You have to be strong, you have to be strong, you never give up
The road is complicated, and I beat so many have collapsed, I will put my blood
and sweat into play (I will put everything into play) Thousands of doors have closed, of course
I have suffered and been hesitated, but giving up is no option (my reward will be better)
I will fight, I will peel and I will win at last I will give everything in this arena (I will leave everything)
Surrendering is not a choice (oh, no) I will fight I will fight although they do not believe in my hope runs
in my veins, my destiny will not have another author, my destiny I will write it
Many doubted me, now I give the last one
Word, I am not as I understood it all, I will face destiny face to face, I remain firm in my path,
No eagerness to be first, I do not envy those who are above, because there in a while
We see ourselves, those who have illusions, we aspire and we long to arrive as a comet, to me
I am driven by my songs, now you define what your goals are, life is based on
Simple things and from nothing we complicate, just bend before God knees
And fight without sword in hand
I do not give up!
I will fight I will fight and I will win at last I will give everything in this arena, giving up is not an option
(No No No) I'll fight I will fight even if they do not believe in me with
Hope in my veins, my destiny will have no other author (No no)
I will fight I will fight and I will win at last I will give everything in this arena, giving up is not an option
(No no no) I'll fight I'll fight even if they do not believe in me, run
Hope in my veins, my destiny will have no other author, my destiny will write it myself
Venezuela, I stand firm on my path
My own destiny, my own way
I will never give up
For more infomation >> Elison X Ludovichs - Pelearé - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
Tras 10 años de lucha, esta española podría conocer si es hija de Salvador Dalí - Duration: 1:36.
Justicia mexicana exonera a adolescente que mató al hombre que la violó - Duration: 2:09.
¿Montaje o realidad? La preguntan que se hacen los venezolanos ante supuesta rebelión de un policía - Duration: 2:04.
Chile también es una pesadilla para Cristiano Ronaldo #Chile #Portugal #ChilevsPortugal - Duration: 1:27.
Pelea de expertos, de 'Chiquis' Cruz a Fonseca: "Jugabas en las selecciones donde perdíamos" - Duration: 3:07.
Una histórica Sub-17 le enseña el camino al Tri para superar a Alemania en la Semifinal - Duration: 1:58.
BREAKING: Anti-Trump FBI Director's Criminal Secret Just EXPOSED, Should He Be FIRED? | Top Stories - Duration: 3:01.
The recent termination of former FBI Director James Comey shocked the world.
President Trump was put in a situation where he had to make a call for the greater good
of the country, and he did a fine job.
The Hatch Act is a bill that stops all FBI agents from being involved in partisan elections;
it doesn't matter if you are a Democrat or Republican.
According to Circa, it turns out acting FBI director Andrew McCabe is now under investigation
by the Office of U.S. Special Counsel.
In 2015 McCabe supported his wife Jill in her campaign to run for Virginia State Senate
as a Democrat, but that isn't even the worst part!
In short, footage came forward showing McCabe wearing a shirt supporting Jill.
There were also social media pictures that his wife posted showing Andrew with her.
He was holding a sign that read, "I am voting for Jill because she is the best wife ever."
This constitutes a conflict of interest.
Other photos showed McCabe's daughter campaigning with her mom while Andrew was in the background
voting for his wife.
We are not sure if this photo was taken intentionally or not, but it sure does add to the issue
ESPECIALLY considering Andrew had pictures with signs supporting his wife.
If you look at The Hatch Act, it states, specifically, that FBI employees should not engage with
or "in a political activity in concert with a political party, a candidate for partisan
political office, or a partisan political group."
Andrew McCabe broke the boundaries on this one.
If you want to be in charge of the most powerful criminal investigation unit in the country
you cannot have a political bias.
The bias can cause many problems, just look at Hillary Clinton and James Comey!
Comey was working with Clinton to make sure her investigation was downplayed and then
If you think The Hatch Act is silly just remember when Comey came out and said Hillary was off
the hook — when we all know the truth.
One of the most disturbing parts of this story is the Tweet that @Wikileaks put up from The
Gateway Pundit suggesting that a LOT of money from Jill McCabe's campaign came from people
with close ties to The Clinton Foundation.
It makes you wonder how deep this rabbit hole goes.
Something certainly is not sitting well with us here, DOES McCabe have ties to bigwig Democrats?
The Democrats have proven time and time again they are corrupt.
Is it possible that Hillary Clinton was able to get to McCabe through his wife, Jill?
If so, do we have a much bigger problem on our hands than campaigning on social media?
It is great that we HAVE this information because it allows us to get insight into what
might be around the corner.
Everyone got caught with their pants down on the Comey debacle.
Let's do everything that we can to ensure that it doesn't happen AGAIN!
Do YOU think there is a sinister connection between McCabe and the Democrats?
Please Share this and tell us what you think!
Families in East hosting foreign exchange students - Duration: 1:56.
"the very first year I was
hesitant because I thought
what have I got to offer, and
the only thing you really
need to offer is your home
and heart." THIS IS THE
"occassionally we'll go to do
something of a tourist
nature, but for the most part
we just do everyday kind of
"i hope that I brighten the
student's life that they have
an experience that they can
take back with them." BUT
"the beginning of this trip I
was a little lost because all
the little daily things usual
things were completely
changed." "I thought I knew
english and then you come
here and you see that well
changed." "I thought I knew
english and then you come
here and you see that well
it's not like you have studied
in school." THESE
"you can make new friends
and get to know people and
get to live a different culture
so I think that is important."
so I think that is important."
the first piece of any puzzle
is yourself and the first
relationship you make with
the individual which extends
to the families." IN
The Young and The Restless 6/29/17 Spoilers "Cane Breaks Lily's Heart & Confesses" Y&R June 29 - Duration: 3:20.
The Young and The Restless 6/29/17 Spoilers
Let's Talk About VidCon - theJunieBird - Duration: 11:38.
Hey folks, welcome to my channel theJunieBird, where I encourage people to do
and go after the things that they love unapologetically. I'm trying the branding
and the stuff at the beginning, we'll see how that goes.
I feel like something is happening outside and I'm not entirely sure what it is.
I don't have a script for this video, whatsoever, because I was- I didn't know I
was going to have this time to film something, didn't realize it, so I didn't
plan ahead. But I want to seize an opportunity to make a video and talk to
you guys and also do just a little bit of a debrief on why I haven't made a
video in a couple weeks and how VidCon was for me. Yeah! June in general has
just been a really strange month for me and I feel like I'll look at a calendar
at the beginning of the week, and I'll be like, 'awesome I have nothing going on this
week, I can focus on YouTube, or I can focus on like this other project that I
want to get done', and then by the end of Monday I have like a really solid plan
for something that I need to do every day for the rest of the week so it's
it's been a really odd month and that was like heightened by VidCon. I went to
VidCon this year, I've been to VidCon four years in a row now and while I was
there during the women online discussion - which I'll get to more of in a minute - I
just went ahead and purchased my ticket for VidCon 2018, so we're
definitely going to be going a five years strong. VidCon this year was different
for me that it has been in previous years, but to be honest I'm not entirely sure why.
The first year I was at VidCon I was just there to learn and hopefully to
meet people. The second year was like, more learning, but the ability to use
that [information] in a more concrete way because I had already established this channel.
Last year was making really good friends, meeting people in person for the first
time and learning, but more networking and figuring out who my friends were and
how to make friends in person and on YouTube as a platform.
