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Presentación de héroe: Stukov (subtítulos ES) - Duration: 5:05.
Enganchados Cumbia Y Reggaeton Bolicheros | La Previa 2017 - Duration: 11:06.
5 Tips Para Caminar Correctamente - Duration: 2:50.
Exclusiva: Así luce el trofeo de Premios Juventud 2017 - Duration: 1:08.
😍❤ HACKER TOP 10 MINECRAFT INTRO ANIMATIONS #15 + Music Names by OliverFX ❤ - Duration: 10:02.
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Knight and Day (Extended Edition) - Movie - Duration: 1:57:08.
Pourquoi la vie est-elle aussi un jeu? - Duration: 6:54.
My Thoughts on Waikiki Beach, Hawaii 🌴 - Duration: 5:12.
Welcome to Hawaii
What is up members of the barrio
It is beautiful here isn't it?
It's Jon coming to you from Honolulu, Hawaii
On Waikiki beach
Where Adriana and I are going to be spending the next month.
Only a couple of nights though here in the heart of what I would call
Tourist Hawaii
We did splurge a little bit, this is not a luxury travel channel.
But for 3 nights I decided to put us at the Outrigger Waikiki Resort
Which cost us about 19,000 chase points per night
A little bit of a splurge
But every once in a while what the heck.
And we're going to be heading for the Big Island of Hawaii starting
So i'm going to give you guys a quick tour of this hotel.
And then i'm going to talk a little bit about why I would or would not stay
In Waikiki
And my thoughts on this place.
You can see the hotel right here.
I think the retail value of this hotel is something like 300 dollars
a night
Which I would never pay for.
That is way to much money in my opinion to spend on
Any property
But when you have extra credit card reward points
To use
It's a great deal.
This is the private pool area
Very nice, I love some of the shaded tent chairs.
We're going to head for the room right now
But probably as you saw one of my main issues with Waikiki in general is
Is it is just so overcrowded.
And it's not somewhere that I would probably recommend staying for to long.
At least if you're a traveler like me
Who wants to get away from some of the more touristy areas.
But let's go check out the room, it is really something.
Or Aloha.
So we're going to start the tour.
We just saw Adriana.
So they actually upgraded us to a 7th floor King bed
They were going to put us on the 3rd floor
But I asked them nicely if they had anything available on a higher floor.
So we lucked into a partial ocean view.
Again this is like a 4 star resort
Not somewhere I would normally stay but as I said before.
When you've got extra points to use, why not ?
This bed actually is probably the most comfortable of the 4 hotels we stayed at
In the last 12 days
Between here and California
I love some of the touches, like the art work here.
And this is also really nice, I like this one.
And now let's see the partial ocean view that I was talking about.
So you just have to lean your head a little bit in this direction.
We are in the heart of Honolulu right now.
And now we're going to do a quick stop in the bathroom.
You want to say anything.
Pretty decent sized bathroom here.
You have the first room.
And then we have the connecting bathroom with
A toilet
Not much really to show you.
Here's the shower.
Nobody hiding in here I think.
Overall a pretty nice room.
I'm really not complaining.
Alright let's talk a little bit about Waikiki
And my thoughts on this place.
Do I think you should stay in Waikiki?
I think if you watch this channel you probably would not be that interested in Waikiki for a long
period of time.
If you want to be lazy for a week.
If you just want to plant yourself on the beach and have all of your activities taken care of.
There's an endless supply of things to do here.
Tons and tons of restaurants.
Actually some really cool Japanese markets
That I saw.
So if you just want a lazy trip
Waikiki could be the place for you.
But for someone like me who
Wants to go off the beaten path a bit.
Who wants to see a little bit more of the Hawaiian culture
I think Waikik would get pretty old pretty quickly.
That's all I've got for today.
But Adriana and I tomorrow are going to be flying to Hilo
Where we're going to be spending 1 month on the Big Island of Hawaii
We're going to have a lot of crazy adventures
Coming up from there
So you've got to make sure you're subscribed and stay tuned for all that good stuff coming up
We're going to leave you with some sunset shots
That we took at the beach last night
Thank you so much for watching
Until next time
😍❤ HACKER TOP 10 MINECRAFT INTRO ANIMATIONS #15 + Music Names by OliverFX ❤ - Duration: 10:02.
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How to Draw Rice Cooker, Rainbow Finger Family Song | Coloring Pages for Kids with Owl King TV - Duration: 1:58.
How to Draw Rice Cooker, Rainbow Finger Family Song | Coloring Pages for Kids with Owl King TV
Edgar Wright's "Hot Fuzz"
Friday 6/30/17 I Samuel 20:11 - 21:4 - Duration: 58:31.
(soft organ music)
- [Announcer] Welcome to the Shepherd's Chapel network
family bible study hour with Pastor Dennis Murray.
Wisdom is understanding God's word.
Pastor Murray's unique teaching approach
brings God's word alive with meaning
as he takes you on a chapter by chapter
verse by verse study of God's letter to you: the bible.
And now here is Pastor Dennis Murray.
- Good day to you God bless you.
Welcome to Shepherd's Chapel.
Welcome to this family bible study hour.
Ready to get back into our Father's word here at the chapel.
We're gonna pick it up today First Samuel
chapter 20 verse 11.
We invite you to get your bible
and join us if you'd care to.
In our last lecture we came to the fact that
David had thrown out a fleece to the Lord.
There was a feast that was coming,
and David planned on hiding himself.
That the fleece that David threw out
was that if Saul inquired about David
that then Jonathan was to say,
"Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you.
"David asked me if he could go take leave
"and go to Bethlehem to celebrate the feast
"with his own family",
Bethlehem being David's home.
Then if Saul's reaction was peaceful,
then there was a reconciliation in the works,
and that David could stay in Jerusalem
and serve court in the army for Saul.
But if Saul became angry the deal was that
then David would have to flee,
and that's where we left off.
David asked Jonathan one final time.
Jonathan being Saul's son of course.
David said, "You know what is my crime?
"What have I done that Saul is trying to kill me?"
Remember three times he tried to
pin him to the wall with a javelin.
He sent three groups of men to kill David at Ramah,
the home of Samuel,
and then finally Saul went himself.
And what happened?
The three groups and Saul all started prophesying at Naioth,
which is one of the schools of the prophets.
Jonathan said, "You haven't done anything wrong.
"You have no sin against Saul, my father.
"If he planned to do evil toward you",
remember Jonathan and David were really, really close.
They were like blood brothers.
They loved each other as they loved themself.
That's tight.
But Jonathan said, "If my dad, Saul,
"plans on doing anything to you,
"I would let you know",
and that's where we pick it up today.
Let's ask that word of wisdom in Yeshua's precious name.
Father, we ask you to open eyes, open ears this day.
First Samuel chapter 20 verse 11 and it reads.
And Jonathan said unto David,
"Come and let us go out into the field",
and they went out both of them into the field.
Jonathan has a plan.
I think the reason they're going out away from the city
is that the walls of Jerusalem had ears.
By that I mean the servants of Saul
were keeping a very close eye on David for sure
Jonathan as well because Saul was beginning to suspicion
that the close relationship between David
and his son Jonathan was interfering with
Jonathan's better judgment.
So they're getting away from Saul's spies
is the reason they're going out into the field.
Verse 12: And Jonathan said unto David,
"O Lord God of Israel."
This is a solemn invocation of God.
He's calling God to witness what he's about to say.
"When I have sounded", or searched in the Hebrew.
"My father", in other words
I've searched my father's intentions.
"About tomorrow anytime or the third day",
this was a three day feast that was coming up.
"And behold if there be good toward David
"and I then send not unto thee and shew it thee."
As soon as I know what my father's intentions are,
I will get word to you so that you know
whether it's good or whether it's bad.
Verse 13: The Lord do so and much more to Jonathan,
in other words to myself,
but if it please my father to do the evil,
then I will shew it thee.
I'll gonna tell you either way if it's good news
I'm gonna tell you.
If it's bad news, I'm going to tell you.
