I will grow on my own
Don't need to be told to be so bold
It's at the peak
Out of reach
But it's what I seek
I can't explain it
Do I take it?
Or just let it slip away?
I wonder why, why do I
Always try, try to climb
To the highest highs
Just to trip and fall?
But I get back up
I wonder why, why do I
Always try, try to climb
To the highest highs
Just to trip and fall?
But I get back up
Yeah I get back up
You used to be my one and all
I still get caught up in our rise and our fall
We were at our peak
Out of reach
Hearts on our sleeves
Now they're hidden
Deep within our walls
Secure and tucked away
Sometimes, I wonder why, why you and I
Stopped tryin'
But now I'm fine
Yeah, I've stopped cryin'
Yet, somehow, you still need me
Sometimes, I wonder why
Why did I, did I try to float in your vast sea
When, in reality
You need me
Yeah, you still need me
For more infomation >> SUBFER - Need Me (ft. Cameryn) - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
McCain Institute Attracting Former Clinton Foundation Donors - Duration: 5:14.
McCain Institute Attracting Former Clinton Foundation Donors
BY Edmondo Burr
The McCain Institute is the new darling of powerful interest groups and foreign donors
seeking to influence U.S. policy after the demise of the Clinton Foundation.
Following Hillary Clinton�s defeat last November, donations to the Clinton Foundation
by foreign donors and the corporate sector dropped by as much as 87 percent and 37 percent.
The Last American Vagabond reports:
While this was clearly devastating news for the Clintons � essentially signaling a drastic
decline in their political clout � it has now become clear that the foundation of another
former U.S. presidential candidate has gained the favor of many of the Clinton Foundation�s
former donors.
Republican Senator John McCain (R-AZ), current chairman of the Senate�s Armed Services
Committee, has seen donations to the McCain Institute surge, particularly donations from
ostensibly �liberal� donors such as George Soros and other long-time Clinton backers.
The McCain Institute is meant to serve as the senator�s �legacy� upon his eventual
retirement and claims to be �dedicated to advancing human rights, dignity, democracy,
and freedom.� Like the Clinton Foundation, the McCain Institute is a tax-exempt, non-profit
foundation with approximately $8.1 million in assets.
However, the McCain Institute�s donor list has raised eyebrows among conservative groups
due to its uncanny similarity to that of the Clinton Foundation.
Among its donors are the neoliberal billionaire and �activist� George Soros, Evelyn and
Lynn de Rothschild, and the for-profit company Teneo.
Teneo was co-founded by Doug Band, a longtime associate of the Clinton family and counselor
to former President Bill Clinton, as well as an instrumental force in the creation of
the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI).
In addition to these individuals, many of the same foreign governments that were known
to donate massive sums to the Clintons have also bestowed their favor on the McCain Institute.
For instance, Saudi Arabia, a nation that funded 20 percent of Clinton�s failed 2016
presidential campaign, made a $1 million donation to the McCain Institute, a donation that both
the foundation and the senator himself have refused to explain.
Watch John McCain shut down a reporter who asked about the Saudis� $1 million donation
to the McCain Institute:
Foreign governments are forbidden from donating to U.S. politicians and often donate to non-profits
in order to gain privileged access to America�s most powerful lawmakers, an arrangement often
called �pay-to-play.� For instance, the Clinton Foundation received between $10 and
$25 million from the Saudi monarchy, with between $1 and $5 million more originating
from the group �Friends of Saudi Arabia,� which was co-founded by a �Saudi prince.�
The McCain Institute has also accepted more than $100,000 from the OCP Group, a Moroccan
state-run phosphate fertilizer company that operates in territory that it has illegally
occupied since 1975.
Morocco has been criticized by human rights groups who argue that the Moroccan government
consistently violates basic human rights and that its state-owned companies subject their
workers to gruesome conditions while exploiting the disputed territory�s natural resources.
The King of Morocco, not so coincidentally, was himself a major donor to the Clinton Foundation.
Hillary Clinton personally received a $12 million check from the king in return for
holding a CGI regional meeting in the country.
Critics of the McCain Institute have repeatedly pointed out the conflict of interest for the
Republican senator while also noting the institute�s similarities to the Clinton Foundation.�This
is a very real conflict of interest,� Craig Holman, a government affairs lobbyist at Public
Citizen, told the Daily Caller.
�This is the similar type of pattern we received with the Clinton Foundation in which
foreign governments and foreign interests were throwing a lot of money in the hopes
of trying to buy influence.�
Concerns have also been voiced regarding the role of the institute�s donors and McCain�s
personal leadership in the organization�s exclusive �Sedona Forum,� which critics
say is remarkably similar to the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) in that it hosts an annual
gathering of special interests and powerful political figures, resulting in the alleged
creation of pay-to-play schemes.
While McCain�s coherence may be fading, his political power in Washington still stands,
meaning that the McCain Institute will likely continue to attract the attention and funds
of powerful special interests and foreign governments.
sirens ► crossovers [+picasso30dali] - Duration: 1:35.
you're a bad guy
I don't want to be with a bad guys
don't do this
it's all about you
I hate you
I was trying to protect you
but you really hurt my feelings
I never feel that type of fear
and for the first time
I can imagine a future where I was happy
I'm going to go find him
I don't want you to leave
I want you to feel what I'm feeling
I love you
an that moment
everything was perfect
VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:09.
Bolinhos, Ritalina e Suco (Trailer)—O Trabalho de Byron Katie - Duration: 1:10.
INJUSTICE 2 - Apresentando: Sub-Zero - Duration: 1:56.
Marketing para o PINTEREST - Duration: 5:30.
When The Holy Spirit Blocks You - Duration: 28:31.
¿Qué cambiaría para los inmigrantes si se endurece la política migratoria en ciudades santuario? - Duration: 2:53.
HP | Todas as Cores - Duration: 0:48.
Sull'amore - trattino di una conversazione con Chico Xavier - Duration: 2:20.
Estos son los lugares más peligrosos para los inmigrantes indocumentados - Duration: 3:02.
Loredana Lecciso shock: ecco come stanno le cose tra Al Bano e Romina| K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:46.
THE BEST ANDROID & iOS RACING GAMES IN 2017 (The Best Graphics) - Duration: 6:35.
Hey guys welcome to another video brought to you by your partner Gaming Narrator.
In this video we will see the Best Racing Games for Android and iOS in 2017.
There are not only the best games, but are also included in this list the racing games with incredible and awesome graphics, updated for the year 2017.
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This way you will see all our newest videos available super fast.
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Click the subtitle button and enjoy the video. So come on! Let's check the best racing games with amazing graphics for your mobile phone.
So everyone, did you like the video.
Are you now ready to play the best racing games on your mobile phone in 2017.
Staying update regarding games is the best isn't it.
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Thank you for watching
A big hug from your partner Gaming Narrator
And I'll see you on the next video.
Relógio de Dalí - EPK - Duration: 3:15.
Probably one of the Relógio's greatest achievements,
that we have been discussing since the beginning, which is…
we have to be able to communicate.
You know, making music that is only happening here in our minds,
without comunicating, is meaningless.
Because at the end, the main goal is to get to others.
