Cześć! :) Hi and welcome to Colombia,
where the only risk is wanting to stay.
Welcome to the land of gold
and fascinating pre-Columbian culture.
It might be hard to believe for us
but pre-Columbian culture didn't associate gold
with any commertial value.
According to their mythology,
gold was God,
Sun and Beginning of all life and creation.
It was a sacred metal,
reserved for the most important people in a tribe:
Cacique - the social leader
and Shaman - the spiritual leader.
Because gold is a soft metal,
it was mixed with copper
in different proportions, making the famous precolombian alloy
called TUMBAGA.
It symbolized at the same time
the union between a man and a woman,
where gold was masculine
and coopper - femenine.
The pre-Columbian gold fever
started with El Dorado legend.
At the local Lake Guatavita near present-day Bogota,
the Muisca tribe choose their new cacique.
This young man,
after 6 years of celibate and fasting,
swam on a raft to the middle of the lake
and offerered treasures to the gods they worshipped.
The figure of this raft called La Balsa Muisca
is the most famous exhibit of the Gold Museum
and the witness of old times.
It is tiny and small,
but it takes you back to the moment of the cacique initiation.
POPORO is a device used by a shaman in religious ceremonies
to mix coca leaves with lime which was obtained from sea shells.
Coca leaves have medical properties
and help to work in the high Andes.
The most famous poporo, the Golden Poporo from Quimbaya culture
that you find you can find in the very middle of the Gold Museum.
Is not only the symbol of Colombia,
but also according to some experts, a symbol of perfect feminine figure.
Caciques adorned their body with jewelry,
golden powder and jaguar skin.
Shamans also used golden objects
to adorn their bodies, mainly:
nose rings,
breast plates,
and and their heads with sun-reflecting golden disks,
that reflected the sun.
They had psychological function,
as they showed their contact with other dimensions.
These were shamans who had a contact with spiritual world
through ritual process using trance,
and hallucynogenic plants
like "plant of the truth" -
also known as AYAHUASCA.
Yage rituals, conducted by TAITAS -
tribal guides or shamans,
are popular to these days.
You can travel to pre-Columbian times
by visiting the most famous museum of gold in the world -
Museo del Oro in Bogota.
Here you will find as many as 34,000 pieces of art,
all at least 500-year old,
many of them found by chance on the fields by farmers.
These pre-Columbian treasures,
mainly clay pots and urns
are found even today.
Those who happen to find such a precious treasure
are allowed to keep them as long as they notify curator of the Gold Museum.
If you are interested in Colombia and want to know more,
get in touch and SUBSCRIBE to our channel.
See you on Facebook and Instagram as
Do zobaczenia - See you soon! :))
For more infomation >> Pre-Columbian treasures and Gold Museum / Tesoros precolombinos y Museo del Oro - Duration: 5:46.
Soja texturizada con arroz y tomates deshidratados - Duration: 2:44.
this week my spoon and I enter the fascinating world of textured soy protein
I'm not very familiar with this ingredient
but I think has lots of potential for adventure cycling cooking
because looks like it's a very versatile side dish
even today's recipe could be easily being title "pasta with TVP and dried tomatoes"
but I think cooking rice makes a more efficient use of water than pasta
although I know there are multiples ways to reuse the water used to cook pasta
but it is one more step
and simplicity in this type of cooking is a plus
Lets begin cooking
pour one cup of water and half vegetable bouillon cube
disolve the bouillon cube
and add one cup of TVP
half teaspoon of granulated garlic
olive oil as well, one spoon
a pinch of black pepper
and a couple of pieces of dried tomatoes chopped into half cm pieces
boil until the TVP has hydrated and hast the appearance of minced meat
because while on the trail only one stove will be available. Put aside the TVP
to make way for boiling a cup of rice
when the rice is ready move it aside
and mix it with the TVP
and is ready to eat
obviously that last step could be done the other way around
firs the rice and after that hidrate the TVP
this recipe is very filling
almost half TVP is pure protein
and I guess this dish has around 1000 calories
ideal for dinner to recover strength
hope you like it
as always I'm open to coments and criticism specially using ingredients I'm not very familiar with
if you wan to watch more nomad cuisine videos click here
if you want to subscribe to my channel click here
Comienza la prohibición de viajes de EEUU que afecta a personas de seis países de mayoría musulmana - Duration: 2:12.
Lanzan coalición de defensa de inmigrantes en el noreste de Los Ángeles: 'ICE fuera del Distrito 1' - Duration: 2:01.
Minerva Cisneros, la inmigrante en riesgo de deportación refugiada en iglesia de Carolina del Norte - Duration: 1:59.
Educación mediática. Corto "El corazón de un perro". (English subtitles available ) - Duration: 2:12.
A dog's heart
Great! The sun is finally up...
I smell food. Time for breakfast!
I think we will go to the park... Or something like that.
I love to play with Lola...!
This plaza is new...
Oh that's wonderful, she let me off the leash…
time to play!!
A butterfly... I'm going to chase it...!
Why doesn't it Iet tired?
What? But, where I am?
I cannot find Lola…I'm hungry and thirsty.