This year it felt like VidCon was much more for networking and hanging out with
friends than anything else. It was kind of a whirlwind of a weekend and there
are parts of it that were like just absolutely insane. And I just. I don't
even know like how i- what to think of them- or how to... wrap my brain around
them. Like the women online discussion and Kathy Trithardt and I made a video
and we talked about it- we talked about a couple things, in video format. One of
them is already up on her channel, because she's amazing and really really
fast with editing. The one that we filmed for my channel is still living on my
phone, which is a really dangerous place for it to be right now, so like I need to
figure that out. ASAP but the women online
discussion was - and whether you were there or whether you just like heard
about it from the internet - it was just a really intense and uncomfortable place
to exist. And one of the things that has always
been VidCon for me is getting a chance to meet with other Creators and bond
over the things that we have in common and part of having discussions with
women on the Internet is the- you realize the- kind of the like oh, you've
experienced this type of harassment use experienced like, people saying these kind
of things to you, I have too, let's talk about that. And usually VidCon is a
really safe place to do that and have those discussions and to be encouraged
by other women on the internet, but the women online discussion in particular
was not a safe place to do that, and... it's not the conference's fault but it's also
something that, if their goal was to create that safe place, then they could
have done a better job of facilitating it. So, yeah.
In previous years, I've taken pages and pages worth of notes on panels and
things that I think are going to be good to remember and good to know more about
and research on. I didn't take any notes at any panel this year and there were
panels where I kind of felt like I should have been taking notes, I'm just
like, 'oh this is like this is really good information I'm going to want to have
this later' but I just I didn't and I don't really know why. I went in to
VidCon this year saying that I felt like it was going to be the VidCon
experience I always wanted VidCon to be, if that's the sentence that makes sense
and I think it is. In a lot of ways it was. I was staying at this house with a
bunch of my best online friends, which was incredible. I got a chance to
collaborate and make videos with a handful of people that I'm really
excited to see the outcomes of, but it was also really different in that it
felt like it finally evened out. VidCon has always been something that was exciting
or new in whatever way it was that year, but this VidCon felt just normal I got a
chance to build relationships with people that I already knew and that was
so important and so wonderful and I also got a chance to
establish myself and what I want to be doing in a community that I'm sort of
only starting to feel like I'm a part of.
Sometimes it's helpful for me to think of things in terms of what I put into
them is what I'm going to receive in response, and that feels very true with
my experience at VidCon this year. In previous years, and not just at VidCon
but throughout the year, I have put time and dedication - sporadic though it might
be - into YouTube and my channel my brand, and I'm starting to see the return on
that. I'm seeing where I fit into the larger community and I'm finally feeling
like I'm actually ready to step into that, and that's a good feeling.
In previous years I've come off of VidCon wanting to like rededicate myself
to the art of video making, but this year I just feel like I want to continue
building what I already have. It's nice to feel like I've established enough
that I don't need to go in and re-establish everything again, but it's
also intimidating to not feel this sudden rush of inspiration that I've in
a lot of ways depended on in previous years.
I'm still excited to be a part of the YouTube community, but I'm not that much
more excited because of VidCon. I'm starting to try and think beyond just
this one platform, and honestly I'm just as excited to be home in LA, even in 102
degree heat. I like my apartment. I like my physical community here in Los
Angeles, and even though I've shut myself away for like two days to recover and
like re-remember how to be a human after VidCon, I'm excited to see my friends and
to go back to my normal life again. Thank you so much for watching, I hope you get
a chance to do something that you love today...
How was your VidCon?
Or if not VidCon, how has your month been? Thanks guys, I'll
see you next time.
Serbia and Montenegro during the Great War - #3 Battle of Kolubara - Duration: 5:04.
The second Austro-Hungarian offensive was carried out with fresh forces and with more caution.
The tired Serbs suffered from low ammo supplies and autumn and winter clothing.
But they still fought heroically.
Gucevo, Crni Vrh, Cavcici, Mackov kamen, Bobija, Mali Rozanj
and many other places were defended foot by foot and were flooded with blood on every squared meter.
The strength of the Austro-Hungarian Balkan army in total was about 400.000 soldiers, and 400 cannons.
The Serbian army in total had about 270.000 soldiers, and 426 cannons.
The Austro-Hungarians were conscious about their physical and material supremacy,
and wanted to use the Serbian tiredness and hurried to force a decision.
They attacked without stopping. They did not give the Serbs a chance to breath.
Particularly, their pressure increased since the middle of October. Serbs had to retreat with big losses.
In one moment, their morale started falling aswell.
In the hardest moment, Zivojin Misic was placed as the leader of the First and most vulnerable Serbian army.
The redhead farmer, which was removed from the army earlier for political reasons, had self-confidence and faith in his people.
And he knew to inspire others with his faith.
That's when the flower of our youth, 1300 young corporals from the student formation were thrown
on the front to raise the spirit of the Serbian army with their youngness and excitement.
When the First Serbian army, during retreat arrived in front of Milanovac, in the last moment,
the long wanted munition arrived.
Even the old king, Peter, rheumatic and barely able to move, came to the front, to give an example to others.
And like it usually happens, in the moment of greatest danger, the biggest energy develops.
The Serbian high command, which defended a very wide front, decided to evacuate Belgrade,
and on the 1st of December, the Austro-Hungarian Empire occupied the Serbian capital.
In July, when the Austrian empire declared war on Serbia, the occupation of Belgrade was the only
Austrian war goal. So, on the 1st of December, this goal was accomplished.
Celebrations were made in Vienna and congratulations arrived from Berlin. The news of the fall of the city
went throughout the whole word, which forecasted the fall of Serbia.
In the same day when Austria held a ceremonial parade for the victory against Serbia, Zivojin Misic decides
to go on a counter-offensive.
The Serbian offensive started on the 3rd of December, after big artillery preparations, the offensive starts on 7:00 AM.
Austro-Hungarian troops were completely surprised, because they thought that the Serbian army wasn't even
ready for a defensive, let alone a counter-attack, so they were forced to retreat.
The Serbian offensive had a success that was not hoped for. The Austrian front was penetrated and broken.
The defeated army goes into a panic escape, having no time to prepare and defend.
Soon, the Serbs cleaned the whole country from enemies,
and ruined all the plans of the Central Powers on the Balkans.
The Kolubar battle was the best Serbian victory in the Great war, the Serbs kicked out 273.000
Austrian soldiers from the war. Serbia aswell had big losses.
The battle had effect on the global plan. The great Serbian victory postponed the
Bulgarian entrance into the war, which prepared to enter the war on the side of the Central Powers,
counting that Serbia was defeated and that it will without a fight gain territories that she lost against the
Kingdom of Serbia a year earlier in the Second Balkan war.
The Serbian victory also contributed to the decision of the Kingdom of Italy to enter the war
on the side of the Entente.
General Zivojin Misic was, because of his successful leading of the operation,
promoted to the rank of Vojvoda (Field Marshal),
while his rival Oskar Pocorek was removed from the position of the Main Commander of the Balkan army
at the end of 1914., and on his place was placed German Field Marshal August von Makenzen.
The Battle of Kolubar went into the history of war as an unique example in which the army was predicted
to have a complete breakdown, in a very short time reorganizes, goes into a counter-offensive
and inflicts the decisive defeat to the enemy.
The tactic of reorganization and concentrated attack which was carried out by Zivojin Misic, today is taught in
military schools worldwide.
Thank you for watching this video, this was all for today.
Also, we want to thank Skali Mapper which made translating this video to English possible.
BREAKING: Anti-Trump FBI Director's Criminal Secret Just EXPOSED, Should He Be FIRED? | Top Stories - Duration: 3:01.
The recent termination of former FBI Director James Comey shocked the world.
President Trump was put in a situation where he had to make a call for the greater good
of the country, and he did a fine job.
The Hatch Act is a bill that stops all FBI agents from being involved in partisan elections;
it doesn't matter if you are a Democrat or Republican.
According to Circa, it turns out acting FBI director Andrew McCabe is now under investigation
by the Office of U.S. Special Counsel.
