Hello guys it's Remus here and the new champion was just leaked!
Apparently he's a champion with 2 souls in him, Kayn and the Darkin Rhaast!
He has a scythe and an eye on it so probably that was what the shadow on the horizon was
about, even if he's not a void champion, we didn't see a Darkin since Aatrox!
This video was leaked and removed from a website and what we can see is that he can turn from
Kayn to Rhaast or to the Assassin form using his portrait icon while in the fountain, changing
his abilities.
He's a jungle champion it seems since he has smite, like they said in the post before,
and we see some of his abilities from the darkin form, that look quite similar to Yasuo's
dash and spin, and when he kills someone they leave essence or souls behind and he can pick
them up, probably that's how he gains power to transform.
So he has the normal form and he can transform in the shadow assassin by destroying the darkin
inside the weapon, or he can transform into a darkin by Rhaast dominating him.
Really interesting and we'll see when is it worth to transform into one form or another
and what are the bonuses for doing so!
We don't know the ultimate yet but the icon looks like an explosion to me.
So that's what we have for now, let me know what you think about him, and we'll probably
see more today if he comes out in this new patch on PBE, thanks for watching, leave a
like, subscribe and share with your cats, and I'll see you soon, bye bye!
For more infomation >> KAYN NEW CHAMPION ABILITIES PREVIEW - League of Legends - Duration: 1:47.-------------------------------------------
[Eng Sub] Yan ZiDong (晏紫东) Till Death Tear Us Apart [DaKaTime Variety Show] 愉此一生-大咖TIME YIFC - Duration: 21:51.
Hello, everyone. I'm Yan Zidong
Hello, everyone. I'm Chef Jiang Zile
Chef (lol)
Today we have two guests coming to challenge how to make cookie.
This is your teacher Liu Lihan from Ceres Baking School.
Hello everyone
"Eachtime any of you ask her for help.
You should trade with one set of facial emoji"
OK. no problem.
"teacher. leave us alone. we won't need you here.
Haha. just kidding.
teacher. come back teacher"
Till Death Tear Us Apart?
What kind of drama is this?
This is a very mystical drama
Yup. it is a spy/disguiser story happened during the Republic of China
Can you comment what charactor did each other co-star in the drama?
"The character that Xiao Le acted (called Yusheng Liu)
was very smart and very brilliant"
"The character that Xiao Dong acted was called Yaohua Zhou.
Zhou is somewhat similar to Xiao Dong in personality."
Xiao Le. which character do you like better. Tao Mo or Yusheng?
"Actually. I like Yusheng better.
Since the drama of ""Till Death Tear us Apart"" will be coming soon.
the drama of ""Love is More Than a Word"" has finished airing."
Xiao Dong. which character do you like better. She Gu or Yaohua Zhou?
"I think both of them has its own attraction.
Because these two roles are totally different."
Which one do you feel more challenge to interpret?
"Uh. more challenge...I don't think they are challenge.
I should say She Gu is fairly unique."
Can you tell us somthing about your first impression of each other?
"I feel like. when we first met.
Xiao Le is a very quite. polite. obedient person"
My first impression. he looks like a Blonde.
Blonde? like Mary Sue?
hahahal. are you good with it?
Do you feel is it easy to get along with blonde?
"yup. it's easy.
So the purpose of this question part is to get us distracted?!"
are we supposed to melt the butter first? mix and melt together?
"Teacher said we should mix them together first.
Teacher made a trick."
"Trick to fool us.
Teacher was purposely fooling us (lol)"
After working together for two dramas. do you both get more tacit. and less NGs during shooting?
Yes. less NGs
Zero NGs
we do have NGs
Did you laugh/NG during shooting since both of you are too familiar with each other?
"Laugh? not much.
We only laugh when it's crowded. or when all of us were at shooting site"
Who has the least NGs among four of you?
"Almost the same.
Because most of our part were shooted together."
If one got NG. all of us would stop anyway
For you. for me. for everybody
Hahaha. what a happy family
"Xiao Le. for your style design in this drama.
how different do you feel comparing with your style in previous Ancient China drama?"
"As a whole. because they are different ages.
For Ancient China costume drama. the lines were semantic. quite old-fashioned.
For this drama. because it was much closer to modern life.
The environment hasn't changed too much."
Till Death Tear Us Apart. which scene were you most impressed by?
"In this drama. the most impressive scene for me.
should be the one with explosion.
It almost blew us off."
Any chance that you two would have a modern drama later?
Actually I'm quite looking forward. if there's any opportunity
"Among all the different ages of dramas. Ancient China. the Republic of China. and Modern China.
which one do you prefer to be in?"
Modern China
"Because for all the other times. the custome would be quite heavy.
The one for Modern China is much better."
What about you Xiaodong?
"I prefer shoot Modern one in summer.
Ancient China one in winter.
"After drama "Love is More Than a Word". both of you have been quite popular and attracted lots of fans.
Do you feel any changes in living or mentality?"
"I have prepared myself mentally.
I haven't found any big changes yet.
Just finish the work that I start. and let it be."
Xiao Dong. do you feel any changes?
"Changes for me...should be there are many people support me. like me and like the role I acted.
This is the most part that I appreciated.
For changes in living. I don't think there are much.
Like right now. both of us are still working with different crews on different dramas when we are not in shows."
Do you still doubt about your popularity right now?
"Last time when I was doing LiveStream that WeiBo organized.
I was kind suspicious to see. suddently. there were about 100K+ people watching.
Because in my mind. 100K must be lots of people. can even occupy an entire mall.
This is what I was suspicious about. I can't believe there were so many people.
Sometime I even ask them in the LiveStream are you all real people? If yes please type 1."
As a new generation actor. how do you think of the occupation?
"For actor...I don't understand it when I first started.
I thought it was something quite relax.
But when I actually started working. all the efforts and sweats that I put in were even more than other occupations.
And for this occupation. it has its own specialty in it compared to others."
How do you handle the work stress?
"Actually I was quite enjoying this occupation.
because usually I enjoy to be on the stage.
and I like to make friends.
this occupation is a best fit for me.
Acting was something that I really enjoy doing."
Xiao Dong. what would you do for living if you were not an actor?
"If I was not an actor. I don't know. I might be doing some regular office work.
Uh. can't turn this mixer off.
Maybe some regular 9am to 5pm. quiet. or stable office work."
What do you vision yourself in 10 years?
Hopefully I don't gain any beer belly or something like that
this wish is quite honest (lol)
So Xiao Le. what do you vision yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years. vision myself or wish myself?
Wish...I wish I won't have too much difference compare to now
haha. that's little scary
Till Death Tear Us Apart. Yusheng is a little foodie. do you like snacks a lot?
I don't like snacks. but I love to have real meal.
"Your fans are all concerned about you were losing weight recently.
did you purposely workout to control weight?"
"Actually I treated every meal seriously.
but for some physical reason.
maybe because my digestion system doesn't work well.
I am always skinny"
"I heard that Xiao Dong has cooked for Xiao Le.
was it because it was not good looking?"
