Alright boys,
Listen up, cause I'm gonna to say this once
I want a good clean battle.
I want no sand-bagging
no brake checking
I want you to drive as fast as you can
and get as close to each other
and the walls
as you can.
We're looking for proximity out there gentlemen
and speed.
get out there and make a bloody good video.
That'll do.
For more infomation >> #BATTLEDRIFT 2 - Daigo vs. Baggsy - Duration: 5:12.-------------------------------------------
Ultime notizie: Ylenia dimessa dall'ospedale e forse incinta| K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:31.
E-Sport - Profi-Copmuterspieler in Taiwan I Y-Kollektiv Dokumentation - Duration: 13:44.
Meet Roseli, LGBT wedding planner in Tuscany and Airbnb host with a story about love and equality - Duration: 1:51.
My name is Rosy
and I'm a wedding planner.
I live in Chianti, a wonderful part of Tuscany,
20 kilometers away from Florence.
I decided to become a wedding planner because
I wanted to offer my services to all couples
because I believe that love is a universal topic
and everyone has the right to be happy.
I chose to do the Tuscan Wedding Experience on Airbnb
because I wanted to show travelers
places outside the city and popular local spots.
I want them to step into the world of a wedding planner
and go on a journey that tells the story of Florence
and its history
while also giving them food and wine tips.
A great way to get to know the Chianti area
is to taste our famous wines.
The story of this land
lies in every bottle of wine
and the local foods,
all coming directly from the farm to your table,
even the wines.
There's no secret formula to the perfect wedding
because every single one is unique
and tells the story of the couple.
Land Rover Freelander 2.2 TD4 E - Duration: 0:54.
Peugeot 308 1.6 E-HDI 110pk Premiere/ Full map navigatie/ Panoramadak/ Climate control/ Cruise contr - Duration: 0:54.
Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE, 5-Deurs / Airco / Bluetooth / LED dagrijverlichting - Duration: 0:59.
Peugeot 508 SW BWJ 2013 1.6 E-HDI BLUE LEASE EXECUTIVE / NAVI / LEER / CLIMA / PANORAMADAK - Duration: 0:54.
O que meus livros ensinam: "Pais inteligentes enriquecem seus filhos" - Duration: 5:42.
Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active - Duration: 0:59.
KARDEŞİM'E KIŞKIRTMA!! - (Olaylar Büyüdü) - Duration: 1:35.
Do not forget to take a similar video to your favorite video.
Remember to subscribe to the channel.
Start provocation.
Sneaky Sneaky Walking aq.
Bad wallet in my ass
Mommy - What's Happening?
I'm joking mother
bunasıl çeviri aq
Just Friends - Talking Tom and Friends | Season 2 Episode 3 - Duration: 11:08.
Dun, dun, dun, dun.
'Sup Angela?
Dearest Angela.
Too manly.
Too mouthwashy.
Oh, that's because it is mouthwash.
Hey, Tom, quick question.
Are we going casual dress or are we going dress to impress?
Well, I don't know who we'd be trying to impress.
This is just a friend event, right?
Oh, great.
That's exactly what I was thinking.
Me wearing something formal would be as silly as you giving me flowers.
How crazy would that be?
No romantic tension, no holding hands, and definitely no exchanging candy...
Yeah. Sounds like the perfect non-romantic evening.
So, uh, pick me up in an hour?
No I will not because that would be like a date!
Right, buddy?
Good point, pal!
Hey, Tom!
Getting ready for your big date with Angela?
Ah, ah, ah, it's not a date!
Then why do you smell like mouthwash?
The Barf-a-Coaster!
Get ready to be hurled through six--
Through six stories of high-intensity, barf-causing thrills!
Ride the new Barf-a-Coaster!
You know the Barf-a-Coaster commercial word for word.
Tonight, I face the Barf-a-Coaster.
There will be barf.
And that barf will be my barf!
Not for me, thank you.
But that's okay, we'll just all spit up.
I mean, split up.
We can't split up.
We have to stick together.
Because we're friends.
And this is a friend event.
I can't go to the carnival.
I have an emergency-online-chat with my long-distance girlfriend, Xenon...
She's real.
Hi, Xenon!
Cancel this chat, Ben, all right?
Tonight is about friends, not girlfriends.
We need everybody there to keep this from being romantic.
Sorry, guys. Xenon is facing a serious crisis.
She's trying to organize her books by usefulness and as you can imagine, it's gotten pretty
That's where Ben comes in.
You're going!
You can't use a laptop if you don't have a lap!
Let go of me, you maniac!
Great, now she's frozen.
Hello? Xenon?
It's okay, Tom.
We can still go out on a friend event with just the four of us.
You are so smart, Angela.
Careful with the compliments.
If you guys keep this up, I'm going to barf before I get there.
Let's go!
Do you smell that?
Where else are you going to get the glorious aromas of fried food, a petting zoo, and Tom's
mouthwash in one convenient place.
Here's the barf plan.
They shut down the Barf-a-Coaster early to power-wash it, because of all the barf.
We can grab some stomach ammo.
Which will come up in our barf!
Let's start with something a little less night-ruining.
Oh, look!
I bet I can win one of those.
Ooh, and then I can carry a prize around and make everyone so jealous!
You mean like you would do on a date?
Good save, Hank.
This is why it's great that everyone's here.
Because friends look out for each other.
Okay, let's have some fun… friends-style!
I write your name on everything/ I would like to run and jump with you/ My heart beats for
you / you... you are my life/ my life, my life, my life / I'm always here for you--
You can always count on me / you… you are so strong / so much funner than I could ever
I have to admit -- I was a little worried about tonight, but I feel like we're really
making this work.
Yeah, it's nice being in a big group of friends.
Wait a minute... where's Hank?
They have a Bongo and McGillicuddy mallet game.
If I hit it hard enough to ring the top bell, Bongo makes lieutenant!
Oh yeah, oh yeah!
Wow, Hank.
You're strong.
Oh, it's actually more about finding the sweet spot on the mallet.