In 2015 McCabe supported his wife Jill in her campaign to run for Virginia State Senate
as a Democrat, but that isn't even the worst part!
In short, footage came forward showing McCabe wearing a shirt supporting Jill.
There were also social media pictures that his wife posted showing Andrew with her.
He was holding a sign that read, "I am voting for Jill because she is the best wife ever."
This constitutes a conflict of interest.
Other photos showed McCabe's daughter campaigning with her mom while Andrew was in the background
voting for his wife.
We are not sure if this photo was taken intentionally or not, but it sure does add to the issue
ESPECIALLY considering Andrew had pictures with signs supporting his wife.
If you look at The Hatch Act, it states, specifically, that FBI employees should not engage with
or "in a political activity in concert with a political party, a candidate for partisan
political office, or a partisan political group."
Andrew McCabe broke the boundaries on this one.
If you want to be in charge of the most powerful criminal investigation unit in the country
you cannot have a political bias.
The bias can cause many problems, just look at Hillary Clinton and James Comey!
Comey was working with Clinton to make sure her investigation was downplayed and then
If you think The Hatch Act is silly just remember when Comey came out and said Hillary was off
the hook — when we all know the truth.
One of the most disturbing parts of this story is the Tweet that @Wikileaks put up from The
Gateway Pundit suggesting that a LOT of money from Jill McCabe's campaign came from people
with close ties to The Clinton Foundation.
It makes you wonder how deep this rabbit hole goes.
Something certainly is not sitting well with us here, DOES McCabe have ties to bigwig Democrats?
The Democrats have proven time and time again they are corrupt.
Is it possible that Hillary Clinton was able to get to McCabe through his wife, Jill?
If so, do we have a much bigger problem on our hands than campaigning on social media?
It is great that we HAVE this information because it allows us to get insight into what
might be around the corner.
Everyone got caught with their pants down on the Comey debacle.
Let's do everything that we can to ensure that it doesn't happen AGAIN!
Do YOU think there is a sinister connection between McCabe and the Democrats?
Please Share this and tell us what you think!
Do you Know the Muffin Man Super Compilation for Kids Baby Doll Toys Surprise M&M's Toy Microwave - Duration: 14:07.
Serbia and Montenegro during the Great War - #3 Battle of Kolubara - Duration: 5:04.
The second Austro-Hungarian offensive was carried out with fresh forces and with more caution.
The tired Serbs suffered from low ammo supplies and autumn and winter clothing.
But they still fought heroically.
Gucevo, Crni Vrh, Cavcici, Mackov kamen, Bobija, Mali Rozanj
and many other places were defended foot by foot and were flooded with blood on every squared meter.
The strength of the Austro-Hungarian Balkan army in total was about 400.000 soldiers, and 400 cannons.
The Serbian army in total had about 270.000 soldiers, and 426 cannons.
The Austro-Hungarians were conscious about their physical and material supremacy,
and wanted to use the Serbian tiredness and hurried to force a decision.
They attacked without stopping. They did not give the Serbs a chance to breath.
Particularly, their pressure increased since the middle of October. Serbs had to retreat with big losses.
In one moment, their morale started falling aswell.
In the hardest moment, Zivojin Misic was placed as the leader of the First and most vulnerable Serbian army.
The redhead farmer, which was removed from the army earlier for political reasons, had self-confidence and faith in his people.
And he knew to inspire others with his faith.
That's when the flower of our youth, 1300 young corporals from the student formation were thrown
on the front to raise the spirit of the Serbian army with their youngness and excitement.
When the First Serbian army, during retreat arrived in front of Milanovac, in the last moment,
the long wanted munition arrived.
Even the old king, Peter, rheumatic and barely able to move, came to the front, to give an example to others.
And like it usually happens, in the moment of greatest danger, the biggest energy develops.
The Serbian high command, which defended a very wide front, decided to evacuate Belgrade,
and on the 1st of December, the Austro-Hungarian Empire occupied the Serbian capital.
In July, when the Austrian empire declared war on Serbia, the occupation of Belgrade was the only
Austrian war goal. So, on the 1st of December, this goal was accomplished.
Celebrations were made in Vienna and congratulations arrived from Berlin. The news of the fall of the city
went throughout the whole word, which forecasted the fall of Serbia.
In the same day when Austria held a ceremonial parade for the victory against Serbia, Zivojin Misic decides
to go on a counter-offensive.
The Serbian offensive started on the 3rd of December, after big artillery preparations, the offensive starts on 7:00 AM.
Austro-Hungarian troops were completely surprised, because they thought that the Serbian army wasn't even
ready for a defensive, let alone a counter-attack, so they were forced to retreat.
The Serbian offensive had a success that was not hoped for. The Austrian front was penetrated and broken.
The defeated army goes into a panic escape, having no time to prepare and defend.
Soon, the Serbs cleaned the whole country from enemies,
and ruined all the plans of the Central Powers on the Balkans.
The Kolubar battle was the best Serbian victory in the Great war, the Serbs kicked out 273.000
Austrian soldiers from the war. Serbia aswell had big losses.
The battle had effect on the global plan. The great Serbian victory postponed the
Bulgarian entrance into the war, which prepared to enter the war on the side of the Central Powers,
counting that Serbia was defeated and that it will without a fight gain territories that she lost against the
Kingdom of Serbia a year earlier in the Second Balkan war.
The Serbian victory also contributed to the decision of the Kingdom of Italy to enter the war
on the side of the Entente.
General Zivojin Misic was, because of his successful leading of the operation,
promoted to the rank of Vojvoda (Field Marshal),
while his rival Oskar Pocorek was removed from the position of the Main Commander of the Balkan army
at the end of 1914., and on his place was placed German Field Marshal August von Makenzen.
The Battle of Kolubar went into the history of war as an unique example in which the army was predicted
to have a complete breakdown, in a very short time reorganizes, goes into a counter-offensive
and inflicts the decisive defeat to the enemy.
The tactic of reorganization and concentrated attack which was carried out by Zivojin Misic, today is taught in
military schools worldwide.
Thank you for watching this video, this was all for today.
Also, we want to thank Skali Mapper which made translating this video to English possible.
I-Team: Local mayor still under scrutiny for husband's questionable grants - Duration: 2:22.
>> Reporter: THIS IS THE
>> Reporter: WE PREVIOUSLY
>> Reporter: IN 2010 THE MAYOR
MORE THAN $9,000.
Toyota Prius 1.5 VVT-i Comfort - Duration: 1:01.
''Down'' Part 12 / Bölüm 12 Miraculous Ladybug Comic / Çizgi Roman - Duration: 1:10.
Let's Talk About VidCon - theJunieBird - Duration: 11:38.
Hey folks, welcome to my channel theJunieBird, where I encourage people to do
and go after the things that they love unapologetically. I'm trying the branding
and the stuff at the beginning, we'll see how that goes.
I feel like something is happening outside and I'm not entirely sure what it is.
I don't have a script for this video, whatsoever, because I was- I didn't know I
was going to have this time to film something, didn't realize it, so I didn't
plan ahead. But I want to seize an opportunity to make a video and talk to
you guys and also do just a little bit of a debrief on why I haven't made a
video in a couple weeks and how VidCon was for me. Yeah! June in general has
just been a really strange month for me and I feel like I'll look at a calendar
at the beginning of the week, and I'll be like, 'awesome I have nothing going on this
week, I can focus on YouTube, or I can focus on like this other project that I
want to get done', and then by the end of Monday I have like a really solid plan
for something that I need to do every day for the rest of the week so it's
it's been a really odd month and that was like heightened by VidCon. I went to
VidCon this year, I've been to VidCon four years in a row now and while I was
there during the women online discussion - which I'll get to more of in a minute - I
just went ahead and purchased my ticket for VidCon 2018, so we're
definitely going to be going a five years strong. VidCon this year was different
for me that it has been in previous years, but to be honest I'm not entirely sure why.
