Well, there came a moment in which everyone knew Alberto through what he had won,
through what he was doing, and somehow he… his status, right? And his position…
It's a position, a status that allows him to do something different, to help others.
And that was the idea and the way in which the Alberto Contador Foundation was born.
For me, the Foundation has special value because I'm in a situation and in a place in which I feel privileged.
Obviously it's been a lot of work, but I feel fortunate to be part of it.
I think that from my position, I'm able to help a lot of people in different ways.
For me, cycling is my way of life, it's my passion, and in a certain sense,
it's my way of giving back to the sport that has given me everything.
The Alberto Contador Foundation originated with two objectives—right?
To raise awareness, of the illness that Alberto had, the brain stroke, and to develop and promote the sport of cycling.
And in each of these objectives, we developed different goals.
Regarding bicycles, there's Bicycles for Life.
Bicycles for Life has to do with giving a second life to bicycles.
Together with a company, with SEUR, we collect bicycles.
These bicycles come to us at the Foundation,
which is in collaboration with the Pinto Disabilities Association from my city.
The process then moves on to inspection, classification, and repair…
reconditioning the bicycles so that they're in optimum condition for a second life.
The people that work here at the Bikes for Life warehouse are people with disabilities.
There are monitors and mentors with them that train them and help them.
The idea is that they can develop themselves so that in the future,
they can be integrated into the workforce in the world of bicycle mechanics.
Together with the Ananta Association, we then donate these bicycles to underprivileged areas
or places where they can be very useful.
Two months ago we took a truck full of bicycles to three mountain villages in the Moroccan Atlas
where a donation was made.
It's very interesting because the villages are quite isolated,
and with these bicycles they're going to be able to get around, fetch water, and get the children to school.
Which means the bicycles are given a second life and are truly useful.
Another thing I like about the Foundation is that provides the kid who likes bicycles a place to practice, right?
A place where this child can easily explore possibilities.
When I began at fifteen years old, everything was completely different.
You didn't have options… in the end, it was all about soccer.
Soccer, soccer, soccer.
And cycling, if you picked up a bicycle to try and compete, you'd seem strange.
And for me it was almost impossible to be able to acquire a bicycle, be able to acquire clothing for cycling, equipment…
And in this sense with the school, well, all of that is much simpler.
Everyone has these opportunities, and they have the option of molding themselves with cycling.
Because I think that the values that cycling gives you—not because it's my sport—
I think few sports can give you those values.
In the cycling school it's about fun, about having a good time with friends,
learning to ride a bicycle and training bike skills.
And in the youth and U-23 teams, it's probably more focused on competition—
but the idea is always to promote the bicycle and outreach of cycling.
The activity, you're progressively growing year after year and really, we don't put limits on ourselves.
In fact, I'm sure that once my sports career finishes, a large part of my time will be taken up by the Foundation.
I think Alberto doesn't only have to be a champion on the bike, but also has to demonstrate that he's one off of it.
He has to have a series of values and motivations that make him that champion and make him who he is.
For more infomation >> Alberto Contador: The Other Contador - Duration: 5:12.-------------------------------------------
SEXUAL ORIENTATION (?) | Parking of thoughts - Duration: 8:11.
Baby's First Trip to Disneyland! - Duration: 14:21.
Skimboarding Challenge: Dani Germano (Bonus: How to Drop) in Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro - Duration: 4:09.
My name is Dani Germano from Blog ZeroVinteum,
and today I'm here with OndaSkim for my first Skimboarding lesson !
It's really good to be able to do sports in the outdoors, for several reasons,
but specially because it's when I can connect with God the most.
Today is gonna be a different experience, a different sport,
I'm really excited and I'm sure that it will change my day and the end of my whole week !
Good morning, Dani !
I can see that you like doing outdoor sports, and waking up early as well !
The only thing that's missing is for you to accept the challenge to take your first Skim lesson !
Let's do it !
So here is your board, and let's start by warming up.
We're going to mainly stretch the upper and lower body (laughs)
Today, I'm gonna teach you the basic techniques in Skimboarding,
We're gonna start in the dry sand, it should be pretty easy for you.
You're Goofy footed, so you step with the left foot on the back and the right foot in the front of the board.
You're just gonna take a few steps back, and walk towards the board
and as soon as you step with the right foot close to the board,
you will put your left foot first, and then the right foot in front of the board.
Always parallel to the skimboard.
When you step with you left foot, let go of the board,
step with the right foot, and then get the left foot on the back of the board.
This technique is called "One Step", because you only take one step after letting go of the board.
Good work Dani, I can see you are more confident and ready to go to the water. Let's go ?
That's it, Dani ! I really liked your attitude and confidence today,
as well as your courage in your first time skimboarding !
I thought you did pretty well ! What did you think ?
So, I was a little scared at first but I got more confident afterwards,
I thought it was sick !
And the next challenge will be for me to do an air !
No, no, calm down ! (Laughs)
Let's take it easy, and you will get there.
That's it, thank you Dani for being a part of this,
and I want to see you here back in the Skim lessons in Rio de Janeiro
You can count on me !
Monologue - Miami Life, Building Families and Overdoses - Duration: 3:29.
