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2017 golf r review, #golf, #volkswagen, #videodrive
For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf R 2017 review #golf - Duration: 5:31.-------------------------------------------
Differenze Tra Bticino e Vimar . Pillola N.70 di materiale elettico - Duration: 4:00.
Hotarubi Mori e -Mây họa ánh trăng ( Moonlight Drawn By Clouds ) - Couple Lee Young x Ra on - Duration: 4:33.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 BE Cabriolet AMG Ambition Automaat - Duration: 0:56.
Peugeot 108 Blue Lion 1.0 e-VTi 68 PK TOPDEAL! - Duration: 0:55.
Promposal on Pointe - Duration: 20:14.
Ultime notizie: Al Bano e Romina di nuovo complici, ma le vite sono ancora separate| K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:57.
What's the time, Mr Wolf? (무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다, だるまさんがころんだ) / REAL's diary 26 / 26 - Duration: 1:41.
Trenza de hojaldre rellena de cerezas - Duration: 5:18.
Volkswagen Golf R 2017 review #golf - Duration: 5:31.
Volkswagen Golf R 2017 обзор, volkswagen, golf r
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golf gti 2017, exterior, driving, neu, facelift
2017 golf r review, #golf, #volkswagen, #videodrive
If I Can't Have You - Duration: 42:35.
Roblox Retro Craftwars First Custom Weapon (Turn Subtitles On If You Can't Read The Text) - Duration: 2:19.
Hello Yt
Today I'm showing the first custom weapon in Retro Craftwars (10k robux)
This Cat Scythe
You can hold it down so u don't have to do all the work
It shoots pink balls, who wouldn't like that
But wait for the best part
That's all for the scythe,owner:LopsidedErica1 (not rlly)
Anime Doll Party: Summertime Fun - Duration: 5:26.
hey guys this is Sticks I can't tell you how happy I am of the great responses I
received from my first Dollfie video so I wanted to show you clips from our last
Doll meet we had in mid-june it was a summertime event and everyone had a
great time but remember when I said that our meetups just keep getting bigger
well it did just that it got bigger still and Pandy our host couldn't be
so we're hoping that you'll bring your girls to our next Meetup in mid-august
it's a Tanabata and starry themed party on Sunday August 20th more
information can be found in the description below including
information on our dollfie dream site and on Facebook so I'll leave you now
with clips from our last meet and we hope to meet you all there again soon if you
liked this video please like share comment and subscribe see you then
Ain't No Thang Like a Chicken Wing - Duration: 54:05.
Uni isn't for everyone: How Amy found her own path through the year 12 exams - Duration: 2:39.
My school was saying that it was the
be-all and end-all of my entire life.
Nup, not at all
Amy Taylor - I'm 19 and I finished school in 2015.
The subjects I did for my HSC
was Earth and Environmental Science, Ancient History, Advanced English,
Extension English, Visual Arts and then
I had to do Religion as
part of the Catholic school curriculum.
My school was drilling it in that
you need to get a good ATAR, and go to uni
and that was the expectation.
The advice I got that wasn't that helpful,
was from my school.
It was, do these things,
and if you study this way, you will succeed.
I found that when I did study that way, it didn't help me,
and I needed to develop my own way of studying.
But they didn't talk at all about
different types of learners,
like visual learners and kinesthetic learners.
They just sort of said, read your textbooks,
repeat what you've read,
quiz yourself, that sort of thing.
And when that wasn't working for me,
it made me really stressed because
it was like, I'm not going to succeed,
I don't know how to study,
and I'm not studying the right way.
It was when I actually found my own way of
studying that I was less stressed out.
Mum gave me the best advice which was,
do your best and be happy with what your best is.
She was always telling to me
that it doesn't matter what your results say,
as long as you can be proud
and know that that is your best
then you'll be able to be happy and look back
and not have any regrets about it.
And also saying that it wasn't the end of the world.
Both my parents constantly said that to me.
When my results came through
and I looked at them,
I was really proud of what I'd gotten
and it wasn't the highest ATAR in the world
but it wasn't a low ATAR
and it was my best there
and I knew that it was my best.
At the end of Year 12
I thought I would be going to Macquarie Uni
and doing a course in Early Childhood,
but then I found that when I visited the unis
and visited a TAFE,
that the TAFE environment appealed more to me.
By the end of year 12 I'd been
accepted into TAFE already
and so I sort of just started that
a couple months after
and yeah got right into that,
did an Early Childhood course,
finished my Certificate Three,
finished my diploma,
and yeah I was really enjoying that
and I never even looked at uni after that.
How Christo didn't care about the HSC but got stressed anyway - Duration: 2:09.
I mean, everyone has to do the HSC,
you just gotta cop it, I think.
