Demario. He goes, here's what I'm going to need to
you do, I'm going to need you to bow out.
He goes you're not here for the right reasons. I'm
like what the-- he goes I can't tell you what
I know but it's going to be bad tomorrow in
you don't leave. And now this shut down production on
" Bachelor in paradise ." The internal investigation found non????
0???? start with why he's doing this-- found no misconduct.
Let's start with why he's doing this? Is it to
clear his name? Yes. While this interview was going on,
he couldn't talk. People were calling him a sexual predator,
a sexual abuser and a rapist in manycases. He wanted??
is side of the story. His mother had been crying,
his father. It was such a kind of upsetting, emotional
thing for all of them that he really wanted to
clear his family name. Were you surprised? Were you shocked
by some of the things that he shared with you
in the interview? You said it was over two and
a half hours long. Thecitness you mean? Yes. No. When
you're doing that interview-- we haven't seen the videotape. I
said, look, you can go there with me, whether we
broadcast is a whole other matter but you can go
there. He talked about how he put her lady part
in his face and seemed to be more the aggressor
and he said, okay, we're going there, we're going all
out there but he was very aware of where the
cameras were. He was wanting the cameras to be there.
What did he tell you about that? Absolutely. He comes
from a family of law enforcement. He said as an
African- American man, if something big is going on in
his life, he's thinking where are the witnesses and as
soon as she said let's go to the pool, he
said to the cameras, please follow us. She said to
him, she had he career out of her wow moments
and he had made his out of his wow moments
on the bachelorette and they kind of strategized. I don't
think he quite expected what went down. And Ashley talked
to him yesterday and she said he was more concerned
about the crew and not having jobs. To me I
felt like the ten days or 11 games that you
were being called the names he was being called. He
said he doesn't blame her but she's also been shamed.
He doesn't blame production, he thinks they had to shut
it down because they had a complaint. There's nobody he
blames for it. He actually is so forgiving to what
happens but sees him as O ' O O O
O O O like O blacked ooout, I don't remember.
He talks about in detail, what went down, what happened,
we haven't seen it but it pretty intense. If she
blacked out, he painted as this aggressor, this predator. He
admits that's the only gray area. He wants to say
to her how come you don't remember? Because at breakfast
the next morning, they were all reminiscing. She never said
I was in the pool yesterday. He really wants some
clarity on that. And the one thing he said, he
didn't tell me on tape but he said he would
like that video to be out there. He wants people
toe able to see what he experienced, like from beginning
to end rather than his word against her. We do
have a sneak peek, more from your interview tonight where
Demario describes what he experienced once the allegations got out.
The minute you release like this black man's face and
this white girl's face, before either of us commented on
it, I was already like a rapist and I was
like excuse me French a [ bleep ], a monkey
and she's a whore and a slut and they were
shaming her because of what happened last season. Just quickly,
how do they move forward from all of this? The
show or him? Korine and Demario. For him, whatever he
does in the future, we'll have to see. On "
Bachelor in paradise ." He feels that in some way
he could redeem himself given. He really had this odd
example and experience with the press and that could be
a bigger thing that he does through this experience. As
far as Corine, who knows. We will see. We know
that she sees her future in reality TV. He also
referred to it as his reality TV career. So both
of them, we'll see what Melanie, great job. The rest
of Melanie's interview airs tonight
For more infomation >> DeMario Jackson Breaks His Silence On 'Bachelor In Paradise' Controversy | Access Hollywood - Duration: 6:24.-------------------------------------------
Le Tout Nouveau Testament( O Novíssimo Testamento) || Legendado - Duration: 1:54:53.
SUBSPECIES (1991) - LEGENDADO 720p - Duration: 1:23:08.
Living Large In Mahwah, New Jersey - Duration: 2:21.
Reporter: THIS HOME IS
Reporter: 30-FOOT CEILING
THIS COST $200,000.
♪[ MUSIC ]♪
Reporter: A EUROPEAN
Reporter: DO YOU USE THE
Reporter: THE MASTER
Reporter: 500-SQUARE-FOOT
Reporter: A PUB A NICE
QUEM SALVAMOS PRIMEIRO?! | Oxenfree #3 [Legendado PT-BR] - Duration: 15:10.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time - Me titra Shqip [1080p HD] - Duration: 1:38:05.
Custo R$ 100 - Quanto você trabalha pra comprar 1 celular? - Duration: 10:48.