Don't come here and bring your shit on me
You have no idea what I have been passing through
You have no idea what it is to be me
You were never there anyways
I was the one that was always, always there
I was always there for him, don't bring your shit on me
You have no idea what you are talking about ...
Do you know what it is to wake up at fucking two in the morning
Thee in the morning, it doesn't matter Just wishing your husband was with some other woman
Like, God please, just make him be with any
fucking hoe in this fucking Miami
But please, no overdoses
I cannot handle that.
You know, we have fucking strip clubs everywhere, Fucking hoes every fucking corner
And drugs, every corner
So, please, just be any fucking hoe, just
get him with anybody else ...
But, you know, he was a loyal guy He was the best man.
And I was the best woman because I was there every fucking night after him
Bar crawling around Miami Just wishing he was still there alive somewhere
And I always found him I always knew where he was in the end
And I would always bringing him home Safe, warm, like, fuck!
That was me there for him, not you, so don't bring your shit on me.
Don't bring your shit on me!
But that night, no.
That night I just woke up to Ashlen crying She just wouldn't stop
And it was really weird because she never woke up in the fucking middle of the night
She was the best baby, he was the best man...
I was always so lucky...
I cannot complain, God...
But that night I woke up with her crying And she looked at my face like she knew I knew, and...
It was like I knew she knew as well
So I just, I just held her, you know I held her on my arms and said it's ok babe,
that's ok...
Dad is gonna make it home Don't worry, dad's gonna be fine
But it was not.
And the next morning Miami Dade Police Department called me
And I would ride there and I said "yes, that's the body, sir"
And yes...
it is Miami, it was overdose, what do you think it was?
So don't come here bringing your shit on me
Because I was there from the beginning till the end.
7 Ways to MAKE You INSTANTLY HAPPY! - HOW TO BE HAPPY - Duration: 6:42.
hi guys and welcome to my channel today I'm going to talk about six ways to make
yourself instantly happy this is something that people ask me about all
the time how are you so happy how are you always
so positive how do you oh eh how are you always in such a bad mood and so I
wanted to do this videos all of those people who have asked and some of these
things may seem also all or super odds but they definitely give me an instant
boost for happiness. So use these ways to be happy and let's get right into this video one of the first things
I'll do if I need happiness mood booster is I will go into the bathroom and close
the door just me in the mirror and I will think to myself what is one thing
that was absolutely ridiculous and I will do it in front of a mirror I know
that sounds super crazy I know you're going to think wow you are so weird
but and sometimes I'll even do something really weird like maybe four times like
you're a fish out of water and like flop around and try to do that acting motion
I know that sounds so crazy but doing something so childish or doing something
that's so like out of your element and out of your typical box really just put
yourself in a different day and almost with you in a vulnerable state square it
you almost have to I am you just can't help yourself and it releases endorphins
it just helps you like even if you're like oh my gosh this is totally out of
my comfort zone I'm not doing this and you try to do it you're like this is
awkward you still are going to have a little smirk because you to be like
seriously did I really just do that and you would not believe how much that I
actually read about that in a book when I was in high school and I couldn't
believe it I started doing it no way that is so crazy to definitely give that
a try remember to last some of your favorite music and not the music that is
like your favorite bad music or your favorite music that reminds you of
somebody that's Pat favorite music that just gives your soul
pumping if you wanted to move and it makes you smile the music that just
speaks to you on the empty ice and get a playlist going and jam out that music
and have a great time listening some jams that you love it'll definitely put
a smile on your face the third thing I do to get instantly happy is do
something that I absolutely love one of my favorite things to do is dance but I
also love to draw so if I just take a minute and do one of those things that
I'm passionate about it makes me really really happy
especially dancing sometimes I'll go down into the basement and I'll tell my
husband I'm just going to work out for a few minutes I just need some time to
myself I'll blare the music like I always do
when I work out and I will just go to town and dance and just have a good time
for some like no one's around because literally no one is around and when I'm
done even if it's for like five minutes I
just and I'm upstairs I'm just gleaming I'm so happy like I
got I got my body moving and I just feel so good like dang Mel is so fun I love
to dance so doing something like that is like a full dose of vitamin C just like
splash through your body it just feels so good
another thing that I do that it's so good for you it'll definitely give you
an instant happiness boost especially if you need that is giving into an impulse
I would not consider myself an extremely impulsive person and nor would I
normally encourage people to give in to all of your impulses but even if you
have something a little tiny impulse like oh my gosh I've always wanted to go
to a restaurant and pretend like I'm a food critic with a clip for it and go
and assess the situation or something little even if it's so arbitrary or
random do it giving in to your impulses makes your body feel like you are in
charge and you are the person that you're in control of your body which you
totally are and it just makes you feel satiated like you gave in to that desire
even if it was so incredibly petty so definitely give that a try like I said
don't do anything outrageous but doing that can make a huge huge difference
number five is to indulge in something little I never want to encourage people
to purchase things to create happiness but if you
want a little boost of happiness and you've done some of the other things
this can also help if you're buying something or purchasing something small
not some big outrageous purchase or something small like a drink that you've
been wanting to try or picking up a nice bouquet of flowers or something little
they just can encourage you I've been working really hard lately and I deserve
a small reward and it just sometimes it can just feel good
number six trying something new that you have always been wanting to try no
matter what it is on your bucket list but trying something new it makes you
feel refreshing it makes you feel relevant and it also gives you so much
more life to your body because it gives you something new to talk about with
your friends and you're not talking about the same thing and it's just a
really cool opportunity to experience new things so that will definitely
enlighten you and bring a smile to your face one of the things that I have been
talking about trying for so long is yoga and I try it in my home and cause it's
just not for me but I want to genuinely try it I want to try it with my heart
and soul like just let go all in and not have any mindsets like not be
close-minded but just really go all in and enjoy it and just embrace everything
about it and my very last tip to get instant happiness is to get lost in
nature I do not know what it is about nature but I feel like being out in
nature is so healing so if you have something that's heavy on your heart or
you're very stressed or whatever you have going on being in nature just I
feel like it just naturally heals things that need to be filled any underlining
stressors or any underlining issues that maybe is going on internally
it can feel that and just make you feel really refreshed and amazing so
definitely get out in nature the sunshine is not only amazing is a
beautiful greenery that is out there is just so breathtaking but just getting
that opportunity to get some fresh air and be refreshed by just nature is so
amazing so I hope you guys liked all my tips if you did give this video a big
thumbs up and let me know in the comments below what is
one thing that you do to make yourself more happy or one thing that you do that
really helps when you're down in the dumps or you need a boost of happiness I
would love to be encouraged by some of the things that you guys do and let me
know if you do any of the things that I've talked about in this video that
would be so cool thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you in my next
László Erika a szabad akaratról - Duration: 2:02.
