>> Crazy Nate: Hey Gents and Gentlets, welcome back, I'm your host Crazy Nate, and today
I'm with Jonason and Jesse, and we are going to be checking out the most awesome pick up
truck in the world.
Let's get started.
[intro music plays]
>> Crazy Nate: So I was actually at the Regal theater with my sister.
Regal theater had Guardians of the Galaxy, Pirates, and then also Cars 3.
And if you watch all of them with Regal and you're a Disney Movie Reward collector you
get like massive points, so we're there.
For those of you that don't know, in my state there's only one of those theaters in the
entire state, so I had to drive like an hour to get there.
>> Jonason: Who Knew?
>> Jesse: Worth it!
>> Crazy Nate: Worth it, right!
So when we got there we're like wait a second, is like authentic Disney here?
Because here's the pizza planet truck.
And then so my sister and I went over and checked it out, and here it is.
If you follow me on Snapchat you already saw a sneak peak to this, I gave a little shout
out there.
Check it out, we just got done filming a video, stay tuned!
How did this all start?
>> Jonason: Well you were going there to the theater, I was not going to that theater,
I was leaving church so we came at the right time.
>> Crazy Nate: Right right.
>> Jonason: And crossed paths and I just thought.
>> Crazy Nate: A magical formulation.
>> Jonason: Yeah yeah, I thought, I thought you were just another fan.
>> Crazy Nate: Yeah.
>> Jonason: Because people take pictures with this all the time.
>> Crazy Nate: Right.
We were just at lunch over at a certain place we wont mention because they don't give us
money for it.
In-n-out, yum!
>> Jonason: Not sponsored, if you want to be.
>> Crazy Nate: #Notsponsored call us if you wanna be.
Any who, while we were there eating there was several people we saw walking around with
their phones taking pictures, just like we did.
That's gotta be like a daily occurrence with this thing.
>> Jonason: Well I don't take it out daily.
It's too hot.
>> Jesse:Yeah this truck does not fair well in the Arizona heat.
>> Johnason: No, no, no.
I did take it out every day when I was living in flagstaff, but not down here.
It's too hot.
But yeah, it's a lot of fun.
That's most of the reason that we keep it around.
>> Crazy Nate: So what inspired you guys to make this truck?
>> Jonason: Well that's kinda a long story.
If I guess to tell it shortly, we made the Live Action Toy Story Movie, that truck is
not in it.
>> Crazy Nate: No.
>> Jonason: We were searching for one for a long long time.
That was even the last scene that we did.
Like we didn't film that scene until the very end because we wanted to get the truck right,
and we got as close as we could but it's not that close.
But my dad kept looking because he likes looking at craigslist stuff.
>> Crazy Nate: Right.
>> Jonason: And he found the yellow pick up.
There's no camper shell, there's nothing else but he traded cars because he wanted to get
it for me.
Hi dad!
And it was like a year and a half process, so like you know one day it's like ah, I think
it's time to take the letters off and get YO.
And then you know maybe it's a year later before I found a camper shell that fit right,
and the rocket went through a few variations.
I made a whole video about making that one with my friend.
You know, the old ones were kind of garbage, but you know, we keep working on it to get
better all the time.
And we're not the first Pizza Planet Truck in the world.
But we're of I think maybe 10 or 12.
>> Crazy Nate: Nice, nice.
Well it was the first one I saw outside of the Pixar Studios, and that one I only saw
like with google search.
So it's definitely a cool experience, it's like the first time you see one in real life,
it's like I just walked into Toy Story.
Like, let's follow this truck, where is it going?
We're eating dinner there.
>> Jonason: Well I'm glad, I'm glad because that was kinda the idea.
>> Crazy Nate: Anyone that's out there that maybe wants to build a truck.
I've actually wanted to do one for a while, but my other spare car's not a truck, and
I can't have 3 vehicles, that's expensive.
But for someone out there, I notice you even have stickers on the back for the truck.
You obviously have the magnetic sign here and everything.
Where do you go to make all of this?
Is it just every single peice is hand done?
What's going on?
>> Jonason: Pretty much, you know stickers were really easy online.
>> Crazy Nate: Just website?
>> Jonason: Yeah, just custom stickers website .com or whatever.
>> Crazy Nate: So it's not some magic website, go here, pay a certain fee, you have the entire
package set up?
>> Jonason: No but I should make that and charge people.
We, you know we found screen caps of some of the stickers on you know on the Toy Story
DVD, and made them for the movie, so I just kept those around.
>> Jesse: The license plate was like from Amazon, I think you just got that.
>> Jonason: That's the front license plate, yeah, I bought that.
But that's not real.
You can do that in arizona, you can put a fake one in the front, as long as there's
a real one in the back.
>> Crazy Nate: Some states require both.
>> Jonason: Right, so don't buy fake license plates.
>> Jesse: We don't condone that.
>> Jonason: But yeah, we just made, I made where ever I could whenever I could.
I mean, it's never really done.
The truck itself has died a few times, so like not movie accurate engine or anything.
>> Crazy Nate: And then you even have the little aliens hanging from your mirror, super
>> Jonason: Those actually are in Live Action Toy Story.
>> Jesse: That's true.
>> Jonason: That's probably the only thing that is.
>> Crazy Nate: So one thing, in the back of the truck I noticed that I've gotta ask about.
You've got a tool box in there, and then you even have a woody doll.
So in the movie the toy chest is smashing around, they even have a longer version of
it originally, they shortened it down for the movie.
Is your tool chest bolted down, or are you actually crushing woody every time you go
up and down hills?
>> Jonason: Well might as well be bolted down , there's a bunch of tools in there so.
>> Crazy Nate: So it's functional too?
>> Jonason: Well, yes it's very functional.
I used it plenty of times but it's heavy enough to where it doesn't slide, but it could, and
Woody's gotten crushed before but he's fine.
>> Crazy Nate: So with this rocket, I used to work security at a mall, and one of the
problems is people forget they have the cargo things on and they rip them off, have you
ever had one of those oh bummer moments?
>> Jesse: Oh gee, let's see that was only two weeks ago when we went to Phoenix Comicon,
you know we found the garage and as we were going in, looking at the clearance, that should
be good right?
And we're getting closer, right right?
And there are people walking by and they're like I don't think so, and then so we're going
slow, and they're like no you're good, you're good.
>> Jonason: So we got in no problem, getting out was lower.
Why are'nt they the same.
There's one section
>> Jesse: there's one section that was like too low and boom we had to take it down.
>> Jonason: I actually finally bolted it in so that I could go on the highway, because
otherwise I'm scared to, I don't want to.
>> Crazy Nate: That was my next question.
So it is safe for the highway now?
>> Jonason: It is now, it wasn't for years, or a couple of years I guess.
But now it is.
The only problem is we had to take it down, so I had to redo the whole thing over again.
And undo it in the middle of the parking garage when people are trying to leave.
So that was embarising, but whatever.
>> Crazy Nate: So random thought I just had, have you ever been pulled over driving this
>> Jonason: Yes, I have.
>> Crazy Nate: And did it get you out of the ticket?
>> Jonason: Yeah, but I don't think he got the connection.
Well, so that was in flagstaff, it was like 5 in the morning, it was icy in snow, and
I didn't want to slow down, because if I stopped then the engine might die, so I you know,
ran a neighborhood stop sign.
Because it's five in the morning, there's no one there.
>> Crazy Nate: A little Cali-stop.
>> Jonason: Yeah, a California stop, and he pulled me over, and he asked if I was going
to work, which Isaid yes, because it's true.
I think he thought I worked at Pizza Planet, but I did not.
>> Crazy Nate: He's googling it for lunch.
>> Jonason: But no, it was just the warning because I think he realized it was five in
the morning, and there was no one there.
>> Crazy Nate: One of the things noticed with the commentary in Toy Story, they were talking
about Pizza Planet, the actual restaurant, and one of the guys said someone needs to
make this in real life.