The first year I was at VidCon I was just there to learn and hopefully to
meet people. The second year was like, more learning, but the ability to use
that [information] in a more concrete way because I had already established this channel.
Last year was making really good friends, meeting people in person for the first
time and learning, but more networking and figuring out who my friends were and
how to make friends in person and on YouTube as a platform.
This year it felt like VidCon was much more for networking and hanging out with
friends than anything else. It was kind of a whirlwind of a weekend and there
are parts of it that were like just absolutely insane. And I just. I don't
even know like how i- what to think of them- or how to... wrap my brain around
them. Like the women online discussion and Kathy Trithardt and I made a video
and we talked about it- we talked about a couple things, in video format. One of
them is already up on her channel, because she's amazing and really really
fast with editing. The one that we filmed for my channel is still living on my
phone, which is a really dangerous place for it to be right now, so like I need to
figure that out. ASAP but the women online
discussion was - and whether you were there or whether you just like heard
about it from the internet - it was just a really intense and uncomfortable place
to exist. And one of the things that has always
been VidCon for me is getting a chance to meet with other Creators and bond
over the things that we have in common and part of having discussions with
women on the Internet is the- you realize the- kind of the like oh, you've
experienced this type of harassment use experienced like, people saying these kind
of things to you, I have too, let's talk about that. And usually VidCon is a
really safe place to do that and have those discussions and to be encouraged
by other women on the internet, but the women online discussion in particular
was not a safe place to do that, and... it's not the conference's fault but it's also
something that, if their goal was to create that safe place, then they could
have done a better job of facilitating it. So, yeah.
In previous years, I've taken pages and pages worth of notes on panels and
things that I think are going to be good to remember and good to know more about
and research on. I didn't take any notes at any panel this year and there were
panels where I kind of felt like I should have been taking notes, I'm just
like, 'oh this is like this is really good information I'm going to want to have
this later' but I just I didn't and I don't really know why. I went in to
VidCon this year saying that I felt like it was going to be the VidCon
experience I always wanted VidCon to be, if that's the sentence that makes sense
and I think it is. In a lot of ways it was. I was staying at this house with a
bunch of my best online friends, which was incredible. I got a chance to
collaborate and make videos with a handful of people that I'm really
excited to see the outcomes of, but it was also really different in that it
felt like it finally evened out. VidCon has always been something that was exciting
or new in whatever way it was that year, but this VidCon felt just normal I got a
chance to build relationships with people that I already knew and that was
so important and so wonderful and I also got a chance to
establish myself and what I want to be doing in a community that I'm sort of
only starting to feel like I'm a part of.
Sometimes it's helpful for me to think of things in terms of what I put into
them is what I'm going to receive in response, and that feels very true with
my experience at VidCon this year. In previous years, and not just at VidCon
but throughout the year, I have put time and dedication - sporadic though it might
be - into YouTube and my channel my brand, and I'm starting to see the return on
that. I'm seeing where I fit into the larger community and I'm finally feeling
like I'm actually ready to step into that, and that's a good feeling.
In previous years I've come off of VidCon wanting to like rededicate myself
to the art of video making, but this year I just feel like I want to continue
building what I already have. It's nice to feel like I've established enough
that I don't need to go in and re-establish everything again, but it's
also intimidating to not feel this sudden rush of inspiration that I've in
a lot of ways depended on in previous years.
I'm still excited to be a part of the YouTube community, but I'm not that much
more excited because of VidCon. I'm starting to try and think beyond just
this one platform, and honestly I'm just as excited to be home in LA, even in 102
degree heat. I like my apartment. I like my physical community here in Los
Angeles, and even though I've shut myself away for like two days to recover and
like re-remember how to be a human after VidCon, I'm excited to see my friends and
to go back to my normal life again. Thank you so much for watching, I hope you get
a chance to do something that you love today...
How was your VidCon?
Or if not VidCon, how has your month been? Thanks guys, I'll
see you next time.
Destiny Calling Who Are You Really - Duration: 5:35.
Destiny Calling Who Are You Really
By Dylan Harper
You meet someone for the first time and one of the first questions you get asked is �What
do you do?� You automatically assume the person wants to know how you earn your living.
You may mumble something like �Well, right now I�m paying my rent by being an Uber
driver but I�m working on a script that will be the next big hit at the Sundance Film
Festival!� Or maybe you say �I�m a teacher, but I�m burned out and exhausted.� Or
a wistful, �I�d love to be an artist, but don�t know if that�s a real job.�
So, you go to your weekly SoulCycle class, and you wonder when your real life will start.
Is it work or play that defines you? Do you feel like you have somehow missed what you�re
really supposed to be doing? Is this your destiny?
The anxiety over �what am I supposed to be doing?� can really mess you up. When
that alarm goes off in the morning and you reluctantly get yourself together to go to
work, are you wondering if this is all there is to life? Get up, go to work, maybe go out
for a few drinks after work, then head home to DoorDash that you eat while binging on
Netflix. Where is the passion for life? And how are you going to find the joy in simply
being you?
You may have taken every quiz on Facebook that promises to reveal your most amazing
You may pour over the employment opportunities that you signed up to see from LinkedIn. You
might be doing nothing, sunk into a depression over the state of your life and the state
of the world.
But what if you could answer the �what do you do?� question with the status of your
being rather than your doing? Like, �I am someone on an evolutionary spiritual journey
and I�m gradually becoming more present, more engaged, more myself.�
Wow! Suddenly you are someone you�d like to know. You are saying that you are a seeker
on the timeless quest for enlightenment, a traveler on the path to greater consciousness.
Your true work�whatever your job in the world�is really internal. You want to be
more aware of what you do, what you say, and even what you think. You want to be a moral
force in the world, starting with the world you currently interact with�your family,
your friends, your co-workers. You want to be known as a person of integrity, someone
who can be trusted, someone who can hold the center in times of crisis.
As you develop a meditation practice, as you attend online workshops and events that bring
you together with a teacher and a community of fellow seekers, as you read books on the
ageless wisdom of the sages, you are doing the most exciting work of all and preparing
for your true destiny: to be a light worker.
And the world desperately needs you! Especially in times like these that are fraught with
disharmony and division, your connection to spirit, your immersion in the peace and balance
brought about by spiritual practices, is vitally important.
As you proceed along the path, you may find that your work in the world will change. You
might want to be helping others more directly, for instance as a speaker, coach or leader,
like me. Or you may simply try to infuse your present work and home situation with more
awareness of what you can do that will be of benefit to others. For being a light worker
implies that you are committed to doing what you can to alleviate suffering and confusion�within
yourself as well as for others. It implies that you accept responsibility for your own
life and stop laying the blame outside yourself. It means you understand that you�yes, you�have
the power to change the direction the world is heading. And it means that you know how
to be kind.
There is one sure way to know that you are fulfilling your destiny: it feels right. The
outer work you do may shift or transform, but it is the inner work that propels your
satisfaction quotient. The next time someone asks �What do you do?� answer from the
place of who you are rather than how you earn a living. You could be a window washer at
a fast food restaurant, but what you are really doing is being a clear channel for letting
in more light. And that is destiny calling.
Nikki Reviews Girlboss | Watch & Go + BIRTHDAY GIVEAWAY!! 💁🏽🎉🎁 - Duration: 7:59.
- Hey, Naturally Curly World, I'm Nikki
and welcome to Watch and Go,
the series where we review things that we've watched
and we do our wash and go.
I'm gonna be reviewing the Netflix series Girlboss.
While I do that, I will be washing my hair
with the As I Am Cleansing Pudding.