I'm scared.
I'll hide in this box to sleep...
Another day and I still cannot find Lola.
And am only eating crumbs…
Well, I will sleep
Oh? Where I am?
This must be a dream...
This isn't Lola's house. I'll investigate...
Cool! My very own pool...!
Thank you new owner for rescuing me...! I like you.
A week later
Let's go for a walk... time to play!!
What happened to that girl?
She reminds me of someone.
It's Lola! She's crying... And that's me.
Lost dog. 1 years old. Name: Milú.
If I go with Lola, I'll my new owner alone.
What I do?
Thank you for everything new owners, but...
I want to be with Lola.
When I was lost I had a really bad time.
But now I know that Lola had it much worse…!
It is good to understand things from nother one's point of view.
(277) No Existe El "Pequeño Yo" - Duration: 4:42.
Peugeot 307 Break 1.6-16V XS Trekhaak Clima Cruise Control - Duration: 1:01.
10 Détails Incroyables Cachés Dans Les Films d'Animation 2 - Duration: 5:28.
Celebran el cumpleaños número 10 del iPhone - Duration: 0:32.
Jornada de protestas deja a cinco jóvenes muertos en cuatro estados de Venezuela - Duration: 1:35.
¿Pueden pedir asilo en EEUU las personas que tienen hijos con enfermedades o discapacidades? - Duration: 2:05.
How accelerometer works? | Working of accelerometer in a smartphone | MEMS inside accelerometer - Duration: 4:49.
In this video we are going to understand how accelerometer works.
We all have heard about accelerometer, gyroscopes and magnetometers built into our smartphones.
Using these sensors, smartphone processors understand the orientation of the phone in
3d space and takes actions accordingly.
Let's take some of our time to understand how these actually work.
First lets start by understanding the basic physics of acceleration measurement using
a spring and mass system.
As seen in diagram, a body of mass m is attached to a wall by a spring
having spring coefficient k.
When force F is applied to mass m
, it is displaced in the direction of the force
by amount x
with acceleration a.
Using newtons law, and writing the force conserving equation,
we get F = ma = Fs
(force due to spring tension).
The force due to spring is written as kx
where x is the displacement of the body from initial
rest position.
Equating the forces we get ma=kx.
Thus we see that acceleration is a function of displacement.
i.e) a=f(x).
If we are able to measure displacement somehow, we can calculate the acceleration on the body.
There are different methods to measure displacement 'x'.
The methods use resistive techniques, capacitive techniques or inductive techniques.
Let's have a look at capacitive technique.
We know from basic physics that C=epsilon*A/d, where d is the displacement between the two
plates forming the capacitance.
By varing the distance 'd' between the plates we can change the capacitance 'C'.
Capacitance can be easily measured electronically by using a signal conditioning circuit.
So now to achieve this capacitance change, lets look at the modified spring mass diagram.
Here we can see two plates of capacitor.
One is the movable plate attached to the mass m.
Other is fixed at the initial position.
When body accelerates due to force f, it causes change in the displacement 'x' which is
dependent on the acceleration 'a' of the body.
Due to 'x', the capacitance C across the fixed and movable plates change.
By measuring this C, we can calculate the value of 'x' which helps us to infer the
value of 'a'.
This is the principle of measuring acceleration.
However one cannot employ such big spring mass systems inside accelerometer IC's.
This is where MEMS come into play.
MEMS stands for micro electro mechanical systems.
These systems contain both mechanical and electronic components,
but are fabricated at the scale of micrometer.
These MEMS are employed inside accelerometer IC which helps keep it size small.
Looking at the diagram, we can see a series of fixed plate on the outer assembly.
Then there is an internal movable assembly having a small mass and connected to outer
assembly using spring contacts.
The movable assembly also has plates which form a capacitor with plates of outer fixed
As the system moves due to acceleration, the internal assembly moves and due to displacement,
the value of different capacitors change.
By measuring these changes in capacitance, we can infer the acceleration acting on the
Having such multiple MEMS systems in different planes i.e) X, Y, Z the accelerometer gives
the readings of acceleration in different directions as seen by the body.
Hope you have enjoyed and understood how the accelerometer IC works.
Heart Sutra - Hebrew - Duration: 4:55.
10 Détails Incroyables Cachés Dans Les Films d'Animation 2 - Duration: 5:28.
Basic knowledge of esic - Duration: 7:01.
Please Subscribe my Channel
Contact for Work ESICPF etc.
7 நாட்களில் முடி வேகமாக, நீளமாக, அடர்த்தியாக, கருமையாக வளர இதை குடிங்க !Tamil Beauty Channel - Duration: 3:13.