>> Jonason: I know I say that every day!
>> Crazy Nate: Yeah, that would be fun.
>> Jonason: Yeah that would be a back up back up plan, if the youtube career doesn't work
out then
>> Crazy Nate: That's the backup plan.
>> Jonason: Right, well I mean it should really just be the first plan.
>> Crazy Nate: Yeah, I would totaly eat there.
Even if it was garbage pizza, they could be cooking like frozen pizzas I would still go.
>> Jesse: Oh, of course.
>> Jonason: Well as long as it's like the movie.
Like there's Pizza Planet in Disney World florida, it's nothing like the movie, it's
just a Toy Story themed pizza place.
>> Crazy Nate: Is that the one that's like in a strip mall?
>> Jonason: Kinda.
>> Crazy Nate: Yeah, I saw one like that, and it's just the outside looks like it, but
the inside is kinda....
>> Jonason: Not even.
>> Jesse: It's got a Buzz and Woody sitting somewhere.
>> Crazy Nate: No, you have to recreate the arcade.
>> Jonason: Yeah!
That's, I mean that's what we stuck with for the truck itself, and for the movies, like
get it like the movie.
>> Crazy Nate: Yeah, you can't just put a generic wak a mole game in there, you gotta
have the actual Alien guy with the little aliens coming out.
>> Jonason: I don't even think the one in Disney World had a claw machine, I was 10,
but I remember being disappointed.
>> Crazy Nate: Well, I have ten claw machines in my house so, if you want one, I'll give
you one, but it's not a rocket ship claw machine, it's the boring box claw machine.
>> Jonason: I don't know, we searched for a few, when we were making the movie, and
ended up just using some wire.
>> Crazy Nate: Well it's been great checking out this truck, I wish I had it.
>> Jonason: It's been my dream car since I was a kid.
>> Crazy Nate: One thing that's super cool though, is we both live in basically the same
neck of the woods, it's a little bit of a drive, but for the size of our world, we might
as well be next door neighbors.
So we're going to be doing some sort of a collab in some way and you're going to see
more of us, but like I said go subscribe to them, they are awesome, hilarious, and family
Very cool.
So if you guys don't know already, which you probably already saw their video, if you didn't,
they made the entire Toy Story movie in real life form with the actual toys and everything.
So if you haven't seen it, go check it out, make sure you subscribe to them, because they
are extremely awesome, and they're family friendly.
And I don't shout out anyone that's not family friendly so.
>> Jonason: Us either, us either.
>> Crazy Nate: But we all have the same thing in common, we a lot of Disney, and they also
have a podcast you guys are working on as well.
>> Jesse: Yeah, we do, it's called quest for the best, where we talk about just TV shows
movies, and you know we look for the best examples of you know any kind of example that
we're looking for to see like you know what works in making a good movie or good TV show
and what doesn't work.
>> Jonason: And it's just barely started a podcast brand new so, you know it has a lot
of room to grow.
>> Crazy Nate: And then you guys are also doing skits as well too, I just saw your awesome
fathers day or horrible fathers day.
You know what I mean.
>> Jesse: Yes we do, we enjoy doing sketches and talk shows that's what we're gonna be
pumping out a lot recently.
>> Crazy Nate: Thanks for watching today, I hope this video made you smile, and remember
most importantly of all gents and gentlets,
>> Group: Share a smile, they are contagious.
>> Crazy Nate: Bye.
[song sings]
Hey! share a smile...they're contagious
Can you imagine a day without smiling...(huh) that would be outrageous
Thanks for stopping by and hanging out with Crazy Nate
>> Crazy Nate: And remember most importantly of all,
>> Group: share a smile, they are contagious.
>> Jesse: What did you say?
>> Jonason: I said They're again, and then I had to add a syllable to match it.
>> Jesse: They're are, they're are contagious, they're everywhere.
For more infomation >> Is The Pizza Planet Truck REAL? | Feat. JP and Beyond - Duration: 11:00.-------------------------------------------
Strike | Sonic y más - Duration: 2:28.
Madre comparte recibo de operación de su hijo en Twitter para crear conciencia sobre el Trumpcare - Duration: 1:33.
La música que escuchas afecta la forma en la que manejas | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:33.
El horóscopo de hoy, 28 de junio de 2017, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:37.
¡Este es el secreto de las zapatillas de ballet Grishko! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:32.
¡Te llevamos a un bar de solo cervezas en pleno Moscú! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:35.
Meet the Sprites | Hob - Duration: 3:11.
When we first started thinking about the story,
and how we wanted to explain it to the player...
high level, we wanted no dialogue.
In doing that and trying it out,
one of the things we realized quickly was the fact that
we were going to need supporting characters.
From that, we came up with the sprites.
Sprites are definitely a microcosm of storytelling
that relate to the bigger picture of Hob.
We actually are able to do a lot of interesting things:
not only like trying to tell the story,
or giving navigation for the player, but
making this bond between the player and the sprites.
A lot of our inspiration for Hob
comes from Miyazaki and Princess Mononoke.
His stories tend to be about cultures
fighting with each other and maybe not understanding one another.
Hob has a lot of that.
Those stories use secondary characters to tell the story
more than even the main character in the story.
The sprites were heavily influenced from those films.
The idea of how they move,
what they do and take care of the world.
They are trying to make things better.
Our world has a lot of machines in it
and the sprites are actually plants.
They are symbiont creatures
They have culture.
They sing, they dance.
But at the same time, they are in this dangerous world.
They are the protectors of the wilderness,
and they help the player go through the game.
They help in telling that story.
They help in giving an emotional response.
They have a purpose.
Just like everything else in our game has a purpose.
¡Lorenzo Méndez se enteró de su separación por TV! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 1:08.
Rafa Amaya será la próxima portada de People en Español | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:03.
¡Te explicamos lo que debes saber sobre los camaleones! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:16.
¡Nuevos cambios en las reglas de la Copa Confederaciones! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 1:51.
Vinculan a los refrescos de dieta con problemas de salud | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:51.
¿Cuál es la cábala más usada por los hinchas chilenos? | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:05.
¡Ven a conocer los edificios más extravagantes de Moscú! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 1:40.
Sorpréndete con la habilidad de una bailarina de 14 años | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 6:01.
luving u // isak&even - Duration: 1:35.
i love you
Будущее Европы #2 Возрождение Ось - Duration: 4:23.
Audi RS3 Sportback 2.5 TFSI RS3 quattro - Duration: 1:01.
MEGA SPONTAN Z GUSTAVEM I CFC FANEM!!! :) [DB #18] - Duration: 12:40.
This time probably without english subtitles... BUT!
If you would like to read english subtitles here, please write a comment below. Thanks! :)
Peugeot 308 SW Première 1.2 e-THP 130 PK SPORT PACK! - Duration: 0:43.
Learn Colors with Umbrellas Spiderman for Children Learn Colours for Kids Bad Baby cry Finger Family - Duration: 2:04.
Learn Colors with Umbrellas Spiderman for Children Learn Colours for Kids Bad Baby cry Finger Family
Enis Bytyqi - Jerem ( Me Tekst ) - Duration: 3:23.
LILDAMI - BÉ I VA (amb EMOTIONAL GOKU) - Duration: 3:19.
How I became really rich in just one night - Duration: 7:00.