Santa Receita | Spinner, o brinquedo giratório que é febre do momento! - 28 de junho de 2017 - Duration: 17:07.
Homem-Aranha: De Volta ao Lar "Resgatando a Balsa" Clipe do Filme (2017) Tom Holland Marvel Movie HD - Duration: 0:27.
VW T6 Transporter - Duration: 1:01.
Ford Kuga - Duration: 1:06.
Seat Ateca - Duration: 1:09.
Seat Ateca - Duration: 1:10.
LYANNE MELLO - [COVER] A BATERIA ACABOU (Zé Neto & Cristiano feat. Marília Mendonça) - Duration: 3:22.
Homem-Aranha: De Volta ao Lar "Ficar na Escola" Spot de TV (2017) Tom Holland Marvel Movie - Duration: 0:30.
Barbara d'Urso: rigettata l'accusa di esercizio abusivo della professione giornalistica| K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:09.
Preso: How I Created This Training Video in 5 Fun and Easy Steps - Duration: 2:50.
If you've driven throughout the United States. It's very likely you've encountered a highway interchange
Interchanges are intersections between two roads.
In this case, we have a car in this lane and a car in this lane.
We're going to have a problem unless the two of them work out a way to communicate with one another.
Negotiating these interchanges, as you can imagine, requires both cooperation and communication with your fellow drivers
So let's take a look at some of the common interchanges, and we'll talk about their pros and cons
The first example of a common U.S. highway interchange type is called the cloverleaf.
This design takes advantage of these curved roadways as you can see here.
These resemble a cloverleaf when viewed from above.
The Cloverleaf is great because it allows for a very fluid interchange of traffic between two freeways with pretty minimal disruption.
The one challenge with a cloverleaf interchange is that the curved exits that do allow for a lot of fluidity...
...also create a little bit of a hazard for drivers
because they're going at freeway speeds when they approach these and they do need to adjust from that high speed to something a little lower
so that they can safely navigate these curves
This is an example of another very common Highway interchange in the United States
This is called a diamond interchange and that's because of its telltale diamond shape
Similar to the Cloverleaf the diamond interchange allows the exchange of traffic between a secondary and a major roadway
The one downfall of a diamond interchange is that they are often accompanied by left or right turns...
...onto the secondary roadway, which can slow traffic
Now this is an example of a trumpet interchange. The trumpet interchange is commonly used when you have two highways...
...intersecting and it typically takes the place of a T-intersection
This last example is called a Frontage Road interchange
A frontage road interchange allows for the exchange of vehicles using parallel secondary one-way, or...
...two-way roadways. For instance, I have traffic going this way and then I've got
this multi lane roadway and this multi lane roadway here.
The frontage road uses turnarounds. Turnarounds are these little u-turns here and here.
That allow for drivers to safely exit a multi-lane roadway and then use the opposing frontage roadway
to enter a different multi lane roadway going the opposite direction.
GOP senator: Tinkering won't fix health bill - Duration: 1:26.
Volvo V70 2.0T R-Edition Automaat Navi 18 Inch Xenon 203PK! - Duration: 0:43.
Summer in London Things to do in June - Duration: 21:23.
Clash of Clans Builder Base / Royale Private Server! - Duration: 1:13:12.
GOP senator: Tinkering won't fix health bill - Duration: 1:26.
Xpecial: "I see so many players who don't try as hard. It's kind of rude to the fans that come out." - Duration: 5:59.
So I've been playing for so long.
I remember all the LANs, all the tournaments, all the playoffs, and when you walk on the
stage and you see the crowd, you just get pumped up.
It's an amazing feeling seeing how all those people came here to watch you and the feelings
that you get, and you can't help but feel appreciative of all the fans.
