? But then I can go first and show you some tricks.
Yes, do that. Because I've always wanted to ride a quad but never got the chance to.
What kind of tricks can you do with a quad?
Well I don't know. I'm maybe not able to do any tricks but... I'm going to try.
-I like it. -Riding on the rear wheels or skid. Something.
-Okay, but let's get going then. -Let's do this!
Let's go!
Klas, are you ready to ride some "engine racercar" then?
-Yes I'm ready. It's time to speed it up. -One of these quads.
-"Vamonos" -"Vamonos"
-I've never done Vlogs like this. -Holding a Vlog camera.
-Have you driven a quad before? -No.
-Yes! -You have?
But I did just hear that I'm not going to drive though because I don't have a driving licens.
In my head this is going to be great and awesome.
But I think it's going to be a little scary when I get on the quad.
-Later I've got a surprise for you. -Oh, okay.
-Oh, so you've got a surprise? -Yes.
-We're going to pick something up on the way. -Yes?
-Yes! -It's time for quads!
-They're so neat. -Yes, dibs on the black one.
The black one?
Just so you know, you can walk because this is going to be a really slow ride.
I like that, we start slowly.
But I'll also go pretty slow... I feel now that I was a little cocky in the beginning but I take it back.
I might push you a little to go faster after a while.
-When you're comfortable. -Safety first.
-Oh yeah. -Yes.
Let's go... I'm getting this started now. -Yes, do that.
Feels good?
This is a nice pose.
Let's go! That way!
-Okay! Ah! -You need to use the gear switch.
-What is... Is "F" forward? -Yes.
-No, it died. -It's just like the car at home, Athena.
-Will we survive this? -I don't know.
Oh my god!
I'm driving a quad!
No... Turn, turn, turn, turn...
Oh my god.
Ah! Oh my god, that could have ended really bad.
Hahahahaha it's so fun!
Turn, turn.
These roads are a little bumpy.
-Look! -Hey!
-There's Alfred! -What are you doing out here all by yourself?
I heard that you were going to ride quads, so I felt like coming with you.
-This is my surprise for you. -So fun!
So cute.
-Would you like to drive? -Yes, of course.
Let's go!
-So nice! -That was really fun.
-Now we're just a little dusty. -I'm so dusty.
I love it, that means we experienced something. How does my hair look?
-Handsome. -It's unbelievable.
-It's better than before. -Is it even better?
Okay, so what are we doing now?
-Now I know a really cozy place we could go and watch the sunset at. -Yes.
-If that's something that sounds good to the gentlemen. -It sounds extraordinary.
Very cozy.
-Wow, this is life. -Look at this.
-The chairs are so cute. -Wow.
-Cheers, cheers, dustry cheers. -Cheers!
That was awesome.
It's fun.
-I was a little worried at first but then when I started driving... -You got better.
-Yes. -You did good.
At one point both of you almost died.
Ah! Oh my god, that could have ended really bad.
Even when you took the wheel.
-Yes, then you got afraid. -Yes, I don't like losing controll, and Alfred...
-It's a quad, it's all about speeding it up. -No it's not. You could've killed us all.
No, no, no...
-It was so nice that we could come. -Yes, it was fun that you were here.
Very nice, very nice.
-Wonderful. -Let's enjoy the sunset.
Click here to watch the last vid... vi... la...
Click here to watch our last challenge-video and click here to watch our latest Q&A.
And don't forget to subscribe!
-There we go. I just needed a little help from you. -Bye!
I Did Tequila - Tequila Avión 2017 (0:30) - Duration: 0:31.
I dreamed...
I dreamed I did tequila...
with the gods.
And you gotta know they've got good tequila.
Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I DYNAMIC - Duration: 1:00.
Hyundai i20 1.2i Business Ed. - Duration: 0:54.
Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8i-16V - Duration: 0:56.
Toyota Yaris Verso AUTOMAAT 1.3-16V VVT-i Sol - Duration: 0:59.
Toyota RAV4 1.8-16V VVT-i Luna 5dr Nw.APK+Beurt Parrot LMV Elek.pakket - Duration: 0:59.
Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 0:49.
Citroën Saxo 1.1I SX - Duration: 0:44.
BMW X1 1.8I SDRIVE EXECUTIVE Automaat NL Auto+N.A.P! - Duration: 1:02.