This is Ali Noor
I Hit My Toe on a Box but it's Fine - Parkour Vlog - DragoNate Daily Vlog - Tuesday 2017-06-27 - Duration: 3:30.
hello there it's Tuesday night and tonight was a great day too
tonight was a great night today was a great day today again I felt like I had
nothing I needed to do although there was a lot and there was some stuff I
just I guess didn't do and I'm going to get to tomorrow I'm kind of that's the
reason why I didn't really do anything is because I'm kind of waiting on
something else because something else was supposed to have happened but that
hasn't happened yet so I'm kind of still waiting for that and it's stupid for me
to be waiting so much not doing much else in between so I'm gonna I'm going
to change that and still hope that that starts and and goes through in case
you're curious I'm talking about an opportunity that someone contacted me
about through my Fiverr page so I'm just kind of waiting on them for that now my
parkour training tonight was a pretty great actually I for the first of little
bit that I didn't really do too much I was doing some side flips a lot of
side flips because one of my friends was there today as that has not seen my side
flips lately and he was there when I was first trying them and they were total
total garbage so I really really wanted him to see him we also did human flags
in class today and mine are so much better than the were even like two weeks
ago three weeks ago four weeks ago and I haven't worked on them in that time at
all so I'm actually surprised with how good they were today although I didn't
get any on film maybe on Thursday I will do that they yeah just wants now what I
did do tonight out right here
earlier on tonight about 10 minutes before the class started I ended up well
I was trying to do something specific and I ended up bumping my toe on the
edge of a box and I've been going barefoot lately for the past a while
right so this is what I'm always worried about going barefoot and finally not in
a good way that actually happened I actually hit my toe on something and it
doesn't feel good for obvious reasons so now my toe is a
little bit bruised probably a tiny little bit swollen but you know that
there's no damage to it or anything it just it hurts a little bit so I just
hope that my toe doesn't get any worse and it gets better tomorrow and is even
better by Thursday but yeah that was my Tuesday night hurt my toe had some fun
all was good yeah so thank you for watching and I guess I will see you
again tomorrow so enjoy your day and Godbless
Honda Accord 2.0i LS Airco Zeer mooi - Duration: 0:52.
Co jsem dnes jedl #8 | What i ate today #8 | Vegan | Vegabund - Duration: 8:54.
Hi, welcome to another what i today video.
For breakfast i made smoothie bowl.
And now i go for it :)
So, for lunch i made this salad.
Its with seitan marinated in tamari.
Quick snack :)
I go for it :)
Time for last meal of the day.
I made veggie curry with coconut milk.
Its very good :)
Its warm, but delicious :)
Thats all for today. Hit like button if you like the video , dont forget to subscribe and see you next time.
Opel Astra 1.6i Season - Duration: 0:58.
Jeep Cherokee 3.7i V6 Limited VOL OPTIONS - Duration: 1:01.
Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-I LUNA 7P. - Duration: 1:00.
Hyundai Tucson 2.0I STYLE Climate/Cruise/Trekhaak/Pdc - Duration: 0:59.
MEGA SPONTAN Z GUSTAVEM I CFC FANEM!!! :) [DB #18] - Duration: 12:40.
This time probably without english subtitles... BUT!
If you would like to read english subtitles here, please write a comment below. Thanks! :)
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY | 5-DRS | Airco | Touchscreen | - Duration: 0:43.
Hyundai Getz 1.1i Active Young - Duration: 0:59.
Hyundai Getz 1.1i Active - Duration: 1:02.
Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I ASPIRATION | 5-DRS | Navigatie | - Duration: 0:42.
Ford Ka 1.3 I 44KW Cool & Sound - Duration: 0:59.
Chrysler Grand Voyager 3.3i V6 SE Luxe Automaat 7 zitter - Duration: 1:03.
Honda CR-V 2.0i 150 Pk 4WD Executive ECC/Leder/Panoramadak/Xenon/PDC/115.582 Km!! - Duration: 1:00.
Toyota Corolla Verso 1.8 VVT-i 130 Pk Automaat Sol 7-Pers. ECC/Radio-Cd/Cruise/139.963 Km!! - Duration: 1:02.
Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6I-16V *ECC*LPG-G3*EXPORT* - Duration: 0:47.
Opel Corsa 1.2 I 16V 5-DEURS 79.000 KM !! - Duration: 1:00.
How to make Instagram homemade stickers - Duration: 7:13.
Hello everyone in today's video we will make stickers
using the stickers of instagram summer. Let's do
normal also reverse adhesives
We will need some unprintable we have taken from internet
we will need this is very important role for covering books
adhesive you know what the old week
this is normal chips for marks as it sold at any bazaar and
We will also need an iron and Optional baking paper
Let's start us going to decorate this case that fixed telecom etc
practice that separates the camp and shove it must be amputated to
No boats will take whole Well composed as our
the incredible print our Web of Ideas 2 that dot com and we
a white border around lest I was so exactly like these resentments
white with a goal but you cut them as you please
you can even draw on paper normal in a lack not always Máis
Well now what we do is put a piece of paper cover books
adhesive paper under my role in where I have put a paper speaker
oven and passed over the plate even when we passed it until
we see that the stick is absolutely glued to the plastic covering books in
adhesive paper scaled fix if it is not going to happen iron
No need to go very hot and now 6 is lifted off and a
decal to make us anymore because with the adhesive side stays the
adhesive is plastic sticks the paper and the adhesive is left to
back now to protect more put other plastic above but after
if any plate is not to not I was bad like plastic top and
what I do is fun and use a ramos scissors as we do when the
I have nothing else to cut what spare and I have my aggressive style
This technique is great for any decisive
and I say is like the plant makes the plastic will stick in hand
He was lined front and respects Unequal thereby not yet explained
It is worth me to customize notebooks or infinite things but
we do not want to work both cutting 15 Sometimes I can make a full plate
adhesives I do have to put a paper iron
Fist of the same books cover large my sheet of paper and do the same
process page hits and remains all once
I like to put it another adhesive piece of paper on top to
remain classified and cocky and again you I with scissors to fix it and now
yes now he cuts each files using this technique
silhouette to decorate our books not only coloring books for all
then I remember everything now beige for small boat being more
classified outside if nothing happens got wet little boats that carry shampoo
and so on they are going to get wet part in the fight but we will do now one
tenth and verse what is already a verse he called one but has
glue on the side that has the color and how we do it by putting the
ie backwards in this case I put the I want to face that hopefully decisive
contact with the plastic megan fox and now returned to board
putting course a baking paper You can also use the paper back
UNFPA will see the court seems to it stays stuck to the paper but not so
carefully he took off and also highlighted the adhesive and now I have no more than
cut but look here as I say that the receipt is reversed
hits the cool side and what I It serves this helps me to surfaces
are transparent for example to put in the part
within the necessary he said he will carry camp crises if
would protect and not harm the adhesive would put it on the part of
inside or decorate mobile foundation transparent
for example this time remains stuck and very good
also at one point could despeñe that using a little soap
soap water and some solvent superchulo be good it seems to me
This technique gives much play even let's see now you can
printed on the tickets of these instagram older ones to put on
sleeves or put where it says the technique started with the technique
direct as you like for example with the art and what I'll do
it is to these that is great in the from outside the neceser that will
then bring all boats and all these we have seen so we
the same we cover the role of our
We remove muñequitos we line again plastic and is already
as these assets magallanes I will take and cut a little
also the inside Peak Flemish to make it more cool
Now I do have to remove the paper back sometimes it costs a little but
We costs the same as bouquets books for both sides and to the proposed
comments that these if they used soda more and kiss this technique to
you do something that's what you are going to make music I'm not just
Flamenco float Unicorn by the way he left and another video
Unicorn floats made of one mobile holder in which chulada
níjar all day and they are very summery motifs all
it says little boxes also got to use this safe technique that you liked
too much video we watched the We last week in which we were so
It is being used napkins and plastic kitchen and saucer used to
good food wrap or also in the audience and if this video
you want to see and if you like this video we forget anything I like and share
so that the channel continues to grow See you in the next tutorial that
From now on they will always be the eight p.m. until the week
Manhã Leve | Conheça o projeto "M'Ana, mulher conserta para mulher" - 28 de junho de 2017 - Duration: 10:03.
TJ Aparecida | Coisas do Brasil: conheça o "pequi", tradição na culinária em Goiás - 28 de junho - Duration: 3:58.
Scripts no negócio... Importantes? Uh?l 2T21 | Ricardo Teixeira - Duration: 5:08.
