In these so turbulent times,
remember the power of celebration.
Get a song that elevates your soul,
that opens your heart and dance, dance, dance,
without worrying about anything at all
and see, feel, and experience the power of this.
For more infomation >> Sri Prem Baba no Festival Ilumina / Sri Prem Baba in the Ilumina Festival 2017 - Duration: 0:35.-------------------------------------------
Amerikano Splash y Magellan Addons de Kodi - Duration: 14:15.
Citroën C3 1.6 E-HDI SELECTION - Duration: 1:01.
Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Feel 5-DRS (Airco/Bluetooth) - Duration: 0:59.
Sri Prem Baba no Festival Ilumina / Sri Prem Baba in the Ilumina Festival 2017 - Duration: 0:35.
In these so turbulent times,
remember the power of celebration.
Get a song that elevates your soul,
that opens your heart and dance, dance, dance,
without worrying about anything at all
and see, feel, and experience the power of this.
Reforma e prédios do regime comunista - #2 - Duration: 6:00.
Citroën C3 Collection 1.6 E-HDI diesel,bj.2012,climate,5 deurs,grijs metallic,dure uitvoering,NAP u - Duration: 0:59.
Xinxastar - "Chances" (prod. Jordan) - Duration: 4:24.
already threw the first
wow device down
first down!
wow the second guy fell as well
fallen already got two
csgo fast plays!
hey japapito! what's up?
so, here is another fallen play
in full HD
to we follow whats happened
in that amazing round
what happened at the end of ecs 2017 csgo
lets rock!
well, fallen already started looking everybody
he already changed the weapon with fer monster
everybody is looking at each other
coldzera chaning of weapon as a stupid guy
the animal is on fire
fallen already got his crazy incendiary
he got that molotov extremely crazy
he started looking to the cavern
to see if somebody is rushing
there is nobody rushed
wow, look how cool is the astralis' icons
everybody with a different icon
haha what a gay things!
wow someone already fell
device fell as well
second too
fallen got two
round ended
wtf man!
wow the second guy fell as well
device threw the bang
look the verdadeiro brow! (true man)
xyp smart position here
entering by the palace
started the smooke grenades
he will give that jump and...
omg taking down
so that's all papito!
if you like this kinds of videos and fast plays
do not forget to gimme that like ok? =D
kiss on your mouth
Libras/inclusão: Este HÁBITO vai te salvar, professor interlocutor! - Duration: 9:47.
JAY-Z X Pusha T Type Beat - 4:44 (Prod.Proffeny) - Duration: 3:32.
Aonde Voce Está? - Duration: 7:44.
[Music] Where are you?
This was the question that God asked Adam when he arrived at the garden where he had
positioned mankind. On a day like this, in a garden like this, God came to encounter
the man that had sinned. God arrived at the appointed time in the evening of the day
to meet with a man that had transgressed, a man that had
disobeyed, because God doesn't miss an encounter because of sin. At the appointed
time, God was there and Adam had hid himself. And the Lord asked, "Adam,
where are you?" Whats interesting is that God didn't
ask "what did you do?", because God in His omniscience knew what Adam
had done. He asks us, where are you? What type of question is that? An omniscient
God that knows all things didn't know that Adam was hiding behind
a bush? He didn't know that Adam was hiding, afraid because he had sinned?
Of course He knew! My beloved, this question was a moment of opportunity!
God comes to the established meeting time and doesn't meet man, as was the norm.
Adam hid himself. God didn't make Adam in Eden, God made Adam out of Eden
and placed him in there. As it is written in Genesis
chapter two verse seven , God placed man in the garden.
Mankind had a position given by God and when man sinned they lost their
place. Upon transgressing man loses this place because now he has
understanding, His eyes open and he ate of that fruit that God had told
him not to eat, and God expels man from the garden.
Now I ask you, why did God expel man? Why did God remove man from
the garden of Eden along with his woman. Do you think that
it was an act of vengeance? Was it an act of anger?
God removes man from the garden because in that garden there was another tree
called the tree of life and God removes man, and places Cherubim with flaming
swords, protecting the tree of life. Now mankind had sinned and God
with an act of love expels man from Eden. It wasnt an act of anger, but one
of love, of protection. God looks and says I will remove man from the garden
because I already have a rescue plan. I already have a plan for salvation for
mankind. God removed man from that place so that he might not become an
eternal sinner. So that he wouldnt eat from that tree of life and become
an eternal sinner, God expels him for protection and for love. But now begins
A new project, a plan that - actually, the plan had already been made before
the foundation of the world - because the lamb had already been slain before the foundation of
the world. Jesus was ready. Jesus had already
prepared to rescue the man that had sinned. So, beloved,
what we need to understand is that that which mankind had lost was a
position, a place that God had put mankind in to govern, the place that God
placed mankind in to reign. He said have dominion over all things
and now mankind loses this dominion, loses his place, but thanks be to Jesus Christ
the son of God! John 3:16 says that God so loved the world that he gave
His only begotten son so that any who believe in him shall not perish but have
eternal life. Now Jesus comes to the world, now Jesus
comes the world, born of a woman named Mary, did not sin, won over all
temptations, was betrayed, killed on a cross, but was brought back to life.
He conquered death conquered sin, defeated the devil and now
He rescues all authority. And now all power in heaven
and on earth is given to Christ Jesus And do you know what he does? He gives it back
to man. Do you know what he does? He returns to man that
position that was lost. That place of intimacy, of
relationship that man had lost because of sin. Christ rescues - Christ
takes back and returns this opportunity
The place that man had lost is restored because of Jesus. So, my beloved, take
hold of this position. You know what part of this story changed? The encounter that
God had with man was in the cool of the day
The encounter between one friend and the other was in the evening
but now things are different. Jesus restores mans' place and now
the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of man.
Remember that garden that God made to meet with man in the cool breeze
of the day? Now I am that garden. Now this garden is me, and I encounter Him
not just for one moment but 24 hours a day. I encounter God inside of me.
