Hi everybody! Welcome to VeroSweetHobby!
In this video I'll show how to make something that is
super trendy now, it's yummy and very colorful.
We are going to make together
a unicorn ice cream.
Home-make and easy so you can make it
for your kids while they are on vacations.
Are you going to help me? Yes!
Are we going to use pretty colors? Yes!
Remember that you have to watch all this video until the end,
to learn how to make this delicious ice cream.
And don't forget to...
subscribe to my mommy's channel!
Yes! You have to press the red button down below
that says Subscribe
and if you want to get all my notifications to know when
I upload new videos,
click on the little bell.
This home- made ice cream is so easy to make
that I'm sure you will be delighted,
because it is very delightful, yet super simple to make.
Begin mixing 2 cups of heavy whipping cream
in your mixer at half speed
don't go at full speed.
Mix it until right before it becomes chantillí cream.
Once that's ready,
we add a teaspoon of vanilla...
then we take it out of the mixer
and add 1 can of condensed milk slowly mixing it with a spatula.
Once your ice cream mix is ready,
you can add fruit for example,
strawberries, kiwis, etc
You can puree your fruit
and add it to your ice cream mix,
that will be super yummy and healthy.
Now, I will split the cream into 4 bowls
and each one is going to have a different color.
No no...
Now we will prepare our serving pan mixing the colors
Have you seen this beautiful ice cream?
I love to make it this way,
without mixing the colors too much
so you can tell the difference between them.
Now we will take it to the freezer,
ideally, you need to leave it there overnight.
I did one last night, so I will take it out
and show you a pretty way to serve them.
I hope you liked to learn how to make this yummy
home-made ice cream.
I specially like the colors
I think it's so fun! I hope you take advantage of this video and enjoy it!
If you like this video, don't forget to send me your love
liking this video, commenting, and telling me
what kind of sweet you would like me to do
this summer! Kisses and hugs to everyone!
Don't forget to suscribe
and I'll see you next week on VeroSweetHobby.
For more infomation >> Cómo hacer Helado Casero de Unicornio! FACIL! Sin máquina y con sólo 3 ingredientes! - Duration: 4:20.-------------------------------------------
¡Las razones por las que México perdió ante Alemania! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:30.
¡Rosie Rivera habla sobre el abuso sexual que sufrió! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:42.
¡Acompáñanos a disfrutar con la nieve de verano en Sochi! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:43.
¡Sorpréndete con la vista al restaurante Séptimo Cielo! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 1:58.
Flamenco, un ritmo muy español pero con un toque ruso | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:16.
¡Chile es la esperanza para vengar el honor de México! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 1:59.
Kate del Castillo da consejos para evitar la deportación | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:47.
Kate del Castillo alza su voz contra el gobierno mexicano | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 1:29.
Recetas de cocina: Cómo hacer Tostadas de Pollo | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:49.
¡Yandel confirmó que habrá nuevos temas junto a Wisin! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:21.
¡Aprende cómo hacer peinados de moda con trenzas rusas! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:20.
¿Será verdad que Daniel Sarcos está enamorado de Rashel? | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:39.
El horóscopo de hoy, 30 de junio de 2017, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:24.
RAMO DE NOVIA: Cómo elegir el tuyo según tu look - Duration: 10:34.
14 mass-spring-damper in Simulink / Matlab - Duration: 2:23.
Activación Cartilla Pedagógica Sitios de Memoria. Región de Antofagasta - Duration: 5:46.
Electric Engel English dub - Duration: 3:12.
I like singing;
isn't that how I came to being?
Saying that you like my voice,
you've really made me happy!
I didn't understand anything but the binary 0's and 1's,
but you taught me the meaning of "I."
From that day on, my heart's empty space
is always filled up by you.
As long as I can be with you,
even my digital heart will start to throb.
Almost like a quantum wind,
my heart will start to sway.
I hate being alone,
because I'll end up melting away in a lonely world.
I like to spend time with you,
because you really warm me up.
I can't accomplish anything by myself,
but you gave me songs to sing.
From that day on, my heart's empty space
is always filled up by you.
As long as I can be with you,
even my digital heart will start to throb.
Almost like a quantum wind,
my heart will start to sway.
As long as I can be with you,
my world will keep on expanding.
Almost like an angel's wings,
will my heart also take off?
As long as I can be with you,
even my digital heart will start to throb.
Almost like a quantum wind,
my heart will start to sway.
আজ মেসির সেই মেয়ের সাথেই স্বপ্নের বিয়ে ! দুই সন্তান হলো বর যাত্রী ?? - Duration: 2:29.
Minecraft Tutorial | Best TNT Trap? - Duration: 4:20.
Today we're gonna learn how to build that simple, yet effective TNT trap.
Here's what it does
Before we dive into the construction,
You need to know that TNT deals different amount of damage depending on the difficultie you're on.
On peaceful, explosions are harmless and on hard the trap work best
Now, for the first step, collect all these resources.
Pause the video if you need to.
Double-check that you got a dispenser and not a dropper.
The number of TNT minecarts is up to you.
If you want to kill somebody who's full health
I would recommend you at least 4 TNT minecarts.
You will also need a bate block of your choice on which a lever can be placed
Next step, find out where you want your trap to be.
Once you gathered all the materials and found a good spot, you can now set up your trap
Repeat ATTENTIVELY after me, in the same order, everything I do
First, place down your block that acts as a bate
Then, you want to dig a 3x3x3 hole in the ground in front of it.
It should look like this.
To follow, take out specifically these 2 blocks below your bate
Like so.
Then, you want to have a flicked lever underneath your bate block
Go ahead and place a redstone dust and a redstone torch there.
Here, you want to have a dispenser facing in this direction
Now, place down a block with a rail on it
and surround it with blocks of your choice
Once done, put all your TNT minecarts in the dispenser
Flip the lever and once you hear the ticking noise flip it again
Place water so that the rail we putted previously drops
Trust me, you have to do it
Finally, place your Flint & Steel in the dispenser
You can now cover up the whole mechanism
It's done! You just need to wait now :)
Hey, if you enjoyed this video, why not give it a thumbs up
And if you want more content like this, make sure to subscribe!
That's all for me folks, I'll see you in the next video.
SPOTCAST VR - Productvideo - Duration: 0:31.
UNSTOPPABLE - Motivational Spark - Duration: 3:51.
Hello frds
Hello frds
May be Good
Watch The Video Till Last....
Манник простой рецепт - Duration: 2:19.
Простой рецепт блинов на молоке - Duration: 3:07.
#24시간:에이핑크·NC.A·업텐션·마마무·몬스타엑스·나인뮤지스·블랙핑크·NCT 127·티아라·iKON·아스트로·펜타곤·인아·소울라티도·그레이시 - Duration: 2:14.
World of Tanks Weekly #18 - I am Meatheadmilitia? - Duration: 1:55.
Welcome back to WoT Weekly.
