-I have to say something. I think I owe --
I feel like I owe you an apology.
-You do.
-'Cause you've never actually been on our show.
-No. [ Laughter ]
-And it's not because we didn't invite you or anything,
but just what happens is --
-It's worse.
-It's almost worse.
-It's worse.
You invite me, and then you bump me.
-We bump you from the show because --
-For more important people.
[ Audience "Awws" ]
Yeah. Multiple times.
-Well, I'm admitting it. Multiple times.
The first time, I was very excited to talk to you,
because I've known you for a long time.
And then Michael Jordan...
-I know.
[ Laughter ]
-Michael Jordan's in the building.
-I kind of understand that one.
-He was downstairs.
-I know.
-He was shopping at the NBC Experience Store.
[ Laughter ]
He's a big "Friends" fan.
-He loves that store.
-He loves "Friends."
And he always frequents that store.
-And I noticed him 'cause I was down there, as well.
[ Laughter ]
'Cause I also -- I was making an appearance.
And I noticed, and I said, "Oh, my gosh, Michael,
would you come on -- Do you mind?
And I apologized we had to bump.
Here's a picture of Michael Jordan on the show.
And we had a great time. That was back --
[ Laughter ]
We had a great time.
We talked about everything.
It was really, really --
And he actually wore his Bulls jersey,
which he rarely --
-He never does. -Never does.
He hasn't played basketball in years.
-Nope. He looks great.
-Yeah. He still has got it.
-He's got game.
And then you were gonna come on again,
and who walks in but the man himself, Harry Styles.
[ Laughter, cheers ]
And I said to myself -- Yeah.
-Yeah, I know.
[ Laughter ]
-So, I'm sorry. So we had to bump you for that.
There's Harry. Harry came on.
And that was --
[ Laughter and applause ]
I remember this interview because --
Can you zoom in a little bit there?
I remember Harry was telling me how he does his hair,
how he styles his hair.
And what he told me was that he uses two blow dryers,
aimed one this way and one aimed that way,
and that's how he -- that's how he does his hair.
It was a magical, magical interview.
-He's a magical person.
-Then Khaleesi, from "Game of Thrones"...
[ Laughter, cheers ]
...was in the NBC Experience shop.
-Yeah. They all shop --
They're all shopping down there.
-It's a very popular store. -I know.
-And so Khaleesi was on our show.
[ Laughter ]
And with a -- with a little dragon, too, on her shoulder.
She had a baby dragon.
-[ Laughing ] Oh, that's right.
-And, yeah, that --
-And then a fake -- There was a sticker.
-A sticker of cleavage, yeah.
-Yeah. [ Laughter ]
'Cause they're like, "Kristen doesn't have that.
We have to put in the sticker."
-But then, of course, Super Bowl champ Peyton Manning
was on our show, dressed --
[ Cheers and applause ]
dressed -- dressed in his full football --
his Denver -- his Bro-- his uniform.
-I've never looked more small and weak.
-It looked like a boy.
-I look like a boy.
-You look like a little boy came out, yeah.
That was actually a fun one 'cause --
-That was --
When you told people Peyton Manning was coming out...
-...the amount of applause... -Yeah.
-And then, when they saw me, it was...
[ Laughter ]
Half of the people just stopped, I think, just, like, mid-clap.
-"This is such a bummer," yeah.
-Yeah, they were like, "This is such a bummer."
-They really were. They really were so excited.
-Thank you for always doing that fun stuff.
-But now I'm here.
-I have a question.
We had a question from your co-star, Steve Carell.
-Oh, okay.
-Was dying -- A burning question
to ask you for your interview, and he helped us out.
So, Steve, what is your question for Kristen?
-Hi, Kristen.
I understand that you enjoy making old-timey cocktails.
Could you share your recipe
for a Sea Cloud or a Fuzzy Worm Hole?
[ Laughter ]
-You are -- You are known --
You are known for your elaborate cocktail parties.
-I am a mixologist.
-You really are. -Yes.
-And so what's goes -- I never -- the Sea --
-What was the first one? Sea Cloud.
-Oh! -That's an old drink.
-No. I've never heard -- Now, what goes into a --
How do you do you make a Sea Cloud?
-Well, it's funny. It starts with saltwater.
[ Laughter ]
-A cockta-- Like, from the ocean?
-From the ocean.
-Saltwater. -Saltwater.
-Um, orange wedges. -Orange wedges.
Like, more than one? -Three.
-Three orange wedges.
-Three -- Three half oranges.
-Three half oranges. Wow! That's --
So it's really an orange and a half.
[ Laughter ]
And a little bit of rum, a little bit of milk.
-There you go. Call it a day.
-Done. -Call it a day.
-And it's served lukewarm.
-Oh, what?!
A lukewarm cocktail.
-Because they're on the sea, and they don't have ice.
-They don't have ice on a ship, of course.
An old-timey cocktail. -Yep.
-And how about the Fuzzy Worm Hole?
-That is --
-I don't normally share this one.
[ Laughter ]
-This is an old -- This is an old family recipe?
It's served in an empty Campbell's Soup can.
[ Laughter ]
-Do you save them for the occasion?
-Well, you have to.
-When you have cocktail party. -You have to.
-Everyone gets an empty Campbell's Soup can...
-Yes. -...of the cocktail.
-Tequila. -Tequila.
-A little apple juice. -Apple juice.
-And the key is, when you make ice cubes,
you put fuzz in the water.
-Now, you say that like it's a thing that
we would have lying around the kitchen -- fuzz.
What is fuzz?
-Like, fuzz. Like, fuzz from a sweater
or that you just find on -- -You keep fuzz?
-For when I make the -- when I'm having a party.
[ Laughter ]
-Anyways, a great question.
-Yes. Oh, I'm gonna thank him for that.
-Yeah, he's a good guy. He's great guy.
For more infomation >> Kristen Wiig Makes Up Fake Cocktail Recipes on the Spot - Duration: 5:26.-------------------------------------------
2x2 Tutorial 4 : Ortega Method - Duration: 1:15.
Hello, this video will show you the Ortega method for solving 2x2
1. R2 U' R2' U2' F2 U' R2
2. x' R2 U2' R2'
3. R' U R' B2' R U' R
Thanks for watching!
2x2 Tutorial 2 : Last OLL case - Duration: 0:26.
Hello, this video will show you the last OLL algorithm. Enjoy!
7. R2 U2' R' U2' R2'
Thanks for watching!
Call of Duty Infinite Warfare (HUN) Végigjátszás 3. rész - Duration: 1:00:04.
Opel Agila 1.0 12V 65PK Edition Met Airco - Duration: 0:54.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Estate Automaat, Avantgarde, Ambitionpakket - Duration: 0:42.