You know, beloved? This position, this place that was
given to man this place that was rescued by Christ,
we need to take hold of this place we need to relate more
with God because now he doesn't just come once a day but he lives inside of us.
We need to enter this place of authority, of friendship, and have a
relationship with God daily. Today's calling is to be with Him,
for us to live with him and to have intimacy with him all the days of your life.
Personally, when I arrive in eternity I'm going to ask Adam,
"Adam, what was it like to encounter God?" He's gonna say "I used to
meet Him every evening." Then I'm going to look at him and say
"it wasn't like that with me. For me, it was 24 hours a day." Adam, God would come to speak to you? "Yes he would
Rafael, and he would come in a supernatural way!" Well, he lived inside
of me. Beloved, God lives in you! God lives
in you and theres a difference between you disregarding a guest and you
disregarding someone that you live with. The person that lives in you needs your
attention, needs your friendship. Don't despise the person that lives inside of you.
Position yourself, take hold of that which God rescued on the cross through Jesus and
live a life in the fullness of the Spirit and in relationship with God. That God
may bless you. That God, every day, might take you to deeper levels of
relationship and that you might give more attention to the One who lives inside
of you. A great hug to all of you and until next time
in the name of Jesus.
5 Little Speckled Frogs| Part 2 | Nursery Rhymes | Songs for Kids | Easy Subtraction - Duration: 1:37.
Hip Hop Frogs
Five Little Hip Hop Frogs
Danced on a hip hop log Eating some most delicious bugs
(yum, yum) One jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool
Then there were four hip hop frogs
(glub, glub)
Four Little Hip Hop Frogs Danced on a hip hop log
Eating some most delicious bugs (yum, yum)
One jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool
Then there were three hip hop frogs (glub, glub)
Three Little Hip Hop Frogs Danced on a hip hop log
Eating some most delicious bugs (yum, yum)
One jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool
Then there were two hip hop frogs (glub, glub)
Two Little Hip Hop Frogs Danced on a hip hop log
Eating some most delicious bugs (yum, yum)
One jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool
Then there was hip hop frog (glub, glub)
One Little Hip Hop Frog Danced on a hip hop log
Eating some most delicious bugs (yum, yum)
One jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool
Then there were zero hip hop frogs (glub, glub)
10 bucks says Kevin Hart says something about his height.
What's going on crew?
Jumanji welcome to the jungle trailer reaction.
Well this is a fun group.
Welcome to detention.
You are all here for a reason you should be thinking about who you are.
Perfect mix of people.
The nerd.
The quiet girl.
The pretty girl.
The Jock.
A game for those Who seek to find.
A Way to leave their world behind.
Pick a character and you're that person in the game.
Kevin Hart.
The Rock.
Jack Black.
Oh, the People's eyebrow.
Who wouldn't.
I have the Rock's Body.
Oh, this is kind of cool I love when movies do this.
This is a video game.
Which means we all have special skills.
Oh my God.
Those aren't.
That is scary.
By the way.
Pay up.
Let's watch it again.
So she is Ruby Roundhouse.
Because she can round house kick.
In the Curvy one, Jack Black.
Oh my God.
So I have this theory right now.
Maybe Peter and Judy the two kids.
Grew up, and he created this video game.
I don't know how this video game gets the Jumanji, spirit, curse.
I feel like maybe that's the connection.
Because how else would it be called Jumanji.
Unless someone had played the game or seen the game.
We did end up seeing the game end up being in Japan.
Look at the end of the last one.
So maybe like Hiroshi or Fusajiro.
Those, these are the, the Nintendo inventors.
Maybe this was like a side project that they created with.
I'm convinced, I'm convinced this can be a good sequel if one of these timelines.
I can get down on that.
It's funny, it's funny guys.
For everyone hating out there.
It's The Rock and Kevin Hart, Amy Pond.
Maybe her special ability is receiving a sonic screwdriver.
Jack Black, oh my gosh.
We haven't seen him in a good movie forever.
Tropic thunder, hilarious.
Swallow the gravy, get it over here buddy let's do this.
I love that she thought that the Curvy one was going to be curvy, instead of curvy.
I'm down, I'm down.
I think this could be totally like a legit good movie.
That's why am really hyped up though.
Because The Rock and Kevin Hart we're constantly uploading to their socials.
Like a little practical jokes that they would plant each other.
If there is much fun behind the scenes they do in front of the camera I think we're going
to get a good movie.
It's gonna be pretty, if I do say so lit.
That's kind of it, that's kind of all I got.
I know we haven't posted in like a week or so.
But, tomorrow we are going to be revealing a huge surprise for the entire channel.
We did the fidget spinner giveaway if you weeks back.
This is not at all related to that.
But, it's a giant jump for us, as a family.
there's not many people in the world that have made this jump.
Just tune in tomorrow.
Subscribe if you're new here.
And if you are hit the little bell icon, get notified.
You do want to be one of the first that's going to see what we are introducing.
That being said if you have any other theories and want to chat below.
I will be on all day.
What were your favorite parts of the trailer, and what didn't you like.
I'm kind of tired of Kevin Hart always talking about his height.
If you like this And want to see me review some more trailers smash the thumbs up.
Go watch this trailer going on your own.
Maybe do your own reaction.
And as always, I have been Tom.
Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2017-06-29 16:00:27 400-500 E Roosevelt Ave, Zeeland, MI 49464, USA - Duration: 6:25.
VID 20170625 161614522 - Duration: 8:20.
→ Quem Tem Direito a Isenção Na Compra De Veiculo Zero Com Isenção De Impostos - Duration: 15:07.
#21 - Crosstraining - Duration: 3:47.
Should one practice more than one martial art?
Generally speaking, teachers -not all of them- would have the tendency to say
that one should practice only one martial art.
I hear that often. And the opposite has also been heard.