I'm MeatheadMilitia,
here to talk to you about the awesome specials that are happening for July 4th.
There's some really cool stuff going on. 5X weekend and...
Alright. I gotta... I gotta level with you guys.
I'm not MeatheadMilitia. I know, it's crazy.
I'm QuemaPueblos. I'm stepping in for him.
Meathead is out sick. Or on vacation.
Or in a meeting or. I don't know.
Whatever. He's not here.
I'm gonna fill in for him. But I can at least bring something.
I've got fire
And dubstep.
But, of course, combine them together.
Dubstep fire.
Happy Fourth of July weekend.
We've got a ton of great specials happening at World of the Tanks.
You've got 5X weekends.
We've got discounts on consumables.
We've got earn a day of premium.
All sorts of great stuff.
So, definitely if you get a chance to play this weekend, come check it out.
In addition, we've got Tank Rewards stuff happening around Dunkirk.
Really cool missions, all based around that really awesome historical event.
And we've got a lot more videos coming about that as well.
So, check out the channel in the future for more stuff on Dunkirk.
In addition, Project Valor is kicking off again this month.
There's a new emblem.
Really cool looking and we really encourage you, if you want to support veterans and their families,
to take a look at these bundles and support them if you can.
Also, really awesome work from our community.
I Made This For WG. Check out some of this stuff.
This week's Community Question is "What are you doing for 4th of July?"
I want to know specifically. What are your barbecuing? What are you eating?
Let us know in the comments what's going on.
But thank you so much for watching this week's WoT Weekly.
We'll be back same time, same place as we do every week.
And that's it, so see you soon.
Oh sorry, of course.
Dubstep Fire!
How I Improve My Audio Using Audacity - Duration: 4:38.
hi guys if you don't know already my name is Jay and this is tech sway and in
today's tutorial we're looking at audacity now the reason why I actually
want to show you guys this is I actually use it on lots of my videos to treat the
audio just to get a sort of more of a studio effect applied to it so I'm going
to quickly playback three different clips for you guys to listen to the
first one is a recording in audacity with no effects apply to it the second
one has some tweaks to it and then the third one is the final format but use in
most of my videos that you listen to hi guys this is Jay from Tech's way and
this is a voice test hi guys this is Jay from Tech's way and this is a voice test
hi guys this is Jay from Tech's way and this is a voice test so the main
difference is you actually noticed there is the first one really quiet and just
kind of not that great the second one the the noisy level of it is amplified
quite a lot by it's not kind of too much in your face and then the third and
final one has more of a like a studio effect of why I call it where is it more
of like a base here type effect it's for effects in total by use and then I do
add a slight noise reduction to it because always funny just gets a little
bit too high so I tend to take it down by two decibels so I'm going to show you
why I actually use on this unedited one hit so we do is just highlight the
actual audio clip that you want to do and then just go to effect and then if
it is quiet like my one is just go to compressor and then don't change any of
the values make sure your values match exactly what's in this window here this
is just the default values hit OK and straight away you'll see all the peaks
have gone high based not actually put it above zero decibels it so it's not going
to be bursting anyone's eardrums but it never sounds that great so you just
actually want to normalize it so it actually sounds more normal when you're
actually talking again you don't need to adjust any of the settings just hit OK
and you'll see it's actually just reduced those sizes so now if we listen
back to it hi guys this is Jay from text Y and this is a voice test you see it's
quite like a pleasant sort of level to listen to the audio is normal you know
it doesn't sound kind of robotic or anything weird like that
but then if you want to get that sort of that base year tone or more sort of
studio effect to it again all we need to do is go to effect equalization and then
I actually choose base boost from the curb so just hit bass boost and then
just make sure yours actually matches this so you might need to tweak your
slightly to match it but you'll see it's between 100 Hertz and then just about
500 Hertz there down add the flat bit here okay and then the final one go back
to effect and then um you want to go to Equalization once more and instead of
bass boost this time we just want up the treble boost to it this time and then
between that that's just four thousand five thousand Hertz that that bar
actually goes up to so then that's actually going to take it up to this
value here which if we just follow across you'll see is nine decibels so
going from zero to nine between the four thousand and the five thousand Hertz
range here okay and then what I do because if we listen back to it now hi
guys this is Jay from text me and this is a voice test it's quite and gets
quite close to sort of like being almost slightly distorted so for that that's
why I actually just go back to the effect and then just hit noise reduction
and I reduce it by two decibels everything else actually left as default
so the sensitivity frequency exactly how is make sure you've got another set to
reduce hit okay and it just brings it down so when we listen to it
hi guys this is Jay from text way and this is a voice test and that's how it
is so everything kills for me is set quite normal like the microphone I'm
using at the blue Yeti I actually have the gain line I turn down quite low so
it doesn't pick up a lot of background noises let me know which out does it
sort the second and the third one that you preferred because I've used both of
them in many videos I you actually prefer the sort of the studio the basic
kind of one out the two but whatever your comments are put them down below
because I love hearing from you guys don't forget to give this video a good
thumbs up if you actually liked it if you didn't then well do you can just
feel free to have to leave it alone but for now thank you for watching so much
and I'll see you guys in the next video until then take care
To Be Black In America - Part I: Law Enforcement - Duration: 4:26.
DISCLAIMER: this video contains a conversation about racism in America.
Viewer discretion is advised.
In a few minutes, I'll be off to my day job on the business side of the music industry.
Every day my goal is to do my job effectively and without compromising my morals.
Yet, I am well aware that the industry that employs me has a history of building wealth
without properly compensating those who built the wealth for them.
There's only so much I can do personally to switch up the culture, but I do what I can
to (1) influence and encourage my colleagues to do great work, and (2) keep it real with
up-and-comers to help them avoid the pitfalls of this industry.
I'm a trustworthy person working in a historically untrustworthy industry.
So I respect and empathize with police officers that I know are hardworking, model citizens,
who do their jobs to the best of their abilities and just want to get home to their families.
But I cannot deny the fact that I have absolutely no faith in the "justice" system.
I don't take this stance lightly.
I'd love to be in a place where this wasn't the case.
But it exists based on my personal experiences, the experiences of my family members and friends,
and the experiences of people of color all over this country.
With every instance where an officer oversteps their boundaries and keeps their job, with
every person of color wrongfully arrested/charged/convicted
because "they fit the description",
and with every person that's harassed, assaulted or murdered for "non-compliance"
by an officer who sees no consequence,
and we're expected to forgive quick and forget quicker,
this system has shown us time and time again that it has no regard for black lives.
Philando Castile: pulled over for a busted tail light,
wrongfully gunned down in front of his family on camera,
yet the officer who murdered him is acquitted of all charges.
The $3M settlement paid to his mother doesn't bring her son back, doesn't remove the pain
his family and friends are dealing with, and it especially doesn't remove the trauma inflicted
on his 4 year old stepdaughter, who witnessed the murder from mere inches away.