You just want to show them what you can do and I see so many players who kind of just
don't try as hard or whatnot.
And to me it's kind of -- it's kind of rude to all the fans that come out it's like if
you're not going to try so hard, how you deserve to walk up in front of the crowd
and play in front of your peers, and all the audience. I just think that if you're going
to be playing at the highest level you should be working at the highest level and practicing
really hard and doing everything you can to show that you deserve to be there.
Good question.
I don't really know why or how all this like happened the way it did
but in esports, things happen so fast.
I was, basically not even a week ago I was thinking OK I'm going to stay with Dignitas,
be a sub.
I'll have a chance to play eventually like we'll see what happens.
You know, all that good stuff, and then the next day David's like, hey you have an
opportunity to join P1.
It's like OK, why not?
You know I just wanna make a difference for my team, any team that I go to and just
do my best and just kind of do what I do best, which is play well, hopefully.
Uhhh, Yeah they're alright.
Got one here. Yayyy.
I don't know, they're alright. Mike can do tricks and stuff on it, it's like
I don't know.
He can do it well.
I can't do tricks.
I can do the trick where I spin it.
It's not too impressive.
I have two fingers.
I can have one finger?
I want to teach him as much as I can.
I think, being that I've been playing for such a long time, it's only natural that I
have a lot teach him,
but he also has a lot of things that I don't do as well.
Like I think his laning on ranged supports is definitely superior to my own.
So that's something I can learn from him and I think being that we're both on the team
means there is no reason for us not to work together and try and improve each other and
push each other.
And yeah he's a hard worker as well and he's just kind of new to the whole competitive
scene and has a lot to learn about macro and he's just not as talkative as I am in
game and that's something you develop over the years.
So, Shady and I we talk a decent amount.
Definitely hoping to work on our relationship even more in the future and just kind of improve
each other even more.
Mike definitely does not seem like a rookie. The way he talks, the way
he kind of controls and commands what he wants.
He definitely does not seem like a rookie and it's very respectable knowing that he's
just confident in himself and it's really, really good.
He's been playing extremely well and we just need to incorporate him into our team and
just be able to use his strengths to our advantage.
So Derek...
He is always self-critical of himself.
It's interesting to see someone that's so open to criticism always, I mean he bashes
himself too much sometimes but you can tell he really wants to learn.
And I really want to help him too because when I see people who are hungry to learn,
it's like, oh he is trying really hard, let me help him out.
And I really want to help out Derek because there's a lot of -- he has like a lot of macro
things that he can easily fix.
And I think he will.
He just needs the right push.
Oof, Ryu's a...
He's very stoic guy.
He just doesn't talk too much and he's just like...
I think what people said about him before was like a mafia boss.
It's like if he's talking you listen, and you know he's always watching.
Arrow is a goofy guy.
He's just... usually he's the guy that kind of is full of smiles.
And even though he's like not always showing that he's smiling, you can tell he's happy
and you never really see him down and he's always trying to improve.
Works really hard.
Very friendly guy.
The game has evolved from what it was back in Season 1 and 2 where a lot of it was just
your own play, your own micro play and you were just way better than an opponent and
you can always crush them no matter what.
But nowadays it's a lot more about teamwork, how you can set up your plays, how you can do
your vision better, how you can help your teammates and it makes the game a lot more about your team
and a lot more about teamwork and you just hear "teamwork teamwork" over and over again
because it's true. You need to be all work as a team
So the macro plan is you can't just pull in one player and expect the macro to be instantly feeling
better. I wish it was like that. But I try my best to try, to be a strong voice for a team and I think there
are some improvements very, very slight right now.
Again it's a team game, so we have to teach everybody a lot of macro stuff, go back to the basics and
honestly macro is not the hardest thing.
What's hard is getting everyone on the same page and you teach everybody a basics and then expand
from there. Always talking and it just comes with practice. If you're a practicing really hard
and always talking in practice,
we can easily improve and as long as we're motivated, we can do it and it seems that
that's the case.
I want to win obviously.
I think P1, they were third place last split for a reason.
They are a good team, just need to keep pushing to the next level and just do even better.
chase.... i don't think i ever had acne. - Duration: 3:15.
Hey guys, it is Wednesdays with Chaseypoo and today we're talking about acne.
I didn't have acne so I have nothing to say, bye. No I'm kidding.
Um, I never dealt with acne in my first puberty, I don't think, and then when I started T I started to get pimples – it's normal,
you're going through puberty, you get pimples and I got pimples a lot like up here and stuff like that,
um, but it wasn't like a big deal. What I found was interesting was when I went off of T my body
was like detoxing or something like that and I ended up with so much acne. I had acne like all
here, all on my side, oh my god, I look at pictures and I'm like "Damn, I don't even remember that."
So, here's the thing, I used to use this product and it's like acid or something, that's
dramatic, but you like put it on your face and it like burns your face and it's supposed to help.
