Hey there.
I go back and forth on Europe's Protestant Reformation, which kicked off 500 years ago
this year.
But I have come back around, and I think it really does represent the birth of the Modern
Let me explain.
The Reformation is part of the standard story of the Progress of Western Civilization.
Typically it's white washed as a courageous stand for individual conscience and freedom.
Our modern Enlightenment ideas of individual rights are supposed to have grown out of the
stand that people like Martin Luther and John Calvin took against the Catholic Church.
In the early 1900's German Sociologist Max Weber took it farther, arguing that there
was something called the Protestant Work Ethic that explained capitalism and the "natural
dominance" of Germanic and Anglo-Saxon cultures.
The closer I have looked into it, the more convinced I've become that this is largely
The true ideological successors of the Reformation aren't Bill Gates and Barack Obama, they
are Osama Bin Laden and Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi.
Yes, it's great that the power of the Catholic Church was broken, but it was broken because
these guys believed that religion should be more extreme, and should dominate life more
than it already did.
The reformation was not about freedom.
The followers of John Calvin in particular thought that everybody should live in a Theocracy.
Some protestants were just as happy to burn heretics as the Catholics were, and some were
even more bloodthirsty.
But the Reformation jihadis did bring us the modern world.
It was an unintended consequence, but it may be one of the most important things that has
ever happened.
The reformers believed that everyone should read the bible.
This meant that everybody should learn to read.
In 16th century Europe this was a pretty revolutionary concept.
Back then it was only a subset of priests, merchants and government officials who were
80 to 90 percent of everybody else worked the land, and there was no reason for them
to read.
From the 1500s on, certain rulers, most notably in Scandinavia, started to make broader literacy
a priority.
I've thought a lot about development lately, and I've become convinced that widespread
literacy is the most important thing that can happen to a country.
I love all eras of history, and have spent years studying ancient Rome, and Medieval
But I sometimes question whether any history before widespread literacy really matters.
It's the ability to read and write that makes a person a real actor in society.
Knowledge really is power.
The story of the world before 1700 or so, in every country, may look different, but
it's basically the same thing.
Most of us human beings are agricultural laborers.
There's a small elite with all the power, and they squabble.
They fight over lands and people, and the suffering is often terrible.
New elites come out of the steppes, or across the seas, replace the old elites, increase
the suffering for a bit, introduce some new ideas, but never really improve things all
that much.
We like to romanticize these old Kings, Conquerors and Caliphs, but they are all really just
What changed all this was literacy.
Mass literacy gave us the world we know.
Mass literacy eventually led to mass politics, and makes power for a broader slice of people
Perhaps unwittingly the religious fanatics of the Protestant reformation set all this
in motion.
Places like Sweden and Switzerland are widely admired for their levels of development.
Their development leadership started because their rulers wanted everybody to read the
Weirdly, The unintended consequences of that choice made the modern world.
Thanks for watching, please subscribe, and there are only 17 days left to save this channel.
I've been humbled and amazed by the outpouring of support, but we've still got 43 bucks
to go before this channel can be considered viable.
Click on the Patreon link to find out how you can help save this channel.
For more infomation >> How The Reformation Started the Modern World | Literacy I - Duration: 4:41.-------------------------------------------
Feed Test for "E" Brand ( Polybutene 80%) ( 21.June.2017) - Duration: 5:13.
Peugeot 308 SW Première 1.2 e-THP 130 PK SPORT PACK! - Duration: 0:54.
Tagliolini con le Alici in Padella - Duration: 3:58.
Lemon granita | Rich in Vitamin C and Citric Acid - Duration: 4:51.
Hello everyone.
Let's see how to make Lemon Granita.
Freeze the granita for 4 hours and enjoy your breakfast..
You can store it in the freezer...
...and defrost/blend it every time you want to eat it.
I hope you enjoyed my recipe, until next time!
11. La Stanza dei Mille Demoni - Duration: 4:51.
Once upon a time there was a special ceremony. A ceremony for enlightenment. Not lighting
of a room or something else, but perhaps the enlightenment of the mind or spirit.
Through this ceremony, it was possible by doing a specific action to immediately receive enlightenment.
Many Lamas attended this ceremony. Not the llamas you may think of,
not the animals, but the Tibetan priests. There was even the Dalai Lama and many students,
who knew that through this ceremony they could avoid the whole rigmarole of
death, reincarnation and all those passages that connect to the wheel of karma.
You had to make a precise action: it was necessary to enter the room of a thousand demons. They needed to
get in and get out. From the other side: get in by a door and exit through the other door. So,
you had to get across the entire room. Now, this ceremony, which took place every hundred years,
was attended by many students, though as soon as it was explained to them that once
they get into this room all the most terrible fears of theirs would materialize,
Some would immediately retire , because in this room demons had the ability to read
the deepest fears of the people and to materialize these fears in front of them. Because if
someone had been afraid of heights, then he would immediately find himself on top of
a mountain to look down, suspended, to suffer the torments of hell. If instead
he was afraid of spiders, then all the room would be filled with spiders
that would walk over him. And if he was afraid of losing a loved one,
He would surely see her die. So many retired because once you enter
in this room, behind the first door there wasn't any handle to help you get out. You needed
to get across the entire room and find the second door, the exit door. The handle
that would bring you to exit this room. And once inside, many were tortured
to death by these demons, by these fears. Only a few had managed to go through the whole
room. And these few had some advice. Some, in fact, had reported that you always had to
remember that no matter what they saw inside this room, it was
simply something not real, an illusion. And this could help some of
the brave students who remained. Another part had another piece of advice,
advice that could help the students who wanted to attempt. The piece of advice
was this. They had managed to get in and to get out of that room only by doing
this. Despite the monsters, despite the terror, despite the fears and the tortures
suffered in there, they had done this. They kept moving forward, therefore,
The piece of advice they gave to those who would have tested themselves was that. Keep moving
forward, don't stop, but keep moving forward. Eventually you'll find the exit door.
You will find the handle to turn in order to exit the room of a thousand demons. And the Dalai
Lama then, addressing the very few students remained, said: "And now who is
ready to enter the room of a thousand demons?"
how long you planning on staying? - Duration: 1:14.
How The Reformation Started the Modern World | Literacy I - Duration: 4:41.
Hey there.
I go back and forth on Europe's Protestant Reformation, which kicked off 500 years ago
this year.
But I have come back around, and I think it really does represent the birth of the Modern
Let me explain.
The Reformation is part of the standard story of the Progress of Western Civilization.
Typically it's white washed as a courageous stand for individual conscience and freedom.
Our modern Enlightenment ideas of individual rights are supposed to have grown out of the
stand that people like Martin Luther and John Calvin took against the Catholic Church.
In the early 1900's German Sociologist Max Weber took it farther, arguing that there
was something called the Protestant Work Ethic that explained capitalism and the "natural
dominance" of Germanic and Anglo-Saxon cultures.
The closer I have looked into it, the more convinced I've become that this is largely
The true ideological successors of the Reformation aren't Bill Gates and Barack Obama, they
are Osama Bin Laden and Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi.