What good is the push to have all police officers wear body cameras, when they get caught on
camera doing wrong and still walk away without consequence?
James Baldwin once said "To be black and conscious in America
is to be in a constant state of rage."
Fueled by every police killing and subsequent acquittal, it is this rage that keeps us in
a place where we can't trust the U.S. justice system.
A system built in a time where people like me were considered 3/5ths human.
A system that "abolished slavery" but included a loophole that essentially guaranteed the
further enslavement of blacks.
A system that, according to an FBI study, is rife with white supremacists.
There is more documentation out there on the past, present and future effects of systemic
racism, from films and documentaries to books and articles, than could ever be consumed
but the masses choose to ignore it because, status quo.
I could talk about redlining laws that prevented black people from buying homes in certain
neighborhoods, or how resumes with black-sounding names are 50% less likely to get called for
an interview.
I could talk about how the Prison Industrial Complex is just slavery rebranded and the
War on Drugs is a huge part of it, or how the school-to-prison pipeline is based on
property taxes and standardized tests that predict how many jails need to be built.
I could talk about how society's irrational fear of black people stems from post-slavery
propaganda that can still be witnessed today, or how news media continues this propaganda
by vilifying black victims while sympathizing with white suspects.
I could talk about these things and more until I'm blue in the face, but it's useless if
the people who really need to hear it... refuse to.
I get it: it is human nature to fear the unknown...
It's human nature to fear change.
I do my best to see both sides of the story, because at the end of the day we all bleed
the same blood, and we can progress further and faster when we unite.
But it gets harder and harder when most of the blood spilled without consequence comes
from people who look like me, and the world pretends it doesn't exist.
That being said: I would love to live in a world where I could trust law enforcement.
But until we recognize the problem, until this country atones for its sins... we will
never be the United States.
Will this happen in my lifetime?
Probably not.
But I'd rather do what I can and work hard to progress halfway, than sit idly by and
watch this nation fall back into Jim Crow.
There are good cops out there, and I see you.
I just ask that you see me too.
I'm Back? Hopefully... - Duration: 2:07.
I'm back and I'm ready I left for a while because I got bored I got busy I
got discouraged which I don't want to do this time I haven't I've been thinking
about the past two weeks and I want to share my life with people like theirs I
know there's nobody watching I know for a fact there's nobody watching but this
is for me it's so I can put my all into something I can give my all into
something and I want to do that and I'm ready to do that and I'm back and I want
to be back I don't want to give up after six videos and stop for seven months I
want to be back on post and I'm ready and know who and I know nobody I know a
lot of people are gonna watch I know that for a fact but I'm ready and ignore
this hair I'm envy those hair picks but I just sat down right here right now and
I was like I'm ready and I'm ready to start I'm ready to start again I'm gonna
edit this put it up and I'm gonna keep trying to do this and I'm gonna keep
going at it because I like it and I want to share everything I do is you cool
while you people but
I'm ready I'm ready for this and I hope you are too I hope I hope I
have people that want to watch me because I want to share this I want to
share my life with people I want to put my all into something and after thinking
about it for the past couple of weeks I was like yeah I want to start again I
want to try it again because the first six videos were failures and I'm ready
so let's do this
let's do this bye
June 2017 Wrap Up - Duration: 9:22.
Hi everyone. I'm Rincey and this is Rincey Reads. Today i'm going to be doing
my June wrap-up. This month was a significantly different reading
experience for me than it was compared to May, and in my opinion it was
significantly better. At the end of my May wrap up, if you like lasted through
that entire thing, I said I wanted to slow down my reading a little bit and I
was hoping to enjoy reading a little bit more. And I can definitely say that both of
those things are true for the month of June. I read four books this month which
is like half of what I read in May. But the books that I read I really enjoyed
for the most part. In terms of the videos that I made this month, I did
a read harder challenge update. Basically for like my new year's resolutions or
reading resolutions for the year, one of them was to do the read harder challenge
from book riot and I did sort of like a little update in the month of June about
which books I read for which challenge. Yeah I'm basically on track to finish.
But as I said in that video, the challenges that I have left are actually
the harder challenges and I haven't been doing a very good job of like
researching books for those challenges. So I need to really get on that. And then
the other two videos that I posted this month were book reviews of two of the
books that I write in the month of June. So this is going to be a significantly
short for video than it was in May. The first book review that I put up was for
Magpie murders by Anthony Horowitz. This is a mystery book that I really,
really enjoyed. I believe I gave this one a four out of five stars. If you are
someone who likes Agatha Christie or you like basically like straight ahead
British detective type mystery books, this is definitely one to put on your
list to pick up soon. It was absolutely delightful. It was so much fun. I read it
in two days because I was so just like pulled into the story. I knew that I
needed to finish it right away to see how it was all going to turn out. But yes
I have a whole review on this. If you are interested, it's obviously spoiler free.
And I basically just rave about it for you know like five minutes as I do.
And then the other book review that I put up this month is for American war by Omar
El Akkad. I think I will give this one as my favorite read of the month. It's
really hard for me to pick between magpie murders and this one just because they
were so like completely different from each other and were such like completely
different reading experiences for me. Like magpie murders was one of those like
completely engrossing, sped through it in as few sittings as possible sort of
books. This one was a much slower read but I felt like it was a really deep read.
Again I talked about all of this in my review, but basically it made me think
about a lot of things really, really deeply and it's hard to not completely
love a book that does that. So yeah definitely check out my review if you're
interested in like what I thought specifically. Again, no spoilers.
All right, so there are two other books that I need to talk about. The first one is behind
her eyes by Sarah Piniborough. I always have-- burrow? pinburrough?
I don't know why I have such a hard time with her last name.
Anyways, this is sort of like a suspense book and it's one of those
suspense books that's really difficult to talk about because I feel like the
ending is going to make it or break it for people. So in this story you are
following this woman named Louise. She is a single mom. She moves to this new town.
She has a new job working as a secretary at a doctor's office. And she decides
that like on one of her first nights there she's going to go out to a bar to
sort of celebrate and enjoy herself. She ends up meeting this guy and making out
with him. And then she goes to work the next day to realize is that that guy she
met at the bar was the doctor that she's working for and also that he's married.
And then eventually Louise ends up meeting his wife and so she has to sort
of like pretend that she you know didn't make out with him at a bar one day.
But then she realizes that something's sort of going on and I don't really want to say
more than that. But yeah, this was a really interesting reading experience.
I don't-- I gave it a 3 and a half out of 5 stars because this story was really
compelling. I needed to finish this book and I needed to find out what exactly
was going on but I found everyone like completely infuriating. Like I don't
understand any of the choices that made. They all seemed like just poor, poor decisions.
