In military battle, tanks are needed to support infantry by moving into combat zones, with
troops protected in near-impenetrable moving vehicles while also able to return enemy fire.
Since their inception, tanks are becoming tougher, faster, and more easily able to damage
the weapons that penetrate – or attempt to penetrate -- them.
We thought it would be interesting to compare Britain and Germany's main battle tanks
In this episode of The Infographics Show, the Challenger 2, vs the Leopard 2.
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For the most advanced tanks, breaking down superiority isn't as simple as speed or
The English Challenger 2, for example, is not the fastest.
However, driving through rough terrain, on which its top speed is just 25 mph (40 kph),
its suspension ensures the stability that allows it to fire accurately.
Both the Leopard and the Challenger will continue to improve in design, with iterations developed
out of teachable moments on the battlefield.
What does each have and when were they first used?
Let's start with Germany's Leopard 2.
It has been in service since the 1980s, and the various iterations of the top-performing
standard are central to NATO's work.
In total, there are 11 versions of the Leopard 2.
All models of the Leopard have the Rhinemetall 120mm gun as a main gun plus 2 machine guns,
sighting equipment, advanced night vision, and the ability to engage moving targets while
driving on rough terrain.
More recently, the tanks also include a longer smoothbore gun, an auxiliary engine, improved
mine protection, and an air-conditioning system.
If you're a real military and arms policy wonk, you might have heard of the Leopard
in the news in 2013, when Germany's plans to sell Leopards to Qatar became an election
issue used to criticize Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Two years earlier, public outcry halted plans by Saudi Arabia to buy 200 Leopards.
The Leopard 2 is the German military's main battle tank, developed as an improvement upon
the Leopard 1, which was partly engineered by Porsche.
Yes, that Porsche.
Fun fact: the luxury carmaker also generates military design and technology.
The tank was engineered to section the hull in three parts: a front driving compartment,
a middle section for fighting, and the engine in the rear.
Designed for high visibility for the four-member crew, the Leopard 2 features three periscopes
and a television monitor to help with reverse driving, a kind of backup assist.
It can also operate in 4 feet (1.2 meters) of water without preparation, and up to 13
feet (4 meters) with preparation.
The compartmentalized design moves potential sources of fire or explosions away from the
The Leopard 2 is also equipped with protection in the event of a nuclear, chemical, or biological
attack, and it has an all-digital fire control system.
Sold to NATO-friendly armies, it is now used by Austria, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Finland,
Greece, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain and Turkey, in
addition to Germany.
Also designed for a four-person crew, the Challenger 2 is the British military's main
battle tank.
The British Army notes "Only five percent of Challenger 2 components are interchangeable
with its predecessor, which has had more than 150 major modifications including a completely
new turret, L30 CHARM 120mm gun, and second generation Chobham armor."
Chobham armor is a proprietary and classified form of ceramic named for the British tank
research center in Chobham Common where it was developed.
Chobham armor is resistant against a shaped charge – meaning an explosive whose intensity
can be focused in one area - and can actually damage attempted penetrators, effectively
weakening the enemy even when on the receiving end of an attack.
It is also on the Abrams, featured in our other video, M1A2 Abrams vs T-90S.
Okay, time for the super nitty gritty.
The Leopard 2 goes 44 mph (72 kilometers per hour) on road and 28 mph (45 kilometers per
hour) off road.
Meanwhile, the Challenger goes 39 mph (59 kilometers per hour) on road and 25 mph (40
kilometers per hour) off.
But as we mentioned at the top of the video, the suspension allows stability in rough terrain,
which in turn allows precise shooting.
The Challenger also makes up for lower speed with higher fuel capacity, with a 421-gallon
tank and combat fuel consumption of 6.4 liters per kilometer compared to the Leopard's
314 gallons and 5 liters per kilometer consumption.
The Challenger also edges the Leopard in turret rotation time, making a full 360 degrees in
9 seconds while the Leopard requires 10.
But the Leopard can vertically climb 3.6 ft (1.1-meter) obstacles, and pass a 9.8 ft (3-meter)
trench while the Challenger can climb just 3 ft (.9-meter) verticals and pass a 7.6 ft
(2.34-meter) trench.
So what's next?
Germany is reportedly working on a Leopard 3 as of 2016, and it will be an answer to
Russia's next-generation T-14 Armata.
Also in 2016, Britain issued a request for proposals for improvements upon the Challenger,
with Challenger 2 builder BAE Systems and that firm's two UK rivals General Dynamics
and Lockheed Martin preparing to jockey for the contract on such a marquee product.
At the time this news surfaced, Leopard manufacturer KMW had expressed interest in bidding, but
had not yet formally joined the procurement process to potentially set up a rivalry between
two of its products.
So, which of the 2 tanks do you think is better?
Let us know in the comments.
And if you like these types of comparisons, be sure to check out our other video M1A2
Abrams vs T-14 Armata.
Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.
See you next time!
For more infomation >> British Challenger 2 vs German Leopard 2 - Which Is Better? - Main Battle Tank / Military Comparison - Duration: 4:41.-------------------------------------------
best funny video ( 2018 ) - Duration: 3:04.
BİR KOLOMBİYALI İLE BEYOĞLU l İstanbul Vlog l Mehmet Nihat - Duration: 5:17.
CLICKSUMMIT 2017 | best of conferência marketing e vendas online - Duration: 2:16.
And the question is:
We have this lovely tools, but do we share this tools?
And the answer is:
Of course we do.
Because everything we use – external tools – one day can be over.
People like to "kill" tools.
So I would like to propose a new mantra:
I create,
I publish,
I exist!
One third of all the online activity today has video.
When I use to tell that I was a "Youtuber" people use to laugh.
So it kind of evolved from there.
Things were changing.
And if you want to go do Formula 1 with a Renault model 5 all pumped,
just forget it. It will not work.
The relevance is, effectively...
in the "WHY".
What content on my website do I have that is shareable?
Advertisement is clearly more effectivity if based on content.
... and data don't lie...
Everyday, we have the triple of the people of people
– comparing to the main sopa opera –
visiting facebook.
What do you think it will happen?
Chatbots are the apps replacement.
Bet on message, more than in the networks.
This tools, are only tools.
What we sell is our creativity,
our ability to do work
and our intelligence.
That is how we've grow our business to the size it is.
Be seeing as open and transparent as we can be.
Thank you!
See you in 2018!
COMO TER BUMBUM MAIOR E MAIS DURINHO! O Treino é Duro Mas Compensa...Exercícios Para Gluteos em Casa - Duration: 3:22.
Desenho infantil - Blaze and the monster machines caminhão de bombeiro e carro de polícia - Duration: 8:46.
Minuto Educação #108 - Aprendizado com Aplicativos - #MinutoIndica Duolingo e Quizlet - Duration: 0:58.
Entrevista com Troy Baker, o Talion de Sombras da Guerra - ATIVE LEGENDAS - TecMundo Games - Duration: 6:35.
NEW Painterly Days Watercolor Coloring Book GIVEAWAY! - Duration: 7:39.
- [Kristina] Hi everyone, Kristina here.