Canto para misa "Para Alabar" (Entrada) (Ordinario) - Duration: 1:11.
TUDO QUE VOCÊ PRECISA SABER - Gustando Show - Duration: 5:05.
Ultime notizie: Cristel Carrisi chi è la figlia del popolare cantante Al Bano| K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:07.
Mach keine halben Sachen (1) – Joyce Meyer – Seelischen Schmerz heilen - Duration: 28:48.
Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE Airco, USB, Bluetooth - Duration: 0:58.
Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE Airco, USB, Bluetooth - Duration: 1:01.
K-Time: Blanc7 in Paraguay - Duration: 2:12.
The fandom is called Prism
It comes form the group logo,which is a prism
Right now there are 380
almost 400 fans in Paraguay
The doors will be open at 2pm
and the concert will start
at five pm
We'll have a fansign,
a space where
the public will be able
to get the artists autograph
and after that, the concert will take place.
This was a big surprise
and brought joy to us
that our favorite group is coming to our country.
I'm really happy,
it's an honor
to have a K-Pop concert
for the first time at Paraguay
You can find us as "Blanc7 Paraguay"
on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter
We always update about the projects,
presents, the farewell,
and concert matters.
Venture off the beaten path
Volvo V70 2.4 D5 Momentum R Design - Duration: 0:55.
Custo R$ 100 - Quanto você trabalha pra comprar 1 celular? - Duration: 10:48.
Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2017-06-28 05:54:06 대한민국 경기도 파주시 금촌1동 796-7 - Duration: 1:00:02.
Clash of Clans განვიხილავ ბაზებს + შეტევები! - Duration: 1:04:39.
Slavic Chronicles: The Balkans - Duration: 2:21.
Screw everything!
Hello, waiter!
Bring another drink!
God damn, I'm having a good time.
Cviček for one euro!
Haha, god damn!
Hey, southern neighbour, come and drink one!
*Sigh* you Slovenians...
You and your stupid music.
I'm telling you up front
From this flag on
my place!
What flag?
How many veggies I have...
All made in Macedonia!
What I would give for one Burek.
Somebody said Burek?
And if you can...
With cheese
5 People Who Will NEVER RETURN to the WWE - Duration: 4:38.
The wrestling world is full of so many people.
From writers to wrestlers, these people do everything to make sure the audience has a
good time at any event, but this doesn't mean that every wrestler or writer is cut out for
WWE and had to learn the hard way.
My name is John, and these are 5 people who will never return to WWE.
Scott Steiner - Scott Steiner is a genetic freak and is also a person who I would not
recommend antagonizing if you ever meet him in person.
There was an instance, which I covered in another video, where security guards for a
time were given orders to ensure that Steiner did not return to the building which would
be hosting a live event.
One of the bigger reasons that will keep Scott Steiner from returning, especially any time
soon, is the fact that he has just recently made his return to Impact Wrestling.
Jeff Jarrett - Jeff Jarrett is not only one of the masterminds behind the creation of
TNA, and a four time world champion in WCW, these promotions being 2 or at least 1 and
a half of WWE's competitors.
But he also had a pretty terrible departure from the company as there was a contract dispute
while he was IC champion, as rumor has it that Jarrett wanted his pay of 300,000 dollars
for a pay per view before he dropped his championship to Chyna.
His last worked match was against Chyna, as he was paid his money that night and headed
on over to WCW.
The only way I could see a reason for Jeff Jarrett to return, and who knows if this will
ever come true, but Jarrett could return for a Hall of Fame induction.
Otherwise, may he continue to be outcasted from the realm of the WWE.
Alberto Del Rio / Paige - Now, normally, a top 5 list only consists of 5 people, but
I am going to make this list extend to 6, because I feel as though Alberto Del Rio and
Paige are partial causes to their own WWE careers being decimated.
They have both made their frustrations with the company clear over a multitude of social
media platforms, specifically Alberto, which means that we probably won't be seeing these
two returning to harness the glory of their once memorable careers.
Mr Kennedy - I don't know how many of you will agree with this, but I would have to
say that Mr. Kennedy was not only a solid character but had one of the most iconic entrances.
It is hard not to boo a man that announces his own name after he reaches up for a microphone
that descends from the heavens.
However, even though he looked as though he was going to be a huge star after successful
winning the Money in the Bank ladder match; he became the first person to lose his contract
and was eventually let go after hurting some of WWE's top talent including Randy Orton
and John Cena.