To practice a martial art in a continuity seems absolutely essential to me.
To practice one for three years, another four years and another two years...
seems inefficient.
I would suggest practicing one martial art;
but, at the same time, also others that would -in parallel or in crossing- other martial arts that would be practiced too.
To practice one martial art for a long time, is, in the end, to obtain its correct technical mastery.
From this correct mastery,
we will be able to work on finer details
that are on the space and time, on the mental state, the states of consciousness...
To start over a martial art is to start over with the technique.
So we're in re-gress and not in pro-gress.
On the other hand, as long as this guideline is followed,
it's very profitable to go see something else, whether it works the same way, to verify the principles that are being followed;
to check if the principles of Budo are the same,
if the timings are the same, if the states of mind are the same.
It's something that I, personally, have done.
I told myself "Ah yes! Here in Aikido it works like this, and now in Judo…"
and the form did not matter because what interests us is to go beyond the form
- to transform oneself is the goal.
So I would suggest that one could practice different martial arts,
such as is the case for a number of students in our group, here in our dojo,
but [it is necessary] to keep a guideline, which becomes our reference,
which becomes our base, which becomes the way to establish the knowledge.
To conclude, if we think about the great masters… there we have anything and everything.
Some only practiced their martial art; and they had a lot of success;
others, that I met, practiced their martial art in a very recurrent manner -for 50, 60 years-
but went looking here and there for other ways to be in their Budo.
I believe that both are truly profitable.
A Pizzighettone la centrale Edison da 18 milioni di Kw l'anno - Duration: 3:36.
Venture off the beaten path
Sri Prem Baba no Festival Ilumina / Sri Prem Baba in the Ilumina Festival 2017 - Duration: 0:35.
In these so turbulent times,
remember the power of celebration.
Get a song that elevates your soul,
that opens your heart and dance, dance, dance,
without worrying about anything at all
and see, feel, and experience the power of this.
Amerikano Splash y Magellan Addons de Kodi - Duration: 14:15.
2017 Science Advocate of the Year - Alan T. Hirsch, M.D. - Duration: 2:47.
(somber music)
- We awarded the Science Advocate of the Year Award
and I think what really propelled him
to get this award was in recent years,
he's had more of a public policy focus
on the work that he does and the work does AHA does.
- He had the right kind of energy
that pushed for this type of an award
to be given to him
because it represents, in my estimation, an energy
that, frankly, I wish a lot of people had.
- You can tell it makes me smile
just to think about trying to describe Alan.
Alan was a ball of fire.
He was so energetic, had more energy
than any other three people I know put together.
- He was truly a mensch,
an honorable, devoted colleague, friend.
- Alan was always enthusiastic and energetic
and really passionate.
And his passion was contagious.
- He was a big thinker, everything expansive.
He wanted to do things bigger and better
than anything else.
- Alan had passion for everything,
and it related to the work
around cardiovascular disease.
It linked not only at the state level,
but at the national level as well.
- He would always talk about how proud he was
with his involvement with the American Heart Association,
whether it was science research grants
or working with advocacy
or being a spokesperson for new care protocols.
- I've been very, very proud to work
with the American Heart Association for over 30 years,
nearly my entire career.
Attempting to apply knowledge into practice
because "life is why" is core to who I am.
- We talked about how proud he was
all the time to have been a a part of AHA
for so long.
It made people take notice.
- He worked really hard at developing consensus,
working with other people to make things happen.
You have to really care about people
and care about what you're doing.
And he did, deeply.
- If Alan were here today,
he would say, "Carry on."
"Carry on with vigor, with energy,
with happiness, with a smile.
Play some jazz music in the background,
so it keeps you going.
Share the work with your friends and your colleagues
because together you'll make it happen."
- Alan will be missed very much
by a lot of people.
Republican Who Said Poor People Shouldn't Buy iPhones Wants Taxpayers To Pay His Rent - Duration: 4:22.
Friday, June 30th is expected to be Republican Representative Jason Chaffetz's last day in
He's resigning.
He wants nothing more to do with this.
He's come under a lot of scrutiny recently, and he just can't take the heat anymore.
But before he leaves office, he wants to make it clear, he said this in an interview, that
the taxpayers, the American taxpayers need to be giving members of Congress a $2,500
a month stipend, so that they can pay for their DC residences, because, after all, most
representatives have a home back in their district and one in DC, where they spend about
half their time, so they have to split the time.
They have to get two houses, and, yeah, that can be expensive.
But here's the thing, Mr. Chaffetz.
You make a $174,000 a year working three and a half days a week.
Your plane travel, those are businesses expenses that you get to write off.
We, the average people, don't get to do that.
Furthermore, you're the same guy, who just a few months ago, said that poor people might
have to make that though decision over whether or not to buy the new iPhone or purchase health
After demeaning the poor, blaming them for not being able to afford health insurance,
because, according to you, they're wasting it on iPhones and stupid stuff like that,
you now want us, those same people that you demonized and humiliated, to pay for your
house in DC, and to pay for your Republican colleagues' houses in DC.
Let me tell you something.
$2,500 a month is a hell of a lot of money for rent.
You can probably get a pretty nice apartment for that.
But, furthermore, I don't give a crap if every one of you is living on the street serving
in Congress.
With what you are doing to the American public, cutting Food Stamp programs, cutting Social
Security Medicare payments, kicking 22 million people off health insurance, and you expect
us to give a damn about the fact that it's kind of pricey for you to have two homes?
Do you understand how elitist and disgusting you sound?
No, you don't, because you don't care.
In fact, according to stories today, you're already planning a career move after you leave
You're going to go work at Fox News, where you're going to make a hell of a lot more
money than you ever did as a United States Congressman.
Here's a fact.
The fact that Congresspeople make $174,000 a year puts them within the top 5% of US income
95% of the country does not make as much money as you, and we work a hell of a lot longer
and harder than you do, buddy, so we don't owe you a damn thing.
