Ricardo ask me to go out with him!
son of a bitch!
For that is better if you come back with your ex
You don´t know anything about how I feel
You always say that!
Like You
coming soon
For more infomation >> Like you / Trailer / Lumix G85 Short film - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
Lady Gaga - Hair [cover] - Duration: 3:33.
Whenever I'm dressed cool My parents put up a fight
And if I'm hot shot Mom will cut my hair at night
And in the morning I'm short of my identity
I scream Mom and Dad Why can't I be who I wanna be?
To be
I just wanna be myself And I want you to love me for who I am
I just wanna be myself And I want you to know
I am my hair
I've had enough
This is my prayer
That I'll die livin' just as free as my hair
I've had enough
This is my prayer
That I'll die living just as free as my hair
I've had enough
I'm not a freak
I just keep fightin' to stay cool on the streets
I've had enough, enough, enough
This is my prayer, I swear
I'm as free as my hair
I just wanna be free
I just wanna be me
And I want lots of friends that invite me to their parties
Don't wanna change
I don't wanna be ashamed
I'm the spirit of my hair
It's all the glory that I bare
I am my hair, I'm my hair
It's all the glory that I bare
I am my hair, I'm my hair
It's all the glory that I bare
I am my hair, I'm my hair
I've had enough, this is my prayer That I'll die livin' just as free as my hair
I've had enough, this is my prayer That I'll die livin' just as free as my hair
I've had enough, I'm not a freak
I just keep fightin' to stay cool on the streets
I've had enough, enough, enough
This is my prayer, I swear
I'm as free as my hair
Are you fertile land? - If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear - Laura de Salcedo - Duration: 7:00.
What is a compressor pedal? - Duration: 7:28.
Hi bass players i hope you are all right
and welcome to this video where i am going to talk about a tool wich is essential for some bass players, i am among those bass players
for other not so much
and others don´t know what it is or maybe they had not the oportunitty to try it
and i talkin about a compressor pedal
first we must know what does a compressor pedal do
a compressor pedal adjust the level of dynamic range of our sound
it mans that it takes those sounds that are too loud and reduce their volume a little bit
and take those sounds that sound more quiet and rise their volume
compressing our signal giving us a more even sound
another benefit that a compressor pedal give us , is that it give us clean sustain
and this is very important because it makes that those notes that we play that tend to fade quickly become audible for much longer
we can also use a compressor pedal with a distortion but we must take into account that the distortion has a level of compression
that is why we can see and hear that when we a distortion pedla is active making techniques like legato or tapping is much easier
and that is because of the compression that is adding the distortion pedal, bacause that compression is taking those some that sound weak and is making them sound louder
so the good way to use this pedals together is to keep the values of the distortion on 12 o´clock if we raise them we can do it but a little bit
because as we known both the distortion and the compressor are rising up all those sounds that are weak and if we put the leves values of the distortion too high we are going to get a very dirty sound
unless of course that we want a very dirty sound
a problem that sound bass players have with the compressor pedals
is that they say that once the pedal is active it gave them some undesirable noises, some interference
the reason for this is not because the compressor pedal generates this sounds but that we already have interference in our signal caused for wires in bad shape or something like that
remenber that the compressor rise up the volume of those sounds that are less audible and in this range of sounds are thos undesirable noises
so the solution for this problem is that we must check our connections and gear to be sure that we do not have any interference
other times the solution for this problem is to check and reorganize the order of our effects pedals
and every person who has many effects pedals known that to connect them in the right way to obtain a clear sound with no interference is total Craft
it is so that this topic deserves it´s own video
now that we know what does a compressor pedal do, i am going to talk about we bass players and how it can help us
for we bass players a compressor pedal is a great tool because it control our range of volume and this feature is very important when we techniques like slap, tapping or when we use chords
for example when we use the slap technique we are hitting the strings with our thumb and we are pulling them with our ring and index finger
when we do this we are creating volume´s peaks or very loud sounds so the compressor pedal takes those peaks and reduce then giving us a totally even sound
in the case of the tapping we know that for it to sound good we need to have a very good level of volume so the compressor with it´s feature of raising up the volume of thos weak sounds allow us to use this technique with no problems
in the case of the chords wich are not very common in the bass guitar, but when we use them we need them to sound very clear
and the compressor pedal will ad more clarity and definition to the chord´s sound
when it comes to soloing the use of a compressor pedal is essential because it will assure that for all that time that we are the center of attention we are not going to suffer any drastic change of volume
so in resume i can say that the need to have or use a compressor pedal is determined for the techniques that you use
forx example y you are a bass player who use slap, tapping, make a lot of solos or use chords very often a compressor pedal is essential for you
but if you don´t use this techniques a lot or don´t use them at all , you can avoid it´s use
when it comes to recording i think that is a good idea to have a compressor pedal with us
because even if in most of the recording studios nowadays the sound enginners have their own compressors
if we get into the situation that we get to a recording studio where they don´t have one for whatever reason, we our compressor we can solve this problem right away
and when it comes to home recording, recording that we can make with an audio interface and a pc, it´s use is absolutely essential
i personally recommend to you that no matter the techniques you use or the music genre that you play always use a compressor pedal because it is a great tool that will allow you to have a great sound
well friends it has been all for the moment, thanks a lot for watching this video
i hope that it was useful to you and i hope that it has resolve the doubts that you may have about this topic
if it did i ask you the favor to hot the like botton , share it and subscribe to my channel
i would like that you guys share your opinion and experiences with compressor pedals in the coments box
once again thanks a lot for watching and see you next time.
#Google ya no espiará tu #mail para recomendarte anuncios - Duration: 1:32.
LOL Surprise Dolls SERIES 2 Lil Sister Dolls Color Change Baby Big Sis Toy Review Season 2 Toys - Duration: 7:53.
LOL Surprise Dolls SEASON 2 Lil Sister Dolls Color Change Baby & Big Sis Toy Review L.O.L. Toys
Hi friends! It's me, Jazzy Puppet! Today we're going to open up an LOL Surprise Doll Series 2!
Hooray! I'm so excited! Let's open her up friends!
Let's open up our L.O.L. Surprise Dolls Series 2!
Ok, pull here. Here we go.
First we've got a joke.
Well it looks like a little sick emoji and a drum. Sick drum?
Hmm. It says sick beat.
What is sick beat?
Is that when you go, "Boom boom hachew, boom boom hachew Boom boom hachew, boom boom hachew " (bad beat boxing)
He he he maybe not.
Ok here's the next zipper.
One, two, three.
Oh look it. That's cute!
Oh we are supposed to be looking at the stickers though.
Feed or bathe her to reveal a surprise.
Here's my little teeny, weeny stickers.
Ok, what's next on this crazy thing? Who sees the zipper? There it is.
Here we go.
Oh no.
That zipper was a bummer. The zipper didn't work.
It was a bummer.
Ok let's see what we've got in here. Does it say, "Let me out of here"? Let's see.
Surprise inside. Yay! Awe it doesn't say Let me out of here. That's my favorite part.
Here we go. Chop chop.
We got. Oh it's a golden
latte. It looks like a Starbucks coffee but with gold.
Maybe that means we'll have special...a special baby in there. We'll find out.
Ok where's the next zipper? Zip zip zippity do dah.
Here we go.
Oh I'm bad at these zippers.
There first zippers were easy, but these ones are hard.
Ok let's see what we've got in this bind bag.
Surprise inside. I still like Let me out of here!
What did we get?
High top Converse Tennis shoe boots.
Who wears High top Converse Tennis shoe boots?
I guess we're going to find out.
Hmm. Ok here's another zipper.
I think we can unzip it. Come here you.
Zipitty do dah.
Woah look at this crazy pink ball. That sure is a pink ball.
There's a hole right there. Ok let's see what's inside.
Surprise inside yay!
