HI, everyone! If you come from Flan's channel don´t forget to activate the subtitles
because this video is going to be in Spanish
HI everyone! I'm Neryko and today we have a collab with Flan
Or Art by Flan... or Flantasy Flan... depend on the media a bit
As I said, today's a collab
The first one and hopefully not the last because I honestly really enjoy it
This is the first part of two videos with Flan
Next Tuesday will be the other part if everything goes as plan
Let me explain you how did we organise this
I had drawing one Flan's character...
And Flan had make one of mine
Base drawing and ink (check her video!)
Then we interchange them and we colour each other one artwork
As you can see, this is a character I already showed you, Annie Bonnie
I think Flan has just spot the perfect pose for this character
She was an Irish pirate on a time that woman were forbidden on boats (bad luck reasons)
And she was a captain so, like... like the biggest feminist boss ever
Flan had use my original design...
But I think I'm going to start using more this design from now on
I think is more adequate for the character (Annie Bonnie)
As you can see, Flan have a really charismatic style (that I love)
When you seen it ones, you can recognise it everywhere
She usually make female characters with a lot of personality
Never specially skinny, some times a bit fat. It´s the proud of the curves (and I love it!)
They always keep the personality, the presence and charisma
She tend to make... strong characters, we can say
And if they have wavy hear, corset better
actually you can see such a crazy hear she had made!
Was a challenge but I really really enjoy painting it
The first time I seen it I was a bit shock about how to colour it
If you had seen my other artwork, I usually make the hair as Disney Little Mermaid one
I use a main mass and then I give it a general shape
But I really never work individually
As I said, It had been REALLY FUN! (and a bit challenging)
I wasn't so sure at the beginning about the colouring
But, as soon as I started putting the basic colours from my original design I had been available to visualise it
with a black background
For give her even more personality and strength
after that black background, the contrast was really easy
the shadow of the sword....
like... It had grow alone
I was sure about the character colours (well, was mine one right?)
But, sometimes you can see the colours really easy
an others you just experiment a bit
I really enjoyed as people don't usually make fanarts of my stuff
I actually don't usually show them either
I'm more likeable to make fanart of random art
I hope to repeat this experience again
By the way, Flan is also open to collabs
so if you want to make some with her, just check the links at the description!
As I said at the begging of the video, this video is not in English
and I clarify this because Flan is from America, and obviously her videos are going to be in English!
Not like me... that I make them in Spanish...
or I pretend to know some English some times....
and..... is more or less done!
I hope you enjoyed it
and next Tuesday I will upload the other half of the collab (if everything goes alright)
(I know the videos are on Tuesday, but sometimes I'm not available to, sorry)
The other half will be my drawing of her character!
At the top note you can check her video off this collab
As usually said, press the like boton if you liked it, subscribe and all that stuff
See you on next video (luckily on Tuesday)
An on a stream on Sunday,Chao!
For more infomation >> Collab with Art By Flan (Annie Bonnie) - Duration: 4:50.-------------------------------------------
Under Rs 200/- Budget - 25 MUST TRY Affordable Makeup & Beauty Products | ShrutiArjunAnand - Duration: 10:52.
subscribe to shrutiarjunanand channel n press the bell button to get the notifications of my latest beauty n make up videos.
hey guys shruti here today's video is going to be awesome so hit on that like button!
so recently i did a video on make up kit under 500 n skincare n haircare kit under 500 n
n in that i asked ur favour whether to show uh products under 200 or not.,
so i got so many lovely comments of uh guys but unfortunately i was not able to search for gud make up n gud skincare n haircare products under 200
n that will take too much time to make a kit ,so i thought let me know uh on my top must have products under 200.
so first we will talk about skincare products :
because it is no need of so much moisturisation in that skin type n as it is light weight so a little amount works best
then u have to apply another layer of moisturiser above this because this doesn't gives uh that much moisturisation.
if uh have removed ur unwanted hair n wen uh apply any deodorant meanwhile uh get burning sensation in ur underarms that is not gud at all,
so if uh vil apply this roll on deodorant uh vil not feel that burning sensation , coz mostly spray has those ingredients which gives burning sensation n this will not.
coz dove soap is very creamy n uh r going to love this too coz both r similar in texture n
but it is made of natural ingredients so this is pretty much gud than dove.
i knw uh r familiar to this product.!
i have shown u this several times in my videos coz this removes all the tanning n the best part is it is very easy to use .
in this budget there is not a single under eye cream better than this.
or if uh r getting any break out or pimple there r very less options for wet wipes
especially if uh r a teenager or college going girl n ur skin is exposed to dust n grime everyday so there shud be a wet wipe that is acne free.
n these wet wipes from kaya these r acne free n dermatologist tested n paraben free.
i recently visited Sephora n there were a lot of sheet masks, n they r very much in these days
there is always deals going for them so do uh can buy them in a price less than this too.