I don't think it ever actually helped me, I feel like it actually caused more acne than I did, um, so I
actually don't have any really good tips. I know that Reed, if he makes a video this week and I
really hope that he does because he has some really, um, he did some things with his acne, um, in
order to get, cuz Reed had really bad acne and then he did some stuff and then his acne went
away and now his face is like super clear, um. But acne does suck, and it's one of those things
where like you can't really choose from like what you are gonna get from testosterone or
anything like that so it does kind of suck, but, um, I think that, um, most people that I know, and
this isn't for everyone so please don't quote me on this, most people who have acne, eventually it
does go away. And I'm not saying that all these products cause acne, but like, isn't it like if you
take proactiv, if you stop proactiv, then you're gonna get acne because your body needs it,
so you have to keep staying on proactiv? Or is it that it just doesn't last long? Something like that,
like proactiv, it works, but you have to stay on it so that you don't get acne. So those
commercials are really misleading, where Justin Bieber's like, "Puberty, I don't wanna stop that."
Oh my god does anybody remember that commercial? Please tell me. Please. He was like,
something about like, girls, and like, all of these things and then he was like "Puberty, I don't wanna stop that."
We – toots – we get it. I didn't have acne so I don't really have much to say
but I wanted to make a video to let you know that I did have a little bit of acne and it did kind of
go away but I don't even know if it was acne. What – What is considered acne because maybe it
was just like pimples and it was just like on the side. But I look at my face now and it's super
clear, sometimes I get pimples and stuff like that but I've been washing my face with, um, cuz
my face gets really greasy and that's really what the problem was for me is that I would get
greasy and then I would end up getting pimples. So what I use now is actually, um, Coalface?
I think that's what it's called, from Lush, and then I use like a moistur – a face moisturizer that
you put on after you clean your face so that you bring back the good oils in your face and that
has really helped clear up my skin. So that's something that I would look into but, um, agh, I
don't know I never had any of that really painful acne so hopefully somebody this week will
make a video and talk to you about that. Anyways, super short video, but, anyways, go to Lush
and talk to them about your acne, maybe they can help you. I'm biased though cuz I really like Lush.
Love you guys, have a great week, bye.
Little Sam Won't Be Cute For The Camera.. - Duration: 0:20.
There's little Sam!
Oh look! My hand is here too!
Oh heya.. Where ya going Little Buddy!?
Sam: Nice hand hooman!
Me: *very quiet, almost inaudible* Awh..
Me: *slight cackle*
Sam and Madden: BYE FOR NOW! MEW! XD
Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 T.Spark Edizione Esclusiva - Duration: 1:01.
Volvo V70 2.0T R-Edition Automaat Navi 18 Inch Xenon 203PK! - Duration: 0:43.
Volvo XC70 2.5 T AWD Geartronic Comfort Line Leder RTI Navi NL Auto - Duration: 0:44.
Georgia van Etten - Take My Hand (Live Session at The Pool Studio) - Duration: 4:38.
Take My Hand Mmm
The stars won't find us tonight
Only skin
We bath under moonlight
The smile when you say my name
Oh and the songs we played
We've fallen deep and dangerous
It's hotter than the summer's best I go home, take off my dress
You're getting high to drown the mess Hey yeah
Temptation the sinner's curse You lay me down upon the earth
I'm bad but boy you're worse
Take my hand Ooo
The stars won't find us tonight
Only skin Ooo
We bath under moonlight
You pulled up quiet to my house
Couldn't wait to kiss my mouth
I've craved you boy no doubt Hey yeah
And I can hardly help myself You're like candy on the shelf
You know I'll taste but I won't tell Hey yeah
Don't worry girl your hold is tight But I'm the one he wants tonight
You better treat him right
Take my hand Ooo
The stars won't find us tonight
Only skin Ooo
We bath under moonlight
Oh Ohhh
Turn off your mind for a second And just fall
Oh Ohhh
If you won't be a man
I won't take you at all Ooo
Take my hand Ooo
The stars won't find us tonight
Only skin Ooo
We bath under moonlight
Nope! Steve ain't wearing THAT! | Family Feud - Duration: 1:20.
Motorcyle in the Mirror - Duration: 0:31.
<sound of motorcycle>
So you ready to hit the road?
I don't know.
Come on, you're fine.
You can't leave your bike here.
Now man up.
Just get on your bike...
and RIDE!
The End Of The Petro Dollar What The Federal Reserve Doesn't Want You To Know - Duration: 6:58.
The End Of The Petro Dollar What The Federal Reserve Doesn�t Want You To Know
By Shaun Bradley
The United States� ability to maintain its influence over the rest of the world has been
slowly diminishing.
Since the petrodollar was established in 1971, U.S. currency has monopolized international
trade through oil deals with the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
and continuous military interventions.
There is, however, growing opposition to the American standard, and it gained more support
recently when several Gulf states suddenly blockaded Qatar, which they accused of funding
Despite the mainstream narrative, there are several other reasons why Qatar is in the
Over the past two years, it conducted over $86 billion worth of transactions in Chinese
yuan and has signed other agreements with China that encourage further economic cooperation.
Qatar also shares the world�s largest natural gas field with Iran, giving the two countries
significant regional influence to expand their own trade deals.
Meanwhile, uncontrollable debt and political divisions in the United States are clear signs
of vulnerability.
The Chinese and Russians proactively set up alternative financial systems for countries
looking to distance themselves from the Federal Reserve.
After the IMF accepted the yuan into its basket of reserve currencies in October of last year,
investors and economists finally started to pay attention.
The economic power held by the Federal Reserve has been key in financing the American empire,
but geopolitical changes are happening fast.