Until you start taking care of everybody else in this country, don't you dare go complaining
about the fact that your $174,000 a year salary isn't enough for you to afford your two homes.
Back in the early days of this country, Congresspeople weren't paid.
You know why?
Because they wanted people to see it as their civic duty.
It wasn't about money.
It wasn't about getting rich.
It was about protecting the country and working on the country that you live in and love.
But I guess that spirit's died out over the last 250 plus years.
Now all that matters is money, money, money, money, money.
That's all you want.
That's all you care about, and you don't care if you're taking everything away from people
who already have nothing, just so you can have a second residence in DC that's a little
bit more comfortable than the housing that everybody else in that area can afford.
You're disgusting, and I cannot wait until you walk out of the door of Congress tomorrow
for the last time, and never go back in.
2 Months on T Update - Duration: 4:16.
Hey, my name is Gray, and welcome to my channel. So I'm in a busy parking lot
right now, and I'm going to do my two months on T
So I never did a one-month on T update just because there weren't a lot of
changes that were noticeable, and I had other video topics that I wanted to do,
but I'm here now because there are significant changes and I want to share
them with you. First thing is my voice. Multiple people,
not just my imagination anymore... multiple people have told me that my voice is
deeper, which is cool, you know? It's nice, so this is my voice two months on T.
The next day I would say that I'm hungry all the time, all the time. It was worse
in the first month. Now it's kind of gotten better, but in the first month I
just I couldn't stay full, constantly hungry, constantly eating. Another thing I
would say is my skin is greasy, greasier, rougher. Like my face gets greasy, my
glasses slide down all the time because I'm sweaty and gross. I definitely smell
like nasty. I'm turning on the car because I'm dying, so sorry if it gets
loud. What else? Ah! I can't have copyrighted music, good Lord. I'm hairier like my
stomach has more hair and the hair I had before is thicker, darker, which is
awesome. I love it. Leg hair, oh my god. Sorry, just checking to make sure no
one's watching me. I have more sensation in my lower region, which I didn't have
before. I wouldn't say I'm horny. I wouldn't say I'm really like ready for
or wanting sexual activity. Like I'm still pretty ace and not into that, but
like I have sensation. Like when I'm walking, it feels different, and also I
think I might have some growth started maybe? That's just wishful thinking.
I think I'm just thinking that one up because I want it to happen, but anyway...
I wouldn't say I have acne, like it's not... I have a few more pimples than usual, but
generally, oh god there's someone walking by... generally my my acne is not bad anyway so
I don't really have issues. Oh my god some is pulling off right next to me now. I'm going to
die. I really gotta get ready to drive home anyway. Don't worry, I'm not going to
drive while I'm filming. So those are all the updates I have right now. I'll
probably just updates every other month so like I'll do the four months and a six
months in the 8 months 10 month and a year. I think that'll be better.
Okay, I'm home safely, which is good, but I forgot: did
you guys like that intro because I kind of like that intro. I made it, and I'm
kind of proud of it, so hope you guys like it. If you watched this far in the
video, comment down below what color of the rainbow is your favorite: red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, or purple. Mine is blue, but I also like yellow. My name is Gray.
Have a wonderful day!
Peugeot Partner !! APK T/M 19-07-2018 !! 170C 1.9 - Duration: 0:57.
Fiat Punto 1.4 16V/Airco/APK t/m 2-2018 - Duration: 0:58.
Lake Dudes Episode 5: Brahmance - Duration: 1:07.
[water lapping]
- This angler is, lake, breaking my heart.
- Dude, what's wrong?
- It's this Giant Salvinia.
It's so thick, he can't even fish.
And it just keeps growing, doubling every week, man!
Oh, wait!
Do you think, lake, maybe he can, lake, fish over there...
with you?
- Uhh, not until he's washed everything, lake, completely.
Or dried out for at least a week.
Just one little piece can ruin me, brah.
- Well, lake, he can do that!
(baby talking) Right little guy?
That's easy sauce.
- Sure man.
Just, lake, clean, drain and dry.
- I love you, brah.
- Aww, it's nothin...
Oh, you were talking to him.
- ANNOUNCER: Love your lakes back.
Clean, drain and dry your boat
before traveling from lake to lake.
Keep fishing and boating fun for everyone.
- ♪ We'll say goodbye ♪ [sniff]
♪ then you clean drain and dry ♪
♪ Doobie, doobie doo ♪
♪ Boo, doo, boodie, boo ♪
♪ Boo, boo ♪
Suits | Season 5, Episode 3: Mike Ross Doing What Mike Ross Does Best | 100 Days of Suits - Duration: 2:35.
We've been waiting ten minutes.
I'm not waiting any longer.
Uh, you don't have to, your honor.
My motion is here.
It better get up here fast.
Where the hell were you?
I'm standing up here with my dick in my hand,
and you're out having a soda.
I had something to do.
Yeah, well, whatever it was,
I hope it was worth almost losing this case over.
Motion to expedite trial.
I thought this was a hearing on their motion to dismiss.
Well, if you expedite our trial,
that takes care of their motion to dismiss.
Your Honor, they just got this case two days ago.
They're using the timing of our client's contract expiration
to try to shake us down.
I have to say, Mr. Zane, I find it hard to believe
that in two days you've found out enough
to know you need an expedited trial,
let alone care about these people at all.
Your Honor, four years ago,
a mail carrier named Stanley Powell
felt tightness in his chest.
He thought it was nothing,
but his wife insisted he go to the hospital.
When he got there,
doctors couldn't find anything wrong,
but they wanted to keep him for one extra day.
Now unfortunately,
Kelton Insurance refused to pay.
So Mr. Powell went home, crawled into bed,
and one day later, he was dead.
In front of you, you have a complaint
that's over 5,000 pages long,
which tells the stories of another 189 victims.