Welcome to another video at my
YouTube channel and blog.
Today I wanted to show you our
brand new watercoloring coloring book
from Kristy Rice.
I introduced you to a few of her
coloring books a while back.
It was about a year ago.
I've had a lot of fun
watercoloring in these books,
and here's her brand new one
that's just come out.
In fact, today is the release date,
and kind of fun on the forward page.
Here's a little review by me.
I thought that was kind of fun.
I was so honored that she asked me
if I would include that,
or write that up for her
for her new book.
Inside you have lots of fun techniques.
She's got some new instruction
in the very beginning of the book.
Tips and techniques to use while
you're watercoloring on all the pages.
She also has suggested supplies,
and things that you can use.
I didn't realize it, but in this book,
and the ones previous you can use
that flap to kind of keep
your place in the book,
or to protect the pages underneath
when you're watercoloring on top.
I thought that was kind of cool.
Just like the other books
at the very beginning
you have some explanation or some info
about all the different types of things
that are illustrated inside the book.
On this one it's mostly flowers,
so you're going to have some
bouquets, and wreaths,
and different things like that.
That info at the beginning of the book
is super helpful because it not only
gives you the name of the flowers,
so that you can look up some
example images online,
but she also gives you some great tips
on how you can watercolor them,
or paint them to have them
look a little bit more realistic,
or have them look like the flower
they're meant to be.
I thought that was really fun.
I went through and kind of picked out
which image I wanted to paint,
and this is the one that I chose.
You can definitely leave it
in the book if you'd like,
but I like to take mine out,
and tape it to a board,
so that I have a little bit more
stability when I'm painting.
This is definitely personal preference.
If you want to keep it as
an as-is coloring book
you definitely can.
You can color right on top,
and those colors and water
aren't going to bleed through,
and ruin the pages underneath.
I thought that was kind of
really, really neat.
In the videos past I've actually
used her older coloring books.
They're not that old
they're only a year old,
but the previously released
coloring books
I've used those to create
envelopes, or bookmarks,
or things like that.
Some really fun projects.
For this coloring book
I'm taking a little bit of
a different approach for myself.
I really want to explore
watercoloring more realistic flowers,
or how I can make the flowers look
a little bit more shaded,
and have more contrast,
and have more depth and detail.
I really wanted to try that out,
so when I pulled this page out
I looked it up and these are magnolias.
It's interesting that I picked
this one out because
I'm sure I've seen
magnolias in the past,
but I didn't know that's what they were.
I saw my very first magnolia tree
just a few weeks ago when I was
visiting my friend Kathy in Maryland.
We were walking around her neighborhood,
and there was the most beautiful,
huge, large, very old magnolia tree
with lots and lots of blossoms on them.
I didn't know because this was
my first time seeing it,
but it's kind of rare
to see so many blossoms on one tree,
but these trees were so old,
and tall, and so strong that
they just had amazing blossoms on them.
The ones we saw in particular
were white magnolias,
but when I Googled it after I found out
that this was a magnolia flower
at the beginning of the coloring book
I found out that magnolias
come in white,
and also kind of like a pink shade,
so I thought I would go with that.
I started out just painting it pink,
and then had to keep adding
more and more depth of color
in order to get that shading in there.
I'm glad I have other
flowers in this picture
so I can keep trying to get
that nice pink shade,
but I still really love
how it turned out.
I did add a little bit of yellow
onto the leaves just to give it
a little kiss of sunlight.
Then I added some color
to the center of the flower.
I just Googled magnolias,
and looked at various different photos
to use as reference.
A lot of them had kind of like
almost like a pinkish deep purple shade
on the underside of the petals,
so I wanted to make sure that
I pulled in some of that color.
Now by no means does this look
like a very realistic magnolia,
but, you know, I learned a lot
about having to get that depth of color,
so I think when I go to paint
these other ones I'm going to
probably start with the darker shade,
and use it very sparingly,
and then fade everything out
to the lighter shade.
I think that might be an easier way
to control how much of the darkest color
I use so that
this reads a little bit more
like a very pale pink flower
if that makes sense,
so I wanted to let you guys know
that Kristy is so generous
she wanted to allow me to give away
a copy of this brand new book
to some of you guys,
so if you would like to win
a free copy of this book,
this brand new
watercoloring coloring book
I'm gonna have you head over to my blog,
and leave a comment over there.
It's a little bit easier to control
giveaways over at my blog because
you have to leave an email address
when you leave a comment,
so it's a little bit easier
to contact winners over there.
They'll be a link onscreen right now
that you can just click over,
and leave a comment over there.
You don't have to leave
any comment in particular,
just, you know, say hello, or say
you'd love to win the coloring book,
and you'll be entered
into the drawing to win.
There are more details
over at my blog as well.
You're gonna have about a week
to enter the giveaway.
Thank you so much to Kristy
for allowing me to give a book away
to one of you guys.
I think that's really, really generous.
I'm excited that you guys
can try out this book as well,
so this is pretty much my painting.
This is the flower and the leaves
that I worked on today.
I just wanted to show you guys
a little bit about this book.
"I think this might be one of
"my favorite pages in the entire book,"
Kristy commented.
I posted a picture of this on Instagram,
and she wrote back and said,
"That's my favorite page,"
so this is a really
beautiful illustration.
Once again,
visit my blog for the giveaway,
and thank you so much for watching.
(cheerful music)
Bike And Kids Coloring Game l Coloring Book Learn Colors For Children - Duration: 3:11.
Hi Kids
My Other Games
GALATASARAYIN YENI TRANSFERI GOMIS ISTANBULDA Gomis, istanbulda taraftariyla bestelerle karsilandi! - Duration: 3:51.
[YTP ITA] Thegiornalisti - Riccione (Reverse) - Duration: 3:22.
A Ciencia de ficar Rico - Audio Livro Completo - Duration: 2:48:38.
Today is the day that Salil get back from Thailand
So what I did, I active an alert in our internal messaging system
Every time he change status will show up to me
Usually he work from home until 9
And get in the office around 9:30
So when I receive the offline alert from him, probably he is leaving home and driving to the office
And I have time to setup the cameras to record the prank
Hope it will work
Just another day in the office
All set around here
Look his cubicle
Just a few balloons
All set
Let's see what the German guy is doing
Looks like the German is setting up something
That's it
Salil was not upset at all.
But look what we did with our boss when he get back from India
Do you think he will be mad ?
Music by Joakim Karud
Subscribe and thumbs up !!
See you next time
UNBOX PARTE 2 - ACABOU O MISTÉRIO. - Duration: 5:19.
Iron Man Fan Film - Iron Dude: Origins - Aristos - Duration: 2:07.
Alright, that should do it.
What do you think Jarvis?
Will it work?
It is worth a shot.
Here we go.
Oh god.
It's okay just pu- put it back i-
Well that went well.
Shut up Jarvis.
You should try it on the roof.
One more insult and I'm uninstalling you.
oNe mOrE iNsULt aNd iM uNInsTAlLinG yOu
Stop it.
sToP iT
I'll replace you with Siri.
nuE niE Siri nie
That's it.
