This video is sponsored by Pixonic, the creators of an awesome mobile game called War Robots.
We all know that robots are slowly replacing the military...just think of how drones are
replacing airplane pilots.
Now imagine if you were controlling a robot on a battlefield.
War Robots is a tactical multi-player game where you get to equip your own robot that
you will then use to battle other players LIVE.
There are hundreds of weapon - robot combinations, and you get to build your robot however you
When we first started playing the game, we had a few issues with the controls, but by
our 2nd or 3rd game, we were fully in control.
We're not tooting our own horn here, but we are yet to be defeated.
The download links are available in the description of this video, and if you click OUR download
links, you will get 2 Punishers, 100 gold and 100,000 silver to start with.
We have been having a great time playing it, and the number of different maps, robots,
and players from around the world makes it loads of fun.
Now let's start talk about the robots that are coming for you.
'The robots are coming for our jobs' is a mainstay assertion in the media these days,
but how seriously should we take it?
Do you drive a truck for a living, deal with insurance claims, lay bricks, or are you just
a simple farmer?
If so, the soothsayers with their eyes on the tech industry may regard you as primed
for unemployment in the next few years.
When McDonalds workers complained about low wages last year, the response from former
CEO Ed Rensi was, "It's cheaper to buy a $35,000 robotic arm than it is to hire an
inefficient employee who's making $15 an hour bagging French fries."
He made the statement after returning from a restaurant industry show where robotic devices
were given a chance to demonstrate their talents.
How soon will the robot revolution come, and which jobs will go first?
Today we'll find out, in this episode of the Infographics Show, Robots vs. Humans.
Don't forget to subscribe and click the bell button so that you can be part of our
Notification Squad.
10: Fast Food Restaurant Worker What robotic magic did Ed Rensi behold that
was so impressive he felt human workers should be denied a pay rise?
It might have been the self-serve kiosk, the machine set to supplant the human touch when
we hear, "Do you want fries with that?"
American burger restaurant Wendy's announced in February that by the end of the year, it
will have self-serve kiosks in a thousand of its restaurants.
Fast food chains McDonald's and Carl's Jr. will reportedly do the same, with the head
of the latter company stating this year that robots are "always polite, they always upsell,
they never take a vacation, they never show up late."
Your job isn't safe in the back, either.
A burger bar in San Francisco has a robotic burger-maker that can prepare and cook your
burger three times faster than a human.
Designed by start-up, Momentum Machines, the robot can make 400 burgers an hour.
Then there's 'Flippy', a robot that grills your burger and will be put to work
at 50 outlets of CaliBurger over the next two years.
9: Taxi Driver Tesla Motor's CEO Elon Musk is so confident
that machines will take so many jobs soon, that he says the only answer to job loss is
a Universal Basic Income, which means everyone is given enough money to live a decent life
whether they work or not.
Tesla is currently working on self-driving car technology, as are multiple other companies
such as Google, Uber, GM, Ford, and many more.
Each company is looking to take over the self-driving taxi market, or ride-hailing market.
Navigant Research rated how far each company had gotten with its tech, rating it from level
one to four – with four being completely autonomous.
Ford came out on top, but the auto-maker doesn't expect its fleet of self-driving cars to be
ready until 2021.
8: Bank Teller In the near future, there won't be much
need to go into your bank.
The ATM is going to become much more of a multi-tasker, according to reports, soon able
to do such things as open accounts and process loans.
The CEO of a software company called Diebold said the ATM of tomorrow will be able to do
90% of the work of a teller.
Sadly, or perhaps not, the end of the bank teller seems to be nigh.
Bank JPMorgan Chase has said right now about 60% of transactions that involve a bank teller
can be performed by an ATM, but that will rise to 90% with its introduction of new ATMs
in 2018.
7: Data Analysis One of the world's leading automation software
companies, Automation Anywhere, said it's in the process of unleashing a 3 million-strong
bot workforce.
Its software is used mainly for analyzing data, which could mean processing mortgages,
or legal work involving cognitive software that goes through thousands of pages of documents.
Such cognitive technologies are even being used by the Pentagon at present to analyze
thousands of hours of drone video footage taken over Syria and Iraq.
Going through huge amounts of data can be mundane work, and this is one of the first
areas where robots will lend a hand.
Some good news is financial services company Accenture reported this year that it didn't
lay-off one employee when it replaced 17,000 of them with robots, it just repositioned
them in the company.
6: Farming Whether milking a cow or picking fruit, millions
of farmers are about to lose their job to a robot.
Danish company F. Poulsen Engineering has designed a machine that is a lettuce weeder,
a job that is back-breaking work and dangerous due to chemicals.
Automated lettuce weeding will save humans from potential backaches, but also work around
the clock, at a faster speed than a human, thereby saving farmers money.
Speaking of lettuce, a vegetable factory in Japan called Spread grows 10 million heads
of lettuce a year, and its workers are robots.
Agricultural robotics, Goldman Sachs predicts, will become a $240 billion market over the
next few years.
Other examples include a UK project, Hands Free Hectare, that uses an automated tractor
to grow crops.
Stensland Family Farms in the USA has 170 cows that are all milked by robots; there
are drones working in French vineyards that can inspect vines, and another machine called
Wall-YE that can prune the vine every five seconds during its 10-12 hour battery charge.
5: Journalists An investigative journalist or a colorful
features writer has nothing to worry about for now, but robots are already taking jobs
away from basic report writers.
Artificial intelligence already generates a small amount of content we read, and has
been adopted by large media agencies such as Reuters.
The Associated Press partnered with an automation firm in 2015 and its number of earnings reports
went up from 300 to 3,000 a month.
AP has stated it not only saves money, but the machines make fewer errors.
While the role of robots writing sports reports may have been hyped, AP does use them to write
Minor League Baseball stories that cover 13 leagues and 142 teams.
4: Medical Professional Surgical robots are improving all the time,
but we still need surgeons.
An automated doctor can make a diagnosis by asking you to stick out your tongue, but we
still need doctors.
Automation, however, will vastly improve the healthcare field using algorithms to make
diagnoses using quantifiable data.
In total, there are about 10,000 known human diseases, and machines are now helping professionals
to spot them.
Hospitals all over the U.S. are using IBM Watson Health's algorithmic magic to help
diagnose cancer.
Microsoft said last year it will cure cancer using its artificial intelligence, while researchers
at Stanford University are currently working on algorithms to detect eye conditions by
scanning thousands upon thousands of images of eye ailments in a second.
It would take a human professional a matter of minutes to look at one image.
3: Construction Meet SAM, the construction worker of the future.
The acronym comes from semi-automated mason, otherwise known as a robot bricklayer.
Designed by Construction Robotics in the USA, SAM is a competent bricklayer that can lay
perfect rows of bricks and follow building plans.
Its sensors and algorithms help it make sure the work is done right, and its productivity
is better than that of humans.
SAM lays somewhere between 800 to 1,200 bricks a day, while humans are capable of laying
about 300 – 500 bricks a day.
SAM isn't cheap though, and costs one million dollars a unit.
SAM isn't alone as a robotic construction worker, with Japan right now working with
automated bulldozers that use drones to tell them what to knock down.