In this video, we are going to prepare a hair growth smoothie that would help with all your hair problems like
Balding, thinning of hair, hair loss, hair breakage, split ends and premature greying
a 100 % natural smoothie to boost rapid hair growth
but before that, if you're new to my channel, remember to subscribe and never miss out any of our future videos
lets see what are the requirements to prepare this juice
a handful of curry leaves, 2 carrots, figs 3 , gooseberries 4
this quantity is for 2 servings, so you can reduce the quantity as per your requirements
chop the carrots and take them in the blender,
Carrots are filled with nutrients and vitamins like A,K,C, Vitamin B6,B1,B2 ,B3, Fiber, potassium,phosphurus etc which are good for healthy hair growth
carrots help in faster hjair growth
and also gives a soft , silky, smooth texture to your hair
Carrots increase the blood circulation in the scalp and prevent breakage of hair, hair loss , split ends ets
now add the curry leaves
Curry leaves are rich in amino acids and anti oxidants which are capable of reducing hair fall and stimulate hair growth
now blend the two nicely
and then add the deseeded,chopped gooseberries
Amla is an excellent Hair Tonic. It has played a key role
in the long , thick and lustrous hair of asian women
It acts as a natural conditioner,minimizes hair loss and greying and encourages healthy hair growth
lastly, add the figs, Figs Vitamin B, C, Magnesium
which promote hair growth,the essential nutrients present in this food stimulate blood circulation and promote hair growth
Figs contain high amounts of calcium which contribute to the formation of collagen that make up our hair and scalp
figs contain the beneficial copper enzyme that work to maintain the color of the hair
now blend everything properly and here comes your hair growth smoothie
it is'nt necessary to strain the smoothie, if it is too thick , you can add some water
take this hair growth drink every evening and
you'll be amazed to see that your hair problems have reduced to a great extent and a considerable hair growth in just 7 days
try out this hair growth juice
and boost your hair growth in just 7 days, if you like this video, then do give it a like
and share with your friends to help them rid of their hair problems
and dont forget to subscribe. If you have any doubts/ queries , leave them in the comment section below
and we'll make sure to reply you as early as possible
take care, bye bye
Hyundai i30 1.6i 16v -Catcher Leder Ecc enz... - Duration: 0:59.
Seat Cordoba 1.4I VIGO - Duration: 0:42.
jeranism LIVE #9 - Vegan Warrior and Trusting Your Senses - Duration: 2:51:39.
5 Reasons Why You Should Always Dress Your Best + Huge GIVEAWAY - Duration: 6:16.
hi guys I have a super exciting video for you today today I'm going to share
my five tips on why is it important to look good why should you think about
your styling and your visual communication also stay tuned till the
end because we have a super exciting giveaway which you don't want to miss
first your image speaks
by image I mean your visual communication
before you speak
your outer appearance has already announced itself
did you know most impressions are formed in 3 to 10 seconds what the good news is what people
think in those 3 to 10 seconds is in your hands so let me give you this great
tip about communication generally people are very lazy to think about there outfit
a day before but I would suggest leave the morning for bigger decisions in your
life rather than thinking what do I wear
today oh I have nothing to wear so leave the bigger decisions for morning and
plan your outfit a night before
number two it defines your attitude
I read this beautiful line a few days back
what you will define your attitude it defines
your aspirations in life for instance you're in your PJs all day it defines
you're relaxed you're comfortable even if you are working from home chances are
you're going to be very very distracted I'm not saying roam around in a
corporate suit all day but putting that extra effort in your makeup in your hair
in your grooming it helps you prepare for your day ahead
why do we dress up for an interview
why don't you go around in your shorts and t-shirt
because that defines your attitude
it defines your attitude towards the company
and moreover it defines their attitude towards life
Third it builds self-confidence
my life started changing when I started dressing my part
never would I have imagined talking in front of a large crowd
let alone talk in front of a camera to connect with you all
when you dress up a little or dress up for that interview
you feel good about yourself
you walk in in confidence
you can concentrate on the
right things, the more productive things in life
like Sophia Amoruso also said in her book girl boss
when I'm confident in what I am wearing
it makes me feel more confident throughout the day
granted I could probably negotiate a deal
in my pajamas but i'm a lot more dangerous in a
pair of leather pants and boods that could hurt a fool
number four you will always feel ready
you know when you get into the frame of mind oh I don't want
to dress up today and you end up being so lazy if someone gives you a call
I have an opportunity for you either you'll be like it's going to take me
20 minutes to come or I'm so lazy I haven't showered
I can't get out and you miss out on
so many things in life so even if you put that little bit effort you would
want to go out you would want to get that fresh air, meet more people
network more and I'm telling you you will be more productive
Fifth inner happiness it increases your self-worth
in image consulting we learned about something
called the image cycle and today I am going to share that image cycle with you
when you put that extra effort in your dressing for example picking up a nice
dress or picking up a nice shirt you will be more happy you walk out with a
smile and you will give out those positive energy to people around you
with that you might meet someone who compliments you this dress looks really
nice or that footwear is lovely
you have this smile on your face your shoulder
straighten up and you mentally feel more happy this increases your self worth and
self image
the other day I came back from the airport and I was just standing
in a bus and this lady asked me really love your jacket and then she noticed my
shoes and we started having this conversation and you know what we ended
up exchanging cards and she's my client today you see how you need to walk the
talk and how networking works and how it's so important to always look your best
with this attitude your life will truly
change give yourself a challenge for a month just try it for one month and let
me know if it works for you
as you can tell by the title I'm also doing a
giveaway this is my 30th video and obviously I wanted to give back to you guys
so i've done a few giveaways and it's
always been materialistic things like makeup products, watches or any kind of
things that you can use but this time I want to gift you an experience that you
can take back I've realized experiences are so much more important in life
if you've attended any of my seminars you would know I'm constantly inspiring
people to feel better and dress better so this time I am going to gift you that
experience of feeling the best version of yourself so for the giveaway I want
to give a free makeover to one of you to boost your confidence I couldn't have
done this alone so I have got three more people on board to give you guys the
best team to do this so for myself I am going to be styling your look tailoring
it according to your personality for that we require the right clothes so
I've got a store on board in Ahmedabad called Be Hot
they have such modern and chic pieces you guys are going to love it
the second person is Priyanka Kung Chandiramani she is going to be the
one who does your hair and makeup and from my team my photographer Nishith Shah who
will be taking your pictures would do a free shoot for you and give you some
edited pictures in this new styled avatar so it's a gift from my side I want to
give you this day full of feeling special and giving you a new look and
make you feel like a celebrity for a day so please come and I'm going to put all
the rules of who you have to follow and what you have to do in the description
box and I again want to thank you from the bottom of my heart please keep
supporting me and I love you guys so much I want to mention that this
giveaway is only open for women and women in Ahmedabad i'm so sorry
don't kill me but hopefully in future we go that big that we can go national or
international share this video to as many people as you can so even they know
the importance of looking good.