Pick a page at random, tell me the number,
and I will tell you exactly what their client did to them.
Your Honor, are you actually buying that?
Page 627, Mr.--
Lawrence Green.
63-year-old grandfather,
admitted to St. Vincent with complaints of lower back pain
and excessive weight loss.
He thought it was stress. Turns out it was lymphoma.
Only they didn't find out until it was too late
because their client refused to pay for the MRI.
So please, rule against us if you have to,
but don't tell me we don't care.
Motion for expedited trial granted.
Jury selection starts Monday. [bangs gavel]
For your information, that's what I was doing.
And it only took as long as it did
because I was also doing something for the one person
who has the right to treat me like his associate
but treats me like his partner anyway.
Well, if you can forgive me,
what do you say I take my partner out to lunch?
Before & After - Stone look sidetable - Chalk paint - Före & efter sidobord sten - Duration: 1:29.
Before & after
In a nutshell - Blockchain - Duration: 3:12.
This is 50 euros as we know them. Money printed on paper, and in which we trust
But can we also trust digital money? The simple answer is: Yes, we can!
The reason for this is blockchain technology
It makes online currency such as bitcoin safe. And even experts are of the opinion that blockchain
is a key technology for Industry 4.0.
But what exactly is blockchain?
Let's stay in the world of finance.
Blockchain is a digital protocol for transactions between business partners or for storing data.
Similar to an account statement.
Each block chain consists of a series of Data blocks in which one or more transactions are consolidated.
The blocks are connected, that means they are linked in a chain.
That's why it's called blockchain. Each change is recorded exactly in a kind of public cash journal.
New blocks are generated and computationally intensive processes and
distributed to all participants over a network.
This means that everyone has a copy of a traded bitcoin on his or her computer.
A manipulated data block can therefore be immediately detected. Fraud is impossible.
Why is this so important? Let's ask someone who knows?
Blockchain expert Alex Tapscott.
So now we are entering a second generation – from an Internet of Information to an Internet of Values,
where not just Emails, PDFs and Websites Websites but literally anything of value,
money, financial assets, titles and deeds, intellectual property can be moved, stored and managed
securely and privately and we trust as not established by an intermediary but rather through mass collaboration,
cryptography and clever code.
And as result these new platforms can have a tremendous impact on basically
every single industry, business institution in economy and society.
In the age of the Internet of Things, all items
– including those of high value –
can be found in cyberspace. In order to transact with these we need a secure booking system.
Banks have long since recognized the potential of this technology and are investing heavily in developing it.
Blockchain is not only of interest to the financial sector, though.
The extremely secure protocol also has enormous potential for industry.
One potential application: scopes of action must be defined for autonomously operating machines.
Blockchain technology could control this.
This way, for example, the direct energy trade between producers and consumers
could be managed quickly, efficiently and securely.
Siemens is currently conducting research with a Brooklyn startup company on the use of the blockchain technology
for managing a self-contained energy network, that is called a microgrid.
The technology is immature, but the opportunities are enormous: that is why Siemens experts
are constantly searching for interesting application areas.
We are excited to see in which Siemens products blockchain technology will soon turn up in.
JAY-Z X Pusha T Type Beat - 4:44 (Prod.Proffeny) - Duration: 3:32.
How to Clean Apple Handsfree | Earpods : Remove Wax Cleaning Earphones | Earbuds safely - easily..!! - Duration: 2:16.
So here is the Handsfree
The Spirit
And Toothbrush
First of all take some Spirit
and Pour it in EarBud
Wait for a few seconds...
...and then start cleaning it with the Toothbrush
after cleaning, blow in the earbud so that the spirit in the earbud gets dried
after doing all this, play some music with full volume so that the speaker vibrates and the spirit evaporates from it..
ACTION COP | RODE REEL ENTRY - Duration: 1:29.
We've got an armed robbery that just occurred 200 St. Scribner Lake Rd.
Daddy's Home
Daddy's taking the kids
To the big house
BREAKING: Top Dem Caught Colluding With Russian Spy. This is Treason. | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:33.
We have heard NOTHING but talk about how Trump and Putin are in bed together.
Recent undercover videos show that this is all a hoax, but the truth is now coming to
light about the DEMOCRATS and RUSSIA!
It recently came to light that DEMOCRAT Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) used money from a
PRIVATE FOUNDATION to pay for dinner for everyone at the home of the Russian Ambassador Sergey
Kislyak, The Washington Free Beacon reports.
While all this was happening the Senator kept quiet, and just this month everything came
to light.
Ironically, McCaskill told The Washington Post she NEVER had a call or meeting with
the Russian ambassador, though there was evidence that BOTH occurred, even before this story
Even CNN said McCaskill went to a reception at Kislyak's home in November 2015!
So obviously she was lying.
There MUST be a motive.
We think we know what is going on here.
Democrats have been trying SO hard to pigeonhole Trump and everyone else in his cabinet as
being tied to Russia in some way or another.
In a sloppy attempt to cover up what their Party was doing, they just failed to report
on it for longer than a couple of minutes.
THINK about it.
If 12 hours of their time goes to show that Trump is working with Russia, and three and
a half minutes go toward a story where a Dem met with the SAME PERSON, which one looks
The dinner payment was made clear as day, for the amount of $873.
The payment was made through the Shepard Family Foundation, not McCaskill directly.
It is disturbing that this did not get prior coverage.
Let's be honest, the only "cooperation" going on in this meeting wasn't what they
were going to eat for dinner.
McCaskill and her husband, Joseph Shepard, created the foundation in 2013, which as you
imagine, takes donations.
The couple did not disclose their filings to the Senate Ethics Committee until earlier
this month.
How many other events did they sponsor with the Russian ambassador that we don't know
about yet?
There is more information that has yet to be uncovered.
This is treason in the making — no question about it.
It is time that the Democrats get off the FAKE NEWS crap and start talking about what
THEIR Party is doing!