Let me out of here!
Woah I almost cut it.
Ah what? Woah it's a golden jacket
with black shorts.
What is this doll?
Ok let's see what's in our ball. Come here ball.
This is going to be her little tiny accessory.
A little tiny accessory. It's so small it. Feels like a crown.
There's a golden jacket and a crown?
Oh wow. he he he whoopie
It's a little tiny Mr. T Chain necklace.
Uh oh. I hope she's not Mr. T Baby!
I guess we'll find out. If she has a little mow hawk and a beard.
Oh there it is! Let me out of here!
Come on baby! Please don't be Mr. T. No Mr. T
No Mr. T. Here we go.
Woah he he he look at her little hair!
She's got a curl up here and a little cute pony tail.
She's cute.
I think we're going to see if she cries, or tinkles, or spits, or color changes.
That's what we're going to see next. Then we'll put her clothes on her.
Can she stand up? Boop nope.
First we're going to fill up her cup with water.
So I squeeze it and get the water in it.
and then we're going to feed it to her and see what she does.
You ready baby?
I'm ready!
Here we go baby drink it.
Is she going to cry? Is she going to tinkle?
Is she going to spit?
I don't even. Did she? Did she drink it?
I don't know what she does. Again! Oh look it spits out.
Ok we're going to do it the hard way. Are you ready baby?
OH look. I think she. Did she spit?
I don't know. I'm going to dunk her in. Sorry baby.
Dunk her in and squeeze her head. Eww it makes here suck the water.
Now we're going to see what she does. Eww oh look she spits. eww!
That's so crazy!
She spits at you! She's going to spit at you, you'd better cover your eyes!
Whoh that's one crazy spitting baby!
Her name is DJ. Let's put her little clothes on.
There she has a little outfit on. Let's put on her shoes.
I hope they're on the right feet dolly.
Put her on her little stand.
There you go.
She's cute I like her little hair it's kind of.....I don't know if you can see.
but it's kind of pink.
It's a little bit pink. It might look white on the video.
but it looks really pink
Ok let's put on her little necklace.
Ready? If I could put it on you.
Oh boy she bit me! Look she bit my nail polish off!
DJ don't bite me!
There she is! She's adorable!
He Mr. DJ put a record on. He he he
She's going to dance. Watch her go!
Dance DJ dance! Go, go, go!
She's a good dancer.
It's time for my Kind Friends Rock! Shout out!
Today's shout out goes to: Sadie, Zuri, Kyla, and Jessica!
Thank you for being such awesome sweet friends, and thank you for watching my videos!
If you want me to say your name in one of my videos all you have to do is
write your name down below in the comments.
It's so easy! Kind friends rock!
Wow L.O.L. Dolls are just so so so adorable. I just love them so much!f
If you want to watch more Jazzy Puppet videos, click that box up there.
and click the red subscribe button so that you can watch all of my fun videos and be friends with me! Hooray!
I hope that you have a beautiful day, and remember to always be kind. Bye friends!
BREAKING NEWS: Loretta Lynch "Pleads Fifth," Wants to Hide Her Sick Crime | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:54.
A bipartisan letter was released last week requesting
comment from former Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
Lynch has refused to comply with the letter as she continues to prevent an investigation
into her old boss Barack Obama.
However, members of Congress should not expect cooperation from the disgraced Attorney General.
When she was asked to testify about the Iran deal, Lynch refused to cooperate and repeatedly
pled the Fifth (via The Washington Free Beacon).
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), and then-Representive Mike Pompeo (R-KS), launched an investigation
into Obama's Iran deal last year and requested comment from the then-Attorney General.
Lynch never acknowledged the investigation and asked her underling, Assistant Attorney
General Peter Kadzik, to take the heat for her.
Peter Kadzik replied to the request for comment by refusing to answer any of the questions
He claimed the administration was unable to comment publicly on the details of the $1.7
billion Iran deal.
Late into Obama's presidency, his administration negotiated a secret deal with the Iranian
The final deal was a huge win for the Iranian government and American hostages were released
shortly afterwards.
Obama denied that the $1.7 billion was paid in exchange for the hostages.
However, representatives from his administration have remained remarkably silent about any
other possible motivations.
Sen. Rubio and Rep. Pompeo were outraged that the Obama administration refused to cooperate
when they were still in power.
"It is frankly unacceptable that your department refuses to answer straightforward questions
from the people's elected representatives in Congress about an important national security
issue," the pair wrote in a follow-up letter.
"Your staff failed to address any of our questions, and instead provided a copy of
public testimony and a lecture about the sensitivity of information associated with this issue."
"This has become the Obama administration's coping mechanism for anything related to the
Islamic Republic of Iran—hide information, obfuscate details, and deny answers to Congress
and the American people," the letter continued.
Lawmakers close to the Iran deal claim that the Obama administration refuses to answer
any questions because the answers would be more damning than any consequences of ignoring
a congressional inquiry.
We can expect Lynch to maintain this strategy as Congress probes her role in the unmasking
of American citizens.
However, Lynch no longer has the Obama administration in power to cover her illegal acts.
Do you think Loretta Lynch will answer questions this time?
Please share this news and tell us what you think.
[SUB ESPAÑOL] UP10TION U10SECONDS 170sec - UP10TION COMEBACK D-07 Wei Selfcam - Duration: 2:20.
The Best Nail Art 2017 | New Nail Art Designs Compilation June 2017 | Part 20 - Duration: 10:50.
Thanks for watching
Hope you have a great time
Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!
Soi cau lo danh hang ngay - XSMB 28/6/2017 - Luckynumberjs - Soi cầu xổ số Miền Bắc - Duration: 2:51.
BREAKING NEWS: Loretta Lynch "Pleads Fifth," Wants to Hide Her Sick Crime | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:54.
A bipartisan letter was released last week requesting
comment from former Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
Lynch has refused to comply with the letter as she continues to prevent an investigation
into her old boss Barack Obama.
However, members of Congress should not expect cooperation from the disgraced Attorney General.
When she was asked to testify about the Iran deal, Lynch refused to cooperate and repeatedly
pled the Fifth (via The Washington Free Beacon).
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), and then-Representive Mike Pompeo (R-KS), launched an investigation
into Obama's Iran deal last year and requested comment from the then-Attorney General.
Lynch never acknowledged the investigation and asked her underling, Assistant Attorney
General Peter Kadzik, to take the heat for her.
Peter Kadzik replied to the request for comment by refusing to answer any of the questions
He claimed the administration was unable to comment publicly on the details of the $1.7
billion Iran deal.
Late into Obama's presidency, his administration negotiated a secret deal with the Iranian
The final deal was a huge win for the Iranian government and American hostages were released
shortly afterwards.
Obama denied that the $1.7 billion was paid in exchange for the hostages.
However, representatives from his administration have remained remarkably silent about any
other possible motivations.
Sen. Rubio and Rep. Pompeo were outraged that the Obama administration refused to cooperate
when they were still in power.
"It is frankly unacceptable that your department refuses to answer straightforward questions
from the people's elected representatives in Congress about an important national security
issue," the pair wrote in a follow-up letter.
"Your staff failed to address any of our questions, and instead provided a copy of
public testimony and a lecture about the sensitivity of information associated with this issue."
"This has become the Obama administration's coping mechanism for anything related to the
Islamic Republic of Iran—hide information, obfuscate details, and deny answers to Congress
and the American people," the letter continued.
Lawmakers close to the Iran deal claim that the Obama administration refuses to answer
any questions because the answers would be more damning than any consequences of ignoring
a congressional inquiry.
We can expect Lynch to maintain this strategy as Congress probes her role in the unmasking
of American citizens.
However, Lynch no longer has the Obama administration in power to cover her illegal acts.
Do you think Loretta Lynch will answer questions this time?
Please share this news and tell us what you think.