Is The Pizza Planet Truck REAL? | Feat. JP and Beyond - Duration: 11:00.
>> Crazy Nate: Hey Gents and Gentlets, welcome back, I'm your host Crazy Nate, and today
I'm with Jonason and Jesse, and we are going to be checking out the most awesome pick up
truck in the world.
Let's get started.
[intro music plays]
>> Crazy Nate: So I was actually at the Regal theater with my sister.
Regal theater had Guardians of the Galaxy, Pirates, and then also Cars 3.
And if you watch all of them with Regal and you're a Disney Movie Reward collector you
get like massive points, so we're there.
For those of you that don't know, in my state there's only one of those theaters in the
entire state, so I had to drive like an hour to get there.
>> Jonason: Who Knew?
>> Jesse: Worth it!
>> Crazy Nate: Worth it, right!
So when we got there we're like wait a second, is like authentic Disney here?
Because here's the pizza planet truck.
And then so my sister and I went over and checked it out, and here it is.
If you follow me on Snapchat you already saw a sneak peak to this, I gave a little shout
out there.
Check it out, we just got done filming a video, stay tuned!
How did this all start?
>> Jonason: Well you were going there to the theater, I was not going to that theater,
I was leaving church so we came at the right time.
>> Crazy Nate: Right right.
>> Jonason: And crossed paths and I just thought.
>> Crazy Nate: A magical formulation.
>> Jonason: Yeah yeah, I thought, I thought you were just another fan.
>> Crazy Nate: Yeah.
>> Jonason: Because people take pictures with this all the time.
>> Crazy Nate: Right.
We were just at lunch over at a certain place we wont mention because they don't give us
money for it.
In-n-out, yum!
>> Jonason: Not sponsored, if you want to be.
>> Crazy Nate: #Notsponsored call us if you wanna be.
Any who, while we were there eating there was several people we saw walking around with
their phones taking pictures, just like we did.
That's gotta be like a daily occurrence with this thing.
>> Jonason: Well I don't take it out daily.
It's too hot.
>> Jesse:Yeah this truck does not fair well in the Arizona heat.
>> Johnason: No, no, no.
I did take it out every day when I was living in flagstaff, but not down here.
It's too hot.
But yeah, it's a lot of fun.
That's most of the reason that we keep it around.
>> Crazy Nate: So what inspired you guys to make this truck?
>> Jonason: Well that's kinda a long story.
If I guess to tell it shortly, we made the Live Action Toy Story Movie, that truck is
not in it.
>> Crazy Nate: No.
>> Jonason: We were searching for one for a long long time.
That was even the last scene that we did.
Like we didn't film that scene until the very end because we wanted to get the truck right,
and we got as close as we could but it's not that close.
But my dad kept looking because he likes looking at craigslist stuff.
>> Crazy Nate: Right.
>> Jonason: And he found the yellow pick up.
There's no camper shell, there's nothing else but he traded cars because he wanted to get
it for me.
Hi dad!
And it was like a year and a half process, so like you know one day it's like ah, I think
it's time to take the letters off and get YO.
And then you know maybe it's a year later before I found a camper shell that fit right,
and the rocket went through a few variations.
I made a whole video about making that one with my friend.
You know, the old ones were kind of garbage, but you know, we keep working on it to get
better all the time.
And we're not the first Pizza Planet Truck in the world.
But we're of I think maybe 10 or 12.
>> Crazy Nate: Nice, nice.
Well it was the first one I saw outside of the Pixar Studios, and that one I only saw
like with google search.
So it's definitely a cool experience, it's like the first time you see one in real life,
it's like I just walked into Toy Story.
Like, let's follow this truck, where is it going?
We're eating dinner there.
>> Jonason: Well I'm glad, I'm glad because that was kinda the idea.
>> Crazy Nate: Anyone that's out there that maybe wants to build a truck.
I've actually wanted to do one for a while, but my other spare car's not a truck, and
I can't have 3 vehicles, that's expensive.
But for someone out there, I notice you even have stickers on the back for the truck.
You obviously have the magnetic sign here and everything.
Where do you go to make all of this?
Is it just every single peice is hand done?
What's going on?
>> Jonason: Pretty much, you know stickers were really easy online.
>> Crazy Nate: Just website?
>> Jonason: Yeah, just custom stickers website .com or whatever.
>> Crazy Nate: So it's not some magic website, go here, pay a certain fee, you have the entire
package set up?
>> Jonason: No but I should make that and charge people.
We, you know we found screen caps of some of the stickers on you know on the Toy Story
DVD, and made them for the movie, so I just kept those around.
>> Jesse: The license plate was like from Amazon, I think you just got that.
>> Jonason: That's the front license plate, yeah, I bought that.
But that's not real.
You can do that in arizona, you can put a fake one in the front, as long as there's
a real one in the back.
>> Crazy Nate: Some states require both.
>> Jonason: Right, so don't buy fake license plates.
>> Jesse: We don't condone that.
>> Jonason: But yeah, we just made, I made where ever I could whenever I could.
I mean, it's never really done.
The truck itself has died a few times, so like not movie accurate engine or anything.
>> Crazy Nate: And then you even have the little aliens hanging from your mirror, super
>> Jonason: Those actually are in Live Action Toy Story.
>> Jesse: That's true.
>> Jonason: That's probably the only thing that is.
>> Crazy Nate: So one thing, in the back of the truck I noticed that I've gotta ask about.
You've got a tool box in there, and then you even have a woody doll.
So in the movie the toy chest is smashing around, they even have a longer version of
it originally, they shortened it down for the movie.
Is your tool chest bolted down, or are you actually crushing woody every time you go
up and down hills?
>> Jonason: Well might as well be bolted down , there's a bunch of tools in there so.
>> Crazy Nate: So it's functional too?
>> Jonason: Well, yes it's very functional.
I used it plenty of times but it's heavy enough to where it doesn't slide, but it could, and
Woody's gotten crushed before but he's fine.
>> Crazy Nate: So with this rocket, I used to work security at a mall, and one of the
problems is people forget they have the cargo things on and they rip them off, have you
ever had one of those oh bummer moments?
>> Jesse: Oh gee, let's see that was only two weeks ago when we went to Phoenix Comicon,
you know we found the garage and as we were going in, looking at the clearance, that should
be good right?
And we're getting closer, right right?
And there are people walking by and they're like I don't think so, and then so we're going
slow, and they're like no you're good, you're good.
>> Jonason: So we got in no problem, getting out was lower.
Why are'nt they the same.
There's one section
>> Jesse: there's one section that was like too low and boom we had to take it down.
>> Jonason: I actually finally bolted it in so that I could go on the highway, because
otherwise I'm scared to, I don't want to.
>> Crazy Nate: That was my next question.
So it is safe for the highway now?
>> Jonason: It is now, it wasn't for years, or a couple of years I guess.
But now it is.
The only problem is we had to take it down, so I had to redo the whole thing over again.
And undo it in the middle of the parking garage when people are trying to leave.
So that was embarising, but whatever.
>> Crazy Nate: So random thought I just had, have you ever been pulled over driving this
>> Jonason: Yes, I have.
>> Crazy Nate: And did it get you out of the ticket?
>> Jonason: Yeah, but I don't think he got the connection.
Well, so that was in flagstaff, it was like 5 in the morning, it was icy in snow, and
I didn't want to slow down, because if I stopped then the engine might die, so I you know,
ran a neighborhood stop sign.
Because it's five in the morning, there's no one there.
>> Crazy Nate: A little Cali-stop.
>> Jonason: Yeah, a California stop, and he pulled me over, and he asked if I was going
to work, which Isaid yes, because it's true.
I think he thought I worked at Pizza Planet, but I did not.
>> Crazy Nate: He's googling it for lunch.
>> Jonason: But no, it was just the warning because I think he realized it was five in
the morning, and there was no one there.
