Uh Huh !
-Trust -
Who Do You?
-Trust -
What makes you a Real Lover?
-Trust -
I put this Question to You
Cause I want You to Be with Me
-Love -
You cannot Imagine
How much I want to Give to You
-Hot -
I get So Excited
Just Thinking about All We Could Do
Dig it Now
Another World awaits Us
Another power to see
-Close -
Don't Worry about Nobody Else
From Now On you'll be Here with Me
-Trust -
Who Do You?
-Trust -
What makes you a Real Lover?
-Trust -
I put this Question to You
Cause I want You to Be with Me
-Money -
How much'll Make you Happy?
You can Have it All
If it'll suit you Right
But -Nothing-
I said Nothing can take the Place
-Of You and Me -
Kicking it Tight
It's Easy
Just Let Yourself Go
Don't put Up a Fight
-Sex -
It's not that Type of Party
We're getting Higher Tonight
-Trust -
Who Do You?
-Trust -
What makes you a Real Lover?
-Trust -
I put this Question to You
Cause I want You to Be with
Yeah !
Ooh !
Get 'em!
Take the pictures!
Gotham's Greed!
And Now Folks
It's time for
Who do you Trust!
Hubba Hubba Hubba!
Money Money Money!
Who Do You Trust?
I'm giving away Free Money.
And Where
Is the Batman?
He's at Home
Washin' his Tights
For more infomation >> Batman - Trust (Parade Scene) - Duration: 3:12.-------------------------------------------
Los 5 Speedruns más Legendarios en Videojuegos - Duration: 10:06.
Hi guys all right? Luckas I am, as you know. Today we are here to do more a reaction video
V-pop, again, today it wonderful
The Min, the feat Mr A, with music Co In Cho
You asked me and I had not done yet, but she was here to do
expected to be reacted and today we will without ado
we fast, and already 1 2 3
The story starts, as always in the V-pop
I love her hair like that, and this color
I love the color of her hair also
and how she sings, she sings very well.
This guy looks like the Son Tung
It is a quiet music
romantic music right people.
beautiful food, give me a little
to rap
It was recorded where this mv? In Vietnam it?
the music is very tasty to hear people
always very beautiful video tacks, and well made
And the beautiful story that joins with music and is perfect
The Min is
He started the company as a cover, as I understand
And now he is doing quite successfully
Ah they are playing
so you can understand the story is a couple
wanted to have a cell phone so you playing in the water and not
and not for work. My if I put goodbye videos.
will not go to record more pro channel
She's doing a lot feat right? Has this had Ghen
con Erik
I want a song from her new, solo. It has the old, but I want new.
this song is very sexy to hear
a quiet moment, let playing at home
ah Vietnam
I want to go to Vietnam, get me, please!
There, always wanted a business that. You do so and
I do not like ballad music, but most of the last I've heard of Vietnam
I have heard, they are very good. So
I'm listening quite right
very beautiful new mv it.
As always Vietnamese, wonderful
well I liked it and I hope some of it
I like dance music with choreography, everyone knows right
But I liked the music. Many thanks to you that watched that video here.
If you like, give like comments, shares, be sure to sign up for the channel
not to miss the next video and see us next. Goodbye!
Windows Kernel Programming Tutorial 9 - Memory - Part 2 - Duration: 15:45.
Hello,youtube.I'm Langester. In this video, we will talk about some errors you may encounter when you use pool memory.
The first thing I like to mention is what it looks like when you allocate pool memory using ExAllocatePoolXXX.
Here,memory block represents the memory you get and you could use. Poolheader is actually a structure in front of your memory block.
Start address is the address you receive using ExAllocatePoolXXX
In most cases, you don't even know the existence of poolheader.Because start addr is not at poolheader,you dont need to bother to think about that.
However,if your driver causing some error like BAD_POOL_HEADER/BAD_POOL_CALL,you need to know this in order to troubleshoot your driver issues.
Poolheader is a very important stucture which contains info about your pool memory. We will cover this using windbg later in this video.
By the way,generally there are many of these structures together, so it's likely to overwrite the poolheader.
Imagine some module(in the left) accidentally wipes out poolheader structure, what will happen when you free it is bugcheck by windows(BSOD)
it's not easy to debug your driver without this kind of knowledge. So I recommend you follow this tutorial and do it yourself.
If you don't know how to set up windbg,please check out my 2nd and 4th tutorials.
Let's get started.
What I'm going to do is overwrite the header of my new allocated memory block.
In windows x64 version, pool header is 16 bytes, In x86 version it might be 8 bytes(I'm not sure). We could get this info using windbg.
We simply copy some characters in the poolheader using strcpy.
Here we must convert this type(PWCHAR) to PUCHAR in order to get right addr
subtract Poolheader length 16 bytes(0x10) in x64. Now we get our poolheader addr.
Build and load it in our virtual machine.
We first look at the structure to get an overview.
click debug-> break
The command we are using this time is dt for print structure info.
The real name of poolheader is _pool_header
type dt _pool_header and hit enter
The member we will use is previoussize,blocksize pooltype and pooltag
What we are going to do next is set up a breakpoint in our driver to ensure we get the right addr. How? Let's find out.
bp command is the command you can use to set up a breakpoint in a function.
For example, we want our driver stop when it loaded.So we bp string!DriverEntry, string is our driver name,DriverEntry is function.