But also there are some extra elements to this book. Like I said it's really
difficult to talk about this because part of the fun of suspense books like
this is seeing how things unfold. And the way things unfold is going to be very,
very divisive. This book is being
marketed as having a twist that you'll never be able to guess. And so, going
into this I was all very skeptical because I was like, mm I don't know. I feel like
books that have been marketed that way recently, I've been able to basically
guess every time. But this one I definitely did not. And I think that is
worth reading just for that aspect alone. If you're someone who likes suspense
books when you feel like you haven't really been surprised by an ending in a
long time this one might be worth picking up. So yeah, I don't know. I can't
necessarily like wholeheartedly recommend it because I know for a fact
that it's going to piss off some people. But I don't know, that's not
necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes it's good to get that reaction out of people. So I
don't know. And then the other book that I read this month was IQ by Joe Ide.
I picked this one up because a lot of people over at book riot really enjoyed
this book. It's also a mystery book and I sort of just like had it on my radar for
a really long time. But then it sort of like fell off my radar and then I found
out that this fall there's actually going to be a sequel. So I decided to finally pick
this one up to see if I wanted to keep going with his book. But yeah, I enjoyed
this. I gave this a 3 out of 5 stars or maybe three and a half out of five stars.
I don't remember exactly. This is basically like a straightforward mystery
book. So if you enjoy mystery books then this is definitely one worth checking out.
It takes place in East Long Beach which is sort of this like poorer part of
Los Angeles. You're following this character named IQ who is really, really
smart. The way this book is sort of described in the synopsis is, while it's
true, I wouldn't say it's necessarily accurate. Because there's sort of like
two parallel storylines going on here. You get to see IQ, sort of his life prior
to becoming this sort of amateur detective. And then you get to see him
currently solving a case. So there's a lot in his backstory that's really
provided that I think is really compelling. The mystery itself is
relatively straightforward in my opinion. But I think that Joe Ide does a really
good job of crafting IQ as a character. The mysteries that he's solving is
there's basically this rap mogul who believes that someone's trying to kill
him because he was like attacked by what seems to be like a killer dog, like a dog
who's been trained to kill that rapper specifically. Yeah like I said that
mystery was relatively straightforward. There's nothing like super surprising or
engaging. What I found really gauging was learning about IQ prior to
this point in time. And there's also like another character in here who is sort of
like a frenemy. And their relationship is really interesting and
you get to see sort of like how they became friends and how they became sort
of enemies and got to the sort of frenemy situation here. I'm really
interested to see how the second book goes. This is a solid start but it seems
like they're going to be digging deeper into the backstory, especially in the
sequel. Like this sequel synopsis is all about the backstory stuff that they
talk about in this book. So yeah again if you're someone who likes mystery books
then I think that this is a good one to pick up. It's not like one of the best
mystery books I've ever read but it has a lot of potential to provide really
interesting characters in the future. I think that Joe Ide does a really
good job of sort of like laying that foundation in this first book. And I can
definitely see that he is going to be building on that in future books. So yeah
those are all of the books that I read this month. There was a bit of a mystery
theme, if you couldn't tell. If you missed my, I think it was in the review
of magpie murders I talked about how I'm now hosting a podcast.
It's called read or dead. It's on, part of the book riot podcast group. I don't know.
It's not like an official group but it's with book riot. It's basically a mystery
thriller podcast. We have two episodes that are out right now and it comes out
every other week. So if you haven't checked it out already, I'll have a link
down below so you guys can check it out. It's also available on like iTunes and
various other podcast catchers out there. Yeah, a bunch of you guys told me that
you've already checked it out and are really enjoying it which makes me so
happy. The first episode was basically like an intro. We talked about some newsy
items, some books that we're really excited about. And then the second
episode we talked about the definitions of like mystery, thriller, and suspense
and provided some recommendations of books that fall under those categories. So
yeah again, if you are a fan of mystery thriller suspense books, definitely check
out that podcast and definitely you know feel free to let me know if you have any
suggestions for future episodes because we are always willing to take those
suggestions. The second episode was actually suggested from someone so that
just proves the point that we are willing to take suggestions on the things
that we should talk about on the podcast. So yeah, that's everything that I read this
month. If you've read any of these books, definitely let me know
down below what you guys thought of them. Or feel free to just leave a comment
down below letting me know how your reading month went. If there was a
particular book that you really enjoyed this month, definitely leave that down in the
comment section as well. So yeah that's all I have for now and
thanks for watching.
OH NO! - Duration: 1:18.
Dannny! Your hair has gotten so long!
Yeah I'm just trying to look young
Yeah but I think it's too long now
Really? Don't you think I look younger?
I mean
Don't you think it give me a younger look?
I guess...
But I think it looks better short
Yeah but people keep saying I look way older than I really am
I'm not old!
Well Danny, don't worry about what people are saying.
I think you're fine just the way you were.
You don't have to change unless you want to
Okay, I guess I'll go get a haircut now
I just wish I looked younger
[BOOM] (Mary gasps)
Oh no!
Oh no!
Oh no.
Oh no.
Halsey - Now Or Never (Lyrics / Lyric Video) R3hab Remix - Duration: 3:05.
Now or never
I want you to love me now, now, now, now, now, now
'Round forever
Said you know I wanna keep you around
Down forever
down, down, down, down, down
I want you to hold me down
Now or never
Baby gon' love me now, now, now, now, now, now
Gotta be right now, right now
Baby we done done enough talking
Need to know that you're mine
Baby I done done enough talking
Now I gotta draw a line
Never pick up when you want me
You know we're runnin' out of time
Never pick up, never call me
But you could never tear it down for me
Tryna talk to a wall
But you could never spit it out for me
We've been through it all
But you're in a different town than me
Now wishin' you were 'round with me
I'm callin' it a night
I'm turnin' off the light right now
Now or never
I want you to love me now, now, now, now, now, now
'Round forever
Said you know I wanna keep you around
Down forever
down, down, down, down, down
I want you to hold me down
Now or never
Baby gon' love me now, now, now, now, now, now
Gotta be right now, right now
Baby we done done enough talking
Need to know that you're mine
Baby I done done enough talking
Now I gotta draw a line
Never pick up when you want me
You know we're runnin' out of time
Never pick up, never call me
But you don't wanna spread it 'round with me
Got a whole lot of love
Yeah the ups and the downs with me
Been through the ups
Hyundai i10 1.1 I-DRIVE COOL AIRCO TREKHAAK - Duration: 0:52.