"Good looking is the key.
Just like making cake.
Xiao Le's mix doesn't look good"
I think mine is fine
"I watched other people's cooking shows online.
they all seemed pretty calm"
yes. very tidy
ours are little bit messy
When do you think he was most narcissistic?
Me? am I ever narcissistic?
Xiao Dong is fine. He is such a humble boy.
check this out. does it look like egg custard?
what about Xiao Le?
"Xiao Le. sometimes he looks into the mirrors. not really often.
We are fine. none of us is really narcissistic"
I have never seen such a humble guy like Yan Zidong (lol)
teacher. can I add some water?
"Xiao Dong. you have asked for help so many times.
did you forget something about facial imoji?"
teacher was volunteering to help me (lol)
Quick Quiz (draw a portrait of each other while answer quiz)
Ready. Go
Which part of your face do you like the best?
eye. When was your first time cooking?
when I was very young
When was your first time driving?
few years ago
What drama did you watch recently?
What game did you play recently?
Mushroom Wars
What is the last thing you do before go to bed?
Close my eyes
Which one of your puppies do you like better. Angel or Devil?
love them equally
equally. no difference. How much do you weigh now?
119 lbs
Since you are major in Broadcasting and Hosting Art. do you have any plan to proceed that career path?
good to have a plan
Where would you celebrate your birthday? With whom?
In a beautiful place. by myself
My..your...my...what is my pet phrase?
You don't have any pet phrase
What name did you have for me in your contact list?
Xiao Dong
well done
Ready. go. What color is my wallet?
Your wallet? Black?
What name do you have for me in your contact list?
Jiang Zile
Which one is similar to you. Shiba or Husky?
combine both?
Do you like two-flavor hot pot or spicy hot pot?
what hair color do you like the best?
which hair color....Black
What season do you like the most?
which season....Fall
How long do you take between get up and get ready to go out?
if no dressing up required. 5 mins is enough for me"
What is the first thing that you do after wake up?
"First thing is...
my drawing for you is little ugly....it shouldn't be. it shouldn't be"
it's okay
First thing is that...that...open my eyes (lol)
What is the second thing you do after wake up?
Second thing is...get off bed
What is the third thing you do after wake up?
Ouch!you are really....how can I answer? or Did you make it by yourslf ? The third thing is checking my phone
when did you last shopping online?
I was shopping online yesterday.
what is your most faviorate facial features?
what is your most faviorate part of facial features?
Oh It's facial features I think is crown of Taobao
What's your favorite shop store in five star? Eh.....What? It's five star?
what is your most faviorate part in facial features?
"my most satisfied part in facial features?
Acatually. Ouch. What did I draw for you?
I like my eyebrows the best. Eyebrows is my faviorate part"
Is eyebrow a facial feature?
Maybe eye. It's eye. I am satisfied with my eyes
I cannot account something like ear into facial features
what's your faviorate movie type?
My faviorate type is feature film and films that are little brain burning
Most want to challenge
And fantasy film
Fantasy . What extreme sport do you want to challenge the most
Eh.....is that paragliding
What super power do you want to have the most
The super power I want to have is time backwards
no more? Your questions are too many
I added two question by myself
Is that the fisrt thing. the second thing. the third thing right? I finished drawing
You finished. Ok. Sign your signature and the date
Within Three mins. five or more wrongs
lift the other's mohawk and knock hisforehead.
Drawing board tips (Crayon Shin-chan )
You are so slow to draw. Do you want to enter into punishment?
This is a cartoon character
?Crayon Shin-chan
Ok. you can rip off/tear off. turn to next one
Drawing board tips (Transformers)
How to draw it?It's too difficult
This is like a mechanical
Pass. you have two correct anwer.It's ok*2
Drawing board tips (chattered & champignon)
How to draw it?
You can do it
He said pass. Count as a mistake
Count as a mistake
It's ok*2
It is ok?
Take it away
Drawing board tips(obsequious)
How much time do we have?
No. So he might think.....
you should show him while you are drawing
Oh....At this position
Hip. and then
Who is hip
lick sb.'s shoes/Kiss up to somebody
next one next one
I have three correct answer. right?
You have three correct answers now
Drawing board tips(Till Death Tear us Apart)
a one drama acted by these four men
Drawing board tips (Pudding of four handsome boy)
What do people call these four man?
Did I pass?
The answer is correct. Do I have any reward?
Drawing board tips(Love is More Than A Word)
What's the name of the first drama that these four men acted?
Love is More Than A Word
It's done?
There's more
Drawing board tips(YaoHua Zhou)
This perosn. the character he acted in his second drama
YaoHua Zhou
Then you just say his next one character name
Drawing board tips(Yusheng Liu)
What is the second character this person acted?
Yusheng Liu
It's mine. what's the nickname of my fans? It's a type of drink
Coconut Jelly Coconut Jelly
reaction quize
The rule is Xiao Le and Xiao Dong should hold the ruler top above each other's hand.do not count the time to release it without telling the other person
The smaller of the ruler scale catched by the other's hand. the more faster of the reaction
There are three chances to take the best mark
The first time:failed
The second time:(Tip)failed
It is awesome
The third time:0 centimeter
The first time:failed
The second time:11 centimeter
You have to know before we were to play it. who has that gesture something unintentionally
Em.....*N time
It''s too painful
This is the first time in his life that Jiang Zile is making this kind of biscuits. cake or something. I want to ravel its beautiful veil for now
Haha.....It doesn't has veil
It can be opened directly
I cannot to hold myself for now because the smell is blowing to me
almost ready to take it out
Put it on the table
here here here
yes yes yes. put it here. Do not get close to this table. also do not touch it
What is the happiness? Happiness is to eat something made by myself How about it?
For this. it's also the first time making biscuits in Yan ZiDong's life. Can I open It?It's not getting ready yet.
It's ok
You should make it with all your heart
The big ones are yours. the small ones are mine
This is really cute. It's like....
It like a frog. I feel like I'm made a few cookies.
There are one two three four five. totally Five boxs
You do not put cookie into your box. there is one more box
Have to be mixed.
No. You should fill a box
It has a request
Roughly the same
Do you think we are mixing wine?
no one can escape
I hope you can go to a good people's home
The extra feature is in progress
Another cake
He is very calm and it is made by myself
Just the last moment. I came early than you and you came late than me
Acutally.I just knew it was today... because a few moment ago. when the show was started in that time. there's a surprise. and then today. And today. my agent she always say that they were arranging the scene. don't go upstair.
It's really weird.
Look. you both were making mistake
They didn't disguise well.. actually. I know that. but. I didn't know it was made by Xiao dong.
Wait a minute. light a candle first
It's very attentively to make it. It almost look like the one bought from store
How to hold it?
Written above the chocolate peice. Xiao Le. in this position. how to read it?
left one. then left one. No. it should be. Upper left corner of the first one. then right. after is bottom. happy birthday to Xiao Le
Happy Birthday to myself
Happy Birthday
Happy early birthday
Thanks Xiaodong
a "NUKED OUT" in BLACK OPS 3 like you've NEVER seen before... - Duration: 17:52.