Press enter and press F5 to continue our virtual machine,Now we load our driver.Hope it will work.
After we click start,we cannot do anything in virtual machine if our breakpoint works.
When pdb is downloaded,we will enter source debugging mode.
Using step over command(F10) to step one statement and also step over will not enter function.
Highlighted line is the current line we are about to run,we step to if statement to get our memory block addr.
Why if statement? Simply because we can easily get address value.In fact You could more easily get deststring.buffer by clicking view->Locals
The right column is the assembly language version of left column.
cmp(compare) value,0 is really the if statement in our case.
How to print value in specific address? The answer is db(byte) dw(word) dd(dword) dq(qword).
In x64 version,we will use dq to print address value.
Now we get our start addr of memory block.
We print our header stucture using dt again. This time we provide start addr of the pool header.
And don't forget to subtract 16(windbg using hexdecimal,so we type 10)
Like I said in the previous tutorial,the third parameter in Exallocatepoolwithtag is used for debugging.
It's time to find out.
Pooltag is what we want. The value is 0x61626364,nothing special.Let's look at this way,0x61,0x62,0x63,0x64 and it's all ASCII value.
If you look it up against ascii table,you will know this is our tag.
Once we ensure everything is going as planned,we can corrupt our header now.
press F10 to run our driver step by step.
Now our header is overwritten,Let's see if our memory is still usable
We can see DbgPrint print our string successfully. So Despite our corrupt header,our memory block still works well.
Let's see what will happen when will free it.
press F10 and our system crashes immediately.
We click !analyze-v to get detailed info.
Now this arrow stops after our free function.
We get BAD_POOL_CALLER error, and the debug details say XXXX does not look like a valid allocation.
We can also find some info in call stack.
The function below bugcheck is where our problem happens.
Our system crashes in Exfreepool function.
The next thing we will do is take a closer look at pool header and use some member to debug our driver.
Let's do it.
One thing you need to know is that preivoussize and blocksize is not as it appears. What you need to do is times 16(0x10) in x64 version
Previous size is the total size of memory block(including poolheader) before it and block size is our block(including poolheader)
We could use db to print our pool header in byte format. L with number means how many bytes(db) you like to display.
And finally you could see what happened to our block memory.
You can double check the address is the address of our allocated memory.
Next we will list memory blocks within a page(4k) using previousize and blocksize.
Reboot your virtual machine first and then we will find out.
We do the same thing as we did just now.
We see this structure several times.Now let's list some other memory blocks using these two members.
We can go to the start of memory block before us by minus preivoussize*0x10(dont' forget times 16)
By the same logic,we can go to the start of memory block after us by plus blocksize*0x10.
The common value of pool type is 0x2(allocated)0x4(freed)
There is a command called !pool which can easily list memory blocks within a page.
type !pool with poolheader addr .
This table could make much more sense than what I just said.
If we damage the relations between previousize and blocksize,windows will bugcheck when it detects
We can consolidate our knowledge by dt memory block one by one and look it up in this table.
You can do it with what I do in this video.
That's it. As always I hope this video will help you.
Từ Bé Đến Giờ Ăn Thanh Long Mà Chẳng Hề Biết Tác Dụng Mà Nó Gây Ra | Sức Khỏe Và Cuộc Sống - Duration: 4:32.
Como NO jugar - Duration: 2:41:09.
Suspect Arrested In U Of I Kidnapping - Duration: 0:54.
How Many LGBT+ People Are There in the United States? #WithCaptions - Duration: 3:33.
How many LGBT+ people are there in the United States?
Well, the current consensus indicates that somewhere between 1.7 and 7.5% of American
adults identify as either lesbian, gay, or bisexual.
The Williams Institute reports that.6% of U.S. adults identify as Trans.
To be clear though, we don't actually know.
There are a lot of reasons we don't know the answer to the question I'm asking - we 've
guesses, scientific estimates, but we should talk about why we don't know.
We don't have accurate data on the subject.
One of the reasons for that is that the US Census Bureau does not ask about sexual orientation
in the questionnaire sent to every American household every 10 years.
That is where we get most data about the population.
In the 2010 census, the bureau did record data on same-sex couples who live together
and identified the relationship between residents qualified as being "unmarried partners" or
"husband and wife".
The data in these instances is accurate, but it isn't the best way to collect this data.
One issue is that this method of collecting data on LGBT+ people by using the census is
that the census isn't asking the right questions.
It is limited in that it can only collect data on same-sex couples who live together
and are willing to self-report their relationship.
It does not account for LGBT+ people who are in a relationship but don't live together,
or single LGBT+ people, or Bisexual people who aren't in a same-sex relationship. Like me! Let's make this about me!
This line of questioning inherently leaves people out and pushes members of the LGBT+
population into the margin.
The second problem with this line of questioning is that you can't be husband & wife and in
be in a same-sex couple.
I understand that this is a clerical issue, but could we update the census in 2020 to
just say spouse or something?
And finally, this method of data collection on the LGBT+ community relies on self-reporting.
And as writer and activist Camille Beredjck has pointed out "it doesn't take social science
to figure out that LGBT people are likely to lie on official surveys...in fear of retaliation,
losing their job or home, or any other number of consequences that could come from being
Too many LGBT folks the risk of checking that box far outweigh the contribution to accurate
population estimates."