other than coconut oil this has all the important herbs that r too gud for hair growth n if uh dnt have time to make DIY hair oil then do try out this.
firstly it removed my hot n cold sensation of sensitive teeth n gums
i feel like smelly breath that too gone away
that this costs more than 157 n its of 230 rupees so guys m saying that magically i have decreased its cost coz it is too gud
n wen uh can spent 200 on a product then do give 30 rs extra coz it is worth this cost.
n as a face primer try it for must especially if ur skin type is dry to normal skin type then this is best for u.
n this product was recommended as a primer by nikkie sis of ours through utube so m too recommending it further .
so teenagers and college going girls cant apply lipsticks so they need a lip balm which gives stain to the lip n make their lips naturally soft.
so i like the lip balms from Nivea n i did a top 5 lip balm video too but i think that from the past one year m using it n
now i m realising that it is the ultimate one n i tried others too but in the long run i believe that some lip balms
work better in winter some in summers but this works best in every weather be it winter, summer ,etc
if uh new in make up i vil highly advise uh to use colors like this not bright colors coz color like this
easily blends on our skin tone n it doesn't spreads on ur skin n looks more natural.
so here comes PAC lip liners
recently lakme launched its lip crayons which r too gud according to price n pigmentation too.
especially if u see its packaging its in a pencil form so if uh want to apply it to ur corners of lips
uh can do it easily with this n at the same time uh can fill n line ur lips with this, it works as both lip liner n lipstick.
now any competitor of this liner at this cost don't have this much dark black or jet black color
now the next product is recommended to me by frend Nancy
so don't forget to subscribe her too.
that comes in 700 to 800 rupees
one of my sweet subscriber asked me for my favourite nail paint so
so let me show uh today
hard to pronounce let me read this by keeping it in a distance, i think m suffering from long sightedness
specs specs ramu uncle plz bring me those specs m unable to read!!
i knw its little bit difficult but v vil attain that number so if i vil get 5 k likes then i vil bring for uh another video for products under 200 very asap.
Today in #TalentTalks: George Restrepo from Coctelería Creativa – How it began? - Duration: 1:56.
¿What inspired you to enter in the world of Cocktails, when it was an emerging sector?
I started in the cocktails industry for need
and I stayed there for vocation.
I come from the advertising world,
I worked in several advertising agencies, but at one point in my life
I wanted to make a break to deepen the image industry.
For that reason, I came to Barcelona to study photography.
Then I spent all my savings but I wanted to stay a little longer in Barcelona.
I found a job in a cocktail bar and I started teaching about it.
I discovered the world of bartending while I was teaching.
That was a bit of my starting point.
Coctelería Creativa is currently one of the five most influential webs in the world...
...and the leader in cocktails in Spanish. How did the idea come to you?
Coctelería Creativa was created for a personal need
When I was teaching about cocktails, I saw that I had no resources to teach.
All that existed were books in English,
there weren't any blogs yet and none of the facilities we have today.
So, it arises from a personal need.
Basically, it is like having a Wikipedia where you can find all the information, like recipes.
One day I was talking with my brother, who is webmaster, and we came up with a website,
with the idea of offering information, a point of meeting between brands, professionals and end consumers.
Success? I think success is relative, we feel happy, but we don't feel that all the work is done.
Our goal is to add even more value to our community,
so we are trying to add all the emerging projects to our site Coctelería Creativa.
Mr. Men & Little Miss. ¡Diviértete con las actividades de Mr. Men! - Duration: 0:31.
Mercedes-Benz V-Klasse V 250 d CO Automaat Avantgarde Edition L - Duration: 1:00.
[Tutorial] How make own spray for cs.16\hl\sc - Duration: 2:55.
Opel Astra 1.4i GL - Duration: 0:43.
Learn Animals with Lightning Mcqueen Transport for Kids | Learn Names and Sounds Animals | BinBin Tv - Duration: 3:30.
Learn Animals with Lightning Mcqueen Transport for Kids | Learn Names and Sounds Animals | BinBin Tv
Lockdown S02E04 Kids Behind Bars - Duration: 23:04.
Arizona Sunshine PSVR Review - Duration: 10:08.
Robert Kiyosaki - How to become a Millionaire in 3 Years Or Less in Khmer | Success Reveal - Duration: 10:53.