Bebop Jazz Guitar Licks - Classic Bebop Sound Decoded - Advanced Jazz Guitar Lesson - Duration: 9:07.
(upbeat jazz guitar)
- Hi everybody, my name is Jens Larsen.
When you're working on a musical language like bebop,
it's important that you check out
some of the licks that are contained in that style
and try to figure out what are the components,
what are the musical concepts that are being used
and then try to incorporate those into your own playing.
In this video, I'm gonna give you
three bebop jazz licks,
and then I'm gonna analyze them and give you
some exercises to help you play them,
and then I'm gonna take the different components
that are contained in those licks and then
I'm gonna make two more licks so that you can
see how you can work on improvising lines
that sound more like bebop.
If you wanna learn more about jazz guitar,
about improvising over chord changes,
arpeggios, and scales, then subscribe to my channel.
If you don't want to miss anything,
then click the little bell notification icon
next to the subscribe button.
This video isn't sponsored by Disney,
even if I am sporting this
very attractive Daisy Duck band-aid.
I had a small incident yesterday
when I was cutting some watermelon.
Maybe it's Herbie Hancock getting back at me
for stealing all his chord voicings.
The examples that I'm using in this video
are all D7, resolving to G major,
and I think bebop, as a language,
is really something that's focused on the dominant chord,
so it makes more sense to use a progression like that,
but in fact, you can use these as ii-V-I licks as well.
(upbeat jazz guitar)
The first example uses some really common bebop trademarks.
One of them is to use small scale runs and 16th notes
to add some rhythmical variation to your lines.
So, in the first half of the first bar, we get this part.
(upbeat jazz guitar)
And this idea of just using this, and I wanna execute
that on guitar like this most of the time.
So using legato is just better for the phrasing, I find.
If you wanna make an exercise to get better at playing
these kinda things, you can actually do this through
a scale position, especially if you're playing
three notes per string, then you'll get something like this.
(upbeat jazz guitar)
And that's really easy to practice, you can try it through
a few positions, you don't need to spend, really, at all,
time on it, as long as your pull offs
are sorta up to it, so...
(upbeat jazz guitar)
Then that'll probably work quite well.
After the 16th note trill, so...
(upbeat jazz guitar)
We're coming out on the A,
and now I want to go to the third,
or the dominant, so the F#, and then that's
on the one, on the next bar, and I do that with
a chromatic enclosure, so... (upbeat jazz guitar)
Like this, and from here, I'm just playing the arpeggio,
so the D7 arpeggio, but what I'm doing is that
I'm using octave displacement.
This is something that's done quite often in bebop,
I have another video where I talk about this
in a bit more detail, but the idea is quite simple,
if you're playing an arpeggio, you can at any point
move the rest of the arpeggio an octave in any direction.
So, in this case, the arpeggio originally would have been...
(upbeat jazz guitar)
Like this, just descending from the third.
But instead, I'm going up, I'm moving the D
up an octave, and then I'm skipping from the F#
up to the D. (upbeat jazz guitar)
And then playing from there, and here I then do another
thing that's also quite common for bebop,
is to use the augmented triad on the dominant
to pull towards the one chord, and since I'm coming out
on the A here, I can go to this Bb,
which is, go to flat 13, and then play the augmented triad.
And then resolve that to the 9 of G major.
(upbeat jazz guitar)
The second example is starting on the C,
so the 7th or the D7, and then going up to D,
and from here, is descending in a triplet
down the Em7 arpeggio.
And then skipping up to A, and running down the scale.
And then we get a trill on the root in the b9.
Down to the 5th.
And then a leading note for the 3rd.
And then from the 3rd, I'm skipping up to the b9 again.
And then down the scale, I'm resolving to a B,
so this last part is, again, using the same
octave displacement right here, because if had done this,
this whole phrase... (upbeat jazz guitar)
Before it resolved to the B, it's actually coming
out of D harmonic minor, so it's like
a minor dominant, in fact. (upbeat jazz guitar)
And that would've been... (upbeat jazz guitar)
But then we displaced that octave.
And in the beginning, we had this triplet
movement with the arpeggio, so I'm playing a scale note,
then going up one step in the scale,
and then I'm playing down, sweeping down
to play the rest of the arpeggio.
(upbeat jazz guitar)
And you can turn that, you can practice that
and turn that into a scale exercise, like this.
(upbeat jazz guitar)
Another thing that can be useful to you guys,
because it's used quite a lot, is this trill,
so in the line I'm using this one.
But you can also just do that through the scale,
just to get used to it, and practice your legato
technique for that, and that could be something like this.
(upbeat jazz guitar)
Playing the diatonic 7th course as triplets
is something that's very typical for bebop,
and that's also how I'm starting the third example.
So I'm using the F# half diminished arpeggio
on the D7, because that's the arpeggio from the 3rd.
I'm starting with the leading note, so that's an F.
And then I'm, of course, going up to the F#
and playing the arpeggio as a triplet.
Ending up on the 9, which is, of course, an E
on the D7, and from here I have a small chromatic run.
I'm back on the E, and then I'm reaching down
to take the C, and sliding down to the G,
and then I have this small sort of a C major line.
Going to the b9 of the D7, so the Eb.
And then, again, using octave displacement,
I play this diminished arpeggio which is then,
the diminished arpeggio found on the third
of D7 in G harmonic minor, which is an F# diminished.
And then I'm ending with this sort of typical bebop phrase,
where I'm resolving to the B and then ending on the one and.
To help your work, I'm playing arpeggios like this,
I have this small exercise in this position.
(upbeat jazz guitar)
So what I'm doing here is just, I'm playing,
for each string, I find an arpeggio, and then I'm playing
the same type of arpeggio, because the difficult
part is probably to play, sort of, the one note per string
figure that we have here.
(upbeat jazz guitar)
So first, an F#, half diminished.
Then a C major 7.
Then a G major 7.
And then a D7.
Now let's see if we can make some new lines using
some of the ideas that was covered in the first three licks.
If we take this last idea with playing the arpeggios
as triplets with a leading note, and then use that
on a D7, then that could be something like this.
(upbeat jazz guitar)
And now that I'm here, I can use the idea that I talked
about in the first example, where I'm using sort of this
16 note scale run, so now I have...
(upbeat jazz guitar)
And then we can, of course, just go down the scale.
(upbeat jazz guitar)
And now, I can go to the F#, and then play
the same idea that I did in the second line, so...
But then up here.
And then resolve to the G.
So now we have... (upbeat jazz guitar)
For the next example, we can start with the trill idea,
so if I start here, that could be something like...
(upbeat jazz guitar)
And then a small scale run.
And then an Am7 arpeggio.
And, as I had in the third example,
the F# half diminished arpeggio.
And that could resolve up to the D,
and then add a small tag by going from D to A.
And then we have this line. (upbeat jazz guitar)
So the idea is here, of course, that you're trying
to identify the small building blocks of the lick,
and then try to get those into your playing,
so that can be the 16 note trill, like...
(upbeat jazz guitar)
And then play that another place in the scale.
(upbeat jazz guitar)
Or the other trill, which was a 16 note triplet, so...
(upbeat jazz guitar)
Or we can do the arpeggio played with a triplet.
(upbeat jazz guitar)
So, all these building blocks you can use to create
your own lines that sound more like bebop.