Peugeot 108 ACTIVE 5 DEURS 1.0 68PK COMPLETE UITVOERING - Duration: 0:54.
Peugeot 108 ACTIVE 5DRS AIRCO LED VERLICHTING, - Duration: 1:01.
Sh*t I Never Knew: Give an F About Your Load - Duration: 5:01.
- Hey guys, Shawn again, Custom Offsets,
Custom Offsets TV on the YouTube.
Got another I Never Knew sync video for you.
If you remember, this series is
when we come across something we're like,
wow, that kinda caught us off guard,
or wow, we forgot we that we knew that
and kinda have never really talked about it out loud.
That's when we decided to share this stuff.
So we're sitting here building this sweet
high country 2500HD Duramax bad-a**ery
and these are his new 22 by 10 American forces wheels.
And he went with one of the strongest tires we know of
on the market right now which is the Nitto Ridge Grappler.
And it had these sweet not-so-cool-looking
Wrangler highway tire things with these sweet chrome wheels.
And here's something that caught our eye
that we just wanted to share with you guys.
And the name of this episode is,
"You Better Start to Give and F About Your Load".
Load index, load index, load index.
We've talked about this a couple times
and it still is something that, you know,
we have to pay close attention to here at the shop.
This tire has a load index, this is the factory tire
off of this brand new truck, of 121 over 118S.
So it's 121 when used as a dually, one two one, 121.
And it's a 118 when used as a single.
So it's got 118 load index.
What that means is when you get new tires,
you're gonna want to match them up
at the same number or higher or you start to relieve,
lower, you start to lower the load index of the vehicle,
the amount that it can handle.
So basically this becomes your weakest link on the truck.
This is a Nitto Ridge Grappler.
It's a new tire that came out.
It is a 12-ply rated, F load,
high-bred, on or off-road tire.
So this must be the strongest tire in the world.
This is load F, not load E.
Like everybody says, hey, it's load E,
I can put that on my HD or Super Duty.
This is even stronger than that, it's a load F.
So this must be rated, right?
This is a 114 index.
So if I look at the sidewall here,
I'm gonna find a 114Q.
That 114 is the load index.
What that means is if you go out on Google
and you just look up load index chart, I happen to have mine
saved on my camera so I can look at it anytime.
I can see that the 118 that this truck came with
and that it prefers you stick with
is 2910 pounds of load-carrying capacity on this tire.
So 29 10, 2910.
This 114 is only 2600 pounds, it's 2601.
So right there, going from this load E to this load F
which is supposed to be a higher rating,
the load index though is lower.
And the biggest reason for that, if you look at this,
this I'm sure is a 20, let me look at it.
It's a 20-inch wheel so you have all this sidewall.
Sidewall equals load-carrying capacity.
You have all of that air
and all this tire technology that makes that happen.
This one you're starting to shorten up that sidewall
to about a quarter inch sidewall because it's a 22.
Because it's a 22, it takes this load F 12-ply rated tire
and it drastically reduces that load rating
and brings it down to that 114.
So now if you run that 114 on this truck
which he's going to, he understands it,
this is exactly what he wants,
this is what the customer's requesting, he knows
he's dropping his load index by about 300 pounds or 10%.
Now that truck is rated to be towing around
skid steers and fifth wheels and all that stuff.
He's not doing that with that truck.
He's gonna use it for some light towing
and some Duramax-type stuff.
But it is not a work truck by any means for him
so he is totally comfortable with this 114
and being around that 2600 pound load index.
So we just wanted to share with you,
we started to gain the impression, oh, it's a load F,
throw down all the Super Duties, throw down all of the HDs,
it's gonna be perfect
for every single heavy duty application
and didn't even really think about
you still have to consider that three-digit number
and look up that weight rating
and make sure it's a bigger number
than what you have with your stock
or what's on the door if you open up the door.
That sticker inside the doorjamb there
will sometimes give you that load rating.
We never would have thought that that load F
would be rated less than this load E
just because of the size of the opening inside of that tire
but that's exactly the case
and that's all I have to know about that
and that's all you should know about that.
(rock music)
I want to be - Duration: 3:41.
I want to be the person in my poems, immersed into these moments, and impressed
into the prose, imperfect but authentic, embedded in the flow
frozen in the motion inspiration as its spoke, sent into the sentence intercepted by the
mode enchanted by the dancing, transcending and
transposed the only time I'm whole is when my hands are
holding hope, when I'm handling the sound i send inside
these little notes, dangling entangled in composing I'm composed,
as opposed to when I'm posing as a person as a hoax
my home is here, amidst acoustic puzzles i find peace
cast into this act with these syllabic soliloquies aghast when i step back to catch my breath
and then i breathe and realities amassed these masterpiece catastrophes
I'm actually abashed by how impassioned i can get
when i factor in the fact that i craft just to forget
the disaster of my day to day, my dashboards in duress
when I'm back to keeping track its just the F word in effect
I don't want to be that me sometimes, don't want to face the world
i wanna be above that bull, make something beautiful
want to be what i create, put me into these words
don't want to just endure, want to entwine, enthrall and twirl
escaping through the vents and the crack beneath the door
i can be both mine and yours its not an either or
this comes before its time, tomorrow might appreciate
how i weave a wave and web a wish wink and walk away
that would of been the perfect place to put this to a stop
but since this is where i feel alive I'm sorry i could not
it would of been like suicide i would of been for you
coulda shoulda woulda shut up I'm gonna continue
I want to be the person in my mind, the person i impersonate and personify,
the person persevering i personalized persistent and perplexing pressing play on
this device devised to demonstrate how to hurdle the divide
undevistate the deficit eradicate the cries discredit and decrease the detrimental lies
and decorate the wreckage with brand new you recognize
recycle all the psychological torture into torches
burning with the passion of unimportant torment to signal to dark skies, we don't want them
to darken mocking midnight with light, quieting silence
by talking when pressing this play button, i don't whats
gonna happen pretty sure that somethings coming and the
wonders thunder-clapping i mutter prayer under breath, its more like
demanding acceptance, exacting, a semblance of understanding
sometimes i want to be someone, tonight i wanna be something,
a piece of art stolen by some thieves working for the museum
sometimes i want to belong, tonight i want to belong to you
a piece of strength you can draw on, knowing, that your gonna get through
or a piece of paper you can draw on, or a pen your drawing with
or the inspiration your drawing from, to make something exist
or the art that your creating that no one appreciates
till its stolen by some art thieves, from a dark and lonely place
I want to be the person who is writing so I'm impersonating an impersonation of a
first impression i want to be the person surprised by what
I'm hearing i want to be a person but i find I'm disappearing
i want to be the person in some other persons art
filling up the crack in some persons broken heart
I want to be that person and I'm not sure that I'm not
but whats that thing they say about getting what you want?
I went to the Gender Clinic! (FTM) [CC] - Duration: 11:11.
Hello YouTube it's Sparrow Rose, the Autistic Nomad.
Remember I talked several months ago -- it's been a while since I posted a video.
I apologize.
Camera problems -- anyway, remember when I talked about being afraid but doing things
Yesterday I went to the gender clinic and I was describing myself as a nervous wreck
and that might have been an understatement.
But I went and it was amazing.
It was absolutely amazing.
I went to the informed consent clinic: Legacy Montrose, in Houston.
I highly recommend them.
I'm paying out-of-pocket because I am not a Texas citizen but I was really trying hard
to get what I needed in Florida.
Florida, strangely, does not make it so easy to transition.
So I am up here in Texas and I go back to the clinic on July 1st and, fingers crossed,
I start hormone replacement therapy then.
It's up to the Doc, but everything looks really promising.
Basically -- since some of you watching this might really benefit from some of this information ...
Basically, I called them up and made the appointment and it took about a month to get
But from other people that's actually pretty fast.