The world of the construction bot is not too far away.
2: Factory work Your iPhone may have been made by Chinese
electronics manufacturer, Foxconn, who reported last year it had laid-off 60,000 workers due
to automation.
It said jobs that involved repetitive tasks were the ones that went.
A video that went viral this year also came from China, which showed how little orange
parcel sorting robots had all but replaced humans in its postal sorting department.
300 of the machines work tirelessly for an 8-hour charge around a 21,000 square foot
In one hour, they sort 20,000 parcels together, and have helped the company, STO Express,
cut down on 70 percent of its manpower.
In an interview, the Chinese creator of the bots said they do five hours of human work
in just three hours.
All jobs From office to retail to finance to construction,
many more jobs are being automated right now.
Full automation of labor will take some time, with some of the world's leading minds on
automation at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute stating that there is a 50% chance
that all jobs will be done by robots in 120 years' time.
This is a far-out scenario, but who knows what we will come up with.
The next step would be to create Artificial General Intelligence, a virtual human that
could plan, reason, joke, even teach the nuances of history.
After that, there's Artificial Superintelligence, which would be far smarter than any human.
Some current A.I. experts believe that could be the end of days for us thinking flesh and
blood creatures.
So, what do you think about automation?
Is it the very thing the world needs right now, or is it the beginning of the end?
Let us know in the comments!
And if you liked this video, be sure to check out our other video called 10 Surprisingly
High Paying Jobs!
Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.
See you next time!
For more infomation >> Humans vs Robots - Are YOU Becoming Obsolete? - Duration: 8:34.-------------------------------------------
Friday Favorite: Schmidt's Deodorant Stick. Tarte Pro To Go. And, A Rainy Morning. - Duration: 2:26.
Hey there. Welcome back to the Isle.
It's time for another Friday Favorite.
This week it's actually deodorant. I got this as, oops wrong side there we go.
I got this in a um Birchbox. And I'm surprised that I actually switched.. Focus, Focus!
Maybe if I completely hide? Hopefully it's showing. Okay.
So basically it says it has no aluminum, no.. how do I say that?
um propylene glycol. No artificial fragrance.
It is gluten-free, certified vegan and cruelty free.
So I don't have to be gluten-free, but I'm kind of getting into the kick because I've
been more mindful because of the people around me needing to be gluten-free.
Um, but this just came as a sample, I tried it. I like the smell of lavender and sage.
Move fingers out of the way. I am having an uncoordinated morning.
Um. So I already like those scents so wasn't entirely twisting my arm to get me to try it.
It's just that I've used Lady Speed Stick for like a decade and I thought I'd never change.
Um, if you're here for a makeup favorite, um, here.. there we go. Tarte Pro To Go.
It's what I'm using on my eyes today.
I like it because it fits in a pocket for when I'm going from work to anything after work.
It gives me an option just to have with me. Quick and easy.
Um, and then.
I wanted to do a favorite moment of the week.
I had a rough week and I wanted to focus more on good moments.
So, my favorite moment of the week was actually being away. And I was with a bunch of girlfriends.
And there was a rainy morning. And we were staying on the porch at the place we were renting.
And I wanted to go play in the rain and then I was resisting. I was thinking,
"Oh, I'm too old. Or oh it's going to be a fuss." And I felt encouraged. And I went out in the rain.
And I got some pretty photos. I put up a little video on Instagram. And, I'm so glad I did it.
And I was with such a supportive, sweet group.
So in my rough week, that was a bright highlight to focus on.
I hope you find a favorite moment of the week and not just a favorite item.
Until then, see you next Friday. Bye for now.
Schwächung des Luftverkehrsstandorts Frankfurt - 28.06.2017 - 110. Plenarsitzung - Duration: 1:19:48.
Sergey Savelyev is right! - Nerve cells are not restored. - Duration: 3:35:39.
Крупнейшая хакерская атака в Украине и как не заразится вирусом Petya? #9 - Duration: 3:25.
e-Institute helps kids get ahead in school for free - Duration: 0:37.
Meglio essere mattinieri o nottambuli? - Duration: 3:44.
Citroën DS3 1.6 E-HDI SO CHIC - Duration: 0:59.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 250 Estate Exclusive Automaat - Duration: 0:59.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Estate E 220 CDI Elegance - Duration: 0:54.
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse C 350 e Estate Avantgarde Exclusive Lease Edition Automaat / 7% bijtelling! - Duration: 0:54.
Greg News: Talk Show, Claque e o John Oliver Effect # Vocabulário Nº01 - Duration: 5:33.
Minuto Mentoria : Porque preciso do ROI na hora de criar minha empresa - Duration: 1:33.
Check this out
When I start doing videos was just for fun
But check out all the stuff I just got
from Hasbro !!!
Check this out
When I start doing videos was just for fun
But check out all the stuff I just got
from Hasbro !
To do a new video
Here in the office with all those guns
Those weaponry
This one is mine probably
And I received a total of 20 weapons
To do the video. Also we have masks to be safier
And this video will be online
Probably in 10 days
I believe you guys will love to see
There are some days
that you work all day long
with that sense of achievement
The day was great in the office and a lot of good things happen today
I received a ton of stuff
from Hasbro, that company that owns Transformers
and they have a toy weapons called Nerf
It's a very famous brand here in the US
It's the most premium brand here in the US
And it's a huge trending here
those weapons with soft balls and soft darts
and they are fantastic !! I receive 20 weapons
20 of those guns
20 masks and a lot of ammo
rechargeable battery
and when are going to do an epic video
let's called "epic"
and I hope this video will be awesome
using those guns
we in the office in a big battle
probably next week
and I expect to be great
Today also Phill arrive in the office with all the balloons, now we are over with the balloons
Let's back to the usual life here
Now the next video
Will be the epic war battle
If we record next week
If you are subscribed here, I'm going to the South of California this long weekend
I will try to do a daily VLOG
What we are doing, how was the trip, beaches, etc
I hope to do every day
That's it, thank you so much
Subscribe here and follow us daily, a lot of good things will happen !!!
Music by Joakim Karud
Subscribe and Thumbs up !!!
See you next time :-)
我最喜歡的餐廳 【我的生活 vlog 13】 - Duration: 3:36.
How to use Whatsapp without Internet - Duration: 3:10.
Rayden - Imperdible feat. Sidecars | Costurera Swift Cover - Duration: 2:22.
Sergey Savelyev is right! - Nerve cells are not restored. - Duration: 3:35:39.
Basta-me a Tua Graça - Andréia Sales - Duration: 4:50.
I preferiti di Giugno 2017 - June 2017 favourites feat. Lancôme, Sisley, Primark, Dyson ect - Duration: 17:42.