Success Reveal
Robert Kiyosaki
How to become a millinaire in 3 Years or Less
Folded Lettering Logo Design Tutorial | Illustrator Tutorial | Satori Graphics - Duration: 4:37.
today I have an illustrator tutorial for you where we make a folded lettering
logo design in a matter of minutes this is satori graphics
what is up people welcome back to satori graphics home of graphic design content I
hope you're doing well today if you do enjoy my tutorial let me know by leaving
a like and a comment as it really does help my channel for a folded lettering
logo design we first need to select a fill in the color palette the color
doesn't really matter at this stage and then make a rectangle with the shape
tool if you're making numerous letters you want to keep a copy of the original
shape so the thickness will stay the same throughout so hold down alt and
click and drag to duplicate. Now with the direct selection tool, hold down
shift and select the top two points of the rectangle you can press the left
arrow on your keyboard to notice them over or you can track a guide from the
ruler to the top we select them and move them over like so you can adjust where
these points are but make sure you move them together by selecting both at once
once happy use the alt / option key to duplicate again and then reflect the new shape
like so. you can select both shapes and then align them are using the align tool
this will make sure they're perfectly in place making the V of our folded
lettering logo design perfect I want the shape on the right to be
behind so I'm going to send it to the back now select the left hand shape of
the V and add a gradient appear like so you can choose whatever color you wish
I'm going to use shades of blue the trick is to have a dark shade at the
bottom that goes up to an almost white at the top but make sure it's not
completely white
once you've done that and grab the eyedropper tool you can use this to copy
the gradient on the first shape onto your second one this time however we
want the lower shape to be darker and to go a little bit higher up this will give
the illusion of being folded paper lettering and it will create a shadow
effect our folding lettering logo design is almost complete with new shape
selected flick the gradient fill over to a stroke and then select the ellipse
tool you will make a circle around our V logo mark you can hold down alt and
shift at the same time to generate the circle like I'm doing here make the
stroke weight a little thicker until you feel it looks best for you illustrator
logo design here you can change the direction of your gradient
once you're happy select the circle and outline the stroke ultimately making the
stroke circle a shape now all you have to do is add some logo type and your
Foley lettering logo design is complete
if you enjoyed this illustrated tutorial show me some love by dropping a like on
this video and let me know in the comment section below until next time
design your future today peace
前前前世 movie. ver RADWIMPS フル 歌詞付き - Duration: 4:50.
8 Ball Pool Coins Hack Online - Unlimited Coins Hack - Duration: 0:32.
[Tutorial] How make own spray for cs.16\hl\sc - Duration: 2:55.
Lynn - I Used To Cry
If I Can't Have You - Duration: 42:35.
Strowman, Roman Reigns'i Bok Çuvalı Sallar Gibi Fırlatıyor - Duration: 2:41.
I THINK NOT | Make Up | ANTI HAUL | Subtitled | CC - Duration: 5:37.
hey guys i wanted to do a different kind of video today
just to change thins up a bit.
so I wanted to do an Anti Haul
I just think that some things are going to be so hyped up
or things were hyped up, if they've just come out
I did not come up with this series.
Kimberly Clark did. I really enjoy her videos.
about this. She goes more in depth with.
I love stepping back and looking at how things are marketed.
and sometimes I think people are getting the wool pulled over their eyes.
first item that I am not going to buy
is the new Benefit concealer.
it's called Boi-ing.
Benefit has had this concealer for a while,
it's just re-packaged.
This just came out within the last week or so.
I saw this on the Sephora website and was like, "A new concealer?"
They have those other potted jar ones.
So in this...it's just called the air brush concealer
the boi-ing
and it's really cute packaging. they have two
new kind of concealers. They have the potted one
and a lip balm one.
The thing is,
they just repackaged the potted concealer. I'm not familiar with the balm one.
It's only available in three shades.
What are the shades? who is this suppose to be for?
I think it's silly that you spend the time to repackage it, but
you didn't spend the time to make more colors?
The next thing I'm not buying
anything from the Kylie Jenner summer collection.
I think the summer collection is really beautiful.
And it's not that her stuff isn't really beautiful,
it's just I've heard such shitty things about customer service
I'm not okay with that.
If something comes to me and it's broken, or I was suppose
to get two different shades and I got the same shade, and there's not returns
or anything...It's just, I don't want to be screwed over.
no thanks. not interested.
I will not buy the Kim Kardashian West contour kits
Some people were saying that it's too late for her to do it
I think, mehh I guess?
But she's also the one, that because of the way she did her make up
every one started to really get in to contouring
And whether you like them or not,
I think you do have to think that she really kind of helped
I mean, yes it was her make up artist, but the way that she
was presented, every one was like, "what is going on here"
what is this look?
Seeing how much product you get
It's a nub.
It's a nub of product.
It's literally like travel size, just like Jackie said.
It's travel size. If she marketed it
as travel size, or that's going to be smaller
or if she had mentioned that
it's to take when you travel, or go away for the weekend, whatever
Then I'd be like, okay
But since she marketed it as an every day thing
that shit is going to be gone within like a week
i'm just thinking of my big as face and head
it would be gone so quickly.
and how much you have to spend on it?!
$48, and I think you get three things:
you get the brush, then the contour color, and then you get the highlight.
Think of the travel size in Sephora or you think of in Target
Just anywhere. Certain things are not to be just a dollar.
even if they are smaller size.