Then I'll follow it up
with my favorite leave-in conditioner.
This is the Brown Butter Beauty
Sweet Milk Detangling Leave-In.
And then this is a new product to me.
It's the Kristin Ess Hydrating Curl Defining Creme.
So, I'm gonna give this a try.
- I want this.
I'll give you eight bucks for it.
- No way, the tag says 12.
- Nine bucks, and I'll give you some
free business advice.
- Deal.
So, what's the advice?
- This is an original 1970s East West
calfskin motorcycle jacket in perfect condition.
Know what your shit's worth
'cause you just got played.
(rock music)
- So, what exactly is your business?
- [Sophia] You know how people flip houses?
Well, I flip clothes.
(loud rock music)
(cash register chiming)
- Boom!
Dolla, dolla bills, y'all.
- Okay, so I just got through shampoo and conditioning
with the As I Am Cleansing Pudding.
It smells really good
and I think it cleansed my hair and conditioned it.
I'm gonna do what I usually do,
take my hair down and section it.
Okay, so.
I went into this thinking,
this gonna be dumb.
(laughs) I don't care too much about Sophia Amarosa?
I don't even know how to say her name.
And now I feel bad because y'all
have seen me on Watch and Go so much
and all I've done was complain
about the movies I've seen.
Except for like, maybe two Watch and Gos,
and it's not my fault.
People requested me to see Girlboss
and so ya know, I did it thinking, this gonna be bad,
and it was bad, y'all.
Girlboss is bad.
It's 13, 30-minute episodes
and I'm not gonna lie to you,
I fast forwarded through a lot of them episodes.
Girlboss, the TV series, is basically the story
of Sophia Amoruso, the founder of Nasty Gal.
So, a little backstory about Nasty Gal,
and maybe Girlboss 'cause she wrote Girlboss
the book before it became a series
based on her experience coming up
as a young female entrepreneur in the world of fashion.
She made millions of dollars.
She was really influential
because she started this little thing from nothing on Ebay.
She was selling stuff that she got
from a thrift store online
for way more than what she paid.
She realized this could be a business
and she made it happen.
So, Nasty Gal blew up.
It became a really popular online site
for people to buy clothes.
Stuff happens.
Eventually she stepped down as CEO of Nasty Gal.
Nasty Gal filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy.
That ain't in the series.
You gonna have to do your research.
In 2006, Sophia, budding entrepreneur,
girl who couldn't keep a job,
had her own one bedroom apartment in San Francisco.
You're not broke if you have your own
one bedroom apartment in San Francisco.
So, that's just how we start off the series.
Right there and I was like, okay
she ain't as poor as people made it seem.
People were like, "Oh, she came from nothing."
I don't know if nothing
is a one bedroom apartment in San Francisco.
All that aside, money doesn't make a person.
You know what I'm saying?
She could have a really nice apartment
in San Francisco, and a trash car
and be a good human being.
Ya know, sweet, kind.
That ain't her.
She's incredibly annoying and really whiny
and entitled, and she walks around
like she owns the world.
And I think they want you to find her endearing.
I think they want you to be like,
"Oh, she's kind of repulsive,
"but that's cool.
"She's a rebel, she's a wild one,
"she's a millennial and she doesn't follow the rules."
You know how they say millennials are spoiled
and whiny and we don't know how to work?
She was that, and I was looking at her
like, that's not me.
I'm a millennial and I work.
I work hard.
She got away with it
'cause she was a cute, privileged white girl.
Sorry if that offends y'all,
but that's literally what it was.
As the episodes go on, she doesn't improve
and you don't feel like she's endeared herself to you.
You don't feel like, "Oh, I kinda like her now.
"I get her, I see why she's so angry
"and disrespectful to people
"and she doesn't care about authority,
"she doesn't care about rules.
"It's because her dad or her mom or XYZ."
You find those things out and you're just kinda like,
I still have nothing for you, girl
because, I have nothing for you.
I think they wanted us to see
that her success was all due
to her self-starting attitude
and her willingness to break the rules and be different.
But to me, her success was really
kinda just luck.
If it's about being a woman, starting your own business,
what I get from this is be lucky.
Be incredibly rude.
Take your people for granted.
She had a really good friend in the show
and she treated her like crap the entire series.
The girl asked for a job
after she was already doing work for Nasty Gal for free
and Sophia was like, "Nah, there's no place for you."
Don't ever be my friend,
'cause you will get punched in the face so fast.
I'm not gonna be taking up your invoices,
shipping your clothes out,
and then you gonna tell me there's no job for me
when you can clearly pay my rent and salary?
No, boo.
So, family wise, her mom left her,
which is sad.
Her mom left her when she was really young,
so she didn't really know her mom.
She tried to paint her dad as unsupportive
because he was asking her questions.
He would be like, "You got a job?"
Ya know, "How's your relationship?"
And of course he would get disappointed with her
when it seemed like she wasn't on the right path.
Who wouldn't?
If your dad didn't get disappointed
when you were like, "Yeah, I ain't got a job, dad."
(laughs sarcastically)
Then your dad don't care about you.
She couldn't get lease and her dad was like,
"Cool, I'll cosign it for you,"
after she presented him a business plan.
A business plan she didn't even put together.
Again, she didn't work hard for this.
Somebody put a business plan together.
She as all like, (grunts)
"Pie charts, bar graphs, (grunts) I don't wanna."
So, she presented this to her dad and he's like,
"Cool, I'll cosign for you and you can get the space."
That was about to go down, but then her dad was like,
"I'm putting the lease in my name."
And she was like, "Deal's off."
Pride cometh before a fall.
That's all I'm saying,
cometh before a fall.
Okay, I'm gonna put the curl creme in my hair
even though this does such a good job.
If you have hair like mine,
you really don't need more than this leave-in conditioner.
And, you know, that's that.
That's my wash and go.
That looks great, I think.
I'm gonna let this air dry.
I'm not gonna diffuse.
Okay, I just remember while watching Girlboss,
being incredibly frustrated.
And I thought, for this series
to be about a woman starting her own business
as a young millennial coming up in the world,
I thought I would be more inspired
and felt empowered,
like I did when I watched Wonder Woman.
Even The Devil Wears Prada, that chick worked hard.
She worked her butt off for the fake Anna Wintour.
So, if you found that the book was different,
more inspiring, more empowering,
let me know in the comments below.
For me, this show sucked.
I'm gonna give it a one out of five stars.
I don't feel bad about that.
It is what it is.
Okay, so it's my birthday, oh my god.
And I'm a supreme queen.
I, myself, am a girl boss and as a girl boss,
I thought I'd give you a little something
on my birthday.
We're gonna do a giveaway and one winner
will receive this lovely gift card
To enter, you have to be subscribed to our channel
and leave a comment below
letting us know what makes you a girl boss.
Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe.
We make Wash and Gos every Wednesday,
so we'll see you next Wednesday.
Dear Heartbreaker Part 5 | Spoken Word Poetry | By: Poetic Daisy - Duration: 1:32.
Dear Heartbreaker Part 5
Dear Heartbreaker,
I'm pissed because I'm hurt.
I thought we would work Out perfectly, you made me think it would
be so, But I found out you didn't even let anyone
know We were talking.
Your friends probably thought I was stalking- Like "who's this girl always calling
Your phone?"
Unaware that when you were alone, You were messaging me into the night.
I was so blinded by what might Be that I missed the signs.
I fell for your lines Because I believed you were genuine.
Never felt the need to ask where you'd been But perhaps I should've
Because you could've Told me you were talking to someone else but
didn't, And I spent
Way too much time thinking about us But in the end I was naïve to trust
You, Because you would do
Whatever you pleased.
You seized My heart, mind and emotions.