Hi ya'll and welcome or welcome back to my channel
it's time for a new monthly favourites video
the instalment in which I share with you everything that I've been loving recently divided into cathegories
I think you should be more than familiar with the format by now, so let's get started with clothes
If you watched my Summer haul/lookbook from last week you should know that lately I've been buying some new clothes
and my favourite clothes from June were already featured in that video
but in case you missed it you can watch it now by clicking on the I that will appear
somewhere here, I think, let's see if this time I got the side right
but out of all the clothes I selected the 2 pieces that I wore the most throughout June and
it looks like they are both from Primark, so I can say they were trurly a bargain
The first one is this tropical bodysuit
with a little ruffle on the front, V neck
it's lightweight and comfy because being a bodysuit it doesn't rise so you can wear it with a skirt without having to
to tuck it in everytime you rise your arms
so it's light weight, comfy and suitable for many different occasions, well maybe not for work though
but very weareable and easy to pair because having a black background you just need a black skirt and you're good to go
the second piece by Primark is the one I actually wore the most
it's this off the shoulders top with a ruffle on the front
in this light gingham fabric
I'm obsessed with this top because as I said it's fresh and lightweight
easy to pair and slightly retro just as I like my clothes
so these were my 2 favourite clothes from June
Now let's move to the next cathegory, the.... drum roll
make up!|
For the make up cathegory I selected a few products, some of the are new on my channel
some others were already featured in past videos but I wanted to talk again about them
because I love them in general
and thet are also perfect for Summer
Let's start with Becca, because the great news is that Becca is finally
available in Italy too, in Sephora, both in stores and online, that's great because I love Becca
and it was quite hard to find in Italy before
My first June make up favourite
is the undereye brightening corrector
and as you may have guessed from the name
a product to brighten the undereye area and hide the dark circles
it's a paste or a cream I should better say
very brightening
but it doesn't offer much coverage, so I usually apply
a layer of concealer and as last touch
I add a bit of undereye brightening corrector because
it's not a concealer, but a corrector
that brightens and hides
the undereye shades
I really liked it and I've been wanting to try it for a while, but the last time I went to the U.K. I didn't get it
and now that it's finally available in Italy I gave it a go, I'm wearing it now too
I don't know if you can see it
as usual, I always say I'm wearing it now, but I have no idea if it shows on camera
still speaking about brightening
I have to recommend again
Becca's Champagne Pop Highlighter, because - in my opinion - is the best on the market
and now that Becca is available in Italy I suggest you to try it because it's amazing
I think you can see it because it's quite the face
and I'm obsessed with it, I featured it in many other videos, I used it
in my make up tutorial, well tutorial is a big word, anyway I used it in my everyday make up video
because I actually use it everyday, it adds a beam of light and it makes the face look
brighten and younger too
and it comes in this champagne shade which in my opinion is perfect for Summer
at the beginning I told you I had some products that I wanted to feature again because
and this is definitely one of them
still speaking about products I already featured in the past which I think are perfect for Summer
here I have Hourglass Ambient Lighting Bronzer in the shade Luminous Light
my favourite bronzer, here it is, as you can see it's quite shimmering and very brightening too
I have it on today
I'm sporting almost all the products I'm talking about because when I love something I use it on a daily base
if you are not tanned yet this helps you out
and it makes your face look healthier and brighter
it's by no means an heavy and cackey bronzer, as it's lightweight, brightening and simply perfect for Summer and I had to include it among my June faves
Now changing a bit topic I tried a new mascara
as it often happens I felt like trying something new
and I've been wanting to try this for a while
the Lancôme Grandiose
the mascara every beauty blogger had been raving about a few months ago, as I'm always on top of things
it has this weird, bended wand that left me quite skeptical at the beginning, but it's honestly
easy to use
Guess what I'm going to tell you?
I have it on now, I'm getting closer
Bamby eyes, I don't know if you can see the characteristics, so I'll tell you
What I love the most about this mascara is that it lenghtens the lashes, it's not really volumizing though
but it makes the lashes longer
and of course a truck just drove by as usual
anyway I loved it otherwise it won't be in this video and I like the packaging a lot too
with this see-through ombre cap, so nice packaging and lovely mascara
and the last make up favourite was gifted to me when I bought the mascara
and it's a Lancôme mini lipstick
which is called Absolu Rouge Matte
n.378, if you can read this you don't need glasses because
it's so tiny
anyway it's the one I'm wearing
and I'm loving it, which is quite unusual, because when I receive minis I rarely like them
while this time I fell in love with it as soon as I tried it because
it's a lovely strawberry red
a bright strawberry red (said with a frecn accent for no reason)
it's a lovely bright strawberry red
it's matte, but it's comfortable to wear, it doesn't dry the lips at all
so I'm super happy about this gift
Ok, those were all of my June make up favourites, now let's move to skin care
As you will see in the rest of the video
in June I treated myself with some quite pricey bits
I went a bit crazy and I spent a lot on money on several different products
2 skicare products and one for the haircare which you'll see later in the video
but let's start with the skincare
The first product I'd like to share with you is Sisley Masque Contour des Yeux
a brand that I don't know very well, actually I think this is the first of their products I ever tried
anyway I asked for advice in Sephora, which may be quite a risk and in fact they recommended what's probably the most expensive eye mask in the store
I was looking for something that could help me reduce the dark circles, puffiness and the thin lines
that are becoming more and more evident
and I've been recommended this Sisley mask which is formulated to prevent the 3 things I mentioned
you need to apply it on the undereye area, leave it on for around 10 minutes
and there's no need to rinse it off
you just need to wipe off the exceeding and let the rest to soak in the skin
I loved it
otherwise it won't be in this video, I liked it because it's fresh on the skin, easy to use because there's no need to rinse it off
and it helped a bit
lately my eyes have been looking very tired, puffy and the thin lines keep growing
or at least I see them growing everyday
and this mask helped a little bit to reduce them, it's really expensive though, if I'm not wrong it costs
103 euro, something like that
and there's not a lot inside
30ml, but to be honest you don't need a lot
I used it twice and it's still almost full
if you're in the mood to splurge I recommend it
Here comes the second expensive product and the title of this section is
Giuliana and her consistency because I'm going to show you a Jo Malone Body Cream
and I perfectly remember that in my last empties video
I showed you another Jo Malone Cream saying
that I wasn't going to buy any more in the future because it's a good product, but too expensive
and there are some more affordable and equally good ones on the market
and I stand by this declaration, but the last time I was in a Jo Malone Store
I saw that they have the Body Cream in my all times favourite fragrance, English Pear and Freesia
I already own the cologne and I use it everyday
and I'm obessed with it which is strange because I'm not usually much into fragrances and I rarely like one
so when I spotted the Body Cream I couldn't resist buying it
in spite of the high price, I can't remember it exactly, but I know it was high
It's a lovely cream for sure
and it better be as it's that expensive, it's lightweight, it soaks in quickly
but what sold me instantly and made me buy it again, even if I said I wouldn't have it's the amazing fragrance for sure
if, once again, you're in the mood for a treat try it, otherwise you can find some good and cheaper body creams elsewhere, for example from the Body Shop
That's it, those where my 2 skincare favourites, now let's talk about nails because I selected 2 nailpolishes
which will look great throughout all Summer
Here we are in the nails cathegory with 2 nailpolishes ready to be shared with you
The first one is from the Essie Gel Couture line, the new line with the
slant weird jar and my favourite color is rock the runway
this vibrant bright red that I have on my nails
and that I particularly enjoy in the Summertime
because it's a lovely , vibrant red that doesn't look old
as red nailpolish is sometimes hard to get right in my opinion
and this is perfect.