[ENGSUB] 'Let's Only Walk The Flower Road' EP. 5 - Duration: 13:34.
[Episode 5]<br/>[My 1cm Ego]
Should we go drink some beer?<br/>It's my treat.
Are you going to stay sad<br/>the whole time?
We should do our best for<br/>those who left.
Do best for those who left?<br/>It doesn't make any sense.
- Then what? Should we quit too?<br/>- That's not what I am saying.
- What did you talk about with the CEO?<br/>- What?
Byul, did you have a private<br/>conversation with the CEO?
What are you saying?
He told you to become a rapper if<br/>you want to make a debut.
- I guess it's true...<br/>- That's not true.
Then what?<br/>Why did you change your mind?
Why? <br/>What do you know about me?
Why do I have to become a rapper?
You don't want to?<br/>Then quit.
This is too harsh.<br/>You don't want me as a vocal anymore?
Honestly, Soojung and Seulgi<br/>are better singers than you.
There are too many vocals.
- Mr. CEO... - It's up to you. You can quit <br/>if you don't want to become a rapper.
- You wrote this yesterday?<br/>- Yes.
- It's too old. - I took me 3 days.<br/>- It's too old - 3 days... - Sorry.
Nobody raps like this nowadays.
- Your delivery and diction are good but...<br/>- Okay...
But overall, it sounds too old-fashioned.
Why didn't you tell us?
I was too embarrassed about the fact that<br/>I only focused on becoming a vocal.
Also, I didn't think I would make it<br/>as a rapper.
I was too
I thought the CEO forced you <br/>to become a rapper.
- So I thought you had the special treatment.<br/>- I know.
Let's just forget about it.
Let's stop talking about me...<br/>It's already sad that Somi and Sohee aren't here.
Alright.<br/>Should we order some late night snack?
What about some pig's feet?<br/>I saw a restaurant down there.
- Aren't you sick of pig's feet?<br/>- I know. Stop eating pig's feet.
- What will do with your chubby cheeks?<br/>- It's my charm. So lovely.
Yeah, right...
We are done with the position.<br/>Now we have to decide on team name.
I think it should be something<br/>familiar to people.
What about STEW?
You can choose the kind of stew...<br/>It can be Kimchee or bean paste...
What?<br/>Are we here to eat?
Never mind.<br/>You are not trot singers...
What about this?
What about SONAMOO meaning<br/>being alive for four seasons?
SONAMOO...<br/>It's worse than Pine Cone Sisters...
Right?<br/>Never mind.
Alright.<br/>It took me awhile to come up with this name.
The name for a successful entertainer,<br/>Red Velvet.
You know the red carpet<br/>at award ceremony, right?
I like it.
You like it?<br/>Why Red Velvet?
Do you want to be a curtain?
What about OH MY GIRL?
So corny.
- How about LOVELYZ?<br/>- That's too girly.
- What about this? MAMAMOO.<br/>- MAMAMOO.
This is the last.
- THE GIRL NEXT DOOR.<br/>- That's so corny.
That's the charm.
Sounds very friendly.
There's very unique feel to it, right?
You are THE GIRL NEXT DOOR<br/>from now on!
Let me play the title for your<br/>first album.
It was hard for me to get this song<br/>for you. Listen carefully.
You will be shocked.
It's good, right?
Great. <br/>Good.
It's good.<br/>Isn't it good?
We are singers...
[Performers have Neighboring Rights <br/>- KOREA COPYRIGHT COMMISSION]
Don't we have rights to <br/>decide on our song?
Rights?<br/>You only get Rights when you get famous.
If you get famous,<br/>I will let you pick out songs for the next album.
You have to make a debut with this song<br/>and become famous. Let's go to MUSIC BANK.
