[MUSIC ........ SHORT]
EI, AI personal beauty
NO Xiaomi redmi NOTE 4 MediaTek
BETA 7.5.25
For more infomation >> INSTALLING MIUI8 EUROPEAN BETA - Xiaomi redmi NOTE 4 MTK - Duration: 14:54.-------------------------------------------
Las condiciones en las que sobreviven unos enfermos mentales en un hospital de Venezuela - Duration: 3:40.
¿Quién es la misteriosa mujer que estaba con Luis Miguel en Miami? - Duration: 2:50.
Detalles sobre la boda de Lionel Messi | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:00.
"Luché para reparar mi error": hispano liberado por ICE que ayudó a limpiar escombros del 11S - Duration: 1:56.
Cristiano Ronaldo presentó a sus gemelos | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:39.
Agente se metió entre pelea de unos chicos | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:36.
Hispano murió de un balazo por una broma que salió mal con su novia | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:53.
Trump es criticado por comentarios contra periodista | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:15.
19 Webinars de Social Media 😱 - Duration: 0:53.
REACTING TO PLL END GAME! 😢 - Pretty Little Liars S07E20 / S07E21 (último episódio) - Duration: 19:47.
Opel Astra 1.4 TURBO 140PK SP.T. Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 0:54.
Mandy Harvey Performs "Try" at the IDA Awards Gala - Duration: 4:47.
Alright I got a "thumbs up" she's ready Let's welcome back to the stage,
Mandy Harvey and the Band to perform, "Try."
Look how cute this thing is! Hee hee!
I'm also welcoming my friend Sarah Barnett, she's going to sign for me
because I can't sign and play at the same time
And it's important to see the signing, so thank you for volunteering your time Wonderful!
I wrote this song to motivate myself, because I didn't like my life after it had changed
But I needed to get PAST that So I wrote this to kinda ... DO IT, you know
Take baby steps
[Mandy plays ukulele]
I don't feel the way I used to The sky is grey much more than it is blue
But I know one day I'll get through And I'll take my place again
If I would TRY If I would TRY Ohhhh
I don't love the way I need to You need more and I know that much is true
So I'll fight for a breakthrough
And I'll breathe in you again
If I would TRY If I would TRY Ohhhh
There is no one for me to blame, because I know the only thing in my way ... is me
I don't live the way I want to That whole picture never came into view
But I'm tired of getting used to ... the day
So I will TRY ... So I will TRY ... If I would TRY ... If I would TRY .... Ohhhh Ooooh
[applause and cheers from the audience]
South Korea-U.S. FTA in balance ahead of Moon-Trump summit? - Duration: 5:33.
President Trump has repeatedly expressed his desire to renegotiate or scrap the South Korea-U.S.
free trade agreement,... describing it more than once... as a "job-killing deal" for Americans.
So, naturally, matters pertaining to the economy are expected to be on the front burner at
Friday's summit.
Lee Unshin explores the significance of the FTA... as well as how deep the upcoming discussions
will go.
On the day of his inauguration, leaders around the world called to congratulate Korean President
Moon, and one of those calls came from Washington.
President Trump wished the new South Korean leader the best in his new role, and also
brought up the two leaders' first business agenda -- the Korea-U.S. free trade agreement.
Often referred to as the KORUS FTA, it came into effect in March 2012... to boost business
opportunities by widening each country's access to the other's products and services.
But President Trump has repeatedly said the deal needs to be renegotiated or possibly
even terminated,... calling it a "disaster" and a "job killer."
The numbers, however, say otherwise.
Last year, the U.S. Department of Commerce ranked Korea as the fourth-largest foreign
provider of jobs in America... creating over 45-thousand positions since the KORUS FTA
came into force.
"With a boost in foreign direct investment, we created many jobs in the U.S.
The increase in Korean investment has boosted the American economy... through the direct
employment of U.S. citizens... and through the money spent by Korean companies to operate
in the U.S.
All this is from the agreement."
Experts agree the U.S. dropping out of the trade pact is rather unlikely, but given the
circumstances, the accord could undergo some changes.
Numerous U.S. officials seem to be pushing for that option -- Trade Representative Robert
Lightizer calling the deal "troubling."
"The U.S. has two complaints about the Korean trade agreement.
Number one, initially, when we negotiated that, the U.S. was hoping that trade surplus
would go up to about 10 billion dollars but it turned out to be minus three.
So that's one of the problems.
The other complaint the U.S. has is non-tariff barriers.
There are a lot of non-tariff barriers, which is preventing the U.S. from exporting more
to Korea.
The U.S. wants to see Korea importing more, and narrowing the trade deficits."