The United States� reputation has been tarnished by decades of undeclared wars, mass surveillance,
and catastrophic foreign policy.
One of America�s best remaining assets is its military strength, but it�s useless
without a strong economy to fund it.
Rival coalitions like the BRICS nations aren�t challenging the established order head on
and are instead opting to undermine its financial support.
Qatar is just the latest country to take steps to bypass the U.S. dollar.
Russia made headlines in 2016 when they started accepting payments in yuan and took over as
China�s largest oil partner, stealing a huge market share from Saudi Arabia in the
Iran also dropped the dollar earlier this year in response to President Trump�s travel
As the tide continues to turn against the petrodollar, eventually even our allies will
start to question what best serves their own interests.
Many E.U. member states are clashing with the unelected leadership in Brussels over
immigration, terrorism, and austerity measures.
If no solutions are found and things deteriorate, other countries could potentially follow the
U.K.�s lead and vote to leave, as well.
It is starting to become obvious that countries in Eastern Europe will look to the East to
get the resources their economies need.
China, Russia, and India are all ahead of the curve and started stockpiling gold years
They recognize that hard assets will be the measure of true wealth in the near future
� not fiat money.
The historic hyperinflation that has occurred in these countries solidified the importance
of precious metals in their monetary systems.
Unfortunately, most Americans are ignorant of the past and will likely embrace more government
bailouts and money printing when faced with the next recession.
Even Fed officials have admitted that more quantitative easing is likely the only path
going forward.
Several renowned investors have warned about this ongoing shift of economic power from
West to East, but bureaucrats and central bankers refuse to admit how serious things
could get.
The impact on the average person could be devastating if they are not properly educated
and prepared for the fallout.
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Economist and author James Rickards summarized why China and Russia are so interested in
acquiring precious metals:
They are stuck with their dollars.
They fear, rightly, that the US will inflate its way out of its $19 trillion mountain of
China�s solution is to buy gold.
If dollar inflation emerges, China�s Treasury holdings will devalue, but the dollar price
of its gold will soar.
A large gold reserve is a prudent diversification.
Russia�s motives are geopolitical.
Gold is the model 21st century weapon for financial wars.The US controls dollar payments
systems and, with help from European allies, can eject adversaries from the international
payments system called Swift.
Gold is immune to such assaults.
Physical gold in your custody cannot be hacked, erased, or frozen.
Moving gold is a simple way for Russia to settle accounts without US interference.
Mainstream pundits will continue to distract the public with the same optimistic talking
points, but taking advantage of this calm before the storm is important.
As this transition takes place, central bankers will sacrifice anything and everything to
keep their Ponzi scheme going.
Only individuals can take the initiative to protect themselves and be able to help others
who won�t be as lucky.
Those who embrace sound money and cryptocurrencies will thrive in this new competitive global
economy, but if America fails to adapt, the same fiat system that gave it
will drag it into poverty.
✳️ Rock Music to Electronic Music [Mix #1] ✳️ - Duration: 7:40.
Get Paid Now with Instant Deposit - Duration: 2:43.
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Alberto Contador: The Other Contador - Duration: 5:12.
Well, there came a moment in which everyone knew Alberto through what he had won,
through what he was doing, and somehow he… his status, right? And his position…
It's a position, a status that allows him to do something different, to help others.
And that was the idea and the way in which the Alberto Contador Foundation was born.
For me, the Foundation has special value because I'm in a situation and in a place in which I feel privileged.
Obviously it's been a lot of work, but I feel fortunate to be part of it.
I think that from my position, I'm able to help a lot of people in different ways.
For me, cycling is my way of life, it's my passion, and in a certain sense,
it's my way of giving back to the sport that has given me everything.
The Alberto Contador Foundation originated with two objectives—right?
To raise awareness, of the illness that Alberto had, the brain stroke, and to develop and promote the sport of cycling.
And in each of these objectives, we developed different goals.
Regarding bicycles, there's Bicycles for Life.
Bicycles for Life has to do with giving a second life to bicycles.
Together with a company, with SEUR, we collect bicycles.
These bicycles come to us at the Foundation,
which is in collaboration with the Pinto Disabilities Association from my city.
The process then moves on to inspection, classification, and repair…
reconditioning the bicycles so that they're in optimum condition for a second life.
The people that work here at the Bikes for Life warehouse are people with disabilities.
There are monitors and mentors with them that train them and help them.
The idea is that they can develop themselves so that in the future,
they can be integrated into the workforce in the world of bicycle mechanics.
Together with the Ananta Association, we then donate these bicycles to underprivileged areas
or places where they can be very useful.
Two months ago we took a truck full of bicycles to three mountain villages in the Moroccan Atlas
where a donation was made.
It's very interesting because the villages are quite isolated,
and with these bicycles they're going to be able to get around, fetch water, and get the children to school.
Which means the bicycles are given a second life and are truly useful.
Another thing I like about the Foundation is that provides the kid who likes bicycles a place to practice, right?
A place where this child can easily explore possibilities.
When I began at fifteen years old, everything was completely different.
You didn't have options… in the end, it was all about soccer.
Soccer, soccer, soccer.
And cycling, if you picked up a bicycle to try and compete, you'd seem strange.