Ladies and gentlemen, we got ourselves a natural here.
You know, there's a smack-off tournament in an hour.
Sorry, he's a little preoccupied right now due to a friend event.
Yeah, that doesn't sound like a thing.
Now, smacking stuff with a mallet... that's a thing, am I right, folks?
But I guess someone else will have to take this baby home.
A Bongo and McGillicuddy trophy?
And now, I must take my leave of you.
You understand.
No, no!
You can't do this to us
It's okay.
A three-person friend event can still work.
Because it's not two people.
Let's hit the Barf-a-Coaster!
Well, I like the idea of barfing... but I don't love the idea of barfing.
Sorry, Ginger.
Let's just go to the Ferris Wheel instead.
This thing looks so exciting.
Oh, after you.
Thanks Ginger.
You're quite the little gentleman.
You left me no choice!
I gave you every opportunity to barf with me.
You brought this on yourselves!
Sorry, not sorry!
Come back!
Man, you stink at friend events.
Stomach ammo!
Ugh, I'm going to get you for this, Ginger!
Just the two of us now.
No, not true!
As long as I've got my eyes on Ginger, we're technically not alone together!
Then get your eyes on Ginger!
Got him.
He's on the ground.
He's running fast.
No, don't go behind the tilt-a-whirl... don't go behind the tilt-a-whirl... no!
He went behind the tilt-a-whirl.
It's all right, Tom.
We'll just ignore each other for a few loops, and before we know it, this will all…
Why are we not moving?
Child on a thrill ride.
Repeat, child on a thrill ride.
All rides are shut down until further notice.
Looks like Ginger finally made it to the Barf-a-Coaster.
Good for Ginger.
Don't panic.
Not a problem.
We have a problem.
Oh, really?
He's unstrapped himself.
And he's running down the track.
Well, it shouldn't take long to catch him.
This is going to take a super long time.
Oh, come on!
We apologize that our rides are basically no good for the rest of the night.
The rest of the night?!
Can anyone hear us?
Two friends!
It's no use.
They can't hear us over the carnival music down there.
And I used to like carnival music.
That trophy is mine!
This is so much better than barfing.
So... the two of us are stuck… alone... together at the top of a Ferris Wheel.
No big deal.
Friends get stuck on rides every day.
But um, maybe you should stop touching me, um, with your knee?
Oh, uh, not a lot of room.
You know what?
Let's play a very innocent, friendly game until they fix this.
Try to guess what I'm looking at.
A view of the town like you've never seen it before.
Lit up under a beautiful starry sky.
Uh... pretty much.
Oh, hey, look.
A shooting star.
I'm getting down.
Angela, what are you doing?
Is it my mouthwash?
This is too romantically dangerous.
So I'm going to crawl down the side of this Ferris Wheel.
At least that's just regular dangerous.
And kind of dumb!
Just to be clear, I'm holding your hand for safety.
I am so glad you're here… for safety.
You know, this is actually kind of cool.
I don't know why more people don't exit Ferris Wheels this way.
That's why.
This was such a mistake!
No, no, no, do not say that.
We could not stay up at the top like that.
No, Tom!
I'm talking about spending the whole night pretending like this wasn't a date!
If we had just admitted that we liked each other, we could have stayed up in that gondola.
Okay, yeah, it wasn't so bad up there.
I was thinking about holding your hand.
I was thinking about holding your hand too!
Oh my gosh, you were?
No way!
We both wanted to hold each other's hands.
Oh, but let's not do that now, because gravity.
I'm slipping!
Before I fall...
I wished this was a date all along.
I did too, Tom.
I did too.
Well this is kind of embarrassing.
Not if you think about how fast we climbed down.
I mean, we're pretty agile.
Huh, yeah I guess we are.
Did you mean what you just said, though?
About um...
Yeah, Angela.
Forget friend events.
You've got to hide me.
I've got a lot of angry carnies after me.
I'm sorry, Ginger.
We're a little busy right now.
We're on a date.
Oh, barf.
Not in my face.
There he is!
Get that kid!
I don't feel so -- blegh!
Wie beginne ich mit dem Prodiags Selbststudium Online Automobiltechnik Lernkurs? - Duration: 1:45.
Produza Muito Trabalhando Pouco - Duration: 3:05.
Desenho infantil - trem Chuggington no Brasil - Jogos Para Crianças - Duration: 7:26.
Easy garden decoration using homemade dough ♥ decorate your garden DIY by bring me art ♥ part 2 - Duration: 3:24.
Take a small piece of dough and make a leaf shape out of it. Carve stripes in it using a sharp object
Now let's color the leaf.
And your first garden prop is done.. :D
For the second prop roll a chunk of dough into a cylinder and cut 5-6 small pieces out of it.
Roll these pieces into round balls and then flatten them all one by one.
Now fold a piece into a conical shape and paste the rest of the pieces around it as shown above.
And you have a beautiful rose shape !!
Now let's paint this..
And you've successfully made a dough flower for your garden !!
Now take a round flattened piece and paste smaller pieces on it as above.
Now paint it !!
And we are DONE!!
Goldman No Longer Believes Republicans Can Repeal Obamacare Here - politics - Duration: 12:51.
Goldman No Longer Believes Republicans Can Repeal Obamacare: Here's Why
One month after Goldman gave up on Trump being able to pass any major (or minor) tax package
in 2017, overnight - in the aftermath of Senate GOP's deplorable failure to find the needed
51 votes to " repeal and replace" Obamacare- Goldman's Washington analyst Alec Phillips
throws up his hands, and no longer believes that passage of Obamacare is possible.
In a note that looks at the current state of health legislation, titled appropriately
enough "Nearing the End", Goldman summarizes that Senate Republican leaders have postponed
the vote on health legislation that had been tentatively scheduled this week.
A vote is possible in two weeks, but further delays are possible.
Phillips does note that there are still some arguments in favor of eventual enactment:
Republicans will be under pressure to follow through on a long-standing political commitment,
and the estimated deficit reduction and tax cuts in the health bill could be useful in
passing tax legislation later.