My name is Christo, I'm 20 turning 21 in like, a month.
I finished school in 2013
The subjects that I did were
Business Studies,
Ancient History,
Advanced English,
Visual Arts,
General Maths
and PDHPE.
My best subject was Visual Arts.
I didn't always get the best marks -
I generally did get better marks in that subject
I think that's just because it suited me more,
like, more free thinking.
I wasn't very good on the day before exams.
I'd kind of try cram and then I'd stop
and watch an episode of something
because I couldn't I couldn't just, like, sit there and watch it
or look at a computer or a book for so long.
I got really stressed during exams
just because I felt like I knew
that I wasn't going to do too well and
deep down I didn't actually care too much,
and the only thing I was stressed about was
what I was going to do after school.
I wasn't really interested in doing
anything that required a high ATAR.
I wasn't really interested in doing any
Arts degrees or anything -
I was more into something with which required a
portfolio or maybe even something that was more hands-on like carpentry
or a trade.
Mum would always would ask me if
everything was okay and like, I'd always say, yeah everything's fine.
I just, like, deep down, I was just really stressed about
where I was going to be going after school.
I knew that the HSC didn't really suit me -
I didn't really care too much for it
but I was worried about what was
going to happen to me after school.
I did have expectations because
I was interested in going to Fine Arts.
So I did have in my head, like
I wanted to get an ATAR above 70 something,
so I could get into COFA with a portfolio
because I knew I wasn't going to get above 80.
I knew that like there's life after the ATAR.
The most important thing I learned
was not to worry about
what this number was, at the end of the year,
because I knew that there's ways of
getting into uni without the number.
I didn't get the ATAR
but it didn't really bother me too much.
I ended up going into
design school so Billy Blue.
A how-to guide to procrastination - Duration: 1:23.
How do I procrastinate?
Mainly YouTube and Facebook.
I sleep a lot.
Cleaning my room.
Speak to my friends.
YouTube videos, I suppose.
YouTube or TV.
I watch rugby videos on YouTube.
I try and play guitar sometimes.
I read a lot.
Go on my phone.
I'm always on my phone.
Going out on "study dates" and then doing nothing.
To break myself out of it usually ... have a cold shower, cold shower's good.
Normally I go and eat. Or buy a coffee.
I think the adrenaline of having it due in two days will help.
Usually it happens when I look at the clock
and I realise just how long I've been sitting there.
I force myself to log out of all of my accounts.
When the stress reaches a certain point,
you just have to get back to work.
Recognise that the deadline's coming up,
it's more out of necessity.
I panic. Panic, panic mode, yeah that's it.
Kind of having a strict framework towards how
my day goes and having that structure.
A lot of the time,
it takes someone else, like, outside of you to say
hey I've got some work to do too -
why don't we do it together?
I normally go for a run,
that's a big thing for me - exercising -
then as soon as I get back I'm like alright
that's done, gotta sit down to do my work now.
朝までハロウィン + おやすみレニ Sound Horizon The Assorted Horizons English Subtitles - Duration: 11:33.
(Welcome to Halloween Night!)
(We've got a boon, people to join us!)
(Trick or Treat! Give us candies and an apple!)
(Ah... Join us!)
A secret locked in an attic;
Old tattered sheets...
Once supper is over, friends come along...
Heart racing?!
Shivering with anticipation?!
C'mon, don't be left ashore! the Party's starting!
Ready, set!
"Trick or Treat?"
Treat or trick?
Let's celebrate Halloween all night long!
The night's still young!
"Kids, humans, we all need a bit of sugar."
"Humans? Are you sure you're not calling us pigs?"
"Hey... that full moon looks like a doughnut..."
"No! Doughnuts, No!"
A cute Girl-Witch,
A boy wearing the pelt of a wolf
A ghost in tattered sheets, what a lively Party...
Heart pounding?!
Spine tingling?!
It's time to get to work-
The Party's just begun!
Ready, set!
"Trick or Treat?"
Treat or trick?
Let's make this a fun Halloween!
The night's still young!
Ready, set!
"Trick or Treat?"
Treat or trick?
Let's celebrate this Halloween together!
The night's still young!
One more house!
"Trick or Treat?"
Treat or trick?
Let's celebrate this wonderful Halloween!
The night's still young!
One more house!
"Trick or Treat?"
Treat or trick?
Let's celebrate Halloween all night long!
The night's still young!
The night's still young!
One last house!
"Trick or Treat?!"
"The story which one lady will tell, "
"Is about Catherine Livermore, and her lovable family..."
My son was born ill,
and his world was closed off to his bed
The time he had left with us was carved into his small heart...
Because you'd be lonely since you couldn't make friends,
I planted many different flowers in the garden,
And read your favorite picture books to you
Because I'll always be by your side, loving you more than anyone!