The Patriots of this country are tired of the lies and deception.
Do YOU think McCaskill is guilty of TREASON?
Please share this and tell us what you think!
How to Reset Your Windows 10 PC | RacingRich - Duration: 2:42.
What'sup Guys , RacingRich Here ... Back with another new video ..
And if you are new to this channel then hit the subscribe button right below this video
to stay up to date with me
Now Here comes the video you looking for --
Atfirst , why you wanna reset , Lemme tell you for 3 basic reasons -
Here are those -
the first reason is if you're if you got any malware installed on your computer
And its messing with your PC and you cant uninstall it
Now the second reason is when your PC Lags a lot even if you don't have much programs .
Now the Third one is when you just want to erase everything to make sure your PC runs fast .
Now here is how to reset your PC ---
First Click on your windows button
Now type - "Reset this PC"
Click on it .
Now here you get 2 options - Reset this pc - Advanced startup
Note : Before clicking on the advanced startup option be sure to have a bootable windows
USB or DVD . Or you simply gonna mess your computer .
The difference between the two options is in Reset this PC , it just removes everything
and In advanced startup option , it re-installs a clean sheet of windows again.
Its like re-installing windows again
If you don't have a bootable USB or DVD then you click on the get started right here ..
Now here you get more options -
In keep my files - As it displays , it will remove only your apps and settings .
In remove everything - it will erase every data you have in your computer .
You can start by clickng any of these options . I am not doing that , I am leaving it for U
So that wrapping up this video..
Hope this was useful to you . And if it was useful then leave a like to this video .
If you have got any questions , ask me in the comments below , I reply to every comments
Follow me on facebook -
Loot Anime Unboxing (American Sign Language with English CC) - Duration: 5:18.
Hello everyone. My name is Crow_Se7en
Welcome to my vlog. I will talk about
There are many options
Loot Crate. Loot Crate XD... oh wait? DX
Loot Wear
Loot Pets
Loot Anime
Loot Gaming
I picked Loot Anime
Let's open this box!
Where is my knife?
Oh, I found it!
Too big
Rush B? No...
That right one
Knights of Sidonia. Cell phone stand
I have to put the parts together
It's pretty simple
It looks nice
Gurren Lagann, artworks
Phone charm
That's awesome!
It's a pin
I remember when I was a kid and I had that toy
The poster
It's pretty big
It has everything
If you want to order one
There are 4 plan options, I believe
One month - $26.95 USD / Month
Three Month - $25.95 USD / Month
6 Month - $24.45 USD / Month
12 Month - $23.95 USD / Month, includes FREE bonus T-Shirt
Each month has different theme
This month, June theme is Rise Up
Next month, July theme is...
I'm not sure. I didn't say anything. It's surprising!
Remember, there is no spoiler
It's like the government's top secret
If you want to learn more about Loot Crate
There is the link in the description, the bottom of the video
You can click that link then it will take you to Loot Crate's website
Take a look around, see the pictures, information about the prices
That's all, folks
Thank you for watching
Please click Subscribe, Like, Share
or whatever that will help me a lot
See you in the next video
Best Essential oils for Skin - Six Essential oils to Eliminate Pimples and Make Beautiful Skin - Duration: 4:53.
Your Deposit Options with Square - Duration: 1:51.
Fast deposits are business as usual with Square—you see money in your bank account
in one to two business days.
But you can get your money even faster with Scheduled and Instant Deposit.
Once you link your bank account and start accepting payments with the Square app you
can choose how you would like to receive your funds.
When you activate your Square account, your default deposit option is Next Business Day.
With this schedule, funds are usually deposited in one to two business days.
Deposits are initiated the evenings before weekdays Sunday through Thursday and will
arrive in your linked bank account in one to two business days.
If you routinely need your funds faster than one to two business days, check out Square's
Scheduled Deposit option.
With Scheduled Deposit you can schedule your funds to be automatically deposited 15 minutes
after your close of day—any day of the week, even on weekends!
Using a debit card, funds are sent to your linked bank account
for a fee of 1% of the total deposit.
Set it, and forget it—your funds will be in your bank account the same day.
The absolutely quickest way to get your money is to take advantage of Square's Instant Deposit.
you can instantly send up to $2,500 per deposit to your linked bank account using a debit
card 24 hours a day, 7 days week.
And there's no limit to the number of instant deposits you can initiate in a given day.
Each instant deposit costs 1% of the deposit amount in addition to Square's standard
card processing fees.
Any balance not deposited instantly will be sent according to your normal deposit schedule.
So it doesn't matter how fast you need your funds, Square has options available to make
sure you get paid.
Next Business Day Deposit - Duration: 2:20.
After you activate your Square account and link a bank account, deposits are automatically
sent per our standard Next Business Day schedule.
Funds are sent automatically the evenings before weekdays (that's Sunday through Thursday)
and will arrive in your linked bank account in one to two business days.
By default, your close of day is 5 p.m. Pacific Time.
Any payments after 5 will come the following day.
You can customize your close of day if your business stays open later and you want to
bundle all the day's payments (including those after 5) into a single deposit.
To do so, Sign in to your online Square Dashboard, click
Account & Settings, and then Deposits.
Under Deposit Schedule, click a day of the week from the table.
Select a Close of Day time.
It's recommended that you set your close of day one hour after your actual closing
time to provide a window for last minute sales.
Confirm your Deposit Type, you can also apply these settings to every day of the week.
and click Save.
The big question is how Deposit Type and Close of Day will affect when you get your money.
If you haven't changed your close of day from the default 5 p.m. Pacific Time Payments taken
before 5 will be available in your bank account the next business day.
Payments taken after 5 will be available in your bank account by the second business day.
And payments accepted after 5 on Thursday will post to your bank account Monday morning,
(depending on your bank's processing speeds).
Because banks only accept deposits on weekdays, we only send deposits the evenings before
weekdays Sunday through Thursday.