Over the past five years, Korean exports to the U.S. have been growing quickly, by a yearly
average of 3-point-4 percent,... while American exports to Korea have slightly decreased.
But a closer look reveals across numerous industries,... that the U.S. too has seen
benefits, which experts say will broaden in the years to come.
"Without the trade pact, Korean manufacturers would pay tariffs of 1-point- 6 to 1-point-7
percent when shipping to the U.S.
And Korea would charge American companies about 4 percent.
The FTA has brought tariffs down close to zero percent, so in fact the U.S. has saved
more than Korea."
Before heading to D.C. for the two-day Seoul-Washington summit, President Moon left room for a possible
renegotiation of the trade pact, saying that if deemed necessary, talks can be held to
revise the KORUS FTA to increase mutual benefits.
But when it comes to a trade deal as big as this one,... any decision will be made through
a long, careful process going far beyond the two leaders themselves.
"Because this kind of meeting is on the summit level, I don't think they can negotiate a
very concrete agenda.
So I think the best result would be to agree that abolishment is not an option at all."
And experts, both in Korea and the U.S., stress that if a renegotiation were to proceed, it
would have to be done bilaterally, with both countries on the same page.
"If you talk to economist like myself, we're for free trade and don't want barriers whether
they are monetary or non-monetary.
The more important issue is establishing trust between the two presidents.
I think especially Trump, he probably wants to gauge whether president Moon is with him
or close with China.
Establishing trust, that probably is the most important issue and task at this meeting."
Trade between the two nations is estimated to be worth over 100 billion U.S. dollars.
And beyond the money involved, the FTA reflects a strong commitment by Korea and the U.S.
to their alliance... based on their political, cultural and historical bonds.
So rather than putting limits on these exchanges, experts advise that any decision be reached
methodically... and on the basis of mutual understanding.
It would need to take into account both economic gains... and values that don't come with a
price tag.
Lee Unshin Arirang News.
Snoop Dogg's Playlist Gets The Best Of Joy & Oz | Season 1 Ep. 5 | BEAT SHAZAM - Duration: 2:24.
Song number two, $3,000 on the line.
October drop that.
[music playing]
Shazzam, what's the correct answer?
The correct answer is "Give me the Light".
Let's see if what they locked in.
Gina and Madeline got it wrong.
It's Joy and Oz finally going to get on the board.
Joy and Oz got the answer in 1.46 seconds.
That's really fast.
Really fast.
But it's Long Beach again.
Elliot and Sury, $3,000.
Elliot and Sury, $15,000.
Gina and Madeline, $6,000.
Joy and Oz, zero.
It's not looking good them.
Song three, Snoop's playlist.
Let's go.
[music playing]
What's the correct answer?
Oh, man.
"Party in the USA" is the correct answer.
Let's see what they locked in.
Gina and Madeleine did not get the correct title.
Joy and Oz.
Going to go pray with Snoop.
Let's go pray with Snoop.
They needed to pray.
They needed to pray.
[gibberish] Lord, get them.
Snoop has blessed Joy and Oz.
We have prayed for them in different religions.
Let's see if they locked in fast enough to take this $3,000.
I am praying for Joy and Oz.
But it's the Church of Long Beach again.
$18,000, Elliot and Sury right now.
Gina and Madeline, $6,000.
There are two songs left.
Only two chances to add money to your bank,
and then one of these teams is going home.
Snoop Dogg Has Arrived! | Season 1 Ep. 5 | BEAT SHAZAM - Duration: 1:28.
- (SINGING) Beautiful.
I just want you to know you're my favorite, girl.
Yo, this is my magic piano right here.
Everybody knows about this magic piano.
Cause when I play this piano, you never
know who's going to stop by.
[music playing]
Snoop Dogg in the building!
Let me tell you what real friends are.
When I first got to LA, I used to hang out
in Long Beach at VIP Records.
I used to watch this dude right here,
and I remember this, because I was, like,
a little kid-- you walked past me, and he was shining.
And I said, yo, Snoop, you did it.
And he said, hey, you know, like JJ say--
he said, like JJ say, what can I say?
And he has built an empire.
He came to hang out with all of you.
My man, Snoop.
Give it up!
Blake's former schooner returns to New Zealand on global expedition - Duration: 6:06.
Blake's former schooner returns to New Zealand on global expedition
Sir Peter Blakes former schooner is set to make its first visit to Auckland since the death of the great Americas Cup-winning yachtsman.
But it wont be Emirates Team New Zealands securing of the Auld Mug marking its return, but a global expedition to better understand the state of our oceans.
Before Sir Peter was killed in 2001, the sailor and his crew had taken Tara, formerly Seamaster, on a five-month mission to visit ecologically sensitive parts of the planet.