>> Crazy Nate: One of the things noticed with the commentary in Toy Story, they were talking
about Pizza Planet, the actual restaurant, and one of the guys said someone needs to
make this in real life.
>> Jonason: I know I say that every day!
>> Crazy Nate: Yeah, that would be fun.
>> Jonason: Yeah that would be a back up back up plan, if the youtube career doesn't work
out then
>> Crazy Nate: That's the backup plan.
>> Jonason: Right, well I mean it should really just be the first plan.
>> Crazy Nate: Yeah, I would totaly eat there.
Even if it was garbage pizza, they could be cooking like frozen pizzas I would still go.
>> Jesse: Oh, of course.
>> Jonason: Well as long as it's like the movie.
Like there's Pizza Planet in Disney World florida, it's nothing like the movie, it's
just a Toy Story themed pizza place.
>> Crazy Nate: Is that the one that's like in a strip mall?
>> Jonason: Kinda.
>> Crazy Nate: Yeah, I saw one like that, and it's just the outside looks like it, but
the inside is kinda....
>> Jonason: Not even.
>> Jesse: It's got a Buzz and Woody sitting somewhere.
>> Crazy Nate: No, you have to recreate the arcade.
>> Jonason: Yeah!
That's, I mean that's what we stuck with for the truck itself, and for the movies, like
get it like the movie.
>> Crazy Nate: Yeah, you can't just put a generic wak a mole game in there, you gotta
have the actual Alien guy with the little aliens coming out.
>> Jonason: I don't even think the one in Disney World had a claw machine, I was 10,
but I remember being disappointed.
>> Crazy Nate: Well, I have ten claw machines in my house so, if you want one, I'll give
you one, but it's not a rocket ship claw machine, it's the boring box claw machine.
>> Jonason: I don't know, we searched for a few, when we were making the movie, and
ended up just using some wire.
>> Crazy Nate: Well it's been great checking out this truck, I wish I had it.
>> Jonason: It's been my dream car since I was a kid.
>> Crazy Nate: One thing that's super cool though, is we both live in basically the same
neck of the woods, it's a little bit of a drive, but for the size of our world, we might
as well be next door neighbors.
So we're going to be doing some sort of a collab in some way and you're going to see
more of us, but like I said go subscribe to them, they are awesome, hilarious, and family
Very cool.
So if you guys don't know already, which you probably already saw their video, if you didn't,
they made the entire Toy Story movie in real life form with the actual toys and everything.
So if you haven't seen it, go check it out, make sure you subscribe to them, because they
are extremely awesome, and they're family friendly.
And I don't shout out anyone that's not family friendly so.
>> Jonason: Us either, us either.
>> Crazy Nate: But we all have the same thing in common, we a lot of Disney, and they also
have a podcast you guys are working on as well.
>> Jesse: Yeah, we do, it's called quest for the best, where we talk about just TV shows
movies, and you know we look for the best examples of you know any kind of example that
we're looking for to see like you know what works in making a good movie or good TV show
and what doesn't work.
>> Jonason: And it's just barely started a podcast brand new so, you know it has a lot
of room to grow.
>> Crazy Nate: And then you guys are also doing skits as well too, I just saw your awesome
fathers day or horrible fathers day.
You know what I mean.
>> Jesse: Yes we do, we enjoy doing sketches and talk shows that's what we're gonna be
pumping out a lot recently.
>> Crazy Nate: Thanks for watching today, I hope this video made you smile, and remember
most importantly of all gents and gentlets,
>> Group: Share a smile, they are contagious.
>> Crazy Nate: Bye.
[song sings]
Hey! share a smile...they're contagious
Can you imagine a day without smiling...(huh) that would be outrageous
Thanks for stopping by and hanging out with Crazy Nate
>> Crazy Nate: And remember most importantly of all,
>> Group: share a smile, they are contagious.
>> Jesse: What did you say?
>> Jonason: I said They're again, and then I had to add a syllable to match it.
>> Jesse: They're are, they're are contagious, they're everywhere.
Reto: Supersticiones | Meydan okuma: Batıl inanç - Duration: 8:39.
As you can see, I am with Casandra, Cristian...
- I wanted to do something different.
And with Cris!
They are brave, they have accepted another of my Turkish challenges.
I'm going to tell them Turkish superstitions and they will have to gues if they exist, or I have just invented them.
Do you have it clear? Let's start!
Open scissors inside home will cause a fight. True or false?
-It's true.
-Anything concerning scissors...
- My mother has always told me not to leave them open! It's something negative.
- She didn't want you to get hurt!
-You are right, it's true! (You are good!)
#2, If a person chokes while eating, his/her friend is starving somewhere.
- True.
- I think it's true. It makes sense..."thinking a la turka"
- I'm going to say it's false. It is very weird. I want to say something different than them.
- It's true.
- Great!!!
3# Throwing bread brings bad luck. It shouldn't touch the floor. It's better to give it to birds.
- It's false.
- We have a superstition that says we shouldn't spill the salt out.
Because it brings bad luck.
- She said it's false, right? I also think it's false.
- No, I'm sure it's true.
- It's true!
- YES!
- Cristian, you are the boss! Your talent is knowing superstitions!
- Let's continue!
4#If a cat stares at you, something bad will happen.
- I think it's false, because cats have a good reputation (right?)
I love cats!
- I think it's false because...because...I say so.
If the cat is black, it's negative. But only in that case.
- So what's your final answer?
- I think it's false.
- False!
- I say it's true.
- It's.....false!
5#If you find two people with the same name, you have to place yourself in the middle of them, to ask for a wish.
- If you have invented this one, your imagination is great!
- I was thinking the same!
-So if we say it's true, it's because we think her imagination is not that good?
Imagine trying to find out the names of every person you meet in the street! It's crazy!
So I say it's true.
- True.
- Ok, true.
- It is true!
6# If your eyes are watering, you have to dry them fast. If not, you will be blind soon.
-I think it's a lie.
I can't find any Turkish logic.
- I think it can be true.
- No, no, it is not.
- It is false.
- It's false.
- I say it is true.
- It is false.
- I'm never right!
-7# If you pass a rabbit on your way, it is a bad omen. You have to turn around and go back.
- It is very hard to pass a rabbit in Barcelona.
- So you all say it is false?
-I think it's false, because rabbits bring good luck.
- It is true.
- My good fortune is gone.
I will remember this when I pass a rabbit.
8#If a tooth is out, you have to hide it where nobody can find it.
- It is true, we believe in this in China.
- In this case...
- I think it can be true.
- I agree too, it is true.
- It's true.
- Thanks to you, Casandra!
9#If your nose itches, someone is talking about you.
- That one is true.
We say here that if your ear is itching, someone is talking about you.
- What if it is not the nose? I have doubts, but I am going to say it is a lie.
- To be so contrary??
- No. I bet Marina has changed the part of the body and it is not the nose itching.
- Look at her eyes! I think she did it!
- I think it is false!
- It is true.
Why do you have such a bad opinion about me?
10# Counting stars brings bad luck.
-It is true, it is like a provocation, a challenge to God.
- It is false.
- I think it is false.
-And it is...true!
11# If you trip on a stone, you have to pick it up and carry it inside your pocket for 3 days.
-It is true.
- It makes sense. I think it is true.
- It is false! I just invented it.
- You have such a good imagination.
It depends on the size of the stone. Why didn't I think of this before?!
What if it is a huge stone? You will carry it on your back?
- I tricked them all!
12# If you take baths too often, your skin colour will turn pale.
-I think it is true. Grandmas always told us it was not good to have baths so often.
- It is the typical belief of old times.
It was not good to take a lot of baths in old times.
- I say it is true.
- It is fake. I have invented it too!
13#If someone steps on your just cut hair, it will bring headache to you.
- It can be true.
- It does make sense.
- She has invented it!!!
- Don't pay attention to my face expressions!
- I say it's true
What do you think, Casandra?
- It is fake.