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse C 350 e Estate Lease Edition-Plus 15% Bijtelling - Duration: 0:55.
Rod Anton feat. Junior Dread - Be Wise [Official Video 2017] - Duration: 4:25.
Grandpa, honestly, I don't like playing this game anymore
Why? You've always liked it. What happened?
Ah..I know you're beating around the bush, tell me what you have to tell me
Your uncle is arriving, I want you to behave yourself
and respect him the same way you respect me
But I don't like this guy, I don't trust him
« This guy » is your uncle, he's part of the family and family is the most important thing in this world
But he's not my family, you are my family
I have to go to the doctor, you're gonna stay with him,
end of discussion !
Bear Me Again - A Sailor's Wings - Duration: 3:39.
When your male friend asks you out | Seventeen | EP.01 - Duration: 5:41.
Do you know how I started dating Ji Eunwoo?
Seventeen Ep.1
Oh, I see it
Oh~ Kim Seri~
Hey! it's been awhile
I can tell you're a big shot now~
They're inside - go in!
Kim Seri!!
It's been awhile
How have you been?
Hey, how long has it been?
I know, who knew they'd be dating?
I was so shocked when I heard they were dating
You guys know how I always fought with Ji Eun-woo, right?
4 years ago
He always asked me to pay for his bus fare
Two people, please
When I tried to eat something
Can I just have one bite?
He'd eat it all
Are you kidding me?
You have to grow taller! Drink this milk~
And when he gave me something to eat, it was always expired
Man, thinking about it makes me angry
Anyways, we'd fight like that all the time
And one day I was going to school with Seulbi
Peanut, I have something to say
Are you trying to pick a fight with me? Again?
Go out with me
Aren't you going to answer?
Wow~ Kim Seri
Today's April Fool's day!
Did you fall for it?
You fell for it, huh?
7:23am Saturday, April 1
That was the beginning of it
Hey peanut
Go out with me~
e asked me out in front of everyone in the hallway
Even in front of the water purifier
Geez, you scared me!
If I drink this,
We're going out
He texted me during class
He was getting on my nerves
So I said something to him
Eunwoo, I'm sorry
But can you stop messing with me?
I already like someone else
Who is it?
Tell me, who is it?
Why are you acting like this?
Don't you know why?
It's April Fool's!!!
Haha, you totally fell for it again.
I was so flustered but
He just left after dropping another joke
Then how did you two start dating?
Well, something else happened that day
I heard Ji Euwoo broke his arm
You're lying again, aren't you?
Aren't you getting tired of this by now?
No, I'm being serious!
I promise to delete all the girls' numbers in my phone if I'm lying
What? Are you being serious?
I am
Just follow me
They're trying to prank us again, I can tell
Yeah, seriously.
Look, Kim Seri
My arm hurts so much~
Hey, Ji Eunwoo
Are you okay?
Does it hurt a lot?
Yeah, I'm dying here
You should have told me
I heard that you heard
But didn't believe it was true
I only didn't believe you because you were messing with me all day
So I obviously thought you were lying again
Let's go. I'll take you home
So what's your answer?
What answer?
I asked you to go out with me
God, you still want to joke about this?
Who jokes about dating?
They just pretend to be joking
April Fool's is over. Answer me.
I really do like you
I'm serious
Go out with me.
Yeah, sure
For real?
Yeah. Sure
Your arm
April Fool's is over
Do you want to die???
This is so cheesy, I can't continue
It's fine, it was a long time ago
Are you nervous?
Beyond comprehension..
Man, how will I be able to look her in the eye
If she turns me down?
Yo, just be quiet
Should I just go home?
Hey Seri is coming out
What am I going to do? I can't do it
What do you mean you can't do it? Just go
Hey, Ji Eunwoo
Let's go. I'll take you home
[Studenti universitari] Che fare quando hai tutti contro nelle tue scelte | Appunti Condivisi - Duration: 1:57.
Pau Gasol y Mireia Belmonte descubren tu #CaminoABienestar - Duration: 1:19.
Mein Arbeitgeber liest die E-Mails der Mitarbeiter - darf er das? | Betriebsrat Video - Duration: 1:52.
Garasjefestival 2017 || Meet the Organizers - Duration: 6:16.
I'm sitting here at the preperations to the "Garasjefestival"
And with me here is: Stian, Anna Marie and Morten
And the situation as of now is that you orcistrated a huge party, on Reinsvoll of all things
What's the background for this?
The background is that we make a...
a yard party
a Barbeque party was the original idea
and.. (it went a bit out of control)
and then we thought that we had to have a band playing
and that that would have been fun
the rumours started flying
and then there's the word of mouth
after a while bands who had heard about this started calling here, among them;
Conscious, hooked themself along
and then the dance was on really
So we decided to make a mini one-day festival...
here on Reinsvoll
So from a spring to ten chickens quite quick
what's your vision for this festival?
In a sense this is really the dress rehearsal
since we really want to continue on
we want that to be known.
This year there's isn't much to gain for us or the bands, it's mostly volunteer work
So in a sense it's a friend party, that grew big
so yeah, lots of voluntary work
It already started last year when we prepared ourselves to go to a festival
We sat in the garage and kissed up a trailer
So in a sense we had ourselves a micro festival amongst ourselves each time we came here
So we felt we could make something more out of it
That's where the name came from aswell, that garage!
So in a sense this whole thing is based on voluntary work
and you've had alot of weekdays and weekends worth of work done
What's been done so far in preperation?
We've among other things fixed a large area for people to set up camp
where there's already been great intrest, so we'll start the party from the day before the festival
We've ofcourse also built a large stage, so the bands can jump around and have fun
what else...?
we've leveled the area, and chopped down some of the forest to make room for everyone attending
We've also built a bar within the garage
So far so good, anything remaining?
There's always something missing
I don't have the full overview for the to-do list as I'm sitting here, but...
It's alot of the fine details missing, that you normally woulnd't think about
among the attendees are 5 bands, and...
The latest poll suggests that there will be upwards to 200 people here, if not more
and obviously these people need food, so we've fixed that
Then we have so serve the bands so they can be happy and enjoy themselves
When there's talk of food and drinks, if I've understood correctly there will be some kind of foodtruck in place?
As of now the Norwegian-Italian guy with the foodtruck has cancelled because of a broken arm
so he won't be here, but we've made sure to get...
made sure to get some other offers in place
So as we've said before, no one is gonna be able to leave this place hungry
in reality there's never been anyone who has
left this place hungry that is
So in addition to great music, and the entertainment value there
there's gonna be good food and plenty of drinks
is there anything else avaliable within the festival grounds?