Fixing the existing program for the coming year will also be necessary.
However, he is skeptical and says that "these factors are likely to be outweighed by the
political obstacles.
Estimates of the potential increase in the uninsured population seem unlikely to improve
substantially even after revisions to the bill.
Public support for the effort is also weak, and intraparty divisions appear to pose too
many obstacles.
At this point, enactment of broad health legislation like the House passed or the Senate is contemplating
seems unlikely."
That said, Goldman is not too worried about the implications of the Senate's failure,
saying that "the prospects for passage should also be somewhat less important to broader
financial markets than they might have been several months ago.
The debate over health legislation is likely to end�either with enactment or a failed
vote�by mid- to late July, allowing the rest of the budget process to proceed, eventually
leading to consideration of tax legislation.
In the less likely scenario that broad health legislation is enacted, there would be few
near-term economic effects as most of the changes do not take effect until 2020."
Goldman's full note:
Health Legislation: Nearing the End
Markets are once again focused on the potential for a congressional vote on health legislation,
this time regarding the Senate�s Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA).
This is presumably due to the need to move beyond the health bill before tax legislation
can be addressed, as discussed below, and because of the broader signal that passage
of a health bill might send regarding the rest of the Trump agenda.
However, the effort to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been set back once again
with the announcement that no vote will be held for at least another two weeks.
At that point, there are three potential options:
Passage: If Senate Republican leaders are able to muster a majority in favor of a health
bill, the bill would move back to the House for at least one more vote.
The outcome there would depend on the details of the final product, but a bill that can
manage to win support of 50 of 52 politically diverse Senate Republicans would probably
be able to pass the House and become law.
Defeat: Major legislation is rarely rejected on the House or Senate floor, since congressional
leaders usually know whether there is adequate support.
However, it is clearly possible that this bill could end in a failed vote; if Senate
Republican leaders determine that there is very little chance of ever coming up with
an acceptable compromise, they might allow a vote against the bill to provide a more
definitive end to the process and, possibly, as a way to pivot to a short-term bipartisan
effort to stabilize the individual health insurance market for 2018.
Delay: As of this writing, Senate Republican leaders have opted to delay the vote for at
least two weeks, until the week of July 10.
A delay could be interpreted as a sign that Republican leaders believe there is a chance
of gaining support over the next two weeks for a modified bill.
However, it might also simply signal that leaders are not quite ready to give up on
the effort, even if they recognize that the odds of eventual enactment are low.
Further delays cannot be ruled out, though we would be very surprised if the Senate debate
continues past late July.
The situation is fluid but at this point our expectation is that the Senate will ultimately
fail to pass broad health legislation similar to the House-passed bill or the recently introduced
Senate legislation.
While we see this as a fairly close call, our view is based on the following considerations:
Coverage estimates: While it is certainly possible that the Congressional Budget Office
(CBO) will estimate that the next iteration of the Senate proposal will increase the projected
uninsured population by less than the 22 million increase it estimated would result under the
most recent proposal, this seems unlikely to change substantially.
Repeal of the individual mandate alone has been estimated to reduce coverage by 15 million,
and the repeal of the Medicaid expansion and the cap on the future growth rate of the program
would reduce coverage further.
Public support: The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is much more popular than the pending legislation,
and even among Republican voters views are mixed (Exhibit 1).
One problem congressional Republicans face is that public sentiment regarding the ACA
has shifted since the debate began, possibly because the public has become more aware of
the coverage expansion under the ACA.
Thin margins: Even with Vice President Pence casting the tie-breaking vote, 50 of 52 Republicans
would need to support the bill.
This means bridging the gap between the most conservative senators (shown at the top of
Exhibit 2) and centrist Republicans (toward the bottom of Exhibit 2) and those representing
swing states (to the left of Exhibit 2).
Medicaid politics: 20 Republican senators represent states that have expanded Medicaid
under the ACA.
While many of them appear likely to support the bill, the proposed cuts have been difficult
for some expansion-state Republicans to support, including Senators Capito, Heller, Murkowski
and Portman.
Exhibit 1: The ACA has become more popular recently
Of course, there are arguments in favor of eventual passage.
These include:
Campaign commitments: After House Republican leaders postponed a long-awaited vote on their
health legislation earlier this year, it had appeared that debate might turn to other issues
on the agenda.
However, the health effort was of such political consequence that Republican leaders ultimately
returned to the issue.
It is possible that congressional Republicans will continue to press the issue until health
legislation is enacted, even if it takes a while longer.
That said, our sense is that Senate Republican leaders like Sen. McConnell have a limited
appetite for further debate on health care, as discussed below.
Fiscal benefits: The Senate health legislation has two potential benefits for the rest of
the fiscal agenda.
First, CBO estimates that the bill would reduce the deficit by $321 billion over the next
ten years.
These savings could potentially be redirected toward other legislative efforts, like tax
Second, the bill repeals the taxes enacted in the ACA, reducing revenues by $563 billion
over ten years.
By offsetting these tax cuts with the spending cuts in the health legislation, this would
relieve pressure on congressional Republicans to address the repeal of ACA taxes in tax
reform legislation later.
That said, our expectation is that the final Senate bill, if it passed, would probably
not save more than the $119bn the House bill was estimated to save.
While helpful, this would not meaningfully change the outlook for tax reform.
Fixing the existing program: The Senate legislation includes $50bn over the next four years for
this purpose, as well as explicit funding for cost-sharing reduction (CSR) payments
(the uncertainty surrounding the Trump Administration�s willingness to continue making CSR payments
had led some insurers to increase their proposed premiums for 2018).
If the Senate does not approve the pending legislation or something similar, congressional
Republicans may attempt to pass a more narrowly focused package to stabilize the individual
insurance market which includes the subsidized plans offered through �exchanges�.
While the health debate is clearly relevant, in our view it is becoming less important
to the broader agenda, for a few reasons:
The debate on the current health bill will end soon, one way or the other: Market participants
have focused on the health vote in large part because it is seen as a prerequisite to passing
tax reform.