Vince Russo - Remember the whole Jeff Jarrett incident with dropping the IC title and him
being owed money.
Well, the person he is alleged to have been working with was writer, Vince Russo.
He has made attempts to mend the bridges with McMahon, as he has reached out to Vince to
try and obtain a spot as a writer or work for the company in any way to contribute to
the product on television, but Vince was reportedly not receptive to this.
Honestly, if I can just speak truthfully and just barf my creative wisdom onto all of you.
Vince Russo has become such a meme at this point that I don't think there is any chance
of the pride of the company being in anyway sacrificed by letting him back inside.
And these were 5 people who will never return to the WWE.
I hope you're all having an awesome day; thank you so much for watching
Wrestling Hub, and I'll see you later with more wrestling videos.
GET TO 100K AND WE GO TO VIDCON - Duration: 14:20.
I was like oh my god they're going to VidCon!
good morning Ryan came over and brought some hamburger for me. He heated up
He just heated it up. It's a double-double. He made a double-double
with cheddar cheese. He was a at church barbecuing for VBS Vacation Bible School
brought me some hamburgers. Yay! because I was so hungry. So he knew
Is it good?
Inhailed it
It's delicious. He did a good job cooking it because he has a lot of skills now. Why? from cooking at working
Yeah true. Anyways
I'm going to go to school. Go study a little bit
then come back. We can hangout!
You need to study?
I need to study
Well how about this
if you study well then we'll go to Dave and Busters
Oh! I'm down, babe
I'm down okay. What time?
What time are you free?
What time are you free?
Any time
What time are you hanging out with your friend?
Yeah, I'm going to go hangout with her around 6
Closes at 12
Today's friday
I'll just hangout 6 to around 8:30, 9
Closes at 1 today
We can go but
you're not going to do that thing you did to me yesterday right?
put it off
and come home late
I said I'm sorry
You didn't text me. Nothing
I was waiting
then decided, fine i'll just go to sleep
I know I'm sorry
Last night I went to go hangout with a friend and I was suppose to come home around 10
I told him I'd be back around ten, but
I was talking with my friend who I haven't seen in years
so we were talking and catching up
I was waiting... You coming????
yeah, a little bit later I called him saying
I'm sorry. He said, "It's fine, just hangout with your friend."
I said Soorrry
I'm sorry
Today you're lucky I brought you burgers
you're lucky
Thank you
thank you
Anyways the plan is, I'm going to study a little bit
then see if I study well and I feel confident for the midterm tomorrow
if all good then we'll go to Dave and Busters
and take you all with us
Hey, guys so remember this morning?
Ellen promised that we'd go to Dave and Busters if I studied really hard
so here's what happened. We went to the gym
because we need to work out. You know keep our health good
Finished working out. Now, guess what?
no Dave and Busters.
no Dave and Busters.
Ellen's hangry so we're
so we're going to go eat at BCD Tofu House
really good
Babe, actually we haven't been there in a long time
so It'll be good food. Good to go right
yeah so
today, well when you watch this
VidCon will be last week, but
But today was VidCon
and guess what?
Ellen's favorite couple. KKbabyJ went
and she was begging me to go
last minute. This morning she was begging me to go
but I was like I'm sorry I can't. I have to study
put school first you know
I felt really bad
but I said hey!
here's my promise
If you. If Ellen does daily vlogging
and gets us up to 100k
subscribers. 100k then I will take her
to next year's VidCon
and pay for the whole thing!
The whole trip I will pay
That's my promise
Let's see if she can do it!
she feels a little better now
but she still sad that she couldn't see her favorite couple today
Oh! here Ellen is!
yeah, so what happened was I was watching their vlogs from yesterday and they just
randomly surprised everyone saying we're going to VidCon
and I was like, oh my god they're going to VidCon!
She was begging me
Ryan please
please please can we go. I was like on my knees like begging and please
please please. I almost like shed a tear and he said well like we just don't have
the money I was like okay I'll pay for it
I think I have some savings or I'll sell something! I don't know but I'll pay for
it and here's like. He said well it's not just the money like I have to study
and true. You know school and comes first but I'm so motivated for next year next
next year. I don't know I don't know if it will grow like I don't know what do you
guys think do you think it's possible
Do you think it's possible? Let us know in the comments down bellow
I just really wanted to go see KKbabyJ
I wanted to see them so bad
Okay, but I'm gonna go take you to get food now
Food is important. She's hangry
BCD tofu house
Are you excited?
yes yes yes yes
It's probably going to be around 30 minutes or so
Oh my god babe. You're hangry!