Hey, everyone! I hope y'all are having a great day, and today I'll be reviewing
When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon. I've heard so many great things
about this book, and I think Simon & Schuster's really go with ham with the
marketing for this book, and for good reason--it's a pretty special novel. I did
have a few issues with it, but it's one those books where I see the appeal. Like,
I can understand why someone would really, really love this book, and so I
appreciate it for what it's worth. When Dimple Met Rishi is a story about two
Indian-American kids, a girl named Dimple and a boy named Rishi, who are both about
to head off to college--Dimple to Stanford and Rishi to MIT. Dimple is an
ambitious girl who wants to be the top of her field of web development and
coding, and she resents her mother's constant nagging for Dimple to find her
"Ideal Indian Husband." Rishi is going to MIT to study computer
science and engineering, but he's actually really passionate about drawing
and art, and unlike Dimple, Rishi isn't really opposed to tradition or customs,
and instead, he embraces that and sees it as a source of beauty. So both
Dimple and Rishi head off to this summer camp competition for app development
called Insomnia Con. So Rishi goes to Insomnia Con to woo Dimple, who is
actually his potential future wife in a suggested arranged marriage, but the
thing is Dimple has no clue that her parents have set up this arranged marriage
and she has no idea who Rishi is. And the rest knows of this novel follows the
relationship between Dimple and Rishi over the course of this six-week
summer camp, and there are heavy doses of romance and humor as well as great
themes like culture and identity. So I loved a lot of things about this story.
Firstly, of course, I have to talk about the diversity element. Our two leads, both
Dimple and Rishi, are Indian-American and that experience is written in such an
authentic manner. Being raised in an Indian family really affects a lot of
things in your life, from what you wear to what you eat to the movies that you
reference to the way you view your life plan and your role in your family
dynamic and so on and so forth. And Sandhya Menon depicts that layered
experience very deftly and very seamlessly.
I also thought that she was very careful and very respectful about the topic of arranged
marriage. Something I learned about in one of the classes I've taken in college, in
one of my Women and Gender Studies classes, is this idea of
cultural relativism, and cultural relativism was a term that I'd heard
before and I knew a little bit about it, but I didn't really put it into practice and
I didn't have to put it into practice until some of the topics that we covered
in that class. So after learning about the value of actually implementing
cultural relativism in that course, it made me read When Dimple Met Rishi
in a kind of different way. I think Sandhya Menon does a great job of representing
cultural relativism through her character of Rishi. So take a thing or a
concept that the more Western perspective might find backwards or
sexist, such as arranged marriage, and Rishi takes that and he explains the
value that that kind of practice might have to a people of a different
background. So the fact that Sandhya brings that perspective through Rishi's
character was very interesting to read about because I think a lot of us, like
Dimple in the book, have very Western mindframes and we have very progressive
ideas and we think that things like arranged marriage are very outdated and
backwards and unfair. And of course there's an argument for that and there's
validity in that opinion, but what's really refreshing is that we also get to see
the other side of it and we get to see the value of this kind of practice or we
get to see someone who appreciates it for what it's worth, and we get that
through Rishi. And speaking of that particular Women and Gender Studies class,
something else that we talked about is what it means to be a good feminist and
how much of a struggle that actually is. So this particular WGS professor that I
had, she was obviously very feminist, but she also is married to a man and has a
child and wears dresses and heels to work, and she really falls into all these
different gender stereotypes, these stereotypes and these practices that
other feminists are trying their hardest to destabilize. But does that make her a
bad feminist? Given that we're all feminists, are we bad feminists if what we
desire and what we're actively working towards is a gender stereotype or a
traditional idea of what a female should be? Sandhya Menon brings up this
discussion through her character of Dimple, who is very outspokenly feminist, very
eager to call out her mother for her mother's misogyny. Like I said before,
she's an ambitious girl and she really loves coding, which is a very heavily
male-dominated field. And she rejects this idea of prioritizing romance and
finding a husband in favor of building an impressive career. She starts off very
intent on making decisions for herself and only herself to further her career
and her education. However, as her relationship with Rishi
goes on, she has the struggle of wanting to focus on her career but also wanting
to invest in this whirlwind romance. If she wants to dress uncharacteristically
girly for a date with Rishi, does that make her unfeminist? If what she ends up
choosing is romance, if she is making her decisions keeping in mind the
considerations of pursuing and continuing this relationship with Rishi,
is that unfeminist? If she sacrifices parts of her career for this boy, is that
unfeminist? That's such an interesting and nuanced discussion that I haven't
really seen discussed very often in YA literature and so I really applaud
Sandhya for incorporating that kind of topic into her novel. The romance is, if
you couldn't tell, the main element of the story. The actual plot--this summer
camp competition--kind of does take a backseat and Sandhya Menon really focuses
her craft and her attention on this blossoming romance between Rishi and
Dimple. The thing about writing about love is that it is so fertile for
beautiful writing and Sandhya Menon really takes advantage of that. She uses a
lot of creative and gorgeous figurative language when describing the romance
However, that being said, it can be a little cheesy and a little overdone sometimes.
And I have a theory that the detection of how cheesy the writing is, is really
dependent on how much you buy into Rishi and Dimple's romance. I think about this
a lot when it comes to Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell, which is my favorite
Rowell book and one of my favorite books of all time. In that book especially,
Rainbow Rowell writes a lot of seriously heavy, deeply emotional, very romantic
stuff, and I ate it all up because I loved that relationship and I
really believed in it. For Rishi and Dimple, on the other hand, I couldn't
always stomach it because I wasn't really completely on board with their
relationship. I think the main reason that I wasn't really convinced by the
relationship between Dimple and Rishi was really just because I had so many
issues with Dimple. I can really understand the appeal of Rishi. He's such
a sweet and thoughtful boy, kind of like Cricket from Lola and the Boy Next Door,
just out of world thoughtfulness and kindness. So I
can understand loving Rishi, but Dimple, on the other hand... She's just kind of
infuriating. I felt like she was just so self-righteous. She lacked that same
empathy and sensitivity that made Rishi so charming and appealing. Dimple was
very wishy-washy, she was very judgmental, she was very harsh. She hits Rishi a lot,
too, which I don't think is cute at all. Like, here's a tip: try not to hit
people. Here's another tip: if you hit someone and you don't mean to physically
hurt them and they wince anyway, you probably hurt them, and you should
probably stop hitting them. I mean, don't get me wrong, there are so many things
about Dimple that are admirable, but overall, I just couldn't get behind her
character, and so reading all this mushy gushy stuff that Rishi thinks about
Dimple--it just didn't gel with me. Something else that I wasn't that big of
a fan of was the [third person] dual point of view. The narrator switches in short bursts
between Dimple's point of view and Rishi's point of view. I think I would've preferred
just being in one person's mind to the entire time, and if we did stick with
dual POV, I would have preferred longer sections from each person's point of view,
because when you have such short bursts of each character's point of view, we're
kind of being shown all the cards and there's not really anything left to guess.
There's just too much instant gratification, I think. Something that's
extremely nitpicky and I, like, can't even believe that I'm bringing this up in a
review, like it shouldn't be that big of a deal but for this book it was, was
chapter breaks. I don't think I've ever mentioned having a problem with chapter
breaks in a review before, but in this book, the chapter breaks made no sense
and they just ended up really irritating me after a while. Like, who in their right
mind is paying attention to chapter breaks, right? No one, because they're
usually not noticeable. But in this book, the chapter breaks drove me insane. The
chapter breaks honestly served no purpose. Sometimes, there'd be a chapter
break, but on either side of the chapter break, it was the same scene in
the same person's point of view. You literally, you literally could have
deleted the chapter break and it would have been a continuously flowing
paragraph. Like, why would you break it up there? I don't get it. Like telling
literally the next second of a scene in the same person's point of view, but
there's a separation there. You had to change chapters there.