Hey Siri.
What can I help you with?
Okay, fine.
Good, thanks.
Now can you please start recording?
Alright, so flight test #2
I adjusted the filter resistence of the polar ACE
Really Jarvis?
Hey Siri!
Not this shit again.
Flight test number two.
It's working! It's worki-
Hey Jarvis, can you call me an ambulance?
What's the magic word?
Please for the love of God I think I'm bleeding internally.
That will do.
Hey everyone, thanks for watching this video!
If you enjoyed it please remember to subscribe to my channel
by clicking right here
And check out some other videos right here.
Thanks for watching. *smooch*
Lonnie Zamora, the Officer who Spotted a UFO and its Two Occupants - Duration: 3:37.
Welcome to the Mundo Misterioso channel, I am Tom and today you will learn about the
Lonnie Zamora UFO sighting case, a very convincing case, as it was described
by a police officer, watch now, in Casos Misteriosos.
On April 24, 1964, a policeman named Lonnie Zamora spotted what appeared to be
flames of an explosion above a hill while traveling on a highway in the city of
Socorro, which is in the American state of New Mexico ...
Arriving at the place, he spotted from afar an object standing amidst vegetation with two
people in white uniforms apparently inspecting the surroundings, initially
he thought it was a overturned car, and then approached to offer help ...
But as he approached, he realized, that it was not
a car, he came to describe the object as an oval ship with smooth surface,
that shone like aluminum, but was white and not silver ... At its base there were four
legs that kept it on the ground and he memorized this red symbol that was printed
on the surface of the ship ...
Now when the two humanoids noticed the presence of the policeman, they became agitated,
Zamora then got out of the car and climbed a ravine to observe them more discreetly, at this
point he was approximately 45 meters away from the ship, but the two humanoids
no longer were visible ...
He heard a series of mechanical noises generated by the ship that suddenly emitted a
strong boom and then began to take off, emitting flames from its bottom ...
Zamora, then ran to his car and through the radio, described the event to his boss,
while he still watched the object flying at high speed toward the horizon ...
While he waited for his colleagues at the scene of the incident, he also observed burns
on the vegetation and on the ground where the ship was, and also found the marks on
the ground, which were probably left behind by the mechanical feet of the supposed spacecraft ...
About an hour and a half after the arrival of the other officers, an army captain
named Richard T.
Holder came to the scene, isolated the area, and withdrew the case from the police ... He
and his men would then have searched the surrounding area looking for evidence that would show
that the evidence left by the supposed spacecraft was hoaxed, but everything they found
only seemed to reinforce Zamora's account, and it should be noted that even the
FBI came to investigate the case, and like the military, they found no evidence
that Zamora had lied.
On the contrary, the investigations, even found footprints that conferred with the report
of the two beings that Zamora said to have seen, in addition to other marks, that appeared to be of
a ladder that was part of the supposed ship ...
Then, after the event, the case became a media sensation, and many researchers
investigated the case ... The vast majority of them were certain that Zamora was a honest person
and could not have forged that event to attract attention,
and the case, presented many evidences, which could not be ignored ...
So the mystery that remains is what was that ship Zamora found, for some
it was an alien spacecraft, for others, it was a secret aircraft being tested ...
So, leave your comments about the case, subscribe to the channel and
follow us on the social networks through the links in the description and if you liked the video, rate
and share with your friends, then you will be showing your support for the channel.
Stay well and until the next mystery.
Injustice 2 Comic : Capitulo 12 : "Cuando Despiertes..." Parte 2 - Duration: 10:51.
Health Benefits of Lemons - Lemon Peach Rhubarb Smoothie Recipe - Duration: 7:48.
Hey everyone! Today we are making the Lemon Peach Rhubarb Smoothie and I'm
pretty excited about it! It's a pretty spring summery smoothie, which always
makes me happy. If this is your first time tuning in and my name is Jess and I
am with GreenBlender. GreenBlender is a smoothie delivery service. Every week we
send you all the fruits, vegetables and, superfoods you need to make awesome
green smoothies at home. And every weekday we make one of those smoothies
with you. So, like I said, it is the Lemon Peach Rhubarb Smoothie and I wanted to
talk a little bit about lemons. They're very common, but they have a few facts
about them that even I didn't know. It's not known where lemons actually
originated. Although, people think that they came from northern India and they
were brought to the new world by Christopher Columbus. The top three
places that produce lemons are California, Arizona, and Italy. And we all
know that lemons are good for vitamin C - and your mom has always told you that.
But, did you know that an entire lemon - right now I'm just using half - but an
entire lemon has more than a hundred percent of your daily recommended amount
of vitamin C? Of course, that includes the peel, so if you want to go crazy and
get all your vitamin C at once just know you're going to have to somehow find a
way to blend up the peel. I don't necessarily recommend it. It's pretty
bitter, but hey, it's your life, so go for
it if you want. The reason that lemons are
so good for our immune system is that they help stimulate white blood cells
and also, may help protect the immune blood cells. Two cells that are - types of
cells that are very important for keeping our immune system revving and
going. And they are also common - lemons are commonly used to help clean both the
outside, and our bodies. A lot of people will use lemon as a natural counter cleaner.
You can use lemon as a natural garbage disposal cleaner. What you do is, you just
chop this guy up in a chunks you throw them in your garbage disposal with the
water running and it will clean out the garbage disposal and also make it smell
nice. You can also use lemon again for your face if you want. A lot of - there's a
lot of people use lemons as a prime ingredient in natural face wash and
natural face toner and natural face masks. There's tons and tons of recipes
online if you are interested in that. One caveat is that lemons can be pretty
stringent, so if you have sensitive skin, I recommend looking up a recipe that
works - that you think will work for you and then trying a little bit of it on
the back of your hand seeing what it does. If it doesn't do anything you're
good to go, but if you do - if you have sensitive skin you may want to just
watch out a little bit just because it can be very drying. Alright, so lemons
are awesome! Let's talk about what else is in this smoothie. So, we are using a peach, of
course, lovely peach! Its peach season Deep in peach season, I should say. We've got an
apple here. We've got some ginger; we've got some walnuts, rhubarb, and some greens
So, this is going to be delicious. I'm excited. Let's get going! I'm going to throw these
greens in. If you're a little nervous about how these greens will taste, you
can feel free to just take stems off these guys and that lightens the green
taste. I like it, so I'm going to put the the whole thing in. Let's see here... I'm going to cut up my rhubarb.
Rhubarb has a really nice slight citrus scent - or citrus taste,
which makes it a great addition to smoothies. Both rhubarb and ginger are a bit fibrous.
So, if you don't have a super high power blender, you definitely want to cut these
guys into small pieces and blend them as long as possible because there's a lot of little
fiber hairs in both of these things. Let's see, I'm going to cut this peach, usually...
oh no, this will be easy. I'm just going to cut around the stem. Some people can just cut
it and twist it. That's a perfectly good way to do it. I'm just going to cut it
quickly for time sake. I got a little bit of the pit in there, so I'm just going to cut that out. Let's see, is there any more of this?