You need to eat now!
There's 11 parties before us yeah but I think that they got
maybe they'll be fast
yeah, it looked like they're about three available tables so I would say eight people parties in
front of us but that's I would say like around maybe okay 20 20 minutes 20 to 30
I'm hungry. I want to eat now
We forgot it's Friday night and Friday night it's so packed here maybe
we should teach them some sign language because they like the sections where we
teach them sign
Oh really? okay
yeah teach relationship relationship
Babe, I'm gonna move
I don't want people
Really? You're gonna move because you don't want someone to park next to you?
Ryan's car is really precious to him
We teach some signs
Yeah, let's do some relationships
Relationship signs
so boyfriend
or boyfriend
boyfriend so boy boy friend this is friend just your fingers
interlocking friend boyfriends or boyfriend like this boy
like this. Boyfriend
or girlfriend
They're the same. Almost the same thing but down here. Remember that everything
below is women and everything above here is masculine
we should see some like interesting ones like side-chick
there's no sign for side chick
or Friends With Benefits
so it's friends with. like this. With. benefit like an F. Means benefits
Really if you want to talk like a Deaf person you should do FWB
how about characteristics of boyfriends like
hey, I want to clarify
sugar. S-U-G-A-R
sorry my bad
sweet sugar
I'm sweet. I'm not sugar
okay, You're my sugar
okay, that's fine
That's how he contacted me. Or like
that's how he first got my attention by sending me a message online saying hey
you're cute
Wow, I was stupid and Lame
no I was so cute that you said I was cute
I thought it was cute
I think we should go
E: I'm proud of you
You taught me well
E: are you happy?
yes, very happy
you look so happy
It's so loud in here so I'm just goin to sign
I'm happy that people see the positive in our vlogs
because that's what I want to do
It was negative growing up sometimes
the vlogs make our life so much better
so positive with Ryan and you guys
it's great
We're here and we've been here at BCD Tofu house many times before
Because this would be our spot after work
in the beginning we would come here. We came her on
Christmas Eve
because I worked late. So late
I left at like... You were working late too
That night I was working in the bar area
In the bar area I got a table with the nicest people I've ever met
a beautiful family of four
and they ordered everything
drinks! Food with huge portions
anyways. They left a 100 dollar tip
one hundred dollars!
but we came here after my shift
I remember our server was so nice. And it was the holiday. It sucks to work on the holiday
So I left a fat tip here for them too
to spread the joy
I'm full. Done
E: how was it? good?
It was good
I love you
love you too
sleepy sleeeepy
I'm so full! That was so good. See you tomorrow don't forget to share and subscribe
Love you guys
Sign Duo
snwoT aeS - Duration: 2:05.
A sound, my love
Do you hear the waves?
The sound of love
Do you see the rain
From way up above?
Oh, the clouds they see
Like a thousand miles
Into the sea
Where did you go?
I can't feel your heart beating next to my own
And I'm losing control
Where is my home?
Oh, I'm lost in a storm
And now that you're gone
I guess I'm on my own
BREAKING: Trump Just Made His Move. The Entire Democrat Party is Burning Down | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:57.
The Democrat Party is crumbling.
They have nothing of value to offer the American people.
The only influence Democrats have left is their control over the mainstream media.
Despite the claims of the mainstream media, President Trump is NOT under FBI investigation.
Unlike, Bernie Sanders, Loretta Lynch, and Hillary Clinton who ARE all being investigated
by the FBI (via The Daily Wire).
The Trump train has kicked into overdrive and is roaring off the tracks.
Despite some initial media set-backs, President Trump is starting to win huge while the Democrat
Party crumbles.
The Democrats control the media and the universities giving the appearance that the American people
support their actions.
In reality, the people are rejecting the corrupt Democrats.
Hillary Clinton was the least likable presidential candidate in American history.
Her devastating defeat rattled liberals to their core, but the Party has refused to make
changes to address their problems.
There is a vast gulf on the Left.
The few sensible Democrats who have not embraced President Trump are desperately attempting
to save their party from the far-Left.
Communists, socialists, and feminists all rallied behind Bernie Sanders revealing the
large rift between the Democrat base and the corporatism establishment pulling the strings.