Someone from Oslo, who's really an Italian, is gonna come here
She's in the business of making clothes and costumes
So she's gonna sell that here, some clothes, hats and such that she's made herself
and everything is made with natural colours that she finds within the forest herself
she also cardes her own wool and felt, and everything is naturally environmental friendly
I just want to add, Anna Marie by my side here is also gonna be exhibiting some
she has among other things...
been a photographer on several festivals
among them; "Inferno", and "Wacken"
So we've ordered up some selected photos that will be exhibited here
and then from my understaning there won't be just local and Norwegians bands on the roster...
but a band from Italy aswell, how did you manage that?
we've got some great contacts
I see
then there's everything from great music and entertainment, there's plenty of food and drinks
there's exhibits and the opportunity to shop some natural goods
anything you want to add for the audience?
we're hoping more people want to set up camp
as of now there's aren't as many as we had hoped that have signed up for it
it would be quite nice if more people would be intrested
as stated earlier; it's possible to camp from Friday
some of them might be intrested in volunteering aswell, and that's always welcome
as of now (18.06.2017) there's 15 people signed up to camp
we've made them their own page within the "Garasjefestival" facebbok page
so, it's possible to sign up there
with that said; everything you need is linked down below, so get clicking
and thanks to you for taking the time to perform this interview
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse Estate 350 E Lease Edition Aut (VERKOCHT!) - Duration: 1:01.
Liberta-me de Mim - Luma Elpídio ( Cover Carlos Falcão ) - Duration: 2:19.
RuppertBrasil TV - Samba-Festival Coburg - Duration: 2:47.
How to treat freckles from nature effectively 10 people know, 9 people love to follow - Duration: 5:27.
Kristen Wiig Makes Up Fake Cocktail Recipes on the Spot - Duration: 5:26.
-I have to say something. I think I owe --
I feel like I owe you an apology.
-You do.
-'Cause you've never actually been on our show.
-No. [ Laughter ]
-And it's not because we didn't invite you or anything,
but just what happens is --
-It's worse.
-It's almost worse.
-It's worse.
You invite me, and then you bump me.
-We bump you from the show because --
-For more important people.
[ Audience "Awws" ]
Yeah. Multiple times.
-Well, I'm admitting it. Multiple times.
The first time, I was very excited to talk to you,
because I've known you for a long time.
And then Michael Jordan...
-I know.
[ Laughter ]
-Michael Jordan's in the building.
-I kind of understand that one.
-He was downstairs.
-I know.
-He was shopping at the NBC Experience Store.
[ Laughter ]
He's a big "Friends" fan.
-He loves that store.
-He loves "Friends."
And he always frequents that store.
-And I noticed him 'cause I was down there, as well.
[ Laughter ]
'Cause I also -- I was making an appearance.
And I noticed, and I said, "Oh, my gosh, Michael,
would you come on -- Do you mind?
And I apologized we had to bump.
Here's a picture of Michael Jordan on the show.
And we had a great time. That was back --
[ Laughter ]
We had a great time.
We talked about everything.
It was really, really --
And he actually wore his Bulls jersey,
which he rarely --
-He never does. -Never does.
He hasn't played basketball in years.
-Nope. He looks great.
-Yeah. He still has got it.
-He's got game.
And then you were gonna come on again,
and who walks in but the man himself, Harry Styles.
[ Laughter, cheers ]
And I said to myself -- Yeah.
-Yeah, I know.
[ Laughter ]
-So, I'm sorry. So we had to bump you for that.
There's Harry. Harry came on.
And that was --
[ Laughter and applause ]
I remember this interview because --
Can you zoom in a little bit there?
I remember Harry was telling me how he does his hair,
how he styles his hair.
And what he told me was that he uses two blow dryers,
aimed one this way and one aimed that way,
and that's how he -- that's how he does his hair.
It was a magical, magical interview.
-He's a magical person.
-Then Khaleesi, from "Game of Thrones"...
[ Laughter, cheers ]
...was in the NBC Experience shop.
-Yeah. They all shop --
They're all shopping down there.
-It's a very popular store. -I know.
-And so Khaleesi was on our show.
[ Laughter ]
And with a -- with a little dragon, too, on her shoulder.
She had a baby dragon.
-[ Laughing ] Oh, that's right.
-And, yeah, that --
-And then a fake -- There was a sticker.
-A sticker of cleavage, yeah.
-Yeah. [ Laughter ]
'Cause they're like, "Kristen doesn't have that.
We have to put in the sticker."
-But then, of course, Super Bowl champ Peyton Manning
was on our show, dressed --
[ Cheers and applause ]
dressed -- dressed in his full football --
his Denver -- his Bro-- his uniform.
-I've never looked more small and weak.
-It looked like a boy.
-I look like a boy.
-You look like a little boy came out, yeah.
That was actually a fun one 'cause --
-That was --
When you told people Peyton Manning was coming out...
-...the amount of applause... -Yeah.
-And then, when they saw me, it was...
[ Laughter ]
Half of the people just stopped, I think, just, like, mid-clap.
-"This is such a bummer," yeah.
-Yeah, they were like, "This is such a bummer."
-They really were. They really were so excited.
-Thank you for always doing that fun stuff.
-But now I'm here.
-I have a question.
We had a question from your co-star, Steve Carell.
-Oh, okay.
-Was dying -- A burning question
to ask you for your interview, and he helped us out.
So, Steve, what is your question for Kristen?
-Hi, Kristen.
I understand that you enjoy making old-timey cocktails.
Could you share your recipe
for a Sea Cloud or a Fuzzy Worm Hole?
[ Laughter ]
-You are -- You are known --
You are known for your elaborate cocktail parties.
-I am a mixologist.
-You really are. -Yes.
-And so what's goes -- I never -- the Sea --
-What was the first one? Sea Cloud.
-Oh! -That's an old drink.
-No. I've never heard -- Now, what goes into a --
How do you do you make a Sea Cloud?
-Well, it's funny. It starts with saltwater.
[ Laughter ]
-A cockta-- Like, from the ocean?
-From the ocean.
-Saltwater. -Saltwater.
-Um, orange wedges. -Orange wedges.
Like, more than one? -Three.
-Three orange wedges.
-Three -- Three half oranges.
-Three half oranges. Wow! That's --
So it's really an orange and a half.
[ Laughter ]
And a little bit of rum, a little bit of milk.
-There you go. Call it a day.
-Done. -Call it a day.
-And it's served lukewarm.
-Oh, what?!
A lukewarm cocktail.
-Because they're on the sea, and they don't have ice.
-They don't have ice on a ship, of course.
An old-timey cocktail. -Yep.
-And how about the Fuzzy Worm Hole?
-That is --
-I don't normally share this one.
[ Laughter ]
-This is an old -- This is an old family recipe?