In Chase Ross' video this week he talks about looking at an informed consent clinic
in Montreal and they had, I think he said, a two year waiting list.
Which is just ... I couldn't wait two years.
I just … I couldn't.
Neither could he.
He went and got … he took things into his own hands and didn't wait either.
So I came up here for the appointment and it started out like any kind of medical appointment.
You know, you deal with reception and then the nurse takes you back and weighs you and
puts the oximeter on your finger, that blood pressure, all that. I had to fill out a lot
of forms but it wasn't that bad. They were some of the best forms I've ever filled out
in my life. Very sensitive. I had to put some medical history and the information of my
general practitioner. It asked me what gender I was assigned at
birth and how I identify now both with respect to sex(uality) and gender and there were a lot
of options on the form I ended up checking other under sexuality because they didn't
even have asexuality listed. As best I can tell right now I'm a panromantic asexual but
I am... I consider myself Grey Ace because I'm not really 100% sure whether that's where I'm
at or not and I figure hormones could change my sexual expression as well it remains to
be seen but that neither of those options were in the list so I checked other and under
gender I checkeed trans man and I checked non-binary and I was so impressed that they
had non-binary as an option on the form. So then I talked to the doctor for -- I didn't check the time
but I think we talked about an hour. And she asked a lot of medical questions and she
also asked questions about how long have I known that I'm trans and why am I deciding
now -- at age 50 -- to embark on medical transition. And they were good questions and she's
really good at her job. I got choked up for a second at one point. But she did a really
good job of of getting good solid true answers out of
me. She even managed to get me to confess that I live in my van, which I wasn't going to tell her because
I wanted to come across as solid and stable and responsible and, you know, as someone who can
be trusted with hormones. And I think I did come across as all those things,
but also -- the problem was my mailing address is in Clay County and my doctors are in
Alachua County and she kept kind of poking at that until finally she said, "Where do you live?" And that's when
I 'fessed up. I said, "well, honestly, I live in my van." And I could just see this this, like,
red flag tripping and I'm not the best ever at reading people's reactions
so if I saw it was pretty big. and I said, "I know the form asked, 'are you homeless?' and I
checked no and that's because I don't consider myself to be homeless. I have a home it's my
van. Homeless people, they don't have a place to live and they're struggling and suffering.
And I have a pretty good life. It's just an alternate lifestyle, living in my van and my
last apartment was horrible and my van is great and it cost less and I am living more
life and I'm very happy with it." And I could see the flag kind of coiling back down
into its flagpole. Overall, I think it went well and then she sent me to get
labs done, which I take as a good sign. She wouldn't send me to get labs done especially
knowing I'm paying for everything out of pocket if she didn't -- it says to me that unless something
is really bad on my labs I am going to be starting T in the beginning of July and I'm really
excited about that. And I'm also nervous as hell because this is huge. This is among the
biggest things I've ever done in my life. And I think if I weren't nervous that's
when I should be worried about what I'm doing. If this were not a big deal that would
be more cause for concern in my opinion.
But I am more excited than I am nervous. I am very happy.
Just... very happy. And very hopeful and most of my nervousness is about concern
whether I'll actually get to start hormone therapy or not. That's my biggest source of nervousness
and anxiety right now. I'm right on the brink: a week and a half, and then I find out.
As far as I'm able to tell we get one crack
at this thing, this life, this existence. It's a cliché to say that it's not a dress rehearsal but
it's also true it's not. It's your one wild, precious, irreplaceable life.
And what happens in that wild, beautiful life of yours is, at least in part, up to you.
Trust yourself.
Go forth boldly.
I love you!
Love yourself!
BMW X1 2.0i sDrive High Executive X-Line Parking Pack | Safety Pack | Comfort access | Afneembare tr - Duration: 0:54.
Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I Aspiration 5drs Navi/Ecc/Lm velgen/Trekhaak - Duration: 0:59.
Nine Inch Nails- Happiness In Slavery (HD) - Duration: 5:22.
(Slave screams) he thinks he knows what he wants
(Slave screams) thinks he has something to say
(Slave screams) he hears but doesn't want to listen
(Slave screams) he's being beat into submission
Don't open your eyes you won't like what you see
The devils of truth steal the souls of the free
Don't open your eyes, take it from me
I have found, You can find Happiness in slavery
Happiness in slavery
(Slave screams) he spends his life learning conformity
(Slave screams) he claims he has his own identity
(Slave screams) he's going to cause the system to fall
(Slave screams) but he's glad to be chained to that wall
Don't open your eyes you won't like what you see
The blind have been blessed with security
Don't open your eyes, take it from me
I have found, You can find Happiness in slavery
Happiness in slavery (x3)
I don't know what I am I don't know where I've been
Human junk just words and so much skin
Stick my hands through the cage of this endless routine
Just some flesh caught in this big broken machine
Happiness in slavery (x5)
Happiness (x8)
(Happiness, It controls you) x2
My first time at VidCon | VLOG - Duration: 4:58.
That's pretty good Eddsworld(Tord edition) - Duration: 0:03.
Hey That's pretty Good .....
Original song "Don't Ever Forget It" - Duration: 4:16.
Learn COLOR MotorCycles with Superheroes - Superheroes Cartoon 3D For Kids - Duration: 2:03.
Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Ray Lewis - Intimidation (pt. 2) - Duration: 14:43.
[ Engsub / BL ] Fall in Love with Your Rival - EP. 08 - Duration: 21:21.
Your eyes are the sunshine of blue sky Ni de yanjing shi qingkong de taiyin
Your smile is the aurora of the universe Ni de xiao rou shi yuzhou de jiguang
Sweet like candies, hard like guns Tian de xiang tang, lie de xiang cang
Live in heart, die in heart Huo zai yan li si zaixin shang
But will never let it go Que buneng fang
Your dimples are the shadows of sunset Ni de jiuwo shi yingzhao de yuhui
Your singing is the perfectly perfect Ni de gesheng shi zhenshi de wanmei
Who is hurt Shang de shi shui
Who is pain teng de shi shui
Wild in a dreams Mengle dian kuang
Drunk in day Xingle mizui
But no regrets Que wu wu yuan hui
They have their own reasons Tamen you Tamen de Daoli
We have our own temper Women you women de piqi
Even if the world is full of hostility Napa shijie chongmanle Diyi
I still love you Wo yiran ai ni
They have their own reasons Tamen you tamen de daoli
We have our own temper Women you women de piqi
Even if the world is full of hostility Napa shijie chongmanle diyi
I still dare, to love you Wo yiran haishi yonggan ai ni
I still dare, to love... Wo yiran haishi yonggan ai...
You Ni
Fall in Love with Your Counter Attack Rival ~ Indo sub:Ind_D Always support Counterattack Thx for watching:3
<b>Episode 7</b>
Do you know what I did last night?
You didn't know?
How do I know !?
You are already in the clinic since I went last night.
And you're still in the clinic when I came in this morning.
What are you doing?
Is it all just a wet dream?
There is a bag of food on the table this morning,
I don't know who gave it.
I'm in a bad mood today.
Go back earlier and sleep.
Tomorrow morning I'll bring you food.
So it was not a dream.
What are you thinking !?
I went to meet Chi Cheng's accomplice.
He said Chi Cheng didn't know.
That i and Yue Yue were together once.
So he isn't "chose" me because of Yue Yue
This is all just a coincidence.
So you two are destined.
More like bad luck.
What will you do next?
Are you thinking of quitting?
A little.
Ah. Your phone is ringing nonstop since last night.
I don't know who is calling so I didn't pick it up.
Yue Yue?
Why did she call me?
Did she already know?
Fucking whore! You're playing dumb with me !?
I challenge you to answer my call.
I don't know who this shameless person is!
How dare you steal my man !!
Hello ..?
A guy?
Who are you?
Wu Suowei
How can it's you?