There are other groups outside of the U.S.
Government who have been collecting and compiling data on the LGBT+ community and that is helpful.
But it isn't the most precise when the answer to "How many people are there in this group"
is somewhere between 1.7-7.5% of the overall population - that's a difference of millions of people.
And that's an estimate only for gay, lesbian, or bisexual people.
Trans people weren't even a part of that study.
We literally don't know how many people are in our community, but we should know.
We can't expect our representatives to craft policy or programs designed to help the community
if we don't know how many of our citizens belong to that community.
Having accurate and quantified data would mean being better able to serve the community,
but there are some serious barriers in this.
We need to start asking the right questions when we collect data, we need to instate proper
non-discrimination laws so that people don't have to worry about losing their jobs or homes
because of their sexual orientation or gender identity, we need to stop assuming that everyone
is cis & straight unless they tell us otherwise because those aren't the default options even
if they're the identities the majority of the population holds.
We have work to do.
Thanks everyone who stuck it out while I answered, but didn't really answer, the question
posed by the title of the video.
Please subscribe to see my next video, watch an old video of mine, or support me on patreon!
I'll see you next time, and hey,I love you.
Police Car Monster Truck vs Red car for Children | Emergency Vehicles | Videos for Kids BinBin Tv - Duration: 16:26.
Police Car Monster Truck vs Red car for Children | Emergency Vehicles | Videos for Kids BinBin Tv
Los 5 Speedruns más Legendarios en Videojuegos - Duration: 10:06.
The Moment - Yasuo Montage - Best Yasuo Plays 2017 | League Of Legends #1 - Duration: 10:31.
Perpetual Motion - Pavana - Duration: 2:37.
when in the year, 1159 AD
Bhaskara the learner who is a mathematician?
Sketched a picture of a wheel that had curved reservoir of mercury.
He said that when the wheel spun the mercury would come to the bottom of the each reservoir
Leaving one side of the wheel perpetually heavier than the other side .Which would make the winds spin forever
Bhaskara's Design the first ever perpetual motion machine
Perpetual motion machine are those device that do work indefinitely without any external source.
This has made scientists and invertors to make perpetual motion devices
But by far the most persistent dream of inventors has been to get something for nothing
That is to create a machine that will start itself
Overcome all Friction and still have enough power left to do useful work in short
Like Zimara's, windmill self-propelling windmill The capillary bowl where the capillary action
Forces water upwards The Oxford Electric Bell which sticks back and Forth due to charge repulsion
But , why don't we see any perpetual motion machines? This is because they do not work at all
May be it looks functional on paper but practically .they do not follow the laws of thermodynamics
Which is a branch of physics that deals with the relation of different forms of energy the first law of thermodynamics?
The first law of thermodynamics tell that energy can't be created
nor be destroyed .So you can't get more energy than you put in. Then this rules out the ideal of perpetual motion
Devices because it can power itself not anything else . You may tell why not run the device alone
But the Bhaskara's wheel don't work due to the shift of the center of mass
All right to make it simple
I will leave a link below so you can see that experiment which was done by physics girl
even a perpetual motion machine was made to follow the first law it wouldn't work because of the second law as
It says that energy tends to spread out through process like friction
So everyone mechine would have moving parts and these moving parts would stop working after a long time due to friction and this two laws
Do not allow to make a perpetual motion machine
But scientists are still trying to make this device because we still didn't understand the law of universe . Hoping for the best
This is pavana signing off for now do subscribe for more videos and
Please don't forget to comment down there. Thank you for watching the video. Bye. Bye
Peugeot 308 SW Blue Lion 1.2 PureTech 110 PK ZEER COMPLETE UITVOERING - Duration: 1:00.
Peugeot 2008 1.2 PureTech 110pk Blue Lion SNEL RIJDEN - Duration: 0:57.
Travel Group S08(Prudential in Cambodia) to Koh Kong Province. - Duration: 18:28.
Travel Group S08(Prudential in Cambodia).
Travel Group S08(Prudential) to Koh Kong Province.
We had appointment at Phnom Penh Tower building
Here is the head office of Prudential in Phnom Penh city.
Now We start leave from Phnom Penh city.
We have other group from Siem Reap province by bus to join trip.
we had appointment with other group at Kampong Speu province.
we had prepare lunch box for lunch on half way, it very easy, and not spent to much time for lunch.
At national road 4, at the half way, the traveler all most spot at Pichnil mountain.
And then we continue go to Koh Kong province.
84 - O Projeto Aurora - Duration: 11:52.
Suspect Arrested In U Of I Kidnapping - Duration: 0:54.
Eduarda Michaelle - The Last Time I Prayed I Made A Wish - Duration: 1:38.
I know she won't remember me today
just like she didn't do yesterday
I remember
"You make me sick" he just said
and that day was just the saddest day of all the sad days
And my mind is killing me
now I know that I'm the worst that I could ever be
but they say
it's not my fault
so why am I the only one who is feeling pain at all?
I am sick
but you are so good
boy, I wanna fix myself just to be with you
but it's late and dark is my light
Jesus, why would I fix myself if can only die?
If I could only die
Toyota MR2 1.8-16V VVT-I Special Edition 140 Pk Airco/Leder/17'' LMV/Elek. Pakket/Hardtop/Orig. NL/1 - Duration: 0:58.
Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I ASPIRATION 5-deurs | Navigatie | Climate-ctrl | Camera | Bluetooth - Duration: 0:51.
8 Figure Dream Lifestyle - Summer 2017 Commissions - Duration: 6:13.
Hi everyone, Mike Kingman here..you'll have to forgive the rough setup here I just
wanted to make this quick video because, real quick, in honor of the first day of
Summer of 2017 which was actually yesterday, let me show you a 5 figure day
and I want to talk about why this company is having the success that it's
having but on the same token I don't like to make money proof videos where
you see people opening up the envelope showing the cash and showing off, that's
why if you look at my videos you're not going to see many of those because quite
frankly, it really kind of puts a sleaziness to kind of like the the guy
selling the illegal watches out of his trench coat, you know that type of thing,
and this isn't about showing off but at the same time I think it's important to
validate to people that this is a real business and you can make real money but
I just want you to be aware of people that are out there constantly putting up
videos flashing cash because those people are trying to bait you. In fact,
I don't like making these videos but I just in the honor of the first day of
summer I'm going to show you a 5 figure day here. On top of that I just want to
put an income disclaimer that this is no guarantee of income I'm not trying to
bait anybody I just want people to see that this is a real business. We have a
lot of people in 8 Figure Dream Lifestyle that are doing very well, but there are a
lot of things, a lot of factors in play depending on your work ethic and other
things so you know you could make more or less or nothing at all so just
understand that income disclaimer up front and let's take a look at the
first day of summer 2017, a 5 figure day in fact I'm going to bring the mic over
here ok FedEx and first day of summer right there first day of summer June
21st 17 ok let's go inside again forgive the rough
camera work and the green screen here this is just kind of a quick video put
together here, I'm gonna see whats inside there is a single piece of paper okay it is a
cashier's check
it's a cashier's check for $12,500. Date is the first day good summer. Now, again,
I don't like doing these videos and like I said, individual results may
vary. However, oh and real quick what I'm asked quite often with regards to these
larger transactions, people want to know what's the best procedure for getting
paid so the cashier's check obviously as you just saw was sent via FedEx and
generally what I like to do there are other ways too of course but you have
your new member obtain a cashier's check send it via FedEx overnight delivery
because what's nice about that is you have them get the tracking number off of
the label and then what you can do is you can go to the FedEx website keep
track of it like you see here and then also you can enable text notifications
as well as email notifications so if you're out and about you can get an email or text
letting you know the moment that your FedEx package arrives so what will happen
is you know this may be obvious to some but I do get this asked often enough to
where this is what you'll do you'll enter the tracking number you'll
basically see something like this and in this example it was sent the first day
of summer year in 2017 Wednesday June 21st and in transit scheduled to arrive
at 10:30 a.m. now I kind of left this on the screen so this was left on the
screen from before it was delivered but what I'll do now is we'll go ahead and
refresh and so you'll see is it will go from being in transit to delivered of
course you can check this online as well any time but it's nice to have those
notifications that you can receive from FedEx to know once your package is
delivered so I just wanted to throw that in there real quick. If you come in and
you you plug into the system we have in play
you can have success with it and that is why this company has grown by about 15
to 20 percent every single month dating back to the summer of 2016 companies
don't grow or have any growth if there isn't activity happening so that's very
important. However, once again, you know you have to plug into the system but if
you do that the sky's the limit for you. So feel free to get with me you can call
the number there on your screen 1-855-VIP-8FDL of course if you
haven't been on one of our webinars yet go ahead to 8FDL.com, register for a
webinar and then feel free to get with me. I'd be more than happy to set you up
with all kinds of tools that can really help enhance your your success in terms
of getting off to a good start, but you have to plug into the system you
have to do your part but you don't have to be a computer tech genius or anything
like that you just have to be able to turn on your computer follow
instructions and just you know have a desire to succeed and if you have those
you'll like coming on board, there's no question about that in my mind. So anyway hope you
found this video insightful like I said you're not going to see a lot of videos
be doing this but I know it's important for validation at times. Anyone who shows
you cash constantly and they don't put any type of disclaimer out there that's
because they're baiting you and they're not looking out for you
they're looking out for themselves so to me it's important to demonstrate what's
in it for you and if you watch some of my other videos here on the channel I
think you'll see that. So take a look at 8FDL.com get on a webinar and feel free
to call me anytime if you have any questions. For 8FDL this is Mike
Kingman and I'll talk to you again soon, take care.
A Chair Repair - Duration: 5:14.
Well, hello and welcome to another one of my videos. In this one
we are going to be looking at some repairs because one of the things that we do here
in Bogota , Colombia, is we collect stuff for refugee displaced peoples
who are displaced from the conflicts, guerilla conflicts and things that the
country has had for quite a while and they have got very little stuff, so we
collect up stuff from the street like broken chairs and tables and things
like that , and things that people give us and often they are broken,
like this wobbly chair that I am on. So, I have got a few tips on repairing
this chair, so let's take a look at it.
Now, the most common thing that happens with the chairs is that with a lot of use
The mortise and tenon joint glue comes adrift and then the chair
becomes very unstable, and people throw them away.
Sometimes the previous owner has had a go at re-gluing them and it works
for a while, but then with more use they get very floppy and then they
just give up, and throw them away. Even some of the more robust ones
they put nails in them but, still they still tend to work loose eventually.