If you want to check out more stuff on just how many
music theory, chord voicings, and stuff like that,
and this is the first time you've seen one of my videos,
then subscribe to my channel.
I have a new lesson coming out every Thursday,
and I've been doing this for quite some time,
so there's already a lot of stuff
to check out on my channel.
If you wanna help me keep making all these videos,
then check out my Patreon page, I have a small community
on Patreon that help me and support me financially
so I find the time and also find the money to keep
on making all these videos, and I'm very grateful
for all the support that they're giving me.
That's about it for this week, thank you for watching,
and untill next week.
UPS Peak Season Surcharges and Other Carrier Updates - Duration: 3:23.
Hi this Mike Regan with TranzAct's Two Minute Warning for the week of June
26th. Here's what you need to know about UPS's peak season surcharge and other
carrier issues. Last week UPS got some headlines when they announced that they
were implementing a peak season or holiday service charge. Now what this means
is that UPS will be adding 27 cents to each package that comes into their
parcel network during the last week of November and the first week of December
and the week immediately prior to Christmas.
Now while 27 cents doesn't seem like a lot of money, the financial analysts have
noted that it will result in an additional fifty to sixty million
dollars worth of revenue for UPS. And if you're wondering "Why is UPS doing this?"
well there are a couple of reasons. First, they're doing it because they can. What
UPS understands is that if you're a parcel shipper you really don't have a
lot of options especially during the holiday season. You can use the United
States Postal Service, FedEx, or UPS and that leads us to the second reason: UPS
is noting that during certain times of the holiday season they incur
significantly higher costs in order to be able to handle the volume that's in
their network. So UPS is saying we've got higher costs, we need to be able to pass
these costs along to shippers. Now that brings us to a broader point: UPS is not
unique. We talked to a lot of LTL carriers and we talked to a lot of
truckload carriers and during the last 12 months alone we've conducted sourcing
events worth hundreds of millions of dollars. And the reality of it is that
each carrier we talk to is noting that they're getting a much better handle on
their cost structure and with that better handle they're looking to have
rates which reflect the costs they're incurring to service their accounts. And
that brings us to a very critical point: are you conducting a sourcing event in
the near future? If so, then here's what we want you to do:
we want you to pick up the phone or send us an email and
contact us here at TranzAct. We have a wealth of information that we would love
to share with you and this information will help you conduct a better sourcing
event and get better results. And if you're wondering "Well, Mike, we may not
have the resources to do that," we can help you there too. We've got outstanding
resources and one of the reasons it's so good is because the quality of the
information that we can provide to the carriers--whether on a standalone basis
or working in conjunction with you and your team--will guarantee that you will
get better results. So simply give us a call or send us an email and we'll get
right back to you. Now we share all of this information with you because with
each and every Two Minute Warning we are here to remind you: we are on your team,
we're here to help, and we're passionate, passionate about seeing you be
successful. Thanks for your time.
VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:09.
Attention - Charlie Puth (by SaxPinelin) Sax Cover - Duration: 4:22.
You've been running round Running round, running round Throwing that dirt all on my name
Because you knew that I, knew that I Knew that I'd call you up
You've been going round, going round Going round every party in LA
Because you knew that I, knew that I Knew that I'd be at one
I know that dress is karma Perfume regret You got me thinking about when you were mine
And now I'm all up on you What you expect? But you're not coming home with me tonight
You just want attention You don't want my heart
Maybe you just hate The thought of me with someone new
Yeah, you just want attention I knew from the start
You're just making sure I'm never getting over you
You've been running round Running round, running round Throwing that dirt all on my name
Because you knew that I, knew that I Knew that I'd call you up
Baby, now that we're, now that we're Now that we're right here standing face to face
You already know, already know Already know that you won
I know that dress is karma Perfume regret You got me thinking about when you were mine
And now I'm all up on you What you expect But you're not coming home with me tonight
You just want attention You don't want my heart
Maybe you just hate The thought of me with someone new
Yeah, you just want attention I knew from the start
You're just making sure I'm never getting over you
I know that dress is karma Perfume regret You got me thinking about when you were mine
And now I'm all up on you What you expect But you're not coming home with me tonight
You just want attention You don't want my heart
Maybe you just hate The thought of me with someone new
Yeah, you just want attention I knew from the start
You're just making sure I'm never getting over you
✔Cómo poner un Chat en Wordpress 2017 - Instalar o poner Chat en Wordpress Gratis para tu página web - Duration: 31:57.
Geburtstagsüberraschung 🍰 🎁 für Tim von KEYKEEPA | VLOG - Duration: 4:17.
Las Noticias de la mañana, jueves 29 de junio de 2017 | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 4:19.
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy: svelati un nuovo trailer e il peso del gioco su PS4 - Duration: 2:24.
SUBFER - Need Me (ft. Cameryn) - Duration: 3:29.
I will grow on my own
Don't need to be told to be so bold
It's at the peak
Out of reach
But it's what I seek
I can't explain it
Do I take it?
Or just let it slip away?
I wonder why, why do I
Always try, try to climb
To the highest highs
Just to trip and fall?
But I get back up
I wonder why, why do I
Always try, try to climb
To the highest highs
Just to trip and fall?
But I get back up
Yeah I get back up
You used to be my one and all
I still get caught up in our rise and our fall
We were at our peak
Out of reach
Hearts on our sleeves
Now they're hidden
Deep within our walls
Secure and tucked away
Sometimes, I wonder why, why you and I
Stopped tryin'
But now I'm fine
Yeah, I've stopped cryin'
Yet, somehow, you still need me
Sometimes, I wonder why
Why did I, did I try to float in your vast sea
When, in reality
You need me
Yeah, you still need me
McCain Institute Attracting Former Clinton Foundation Donors - Duration: 5:14.
McCain Institute Attracting Former Clinton Foundation Donors
BY Edmondo Burr
The McCain Institute is the new darling of powerful interest groups and foreign donors
seeking to influence U.S. policy after the demise of the Clinton Foundation.
Following Hillary Clinton�s defeat last November, donations to the Clinton Foundation
by foreign donors and the corporate sector dropped by as much as 87 percent and 37 percent.
The Last American Vagabond reports:
While this was clearly devastating news for the Clintons � essentially signaling a drastic
decline in their political clout � it has now become clear that the foundation of another
former U.S. presidential candidate has gained the favor of many of the Clinton Foundation�s
former donors.
Republican Senator John McCain (R-AZ), current chairman of the Senate�s Armed Services
Committee, has seen donations to the McCain Institute surge, particularly donations from
ostensibly �liberal� donors such as George Soros and other long-time Clinton backers.
The McCain Institute is meant to serve as the senator�s �legacy� upon his eventual
retirement and claims to be �dedicated to advancing human rights, dignity, democracy,
and freedom.� Like the Clinton Foundation, the McCain Institute is a tax-exempt, non-profit
foundation with approximately $8.1 million in assets.
However, the McCain Institute�s donor list has raised eyebrows among conservative groups
due to its uncanny similarity to that of the Clinton Foundation.
Among its donors are the neoliberal billionaire and �activist� George Soros, Evelyn and
Lynn de Rothschild, and the for-profit company Teneo.