And for me it was almost impossible to be able to acquire a bicycle, be able to acquire clothing for cycling, equipment…
And in this sense with the school, well, all of that is much simpler.
Everyone has these opportunities, and they have the option of molding themselves with cycling.
Because I think that the values that cycling gives you—not because it's my sport—
I think few sports can give you those values.
In the cycling school it's about fun, about having a good time with friends,
learning to ride a bicycle and training bike skills.
And in the youth and U-23 teams, it's probably more focused on competition—
but the idea is always to promote the bicycle and outreach of cycling.
The activity, you're progressively growing year after year and really, we don't put limits on ourselves.
In fact, I'm sure that once my sports career finishes, a large part of my time will be taken up by the Foundation.
I think Alberto doesn't only have to be a champion on the bike, but also has to demonstrate that he's one off of it.
He has to have a series of values and motivations that make him that champion and make him who he is.
The Truth Behind Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart's Breakup - Duration: 6:16.
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart—once collectively known as "Robsten"—had an intense,
dramatic relationship that may have been more insane offscreen than on-screen…which says
a lot, considering they played supernatural, melodramatic characters in The Twilight Saga.
Their romance included cohabitation, conspicuous cheating, covert dates, and millions of interested
third parties.
Why couldn't they make it work?
Well, it turns out, there are a lot of reasons these two couldn't last forever outside of
the world of vampires and werewolves.
Faulty foundation
When Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart first got close, Stewart was dating her former
Speak co-star Michael Angarano.
Some reports suggested an overlap, with Stewart and Pattinson being spotted holding hands
just a week before Angarano came to visit Stewart on the Twilight set.
Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke said that she actually felt guilty for enabling
Stewart to step out on her romance with Angarano, telling Vulture, "He's a wonderful actor.
He was in [Lords Of] Dogtown, one of my favorites, so I felt pretty bad because I love him and
they were such a great couple."
Stewart wasn't the only one who brought drama and potential infidelity to the relationship
at its very beginning.
Pattinson was also reportedly hooking up with fellow Twilight star Nikki Reed throughout
the beginning of the franchise's filming and promotional schedules, and only ditched her
when Stewart finally came around.
"He's probably hiding."
"Is he?"
"This is him right now in the bathroom."
And although the on-screen love triangle between Bella, Edward, and Jacob was enough drama
for one franchise, rumors swirled that Reed and Angarano also found comfort with each
other after Stewart and Pattinson started up their off-screen romance.
Cheating scandal
The gossip world seemed to implode when Stewart was busted cheating on Pattinson in the summer
of 2012 with her married Snow White And The Huntsman director Rupert Sanders.
Us Weekly published photos taken of Stewart and Sanders making out all over Los Angeles
and in a car in July, 2012.
In response to the publication, Stewart finally confirmed she was in a relationship with Pattinson
for the first time in her anguished apology statement which read, "I'm deeply sorry for
the hurt and embarrassment I've caused to those close to me and everyone this has affected.
This momentary indiscretion has jeopardized the most important thing in my life, the person
I love and respect the most, Rob.
I love him, I love him, I'm so sorry."
Sources told Us Weekly that Pattinson was, understandably, humiliated by the incident,
but was still in love with Stewart.
Meanwhile, Stewart was reportedly angry at herself and reportedly took full responsibility
for the drama.
But the ripple effects of such exposure took a toll on the fan-frenzied couple later on.
Trust bust
Even though Pattinson took Stewart back about the Sanders snafu, the damage was too severe
to be undone.
By May 2013, the pair were done for good.
Sources told Us Weekly that the pair would often fight about Stewart's infidelity and
alleged selfishness, with one insider noting, "He really put her through the wringer.
Ultimately, it was like, 'Either we move past this or we don't.'
It wasn't good for either of them."
Another source dished that they had a blow-up fight when Pattinson skipped a birthday party
she'd planned for him and that "All this stuff came up about the cheating, about how selfish
she always is, about how moody she always is."
Of course, Stewart may not have been the only player of this duo...
Stepping out
Two wrongs don't make a right, but Robert Pattinson may not have been too innocent during
their relationship, either.
During filming of Cosmopolis in Toronto, Pattinson was accused of hooking up with director David
Cronenberg's daughter, Caitlin, as well as Megan Fox.
As he'd later tell Esquire in 2016, "S--- happens, you know?"
If any of this is true, it certainly makes more sense why Pattinson was so quick to forgive
Stewart, but it also means any distrust between them might've run both ways.
Dimming the glare
Since the breakup, Stewart has been vocal about how much she hated fans' attention on
her relationship with Pattinson.
She told Elle UK in March 2017 that she kept the romance quiet "because everything personal
felt like it was immediately trivialized…We were turned into these characters and placed
into this ridiculous comic book, and I was like, 'That's mine.
You're making my relationship something that it's not.'
I didn't like that."
What's interesting about Stewart's assertion that people turned her relationship "into
a product" is the rampant speculation that her romance with Pattinson was a "showmance"
to increase their public visibility, market their franchise, and advance their careers.
There was even a large subset of the Twilight fan community call "Nonstens" who believed
that their off-screen romance was no more than a publicity stunt at the time.
And it wasn't just Stewart who was turned off by all the unwanted attention.