The second nailpolish I selected is by Sephora and it's called girls night out
and it's a metallic gold
that I always love in the Summertime
because it's unusual, but elegant too and it looks goods both on the finger nails and on the toenails
I really like it and that's why I recommend it
Let's move on as I've again been talking for too long and let's move to haircare because here comes the
the most expensive item in the video, so..haircare!
Here we are, I have here on my lap my crazy purchase from June
Here it comes
a plain white box that is not giving you any hint at all
so let's open it
I'm so silly
What did I buy ?
I bought the VIP's hair-drier
The Dyson
The hairdryer that costs as much as a house by the beach
it costs 400....380...400...I don't know something crazy like that
The more I think about it the more I realize it, Daniele was speachless when he saw me come home with this hair-drier
I have to say that
this is a really cool hair-drier
first of all it's super light
I swear to God that if I drop it I'll kill myself
it's super light, super compact
but it's really powerfull, so to sum it up: light, compact and powerfull
it must have a built in Jet propeller as dries the hair in a second
and the other great plus is that all the tools are magnetic
which makes them super easy to attach
and they don't get hot, so if you want to start drying your hair with the diffuser you can remove it at any time without burning your hands
you simply clip on another tool and keep styling your hair
It's super expensive, I know, but I would say it's worth the price
it has a few buttons, this one is for the power level, this other one for...
the heat level , this activates the cool air and this is the power button to turn it on
and the design it's amazing, it looks like an jet engine
and if you have some money to spend I recommend it as it's trurly amazing, but very expensive, so you decide if it's worth the money
I've been wanting it for a long time and at the end I got it
and as I bought it I thought I'd share my opinion with you as every beauty blogger raved about it
so even if I'm not a beauty blogger I decided to talk about it too
and that's it...gosh I slapped my tight too hard it hurts
Brilliant! Anyway that's it for my June favourites, as you may have noticed I have neither books nor random products to recommend
I have no books because I'm reading one now, but as I don't have much spare time
I'm only at the beggining, I bought the new novel by Daniel Pennac as I was a great fan of its books when I was in my twenties
so as soon as I saw he released a new novel from the Malaussène saga I bought it, I'm loving it so far
but I'm only at page 30 and it's too early to recommend it
That said that's it for today , as usual I hope my suggestions will be somehow usefull to you or expired you
expired?? I mean inspired you and I remind you that on my blog you'll find as usual
the list of all the products featured with link to buy them online in case you should be interested
and the link to my blogpost is in the downbar
This time that's actually it, as my voice slowly leaves me I wish you a nice day
I send you a big kiss and I'll see you in my next one,ciao
Организация продажи мяса для мусульман - Duration: 3:53.
I would like to share a simple but interesting idea. I used to live in Kazan (Tatarstan), where more than 60% of the population profess Islam. As you know, the religion forbids Muslims to eat pork. And the meat of any other animal it should be made with the observance of religious ritual and necessarily consecrated by prayer. Such meat is called "Halal" or "Hellenism", and in the markets of Kazan there is a special point where they sell only such meat. I am a believer, but tolerant of religious people. In addition, during the life in Tatarstan, I learned quite well the culture and life of Muslim families. So when I moved to the other native Slavic - region, I was immediately struck by the unintentional "discrimination" of Muslims. In the city markets on "special Muslim" meat and never heard. Of course, as entrepreneurs, working with meat products, has lived his entire life in this "UN-Islamic" part of Russia and they are quite satisfied with the status quo. With the sale of meat no problems, I think... In General, the idea is to procure and implement meat-"Halal". Now everywhere Muslims live (even in small quantities). Azerbaijanis, Tatars, refugees from Muslim republics - they are sure to have in Your city. So if there's nothing you can do about it - you need to earn money. The idea is not so difficult. Islam permits use in the production of "Halal"a prayer recorded on a magnetic medium (advanced religion, do not say anything). Once purchased the cassette (preferably CD). The employee - holer cattle - must be a Muslim. To find such it is possible (and even necessary if you want to work without cheating). It remains only to buy the livestock. As an option, you can only harvest the meat, and pass on the realization of the most "traditional" sellers in the market (so you do not touch the SES and other bureaucracy). Release from buyers will not be Muslim in the majority, in contrast to the Orthodox, leading a righteous life and honor religious dogma. Even somewhat greater price compared to regular meat will not affect demand. Competition special should not be. The main thing - to mislead the other sellers, which is the meat harvested in this way is very, very difficult (up to the tales in a special way fed cattle) and that in the case of fraud by the seller, the wrath of the Islamists will be huge. You can even say that the September 11 terrorist attack in new York was made because of the world trade center tried to sell to the Arabs is wrong meat is meat", Halal". After that, merchants will be much quieter buy "Halal" through an intermediary, that is through you. Finally, assuming the criticism. Cassettes of prayers, I do not sell. Benefits no special (5 RUB./PCs) no offer. And especially not recruit anyone in the Islamic terrorist group. Just got an idea - maybe someone will seem interesting. Good luck to all!
奇跡体験!アンビリバボー リアルプリズンブレイク! 170年間脱獄者0人・鉄壁の要塞と呼ばれるクリントン刑務所から脱獄した男達! - Duration: 43:19.
Volkswagen Passat Variant 1.4 TSI Highline Business R - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Opel Agila 1.2 Autom. Airco AfnTrHaak Cv El.r El.sp. Edition Orign NLse auto! - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
Humans vs Robots - Are YOU Becoming Obsolete? - Duration: 8:34.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen up! 1.0 CROSS UP! BLUEMOTION,NAVI,LM WIELEN,STOELVERW,CD,CRASH SENSOR,ELECTR R/SP, AFST B - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Friday Favorite: Schmidt's Deodorant Stick. Tarte Pro To Go. And, A Rainy Morning. - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
Schwächung des Luftverkehrsstandorts Frankfurt - 28.06.2017 - 110. Plenarsitzung - Duration: 1:19:48.-------------------------------------------
Sergey Savelyev is right! - Nerve cells are not restored. - Duration: 3:35:39.-------------------------------------------
Крупнейшая хакерская атака в Украине и как не заразится вирусом Petya? #9 - Duration: 3:25.-------------------------------------------
Kingston University - Don't panic about Clearing - Duration: 2:26.
Saab 9-3 2.0t S Aut Youngtimer Business Edition 91395km! - Duration: 0:59.
Opel Corsa 1.0T S&S 66KW COSMO 5DR - Duration: 0:54.
Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T DISTINCTIVE 170PK 17"sportpack - Duration: 0:54.
Saab 9-3 Sport Estate 1.8T VECTOR met Leer - Duration: 1:02.
Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 T.Spark Distinctive - Duration: 1:01.
I Filed Bankruptcy But My Creditors Are Still Harassing Me! Now What Do I Do? - Duration: 2:03.
I filed bankruptcy but my creditors are still harassing me.
Now what do I do?
My name is Ron Drescher.
I'm an attorney practicing bankruptcy and creditors rights in Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania
and Virginia, and the good news is they can't harass you.