And send thee away that thou mayest go in peace,
and the Lord be with thee as he hath been with my father.
The Holy Spirit was an upon Saul at one point in time,
but God rejected Saul.
Because he didn't follow God's commandments
not once but on two different occasions.
The spirit of God was no longer on Saul,
but the spirit of God was on David.
Verse 14: And thou shalt not only while yet I live
shew me the kindness of the Lord that I die not.
This is a little hard to understand.
What Jonathan is saying is this covenant
is going to be applicable
to more than just our lifetimes,
and indeed this covenant endured past the death of Jonathan.
Verse 15: But also thou shalt not
cut off thy kindness from my house forever,
my family in other words forever.
No, not when the Lord hath cut off the enemies of David
every one from the face of the Earth.
We see confidence that Jonathan has
in David's abilities here.
He's not saying if you conquer all of your enemies.
He's saying when you conquer all of your enemies.
No matter what they were going to be friends
no matter what Saul's reaction was
when he learned that David was absent from this feast.
Verse 16: So Jonathan made a covenant
with the house of David saying,
"Let the Lord even require it
"at the hand of David's enemies."
Indeed this covenant would endure for many, many years.
Jonathan dies toward the end of First Samuel,
but as we get into Second Samuel
when David is finally not on the run for his life from Saul
and is the king first over Judah for seven years
and then becomes the king of Israel,
David continued to show favor to the house of Jonathan
honoring this very covenant that we're reading about here.
Jonathan had a son who was crippled from a very young age.
When they were fleeing from the enemy at one point,
one of the nurses dropped Mephibosheth,
and he was crippled in his legs for life.
David took Mephibosheth by name into his own house,
and he ate at the same table that David ate at.
In other words whatever David had for dinner
Mephibosheth had for dinner.
It was a covenant that endured.
Verse 17: And Jonathan caused David to swear again
because he loved him
for he loved him as he loved his own soul.
He loved him as he loved himself.
That's pretty strong love.
The Septuagint reads that
and Jonathan caused David
or actually it says again Jonathan swear unto David.
I don't think that's the case.
I think Jonathan caused David to swear again.
In other words to swear his love for Jonathan again
to more or less put this covenant
in concrete in other words.
Verse 18: Then Jonathan said to David,
"Tomorrow is the new moon."
That's feast that we talked about in our last lecture.
"And thou shalt be missed because thy seat will be empty."
Saul is going to miss you for sure.
He's going to inquire about where you are.
If he's at peace with that,
then it's gonna be safe for David to stay in Jerusalem.
If Saul becomes angry,
then that's the sign for David to flee
to run for his life.
Verse 19: And when thou hast stayed three days,
that was the length of the feast
after the New Moon remember,
then thou shalt go down quickly or diligently
and come to the place where thou didst hide thyself
when the business was in hand
and shalt remain by the stone Ezel.
The business was in hand in other words
when we were making these plans go to that place
which is by the stone Ezel.
Again this is all out away from Jerusalem
because Saul has so many spies continually watching David.
It would be very dangerous for Jonathan
if Saul knew that Jonathan was conspiring with David.
Saul wants David dead.
He's made that clear on many occasions.
If he found out that his own son was doing it,
it would probably be off with Jonathan's head.
So they're being very covert in their actions.
Verse 20: And I will shoot three arrows on the side thereof
as though I shot at a mark.
I'm gonna launch three arrows by the stone Ezel
as though I was shooting at a target.
The Benjamites were always known to be
excellent marksmen with a bow,
very accomplished with the bow.
Of course my point Jonathan being the son of Saul
is a Benjamite.
21: And behold I will send a lad,
a young boy saying, "Go find out the arrows.
In other words go get the arrows,
or go and look where the arrows landed.
"If I expressly say unto the lad
"behold the arrows are on this side of thee
"take them then come thou."
He's speaking to David here not the lad.
"For there is peace to thee and no hurt as the Lord liveth."
If Jonathan states to the boy,
no the arrows are on this side toward Jonathan
and if that's the case then it's okay for you
David to come toward Jonathan and to return to Jerusalem.
Verse 22: But if, Jonathan continues
"I say thus unto the young man.
"Behold the arrows are beyond thee."
They're on the other side farther away.
"Go thy way for the Lord hath sent thee away."
If I say to the young boy,
no go further the arrows are away,
then David you go further away as well.
That's the sign.
23: And as touching the matter
which thou and I have spoken of
behold the Lord between thee and me forever.
May the Lord be between us as judge and witness.
This also could be this is our covenant.
This is an eternal secret in other words.
You see even this boy that's being involved unknowingly
in this conspiracy the one that Jonathan's going to utilize
to get the message to David would in be danger if Saul knew
that he was participating willingly in helping David.
This is an eternal secret between Jonathan and David.
Verse 24: So David hid himself in the field,
and when the new moon was come, the feast day
the king sat him down to eat meat.
King Saul sat down to eat of the sacrificial meal
which would be prepared to celebrate the feast.
David is not in attendance.
And the king sat upon his seat as at other times
even upon a seat by the wall.
In Hebrew this is he sat in his seat at the top.
In other words the king obviously would be
at the seat of the highest place of honor.
Jonathan arose and Abner sat by Saul's side,
and David place was empty.
Abner of course is Saul's general.
He's more than just a general.
He's a relative.
He's the first cousin of Saul.
Now Jonathan probably
was sitting next to his father, Saul
and when he saw Abner coming,
he yielded his seat being the seat next to the king
is another place of honor obviously
so that Abner could take that seat.
26: Nevertheless Saul spake not anything that day.
He didn't say anything concerning David
not being present for the feast.
For he thought something hath befallen him.
He is not clean.
Surely he is not clean.
If someone were in an unclean state at one of the feasts,
they were not able or allowed to
partake of the sacrificial meal
because they were in an unclean state.
So Saul is just thinking
well, perhaps David defiled himself in some way
and he won't be here today.
But surely David will be here tomorrow.
It came to pass on the morrow,
which was the second day of the month,
that David's place was empty.
The seat was vacant.
Saul said unto Jonathan his son,
"Wherefore cometh not the son of Jesse to meat
"neither yesterday nor today?"
He knows Jonathan and David are very, very close.
They have a very brotherly relationship.
He knew that if anyone knew where David was
that it would be Jonathan.
So that's the reason he's asking Jonathan.
Jonathan asked Saul,
"David earnestly asked leave of me
"to go to Bethlehem."
He asked for my permission to take leave
and to go to Bethlehem
and spend the feast day with his family.
And he said David,
Jonathan speaking for David.
And David said in other words,
"Let me go I pray thee
"for our family hath a sacrifice in the city.
"And my brother", this probably being Eliab
the eldest of his brothers.
This indicates that David's father
probably was getting quite up in years,
and Eliab had assumed the head of the household
in calling the family together for this feast.
"He hath commanded me to be there.
"Now if I have found favor in thine eyes let me get away.
Let me go.
"I pray thee and see my brother",
and therefore he cometh not unto the king's table.
I let him go to spend the feast day
with his family in Bethlehem.
Jonathan's walking a fine line here
as far as making his father angry.
Verse 30: Then Saul's anger was kindled against Jonathan,
and he said unto him,
"Thou son of the perverse rebellious woman.
"Do not I know that thou hast chosen
"the son of Jesse to thine own confusion
"and unto the confusion of thy mother's nakedness."
Now this is really a low blow to Jonathan.
He's not only attacking David.
He's not only attacking Jonathan.
He's attacking Jonathan's mother.
That he's the son of a perverse and rebellious woman
means that you are a perverse and rebellious son.
Verse 31: As long as the son of Jesse liveth upon the ground
thou shalt not be established nor thy kingdom.
Wherefore now send and fetch him unto me
for he shall surely die.
Now this indicates that Saul is
finally aware of who Samuel anointed
to be his replacement.
He said in this verse the son of Jesse.
That's David.
As long as David is alive
you're not going to have your kingdom established.
Assuming that he was the heir apparent.
But that wasn't going to happen anyway.
Why, because that wasn't in God's plan.