I always try to use as much as I can of my fruit. I don't like to waste it,
and on that note. I know we talk about this quite a bit, if you watch us often,
but you do not have to core your Apple. You may have heard that apple seeds are
poisonous, and they're going to come get you, that's not the case.
Full-grown adults would have to eat about 1,400, I believe, apple seeds for
anything negative happen. So, you certainly don't have to worry. If you're
a little wary of it, you can just tap the seeds out and just cut the stem off. Then
there you go. There's one little seed in there, but I'm not worried So, I'm just going to throw the whole
thing in there. If you, again, if you don't have that high power blender, you
may just want to cut these up into smaller pieces, but definitely, use the
whole apple! Alright, let's put the water in here,
and we will squeeze the lemon. I love this lemon squeezer; it makes life so much easier -
it gets you so much lemon juice. All that vitamin C, all that cell goodness. And you
know, everything you eat shows up in your skin, so its a really good natural wrinkle eraser- the more lemon you eat.
I'm going to throw in the ice - gosh there's a lot of ingredients in here. Let me throw in these walnuts.
There is, there's a lot of ingredients, which just means its going to taste amazing! Alright, let's get blending!
There we go, awesome!
Alright, let's try it. Smells awesome!
Let's try this out, all these ingredients! It's really nice; Its citrus!y But it's a low
calorie smoothie, but it's pretty thick, which is nice. So its low calorie, but it
doesn't taste that way and it's also immune boosting and, like I said, great
for your skin. So this is the perfect smoothie to start your day off or to
sort of end your day with. Really, smoothies are good pretty much any time
of day. So thank you guys so much for watching! We really appreciate it and
we'll be back tomorrow, cheers!
Slayers DVDrip Capitulo 14 (Sub Español) - Duration: 19:37.
Ovo Surpresa Gigante do Tronco de Trolls em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:24.
British Challenger 2 vs German Leopard 2 - Which Is Better? - Main Battle Tank / Military Comparison - Duration: 4:41.
In military battle, tanks are needed to support infantry by moving into combat zones, with
troops protected in near-impenetrable moving vehicles while also able to return enemy fire.
Since their inception, tanks are becoming tougher, faster, and more easily able to damage
the weapons that penetrate – or attempt to penetrate -- them.
We thought it would be interesting to compare Britain and Germany's main battle tanks
In this episode of The Infographics Show, the Challenger 2, vs the Leopard 2.
Don't forget to subscribe and click the bell button so that you can be part of our
Notification Squad.
For the most advanced tanks, breaking down superiority isn't as simple as speed or
The English Challenger 2, for example, is not the fastest.
However, driving through rough terrain, on which its top speed is just 25 mph (40 kph),
its suspension ensures the stability that allows it to fire accurately.
Both the Leopard and the Challenger will continue to improve in design, with iterations developed
out of teachable moments on the battlefield.
What does each have and when were they first used?
Let's start with Germany's Leopard 2.
It has been in service since the 1980s, and the various iterations of the top-performing
standard are central to NATO's work.
In total, there are 11 versions of the Leopard 2.
All models of the Leopard have the Rhinemetall 120mm gun as a main gun plus 2 machine guns,
sighting equipment, advanced night vision, and the ability to engage moving targets while
driving on rough terrain.
More recently, the tanks also include a longer smoothbore gun, an auxiliary engine, improved
mine protection, and an air-conditioning system.
If you're a real military and arms policy wonk, you might have heard of the Leopard
in the news in 2013, when Germany's plans to sell Leopards to Qatar became an election
issue used to criticize Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Two years earlier, public outcry halted plans by Saudi Arabia to buy 200 Leopards.
The Leopard 2 is the German military's main battle tank, developed as an improvement upon
the Leopard 1, which was partly engineered by Porsche.
Yes, that Porsche.
Fun fact: the luxury carmaker also generates military design and technology.
The tank was engineered to section the hull in three parts: a front driving compartment,
a middle section for fighting, and the engine in the rear.
Designed for high visibility for the four-member crew, the Leopard 2 features three periscopes
and a television monitor to help with reverse driving, a kind of backup assist.
It can also operate in 4 feet (1.2 meters) of water without preparation, and up to 13
feet (4 meters) with preparation.
The compartmentalized design moves potential sources of fire or explosions away from the
The Leopard 2 is also equipped with protection in the event of a nuclear, chemical, or biological
attack, and it has an all-digital fire control system.
Sold to NATO-friendly armies, it is now used by Austria, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Finland,
Greece, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain and Turkey, in
addition to Germany.
Also designed for a four-person crew, the Challenger 2 is the British military's main
battle tank.
The British Army notes "Only five percent of Challenger 2 components are interchangeable
with its predecessor, which has had more than 150 major modifications including a completely
new turret, L30 CHARM 120mm gun, and second generation Chobham armor."
Chobham armor is a proprietary and classified form of ceramic named for the British tank
research center in Chobham Common where it was developed.
Chobham armor is resistant against a shaped charge – meaning an explosive whose intensity
can be focused in one area - and can actually damage attempted penetrators, effectively
weakening the enemy even when on the receiving end of an attack.
It is also on the Abrams, featured in our other video, M1A2 Abrams vs T-90S.
Okay, time for the super nitty gritty.
The Leopard 2 goes 44 mph (72 kilometers per hour) on road and 28 mph (45 kilometers per
hour) off road.
Meanwhile, the Challenger goes 39 mph (59 kilometers per hour) on road and 25 mph (40
kilometers per hour) off.
But as we mentioned at the top of the video, the suspension allows stability in rough terrain,
which in turn allows precise shooting.
The Challenger also makes up for lower speed with higher fuel capacity, with a 421-gallon
tank and combat fuel consumption of 6.4 liters per kilometer compared to the Leopard's
314 gallons and 5 liters per kilometer consumption.
The Challenger also edges the Leopard in turret rotation time, making a full 360 degrees in
9 seconds while the Leopard requires 10.
But the Leopard can vertically climb 3.6 ft (1.1-meter) obstacles, and pass a 9.8 ft (3-meter)
trench while the Challenger can climb just 3 ft (.9-meter) verticals and pass a 7.6 ft
(2.34-meter) trench.
So what's next?
Germany is reportedly working on a Leopard 3 as of 2016, and it will be an answer to
Russia's next-generation T-14 Armata.
Also in 2016, Britain issued a request for proposals for improvements upon the Challenger,
with Challenger 2 builder BAE Systems and that firm's two UK rivals General Dynamics
and Lockheed Martin preparing to jockey for the contract on such a marquee product.
At the time this news surfaced, Leopard manufacturer KMW had expressed interest in bidding, but
had not yet formally joined the procurement process to potentially set up a rivalry between
two of its products.
So, which of the 2 tanks do you think is better?
Let us know in the comments.
And if you like these types of comparisons, be sure to check out our other video M1A2
Abrams vs T-14 Armata.
Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.
See you next time!
best funny video ( 2018 ) - Duration: 3:04.
BİR KOLOMBİYALI İLE BEYOĞLU l İstanbul Vlog l Mehmet Nihat - Duration: 5:17.