Yes, it's great that the power of the Catholic Church was broken, but it was broken because
these guys believed that religion should be more extreme, and should dominate life more
than it already did.
The reformation was not about freedom.
The followers of John Calvin in particular thought that everybody should live in a Theocracy.
Some protestants were just as happy to burn heretics as the Catholics were, and some were
even more bloodthirsty.
But the Reformation jihadis did bring us the modern world.
It was an unintended consequence, but it may be one of the most important things that has
ever happened.
The reformers believed that everyone should read the bible.
This meant that everybody should learn to read.
In 16th century Europe this was a pretty revolutionary concept.
Back then it was only a subset of priests, merchants and government officials who were
80 to 90 percent of everybody else worked the land, and there was no reason for them
to read.
From the 1500s on, certain rulers, most notably in Scandinavia, started to make broader literacy
a priority.
I've thought a lot about development lately, and I've become convinced that widespread
literacy is the most important thing that can happen to a country.
I love all eras of history, and have spent years studying ancient Rome, and Medieval
But I sometimes question whether any history before widespread literacy really matters.
It's the ability to read and write that makes a person a real actor in society.
Knowledge really is power.
The story of the world before 1700 or so, in every country, may look different, but
it's basically the same thing.
Most of us human beings are agricultural laborers.
There's a small elite with all the power, and they squabble.
They fight over lands and people, and the suffering is often terrible.
New elites come out of the steppes, or across the seas, replace the old elites, increase
the suffering for a bit, introduce some new ideas, but never really improve things all
that much.
We like to romanticize these old Kings, Conquerors and Caliphs, but they are all really just
What changed all this was literacy.
Mass literacy gave us the world we know.
Mass literacy eventually led to mass politics, and makes power for a broader slice of people
Perhaps unwittingly the religious fanatics of the Protestant reformation set all this
in motion.
Places like Sweden and Switzerland are widely admired for their levels of development.
Their development leadership started because their rulers wanted everybody to read the
Weirdly, The unintended consequences of that choice made the modern world.
Thanks for watching, please subscribe, and there are only 17 days left to save this channel.
I've been humbled and amazed by the outpouring of support, but we've still got 43 bucks
to go before this channel can be considered viable.
Click on the Patreon link to find out how you can help save this channel.
Comment tirer profit d'Instagram par ITIS commerce - Duration: 3:04.
WM Hexa .. !! Funny Science HOWTO of a strange video and life honey tips [HOWTO] - Duration: 7:05.
WM Hexa .. !! Funny Science HOWTO of a strange video and life honey tips [HOWTO]
I Viaggi dei miei sogni su 2 Ruote! Bike Travel Ideas/Dreams + Mini Poll [ENG SUB] - Duration: 10:10.
Hello Riders and Welcome from Your MadHorse!
before start video's topic
I want to apologize for being late with contents updates
But Unfortunately I was very busy recently: Work and University
Soon I'll have a bit more free time
and I will be able to get back on 2 wheels
weather is fine, so I will be able to go on MTB (If temperature doesn't hit Sahara degrees)
I'll go back on track too
I have some friends which want to try Ohvale and Pitbikes
and have some days of fun and riding with me
furthermore, I have a little news:
I don't know if You've watched previous Videos, if You Haven't, I suggest You to give a check ;)
on past I did some races of TORM
It's an event which gives the opprtunity to rent a "bike" and do a whole raceday (FP, Q and Races)
Bikes are: Ohvale Gp-0 (I did a small review about it), down sized bikes, extremely fun to ride
Lately I've skipped a lot of this events
one reason obviously are my personal tasks
the other reason (The Main) is my phisical issues to fit on a bike like this
Because I'm not a small guy (sometimes I've issues on some big bikes)
I'm tall 1.90 cm (I Weigh 95 Kilos nad bike has 8 HP)
So the main reason is: "Comfort"
Infact on late race I did, I had some troubles to finish race 2
Because both my arms fell asleep, even shoulders
so at last laps of the day it was very hard to manage to complete
But this time, TORM takes place on a track which I love
It's very challenging phisically but It's REALLY beautiful
It's Viterbo Circuit
and that's the only reason which make me want to go and ride again
on this kind of race, which will take place on 16th of July
but I'm really uncertain about what to do
so I'll turn question to You: Would You like to see me race on Ohvale again?
If answers will be positives, I'll do my best to try to take place on grid
without wasting any more time: Let's Head to the video's topic
Summer Time!
It's beach time, the sun shines
the weather is fine, so We start to ride more often on this season
and a lot of people, Riders and none, starts to travel
Infact as You can see from the title of this video, I want to share with You
some Bike Travel that I would love to do on Bike
I'll not be able to do these travels soon unfortunately
but the Ideas/Dreams still remain and almost one time in life I'll try to do these
I want to specify: This is not a Chart or a Top 5
these are only places that I would love to visit
without going so far
first roads and places which I want to visit
I strongly recomend to the foreign viewers which are watching this video or even following my channel by subscribing
to come to visit my country: Italy
because regadless some places, like Rome where the roads are something similar
to the lunar surface
so on some places asphalt sucks
but on other places here in Italy is very good and roads are amazing
and now I want to share 2 places which, for sure I'll visit
first of all, I would love to go at Sardinia
and now I'll explain my decision:
I had the pleasure to live it a bit on 2 wheels
unfortunately not on a motorbike but on MTB
I've watch some wonderful sights
and I really want to ride more roads on a Motorbike
Roads are extremely fun, I've loved specially Calagonone
and I had fun even doing those roads with a car
and there are a lot of Off Road possibilities
and with a bit more specific bike, it's possible to do some Enduro
and that's are the reasons because I want to visit it on a bike: Sights, wonderful roads and Off Road
and visit Sardinia and Corsica, where I've not been yet, but it should be similar to Sardinia
but it should make my travel more "complete"
because Sardinia has some kilometers, but not so much (It's not so big)
So i would love to do some more and with a small sail on a boat Corsica would be perfect
another place which I would Love to visit is:
Passo dello Stelvio (25 KM of Mountain roads and turns)
and continue to Austria or Switzerland
because there are some exceptional roads and place to visit
I want specify which in Italy there are more places good to visit and fun to ride
but these are 2 places which I'll love to visit a bit more
Let's go outside UE
to share another place which unites sea and mountain
The Isle fo Man, where TT takes place
I talked about it on some previous videos
and I want to go there to watch it
whoever went, described it like one of the most intense experience of Their Life, wonderful atmosphere and a lot of tradition
I want to go there
and live at max the whole experience and passion which goes around Road races
but there's more:
by going on bike on the Island, there's the possibility to try TT "circuit"
Circuit is a bit too much... the roads, after the event are open to traffic
and the Idea to pass, where They pass, is simply amazing
for sure my Pace would be very slow (There are other road users)
and a Road Racer with a pocket bike probably will be better than me
but that's an experience that I want to live
TT and Isle of Man are offcial scheduled in my "Must do activities"
for sure as a side viewer
obviously if I'll be able to go on bike I would be happier
I'd really love to do the "Silk Way"
or however visit some oriental places
Like: Nepal and Thailand
a lot of wonderful places to visit and cultures to meet
there are some sights simply amazing and Pure Nature
a lot of culture, with some wonderful temples
and there's the sea
Thailnad for example, with a wonderful sea
specially on some places far from the big cities
and other 2 places which I want to visit are...