I don't get it. [dying of frustration] I don't get it. And the more
frequently it happened, the more frustrated I got. And believe me, I get it,
I hear it. I hear how ridiculous I sound, complaining about something like chapter
breaks, but I--I just didn't get. I don't--I-- Why? Why would you start a new
chapter when it's been same exact scene from the same exact character's point
of view? Okay, moving on. Dimple and Rishi each get a lot of care and a lot of
attention from the author. But the side characters tend to be a little
lackluster. Most of the side characters just felt very dimensionless. There's a
character named Isabella, who is kind of an antagonist, and she has a little bit more
depth than what we get to see initially, and I honestly would be pretty
interested in reading something from her point of view, because from that little
bit of depth that we get to see, she seems like a really fascinating
character. So if Sandhya Menon ever feels up for writing a spin-off book about her, I'd be
down. So there are a lot of great things going for When Dimple Met Rishi. A side note:
I'm a little upset that the girl on the cover isn't wearing glasses, because Dimple
does wear glasses. But yeah, this book has a handful of really great things going on
for it as well as a few things that just didn't work out for me. I still think
Sandhya Menon is a very promising writer, and if this book sounds like something
looks up your alley, I would recommend giving it a read. If you have already
read this book, please let me know what you thought of it in
the comments below, I would really really love to hear your thoughts. Thanks so much for
watching, I hope y'all have a fantastic day,
and happy reading. Bye!
[outro music: "Summer Moments" by Del]
Steve Void - Rooms (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:30.
Why, do you have to stay with me at night
Live in every corner of my life
Haunting me since you said goodbye
The burn, the hole your cigarette made in my shirt
I wear it way too much it makes it burst
You're not just a memory, you're a curse
And in these rooms, I think of you I find them hard for me to just walk through
Wish I knew what to do 'Cause they only lead back to you
In these rooms, I think of you I find them hard for me to just walk through
Wish I knew what to do 'Cause they only lead back to you, back to you
Lay, on the couch, the floor The bed, what have we made
In every wall in every picture frame I hear your voice but all I feel is pain
And in these rooms, I think of you I find them hard for me to just walk through
Wish I knew what to do 'Cause they only lead back to you
In these rooms, I think of you I find them hard for me to just walk through
Wish I knew what to do 'Cause they only lead back to you, back to you
The Evolution of Homosexuality: From Criminal, to Mentally Ill, to Equal | Bennett Singer - Duration: 5:21.
I think the question of acceptance of LGBT folks really does depend on geography.
In some places on Earth I would say, when it comes to legal equality and cultural acceptance
absolutely there's been this revolution, and progress has occurred at a pace that even
in our own lifetimes was almost inconceivable in terms of how quickly things had evolved.
At the same time, just today 2.8 billion people live in countries around the globe where being
gay is a crime.
And in some places like India progress toward equality has actually been reversed.
So back in 2013 India's supreme court recriminalized sodomy and same sex activity, which had become
So there are examples of countries where progress has actually been reversed.
When we talk about how have things changed in terms of equality or the movement toward
equality for LGBTQ folks I think the biggest and most dramatic example is marriage equality
which somewhat miraculously I think—and not inevitably—did become the law of the
land, and all 50 states thanks to the Supreme Court and the Obergefell decision are now
required to recognize same sex marriage.
But I think it's important to remember that marriage equality does not mean or is not
synonymous with full equality in terms of constitutional protections.
And it is in fact true that a couple could get married on a Sunday and then one of the
partners goes to work on Monday, puts a picture of his husband or her wife on the desk and
gets fired, because in the majority of U.S. states it is still completely legal for people
to be fired on the basis of sexual orientation.
And the Civil Rights Act of 1964 doesn't cover sexual orientation or gender identity.
There's a movement among activists and gay rights organizations to expand the scope of
the 1964 Civil Rights Act to go beyond race and gender and color and national origin,
which are covered categories.
But at this point sexual orientation is not covered by the 1864 legislation.
I guess the context is, it wasn't until 1973 that the American Psychiatric Association
came to the conclusion that homosexuality in general is not a mental illness, and that
was the year when the APA voted to take homosexuality out of its diagnostic manual.
Until that point every gay person, no matter how well adjusted or healthy or functioning,
was considered mentally ill.
So that's the background, and really that wasn't so long ago that our most progressive
doctors were under the assumption or were working on this theory that homosexuality
was, in fact, a mental disease.
So I think conversion therapy is kind of the contemporary cousin to that belief that gay
people are sick, and that they can be cured or that they need to be cured.
And certainly, you know, dozens of medical establishment organizations ranging from the
AMA to youth organizations have condemned conversion therapy.
But this idea that people who are gay can be converted into not being gay is indeed
still alive.
My sense is that at this point seven states have outlawed conversion therapy among minors,
meaning that in the other 43 states it's still allowed for parents to send their children,
their minor children into this kind of therapy and to require that kids under 18 go through
this process.
There have been studies of people who have undergone the therapy and consistently there's
this sense of finding that therapy not only doesn't change people from being gay to
straight but inflicts its own harm and trauma.
And there is federal legislation being considered where there would be an national ban, which
again I think is common sense.
And I hope that as we see a new generation of young people becoming more open and more
accepting, and the sense of allies among teenagers and young people, I think that's the key
to ultimately ending conversion therapy.
Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I Aspiration 5drs. // Bluetooth / Navi / Camera / Climate control - Duration: 1:00.
Forging A Viking Broad Seax: Welding and Reverse Tip (Breitsax Ep. 3) - Duration: 6:59.