Please forgive your mother
For not being able to birth a healthy child...
I wonder what happened to you on the harsh ship journey
While you were in my womb...
Thank You... for choosing me
Thank You... for making us a father and mother... truly...
We both risked our live so that we can make you...
Our precious treasure, happy!
"Then,the lovable family arrived."
"The country of liberty, America..."
"Out of my way!"
"Are you okay, Kate?"
"Yes, dear."
They survived The Great Famine by relying on her older brother's support
They followed his lead in a Chain Immigration, but they never knew of his fate...
When we first came to The New World, America, The Land of the Free
We lived in The Gold Rush town
The Harbor of San Francisco...
It was a very troubling birth when our son Leonard was born...
My husband Sean cried over and over again, saying "Thank You" as he kissed me...
From then on, our family of three,
Lived cheek by cheek...
My husband works his fingers to the bone to pay for the medical bills
"As time goes by..."
"And then, the lovable family had a new encounter that could have been good luck, or bad luck..."
My husband got a new job
And we moved into a town deep in the mountains...
And here my son made his first friend,
A carefree boy who gave him a nickname
"I'm Johnny, Nice to meet you!"
'Pumpkin-Head' is a strange nickname
But don't you know?
That it's just one of the hundred (or should I say infinite)
Cute things about my son!
That night we cried
Tears of joy, tears of joy...
"Oooh... Today is a day of friendship!"
I never changed my last name when I got married
Because my husband also had the last name of Livermore, isn't that funny?
"Sean, my answer is ...Yes!"
I couldn't believe that our son's first friend Johnny also had the last name of Livermore
The Lord work is mysterious, isn't it?
At times I wondered if we were in some kind of classy play...
That night we cried
Tears of laughter, tears of laughter...
"Oooh... Today is a day for the Livermores!"
What was he planning to do with Johnny?
Even if he wanted to keep it a secret,
His mama saw right through him!
"Your head's too big! You can't be a werewolf!"
"Hey! That's only because it holds the biggest brain in the world!"
"Is that the case? Then please, bestow your wisdom upon me, Professor!"
Was your first Halloween that much fun?
You celebrated so much that it was a shock to your little heart...
When the doctor told me the little time you had left,
The whole world lost its light before my eyes...
But because you were looking forward to your first and last Halloween,
After mulling it over thoroughly, I decided to let you go...
We decided at that moment no to blame anyone
Not God, or Johnny, nor Ourselves!
Because our child was smiling while he slept...
Goodnight, Goodnight Lenny,
How many candies did you get today?
Be sure to brush your teeth before you go to bed... or else... you'll get cavities!
"I believe that my son is still out there, having a Halloween that never ends."
"If you ever see a boy with a head like a pumpkin, then... maybe that's Lenny!"
"That is where my story ends. I don't care if you think it's all made up."
"But, I just want three seconds of your time, right before you fall asleep."
"Just for that moment, could you forget about all your worries, hatred, and sorrow... and just say this for me...?"
(Goodnight, Lenny)
Bad Daddy with Tantrum and Crying Little Babies Learn Colors with Lipstick Finger Family song video - Duration: 2:38.
Bad Daddy with Tantrum and Crying Little Babies Learn Colors with Lipstick Finger Family song video
High Maintenance Employee is Wrecking My Business - Duration: 8:12.
Hi there, I'm Angela Brown in this is Ask a House Cleaner.
This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question
and I get to help you find an answer.
Today's question comes from a boss who has an employee,
and the employee has some… we're going to say serious issues.
And the serious issues we're going to call A.D.H.D. for lack of a better term.
The boss does not know if the person has clinically been diagnosed with that, but she's exhibiting
those types of behaviors.
So, she's bouncing off the walls.
She has super high-energy.
She starts projects for cleaning that she never finishes before
she moves to the next project.
So, someone has to come in behind her and finish the cleaning projects that she started.
She talks and chats incessantly and it's all this high drama
that comes from her lousy life.
So, every day when she shows up she's crying, she's in tears, she's moody and there's all
this drama that she's dumping on the other co-workers and dumping on the customers.
So, the co-workers who are cleaning with her on her team are leaving and going to other
parts of the house.
But they can't leave her alone because they have to come back and clean up after her because
she doesn't finish the projects she starts.
Lots of problems.
The girl is also a smoker, like a chain smoker, so she's constantly taking breaks
to go outside and smoke.
So, they're losing a lot of productivity and a lot of time.
And the boss wants to help this girl because she feels sorry for her wants to make sure
she has a job.
But she says well "What am I supposed to do?
Can I legally fire this girl?
Or do I have to hire her and keep her employed because she didn't
technically do anything wrong?"
That's a tough question and the answer is going to come back to how did you set up your
business when you hired her?