South America and USA
at USA I would love to do a Coast to Coast travel
a really fascinating trip
beyond a historic kind of travel, a lot of people did it on car, hang-glider...
It's very interesting
maybe roads don't have so much turns
asphalt is good, but a lot of roads are straight
some good turn there's, but specially on Mountain zones
I don't know really, but obviously I'll do this trip to live "American Spirit"
and I would organize with adventure spirit
opposite speech, for South America
and maybe Asia too
about Asia I don't really know
but for sure for America Latina, I would get a Tour Guide or join a group
and I suggest to a lot of people to get one
specially at some places where You can comeback without a kidney
These are peculiar places, with a lot of criminal activity
in America Latina too, there are some wonderful roads
a lot of nature
nearby there's the Pluvial Forest
Honestly: I would Love to visit every single place in the world
but every Motorcyclist I think would love to do it
and before the close of the video
like every Sommelier, pairs with a Good Wine a specific meal
I want to pair a bike to these travel which I want to make
For Sardinia and Corsica
I would Take a revenant SWM, with the Dualsport 650
It's a bit an old Husqvarna
the Old Husqvarnas, not the actually take overed by KTM
it seems a great bike
some testers tried it and They seemed pretty pleased about it
so to live at max those places, that's my choice
For the Stelvio
I go a bit counter current
a lot of people would prefer a Sportbike
or a Motard... obviously are wonderful for that road
but if I'll go, starting from Rome
I would prefer a bike a bit more comfortable and my choice would be like a bike of friend of mine: Mirko
So beautiful, to be stunning and with extremely high prestations
but with the right comfort for doing a long travel
for the Isle of Man
my choice will go for a supersport:
Honda CBR 60
and now it's asian time, I'd probably be loyal to 2 cilynder engine, of mine SV650
and I would take a Vstrom 650, with the new design like 1000 cc version
and now We've to pair South America and America
for America I would take an "Italian" manifacturer
and my choice will be the Ducati Multistrada
Ducati has an incredible Sell Market in USA
It did good even at some editions of Pikes Peak
and now remains South America
I'm really interested about a new bike
CRF 250 L Rally
a Dakar similar edition
and probably I would face America Latina on it
a light weight bike, not overpowered
and able to go everywhere
obviously, doing more stops and having an inferior pace depite "Big cc" bikes
These are my bike Ideas to pair to travels of my dreams
let's see if I'll be able to make dreams come true
these are dreams in the drawer
share with me Your Ideas of Travels
and suggest me some more destinations
share Your personal experiences and pair bikes to travels
and let me know what to do
by commeting below Video, if You want to see me race on Ohvale
Thanks for watching
don't forget to share this video with Your friends
Subscribe to channel to keep updated
Lamps ;)
Fire! The house is on fire !! Fire extinguishing method - [RabbitPlay] - Duration: 4:05.
Fire! The house is on fire !! Fire extinguishing method - [RabbitPlay]
Weired Disease In Poultry Farm.Extra Poultry Feed Consumption & less Weight.Can loose your Profit - Duration: 4:13.
Hello friends,I am Amit Nagpal. Welcome to my YouTube Channel Poultry India TV.
Bird Is having Feed,But output results are not satisfied.
Chicks of best quality,Poultry Farm management is Best & Even Feed is best. But results of Body Weight are not Good
Many Farmers Commented & asking, Why they are not getting good results?
Today's Topic is Specific on this issue,There are many reason for less weight gain,but in this video we well tell you about Entritis.
I request please tell other poultry farmers regarding our Videos, So that they also come to know about Our Channel Poultry India TV.
I worked with many poultry's companies,I Noticed one reason is destroying the poultry farmers.
This reason lower the benefit of Poultry farmers. The Name of disease is Entritis.
I already guide in earlier videos.Always listen Voice of Your Birds very Carefully & Notice The Floor & Waste of your Birds.
Check Litter in your farm,is there any redness ?
or flesh in the feces( Waste of Birds) of Bird's ? Today Topic will be specific.
flesh in Bird's Feces or faeces (British and Latin)
If red extreme small flesh pieces in Bird's Feces.( Waste of Bird). It can be symptom of Entritis.There are many stages of Entritis .A consultant can judge it.
Always have a close look on Litter, If You Get any symptom of Flesh in Feces or waste of Bird. Immediately control,otherwise your Bird will not get Good Body weight.
There are many treatment. Examples are Zinc Bacitraci and Bacitracin Methylene Disalicylate.
Many Companies are selling this Zinc bacitarcin & Bacitracin Methylene Disalicylate. in Shot ZB or BMD.
Never be brand conscious. Small groups are also selling good medicine.
Many companies are working on behalf of research. So compare price & Purchase product also discus with consultant But always think yourself & cross check.
Bacitracin methylene disalicylate, Zinc Bacitracin & More other choices are also available.
Never Forget to share our Video with Poultry Person, We will be thankful to you. Subscribe for more videos.
NF#1.11 Как освободиться от власти страха 2. Циклы информации и воображения - Duration: 8:01.
Bela ou fera? Conheça a representante do Brasil no Mundial de Fisiculturismo ❀ Extreme Sports - Duration: 1:58.
Volvo V40 D2 R-Design - Duration: 0:50.
tin tức - Duration: 2:14.
How The Reformation Started the Modern World | Literacy I - Duration: 4:41.
Hey there.
I go back and forth on Europe's Protestant Reformation, which kicked off 500 years ago
this year.
But I have come back around, and I think it really does represent the birth of the Modern
Let me explain.
The Reformation is part of the standard story of the Progress of Western Civilization.
Typically it's white washed as a courageous stand for individual conscience and freedom.
Our modern Enlightenment ideas of individual rights are supposed to have grown out of the
stand that people like Martin Luther and John Calvin took against the Catholic Church.
In the early 1900's German Sociologist Max Weber took it farther, arguing that there
was something called the Protestant Work Ethic that explained capitalism and the "natural
dominance" of Germanic and Anglo-Saxon cultures.
The closer I have looked into it, the more convinced I've become that this is largely
The true ideological successors of the Reformation aren't Bill Gates and Barack Obama, they
are Osama Bin Laden and Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi.
Yes, it's great that the power of the Catholic Church was broken, but it was broken because
these guys believed that religion should be more extreme, and should dominate life more
than it already did.
The reformation was not about freedom.
The followers of John Calvin in particular thought that everybody should live in a Theocracy.
Some protestants were just as happy to burn heretics as the Catholics were, and some were
even more bloodthirsty.
But the Reformation jihadis did bring us the modern world.