Citroën Saxo 1.4I SX - Duration: 0:43.
Opel Corsa 1.4i Swing - Duration: 0:56.
Hyundai Tucson 2.0i Style AIRCO/NAVI - Duration: 0:58.
My, my...
(A case fan)!
I've always wanted one of these.
(What's this)?
(DVD Drive)!
I thought I had a couple of these somewhere...
I think it's time for a uh... request video number three.
Youtube random comment picker.
Uh.. nope.
Hello Mr.Evan make a steering wheel Arduino joystick and steering wheel is 3D printed
thank you for making us happy.
Steering wheel.
3D printed.
What else you got?
You ugly chink.
Nope, nope.
Ain't nothing I can do about that.
Hey Evan, can you make a controller out of a fidget cube?
That was a terrible idea.
Uhh.. nope.
Please wire a PS2 controller to USB.
This... this was a terrible idea.
Evan, just go back to bed.
Forget all this happened.
It's not like anybody's gonna know that you tried to make them happy and you failed again.
Go back to bed.
Go back to bed.
Go back to bed.
Go back to...
USB means we gotta shove an Arduino Pro Micro inside it.
I have no idea why!
But it's USB supported so...
Steering wheel?!
Ayy whatever you want man!
There you go.
You know what?
How about two steering wheels?
3D printed?
Are you kid...
Ayyy 3D printed steering wheels!
Controller... it's a little late for that.
Fidget... man you are just full of...
Well alrighty then!
We'll just add some counterweights here, here, here, here, here, here.
And that'll make the wheel spin like a mother...
I want this controller to be so fidgetty that it'll make any JRPG play like QWOP.
And ladies.
There's no ladies here.
I present you... the Fidget USB Controller of Kickassery!
I just like to let you know that this is practically a vintage by now.
A few more years, I can pay rent with this.
I can buy food with this thing!
Aw... the food I can buy with this thing...
I think these holes are too big.
There's nothing I can do about...
Spinny wheels go here and here.
Arduino USB is gonna come out from the top.
These buttons we're gonna keep.
These buttons we're going to try to keep.
Now, for the steering wheel, we need something that spins really fast.
I'm thinking something like a uh... frictionless rotary encoder, if that is a thing?
Twenty bucks?!
Are you kidding me?!
These are not rotary encoders, they're just motors.
But if you spin them in one direction, you get voltage across the terminals.
And if you spin it in the other direction, you'll get the opposite voltage.
How fast you spin it is how big the voltage is going to be.
In other words...
Way too much work.
See, the problem is, the motor's going to generate positive and negative voltages.
And the Arduino is going to work off of 0 to +5V.
We could just get an opamp.
Don't make me go get an opamp.
You're gonna make me get an opamp.
Let's go get an opamp.
This is a quad opamp.
Four opamps in one.
Which is the same one as the one we used in this video.
It's not clickable.
You have to use the card thing now.
Take our first opamp.
Give that a voltage divider half way between 5 and ground.
This is now 2.5.
Add a capacitor here for good luck.
Now the motor, is going to sit on this virtual ground and is buffered into another opamp
which then gets output to the Arduino.
So essentially, what we've done here, is create a DC offset halfway between 5 and 0 where
the motor now sits and swings between 0 and 5.
So now the Arduino can read both the positive and the negative outputs of the motor.
Just gonna let you pause the frame here, if you have to.
Are you done?
Time's up!
Hmm... this could work.
Not too bad.
Let's map it to a joystick axis.
Ah... something doesn't feel right.
Okay I see the problem.
So when you spin it really really fast, it goes all the way up to the max value really
But when you spin it really slowly, it hardly registers anything.
We need a function, that transforms the current motor output into something that's really
sensitive in the beginning but then it slows down as it reaches the max value.
Log x.
Shift that to the left.
Uhh... other left.
Let's make it curvier.
Add that into the code.
Aww... so much better.
Okay, while you weren't watching, I drilled two more holes in the back of the controller,
here and here.
These holes are going to be replaced by these motor mounts which are going to fit in like
And the motor sits on top like that.
There we go.
Now we just gotta take all this and put it into this.
This into this.
Oh, and also, I want to keep the original board in here because it has the start and
select buttons...
Oh hey there!
Why yes, I'd love to take a bullet in my head right now.