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I am not longer teaching Pranic Healing · Marta Puig · 🌍 MUNDO PRÁNICO - Duration: 4:37.
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New Naqabat 2017 - New Naqabat Kalam - Ghulam Mujtaba Dullu
Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 1:01.
Цветные трактора и Супергерои Мультик про Машинки. Учим цифры для детей и Учим цвета с Машинками - Duration: 7:08.
Las Noticias de la mañana, martes 27 de junio de 2017 | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 4:23.
Insane Heavy BASS TRAP Beat | Hard Trap Instrumental Beat | Ooops | Prod. By Knife - Duration: 1:46.
🔪 KnifeGotBeats@gmail.com 🔪
Quăng Tao Cái Boong - Móm lầy lội - Cherry Nguyễn Cover - Những Bài Cover Hay Nhất 2017 - Duration: 3:49.
Top 5 Fidget Spinners Most Expensive and Rare in the World - Duration: 2:55.
There are hundreds of fidget spinners in the world of various colors and sizes
There are hundreds of fidget spinners in the world of various colors and sizes
But there are those who stand out and become the most coveted
But there are those who stand out and become the most coveted
Check out the world's most expensive and rare spinners fidgets
number 5 turbine version 3 $ 339.00 dollars
When you think of turbines, you think of speed and power.
When you think of turbines, you think of speed and power.
The spinner turbine version 3 was created by worn metal, and is made of a lot of grade 2 titanium.
Valued at 339 dollars, it is machined with cnc and is about 2 inches in diameter and 19 mm thick and can spin about 2 and a half minutes.
Number 4 Tispin prop $ 425.00
This 2d Spinner is a work of art. Which means that if you want the tispin prop spinner, you will have to open not only your wallet but also your bank account
This spinner is custom made by titan ring designs in the United States and is not mass produced. It costs $ 425 for the most expensive 600.
Number 3 Sunnytech Custom 925 $ 339.00 to $ 459.00
When it comes to scrubbing spinners, sunnytech seems to have a lot to offer in product terms.
There is also another brand called weiheng which seems to do exactly the same spinner in a similar price range.
One of sunnytech's most costly spinners ranges from $ 339 to $ 459 and can run from 1 to 6 minutes.
Number 2 gear generator $ 600.00 dollars
This 9-gear spinner is manufactured by a company called real art spinners.
The gears mines are made of real steel and the components, are made from brass to side plates, bolts and buttons, along with stainless steel.
This spinner can be yours for a price of 600 dollars.
Number 1 artifact bail $ 700.00 dollars
When a fidget spinner is created with skilled workmanship, brice is never cheap because you are paying for the quality made by hand.
This fidget spinner cost 700 bucks and was designed by Chris Bathgate
Automotrice e autobus su rotaia dalla Germania - Duration: 1:37.
Affiliate Marketing mit derAffiliate Leads Formel - Duration: 1:03.
Volvo C30 1.6 D2 R-DESIGN PRO EDITION /Navi/Leder/Clima/Pdc/Cruise/1e Eig/NAP/Garantie - Duration: 1:00.
KAYN NEW CHAMPION ABILITIES PREVIEW - League of Legends - Duration: 1:47.
Hello guys it's Remus here and the new champion was just leaked!
Apparently he's a champion with 2 souls in him, Kayn and the Darkin Rhaast!
He has a scythe and an eye on it so probably that was what the shadow on the horizon was
about, even if he's not a void champion, we didn't see a Darkin since Aatrox!
This video was leaked and removed from a website and what we can see is that he can turn from
Kayn to Rhaast or to the Assassin form using his portrait icon while in the fountain, changing
his abilities.
He's a jungle champion it seems since he has smite, like they said in the post before,
and we see some of his abilities from the darkin form, that look quite similar to Yasuo's
dash and spin, and when he kills someone they leave essence or souls behind and he can pick
them up, probably that's how he gains power to transform.
So he has the normal form and he can transform in the shadow assassin by destroying the darkin
inside the weapon, or he can transform into a darkin by Rhaast dominating him.
Really interesting and we'll see when is it worth to transform into one form or another
and what are the bonuses for doing so!
We don't know the ultimate yet but the icon looks like an explosion to me.
So that's what we have for now, let me know what you think about him, and we'll probably
see more today if he comes out in this new patch on PBE, thanks for watching, leave a
like, subscribe and share with your cats, and I'll see you soon, bye bye!
[Eng Sub] Yan ZiDong (晏紫东) Till Death Tear Us Apart [DaKaTime Variety Show] 愉此一生-大咖TIME YIFC - Duration: 21:51.
Hello, everyone. I'm Yan Zidong
Hello, everyone. I'm Chef Jiang Zile
Chef (lol)
Today we have two guests coming to challenge how to make cookie.
This is your teacher Liu Lihan from Ceres Baking School.
Hello everyone
"Eachtime any of you ask her for help.
You should trade with one set of facial emoji"
OK. no problem.
"teacher. leave us alone. we won't need you here.
Haha. just kidding.
teacher. come back teacher"
Till Death Tear Us Apart?
What kind of drama is this?
This is a very mystical drama
Yup. it is a spy/disguiser story happened during the Republic of China
Can you comment what charactor did each other co-star in the drama?
"The character that Xiao Le acted (called Yusheng Liu)
was very smart and very brilliant"
"The character that Xiao Dong acted was called Yaohua Zhou.
Zhou is somewhat similar to Xiao Dong in personality."
Xiao Le. which character do you like better. Tao Mo or Yusheng?
"Actually. I like Yusheng better.
Since the drama of ""Till Death Tear us Apart"" will be coming soon.
the drama of ""Love is More Than a Word"" has finished airing."
Xiao Dong. which character do you like better. She Gu or Yaohua Zhou?
"I think both of them has its own attraction.
Because these two roles are totally different."
Which one do you feel more challenge to interpret?
"Uh. more challenge...I don't think they are challenge.
I should say She Gu is fairly unique."
Can you tell us somthing about your first impression of each other?
"I feel like. when we first met.
Xiao Le is a very quite. polite. obedient person"
My first impression. he looks like a Blonde.
Blonde? like Mary Sue?
hahahal. are you good with it?
Do you feel is it easy to get along with blonde?
"yup. it's easy.
So the purpose of this question part is to get us distracted?!"
are we supposed to melt the butter first? mix and melt together?
"Teacher said we should mix them together first.
Teacher made a trick."
"Trick to fool us.
Teacher was purposely fooling us (lol)"
After working together for two dramas. do you both get more tacit. and less NGs during shooting?
Yes. less NGs
Zero NGs
we do have NGs
Did you laugh/NG during shooting since both of you are too familiar with each other?
"Laugh? not much.
We only laugh when it's crowded. or when all of us were at shooting site"
Who has the least NGs among four of you?
"Almost the same.