It was an unintended consequence, but it may be one of the most important things that has
ever happened.
The reformers believed that everyone should read the bible.
This meant that everybody should learn to read.
In 16th century Europe this was a pretty revolutionary concept.
Back then it was only a subset of priests, merchants and government officials who were
80 to 90 percent of everybody else worked the land, and there was no reason for them
to read.
From the 1500s on, certain rulers, most notably in Scandinavia, started to make broader literacy
a priority.
I've thought a lot about development lately, and I've become convinced that widespread
literacy is the most important thing that can happen to a country.
I love all eras of history, and have spent years studying ancient Rome, and Medieval
But I sometimes question whether any history before widespread literacy really matters.
It's the ability to read and write that makes a person a real actor in society.
Knowledge really is power.
The story of the world before 1700 or so, in every country, may look different, but
it's basically the same thing.
Most of us human beings are agricultural laborers.
There's a small elite with all the power, and they squabble.
They fight over lands and people, and the suffering is often terrible.
New elites come out of the steppes, or across the seas, replace the old elites, increase
the suffering for a bit, introduce some new ideas, but never really improve things all
that much.
We like to romanticize these old Kings, Conquerors and Caliphs, but they are all really just
What changed all this was literacy.
Mass literacy gave us the world we know.
Mass literacy eventually led to mass politics, and makes power for a broader slice of people
Perhaps unwittingly the religious fanatics of the Protestant reformation set all this
in motion.
Places like Sweden and Switzerland are widely admired for their levels of development.
Their development leadership started because their rulers wanted everybody to read the
Weirdly, The unintended consequences of that choice made the modern world.
Thanks for watching, please subscribe, and there are only 17 days left to save this channel.
I've been humbled and amazed by the outpouring of support, but we've still got 43 bucks
to go before this channel can be considered viable.
Click on the Patreon link to find out how you can help save this channel.
12 IKEA Kitchen Ideas - Organize Your Kitchen With IKEA Hacks - Duration: 12:51.
When you want to give your basic furniture a personal touch, you can't go wrong with
Need some inspiration?
These IKEA hacks will without a doubt help.
Add Extra Drawers
Sometimes shelves just don't cut it.
Sure, they're great for storing tall appliances.
These IKEA-hacked drawers allow you to customize your pantry as you see fit.
Wrangle Under-the-Counter Space
While these tin cans were originally created to hold spatulas and serving spoons.
Use adhesive tabs to hang them on the inside of your cabinet so they're easy to reach.
Store Extra Pantry Items
The RASKOG cart is handy in just about every room and in the kitchen it's a convenient
place to store overflowing pantry foods, like popcorn kernels and soda.
Make a Bonus Island
The IKEA BILLY Bookcase is kind of like the open shelving version of an island.
The back it totally exposed and reveals organized compartments for baking supplies, books, and
even snacks.
Treat Cookbooks Like Wall Art
Floating picture frame rails are strong enough to display your favorite cookbooks on kitchen
We think the gorgeous covers make a supremely delicious statement.
Make Room for Guests
If your kitchen space is tight and you don't want to keep four clunky, full-size chairs
at your table, don't.
These BEKVAM Stepstools are the perfect seat in a pinch, and tuck under the table when
not in use.
Hang Herbs
This IKEA wine bottle holder can store a lot more than your favorite reds and whites: Squeeze
pint glasses with your favorite herbs into the compartments to make a DIY hanging garden.
Extend the Length of Your Island
Sometimes you need extra counter space (like on Thanksgiving or when you're making homemade
Here, IKEA's BEKVAM Cart got a makeover so it can roll it around as needed.
plus, it stores bowls and towels when not in use.
Organize Your Drinking Glasses
If you like your glasses as close as possible to your kitchen's water source, use an IKEA
spice rack to hang 'em on the cabinet closest to your sink.
Your thirst will thank you.
Enjoy Rolling Around
Here, a white IKEA bookshelf gets wheels and a brand-new countertop, all of which fits
snuggly under a wooden L-shaped table.
Need more seats?
Push the shelf out and add some stools in the back.
Corral All of Your Spices
For kitchens that are bursting with flavor (read: lots of spices) you need places to
keep your paprika, garlic salt, and 500 other tasty toppings.
Here, 68 of IKEA's RAJTAN jars fit onto four RIBBA picture ledges with ease.
Help Storage Blend In
If your kitchen has tons of rustic charm, an IKEA staple with a blond finish will stand
out like a sore thumb.
But a little DIY and a butcher block top makes it fit into the room and helps it serve as
bonus counter space.
that's all for now, thanks for watching.
Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 259 - Duration: 5:02.
【UTAU】 Puzzle 【Masami Honoka】 - Duration: 4:30.
Since when did our hands start drifting apart?
Even the words we speak were lost
I look at your side when we walk together
I just didn't make it obvious
The meaning of those tears flowing down your cheeks
This stupid me still don't know
On your back that walks away
I only whispered "I'm sorry"
In the puzzle-like future we have assembled
The piece we have lost, I wonder where it belonged
In the midst of loneliness, this tainted heart
Floats on a pure white void
In this room where only emptiness remains
Are your memories that gently go around
The days stretch like rubber
We were laughing with a hoarse voice
The shape of my heart that had changed
You forcibly try to adapt it to you but
It hurts; it is painful. You wound it
In the midst of loneliness, this tainted heart
Floats on a pure white void
In this room where only emptiness remains
They gently go around
Let's find our shapes
Even if we won't be in the same world
The pieces of the days we laughed and embraced
Hold them tight in your sleep
Taylor Swift Now - Ep.2: "Blank Space" Behind the Scenes - Duration: 3:56.
I think it start disintegrating into something crazy you know. - Yes.
Like maybe it's like it says Sean but then underneath it
you can see like Roy.
It felt like that you wrote other names underneath it.
So cool.
The rest of it we will have CG.
Keep going.
That girl is insane.
Oh, it's so great.
So the songs 'Blank Space' is a song
that I wrote a little bit from comedic perspective.
I try to stay pretty self-aware about
you know, who I actually am.
And also pretty aware of what the media's depiction of me is.
And so I've seen all the different rumors that have come and gone and it's kind of
developed over the years, developed into this reputation
for being somewhat of a crazy serial dater,
needy, clingy, manipulative person.
So I was thinking a lot about that.
I was thinking about that reputation.
I just thought you know what, what if I was that girl.
What song would I write? So I wrote Blank Space.
Joseph Khan is one of my favorite directors
because his videos are so so creative.
And you always see him using his creative mind
to make the artist go out of their comfort zones.
so I sent him all these reference shots, photos that I've seen of
mansions and people in love and mansions.
And then I sent pictures of crazy psychotic girlfriends
Like crying, Mascara and tantrums.
Walked him through what I thought would be a cool idea.
His ideas that he came up with just amped it up even more.
And what we ended up with is this video about this girl
who basically gives you the best first part of a relationship.
And then all of a sudden you realize there is just one problem.
She's absolutely psychotic.
That's what this video is about.