You had me open Ready for love, but in the end it was all
lies And I was too dumb to realize
It at the time.
I'm still pissed because I fell for the wrong kind,
And even though I'm no longer blind I still miss you, well I miss your words.
I miss my head being up with the birds, And I know it's absurd
But I hope someone else can make me feel that way.
But when that day Comes, I hope it's real and not pretend.
The End.
굿 타임 GOOD TIME 2차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:04.
Pickup Daily - Just Take It [HOW TO GET GIRLS EP. 115] - Duration: 6:00.
we're finally moving in to my fucking room which is what it is we're about to
actually get a bad going on here so it's kind of happy like the way the other
things nowadays we're going to do honestly how old us you want me to be
in fact that one I like string for you I can definitely make out of therapist
office anything please if you're not a lot of shaking to have a seizure okay so
okay so well sometimes to do I don't strangle
you know but there's a there's a fucking like whole TV network dedicated to
people who actually help investigate discover oh yeah I don't act on this
thing it only takes once I have a second topic you're right
fine so here's deal um I'm not trying to be mean I'm just saying those are this
realness to this man you could kill me you got me stuck on this friggin clover
bullshit yeah your fault okay tell me your impromptu tell me your craziest
summer love story oh god is there such thing yeah yeah I
don't think there isn't you never had a summertime tryst hmm
summertime sadness oh all about the summers ends up oh yeah loving love
alright then give me an example I've nothing but muttered ways in my life
about mom yeah most thing I will get to you though most of the guys in my life
either are really into me and they stop talking to me just because they can't
I can't be around me just because we really like me I don't know do you
you actually know what the fuck you're saying right now or ya know because I've
had like my friends that are friends with these people feel like oh yeah they
really like you but daily cock-a-mouse so Daniel thing I gotta tell those
motherfuckers of shut they mouths nobody lets Iraq to that Anita and you
summertime love sorry I've been single my entire life so 35
summertime love story you're married no the fuck is wrong with your hand Oh
is your thumb Wendy jerks off that's his love yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna put that
in Oswald font right here summersisle of
some dumb love story yeah so every time love story
European different country I said fuck it I'm doing it went over there that's
the time of my life
look there's no summer love stories let me tell you a fact without summer love
towards you even I feel like a lot of tension between interactions between
grows yeah you know it's weird weird feeling
I can feel like you know even by like looking at again
oh I hate always I'm telling you I can I can look at a girl and we can make some
eye contact and it happens more towards the summer everyone's trying to find
that and to partner up when it also effects and you can feel the vibe I feel
like a lot of people feel fine like everyone's trying to find that person
everyone's like in a rush again I don't know a large scope so don't ask tell
them what you're going to do and do it he'll do it all that very simple they
want you they get clicking phenomena and go for
it now if they say no then no Michel but 99% of the time where is they made
enough shaken bake the bloke don't be afraid
be ready for the note it might happen but it's probably not going to be no one
to be the Alpha you want to be together are you one of these fans ever be the
Miami very happening uh contain all of our other men being in charge that's
what they want do it call me close to I get out hummus belly outside
I don't want to wait to learn the songs which easily
10 SECRET YouTuber Talents! (Logan Paul, Jacksepticeye, Markiplier) - Duration: 10:04.
10 youtubers with hidden talents
Sia & Rihanna feat. David Guetta - Beautiful People [ High Life ] - Duration: 4:33.
Sia & Rihanna feat. David Guetta - Beautiful People
Arsenal snubbed by Henry Onyekuru as Nigeria hotshot chooses to join Everton in £6.8m deal - Duration: 3:36.
Arsenal snubbed by Henry Onyekuru as Nigeria hotshot chooses to join Everton in £6.8million deal
ARSENAL have been snubbed in their race for Nigeria ace Henry Onyekuru who has chosen Premier League rivals Everton ahead of them for an £6.
The Gunners need a fresh injection of talent this summer with doubts still hanging over Alexis Sanchez and Mesut Ozil but they have suffered an early blow to their plans.
Nigerian strike sensation Henry Onyekuru was wanted by both West Ham and Arsenal. Onyekuru was Eupens top scorer last season and after penning his Toffees deal he will spend next 12 months on loan at Anderlecht.
Arsene Wenger fancied his chances of signing the huge prospect after he got a work permit for the UK but that plan has been canned.
The exciting forward revealed back in December that he dreamed of playing in England and north London was his ideal destination. Onyekuru said: "I believe I have the level to one day play in the Champions League.
"The Premier League is my dream league, although I would rather go to Arsenal.
Henry Onyekuru idolises Thierry Henry but snubbed Arsenal for Everton Born: Onitsha, Nigeria on June 5 1997 Joined the Aspire Academy in Senegal in 2010, the sporting school funded by Qatar to scout and help develop Qatari athletes, whilst providing them with secondary school education.
Moved to Eupen in July 2015 and made a promising start with six league goals in 19 appearances in Belgium's second tier that helped get the club promoted.
Debut season in top flight was a huge success as the striker scored 12 goals and finishing as the top finisher for his side.
In December Onyekuru insisted he will one day play in the Champions League and revealed his dream club was Arsenal. Thierry Henry was Onyekuru's hero and he tries to model his game on the Gunners and France hero.
"Football was my relaxation after school. With my friends, we watched the Premier League every weekend. "I'm a huge Arsenal fan, Thierry Henry is my idol. Now I'm a professional footballer, I try to copy him as much as possible.
"I look back to the games I saw as a boy, but I also regularly watch videos on YouTube to see how he did certain things. These flops show why Kylian Mbappe may want to avoid Arsenals number 9 shirt.
Ford Fusion 1.6-16V Futura - Duration: 0:41.
Unboxing OPM(Ohio Precious Metals) Silver Rounds From International Silver Network - Duration: 4:50.
hey what's good YouTube its Pete Olsson the Montana silver stacker WWF REE
silver and gold biz guys we are a seven year old international silver and gold
company our reps are able to get all of our silver and gold for free because we
buy everything out of profits never out of pocket and our customers can get all
their silver at spot price and I'll show you exactly how we do that at WWF
resilvered gold up is today got a fantastic unboxing twenty more ounces
from Ohio precious metals compliments of is N and let's take a
look at this guy they just keep adding to the stack while silver is still so
low below $20 it out so let's let's take a closer look at this okay that is that
is a beautiful coin so this is the 1 ounce Ohio precious metals otherwise
known as OPM round in brand-new condition the design shape size of the
rounds is in line obviously with most of the other one out silver rounds on the
market today Ohio precious metals known as open as I
just said is mint based in Ohio with the pristine reputation in the industry and
they are definitely one of the absolute best for sure and the majority of the
OPM products including these one ounce rounds are all IRA approved so again one
ounce of 0.999 fine silver minted by OPM each round contains this OPM logo and
just very beautifully well done it's got a unique focus that few minutes around
the globe can boast at OPM OPM products must meet and you guys may or may not
know this but they have incredibly strict qualifications for certifications
such as 100% recycled silver conflict free sources fair labor practices during
manufacturing an environmentally friendly production process that
minimizes energy use water consumption waste
greenhouse emissions that's a lot of stuff and a high standard to live to it
kind of speaks to their quality right that's that's really cool you never hear
that the observer side of all the one-ounce OPM silver rounds includes the
company logo and name OPM metals engraved in the center as you see here
guys the image is surrounded by engravings indicating weight purity
metal content of the round and on the reverse side let's show that the wrap
the round features are repeating design of the OPM logo as you guys can see that
the image is surrounded by the engravings OPM metals on the outside
their overhead and made in the USA below so you can see just like that see the
made in the USA they're alright and all these rounds are manufactured using the
0.999 fine silver and match the stringent guidelines of the responsible
source refinery certification OPM is earned from the SES global services SES
is a global leader in sustainability and they assist companies such as OPM metals
and accountable production processes that provide a strong competitive edge
so just a an absolutely incredible coin love this love this private mint ohio
precious metals the their operation is out of Jackson Ohio the city is located
in the southeastern corner of the state and it's the largest gold and silver
refiner in the United States actually which is really interesting it maintains
no overseas operations and guarantees that all of its products are
manufactured exclusively in the USA and it's a private mint that provides
bowling services to the precious metals industry so phenomenal guys another
great 20 ounces to add to the stack again if you're looking for a phenomenal
home-based business opportunity in the silver and gold area our reps make
phenomenal money from home even part-time doing what they already love
to do stack silver and gold so click on that link below take the tour fill the
survey fill out the survey and I personally will get hold of you if you
thought the video brought you some value and you enjoyed it please give it a
thumbs up please share it with all your other socially
the network's please PLEASE Irie simply subscribe if you haven't subscribed and
feel free to comment below I appreciate all you guys I appreciate you guys
always watching and God bless this country may God bless our president and
God bless all you guys thanks so much for all your time okay talk to you real
soon bye bye
El Fortin House Project 3 - Duration: 0:57.