I was just going to call it the trough like where the pigs go
But you know the little travel size in the front of like Ulta
I just...I'm not interested in that.
and I also do not like the connections
some of them are making with certain horrendous monsters.
someone who shall not be named.
I worry that a lot of these people are blind to it and don't realize the backlash
and then when there is backlash, because they didn't investigate, they respond very very poorly.
The next thing, I'm not fucking buying
is the Morphe and Jaclyn Hill palette.
Let alone anything from Morphe.
First of all, I don't follow Jaclyn Hill , not been interested in her videos.
She doesn't need me.
What do I care
"Oh i had no idea" you're a liar, you're lying!
Lying! I feel like the witch in The Princess Bride
You're lying.
You're lying about the ingredients, you're lying "oh i had no idea I was doing this"
Yes you did
Morphe I could go into forever
I don't fucking like that brand.
I don't support that brand. I will never buy anything from that brand.
I just do not like the lies that have been associated
Let's see and the last thing
which started this whole thing,
is this fucking product.
It's uh...it's a...I don't even know what the hell it's called.
It's a lip balm that looks like a little flamingo
or a flamingo pool raft. I am not buying this
Taste Beauty flamingo lip balm
It's called Felicia the flamingo lip balm.
and it's motto it's.... literally called Bye Felicia
and it's strawberry lip balm, I'm not interested in lip balms like that.
but when I saw this, I was like, "Oh that's interesting."
it's cutesy
Let's look. Bye Felicia? I didn't know Ice Cube had something to do with this.
I think it's weird.
To name something like that. I think it's weird that it's sold with that
I think it's so fucking odd. It rubs me the wrong way.
I think it basically bastardizes the origin
Not buying it.
I don't care how cute it is. Not my taste.
I don't need something that's a bulky cute design
for the novelty of it. But really the name bugs the shit out of me.
It's just so...
it's so cringe-y. It's not Foam Adventure cringe-y, but it's fucking cringe-y.
Stop with this
I'm not sure why they needed to name it that. Why couldn't they just say flamingo lip balm?
Thank you for watching. and I'll see you in the next video.
whether it's this quality on my iPhone..Front facing camera is garbage in here.
or on my other camera, I got some new goodies so.
I'll see you next time. Byyyeeee
Opel Astra 1.4i GL - Duration: 0:43.
I Hate Myself For Loving You - cover by Mag - Duration: 4:03.
Hyundai Atos 1.1i Dynamic - Rijklaar - Duration: 1:15.
Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 0:54.
Under Rs 200/- Budget - 25 MUST TRY Affordable Makeup & Beauty Products | ShrutiArjunAnand - Duration: 10:52.
subscribe to shrutiarjunanand channel n press the bell button to get the notifications of my latest beauty n make up videos.
hey guys shruti here today's video is going to be awesome so hit on that like button!
so recently i did a video on make up kit under 500 n skincare n haircare kit under 500 n
n in that i asked ur favour whether to show uh products under 200 or not.,
so i got so many lovely comments of uh guys but unfortunately i was not able to search for gud make up n gud skincare n haircare products under 200
n that will take too much time to make a kit ,so i thought let me know uh on my top must have products under 200.
so first we will talk about skincare products :
because it is no need of so much moisturisation in that skin type n as it is light weight so a little amount works best
then u have to apply another layer of moisturiser above this because this doesn't gives uh that much moisturisation.
if uh have removed ur unwanted hair n wen uh apply any deodorant meanwhile uh get burning sensation in ur underarms that is not gud at all,
so if uh vil apply this roll on deodorant uh vil not feel that burning sensation , coz mostly spray has those ingredients which gives burning sensation n this will not.
coz dove soap is very creamy n uh r going to love this too coz both r similar in texture n
but it is made of natural ingredients so this is pretty much gud than dove.
i knw uh r familiar to this product.!
i have shown u this several times in my videos coz this removes all the tanning n the best part is it is very easy to use .
in this budget there is not a single under eye cream better than this.
or if uh r getting any break out or pimple there r very less options for wet wipes
especially if uh r a teenager or college going girl n ur skin is exposed to dust n grime everyday so there shud be a wet wipe that is acne free.
n these wet wipes from kaya these r acne free n dermatologist tested n paraben free.
i recently visited Sephora n there were a lot of sheet masks, n they r very much in these days
there is always deals going for them so do uh can buy them in a price less than this too.
other than coconut oil this has all the important herbs that r too gud for hair growth n if uh dnt have time to make DIY hair oil then do try out this.
firstly it removed my hot n cold sensation of sensitive teeth n gums
i feel like smelly breath that too gone away
that this costs more than 157 n its of 230 rupees so guys m saying that magically i have decreased its cost coz it is too gud
n wen uh can spent 200 on a product then do give 30 rs extra coz it is worth this cost.
n as a face primer try it for must especially if ur skin type is dry to normal skin type then this is best for u.