Teneo was co-founded by Doug Band, a longtime associate of the Clinton family and counselor
to former President Bill Clinton, as well as an instrumental force in the creation of
the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI).
In addition to these individuals, many of the same foreign governments that were known
to donate massive sums to the Clintons have also bestowed their favor on the McCain Institute.
For instance, Saudi Arabia, a nation that funded 20 percent of Clinton�s failed 2016
presidential campaign, made a $1 million donation to the McCain Institute, a donation that both
the foundation and the senator himself have refused to explain.
Watch John McCain shut down a reporter who asked about the Saudis� $1 million donation
to the McCain Institute:
Foreign governments are forbidden from donating to U.S. politicians and often donate to non-profits
in order to gain privileged access to America�s most powerful lawmakers, an arrangement often
called �pay-to-play.� For instance, the Clinton Foundation received between $10 and
$25 million from the Saudi monarchy, with between $1 and $5 million more originating
from the group �Friends of Saudi Arabia,� which was co-founded by a �Saudi prince.�
The McCain Institute has also accepted more than $100,000 from the OCP Group, a Moroccan
state-run phosphate fertilizer company that operates in territory that it has illegally
occupied since 1975.
Morocco has been criticized by human rights groups who argue that the Moroccan government
consistently violates basic human rights and that its state-owned companies subject their
workers to gruesome conditions while exploiting the disputed territory�s natural resources.
The King of Morocco, not so coincidentally, was himself a major donor to the Clinton Foundation.
Hillary Clinton personally received a $12 million check from the king in return for
holding a CGI regional meeting in the country.
Critics of the McCain Institute have repeatedly pointed out the conflict of interest for the
Republican senator while also noting the institute�s similarities to the Clinton Foundation.�This
is a very real conflict of interest,� Craig Holman, a government affairs lobbyist at Public
Citizen, told the Daily Caller.
�This is the similar type of pattern we received with the Clinton Foundation in which
foreign governments and foreign interests were throwing a lot of money in the hopes
of trying to buy influence.�
Concerns have also been voiced regarding the role of the institute�s donors and McCain�s
personal leadership in the organization�s exclusive �Sedona Forum,� which critics
say is remarkably similar to the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) in that it hosts an annual
gathering of special interests and powerful political figures, resulting in the alleged
creation of pay-to-play schemes.
While McCain�s coherence may be fading, his political power in Washington still stands,
meaning that the McCain Institute will likely continue to attract the attention and funds
of powerful special interests and foreign governments.
sirens ► crossovers [+picasso30dali] - Duration: 1:35.
you're a bad guy
I don't want to be with a bad guys
don't do this
it's all about you
I hate you
I was trying to protect you
but you really hurt my feelings
I never feel that type of fear
and for the first time
I can imagine a future where I was happy
I'm going to go find him
I don't want you to leave
I want you to feel what I'm feeling
I love you
an that moment
everything was perfect
VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:09.
Rotterdam Onderweg - Maastunnel volledig afgesloten 15 t/m 18 juli 2017 - Duration: 0:31.
쥬만지: 웰컴 투 더 정글 JUMANJI: Welcome to the Jungle 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:34.
Because I'm in love with you! - Y7W (71) English subtitles HD - Duration: 3:20.
I'm Sorry - Season 1 Trailer | truTV - Duration: 1:26.
How could a baby even come out of your vagina?
Your body know to make your vagina hole get really really big and then the baby can just
shoot out.
You have a huge vagina?
As a comedy person, I could be very immature about this.
Who is insane enough to hire Gigi Hadid as their nanny?
Have you learned nothing from the sound of music?
A taken man banging it with his hot nanny.
Maybe her butthole fell out.
Mommy, what are you talking about?
Just a pretend person from an old book.
We are animals by the way.
I'm not.
You're like a raccoon, you look super cute
but inside you're garbage.
Oh now I see why it's called tea-bagging.
You just draw a line right to it Mom.
I don't think tea-bagging usually involves the squeeze at the end.
Did you know that the Aztec -- Oh did you know that I don't give a sh-t.
That's far.
But also they grew a lot of crops that involved avocados and there were tomatos and onions
and garlic.
I don't want to use the term lost cause.
Then let's not say that.
I think he does want to say lost cause, and then you told him not to and now it's uncomfortable.
You are somebodies mother.
Sorry, I forgot.
Moms aren't supposed to be funny.
Pretty Little Liars #Endgame | Live Reactions! - Duration: 13:25.
Hello my friends! Kaitlyn and Katherine here! And we're going to watch the finale. The series finale!
Of Pretty Little Liars! Ahhhhh!
(high five slap) Yeah!
Oh my goodness! We're about to watch the finale! Ahhh! It's been like, what? 7 years of ridiculous nonsense.
So much has happened. People have died. People have broken up. People have gotten together.
People we've thought have died but not actually died.
Okay, who do you think it is? Who dunnit?
I don't know. I guess I have several theories. I don't really like any of them. I feel like if it was Ezra, it would be
really devastating. But I don't know why he would have befriended CeCe so that doesn't make sense.
The like "Twincer" Spencer twin theory is interesting, but I don't know if they would do a twin again.
I feel like they aren't going to repeat that story. Like I was talking to a friend who said they thought it could be Toby
maybe because he wasn't in, hasn't been in these episodes a lot. And how heartbreaking for Spencer who's
like mom isn't really her mom and like has all these siblings that she didn't know about and siblings she thought were her siblings but aren't.
And then also, p.s. the man that you've been in love with, even though he married another woman, has also been
torturing you your entire life. The end. It's like.
Yeah. I don't have any good theories. I don't either. Which is concerning. That it's concerning that we don't even have like suspects.
Cuz it's like "Who knows! Caleb? Maybe!"
I used to think they had a plan. I don't quite think they have much of a plan anymore. I know! I'm feeling like it's
really discombobulated and it's just like...nnnnn...this one! That looks good. This is the ending!
So that's where we're at! Yep! So let's go. We're going to watch it now! Ahhhhh!
What does this mean? Is this like ghost of Christmas past, present, and future. Hahaha! Oh. What? Okay.
Are you here to kill me?
That's what I wanna know! Ah! (theme begins playing) Oh my gosh! I have goose bumps all over.
(theme playing and girls singing with it) gotta lock it in your pocket, taking this one to the grave.
Here you go! It's a baby! What about you Grace? *GASP* Whoa!
Ezra put me in charge of the wedding so he took charge of the honeymoon. And he promised me a...
That's not real life. I always want a man like this and that's never. That's like, one in like a billion or something.
I mean to be honest, I don't know, if you're out there send us a message or something. But...
Melissa! Ohhhhh!
Okay, what do we think so far? I feel like not a lot has happened until that moment. No, no, no.
I like that they're maybe like wrapping up some things or not introducing a ton of things without giving it time to
be answered. If they had started out the first 15 minutes like, giving a bunch of new information that I don't
understand anything about that felt overwhelming, I'd be annoyed. I was surprised with twins. But kind of makes
sense. I'm glad they're gonna throw twins in there somewhere. They do not look like Emily's babies though.
And uh, tap dancing Lucas. That was really weird. I mean, that was obviously a dream sequence, but
who's dream was it?
Okay so, so far, I still have no guesses. Me neither.