If you set up the business with a specific set of rules and regulations that were in
That were verbally explained to her and she signed off on them,
you have a lot more power than you think you do.
If you didn't do any of those things,
you have a whole lot less power than you think you do.
So, you can fix the scenario but you need to start today.
Today, because there's a problem.
(I forgot to mention that the boss has lost several customers because the customers are
ticked off with this girl's antics.)
So she's losing business as a result of it.
Okay having said that, it needs to be documented.
That needs to be documented.
That needs to be put in writing.
There needs to be a face-to-face with that employee.
And she needs to sign off on that she understands that some of the customers have canceled because
of her behavior.
Along with that, you can create a new set of rules and regulations.
And those rules and regulations can specify that
you don't bring any drama to work with you.
Yes, we all have personal problems.
If you get to know any of the people that you work with, or any of the homeowners whose
houses you clean, you'll find a whole lot of heartache.
Life is tough.
And so, yes, people have sadness.
And there are things that they're working through.
But the truth is, as an employee, as a house cleaner, your co-workers, and your clients,
and your boss are not your therapists.
If you are having that much drama and that much personal commotion in your life, you
need to call in for a wellness day.
And you need to go to a professional therapist so that you can get the therapy that you need.
And so, as a boss, you might want to give her the day off.
And say "Here's someone that I recommend that you go see professionally for all of
these challenges.
But starting today it's no longer acceptable in my company."
"I cannot lose customers because you showed up and you dumped all of this stress and all
of this chaos, and all of these personal problems and drama on a customer."
"The customer works out of their house they have conference calls they have things that
they need to be doing that earn the money to pay us for the cleaning."
"And you can't go in and expect this person to resolve all of your problems that's inappropriate."
And that needs to be in writing.
That needs to be explained verbally to your employee, and that employee needs to sign
off on that.
Then you need to give them a copy give them a copy that they signed, so they know and
they remember that they signed it.
They can't say "why I never saw that."
Then a copy of that needs to go in their personal file.
Now when you first hire a person there's usually a window, 30 days - 90 days
where it's a probationary period.
In our company, we call it a showcase.
Where you get to showcase your talents and your skills.
And at the end, we decide if you're a good fit for the company.
If it the end of that probationary window that person is not a good fit for the company,
it's already spelled out in writing.
They've got 90 days to prove themselves.
If at the end of the 90 days there's all this other weird stuff going on.
You're completely in alignment if you decide to let them go.
I know that you're trying to help this person.
It sounds like you have a really good heart, and I love the fact that you're trying to
give her a second chance.
But the problem is it's costing you business.
And it's costing you, employees, because the employees want to go somewhere else.
They want to be reassigned.
They don't want to work with her.
So that becomes a huge issue now because it's affecting your bottom line by losing customers.
It's affecting your coworkers who don't want to work with her, and it doesn't sound like
she's very effective if you have to come in behind her and clean up the work that she
started but never finished.
So, having said that, I hate the fact that you're in the situation.
But I do suggest that you show some tough love because as an… and a lot of parents
fall into this trap.
They'll tell their kid "if this happens, then here's the consequence."
And then when the kid does this, just pushing the boundaries, they don't follow through
on the consequence because they love their kids.
And they forgive them and then give them another chance.
So that's completely normal that's human behavior.
But as a business owner you cannot afford to do that
Because the employees will push and push and push and push.
And every time you do not keep your word and follow through on a consequence.
It not only weakens your integrity but it weakens your power as a boss.
And so, in my company, I'm a taskmaster.
I'm a real stickler for the details.
If we had a conference and you agreed to this particular set of rules and regulations and
you signed it, I expect you're going to follow through on those.
And if you don't these are the consequences that we both agreed to in advance.
We both agreed to them this is a business decision it's not an emotional decision it's
a business decision.
If you broke those rules these are the consequences.
Now people may not like working for me, but they love working for my company.
And the reason being is I do exactly what I say I'm going to do.
You can count on me if I give you my word it's as good as gold it matters because I
gave you my word and I follow through on it.
And so, people know what they can expect when they push those boundaries, bam!
Here's the consequence.
And they're like "Wow she was not kidding.
She's not she's not messing around."
And I know exactly how far they can push.
And it allows me to run a business with people that I've worked with for years.
And I love the people that I work with.
And the people that work with me may they may not love me, but they love working for
my company because they know exactly what to expect.
So, if this is bringing your business down it is time already, like yesterday, to make
some new rules.
And implement them and to follow through.
So, I'm going to cross my fingers this works out.
I'm going to say a little prayer that it all goes smoothly.
And I want you to keep me posted.
let me know how it goes because I'm here rooting for you.
Alrighty, and that's my tip for today.
And until we meet again, leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
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