Trixz plays Friday the 13th with Subs/Friends - Duration: 1:51:46.
I did not have any video ideas until now.
Anyways, today I am going to be talking about this.
This is the main problem ROBLOX has to fix! Not filter every word I say.
Now I do not know who makes these bot or, who came up with the idea. My theory is that it's impossible to get rid of them even if you IP ban their accounts.
It's almost like a disease that can't be cured but treatment helps.
And that treatment is reporting them until ROBLOX notices this.
I think they will find a way to get rid of them.
Now let me tell you why they are a problem.
You never know what could happen as their user name says click me or read my description. Trying to get you to use their website so that they can take your account.
#NOEXCUSES Episode 6: Children's Aid Society and Judicial Unpredictability - Duration: 16:54.
Looks like you juiced a gremlin. No no no. I'm not drinking that stuff!
Just drink it. Anything that looks like that
is not good for you. Just freaking drink it. It can make you smarter.
I'm not drinkin that! Rosalia will. Lia'll drink it. She's like
healthy and granoly and stuff. Lia's much smarter...
My friends is in a nasty divorce. Music to my ears.
CAS showed up at her door one day. She suspects it could be her ex who
made a complaint against her but you got you know what happens when CAS just
shows up at your door? Okay so a Children's Aid Society is a creature of
statute governed by the child Family Services Act. The short story is that
anytime CAS gets a complaint they're required to investigate, and it doesn't
matter that complaint is nonsense or if it's real. Ex's like to make complaints to CAS
just like they like to make complaints to the police. They like to use the social
service agency sometimes as tools in their matrimonial law so when the
Children's Aid Society shows up, you have a choice: you can allow them to come
you can voluntarily answer their questions, you can let them poke around
you can let them see what's going on or you can say I'm not gonna let you come in.
I don't want to answer your questions I'm not going to talk to you go away. The
Children's Aid Society then needs to decide if they have reasonable and
probable grounds to apprehend your child because they believe the child is at
risk and this takes into part three in the statute. If they believe that a child
is at risk for a full garden-variety reasons that are open in statute they
can come in and scoop your kids. Now that will stop the heart of most parents; the
thought that some social service agents can come in and take your kids- they
don't need a warrant to do it they don't need any legal document to do it they
are empowered under the statute to come and take your kids. If they do that, there
is a court process however, that happens very very quickly. They are
required to have these children in front of the judge within five days and unless
there is a real likelihood these kids are going to suffer harm if they are
returned they are required by statute to return kids for the parents. It's only in
those exceptional cases where there is real evidence of a real likelihood harm
to those children to become temporary Ward's the state, what they call
Society wards or become long-term crown wards. Now we're getting a little off topic,
of "what do you do" when at the door. Number one: when they're at the door get
on the phone call you need to call lawyer who knows a lot about family law
on child protection often because you now need to make a fairly quick judgment call we
need to analyze this situation and you need to decide is this a situation where
I can tell the children's aid to go away because it's not every time that the
children's aid need to be at your door and like many situations it's not every
time when there warranted to be at your door sometimes they should not be at your
door but not every children's aid worker is the textbook model children's aid
worker like lawyers like doctors there are good ones there are mediocre ones there are bad ones
I've had situations where I've called Children's Aid and I said look get away from
the door we're not going to talk to you you don't have the right to come in
you're trespassing we're not going to give you any information if you want to roll the
dice and apprehend the kids go ahead we will see you in court on Monday morning
but we'll be looking for legal costs and there are times when that works and they
get a supervisor involved and they decide to back off you don't always want
to talk to the children sometimes it's an unnecessary intervention or invasion of privacy
sometimes they're coming around
all the time and you have become their treat of the week but there are other
times when if you know it's a vexacious claim you know you've got nothing to
hide nothing to worry about I would say you have a good objective
worker invite them in don't make them that green gooey stuff offer them
a cup of tea sit them down let them see your house let them talk to your kids
let them satisfy themselves very quickly but this was a bogus complaint because
the Ex is going to keep making them and it won't take long for a seasoned
and experienced worker to decide that the Ex is the problem here they're gonna put a
couple little red buddy years beside the bozo's name next time this jackass
calls just tell them to go have a nice day but it's a judgment call right
really is a judgment call they hold extraordinary powers they have more
powers than the courts and the police in that first instance where they can pick
your kids up and literally walk them into a car and you have no power to stop them
you pray to God that you never go through that moment
is there any consequences for someone who makes a vexatious report to
CAS in the context of the CAS proceedings no in fact CAS will very jealously guard
the anonymity of any complainant of any referral source that doesn't mean you
can't ultimately get it disclosed in the court proceedings especially if the court
figures out that it is bogus and it's vexatious but there are civil
consequences it's called defamation if I call up the CAS tomorrow and I say that
Tammy Picard's a bad mom and Tammy Picard beats her kids all the time and Tammy
Picard doesn't feed her kids like yeah imagine an Italian not feeding her kids hello McFly
then I am tarnishing your reputation I am calling you out in a very very bad
way it's a direct attack on your character and that's defamatory so I can
be sued for defamation now the only problem here is a civil suit is only as
good as your ability to collect the judgment is against the person who
committed the wrong defamation it's not going to help me because he doesn't have
25 cents or as my granny used to say a pot to pee in or a window to throw it out of
got a piece of paper that says he owes me six hundred thousand dollars for
defamation and I'll never collect 25 cents a lot of
these warring exes understand that because they have no money they don't own
a house they have a lousy job they have no money in the bank but they can
say this kind of stuff in their judgment proof for the short answer is there's a
simple consequence depends on who says it the worst suing for defamation yes if
they're not, no. okay
so um a client of ours has had--- oh wait I'm in a pickle
a client of ours had a nasty experience with a judge in Family
Court so um what's up with judges some are good judges bad
judges um judges are people judges are people too um judges I don't envy
judges people think that the judging is a like serious job you know there used
to be a great Monty Python skit about judging versus coal mining and people
don't understand that when judges get appointed and I've had friends of mine
appointed judges god bless them they suddenly have a very restricted social
life later because the public watches people with that kind of responsibility
and they need to have the perception that these people are at all times removed
that they are above that they are independent so you don't get to
socialize as much as you used to you don't get to go out and sit on a patio like
this and have a couple glasses of wine that's probably a big no-no future
you're allowed to do it if you're a lawyer you're allowed to do it if you're a law clerk you're
about to do it if you're a photojournalist but I don't envy their
life and at the same time they are very cloistered from the point of view that
they have limited contact with the public in their official capacity you
only get to speak to them essentially in a courtroom or in a very formal setting
they don't get to have chit-chats so most of the communication with judges when
they're sitting up on that bench and they're wearing a robe in the sash and
they're presiding over courtroom now that having been said with great power
does come great responsibility and as in all walks of life there are some judges