- It is true.
14#If a fly lands on you, it means someone wants to give you a message.
- This can be something invented by Marina.
- I say it is fake.
- Fake!
- Wait, maybe she wanted us to fall in her trap. So I'm going to say it is true.
- Tell me you think it's fake.
- Yes, it's fake.
- You are in psychological game and I am saying nothing!
-What if there are a lot of flies? It's like someone has to tell you something all the time!
- I think it's fake.
- True.
- Fake.
- It's fake. It's invented.
The last one: 15# Sleeping next to the wall can make you paralized.
-I know that the position of the bed is important.
But I have never thought about the walls.
- Because you are not Turkish.
- Let's bet. I say it's true.
- It's true.
- So the one who guess this one is the final winner?
- No, no, no! I don't agree!
- I say it's fake.
-I say it's true.
- I say it's true.
- It's true.
- Ok, time to leave!
- Every day you think better in a Turkish way.
- I have also noticed that.
- The challenge is over.
They are good guessing real superstitions.
I couldn't trick them as much as I would have wished.
- In some you did.
- Yes, in some. But not enough.
- Thanks for participating.
- Bye!
MEGA SPONTAN Z GUSTAVEM I CFC FANEM!!! :) [DB #18] - Duration: 12:40.
This time probably without english subtitles... BUT!
If you would like to read english subtitles here, please write a comment below. Thanks! :)
CNN Caught Cold In Undercover Sting Producer Admits Russia Fake News Story Pushed For Ratings - Duration: 3:54.
CNN Caught Cold In Undercover Sting - Producer Admits Russia Fake News Story Pushed For Ratings
by Tyler Durden
Update: President Trump has noted the series of CNN 'Fake News' stories once again...
Content originally published at iBankCoin.com
The investigative journalists at Project Veritas have done it again!
Known for their undercover sting operations, such as the one which exposed the DNC's highly
organized network of professional agitators sent to disrupt Trump rallies, voter fraud,
or the undercover operation which led to the arrests of Antifa thugs planning to disrupt
an the inauguration "deploraball" event.
This time, the organization led by James O'Keefe has infiltrated CNN...
A PV journalist covertly filmed a candid discussion with CNN [health] producer John Bonifield,
where the "Very Fake News" network employee admitted that the whole Russia story against
President Trump is nothing more than a ratings grab by CNN's CEO Jeff Zucker - based on the
fact that most of CNN's liberal audience wants to see the President go down in flames.
Bonifield also admitted that he hasn't seen any evidence of President Trump committing
a crime.
John Bonifield: Even if Russia was trying to swing an election, we try to swing their
elections, our CIA is doing shit all the time, we're out there trying to manipulate governments.
I haven't seen any good enough evidence to show that the President committed a crime.
I know a lot of people don't like him and they'd like to see him get kicked out of office....
but that's a lot different than he actually did something that can get him kicked out
of office.
Russia is for ratings!
PV Journalist: Why is CNN constantly like "Russia this, Russia that?"
Bonifield: Because it's ratings.
Our ratings are incredible right now.
My boss, I shouldn't say this, my boss yesterday we were having a discussion about this dental
shoot and he was like I just want you to know what we're up against here.
Just to give you some context, President Trump pulled out of the climate accords.
For a day and a half we covered the climate accords.
And the CEO of CNN [Jeff Zucker] said in our internal meeting, he said good job everybody
covering the climate accords, but we're done with it.
Let's get back to Russia.
But all the nice cutesy little ethics that used to get talked about in journalism school,
you're just like, that's adorable.
That's adorable.
This is a business.
True feelings about Russia...
John Bonifield was asked directly what he thinks about Russia... and responded with
what many on the right have been saying for months; If it was something really good, it
would have already leaked:
PV Journalist: But honestly, you think the whole Russia shit is just bullshit?
Bonifield: Could be bullshit.
I mean, it's mostly bullshit right now.
Like, we don't have any giant proof.
Then they say, "well there's still an investigation going on."
I don't know, if they were finding something we would know about it.
They way these leaks happen, they would leak it.
They'd leak.
If it was something really good, it'd leak.
I just feel like they don't really have it but they want to keep digging.
And so I think the President is probably right to say, like "look, you are witch hunting
You have no smoking gun, you have no real proof."
Burn 【Planet Fitness®】 - Duration: 0:53.
I got a serious burn on today, bro
Deep down in here
Did you get your burn on?
Um, I guess so
Bros know when they get their burn on
Maybe here
No bro Bros know
And that's why I don't like gyms
Well, we're not a gym We're Planet Fitness
No gymtimidation No lunks
Just 10 dollars a month
We're not a gym We're Planet Fitness
I Hit My Toe on a Box but it's Fine - Parkour Vlog - DragoNate Daily Vlog - Tuesday 2017-06-27 - Duration: 3:30.
hello there it's Tuesday night and tonight was a great day too
tonight was a great night today was a great day today again I felt like I had
nothing I needed to do although there was a lot and there was some stuff I
just I guess didn't do and I'm going to get to tomorrow I'm kind of that's the
reason why I didn't really do anything is because I'm kind of waiting on
something else because something else was supposed to have happened but that
hasn't happened yet so I'm kind of still waiting for that and it's stupid for me
to be waiting so much not doing much else in between so I'm gonna I'm going
to change that and still hope that that starts and and goes through in case
you're curious I'm talking about an opportunity that someone contacted me
about through my Fiverr page so I'm just kind of waiting on them for that now my
parkour training tonight was a pretty great actually I for the first of little
bit that I didn't really do too much I was doing some side flips a lot of
side flips because one of my friends was there today as that has not seen my side
flips lately and he was there when I was first trying them and they were total
total garbage so I really really wanted him to see him we also did human flags
in class today and mine are so much better than the were even like two weeks
ago three weeks ago four weeks ago and I haven't worked on them in that time at
all so I'm actually surprised with how good they were today although I didn't
get any on film maybe on Thursday I will do that they yeah just wants now what I
did do tonight out right here
earlier on tonight about 10 minutes before the class started I ended up well
I was trying to do something specific and I ended up bumping my toe on the
edge of a box and I've been going barefoot lately for the past a while
right so this is what I'm always worried about going barefoot and finally not in
a good way that actually happened I actually hit my toe on something and it
doesn't feel good for obvious reasons so now my toe is a
little bit bruised probably a tiny little bit swollen but you know that
there's no damage to it or anything it just it hurts a little bit so I just
hope that my toe doesn't get any worse and it gets better tomorrow and is even
better by Thursday but yeah that was my Tuesday night hurt my toe had some fun
all was good yeah so thank you for watching and I guess I will see you
again tomorrow so enjoy your day and Godbless
TJ Aparecida | Previsão do tempo - 28 de junho de 2017 - Duration: 1:47.
Remedios Para Quemar Grasa Del Abdomen Rapido - Duration: 3:01.
From the Land of the Moon Trailer #1 (2017 ) Subtitulado en español - Duration: 1:59.
The search for new elements, order in chaos and pre-islamic language - Duration: 47:27.
Robbert Dijkgraaf is Head of the US Institute for Advanced Study.
Once home to Albert Einstein.
Dijkgraaf lives on the campus of this sanctuary of science.
He introduces us to scientists who have dedicated their lives to the future.
Thinkers, dreamers, explorers, researchers.
Their knowledge is spreading across a global network.
What will happen when we connect all that knowledge?
Does it make us the thinking part of the universe?
The mind of the universe?
We're born into a world full of chaotic stimuli.
Or as the painter Paul Cézanne put it: We live in a rainbow of chaos.
How special it is that our brain can create order out of this huge chaos.
We search for order in the chaos, for harmony, for patterns.
For understanding of the processes around us.
As late as the mid-20th century...
...Edward Lorenz discovered how to understand the chaos a little.
He described with math how a butterfly wing in Brazil...
...can cause a tornado in Texas.
We hope we can subdue the chaos with knowledge.