This is it! Oh! Oh it! This is it! Ah!
Are they playing scrabble? Shut up! Oh!
We won't be able to show these scenes. My children viewers!
Guys, nothing's happening. Cover their eyes. We'll just turn them around.
Oh! (laughing) My goodness!
Aria! (aria crying) What's wrong? I can't marry Ezra. (sighs) (whimpers) What are you doing to me?!
Oh! We're gonna pull the face. You're not really...who are you? Okay, it's not Melissa so...oh. Mona?
Does that mean that you're...no! What is happening?
What does this mean?
Mona is there with a Melissa mask. What is the importance of wearing a Melissa mask?
Like what would be important? I'm not sure other than to just screw with us as viewers. Right!
Scrabble. Let's just...
They have such like iconic moments that I think it's much easier to do flashbacks. And like people recognize it.
You asked me to put on the Melissa mask and then you don't even want me to use it. It was a test.
Aria? I can't have kids. Oh...
I mean cuz like clearly A.D....like Mona is still in touch with A.D. Has nothing happened for the last year?
Mhmm. And then, what's making A.D. come back? Do they have anything on them anymore? Maybe they
just want to screw with...
Uhhhhh. (laughing) There's a very interesting Febreeze commercial happening right now.
Attractive mean don't poop.
I love you too. Awwwwwwww! (giggling)
Oh! Hello Spencer! Ahhh!
Oh! Hello! We'll turn you back around now. (laughing) You can't watch this part.
No...good things do not happen when creepy piano music starts to play.
Deja vu bitch! (smashing sound) (GASP) Ohhh! What!?
Mona just straight up hit Spencer up top the head. Like, let's reenact. Bam! Boom! (laughing)
Uh.... Guys!
(on TV) We didn't think you'd wake up so soon Spencer. Mary?
(gurgles of shock)
One of my theories was right! (giggling)
Oh my god, maybe it was fake Spencer that was visiting. And handed her something under the table. They
touched hands, maybe it was twin Spencer that was visiting and put the visitor's tag on and like, handed
her something to escape! And we thought it was real Spencer!
Also, I'm pretty positive fake Spencer was with Wren that day. That has to be!
Can I kiss you? (GASPS) Just one last time? Just to say good-bye? (sighs)
See! Come on! You knew it! She knew it! Spencer would not do these things! She has morals!
Well...Troian is the only one that could pull this off. Cuz seriously, can we talk just about Troian Bellisario for a minute?
And her incredibly acting? Like, Nina Dobrev playing Katherine and Elena. And all the other versions of them.
Like, the ability to create unique, distinct characters that can stand on their own. Troian! Double thumbs up!
Wren is dead. So there's that little. That's so sad! He's diamonds. (laughing) Diamonds are a girls best friend!
So Kaitlyn and I have talked about how she felt like Spencer has not been acting true to the character
because of some of the things like sleeping with Toby a few weeks ago and just some of those pieces have not
felt true to this character we really love so it's just, this moment is very rewarding for her to be able to say like "This is!" Ahhhh!!!
Okay, here is what we need to speculate, is she going to die? Is she going to run away? Are they going to have
her get arrested? I mea like, how do you end this in a way that like... Yeah. Are they going to end it for good?
Yeah to end it for good, I mean, I think she needs to die.
I think Ezra's gonna figure it out. Well like in that last episode where he was all like, "I have a degree in
American Literature. I can do anything." (laughing) Like, that's not usually what people say. Props to English majors across the world!
Toby will also know. Surely. I hope so! They're not meant to be together if he can't figure out that's not the real Spencer.
I don't think Spencer's Spencer.
Thank you, Jenna! We never thought we'd say it.
She's Spencer's evil twin? That's who's doing this to us? Hanna!
Mona...please just be running your own game. Ugh! Come on Mona! We have high hopes for you!
Okay so seriously like, is it plausible that they found out this fast. It's a series finale and they have to, but is it plausible that they get there.
This is not Spencer. Is it a twin? Is this really a thing we're doing that fast?
What is happening with Mona? Because seriously like, is she good or bad? I just...I feel like is just as big of a question.
I think someone has to die in this episode. It's gonna be Mona. Mhmm. Cuz like it can't be any of the ships. Right!
439.752 W 1.2057. Mona would know the coordinates. Not like an address.
They need to change her shirt so we know which one's which! Ugh! I'm feeling really stressed!
There's gotta be a way out of here. Don't separate!
Someone needs to stay upstairs! No! This is how it always happens!
It's me. Spencer. Don't listen to her. Look at me. You know me.
(Spencer speaking in French)
Thank goodness! (sigh of relief) (laughing) Oh my gosh!
(text message chiming) This is not okay. (laughing) Marlene! I like it.
They're married, guys! We're so happy!
I'm pregnant. Awwww! Yay!
For some reason this feels like it's the end of something.
Guys I'm tearing a little.
What's happening? Ha! Please tell me Mona just moved. I don't know. Why are there mini dolls in dollhouses again?
Tea time, pretty girl. Did she build a dollhouse for Mary and Alex? (laughing)
(laughing) Mona wins! Yes! How did she get them? Ah! That's better. I was like, "They can't just send her to jail."
I don't know. This seems unnecessary. Right? Why is this happening? Why didn't we just end it with Mona?
You kind of lost me, Marlene.
Let's just start with some basics. Spencer has a twin
That was...we proposed that earlier. By we, I mean, she. Well, it's stuff I've...I've read a lot of comments. And it
was something that I've seen in comments. The Spencer has a twin theory.
I think I believe it. I mean, 2 seconds after it finished. You know, it's been off for a grand total of 48 seconds. But...
I think I buy it. Yeah. I feel like I need to go back and rewatch and like... Yeah. Conceptually fit it in. But they
did a good job. And again, Troian Bellisario, ten points for your acting. Like, yeah!
I kinda had hoped that they would do that just because I knew that she could pull it off. So it was cool to see her
like acting chops coming out. Incredibly talented. So my worry coming into this like finale was it would be
far-fetched enough that I wouldn't buy it. Like I think that the way...they explained enough key things that and
there were some atypical Spencer things that happened and what a cute moment, Toby, "What's your favorite poem from the book that you gave me?"
And he just knows! Like he knows her!
And then all the ships. Yes. Got wrapped up and sent out to sea! Happiness! Yes!
I think the only thing I'm having trouble with is the timeline of when Alex met CeCe. Like was this all while
she was playing the game with the girls originally? Cuz she was like locked away. Right. For five years so...
What I'm confused about is how was CeCe playing the game in America while also being in England and
hanging out with Alex.
I think the like the takedown was a little bit less than I, I mean, I felt like it had to happen. But it was a little
cliche and the like, twins are fighting and they're wearing the same thing. You don't know and the love has to pick.
But in the end, Mona won the game. How poetic! And then the flashback, the full-circle. Why do we need to
full-circle that? Yeah. I think they could have left out that last full-circle thing. I mean, they set it up exactly the way
this show is set up so like, what are you going to do? Have the exact same show?
And now it's the...it's done! There's no more Pretty Little Liars, guys!
What do you, what do you do with your Tuesday nights now?