n this product was recommended as a primer by nikkie sis of ours through utube so m too recommending it further .
so teenagers and college going girls cant apply lipsticks so they need a lip balm which gives stain to the lip n make their lips naturally soft.
so i like the lip balms from Nivea n i did a top 5 lip balm video too but i think that from the past one year m using it n
now i m realising that it is the ultimate one n i tried others too but in the long run i believe that some lip balms
work better in winter some in summers but this works best in every weather be it winter, summer ,etc
if uh new in make up i vil highly advise uh to use colors like this not bright colors coz color like this
easily blends on our skin tone n it doesn't spreads on ur skin n looks more natural.
so here comes PAC lip liners
recently lakme launched its lip crayons which r too gud according to price n pigmentation too.
especially if u see its packaging its in a pencil form so if uh want to apply it to ur corners of lips
uh can do it easily with this n at the same time uh can fill n line ur lips with this, it works as both lip liner n lipstick.
now any competitor of this liner at this cost don't have this much dark black or jet black color
now the next product is recommended to me by frend Nancy
so don't forget to subscribe her too.
that comes in 700 to 800 rupees
one of my sweet subscriber asked me for my favourite nail paint so
so let me show uh today
hard to pronounce let me read this by keeping it in a distance, i think m suffering from long sightedness
specs specs ramu uncle plz bring me those specs m unable to read!!
i knw its little bit difficult but v vil attain that number so if i vil get 5 k likes then i vil bring for uh another video for products under 200 very asap.
Tania Bruguera: "Feminist art is to speak to white European and American males" - Duration: 6:53.
For me, the way I do feminism
feminist art
is to position... my work, in the same platform where this male's.. a white male's art is being positioned
and once I enter those institutions
once I enter those spaces
I try to bring with me a conversation
that is not only about female art, which is how they talk to us,
but a conversation over power.
In a way that I'm talking to them as an equal,
instead of somebody that belongs to another level.
So, that's for me feminist art: It's talking to the white - certainly European, American - male,
in a position of equals,
and also appropriating all of these "universal terms" like power, justice, freedom,
which they think belong only to them to talk,
but of course from the perspective of the single person, which I think they lack.
The challenges feminist art have is to use their own position to talk not only about themselves
but also to create a coalition for solidarity between all these other people
and all these other identities that have been pushed down
at the level of <i>minority</i> as a level of <i>the other</i> and to bring with them not only their own cases,
their own issues and roles, but with them the other people.
So I think that's one thing that feminist artists can do,
that is actually even a duty in a way, to show solidarity in that sense.
The big challenge, the big prejudice, feminism in general faces is to be accused of few things.
First of all to be accused of having too narrow of an issue to deal with,
therefore is not interesting, because they consider that being a female issue it's not an important one.
So this is the one challenge that feminist artists have.
And another one is to be judged,
and having some sort of character assassination,
some sort of accusation of everything that would be "seen negative" in society
I agree, I think there is a need to feminise art and the art world
because, look how many women and girls study art
and how how many famous or empowered female artists there are.
The proportion is.. makes no sense.
So, even if there are so many female and girls art students
The female artists who arrive to recognition are very few
or for example you'll have cases like Suzanne Lacy, Lynn Hershman,
Martha Wilson and all these artists, who did an amazing work in the 70s shaping performance art
as we know it today, and not being given the credits for what they did.
You know, you have Suzanne Lacy who participated in socially engaged arts and actually shaped the language
in which we talk about it, and the attitude we have towards it.
Lynn Hershman talking about technology and art;
And all of these women have shaped the history of today,
but they had to wait until they were in the 70s and 80s to be recognised.
So I think there's a very important need to have feminist male artists,
and feminist male curators.
So they understand, when someone produces a work that is important
not to look that as body, friend of his, but as an artist.
But there is a thing that we need to combat,
which is, a lot artists - male artists - who take female ideas
and then produce it and they have the relevance that the female artists don't have.
They take their ideas, even their images sometimes,
And some curators, knowing this, they do not stop male artists,
and take the female artists and put them back in the place they should be.
But the other thing is that we have a very bad prejudice
in which many female curators and art historians
want to do their career or have empowerment,
acquire capital, in the art world, by doing male exhibitions.
Big male artist exibitions, instead of saying:
You know what, I'd have no shame at all in doing my professional, curatorial or a history research career
by focusing in female artists that I think have values - that I don't see in these male artists
So I think this is also a problem that we have to self-critisise.
We are also part of the problem, it's not only them.
We have to be very careful not to reproduce,
because the easiest thing is to reproduce the models of oppresion.
Because we live on them, they feel comfortable.
You know, oppression feels comfortable when it's not done to you..
when you are doing it to somebody else.
So I think we need to be very vigilant, about our own role in this system.
Dziecko Odyna 37 Bezsenna Noc - Duration: 19:28.