- Let's go.<br/>- To MUSIC BANK.
- You look nice in person.<br/>- Right? - Good.
Somi is a great performer.<br/>You shouldn't worry about her.
I know. I was impressed about<br/>the video you performing.
Who kicked her out of the company?<br/>I don't get it.
Somi, you are ready for a debut, right?
I will do my best.
I like it when you are full of enthusiasm.<br/>Fighting. Fighting.
Good. Good.<br/>I am good casting people. Drink up.
Why are you taking so long<br/>to bring out the food?
I will right there.
Come on, what are you doing?
Why didn't you be careful?
Take it away from me.
Just go away.
Excuse me.
- Yes?<br/>- When will you bring out the food?
I will be right there.
Sorry.<br/>Please enjoy your food.
I ordered marinated pork,<br/>not pork belly!
Two servings of marinated pork.
Why didn't you call me nowadays?
I was busy.
Are you okay?
You don't want money...
I am fine.
What's up?
You didn't eat dinner yet, right?
I bought some chicken for you.<br/>It's your favorite.
Where are you?
I am at...
Just go.
Sohee, I brought some chicken for you.
I don't want it.
I am not hungry.<br/>Just go.
Why are you doing something<br/>I didn't even ask?
I didn't ask you to do that for me.
I don't need it.<br/>Just go.
Just go.<br/>Please!
Why are you doing something<br/>I didn't even ask?
I didn't ask you to do that for me.
Don't skip your meal.
I love you, Sohee.
You are the same.
If you do this, <br/>you won't be able to make a debut.
Hey!<br/>Jeon Somi.
Just get out.
You think you are all that?
[Tomorrow at 11AM, the episode 6 will<br/>be aired] I will do whatever to make a debut
to show you.<br/>So just get out.
Ewangeliarz OP - 30.06.2017 - (Matthew 8, 1-4) - Duration: 1:59.
Sometimes after the retreat a lot of people come to me; they want to talk about something, thank for something,
ask for something, and I cath myself
being distracted by such amount of people.
And I don't like these moments when
I see that I treat these individuals superficially.
I think that each of us has such moments when
there are a lot of cases, people around us,
and suddenly the price for that abundance that surrounds us, for this crowd is
that we superficially, shallowly meet with a man,
who may need a lot of attention.
Today Jesus is coming down with the crowd,
and in one second He is absolutely focused and devoted to one man -
a leper avoided by others.
So it is possible, and there is such grace me and you can ask
to feel that moment when you have to be wholely, in one hundred percent, no matter how many things surrounds you,
with this particular man.
Perhaps it is your son, your child, your spouse, your friend,
or very poor man met on the street.
2 years on Youtube ¨GIVEAWAY¨ - Duration: 4:08.
Namaste friends, Namaste friend Namaste friend welcome back welcome back
welcome back to Sangeeta´s kreations Sangita's Kreation. oh my god two years
on youtubes it means so much for me what an amazing journey this has been
on June 30 2015 I uploaded my first video let's take a
look back thank you so much all of you for staying with me such a long way my
channel has grown day by day and I want to thank you guys for being there and I
really want to thank my friends my family for supporting me and my dream
sticking with me for such a long way I really wish I could reach out of the
camera and hug you all saying that how much I love you without your help
this wouldn't have been possible this time especially giveaways from Panama US
India Mexico and so excited to share this gift with you guys. I met
beautiful artists from other countries had the opportunity to meet Maria Isabel
from Mexico her heart and craft is as beautiful as she is please visit her
page Cesteria Isabel Gutierrez and see all the beautiful things she has to
share to win my special giveaway from Mexico all you have to do is to watch
the video and give it some loving by liking her video the second artist he's
from Mexico too his name is Erick Philippi he creates such a beautiful craft out of
recycling materials you wouldn't believe it
to get one more ticket you just need to watch like the video and wait it's that
easy the link of this channel is in the description below oh yes
there are five giveaway yes, five winners for the following countries one for
Panama City one for USA one for India and two for Mexico so there are multiple
ways to enter you just need to follow the instruction from the game and the
link is below giveaway we closed on 30th July 2017 and I will be announcing the
winner in Instagram and Facebook I am really super excited about this giveaway
now these are the rules you have to follow in order to participate it's
pretty easy to enter just need to complete Gleam below first you have to be
subscribed to my channel follow instruction in gleam to participate in a
giveaway follow me on Instagram Twitter leave a comment letting me know which of
my video was the one you first watched thank you for supporting my channel
thank you for subscribing my channel thank you for watching this video thank
you thank you thank you thank you don't forget to enter this giveaway see you soon
till then, Namaste!!!!
Learn Colors With Wild Animals For Kids Learn Colors With Animals For Children Kids Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 1:28:49.
Learn Colors With Animals For Children Kids Learning Videos Learn Colors With Wild Animals For Kids cartoons for children
Finding & Altering A Vintage Dress ~ Bad Madge & Donna's Tailor Shop - Duration: 3:57.
[Audio Length: 0:03:56] RECORDING COMMENCES:
Rajka Hayden: In this video, I'm going to take you through
the whole process of finding, altering and styling a vintage, thrifted dress.