That focus has continued today: Tara has spent the past 15 years leading 11 expeditions around climate change and ocean ecology, covering some 350,000km of the worlds oceans.
The Tara Expeditions Foundations current quest is focused around coral reefs, which cover just 0. 2 per cent of ocean surfaces, but provide habitats to nearly 30 per cent of known marine biodiversity.
On board its latest voyage from Fiji to Whangarei were two young Kiwi Blake Ambassadors, Charlotte Borra and Anne-Sophie Page, who worked alongside Tara scientists as they used nets to sample plankton.
Plankton played a crucial part in ocean health and productivity as it formed the base of the marine chain food; phytoplankton also produced half of the worlds oxygen and could be thanked for every second breath we take. .
A previous Tara expedition - which discovered nearly 100,000 microscopic marine species and millions of new genes - greatly advanced our understanding of these systems.
The expedition was also been gauging salinity, pH and iron measurements with an estimated 40,000 samples to be collected over a two-year period, ultimately building a clearer picture of the worlds largest ocean.
Featuring its week-long visit are a series of events highlighting Taras work and the issues it explored, particularly to young people.
This had been fundamental to Sir Peter, whose dream was to share the vessels adventures with every child, every classroom, and whose legacy is carried on today in New Zealand by the Sir Peter Blake Trust.
Our young people understand the important role our oceans play from mitigating climate change to providing us with food and recreation opportunities, said the trusts chief executive, Shelley Campbell.
They want to engage in science and conservation to ensure they are good kaitiaki who sustain these precious natural resources for future generation.
Now more than ever, New Zealand needs to stand and take its place in the world as ocean leaders, who understand and protect our marine environment. .
Tara will be welcomed into Auckland at midday on Saturday by a flotilla including Steinlager 2, in which Sir Peter won the Round the World Race in 1990, and Aotearoa One.
Coincidentally, its visit was planned well before New Zealands Americas Cup victory and takes place at a time Auckland will be celebrating the win with a homecoming parade.
While berthed in Auckland, visitors and school groups will be able to explore Tara and chat with its crew, while an Auckland Conversations event on Wednesday evening will discuss Sir Peters environmental legacy and leadership.
Speakers at the talk, held from 5pm at the Waiheke Rooms in the Viaduct Events Centre, include Campbell, Professor Mark Orams, Tara Foundation executive director Romain Trouble and Dr Rochelle Constantine. Plankton under the microscope in Auckland event.
Scientists from New Zealand, France and the US will next week share their latest insights into plankton, in an event at Aucklands New Zealand Maritime Museum.
Climate change and ocean acidification are already impacting plankton populations, said Dr Colombian de Vargas, founder of Plankton Planet, the non-profit organisation organising the Thursday evening programme.
The only chance we have to measure the changes is with significant innovation in the way we conduct the science.
And motivated individuals in the plankton community have proven that they can advance plankton research on a much greater scale than could otherwise be realised.
The effort was being supported by citizen scientists dubbed Planktonauts who gathered plankton samples as they sailed the open ocean and sent them back to the laboratory for analysis.
It was the first citizen science programme in the world that was based on mass sequencing of DNA barcodes from extracts of plankton samples. Back in labs, scientists used the data to build new models of ocean systems.
In addition to discussing among ourselves during our scientific workshop, we felt it was important to host a public discussion about where we have been traditionally as ocean explorers and where scientific exploration needs to go in the future, said Kiwi scientist Dr Xavier Pochon, who is co-hosting the event.
Our ocean is changing rapidly, and we have a responsibility to share the wonders of the ocean with the public as well as explain the need to study and protect it.
Presenters at the event will include de Vargas, US-based scientists Dr Emmanuel Boss, Dr David Gruber, Dr Mick Follows and Dr Manu Prakash, University of Auckland archaeologist Dilys Johns, Kiwi planktonaut John Martin, Hoturoa Barclay-Kerr of the Te Toki Voyaging Trust and Campbell.
Opening at the museum on the same night will be a month-long exhibition featuring giant prints of plankton, 3D printed models, lenticular prints and video presentations.
The Sorority Girls Make Jamie Foxx Giggle | Season 1 Ep. 5 | BEAT SHAZAM - Duration: 1:28.
Elliott and Siri, $27,000.
Gina and Madeline, $6,000.
Two more categories, and another team is going to be eliminated.
You gotta go home.
Elliott and Siri, now you was in a band together, right?
That's right.
So what's your go-to song?
"Crazy", Gnarls Barkley.
Yeah, sure.
You want some?
Can I hear some?
One, two.
(SINGING) Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
Yeah, all right.
Love it.
Thank you for that song.
Let's get to these ladies.
So what's the name of the sorority?
You a Delta?
Kappa Delta.