David had been anointed the king of Israel.
Remember when Saul was supposed to meet Samuel at Gilgal?
He was supposed to wait seven days until Samuel came
and then they would make sacrifice
and then Samuel would tell Saul what to do.
Well, Saul's army was dwindling fast.
He had a lot of desertions.
He decided that he better go head
and make sacrifice himself which he did.
For that Samuel said that's a very
foolish thing that you've done,
and as a result your family, your sons
will not inherit the kingship of Israel
and that is the way it was.
Verse 32: Jonathan answered Saul his father
and said unto him, "Wherefore shall he be slain?"
Question: What has he done?
Jonathan being the voice of reason over and over with Saul.
What did David do that he angered you?
He served you well when he played the harp
to calm that evil spirit that was in you.
He served you well as your armor bearer
when not one of the army of Israel
would stand up and fight against the giant Goliath,
David being just 16 or 17 at the time
took the giant on and killed him
giving Israel a great victory.
He served Saul well as a captain of thousands
and had tremendous success
over the armies of the Philistines.
Saul killed his thousands.
David killed his tens of thousands the ladies would sing.
"What has David done", Saul continues to ask,
and Saul cost a javelin at him to smite him.
He cast a javelin at his own son.
Whereby Jonathan knew that it was determined
of his father to slay David.
He realized that Saul wasn't going to change his mind.
All that remained for him to do at this point
was to communicate to David that Saul's anger was kindled
and therefore he needs to flee for his life.
I mentioned earlier that the Benjamites
were known for their skill with a bow and arrow.
They certainly weren't very good with the javelin
because three times Saul tried to
pin David against the wall.
Here he tried to smite his own son
Jonathan against the wall,
and he failed on all four counts.
Either the Benjamites were not good with javelin
or at least this one Benjamite was not good with a javelin.
Verse 34: So Jonathan arose from the table in fierce anger.
His righteous indignation was up.
And did eat no meat the second day of the month
for he was grieved for David
because his father had done him shame
had shamed not only Jonathan.
He had also shamed Jonathan's mother,
and he had also shamed his best friend David.
It came to pass in the morning
that Jonathan went out into the field
at the time appointed with David
and a little lad with him.
That's going to the near rock or stone Ezel
which had been agreed upon beforehand.
Verse 36: He said unto his lad,
"Run find out now the arrows which I shoot."
As the lad ran he shot an arrow beyond him.
No doubt Saul's spies were keeping a close eye
on what was going on at this point.
Again Saul suspicioning that Jonathan
was in conspiracy with David.
When the lad was come to the place of the arrow
which Jonathan had shot,
Jonathan cried after the lad and said
"Is not the arrow beyond you, beyond thee."
That's the signal.
The arrow is further away from me.
David, you go further away from me as well.
Flee, run for your life.
Saul is not going to reconcile.
Saul is not going to change his mind.
Jonathan cried after the lad,
"Make speed, haste, stay not."
This is being said to the lad for the sake of
for Saul's spies.
This is the message from Jonathan to David,
"Make speed, haste, stay not."
Jonathan's lad gathered up the arrows
and came to his master.
Again Jonathan was talking to David not the lad
when he said make speed, haste, stay not.
It's time for you to flee.
David, run for your life.
But the lad knew not anything
only Jonathan and David knew the matter.
It was a covenant of secrecy.
Again it would've been very dangerous for this lad
this boy to know what was going on because then
he would've been part of the conspiracy in Saul's eyes.
Jonathan gave his artillery unto his lad
and said unto him, "Go carry them to the city."
The artillery of course being his bow
and arrows and the quiver,
his weapons in other words.
Jonathan here is protecting the lad.
He doesn't want the lad to know anything
about what's going on in this conspiracy
he has with David.
Jonathan was probably absolutely heartbroken at this point.
He sent the lad away
so that he might have a few last words with David
before he starts his journey fleeing from Saul.
Of course Jonathan thinks that this is the
last time he will see David.
It will not be the last time that he sees
and speaks with David.
Verse 41: As soon as the lad was gone,
David arose out of a place toward the south
and fell on his face to the ground
and bowed himself three times.
They kissed one another, Jonathan and David
and wept one with another until David exceeded.
In other words until David lot control of his emotions.
Consider David's a young man still at this point in time.
What has he lost?
Well, he's lost his family.
He's gonna be fleeing from that.
He's lost his king.
He's lost Saul.
He lost his wife Michal.
He's lost his country because he's gonna be fleeing at
sometimes even outside of the geographical area of Israel.
Lastly he lost his best friend, Jonathan.
First Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13
we learn there that's there's nothing
that's going to happen to us that's not common to man.
In other words there's nothing gonna happen to you
that hasn't happened to someone else before
and it's going to happen to someone else
after it happens to you.
But the Lord will never tempt you
above what you're able to handle
without providing you with a way out.
Well, evidently God thought that David
could handle quite a bit because
that's what's been placed on David's plate.
Verse 42: Jonathan said to David,
"Go in peace forasmuch as we have sworn both of us
"in the name of the Lord."
The Lord being our witness to our covenant.
Saying the Lord be between me and thee.
The Lord be our witness and our judge
and between my seed, between my family
and thy said forever
between your family and my family,
and Jonathan went into the city.
Returned to Jerusalem
and David has begun a long, long journey.
Think about this.
He has nothing.
He has basically the shirt on his back
as he begins this journey.
He does have one thing though with him
other than the shirt on his back.
The Lord is with him,
and that's what I want you to remember
is that the Lord will provide for his anointed.
He watches out for his anointed.
He watches out for his elect.
Chapter 21 verse one this kind of begins the
second phase in David's life on the run from Saul.
Chapter 21 verse one:
Then came David to Nob to Ahimelech the priest.
He's the high priest to be exact.
Ahimelech was afraid at the meeting of David,
and said unto him "Why art thou alone and no man with thee?"
He undoubtedly recognized David.
He knew he was the king's son-in-law.
He knew he was a captain of thousands,
and he thinks it's suspicious
that David is showing up with no servants with him.
"Where are your men", is what Ahimelech is asking.
Now important to realize too
Ahimelech is of the house of Levi.
Excuse me Eli.
Levi as well, but Eli more importantly,
and the point I want to make you remember
in chapter two of this book First Samuel
Eli was high priest.
He was of the house of Ithamar
which Ahimelech is as well.
What did he do?
Well, he was undisciplined as the high priest.
He had two sons Hophni and Phinehas.
He allowed them to steal portions of the sacrifices
that belonged to the offerer, to the people.
He allowed them to steal portions that belonged to God.
The fat belonged to God.
They wanted some for themselves.
They went so far that they had intercourse
sexual intercourse with the women
who came to serve at the tabernacle.
God was very angry.
He sent a prophet, a man of God
to Eli in chapter two of this same book.
He said there's not going to be a priest
of your family line that gets gray headed.
In other words you're not gonna have anyone
that can serve as the high priest.
Ahimelech what happens to he and his family
is the judgment on the house of Eli coming to pass.
Verse two: David said unto Ahimelech the priest
"The king hath commanded me a business
"and hath said to me let no man know anything
"of the business where about I send thee.
"What I have commanded thee,
"and I have appointed my servants to such and such a place."
I've told my servants,
the men who you are asking about where are your man,
I assigned them to meet me and wait for me
at such and such a place at a specified location.
Now David's stretching the truth there,
and fact is that's an out and out lie.
I'm on the king's business,
and he told me not to tell any man what that business is.
But let's go a couple more verses then we'll stop for today.
Verse three: "Now therefore what is under thine hand",
David asks Ahimelech.
"Give me five loaves of bread in mine hand
"or what there is present",
or whatever you have that you can spare.
David has absolutely nothing.
Five loaves of bread would probably get him
suffice him for two or three days.
He doesn't have enough there for men
who are waiting to meet him at such and such a place.
Now it's possible that David had
a follower or two with him because
as we see as he is on the run from Saul
men gather to him that know David
that respect David for the courageous
warrior that he was.