Hey! Okay! So that was Pretty Little Liars! I have like 2 hours of footage now that I have to edit down into a
manageable amount of video. Don't worry. A lot of it is just us going....OH MY GOODNESS! (laughing)
Remember to like, favorite, share, and subscribe if this video made you smile! (giggling)
See you guys on Thursday! Bye!
(high five smack) Yeah!
Kickin' With Kash EP. 7 (Part 2) : Destination Dubai - Duration: 6:33.
That's where we are performing tonight
Just kidding!
One day!
For my youtube viewers
Can you tell them where we are?
( Shakthi: We are at Dubai Marina Walk)
There's actually a street festival thingy going on
As you guys can see
Lit up..
Pretty buildings
All by the riverside
With a nice skyline
All that stuff
Here we come!
Until the day that I meet Richard Branson
And he is a contact on my speed dial
I'ma just gonna hug every Virgin sign I see
Shout out to RB!
These animals should be kept free
Say hi
We're gonna go check out the fountain
At the Dubai mall
Yall... check that out!
Welcome to the Global Village
Can't wait to go in!
I see some rides
So while Shakthi and Dubai DJ Khaled goes shopping
I'm gonna go up and down
Indoor and outdoor pub
Based on the...
Concept of Ireland
A must see place when you are in Dubai
So we are gonna check it out
Ever seen ducks going to an Irish pub?
There you have it!
We're getting some food
Irish Village was awesome
Awesome awesome
We met some really nice people there
Check this out!
We're in heaven
We're in a mall
Like ton of rides
Time to go Craaaazy!
So here we are
Out here in the desert
Crazy feeling
It's like being out in an open body of sea
But it is sand
Just wana get lost out here
Terminal 3
Heading back home to Singapore
Can't wait to go home and see Mom
I turn 27 in 2 days time
On the 29th of March
I'm getting back home
So that I can spend some time with my Mom
For my birthday
Can't wait
And after that
I'm off to India
Spotify香港播放次數最多的歌曲 TOP50 - Duration: 12:11.
Top 10 Offline Racing Games For Android 2017 | Best Offline Racing Games For Android 2017 - Duration: 6:46.
Top 10 Offline Racing Games For Android 2017
Best Offline Racing Games For Android 2017
Offline Racing Games For Android 2017
Witness The Roots of the LA Crack Epidemic - Duration: 2:16.
This little dot,
has massive implications.
This little dot, in the middle of south central LA, affected the course of the nation.
This was one of the first arrests of a crack user in 1981.
So what does this dot have to do with you?
A lot more, than you might think.
As early as 1981, reports of the alleged crack epidemic, began surfacing in Los Angeles.
Crack rock was cheaper, purer and easier to get than traditional cocaine.
And it took lower income areas by storm.
TV Anchor: A drug so pure and so strong, it might just as well be called:
Crack of doom.
By 1983, the epidemic had taken hold of the city,
turning communities into war zones.
And soon, crack became a national crisis.
Reagan: Today there is a new epidemic, smokable cocaine.
smokable cocaine.
Otherwise known as crack.
It is an uncontrolled fire.
Reagan's anti-drug abuse act
imposed harsher sentences on crack
than traditional cocaine use
leading to a decades long debate
that the law was unfairly targeting minorities and
and lower income neighborhoods
who couldn't afford the more expensive cocaine powder.
Incarcerations in LA skyrocketed.
By 1995 the California department of corrections increased its black and latino inmates from
21,476 to 88,376.
This led to broken families,
an overblown foster care system,
increased violence,
and a growing skid row that crippled the nation.
That's until a long overdue correction was made.
In 2010, Obama put an end to Reagan's anti-drug abuse act.
While many feel it was too little, too late,
it was a step towards correcting
a racially skewed prison system.
But was it enough?
Now there are recent debates about a return to Reagan era laws.
Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
Kickin' With Kash EP. 7 (Part 1) : A. R. Rahman Live in Dubai 2017 - Duration: 9:28.
Just waiting for the pickup
Alright... 'bouta get going to the hotel
So, the first meal we're having in Dubai is Biryani!
And that's some mango pickles
Which I love, so I asked for that
And that's papads
If you guys don't know, for my non-indian fans
So yup!
Can't wait to dig in
Signing off for now
Lunch time!
Just getting on stage
Hi annes! ( *Translates to: elder brother )
Saaptaacha? ( *Translates to: have you eaten? )
Yo Karthik!
( Karthik: hello, how are you? )
Good! You?
( Karthik: superb )
Day 1 of rehearsals and it's 12 midnight
We're at Shahjah Cricket Stadium
We're about to shoot a music video for "Rap War 2.0"
So... can't wait
For the show on the 17th
( Shakthi: I'm blue, like a smurf now )
Ooh trippy!
[ Soundcheck for "Rapwar 2.0" ]
So we're cooking something crazy up, for the video
He's doing some crazy stuff ay!
Day 2
On the way
Here we go to the stadium now
Did we get enough rest, last night?
No we didn't
The hustle continues
Done with day 2 of rehearsals
Tomorrow is show day
Okay signing off for now
Let's do this tomorrow!
All set and ready for the night
Sitting backstage
4 more songs to Rapwar 2.0
It's crazy
Shahjah Cricket Stadium is packed with people
Can't wait to go on stage
It's a blessing!
[ "Rapwar 2.0" ]
Rapwar 2.0! We just got done
Dubai, UAE we hope you guys liked it
One love, signing out
Finally back in the room
( Sri: see you guys )
In a while
Nothing like coming back to the room, after the show
Good morning
We haven't slept
We're having fun, just sitting in the room
Almost 7am in Dubai, as you can see the sun is up
( RJ: A. R. Rahman Live 2017, just took place last night )
( RJ: The Oscar winner performed many different songs for us )
( RJ: Lady Kash. Welcome to the studio )
( RJ: How are you? )
LK :NalIa irukaen ( * Translates: I am good )
( RJ: We are very happy to see you here in the studio, after last night's performance )
( RJ: She looks as cool as her songs )
( RJ: We're happy this moment, to have you here with us )
( RJ: Where did you journey start from? )
( RJ: We have heard alot, please do tell us )
LK: Yea so, some people know that my real name is
LK: Kalaivani (Goddess of Arts)
LK: So my dad has given me a fitting name
LK: From young I have been writing
LK: A lot of rhythms and poetry (RAP)
LK: And I connected more with the rhythms than melody
LK: I had no one to teach me how to rap
LK: So I had to self....
LK: Teach myself how to rap
LK: The rap world is dominated by guys
LK: I studied music in Chennai for 3 years
LK: That is when I rapped for Endhiran
LK: The song.. "Irumbile"
LK: So..
LK: That kind of a debut, manifesting..
LK: Like, we're talking Rajinikanth, Aishwaraya Rai..
LK: I couldn't have asked for a better beginning
LK: And..
LK: Whatever song I do,
LK: I put myself in that same day
LK: Like its my first song
( RJ: How did it feel, performing that first song with him on stage? )
LK: Whenever you're getting on stage with him
LK: It feels like the first time again
LK: The first concert I did with him was.. Infinite Love
LK: In Singapore and Malaysia
LK: We did 2 editions
LK: So that is where I got the opportunity to perform
LK: Together with him on stage
LK: We performed the song "Irumbile" from Endhiran
LK: They had like 50 robots dancers
LK: So..