Moana/Vaiana - You're Welcome (Icelandic S+T) - Duration: 2:28.
Saab 9-3 Cabrio 2.0t S Cabriolet - Duration: 1:00.
Anti-Vaxxers and Fear Caused Minnesota's Measles Outbreak (HBO) - Duration: 6:27.
— Minneapolis is home to the largest Somali community in America,
and the area known as Little Mogadishu has become ground zero for a major outbreak of measles.
The 78 cases reported in Minnesota so far
are more than what the entire country experienced in all of 2016.
The vaccination rate for measles, mumps and rubella, or MMR,
has plummeted among Somali-Americans there over the last 10 years...
— Do listen to a doctor.
Don't listen to anybody.
Listen to your rights.
— ...partly because anti-vaxxers have been targeting the community
with messaging that falsely links the MMR vaccine to autism.
— Wait! How tall are you?
— Abdinasir Fidow has seven kids.
His eldest son, Abdullahi,
was diagnosed with autism a couple of years after he had the MMR shot.
Fidow didn't vaccinate any of his other children after that.
— So tell tell me about your son Abdullahi.
— Sure thing! Yeah, you can stop.
— No.
— Science says there is no link between MMR and autism.
What would you say to some parents who might not understand
where you're coming from by not wanting to vaccinate your other children?
— Would you consider vaccinating your other children with MMR now,
because there's this measles outbreak?
— Somali kids here are twice as likely as the rest of the country's to be diagnosed with autism,
and 100 percent of Somali kids with autism in Minneapolis also have intellectual disabilities—
a stat three times higher than non-Somalis—
and public health officials still don't know why.
That's partly how antivaxxer messaging has been so effective.
— The Somali community it's very tight-knit here.
So fear and misconception can spread really quickly because we're so tight-knit,
we're also very… an almost a closed community.
— Huda Ahmed knows that what counts as "evidence" in her community is up for debate,
with science coming up against anecdote.
She's a Somali-American mom of three
who works in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Minnesota.
— How old is your son? — He's 22 months.
— Has he already had all his vaccines?
— He's had all of his vaccinations,
and he's due when he's 2 for his second dose of MMR.
When the Somali community sounded out the alarm,
trying to figure out why their kids were more likely to develop autism than other kids,
the anti-vaccine community listened.
The public health community, the scientific community, did not.
— One of the people who's reached out to the Somali community is Wayne Rohde,
a prominent vaccine skeptic in Minneapolis
who's been speaking out about mandatory vaccines like the MMR for over a decade:
— Now, the Minnesota Department of Health and CDC's saying there's no connection.
Well, how many times do we need to see kids having severe reactions?
And the autism in the Somali community is not the moderate or the high-functioning.
We're seeing kids that are just severely—no language.
Can you take this down to Nick?
— One of Wayne's twins was diagnosed with autism when he was a preschooler,
a diagnosis that Wayne attributes to complications with the MMR.
But he says he doesn't identify with the label "anti-vaxxer."
— It wasn't until the last couple of years that the Minnesota Department of Health decided,
"Okay, we're gonna do outreach."
Well, here's what's funny about that outreach,
is that most of the Somali community refuses to accept them
because they felt that the people that got hired by the Minnesota Department of Health
are just trying to infiltrate their group.
— Isn't that what the groups like yourself are doing, though,
infiltrating a community?
— We're not infiltrating, we're not doing anything.
All we're doing is we're answering questions that the Somali parents are asking—
"What's my legal rights?"
— What would you say to people who think you're irresponsible and endangering children?
— If people want to vaccinate, let them vaccinate.
I don't have a problem with that.
That's their decision.
— But part of the reason mandatory vaccines are important is because of "herd immunity,"
basically safety in numbers.
The more people that are vaccinated,
the less likely it is for an infectious disease to spread,
even within a community where some people can't get an injection—
like pregnant women, young children, or people who are immunocompromised.
It's a message the Department of Health is hoping to get across.
It's hired Somali consultants like Asli Ashkir...
— talk to local health care workers at informal meetings like this one,
about how they can better reach out to the Somali community.
— The Department of Health plans to drastically increase their Somali outreach...
— ...but nothing has been as educational for parents as this measles outbreak—
there's been a 16-fold increase in MMR vaccinations among Somali kids since the epidemic started.
NEW !!! Amazing Facts they don't want you to know about Ancient Egypt/King Tut - Duration: 4:44.
hey guys it's just me typing these subtitles for your enjoyment
hey guys! right now it is 3 AM
just waiting for things to happen
this light is blinding me
it hurts when i look at it
hopefully i am talking loud enough
I might just get closer and closer (well you can hear the rest)
right now i'm just waiting for paranormal
I don't know what to call it
paranormal things to happen
i'll get back to guys when ( makes bad cut) I guess when I see something happen
guys my fan just turned on
I don't know why or what happened
but my fan legit (like totes mcgoats) just turned on
I don't know if you guys can hear it but
maybe I'll just show you guys
my fan wasn't on before
yeah as you can see it's like, it's moving right now
so what i'm gonna try and do... turn it off
I think just flipping the switch should work
it's honestly really boring just writing these subtitles so tell how you guys are doing in the comments below
uuumm guys..., the switch isn't turned on
at this point, I decide that it would be a good idea to manually turn the fan off
I think i turned it off
but it's still spinning, but i think it's just turning off
that was honestly pretty scary how it turned on like that
and the switch didn't move
i mean, i guess the clicker thing worked
I don't think anything tonight can top that
it's like something turning on without anyone turning it on right
but i'm gonna try to brave it till' 3:30 or something
maybe one more thing will happen you know and then I'll end this video
what the heck?
guys my T.V. just turned on
I don't know why
Maybe because it's 3:15 in the morning (referincing back to the challenge)
ever think about that me?
I'm not lying right now
I'll even show you
like i would not have my T.V. on for 15 min straight if I wasn't watching anything
and luckily...
... it was on HDMI 2 instead of HDMI 1
because HDMI 1 is my cable
and HDMI 2 is my Xbox connection
so i'ma go turn it off
ok guys so i just turned off my T.V.
so now it's off
it's 3:15 right now if i didn't say that already
I think right now is just I'm gonna... just not (don't be surprised if you don't know what this means, I don't either)
I think I'm done, I'm done for tonight
so I'm gonna leave it back to me in......
...if it's three right now... 3:15...
...7 hours
that's about 10, right?
so *scratches head* I'll see you guys in 7 hours
and I'll just explain what happened I guess
say bye-bye to the subtitles cuz they're saying goodbye to you
JK ;) they are still here
no but seriously this is the last subtitle
Is DirectX 12 Killing SLI & Crossfire Gaming? - Duration: 6:15.
2017 Alfa Romeo Giulia Review – The Best Looking Saloon, Ever? – Car Keys - Duration: 6:26.
Washing Cloth Diapers: Mama Hacks - Duration: 10:30.
Hi everybody. I love cloth diapers and I'm going to tell you why.