Because most of our part were shooted together."
If one got NG. all of us would stop anyway
For you. for me. for everybody
Hahaha. what a happy family
"Xiao Le. for your style design in this drama.
how different do you feel comparing with your style in previous Ancient China drama?"
"As a whole. because they are different ages.
For Ancient China costume drama. the lines were semantic. quite old-fashioned.
For this drama. because it was much closer to modern life.
The environment hasn't changed too much."
Till Death Tear Us Apart. which scene were you most impressed by?
"In this drama. the most impressive scene for me.
should be the one with explosion.
It almost blew us off."
Any chance that you two would have a modern drama later?
Actually I'm quite looking forward. if there's any opportunity
"Among all the different ages of dramas. Ancient China. the Republic of China. and Modern China.
which one do you prefer to be in?"
Modern China
"Because for all the other times. the custome would be quite heavy.
The one for Modern China is much better."
What about you Xiaodong?
"I prefer shoot Modern one in summer.
Ancient China one in winter.
"After drama "Love is More Than a Word". both of you have been quite popular and attracted lots of fans.
Do you feel any changes in living or mentality?"
"I have prepared myself mentally.
I haven't found any big changes yet.
Just finish the work that I start. and let it be."
Xiao Dong. do you feel any changes?
"Changes for me...should be there are many people support me. like me and like the role I acted.
This is the most part that I appreciated.
For changes in living. I don't think there are much.
Like right now. both of us are still working with different crews on different dramas when we are not in shows."
Do you still doubt about your popularity right now?
"Last time when I was doing LiveStream that WeiBo organized.
I was kind suspicious to see. suddently. there were about 100K+ people watching.
Because in my mind. 100K must be lots of people. can even occupy an entire mall.
This is what I was suspicious about. I can't believe there were so many people.
Sometime I even ask them in the LiveStream are you all real people? If yes please type 1."
As a new generation actor. how do you think of the occupation?
"For actor...I don't understand it when I first started.
I thought it was something quite relax.
But when I actually started working. all the efforts and sweats that I put in were even more than other occupations.
And for this occupation. it has its own specialty in it compared to others."
How do you handle the work stress?
"Actually I was quite enjoying this occupation.
because usually I enjoy to be on the stage.
and I like to make friends.
this occupation is a best fit for me.
Acting was something that I really enjoy doing."
Xiao Dong. what would you do for living if you were not an actor?
"If I was not an actor. I don't know. I might be doing some regular office work.
Uh. can't turn this mixer off.
Maybe some regular 9am to 5pm. quiet. or stable office work."
What do you vision yourself in 10 years?
Hopefully I don't gain any beer belly or something like that
this wish is quite honest (lol)
So Xiao Le. what do you vision yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years. vision myself or wish myself?
Wish...I wish I won't have too much difference compare to now
haha. that's little scary
Till Death Tear Us Apart. Yusheng is a little foodie. do you like snacks a lot?
I don't like snacks. but I love to have real meal.
"Your fans are all concerned about you were losing weight recently.
did you purposely workout to control weight?"
"Actually I treated every meal seriously.
but for some physical reason.
maybe because my digestion system doesn't work well.
I am always skinny"
"I heard that Xiao Dong has cooked for Xiao Le.
was it because it was not good looking?"
"Good looking is the key.
Just like making cake.
Xiao Le's mix doesn't look good"
I think mine is fine
"I watched other people's cooking shows online.
they all seemed pretty calm"
yes. very tidy
ours are little bit messy
When do you think he was most narcissistic?
Me? am I ever narcissistic?
Xiao Dong is fine. He is such a humble boy.
check this out. does it look like egg custard?
what about Xiao Le?
"Xiao Le. sometimes he looks into the mirrors. not really often.
We are fine. none of us is really narcissistic"
I have never seen such a humble guy like Yan Zidong (lol)
teacher. can I add some water?
"Xiao Dong. you have asked for help so many times.
did you forget something about facial imoji?"
teacher was volunteering to help me (lol)
Quick Quiz (draw a portrait of each other while answer quiz)
Ready. Go
Which part of your face do you like the best?
eye. When was your first time cooking?
when I was very young
When was your first time driving?
few years ago
What drama did you watch recently?
What game did you play recently?
Mushroom Wars
What is the last thing you do before go to bed?
Close my eyes
Which one of your puppies do you like better. Angel or Devil?
love them equally
equally. no difference. How much do you weigh now?
119 lbs
Since you are major in Broadcasting and Hosting Art. do you have any plan to proceed that career path?
good to have a plan
Where would you celebrate your birthday? With whom?
In a beautiful place. by myself
My..your...my...what is my pet phrase?
You don't have any pet phrase
What name did you have for me in your contact list?
Xiao Dong
well done
Ready. go. What color is my wallet?
Your wallet? Black?
What name do you have for me in your contact list?
Jiang Zile
Which one is similar to you. Shiba or Husky?
combine both?
Do you like two-flavor hot pot or spicy hot pot?
what hair color do you like the best?
which hair color....Black
What season do you like the most?
which season....Fall
How long do you take between get up and get ready to go out?
if no dressing up required. 5 mins is enough for me"
What is the first thing that you do after wake up?
"First thing is...
my drawing for you is little ugly....it shouldn't be. it shouldn't be"
it's okay
First thing is that...that...open my eyes (lol)
What is the second thing you do after wake up?
Second thing is...get off bed
What is the third thing you do after wake up?
Ouch!you are really....how can I answer? or Did you make it by yourslf ? The third thing is checking my phone
when did you last shopping online?
I was shopping online yesterday.
what is your most faviorate facial features?
what is your most faviorate part of facial features?
Oh It's facial features I think is crown of Taobao
What's your favorite shop store in five star? Eh.....What? It's five star?
what is your most faviorate part in facial features?
"my most satisfied part in facial features?
Acatually. Ouch. What did I draw for you?
I like my eyebrows the best. Eyebrows is my faviorate part"
Is eyebrow a facial feature?
Maybe eye. It's eye. I am satisfied with my eyes
I cannot account something like ear into facial features
what's your faviorate movie type?
My faviorate type is feature film and films that are little brain burning
Most want to challenge
And fantasy film
Fantasy . What extreme sport do you want to challenge the most
Eh.....is that paragliding
What super power do you want to have the most
The super power I want to have is time backwards
no more? Your questions are too many
I added two question by myself
Is that the fisrt thing. the second thing. the third thing right? I finished drawing
You finished. Ok. Sign your signature and the date
Within Three mins. five or more wrongs
lift the other's mohawk and knock hisforehead.
Drawing board tips (Crayon Shin-chan )
You are so slow to draw. Do you want to enter into punishment?
This is a cartoon character
?Crayon Shin-chan
Ok. you can rip off/tear off. turn to next one
Drawing board tips (Transformers)
How to draw it?It's too difficult
This is like a mechanical
Pass. you have two correct anwer.It's ok*2
Drawing board tips (chattered & champignon)
How to draw it?