The health bill is being considered under the 2017 budget cycle, through the �reconciliation�
process that allows for Senate passage with a simple majority (i.e., potentially only
Republican votes).
Since Congress can consider only one reconciliation bill for tax and spending per budget cycle,
and budget cycles cannot overlap, Congress must conclude its debate on the healthcare
bill before it can formally begin considering tax reform.
If the Senate passes the bill in the next few weeks, the process could then turn to
the FY18 budget resolution, followed by tax reform.
But it seems unlikely that the Senate will debate health legislation after July, so whether
it passes or whether it fails, health legislation seems unlikely to delay tax legislation much
There isn�t much signaling value left: Earlier this year, the health debate was seen as a
signal of how successful the Trump Administration and congressional Republicans might be in
getting other aspects of the agenda through Congress.
However, at this stage, it seems fairly clear that intraparty disputes and a thin margin
in the Senate have made sweeping reforms difficult.
As a result, eventual Senate passage of the health legislation wouldn�t meaningfully
change our expectation of what might be possible regarding tax reform, for example.
Health legislation is unlikely to have substantial economic effects in the near-term.
While the current legislative debate on health care could have important consequences for
those enrolled in subsidized benefits and, to a lesser extent, enrollees in the individual
market more generally, it seems unlikely to meaningfully affect the economic outlook,
for two main reasons.
First, most of the reduction in benefits would take place in 2020 and beyond.
In 2018 and 2019, the bill would actually increase the deficit by about $30bn each year,
as the value of the tax cuts starting in 2018 more than offsets the spending cuts.
Second, the ACA�s disinflationary effect is unlikely to reverse as a result of this
We previously estimated that two policies accounted for most of the policy-related slowdown
in medical inflation over the last couple of years: the cuts to the growth rate of Medicare
reimbursements and the shift of the uninsured into the Medicaid program, which pays less
for a given service than most other sources of coverage.
The legislation would not reverse the Medicare cuts.
If legislation is enacted it might result in a gradual reversal of the coverage effect
but probably only in 2020 and beyond.
Over coming days, we expect to hear more regarding potential modifications to the original Senate
If progress is made during the remainder of the week, it is possible that a revised CBO
estimate could be produced not long after the Senate returns from recess on July 11.
A vote looks possible anytime between late in the week of July 10 and the end of July,
though at this point the odds seem stacked against Senate passage.
Testy pirotechniczne - Petardy Corsair od Jorge - Duration: 4:53.
Welcome Guys on my FireAcademy channel
Today we`re going to judge Corsair firecrackers distributed by Jorge
We have 100 pcs in one pack
They remind me RC3 firecrackers but this product is on a drach
I`ll show you in a moment how nice it`s arranged
It looks super in a package
Its number is K0203
If somebody search product by this number
What we have here
Basic information how to use this product..
76 g of NEC
It`s about 0,8 g of NEC for one firecracker
Or 0,75 g of NEC
Eyy.. I`m stupid
They have 0,76 g for one piece :D
Why? 76 g divided by 100 g :D
O fuck
Matura* will be in..
Oh.. Or it was...
(* matura - it`s an exam after graduating high school - sth like secondary school certificate)
It depends when I add this movie
Because I record much earlier videos and that`s why I look the same on different movies
Because I record for example 20 movies at one time
If I would record one movie for a few days I would have problems with law (and neighbours)
We`re coming back to describing firecrackers
Let`s look at them
They are arranged like bullets
It looks like we have a pack with ammo
It looks nice
They don`t have CE certificate
But they have NWP
But it doesn`t changes anything
They`ll be withdrawn from sale
So let`s test it!
We`re testing Corsair firecrackers
They are small
We have 100 pcs
We`ll make a carabine from them in a moment
At first we`ll burn 5 pcs and throw
We`ll see what will happen
(He talks sth like sulfur is irritant)
I`m going to make a carabine
Carabine is done
I`ll burn it for a moment
At first I put camera in a safe place
And we`re burning a bowl fullfilled by firecrackers :)
It was amazing!
We`ll see on a review
As you see I`m on my new studio
And I record with new camera
This and other tests have been recorded before I recorded final reviews
I did it all time but now you can see the changes ;)
In some videos you`ll see old look
In another you`ll see new studio
So now let`s judge firecrackers
We have 100 pcs of quite loud firecracker
My note is 8/10
It`s loud
It`s cheap
4 PLN for 100 pcs
We can make an amazing carabine with them
You could see it
I enjoyed it
We can buy them from 4th July on (...)
They have a big sale
They finish this sale 4th July and after this day they`ll be withdrawn from sale
Shops want to sell all before 6th July (after this date only products with CE certificte will be avaliable in sale)
It`s profitable to buy them
Price is ok
That`s all
If you enjoyed leave a like
Write your opinion in a comment
I think they deserve for a good note
Subscribe if you don`t do it
And hit the bell to get a reminder about my new movie
Especially that you will see tests of my new camera and unboxings
You would see how changes my channel
That`s all
See ya!
Skoda Octavia - Duration: 1:01.
Recuperación de datos - Ondata Partner Program - Duration: 1:24.
Volvo V40 2.0 D4 SUMMUM BUSINESS R-DESIGN|2014|Navigatie|Leder|Clima|Trekhaak afneembaar|PDC - Duration: 0:59.
Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI 90PK 5D R-Line Edition | Navigatie | Airco - Duration: 1:01.
Renault Talisman TCE 150pk Intens (4Control/Camera/R-LINK2/Bose/19''LMV) - Duration: 1:00.
Opel Zafira Tourer 1.4 COSMO 140Pk, Navi, Xenon, Panodak, Comfortstoelen, Parksensors V+A,19"Velg. R - Duration: 0:54.
Renault Captur 120 PK TCe Helly Hansen | AUTOMAAT | Climate Contole | 1/2 Leer | Extended Grip | R- - Duration: 0:58.