Today, we're actually, mostly going to be focusing on washing,
the washing technique of cloth diapering. I have pre-folds and we're going to be
talking about how I wash my pre-folds. But I also want to explain to you just really
briefly why I love cloth diapers so much, and show you one of my most favorite tools
that I use with the cloth diapering and the cleaning of cloth diapering.
So, stay tuned.
Okay, guys, today is wash day. As I said, we are going to do a load of cloth
diapers. I keep my diapers in the garage because they smell a little bit,
and I usually only go about three days because otherwise, they would really
smell. So out here in the garage, I have a trash can with a lid,
and you're going to want the lid because they're kind of smelly.
Anyways, so I've got the trash can out here, keep it in the garage,
and this is the first step for doing the diapers.
Take off the smelly lid. They do start to smell a little bit, believe it or not.
Weird right? We're going to do one rinse get kind of the urine out.
And if there's any bits of food or poo or anything like that, you're going to want
to rinse that out before you actually start with the soap cycle.
So, on here, I'm going to select the rinse and spin, and I'm going to do it on cold
because there is no sense in using hot water for this yet since
really the only thing your doing is just giving it a good rinse to get the
preliminary pee out, if you will.
So it's on cold and spin speed is high, and I'm going to turn on my cycle signal
so it's loud so I can be reminded. So I'm going to turn on my cycle,
we're going to do rinse, be right back. Okay, our first part of washing our cloth
diapers is complete. We set it on rinse and spin to get out the pee like I
explained. So, that's done and complete. So our diapers are in there,
they're wet but they have not been washed yet. So we're going to start in on the
next step as far as washing the diapers. We use this Biokleen laundry detergent.
It's unscented, it's free and clear of dyes and fragrances. I like it because of
those reasons. And it's also better for the environment, I feel.
Do your research though as far as what works for you guys for washing your cloth
diapers. I can tell you though, you don't want to use Tide. Nothing against Tide,
it's just not right for cloth diapers. Some of the stuff that's in the
traditional laundry detergents can strip out all the good things in the diapers and
make them less absorbent. So you want to make sure whatever you're using is safe
for cloth diapers.
So, I use the Biokleen. And what I'm going to do is, I usually do a full cap,
and then we're going to turn it and switch it over to... I just do normal casual on
mine, if you have a heavy duty, you can do that too. I do normal casual because our
water gets super hot here, so I don't really worry too much about that.
Plus were going to do two wash cycles. So, I guess if you only wanted to do one wash
cycle, you could do a heavy duty if...or the sanitary if you wanted to.
But I do two of the, just the normal. And I'm going to set it on to hot,
so it's got the hot wash and it's going to have a cold rinse. And again,
I've got my cycle signal on loud so I will be told, "Come fix me!" when they are all
done. Yeah, so that's it. So we're going to start on the second step and I will be
back again for the third step.
Alright, everybody. So, we've got two parts of our three down.
We did a rinse cycle first, we've done a wash cycle for our cloth diapers and now
I'm going to check them and we're going to do the third and final piece.
There's a little bit of soap left that I can see, so we're definitely going to want
to do another cycle, but I'm going to check them out, give them a sniff,
make sure they're on the right track. Okay, they smell pretty clean.
Now part of this is due to the fact that I have this awesome diaper sprayer.
We've actually done a video on it before so if you want to check that out,
we should have a little card here where you can do that and it's super handy.
We'll also have some information in it, in the description about it.
So if you want to check it out, go ahead.
Anyways, basically what it is, is it enables me to rinse off the diapers when
there's poo and that gets a lot of the junk off when it is kind of fresh,
basically, so it's not sitting in there like funking, getting gross.
So, that's part of it, but the other part of it is that we've done the rinse and
we've done a super hot cycle. Now, because the diapers aren't super soiled,
I'm not going to do another soap cycle, but I am going to do one more full normal
cycle on hot, with no soap, just to do a final rinse. To make sure that we get all
the soap out. Because as I just said, there is a lot bit of soap residue left,
and I do not want any of that on little baby's bottom because that could cause
irritation. Plus, you don't want the soap buildup in your cloth diapers because that
can kind of cause a problem that you'll have to deal with later.
So, I'm going to do one more hot cycle and then I'll check back in with you guys.
See there is some of the residual soap that we want to make sure we get rid of.
As I mentioned earlier, I love cloth diapers. Number one, it's part of like
helping towards the environment, I'm not throwing diapers away.
Now don't get me wrong, I do a mix of both. I do cloth diaper when we're at home
but I also use disposable. So I'm not super militant about my cloth diapering
because I totally get it.
There are some days where it's just going to be easier to do disposable.
When we're out shopping or when we travel, for example. I'm not taking cloth diapers
when we travel because that's just a little bit more than I want to deal with.
However, when we're at home and we're just chilling, which we are a lot of
the time, I am totally all about cloth diapering because when she gets wet,
I want to change her. But I feel bad, you know you get the diaper,
and there's just one little bit of pee in there. And it's like I don't want to leave
a wet diaper on her but at the same time, you know, it's like I'm wasting a diaper
and I feel bad wrapping up that diaper up and throwing it in the trash.
So, my happy spot is when we're home, I cloth diaper. And because I've probably
got of this particular size, this is the size large I believe. Of this particular
size, I've probably got 50 or 60 diapers and so, I'm good. I wash every three days
or so. And when we're home, makes me feel good. So, definitely,
like for the environment. That's one of the issues. Number two,
economically, it makes a lot of sense for our family. We're a single income family,
I'm a stay-at-home mom. And, any little bit I can ease off of having to pay for
things, I'm going to do it. And I've done the math, washing cloth diapers is by far
cheaper than buying disposable diapers as you would imagine.
Now, once you get... I mean there is an initial investment, but once you get past
that initial investment, it's super cheap. I think we figured out that it was under
$1 a load. So, that makes a lot of sense for me. So those are two huge
reasons why I love cloth diapering, plus, there's something really adorable about a
big ol' cloth diaper booty on a baby. I think it's super cute. So those are the
things that I really...two of the biggest things, there's other things I like about
cloth diapering, but the two big things for me.
Okay everybody. The third cycle is done, and I believe that's all we're going to do
as far as washing goes. So, we did the rinse and we've done two wash cycles.
The first wash cycle had soap, of course, the second one did not just to make sure
we got all the soap out. So I am going to take them out. They smell good.
They're definitely clean. No soap residue, and now I'm going to throw them in the
dryer. And actually, during the summer time, I usually hang dry them outside.
We have this amazing rack which is kind of collapsed right now.
There is actually nothing better than drying them in the sunshine because A,
the sun is bleaching them out naturally, and B, you're not using any energy to dry
them. But, we have been having some kind of weird weather today,
so I am going to be putting them in the dryer. Now, when you dry them in the
dryer, you want to use a hot heat. Because you want to make sure they get completely
dry. Because you don't want to put them away with any moisture in there because of
the possibility of mold. It's not a great possibility, but you don't want to mess
around with that.
So, in the dryer, they go. So, I will dry them probably for about 45, 50 minutes and
check them, just to make sure that they are completely dry. Okay, so,
that's it. Not too hard right? Doesn't look so bad? It's actually not bad at all.