LK: First time performing with him
LK: And he is right beside me!
LK: Like performing with Dinesh and Blaaze..
LK: Is like performing with my friends
LK: Performing with Sir, it's like.. performing with my boss!
LK: So there is a kind of fear..
LK: Plus..
LK: Plus, I have to prove him right
LK: I have to do justice to him
LK: So when you perform with a feeling like that..
LK: It is a really, exciting feeling
( RJ: Superb! We're feeling so happy! )
( RJ: How was the feeling, after yesterday's show! )
( RJ: As you said earlier, you're feeling sleepy.
( RJ: So how was the past 20 minutes in the studio so far? )
( RJ: Are you feeling less sleepy? )
LK: Ya! I feel good..
LK: I'm really looking forward to checking out Dubai
LK: And I hope everyone enjoyed
LK: Last night's performance of "Rap War 2.0"
( RJ: Very nice! )
( RJ: Here we have another one of our RJs.. Bravo! )
( RJ: Bravo is a huge fan of Lady Kash )
( RJ: And the moment he saw a text in the group chat )
( RJ: He "flew" down to see her )
( RJ: Yes, Bravo. What would you like to say? )
( RJ Bravo: I didn't expect her to be here )
( RJ Bravo: There are only a few female rappers in the indian movie industry )
( RJ Bravo: So.. )
( RJ Bravo: Firstly her voice is unbeatable, seriously )
( RJ Bravo: Even I have tried rapping to her lyrics )
( RJ: Why don't you try rapping now? )
LK: You should do it
( RJ Bravo: Yeh? Okay, lets rap together )
LK: Alright!
[ "Irumbile" rap verse ]
Paondémie (Peacock-up) - My Røde Reel 2017 - Duration: 3:01.
Spider-Man Homecoming Early Review- No Spoilers - Duration: 7:58.
Hey Guys, this review is completely spoilers free, in a matter of fact, those of us who
got to see the early screening don't have the permission to make a Spoiler review as
of yet.
So you don't have to worry about getting spoilered with any plot details.
Before, I go into the review.
If I had to say one thing about this movie, it would be that the best thing is the movie
is consistent.
Very often with Superhero movies, the first act has 7 star qualities, but the last act
turns out to be 3 star level or Vice Versa.
This difference of quality often leads us to leave the theatres with a sense of disappointment,
but when it comes to this movie.
Don't expect a 7 star First act or finishing, but what you can expect is a 5 star rating
worthy quality, all throughout the movie.
It will set up a certain level of expectations for you at the beginning and it will not fall
from that standard.
The Climax was executed perfectly, and we have to thank the vulture character played
by Michael Keaton for that, can't discuss this without spoilers, but yeah you can have
your hopes high.
Now, let's get to the review.
Spider man: Homecoming is at the helm of social media just two weeks before its release and
undoubtedly fans are going nuts, grabbing the glimpse of every poster, trailer, videos
and articles that are coming near their hands.
The cast and crew as well as Marvel must be happy that the critics are by their side and
showering them with all the good comments and praises.
Many are adjudging Spider man: Homecoming as one of the best movies of this franchise
and why not?
This movie has a lot of potential in terms of entertainment; creativity and expected
to do great at the box office.
The earlier trailers of this movie give a flawless view promising the audiences that
it won't let their expectations down.
The high school teenagers would be the one to get fascinated with Tom Holland's Spiderman
and they can relate with this character with more insight as this Peter Parker is a 16
year old boy, who loves and admires the God like superheroes and wants to be one of them,
clearly depicting the hidden desires of any die hard teen fan of Marvel or DC superheroes.
Perhaps the elders would love it as this would be a golden opportunity for them to ride through
the Spiderman Homecoming timeline and get back in their early days of high school having
a nostalgic experience.
The Spider man: 1 had a same high school setup featuring Toby as the high school student
but that one doesn't give you the opportunity to explore your high school days in more depth
or fails to engage you with the theme whatsoever.
Tom Holland as Peter Parker is much more convincing than Tobey as he is a child actor and spends
much of his time in school which means that the audiences will get more glimpse of the
school environment students roaming around the corridors, chilling out with indoor games,
gossiping, busy in labs or classes making you feel that you are on a walk in flesh and
body in a real high school.
Teenagers with their energy, swag and refreshing approaches are something that you will never
want to miss on the screens.
Most of the fan theories about Zendaya turned out to be wrong, but you will be surprised
a little bit with what they do with her, she is a very likeable character, I give you that.
There was some controversies about Tony Revolori playing the Flash, as he doesn't look all
that athletic like he was previously depicted, but he did an amazing job with the role.
Even though Initially I was among the people who thought it might not work, the movie has
managed to change my opinion.
Recently, Spiderman Homecoming has got a new poster released on IMAX, it just gives you
the feel of laying your hand on the cover page of a high school year book connecting
you deeply with the movie.
Many elders have disliked the poster saying that it totally unfits with the theme of a
super hero but the kids have loved it.
A 15 year old fan Nathan has commented on IMAX " OMG, this poster is so creative and
amazing I'm 100% seeing Spider man Homecoming in IMAX 3D on my 15th birthday."
Let's not forget Peter's Aunt Mary played by Marisa who is probably the first young
aunt in MCU.
However, this time Aunt Mary is more engaged in the story doing something significant than
being a typical caring aunt, and believe me the internet will have a lot of memes to make.
Iron man's involvement in this movie on its own is a great advantage.
Robert Downey Jr needs no introduction as he has achieved the legendary status along
with Iron man's character.
The sizzling appearance of Iron man in Homecoming has many important aspects as this legendary
character will certainly provide a big thrust for the movie to run well at the box office.
Recall the previous posters of Homecoming where Iron man has been promoted significantly
besides Spider man as if we will be seeing him through the entire movie.
There's a huge demand for another Ironman movie, and now you can see how MCU is utilizing
that by holding it back.
The Iron man and Spider man combination as a teacher and student is refreshing, sounds
interesting and increases our appetite for the movie.
Iron man in Homecoming will be Peter Parker's mentor which means that if he ever wants to
join the Avengers he will be given a warm hearty welcome.
MCU is actually making a way to bind Spider-man and fix his position in the Avengers team.
It is as prominent as MCU is planning an untitled Avengers movie and Avenger: Infinity War both
featuring Tom Holland as Spider-man.
Now there can be a question why Iron man is selected as the mentor amongst all the superheroes?
This is simply because no one could be better than a scientific intellect and genius engineer,
as a mentor to train a Super Human, whose mind is also Super.
Now fans do not assume that you will be watching Iron Man in every Spider man movie.
Tom Holland has confirmed that MCU is planning a trilogy for Spider man solo movies as he
stated" There is a lot of room for Peter Parker and Spider-man especially to grow in
the next two movies.
I really look forward to exploring the different ways he can grow up and go through puberty
I guess.
It's going to be an exciting couple of movies …yeah there will be Spider-Man 2, 3 and
it won't be Homecoming 2, 3."
Marvel has also planned to keep the same High School theme for Peter Parker in at least
one more movie."
Now let's talk about some smashing actions in the Homecoming.
Some stunts performed by Tom Holland has gone viral on the internet, they are just awesome.