Kappa Delta.
Kappa Delta?
And which airline is that?
Why are your outfits--
We love the match.
That's just what we do.
It's just amazing how much energy you guys--
You guys are so happy.
Well they don't let you join a sorority if you're not peppy.
Are you serious?
(LAUGHING) You got me giggling like a little girl.
Naw, I'm just kidding.
All right, I'm just messing with them, guys, come on!
Elliott & Siri Booty Bump On Stage | Season 1 Ep. 5 | BEAT SHAZAM - Duration: 1:33.
- We need it. - You need it.
You need it. Here we go.
It's the 80s.
October take us there.
When they know that I'm--
[buzzer sounds]
Oh my god!
Oh my god.
Y'all go get it.
Y'all go get it, y'all go get it.
Go get it.
That's right!
No question. No question.
No question.
April had the old-school bump.
I'm just saying, y'all booties-- you gotta,
you gotta dip down a little bit because your booty was on her
I can tell by the booty back bump celebration
that Elliot and Siri think that they've won this.
Let's take a look at the correct answer.
[crowd boos]
I knew it!
I knew it.
All that damn booty bumping.
It's "Funky Cold Medina".
Let's see what they locked in.
Aw, hell naw.
It is what it is, man.
Man, OK.
Nobody gets it.
Flavored Yogurt Hack~Custom Flavored Yogurt~Story Time~Kid Friendly~Summer Snacks~Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 9:27.
Hi, everyone. I'm Noreen and welcome back to my kitchen today for our installment of kid Friendly summer snacks
I've got a little bit of a story time for you, and I'm going to show you how I do a flavored yogurt
Hack that is going to make your life a little bit easier
And I think save you a little bit of money in the long run
And you're going to be able to make all your kids happy and who doesn't like that
So let's go see how this all comes together
Today, I'm going to share with you a super easy way to make all your kids happy
By flavoring plain or vanilla flavored yogurt. That's what I have here is some vanilla yogurt
With Jam or in this case an all-natural fruit spread that is only sweetened with fruit juice
So this isn't about refined sugar. This is about natural fruit sugar, so this is a super healthy snack
It's a great breakfast you can add granola to it
You're just going to take about a tablespoon of the fruit spread and you can use listen you can use whatever
Jam that you have I've done this with my homemade Jam
But today because we're doing kid-friendly summer snacks I kind of thought let's go ahead and use that natural fruit spread
because that way it's not got a lot of extra sugar in it and you can just go from there, so
This is as easy as it gets
I've got these little jars our 4 ounces, so they're a half a cup. I fill them up to the bottom line
With the yogurt, and then a little tablespoon, which is the serving size of this fruit spread?
right on in there and boom
Strawberry yogurt
And the best part about this is you get to control
The type of yogurt use if you like organic yogurt which this happens to be organic whole milk yogurt?
Maybe you prefer a greek style yogurt. You can use that too
But yogurt is cheaper if you buy it in a big container than is if you buy it in the individual flavors package
Or even though squeezable yogurts if you break those down else per ounce they're expensive
so this is a really nice way that you can control what goes into your kids or into you for that matter and
you'll know exactly what's in there, and you can do this so simply and
Super easy pop them in your fridge mark them on. The top. What flavor they are so today
I've done strawberry peach Cherry and raspberry and
Me I'm not even like I know you will hear here's the raspberry
Give it a taste
Now this is what I use vanilla yogurt
So there is a little bit of sugar in that but I used one that had a lower sugar
And it was the stonyfield organic French vanilla
It is not Vegan, but it is delicious
And this is just another way for you to kind of stretch your food dollar and make your kids happy
Like I said you don't have to use this particular fruit spread you can use whatever kind of Jam
You have on hand and you know maybe your kids like grape Jelly yogurt who knows because that's what they like
And you're not going to be able to buy that in the store
Like plums you can buy plum yogurt. You. Can't buy that pineapple yogurt. You can get pineapple jam, or you can use the crushed pineapple?