You just pick a day when you're going to be around for a couple hours,
or set timers, or turn your dinger up on your washing machine so it's really loud
and annoying when it's done. And then you're done. You have a big ol' pile of
fresh, clean, not chemically yucky, nothing. You have this nice pile of clean
cloth diapers that you just washed and you're ready to put on your baby.
So, I hope you enjoyed the video. If you like our videos, please click like.
Consider being a subscriber. Check us out on Facebook, and we also have a blog and
we'd love for you to join us on one of those mediums. Thanks again for watching,
you guys. Hope you have a great rest of your day. Happy cloth diaper washing and
cloth diapering. Bye!
The Greatest Showman Trailer REACTION - Duration: 6:57.
I am so nervous for Hugh Jackman!
Why? Because he spent all his Wolverine capital, or at least most of it, on this...musical!
Iron Man Fan Film - Iron Dude: Origins - Aristos - Duration: 2:07.
Alright, that should do it.
What do you think Jarvis?
Will it work?
It is worth a shot.
Here we go.
Oh god.
It's okay just pu- put it back i-
Well that went well.
Shut up Jarvis.
You should try it on the roof.
One more insult and I'm uninstalling you.
oNe mOrE iNsULt aNd iM uNInsTAlLinG yOu
Stop it.
sToP iT
I'll replace you with Siri.
nuE niE Siri nie
That's it.
Hey Siri.
What can I help you with?
Okay, fine.
Good, thanks.
Now can you please start recording?
Alright, so flight test #2
I adjusted the filter resistence of the polar ACE
Really Jarvis?
Hey Siri!
Not this shit again.
Flight test number two.
It's working! It's worki-
Hey Jarvis, can you call me an ambulance?
What's the magic word?
Please for the love of God I think I'm bleeding internally.
That will do.
Hey everyone, thanks for watching this video!
If you enjoyed it please remember to subscribe to my channel
by clicking right here
And check out some other videos right here.
Thanks for watching. *smooch*
Documentary 2017 | Petra, Lost City of Stone, History Channel Film - Duration: 59:58.
Documentary 2017 Documentary 2017 Petra Documentary 2017 History
Nail Art Compilation 2017 | The Best Nail Art Designs June 2017 | Part 10 - Duration: 10:16.
Thanks for watching
Hope you have a great time
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5 Easy Ways To KILL Cravings & Hunger - Duration: 4:20.
Hey, everybody.
Shaun Hadsall here, the owner of Get Lean in 12
and stubborn fat expert for people over 35 years old.
And inside this video I'm going to talk
about five different ways that you could use
to kill hunger and cravings.
And I think this is probably the number
one road blocks for people in their quest to lose belly fat,
live longer, and stay younger is fighting off
hunger and cravings.
And in the last video I talked about when you experience
a hunger pang or a craving or you're
in a fasted state your body is utilizing and maximizing
all the hormones that you want it to, to burn belly fat
and preserve muscle tissue.
Your metabolism will not slow down.
So in the last video I talked about how
Ghrelin, which is your hunger hormone
releases growth hormone.
Glucagon, which is your blood sugar hormone
helps use fatty acids from tissue to burn more fat.
Adrenaline is released when you're hungry
or in a fasted state.
This is a precursor to stimulating the hormones that
actually are responsible for helping you shrink fat cells.
And then lastly, insulin is flat lined when you're hungry
or in a fasted state.
And this is an indication that your body is in a perfect spot
to utilize fatty acids from fat cells as energy.
Now the problem with being hungry or in a fasted state
is that we want to eat something.
And five ways that you can control your hunger
while you're in a fasted state or when you're in a fed stage
and you have hunger pangs-- remember, this is a good thing.
It's an indication of all this hormonal impact taking place.
But five of the best things you can do is drink tons of water.
You can have sparkling water, carbonated water if you want.
Just make sure, obviously, it's sugar free
and it's not loaded with chemicals and preservatives.
Coffee is your next best bet.
I recommend black, especially if you're in a fasted state.
But if you want to add cream you could.
I would just make sure it's like some organic cream.
The third thing is green tea or other healthy teas
have been shown to suppress your appetite
and also will help with hungers and cravings
when you're in a fasted state.
And then bone broth, which is my favorite.
This is an awesome anti-inflammatory.
So any type of broth is fine, but I highly
recommend bone broth.
Just make sure it doesn't have any calories in it
or very minimal when you're hungry or in a fasted state.
And then the last one is chewing gum.
Just make sure it's sugar free.
Research has shown that people who chew gum actually lose more
weight than those who don't.
I'm not a fan of chewing gum.
I don't like the chemicals in gum.
It kind of gives me a headache because I'm constantly
But it is something that can help you ward off
cravings and hunger.
So hopefully, this gives you a snapshot
of how they deal with hunger and cravings
because the solution is not to go eat more.
Remember, eating every 2 to 3 hours
does not speed up your metabolism.
Fasting for 12 to 16 hours a day does not
slow down your metabolism.
These are myths.
In fact, I recommend that you fast
for 12 to 16 hours at least 4 or 5 days of the week
to get all these hormonal benefits.
And then during your fasted window,
you could just use these five methods to overcome the hunger
pangs and the cravings.
And then remember psychologically
when you experience that just keep your eye on all
these hormones and what's really taking place inside your body.
It's very beneficial.
Now the number one thing that you
need to learn how to do when you're in a fasted state
or when you're experiencing hunger and cravings
is how to exercise.
This is the perfect spot and the perfect time
to engage in a high-intensity exercise session
is when you're in a fasted state or when
you're feeling hunger pangs because your body is going
to release more of the hormones that will
help you burn more belly fat.
And somewhere around this video I put a link.
You can click or tap.
It's called the over 40 stubborn fat sequence.
It's a free report that you can download.
You just have to go to your inbox.
If you don't see it there, check your spam folder.
And inside this free report it's specifically
designed for the hormonal condition of people
in their '40s, '50s, or '60s.
So if you're over 35 years old, you're
going to want to get your hands on this report.
It's going to show you a 12-minute protocol that
can elevate your metabolism for up to 48 hours
after you're done.
And when it's performed properly,
research shows it can actually increase growth hormone
400% to 700%.
Now if you've got something out of this video, do me a favor
and like it and share it.
I appreciate you taking time out of your busy day
to check this out.
And keep going strong.
How to Instantly Get your Head in the Game - Duration: 3:04.
- I'm talking to you today
about one of the most important keys to winning.
You see, I've had the fortunate experience
of having several experiences, you know,
I've been a personal trainer, I've been an actor,
a television film actor, I've been a sales person,
I've been a speaker on stage, I've been a coach,
you know, I've done so many different things,
it's allowed me to understand
how to quickly access your best abilities
to deliver on command
and so in this case, I'm referencing acting
and it plays into neuro-linguistic programming as well,
even though that's not how I learned the two.
When I was an actor, I was in this acting class
and our teacher said to us,
"Listen, when you guys get up on set sometimes,
"you're not gonna be able to be totally present
"in order to generate the emotion you need
"to deliver on camera."