They can't do anything once you file that bankruptcy.
In fact, they really can't continue to harass you even before you file the bankruptcy if
you tell them I'm represented by an attorney, here is his phone number, please direct all
your communications to my lawyer.
In fact, when my clients hire me, I give them a binder, and in the binder I have a green
sheet that lists that very speech so that my clients are always prepared in case the
creditors do call and I have a log that I want my clients to fill out with all the information,
the name, the date, the time, what the creditor said, the identity of the creditor, so that
we can first we send a cease and desist letter because we really want to bring peace to my
Then, if they continue to harass them, we can sue them for damages.
It doesn't happen that often because most creditors have figured it out by know and
they adjust their practices once their borrower files bankruptcy but you are entitled under
federal law to peace and protection from your creditors as soon as you file bankruptcy.
My name is Ron Drescher.
I'm an attorney practicing bankruptcy and creditor's rights, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania
and Virginia, and if you want peace from your creditors, please pick up the phone and call
I would love to hear from you.
Modern Tiny House on Wheels in Orlando, FL | Charming Small House - Duration: 3:19.
Modern Tiny House on Wheels in Orlando, FL | Charming Small House
Stop Listening to Negative People - Duration: 0:52.
stop listening to the negative opinions of others. The kind of people who try to
dissuade you and bring you down and tell you that things can't be done. You're too
old, you're too young, you don't have the talent. Don't listen to them. I see it
time and time again. People who fail to ever reach their full potential in life
because they've been talked down or put off by people's negative opinions. People
who are negative and who tell you that things can't be done are normally the
same people who are afraid or jealous because they don't feel that they could
do the same thing in their own lives. Don't let them put you off. One of the
key things that separates those who succeed in life from those who don't is
the courage and the ability to keep pushing forward in the face of other
people's negative opinions. Keep going keep persevering ignore the criticisms
and eventually you'll reach any goal that you set yourself.
UPGRADE || Be More Chill Animatic - Duration: 4:41.
This is my favorite place behind the school ;)
Being he(e)re, with you right no-ow~
Our future is so clear,
Our union is so near! (squip bitch wyd)
(both) Being here, with you right no-ow~
(Both) I'll tenderly guide you,
(Squip ) Just take me inside you! (dude wtf that's gay)
Foreeeeeeeeeeeee~ (that is not straight whatsoever)
-verrrrrrrrrrrrrrr~ (nope, still not straight)
Your life was so pitiful before!
Now it's time to go all the way and more!
You gotta get an upgrade!
You gotta get an upgrade!
Don't worry about the guilt you'll feel (that's worrying ngl???)
Just take a breath and seal the deal!
Gotta get an upgra-ay-ay-ay-ade
You gotta get an upgra-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ade~
(insert smooth scene transition here)
(oh gee what is Christine doing?)
(ah yes she is taking a book out of her locker, as you do)
(suddenly, Jake!)
Do you wanna come over
to my place tonight~? ;)
We'll get all sporty,
and play cricket!
Or get a forty
and just kick it! (I have since learned that a forty is, in fact, referring to 40 ounces of alcohol, and not kicking a metaphorical number 40)
My parents won't be home, so it's alright~
They laundered money, now they're on the run
That's illegal! (so is underage drinking, sweetheart.)
Which means the house is empty, so, that's fun!
Never hung with a girl like you before!
I don't know if you know it,
but I am sure!
That for me you are an upgrade!
Let's be each other's upgrade!
Oh, wow!
Well I am flattered, this is new,
Still I'm not sure what I should do,
You gotta take the upgra-ay-ay-ade! (humble, much?)
Gotta take the upgra-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ade
Jeremy, can't you see?!
We got a plan!
Now be a man!
You start with Brooke, and then, progress
and we assess, and soon, success!
We'll intervene, by which, I mean,
(suddenly, Michael)
Wh-where've you been all day? (this bitch says, as if Michael has been avoiding him)
So you're not the one who's been avoiding ME? (yeah u tell him sweetheart)
(Squip) It's called optic nerve blocking.
I have been blocking Michael from your field of vision.
Wait, what?
Michael is a link to Jeremy 1.0.
To upgrade, you have to be willing to make sacrifices >:3c
Seriously, what's up with you?
You've been acting-
-shady ever since...
...since... worked, didn't it?
J-Jeremy!! THAT'S AMAZING!! (look at this sweet bf so excited for him)
W-we gotta test it out!
No, we gotta celebrate!
We gotta get STONED in my basement! (whatever makes u happy sweetheart)
(it is at this moment that Jeremy starts to regret all of his life choices)
I already know what it's like to, the loser.
I should find out what it's like to,
...not be the loser.
I don't wanna be special.
I just wanna be chill as life will allow.
(great, now this bitch is here again)
Should I take the upgrade?
the upgraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaade
Well I wasn't sure before!
But now I wanna go all the way and more!
So gimme that upgrade! (UPGRADE UPGRADE)
Gimme that upgrade! (UPGRADE UPGRADE)
Tried to be genuine and true,
But now it's time for something new!
So gimme that upgrade! (UPGRADE UPGRADE)
Gimme that upgrade! (UPGRADE UPGRADE)
Really it doesn't matter how,
I'm getting the upgrade right
A-are you coming?
Optic nerve blocking, on. (THIS BITCH)
(bye felicia)
Let's get to work.
(wowwww eyes)
(i'm tired)
Comedy Knockout - Apology: Mo Mandel | truTV - Duration: 1:46.
you've never seen before.
-That's my name. -This oughta be good.
[ Sighs ]
"I know I lost tonight,
but I still got a lot to celebrate.
For example, my sex doll just gave birth to twins.
[ Josh laughs ]
These are the only children
I'm allowed within 500 feet of."
Great. "And I'm ashamed to admit
that I know they're anatomically correct.
[ Laughter ]
I like hanging out with fake babies
because they're legal for me to breast feed.
Dulcé: Oh, my God!
I actually am great with kids,
which is surprising considering I have a face
that looks like the last thing
a cheerleader sees before she goes missing.
[ Laughter ]
Oh, man. Damn, Mo.
Somebody hates you.
The closest I've ever come to prime time
is the prime rib in this picture.
I'm one of the few people in Hollywood who's not a vegan,
and that's just because I occasionally want to butcher
something that's not a punch line."
[ Laughs ]
Still funnier than Josh.
Just keep going, Ben Stiller!
[ Light applause ]
"You can tell that picture is old because it's,
like, 20 face-pounds ago.
My name is Mo Mandel,
and I just got knocked out..."
Kids First Ocean Fishing Trip Ever! | SPORT FISHING - Duration: 3:57.
>> WHOO!
>> YEAH.
>> YEAH.
Labor minister nominee faces Assembly - Duration: 1:35.
In the domestic political arena.
Lawmakers wrapped up the week with another confirmation hearing for a prospective minister
to join President Moon's Cabinet.
The Labor minister nominee was hotly criticized... over several ethical controversies.
Shin Se-min has the latest from parliament.