So in repairing them you have to take that nail out first.
Now, sometimes a screwdriver underneath the head, is enough to get it going
and in this case it is, but sometimes it's not, so you need like
long nosed pliers here. Just tap them under so that it gets underneath
the head there, and then lever it out. There we are.
Try to do as little damage as possible as you can while you are doing it
and if you have to do any damage compress it rather than cut or damage
the fibers, because the reason is, afterwards you can put some water on it
and let it soak for a little while, and that wood that has compressed will
absorb the water and expand back up out and won't be as damaged, but a cut fibre
is a cut fiber, and won't restore. A compressed one generally will restore
to a certain degree. So as you can see after a while
the damage is almost resolved.
Now, the mortise and tenon joints, you are going to have to determine
how sloppy they really are. Sometimes if they are tight, they will go back in
and sometimes a nail through there will be sufficient for quite a while to come.
In this case it's quite tragic and you are going to need to pack it, because
if you just put glue straight in there, it will go in and it will come adrift
very quickly, so as tight a fit as you can get the better.
Now, in some cases where it is not too bad you can pack that with a bit of paper
but in this case it's really bad, so I am going to use a thin piece of cardboard
from a tissue box or a cereal box but preferably don't use the stuff
that's shiny, because that means it's covered with plastic, and the glue
won't stick very well. But, if you do have to use it, sand that plastic
and scratch it, with some rough sandpaper just to make sure that it's going to stick.
So now that cardboard is going to stick without the shinyness.
First coat the pole to glue the cardboard on.
then liberally coat the cardboard.
Then with block on it to protect the timber, just lightly tap that down
If it's too tight remove some of the cardboard.
Don't want it too tight, or it will split.
This time, it's snug but not tight.
Some cases, where it has got really floppy up and down, you might glue
and tap a little wedge into there to take up the distance.
Now, sometimes these joints are not very firm either so put some glue down there
and then a piece of card as far as it will go, just to take up that space
let it dry and we will cut it off there. Then with a knife you can just
trim that off, when it's a little bit dryer
So there we are, nice and firm again. And ready for someone in need, to use.
Batman - Trust (Parade Scene) - Duration: 3:12.
Uh Huh !
-Trust -
Who Do You?
-Trust -
What makes you a Real Lover?
-Trust -
I put this Question to You
Cause I want You to Be with Me
-Love -
You cannot Imagine
How much I want to Give to You
-Hot -
I get So Excited
Just Thinking about All We Could Do
Dig it Now
Another World awaits Us
Another power to see
-Close -
Don't Worry about Nobody Else
From Now On you'll be Here with Me
-Trust -
Who Do You?
-Trust -
What makes you a Real Lover?
-Trust -
I put this Question to You
Cause I want You to Be with Me
-Money -
How much'll Make you Happy?
You can Have it All
If it'll suit you Right
But -Nothing-
I said Nothing can take the Place
-Of You and Me -
Kicking it Tight
It's Easy
Just Let Yourself Go
Don't put Up a Fight
-Sex -
It's not that Type of Party
We're getting Higher Tonight
-Trust -
Who Do You?
-Trust -
What makes you a Real Lover?
-Trust -
I put this Question to You
Cause I want You to Be with
Yeah !
Ooh !
Get 'em!
Take the pictures!
Gotham's Greed!
And Now Folks
It's time for
Who do you Trust!
Hubba Hubba Hubba!
Money Money Money!
Who Do You Trust?
I'm giving away Free Money.
And Where
Is the Batman?
He's at Home
Washin' his Tights
Battle of the Ports - Time Gal (タイム ガル) Show #176 - 60fps - Duration: 11:23.
Time Gal is an interactive movie video game developed and published by Taito, and originally
released in Japan for the arcades in 1985.
Set in a fictional future where time travel is possible.
The protagonist, Reika, travels to different time periods in search of Luda, an evil criminal
from her time.
While the gameplay is rather simple in Time Gal or any laser disc based arcade game come
to think of it, it does try to mix things up by mirroring the image every now and then.
You also get the chance to choose various options throughout the levels.
These little addition do make memorizing the stage layouts a little tricky at times adding
to the replay value.
The Saturn port comes with Ninja Hayate just like the PlayStation version.
It also features a mountain of customization options allowing you to play the game in many
different preset orders or even select yourself on the fly.
Something no other port allows.
There's also the addition of subtitles, different text fonts and Japanese or English
text options.
Over all this is a pretty good port.
Just a shame the video quality isn't better.
While not an official port I thought it would be nice to feature this Amiga CD32 version.
It starts off with the typical arcade opening but if you let it loop you can hear the remixed music.
The game footage in this port doesn't look as clean as the Mega CD version in areas due
to poor contrast.
At times it does tend to look a little dark.
However the gameplay is perfect.
This Amiga CD32 port comes with 4 difficulty levels, an Anime mode, stage order mode and
the option to have extended death scenes.
All this means though is you get that annoying laugh every time you die.
Best to keep this option switched off ;) Over all this is a pretty good port that is
certainly a welcome addition to the CD32 library of games.
Now while the Mega CD port of Time Gal is censored compared to the other ports it is
important to point out that Wolf Team did actually do a good job at bringing this to
the Mega CD.
Each frame of animation was re-coloured to match the limited colour pallet of the Mega
CD resulting in much cleaner image quality than the likes of Mega CD Dragon's Lair.