#BATTLEDRIFT 2 - Daigo vs. Baggsy - Duration: 5:12.
Alright boys,
Listen up, cause I'm gonna to say this once
I want a good clean battle.
I want no sand-bagging
no brake checking
I want you to drive as fast as you can
and get as close to each other
and the walls
as you can.
We're looking for proximity out there gentlemen
and speed.
get out there and make a bloody good video.
That'll do.
Volvo C70 Convertible '01 Prijs is zo mee! 2.4 T - Duration: 0:41.
Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T Dist. 170 pk 18"lm velgen, leer, navi - Duration: 0:54.
Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI i-M. Comfort Navi/Clima/Cruise - Duration: 0:59.
A Chaotic Mind - Duration: 3:19.
He's running... trynna catch me...
I'm sweating...
Alarm goes off
I wake up
I've been having these nightmares for a little while now
Enough for any routine to settle in
But this rule doesn't seem to apply here... now...
every time still feels like the first time
with an extra touch of bitterness
I was never much of a morning person anyway
So I proceed as usual, opt for a basic look to cover up for my missing basics
Then meet the reflected figure on the mirror and struggle to recognize myself
Is this how I pictured myself a few years back?
Is this what I'm becoming now? I need to get my shit together. I know I will eventually
but, for now
Nothing tastes the same anymore and somehow someway amid the Chaos of my mind,
this feels right
I'd etter get out of here before I suffocate the rising fume of my smothering thoughts
Finally... some space to breathe. But the air feels thick and my lungs feel heavy
Guess today's just one of these days where nothing goes right
I don't like it here
But I know that it'll all pass and this thought alone is comforting
I need to get back home, back to my bubble where everything is comfortable
What does it take for a place to feel like home?
Is home a place in the first place?
If not then, what defines a home?
Memories? Intimacy? Furniture?
the people?
Could home be a person? or a hobby?
How's home supposed to make you feel?
If anything... not how I'm feeling right now
Herobrine Sighting 2017! (100% REAL) (LOOK AT FIRST PART OF RECORDING RIGHT CORNER TO SEE SIGHTING!) - Duration: 7:09.
The Statue of Liberty's True Colors? - Duration: 4:06.
The Statue of Liberty.
The symbol of freedom, liberty and America and everything that's great about this country.
There she is.
Lady Liberty standing there in all her blue/green glory.
But did you know she wasn't always that blue green hue?
You probably do know that she was a gift from France in 1885, as a way of commemorating
our fight for independence and their own aspirations for democracy.
This 305 foot statue was built over 9 years in sections of copper skin on top of an iron
According to the National Park Service, the statue has about thirty tons of copper, which
is enough to make 435 million pennies.
Yes bright reddish-gold pennies.
But the statue of Liberty isn't the same color as well, any penny I've seen.
So how to explain Lady Liberty's color change?
You'd change colors too if you stayed outside in that NYC polluted air for almost 150 years!
We're kidding...mostly.
It all comes down to chemistry.
In her first few decades in the Big Apple, the statue slowly turned from that shiny copper
color to a dull brown and then, finally, to the blue-green, or as they'd say back in
France, "verdigris" ; on screen - green of Greece] we see today.
Officials suggested trying to restore her to the original color, or painting her.
But after public outcry, they decided to just leave it the way it is.
And it'll keep looking like that until Dr. Zaius shows up.
Anyway, her color change happened because of oxidation reactions between copper and
the air.
Now I know some of you smartypants might be saying "Duh!".
But copper's patina is more complicated than just one reaction.
It's due to about 30 years worth of oxidation reactions creating a mixture of minerals.
So let's get into it.
Now, when an atom loses electrons in a chemical reaction it's called oxidation.
This process was first observed in reactions that involved oxygen, hence the name, but
it can happen with other elements too.
Lady Liberty's transformation from coppery red to blue-green was inevitable as soon as
they parked her in New York Harbor.
And here's why.
First there's all the oxygen in our atmosphere, hungry for electrons.
Then you add all the elements in New York's polluted air to the mix, et voila!
In the first reaction, copper gives up electrons to oxygen.
That creates this mineral, cuprite, which you can see is a pinkish-red.
Next, cuprite loses more electrons to more oxygen, forming blackish tenorite.
The black color of this tenorite explains why the statue slowly got darker over the
years, forming a dark brown.
Now let's pivot to sulfur reactions.
Sulfur finds its way into the atmosphere as sulfur dioxide through natural processes,
including volcanic eruptions.
But humans have also put a lot of it there too with their boats, and cars, and pesky
airplanes and factories.
So when sulfur dioxide gets together with water, it forms sulfuric acid, which can form
green stuff with copper oxides.
Throw in the sea spray around the statue's Ellis Island home, and it's inevitable.
Now back to our color change.
Lady Liberty gets painted with this sulfuric acid and her green color gets forming.
Throw in some chloride from the sea spray around the statue's Ellis Island home, and
well, you can see what happened.
Here's the chemistry breakdown: tenorite, that black stuff, reacted with sulfuric acid
and water to make blue-green brochantite.
And thanks New Yorkers there was even more sulfuric acid in the air so the brochantite
became green antlerite in some places on the statue.
Wherever the seaspray hit the statue of Liberty and didn't get washed away by rain, brochantite's
sulfate got swapped for chloride and made olive-green atacamite.
So there it is!
That beautiful and well known blue/green hue.
The Statue of Liberty has stayed this color for over a hundred years because all the exposed
copper is now oxidized: she's stable at this point of her life.
At least until she decides to take a walk.
She wouldn't be the same if she'd lived somewhere else.
If nothing else, she has a New Yorker's thick skin, and it's helped protect her
over all these years.
So what do you think?
Should Lady Liberty stay the blue-green color of freedom?
Or return to her glorious brown?
Let us know in the comments and one just more thing.
We have a message for you from our friend Vanessa
at BrainCraft.
Just Friends - Talking Tom and Friends | Season 2 Episode 3 - Duration: 11:08.
Dun, dun, dun, dun.
'Sup Angela?