You can do it
He said pass. Count as a mistake
Count as a mistake
It's ok*2
It is ok?
Take it away
Drawing board tips(obsequious)
How much time do we have?
No. So he might think.....
you should show him while you are drawing
Oh....At this position
Hip. and then
Who is hip
lick sb.'s shoes/Kiss up to somebody
next one next one
I have three correct answer. right?
You have three correct answers now
Drawing board tips(Till Death Tear us Apart)
a one drama acted by these four men
Drawing board tips (Pudding of four handsome boy)
What do people call these four man?
Did I pass?
The answer is correct. Do I have any reward?
Drawing board tips(Love is More Than A Word)
What's the name of the first drama that these four men acted?
Love is More Than A Word
It's done?
There's more
Drawing board tips(YaoHua Zhou)
This perosn. the character he acted in his second drama
YaoHua Zhou
Then you just say his next one character name
Drawing board tips(Yusheng Liu)
What is the second character this person acted?
Yusheng Liu
It's mine. what's the nickname of my fans? It's a type of drink
Coconut Jelly Coconut Jelly
reaction quize
The rule is Xiao Le and Xiao Dong should hold the ruler top above each other's hand.do not count the time to release it without telling the other person
The smaller of the ruler scale catched by the other's hand. the more faster of the reaction
There are three chances to take the best mark
The first time:failed
The second time:(Tip)failed
It is awesome
The third time:0 centimeter
The first time:failed
The second time:11 centimeter
You have to know before we were to play it. who has that gesture something unintentionally
Em.....*N time
It''s too painful
This is the first time in his life that Jiang Zile is making this kind of biscuits. cake or something. I want to ravel its beautiful veil for now
Haha.....It doesn't has veil
It can be opened directly
I cannot to hold myself for now because the smell is blowing to me
almost ready to take it out
Put it on the table
here here here
yes yes yes. put it here. Do not get close to this table. also do not touch it
What is the happiness? Happiness is to eat something made by myself How about it?
For this. it's also the first time making biscuits in Yan ZiDong's life. Can I open It?It's not getting ready yet.
It's ok
You should make it with all your heart
The big ones are yours. the small ones are mine
This is really cute. It's like....
It like a frog. I feel like I'm made a few cookies.
There are one two three four five. totally Five boxs
You do not put cookie into your box. there is one more box
Have to be mixed.
No. You should fill a box
It has a request
Roughly the same
Do you think we are mixing wine?
no one can escape
I hope you can go to a good people's home
The extra feature is in progress
Another cake
He is very calm and it is made by myself
Just the last moment. I came early than you and you came late than me
Acutally.I just knew it was today... because a few moment ago. when the show was started in that time. there's a surprise. and then today. And today. my agent she always say that they were arranging the scene. don't go upstair.
It's really weird.
Look. you both were making mistake
They didn't disguise well.. actually. I know that. but. I didn't know it was made by Xiao dong.
Wait a minute. light a candle first
It's very attentively to make it. It almost look like the one bought from store
How to hold it?
Written above the chocolate peice. Xiao Le. in this position. how to read it?
left one. then left one. No. it should be. Upper left corner of the first one. then right. after is bottom. happy birthday to Xiao Le
Happy Birthday to myself
Happy Birthday
Happy early birthday
Thanks Xiaodong
a "NUKED OUT" in BLACK OPS 3 like you've NEVER seen before... - Duration: 17:52.
【Mod】津波から逃げながらサバイバル! - Duration: 31:16.
Opel Astra 1.0 T 77KW SPORTS TOURER EDITION - Duration: 0:58.
Opel Astra 1.0 T 77KW 5-DRS INNOVATION - Duration: 0:59.
Opel Astra 1.0 T 77KW 5-DRS EDITION - Duration: 0:54.
Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-Connecta - Duration: 1:00.
Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T Acenta (Lichtmetalen Velgen) - Duration: 0:54.
Nissan X-Trail 1.6 DIG-T BUSINESS (Navigatie / Panoramadak) - Duration: 0:54.
Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-Connecta (Int. Pack Blue) - Duration: 0:59.
Michael Fish's NBC26 Weather Forecast - Duration: 3:07.
Temperatures are
expected to stay below
normal for about the next
It's also going to be quite
cool overnight with lows
in the upper 40s, but
even cooler
temperatures to the
As a high pressure
system moves in, we will
see a quiet day Tuesday.
We'll have a few fair
weather clouds and nicer
temperatures in the
upper 70s. Winds won't
be too bad as well with
W/SW winds 5-15 MPH.
A left over shower is still
possible, NE of Green
Tonight, clouds will slowly
be back on the increase.
It won't be as chilly with
lows in the mid 50s, but
this still isn't warm by any
Wednesday goes
downhill as the day
wears on due to a frontal
boundary pushing
through. Ahead of this
system we can expect it
to be fairly windy.
Showers and T'storms
will slowly move in during
the afternoon and last
into the night. Some of
these could be strong to
severe and produce
some decent rainfall, so
just be aware of that
potential. Highs will top
out in the low to mid 70s.
Thursday we can expect
more of the same with
highs in the mid to upper
70s and lows in the mid
60s. It will be mostly
cloudy with the chance of
For the weekend, we can
expect highs in the lower
to mid 70s. Expect there
to be sun and clouds
throughout the weekend,
but don't rule out the
chance of a shower or
Lifehack: create a transparent T-shirt effect with VSDC Video Editor - Duration: 1:42.
Add a background video
Add a T shirt image with a solid color
Click 'Video effects' and select 'Transparency' - 'Background remover'
In 'Properties window' change parameters till the T shirt is transparent. Follow the preview.
Here is the result!
Denim Repair - Duration: 1:57.
FIT --
Reporter: KEEP IT -- SOME
Reporter: HEAD CAN'T DO
Reporter: IN SOME CASES,
Donuts in a brand new 2017 Acura NSX | Donut Media - Duration: 1:03.
The amazing GT3 version of this Acura NSX...
...won in Detroit at the Grand Prix this weekend.
The only disappointing thing was that Andy Lally got to the donuts, and I didn't.
So now it's my turn.