It's served in an empty Campbell's Soup can.
[ Laughter ]
-Do you save them for the occasion?
-Well, you have to.
-When you have cocktail party. -You have to.
-Everyone gets an empty Campbell's Soup can...
-Yes. -...of the cocktail.
-Tequila. -Tequila.
-A little apple juice. -Apple juice.
-And the key is, when you make ice cubes,
you put fuzz in the water.
-Now, you say that like it's a thing that
we would have lying around the kitchen -- fuzz.
What is fuzz?
-Like, fuzz. Like, fuzz from a sweater
or that you just find on -- -You keep fuzz?
-For when I make the -- when I'm having a party.
[ Laughter ]
-Anyways, a great question.
-Yes. Oh, I'm gonna thank him for that.
-Yeah, he's a good guy. He's great guy.
2x2 Tutorial 4 : Ortega Method - Duration: 1:15.
Hello, this video will show you the Ortega method for solving 2x2
1. R2 U' R2' U2' F2 U' R2
2. x' R2 U2' R2'
3. R' U R' B2' R U' R
Thanks for watching!
2x2 Tutorial 2 : Last OLL case - Duration: 0:26.
Hello, this video will show you the last OLL algorithm. Enjoy!
7. R2 U2' R' U2' R2'
Thanks for watching!
Call of Duty Infinite Warfare (HUN) Végigjátszás 3. rész - Duration: 1:00:04.
Opel Agila 1.0 12V 65PK Edition Met Airco - Duration: 0:54.
Sean "Diddy" Combs Cried the First Night of Bad Boy's Reunion Tour - Duration: 3:19.
-So, this is a great documentary about sort of the '90s
and Bad Boy Records.
But it also -- kind of what brings it together
is you had a 20th reunion concert with everybody.
-Yes. Yes.
-Was that nerve-racking? Was that exciting?
How did you feel in the time leading up to that concert?
Because that was -- We saw you sort of talking about
the lights you wanted with your staff.
-Yeah. It was --
-Did you get the lights you wanted?
Did you get the God light?
-Yeah. Yeah. I got the God light.
[ Laughter ]
But it really was like a family reunion,
when you don't know what's going to happen at a family reunion,
and there's some unresolved issues with a lot of the family.
-So we started it out as like, just a concert documentary,
but when we got together,
we had to deal with the issues about career and our lives
and things that we haven't dealt with together.
And it really -- just really showed the story of
our evolution, and our ups and downs, trials and tribulations,
life, death, and overall at the end of the day,
victory for us all being together
on one stage at one time.
-It was really wonderful.
You talk about life and death,
which is of course one of the parts of this story.
Biggie kind of hangs over the story of Bad Boy Records.
-It seems like that's something you reflect on every day.
-Was it helpful to reflect on it with everybody from that era?
-Yeah, it was definitely helpful to reflect on it with everybody
that was in the Bad Boy family and on the label
because we all were traumatized by it.
But it wasn't just us. It was our fans,
and it was the people of Brooklyn.
So us all being able to come back together on his birthday
and have this concert, it kind of gave us some closure
and we were able to kind of put it behind us
and celebrate his life.
-It was really great. You did two nights.
You felt better about the second night.
-Yes, yes.
-Was this just sort of athletes
who maybe needed to get back into the groove?
Is that what you felt like?
-Yeah, I mean, I'm a perfectionist,
and most people that came to the first show,
they really loved the first show,
but I knew that the things that went wrong,
and that's always been the thing about me,
is that I'm very, very hard on myself,
and the first show was like --
The next morning I was crying, and my kids --
I told my kids I needed to come up to the hotel room
because I just needed somebody to cry in front of
because I was so disappointed.
I was like a kid in Little League.
You know what I'm saying?
So I'm kind of, like, spoiled with the performances --
-Wait. You called your children
because you wanted to cry in front of them?
-Yeah. I mean --
-That seems like it would be very traumatic for them.
-Yeah, yeah.
But I was crying alone, and I felt lonely --
-Yeah, there we go. [ Laughter ]
-I needed somebody to tell me it was going to be all right.
-You do plenty for them. You do plenty for them.
-It's about time they do something for you.
-It was the first time they saw it,
and I just, you know, I was in a desperate situation,
and I called my family -- -There you go.
-And I was like, "I'm up here crying.
Y'all need to get up here."
[ Laughter ]
But the second night -- The second night really --
I mean, you really got to go see the movie.
"Can't Stop Won't Stop."
It's in theaters just up till this week.
We did a limited run, but you can go to Apple Music,
and you can get it there.
And it will also be on iTunes July 7th.
Volvo XC70 2.5 T AWD Geartronic Comfort Line Leder RTI Navi NL Auto - Duration: 0:57.
K-POP IDOLS SAY : F*CK, SH*T, B*TCH SWEARING. - Duration: 10:01.
You're f*cking awesome
I'm so f*cking hot
sh*t aaa
what the hell
f*ck u baby
oh my holy sh*t
oh my holy sh*t
i'm so f*cking hot
f*cking awesome beb..
fantastic mother f*cker baby
sh*t aww
you are f*cking awesome ..
you are f*cking awesome to..
bulsh*t baby
f*ch u baby
Spider Dinosaurs Vs Ironman Gorilla Real Fights T-Rex Cartoons For Children Dinosaurs Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 17:13.
Spider Dinosaurs Vs Ironman Gorilla Real Fights T-Rex Cartoons For Children Dinosaurs Nursery Rhymes
Spider Dinosaurs Vs Ironman Gorilla Real Fights T-Rex Cartoons For Children Dinosaurs Nursery Rhymes
Spider Dinosaurs Vs Ironman Gorilla Real Fights T-Rex Cartoons For Children Dinosaurs Nursery Rhymes
Spider Dinosaurs Vs Ironman Gorilla Real Fights T-Rex Cartoons For Children Dinosaurs Nursery Rhymes
Spider Dinosaurs Vs Ironman Gorilla Real Fights T-Rex Cartoons For Children Dinosaurs Nursery Rhymes
Spider Dinosaurs Vs Ironman Gorilla Real Fights T-Rex Cartoons For Children Dinosaurs Nursery Rhymes
Spider Dinosaurs Vs Ironman Gorilla Real Fights T-Rex Cartoons For Children Dinosaurs Nursery Rhymes
Spider Dinosaurs Vs Ironman Gorilla Real Fights T-Rex Cartoons For Children Dinosaurs Nursery Rhymes
Spider Dinosaurs Vs Ironman Gorilla Real Fights T-Rex Cartoons For Children Dinosaurs Nursery Rhymes
Giant Dinosaurs Finger Family T-Rex Dinosaurs Videos For Children Dinosaurs Movies 3D Elephant - Duration: 12:47.