But first, thank you so much for tuning in.
If you are a regular viewer, I love you, thank you so much.
If you haven't subscribed and like what you're seeing, please subscribe.
You just click the button below, it's free and it will make a big difference to me.
We are also on all of the social media outlets Instagram, Twitter and Facebook @thedressupmom
Now, let's go on the hunt.
I'm back at Bad Madge in South Park.
I heard through the social media grapevine that she got a haul of vintage clothes.
I'm going to go check them out.
Look at this really cute dress.
I'm going to try this on.
Hoping that it fits.
A little bit of sparkle and then the back has some lace.
I'm getting this gorgeous dress.
It's really cute on and I just need to do a little bit of altering, it's a tiny bit
It's vintage.
Gorgeous, I love it.
I'm here at Donna's Tailor Shop in Encinitas.
I'm going to get that beautiful dress from Bad Madge tailored and altered to fit me properly
and Donna's is the only place I would take anything.
Here we are back with Donna.
She's going to take this dress and make it magical.
She moved to a new place and it's just beautiful.
A new location, still in Encinitas, but it's really nice Donna.
The dress is just a little bit big, otherwise it fits great.
So, I'm doing this myself, but Donna's going to pin it and it's going to turn out
to be fitted beautifully.
[Music] It's going to look like it was made just for me.
[Music] Nice.
Here's the back of the dress.
I like it because you can see my tattoo on it.
I also have this lace here with the different color and it's going to look so great once
we pick it up.
So, here it is.
I picked the dress up from Donna's.
As always, she did a great job.
It fits me, I think, perfectly.
She's a very good fitter.
I have it styled, and again I love the back, it's a lace type of a back and the scalloped
neck is sort of different.
I get to wear it with ruby cross that my grandfather gave me when I was 16 years old.
Gold and rubies - love it.
Then I have it with my Louboutin shoes to make it look a little more dressy.
But, I could probably dress it down with a pair of flats, as well.
The dress was $30 and then the alterations were another $25 or so, so I think I got a
really beautiful dress for that amount.
I hope that this inspires you to go and find some thrifted, resale, beautiful things at
your favorites places, have them altered and give them a whole new life.
Thank you so much for watching and until next time, dress it up a little.
another VERY URGENT messege for happyfeet1818 aj - Duration: 0:11.
pls happy feet send the video to my gmail or i will stress about it for weeks!
John Legend TROLLs Donald Trump and Melania Trump - Duration: 2:10.
Tips Of Top Consultants for Diarrhea & Less Growth In Poultry Farm for Commercial Broiler. - Duration: 3:46.
Hello friends,I am Amit Nagpal. Welcome to Poultry India TV. Poultry India TV Give You Regular Daily Broiler & Egg rates.
Today's Topic is Less Growth, usually it has been noticed,on 18-20th days sometime Growth of Broiler Birds is not as Expected.
Many farmers are commenting on videos & asking Why the growth of Birds is not as expected.
& Some farmers are suffering from diarrhea in their poultry farm & asking for solution.
It is 100% clear,your bird is eating feed but output (FCR or Egg Production) is not as per requirement.
Now come to solution.
Subscribe & click bell after clicking bell for regular Poultry rater of Commercial Broiler,Egg ,Broiler Chicks,Poultry Feed Grain rates & Poultry Knowledge.
There are many reason of diarrhea but the common reason is gut related like Necrotic Entritis & Mild Coccidiosis.
Usually Consultant recomment Zinc Bacitracin & Light dose of Amprolium .
Zinc Bacitracin work on Gut infection & Light dose of Amprolium also work on Gut related problems.
Zinc Bacitracin dose as per company recommendation & Amprolium dose as per Consultant guidance as guided by Poultry 's consultant is needed.
Never forget to discuss with consultant,You can share our views of YouTube Channel Poultry India Tv as we share all views only after having discussion with Top Poultry's consultants.
We are also planning to make live streaming with poultry consultants to make more benefit or help you.
The video displaying in end are more poultry related issues & one funny chat of Poultry farmer & poultry consultant. Coming tomorrow with more poultry's All India Broiler & Egg rates & More Poultry related issues.Never Miss to discuss about our Channel with others. Thank You.
Laurent Koscielny to leave Arsenal: AC Milan ready to test Gunners' resolve - report - Duration: 2:03.
Laurent Koscielny to leave Arsenal: AC Milan ready to test Gunners' resolve - report
Arsene Wenger is intending to overhaul his squad this summer, as he is set to be handed a £100million transfer kitty.
Koscielny, who missed the FA Cup final win over Chelsea last term with an Achilles injury, has found himself linked with a move to Marseille.
And now according to the Daily Mirror, AC Milan are exploring the possibility of signing him. The report suggests the Serie A giants will test the Gunners' resolve with a tempting offer.
Milan have cash to spend having been taken over by Chinese consortium group Sino-Sports in April. The 31-year-old, the Mirror adds, has been watched by other clubs too.
Koscielny hinted he could leave Arsenal earlier this month if Marseille came in for him. He said: "I have a contract with Arsenal, I even signed an extension last November until 2020. "I feel very good over there.