The question is where we can find the order.
Man is a searcher.
the searcher
If there's one man who tackles the chaos...
...it's Brazilian mathematician Artur Avila.
One of the youngest winners of the Fields Medal.
The mathematics Nobel Prize.
Avila looks for regularity in dynamic systems.
The mathematics of the ocean, of the weather, of economics.
Focused on the sea's eternal motion...
...he looks for the answers of the chaos theory.
Which problem I think about depends on the situation.
At the beach, I've worked several times...
...on complex matrixes and dynamic systems.
With today's knowledge and technology I know I can reach a certain point.
But then, if you get stuck...
...it's very difficult to break through that.
Where others struggle up the mountain to solve a mathematical problem...
...Avila strolls up to them from the other side.
People may have heard of the butterfly effect.
Which can mean, for example:
Small changes can have such big consequences...
...that predictions are impossible.
But sometimes you can be a little more clear...
...about the average behavior.
You almost have to be crazy to try to understand the sea or the sky.
But if you manage to, you're a genius.
Avila tries to understand these systems by applying renormalization.
From the smallest possible regularities in the movement of waves or clouds...
...he tries to find bigger connections, by having the formulas grow as well.
I started applying the theory of renormalization...
...around 2002, 2003.
And I realized renormalization could be used...
...to better understand certain specific problems.
After that, around 2008 or 2009...
...I got a better idea about how to unite these aspects.
For example, I look at a certain system...
..and I wonder what the state of the system will be in a million years.
For instance, that the sun could explode, or implode, or something.
Avila is a typical child of the 1980's.
He used computers at a young age...
...and was fascinated by the calculations they made possible.
Computers enabled you to show wonderful models.
The so-called fractals.
Figures that repeat themselves infinitely.
Mathematics suddenly became mesmerizingly beautiful.
Mathematics is full of various objects...
...that interrelate among themselves.
And if you look at them in a certain way they reveal certain characteristics.
So you get a rich mathematical theory...
...in which the connections appear in a surprising way.
Sometimes between objects...
...that didn't seem to be connected at all.
Many mathematicians work within fixed routines without a problem.
I don't feel good in such a strict schedule.
It would probably make me feel restricted...
...and it would annoy me.
I like to think about mathematics in moments of tranquility.
And sometimes it can bring you tranquility in restless moments.
Thinking about something that exists, with certain characteristics and logic.
Difficult logic, at times.
This logic can seem very strict...
...and you have to work hard on things that are very obvious.
But this work, and these rules mean...
...that if you achieve your goal...
...it brings you stability and structure.
Searching for beauty and richness in a mathematical universe.
Genius is the conquest of the chaos and the mystery...
...Austrian philosopher Otto Weininger said.
He got lost in his search, and committed suicide when he was 23.
Searching in a lonely and infinite universe is not free of obligations.
This also applies to language archeologist Hani Hayajneh.
His search into the chaos of the Middle East is not without risk either.
In an area torn by religious conflicts, he searches for fraternization.
He specializes in old Arabic languages.
In the Arabic peninsula's desert there are rocks with ancient inscriptions.
From far before Islam.
In the Arab world this pre-Islamic period is often seen as the 'ignorant' period.
Hayajneh disagrees. In the inscriptions, he looks for common cultural roots...
...that predate Islam.
In the Jordanian desert, he studies the languages of pre-Islam civilizations.
Languages used by the first nomads.
Short sentences, messages, scratched into a rock.
A kind of Twitter messages from the past.
There are hundreds of thousands of these rocks in the desert.
They could each be a fragment of the Rosetta Stone.
A key to an ancient civilization.
It could explain the differences in a divided Islamic world.
We're now going that way, for two or three kilometers.
To an area where we've worked before.
There are a lot of important inscriptions there.
They tell us something about the history of the area...
...before the period between the 2nd century BC and the 4th century AD.
Moufaq, let's not drive through this. We could get stuck.
Just up to here. - Okay, up to here.
This is location 1, that's location 2. - Fine.
We don't want to take a chance with the cars.
It's very dangerous here.
We take this inscription for instance, on this rock.
It contains several inscriptions, varying in size and writing style.
I've recorded this one.
But I don't know exactly what this is.
This one belongs to the big inscription. It starts here on the left.
Draw it first, and then read it.
Bin, Bagheed, H, M...
Here you can see L, H...
...M, L, K, T.
Many inscriptions contain sayings, or parts of a certain vocabulary...
...that can enrich the Semitic lexicon.
But sometimes they are about certain actions by the people in this area.
Actions that relate to the life of the Bedouin.
Is this a hand?
That's not a hand, but a female camel.
A camel? - A female camel.
This is the tail.
Language is giving names to things.
Language is placing the world in a context.
Science is also the search for the right words, concepts, phrasings.
The right order.
Only when Carl Linnaeus, in Systema Naturae, named plants and animals...
...did we start to order the nature around us.
Language orders the world.
But that order is in flux, and requires an open mind.
You always have to keep searching.
In a dream, I saw a chart, in which all elements fell into place correctly.
When I woke up, I wrote it down right away.
Later, it turned out only one correction was needed.
That's how Mendeleev described his discovery of the periodic table.
The table in which all the atoms we know have been ordered logically.
Mendeleev controlled the chaos of chemistry in such a way...
...that new, undiscovered elements were drawn from his table.
Elements that probably don't occur anywhere...
...except in laboratories on earth.
For instance, in a small Russian town. Dubna.
Man always thought about the limit of the real world he lives in.
And each time the answer depended on how he understood this world.
Mendeleev was the first one who took all the elements found in the ground...
...and put them in a logical order.
There is an inner structure, that we don't know...
...but that manifests itself in various ways.
So we started to study the question of the limit in this lab.
The limit of atomic mass.
Yuri Oganessian is a modern alchemist.
He literally searches for new elements, new atoms.
The energy the accelerator gives to the protons gives it a lot of power.
The people send it to the target, the nucleus.
Through the channels, the particles move to the device of the experiment.
Thanks to the energy the protons receive from the synchrophasotron...
...the scientists were able to investigate new elements.
This is everything you can call the baggage of nuclear physics.
This summarizes 3000 years.
As far as we know now. Some people say it might be 6000 years.
That's how large the perspective is.
These black dots...
...are elements that can be found in the ground.
From the moment the earth began.
The ones with other colors were the result of various nuclear reactions.
You can see that these black squares stretch until a certain point.
Then a new zone appears.
That's the zone that contains thallium and uranium.
It was thought there were no other elements.
They live for such a short time, it's pointless to say something exists.
Everyone was striving to find it...
...but no one managed to.
This took 25 years.
The big labs of the world worked on it.
We worked on it too, and we weren't successful either.
Then we realized we probably had to change our approach...
...and try to produce them some other way.
We started to do this at the end of the previous century.
We were the first to produce Element 112.
After which we got Elements 113, 114, 115, 116, 117 and 118.
In these positions.
The old alchemists searched for a way to turn lead into gold.
But they couldn't find their way in the chaos of their materials.
The modern alchemists are nuclear physicists. They can do it.
The search for order is rewarded.
Last year, the last element to be found, Element 118, was given a name.
Oganesson. That's right, named after the finder, Yuri Oganessian.
The search for new ways requires a lot of specialized knowledge.
Because the world isn't simple.
The deeper we delve into nature's secrets...
...the more complicated the solutions seem to be.
But fortunately, people keep searching for harmony in chaos.
At this Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics in Rio...
...Artur Avila is given room to carry out...
...his lonely, difficult search through the chaotic dynamic systems.
I have a new student now, Fabiano. Do you know Fabiano?
Fabiano is my teacher. Yes, I heard about this.
Artur Avila is working on dynamic systems and the spectral theory.
In 2005, he proved the Zorich-Kontsevich conjecture:
The non-trivial Lyapunov exponents of the Teichmüller flow...
...on moduli space of Abelian differentials...