The Hard Truth About Building a Career in Analytics - Duration: 1:05.
I chair a couple of boards, part of our agenda is to make sure we promote diversity and get
the talent in early on and train them in their thinking, because sometimes, they're very good and stay
at a lower level, they don't know the softer skills of moving upwards in your career, they
need to learn about communication, getting buy in, building trust, networking, often
the analytics folks don't value those things because they think, "my work will show and people will
just like what I'm doing and they'll promote me" but that's not how things work.
강원래♥김송 아들 강선, 삼촌·이모 팬心 녹이는 치명적 윙크 - Duration: 1:37.
Folded Lettering Logo Design Tutorial | Illustrator Tutorial | Satori Graphics - Duration: 4:37.
today I have an illustrator tutorial for you where we make a folded lettering
logo design in a matter of minutes this is satori graphics
what is up people welcome back to satori graphics home of graphic design content I
hope you're doing well today if you do enjoy my tutorial let me know by leaving
a like and a comment as it really does help my channel for a folded lettering
logo design we first need to select a fill in the color palette the color
doesn't really matter at this stage and then make a rectangle with the shape
tool if you're making numerous letters you want to keep a copy of the original
shape so the thickness will stay the same throughout so hold down alt and
click and drag to duplicate. Now with the direct selection tool, hold down
shift and select the top two points of the rectangle you can press the left
arrow on your keyboard to notice them over or you can track a guide from the
ruler to the top we select them and move them over like so you can adjust where
these points are but make sure you move them together by selecting both at once
once happy use the alt / option key to duplicate again and then reflect the new shape
like so. you can select both shapes and then align them are using the align tool
this will make sure they're perfectly in place making the V of our folded
lettering logo design perfect I want the shape on the right to be
behind so I'm going to send it to the back now select the left hand shape of
the V and add a gradient appear like so you can choose whatever color you wish
I'm going to use shades of blue the trick is to have a dark shade at the
bottom that goes up to an almost white at the top but make sure it's not
completely white
once you've done that and grab the eyedropper tool you can use this to copy
the gradient on the first shape onto your second one this time however we
want the lower shape to be darker and to go a little bit higher up this will give
the illusion of being folded paper lettering and it will create a shadow
effect our folding lettering logo design is almost complete with new shape
selected flick the gradient fill over to a stroke and then select the ellipse
tool you will make a circle around our V logo mark you can hold down alt and
shift at the same time to generate the circle like I'm doing here make the
stroke weight a little thicker until you feel it looks best for you illustrator
logo design here you can change the direction of your gradient
once you're happy select the circle and outline the stroke ultimately making the
stroke circle a shape now all you have to do is add some logo type and your
Foley lettering logo design is complete
if you enjoyed this illustrated tutorial show me some love by dropping a like on
this video and let me know in the comment section below until next time
design your future today peace
Street style look|My Trip to Osaka,Japan 2017 - Duration: 8:49.
Arsenal star Alexis Sanchez and Manchester City ace Sergio Aguero could trade places - Duration: 5:17.
Arsenal star Alexis Sanchez and Manchester City ace Sergio Aguero could trade places in stunning swap deal
MANCHESTER CITY may finally get their hands on Alexis Sanchez – at the cost of Sergio Aguero, according to reports. Pep Guardiola is desperate to reunite with the former Barcelona star, who is out of contract next summer.
Sergio Aguero could be used in a stunning swap deal for Alexis Sanchez. Arsene Wenger is reluctant to sell the 28-year-old to a Premier League rival but, according to the Daily Star, City hero Aguero could be used to sweeten the deal.
The Argentine, 29, has held talks about his future after falling behind Gabriel Jesus in the City pecking order. Aguero was quoted telling Chinese media he wants to see out the remainder of his contract, which expires in 2020.
Wenger is desperate for a new striker but has been told he will need to smash the clubs record transfer fee – Mesut Ozil for £42.
4million from Real Madrid in 2013 – to land top target Alexandre Lacazette in a £57m deal.
Arsenal superstar Alexis Sanchez has just one year left on his Gunners contract.
Arsene Wenger is reluctant to sell Alexis Sanchez to a Premier League rival.
Sergio Aguero has been quoted as saying he wants to see out the rest of his Manchester City contract.
A straight swap could prove more appealing to the Frenchman, who would then have extra cash to play with.
Bayern Munich are also interested in Sanchez and could be a more appealing option for the Gunners to sell to considering the lack of domestic rivalry.
Aguero scored 33 goals in all competitions while Sanchez bagged 30 – though netted more in the Premier League.
Sergio Aguero factfile Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on June 2, 1988 Came through the system at Argentine club Independiente and broke into the first-team in 2003, after six years Signed for Atletico Madrid after three seasons at Independiente Won the Europa League, Intertoto Cup and Uefa Super Cup during his time at Atletico Was named World Soccer Young Player of the Year in 2009 Signed for Manchester City in 2011 for £31.