With American Express, we've been able to create something
that I've never been able to give my fans before
which is a 360-degree interactive experience
where they're getting to explore the story land of our video.
And be in the room with us.
So, Sean, what's gonna happen is we're gonna walk in. You're gonna sit down.
I'm gonna put your napkin on your lap.
And kind of like, you know, have a nice feel.
I'm gonna slowly walk around the table.
Pick up my drink and cheers to you.
You take a drink and then when you look out I'm leaving the room.
This video experience is really fun
because we can hide things in the rooms
for fans to look at and to see.
I think that us coming together and figuring this out
as a gift for the fans, like thank you for being so amazing
Here's an in-depth look at what we've been doing
We did all of this for them.
You know it's extra shooting. It's extra setups.
This amazing 360-technology.
And hopefully the fans will like it and have fun with it
because it's really hilarious to make.
Where have I been? - Update - Duration: 14:22.
Maydanozlu Köfte- Osmanlı Yemekleri/Turkish food - Duration: 3:28.
Kids cartoons: Out of this Word - Put a Sock in it EP03 - Duration: 1:21.
Why we need protein - Huel Nutrition - Duration: 2:03.
The Elusive Kingdom kiwiconnexion practical theology - Duration: 1:28.
Xiaomi Redmi Pro 2 Specs Leak hints Dual Cameras Redmi Pro 2 Release Date - Duration: 2:48.
Xiaomi Redmi Pro 2 is coming in July so its Xiaomi redmi pro 2 review time
Xiaomi Redmi Pro 2 Specs Leak hints Dual Cameras Redmi Pro 2 Release Date
Xiaomi Redmi Pro 2 is coming in July 2017 so its Xiaomi redmi pro 2 review time
Xiaomi Redmi Pro 2 specs leak: it could have 3GB of RAM.
Gizchina has managed to obtain the specs sheet of the
upcoming Xiaomi Redmi Pro 2.
If real it shows that the Redmi Pro 2 will get 3GB RAM and will have a 12MP+5MP dual
camera on the back and a 16MP selfie shooter on the front.
The dual camera will consist of the 12MP Sony IMX362
sensor and a 5MP Samsung S5K4E8.
The sensor on the front is again by Samsung - model number S5K3P8.
The list doesn't specify the chipset powering the Redmi Pro 2 though we've heard of the
Snapdragon 660 previously.
Finally the leaked specs say the Xiaomi Redmi Pro 2 will lose the AMOLED screen for an LCD
though we sincerely hope that won't be the case.
xiaomi redmi pro 2 price, release date, specifications, features, review with 4gb ram.
Xiaomi Redmi Pro 2 2017 Specifications Price Release Date Features Review
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Pawn Stars Australia Hours of Fun, Collecting Old Video Games - Duration: 1:11.
Check it out!
Oh my god.
This is incredible.
I love Game & Watch games!
I remember the old stands. Look at these old stands, put them on the stand and play with them.
I think the stand was there because you could use it as a watch as well.
Oh yes! I'm looking at these ones here and I never had one of these.
These I'm not familiar with. I haven't seen these before.
It's called a tabletop. Yep & that's a tabletop collection.
I think a lot of people remember when they were a kid, they had one or two.
Everyone had a donkey kong a little Mario.
Oh yeah that's for sure I definitely remember
having parachute that was a great game. I had Mickey Mouse,
Mickey with the frying pans trying to catch the eggs out of the chicken coup.
yeah yep
I remember that now!
That was a hard game. That was a really hard game, I struggled with that one.
I mean my first one was the Ball. My dad bought this for me
right back in it was1980's or very early eighties.
The Ball was actually one of the first ones that were released
and I never could get my hands on it because
he sat on the toilet playing it for hours and hours and hours..
স্যার বাড়িতে না থাকলেই ম্যাডাম আমাকে বেড রুমে নিয়ে সেক্স করতো JANOYARDER KORMO - Duration: 13:40.
Documentary 2017 | History of Japan, A Secret Empire | History Channel Film - Duration: 59:46.
Documentary 2017 Documentary 2017 Japan
the Japanese have rites and ceremonies so different from those of all other
nations the things they do are beyond imagining and it may be truly said that
Japan is a world the reverse of Europe to the first Westerners in Japan it was
a mysterious world it was the fabled Isle of zipangu that Marco Polo had only
heard about the land of reaches that Christopher Columbus set out to find
when the Portuguese arrived in Japan in 1543 they encountered a country
embroiled in civil war out of this chaos one samurai warrior would emerge he
would create a regime so strong it endured for over 250 years witnesses to
this world both Western observers and Japanese roted these changing times
there's is a story of flowering culture a poetic ritual and of rigid power
struggles it is the saga of opening trade with Europe and then closing its
doors to the west
these are the memoirs of Japan's secret Empire
on the 25th day of the eighth month of the year out the water and hair there
appeared off our western shore a big shoe no one knew whence it had come as a
Buddhist monk later recounted samurai guards were quickly dispatched to warn
their master there were strangers on board these ships unlike anyone the
Japanese had ever seen the local warlord called a daimyo summoned these strangers
the first Europeans to ever set foot on Japanese Shores it was the year 15 43
when these Portuguese merchants arrived the daimyo was intrigued by their
peculiar unknown weapons the Japanese always liked novel things new things
fared so to speak and so they were very very interested in the Europeans
after he watched the Portuguese shoot down a duck the daimyo purchased two
guns and put his swordsmith to work making copies then he asked for shooting
lessons these first Europeans their guns and their religion would have
unforeseeable consequences
in this same year a boy was born to a daimyo family he would be known as
Tokugawa Ieyasu his destiny would be to change Japan forever as an elite member
of the samurai class the boy inherited a world of tradition a feudal realm of
samurai warriors who ruled by birthright and soared the son of a daimyo Lord
Ieyasu would soon have to give up children's games for the politics of war
when Yasir was still a child the ruling daimyo demanded that ei Osos father send
the young boy to him as a hostage insurance that all orders would be
obeyed when children were taken as hostages it did not mean prisoners this
was all part of the political negotiation in which our alliances had
to be formed because no one trusted no one else so there had to be guarantee
and therefore that hostage was used as a hostage the young samurai boy travelled
in the style befitting his daimyo rank
he could not know his destiny nor could he know that he would never see his
father again he would grow up a hostage his life captive to the turmoil of civil
war the whole of Japan was involved in Wars treachery was rampant and nobody
trusted his neighbor they would enter into league with one faction and then
deserted for another as the winds of Fortune blew
while Rodriguez and I witness to these perilous times was one of the first
Portuguese to arrive in Japan he came as a cabin boy of 15 and would soon become
a Jesuit missionary
as Portuguese merchants traversed the oceans in search of new ports for trade
Jesuit missionaries accompanied them searching for souls to save
the Jesuits were young and dedicated braving the hardships of the dangerous
two-year voyage to reach Japan a country which they considered ripe for
they sent home tantalizing reports of an alien world everything is so different
an opposite that they are like us and practically nothing
now all this would not be surprising if they were like so many barbarians but
what astonishes me is that they behaved as very prudent and cultured people in
all these matters this is something which I would not dare to affirm if I
had not had so much experience among them the missionaries thought that the
Japanese were such a remarkable race their culture was so developed that it
was worthwhile writing back to Europe about the culture which they found the
language the Japanese spoke and a very complex political system without any
influence from Christianity without any influence from Europe and so I think
this is a thing which one should bear in mind that this was the first time
Europeans dealt with Asians on equal terms and not as conquerors and
conquered people their way of writing is very different from ours because they
write from the top of the page down to the bottom I asked a Japanese why they