Now we go design the wheel.
Why am I even doing this?
Get a job.
Quit youtube.
Be a salesman.
Or a panda.
Or a panda hugger.
Aw, I'd kill to be a panda hugger right now.
Uh, hi.
My name is Earl, and I'm a 3D printer.
Let's get a little closer.
Huu... are you done?
Where are my steel nuts?
I said, where are my nuts of steel?!
Oh... ah, here we go.
See, that wasn't so bad, was it?
Should've really bought that bullet.
Here we go, here we go.
See this controller is all about momentum.
Nonono get that.
Stay away.
Stay away.
Definitely prolongs the life of a game.
The games that I used to be good at, just isn't a thing anymore.
Let's make some CRAZY MONEY.
Pick up that lady...
Come on.
No time for you!
How did I not make it?!
Honda Civic Tourer 1.8i-VTEC Style Edition + PDC - Duration: 1:01.
Honda HR-V 1.5i-VTEC 96kW Elegance - Duration: 1:00.
Intimate Details: An Our Daily Bread Devotional Film - Duration: 1:01.
126 AWESOME PARCEL FROM ADRIAN LEON sub eng - Duration: 5:26.
Hello guys, welcome back
Today I want to show a package sent me my friend Adrián León
Thank you very much Adrian, it's a blast, I love it
send me two padlocks
two spectacular padlocks
very good quality
I show, this would be the first one
is a Squire padlock
I don´t know if I have been pronounced well, I apologize if it is not
six pinner
as you see, interchangeable core
This would be the key
It works perfect, very soft
there it is
a thick shackle
it's very heavy
Steel made, it really is very heavy
it´s key retaining
can not be removed
I love it
it is amazing
very pretty
body of hardened steel, made in Britain, very nice
I had not had any
and it is really nice, they are very heavy padlocks
I show the key coding
there would be
third and fourth are quite short
I have picking a couple times, and gives problems
the pins overset very easy, it is a really interesting opening
It has surprised me
it is not easy to open, you have to touch it with good taste
Thank you very much to Adrián
and here is the crown jewel
I love it
a Lince padlock
for me the most beautiful of which are manufactured in Spain
and one of the better quality of course
It is a high performance padlock
steel body, is very heavy
weighs even more than this
Lince plus A-55
as you see with the shielded shackle
a thick shackle
is an shackle measured about 10 millimeters, I have not measured it
bringing an exchangeable cylinder, a Lince C4, ten pinner, all active pins
five keys
this would be the key
They are faced pins
and being confronted
and by touching each other, they haven´t got limited movement
when the higher pin is very short
and lower is very long
the top pushes the lower and causes that the lower is overset from the beginning
It is complicated enough opening
This would be the keyway
It works perfect, no springs
key retaining logically
awesome padlock, I love it
I had not had none, I was behind them
they are not cheap, are not easy to get, they do not really see in stores
It is difficult to locate
and it makes me really happy, thank you very much Adrian, is a blast
You've spent with the package, but I really appreciate it
It stays in the collection and is one of my best padlocks
It is very nice
Lince plus A-55
It will be challenging open
C4 cylinders that have opened before, I have always done in the sense opposite clockwise
It was easier, and this other sense was much more difficult
it will be hard for me and I'll have to put him hours
but certainly I'll try
and I will offer the video to share it with all
I do not know what more to say
Awesome package
This lock is amazing, the Squire is cool, I also really like
Thank you very much Adrian, and thank you all for your time
a greeting
YOUTUBERS I HATE - Duration: 4:06.
Drew&A? More like Drew&Gay
"What happened to your hair, Drew? You look like idubbbz."
Good start.
"How does Hetafacts have more views and viewers on her stream(s),
but less subscribers than Drew?"
Good question.--
"Do you do it with your socks on?"
You can barely see me.
That's probably for the best thoooooooough.
"Do you dislike furries? Why?"
Guys, I found a-a LEGITIMATE reason to kill myself.
They're all legitimate reasons.
"What do you think of kids and they're darn fidget spinners?"
See this is the problem with, um..
Trying to make a weekly show and only doing it like twice per month:
You miss out on all of the good memes.
I wasn't able to make any good respect women memes,
A Fidget spinner one, even though I tried, and it just didn't end up working out.