Also the fact that God had left Saul
and Saul was not a righteous king any longer.
Verse five: The priest answered David and said,
"There is no common bread."
No common bread opposed to holy bread under mine hand.
"But there is hollowed bread."
"There's shew bread if the young man
"have kept themselves at least from women.
"If the men who are with you
"waiting at the designated point haven't been with women"
in other words there's in an unclean state
"then I'll give you the shew bread."
The shew bread was replaced once a week.
It was placed on a table just outside
the holy of hollies when there was a tabernacle.
But then each week every seventh day
the priest replaced the shew bread
and then the priests were to eat the shew bread.
But in this case Ahimelech is giving
the shew bread to David.
This is gonna cost Ahimelech dearly.
It's gonna cost a good number of the priests
in his family dearly.
You know David expressed regret
at what happened to Ahimelech
and that he basically was the cause of it.
But remember this is all in God's control.
That judgment on Eli's house
that there's not going to be a man old enough
to serve as the high priest is about to be carried out.
Got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment
won't you please.
- [Announcer] The Mark Of The Beast on CD
is or free introductory offer to you.
What is the mark of the beast?
Many false teachers will have you believe
it will be a tattoo on your forward
or a computer chip implanted under your skin.
It's getting late in the game.
You need to know what the mark of the beast is.
As it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse eight,
many will be deceived.
Christ said in Mark 13:23,
"Behold I have foretold you all things."
Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived.
Pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study
of God's word concerning this critical subject.
The telephone call is free.
The CD is free.
No shipping and handling.
Just call 800-643-4645
to request your one time
one per household copy of the Mark Of The Beast.
You may also mail your request to Shepherd's Chapel
PO Box 416, Gravette, Arkansas 72736.
Don't be deceived by Satan.
- Welcome back we're glad you could join back with us.
Let's have the 800 number please.
800-643-4645 that number good throughout
Puerto, the U.S., and Canada.
If you have a biblical question
that you'd like to pose to be answered on the air,
feel free to call that number and leave your question.
Please don't ask questions about a specific individual,
denomination, or organization by name.
We teach God's word in positive format
throwing out negative about others by name
serves no purpose we simply won't do it.
We'll let God's word do the teaching,
the correcting, and the healing fully capable of all three.
If you're studying via the internet somewhere
around the world and not able to use that 800 number,
your announcer at the end of the hour
will give you our mailing address.
Quite alright to mail your questions in being the point.
Got a prayer request?
We can do away with the telephone number.
You don't need a telephone.
You don't need a mailing address.
Your heavenly Father is there for you
24 hours a day seven days a week.
Anytime that you want to talk with him
you can do so in prayer.
You know I kind of get tickled when they say
well, kids, you can't pray in school.
You youngsters when you are in school
and you wanna pray you go right ahead and pray.
You don't have to close your eyes.
You don't have to get down your knees.
Talk to your father.
You want a little help on that test
that you're taking in geography?
Ask God he'll be there for you
if you trust and have confidence in him.
We do have these prayer requests.
Father, we come united as one
in the name of your son Jesus Christ.
Father, we ask you to look down upon these.
You know their needs, Father.
Problem marriages, financial difficulties
you know, Father if it is your will
a special blessing on each of these.
We also lift up our military troops
who are in harms way around the world, Father.
We ask you to watch over, guide, direct, touch,
heal in Jesus precious name.
Amen and thank you, Father.
Alright let's get to some questions.
First up today we have Jeanette from Georgia.
Can Satan read minds,
and the answer to that is no he can't read your mind.
Pastor Arnold Murray did a message some years back
entitled Heart Knower.
Heart in the languages you could also translate as mind.
God is a mind knower, a mind reader if you will.
Satan does not have that capability.
Pastor Murray takes you on almost an hour bible study
concerning that subject that's CD 30927
entitled Heart Knower.
Diane from Arkansas how do I rid this hate in my heart
for certain politicians and other people
who seem to want to do great harm to America?
Well, understand Diane that there is no power
that is not ordained of God.
In other words God wanted that person in that position
or they wouldn't be in that position.
You can read that in Romans chapter 13 verse one.
Let every soul be subject to higher powers.
For there is no power but of God
the powers that be are ordained of God.
He puts people where he wants them
and that's the reason that they're there.
Charles in Idaho where in the bible is it that says
he who digs a pit will fall in it.
Well, Proverbs chapter 26 verse 27 gets that said.
You can kind of paraphrased that but again Proverbs 26:27.
In other words if you go causing trouble,
then it's gonna fall back on you.
Bob in Iowa I have a mental issue
that I take medication for,
and in the past I asked Satan to come into my life.
But now I have asked God to forgive me.
Will God forgive me?
Yes, absolutely.
If you repent which means to have a sincere change of heart.
You can't con God.
He knows your heart and your mind.
He knows when you're trying to con him in other words.
Already you said I asked God to forgive me.
You probably already been forgiven, Bob.
Acts chapter three verse 19 states
repent that your sins can be blotted out.
That word blotted out in the Greek is (foreign word),
and it means to erase.
In other words it's like they never existed before.
Of course it's impossible that anyone
has committed the unforgivable sin at this point in time
so anything can be forgiven with that one exception
of murder of as we learn in the first epistles of John
chapter three verse 15 that a murderer can't be forgiven
while they're in the flesh.
Why, because capital punishment
they're to be sent to the Father
which is where the real trial judgment will be made.
Jim in Ohio I'm asking the question
in regards to organ transplant.
Is it a sin in God's eyes to receive a transplant?
If so how does one ask for forgiveness?
It is my understanding that it's a sin
to consume the blood of a man,
so in doing a transplant you must have blood transfusions.
I feel I have sinned against the Lord please advise.
It is a sin to eat anything in its blood
not particularly that.
A man of blood is also in the Old Testament.
A murderer is what that's talking about.
Organ transplants and blood transfusions
are not committing sin in God's eyes.
What a gift that someone can give.
Eyes that you're not going to ever need again.
Once you are clinically or biologically dead,
you don't need your flesh anymore.
You've already stepped out into your spiritual body.
If some part of that flesh that you're leaving behind
can be used by someone else that might possibly
save their life in the case of a heart transplant
or a kidney transplant
or give someone sight who is blind
through the donation of cornea what a great gift.
Blood transfusions have saved a lot of lives
in combat situations.
Someone who is wounded in war
most of the deaths are caused by people bleeding out.
Without blood transfusions they would die.
Tammy in Georgia my daughter was 30 years old
when she died.
Then two years later her husband died.
Now my two grand kids are asking questions
as to why did God take their parents.
Well, I wished you had stated how hold the children are,
but I would explain that God needed their help in Heaven.
God's building an army to return with Jesus Christ.
Revelation chapter 19 start along about verse 11
and the following verses.
Let them know that they will see their parents again.
That this is not a permanent separation.
That once we step out of these flesh bodies,
we're in spiritual bodies.
Those spiritual bodies are very much alive.
We don't have a God of the dead.
We have a God of the living.
Verne in Virginia Revelation chapter 20 verse 12
how many books are there besides the book of life?
Does every individual have their own book
or is it just one big book?
In Revelation 20:12 it states that
the books plural were opened
and then there was another book that was opened
entitled the book of life.
It doesn't say how many of the other books they were.
But what are these books?
Well, when we die our works go with us
Revelation chapter 14 verse 13.
That's all you can take with you.
I don't care if you're a billionaire.
You're not gonna take your billion dollars
with you when you die.
You are gonna take your works.
Whether good, bad, or ugly your works do go with you.
All those works are written down in these books.
What's going on there in Revelation chapter 20
the great white throne judgment.
The books are opened.
In other words what each individual did in the flesh
and then were judged by those works not our faith
but those works.
Hope that helps.
The book of life you wanna make sure your name is in in book
because those are the ones who go into the eternity.
Others you gotta a possibility of going
into the lake of fire
which is the second death, the death of the soul.
God's the judge.
Robert in Louisiana what verses in the bible
can be used for seed planting and please explain?