Giant Dinosaurs Finger Family T-Rex Dinosaurs Videos For Children Dinosaurs Movies 3D Elephant
If Gogglebox was Wogglebox - The Feed - Duration: 3:59.
When your male friend asks you out | Seventeen | EP.01 - Duration: 5:41.
Do you know how I started dating Ji Eunwoo?
Seventeen Ep.1
Oh, I see it
Oh~ Kim Seri~
Hey! it's been awhile
I can tell you're a big shot now~
They're inside - go in!
Kim Seri!!
It's been awhile
How have you been?
Hey, how long has it been?
I know, who knew they'd be dating?
I was so shocked when I heard they were dating
You guys know how I always fought with Ji Eun-woo, right?
4 years ago
He always asked me to pay for his bus fare
Two people, please
When I tried to eat something
Can I just have one bite?
He'd eat it all
Are you kidding me?
You have to grow taller! Drink this milk~
And when he gave me something to eat, it was always expired
Man, thinking about it makes me angry
Anyways, we'd fight like that all the time
And one day I was going to school with Seulbi
Peanut, I have something to say
Are you trying to pick a fight with me? Again?
Go out with me
Aren't you going to answer?
Wow~ Kim Seri
Today's April Fool's day!
Did you fall for it?
You fell for it, huh?
7:23am Saturday, April 1
That was the beginning of it
Hey peanut
Go out with me~
e asked me out in front of everyone in the hallway
Even in front of the water purifier
Geez, you scared me!
If I drink this,
We're going out
He texted me during class
He was getting on my nerves
So I said something to him
Eunwoo, I'm sorry
But can you stop messing with me?
I already like someone else
Who is it?
Tell me, who is it?
Why are you acting like this?
Don't you know why?
It's April Fool's!!!
Haha, you totally fell for it again.
I was so flustered but
He just left after dropping another joke
Then how did you two start dating?
Well, something else happened that day
I heard Ji Euwoo broke his arm
You're lying again, aren't you?
Aren't you getting tired of this by now?
No, I'm being serious!
I promise to delete all the girls' numbers in my phone if I'm lying
What? Are you being serious?
I am
Just follow me
They're trying to prank us again, I can tell
Yeah, seriously.
Look, Kim Seri
My arm hurts so much~
Hey, Ji Eunwoo
Are you okay?
Does it hurt a lot?
Yeah, I'm dying here
You should have told me
I heard that you heard
But didn't believe it was true
I only didn't believe you because you were messing with me all day
So I obviously thought you were lying again
Let's go. I'll take you home
So what's your answer?
What answer?
I asked you to go out with me
God, you still want to joke about this?
Who jokes about dating?
They just pretend to be joking
April Fool's is over. Answer me.
I really do like you
I'm serious
Go out with me.
Yeah, sure
For real?
Yeah. Sure
Your arm
April Fool's is over
Do you want to die???
This is so cheesy, I can't continue
It's fine, it was a long time ago
Are you nervous?
Beyond comprehension..
Man, how will I be able to look her in the eye
If she turns me down?
Yo, just be quiet
Should I just go home?
Hey Seri is coming out
What am I going to do? I can't do it
What do you mean you can't do it? Just go
Hey, Ji Eunwoo
Let's go. I'll take you home
Trump Enraged The Muslims Community By Cutting Their Funds - Duration: 3:22.
Trump Enraged The Muslims Community By Cutting Their Funds
President Donald Trump once again enraged the liberals by ending the tradition of hosting
an "iftar" dinner to celebrate Ramadan.
The headlines were overfilled with the announcement that Trump had no plans to schedule a 2017
Eid al-Fitr iftar, the Islamic dinner ending Ramadan that requires a death of many animals.
This decision to end the religious dinner show that the current administration does
not want to praise the Islam, and more significant decision than this was when he recently terminated
a far greater Islamic institution sneakily established by Barack Obama.
At the very end of his presidency Obama created a list on January 13 of Islamic organizations
that would receive special grants of hundreds of thousands of dollars each.
And now the Trump administration has officially thrown out the list so that they can prevent
Islamic groups from gaining access to DHS funds, but this wasn't the only thing he
Trump also dismissed Muslim government staffers that were connected to the Obama administration.
According to Breitbart, Obama's list would have contained an $800,000 grant to an Islamic
seminary in Los Angeles and a $393,000 grant for the Muslim Public Affairs Council Foundation.
Now, these taxpayer funds that were intended for the Islamic organizations will go to organizations
that support and cooperate with law enforcement, especially on issues such as terrorism and
illegal immigration.
The current U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly stated on June 22 that Muslim terrorists
are motivated by the religion.
"They are out there doing what they think is their religion and think [it is] what they
are supposed to be doing … What I've elected to do is take what little money I have in
this regard and give it to what I consider to be the time-proven things — law enforcement
from an outreach point of view and communities developing relationships…"
His statement awoke rage in the Muslim community but not as much as the defunding of the Islamic
organizations and dismissal of Muslim officials.
Kelly said that the funds will go only to organizations that work with the law enforcement
officers and show a preparedness to discourage loyalty to Islam's violent fundamentals.
"…Grantees were selected in part because of their potential to support law enforcement
and other frontline defenders, to demonstrate programmatic effectiveness, and to use taxpayer
resources efficiently to create independently sustainable programs.
Grants were approved for local law enforcement agencies, state and local government agencies,
universities, and non-profit organizations."
Even though Kelly acknowledges that Islamic terrorism is connected to Islam, he incorrectly
maintains that Islam is fundamentally peaceful and that these jihadists have corrupted the
Anyhow, this move by the Trump administration is revolutionary.
In 2016 Obama hosted the iftar, and dinner the meat that has been slaughtered in accordance
with Islamic requirements.
While consuming the meal dedicated to Allah, Obama enjoyed his Muslim guests' chants
of "four more years!"
Please share this post on Facebook to support Trump.
What is your opinion on this?
Scroll down to comment below!
4 Simple Exercises For Flat Belly How To Lose Belly Fat Get A Flat Stomach Fast - Duration: 2:18.
Visit Our Website Here : http://bit.ly/2q90Dxh
4 Simple Exercises For Flat Belly How To Lose Belly Fat Get A Flat Stomach Fast
ven if the summer is still far away, if you want to be in top shape for the hot summer
days, you should start working out today!
Are you going to the gym, eating healthy, doing abs exercises, and there are no visible
Don't worry, we have the solution!
If you want to tighten not only your belly, but also the rest of your body,you must start
doing these 4 exercises.
So start working out,and when the summer comes you can show off your tight body in your sexy
Exercise 1
First thing you need to do is to go and buy yourself small weights and use them not for
tightening your biceps but more for maintaining balance.