"What is WRONG with you people?!"
I'm really good at convincing people to do things.
"What's your favorite meme?"
Uh, being sad.
"What's your maiden name?"
Every day, I wake up and I think:
"He's beauty, he's grace. He probably wants to kill himself."
"Are there any YouTubers you hate?"
Yes, when you search up Drew&A, a few other things come up. Who do I hate?
Kasper Tait.
I Don't know.
See he stole the title "Drew&A", he called it a Drew&A! That's MY thing! I've been I've been doing that since...
For a while.
And the video is about being gay--
Why are you showing your underwear?
Why is there a thumbs up in the background in a...fishbowl?
Why does his boyfriend look like Mike Faist from Dear Evan Hansen?
What's this guy all about?
Okay, he's a pretty generic vlog--vlogtuber. He hasn't even uploaded in five months
like, what a generic thing for a vlogtuber to do!
--Seems the only difference between him and me is he has more than twice as many subscribers...
We're going--a-- me and
Me and him are going to war
Declaring it officially right now. All that comes up for Drew&A when you search it up as a bunch of trash.
What else comes up?
"the things i drew and a voice REVEL i giuess".
When--. Okay, When people say "YouTube is all dried up, and there's no good content anymore,
and that's why everything's going downhill"
This is probably the content they're talking about.
Let's see--let's check it out.
Let's bully some kids! I'm ready to get all Leafy up in here.
*inaudible video*
You know, YouTube's home to some of the greatest content ever created by ordinary people like you and me.
If you have a question,
or something you'd like me to... not really answer, but...attempt:
Go ahead and leave it in the comments below and I'll answer it in next episode...
...of YAIY.
Link to the last episode in the description and at the end of this video. Enjoy.
(I'm gay)
♪ "Theme from Flood" by They Might Be Giants ♪
Overwatch Moments #73 - Duration: 10:11.
----3 простые прически на лето----- - Duration: 4:00.
Skoda Kodiaq - test - Jest Pięknie za kierownica - Duration: 5:57.
Hi! This is Skoda Kodiaq. And there are 10 things you have to know about this car.
There's a lot of space in the front of the car
Electric memory seats can store up to 3 different settings.
Electric passenger seat costs 2100 PLN but you want it, because the normal version is very uncomfortable.
Technically, there is lumbar support, but not enough IMO.
I started complaining after 2 hrs trip. What if we were going across Europe?
As for the space in the back, Kodiaq is enormous. So much so I could cook in the back.
Kodiaq can be equipped with 220V socket so you don't need a converter to hook up your Crock-Pot.
The recipe for thai chicken can be found at jestpieknie.pl. Enjoy!
I probably could sleep in the boot, but I've done that in Octavia already.
Biggest pros of this boot are shopping bag hooks and foot opening and closing. Like this.
For its size, 2-litre, 190-HP Kodiaq is quite fuel efficient.
7-8 litres per 100 kms is more than what producer promised, but for this big a car, it's still a good number.
I drove Kodiaq on a highway and there was no problem with overtaking other cars.
Kodiaq needs AdBlue. The inlet is located next to the fuel inlet. The car will let you know when you need to top up AdBlue.
I like Kodiaq's GPS. When you start typing the address, the system suggests nearby loactions.
But in order to have real time traffic info, you have to - I'm not kidding
Set up WiFi hotspot on your phone and connect it with Kodiaq.
In case you were wondering, what's the difference between, say, VW and a Skoda - VW doesn't need your data plan.
Kodiaq, as most of the cars these days, is equipped with rear view camera. With this big a car, it makes the maneuvering much easier.
The one I got to drive had also a 360 camera.
You won't miss curbs, gateposts or kids' toys in the driveway.
Prices start from 90 000 PLN but this one costs 190 000 PLN. And it's not the top spec.
There's easily another 10 000 PLN to spend on options.
200 000 PLN for a Skoda?!
Yeah, but it's really a big Skoda which will be comfortable on better and worse roads. Roads, not off road!
Same segment models will be smaller, less efficient, more expensive...
But they will give you sth Skoda won't: emotions.
There's a lot of memes about cars for people who hate driving. Skoda Kodiaq is easily one of them.
What about you, would you rather get a car that makes you feel anything
Or rather a comfortable vehicle to transport you and your family or shopping?