who do it better than others there are some lawyers and doctors there's some
police officers and teachers who do it better than others and I don't think
that there is any excuse for anyone in a person who's in a power of a position
rather of power and authority to be rude to be dismissive to be condescending to
be short-tempered again with great power comes great responsibility
and especially when you're dealing with individual lawyers have this chance I
got I got a high like a rhinoceros after 32 years in the business but you know I
remember what I started we used to have a system called the High Court of
Justice and some of the justices from the High Court would come up here from
Toronto while they weren't always the warmest and friendliest people you could
ever meet and some of them could be pretty nasty when they were sitting up
there and we all collectively as officers of the court the lawyers the
judges we all decided that there was a better way to do stuff that the judges
while being in authoritative positions could exercise that authority with politeness
yes with courtesy with grace and with understanding are there still a few
hanging around who missed that memo regrettably yes and and I've had
occasion one or two times to very politely stand my ground and say with
great respect your honor that comment was uncalled for that comment was
unwarranted as an officer of this Court as are you I do not deserve that when I
am behaving appropriately oh that's a little easier to do when you've got gray
hair it's harder for a young lawyer to do I've done that on one or two occasions
when I've seen young lawyers getting the brunt of perhaps a judge having a
bad day reminds me of Margaret Thatcher when
Prime Minister was famous for many things but one of which was a saying
that I adore and it was being powerful was like being a lady if you have to
tell someone you are you probably aren't I think one of the greatest exercises of
judicial authority I've seen from a very young judge was just appointed and he
had a very senior lawyer in front of him and the lawyer was being somewhat rude
to the judge and the judge very politely addressed this lawyer who's now diseased
and said sir I have allowed you to go on because of your seniority and your
respect before the court but you must now understand that despite my young age in
comparison to you that I am a judge of the Superior Court of Justice and you
will not address me again in that fashion or regrettably I will be forced
to impose consequences upon you that you will not enjoy
that's also a comment that should be considered by some judges who whether
they're having a bad day take it out on the lawyers or the litigants we all
serve the same system as officers of the court and that is ultimately serve the public
I'm never disrespectful another litigant i'm never disrespectful of the person on
the other side I have a job to do yeah from their perspective my job what is
being done is never pleasant they don't like the receiving end of it but I can
still be courteous to them even when I'm doing my job so as in every walk of life
I think the courtesy is important I think that civility is important and that needs to
apply not only the people who walk down the street needs to apply to
professionals it needs to apply to people in authority and it certainly needs
to apply to those who sit in those high ranks like our politicians on our
so our Toronto office is opening soon it's opening soon it's 14 degrees and
cloudy and rainy in Toronto today and we're sitting here on the patio in Timmins in
God's country the land the time forgot 27 degrees and sunny so yeah we're
opening in Toronto the new place is opening up we just finished the
renovations shout out to my decorator extraordinaire
Lori Wilder and my wife Marina who've been doing an amazing job moving me into an
amazing office I have the pleasure of moving into Eddie Greenspan's office he
said Eddie, Eddie passed away a couple of years ago and I've had the good fortune
to be introduced to his daughter Juliana who's running the law firm and Julianna's
been brave enough and gracious enough to let me move into the third
floor of this incredible old CIBC Bank building in the northwest corner of King
and Jarvis which is literally just up the street from the King Edward hotel
where I've had the pleasure of doing a lot of cooking things over the years my
friend Daniel Schick is still the exec chef there and he's been kind enough to
offer that from time to time me even come over and and cook a couple of
lunches together we have a kitchen in this new office we have a restaurant
kitchen Mr. Greenspan was a fan of many good things many good things
culinary and he's got a kitchen in this office that I've made Julianna promise
that I can play with from time to time so that'll be... Julianna, all my food is
calorie free by the way and we don't juice well actually yeah I did juice a ham and
Krispy Kremes once but but I promise to leave that recipe secret so yeah we're a
couple weeks we'll be in you ladies will all be coming down to meet up with the Toronto
staff and spend a couple of days and check out the new digs and hopefully by then
Toronto will have some of Timmins' good weather
Daniel and I were actually doing breakfast together
Daniel's an extraordinary cook and there's there's nothing as Schmo like me
is going to teach Daniel Shik who is one of Switzerland's better cooks and
he's been the exec chef at the King Eddie for years but I do have a couple
old tricks and he was looking for a couple maybe a new item for the the
breakfast menu and a dear friend of mine Sebastian de Gardens who is rated
France's third best pastry chef my opinion second best but politics taught
me once how to make something called an omelet souffle au parmesan so imagine
your garden-variety omelet but instead of lying flat on the plate it's also a
souffle so with Parmesan cheese it rises up probably about six and a half seven
inches in the pan and it is absolutely delicious it's like air but with a parmesan
perfumes so Daniel and I made that together and I showed it to a
couple divine cooks and that's my friend Pierre Priogo has taught me always share
the recipe you gotta pass it on yeah so yeah looking forward to that is it easy
to make piece of cake yeah piece of cake share the recipe sure
recipes the recipe is easy you should share the recipe on your YouTube channel and I can
tell you you get yourself six egg yolks and get yourself some milk you're going
to make a bit of a roux with the egg yolks in the milk and you're going to
mix those together you're gonna heat them up with a little bit of flour and a
pan so it's going to thicken the meantime you get ten egg whites you're
going to whip them on the side you grate a bunch of Parmesan cheese into that
roux you've made with the yolks in the milk don't overcook it or it'll get really
lumpy get that nice and warm in the meantime beat your egg whites until
they're really fluffy and stiff pull those all together put a nice Teflon pan
started on the stove top so you get a nice crust on the bottom throw it in an
oven at 400 degrees for about 10 minutes and voila
I'm not so sure parmesan amazing absolutely amazing great with a green
salad don't juice it whatever you do don't juice my omelette
Oh what's in that? There's gotta be kiwi right?
here we go offer they look like monkey testicles, kiwis, I just thought now it's hard to eat them
They do! Just saying. I'm just going to stand here while you chew on your sandwich
well they do Now I will never look at kiwi the same way again
don't hold your hands out like that. don't hold your hands out like this, there ain't no monkey there ain't no kiwi that's endowed like that
at least none of the National Geographic editions I looked at
as a boy, no, no
Short visit in KUALA LUMPUR - Duration: 6:04.
¿Montaje o realidad? La preguntan que se hacen los venezolanos ante supuesta rebelión de un policía - Duration: 2:04.
Bingo: O Rei das Manhãs - Trailer +18 - Duration: 1:31.
Rupert Spira - O Ego não é um Erro (Legendas em Português) - Duration: 4:46.
Padre Alessandro Campos - VEM COM FÉ Especial Arraiá - Trecho (28/06/2017) HD - Duration: 17:56.
Entrada da Noiva | The Deeper The Love | Whitesnake | Musica Instrumental para Casamento - Duration: 1:57.
Negan Will Not in Season 8? / Walking News / The Walking Dead - Duration: 8:48.
KOREA TRAVEL VLOG | #3. @Gangneung / Hoontamin - Duration: 7:54.
Nuevas Instrucciones Asignación #2 y #3 - Duration: 2:28.
A word from our hosts - The domino effect challenge - Duration: 0:39.
wazzuuup folks?
yep, we know that you guys are waiting for the domino effect challenge
for today
but it ain't gonna be today, it will be on friday, 06.30
that's all folks we apologize for the delay
and here's a little preview for you guys so you can check it out
and a big kiss guys
see ya on friday
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