How To Prioritize - Duration: 3:47.
hey this is Darryl and in this video I hey this is Darryl wait I thought I was
going to do a webcast right now not a video
hey this is Darryl do you have challenges prioritizing what you need to
do in this video I'll share some simple and powerful techniques and how to
prioritize you may feel yourself feeling overwhelmed and frustrated even a little
angry because you're scattered and your license seems to be swirling all the
time you have so many thoughts on what you want to do but find it difficult to
take action so of course this leaves you frustrated because it makes you feel
like you're stuck and you're not making any progress in your life you might be
great at making that list of to do's but once again this isn't working you don't
use it effectively and it leaves you disappointed I've coached amazing of
people who have had a very difficult time prioritizing how they should take
action on what they want so here are some simple but powerful strategies and
how to prioritize drum roll please number one get clear know what you want
in your life part of the biggest challenge for most people as that
they're walking around and life without a clear focus so what do you want here
lies the challenge you want a lot I get that but you need to go deeper inside to
figure out what you really want right now in your life
number two make a decision Napoleon Hill said indecisiveness is something or
other basically you need to build some muscle to make decisions become a
decision making machine number three file
all through and accountability this is another hole people fall into they stink
at following through and holding themselves accountable to their actions
what happens is you don't follow through on your decisions so then you stop then
you rearrange your priorities to cover up for the lack of accountability be
accountable on what you say by following through
number four stop the story you've created a story about what you can't do
this is complete BS and you know it create an empowering story that you know
how to prioritize because you got clear your decision-maker and you do what you
say implement these very simple strategies and watch the difference in
the impact in your life I'll look forward to hearing your comments if you
liked my video let me know by clicking the like button and please subscribe to
my channel in your comments are welcomed you have complete permission to go ahead
and share this video with anyone you would like thanks for watching and
you'll see me on my next video that's great Shay thank you that's great
my production team is not paying attention to the refrigerator
Beat the Heat of High Medical Costs for Your Children - Zuni - Duration: 0:31.
Beat the Heat of Medical Costs Keep your kids covered this summer by signing
them up for Medicaid or CHIP.
Call 1-800-318-2596 or visit medicaid.gov A message from the Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services.
CHINA #1 vs DrDisRespect | FUNNIEST DR DISRESPECT MOMENTS! #19 - Duration: 11:10.
it started but we can drive to another world another realm of momentum and
speed and violence Im ready [screaching]
Bader's Xavier Keenan ha ha ha ha ha ha (weird noises)
there is a difference the hell is this G feel lemonade by nadeshot get out of
here get out of my face and since i started drinking G fuel now I
shit fire any suggestions on how to stop it
yeah when you take a shit just put your whole ass into the water
(speaking Chinese gibberish)
China number one you're nothing
China #1 (Chinese)
(Chinese Gibberish/Banter)
(Music) Yelling
Gillette the best a man can get ya Gillette a best a man can get YAH
little sleepy donated follows doc why do you only read the donation message but
don't comment on most of them why don't you mind your own business red little
sleepy huh I do what I can do you look at me listen
because if I comment on each and every single one of them there would be no
gameplay on the screen can you see can you evaluate that and you absorb that
tough reality check get a reality check and I said it I want a minimum ten
victory look at video is this guy's is he still good trying to get is he still
trying to get attention over here look at him maybe this guy you keep pity up
if he's still around (Music)
what is the arena says Daisy what is the arena you're in it it's so are twenty
nine thirty million other people you're in the arena the face of twitch right
here look at him and im looking at you (laughing)
Donated $6.66 said (gibberish noises)
donated $5 can we get a war-cry to start the game
ugly looking face so this guy it sucks it's terrible it everything drdisrespect
says about every game stop streaming you're terrible how many
tweaks and likes and retweets did that get oh man oh man
this poor guys desperate for attention how many followers does he have? He actually has 1200 followers
this ugly looking guy right here who the hell is following this guy huh who is it
welcome to my reality okay let's go and check it out
streamer over on Twitch uh whoa okay flip side TAC is partnered with flip
side tactics they they actually partnered with you huh I'm have to give
these guys a call King I'm have to give these guys a call say hey get him out of here
hey go watch some minecraft stream that you can actually follow okay on this
channel it's built for speed violence momentum get out of here idiot
Club love to see you split these punk kids wigs your days bro you see that to
two piece I lined them up one guy in the distance he doesn't know what the hell
he's looking at yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna look over here boom dead and then his
little sister decide to peek outside of the three dead snapped his neck off
stuff snapped his head right off his neck boom dead buh buh buh buh
and thank you for watching robo doc. what a hell of day for me to sit here
with my power off dont even get a chance to play
chance to touch the mouse or keyboard don't even get a chance to get involved
to shoot a weapon to do anything to drive a car
anymore the doctor keeps me powered down
no no no no no no no no no no no no no he should have been dead he should have
been dead he should have been dead
stand up
get out here are you kidding me close the door that's good enough don't
want to hear nothing no I don't care how long you've been with it you made way
too many mistakes I don't know if I've ever felt this good in my life
Antoinette Jesus Christ I mean are you kidding me I'm feel like I'm just
getting started
yes yes that's why you're the best in the
business and so that's the best director in the business period you go to someone
else channel and find their director and tell me does he have the skill set and
Antoinette or she does she have a skill set advanced whatever huh
the answer's no not even close welcome Kaz matic six donated by dollars
in my wife and I decided to despite things up by hanging up hanging up your
full audio momentum picture above our headboard I've never felt so much
testosterone blasting through my veins while pumping away gazing inside your
scopes and yelling raul Jesus Christ
[Music] corny ways donated $5 my wife
is having a baby tomorrow in the doctor said he was a 6 - and a turbo vest on
what the hell doc did you fucked my wife no I didn't $5 says everybody's seeing
if you're horny let's do it ride it my pony if you're horny let's do it ridin
my pony my shadow's baby come in. what day is it today Wednesday am i right
you can just tell you can tell usually i can just knock all those notes out
what's the hell
I got a really shiny nose right now
knock them to the ground I make them lead I step them up I step I
step right on their chest I put full pressure on their body I
remind them that I am way better viss reminds them that he's way better
it's about controlling it's about grabbing them it's about gripping them
to death
come come come come come close closer get closer close there you go that's not
close enough together look be my eyes look at look at look at me look at get
involved that's the follow button understand what
it's like to feel the world of success and pain and violence and aggression and
steroids and testosterone and love making an enemy and if the whole of the
world isn't it the whole lot of dimension but you love it you know you
love it you know you want to get more involved do you know you want to touch
the tippity top of the mountain you know you do then get involved that's all I
ask [Music]
6 Ways To Lighten Up Your Dark Private Skin Naturally! - Duration: 2:16.
OUR WEBSITE : http://justhealthrelated.com/
A lot of women suffer from dark skin in their pubic area.
It looks unattractive and most of them want to get rid of it.
Today we are going to present you some natural and safe ways to do that.
Medically this condition is called acanthosis nigricans (AN).
Discoloration can appear in the groin area, on the armpits and on the neck.
Before you start using this homemade remedies the best thing to do is to talk to your dermatologist.
Discoloration can appear due to glandular disorder, obesity, diabetes or a person can
be born with it.
Some oral contraceptives may also cause this condition in the private parts.
Here are few remedies that may help you with it.
Massage the discolored area with some lemon juice.
Leave it for 10 minutes and wash it well, with some warm water.
Mix some rose water (10 drop) with 1 tsp. sandalwood powder then put it on the affected
Leave it for 20 min. then wash it well.
The sandalwood softens and lightens the skin and the rose water hydrates it.
You should repeat the treatment 3 times per week.
For better results use fresh gel but if you don't have the plant buy 100% pure aloe
vera gel.
Massage the area with the gel and leave it for 2 minutes then wash it well with warm
You can do this every day is completely safe.