You want an actor, who when they're really strong,
they're not trying to fake cry or fake fall in love,
but try to make the imaginary circumstances real
and when you have a good scene partner,
they really are able to drop in there and be totally present
and bring you genuine emotion in that scene,
even though it's an imaginary circumstance,
does that make sense?
But actors, like everybody else, have bad days.
What if you show up on set
and you simply cannot generate the anger you need,
or you simply can't generate the joy
or the happiness you need,
where you can't generate the love you need, what do you do?
You have a whole crew of people here watching,
going, "Come on, get this done.
"We wanna get the shot scene, what's happening here?"
How do you turn it on?
The key is to have a trigger,
a trigger for you, to tighten, to step into that emotion.
So a trigger could be you squeeze your wrist,
you think of a certain moment in your history
or a certain song, or a certain scent,
that brings love up for you, does that make sense?
I'm sure you've had this experience before,
where you're in the car, you're having a bad day,
you're kind of driving and all of a sudden,
your favorite song comes on, your energy's all fired up,
a trigger, fair enough?
Or you may have had this experience, like I have,
you had a bad drinking bender on some particular alcohol
years and years ago and never touched it for years,
and all of a sudden someone cracks open that bottle
and you smell it and it puts you right back
in that same horrific feeling of that moment,
does that make sense?
It's finding those triggers for you,
to trigger love, joy, happiness, anger, whatever it is,
in the case of winning, maybe it's you wanna be motivated
and driven and totally focused, like a killer,
to make it happen for yourself.
Is it a song for you?
Is it the way you stand for you?
Is it how you tap your shoulders?
When I was an athlete, it was simply snapping my fingers,
it put me there into, "Kick some ass",
does that make sense?
It's finding that trigger for you.
Find your triggers and you'll find a way to win.
I'll see you on the next one, take care.
Indian Navy Outgunned As China Launches Its Biggest Destr0yer - Duration: 3:25.
Where Did the Universe Come From? - Duration: 5:25.
As physicists and cosmologists piece together the history of the cosmos as best they can,
they run into an uncomfortable question: Just where did the universe come from?
Working with the Einstein field equations in the 1920s,
physicists came to a startling conclusion.
The universe was not static and unchanging.
Rather, the universe must be expanding.
Many observations-from the redshift of light from distant galaxies, to cosmic background
radiation-seem to confirm that conclusion.
But the implications of an expanding universe were a bit of a difficult pill for physicists
to swallow.
Because if the universe were constantly expanding as time passes, that means that in the past
it was smaller than it is, now.
And if you continue to play that movie backwards, it implies that at some point, perhaps billions
of years ago, the entire universe-all time, space, matter, and energy-had a BEGINNING
as an infinitesimal point.
And before that?
The idea that the universe had a beginning as an infinitely small, dense singularity
was dismissively termed the "Big Bang."
The name stuck, and the "Big Bang" is now the accepted theory.
But a beginning to the universe bothered many, and it still does, today.
After all, if you have a creation event, don't you need a Creator?
The problem was summarized by physicist Stephen Hawking in 2012, "A point of creation would
be a place where science broke down.
One would have to appeal to religion and the hand of God."
After all, the universe is EVERYTHING: Not just you and me and your Aunt Matilda, but the Earth,
the planets, the stars, the galaxies, light, energy-even space and time, itself.
It would be very convenient for scientists looking to avoid the need for a Creator to
be able to say that somehow the universe has simply always been here.
But the science is telling the scientists something else: It hasn't always been here.
It all had a beginning.
It all came into existence... from nothing.
In 2012, New Scientist magazine dubbed the crisis, "The Genesis Problem," and physicists
and cosmologists have been struggling against it for decades.
Several solutions have been suggested.
For instance, a popular theory for some time has been that perhaps the universe is cyclic.
That is, perhaps the universe simply goes back and forth, with a Big Bang followed by
a collapse that you might call the Big Crunch, only to bounce back again and collapse again-over
and over and over.
In such a way, perhaps the universe has existed forever.
Another popular idea is referred to as Eternal Inflation.
It suggests that the initial inflationary period of the Big Bang is actually an ongoing,
eternal activity, leading not just to our universe but many universes, each one bubbling
out of the inflation of previous universes-making the universe out to really be some sort of
Perhaps that would save us from a beginning.
Alas, it is not to be so.
The work of cosmologists such as Alexander Vilenkin and Alan Guth has demonstrated that,
even in such fanciful scenarios, there still had to be a beginning.
For instance, in the case of a cyclic, "bouncing" universe, they found that the only way such
a series could be sustained was if each new universe were bigger than the last.
Rewind that story backward into the past...and you still get a cosmic beginning point.
And when examining Eternal Inflation, they found that while the theory worked for a frothy
bubbling of new universes going into the FUTURE, there still had to be an initial START to
the bubbling.
There still had to be a beginning of the universe from nothing.
Alexander Vilenkin summarized the results succinctly: "All the evidence we have says
that the universe had a beginning."
So, just how do you get everything-all time, space, matter, and energy-literally everything-from
As Julie Andrews helpfully sang to us in "The Sound of Music," "Nothing comes from nothing.
Nothing ever could."
If we are willing to follow the evidence where it leads, and if physics is consistently pointing
us to a moment of creation, isn't it time that we considered a Creator?
I'm Wallace Smith for Tomorrow's World Viewpoint.
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Few things seem to work some scientists into a frenzy more than the words "Intelligent Design."
Why isn't Intelligent Design science?
Les aventures de Patrick - Duration: 1:02.
C'EST QUAND LES PROCHAIN LIVES ?! 🙏🏼 - Duration: 2:35.
Russian Overkill 2.5 - The Warpocalypse has just begun u.u - Duration: 1:06:02.
Russian Overkill for the Ultimate Doom and Doom II Hell On Earth, is one of the most crazy and wicked mods you will ever play.
You character(s) are heavily overpowered with having access to the most sophisticated arsenal you can ever imagine.
There are also some elements you can recognize from the Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 and Command & Conquer Renegade.
This time I've finally found a control to summon the Warpocalypse to clear the area from hellspawn - just skip to 48:05
Black Warpocalypse is armed with miniguns and missile launchers, no hordes of forces of Hell can stop it.
There are also some more new toys I've found - but they make this game also easier.
As the drawback, the performance is also somewhat worse :D.
Under the 7th slot of weapons, there is a railgun Sniper Cannon known from Bulletstorm and the fast firing Railgun.
The Railgun Cannon has a much higher damage per single shot, but it's also way slower in firing but it can destroy multiple targets with one shot.
The fast firing Railgun weapon, perfect choice when room is full of weaker demons like Zombies or Imps, but can take also stronger foes quickly.
The weapon from 8th slot that fires big yellow orbs, do not use the alternate fire when you are close to the explosion, instant death is sure.
And I've figured also out that the Minigun from 4th slot that shoots jet fighters... they drop bombs too.
Mod - Russian Overkill 2.5 by Pillowblaster
WAD - The Ultimate Doom II 2.7
Music - Doom Metal WAD
Source Port - GZDoom 2.4 64bit
Links are in the description
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