The Democrats are stuck between a rock and a hard place.
If they embrace the communists, they turn off the moderate Democrats and vice versa.
Their only option is to attack President Trump.
Instead of uniting Democrats around something positive, liberal politicians are using President
Trump as a scapegoat to avoid grappling with their growing problems.
However, hatred of the opposition can only get you so far, and the majority of Americans
are demanding more from the minority party.
The Democrats are being sued by disgruntled followers of Bernie Sanders for fraud while
their leadership collapses.
Hillary Clinton is under investigation (once again) for interfering in corruption charges
laid against a Clinton Foundation donor from Bangladesh.
Bernie Sanders and his wife are being investigated for lying and politically pressuring a bank
to obtain a loan.
Finally, a probe has been launched to determine if Loretta Lynch obstructed the FBI investigation
into Hillary Clinton's emails.
President Trump, on the other hand, is landing win after win.
The Supreme Court approved his travel ban, his support is on the rise, and CNN has been
caught on tape lying to promote the Russian narrative.
The Democrat's strategy of slandering President Trump is wearing thin.
The Party is in disarray, and we just keep winning.
Do you think the Democrats will change their tune before 2018?
Please share this news and tell us what you think!
Chaco Canyon Square Kingman Turquoise Stud Earrings - Duration: 4:52.
Chaco Canyon Square Kingman Turquoise Stud Earrings - Duration: 4:52.
(FAIL) Water Balloon Prank on HeflianoGamer - Duration: 3:31.
HG: "That's not a prank!"
V: "It's a prank."
HG: "Y'all getting wet."
V: "It's a prank, bro!"
"Chill, it's a prank, bro!"
KK: *screaming unintelligibly*
V: "That's one!"
V: "Y'all we are out here."
"We're about to PRANK the heck out of Jaden."
"He's about to get it. He's about to get it."
KK: "We've got like10 water balloons."
V: "And he's about to get all of them."
KK: "We've got to say something-"
"We've gotta be like uh.."
KK: "We wanna uh... See how many shots you can make."
V: *laughing*
KK: "See-see if you can dunk it!"
"Then we're just gonna pull out!"
"I like the idea of that."
V: "Alright y'all it's a little windy too, so..."
"Aw man."
KK: "It's crazy, man, it's a weird scene!"
"It fits the scene, though!"
"We're about to do some crazy bull right now, ya heard?"
V: "We'll see y'all when we get there."
KK: "WE."
V: "ARE."
HG: "BACK." *whip*
KK: "And we're about to -- for the end of the Fear Factor video --"
"Jaden's gonna be doing a dunk sesh, ya heard?"
All 3: "Yah, yah, yah!"
KK: "Let's do it."
HG: *unintelligable old man noises*
"Go ahead, go ahead."
"I'm gonna give y'all something classic real quick."
"Not too much, just something light, you know what I'm saying?"
"Something light, something light, something light."
"Everybody can do this."
V: "I'm gonna back it up so we can see all of it."
KK: "Ooh, he missed!"
Everyone: *frantically yelling*
V: "Somebody get him."
"So, Jaden..."
KK: "You suck, bruh."
V: "You're wild."
HG: "Ain't no chill!"
"That's not a prank!"
V: "It's a prank."
HG: "Y'all getting wet."
V: "It's a prank, bro!"
"Chill, it's a prank, bro!"
KK: *screaming unintelligibly*
V: "That's one!"
V: "Prank gone horribly wrong."
"Prank gone horribly wrong!"
KK: "Aye man!"
"Aye Jaden come here, bro!"
V: "Come on, end the video with us, Jaden."
"End the video with us."
KK: "Jaden, tell them what was going on, man."
HG: "I'mma get y'all back."
KK: "Tell them-"
HG: "I'mma get y'all back."
KK: "Tell them what was going on, man."
HG: "I'mma get y'all back."
KK: "Aye we gotta... We gotta do our outro."
V: "He's about to slam him? Wow!"
KK: "We gotta do our outro."
KK: "Oh yah!"
KK: "It's war time! House wars!"
"I been said that."
I think he's uh..."
V: "We've got a very special surprise for y'all."
"In the next video, involving the three of us."
"Something like this."
Both: "Y'all gon' see!"
Calgary Chiropractor on Natural Solutions for Low Back Pain - Duration: 0:52.