Really big possibilities are endless
But I something else you could have done put the fruit in first
Baked fruit on the bottom yogurt. That's right. That's a great idea honey
I didn't think about that you make your own fruit on the bottom yogurt
And then your kids can stir it up when you give it to them, so it's kind of like a little extra prize
I like fruit on the bottom yogurt. I always did
I know some people really don't like
Anything but the priests turn stuff, but that's fine. Whatever floats your boat
But here's the story time I've been doing this since I was 13 years old
because when I was 13
We had some very dear family friends. What we still do who live in British Columbia and
The reason that we met them was because I grew up in Tucson, Arizona
And that was the home of an organization called up with people and up with people was a youth
organization that was dedicating dedicated to spreading peace and
friendship throughout the World through music and Dance and
every year they would convene at the university of Arizona and
They would come from all over the world and the people of Tucson were asked to act as host families
For the kids that were there
for rehearsal and all that getting organized before their 4 troops went out across the globe to
Perform their wonderful music so I grew up with up with people and I still to this day
Sing many of their songs and I love them. They are no longer a thing anymore
One of the girls that came in stayed with us the very first year that we did it her name was Christine
we just really became close with Christine when she had her dress rehearsal her parents flew to Tucson from
British Columbia where they have a farm they stayed with us and their names are dick and vera and I love them to death
There are special special people
I haven't seen them in many many years, but Kris is now obviously all grown up has a family
I believe her children are actually grown up now, too
They dig and vera took us on a week-long camping trip like camper style camping trip across
Canada and we went from we went from British Columbia
Into Alberta and we saw Lake louise and banff and yes
Those elk really do and moose they roam the streets of banff, and it's super cool
but a little dangerous lake louise probably the most beautiful place I've ever seen on Earth in my entire life and
We went to the Columbia icefields, and it was just really a once-in-A-lifetime opportunity
To see parts of Canada that I probably otherwise would not have seen but any case in that camper on that camping trip
Zera only bought plain yogurt, and that's what we would enjoy for breakfast and never in my life
Had I put plain yogurt in my mouth, and it was horrible and revolting because I had no flavor
But it was super sour and varys said oh here, honey
And she brought a bunch of homemade jam from her you know farm. She grew all of her own fruit and
She had strawberry Jam and raspberry Jam. She's like what Flavor
Do you want and let's put some of that Jam in your yogurt?
And then you can have your own fruit flavored yogurt
so I know that that's kind of a long roundabout story to get where I was going but
But that's my story time about that
And it never left me I've been doing it ever since so thank you very aware ever you are for
Sharing that idea with me because it really is kind of Brilliant
And I think that it's an appropriate thing to share with you
All you moms and grandmom's out there yogurt is not cheap
And sometimes it can be difficult to you know you stack those little containers in your fridge
They fall over if you don't have a basket to put them in
This is a great way these little 4 ounce jars you can get a dozen of them for about five or six dollars
They're washable reusable. You're not throwing anything away
Just pop the lid on it mark it with what Flavor or just fill it with plain yogurt
or don't do that at all just keep the yogurt in the fridge and the Jam and the fridge and
When they want something ask them, what flavor they want and pull it out?
And it's all good. So that is my flavored yogurt
Hack and my story time about how you can flavor your yogurt
Any old way you want with things you probably already have in your fridge, so I hope that's helpful
And I hope it's a new idea for you
and if you've been
Doing it for a long time like I have leave a comment down below and let me know how much you love this idea
So I
Want to thank you for joining me today?
If you liked the video, please consider giving me a thumbs up if you are new here. I want to say welcome
It's always great to have someone else join me at my kitchen table and at my kitchen counter
And I hope that you will consider hitting the subscribe button
and if you are already a
Tried-And-true member of the Marines Kitchen family
I hope you will always know that you need to get that
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Notifications because we don't want any of you to miss out on all the real food for real people
Real easy recipes that we present all the time right from our youtube channel and straight from our kitchen
I hope that you will give this flavored yogurt
Hat a try for your kids or yourself or whatever, and I hope that you love it and until next time I'll see
AMD VEGA Frontier Edition - NVIDIA Titan Xp Killer? - Duration: 7:12.
Jim & Dana Share Their First Impressions Of Each Other | Season 1 Ep. 5 | LOVE CONNECTION - Duration: 1:12.
Dana, what was your first impression of Jim?
Jim is not usually what I go for, physically.
[crowd booing]
No, don't boo.
It's personal opinion.
I'm sure Jim has his own opinion on women.
I may have been it, I may have not.
And Jim what was your first impression of Dana?
Well, I think to touch on Dana's point a little bit,
I'm basically a skeleton with skin, you know?
I think we were probably a little bit
of an awkward physical match.
I mean, Andy, could you picture us naked together?
I mean-- - Exactly!
Could you?
Jim, really, like could you?
Yeah, I kind of could.
All right.
I gotta be honest, I feel like I might
smother you with my thighs.
I'm just going to throw that out there.
[crowd applause]
And that's not a bad thing, we're two separate people.
Lipstick Tutorial Compilation june 2017|Part2I Amazing Lip Art Design Ideas May 2017 - Duration: 3:47.
BREAKING: Top Obama Official Just Agreed To Testify UNDER OATH. Wow. | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:28.
One of the top stories we have been hearing from the Leftist fake news outlets for MONTHS
is about how President Trump and Russia worked together to throw the election in Trump's
Well, now things are about to get interesting.