welcome to part three of creating the viking broadside in the last two
episodes I created four long bars two of which are pattern-welded by twisting and
the other two will form the cutting edge and the back of the sword in this
episode I will assemble these bars into a sword by Forge welding them together
that's a refresher for ch welding is the process in which multiple separates your
peoples are fused together with strong hammer blows at high temperatures this
process requires that the steel is very clean and not oxidized Forge welding a
long sword is particularly difficult because the surface area is narrow but
also very long as a result this step is difficult to complete successfully you
just saw me grind the scale of the bars squaring them off at the same time if
the bars are not square to each other for example because they are slanted
hitting them with a hammer will cause them to slide apart rather than welding
together clamping the bass together is a good way to check if they're square
enough if the bars are already trying to slide away from each other it is very
likely that fortune welding will fail I often times need to go back to the
grinder to make more adjustments and clam happy with how the bars hold
together and a clamp pressure once I'm satisfied with the fit and welding the
ends together within the quarter the bars do not come apart in the Forge the
recipe for success is patience and diligence it is not something that can
be rushed I usually work for four hours at the time and at this point I probably
spend close to 20 hours on the sword already should give you some perspective
whenever you hear someone say you have three hours and the clock is starting
now that's just not how this works once the bars are as for swelling
temperatures I set the weld with light tapped on the power hammer the liquid
flux sprays away when the bars meet and helps preserve a clean surface for the
wealth as before I would like to ask for your
help by sharing a link to this video on your social networks these videos are my
attempt get showing how bladesmith really make sorts of knives you may have
noticed that the bars I assembled were not all of the same length in particular
the material for the high carbon cutting edge was shorter the paths that are
sticking out will provide sufficient material for the tang
however I need to create a transition on the grinder to help with a forge welding
step that is going to create a smooth blade to tank transition now that the
Tang has been established the blade needs to be profiled a little bit more
in particular it's a little bit of white towards the tip at the moment that is
the tip that you cannot see it however helps with quickly creating the
appropriate thickness at this point and reasonably happy with how the bars came
together another important consideration is that the grains and the metal
continue to grow on the heat large grains make a steel brittle the grain
growth can be controlled by normalizing the glazing that is to let it slowly
cool down as an optional step is sometimes moved to scale and even out
the blade on the grinder this allows me to see if the worlds really came
together and if their areas in which more material needs to be removed before
the world lines disappear
as I said it is not strictly necessary and I don't always do it however lately
I have been struggling with for welding longer blades and want to more closely
inspect the wells before sinking in more time
so far so good since this is a single-edged blade I need to establish a
tip my preferred method for that is to cut your reverse tip that needs to be
forged back the reason for doing that is to ensure that the pattern on the blade
smoothly follows the blade edge creating a reverse tip is the method to do that
this is mostly an aesthetical consideration since I find patterns just
running off the blade edge to be somewhat ugly the reverse tip method has
its own challenges as you will see forging back the tip is very hard on the
worlds so this is also a good test to validate that the welds or solvent
after forging at the tip at the summer steep angle I slowly adjust the profile
of the blade further to make sure that it contains a smooth taper at this point
in the process I'm still trying to maintain a fairly even thickness of the
material so the tapering will happen as I fortune the bubbles the bevels create
a thin cutting edge while maintaining a thick profile on the back of the sword
my initial beveling happens under the power hammer with a beveling jigger maid
they usually do one complete pass on the power hammer and then do further passes
and refinements using a handheld hammer beveling causes severe bends in the soft
blade that need to be constantly adjusted the bends happened because more
material moves at the cutting edge then at the back of the sword unfortunately
making pattern-welded swords is not easy it turns out that while everything was
looking good initially they did not manage to complete you up the rod iron
bar to the rest of the sword for now I will need to throw this plate into the
pile of fingers I might still be able to make a couple of smaller blades from
this but the sword project is doomed however I will not give up here and
we'll start over without hesitation in the next episode I will catch you up on
my progress and continued failures including a brief analysis of the root
cause if you liked what you saw please subscribe to my channel my goal is to
provide in-depth explanation and much deeper insights on the process then you
may be getting anywhere else you may also join me on patreon or you can get
early access to posts as well as credits on these videos thanks a lot to all my
patterns so far and I will see you next time
Updated frizzy hair routine for wavy hair + ebook update - Duration: 7:20.
This Smart Pillow costs $300 Dollars!?! - Duration: 6:27.
Technology ends up in some very weird places.
Today we're going to review a very expensive pillow and this mattress for a high-tech 21st
century bedroom.
Let's get started.
So this pillow right here caught my attention on Amazon at a very expensive 300 dollars,
which might change in the future since technology appreciates and depreciates.
I'll leave a link in the video description so you can check the current pricing.
It's been featured at CES, started on Kickstarter, and has been reviewed by quite a few different
This smart pillow has a two week battery life.
I never thought I'd be plugging in my pillow before.
I think it's time to review this from the inside.
There are some speakers, there's a vibration motor, and it can also keep you from snoring
which is pretty interesting.
So inside the box we have a plastic cover and then a pretty firm pillow inside.
It definitely has some weight to it which is a good thing.
It's got a free pillowcase and it has some more foam so you can adjust it and add more
if you need to I guess.
It has the wall charger, with a bunch of adapters for different countries.
So here's the 300 dollar pillow itself.
Looks like we have a wire here on the edge and you can also plug it in right here.
I'll take off this outer shell.
That's probably so you can wash it without actually having to wash the actual pillow.
There's another zipper right here.
Let's open it.
Oooo check it out.
This is a bunch of the purple foam that comes inside of the pillow.
I have a feeling this is going to get rather messy in here.
I fully expected that I would have to rip this pillow to shreds to find the electronics,
and I still might.
I don't feel any of the electronics in this pocket so we'll just close that back up.
Looks like there is another zipper on this side.
Still no electronics on this side, just a bunch more of this foam stuff.
We might actually have to rip it open still.
The good thing is that you can't really tell where the electronics are inside of it
because of all the padding on both sides.
So I mean sleeping on it, you probably won't be able to tell that it's electric.
Ooo I found one more zipper deep inside of it.
Ooo check this out, I think I got it.
Glad we don't have to slice things open.
Here are the brains of the operation.
Here's where it might get a little destructive.
Yeah, so it's got a little bit of adhesive here on this kind of memory foam stuff.
Yeah, this definitely isn't made to be serviced.
Looks like we have several speakers: one, two, three, four.
And we have a flexible ribbon between each of these little modules.
I'm going to grab a screwdriver and see if we can take these things apart.
I don't think I've ever done a tear down on top of a mattress before, but we have four
screws in each of these little modules.
There's also a gyroscope in here similar to what your cellphone has that can track
your sleep motion and wake you up at the opportune time depending on your REM cycle.
So now that we have the 16 screws removed, we can see all the internal components.
And so each of these little things right here are a little tiny speaker.
So there are 4 on the top and there are also 4 on the bottom part of it.
And I'm seeing two vibration motors on the two exterior modules right here and right
I assume these go with the anti-snoring and with the alarm.
You know, if you start snoring like this little microphone picks up, it'll vibrate a little
bit waking you up just enough to stop to stop snoring and lets you fall back to sleep again
without actually waking you up all the way.
Inside of these little extenders are the wires.
These rubber parts just help keep the wires together.
Then we have the massive 5,000 milliamp battery right here in the center.
Pretty interesting, I never thought I would actually be tearing down a pillow on this
channel, but there's a first time for everything.
So with that snore alarm, apparently when you're snoring gets past a certain decibel
level, that's when the vibration motors kick on.
And you can set that vibration level depending on how loud you snore and when you want it
to kick on.
Overall I think it's a pretty fun idea.
I'm sure how many people want to spend 300 dollars on a pillow, but if you're into
like the high-tech environment, it might be fun.