With our Next Business Day schedule and a customized close of day.
If you choose a close of day time, before 5 p.m., pacific standard time/ 8pm eastern
standard time, your days sales will still be available in your bank account the next
business day.
If you choose a close of day time after 5 p.m. pacific standard time /8 p.m. eastern
standard time, your deposit will be delayed one business day and you should receive your
deposit two business days later (weekends and holidays excluded).
If you need to get your money sooner, for 1% of the deposit amount, you can use Instant
Deposit to get your funds immediately or Scheduled Deposit to get them 15 minutes after you close.
Strain Weed Review Dabbing WiFi OG White Fire OG - The Johno Show WeedTuber Dabs - Duration: 4:45.
Hey Stoners Welcome to The Johno Show I'm your host Jonathan.
We are here with my friend Will from QuadDueceNil.
We're gonna talk to him in depth about what's new over at Quad Deuce Nil a little later
but right now it's strain review day and we are gonna dab it!!
Here are the top 5 facts of the Cannabis strain known as White Fire OG.
First I want to thank my friends at ICANN for supplying me with my first dab rig.
ICANN provides individuals the power to make informed and intelligent choices when it comes
to alternative ways of managing their health and well-being.
At ICANN they believe it is important for people who have a chronic or ongoing condition
to have an alternative to traditional medicines.
Will tell us a little about Quad Deuce Nil.
is customary now on The Johno Show we light up before counting down!!
So let's do it!!
If you missed our other show about how to setup a dab rig and what the differences are
between dabbing and smoking click this link to visit that episode.
Fact Number 5: History & Lineage
White Fire OG, also known as WiFi OG was created by OG Raskal Genetics.
He took a female clone of Fire OG and crossed it with a male clone of The White.
Fact Number 4: Positive vs Negative Effects
Effects are euphoric, happy, uplifted and relaxed with an added punch of creativity.
Daytime use of this strain doesn't leave the user drowsy so it's a good choice for
social events and creative activities.
Medical usage is for depression, stress, pain and to a lesser degree nausea and fatigue.
The negatives effects are as usual dry mouth and dry eyes.
Fact Number 3: Sativa vs Indica & THC/CBD Levels
WiFi OG is a 60% sativa hybrid featuring the best parts of both its parent strains.
The THC level is an unprecedented 22 - 28%.
Fact Number 2: Appearance, Smell & Taste
Appearance, well while we're actually doing dabs I happen to know that the WiFi OG flowers
are just packed with white trichomes making the green leaves nearly invisible from a distance.
The smell coming from the WiFi OG is a spicy flavor with a ginger citrus reminiscent of
sour diesel.
And it has a sweet and earthy flavor.
Fact Number 1: You Gotta Smoke It to Know It!
So how do we feel?
Thank you for watching.
As always please share this with your friends on social media and give it a thumbs up if
you liked it.
If you'd like to watch the full unedited version of this show you can become a member
at our Patreon page.
Thank you Bye!
Can We Define "Must"? The Semantics of Modality - Duration: 11:00.
So let's talk about other worlds.
There are lots of ways that things could be: mythical creatures lurking in the shadows;
hidden portals to other dimensions; maybe even a time traveller or two!
Of course, these ideas are pretty fringe.
But thankfully, language gives us ways to talk about all these possibilities, and just
how likely they really are.
So how do words like "must" and "maybe" work, and what can they tell us about how we think?
I'm Moti Lieberman, and this is The Ling Space.
One of the main goals of semantics is to get a better understanding of the meaning that
each word contributes to the sentence that it's in.
But figuring this out can be trickier for some words than others.
Take modal verbs: the word "need" in a sentence like "Peter needs to talk to his father."
It points out that something is necessary; while a word like "might" in "Peter
might talk to him" suggests that we're dealing with just one of many possibilities.
Taken together, these sorts of expressions convey modality.
That means they qualify the truth of a sentence, by saying something about its overall probability.
So, how do we capture all the different ways we communicate modality?
Where do we even start?
A good first step is to figure out exactly how these words combine with sentences in
the first place.
One thing to notice with modal verbs like "can" and "must" and "may" is
that even though they usually show up in the middles of sentences, sandwiched between the
subject and verb phrase, it probably makes more sense to think of them as combining with
the sentence in its entirety.
In "Walter must have forgotten some of his past", even though Walter is closer to "must"
than to "forget," he's really more of a forgetter than a 'muster' . . . whatever that is.
In other words, it's not the subject by itself that 'must' anything, it's really
the sentence as a whole.
This is easier to see with a bit of re-wording, as in "It must be that Walter's forgotten some of his past."
Now, if modals really do combine with fully-formed sentences, we might think that we can take
a cue from other sorts of words we've already seen do the same thing.
Logical words like "and" and "or" and "not" usually connect up to complete
thoughts, and affect their truth values, so maybe modals do too.
After all, a word like "not" can really just be seen as something that combines with
a sentence and flips over its truth-value, so that if "Nina has a cybernetic arm"
is true, "Nina doesn't have a cybernetic arm" ends up false.
Pretty straightforward.
But it turns out that modals don't easily fit into this kind of pattern.
Let's say that, right now, Olivia isn't doing anything; obviously, then, "Olivia's
starting a fire" would be false.
But "Olivia can start a fire" is certainly true.
So here the addition of "can" ends up making a false statement true.
But take "Olivia is flying around under her own power," which is also false.
Adding "can" here doesn't make a bit of difference: "Olivia can fly under
her own power" is just as wrong.
Because of this, we say that modal words like "can" are non-truth-functional, which
means they don't seem to have as predictable an effect on the truth of a sentence as other,
more logical kinds of words.
So, if the truth of a sentence doesn't have any influence on its modal-ized counterpart,
what does?
And are tools like logic even useful here?
As it turns out, thinking about modality goes back all the way to Aristotle.
But it wasn't until around the 1950s that logicians and linguists finally began to get
a firm grip on how these words work.