Hey I'm Dr. Colin Henderson at Marda Loop Family Chiropractic.
If you have low back pain chances are you're having trouble doing this,
or this,
or this,
and you can't even think about doing this.
If you have low back pain, a couple of things for you to understand you're not alone.
Research tells us eighty-five percent of the adult population will experience back pain at some point in their life.
And at any given time nine to ten percent of the adult population is dealing with low back pain.
Are you sick and tired of popping pills and not getting better and just covering the symptoms?
Maybe it's time to get to the root cause, correct it, and get back to the things that you love doing.
I'm Dr. Colin Henderson at Marda Loop Family Chiropractic,
and we would love to find out if we can help you get healthy again.
Tattletail RP [Please turn on subtitles] - Duration: 2:38.
Sorry mic doesn't work
I'm gonna use some Fandroid voice lines
Subscribe to giantmilkdud please
Thx for watching, please subscribe, BYE
Arby's® | Triple Thick Brown Sugar Bacon Turkey Review! 🥓🍖 - Duration: 4:57.
YouTube and social media peep this out guys it's Ian K back again with another one for
ya out and about on a super crispy evening tonight guys and at Arby's no
less to take a look at their latest and greatest they've got going this month
and let me just say if you guys are fans of their awesome pork belly that they
brought back recently you are definitely gonna want to check this out hey and it
looks like you are because you're here guys feast your eyes on the all-new
thick-cut brown sugar line of sandwiches here at Arby's and with this lineup
currently it looks like they've got a little bit of something for everybody
from the BLT to the standard roast beef to their half pound Club which features
pit smoked ham as well as Turkey guys for tonight we're actually going to
be taking a look at the standard turkey version but if you want my opinion I
think it looks anything but standard with that thick cut brown sugar bacon
and it looks pretty fantastic so let's not waste any more time guys before I
take the first bite of this all-new triple thick brown sugar bacon turkey
it's an absolute mouthful of a title but then again it does look like a mouthful
of a sandwich let's get right up on it first but I closer look let's peep this
the meatcraft goodness continues here at Arby's with their all-new triple thick
brown sugar bacon and guys I gotta say it smells fantastic already let's pop
the brioche bun and take a nice delicious look what looks pretty
fantastic this is more or less the evolution of their pork belly and man it
looks crazy delicious guys very thick looking coated in that brown sugar
goodness they're looking really really tasty we've got some of that creamy
Dijon that it's got here on the bun itself and man I am just still blown
away by the look of the thickness on this bacon guys it does look pretty
fantastic right over here let me lift this up just a little bit
more for you just you guys can see we've got some of that roasted turkey action
in there normally this comes with tomato but a definitely 86 that we've got some
lettuce in there but they are definitely not pulling any punches when it comes to
the awesomeness that is the main selling point of this one guys that triple thick
brown sugar bacon looks really fantastic definitely think it's going to be a
highlight guys really really nice presentation so far this is the triple
thick brown sugar bacon turkey here at Arby's let's peep out this flavor you
know I was so mesmerized by that bacon I forgot to mention this one actually
features melted Swiss cheese as well even more goodness coming my way all
right let's hit it it's the all-new triple stick brown sugar bacon turkey
hear at Arby's oh whoa as my boy Hudson would say game over man game over my taste buds
have died and gone to heaven this is off the chart in terms of flavor
I'm going to try and pull piece of this bacon here out for you guys oh man look
at this piece of bacon right here it is candied up so sweetly with that brown
sugar and the cut is super thick as you guys can see here super flavorful very
reminiscent of the pork belly that they brought back recently but man the flavor
is insane with that brown sugar guys absolutely delicious it's a straight-up
treat on top of the melted Swiss cheese and the generous portion of the sliced
turkey on this one guys truly truly something special in the flavor
department hmm take a look at that meaty deliciousness guys in addition to the
thick cut brown sugar bacon you've got a very nice creamy Dijon sauce on this one
here that goes so well with it it's got a very light
mustard-like flavor but with a nice creaminess to it and I can't stress
enough how that brown sugar bacon is just lighting it up as well I'm not even
going to add horsey sauce to this because it does not need anything else and that's
rare for me not to add horsey sauce to anything here at Arby's because I
absolutely love it but guys the sandwich really does not need it at all I'm
telling you the brown sugar candied goodness
of this thick cut bacon is truly killer it's the star of the show guys very
similar to the pork belly so expect a little bit more fattiness on this one
here but the flavor is definitely there and the thickness is on point with it I
am totally digging this very very tasty so what do you guys think about this one
does that steak cut brown sugar bacon look truly thick cut to you and how do
you think it compares overall to the pork belly if you've ever tried it here
drop those comments down below and definitely let me know and as for the
overall score on this one is if you don't already know what I'm going to
give it the triple thick brown sugar bacon Turkey here at Arby's cruises to the top
with an easy 10 out of 10 this one's going to destroy your taste buds with
extreme flavor and if you were a fan of the pork belly like I was you have no
idea what you're about to get into right now with something almost as equally
thick but laced with some delicious brown sugar to add to the overall
crispiness that it's already got truly delicious and that's it for this cheater
scam style edition of peep this out guys as you know I've got content every
single week here on my channel so while you stay tuned for the next review
coming real soon in the meantime stay frosty you know you guys are
probably going to be seeing a lot more cheaters camp-style reviews as the
summer rolls on guys because it is too crazy to film during the day considering
it's well over 100 plus degrees lately and personally for me I really
love nights shooting and I think you guys do as well because I get a lot of
requests for this format so as always watch for more to come and I'll talk to
you soon
game over man game
Canto para misa "Para Alabar" (Entrada) (Ordinario) - Duration: 1:11.