did not write in our way and he asked me why we did not write in their way he
explained that as a head of a man is at the top and his feet are at the bottom
so - a man should write from top to bottom during his more than 30 years in
Japan jewelle rodriguez became so fluent in Japanese he became known as the
his work allowed him to observe all levels of society from the highest
daimyo warlords to the lowest Japanese farmer every class of person Noble or
humble uses a fan throughout the whole kingdom people who have business matters
and other things which they wish to remember write them down on their fans
they are always carrying these fans about in their hands
opening them shutting them and looking at them nobody would go out into the
street without one
the Japanese schwa Rodriguez observed regarded the Europeans with equal
fascination they greatly wondered that our big and long noses thick beards and
red or fair hair and considered all these things as so many defects they
called them the southern barbarians which is not a very flattering term
their eating habits were rather different the Japanese were so polite
eating with chopsticks etc whereas in those days Europeans normally yet with
just a knife and with your fingers and then of course the Japanese most the
Japanese take a bath every day whereas Europeans I'm afraid in those days when
for months and months and months without taking a bath and to some extent they
deserved the epithet of barbarians but however they were regarded the
missionaries were determined to stay in Japan our only desire was to preach and
proclaim the law of the Creator even if there were only one Japanese Christian
in the whole country any missionary would spend all his life
here just for the sake of that one person
these men were very very zealous and the conditions were rather good for the
conversion of people to Christianity
when you have bloodshed revolutions fighting battles death in large numbers
obviously people's thoughts do tend to go to the next life in little more than
50 years these missionaries established over 200 Catholic churches primarily in
southern Japan and converted up to a quarter million Japanese
when a Japanese Lord or Japanese daimyo changed his religion he would bring
pressure on his people because he had absolute power of life and death on the
people below him and so you got in a relatively short short period of time a
large-scale conversions but there was another factor that some of the daimyo
when they became Christian they had certain considerations of Commerce in
the back of their mind because where the missionaries went the Portuguese
merchants went and the Portuguese merchants offered very profitable trade
feasibly Japanese
Commerce and religion intertwined some Japanese profited while others watched
with growing concern convinced of Christianity's threat to their power
merchants and missionaries these early Europeans have set a course which would
eventually run into unexpected consequences to endure the rigors of
never-ending training to remain clear minded in the face of grave danger to
face death matter-of-factly this is the art of kendo the way of the sword master
swordsmen taught young samurai the skills of sword fighting and the
traditions of a samurai code of honor
this was the education the young EARC would receive even as a hostage when you
took a hostage in a certain place they were usually treated very cordially and
they were given education just as they would be given atone
he probably had a very stoic Spartan kind of education taught military skills
martial arts and Chinese classics Japanese classics the entire life of yes
was that of patience and forbearance people say the young hostage Tokugawa
Ieyasu would learn what it meant to be a samurai adopter stands with the head
erect either hanging down nor looking up nor twisted do not roll your eyes nor
allow them to blink but slightly narrow them brace your abdomen so that you do
not bend at the hips
a legendary swordsman Miyamoto Musashi would preserve the way of the samurai in
a classic book the Five Rings it was a guide to strategy its philosophy
embraced in Japan even to this day in all forms of strategy it is necessary to
maintain the combat stance in everyday life and to make your everyday stance
your combat stance at age 15 Yasu entered manhood and earned the
right to carry the two swords of the samurai Patenaude do you know ah we
don't even know shoujo the sword was the symbol of the samurai class only the
samurai were authorized to carry two swords a large one and a small one a
samurai with these two swords ruled over the farmer and the merchant you're born
into being a samurai it's a responsibility amongst the
responsibilities of being a song I was always carrying one sword to use to
enact justice if somebody were rude to you it was your duty to kill them but
still no saman it would walk around outside without a sword and if they were
caught without a sword they could be punished for not upholding their duty
while the samurai class comprised less than 10% of the population their
presents loomed larger than life even the missionaries wrote as it for samurai
with a whole of society they carry a sword and dagger both inside and outside
the house and lay them at their pillows when they sleep never in my life have I
met people who rely so much on their arms they are very warlike and are
always involved in Wars and thus the ablest man becomes their greatest Lord
it was not only the men who swore to uphold this ideal samurai women were
also trained to protect their family the most important thing about samurais
daughters or wives was never to forget the honor and the pride as samurais
daughter in crisis there had to be prepared to kill themselves rather than
be ashamed disgraced by the enemies
the samurai defended his home and family but his true glory came on the
battlefield defending his lord against enemies the samurai dressed carefully
for combat the finely stitched fabric and leather appeared elegant even
fragile unseen were the tightly woven plates of Steel much like his protective
armor a warrior's refined appearance concealed his impenetrable inner core
this ethic preserved in writings of the samurai would prepare the warrior to
meet life and death with honor our samurai would wash himself with cold
water every morning sent the shaven top of his head in hair with incense to make
himself presentable he was ready to be killed in battle at any moment cherry
blossoms are often compared to the samurai they're a beautiful sight like
the warrior in his shiny armor but it takes only one big storm for the petals
to fall to the ground just like the warrior in battle
for Samurai as important as knowing how to kill was knowing how and when to die
in the battlefield especially your last moment of life you
have to show your control the controlling your body controlling your
destiny faith is the vindication indication of
your internal strength so it's a last moment that you have to stage your dis
seppuku or harakiri is the ritual of suicide as practiced by samurai samurai
warrior carried two swords on his hip a long one and a short one the short sword
was for cutting open his abdomen why would a somewhat I could open his
abdomen well Japanese especially samurai believed that the heart was in the belly
they believe that whether their heart was pure or impure would be revealed
when they disemboweled themselves from the death poem to the final thrust of
the dagger seppuku is a ceremonial ritual of suicide ensuring an honorable
jawoll rodriguez wrote of a man who committed the ritual of seppuku
the samurai dressed in the customary white kimono solemnly and with great
dignity mounted a raised platform then in a loud voice he told them to watch
him carefully as he cut himself open
he seated himself and wrote his will slowly and calmly asking his Lord to
look after his son and family for he was going to die on account of his honor
he bade farewell and then in front of them all he fearlessly cut his belly and
so he died this sort of thing often happens
there is timing in everything timing in strategy cannot be mastered without a
great deal of practice there is timing in the whole life of the warrior in his
thriving and declining in his harmony and Accord these are the enduring
principles which guided the life of the samurai warrior for Tokugawa Ieyasu
patience strategizing would become his most powerful weapon
he was now of age 18 years old and married with two children but he was