You call me first
A .. Do you always use this phone number?
Do you share the same phone number with someone else?
Wu Suowei! You are so shameless!
Who are you calling "shameless"?
No, but ... Do you think my life is very comfortable, so that you feel unfairly?
So you call my boyfriend for a purpose !?
I tell you, Wu Suowei!
I will never be with you for the rest of my life!
Just give up!
One more. Let me tell you
Don't ever call my boyfriend again!
Never call my name in front of him!
If not, I will not let you!
As long as you don't mention my name in front of him, it would be better.
You really put yourself such as dishes, ha?
I thought, I'm going to ruin his ears if I call your name in front of him.
I was thinking!
What did you think?
I would destroy her!
How is your progress?
I'm busy today.
No time to talk to him.
He didn't begin to call you?
Ha! Since the last time I came to his house.
We've had no contact with each other.
What do you do when you comes to his house?
He told me about himself.
About his hurt in the past.
Uh, Don't you think the man like him
Reveal his secrets to you that no one else knew about.
He may feel embarrassed?
No ... does he know what "shame" is ?
Try to call him.
What are you doing?
Playing mahjong
At this hour?
Are you talking importantly? If not I'm hanging up.
Yes! Don't you tell me about your past that night?
I thought hard about it when I get home and I feel ...
What is the problem ?
It is okay. He had been like that since a few days ago.
I even had to keep my distance when walking with him.
If you look at his face, it would scare you.
You did it.
What I said?
He must have felt shame!
He .. a little funny.
I did it..
Preparing for battle.
Chi Cheng is not possible to break up with Yue Yue in the near future.
Why ?
He had a feeling with Yue Yue?
So, what ?
Chi Cheng have some snakes as pet
But they are locked by his father.
To ensure his snake safe,
He must obey the orders of his father.
Isn't his father reason locked them is because he's so lazy?
So what to do with his girlfriend?
Then, Yue Yue also has the power
How did she get his father?
You are wrong.
His father was worried not because his job.
But because of his personal life.
His father tied him because ..
He "plays" with men.
So ....
Eh. Do you think there is a possibility that
he will give up on snake for you ?
The snakes were very important to him.
Tease him also can't change the position of the snakes in his heart.
Then, it will be more difficult ..
Pa, this tea.
Ma, this tea.
Son, bring Yue Yue here tomorrow afternoon.
Let your sister see her.
Yue Yue? Who is that ?
Your brother's girlfriend.
Not easy, to understand it.
Yue Yue.
Here, eat.
Thank you Ayi. (Ayi = aunt)
You also.
Jie jie (Older sister)
Chi Cheng often talk about you
Really ?
Jie jie, how long you will live in this house?
Yue Yue, this grab some food.
Ayi, you too.
Pa Ma, this fruit.
Pa ma, I should say ..
Are you two once bitten twice shy
It has been 6 years since the incident between my brother and Wang Shuo
He is running normally now.
What are you so worried?
And agreed with every woman? (Agree with anyone)
Can you stop interfering in his life?
We encouraged him to love (dating)
But we are not talking about marriage.
It is good enough that he could get a girlfriend.
Let him busy with snakes all the time.
Who wants to live with him?
It is true.
I think this girl is not bad.
Although she didn't come from a wealthy family.
But she looked thoughtful and quite pretty.
You see, a lot of girls who came from a noble family
But your brother doesn't want them.
This is not about family background.
If she's a simple girl, it also doesn't help
Just look at her greedy face.
Written on her forehead "Climbing the summit" (increase social status)
How could you called her that, you just see her once
Aioo, we'll see
I say...
At least, you should give Chi Cheng gift too.
No need.
Why not?
This is not the first time he send you a gifts.
Okay, okay.
I just take this as feedback for his kindness.
I only have 20 thousand now. (RMB)
20 thousand. You can buy watches.
What do you say!?
Spend 20 thousand to buy him a gift ??
What will I eat for 2 months later?
What if something happens?
It is impossible, don't have the money in hand.
Why are you so angry?
As if it's like taking your whole life.
I thought it was only your pocket money.
Who would have thought it was money for your life.
Subtract the money bit.
And see how much left.
More than 5 thousand.
5 thousand ..
Maybe you can buy some clothes?
We can consider it.
I remember something.
My mother's birthday is next month,
I had to give him two thousand.
Then, give him a pair of shoes.
I need at least 2 thousand
Then, give him a razor.
Oh y!
I promise you, to rub your back with scrub.
Aia! I have miscounted.
It was supposed to 740, but I wrote it 470.
How much left?
Still remains of about 260
But I need a haircut too.
Why I didn't give him the buddha beads ?
Friends, see here ...
What has he given you?
Do you still have no shame to give him something like that?
I've given him a lot of things.
What have you given him?
Sugar candy?
20 dollars to a large pot of caramel.
Can produce at least 200 pieces of sugar-candy.
Cook the corn from you field ?
700 dollars to a huge pot of hot and spicy soup
What did he give you?
Let us take as an example a cigarette box.
1 box is about 30 thousand
Eh. Why I'm not selling cigarette box?
And gave him an ashtray.
I have to hit your head with this ashtray!
Never mind. Never mind.
I will borrow money from the banks about 300
And gave him a belt. Are you satisfied?
What brings you come here?
I'm asking you.
What brings you come here?
Play "sex" (Unusual sex)
Watch your mouth!
It is a civilized place.
How can "civilized place" has a bitch like you?
Who you call a "bitch"?!
Don't you know it better?
What are you doing?
Chi Cheng! Put me down!
I count to 3
You put me down!
I want to give you a gift.
You want to fool me with this stuff?
If you don't like it, throw it
I'll use it myself.
What are you doing!
I just tried it, good or not.
Did I give you a belt for whipping me ?
This is multipurpose.
If your butt itch
I can whip your butt once or 2 times for fun.
Tie this for me.
Don't you have hands?
Not as good as yours. > .. <
Turn around.
Don't touch!
I'm not going home tonight.
Why ?
You "set me up" so tightly.
How can I go?
Stop squeezing!
I say, stop squeezing!