Plain yogurt is great for lightening the skin.
Just apply on the affected area and leave it for 15 minutes then wash it well with warm
Repeat this for a few week and you will be amazed by the results.
Mix a pinch of turmeric and 2 tbsp. of orange juice.
Apply it on the affected area and leave it for 20 minutes.
Wash it well.
Mix some water with some gram flour and apply this mix on the affected area.
Wait until it is dry then wash it well.
You should repeat this procedure 3 times per week
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Subscribe our channel for more!
Landon Clements Thinks 'Girl Code' Is Tacky | Southern Charm | WWHL - Duration: 0:59.
Torrential rain in between the drought and the monsoon rain - Duration: 1:44.
Now we turn to our Michelle Park at the weather center for the updates you'll need before
heading out.
Michelle, it's been raining for days.
Is that helping with the drought?
Yes, it's been pouring but it hasn't made much difference.
When we get torrential rain, first of all it only affects a small area at a time, and
the ground just sucks it right up, which doesn't help when growing things like rice.
And as you can see, only a small portion of the Jeolla-do provinces have been switched
from extreme to harsh drought.
So now, our only hope for drought relief will be the full-scale rainy season.
The monsoon rains will start this Thursday on Jeju Island, making it to the southern
region by Friday and eventually nationwide by Sunday.
Tomorrow morning will be dry, with Seoul starting off at 22 degrees Celsius, Daegu 20 and Busan
at 21 degrees.
During the day, Seoul will reach 29 degrees, Gwangju will top out at 30, and it'll reach
27 degrees in Busan.
I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.
416 Sq Ft Little Bungalow in Pasadena | Small House Design Ideas - Duration: 3:41.
416 Sq Ft Little Bungalow in Pasadena | Small House Design Ideas
Utsuho Reiuji (Revised) - Character Development - Duration: 13:52.
Welcome, returning subscribers and new viewers alike, to a new episode of Character Development.
Today happens to be a cause for celebration.
Why exactly?
Well, today marks a special occasion for Character Development as a series, as we've finally
reached a milestone I didn't think I'd get to after all this time.
Not only did the show turn three years old back in April, but this very episode happens
to be the 50th Episode, and I had been thinking of ways to celebrate as early as February.
After some thought, as well as reading through video comments while I was busy with sophomore
finals, I decided that the 50th Episode should be something that reflects all the progress
made after 3 years and 50 videos, and I do believe we have some unfinished business from
the very first episode of Character Development, on Utsuho Reiuji from the Touhou series.
Whether it's because of my nervous-sounding commentary, that it was made while I was still
learning how to use Sony Vegas, the background image that was an utter mess and honestly
more of a distraction than an aesthetic, the amount of information I skipped over entirely,
or how short the actual analysis was compared to more recent episodes, one thing's for
certain: the video hasn't aged well at all and there's still much more I can say about
Utsuho Reiuji, now that I've had plenty of time to sharpen my craft.
And since now is a perfect opportunity to capitalize on this idea, I'm going to be
doing something new for a change and remaking the very first episode from scratch.
I'm the Kitsune Hawk, and to mark the special occasion of Episode 50, we're going all
the way back to square 1 to revisit the character that started the series, the Scorching, Troublesome
Divine Flame, Utsuho Reiuji!
So get out your pencils, trivia enthusiasts, because this is Character Development!
Considering that this is the first episode I've done where I discuss a character I've
already covered at least once, I'd like to mix things up a bit so that I don't resort
to simply repeating the entirety of Episode 1.
So let's start from the very beginning, and go over Utsuho's backstory first and
Utsuho, or "Okuu," as she's affectionately referred to, was originally a normal humanoid-raven
living in the Hell of Blazing Fires as a pet of the mind-reader Satori Komeiji.
One day, she heard a voice from the goddess Kanako Yasaka, telling her to consume a three-legged
crow named Yatagarasu and attain its powers.
Utsuho did as she was commanded, and from devouring the three-legged crow, she gained
its abilities to control nuclear energy and bring the Hell of Blazing Fires back to its
original heat.
From her basic backstory and name alone, we can get a good sense of Okuu's character
Her last name, Reiuji, if read kanji by kanji, translates as "soul, crow, path" or "spirit,
raven, path," in reference to her body being a house for the spirit of Yatagarasu, while
the kanji in her first name, Utsuho, is taken from Old Japanese, and it means "emptiness,
empty hole, or cave," either in reference to Utsuho's residence in the Hell of Blazing
Fires deep underground or to her body being a metaphorical "cave" for Yatagarasu.
And speaking of Yatagarasu, it's worth noting that it happens to be based on a mythological
creature common to the three cultures of East Asia.
While the Japanese call it "Yatagarasu," the Koreans refer to it as "Samjok-o,"
and the Chinese use the name "Jinwu," meaning "golden crow".
While these three cultures have slight variations in the mythos of this bird, they have two
primary elements in common: that the crow has three legs, and that it symbolizes both
power and the sun.
The bird's three legs were a symbol of power because of the trinities they were said to
represent: the Taoist realms of Heaven, Earth, and Man, or perhaps the three virtues of wisdom,
benevolence, and valor.
The bird itself embodied the sun, and was often closely associated with the phenomenon
that we know today as sunspots and the solar flares that they cause.
But what exactly is so important about a sunspot?
Well, strap yourselves in, because we're about to talk about the second (and more significant)
portion of Okuu's inspiration, nuclear chemistry.
Sunspots themselves are caused by anomalies in a star's magnetic field and are essentially
buildups of energy; when they finally burst, they release storms called coronal mass ejections
and solar flares, which are powerful discharges of radiation whose effects are capable of
reaching the Earth.
By fusing with Yatagarasu, Utsuho has gained a few attributes related to its power over
nuclear energy, namely the large instrument on her right arm, the concrete brace on her
right foot, and the ball of energy orbiting around her left leg.
More specifically, the instrument on her right arm is known as the Control Rod, and if you'd
like to believe it, it's supposed to be Yatagarasu's third leg manifested on Utsuho's
In the context of nuclear chemistry, the term "control rod" is used to refer to a particular
section of a nuclear power plant.
Control rods are tubes, rods, or plates that are made from neutron-absorbing materials
such as boron, hafnium, or cadmium, and they're either inserted into or removed from the reactor
core to decrease or increase the amount of fissions occurring within the core, respectively.
The higher the number of fissions is, the greater the heat of the reactor, which means
more steam and more electricity generated.
They also serve as a failsafe for the reactor in case of emergency, automatically falling
into place and cutting off the reactor entirely if the power goes out.
However, that doesn't mean that a control rod is an end-all solution to a nuclear power
plant emergency; in fact, in many cases, control rod failure or mismanagement can be the cause
of the emergency entirely.
The most infamous nuclear power plant failure thus far in history, the Chernobyl disaster
of April 26, 1986, has often been blamed on the control rods used in the reactors.
And speaking of Chernobyl, the concrete brace around Utsuho's right foot is based on the
aftermath of that nuclear disaster in two ways.