...on compact Riemann surfaces are all distinct.
But of course, no one understands a word of this.
Avila does, and that's what makes him so brilliant.
As a child, you don't really become acquainted with mathematics.
You first learn something about numbers.
And these have certain characteristics, an internal logic.
Certain things are the way they are and stay that way.
And some things appear to be able to evolve.
The primitive aspects of mathematics are what appealed to me.
That's all I knew then.
I avoid complex calculations, so if you don't have a piece of paper...
...you're fairly limited in your calculations.
So instead of calculating, you have to understand very well...
...what it is you're working on.
Until at one point the calculation becomes so self-evident...
...that you can carry it out in your head.
You can do a lot with calculations...
...but I often work with other people who can carry out these calculations.
There is a community of scientists and mathematicians who keep in touch.
The ideas they create are exchanged as well.
And the questions and answers of these people, in different disciplines...
...influence everyone's work in the end.
Avila's thought process is like walking in a dark forest.
He takes his students to a place where he has a certain foothold.
He guides his students on, and points to a possible way out of the forest.
He keeps doing this until they find the new route, and can write it down.
You create something together.
A mathematical world that has an internal connection.
Everyone only knows a small part of it, but that does contribute to this.
Mathematics, pure mathematics, are also developed...
...as a kind of artistic expression.
Perhaps it attracts a smaller number of people...
...than music or sculpture.
But with the necessary preparation and dedication...
...it can have the same impact.
You can appreciate it. The order of it.
The growing structure and the surprises you encounter.
The sometimes unexpected similarities and differences.
Mathematics is a language too. As Galilei said:
The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics.
It's also experienced as pure art.
The beauty of structure and order...
...that can't be expressed in ordinary language.
Ordinary language may be far less exact...
...but it's our direct communication.
We can transfer ordinary messages and daily thoughts with it.
There is only one mathematics, but there are thousands of languages.
Hani Hayajneh was born in Jordan.
As a child, he was glued to the radio.
On the dial, he saw the international stations...
...and he listened to all the languages.
Now he studies, in one of the world's biggest hotbeds...
...the Arab region's oldest languages. Used by the very first nomads.
He searches for a shared history that could reunite the current populations.
He searches for peace through knowledge of the past.
We think the area was full of life.
Archeologists usually focus on areas where a lot of buildings were.
On places where cities used to be.
They ignore the desert and the Badeya.
While these places contain secrets that can give us answers...
...to questions we still haven't answered.
This one here always bothers me.
What is this?
Especially the sevens. - The seven dots, yes.
Is there a specific connection to a calendar?
Maybe it's a question of a certain influence somewhere.
Or it could have a different connection to the Greeks.
They got their calendar from the Phoenicians...
...who got it from the Indonesians.
Maybe it's the same influence.
They just took a certain calendar, unconnected to religion.
In Jordan lies one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
The city of ruins, Petra.
Good afternoon.
Petra is one of the last places in the Arab world tourists can come...
...to admire the remains of a rich pre-Islamic culture.
Many old cities, like Palmyra in Syria...
...have been destroyed and blown up in the past years by combatants.
Hayajneh has a long way to go until everyone is convinced...
...that deciphering old inscriptions can lead to peace.
Ignorance. Can knowledge beat ignorance?
Time and again, science furthers our knowledge.
And knowledge is useful. It's the basis of our technology.
For better, or for worse.
When the Cold War was at its height...
...the labs for nuclear research in Dubna were built and put to use.
Dubna is in the middle of the titanic battle of the world's nuclear powers.
A race was started to produce new elements.
A race that has lasted until the present day.
It's also interesting that this work with the new elements...
...solves the old dream of the alchemists...
...who wanted to turn lead into gold.
To do this, they heated the lead...
...they beat it, they made it react with very strong materials.
They understood that to produce such a reaction, energy had to be applied.
But they didn't understand how big this energy was.
If they'd used a hammer beating at one tenth of the speed of light...
...they might have gotten somewhere.
So the idea is, that if you want to turn one element into another...
...you have to change the atom's nucleus.
Not the shell of electrons, but the nucleus of the atom itself.
Create a nuclear reaction, in fact. But the alchemists couldn't do that.
This power source was constructed to produce heavy ions. Up to bismuth.
As paradoxical as it sounds, we can accelerate uranium here.
We could produce uranium with a 30 or 35 charge here.
It would be interesting to do it.
What's stopping you? - No demand.
First, it's interesting to see which charge it is. Uranium, right?
And how this charge then travels through the accelerator.
Go ahead and do it.
Suppose I wanted to produce the 100th element. I'd take uranium.
Which exists in the ground, the 92nd element.
I'd turn it into a target, uranium atoms.
And I'd radiate them with oxygen.
But I'd have to accelerate the oxygen's nucleus to one tenth the speed of light.
This will occur under the influence of the electric field.
We have to give it the potential to accelerate.
While its energy is growing, the radius also increases.
And its entire trajectory is a spiral, a loosening spiral.
When we reach the end of the radius, at 2 meters...
...we've arrived at the maximum energy.
We then have to get it out and direct it towards the target.
The accelerator works on this principle. The circular accelerator, or cyclotron.
Then the first question is: Will they behave like the previous elements?
And the previous elements in the table are like this.
The elements in this column have the same properties.
And these as well, and these.
Will this element be similar to this one?
And will this be similar to lead, tin and germanium?
Will number 115 be similar to bismuth?
Will number 116 be like polonium?
Will number 118 be a rare gas?
Will this fundamental law about the elements apply here as well?
Or won't it apply? Perhaps they are different.
What is the energy now? - 15-0? Yes.
It's not the naked atom yet, but two or three charges lower.
Yes, exactly, that's what I said.
All the way would be 83, this is probably 80.
Up there you can see a small spot. A little round spot.
That's a small island. The stability island...
...of extremely heavy, unknown elements.
There was a hypothesis that kept people awake for years.
Does it exist or not?
The answer is yes.
So we've reached this island. There are six elements on it.
And we found out stability really does exist there.
Oganessian's search is rewarded.
He can almost set foot on the island of stability.
The alchemists couldn't do that.
They kept searching without results...
...because their knowledge was insufficient.
What the alchemists couldn't know...
...was that different forces were needed to change the atom.
You can only generate them with big machines.
They make atoms collide so forcefully that they partly fuse.
The alchemists didn't know any nuclear physics.
Giving names to scientific discoveries.
By naming something, it is lifted out of the chaos.
It acquires the right to exist. You can talk about it.
And as soon as you can do that, you can ask the question:
What can we do with it?
Pure mathematics are the mathematics that are studied...
...without an immediate application outside of mathematics.
They may have an application. Sometimes this is discovered later.
I'm more interested in the intrinsic side of mathematics.
I work with questions that were inspired directly by physical models, and so on.
I don't choose them because of their possible applicability...
...but because the theory interests me.
Because of characteristics like beauty or richness.
The searcher searches forever.
That results in fundamental knowledge. You never know what it will lead to.
If you search for new atoms for thirty years, everyone will ask:
What's the use?
The answer is very simple. Nothing.
Nothing. Because we get very few of these separate atoms.
We're glad when we produce one atom a day.
And when we look at rare elements, it's one atom a month.
Still, we're glad we can say we have produced them...
...because there have been many events surrounding this production.
Of course it's a lot of work for us...
...to study their properties in detail.
Now we know something about them. Their properties, how they're created.
We know how they're not created.
But this is an aspect of it. We've gathered some knowledge.
All that work, that's what science is.
That's what science is.
Searching for order in chaos.
Discovering the logic of reality.
Creating harmony. Naming things.
Knowledge is never useless.
Someday the time will come when the search leads to new insights.
And this search will always continue.
That too is the Mind of the Universe.
The complete interviews in The Mind of the Universe...
...can be downloaded from the website.
Discover unique excerpts that weren't broadcast...
...or create your own programme.
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