while working daddy con I'm in go make the truck disappear make the truck
reappear right and the car should be inside it I thought everybody everyone
what's up boys and welcome to the segment right here on your boy a sheriff
you guys we are on fire man there's so much happening in GTA 5 online and a lot
of stuff that's happening I want to tell you guys something and that's not me
blowing my own horn actually that's me blowing your horn and that's because of
the community that we have right here on YouTube if you guys think about it
Rockstar kind of dropped the ball a little bit okay we have a solo money
glitch that we are going to demonstrate right here but if it wasn't for us if it
wasn't for the GTA v community stepping in and keeping this game fresh with
glitches information money methods RP methods glitches all that stuff that we
do you know this game would be somewhat dead in the water at this point right I
mean we do giveaways right we hype up the community in order to be
involved in this game and what does Rockstar do Rockstar releases one of the
biggest most expensive DLC and he don't give us double payouts double RP with it
all right today I'm Twitter I'm talking with some
people that are saying I think it was fund raiser and he's sending me a
message saying I still grind rooftop rumble and that's a mission that was
released with the game when it was out in 2013 that mission still pays more
than the brand new DLC missions that they just gave us when you do the
rooftop rumble you're walking away with 17 GS when you're doing the brand new
missions you're walking away with 9k it's very very pathetic and I think
Rockstar kind of dropped the ball when it comes to that one alright but we're
always here we're always representing me you Sheriff I'm YouTube always doing
giveaways always trying to bring you guys then latest glitches I'm GTA 5
whether it's solo like this one right here or if it's a give your friend
vehicle any vehicle in your inventory okay so the last couple of days by the
way I'll have a link to them to the giveaway again linked up in the comment
man I'm looking forward to that livestream when we announce the winner
okay throw me a subscription always drop a
comment and don't forget about those lights your your you make a big
difference on YouTube let's leave it at that
okay we have an amazing solo money glitch do you guys remember when is the
last time we had a solo money glitch come on now you must remember that's
when we had the streetcar dupe and I loved it
okay that was one of the best Street solo duplication that you could do you
didn't have to depend on anybody and it was Lobby sensitive now we have a solo
glitch that's a little bit different big shout out to wavy gamer for finding this
for having that understanding and being inspired by the big glitch that were
giving a friend a car to say I'm going to test it solo and he actually found a
way to do it alright so here's the deal the good and the bad this glitch is
really good because of solo of course and it's not Lobby sensitive so you can
do this in any lobby but the problem is the timing okay and that could be my
problem only you guys but we are going to say I always like to tell you guys
how it is I don't sugarcoat it or anything I struggled with this okay I'm
being honest with you I struggled with this glitch bro mean Adrien spent some
time on it yesterday and we kept going at it so here's the deal I'll give you
some basic information so if you want to try it or maybe if you're trying it and
having a little bit of a hard time this would make it easy on you
first of all you're spending money on stickies okay chances are you get a mess
up man we were messing up I'll show you different segments as the one that you
fly in the beginning in the middle of the video and maybe toward the end of
the video what's happening is you got to get the sticky bombs you got to blow up
the MOC toward the end of it not blow it up all the way but you have to cook it
that it's one step into the grave meaning put 19 stickies into that be
alright 19 stickies and when you put the 20
that's when he's on that's going to blow it up it's going to do it in so you
don't want to do that make sure you get your allergy and pull
back-to-back at a truck that you get that signal that says click right on the
d-pad in order to store it right here pull up a bomb actually before you pull
up the bomb do two stickies on the truck or more because you want to put like you
completely destroy it pull up a bomb and be ready to toss that thing
pull up your phone at this point and go into an adversity mode as a quick job
alone once you see the circle going on the bottom right corner of the screen
pass the bomb and now this is the worst part about this glitch is clicking right
on the d-pad and start almost simultaneously but at the same time it's
very tricky this is the part that's gonna frustrate you now I spent a lot of
money on stickies okay and I waited a lot of time for the mechanic to bring me
back a car because I end up blowing myself agent ended up blowing himself so
again big shout-out to EB gamer for hitting this because he must have been
very comfortable with the controller in order to get it if you guys remember
there was a glitch back in them MC that you used to sit on the faggio click
right on the d-pad so you can go to the matchup and then pop up the Start menu
if you guys remember that that glitch is very similar to this one but I think it
was a little bit more forgiving on the time but again we go to the point that
this is a solo money glitch and solo doesn't come easy you don't need to
depend on anybody this is not Lobby sensitive you can do it in free aim you
can do it in auto aim it doesn't make a difference
it's solo and solo is king so from that point all right I actually managed to
hit it one time the truck blew up I was a stuck right there but was my luck I
wanted to get you guys footage of this on the Xbox one the adversity mode did
not load me in I just ended up sitting in that Lobby and the cops are staring
at me they can't kill me and I can't really move inside that car I was
completely frozen so I don't know if any of you guys ran into that problem or not
but the adversary mode did not load up for me anyway I wanted to do something
different okay and I wanted to test a few things up because the questions are
coming in on Twitter and on YouTube can you take the Pegasus vehicles inside the
truck and put it as a personal vehicle your boy tried a couple of
here and I'll show you guys some footage of it and maybe some voiceover me and
Ageing yesterday stuck around and tested with a few things we tested was the
police car check out what happened here mobile operation center requested
changes cocci niggling photo don't you know I mean I'm in the caddy right Wow
I don't want number 58 I wanted something else not working laughing gone
I'm in go yes we don't get to fact we don't know what was going to work or not
disappeared agent it disappeared as you can see the police car did not really
stick okay this morning after I tested a little bit was that solo money glitch
I think I'd you know what why don't we test it was a ruiner mm so I get took a
stab at it with the ruler mm but it's just didn't stick this thing disappears
to the limit that I thought to myself maybe it's disappearing and it's going
to my my garage you know you know how the Caddy
spawns into your truck and then maybe you can transfer it to your garage so
I'm thinking maybe when I'm replacing with a brand-new allergy it transfers to
the garage but the runer 2000 was not there I even tried with a stretch
alright the stretch limo I tried it with that you get to see the animation you
get to be happy seeing it go in there but then the car completely disappears
you know what Never Say Never people like wavy gamer to get inspired
they try to find something and for all you know as we all are in the community
saying our ideas people can test the stuff out and they can figure out a way
around it so far I can't store the police I can't store
the ruiner or the Pegasus vehicle like the stretch one more thing before I let
you guys go yesterday me mystic spunk we D a killer Mike and Adrian we were
racing we were taking over lobbies and destroying people and there is no doubt
about it when it comes to me I think racing is my favorite more than GTA 5 I
just love it yeah entourage is fun and drop zone but racing when you spend
somebody out and your ass off is something else Oh our
son Xbox love it okay to me that's soft fun so we came up with an idea as you
can see in the video we came up with a brand new car that we're gonna have the
colors for it now this is me telling you guys if you have ideas because this is
not going to be the only car that we do okay we just did the Nero and as you can
see the colors are right there if you want to replicate it I'll take a snap
Matic of it and I'll have it up on Twitter but I want you to get involved
now okay because the Nero is not the only car that we take in races we also
take the xat we take the t20 how about the retro allergy with all the stickers
770 in the sport class the spectre with all the stickers I want you guys to come
up with ideas okay now the true color that we have on it
right now is going to be like the red the sponge just puts yesterday from the
crew color and this way when we go into a lobby you guys those guys are going to
be shaking in their boots okay and we back it up with skills you guys know
that we know what we're doing in this game and we can really hammer it down so
send me your ideas on Twitter send me your ideas on Facebook if you're there
on the snappamatic page I mean all the links are in the description be involved
and if you need people to play with you're not going to find more fun than
what we do because we're legit gamers just like you I'll see you guys on the
next segment please baby how do you take a snap matter with someone on top of the
car bro I'm propagated how does it suck there we go
My night routine - Duration: 9:52.
The U K finally releases its TOP SECRET UFO files - Duration: 6:54.
The U.K. finally releases its TOP-SECRET UFO files
BY Ivan
The UK has finally released an official government UFO dossier referred to as �Britain�s
The Ministry of Defense�MoD�has released a batch of top secret UFO files that according
to ufologists are evidence that we have been visited by aliens.
Interestingly, only 15 out of 18 files were released, prompting many to suggest the MoD
is still hiding the ultimate evidence of aliens.
I mean who can blame them right?
If you are ging to release top-secret files, why hold on to three of them and release only
It�s only logical for people to think something is being covered up, right?
Anyway, while the papers have been �released�, they have still not made their way to the
If anyone wants to take a peek at the top-secret files, they need to first make an APPOINTMENT
with the Government Archive in London in order to do so.
Also, you can order the copies of the documents for free online and wait a couple of days�or
weeks�for them to arrive at your home address.
Much easier than to just post them online, right?
Nick Pope author, journalist and TV personality, who used to run the British Government�s
UFO Project, and the man who was an employee at the British Government�s Ministry of
Defence (MoD) from 1985 to 2006 had much to say about the declassified documents.
�It seems that The National Archives has released 15 of the remaining 18 Ministry of
Defence UFO files, marking the final stages of what�s been a nine-year long project
to declassify and release the MoD�s entire archive of UFO files,� said Pope while discussing
the newly released files.
�Unlike all such previous releases of UFO files, I wasn�t pre-briefed on the release
The release of these final files has been extensively delayed and at one stage they
were sent from the MoD to the National Archives, but then sent back to the MoD.
�Embarrassment about this delay may explain why � unlike releases of previous batches
of MoD UFO files � there hasn�t been a proactive media release.