In Homecoming, Spider man will continue his signature swings from top of one building
to another but this time the action sequence has been heightened in ally with thrilling
background scores , gluing your eyes on the screens.
So this would be a treat for the action loving fans.
As I have mentioned earlier that critics have expressed positive reviews about Homecoming.
This is what one of them, Gemain has to say "Spider man Homecoming is a blast.
It has an innocence that differentiate it from other MCU movies but plenty of fun and
When critics are enjoying and being influenced by a movie, praising it whole heartedly that
rarely happens simply mean that it is worth watching.
Spider man: Homecoming will release on 7th July so fans don't miss to watch it on the
For All Marvel, DC and Dragon Ball Updates make sure to subscribe to our channel, and
hit the bell button so you can get a notification, whenever we upload a video.
Origami Steel Utility Rack - Duration: 12:49.
#myAC SPOTLIGHT - Dennis Tabarana - Duration: 1:54.
Hello, I'm Dennis Tabarana!
I'm from England, moved here about 8 months ago and I came to Alexander College
straight away!
My dad came here with a Skilled Workers Program, and I just decided that a change of pace,
something different than England, and try to focus on my studies a bit more.
Currently part of the Guitar Club, the Conversation Club, Mandarin Club, the Outdoors
Adventure Club, Billiards Club, Violin Club, so I do a bit!
Going out trying new things, we went canoeing at one point, snowboarding was fun,
just a lot of getting out of your comfort zone!
Planning to apply to UBC, transferring next January
I believe.
Biochem and then Medicine!
I guess, a big tip is just to meet new people,
you can talk, it's not just copying from a book or
off the board, listening to a presentation, it's part of an
interactive kind of thing.
Take advantage of the clubs, the events that ACSA put on,
they actually do a lot for the students and a lot of them, I feel don't know what's going
on, so I'd say keep in touch with the members of staff, and members of
ACSA just
to know what's going on!
1979-2017 F150 Battle Born Graphic Package Review & Install - Duration: 2:40.
So this is going to be the perfect accessory or graphic pack for the F-150 owner out there
that wants to make their truck look that much different from any other rig either on or
off-road, with its really cool-looking American flag logo running down the sides of your truck.
This is going to be something that's going to create a very large impact on the sides
of your truck, letting you show a little bit more appreciation to the great country that
we live in.
Furthermore, it's going to install really easily.
For that, I am going to be giving this an easy one out of three wrenches on our difficulty
meter here.
But despite its size, expect to be working with this for a few hours.
No looks aside here, in terms of the construction, this is a premium vinyl.
That's a 3.2-mil cast construction.
That's something, typically, high-end exotic shops use to wrap cars.
It's going to feature a clear coat protective layer up top, and make sure it shines up good
throughout the course of your truck's life.
On the adhesive side, that's going to have something called an "air release technology,"
which essentially means that it's not going to fight you when it comes time to install
Now, this is going to be some of the best and toughest vinyl out there compared to your
typical styles.
It's going to be able to withstand a ton of abuse, either in or outdoors.
Now, this is going to be some of the toughest material available that we can put on our
cars or trucks available today.
It's going to be able to withstand the elements, no matter what part of the country you're
living in, without coming apart, chipping, fading, or deteriorating like you might find
with other styles.
Looking at the pricing, expect to be spending about $280 to $310 to get this onto your truck.
I know it sounds like it's pretty expensive.
But you need to consider that this is some of the best material available, and it's a
really small price to pay just to show how much you love your country.
But in terms of the installation, like I did say a little bit earlier, this will warrant
an easy one out of three wrenches on the difficulty meter.
But [given its size], and this is just one side here, expect to be putting this on for
a few hours.
Now, because of its size, this is something that I would definitely suggest having a buddy
help you out with, just because it can be a little tough to do by yourself.
But to get started, you're really only going to need a water bottle and a squeegee.
In that water bottle, you're going to want a little bit of a soapy mixture, just so that
you'll spray the sides of your truck, get the graphic in place, and then position it
Once it's in a position where you're satisfied with how it looks, then you can start by working
out all that excess moisture, give it a good once over, and then you're good to go.
So that's going to wrap up my quick review of the Battle Born Graphic Package, fitting
your '97 through current F-150 that can be found right here at americantrucks.com.
FACE OFF | Season 12, Episode 3: Here's Hoping | SYFY - Duration: 1:36.
So if you could start seaming and I'll work the bald cap.
- Hi. - Hey.
- Hey, good morning. - Isabelle, you're going to be
the witch, the lead witch character.
- Oh, okay. - So Nelson and I
are gonna be working on you.
Nelson and I do a drybrush technique on the wood witch
to bring out the light of the oak and the texture of the bark.
- The face looks a little, maybe, muddy.
- Yeah, I agree.
And I'm realizing that our textures
are starting to look different.
So I passed the face off to Nelson so that
he can work on blending the face and the cowl together.
And, as much as I want to do my own paint job,
it's more important that the face
doesn't look separate from the cowl.
If you wanna go over it with the dry brush
and work the entire character... - Okay.
That would really unify her, you know?
- Do you wanna try to move your head around?
Joseph and I are working on the fairy godfather.
We decided not to sculpt a cowl for this character,
but instead we made a cowl out of moss and vines.
Oh, this looks so good.
It is going on quick and efficiently,
and it's looking very cohesive.
The forest is coming to life on him.
But so far, every time I liked something,
we ended up at the bottom.
So fingers crossed.
Patricia Nash Doppia Convertible Leather Satchel - Duration: 5:23.
Announcement! / NEW Channel Name / "UK Railway Hub" / Immediate Changes AND Updates / Description - Duration: 0:33.
How to drop UVic courses - Duration: 1:27.
In this video, we will learn how to register for the classes we have chosen and built into
a timetable.
Begin by logging in to My page (uvic.ca/mypage) with your Netlink-ID and password.
Next, go to "Student services" on the left-hand side of My page
Then, click on the Registration tab and select "Add or drop classes"
On the Registration tab, select "Add or drop classes"
The first step is to select a term.
Under "Current Schedule", select "Web Drop" for the course you want to remove
Confirm you want to drop in the popup confirmation window
Click "Submit Changes"
Don't forget to remove labs and tutorials
You can only drop classes online up to the add/drop deadlines.
If it's after the deadline because the "Web Drop" action won't be clickable.
If this happens to you, contact your adviser.
If the course you want to drop is a year-long course, you'll need to submit the second
term section, change to the first term, then submit the first term section.
Prepare for Greatness - Matthew - Duration: 1:11.
Great is being successful in your own way.
You just have to put your work in.
If you don't put the work in, you're never gonna get it.
And you have to realize that you have to evolve.
You have to change to become that better person that you want to be.
I love being told no or told that I can't do it, cause it gives me the drive, it gives me the
ambition to be great.
The self determination, the self motivation, it just drove me.
It absolutely drove me to strive for greatness.
And that's what I did.
A big thanks to College Board and Khan Academy for giving me the support that I needed.
I love that support.
It's like I have some people to lean on, you always need that.
SAT practice on Khan Academy is very beneficial.
I juggled football practice, leadership academy, school work, AP work, and everything.
If I can do it, you can do it too.
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