We just got news that the House intelligence committee is going to interview Susan Rice
soon in regards to the "Russian interference," according to Click On Detroit.
Rice, surprisingly, agreed to go along with the meeting.
The obvious question here is, how many times is she going to shoot herself in the foot?
President Trump and other Republicans close to him have explained that Rice is the main
culprit behind the "unmasking" of Trump's aides in a recent intelligence report.
It is, if anything, solid proof that Obama and the rest of his crooks were looking for
a way to ruin the Trump campaign by any means necessary.
Up until this point, Rice is saying that she did nothing wrong, yet, she is still refusing
to answer fundamental questions regarding the situation.
It makes us wonder, what is going to come out during this House intelligence meeting?
Rice is going to have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
They are going to drill her with questions, and because she is lying, things are going
to fall apart for her in a hurry.
After all of the proof showing that Rice, Obama, Hillary, and the rest of the criminal
gang tried to sabotage the election from DAY ONE, it is about time that justice gets served.
We are going to be patiently watching and waiting.
It is going to be a bloodbath, and Rice is going to end up revealing way more than she
THINKS she is going to at this current time.
The country, including President Trump, is going to be watching and listening to word
choice, body language, and of course, signs of deception.
There is no doubt that she is going to try and lie.
Rice's goal is to make it look good, and she is going to give it a crackerjack shot.
The fact of the matter is this.
She is going to fail.
We are finally going to get more answers and expose this Deep State fraud for what it is,
a goal of a complete takeover of the Left.
Once this investigation breaks, you better believe we are going to cover all of the details
right here.
Do YOU think Rice is going to be the person who finally sink the Democrats for good?
Please Share this and tell us what you think.
Citromobile 2017 - Duration: 8:17.
It's May 7th today and I'm on my way to Citromobile in Vijfhuizen
But first I'm going to my dad in Haarlem
and then we'll go to Citromobile in seperate cars
I'm back in Haarlem
Oehh a cat! Can you see it?
After a week I'm back in Haarlem. It's really quiet on a Sunday
I wonder what car he'll use?
Is he going with this one, the Mehari or this one, the 2CV?
Is Lean coming as well?
Lean isn't here
Is she at Tony's place?
It's so messy in here
At our place it's messier
I drove that one yesterday
The blue one?
Oh so you're going with the Mehari today
Ok see you there
We parked next to eachother and an other pretty duckling is standing with us
Yesterday I was here around 10:15am and I had to park way behind
Oh of course, because yesterday it was the first day
Woh this one looks funny
Then you have an extra tire to the side
It should actually be coverd
I want this one in mint green
Yaaa! Oh never mind it's the Cactus
I want the 3, the new one!
I want to sit in the car
It's the mint green version!!
It's the mint green version!!
I want this one!
Shall I open it for you?
You'll be less troubled by the reflection
I need to sit in the car, hold my bag
There's lots of space in the back or not .. maybe it's for small legged people
AUDIO YTP: Man It's a Moderately Warm One (TURN ON CAPTIONS!) - Duration: 4:58.
Man, it's a man.
Like, seven, seven, seven...
Well, I hear you whispering the N word...
...not cool.
EDITOR'S NOTE: I do not condone the usage of the "N" word, or any similar slurs, and that joke was not meant to offend. I apologize if I did offend anyone...
My muñe-muñe
My muñe-muñe-muñe
You're my reason for reason for reason for reason for...
And if you said...
"Remember, subscribe me!"
I would kill myself
I can change my pants to better suit my suit
Because you're SoS
It's been... week since you looked at me.
Cocked your head to the side and said "I'M ANGERY!"
Five days since you laughed at me, saying...
"Ha ha ha ha"
You've got the kind of seven that can be so Smooth
Now, give me your heart...
(Rips heart out)
hopefully copyfuck doesnt take this down
Well, I'll tell you nothing.
If you would leave, it'd be a hot one...
In every breath, and every breath and every breath and...
Out from the Mario...
(Ey, step right up...)
You hear my rhythm on your muñe
You feel the turning of the ocean
gRaNd DaD x NoZoMi
This life ain't life...
At times, my life has seemed, tumultuous...
And it's just like the ocean...
Under the ocean...
It's the same as the ocean
That I get from...
tHe OcEaN
You've got the kind of Ocean that can seem so smooth, yeah...
Give me your heart...
Make it real...
...or else fuck it.
(Word Up, It's WordGirl)
Hear that, in the background?
I wish Nozomi-chan could go Washi-Washi on me...
Wait, did I just type that?
(But that's not to say I didn't have fun...)
And it's a hot one...
Honoka's a hot one...
But Nozomi's better.
You should prolly leave now.