Accordingly, I suspect the UFO and conspiracy theory community will say that these files
have been �snuck out�.
I think one has to pay for access, unlike previous batches, which were free for a month,�
added Pope.
The newly released files could shed light on one of the most important UFO incidents
in the history of the UK, the Rendlesham Forest incident.
In 1980, three US officers based at RAF Bentwaters, near Woodbridge, Suffolk, claimed a �triangular
shaped craft� landed in neighboring woods in the early hours of December 26.
The UFO incident was investigated by the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) which concluded
that there was no evidence whatsoever of an alien visitation, nor was there evidence that
a triangular-shaped craft had landed in the woods near Woodbridge, Suffolk, and that the
lights seen by the three military officers was most likely the result of beams of light
from a nearby lighthouse.
Makes total sense right?
Speaking about the incident Mr. Pope commented: �I believe there are some documents on the
Rendlesham Forest incident, though I�m pretty sure they�re duplicates of material that�s
been released previously.
�The release of these real-life X-Files shows that the UFO mystery lives on and that
there�s still huge interest in this fascinating topic.
�These files will give people a revealing insight into this bizarre and intriguing aspect
of Ministry of Defence business.
�I think these files perfectly capture the wonder and fascination of the UFO mystery
and show how MoD officials � myself included � struggled to make sense of one of the
great mysteries of the modern era.
�Sadly, there�s no �smoking gun� in these files that will prove we�ve been visited
by extraterrestrials, but there are plenty of intriguing UFO reports, as well as policy
papers explaining how the MoD handled this subject.
�The lack of a smoking gun and the fact that these files seem to have been slipped
out without a formal media announcement is bound to start some conspiracy theories, and
I know that many people believe the �good stuff� is being held back.
�Furthermore, the fact that some files haven�t been digitized, can�t be downloaded, and
can only be viewed in person at the National Archives will doubtless also generate conspiracy
�After this, there are only three more UFO files still to be released, and they should
be made public later this year, so there�s still more to come.�
Interestingly, last year an American military officers who was involved in the Rendlesham
Forest incident won a legal bid to force military health chiefs to pay for the treatment of
injuries he claimed to have sustained at Rendlesham Forest.
�In citing the [MoD radiation documents] and in granting John Burroughs full disability
for his injuries in Rendlesham Forest, the US Government has by de facto acknowledged
the existence of unidentified aerial phenomena which, in John Burroughs� case, resulted
in physical injury,� his lawyer Pat Frascogna said.
Despite all of this, and despite the fact that countless documents have already been
declassified, the Rendlesham Forest incident remains unexplained.
Ray Lewis - Intimidation (pt. 1) - Duration: 15:17.
YAĞIZ & HAZAN | THE FIRST DANCE [SEASON 2] - Duration: 3:17.
I know that you didn't all of the things.
I know everything.
I mean, I know anymore all the things you have done for me.
I had misunderstood everything.
All of this haven't been your fault.
I had accused you unjustly.
Love is such a weird feeling.
My heart is beating so fast!
This is the first time that I experience a feeling like this.
But why did you run away?
Why didn't you tell me everything?
Do you have to go?
Sometimes, your inner voice shouts you "Don't do this!"
And then, sometimes you just listen that voice
to not to be regretful in future.
How could you do that to me?
I wish a bright, peaceful and clear azure anymore.
I was
looking for you.
I thought you had gone.
I'm so sorry!
You are a precious man for me.
I wish I had listened you.
And I wish I had believed you.
Actually I'm already believing you.
Even you are the one that I can believe the most in my all life.
【東方妖々夢】 Enishi ~ Spring has come at last 「暁Records」【Vietsub/Engsub】 - Duration: 3:44.
And thus, spring has come.
縁 〜Spring has come at last (Destiny ~Spring has come at last) English translated by Robin
Cold seems to return and spread from time to time.
The sleeping flowers dream about boredom.
There's one person, one person and one animal as sunrays unravel the frozen sky.
Shall we warm it up a little? Let's bring about one spring day! Eventually…
Cherry blossoms bloom and scatter. The season of awakening connects destinies.
I looked up from the banquet. Cherry blossoms bloom and scatter.
The spring parasol cast a dark shadow.
There's a border between waking and sleeping, lines of faith are quiet and invisible.
They connect without requiring promises or blood contracts,
Even if eventually I'm destined to leave your side.
Cherry blossoms bloom and scatter. The season of awakening connects destinies.
I looked up from the banquet. Cherry blossoms bloom and scatter.
The spring parasol cast a dark shadow.
A person and a person, me and you. And one animal, a nimble monster cat.
Spring arrives again and I gaze at the cherry blossoms. Petals slide over the parasol.
A mysterious destiny, a mysterious destiny. The destiny of encounters, the destiny of encounters.
Spring arrives again and I gaze at the cherry blossoms.
A portrait of merry figures under the parasol.
"I can predict what happens from morning to dusk
And am able to complete this or that. However,
Sometimes I completely drown in Mayoiga…
I want to be affectionate to the cat!"
"If I chase my cute animal
And the carpet of spring grumbles,
It's probably better than any luxury or even fried tofu!"
"What You Desire" by Philip Vivarelli - Voice of Alan Watts - Subtítulos en Español* - Duration: 5:32.
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Explaining About My Channel - Duration: 0:42.
Mensagem de Nossa Senhora de Anguera, 27/06/2017 - Duration: 2:00.
Camden Students Get Once-In-A-Lifetime Travel Opportunity - Duration: 1:47.
What is a compressor pedal? - Duration: 7:28.
Hi bass players i hope you are all right
and welcome to this video where i am going to talk about a tool wich is essential for some bass players, i am among those bass players
for other not so much
and others don´t know what it is or maybe they had not the oportunitty to try it
and i talkin about a compressor pedal
first we must know what does a compressor pedal do
a compressor pedal adjust the level of dynamic range of our sound
it mans that it takes those sounds that are too loud and reduce their volume a little bit
and take those sounds that sound more quiet and rise their volume
compressing our signal giving us a more even sound
another benefit that a compressor pedal give us , is that it give us clean sustain
and this is very important because it makes that those notes that we play that tend to fade quickly become audible for much longer
we can also use a compressor pedal with a distortion but we must take into account that the distortion has a level of compression
that is why we can see and hear that when we a distortion pedla is active making techniques like legato or tapping is much easier
and that is because of the compression that is adding the distortion pedal, bacause that compression is taking those some that sound weak and is making them sound louder
so the good way to use this pedals together is to keep the values of the distortion on 12 o´clock if we raise them we can do it but a little bit
because as we known both the distortion and the compressor are rising up all those sounds that are weak and if we put the leves values of the distortion too high we are going to get a very dirty sound
unless of course that we want a very dirty sound
a problem that sound bass players have with the compressor pedals
is that they say that once the pedal is active it gave them some undesirable noises, some interference
the reason for this is not because the compressor pedal generates this sounds but that we already have interference in our signal caused for wires in bad shape or something like that
remenber that the compressor rise up the volume of those sounds that are less audible and in this range of sounds are thos undesirable noises
so the solution for this problem is that we must check our connections and gear to be sure that we do not have any interference
other times the solution for this problem is to check and reorganize the order of our effects pedals
and every person who has many effects pedals known that to connect them in the right way to obtain a clear sound with no interference is total Craft
it is so that this topic deserves it´s own video
now that we know what does a compressor pedal do, i am going to talk about we bass players and how it can help us
for we bass players a compressor pedal is a great tool because it control our range of volume and this feature is very important when we techniques like slap, tapping or when we use chords
for example when we use the slap technique we are hitting the strings with our thumb and we are pulling them with our ring and index finger
when we do this we are creating volume´s peaks or very loud sounds so the compressor pedal takes those peaks and reduce then giving us a totally even sound
in the case of the tapping we know that for it to sound good we need to have a very good level of volume so the compressor with it´s feature of raising up the volume of thos weak sounds allow us to use this technique with no problems
in the case of the chords wich are not very common in the bass guitar, but when we use them we need them to sound very clear
and the compressor pedal will ad more clarity and definition to the chord´s sound
when it comes to soloing the use of a compressor pedal is essential because it will assure that for all that time that we are the center of attention we are not going to suffer any drastic change of volume
so in resume i can say that the need to have or use a compressor pedal is determined for the techniques that you use
forx example y you are a bass player who use slap, tapping, make a lot of solos or use chords very often a compressor pedal is essential for you
but if you don´t use this techniques a lot or don´t use them at all , you can avoid it´s use
when it comes to recording i think that is a good idea to have a compressor pedal with us
because even if in most of the recording studios nowadays the sound enginners have their own compressors
if we get into the situation that we get to a recording studio where they don´t have one for whatever reason, we our compressor we can solve this problem right away
and when it comes to home recording, recording that we can make with an audio interface and a pc, it´s use is absolutely essential
i personally recommend to you that no matter the techniques you use or the music genre that you play always use a compressor pedal because it is a great tool that will allow you to have a great sound
well friends it has been all for the moment, thanks a lot for watching this video
i hope that it was useful to you and i hope that it has resolve the doubts that you may have about this topic
if it did i ask you the favor to hot the like botton , share it and subscribe to my channel
i would like that you guys share your opinion and experiences with compressor pedals in the coments box
once again thanks a lot for watching and see you next time.