Well, I like to plant a seed by making a comment such as
isn't it interesting that there is no apple tree
in the Garden of Eden in the book of Genesis
and then just leave it at that.
The people probably have been taught falsely
incorrectly all their life that Eve
took a bite out of the apple
and that's the reason for all the problems.
Then they'll get to thinking about that.
They'll pull out their
hopefully pull out their King James version bible
and look in the Garden of Eden and say he was right.
There is no apple tree in the Garden of Eden.
Then they'll come back and start asking questions.
That's when you have a chance to follow up
and make sure that seed with God's watering
the former and latter rain germinates
and grows into a plant capable
of producing fruit of its own.
Oliver in Georgia says I'm seven years old.
It's summer time for me.
When it's summer time I go to my meme's house.
When I'm at my meme's house I watch Shepherd's Chapel.
I have a question.
How did the burning bush get on fire?
Well, that's a good question, Oliver.
Oliver's talking about in Exodus chapter three verse two
where Moses passed by the Lord
and the Lord appeared or manifested himself.
That means the Lord made it to where Moses
could see him in the burning bush.
That shouldn't surprise us though that
excuse me that God would appear as a burning bush
because we learn in Hebrews chapter 12 verse 29
that God is a consuming fire.
That fire has always been and it always will be.
Nobody had to set that bush on fire.
Lizzie in Georgia and she says I'm eight years old.
I'll bet Lizzie and Oliver are brother and sister.
I got to my grandma's house over the summer.
I have one sister and two brothers.
We always watch Shepherd's Chapel.
I appreciate all you do in teaching.
Well, I appreciate you liking the teaching.
I have a question.
When Heaven comes down to Earth
will we get to hug Jesus?
Yes, we will get to hug Jesus when he returns to Earth,
and I'm glad you know that Jesus comes to Earth
and that we're not flying away in a false rapture.
You kids keep studying I'm proud of you.
Patty in Kentucky please tell me where it is in the Bible
that a women can divorce her husband
if he prevents her from worshiping God?
I know it's somewhere.
Well, it doesn't really say divorce.
But I think what you're thinking about
if you take a look at First Corinthians
chapter seven verse 15,
I think that's the scripture you're looking for.
That's First Corinthians chapter seven verse 15.
First Corinthians chapter seven the whole chapter
deals with relationships.
Starting in verse 15 its talking about a relationship
where one of the couple is a believer
and the other is not.
Missy in Idaho how can we be sure the Christian bible
is truth and the way to God and not another
religion and their manuscript?
Well, that's called faith, Missy.
How do I increase my faith?
Well, God's word tells you how to increase your faith.
You read about it in Romans chapter 10 verse 17.
Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
You say how can we be sure the bible is truth?
Well, read Psalm 22 which is the death psalm.
My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me
is how verse one of Psalm 22 begins.
That's what Jesus said on the cross
when they were crucifying him.
What Jesus was teaching from the cross was look back.
Look back to Psalm 22.
You'll find that it's prophecy of the crucifixion
even down to the Roman soldiers casting lots
gambling for the raiment the clothing of Jesus.
That was written almost a thousand years
before the actual crucifixion.
Man cannot write something
a thousand years before it happens
and it come to pass God can.
Rufus in Missouri do you have
to be baptized to go to Heaven?
Many preachers, teachers, reverends incorrectly teach
that John 3:15 which states that you have to be
born of water to enter the kingdom of God.
They teach that means that you have to be
baptized incorrectly.
What that's talking about in John chapter three verse five
is that you have to be born in the flesh.
What's the first thing happens
when a woman is getting ready to birth a child?
Her water breaks.
So being born of water means being born into the flesh.
As opposed to the Nephilim the fallen angels
who refused to be born of woman.
Genesis chapter six, Jude chapter one verse six.
They left their habitation Heaven and came to Earth,
and they went into the daughters of Adam
and freak giants were the result.
That's what Goliath was a descendant of them.
Another point on baptism Luke 23:39
and the following verses.
There were two malefactors who were crucified
at the same time Christ was crucified.
One of them believed on Christ,
and Jesus said to him,
"This day I will see you in paradise."
Do you think that criminal
had been down to the Jordan
and John the Baptist baptized him?
I rather doubt it.
Jazz in New Jersey.
Cool name Jazz in New Jersey.
Is the pastor suggesting that when Cain
took a wife in the land of Nod
that there were other people on Earth
in the land of Nod besides Adam and Eve's family?
Well, he isn't suggesting he's making a statement
or better yet God's word states in
Genesis chapter four verse 16 that Cain
left the Garden of Eden.
He went east to the land of Nod.
He took a wife there.
Now wait a minute how can Cain go to the land of Nod?
Who was Nod and who was the woman that he took to wife?
They certainly wasn't of Adam and Eve's family
because you see Adam's genealogy in Genesis chapter five.
Cain's genealogy which is mixed with the six day creation
you'll find in Genesis chapter four.
Next up Sandra from Oklahoma.
Does a person need to be rebaptized
if they were baptized at the age of 12?
The decision was mine.
The church know longer exists
and I have been attending another church
and they want me to be baptized again.
Ephesians five states there's one faith,
one Lord, and one baptism.
Absolutely correct.
Is there any place in the bible
that states what church
if believing in the Lord and his son
following the bible does this account for anything?
Well, I would ask those of the church that you're attending
that want you to be rebaptized
what you just asked there at the end.
I would also point out Ephesians five.
I would also point out Hebrews chapter six
verses four, five, and six which is the teaching of Paul.
Paul said once you're saved and you come up short
you fall short repent.
You don't need to be baptized again.
To do so is like recrucifying Jesus on the cross.
Once on the cross was enough.
That's your decision, Sandra,
whether how badly do you wanna join that church.
If that church is teaching what you're saying
they're teaching I don't think I'd wanna join it.
Personal opinion.
Lee from Illinois what are the steps for the people
on the wrong side the gulf?
Those that didn't repent before death
do they go to the millennium and so on?
Yes, I think those who did not have a chance
to hear the truth in the flesh will be in the millennium.
It's gonna be a great time of teaching.
I'm out of time.
I do love you all a great deal.
Why because you enjoy studying God's word.
You know when the Lord looks down
and he sees you reading the letter
that he wrote to you, the bible it makes his day.
You make his day he's gonna make yours.
We are brought to you by your tithes and offerings.
If we've helped you,
help us keep coming to you
and to reach out to others
who are lost in this world of darkness.
One thing most important though it's this
you stay in his word every day.
Every day in your Father's word is a good day is
even with trouble you know why?
It's because Yeshua he is the living word.
(soft organ music)
- [Announcer] Hearing God's word with understanding
will change your life.
We hope you have enjoyed studying God's word
here on the Shepherd's Chapel family bible study hour
with Pastor Dennis Murray.
If you would like to receive more information
concerning Shepherd's Chapel,
you may request our free introductory offer.
Our introductory offer contains the Mark Of The Beast CD,
our monthly newsletter with a written bible study,
a CD catalog, and a list of written reference works
available through Shepherd's Chapel.
To request our free introductory offer by telephone
call 800-643-4645 24 hours a day.
You may also request our introductory offer
by writing to Shepherd's Chapel PO Box 416
Gravette, Arkansas 72736.
Once again that's Shepherd's Chapel PO Box 416
Gravette, Arkansas 72736.
We invite you to join us for the next
in depth bible study each week day at the same time.
Thank you for watching today's program
and God bless you.
(soft organ music)
♪ He's got the world world in his hands
ซับไทย [JAPANESE REACTION] I Will Always Love You หน้ากากดอกไม้ | THE MASK SINGER2 - Duration: 5:45.