Dearest Angela.
Too manly.
Too mouthwashy.
Oh, that's because it is mouthwash.
Hey, Tom, quick question.
Are we going casual dress or are we going dress to impress?
Well, I don't know who we'd be trying to impress.
This is just a friend event, right?
Oh, great.
That's exactly what I was thinking.
Me wearing something formal would be as silly as you giving me flowers.
How crazy would that be?
No romantic tension, no holding hands, and definitely no exchanging candy...
Yeah. Sounds like the perfect non-romantic evening.
So, uh, pick me up in an hour?
No I will not because that would be like a date!
Right, buddy?
Good point, pal!
Hey, Tom!
Getting ready for your big date with Angela?
Ah, ah, ah, it's not a date!
Then why do you smell like mouthwash?
The Barf-a-Coaster!
Get ready to be hurled through six--
Through six stories of high-intensity, barf-causing thrills!
Ride the new Barf-a-Coaster!
You know the Barf-a-Coaster commercial word for word.
Tonight, I face the Barf-a-Coaster.
There will be barf.
And that barf will be my barf!
Not for me, thank you.
But that's okay, we'll just all spit up.
I mean, split up.
We can't split up.
We have to stick together.
Because we're friends.
And this is a friend event.
I can't go to the carnival.
I have an emergency-online-chat with my long-distance girlfriend, Xenon...
She's real.
Hi, Xenon!
Cancel this chat, Ben, all right?
Tonight is about friends, not girlfriends.
We need everybody there to keep this from being romantic.
Sorry, guys. Xenon is facing a serious crisis.
She's trying to organize her books by usefulness and as you can imagine, it's gotten pretty
That's where Ben comes in.
You're going!
You can't use a laptop if you don't have a lap!
Let go of me, you maniac!
Great, now she's frozen.
Hello? Xenon?
It's okay, Tom.
We can still go out on a friend event with just the four of us.
You are so smart, Angela.
Careful with the compliments.
If you guys keep this up, I'm going to barf before I get there.
Let's go!
Do you smell that?
Where else are you going to get the glorious aromas of fried food, a petting zoo, and Tom's
mouthwash in one convenient place.
Here's the barf plan.
They shut down the Barf-a-Coaster early to power-wash it, because of all the barf.
We can grab some stomach ammo.
Which will come up in our barf!
Let's start with something a little less night-ruining.
Oh, look!
I bet I can win one of those.
Ooh, and then I can carry a prize around and make everyone so jealous!
You mean like you would do on a date?
Good save, Hank.
This is why it's great that everyone's here.
Because friends look out for each other.
Okay, let's have some fun… friends-style!
I write your name on everything/ I would like to run and jump with you/ My heart beats for
you / you... you are my life/ my life, my life, my life / I'm always here for you--
You can always count on me / you… you are so strong / so much funner than I could ever
I have to admit -- I was a little worried about tonight, but I feel like we're really
making this work.
Yeah, it's nice being in a big group of friends.
Wait a minute... where's Hank?
They have a Bongo and McGillicuddy mallet game.
If I hit it hard enough to ring the top bell, Bongo makes lieutenant!
Oh yeah, oh yeah!
Wow, Hank.
You're strong.
Oh, it's actually more about finding the sweet spot on the mallet.
Ladies and gentlemen, we got ourselves a natural here.
You know, there's a smack-off tournament in an hour.
Sorry, he's a little preoccupied right now due to a friend event.
Yeah, that doesn't sound like a thing.
Now, smacking stuff with a mallet... that's a thing, am I right, folks?
But I guess someone else will have to take this baby home.
A Bongo and McGillicuddy trophy?
And now, I must take my leave of you.
You understand.
No, no!
You can't do this to us
It's okay.
A three-person friend event can still work.
Because it's not two people.
Let's hit the Barf-a-Coaster!
Well, I like the idea of barfing... but I don't love the idea of barfing.
Sorry, Ginger.
Let's just go to the Ferris Wheel instead.
This thing looks so exciting.
Oh, after you.
Thanks Ginger.
You're quite the little gentleman.
You left me no choice!
I gave you every opportunity to barf with me.
You brought this on yourselves!
Sorry, not sorry!
Come back!
Man, you stink at friend events.
Stomach ammo!
Ugh, I'm going to get you for this, Ginger!
Just the two of us now.
No, not true!
As long as I've got my eyes on Ginger, we're technically not alone together!
Then get your eyes on Ginger!
Got him.
He's on the ground.
He's running fast.
No, don't go behind the tilt-a-whirl... don't go behind the tilt-a-whirl... no!
He went behind the tilt-a-whirl.
It's all right, Tom.
We'll just ignore each other for a few loops, and before we know it, this will all…
Why are we not moving?
Child on a thrill ride.
Repeat, child on a thrill ride.
All rides are shut down until further notice.
Looks like Ginger finally made it to the Barf-a-Coaster.
Good for Ginger.
Don't panic.
Not a problem.
We have a problem.
Oh, really?
He's unstrapped himself.
And he's running down the track.
Well, it shouldn't take long to catch him.
This is going to take a super long time.
Oh, come on!
We apologize that our rides are basically no good for the rest of the night.
The rest of the night?!
Can anyone hear us?
Two friends!
It's no use.
They can't hear us over the carnival music down there.
And I used to like carnival music.
That trophy is mine!
This is so much better than barfing.
So... the two of us are stuck… alone... together at the top of a Ferris Wheel.
No big deal.
Friends get stuck on rides every day.
But um, maybe you should stop touching me, um, with your knee?
Oh, uh, not a lot of room.
You know what?
Let's play a very innocent, friendly game until they fix this.
Try to guess what I'm looking at.
A view of the town like you've never seen it before.
Lit up under a beautiful starry sky.
Uh... pretty much.
Oh, hey, look.
A shooting star.
I'm getting down.
Angela, what are you doing?
Is it my mouthwash?
This is too romantically dangerous.
So I'm going to crawl down the side of this Ferris Wheel.
At least that's just regular dangerous.