The sound has also been mixed to give it a fuller 3D stereo effect plus we now have an
all new vocal intro (missing in the western version) and new ending theme.
I'm also a big fan of the boarder graphics.
These really do look nicer than having a plain looking arrow appear on the screen.
Other bonuses in this port include a visual mode where you can watch all the games animated
cut scenes via pass words and a level select code.
It's also worth mentioning that the Mega CD port will also randomly mirror a stage
like the arcade version if you continue, making it harder to memorize the stage patterns.
This Android port is also available on Apple devices.
It's part of the Taito Classics series.
First off let's talk about the extras.
There's a movie mode where you can watch all the areas you've previously completed
and then there's the gallery which is home to original sketches of the art used within
the game.
It's a bloody disgrace the way you're expected to pay for the gallery after paying
for the game!
This is one thing I really don't like.
The game it's self is a perfect port of the arcade version but with much quicker access times
The repose time also seems to be a bit more lenient too.
During gameplay the D-Pad image overlaps the screen however you can give the video section
priority which will in turn cover the right arrow of the D-Pad.
It's nice that Taito added this feature.
I still think it stinks having to pay for the gallery though.
The PlayStation port actually came out before the Saturn version and as you'd expect it
has better quality video but I wouldn't say it was perfect by any means.
Still, even the better video quality isn't going to help this port over others.
The main problem we have with the PlayStation version is the awful time delay on the inputs.
A game like this needs perfect timing.
Playing it on other systems isn't a problem.
They're all using the same TV so we can't blame it on HD TV lag either.
This is just one badly timed port.
Happy Planner Plan With Me | July Monthly Spread - Duration: 2:32.
(upbeat music)
Hi, everyone, it's Melissa!
Welcome back to Quiet Little Crush.
In today's video. I'm going to be personalizing the monthly spread for July in my Happy Planner.
I'm going to start by cutting out a patriotic ow.
If you've been following me for a while, you've seen me
use this before and I thought I would use it again,
kind of as an ode to my previous videos.
I'm just going to glue this down
and then I'm going to remove the pages
and add some washi tape.
I have this red Washi tape with polka dots on it
and I'm going to use it to cover up the word July
on the left-hand side
In order to replace July I'm going to use some stickers
out of this sticker pack that I got at the Target One Spot.
Next I'm going to take some additional stickers
and start randomly placing them thrilled the spread.
I have a second sticker pack with these large us a letters
and I was going to put them down the left-hand side
But I decided that the right hand side looks too plain,
so I added them to the top.
Next I'm going to add a few flags to mark a few items
That will be taking place this month,
and then add some more washi to the bottom Right-hand side of the page.
Finally, I'm just going to write in a few things
and that will finish off my spread
If you enjoyed this video,
please give it a thumbs up and subscribe
and I will talk to you in the next one.
Thanks for watching.
(upbeat music)
Mahou Sentai Magiranger Episode Previews [Unrestricted] - Duration: 12:46.
New Program: Magical Family Magiranger
Magic... is a divine power!
Magic... is an adventure into the unknown!
Magic... and it's proof of one's courage!
Magiranger... It's Showtime!
So the day has finally come...
You all have been granted magical powers by the Heavenly Saints...
...to become Magical Family Magiranger!
Magical Transformation!
Morning of Departure ~Maagi Magi Magiiro~
Leave it to me!
Can Words Hurt You? - Duration: 5:19.
The world can be a frustrating and cruel place.
You should never expect to walk through life without seeing and hearing things that shock,
offend, and disgust you.
Unfortunately, that's just the way it is.
Often these offensive and shocking ideas take the form of harassment against individuals or groups,
and people in certain groups are more likely to receive hate than others.
For example, public figures, and celebrities, by the nature of their inflated exposure to
the world tend to receive way more harassment than other people.
But even among those who aren't public figures, groups like women and LGBT people statistically
receive a disproportionate amount of harassment and bullying.
The things people say and the ideas people share can have an impact our mood and emotional
But at the end of the day, they're just words, right?
They don't actually hurt anybody.
Hi, I'm T1J. (Follow me!)
So harassment and bullying is a big problem, especially online.
And this problem is made more complicated by the fact that certain types of people are
disproportionately targeted.
Which calls into the conversation questions about prejudice and stereotypes and perceptions
of certain groups.
Which is sadly more than I want to cover in this particular video.
But maybe one day.
So I think that most people agree that when harassment evolves into physical violence
or stalking and other credible threats to someone's safety and well-being, that's
something we shouldn't ignore.
But what verbal or written harassment?
While most people acknowledge that it exists and it sucks, a lot of people's default
reaction is to downplay their significance.
Because they're only words, of course, they can't actually hurt you.
But there's several problems with this.
First of all, I should point out that I think this is often said disingenuously.
Like there's kind of a movement in today's society that is trying really hard to normalize
douchey behavior.
By calling people snowflakes or triggered, or overly PC whenever they call someone out
for being an asshole.
And I think this is often that.
People are like, "get over it.
Stop being so sensitive.
It's just words."
But no, it's okay to call someone out if they've been a garbage human.
And I think it's pretty harmful to make the assertion that it's unreasonable for
a victim of harassment to confront or condemn their harassers.
Regardless of the nature of that harassment.