Play your favorite song, spread your feet to the width of your shoulders and keep your
body in a straight position.
And without bending your knees bend your body to the side.
Do this exercise until you think you are able to.
Exercise 2
Bend your legs while sitted on the floor and prepare yourself.
Take one of the weights with your hands and spread your legs slowly pushing them upwards.
Start passing the weight from one hand to another just above your knees in the shape
of number 8.
Except for reducing your cellulite and your legsbecoming really tight you will also tightening
your abs.
Exercise 3
Straighten your legs andlay on the floor.
Putone of your arms on the ground to support your body and start pushing your legs up slowly
without bending your knees in the direction of your face, touching the other arm.
Depending on your stamina, repeat this exercise 10 to 20 times.
Exercise 4
Place your arms behind your head.
Spread your legs and slowly push your body down but remember to keep your back straight.
Bend down towards from your left to your right side, almost touching your elbow with your
Repeat these exercises every day and you will see the results.
You will get the body you have always dreamed for.
However if you want to achieve the results you desire, don't forget that you must consume
at least 8 glasses of water every day.
Thank you For Visiting Our Youtube Chanel Please don't forget to subscribe our channel
Subscribe : http://bit.ly/2rRgSLG
hey guys welcome to my channel sugar addiction ease here today I had a trial
on haul for you guys it's just my as I've picked up for the summertime I am
going on vacation tomorrow so I'm really excited about that and I've always
wanted to do one of these most of these items are from fashion oval because I'm
like obsessed with fashion OVA so I'm going to go to silk items first and then
I will go through the rest I got some stuff in light blue from the kaehler's
journey back from sunglasses and buy them stuff I will show you guys all of
that if you want to see what I got make sure you keep watching and I will see
you in a minute oh this item I got from fashion over
like a swim cover-up I wanted something I knew I would be on the beach and I
knew that it was really hot so I most the time I think I'd be one with
cover-up anyway so I got this one it is a size small usually I go for extra
small but I want it to be a little bigger on me
you need to be a little like this and earrings but yeah this is what it is
this looks like the name of this one cover-up is called the slim good romper
the next item I got from fashion OVA is this little jumpsuit right here you guys
have probably the same you know over people having black up in in a black and
it was like one in Burgundy this is called the whale a jumpsuit professional
and if I small and it will just cost me $19.99
this video is not sponsored by the way I bought all these items with my own money
so yes you guys know my next item I got from fashion Nova it's like this sweater
dress kind of it was myself all like why not get it who knows it might be like a
chilly day and I want to just are honest and thorough and easy
it's really cute it's like an a like a khaki khaki brown tan color and then it
has strings right on the sleeves I got besides I got to subscribe small
and this was $27.99 actually I think I got this cheaper for $27.99 I'm pretty
sure this has to be like if you like 15 they were having a sale but originally I
guess originally as $27.99 but I got it for cheaper all right
I also got this max this really cute maxi dress from fashion over as well
it's called the heart starts jumping heart starts jumping dress and it's in a
red icon yeah it's just like a like a red orange colour kinda sounds like in
the camera but it's really pretty on I love the way it straps to strap all the
way in the back to their stress and then it like it's like a cut off right here
where the skirt is to is with you I got this in a size small this is I got this
on sale too this was originally $29.99 but I believe I got it on severally and
those I got another swim cover-up this one is called I gotta find it cuz
at Agra sauce this is also on the five small almost
black you cover up lungs nice mesh 40 really and I'm going for like a mesh
series from my vacay I'm really excited all right this one I did pay $19.99 for
this I do remember that it was my thing alright so I also got some short
professional as well it's being shorts right here I know people I know you guys
were saying this design everywhere and it's really cute I love it it
I'll probably just like where like what's a cute like flat body suit or
something I love the world is on the besides a really big these would be
really good to their in a size extra small it looks like I paid
whatever pain $29.99 maybe I did originally $29.99 I love a passion of
his jeans too so I'm in my first pair of shorts that I got from them and they
feel really good like in the materials nice it's really stretchy
it doesn't look faded or washed out or anything looks really good
all right the next thing I got from fashion OVA is this like denim type
dress sleek you as a hoodlum and short sleeves and it has like a lot of like
distressing in it it's really cute I got this in a size small it is kind of I
don't know like it fits me but maybe I put a went a size smaller so that when
you I used to do extra small but I wanted to feel a little bigger but I get
to play bigger than I want it to sit I don't know I'm still make it work it's
so cute good material really soft it was really
good all right next item I got from fashion Nova and it's the last line I
stretching over is this bodysuit right here
it's like see-through Smit it's really cute it has a hood on as well tell me
I'm going show these like mesh keep your vibes for the summer it's really cute it
doesn't fit you babe this is a small I also wanted to fit because I want to
wear my swimsuit underneath but I like to I like the way it and this was
originally 2299 alright swimsuits are guys so guys I recently posted a picture
on Instagram of a two-piece that I got from this website they wanted me to you
know try their clothing you know get the word out the two-piece that I ordered
that our war online it's that it did not look like the picture online I did still
like the two-piece it was cute I like I like the fit of it and everything it
just wasn't as you know that's pictured in the website so that kind of got me a
little skeptical I wanted to try it again though and I got this and I got
like three swimsuit so the first time through I got I'm looking
the first time suit I did not fit me I was too big it was like a silver
two-piece and I got was too big I got it a small and it was huge the bra was
really big like falling off of me the bottoms were like really like the
stitching was just like it looked like is like poorly like just I mean I didn't
really like it um so yeah so I was little upset I also didn't receive
another exclusive that they gave me an hour weeks ago
sorry I'm a little upset the company is called popiah Pierrot I don't know if
you guys have heard of them on Instagram I appreciate there's like up-and-coming
brand they remind me of like a Sammy dress or the school but yeah anyway I
got this one swimsuit some copy that I ordered it's not horrible I can make it
work but once again it's not what it was described another picture and all that
stuff though yeah this is some suit sound like a
strappy it's royal blue two-piece and then it wraps all the way around your
body to tie it up any type of way and then it just comes with some cute little
blue bottom little cute the swimsuit doesn't have any padding in
the bra so it is see-through so maybe have fun with that might not be for you
but yeah honestly I might shop from them again but I would not do the swimsuit
section at all so yeah so my next turn suit I got was just a simple black
swimsuit from boohoo's I've actually got this a couple months the crew I got it
from Miami but I never wore it so I'm going to be taking this on my trip with
me it's a simple black bikini no biggie every girl needs one guy this jacket
that I've been in love with how absurdities well I got to check it from
forever21 I love it so much you guys probably seen