The end goes on for a REALLY long time.'re still here?
Fine. Stay. I don't blame you. It's a good song.
Did you know that today is the 18th anniversary of Smooth?
Happy bday, I guess.
Oh and speaking of bdays, mine's this Monday.
I'm keeping my bday list simple this year.
1. A cure for autism.
2. A noose.
3. Grand Dad x Nozomi shit
lol xd 420 funni numbah
what? you were expecting me to say something else right about now?
Maybe a comment about how VeggieTales is dead?
Or the process of YTP Dimensions Episode 3?
Oh wait, I forgot. No one watches YTP Dimensions.
10 दिन में अपने स्तन बढ़ाये | ALOE VERA से वक्ष सौंदर्य | INCREASE BREAST SIZE (Eng Subs) - Duration: 2:22.
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MISHTI BEAUTY and also hit the bell icon
to get my new video notifications
hello and welcome to my channel
before heading on to the tips, definitely SUBSCRIBE to my channel
some women are concerned about their breast size
some women are concerned about their breast size
they use medicines
and even surgery at times
these can only lead to side effects
i will tell you such a tip
which can increase breast size in few days
aloe vera gel helps to increase breast size
yes, it might seem unconventional but it is true
so far we have only used aloe vera for our hair and skin
so far we have only used aloe vera for our hair and skin
but it can also be used to enhance the bust
aloe vera gel boosts blood circulation
to the breast tissue
thereby increasing the breast size
by massaging aloe vera gel
it gets directly absorbed into the skin
and the vitamins and minerals present in it
directly reach the breast tissue
the amino acids present in it are good for health
and also help to increase breast size
take a tbsp of aloe vera gel
and apply it all over the chest area exluding the nipples
massage it well
massage it well for 15 minutes
and then take a cold water shower
by consistently doing this
you will see the difference
those who wish to increase their breast size
can follow this natural home remedy
also consume food high in natural and healthy fats
also consume food high in natural and healthy fats
like olive oil, almonds, avocado, and oily fish
like olive oil, almonds, avocado, and oily fish
they improve the size and shape of the breasts
and also help growth of new breast tissue
they promote estrogen production
which then makes breasts grow
like this you can improve breast size
using simple and easy method
for more such interesting tips
SUBSCRIBE to my channel
and keep watching my videos. until next time, bye!
Maquillaje Completo con Tonos Rosados y Azules | Full Makeup look Using Pinks and Blues - Duration: 6:22.
Hey guys! welcome back to my channel
and for today's makeup is going to be
a look using cool tones
like purples,
a little bit of pink and blue
so if you want to see how I did this look, keep on watching!
ok! first of all, I did my brows and I put a primer on
now, I'm going to use the foundation from L.A. Girl
It's the HD Illuminating
foundation. I think that you saw this foundation
in the previous makeup tutorials and
I'm so in love with it! it's super lightweight
and has a great coverage
and then, I'm going to use this color corrector
by Ellen Tracy. It's like a
peachy color corrector
peachy color corrector
between pink and peachy tones
and with this, we are going to neutralize and brightening
that area before the concealer
and then, just buff it in!
now, for concealer, I'm going to use
this from Tarte
and it's the shape tape concealer in the shade
light medium
now set everything, I will use
the Rimmel stay matte powder
in transparent
now, for priming my eyes, I'm going to use
this primer from elf
and I'm going to put it all over my eye lid
ok, for this makeup tutorial, I picked two palettes
First, I'm going to use the Too Faced semi-sweet chocolate bar
and for the transition shade
I'm going to pick this color Nougat
and the next shade is going to be
this color that it's called Puddin'
and with the transition shade, we're going to intensify
the color. Then, we're going to go back
and pick the same transition shade, Nougat,
and this will help us to blend the colors and to avoid harsh lines
now, I'm going to use the Pacifica palette
and it's called
well it doesn't say anything
it just says natural minerals eyeshadows. So, I'm going to pick
this mettalic rose shade
this mettalic rose shade
this is going to be my color for the lid
Then, I'm going to use this cranberry with purple undertones
on the
outer V. Then, I'll use
the navy blue color on the lower lash line
and with the aqua shade, I'm going to blend it in
next, eyeliner! and this is
by e.l.f. and it's the intense ink
eyeliner in blackest black
and I'm going to do a
simple wing line
and you can do it with any
eyeliner that you have
now, I'm going to lift a little bit my lashes
well, mines are straight
so I have to deal with that lol XD
Now, I'm going to use mascara in
this one is also by e.l.f.