And kind of dumb!
Just to be clear, I'm holding your hand for safety.
I am so glad you're here… for safety.
You know, this is actually kind of cool.
I don't know why more people don't exit Ferris Wheels this way.
That's why.
This was such a mistake!
No, no, no, do not say that.
We could not stay up at the top like that.
No, Tom!
I'm talking about spending the whole night pretending like this wasn't a date!
If we had just admitted that we liked each other, we could have stayed up in that gondola.
Okay, yeah, it wasn't so bad up there.
I was thinking about holding your hand.
I was thinking about holding your hand too!
Oh my gosh, you were?
No way!
We both wanted to hold each other's hands.
Oh, but let's not do that now, because gravity.
I'm slipping!
Before I fall...
I wished this was a date all along.
I did too, Tom.
I did too.
Well this is kind of embarrassing.
Not if you think about how fast we climbed down.
I mean, we're pretty agile.
Huh, yeah I guess we are.
Did you mean what you just said, though?
About um...
Yeah, Angela.
Forget friend events.
You've got to hide me.
I've got a lot of angry carnies after me.
I'm sorry, Ginger.
We're a little busy right now.
We're on a date.
Oh, barf.
Not in my face.
There he is!
Get that kid!
I don't feel so -- blegh!
Gov't to set up special committee to deal with tax reforms - Duration: 1:54.
The Presidential policy team plans to set up a special committee to focus on financial
and tax reforms.
Included in the big picture: helping the financially vulnerable... and fighting tax evasion.
Ji Myung-kil outlines what's to come in the second half of the year.
President Moon Jae-in's de facto transition team vowed to overhaul Korea's taxation system
on Thursday, in line with the government's move to expand fiscal policies, including
"The Moon Jae-in government's tax reform policies will focus on normalizing the distorted taxation
system through eliminating tax cuts for the wealthy, thereby strengthening the income
redistribution of taxes in society."
The tax reform plans aim to make growth more income-led and inclusive,... so that economic
growth creates opportunities for all segments of the population and fairly distributes the
dividends of increased prosperity.
"We plan to raise more taxes from conglomerates, large stockholders, and high-income earners.
At the same time we will come up with measures to give better tax breaks to small business
owners and people on low incomes."
The plans include increasing tax credits for people paying monthly rents, expanding income
tax deductions for small restaurant owners, and giving temporary tax exemption to those
who are unable to pay due to the failure of their private businesses.
The government also plans to establish a social and financial reward system to help reduce
tax avoidance.
"The special committee on tax and fiscal reform plans to finalize their reform plans by next
year and report the results to the president and the National Assembly.
Ji Myung-kil, Arirang News."
Harrisburg Comic-Con 2017 - Cosplay Spotlite Con Report - Duration: 2:25.
Harrisburg Comic Con was held in the Harrisburg Mall from May 20th to May 21st, 2017.. . and
after walking past the normal shops, looked like... a comic con!
Using the space from a former department store, the organizers and vendors changed the vibe
to geek merchandise central.
With 3D Printing, Artwork and Books, toys from a galaxy far far away and more comic
books than you can fit in your Batmobile, it was the nerdy place to be.
And for the cosplayer, all kinds of outfits and props.
With various panels and loads of gaming... whether table top or electronic, there was
plenty to do.
And then there were the guests.
What's happening everybody out there?!
From Stranger Things, Z-Nation, Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash, Agents of SHIELD...
I like turtles.
Yes, they had a great lineup and a great crowd.
And of course there were cosplayers.
From every show and universe you could possibly imagine.
Of course sometimes this meant there were some unintended crossovers.
We also saw an expert dinosaur handler working his trade to calm a wild beast.
Er ... well.... maybe he should try another line of work.
But there were some amazing cosplayers in incredible outfits.
Truly fun for the whole galaxy saving family.
Overall, the new venue worked well, and everyone seemed to have a great time.
We look forward to next year and would highly recommend this con.
And if you're thinking about coming in cosplay....
Join the cult!
Join the cult!
Join the cult!
Join the cult!
That's all for this report.
Have fun and cosplay on.
Hi everyone.
Thanks for watching this video.
I hope you enjoyed it.
If you did, please give us a like.
You can share it with some friends and please feel free to leave a comment below.
And don't forget to subscribe... and there's a little bell thing, if you click that you
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See you next time.
Moringa Juice - The Best Detox Diet Drink For Belly Fat Loss - 100% Natural Remedy - Morning Routine - Duration: 3:26.
hey guys I am nisa homey and welcome back to my channel. today I am sharing a
requested recipe with moringa powder many of you tried my moringa juice recipe and
has got good results so today I am sharing a moringa juice with moringa
powder I have already shared a complete video
on how to make moringa powder at home the links will be updated in the description
box below so please do check it out moringa is a nutrient-dense superfood and
adding moringa in fresh or powdered form in your morning routine will accelerate
your metabolism, keeps your energy levels up, makes your skin radiate with a
healthy glow, helps in fat burning, and you can also get a relief from chronic
inflammation. moringa helps to lose weight, prevent and treat Type 2 diabetes, moringa
helps to lower cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, the high calcium content in
moringa leaves makes it a perfect natural remedy for arthritis and above all
moringa fully nourish and energies your body
I have already shared the health benefits of moringa the video links will
be updated in the description box below so please do check it out
moringa is such a nutrient-dense food that your body feels deeply nourished
and as a result it helps to balance your appetite. moringa can be very cleansing
for the body it helps to remove bad toxins and moringa helps to support liver
function. now to make this drink into a glass or a cup add in 1/2 teaspoon
moringa powder add in little lukewarm water
note that the water should not be very hot as very hot water may alter its
nutritional properties. now mix it really well and allow the moringa powder to soak
in the water for about a minute, then add in the rest of the warm water squeeze in
half a lemon and add in 1 teaspoon honey. honey is entirely optional, it helps to
balance the subtle bitterness of moringa leaves
now mix it really well and my hundred percent natural moringa juice is ready to
consume. have this on empty stomach in the morning for best result and for best
absorption of moringa and once you start having this for a few days you will
notice a considerable change in your body. you can slowly
increase moringa powder to 1 teaspoon or even more as your body adjusts to moringa
this juice is an excellent natural supplement for those with hormonal
issues. Moringa is full of beneficial enzymes and is prebiotic and it helps to
restore positive balance to gut flora. moringa has anti parasite properties and
has been used to kill parasites in humans for centuries. moringa has
stimulating effect on metabolism which causes the body to burn calories faster,
curb your appetite, and helps to burn fat, please do check the description box
below for more information and ingredients list. how do you store moringa
powder? it is best to store moringa powder in a glass container rather than a
plastic container to preserve its vitamin A content, and you should also
make sure to keep it in a cool dark place away from sunlight. so do try to
include this superfood in your diet and get its benefit. I will be sharing more
recipes with moringa powder so please make sure that you have clicked the
subscribe button so that you can stay updated when I post new videos thank you
for watching and until next time take care bye bye
Opera Cake Recipe | Covfefe Cake for Donald Trump #covfefe - Duration: 23:10.