'k', 'p' so those are the weird ones that are like. depends on like if it's up or down
hey guys good morning I just finished my back doctors the chiropractor's. The C-H-I-R-O-P-R-A-C-T-O-R
appointment. My back's been hurting recently so I went to the doctor and he
made me feel so much better. yeah. It's early though for me. I'm tired
I went to sleep pretty late editing the vlog and no problem
today I'm so excited because I'm going to take my cousin Breanne. she's looking
at colleges so I told her that I would show her my college I'm not going to
film us being there at the college because I want to keep my schooling kind
of private for now just for now but but I can tell you know I go to a pretty
large pretty large college I'm in the computer science department and before I
was in the biology department so Breanne is thinking about going into biology so
since I know and I took my first year with in biology I know where the classes
are a few of the things there so I'll show her around today and hopefully
she's fine with me maybe filming her a little bit longer a little bit I know
she watches our channel so I think she'll be cool and you guys can meet her
and we might go to lunch somewhere else so well we'll figure that out but I'll
see you guys later
so hot
I'm here with my cousin Breanne and she said it was fine to film her and she
wants to be in the vlog. yay. but we just finished walking around my school and I
showed her like where everything was but it was so hot today it's 90 degrees
outside and we were sweating so it feels good to be back in like an AC car.
But here's Breanne. She's so sweet
She actually um. How old were you when we started
started teaching sign language around here?
I think I was 13 or 14
yeah, so 5 years ago? no. 4 years ago
four years we used to come to their neighborhood and teach sign
language to all the kids in the neighborhood and so she knows a few signs
a little bit like I almost forgot most of them
but you know the alphabet. ABC
yeah, kind of. I get 'h' and 'i' confused
'h' and 'i'
Wait what was the other one?
this is 'p' right?
this is 'p'
and what's 'g'?
oh yeah, 'p' 'g'
so 'g' 'q'
'k' 'p'
So those are the weird ones. depends on like if it's up or down
oh, okay
I kind of know it
but she was telling me that she wanted to take ASL at her high
school but they don't offer it there and she wish they did
So maybe in the future. So not all high schools offer ASL as a language. Mine did thankful thankfully
but not all of them do but they should they should. Don't you think they should?
yeah, I agree they should
I'll see you guys later
So I just dropped off my cousin
Breanne she is currently going into her senior
year and so she's looking at colleges and it just
an exciting time for her and she is so sweet so kind I think she's going to do
so well in college yeah so I hope her the best. Ryan went to work four in the
morning this morning crazy right and he hasn't texted me back um but I think
he's going to get off work maybe in like a few hours so I'll check
back later. okay. bye
hey you guys sorry about yesterday. We forgot to end the vlog and
It was just a hectic day I'm Ryan got off work super late yeah
like two
Yeah, and what time did you start? You started super early
Are you talking about the morning?
Ryan doesn't even
remember when he was working. He works so much
yep so I worked at my normal job
until 2 in the morning then I went home quick to
to sleep and then I woke up at 4 in the morning to go to my other job
and I worked until 5 pm. I'm so tired
yeah, he basically worked 24 hours
yeah sorry I wasn't in the vlog. Sorry about that
I promise I'll be here this week!
Okay, bye you guys love you!
Sign Duo
Lycka till orienterarna i VM i Estland! - Duration: 0:13.
I fucked ethan - Duration: 0:11.
Shut the fuck up.
Le gateaux de chocolat.
Chocolate cake just cuz she's blick?
Wh-what was that lucky..?
Where The F*ck Have I Been!? - Duration: 4:31.
Kawaii International - I Wanna be a Shop Idol! - Duration: 28:01.
Dj Khaled's Son Asahd Meets Justin Bieber and Cries! | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:25.
Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Motion Comf.+ Navi - Duration: 0:56.
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY DESIGN CAMERA.AIRCO.2 JAAR GARANTIE - Duration: 0:59.
Hyundai ix35 2.0I STYLE - Duration: 0:59.
Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6i - Duration: 0:58.
Prezentacja postaci: Stiukow (napisy PL) - Duration: 5:05.
Kellyanne Conway Totally Flubs Her Endorsement of Trump's Tweets - Duration: 5:32.
On Friday morning, White House advisor, Kellyanne Conway, took a big risk and actually went
on Good Morning America, opposite George Stephanopoulos, to defend Donald Trump's Twitter attacks against
Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough from MSNBC's Morning Joe.
Now, during her defense when asked if she endorses these tweets, Kellyanne Conway kind
of flubbed a bit and admitted something that everybody in America already knows.
Take a look.
No, no.
That's exactly what I'm saying to you, George, that the toxicity both way ... Coming to the
President is terrible and, you know, this is what's going on.
Did you catch that?
Toxicity both ways is what she said before she attempted to correct herself, meaning
that she is acknowledging that there is toxicity coming from the President of the United States
in his Twitter feed.
Now, that is a massive statement.
This is the first time we've ever seen any kind of glimmer of truth coming out of the
mouth of Kellyanne Conway.
And it's the first time we've seen anybody within the Trump administration, even if accidental,
admit that the President's dialogue, his Twitter feed, his interactions with other human beings,
is toxic.
And it absolutely is.
Donald Trump should have more self control as a 70-year-old man who's President of the
United States.
His toxicity is what's poisoning public discourse in this country.
Yeah, there's a divide among Democrats and Republicans and Liberals and Progressives
and Conservatives and Libertarians, but we expect more out of our leaders, okay?
We do not expect our President to go out there and speak like someone in a YouTube comment
section, okay?
We want a little better from the people who lead us.
Leave the uncivil discourse to the uneducated masses who have nothing better to do than
go online to comment sections and say horrible things about people they don't even know.
From the President, we want something better and Kellyanne Conway almost admitted that.
Now, later on in this interview, Kellyanne Conway tries to steer Stephanopoulos in a
different direction to talk about all of the great things Donald Trump is doing for American
Take a look.
The idea that the media are covering, a large parts of the media anyway, are covering personal
insults about the President, this invective, and really denying America's women their rightful
knowledge on what he's doing for them on taxes, on health care, and infrastructure.
Kellyanne, as you know, we wouldn't be talking about-
That's right, folks.
Don't get distracted by this sexist tweet or, you know, all of the sexist things that
Donald Trump has said since he's been in the public eye.
Focus on his nonsexist tax reform policy or his health care policy or his infrastructure
Because, according to Kellyanne Conway right there, by focusing on the tweets, we're not
educating women on how these policies, tax reform, health care, and infrastructure, help
American women.
Well, let me go ahead and educate you on how these policies help American women.
If you make less than a million dollars a year in the United States and you're a woman,
they don't help you at all.
There you go.
I took care of it for you there, Kellyanne Conway, because the health care plans put
forward by your party slashes funding for Planned Parenthood.
You have attempted actually to completely gut all of the funding for Planned Parenthood
so low-income women throughout the United States cannot get access to affordable health
By cutting Medicaid, you're kicking millions of women off of health insurance who need
You're kicking their children off.
You're kicking young girls off.
You're allowing corporations to come in and by repealing the clean water rule and poison
rivers, lakes, and streams, and drinking water aquifers, that's going to hurt women, too.
Not just men.
You want to do away with paid maternity leave in your health care bill.
You want to make ever having a child or ever being pregnant a preexisting condition.
As for the tax reform, again, if you're a woman and you make over a million dollars,
I guess it helps you because you save money on taxes.
Other than that, you know, probably 99.9% of women in this country will see absolutely
no benefit from it.
And from infrastructure, that's not really an issue that helps men or women more or less.
It's kind of a thing that, you know, you fix roads and bridges.
That helps everybody.
I don't understand your point here but I do know that you're obviously trying to distract
people to go back towards policies that are really going to hurt people, which maybe that's
your point overall.
Maybe you want people to focus on what the House and Senate Republicans are doing instead
of focusing on the, as you call it, toxicity coming out of Donald Trump's Twitter feed.
Help My Unbelief - Neil Wang (Original) - Duration: 5:10.