"I have always said that I was a Marseille fan when I was younger. "When a mythical club like Marseille contact you, it is good. But will I sign for them? I have no idea at all.".
Виды ирисов и сорта – описание - Duration: 4:29.
Top 5 Actors Then And Now - Duration: 1:21.
Adria Coral 660 SL - Duration: 1:28.
Week 27 • Rob's Lenormand Card Reading - Duration: 5:44.
十大真相 七龙珠 Dragon Ball【有趣的事实】中英CC字幕 - Duration: 7:50.
Subtitle by Wei Jun Won
In all the Japanese versions of Dragonball Goku his father Bardock and
his two sons Gohan and Goten is actually voiced by an older woman
named Masako Nozawa
Many of the characters names are actually a play on English words
Some examples are Kakarot taken from carrot
Vegeta is simply taking from the first six letters of the word vegetable
Raditz from radish
Frieza comes from freezer
Broly from broccoli
Paras taken from asparagus
and then there's more obvious one
such as Trunks, Briefs, Launch, Piano Chilled, Cooler and many more
Also in Japanese Saiyan is formed by rearranging the syllables of the Japanese word just
Yasai which also happens to mean vegetable
in other words Super Saiyan equals Super Vegetable
Something that I also covered in my very first episode of this series
Top 10 Facts Memes is that the line for
the popular Meme it's over 9000 is actually wrong
In the original manga actually says it's over 8000
After doing some further digging into the dark corners of the web
It seems like it was changed to better fit the characters mouth movements in the English dub
However Vegeta still says 8000 in the
remastered English DVD release of the episode
Frieza is one of the most significant villains in the series but
it's also the most frequently defeated villain being defeated a total of five times
He lost to Goku in Namek, was executed by Future Trunks and defeated by Pikkon in Dragon Ball Z
He was also sent back to hell by Gohan in fusion reborn
and was frozen and smashed to pieces by Goku in Dragon Ball GT
It could also be said to be six if you count ghost Warrior Frieza
was also defeated by Future Trunks
Frieza fight against Goku is also the longest fight in the Dragon Ball Z anime
spanning 19 episodes
and quite ironically despite doing everything in his power to
make sure that the Super Saiyan would never surface
Frieza actually cost the most Super Saiyan transformations in the series
In one way or another, he cost Goku, Gohan, Bardock
and Broly to become a Super Saiyan
During a scene in the first episode of Namek Saga
A picture of several Nameks is shown and one of them has a mustache
This is kind of weird as no other Nameks in the entire series
has been seen with facial hair of any kind
The exception would be Piano
A mutated Namek who has a few sprouts of hair on the back of his head
Goku signature attack the Kamehameha translates to
Turtle Destruction Wave from Japanese
But Kamehameha is also the name of a man who established the
Kingdom of Hawaii in 1810
His full name was
IKEA? Okay, that's fucking impossible to say
I'm just Saiyan
Aside from anime and manga Dragonball is also very popular video game franchise especially in Japan
There have been a total of 138
138 video games about the Dragon Ball franchise
The majority of which have only been released in Japan though
In Dragon Ball as well as in the beginning of Dragon Ball Z
Piccolo blood is seen as red
but later in the series his another namekians blood is always purple
This change most likely took place because in the beginning Piccolo
was just seen as an evil alien
He didn't have a race or background or anything
It was just a simple villain
But as the story progressed and his character was further developed
He was eventually given a race and thus somewhere along
that process they decided to change the color of namekians blood
The Dragon Ball anime is actually quite sexual
even though it's aimed toward children and early teens
and I'm not talking about subtle dialogue and sexual innuendos here
no more in the lines of stuff that wouldn't even make it on most Western
animated shows aim to watch adults and late teens like when boma shows herself
naked simply to get what she wants or when she on several occasions teases
Goku by revealing her panties and the dialogue implies that she will undress
for him or how about when Goku literally undressed her while she's sleeping
or just some very sexual fanservice in general
or how about skipping all the hinting
and just show some completely uncensored breasts
not kidding here it was only shown for about three or four frames
and hard to see without slowing it down
but still you would never see that in for example an American cartoon
just goes to show how different some cultures and country nudity and sex
Live action movie based on Dragon Ball was made in 1990
named Dragon Ball: Fight Son Guko, Win San Goku
It was a very low-budget
unofficial Korean film based on the manga
A similarly low-budget and unofficial movie was made in Taiwan in 1991
and was called Dragon Ball: The Magic Begins
even so these two movies are still better than this
sorry excuse of a movie released in 2009
It's a movie I wouldn't even want on my list of bad movies
that's how bad it is
It is one of these movies you know that
when you watch it you just blown away by the fact that the whole bunch of
executives has sat through this whole thing probably several times and said
you know what Steve I like this movie I liked it so much in fact
that I'm gonna put my name on it to let everyone know who made it
and release it for the whole world to view
That is incredible
That requires the balls
You could almost say it requires
Dragon Balls
Subtitle by Wei Jun Won, Subscribe my channel for more
7 நாட்களில் முடி வேகமாக, நீளமாக, அடர்த்தியாக, கருமையாக வளர இதை குடிங்க !Tamil Beauty Channel - Duration: 3:13.