If you remember back to our episodes on logic, we explained how we can use symbols to represent
sentences and the relationships that hold between them, to more easily explore how and
why we can make certain inferences.
So, something like "Dr. Bishop doesn't know Astrid's name" could be written out like so.
In this case, "A" stands for "Dr. Bishop knows Astrid's name," while that
little squiggle at the front stands in for our truth-inverting "not."
Well, in the early twentieth century, ways of symbolizing modality finally made their
way into the language of logic.
And not long after after, philosophers like Saul Kripke came along and spelled out exactly what it meant.
So, to represent something like "It's possible that Dr. Bishop knows Astrid's
name," we use the diamond operator.
And if we want to make a stronger statement, like "It's necessarily true that
Dr. Bishop knows Astrid's name," we can tilt it 45 degrees and use the box operator instead.
As for how these symbols actually work, the basic idea is twofold.
First, we need to think of sentences not just as being true or false, but as being true
or false in a particular world.
In other words, whether a sentence is true or false really depends on the way the world
is — the circumstances in which the sentence is being evaluated.
So a sentence like "Broyles is angry" isn't just true, it's true under some
set of circumstances — in any possible world, really, where there's someone named Broyles
and he's angry!
The second ingredient, then, is to think of that diamond and that box as quantifiers,
which are expressions about amounts of things.
So, "It's necessarily true that Broyles is angry" is really saying something like
"in all the different ways the world could be, no matter which one we look at,
Broyles is angry."
Or put another way, in all the possible worlds w, Broyles is angry in w.
For something like "It's possible that Broyles is angry," what the symbols are
really saying is that in all the different ways the world could be, at least one of those
worlds has an angry Broyles in it.
So, there exists some possible world where he's angry.
Coming back around to natural language, we can see that these ideas actually get us pretty far.
For instance, most people have the intuition that a sentence like "You must report to
the Colonel", which spells out a requirement, also means that "You may report to the Colonel",
that you have permission.
If words like "must" and "may" are just like our boxes and diamonds from before,
this inference makes perfect sense: if in all possible circumstances you report to the
Colonel, then there's at least one where you do!
Otherwise, it's a contradiction!
So words like "can" and "might" work by first combining with some sentence p, which
is like a description of a world, and then acting just like that diamond that we saw in logic
and saying that there's at least one world that fits that description.
On the flip side, "must" and "need" do the same, but they act like that box operator
instead, and apply that description to all possible worlds.
So, is this all there is to these words?
Do they work just like "all" and "some," but with whole worlds in place of individual people and things?
Unfortunately, this can't quite be the full story.
Take the following two sentences.
"Dr. Bell must complete his experiments" seems to be saying something about his goals,
whereas "Dr. Bell must want to change the world" seems to be saying something about
our own state of knowledge.
In general, words like "must" and "might" can take on different flavours of modality.
For example, teleological modality has to do with people's plans and goals, while
epistemic modality has to do with knowledge, and deontic modality has to do with rules
and regulations.
In principle, there's an infinite variety of different flavours, and that actually poses
a pretty serious problem, since it would mean we have an infinite number of different musts
and mights stored inside our heads.
But this can't be true!
So how do we explain it?
Starting in the 1970s is when we really began to crack open this problem.
In particular, linguist Angelika Kratzer noticed that you could think of the sentences that
we just pointed out in more explicit terms.
That is, "Dr. Bell must complete his experiments" really means "Given his goals, Dr. Bell
must complete his experiments."
In a similar way, "Dr. Bell must want to change the world" is actually saying "Given
everything we know, Dr. Bell must want to change the world."
Phrases like "given his goals" or "given what we know," then, restrict the set of
worlds we should look at when trying to understand these sentences.
In both cases, "must" is still saying something about all the worlds under discussion;
but now, exactly which worlds those are gets defined by the context of the conversation.
So, a more complete meaning for a word like "must" would look like this two-place
function -- one that relates some collection of worlds to another.
When it's used in an actual sentence, like "Dr. Bell must complete his experiments,"
its job is to first combine with a set of worlds that have been defined by the context
of the conversation.
This set is often called the modal base, and it can be anything from the set of all the
worlds where certain rules are followed — like the rules of law — to the set of worlds
where all your dreams come true!
In this case, it combines with the set of all those worlds where Dr. Bell's goals are achieved.
Next, it combines with the the set of worlds described by the sentence -- where Dr. Bell
completes his experiments -- and says the whole thing's 'true' just as long as
in all those worlds where his goals are met, Dr. Bell completes his work.
That is, just as long as the first set fits inside the second.
In other cases, where the base is the set of worlds representing our own knowledge,
everything works the same — just with different sets.
And with a word like "may," as in "Dr. Bell may want to change the world," instead
of fitting one set inside another, we work out their intersection, meaning that there's
at least one world that fits in both.
What's really remarkable is that when we look at modal words in this way, their meanings
line up exactly with the meanings we've already given to words like "some" and "all".
This suggests that this kind of comparison between sets might be fundamental to how we
think -- something that runs deep throughout languages.
So what might've at first seemed to be square outside the limits of logic, actually fits
nicely into our theory of how language works, giving us a glimpse into how we think about
the world around us.
So, we've reached the end of The Ling Space for this week.
If you picked out your favourite modal flavour, you learned that at first glance, modal verbs
like "must" and "might" don't easily fit into our understanding of language; that
the idea of possible worlds helps to bring these kinds of words into the fold; and that
we find deep connections between different parts of language that otherwise seem totally
unrelated to each other.
The Ling Space is made by all these amazing people over here.
If you want to learn more about the syntax of modals, check back on our website!
And while you're there, why not check out our store?
We're also on Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook, and if you want to keep expanding your own
personal Ling Space, please subscribe.
And tap that little notification bell down below if you want to find out right when we
post a new video.
See you next time!
Dha weles skon!
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