Labor minister nominee Cho Dae-yop faced the lawmakers' questions today, and they spent
much of the session bringing up the nominee's past wrongdoings,… including a record of
driving under the influence of alcohol.
Cho came clean and apologized over his driving offense,… saying even he couldn't forgive
But that wasn't the only ethical concern opposition party lawmakers grilled him over,... there
was also a claim that he had engaged in business activities by working as an outside director
at a polling agency without the permission of his school in 2012.
… Cho answered this allegation by saying that he had done nothing to generate personal
When questioned on policy, Cho, the former vice chief of President Moon's think tank,
said that he will try and foster a climate where fundamental labor rights are fully guaranteed.
He also promised that he will boost President Moon's policy of income-led growth by raising
the minimum wage, currently at 5 dollars 60 cents per hour, to 8 dollars 70 cents by the
year 2020.
And Cho also said he'll work to improve communication between the government, laborers, and employers.
Shin Se-min, Arirang News.
11种人 - Duration: 4:00.
How To Get More Facebook Fans For Your Facebook Business Page - Duration: 2:27.
I preferiti di Giugno 2017 - June 2017 favourites feat. Lancôme, Sisley, Primark, Dyson ect - Duration: 17:42.
Hi ya'll and welcome or welcome back to my channel
it's time for a new monthly favourites video
the instalment in which I share with you everything that I've been loving recently divided into cathegories
I think you should be more than familiar with the format by now, so let's get started with clothes
If you watched my Summer haul/lookbook from last week you should know that lately I've been buying some new clothes
and my favourite clothes from June were already featured in that video
but in case you missed it you can watch it now by clicking on the I that will appear
somewhere here, I think, let's see if this time I got the side right
but out of all the clothes I selected the 2 pieces that I wore the most throughout June and
it looks like they are both from Primark, so I can say they were trurly a bargain
The first one is this tropical bodysuit
with a little ruffle on the front, V neck
it's lightweight and comfy because being a bodysuit it doesn't rise so you can wear it with a skirt without having to
to tuck it in everytime you rise your arms
so it's light weight, comfy and suitable for many different occasions, well maybe not for work though
but very weareable and easy to pair because having a black background you just need a black skirt and you're good to go
the second piece by Primark is the one I actually wore the most
it's this off the shoulders top with a ruffle on the front
in this light gingham fabric
I'm obsessed with this top because as I said it's fresh and lightweight
easy to pair and slightly retro just as I like my clothes
so these were my 2 favourite clothes from June
Now let's move to the next cathegory, the.... drum roll
make up!|
For the make up cathegory I selected a few products, some of the are new on my channel
some others were already featured in past videos but I wanted to talk again about them
because I love them in general
and thet are also perfect for Summer
Let's start with Becca, because the great news is that Becca is finally
available in Italy too, in Sephora, both in stores and online, that's great because I love Becca
and it was quite hard to find in Italy before
My first June make up favourite
is the undereye brightening corrector
and as you may have guessed from the name
a product to brighten the undereye area and hide the dark circles
it's a paste or a cream I should better say
very brightening
but it doesn't offer much coverage, so I usually apply
a layer of concealer and as last touch
I add a bit of undereye brightening corrector because
it's not a concealer, but a corrector
that brightens and hides
the undereye shades
I really liked it and I've been wanting to try it for a while, but the last time I went to the U.K. I didn't get it
and now that it's finally available in Italy I gave it a go, I'm wearing it now too
I don't know if you can see it
as usual, I always say I'm wearing it now, but I have no idea if it shows on camera
still speaking about brightening
I have to recommend again
Becca's Champagne Pop Highlighter, because - in my opinion - is the best on the market
and now that Becca is available in Italy I suggest you to try it because it's amazing
I think you can see it because it's quite the face
and I'm obsessed with it, I featured it in many other videos, I used it
in my make up tutorial, well tutorial is a big word, anyway I used it in my everyday make up video
because I actually use it everyday, it adds a beam of light and it makes the face look
brighten and younger too
and it comes in this champagne shade which in my opinion is perfect for Summer
at the beginning I told you I had some products that I wanted to feature again because
and this is definitely one of them
still speaking about products I already featured in the past which I think are perfect for Summer
here I have Hourglass Ambient Lighting Bronzer in the shade Luminous Light
my favourite bronzer, here it is, as you can see it's quite shimmering and very brightening too
I have it on today
I'm sporting almost all the products I'm talking about because when I love something I use it on a daily base
if you are not tanned yet this helps you out
and it makes your face look healthier and brighter
it's by no means an heavy and cackey bronzer, as it's lightweight, brightening and simply perfect for Summer and I had to include it among my June faves
Now changing a bit topic I tried a new mascara
as it often happens I felt like trying something new
and I've been wanting to try this for a while
the Lancôme Grandiose
the mascara every beauty blogger had been raving about a few months ago, as I'm always on top of things
it has this weird, bended wand that left me quite skeptical at the beginning, but it's honestly
easy to use
Guess what I'm going to tell you?
I have it on now, I'm getting closer
Bamby eyes, I don't know if you can see the characteristics, so I'll tell you
What I love the most about this mascara is that it lenghtens the lashes, it's not really volumizing though
but it makes the lashes longer
and of course a truck just drove by as usual
anyway I loved it otherwise it won't be in this video and I like the packaging a lot too
with this see-through ombre cap, so nice packaging and lovely mascara
and the last make up favourite was gifted to me when I bought the mascara
and it's a Lancôme mini lipstick
which is called Absolu Rouge Matte
n.378, if you can read this you don't need glasses because
it's so tiny
anyway it's the one I'm wearing
and I'm loving it, which is quite unusual, because when I receive minis I rarely like them
while this time I fell in love with it as soon as I tried it because
it's a lovely strawberry red
a bright strawberry red (said with a frecn accent for no reason)
it's a lovely bright strawberry red
it's matte, but it's comfortable to wear, it doesn't dry the lips at all
so I'm super happy about this gift
Ok, those were all of my June make up favourites, now let's move to skin care
As you will see in the rest of the video
in June I treated myself with some quite pricey bits
I went a bit crazy and I spent a lot on money on several different products
2 skicare products and one for the haircare which you'll see later in the video
but let's start with the skincare
The first product I'd like to share with you is Sisley Masque Contour des Yeux
a brand that I don't know very well, actually I think this is the first of their products I ever tried
anyway I asked for advice in Sephora, which may be quite a risk and in fact they recommended what's probably the most expensive eye mask in the store
I was looking for something that could help me reduce the dark circles, puffiness and the thin lines
that are becoming more and more evident
and I've been recommended this Sisley mask which is formulated to prevent the 3 things I mentioned
you need to apply it on the undereye area, leave it on for around 10 minutes
and there's no need to rinse it off
you just need to wipe off the exceeding and let the rest to soak in the skin
I loved it
otherwise it won't be in this video, I liked it because it's fresh on the skin, easy to use because there's no need to rinse it off
and it helped a bit
lately my eyes have been looking very tired, puffy and the thin lines keep growing
or at least I see them growing everyday
and this mask helped a little bit to reduce them, it's really expensive though, if I'm not wrong it costs
103 euro, something like that
and there's not a lot inside
30ml, but to be honest you don't need a lot
I used it twice and it's still almost full
if you're in the mood to splurge I recommend it
Here comes the second expensive product and the title of this section is
Giuliana and her consistency because I'm going to show you a Jo Malone Body Cream
and I perfectly remember that in my last empties video
I showed you another Jo Malone Cream saying
that I wasn't going to buy any more in the future because it's a good product, but too expensive
and there are some more affordable and equally good ones on the market
and I stand by this declaration, but the last time I was in a Jo Malone Store
I saw that they have the Body Cream in my all times favourite fragrance, English Pear and Freesia
I already own the cologne and I use it everyday
and I'm obessed with it which is strange because I'm not usually much into fragrances and I rarely like one
so when I spotted the Body Cream I couldn't resist buying it
in spite of the high price, I can't remember it exactly, but I know it was high
It's a lovely cream for sure
and it better be as it's that expensive, it's lightweight, it soaks in quickly
but what sold me instantly and made me buy it again, even if I said I wouldn't have it's the amazing fragrance for sure
if, once again, you're in the mood for a treat try it, otherwise you can find some good and cheaper body creams elsewhere, for example from the Body Shop
That's it, those where my 2 skincare favourites, now let's talk about nails because I selected 2 nailpolishes
which will look great throughout all Summer
Here we are in the nails cathegory with 2 nailpolishes ready to be shared with you
The first one is from the Essie Gel Couture line, the new line with the
slant weird jar and my favourite color is rock the runway
this vibrant bright red that I have on my nails
and that I particularly enjoy in the Summertime
because it's a lovely , vibrant red that doesn't look old
as red nailpolish is sometimes hard to get right in my opinion
and this is perfect.