Let me know in the comments below.
If you liked my video, give it a thumb up
And if you want to be informed about every new video, press the bell button.
Next test, as usual, next Thursday, same time. Thank you and see you soon!
ya baki ka wazifa | wazifa in urdu by kamran sultan | khet ko nuksan se bachne ka wazifa - Duration: 2:32.
[Senelik AMV] Animegrafi 2016/3 - TR Altyazı - Duration: 5:25.
HQ First Strike - Crossover (legendado) - Duration: 1:10.
Slime 4 Ways! BEST REAL!! DIY Fluffy Slime Recipe without Shaving Cream! How to make Slime! - Duration: 13:55.
How to make notebook easy | Mini Notebook from ONE sheet of Paper | NO GLUE | DIY MINI NOTEBOOKS - Duration: 1:50.
How to make notebook easy
Mini Notebook from ONE sheet of Paper
Un bonito final - Los rebujitos - Cover by Matias Neiff (english subs) - Duration: 2:37.
I just like to walk if your body is with me
I just like to rest only when you hug me
And walking all over your body
Feeling the look that is in you
I already miss you
I already miss you
And i do not know where you will be
I do not know if it comes or if you go
I'm waiting for this
Around here it's still the same
The only thing you are not
And your absence is noticed, it shows, you already notice
That's why my life I write to you every day
I write from afar but I feel you near
I left you half poetry
To see what you would put
Sure a nice end
Sure a nice end
With you I could fly
Cogiditos of the hand
With you the fear is gone, the joy wins
And it's something that gets me through my body
And I can not control
It looks like poison
Poison you give me
And i do not know where you will be
I do not know if you're coming or if you're going
I'm waiting for this
Around here it's still the same
The only thing you are not
And your absence is noticeable note
It's obvious
That's why my life
I write to you every day
I write from afar
But i feel you close
I left you half poetry
To see what you would put
Sure a nice end
Sure a nice end
Biết Điều Cấm Kỵ Này Trên Bàn Thờ, Cả Nhà Đời Đời Bình An, Phát Tài Phát Lộc - Duration: 10:57.
Dziecko Odyna 49 Głupiec - Duration: 8:10.
La relatività speciale spiegata in modo semplice. - Duration: 6:42.
The theory of special relativity was proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905.
It explains the behavior of things that move very, very fast, as in, a significant fraction of the speed of light, where regular Newtonian physics doesnít always apply.
Itís called special relativity because it only applies to specific situations: where the different frames of reference arenít accelerating.
Theyíre called inertial reference frames.
In our train example, the two reference frames are the perspective of someone standing on the train, and someone standing on the platform.
Neither reference frame is accelerating, so theyíre inertial, and so special relativity applies.
Now, special relativity is built around two main assumptions, or postulates.
The first says that the laws of physics are the same in all inertial reference frames.
It doesnít matter whether youíre on the train or on the platform ñ the same equations will apply.
This has to be true, because thereís no real way to distinguish between reference frames.
For all Bob knows ñ from his perspective on the train as it passes the platform ñ heís sitting perfectly still, while the platform zooms past him.
Or the platform could be staying put while he moves past it.
The first postulate tells us that it doesnít matter.
The physics will play out in the same way, no matter what.
The second postulate says that the speed of light in a vacuum is the same for all observers ñ about 300,000,000 meters per second.
Whether or not the light source is moving.
Physicists have tested this fact with lots of experiments.
It's definitely true, all the time.
So even if light is coming from a train thatís moving at half the speed of light the light
itself is still moving at about three hundred million meters per second.
And this is where things start to get weird.
You already know that speed multiplied by time equals distance.
But special relativity tells us that when it comes to light, speed is always constant.
Which would mean that the other two variables would have to change ñ time and distance.
And they do.
When time changes, thatís called time dilation, and when distance changes, thatís called length contraction.
Time dilation occurs when another reference frame is moving relative to you, so time in that reference frame slows down relative to the time you measure.
You can see why if we go back to Bobís train.
Say Bob stands on the side of his train car thatís closer to the platform, and heís facing a mirror on the opposite side of the car, 5 meters away.
He shines a flashlight toward this mirror, which reflects the light right back towards him.
From Bobís point of view on the train, the situation is very simple.
The light traveled straight to the mirror and back, a distance of 10 meters, at the speed of light.