on my Instagram I worn it a couple of times and my snapchat stuff you guys
don't follow me make sure you follow me on snapchat Instagram and I'll leave my
information below but anyway yet this jacket is
the bar I love is from forever 21 and system cute it has a really cute buckle
and I've been really dying for a nice leather jacket quality jacket and I def
6r1 in this one it is a size medium and I got this for sleeves $20 for a late
1990 okay so that's all the clothes going to the shoes I got some sandals
I've been seeing these everywhere and I said I had to find that my first I
thought oh my Charlotte Russe with their still out and then I was just like
searching everywhere for them and I freakin finally found them it's be slide
I got two pair of actually but some black ones they say low-key on the wrong
with you guys the right way but yeah they say low-key
they are so freaking cute I love these handles out they are adorable they are
size 10 I did pace about it was like these are like 1699 so they're around
the twenty dollar mark they're so cute so I'm guessing they're
Brenda by Cupid a lot of people sell them I got these actually or make me
cheap so I got another pair of the sandals but a difference poking on them
and they say it's lit yeah they're so - I have to get these I found these online
over yes I don't care where I would have to do and getting them these are also
around a twenty dollar mark - I'll leave the link in the description and the last
thing I got from my vacation summer haul is some sunglasses so both of these fun
quests are from Mikayla's jewelry box on instagram with you guys I'm sure you've
seen it like Tina Walker has like works and their glasses up I've ordered a pair
before and I love their glasses they're affordable and they don't take that long
to get to you I got these right here these are called the the doll frames
oversized these are the bigger ones I guess they have smaller ones but these
are the babies they are so cute the head roll right there going all
muffins I can't wait to wear these yeah these were either on $5.99 and then the
other ones I got they're so good we have like gold frames around there
like a pink tent - they're so cute and
then I got these these are called the candy frames beyond they were 1199 and
then I paid $2 like three dollars in shipping for both of them alright guys
that is at the end of my haul that's everything I got for vacation I'm sure
I'll buy more things over the summer but this is what I have so far a lot of fun
doing it was a lot of fun so let me know if you guys want to see more videos like
these and I would definitely do them leave a comment and give it a thumbs up
make sure you guys follow me on my social medias I can subscribe and I will
see you in mine
#Learning Colors for Kids with Bear - How to Learn colors for children with Planes Toys - Duration: 2:06.
Spiderman becomes A WOLF! Scream's Funny Prank vs Superheroes HULK & Captain America In Real Life - Duration: 12:30.
TODOLIST PROBLEM - Duration: 7:13.
From my modest experience of daily vlogging,
a person who edits daily vlogs, doesn't have time to run in the morning...
I guess it is time to organize myself a bit better...
In my professional life, I had at least twice a moment
when I decided to do something Ihad no clue about.
But I really wanted to try!
I have to admit that I would have been very happy back then,
if I had found someone who was sharing their experience online,
suggesting from where to start.
For example... how to build IT department in the company
or how to run organizational changes.
I have been thinking a lot what I'd like to achieve with my vlogs, my podcast, my blog;
what I would like to share with you.
And I got to the conclusion that if you are wondering about doing something or not,
if you are not sure how to take on next professional challenge,
I would like to give you some insights to think about
and share my experience with you.
If you have some specific questions - you can always ask them in the comments.
In the cities or company/public buildings
there are two important things...
First of all: the trash bins.
They should be located in places which are convenient and easy to reach.
Another thing are the toilets... they always should be clean...
Today I would like to talk to you about software used for project management.
There is one significant problem when choosing the right one for you.
So to speak, if we need such software, we typically work in a team already.
(hardly even someone needs PM software for himself,
otherwise we can use gmail or phone functionalities)
If we are working in a bit bigger team, if we need to delegate chores,
check whether or not certain things have been done,
softwares like Wunderlist or Todoist are helpful.
The main problem in chosing the right one
is the fact that they typically are paid software.
It means that at the beginning you need to invest in them,
before you have a chance to see if it works well with your team.
I used to use Todoist but I am changing now,
mainly because if I want someone to co-operate with me, this person needs to pay as well.
What if she/he doesn't like it? What if it won't work out well for our project?
Nobody thinks about it...
Changing a software in the middle of the project is really a pain...
So to speak, I am currently changing my software to "Wunderlist".
It is for free and has all the functionalities.
It has 25-element limit per list, but it is not a big deal.
I would like to stress out that
all the projects I run, I run them in Cloze.
I will use Wunderlist for other things that don't need to be reminded of.
Especially in the situations when someone can just pick this thing to be done.
If I wanted to use it for a bigger project, I guess the limit would be too restricting.
But as I said, that's not the case.
What is really important in the PM software is the functionality of adding new tasks fast,
maybe using some shortcut.
It should be easy to add a task to inbox and then move it to a more appropriate location later on.
It has to be easy,
so you can add task on the go and not think about it anymore.
What do I want to say, with all my nagging?
I wanted to say that this type of PM software
should have all the functionalities available in the free version.
Like that, a user can verify if that's what he is looking for or not.
Recently I had to repair my automatic gate, it stopped working.
I got a repair person come over, who fixed the problem
but destroyed another thing...
We had an system which allowed opening the gate from far
which at the end of repair hasn't been connected... now we have to be in front of the gate, to start opening.
I called the place and asked them to come back to fix it.
He was supposed to come - but he didn't.
Do you know why he hasn't come?
Because there was a thunderstorm in Warsaw.
I did not know that the fact that there is rain is a good argument in Poland to not show up.
Well, I am learning something new every day...
I hope you liked my video. If so, hit a like button and subscribe to my channel.
Share info with your friends.
If you have any questions, leave them in the comment section - I will answer all of them. Take care.
No More Wrinkles And Sagging Skin On Your Face – 2 Ingredients Only! - Duration: 1:33.
Visit Our Website Here : http://bit.ly/2q90Dxh
No More Wrinkles And Sagging Skin On Your Face – 2 Ingredients Only!
As you are getting older, your skin ages and natural elements reduce its tightness and
Fortunately, these two simple ingredients can fight against wrinkles and sagging skin.
This recipe for skin tightening helps in tightening skin and gives a younger look that will last
for long.
The importance of the ingredients:
Cucumber – its compounds regenerate the skin naturally as it is packed with antioxidants
like vitamin K and C that fight ff free radicals that cause wrinkles and loose skin.
Silicia is one of the most important ingredients in cucumbers which fight wrinkles and support
connective tissue growth.
Egg white – they have the ability to tighten the skin, among other benefits.
Method of preparation:
Peel the cucumber, and cut it in two halves.
Slice one of the halves in small pieces, and put them in a blender.
Blend them for a couple of minutes on medium speed to prepare a puree.