Beyond that, I think this mindset implies that emotional pain is somehow less significant
or less traumatizing than physical pain.
Which is obviously ridiculous.
Anyone who has ever felt depression or anxiety or fear or loneliness knows those emotions
can be just as if not more intense than physical pain.
And I think we should all be able to agree that words and ideas can lead to us having
these emotions.
People can say things that make us sad or angry or anxious.
Like when I read that Snake wasn't gonna be in the new Smash Bros. game.
I raged.
This is also backed by science, studies show that the same parts of your brain that react
to physical pain, also react to social or emotional pain.
In many cases, your brain literally can't tell the difference.
It's also been shown that certain words, particularly words that reference or relate
to pain or painful situations, trigger a pain response in the brain.
Sort of like if you're getting a shot at the doctor and they tell you, "this might
That essentially makes the pain worse because it basically tells your brain, "go ahead
and fire up those pain receptors!"
So if someone is sending you harassing messages about how you should kill yourself or how
they're gonna punch you in the face if they see you,
or spreading ideas about how your race should be cleansed or how you should undergo painful
conversion therapy, this literally activates the region of your brain that processes pain.
Harassment and bullying can also have long term effects on the brain.
I think that most of us can agree at least on a basic level that bullying can lead to
depression and anxiety, and at the very least stress.
And we all know that stress is very unhealthy.
It can lead to actual physical pain through headaches, and fatigue and muscle tension.
And it can lead to behaviors that cause physical pain, like drug abuse, or overeating.
Or binge watching the Office on Netflix.
And they're about to remove The Office from Netflix yall!
Talk about emotional reactions.
What am I gonna do?
I have never cared about fictional characters as much I care about Jim and Pam.
This is an outrage.
There was a study done at the University of Ottawa that suggests that long term bullying
actually caused teenagers brains to regularly produce excessive levels of cortisol, which
is a hormone that is normally released in the body in response to stress.
According to the researchers, the overproduction of cortisol actually impacts other brain functions,
particularly your memory.
So I think most of us who value not being an asshole, understand that it's just not
cool to harass or bully people, verbally or otherwise.
But on that same token, it's inaccurate and irresponsible to tell people just suck
it up and take it, because they're only words.
Because the fact of the matter is words and ideas can and do hurt, sometimes more than
sticks and stones.
What do you think?
Thank you for watching my video, Be sure to subscribe to this channel for more
discussions about social issues, current events and pop culture.
And if you like what I do, consider supporting me on Patreon.
And remember, stay HAKO!
Hi guys all right? Luckas I am, as you know. Today we are here to do more a reaction video
V-pop, again, today it wonderful
The Min, the feat Mr A, with music Co In Cho
You asked me and I had not done yet, but she was here to do
expected to be reacted and today we will without ado
we fast, and already 1 2 3
The story starts, as always in the V-pop
I love her hair like that, and this color
I love the color of her hair also
and how she sings, she sings very well.
This guy looks like the Son Tung
It is a quiet music
romantic music right people.
beautiful food, give me a little
to rap
It was recorded where this mv? In Vietnam it?
the music is very tasty to hear people
always very beautiful video tacks, and well made
And the beautiful story that joins with music and is perfect
The Min is
He started the company as a cover, as I understand
And now he is doing quite successfully
Ah they are playing
so you can understand the story is a couple
wanted to have a cell phone so you playing in the water and not
and not for work. My if I put goodbye videos.
will not go to record more pro channel
She's doing a lot feat right? Has this had Ghen
con Erik
I want a song from her new, solo. It has the old, but I want new.
this song is very sexy to hear
a quiet moment, let playing at home
ah Vietnam
I want to go to Vietnam, get me, please!
There, always wanted a business that. You do so and
I do not like ballad music, but most of the last I've heard of Vietnam
I have heard, they are very good. So
I'm listening quite right
very beautiful new mv it.
As always Vietnamese, wonderful
well I liked it and I hope some of it
I like dance music with choreography, everyone knows right
But I liked the music. Many thanks to you that watched that video here.
If you like, give like comments, shares, be sure to sign up for the channel
not to miss the next video and see us next. Goodbye!
TELECiDE - Cycle of Addiction - Duration: 4:38.
Travel Group S08(Prudential in Cambodia) to Koh Kong Province. - Duration: 18:28.
Travel Group S08(Prudential in Cambodia).
Travel Group S08(Prudential) to Koh Kong Province.
We had appointment at Phnom Penh Tower building
Here is the head office of Prudential in Phnom Penh city.
Now We start leave from Phnom Penh city.
We have other group from Siem Reap province by bus to join trip.
we had appointment with other group at Kampong Speu province.
we had prepare lunch box for lunch on half way, it very easy, and not spent to much time for lunch.
At national road 4, at the half way, the traveler all most spot at Pichnil mountain.
And then we continue go to Koh Kong province.
【動漫《實力派男主角》】介紹推薦10位│實力炸裂,不可小看的男主角。 - Duration: 6:46.
Is your knife sharp yet?
It must be pristine!
Oh, my foot really, really, hurts.
My foot really hurts!
Are you okay? [ Evil Laugh ]
Yeah, kind of. Not really. No I'm not okay!
Oh no.
It hurts really really bad.
Come right this way...
May I help you? [ Evil Laugh ]
May I help you?
My foot really hurts.