5million Won Man City their first Premier League title in his first season, scoring a dramatic last-minute winner against QPR on the final day of the season to beat neighbours United Won the Prem again in 2014, as well as two League Cups and the Community Shield during his time at the club Golden Boot winner in 2015.
Alexis Sanchez factfile Born in Tocopilla, Chile on December 19, 1988 Began his career in Chilean club Cobreloa, breaking into the first-team after one year in 2005 Signed for Italian club Udinese in 2006 and spent one season on loan at Colo-Colo in his home country, then another at Argentine club River Plate Signed for Barcleona in 2011 in a £23million deal Won La Liga, the Copa del Rey, Supercopa, Uefa Super Cup and Fifa Club World Cup during three seasons at the Nou Camp Signed for Arsenal in 2014 for £35million Won the FA Cup in 2015 and 2017, as well as the Community Shield in 2014 and 2015 Claimed the Cop America Cup in 2015 and 2016 Named PFA Fans Player of the Year in 2015.
Alexis Sanchez becomes Chile's all-time leading goalscorer after goal against Germany in the Confederations Cup. Sergio Aguero bags a brace for Man City in final game of the season against Watford.
황인영♥류정한, 임신 12주차.."태교에 전념" - Duration: 2:03.
El Fortin House Project 2 - Duration: 1:42.
Hi, how are you? My name is Ramon and I live in El Fortin
We've been looking at a project that we have for youth
because the youth in the town of El Fortin are very discouraged
and the parents...they don't have the support of their parents
and at the church....very few teens attend church and the few that do, don't really want to be there
because...there is no one that motivates them
and we need to open doors, and work at this project
The teens between 13 and 15 years old begin to look for work in places that they shouldn't
like selling drugs or work as "halcones" (people who recruit for the drug cartels)
in order to earn easy money, and maybe its to support their families
but those things do not lead to a good future for them
So we want to give them the opportunity to know Jesus Christ
and they can bring their entire families, their parents, their grandparents, closer to God
We are asking you for help,
everyone who is watching this,
if you could help us with this project that we have
so that we can see it happen, and have a place where young people can get together,
that they can have a safe place to spend their free time,
and leave behind all the problems that they have
and they can come to this house and more than anything else, meet Jesus Christ.
Ain't No Thang Like a Chicken Wing - Duration: 54:05.
HMS Queen Elizabeth | Navy's stunning new flagship HMS Queen Elizabeth will be the envy of Russia - Duration: 3:43.
SIR Michael Fallon has mocked Vladimir Putin's "old" naval fleet and declared Britain's
new flagship will be "envy" of Russia.
A day after the HMS Queen Elizabeth set sail for the first time, the Defence Secretary
acknowledged Russians will spy on the new flagship as it undergoes trials in the North
The 65-year-old warned Britain is in an "age of competition and confrontation", facing
"multiple and simultaneous threats".
The dangers are largely coming from "the resurgence of Russian aggression abroad...
undermining democracy wherever it can" in the form of terrorism and cyber attacks, he
But he commended the UK's naval defence, insisting the Royal Navy had "ways and means"
of protecting the warship from the Russians.
Writing in the Telegraph Sir Michael said: "It's really routine for the Russians to
collect intelligence on our ships.
"We will take every precaution to make sure that they don't get too close, but I think
they will be admiring her."
He added: "When you saw that old, dilapidated Kuznetsov sailing through the Channel, a few
months ago, I think the Russians will look at this ship with a little bit of envy."
Russia's deteriorating Kuznetsov ship is accompanied everywhere in case it breaks down,
according to reports.
A Royal Navy source told the newspaper conditions on the 55,000-ton ship are "pretty manky"
and "horrid" on the inside, although "it looks shiny on the outside".
Hailing Britain's first female Prime Minister ahead of a Centre for Policy Studies' Margaret
Thatcher Conference on Security, the cabinet minister said "we must follow the Iron Lady's
lead" when responding to Russian aggression.
He added: "First, we should once more speak up for our great values and make the case
for the West.
"Ours is the great story of democracy, freedom under the law, and free trade that banished
the oppressive nightmare for millions behind the Iron Curtain and gave millions more in
the developing world hope of a better life.
"We are attacked not because we've failed, but because of the success of our values and
beliefs that have spread across the globe and taken root far beyond the Berlin Wall.
"We shouldn't downplay what we can offer.
Like Mrs Thatcher, we too are engaged in a battle of ideas.
It's a battle we must win - making it clear, in word and deed, that our values are not
The HMS Queen Elizabeth, the Royal Navy's biggest ever warship, made history yesterday
as she set sail for the first time.
The ship's flight deck alone is the size of three football pitches and will have a
crew of 1,000 and 40 aircraft.