In this video, we are going to prepare a hair growth smoothie that would help with all your hair problems like
Balding, thinning of hair, hair loss, hair breakage, split ends and premature greying
a 100 % natural smoothie to boost rapid hair growth
but before that, if you're new to my channel, remember to subscribe and never miss out any of our future videos
lets see what are the requirements to prepare this juice
a handful of curry leaves, 2 carrots, figs 3 , gooseberries 4
this quantity is for 2 servings, so you can reduce the quantity as per your requirements
chop the carrots and take them in the blender,
Carrots are filled with nutrients and vitamins like A,K,C, Vitamin B6,B1,B2 ,B3, Fiber, potassium,phosphurus etc which are good for healthy hair growth
carrots help in faster hjair growth
and also gives a soft , silky, smooth texture to your hair
Carrots increase the blood circulation in the scalp and prevent breakage of hair, hair loss , split ends ets
now add the curry leaves
Curry leaves are rich in amino acids and anti oxidants which are capable of reducing hair fall and stimulate hair growth
now blend the two nicely
and then add the deseeded,chopped gooseberries
Amla is an excellent Hair Tonic. It has played a key role
in the long , thick and lustrous hair of asian women
It acts as a natural conditioner,minimizes hair loss and greying and encourages healthy hair growth
lastly, add the figs, Figs Vitamin B, C, Magnesium
which promote hair growth,the essential nutrients present in this food stimulate blood circulation and promote hair growth
Figs contain high amounts of calcium which contribute to the formation of collagen that make up our hair and scalp
figs contain the beneficial copper enzyme that work to maintain the color of the hair
now blend everything properly and here comes your hair growth smoothie
it is'nt necessary to strain the smoothie, if it is too thick , you can add some water
take this hair growth drink every evening and
you'll be amazed to see that your hair problems have reduced to a great extent and a considerable hair growth in just 7 days
try out this hair growth juice
and boost your hair growth in just 7 days, if you like this video, then do give it a like
and share with your friends to help them rid of their hair problems
and dont forget to subscribe. If you have any doubts/ queries , leave them in the comment section below
and we'll make sure to reply you as early as possible
take care, bye bye
Wrong Heads Gummy Bear Funny Prank Finger Family Rhymes For Kids - Duration: 3:07.
Wrong Heads Gummy Bear Funny Prank Finger Family Rhymes For Kids
Buster Keaton - O Barco(1921) - Duration: 23:13.
¿Pueden pedir asilo en EEUU las personas que tienen hijos con enfermedades o discapacidades? - Duration: 2:05.
MIGRADOR - Duration: 3:10.
Heart Sutra - Hebrew - Duration: 4:55.
Soja texturizada con arroz y tomates deshidratados - Duration: 2:44.
this week my spoon and I enter the fascinating world of textured soy protein
I'm not very familiar with this ingredient
but I think has lots of potential for adventure cycling cooking
because looks like it's a very versatile side dish
even today's recipe could be easily being title "pasta with TVP and dried tomatoes"
but I think cooking rice makes a more efficient use of water than pasta
although I know there are multiples ways to reuse the water used to cook pasta
but it is one more step
and simplicity in this type of cooking is a plus
Lets begin cooking
pour one cup of water and half vegetable bouillon cube
disolve the bouillon cube
and add one cup of TVP
half teaspoon of granulated garlic
olive oil as well, one spoon
a pinch of black pepper
and a couple of pieces of dried tomatoes chopped into half cm pieces
boil until the TVP has hydrated and hast the appearance of minced meat
because while on the trail only one stove will be available. Put aside the TVP
to make way for boiling a cup of rice
when the rice is ready move it aside
and mix it with the TVP
and is ready to eat
obviously that last step could be done the other way around
firs the rice and after that hidrate the TVP
this recipe is very filling
almost half TVP is pure protein
and I guess this dish has around 1000 calories
ideal for dinner to recover strength
hope you like it
as always I'm open to coments and criticism specially using ingredients I'm not very familiar with
if you wan to watch more nomad cuisine videos click here
if you want to subscribe to my channel click here
CrowbarHacks 15 - Treason - Duration: 2:11.
Ewangeliarz OP - 30.06.2017 - (Matthew 8, 1-4) - Duration: 1:59.
Sometimes after the retreat a lot of people come to me; they want to talk about something, thank for something,
ask for something, and I cath myself
being distracted by such amount of people.
And I don't like these moments when
I see that I treat these individuals superficially.
I think that each of us has such moments when
there are a lot of cases, people around us,
and suddenly the price for that abundance that surrounds us, for this crowd is
that we superficially, shallowly meet with a man,
who may need a lot of attention.
Today Jesus is coming down with the crowd,
and in one second He is absolutely focused and devoted to one man -
a leper avoided by others.
So it is possible, and there is such grace me and you can ask
to feel that moment when you have to be wholely, in one hundred percent, no matter how many things surrounds you,
with this particular man.
Perhaps it is your son, your child, your spouse, your friend,
or very poor man met on the street.
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