My specialty.
Let me check you out.
I know the problem.
First, I must check your ears.
Your reflexes.
And of course, your foot. Oh Yeah.
No may I ask what happened? NO!
Well, I was at camp, and I was hiking around a lot and my feet are really hurting.
This one is really, really, really bad and its all blistered.
And I twisted my ankle on the trail, and now it really really hurts.
Hmm. Suspicious. Assistant, please hold her down.
I think I know the solution.
What? Wait, what are you doing?
I don't think amputation is the solution or the answer.
What did you do to my leg?
Easy. I amputated it.
Why did you do that?
Here is a shot.
Your pain should go away soon.
Thanks for coming. Bye Bye.
Uh, how do I walk? Bye.
He cut my leg off.
Thanks for watching!
Hoped you liked our crazy video.
Click here, here, or here, and if you want to subscribe, please click right down there.
Bye friends.
Bye friends.Bye friends.
Assistant dancing! Toodles...
'알쓸신잡'이 아니었으면 절.대. 몰랐을 것들 | 247 핫 뉴스 - Duration: 3:46.
[N1★이슈] '결혼' 에릭, 나혜미와 열애→신화 첫 품절남 되기까지 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 3:59.
America's Cup: Team NZ were going to be a joke or they were going to win - Ashby - Duration: 3:50.
America's Cup: Team NZ were going to be a joke or they were going to win - Ashby
EMIRATES TEAM NEW ZEALAND Skipper Glenn Ashby, rear, keeps an eye on Team new zealand power source. Team New Zealand were either going to be a laughing stock, or they were going to win.
Thats how skipper Glenn Ashby has described their approach, in a wide-ranging interview with Sail-World. com. I think ultimately it was our aggressiveness in our design philosophy, he said.
Team new zealand skipper Glenn Ashby says their aggressive approach was they key to their success. That to me sums up our whole program - we had to throw it out there.
Team new zealand risk-taking approach paid off earlier this week, when they closed out the first-to-seven Americas Cup match against the defenders, Oracle Team USA, in emphatic fashion - 7-1 was the final score.
One key advantage the team had was that they could produce hydraulic pressure more easily than their rivals, thanks to their innovative use of cyclors and leg power, rather than hand power, as has traditionally been the case.
That hydraulic pressure, or oil, is used for a range of tasks, such as adjusting, or trimming, the wingsail, and shifting the position of the daggerboards, which help the boat maintain its speed and stability and to change direction.
One of the things that not many people know about this campaign was that we only ran two accumulators [which hold the hydraulic pressure] on board, and not three, Ashby told Sail-Word.
The stability of Team new zealand boat was a feature throughout the regatta.
We decided to take the extra weight of an accumulator off the boat because we believed that our guys could top up the accumulators quite quickly, which allowed weight reduction.
That weight reduction helped Team new zealand sail more cleanly around the course, and save energy to use elsewhere.
Spying was rife in the leadup to the Cup, and the Kiwis reconnaissance assured them that their approach was going to give them an advantage when it came to the on-water battle.
Peter Burling and Glenn Ashby lifting the Americas Cup.
We could tell that from the recon footage, as to how many tacks [the other teams] could do, how often they were standing up and how many times they stopped, Ashby told Sail-World.
Because we knew we had more juice in the tank we could pull off slightly better manoeuvres and not be afraid to keep pushing an opponent to the point where they will start making mistakes.
We were always happy to get into a dogfight if it had to come to that.
Team new zealand cyclors helped them replenish their hydraulic pressure more readily when racing.
Ashby told Sail-World that the team would have to do their homework before deciding on what class of boat would be used for the next Americas Cup, which is expected to take place in Auckland in 2021.
For now, he was just happy to have won the Cup back, at the end of a long campaign where they had no major errors.
Without wanting to sound like a plonker, looking back now, I cant think of too many things we got wrong, he said.
Ashby and the rest of Team NZ arrive back in the country next Wednesday, with a celebratory parade planned for Auckland on Thursday.
84 - O Projeto Aurora - Duration: 11:52.
Los 5 Speedruns más Legendarios en Videojuegos - Duration: 10:06.
GOP Strategist: Donald Trump Health Care Flip 'Immoral,' 'Wrong' | The Last Word | MSNBC - Duration: 12:31.
20 Photos of Tzuyu's Legendary "Resting Beautiful Face" - Duration: 3:08.
20 Photos of Tzuyu's Legendary "Resting Beautiful Face"
There are all kinds of resting faces, but Twices Tzuyu was blessed with a resting beautiful face!.
Resting beautiful face with a side of jawline.
Resting beautiful face while concentrating.
A sultry resting beautiful face.
The resting aegyo beautiful face.
Sweetly waiting at a fan meet with resting beautiful face. Resting beautiful face with just a hint of a smile.
Shooting an arrow is the height of resting beauty face.
The direct eye contact resting beautiful face.
The busy promoting resting beautiful face.
Resting beautiful face enhanced with cute glasses.
The heart-bursting resting beautiful face.
Everything is beautiful including her resting face.
The resting face before spitting fire on the track.
Even the sun wants to light up her beautiful resting face.
Proof the resting beautiful face has always existed for Tzuyu.
The resting ethereally beautiful face .
The ONCE heart resting beautiful face. The pure resting beautiful face.
The charming resting beautiful face.
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