Nine Inch Nails- Happiness In Slavery (HD) - Duration: 5:22.
(Slave screams) he thinks he knows what he wants
(Slave screams) thinks he has something to say
(Slave screams) he hears but doesn't want to listen
(Slave screams) he's being beat into submission
Don't open your eyes you won't like what you see
The devils of truth steal the souls of the free
Don't open your eyes, take it from me
I have found, You can find Happiness in slavery
Happiness in slavery
(Slave screams) he spends his life learning conformity
(Slave screams) he claims he has his own identity
(Slave screams) he's going to cause the system to fall
(Slave screams) but he's glad to be chained to that wall
Don't open your eyes you won't like what you see
The blind have been blessed with security
Don't open your eyes, take it from me
I have found, You can find Happiness in slavery
Happiness in slavery (x3)
I don't know what I am I don't know where I've been
Human junk just words and so much skin
Stick my hands through the cage of this endless routine
Just some flesh caught in this big broken machine
Happiness in slavery (x5)
Happiness (x8)
(Happiness, It controls you) x2
#Google ya no espiará tu #mail para recomendarte anuncios - Duration: 1:32.
LOL Surprise Dolls SERIES 2 Lil Sister Dolls Color Change Baby Big Sis Toy Review Season 2 Toys - Duration: 7:53.
LOL Surprise Dolls SEASON 2 Lil Sister Dolls Color Change Baby & Big Sis Toy Review L.O.L. Toys
Hi friends! It's me, Jazzy Puppet! Today we're going to open up an LOL Surprise Doll Series 2!
Hooray! I'm so excited! Let's open her up friends!
Let's open up our L.O.L. Surprise Dolls Series 2!
Ok, pull here. Here we go.
First we've got a joke.
Well it looks like a little sick emoji and a drum. Sick drum?
Hmm. It says sick beat.
What is sick beat?
Is that when you go, "Boom boom hachew, boom boom hachew Boom boom hachew, boom boom hachew " (bad beat boxing)
He he he maybe not.
Ok here's the next zipper.
One, two, three.
Oh look it. That's cute!
Oh we are supposed to be looking at the stickers though.
Feed or bathe her to reveal a surprise.
Here's my little teeny, weeny stickers.
Ok, what's next on this crazy thing? Who sees the zipper? There it is.
Here we go.
Oh no.
That zipper was a bummer. The zipper didn't work.
It was a bummer.
Ok let's see what we've got in here. Does it say, "Let me out of here"? Let's see.
Surprise inside. Yay! Awe it doesn't say Let me out of here. That's my favorite part.
Here we go. Chop chop.
We got. Oh it's a golden
latte. It looks like a Starbucks coffee but with gold.
Maybe that means we'll have special...a special baby in there. We'll find out.
Ok where's the next zipper? Zip zip zippity do dah.
Here we go.
Oh I'm bad at these zippers.
There first zippers were easy, but these ones are hard.
Ok let's see what we've got in this bind bag.
Surprise inside. I still like Let me out of here!
What did we get?
High top Converse Tennis shoe boots.
Who wears High top Converse Tennis shoe boots?
I guess we're going to find out.
Hmm. Ok here's another zipper.
I think we can unzip it. Come here you.
Zipitty do dah.
Woah look at this crazy pink ball. That sure is a pink ball.
There's a hole right there. Ok let's see what's inside.
Surprise inside yay!
Let me out of here!
Woah I almost cut it.
Ah what? Woah it's a golden jacket
with black shorts.
What is this doll?
Ok let's see what's in our ball. Come here ball.
This is going to be her little tiny accessory.
A little tiny accessory. It's so small it. Feels like a crown.
There's a golden jacket and a crown?
Oh wow. he he he whoopie
It's a little tiny Mr. T Chain necklace.
Uh oh. I hope she's not Mr. T Baby!
I guess we'll find out. If she has a little mow hawk and a beard.
Oh there it is! Let me out of here!
Come on baby! Please don't be Mr. T. No Mr. T
No Mr. T. Here we go.
Woah he he he look at her little hair!
She's got a curl up here and a little cute pony tail.
She's cute.
I think we're going to see if she cries, or tinkles, or spits, or color changes.
That's what we're going to see next. Then we'll put her clothes on her.
Can she stand up? Boop nope.
First we're going to fill up her cup with water.
So I squeeze it and get the water in it.
and then we're going to feed it to her and see what she does.
You ready baby?
I'm ready!
Here we go baby drink it.
Is she going to cry? Is she going to tinkle?
Is she going to spit?
I don't even. Did she? Did she drink it?
I don't know what she does. Again! Oh look it spits out.
Ok we're going to do it the hard way. Are you ready baby?
OH look. I think she. Did she spit?
I don't know. I'm going to dunk her in. Sorry baby.
Dunk her in and squeeze her head. Eww it makes here suck the water.
Now we're going to see what she does. Eww oh look she spits. eww!
That's so crazy!
She spits at you! She's going to spit at you, you'd better cover your eyes!
Whoh that's one crazy spitting baby!
Her name is DJ. Let's put her little clothes on.
There she has a little outfit on. Let's put on her shoes.
I hope they're on the right feet dolly.
Put her on her little stand.
There you go.
She's cute I like her little hair it's kind of.....I don't know if you can see.
but it's kind of pink.
It's a little bit pink. It might look white on the video.
but it looks really pink
Ok let's put on her little necklace.
Ready? If I could put it on you.
Oh boy she bit me! Look she bit my nail polish off!
DJ don't bite me!
There she is! She's adorable!
He Mr. DJ put a record on. He he he
She's going to dance. Watch her go!
Dance DJ dance! Go, go, go!
She's a good dancer.
It's time for my Kind Friends Rock! Shout out!
Today's shout out goes to: Sadie, Zuri, Kyla, and Jessica!
Thank you for being such awesome sweet friends, and thank you for watching my videos!
If you want me to say your name in one of my videos all you have to do is
write your name down below in the comments.
It's so easy! Kind friends rock!
Wow L.O.L. Dolls are just so so so adorable. I just love them so much!f
If you want to watch more Jazzy Puppet videos, click that box up there.
and click the red subscribe button so that you can watch all of my fun videos and be friends with me! Hooray!
I hope that you have a beautiful day, and remember to always be kind. Bye friends!
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