Then, place a strainer over a bowl and apply the pulp onto it to drain the juice.
Use a spoon to smash it and extract the rest of the juice.
Add the egg white and mix well.
Apply this mixture on the areas where the skin should be tightened, and leave it to
act for 15 minutes.
Then, wash it off with cold water.
For best results, use this facial mask 1-2 times a week.
Thank you For Visiting Our Youtube Chanel Please don't forget to subscribe our channel
Subscribe : http://bit.ly/2rRgSLG
BAD BABY accident with STEERING WHEEL - TOWING power wheeled - Duration: 2:42.
How To Use Coconut Oil For Weight Loss - Duration: 2:13.
Visit Our Website Here : http://bit.ly/2q90Dxh
How to Use Coconut Oil for Weight Loss
How to Use Coconut Oil for Weight Loss
It is best to liquify the coconut oil in hot water before consuming as a weight loss aid,
because coconut oil naturally solidifies at 76F.
The best time to take your coconut oil is 20 minutes before mealtime as it will help
you to feel full more quickly and be satisfied with smaller portions and will significantly
reduce appetite.
If you want to liquefy the coconut oil, mix 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil in a bowl and
add hot water or herbal tea.
Stir until it melts and drink it.
Use the following guidelines to determine the amount of oil to consume before every
90-130 lbs, use 1 tablespoon of coconut oil before every meal for a total of 3 tablespoons
per day.
131-180 lbs, use 1.5 tablespoons of coconut oil before every meal for a total of 4.5 tablespoons
per day.
Over 180 lbs, use 2 tablespoons of coconut oil before every meal for a total of 6 tablespoons
per day.
Also, another simple and easy way to liquefy the coconut oil is by simply eating the coconut
oil and letting it melt in your mouth for a few seconds before swallowing it.
* Try using herbal bitters as an inexpensive remedy to help your gall bladder and liver
adjust,if you find that the coconut oil makes you a bit queasy at first.
Thank you For Visiting Our Youtube Chanel Please don't forget to subscribe our channel
Subscribe : http://bit.ly/2rRgSLG
18 Fat Loss Myths 🎂 ~ Mr2ndopinion.com ~ 🎂 0151 - Duration: 13:06.
Want to stay informed?
Than this fatloss advisory video will give you your victory!
Your challenges become easier once you know some solid knowledge
So don't wait any longer!
Let's hit it!
Ladies & Gentlemen you all have hot bodies, you are all equal in that!
But some of you might have been neglecting those facts and that body.
Don't worry!
We won't allow you to neglect your life anymore!
We are here to support you along the way to happiness!
Here are 18 myths debunked!
All �Calories� Are Equal
That's not true!
Different foods ask for different metabolic processes
and can have vastly different effects on hunger and hormones that will regulate body weight.
So if someone ever tells you this they clearly don't know all to good themselves.
Losing Weight is a Linear Process
Losing weight isn't that linear as some people think.
Some days and weeks you may lose, while during others you may gain a little bit.
Ask yourself what did I gain exactly?
Am I looking fatter or not... no scale will tell you that!
If you are still dieting don't worry too much about the digits!
It's in the effort!
Supplements Can Help You Lose Weight
They can't make you lose weight but they may aid the process.
of losing weight.
A fat burner will heighten your heat levels
inside and raise your heart rate, because of that you'll burn more
energy and you'll get more energy will working out
Obesity is About Willpower, Not Biology
You may have genes that are a bit more difficult to tame
but it all boils down to your leptin signalisation being
broke as feck because of your sugary lifestyle!
You also have to believe!
Mental conditioning works!
�Eat Less, Move More� is Good Advice
It's not always true that you lose weight by eating less and moving more...
telling people with weight problems to just �eat less, move more�
is ineffective and not so supportive advice.
It rarely works in the long term.
It about finding balance and making it your long-term lifestyle & inner happiness.
Carbs Make You Fat
Not all carbs are created equally!
Low GI carbs won't get you nearly as fat as high GI carbs!
High gi carbs will most likely get you fat more quickly if you don't use the energy right
Fat Makes You Fat
People in a ketogenic diet who eat 30 gr carbs every day
and 200 grams of fat aren't fat at all!
Eating high fats & high sugary foods in combination with each other is a
either get energy out of fats or out of low GI carbs, by the way fat is
the rich mans diet!
I do recommend to switch it up once and a while.
Eating Breakfast is Necessary to Lose Weight
It is a myth that breakfast boosts metabolism, or that eating multiple,
smaller meals makes you burn more calories throughout the day.
Fast Food is Always Fattening
It depends what else you have during the rest of the day!
If you have a fast food day!
Watch your other meals!
Weight Loss Diets Actually Work
No they don't!
You work!
Only you can do it!
That's it!
Instead of kicking your self under the ass every time you fail...
kick those stupid diet plans under the ass & actually do it yourself!
The only dieticians that actually work are the supportive once who
stand next to you while your training & who encourage you.
Trainers are better dieticians than dieticians.
People With Obesity Are Unhealthy, Thin People are Healthy
Many people with obesity are metabolically healthy,
but they can have other kinds of deceases.
While thin people are not healthy metabolically Find the fine line between both
�Diet� Foods Can Help You Lose Weight
It can sometimes be the opposite and make you unhealthy!
Certain additives are actually very bad for your healthy and body
If You Eat At Night, You Get Fat
It's the combination of things you do, not just eating at night... binge
eating however can ruin a lot!
You Have To Go On A Low-Fat Diet To Lose Fat
You better off eating like this...
You Can Burn Fat By Targeting It With Exercise
You wont burn fat on your belly by doing crunches...
You may get tighter there and it may look like you lost fat there
but that's not the case... you gradually lose fat over your entire body
Diet soda inhibits fat loss
There is no evidence artificial sweeteners stimulate insulin
secretion like sugar in healthy or diabetic individuals
Cardio aids fatloss.
You lose fat, not you doing cardio!
Any sports, supplements & kcalorie restricted diet will help you.
When I lose fat i'll look better!
That's the last one!
Let me awnser this quickily... no, that's not a surtainty!
Only losing fat will not make you look better, it takes more than that.
A healthy lifestyle, feeling lucky you are here on earth alive, feeling happy
and building some good muscle which helps you move through life will make you look good.
If you lose weight to fast it will be harmful for your body, your temple
will make you look pale, have bad skin, get saggy skin and all other kinds of things that'll
make you look worse!
Its up to you to find a good routine in building muscle & staying lean by eating right!
Find a great book in the link below, Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle.
By the way you can find more info in my other videos on mr2ndopinion.com
I wish you good luck!
Seth Carnett from mr2ndopinion.
Glaaaad we nailed that!
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