Calvin Harris Feels ft Pharrell W, Katy Perry (SUBTITULADO EN ESPAÑOL)¡ESPECIAL 2 MIL SUSCRIPTORES! - Duration: 3:40.
Nail Art Compilation 2017 | The Best Nail Art Designs June 2017 | Part 9 - Duration: 10:32.
Thanks for watching
Hope you have a great time
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[ASTRO DDOCA] Business Trip to Jeju Island (engsub) - Duration: 8:15.
Hello DDOCA~!
Today we're going to Jeju Island.
Why are we going to Jeju Island?
We're going to film our music video there.
Today we're going to show you around the Gimpo Airport.
We haven't gone in yet but we'll be showing you what Gimpo airport looks like.
My arm hurts.
We're going.
MJ and JinJin.
We have to go down here.
If we go down here...
I think this is the best part.
What about it?
Those lights up there are more interesting.
Why's MJ here?
MJ's really popular here.
No, that looks more like JinJin.
No, we can't use that!
We can't?
What should we buy?
Should we skip formalities for a little bit?
He's the oldest, you're in the middle and I'm the youngest.
This is where we can speak informally right?
Yeah, I'll give you this chance.
You're so annoying, go away.
I'm hungry.
Second brother~! Don't be like that to big brother.
If I ask nicely he'll probably buy me something.
Since you're the youngest, why don't you act cute for us?
Go brush your teeth, your breath smells.
Do you think your breath doesn't smell?
I want some coffee.
It smells really bad...
Let's go to where the pictorial's at.
There are a lot of people here.
Here on the site of the photoshoot, JinJin is...
Really. Aren't you embarrassed?
You're being a nuisance. I really like doing this.
Sanha, try looking confident.
I'm doing fine.
Just saying, show us how fine you are.
Please tap the heart~!
I like this.
Do you?
Can I do it too?
Like that?
No, we can't.
Like this?
I'll hold the camera.
Can we?
Take a picture.
At the same time.
Is that one filming too?
Don't... don't move.
We're leaving for Jeju.
Jeju, wait for us.
We'll have a good shoot. Fighting~!
See you in Jeju. Bye-bye.
Sleep mode.
We've arrived in Jeju.
It's so beautiful. I'll show you what it looks like.
It's really beautiful.
Seeing this makes me feel awake.
Later, there's a bicycling scene.
I'm going to hit you with my bike.
Actually, I'm good at bicycling.
I've been riding since I was five.
I've been riding since I was three months old.
There's a bear over there.
It's a bear.
It's bigger than us.
Hey wassup? What's your name?
You're really big! What are they feeding you?
The dog probably doesn't bite right?
Be careful, don't do that. [Very worried or worried for the dog.]
If its tail is wagging like that, doesn't that mean it's happy?
It looks like you a little.
It looks like me.
I'm a little scared.
This little guy is really nice.
Take a close up.
My lips are frozen and I can't talk.
In five minutes we have more scenes on the bicycle.
I think it's going to be lots of fun.
Your bike is white, right?
Mine is black.
We have to go ride bikes now. Bye.