still a hostage of the ruling daimyo warlord
as time passed EOS has strengthened his skills as a warrior fighting alongside
his daimyo Master when his master was killed in battle he a ASSA was finally
free to determine his own destiny yes was put in a position to have to make a
decision at some point whether to go along with the hostess family but at all
times he never forgot his ambition to go back to his original castle and to
regain all the territory that his father's family had and to expand and to
go back to his retainers who were faithfully waiting for
Ieyasu reclaimed his title as an independent Lord a daimyo
he returned to his family estate he could now fight on his own terms for his
own people
I fought against my enemies solely in order that I might take my revenge on my
father's adversaries because I was convinced of the rightness of my
intention to help the people and bring peace to the land the years of captivity
had honed his discipline according to his samurai training he now carefully
plotted his strategy
in a crucial move Ieyasu allied himself with the man who killed his daimyo
Master Oda Nobunaga
Nobunaga had become the most powerful warlord in Japan feared and ruthless the
missionary Asia while Rodriguez documented Nobunaga's campaign to unify
Japan Nobunaga was the first to begin cutting
through the thick forest of wars and discord in Japan he subdued about half
the country and fear of him made the remaining part ready to obey Him in
in the Battle of Naga Shino Nobunaga armed 3,000 of his foot soldiers three
ranks deep
as 10,000 enemy warriors charged Nobunaga's Musketeers fired in
succession decimating the opposing army
Nobunaga's innovations in the use of firearms completely changes the face of
samurai warfare the old idea was where you would have two samurai meet on the
field of battle they would shout out their names and their lineages where
they were from sometimes one would ride out in front of all these troops and and
challenge someone to come and defeat him so it was it was very manly it was
imbued with the ideal of valor
now you have faceless ranks of samurai shooting other faceless ranks of samurai
Nobunaga continued to amass power until one night treachery within his inner
circle caught him off guard a missionary was near by some Christians came just as
I was vesting to say an early Mass and told me to wait because there was a
commotion in front of the palace with once began to hear musket shots and see
flames we learned that it had not been a brawl
but that one of his generals had turned traitor some say he cut his belly while
others believe that he set fire to the palace and perished into flames
what we do know however is that of this man who made everyone trembled not only
at the sound of his voice but at the mention of his name they did not remain
even a small hair which was not reduced to dust and ashes as the flames burned
Nobunaga's loyal general Toyotomi Hideyoshi seized the moment
Hideyoshi immediately springs into action murdering the murderer of his own
lord which then gives him the new right in essence to claim leadership of
Nobunaga's vast coalition of armies
ei arson watched from a distance would he subordinate himself to Hideo she's
command or was it time to fight for control
Nobunaga Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu these were the men who would bring an
end to the brutal civil wars they would go down in history as the unifiers
there's a story in Japanese that explains the character of the three
unifiers and Nobunaga Hideyoshi and das who are watching a cuckoo bird waiting
for it to sing but the bird doesn't sing and Nobunaga says little bird if you
don't sing I will kill you and Hideo she says little bird if you don't sing I'll
make you sing and he asked her says little bird if you don't sing I'll wait
for you to sing an da asif is a patient strategist who will wait for things to
go his way and then he'll act after Nobunaga's death
Ieyasu and Hideyoshi faced off in a measured game of strategy each in his
own way trying to outsmart the other Boojum pastino dee da silva missile Cara
same point that as a military leader Ieyasu was a courageous man who never
hesitated in battle however though he was brave he was also cautious one
famous story the acid was known as an excellent Horseman one day he and his
troops had to cross a very narrow bridge over a raging river
everyone was watching to see how the great Hiaasen would ride his horse over
this dangerous bridge to his men surprise
he also dismounted took the horses reins in his hands and carefully led the horse
over the bridge to the other side of the river
that's how vigilant he was I believe this kind of caution helped him to be
victorious in battle while ei us who practiced restraint and careful
strategizing Hideyoshi acted quickly and decisively Hideyoshi was from peasant
stock the son of a lowly foot soldier he worked his way up through the ranks
Hideyoshi became known as a brilliant general and he held the same grand
vision of himself when my mother conceived me she was given a miraculous
omen on the very night that I was born the room was suddenly aglow with
sunlight thirst changing night today finally they divined the child whose
birth was attended by these miracles was destined to become a man of unusual
attainment this prediction is fulfilled in me shortly after Hideyoshi took
control Ieyasu challenged him but EA us who soon realized there was more to be
gained as he died oh she's a lie then as his enemy
Hideyoshi rewarded Yasu for his loyalty with a vast domain of land and ordered
him to make his headquarters in the remote fishing village of Edo 300 miles
east of Hideo she's Castle in Osaka some might have thought the gift and insult
but in Edo the village that would later become Tokyo ea also busied his troops
building a massive five-story castle fortification
within the walls of the city of Osaka Hideyoshi was consumed with fortifying
his own castle reputed to be the most impregnable fortress of its time it was
also one of the most ostentatious
osaka castle had a strategic location close to the emperor's palace in nearby
kyoto for centuries the emperor had remained a ruler in name only ignored by
those who truly held power he wild away his days with court gossip calligraphy
and poetry by EI haces time the court is still powerless but it is only the court
which can appoint the children so in the ultimate symbolic sense the court is
still the arbiter of final resort that's why all the Warlord's are aiming for
Kyoto you have to get the Emperor to recognize that you're the most powerful
of all of the combatants on the field of battle
Hideyoshi curried the Emperor's favor inviting him to no plays and musical
performances but the emperor would not grant this warrior of peasant stock the
title of Shogun
Yasu never relinquished his desire for power he offered the emperor more than
invitations he arranged the marriage of one of his granddaughter's to the
Emperor's son all of the lords in Japan used family to cement political
alliances you would marry off daughters or area of sons what he a ass who did in
particular was have an abundance of sons that he could use he could set them up
to support his nascent government he could set them up as independent
military lords that he could then call upon for help in contrast ei haces rival
Hideyoshi failed to produce a male heir
finally he adopted a nephew and groomed him as his successor then at sixty years
of age Hideyoshi finally fathered a son of his own he called him Heda Yuri and
he was the jewel of his life Hideo she's thoughts now turned to the safety and
survival of his young son I cannot describe the endless tedium as if I were
guarding an empty house when he day Ori is not here with me
I say again strictly ordered that all be vigilant against fire each night have
someone make the rounds of the rooms two or three times as Hideyoshi obsessed
over his own son his adopted son now an adult was in peril it's clear that by
the end of his life he do she was acting more and more erratically he became
increasingly cruel if not sadistic then when he finally in his final years
produced an air of his own he ordered this adult male who had been his heir to
commit suicide
Hideyoshi then ordered his adopted sons entire family put to death a missionary
recounted they were drawn along the streets in the carts the open view of
the world 31 ladies and gentlewomen with the two sons and one daughter of his
adopted son the oldest of whom was not more than five years old