and it's the mineral mascara in black
I'll use in the upper and lower lashes. Then,
I picked this lashes
by Ardell
I think they are available at Walgreens
Now, I'm going to use this eyeliner
from skinn cosmetics. It's a blue eyeliner
actually, navy blue
if you have blue or navy blue eyeliner, you can use it
now, for the cheeks
I'm going to warm up and contour a little bit my face
with this chocolate color that is called Fable in the epic illusion
in the areas where we want to slim
then, I'll pick
this pinky rose blush from the same palette
actually, it's like a pink-ish
peach color
it's the color for the summer. Then, I'm going to use this highlighter
that I know that
it's pretty famous
in each season
and it's the
Mary-Lou Manizer Highlighter by The balm
it's super blinding as you can see and it has a lot of pigmentation
it's gorgeous!
now, I'm going to use this lippie
by Ciate London
and it's the liquid velvet lippie in the shade Pin up
last but not least,
I'm going to use this setting spray
by Tarte!
ok my lovely people! this is the look for today
I hope you liked this simple and easy look
beside, I'll leave in the description box
all the info about all the product that I use in this tutorial
and also my social media
I would love to see you there!
also! don't for get to give this video a thumps up :D
and subscribe to my channel if you haven't
oh! and also if you have any comments, you can leave them down bellow
share the video with other beauties
and also if you want to see anothervideos in my channel, leave me a comment in the comment section! :)
so, nothing more to say, I see in the next video! Bye dolls!
Shia LaBeouf "Don't Do It" De-Motivational Speech - Duration: 1:09.
5 Showing Signs That Your Life Is About To Undergo A Massive Change | Consciousness | Spirituality - Duration: 5:39.
5 Showing Signs That Your Life Is About To Undergo A Massive Change
There are moments in life when we believe that everything is falling apart.
What we actually don't know is that, at times like these, when we feel hopeless and at a point of no return,
everything is falling to its place.
Change is not always welcome but it's inevitable and often when we believe that our life is a complete chaos,
it's because everything is being arranged in order to synchronize with our true passions and desires.
The things you don't like have become unbearable
There is nothing worse than feeling annoyed.
It comes out of the blue, like a mosquito while you're asleep, and it's starts itching, making you scratch your skin till it bleeds.
When little, meaningless, things in life start bugging you be sure that a change is about to happen.
It has to happen.
There is a certain amount of negativity that we can deal with before the last straw breaks the camel's back.
Something snaps and we take action.
You feel lost
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself.
We've all heard these words.
It kinda sounds backwards, but that's only until we figure out why.
When you're lost you have no direction and when there is no direction there is no desire.
When there is no desire you don't need anything and when you don't need anything, that's when your soul starts to speak.
Even though things might see out of control, in this moment you are in a perfect disposition to accept everything that your heart is
completely and unconditionally trying to show you.
You're now tracing your new path and maybe what you really need is that radical change that will help you get your mind, body,
heart and soul in sync.
Leave the incubator
Have you ever noticed that there are periods when your schedule is completely packed with adventures, parties with your friends and family,
and trip to a point when you feel that you are barely keeping up?
On the other hand the rest of year you spend isolated, even depressed, going through deep introspection.
The length of these cycles varies but we all go through momentum shifts during our lives.
We need these cycles to form our perspective of the world.
Moments spent introspecting offer us emotional, psychological and spiritual growth, while the outward pulses manifest as new experiences,
traveling and broadening our horizons.
When you break free from the incubator period, it feels like you are being reborn.
This means that you took your time to recharge your batteries, take a step back and reevaluate the things and people that surround you,
in order to set another goal and trace a new path towards a better life.
You feel scared, excited and anxious at the same time
The incubator stage you have been going through is finally coming to an end and now you have a new course in life.
So, what's next?
When something feels scary and exciting at the same time….you shod go and do it.
Take the leap, as you definitely feel something big is about to happen and the momentum is building.
You have no idea what to expect, but you feel that you are on the right path and you are anxious to see what is waiting for you at the end
of the tunnel.
At moments as such, there is no point in making big plans, as they are probably going to get canceled or postponed and it will only give
you headaches and frustration.
You've set your goal, but the energies are still aligning as the many possible outcomes unravel.
You need to explore and evaluate every single one of them before you decide to follow the path your higher self had already chosen.
Be patient, stay open and go with the flow.
These are exciting times.
Is there anything better than the subtle clues left by the univers, pointing that you are on your true path?
Synchronicities serve as soft assurances that your actions, thoughts and feelings are aligned with your higher self.
When you are about to undergo a major shift, you will start seeing number 5 everywhere you turn.
Number 5 is the clearest of signs that you need to change yourself, or the things around you,
because you are going through times of change that will transform you forever.
Nevertheless, a change should never be perceived as positive or negative.
It's simple necessary and it's bound to happen.
05:55 It's time to wake up, Neo.
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