One of the immediate byproducts of the Chernobyl meltdown was a radioactive black, lava-like
substance made from reactor fuel, molten concrete, sand, and core shielding that mixed into a
deadly cocktail that seeped through the pipes of Reactor Number 4, emptying into the basement
and cooling into a material dubbed as "corium," but more colloquially known as "the Elephant's
At the time of discovery, the Elephant's Foot was radioactive enough to cause cell
hemorrhaging within two minutes of exposure, reaching fatal levels within five minutes
of continued exposure.
Because of the immediate and potential danger that the Elephant's Foot and other aftereffects
of the meltdown posed, workers at Chernobyl decided to contain the reactor within a giant
sarcophagus of thick concrete, one of the few materials capable of blocking intense
It could be, then, that the concrete case on Utsuho's right leg is a metaphorical
representation of the Elephant's Foot or the concrete shell designed to contain it,
perhaps even both.
As for the ball of light orbiting around Utsuho's left leg, it's what nuclear chemistry would
call a beta particle, a stray electron that has been separated from a nucleus due to radioactive
decay, the process by which an unstable atom breaks down over time until it reaches stability.
And on that note, it's worth pointing out that the three extensions to Utsuho's limbs
represent the three main processes involved in nuclear chemistry: radioactive decay, nuclear
fission, and nuclear fusion.
The beta particle swirling around her left leg represents radioactive decay, since a
beta particle is one of the three common forms of radioactive decay.
The Elephant's Foot that encases her right leg represents nuclear fission, due to its
association with the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, a fission-powered reactor.
And finally, the third leg manifested on Utsuho's right arm, despite being a control rod as
previously discussed, is stated to control nuclear fusion rather than nuclear fission,
thus symbolizing the last of the three processes.
Utsuho's strong association with suns further adds to the connections with nuclear fusion;
whereas nuclear fission is the process of splitting atoms apart, nuclear fusion is the
process of forcing smaller atoms together to form a new, larger atom.
Nuclear fusion creates far more energy than nuclear fission, though it also requires higher
speeds and pressures that are currently impossible to synthetically reproduce under controlled
circumstances, so it's currently limited to the sun and other stars.
Many of Utsuho's spellcards involve her using her power over nuclear fusion to create
artificial stars that quickly burn out and decrease in size, or give off photons or smaller
stars as extra projectiles.
In Hisoutensoku, her spellcards also show that she can imbue herself with fusion energy
and turn herself into an artificial sun, which only makes me wonder how anyone can stand
remotely close to her and still survive.
A few of the names of her spellcards in all of her appearances so far even lend themselves
to terminology of both nuclear chemistry and stars.
And speaking of Okuu's spellcards, let's take a moment to break down the background
image used in both Subterranean Animism and Double Spoiler for her special attacks.
The main background used is an image of the Carina Nebula, a nebula about 7,500 light-years
away from Earth and is noted for containing over 14,000 stars.
Considering the constant star symbolism with Utsuho, I think it's quite obvious why an
image of the Carina Nebula in particular was chosen.
It's also possible that the nebulous texture on her cape in Hisoutensoku is another image
of the Carina Nebula, but given the smaller size of her sprite, it's hard to tell for
Above the background image of the Carina Nebula is a spinning nuclear trefoil, an easily recognizable
warning symbol of ionizing radiation, the kind that can adversely affect human cells,
but curiously, there happens to be a picture of a cat on one of the trefoil's points,
which could be interpreted in one of two ways.
Firstly, it's possible that this is a further link to the Chernobyl meltdown in 1986; when
the disaster occurred, the nearby city of Pripyat, where many of the Chernobyl plant
workers lived, was evacuated.
When people returned many years later to inspect the area, a colony of irradiated wild cats
was discovered to have been living in the ghost town since abandonment.
Alternatively, it could be a reference to Schrödinger's Cat, a famous thought experiment
conceived by Austrian scientist Erwin Schrödinger.
Essentially, Schrödinger envisioned an experiment in which a cat was placed within a steel chamber
for an hour, alongside a vial of deadly gas, a Geiger counter, a hammer rigged to the counter,
and a small piece of radioactive material.
If the radioactive material were to set off the Geiger counter, the hammer would smash
the vial, releasing the gas and killing the cat.
The point of the mental picture was to explain the idea of superposition—that until the
observer opens the chamber to see what happened, the cat is presumed to be both alive and dead
at the same time, as quantum mechanics would have it.
A bit of a stretch compared to the Pripyat cat interpretation, but it goes to show the
sheer wealth and diversity of information that went into Utsuho's design.
While many of the characters in the Touhou Project draw inspiration from East Asian mythology,
Utsuho very strongly remains as my second favorite character in the series thus far,
because she not only takes the centuries-old myth of the three-legged crow into her design,
but also mixes it with the modern ideas of nuclear chemistry, both at their most basic
level and their most destructive level, making her very clearly stand out in a series with
such a large roster of characters.
It's easy to see that a great deal of detail went into the design other elements of Utsuho's
character, and I couldn't imagine the nuclear hell raven any other way.
And before I end the video off, I'd like to give thanks to those of you who have supported
the show with your likes, shares, comments, and episode suggestions.
I didn't think I'd get as far as Episode 50 without your help, and I'm eagerly hoping
that it'll be just as grand of a journey to Episode 100!
In the meantime, in early May, I announced that this episode would feature an art showcase
open for anyone to submit their art inspired by the show.
Please feel free to enjoy everyone's submissions on screen, and I've also included links
to places where you can follow them to see more of their art, including that of my friend
Soma, who drew the illustration of Utsuho used on the titlecard for this episode!
Feel free to commission him if you'd like; he's trying to get his art out there and
would definitely appreciate the help.
Until then, here's to another 50!
Thank you all so, so much once again, and take care, everyone!
Woodscream - T-Shirt giveaway | розыгрыш футболки - Duration: 1:14.
Hello guys! How is it going?
I am Valya and you are truly welcome on our Woodscream channel!
It is summer in it`s full swing, and everybody in the folk-crew is looking forward to the 5th Anniversary Folk Summer Fest.
To brighten the anticipation we`ve prepared a new contest.
You can take a breath of relief because no reposts are needed this time.
Personally I myself just hate this.
So here are the requirements:
1) Subscribe to Woodscream channel
2) Hit the like button below this video
3) Leave any comment
Two weeks after we`ll randomly choose the winner, who'll get one of these t-shirts to choose from.
The main point is that we'll send it anywhere around the world at our own cost.
Even if its going to be Antarctic or Kamchatka .
Btw does anyone know if there`s any internet in Antarctic?
And if you are living in St-Petersburg or going to attend Folk Summer Fest – we can present this t-shirt to you personally.
If you didn`t get what and how you should do – no problem! There is a detailed instruction below the video.
So - thumbs up, likes are really appreciated.
Share this video with your friends.
And don`t forget to press the bell-button for you not to miss our new videos.
See you next time!
Come and see us on Folk Summer Fest
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