The second nailpolish I selected is by Sephora and it's called girls night out
and it's a metallic gold
that I always love in the Summertime
because it's unusual, but elegant too and it looks goods both on the finger nails and on the toenails
I really like it and that's why I recommend it
Let's move on as I've again been talking for too long and let's move to haircare because here comes the
the most expensive item in the video, so..haircare!
Here we are, I have here on my lap my crazy purchase from June
Here it comes
a plain white box that is not giving you any hint at all
so let's open it
I'm so silly
What did I buy ?
I bought the VIP's hair-drier
The Dyson
The hairdryer that costs as much as a house by the beach
it costs 400....380...400...I don't know something crazy like that
The more I think about it the more I realize it, Daniele was speachless when he saw me come home with this hair-drier
I have to say that
this is a really cool hair-drier
first of all it's super light
I swear to God that if I drop it I'll kill myself
it's super light, super compact
but it's really powerfull, so to sum it up: light, compact and powerfull
it must have a built in Jet propeller as dries the hair in a second
and the other great plus is that all the tools are magnetic
which makes them super easy to attach
and they don't get hot, so if you want to start drying your hair with the diffuser you can remove it at any time without burning your hands
you simply clip on another tool and keep styling your hair
It's super expensive, I know, but I would say it's worth the price
it has a few buttons, this one is for the power level, this other one for...
the heat level , this activates the cool air and this is the power button to turn it on
and the design it's amazing, it looks like an jet engine
and if you have some money to spend I recommend it as it's trurly amazing, but very expensive, so you decide if it's worth the money
I've been wanting it for a long time and at the end I got it
and as I bought it I thought I'd share my opinion with you as every beauty blogger raved about it
so even if I'm not a beauty blogger I decided to talk about it too
and that's it...gosh I slapped my tight too hard it hurts
Brilliant! Anyway that's it for my June favourites, as you may have noticed I have neither books nor random products to recommend
I have no books because I'm reading one now, but as I don't have much spare time
I'm only at the beggining, I bought the new novel by Daniel Pennac as I was a great fan of its books when I was in my twenties
so as soon as I saw he released a new novel from the Malaussène saga I bought it, I'm loving it so far
but I'm only at page 30 and it's too early to recommend it
That said that's it for today , as usual I hope my suggestions will be somehow usefull to you or expired you
expired?? I mean inspired you and I remind you that on my blog you'll find as usual
the list of all the products featured with link to buy them online in case you should be interested
and the link to my blogpost is in the downbar
This time that's actually it, as my voice slowly leaves me I wish you a nice day
I send you a big kiss and I'll see you in my next one,ciao
VEGAN 4TH OF JULY RECIPES | healthy watermelon cocktail - Duration: 2:57.
I don't think a summer barbecue would be complete without watermelon in some form, so today
we're going to make a sparkling watermelon cocktail.
I'm making an adult beverage with a rosé wine, but you can feel free to to omit the
alcohol if you don't drink alcohol or prefer not to have it in your beverage.
You can simply add more sparkling water or more watermelon pureé.
We're going to start with about 6 cups of watermelon, just simply diced, cubed, whatever.
It doesn't have to be fancy, it's going to go into the blender.
And to that we're going to add the juice of 2 limes.
We're going to pureé that.
The mixture is going to be a little thick, so I suggest you strain it using a strainer to get out
the seeds and some of the pulp.
Once we have our watermelon juice, we're simply going to add one bottle of rosé wine, 3 to
4 cans of sparkling water of your choice, and fresh mint to garnish.
A note about wine.
You would think that wine is always vegan because it's simply fermented grapes, but
unfortunately, that's not always the case.
When some winemakers process their wine, they filter or clarify the wine through fining
agents, some of which contain animal byproducts.
And the reason a winemaker would filter a clarify a wine is to get rid of some of the
particles that make the wine look cloudy or get rid of some of the elements that make
the tannins taste very harsh.
In the process of filtering or clarifying, some of the winemakers use egg whites or casein
or other animal products.
So, if you want to be 100% sure that you're not consuming any animal products, I suggest
you buy some vegan wine.
And if you're not sure where to buy vegan wine, you can Google "where to buy vegan wine"
or "vegan wine brands."
Or you can call your local wine store, ask them if they carry certain brands, and you
should be good to go.
If you don't like rosé wine or if you're having a hard time finding rosé wine where
you live, you can use a white wine of your choice.
Let's go make a sparkling watermelon cocktail!
Nightcore - Despacito (French Version) [Male Version] - Duration: 2:43.
Ray Kurzweil | Our Brain Is a Blueprint for the Master Algorithm | Singularity Hub - Duration: 7:50.
(calming instrumental music)
- Well I think actually there are some basic principles
to how human thinking works.
My last book, "How to Create a Mind",
which came out in 2012,
which resulted in me being recruited to Google,
I practiced those ideas, talked about
how human neocortex works,
it's outgrowth of a thesis
I have had actually for 50 years
because I wrote a paper
when I was 14 or 15 in 1962,
and won a science contest to Westinghouse Talent Search.
Now the intel inside this talent got to be present content
and I described human thinking as consisting
of modules of neurons,
each module can recognize a pattern,
and the basis of human thinking is pattern recognition.
And those patterns are actually sequential.
And they're in one direction.
And I gave a lot of evidence for this.
For example, try to recite the alphabet.
Now, most of you can do that fast.
Okay well, recite it backwards.
You probably can't do that,
unless you learned that as a new sequence.