all their bodies were thrown into a pit before which was built a little chapel
with a two-minute with this inscription the tomb of the traitors soon after he
died Oh sheez health began to fail he wrote his death poem as the do I fall
has the zhuhai vanish even Osaka fortress is a dream within a dream
Hideyoshi then called Yasu and four of the most powerful
daimyo to his deathbed he appointed them legal protectors of his five-year-old
son he died Orie his heir and the future ruler of Japan
dar su pledged to protect the boy with his own life a pledge that would become
very difficult to keep
it is said that war is a curse it is resorted to only when it is inevitable
however in time of peace do not forget the possibility of disturbances Ieyasu
was on guard those daimyo who feared his growing power began to plot against him
ei haces territory now extended throughout most of Japan he was
determined to maintain his holdings and expand his base of power one of the
asses nicknames is the old badger and it reflects his craftiness as well as his
famed ability to wait and he waits until after Hideo she is dead until he has a
clear preponderance of power and then makes his move to become the dominant
military leader in Japan
ei us who mobilized his troops he sent one division to ogaki castle where his
enemies were gathering when the battle began women and children rushed to
safety EAS is sent a large force to lay siege to the castle and they fought day
and night one of the young girls at the castle later told her family of the
terrifying experience those concubines and daughters all stayed in the tower
and cast bullets on the spot it was a cruel sight indeed it was we felt as if
we should die there was nothing but fear and horror left as the battle wore on
heads of slain warriors were brought to the castle to be prepared for the ritual
presentation to the victor it was believed that even in death the samurai
should be viewed as a worthy opponent those people who are in the castle would
watch the heads and they'll put some cosmetics on the face of the dead
corpses because they were proof of having killed someone important that was
part of them there is no part of what they did which is inconceivable to you
know as modern people know more than women all the decapitated heads were
brought into the tower we weren't a bit afraid of the heads and used to sleep in
the midst of the nasty smell of bloody heads
victorious that ogaki castle ei haces troops now pursued the rebellious daimyo
and their armies
they faced off in a narrow Valley just west of the village of Sekigahara this
would be the battle that changed the course of Japanese history yay us who
set up his command post atop a hill overlooking the valley waiting through
the night for the rest of his armies to arrive at dawn ei haces attendant
physician hastily noted in his journal slight rain dense fog in the mountain
valley can't see barely made out enemy banners on horseback Lord Ieyasu made
out their positions estimate distance at two and a half miles ei ASSA was
outnumbered with only 50,000 troops challenging his enemies 80,000 he waited
for his son to arrive with reinforcements
but at 8:00 in the morning the fog suddenly lifted and the two opposing
armies found themselves within striking distance
Yasu could wait no more rallying his troops it was said he sent them forward
with his famous battle cry there are only two ways to come back from the
battlefield with the head of an enemy or without your own
ei arson watched as his troops faced what seemed insurmountable odds
then suddenly the tide turned several enemy daimyo and their armies convinced
of he asses ultimate victory defected and joined EAS whose forces by 2 p.m.
EAS whose troops had defeated the rebellious army
so stick sticking out amigo kagura's victory at Sega Hara brought an end to
the warring States and signaled the beginning of a new era that's the
significance of the Battle of Sekigahara
in recognition of Ieyasu's power the Emperor awarded him the title of Shogun
the Barbarian subduing Generalissimo Tokugawa Ieyasu now had the authority to
rule Japan in all military matters
he ruled unchallenged but always there was the specter of Hideyoshi's young son
he de re growing up in Osaka Castle Ieyasu had sworn with his life to
protect the boy the boy who could someday lay claim to
all Ieyasu had won as the young boy he died or II approached manhood a daimyo
warned although he is neither Yoshi's heir
yes who will never let him ruin pen sooner or later some ambitious character
will foment rebellion in his name and even if he already knows nothing about
it he will be blamed have forced to commit suicide to the grief of
Hideyoshi's ghost now the tofu gods had no divine right to rule Japan they ruled
Japan because they were the most powerful they had the most money they
had the most soldiers but they had no divine right and there were many other
powerful daimyo especially in the West the Christian daimyo and so if there
were any philosophy and a political movement that would bring these Dino
together as a coalition against the Tokugawa family that was very dangerous
Tokugawa Ieyasu tolerated no dissent he expelled many of the foreign
missionaries including schwow Rodriguez
yes who wanted to clear the board of all these foreign influences which were just
maddening the waters making life more complicated he even ordered all
Christian activity among the Japanese halted but still he faced the only true
threat to his power the young-hee day Orie
by the time he reaches adulthood he D or e can no longer be ignored by yeah so
he's a threat simply because he exists he is the legitimate heir of Hideyoshi
yay ah sue is supposed to be supporting him until he until he becomes an adult
and he poses an intrinsic threat to the legitimacy of the tokugawa shogunate ei
us who came to but one conclusion he could no longer honor his pledge to a
dead ally to protect his son he I also decided to go into battle once more it
was obviously going to be another showdown and the many many many samurai
in their thousands and these were hard bitten warriors they still owed loyalty
to Hideyoshi's family and of course they owed just as much loyalty to his son so
they gathered in Osaka Castle and also Castle was a very very very strong
castle it was considered impregnable
in the winter of 1614 ei ah so accused he de re of subversion and ordered his
troops to advance against Osaka Castle
he D re supporters nearly 100,000 held strong
dar su retaliated with a devious plan he sent a woman samurai to negotiated
truce with he diores mother
Ieyasu offered a safe haven for he de horas
garrison if in return he agreed not to mount further rebellion against EA haces
rule to prove his intentions EA us who signed the pledge in blood he de auras
mother convinced her son to accept the offer var Sue's ploy had worked as soon
as the fighting stopped Ieyasu began to fill in the mouths of
obstacle course of the deep moves and the people in the osaka castle protested
a lot that was not in the agreement but that didn't matter they filled in the
moats and once the moats were filled in then ieyasu's troops would storm into
the castle and there was a dreadful slaughter
thousands of defeated soldiers women and children fled the casstle compound
a European merchants recorded the event in his journal we had news today that de
Yasu hath taken the fortress of Osaka and overthrown the forces of Hideyori
they say the taking of this fortress has cost about 100,000 lives and that no
dead man of account is found with his head on but all cut off
yeaaaah Sue's army set the castle on fire
as the flames raged around him he de re refused to surrender and was left with
no other option he committed seppuku
there's one big problem with killing udre however and that's that
eyassa was supposed to be his supporter and it's a very realistic cold-blooded
strategy but he wanted to establish a dynasty that would last through the ages
there is reason to believe that yay ah so genuinely regretted having to kill
the son of his former Lord Yasuo is said to have paid penance by writing the name
of the Buddha 10,000 times on Scrolls of parchment
tokugawa ieyasu had wiped out the last threats to his power or so it seemed but
not everyone was under his control there were the Western traders who he valued
but mistrusted and the Christians who he considered a threat Tokugawa Ieyasu had
won the wars his struggle to control the future of Japan had just begun
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