The water's raging
And my ship is sinking
I aboard my tiny raft that I call faith
Knowing what I'll do, it's for my own sake
Takes all our strength just to stand up tall
Wishing we could stop this once and for all
'Cause my all is in you
'Cause you took the fall for me
The water's raging
But up above the storm you rise
My ship is sinking
And your love takes me by surprise
I swim in your endless grace
Help this sinner once again to step out into the sea
Help my unbelief
Glorified be His name, He's the saving one
We praise him for all the works he's done
In our weakness, his love, it parts the sky
Catching the tailwind so we can fly
So I look to you
'Cause you took the fall, for me
The water's raging
But up above the storm you rise
My ship is sinking
And your love takes me by surprise
I swim in your endless grace
Help this sinner once again to step out into the sea
Help my unbelief
You took this ill child as your own
Decided alone to save my soul
My cup doth overflow
I'll worship you and you alone
The weather's changing
The clouds are clearing
Love everlasting
Your grace unchanging
The water's raging
But up above the storm you rise
The ship is sinking
Still your love takes me by surprise
I swim in your endless grace
Help this sinner once again to sea
Help this sinner once again, oh
God, reach out your redeeming hand
Help my unbelief
【国语/Chinese Vocal】 祈Inory ~ 不可能存在的女神 (English Subtitles) - Duration: 5:29.
Lyrics: 绛舞乱丸 // Mixing: 绛舞乱丸、水无月轩 // PV: Alice映画
Franklin's kite is tied to Schrodinger's Cat,
and Van Gogh's ear transplanted onto Edison after 1861
Absolutely impossible things
always occur on absolutely impossible worldlines
So where worldlines converge, of course there appears, a goddess that absolutely should not be.
You want to approach, yet shrink away,
As though under some spell of silence.
At once calm, and yet conflicted,
Normally so stoic, but now your heart stirs after so long - for her.
These fantasies and daydreams, so hard to control.
Your feelings hiding here, and hiding there - a love without end.
But really where could they be, oh where could they be?
These flowers that have blossomed in your heart.
You talk and walk, put on an act, like you're somebody else,
And now you've lost your mind, lost your reason, lost yourself in her,
When she's standing there, oh just standing there,
A simple smile is all it takes for you to go weak.
Atop Zhang Heng's seismograph, the dragon's pearl falls into the toad's mouth.*
In the midst of a quake, Li Bai at the top of Mount Lu,
is soaked by three thousand feet of waterfall.
Absolutely impossible things,
always occur on absolutely impossible worldlines.
So where worldlines converge, of course there appears, a goddess that absolutely should not be.
These fantasies and daydreams, so hard to control.
Your feelings hiding here, and hiding there - a love without end.
But really where could they be, oh where could they be?
These flowers that have blossomed in your heart.
You talk and walk, put on an act, like you're somebody else,
And now you've lost your mind, lost your reason, lost yourself in her,
When she's standing there, oh just standing there,
The whole world revolves around her.
Her dimensions stir your sincerity,
There's no changing the fates of two people -
Quickly now, quickly now,
Be close!
You'll always fantasize, and daydream of, her fleeting figure,
Turn your passions to the stars, and to the moon, into a message.
But really where could they be, oh where could they be?
Let your love ring loud and clearly.
She helps you find your words, and find your actions, believe in yourself,
At last you listen to, and understand, who you really are,
When she's standing there, oh just standing there,
The whole world revolves around her.
Her dimensions stir your sincerity,
Two people's fates on this worldline -
Just a little bit,
little bit,
Become closer.
Thanks for watching.
What Happens When You Eat 8 Beds? Korean Girl Reaction Very Shocking - Duration: 4:34.
GG LIVE | Bloodborne #2 (PS4) - Duration: 5:51:15.
How To make a DIY Electronics Work Bench - Part 1 - Duration: 11:16.
Today on Made To Hack, I build an Electronics workbench
[ ♫ - Intro Music Plays -]
I originally wanted to build a workbench using euro pallets
But after carrying these really heavy pallets, I realized it was not a feasible idea
I redesigned the workbench to use light-weight steel framing used for drywall plaster board
I began by measuring and cutting the 60mm profiles for the legs of the workbench
These were squared and screwed in with self tapping metal screws
I checked that the finished legs were relatively square to each other
Then it was on to the frame assembly of the workbench
For this section, I opted to use 100mm (or 4 inch) wide profiles
They were measured and cut
Throughout the structure, I created many H-beams by screwing two profiles back to back
Here's what the finished structure looks like
I then cut the 6mm (or quarter inch) birch plywood that will be the work surface
I tested the stiffness and realized that it wobbled too much
I decided to add some cross bracing where I initially wanted to have a drawer
The cross member was measured and squared and the cross braces added
This significantly improved the stiffness of the work surface
I then attached the legs to the top structure using hex bolts and screws
I also added a horizontal cross brace that connected both legs
The plywood was glued to the top structure using a construction adhesive
However, this proved to be useless as after one day, it did not glue properly
I then decided to put a layer of 12mm (half-inch) OSB in between the structure and the plywood work surface
This was counter-sunk and screwed to the steel frame
I checked for squareness once more and cleaned the surface
I should have used this Sikaflex adhesive from the beginning
I spread it around the edges whereas for the majority of the OSB surface, I used regular PVA wood glue
After I let the glue harden for a day, I sanded the plywood with 240 grit sand paper
I vacuumed and cleaned the surface thoroughly
I then applied the first layer of varnish using a solvent based polyurethane
After about 4 hours of drying, I sanded the surface once more with 240 grit
For the second and third coats of varnish, I changed to a water based polyurethane
In between drying, I hand sanded with 400 grid and then finally 600 grid sand paper
Here you can see another horizontal brace that I connected to both legs and a few angled pieces to help with lateral stability
I used a piece of OSB left over to make a shelf using both horizontal cross braces
This was counter-sunk and screwed to the steel profiles
And here is the workbench all built
In part two of the project, I add shelves and deal with the electrical and lighting
The next generation of Filament reviews: This is Filaween 2.0! - Duration: 11:16.
What's up everyone, Tom here, and I think the original Filaween series of filament tests
was pretty good, it was pretty decent.
We learned a lot about how the different materials and filaments behave under mechanical stress
and what the differences were in print quality.
But I feel like there are a few things that still needed a bit of tweaking.
So after testing 30 materials, Filaween 1.0 is over and Filaween 2.0 is about to start.
The king is dead, long live the king!
So there are few areas that I worked on.
That is generating data that is more reliable, presenting stuff in a way where it's easy
to understand the results and making the entire thing a bit easier for me, too.
Let's start with reliability.
Filaween 1.0 relied a lot on the manufacturer giving correct information for temperatures
and fan settings and also producing the filament with a diameter as close as possible to the
nominal 1.75mm.
I really didn't do a ton of tuning for any material, and while I still can't spend
a day trying to dial in every material from zero, I at least want to do a basic extrusion
amount and temperature tune.
So what I came with here is this stitched series of prints that does two things.
First it prints these cylinders with 100% infill with 5% extra material for each consecutive
one, so they are 100%, 105, 110 and 115% extrusion multiplier in one go and I'll be able to
feel and visually tell which ones are overextruded and which ones are not.
In this case, you can feel the top layers getting a bit rougher with each step, the
100% one is perfectly smooth, while the 115% one is visually rough and overstuffed on top.
In this case, I'll go with 105% to get a good fill for strength without degrading print
quality too much.
By the way, these parts have a divot on the bottom, which will prevent nozzle height offsets
on the first layer from influencing the rest of the part.
The other section of that print is just three 3DBenchies, the center one at the median print
temperature, the real one colder, the front one hotter.
In this case, 190, 210 and 230°C. I did think about just doing, like, an overhang test,
and ramping up the temperature for that, but the 3DBenchy just has a lot more information
on how things are going.
In this case, the 190°C one looks good, so does the 210° one, but the 230° Benchy does
have a good bit more drooping with bridges, so 210°C it is.
And that is the quick & easy extrusion amount and temperature test that will run for every
single material.
This is almost an 8 hour print, as always, running on the Original Prusa i3 MK2, but
for this season, with updated print settings.
I'm going from the previous 0.2 to the new "Optimal" profile with 0.15mm layer heights.
Prints do look a bit better, and most importantly, are now using the "recommended" profile
for this machine.
We're also switching to 15% cubic infill, the more modern pattern, which will come into
play in a second with the new mechanical test.