It's a pretty trivial transformation,
and yet we can't do it.
So we have different hints as to how the human brain works.
In recent years, it's been
an explosion of neuroscience evidence.
For example, the European brain reverse engineering project
has identified modules of about 100 neurons each,
and since the neocortex has 30 billion neurons,
that means 300 million modules,
and they all are pretty much the same.
They have the same structure,
the same organization within them.
And there's no plasticity, no change,
within that module for your entire life.
Despite the idea that your brain
is constantly rewiring itself.
There is plasticity, constant rewiring between the modules,
and each module is recognizing a pattern.
We can see the axons coming in from other modules
that are feeding the sequential input
that represents the pattern, that this module will learn.
So it's a hierarchy of patterns.
This pattern is based on a hierarchy
of patterns and the modules below it.
And each one of those has input
from modules below it, and it's a very elaborate hierarchy.
And biology, biological evolution evolved
this hierarchical structure in the brain,
so that it can understand and learn
the hierarchical structure of the world,
because the world is organized hierarchically.
The neocortex emerged 200 million years ago in mammals;
only mammals have a neocortex.
And it was a thin structure, the neocortex
means new rind, and there was about.
In the first mammals, which were rodents,
it was about the size of a postage stamp,
and just as thin as a postage stamp,
and it wrapped around the walnut-sized brains
of these early mammals,
but it was capable of a new type of thinking.
You could invent new behaviors,
non-mammalian animals, like reptiles,
that didn't have a neocortex, couldn't do that.
They have fixed behaviors.
Didn't help them that much actually
because the environment changed very slowly
and could take 50 thousand years for there
to be an environmental change that would require
a new behavior, and over the 13 thousand years,
these non-mammalian animals could evolve
using normal Darwinian evolution, a new fixed behavior.
But then something happened 65 million years ago.
It was a sudden catastrophic change to the environment;
we call it the crustacean extinction event,
and that's when mammals overtook their ecological niche.
That's when the neocortex actually showed its capability.
And then biological evolution then grew it.
Mammals now, instead of being just little rodents,
got bigger, their brains got bigger, at an even faster pace,
taking up a larger fraction of their body.
And the neocortex got bigger even faster than that
and developed these curvatures and folds.
If you look at a primate brain,
it's got these characteristic curvatures,
so it now takes up 80% of the brain.
Then something else happened, two million years ago.
If your remember, two million years ago,
we were walking around; we didn't have these big foreheads.
So humanoids came along with a big forehead.
And that houses the frontal cortex.
And up until recently, it was said
"Well, the frontal cortex does
"such qualitatively different things,
"it must be organized differently.
"It must have a different method, a different algorithm."
I make the case, and I think the neuroscientists
coming around to this view,
it really was just an additional quantity of neocortex.
Well, so what did we do with that additional quantity?
Well, we were already doing a very good job
of being primates, so we put it at the top
of the neocortical hierarchy.
So this hierarchy that I mentioned now got bigger.
As you go up the hierarchy,
things get more general, more intelligent, more abstract.
The very bottom, I can tell that that's a straight line.
At the top, I can tell
that's funny, that's ironic, she's pretty.
So that additional hierarchy
that we got two million years ago
was the enabling factor for us to invent
language, and art, and science, and music.
Every human culture we every discovered has music.
No primate or any other animal has music.
That came from this additional neocortex.
And I make the case in my book, "How to Create a Mind",
what the algorithm is, of each of these modules.
They all have the same algorithm.
So a lot of people like to say,
"Oh, the brain is so complex,
"it's the most complex thing in the universe";
that may be true, but it has a regular repeating structure.
Each of these 300 million modules is basically the same.
Now they self-organize into these hierarchies,
and each module discovers a pattern,
and learns it, remembers it, and can recognize it,
even in a different context, so it's very good at metaphor.
And I describe my thesis on how this works
as we continue doing more brain reverse engineering,
we will refine that model,
but I've been working with this model,
and we find that it can in fact master things
like language, not yet at human levels,
but doing still some impressive things.
We look beyond, for example, for things like jeopardy,
which itself was pretty sophisticated.
So there is kind of a master algorithm,
at least I have a proposal for one.
These deep neural nets,
which there's tremendous excitement about,
which is a little bit different from the model I have,
but they have done remarkable things.
I mean, they won the Go Championship,
and they can recognize images as I mentioned,
better than humans, and can drive cars.
And that's actually pretty simple.
You can read about deep neural nets,
the algorithm is again, a repeating structure
that's not that complicated.
So the mathematics of thinking,
I think is being understood,
but I would not claim that we understand it fully.
But we're getting more and more hints
as we learn more and more about the human brain.
The Birth Of Reality Rap - Duration: 4:03.
The crack game changed everything.
It hit so fast and so hard.
A crack head will figure out how to get some fucking money.
I saw a guy that lived in my building, he actually bored a hole through his wall to
go in his girlfriend's parent's apartment and steal their stove.
Wow, it just changed whole neighborhoods.
Shit got evil.
The streets follow the drugs, the music follows the drugs, so when you listen to hip hop from
that era it's chaotic, because that's crack.
Crack is chaotic, and it makes the music sound like that.
As the drugs hit LA and they flooded LA, it was totally split realities.
New York was heaven, New York was nirvana, New York was the perfect place,
it was all good.
That was all fantasy.
That was a lie.
It wasn't a truth.
It took some young brothers and sisters out of the Bronx, New York.
I always say young boys and girls out of the Bronx, New York, to reveal the truth of what
New York City was really like.
The first example of the street life being incorporated into hip hop had to be with
"The Message" with Melly Mel.
He became this commentator.
That was just like, bananas to me at that time.
You wasn't really hearing that kind of hip hop.
"The Message" was a song written by a man named Ed Fletcher AKA Duke Bootee.
It was presented at Sugar Hill Records at that time.
But no one wanted to touch it, because it was completely contrary to what rap was known
for at the time, which was bragadocious, you know, party.
It painted a picture about what was going on in our communities at that time.
When you're a lyricist, at the same time you're putting together images in lyric form of things
that you've seen growing up or things you might have even been involved in.
It didn't happen until later when one of my friends said, "Why don't you rap about what
we do?
Like rap about us."
That's where we put a song called "6 'N Mornin'" on the B side of one of my early
records and that shit popped off.
When hip hop first started, the content, the presentation and the subject matter
was party, have a good time, my DJ's better than your DJ.
We coming from death, destruction, drug dealing, gang banging, shooting, and gang fights, and
all of that.
We lived that, so we're not going to celebrate that now, but then we realized that, "Whoa.
We got microphones.
We got speakers.
We're making records now and we're on the radio."
We realized we have a outlet so our voices can be heard.
If you were to interview me when I was 17 or 18 you wasn't going to interview the same
Ice-T that understands now the ramifications of some of the stuff that you do as a youth.
I don't really think any drug dealers understood the devastation that was going to come from
the crack era.
Right now we're in a generation that kind of like is pro doing drugs - that was never
part of our hip hop, but I think that might change, I think it'll change.
Anyone out there watching this that think it might be a drug they want to try, don't
fuck with it.
Crack's wack.
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