It might just make a better gift for the person who has everything because I guarantee they
don't have this.
Let me know what you think.
Would you spend 300 dollars on a pillow even if it does do all the crazy things this one
Let me know down in the comments.
Now let's talk about this mattress I've been sitting on.
This queen-size mattress was shipped to me in the mail inside a relatively small cardboard
This is intriguing for multiple reasons.
Because it was shipped to me, it's actually cheaper than a normal old-fashioned store
bought mattress because those physical store locations have to pay rent, utilities, and
multiple locations and commission for their employees.
So this thing just got shipped to me and it's completely flat.
It's vacuum sealed right now, so I'm going to cut it open, let air inside of the plastic
and watch it expand.
Casper, on the other hand, can cut those costs out of the equation by vacuum sealing their
mattresses for tight storage and can pass the savings along to their customers, so that's
pretty cool…with free shipping.
Things are pretty much always cheaper on the internet.
This mattress was made here in the USA and it's really nice of Casper to sponsor this
video and support my channel.
I hope they don't mind too much if I show what's inside of their mattress.
Zippers seem to be the theme of this video.
So obviously we have a top layer up here that everyone can see.
Then we have some layers underneath that not everyone can see.
Looks like we have a layer of normal foam up here, and then this layer here is more
of a memory foam.
You can see it takes a second to replenish itself after I poke it…while the rest of
the foam doesn't.
We have a transition layer here with the green foam; it has slightly larger air pockets inside
of it.
And then on the very bottom we have the support foam.
This is probably the heaviest and the firmest layer.
This 10 inch sandwich of foams is what makes the mattress so comfortable.
Pulling all of the air out from inside the foam is what compresses it and makes it easy
to ship in this modern, internet world.
Casper said that anyone using the code "JERRYRIG" can get a 50 dollar discount on mattress.
Another perk of a modern mattress is that with Casper you get a 100 night free trial.
If you don't like the mattress during those 100 days, you can ship it back to Casper with
that free shipping.
I'll put a link in the video description.
With an average of 4.8 stars on both Amazon and Google reviews, the mattress pretty much
speaks for itself; you don't have to take my word for it.
Sometimes I think random technology is the most interesting kind of technology so if
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I'll see you around.
Ori an the Blind Forest Definitive Edition | Part 1 | The Journey has begun - Duration: 24:45.
Therapists who use Skype - Psychotherapy via Skype - Duration: 4:06.
My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional mindfulness-based therapist and I offer therapy
via Skype for the treatment of anxiety and depression and other common psychological
problems that can benefits from mindfulness-based psychotherapy.
There are now many therapists who use Skype as a way of connecting with their clients.
Skype is excellent because it allows you to see each other as well as speak to each other
in real time.
And this makes it's just as effective as meeting in person and sometimes it can be substantially
more effective than meeting a therapist in the office because you can conduct your therapy
sessions at home where you feel more comfortable and more secure.
And also that you don't have to go through the stress of driving to a therapist office
and waiting in public waiting room etc.
It's much more convenient, and this is very important because if psychotherapy is difficult
for you to attend then the chances are you won't stay the course.
So we want to make psychotherapy much more available, and that's been one of my constants
interests over the years, to make mindfulness-based psychotherapy much more available to people,
and as an alternative to prescription medications and medical treatments, and so on, which are
often not very effective for treating anxiety and depression.
If you like to learn more about speaking to therapist via Skype and especially if you're
interested in mindfulness therapy then simply go to my website and learn more, and e-mail
me with any questions you have about psychotherapy over Skype.
There are many therapists that Skype now and it's becoming much more widely accepted than
it used to be.
And really what's important is that the therapist that you choose helps teach you very practical
methods of working with your emotions.
Today we understand that there's much more to psychotherapy than just talking about your
emotions or just talking about your family history.
You know, understanding is useful, but often not sufficient to actually change those habitual
patterns that create anxiety or depression.
So we need a much more focused, practical approach and that's what I also have developed
over the years through mindfulness therapy.
This is a system that I developed in the 1980s and talk about in my book "The Path of Mindfulness
So, if you'd like to learn more, please contact me and let's schedule the trial session and
then you can see for yourself just how effective therapy over Skype can be.
Thank you.
MSNBC's Joe and Mika Bizarre Accusation of Trump Using 'National Enquirer' To Blackmail Them - Duration: 32:38.
Ooh La La Traveling Treasures - Rebekah Morton - Duration: 1:32.
The Traveling Treasure Chest arrives from Jacquie Hart!
Sprucing up and adding tags...
Extra Goodies I took...
I took this item made by Andrea Hodges...
...and replaced it with this (3 pics).
I also took this item made by Andrea...
...and replaced it with this (3 pics).
Lastly, I took this item sent by Alissa Carmany (2 pics)...
...and replaced it with this (2 pics).
Vosuni, por uma Educação mais aberta e acessível - Duration: 1:17.
Hey! :) My name is Ivan, from Vosuni.
Nowadays, if you want to study, to learn a little bit more about a topic, to search for a course or
just to get to learn something new, it seems easy.
There are lot of things available, aren't there?
But doesn't it feel like they are all dispersed?
And that's exactly what we found out.
That sometimes you spend more time trying to learn how to learn, than effectively studying about it.
That's what Vosuni is about.
To make it easier you find what you wanna learn.
In formal Education, we noticed it's all about the institution itself.
Managed by a vertical hierarchy.
It's too little about the student.
We even say we are actually more worried about the teaching than the learning itself.
With Vosuni, you just type what you want to study,
And you will find courses, readings, videos and tools.
Every available material, from third-sources, is suggested by our users.
And you can also be part of that: you can recommend that course that you took, or a book you read.
Well, that's it - this is the Vosuni!
For a more open and accessible Education.
And it would be awesome if you join us!
www.vosuni.com <3
Lion Uma Jornada Para Casa 2017 DUBLADO - Duration: 1:58:33.
Homofobia na FND - Duration: 5:23.
Panoramic photos with Lightroom - Duration: 4:54.
In today's video
You will learn how to do
Panoramic Photos in Lightroom
First thing you need is a sequence of photos
Between 3 and 5 is a good number to start
Try to take the photos so that the next photo covers at least 30% of the previous one
This can be done both horizontally and vertically
Once you have your photos proceed with the appropriate settings in Lightroom
No need to worry about the crop tool here
Once the settings are ready
Sync it with the rest of the photos
Just select all the photos and click Sync
Now is the time to prepare your panorama.
Right click, with all photos selected, and scroll to Merge photos
Click Panorama
Lightroom will take care of almost everything for you
Choose the best format, and then the amount of adjustment
Once it's done click merge
Wait for image processing to complete
Once everything is ready you can go back to your edit
How to edit the final photo crop
Edit Sharpness, and everything else to taste
In this video, I also used one of Macphun's Intensify plug-ins, link in description
If you like, leave your like and subscribe to the channel.
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