Sure, looking through the window, you saw the light travel to the mirror and back, but meanwhile, the train was still moving.
While the light traveled toward the mirror, the mirror moved sideways relative to your spot on the platform.
And while the light traveled back toward Bob, Bob moved even farther sideways.
The result is that you saw the light travel diagonally, as though its path formed two sides of a triangle.
From your point of view, the light traveled a greater distance than it did from Bobís point of view.
But! Special relativity tells us that the lightís speed was still exactly c.
Even though it traveled a greater distance.
And if the light traveled a greater distance at the same speed then it must have been traveling for longer.
You and Bob are both timing the exact same series of events.
But youíre measuring a longer time than Bob is.
So, from your perspective on the platform, time has slowed down for Bob.
Thatís time dilation.
If you measured the distance the light was traveling from your perspective on the platform,
youíd calculate that time slowed down for Bob by a factor of 1 divided by the square root of 1 minus the trainís velocity squared divided by the speed of light squared.
We call this factor gamma, and it applies to any situation where another inertial reference frame is moving relative to yours.
Time in that moving reference frame will seem to equal time in your reference frame, multiplied by gamma.
Gamma always has to be greater than 1, because the velocity of the moving reference frame always has to be less than c, the speed of light.
So time is slower in that moving reference frame.
Because time can pass differently for people depending on their frame of reference, thereís also no universal concept of simultaneity.
In other words, something that seems simultaneous to you might not be simultaneous to Bob.
Say you see a flash of lightning at each end of Bobís train, at the exact same time as he passes you on the platform.
I mean, weíre already talking about a train going half the speed of light.
So letís say it gets struck by lightning too!
For some reason!
You see both flashes at the same time, and theyíre both the same distance from you, traveling at the same speed.
So you can conclude that lightning struck both ends of his train at the same time.
But from Bobís perspective on the train, thatís not what happened.
Because while the light is traveling from each end of the train to his eyes, heís moving.
At the moment that you see both flashes, Bob has already moved past you.
So heís seen the flash from the front of the train ñ but only that one.
Then he sees the flash from the lightning that struck the back of the train.
Light always moves at the speed of light, though, no matter what your reference frame is.
Thatís the rule.
So, to Bob, the lightning must have struck the front of the train before it struck the back of the train.
Even though they seemed simultaneous to you.
Does your brain hurt yet?
As if time slowing down wasnít weird enough, thereís also length contraction.
Length contraction means that if something is moving relative to you, its length in the direction that itís moving will seem shorter than it would if it wasnít moving.
So you might have measured the train to be 100 meters long before it left the station.
If Bob measures the train from where heís standing, it will be 100 meters long.
But from your perspective on the platform as it moves past you, the train will be shorter.
Letís say you want to measure the train as it moves past the spot where youíre standing on the platform.
The train is moving at half the speed of light. Thatís set.
From Bobís perspective, it takes about 666 nanoseconds for the train to pass you.
Velocity multiplied by time equals distance, so Bob calculates that the train must be 100 meters long.
Now you try taking the same measurement.
Problem is, we already know that time moves faster for you than for Bob.
While 666 nanoseconds pass for Bob, only 577 nanoseconds pass for you.
And if the train takes 577 nanoseconds to pass you while itís moving at half the speed of light, it must be 86.6 meters long!
In general, when somethingís moving past you, its length in the direction of its motion will be equal to the length youíd measure if it was standing still, divided by gamma.
Length contraction happens for objects moving at regular speeds, too!
But itís so tiny that thereís no way youíd ever notice it.
If the train was moving at 150 kilometers per hour, it would contract by less than a picometer ñ thatís 100th of the length of a hydrogen atom.
Since length contraction isnít something we see in everyday life, it isnít part of our intuitive sense of physics.
So special relativity tells us that because light always travels at the same speed, time dilates and length contracts to compensate.
Space and time ñ theyíre directly connected to each other.
Thatís what people mean when they talk about four-dimensional spacetime.
If youíre describing something physically, itís not enough just to talk about its position in three-dimensional space.
You also need to take time into account.
A lot of this might seem counterintuitive, but thatís because weíre used to seeing the world at much, much slower speeds than light.
All of which is to say that when you start to analyze things that are moving fast, the universe becomes a very strange place.
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