You want to act like we're sleeping? Ready, go.
Is that how you sleep? Shaking your head like that?
You have to look like you're sleeping.
You have to open your mouth. I'll show you how it's done.
Where's JinJin?
What's the next scene?
Don't film me~.
What's that?
Throw it!
Thank you!
I'm not cold at all.
Let's go director!
"What did we do?" "There are cold snaps in the spring."
I feel like my ears are going to snap off.
I'm not that cold. Are you?
Your ears are red but I'm sure you're not that cold.
I'm not that cold.
It's so hot.
I'm not cold at all. We don't have any earmuffs though.
There are lots of different earmuffs today.
Ear treatments. He can't hear you right now.
Well, the sun is down now.
"Our little Eunwoo." "He can't hear you."
Are you cold? If you think that you're cold, you're going to feel cold.
Stand in line Astro!
This isn't the time to be cleaning his face! Hurry up!
We know it's been cold and you've been working hard. Thank you for coming here and shooting our music video.
We will definitely succeed. We love you!
We will work hard! Wanna be your star! We've been Astro!
Thank you, we'll work hard!
Thank you! Go "Hide & Seek!"
Thank you.
Wanna be your star! We've been Astro!
That's how you do it.
#1. [Intermediate Korean] Idioms about Eyes [중급 한국어] 눈 관용어 - Duration: 9:15.
Hi, Guys, this is Kind Ms Kim
From today, I'm going to teach you Korean language with you, guys.
To speak intermediate and advanced Korean, and TOPiK 2, we're going to learn
vocabulary, grammar, speaking, writing and so on.
Koreans often use idioms related to human body.
Among them, we're going to learn idioms associated with the Eyes.
In Korea, Nun means 2 things : eyes and snow
And we don't say nundle(multiple), instead, just nun.
First, to catch one's eyes
This means sm or sth is seen easily.
Minho is tall, so he stands out everywhere.
While watching newspapers, ads, or news, you can find "to catch one's eyes" many times.
So, for instance, the economy grew noticeably.
Second, to turn one's eyes
To turn means to move like this.
For Koreans eyes mean interests.
So it can mean changing some interests to the other side.
For example, I turned my interest out of the classroom.
It is used a lot in dramas, movies and interviews.
Third, to match one's eyes
To match means to look at each other.
Like this.
So we use this expression, usually between lovers or when we read sm's minds.
I greeted him with my eyes.
Fourth, to light up one's eyes
We use this expressions when we're looking for sth and focusing.
Mom lighted up her eyes and looked for her lost child.
You can use these idioms.
Fifth, to attach one's eyes.
to attach means like this...
In Korea, we use this phrases normally
while we're sleeping, napping because of tiring or being sleepy
As I slept for a moment, I feel better.
Sixth, to deceive one's eyes
We use this one for cheating or deluding, doing false acting
He cheated his teacher by fooling teacher's eyes.
In Korea, we use "cunning" instead of cheating.
This is wrong English expression, but at least in Korea it is used.
Seventh, to avoid other's eyes.
This means not to be seen from others.
For example, he ran away from the eyes of others.
8th, To have high value/ desiring
So, the one who has greatly high value or goal, we depict him or her with this idiom.
For example, as she has high value, she doesn't have any boyfriend yet.
In drama, or movie, there appear lots of unrealistic male and female.
So, if you watch lots of those tv shows, you gonna get high value.
But this is not bad expression
Someone like artist or musician has high value, and eye of art, then can find
Artfully good works.
9th, to wash one's eyes and see
What's this meaning? I'm gonna wash my eyes like this...
See, and washing eyes and concentrating to see accutately,
we use these words.
One of your friends get started to go new place
like new workplace or school, then the others ask him or her.
Hey, how was it? how about people there?
then she or he answers, I washed my eyes and saw, there's no one looking good.
believe or not
10th Eyes come out
The time we can't believe, the eyes come out like this big.
She checked the price of the bad and was surprised.
Some products are too expensive, we usually say this expression.
So far, idioms related to Eyes 1
Every Monday, I'm going to study with you, guys about the idioms, phrases, and words that Koreans use a lot.
Subscribe my channel, write down comments about your questions
This is my first Korean language video, so I know it's not that satisfied.
So, plz leave some comments and give me advice, I'll reflect if I like.
Also leave your own expressions using these idioms about eyes.
And thank you for watching my video!!
Bye Bye!!
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