Other than that, I will be printing as much as possible as sequential prints on the same
printbed, which means each part is going to be printed at its own pace and not suddenly
see speed changed when another one finishes.
I've done that before, too, but I'll try to consolidate as many prints into one job
as possible so that, after tuning, I only have to hit print once and can then leave
the machine to itself.
Alright, mechanical tests.
What was really bothering me was that I didn't have any sort of toughness test included in
the original Filaween series.
That means that for example PETG and a Nylon would see similar resulting numbers, but the
PETG would crack and shatter much, much more easily than the Nylon, and that didn't have
any impact on the results, but could drastically change how durable a material was under real-life
Thankfully, there are already some standardized test for this exact property, which is impact
So what I did is that I actually built an apparatus that tests like ISO 180/B. Basically,
we swing a hammer from a set height, which breaks the test piece, the specimen, and by
looking at how far the hammer swings up after it hit the part, we know how energy our specimen
absorbed while breaking.
The specimen is this 10mm square bar with a notch in the center, so as the hammer strikes,
there's going to be a stress concentration and it's going to break at that exact spot.
There will be three different prints tested, one printed in each different orientation.
Now if that sounds too complicated, worry not, because in simple terms, we just get
a number for how tough a material is, how much of blow it can absorb.
So in this test, Nylon would definitely get a higher score than PETG.
Of course, I'll keep the classic mechanical tests, the parts for those look slightly different,
the bend test is slightly optimized, it still works the exact same way, but the pull test,
which used to be these octagonal rings, is now more of an elongated ring, which means
there should be less bending and more pulling happening, which should make it a bit fairer
between rigid and bendy materials.
And one new test is for that exact flexibility.
I didn't have a really precise indicator for that so far, so this is what I'll be
using - it's a printed spring, I'll hook a 1kg spool of filament to it and just check
how far it stretches.
It is rather flexible, which is intentional, I did go through a few different iterations
to make this as soft and as repeatable as it is, but I feel like it's actually more
important for the rigid materials to know precisely how rigid they are, because the
softer ones, you're probably not going to use those where you need a very specific hardness.
But the data will be there!
Still, I don't want to base Filaween 2.0 so much on the raw numbers anymore, well,
actually, I just don't want them to be the only final result.
I'll still include the numbers, but the actual "decent or crap" scale is going
to be stars.
From 0 to 5 stars.
Uhm, well, actually, uh, the five-star thing has been spoiled a bit by Amazon reviews,
where it's not like "3 stars is average", but something closer to this.
And I feel like I kinda have to play along here, so 4 stars is going to be average, that
is perfectly acceptable, like with a 4-star filament, I'll print that stuff each day,
every day, no second thoughts.
5-star is going to be your "definitely better than average" rating and for truly outstanding
materials, like ones that I don't manage to break with my setups or that get really
good, consistent print quality through the bank, those will get a flaming 5-star of awesomeness.
I'm 100% serious here, by the way.
A filament will get an overall rating, and that breaks down to aesthetics, which is pure
print quality plus the look and feel of the material, then of course mechanical properties,
and ease of use, which is how much tuning was necessary, how close the tuned settings
were to the recommendations and what hardware you need to successfully print with a material.
So as a baseline, and sort of as a reference of what to expect, here's how some previous
materials would score: Rigid.ink ASA and the UniCoFil Rainbow would both get the flaming
5-star for print quality, both print really well, and the Rainbow PLA has, I think, an
awesome look to it on top of that.
On the other hand, many particle-filled materials, including woodfills, do have a unique feel
to them, but print quality is often a bit harder to get right, so they would end up
somewhere in the 3-star region.
For strength, Polymaker's Polyflex, Taulman Bridge, and probably also Polycarbonate would
get that 5+ star, most PLAs would end up in the 4-star region, while the ABS or ASA filaments
would probably get 2 to 3 stars mostly.
Now, for ease of use, to be honest, PLAs are just as easy as it gets.
They need no special nozzles, aren't really affected by moisture, don't need a heated
chamber, and so on, so there's really no reason not to get them the flaming 5-star
for ease of use.
The other extreme would be a carbon-filled Nylon, which will absorb ambient moisture,
often warps a lot and requires a specific build surface, and it also need a wear-resistant
nozzle, so that would maybe get a 2-star at most, especially since you often need to tune
the print profiles a bit.
I'll have to see how the new tests work out over that wide range of materials, but
I'm definitely looking forward to the first material that gets an overall flaming five-star
I'm not quite sure if any of the materials I've tested in Filaween 1.0 would qualify
for that.
The individual Filaween 2.0 episodes are going to be published on Saturdays, all the ones
from that week as a bundle, like some of you have suggested.
Now, if you want to dive deeper into the testing methodologies and scoring rules, etc, that
info is going to be at toms.org/filaween2, the files are also for download, you can get
the full CAD files for the IZOD setup, the test specimen and etc. on Onshape, that link
is also going to be on the website, and I will also try to publish the gcode files that
I use on the MK2 for all these tests.
Different printers might produce slightly different results, so I'm not sure how comparable
the results would be to parts made on a completely different 3D printer.
So as of right now, I don't think crowdsourcing tests results would be such a great idea for
obvious reasons of trustworthiness etc, but you're certainly invited to discuss the
Filaween tests in the comments below here on YouTube or on the forums, at discuss.toms3d.org,
and actually, the forums are open to discussions of any kind, hopefully preserving good information
and conversations better than a YouTube comment thread can.
Again, discuss.toms3d.org.
While we're at it, a quick thanks to AlephObjects for supporting the channel.
They're a Free Software, Libre Innovation, and Open Source Hardware company from Loveland,
Colorado, and not only are they the makers of the Lulzbot line of 3D printers, they've
also been working on open-source filament!
Watch my reviews of both LulzBot 3D printers here and check the links in video description
for more info on the machines or on the open-source filament straight from Aleph Objects.
So I hope you'll find the Filaween 2.0 tests helpful, if you do, hit that like button,
get subscribed so you don't miss the episodes, and of course, you should turn on notifications
by clicking that bell next to the subscribe button.
If you want to support this channel, check out Patreon with regular Q&A Hangout, or,
simply use the free affiliate links from the video description below for your next shopping
spree wherever you buy your filaments.
Thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next one!
Prezentacja postaci: Stiukow (napisy PL) - Duration: 5:05.
Colin Abrahall (GBH) - O BEN PARA TODO MAL - S01Ep5 - Duration: 10:10.
Die Young #10 - Sou a única Pessoa Viva do meu Grupo? - Duration: 25:29.
LR AloeVia 2017 - Duration: 1:56.
😍❤ HACKER TOP 10 MINECRAFT INTRO ANIMATIONS #15 + Music Names by OliverFX ❤ - Duration: 10:02.
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A voz do Limão de PEPSI TWIST voltou! | #AVozDoLimão - Duration: 0:31.
Senhor Galo | Canções infantis | Para crianças | Canções de berçário - Duration: 1:05:21.
Cock a doodle do!
My dame has lost her shoe,
My master's lost his fiddlestick,
And knows not what to do.
Cock a doodle do!
What is my dame to do?
Till master's found his fiddlingstick,
She'll dance without her shoe.
Cock a doodle do!
My dame has found her shoe,
And master's found his fiddlingstick,
Sing cock a doodle do!
Cock a doodle do!
My dame will dance with you,
While master fiddles his fiddlingstick,
And knows not what to do.
Cock a doodle do!
My dame has lost her shoe,
My master's lost his fiddlestick,
And knows not what to do.
Cock a doodle do!
What is my dame to do?
Till master's found his fiddlingstick,
She'll dance without her shoe.
Cock a doodle do!
My dame has found her shoe,
And master's found his fiddlingstick,
Sing cock a doodle do!
Cock a doodle do!
My dame will dance with you,
While master fiddles his fiddlingstick,
And knows not what to do.
50 nombres brasileños y portugueses para niños - www.nombresparamibebe.com - Duration: 2:03.
50 brazilian and portuguese names for baby boys
namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.
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