BAD FRIDAY / HOOP SCREAMS - Duration: 22:41.
Fun & Exciting English Speaking Practice - Describing People - Duration: 6:07.
What's up everyone! Today we're going to do an activity called...
The nouns we are going to describe today are people.
This is a listening and speaking activity
around the level of an intermediate learner.
However, this is a great exercise for anybody who's looking to practice their English.
In this activity, Ioana is going to describe six different nouns.
Each noun is a person.
You will have 10 seconds to say the answer.
Please say it out loud. Talk to the computer. Talk to us.
This is a speaking exercise so please SPEAK.
But before we begin, let's do an example.
Ioana is going to describe a word to me.
And then I am going to try and think of the answer.
I do not know this word. I promise you.
No looking Wes!
I'm not looking.
I'm ready.
Okay, this person is an important male figure in your life.
He's one of your parents.
Another name for this person is dad.
And it's not your mother but your...
I think the answer is father.
Yay! Good job!
Okay, so you get the idea. Ioana is going to describe a noun to you.
You'll have 10 seconds to answer.
Remember, say your answer out loud.
After we finish all six of the words, then I'm going to go over the answers with you.
Are you ready?
This is your mother's father or your father's father.
They're a member of your family who you love a lot.
You always see them on holidays.
And it's not your grandmother but your...
This person is kind of like a doctor but for your teeth.
They clean the teeth, but also they fix them if there's a problem.
If you eat too much candy, you need to go see them.
This is somebody who loves playing sports.
He or she will play basketball or baseball.
People in this category include Michael Jordan, Messi, Tiger Woods.
When you need to travel somewhere, this person is the one who flies your plane.
That's all I got. What else do they do?
They fly your plane.
This person works at a restaurant. They work in the kitchen.
They make the food. They cut it up. They cook it.
Many times they go to culinary school to learn how to do this.
Basically, they make your food.
This is a person you go to classes with...to school with.
They help you when you miss a class. They give you their notes.
They're the same level as you are. They're right next to you in the classroom.
Hopefully, you were able to come up with an answer to those.
If you would like to do the activity again before I show you the answers,
pause the video. You can go back.
But right now, I'm going to tell you what the answer are.
This is your mother's father or your father's father.
And it's not your grandmother but your...
The answer is grandfather.
It's your mother's father...your dad's father.
This person is kind of like a doctor but for your teeth.
They clean the teeth, but they also fix them if there's a problem.
The answer is dentist...the doctor for your teeth.
This is somebody who loves playing sports.
He or she will play basketball or baseball.
People who play a lot of sports, they are athletes.
When you need to travel somewhere, this person is the one who flies your plane.
A pilot flies the plane, so the answer is pilot.
This person works at a restaurant. They work in the kitchen. They make the food.
A cook is a person who makes the food, and that is the answer.
This a person you go to classes with...to school with.
They're right next to you in the classroom.
People who are in the classroom with you, those are your classmates.
So now we're going to switch roles, and it is your turn.
I am going to show you two nouns, and YOU are going to describe them to Ioana.
She cannot see these words. I promise.
Ioana is going to try and guess what the answer is.
Remember to be creative! Don't just use one word! Use complete sentences!
This is a speaking exercise so...
Are you ready?
Let's begin!
Is it an actress?
Yay! Good job! We make a great team.
Okay, nice job! We hope you enjoyed this activity.
We're always looking to hear from our students.
Let us know what you think. Give us your feedback in the comments below.
And we'll see you next time!
How To Set Up Google Analytics WD Plugin On Your WordPress Dashboard - Duration: 2:38.
Hi, and welcome to our channel!
My name is Robert from ThemeIsle.com and in this video, you will gonna learn how to setup
Google Analytics WD.
With this WordPress plugin, you won't need to leave your dashboard to check your stats
and, more than that, you'll also be able to view a number of custom interactive charts
(if enabled) so, keep watching!
After you install and activate the plugin, head to the Analytics section in your dashboard.
If you haven't created a web-property with your current site URL the first thing you
need to do next is to authenticate.
If you don't have any google analytics accounts yet, you need to do that immediately by accessing
this link then get back and click the Authenticate link again.
Once you are done with this step, you can upgrade to the paid version of this plugin
if you consider necessary these options and you need the Custom Reports section to be active.
Head back to Analytics and push the Allow & Continue button to get started.
Your plugin is enabled now with all the features for the free version and you can see some
Google Analytics stats in your dashboard.
Furthermore, you can go to settings and configure some options according to your preferences.
The Analytics Dashboard is where you can see everything from your Google Analytics account
without leaving the WordPress dashboard.
You can play around with all the information and options in Reports and Tracking sections.
The Goal Management section is where you can set and manage goals for your website tracking.
Select the View that you're going to track and configure these options based on the type
of goal you would like to set.
That's it, your data from Google Analytics is available right into your WordPress dashboard.
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