A Rural Folk Houses | JRKVC | Small House Design - Duration: 4:47.
A Rural Folk Houses in Slovakia | JRKVC | Small House Design
Skoda Kodiaq - test - Jest Pięknie za kierownica - Duration: 5:57.
Hi! This is Skoda Kodiaq. And there are 10 things you have to know about this car.
There's a lot of space in the front of the car
Electric memory seats can store up to 3 different settings.
Electric passenger seat costs 2100 PLN but you want it, because the normal version is very uncomfortable.
Technically, there is lumbar support, but not enough IMO.
I started complaining after 2 hrs trip. What if we were going across Europe?
As for the space in the back, Kodiaq is enormous. So much so I could cook in the back.
Kodiaq can be equipped with 220V socket so you don't need a converter to hook up your Crock-Pot.
The recipe for thai chicken can be found at Enjoy!
I probably could sleep in the boot, but I've done that in Octavia already.
Biggest pros of this boot are shopping bag hooks and foot opening and closing. Like this.
For its size, 2-litre, 190-HP Kodiaq is quite fuel efficient.
7-8 litres per 100 kms is more than what producer promised, but for this big a car, it's still a good number.
I drove Kodiaq on a highway and there was no problem with overtaking other cars.
Kodiaq needs AdBlue. The inlet is located next to the fuel inlet. The car will let you know when you need to top up AdBlue.
I like Kodiaq's GPS. When you start typing the address, the system suggests nearby loactions.
But in order to have real time traffic info, you have to - I'm not kidding
Set up WiFi hotspot on your phone and connect it with Kodiaq.
In case you were wondering, what's the difference between, say, VW and a Skoda - VW doesn't need your data plan.
Kodiaq, as most of the cars these days, is equipped with rear view camera. With this big a car, it makes the maneuvering much easier.
The one I got to drive had also a 360 camera.
You won't miss curbs, gateposts or kids' toys in the driveway.
Prices start from 90 000 PLN but this one costs 190 000 PLN. And it's not the top spec.
There's easily another 10 000 PLN to spend on options.
200 000 PLN for a Skoda?!
Yeah, but it's really a big Skoda which will be comfortable on better and worse roads. Roads, not off road!
Same segment models will be smaller, less efficient, more expensive...
But they will give you sth Skoda won't: emotions.
There's a lot of memes about cars for people who hate driving. Skoda Kodiaq is easily one of them.
What about you, would you rather get a car that makes you feel anything
Or rather a comfortable vehicle to transport you and your family or shopping?
Let me know in the comments below.
If you liked my video, give it a thumb up
And if you want to be informed about every new video, press the bell button.
Next test, as usual, next Thursday, same time. Thank you and see you soon!
Patricia Nash Granada Studded Leather Crossbody Bag - Duration: 4:54.
New Nail Art 2017 IThe Best Nail Art Designs Compilation june 2017I part 22I DIY nail art Life Hacks - Duration: 4:24.
Overwatch Moments #73 - Duration: 10:11.
Using Potato Juice You Can Remove Dark Spots In Just 3 Days - Duration: 1:56.
Using Potato Juice You Can Remove Dark Spots In Just 3 Days
The vitamin A which is an ingredient of the potato is and antioxidant which helps in tissue
building, prevents premature aging and has anti-inflammatory properties. The vitamin
C which is the other powerful ingredient of the potato is also an antioxidant which fight
free radicals, helps in the process of the collagen production, and moisturize the skin
keeping it healthy and elastic. THE POTATO MASK HAS A LOT OF BENEFITS
Remove dark circles. It whitens the skin and in this way, helps with the removal of the
dark circles under the eyes. Delay wrinkles. As we already said, it helps
in the process of production of collagen which is the main anti-aging ingredient.
Moisturize the skin. If you have a dry skin, then the potato mask is perfect for you.
Relieves sunburns. Apply raw potatoes on your sunburns and you will instantly feel better.
Cleanse the skin. You can use a potato mask after exfoliation.
Eliminates swelling. It eliminates the swelling in the eyes due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
Removes dark spots. The vitamin C whitens the skin and the dark spots on it.
Blend one lemon with some lemon juice (½ lemon). Apply the mask on your face and leave
it for 15 min. Wash it well. Repeat this every night.
Blend one potato with half an onion. Apply it on your face for 10 minutes. Wash well.
Repeat this every night.
½ a cucumber blend with one potato and apply it on your face. Leave it for 20 minutes then
wash it well.
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Learn Colors with Talking Pocoyo Reverse playback Colours for Kids Children My NEW Funny Collection - Duration: 11:45.
Learn Colors with Talking Pocoyo Reverse playback Colours for Kids Children My NEW Funny Collection
Cypress Falls student's kind gesture helps principal heal - Duration: 2:50.
DIY | Necklace Beads with Loreals | Designer Necklace | Pearl chain | How to make necklace at home. - Duration: 20:43.
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