Pattinson didn't like the infamy attached to the romance either.
"You get into this thing to do movies.
I've never been interested in trying to sell my personal life, and that's really the only
reason people bring it up."
All that constant surveillance of their time spent together obviously took a toll on their
wellbeing as a pair.
Hectic schedules
Once the Twilight saga's filming and promotional tours were done, Stewart and Pattinson moved
onto other projects, and as a result, they simply didn't see each other as much and grew
A source told Radar Online in late January 2013 that distance was a big issue when Pattinson
filmed The Rover in Australia.
Considering the two split for good just a few months after the film's production, that
amount of distance after so much time spent together may have been the straw that broke
the camel's back at the time.
Lifestyle change
Ever since Robsten called it quits, Pattinson has maintained a long-time relationship with
musician and visual artist FKA Twigs, but Stewart has seemingly given up guys for good.
She's since had very public relationships with several women, including her former assistant
Alicia Cargile, French actress Soko, and Stella Maxwell.
"I'm like so gay, dude."
So, even though she maintained a three-year-long relationship with Pattinson during and after
filming of The Twilight Saga, part of her might not have been ready to make it last
with a man at the time.
Young and hungry
Perhaps the biggest reason why Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart didn't work out is that
they were both very young in their careers and real lives at the time that they got together.
"To share that is great, but at the same time I was 17 or 18 when that all kind of went
And that's like the most uncomfortable, weird… you're like…" (retches)
Like many young couples of high school or college age, settling down with someone for
good isn't always on the agenda, despite the amount of passion a pair may experience together.
With Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, their on-screen and off-screen chemistry might've
been the real deal, but timing is still everything when it comes to finding a forever love like
their on-screen counterparts.
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Suits | Season 3, Episode 16: 'Harvey Tells Scottie About Mike's Secret' | 100 Days of Suits - Duration: 1:43.
- HEY.
- HEY.
Look at Radim, he's beating you Randy!
But not for long!
Hey everybody this Randy Santel "Atlas"
with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and proud
owner of foodchallenges.com I'm yelling
because they can't turn down the music!
I'm here in Ostrava, Czech Republic
I'm going for my second win in Ostrava
had a great win against the jumbo
hotdogs last night but I'm here with
Radim who is from Ostrava we are at
where are we? Kovarna U Belskeho lesa
Yes very Czech, so I had him pronounce it
but we're taking on their
Goulash Challenge now we've got 30
minutes to finish this thing it's about
three kilos total about 400 grams of
beef right you have 400 grams of meat
and then there is 440 grams I think of
really hard bread which I will use all
of this basically goulash like almost
like a gravy to get it down is it's very
hard but we've got 30 minutes to finish
if we fail it's going to be 419 check
corn but if we went we'll get the
delicious looking meal free will get on
their Wall of Fame
and we'll also get 1,000 Czech
vouchers to use later to the restaurant
are you ready? All right let's give this
challenge started!
All right going for overall win number 431
on here with the one winner of the
challenge a couple years ago he beat
this challenge and around 18 minutes so
we're both going to try to beat that
He's the only winner so yeah
we've got 30 minutes to finish let's get
it down good alright it's been cooling
down a little bit while taking pictures
and stuff so it should be good my first
time having goulash! One, two, three!
This bread is really tough so we're
going to use some gravy to
let it soak in there for a
little bit
Three minutes 40 seconds in got a good
sweat going on already though the Goulash
gravy is so friggin good but
it's almost like a sourdough
outside but it's almost what in
the United States they served with
french onion soup and stuff like
that so that now let's get some of the
meat down while the broth,
the meat, the onions everything in here
so tendins that have been cookin in the
Goulash broth, but so good.
That's a lot more productive!
We don't want to get all the broth because
you got to get this bread so we'll get
some of the breath down
I know he's beating me, but not for long!
12 minutes 45 seconds in when our last
bits of broth. Don't know a whole lot of
Czech words yet but I do know one
"Na zdraví" means cheers!
Both finished at 13:20!
My first time having Goulash and it was excellent!
I know I talked way too much but I
didn't want to rush through it too fast
and I wanted to enjoy it a little bit
but off the meal we're both going to get
the 419 CZK Koruna meal for free we
will get up on the wall of fame so he's
on there twice will also again get 1,000
Czech Koruna gift vouchers to use at
the restaurant
Thank you to Kovarna U Belskeho lesa
for the delicious meal my
second win in Ostrava and overall win
number 431 thank you guys all for
staying a lot thank you guys for
Love Island ratings soar to new high as four couples get steamy in the villa - Duration: 1:46.
Love Island ratings soar to new high as four couples get steamy in the villa
It seems we just cant get enough of Love Island, if the latest viewing figures for the ITV show are anything to go by.
Because the show has been pulling in record audiences as the action hots up in the villa – with Mondays instalment scoring a massive 2.
Thats not only an impressively high figure for ITV, but it also saw the show trouncing its rival Big Brother, whose audience has dipped below the 1m mark of late.
However its no surprise to see how much the show is grabbing audience attention, given how steamy things have been on the island in recent days – with no less than four couples getting bedroom action in Tuesday nights instalment.
To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video. The scenes saw Marcel and Gabby getting intimate, while Simon and Montana were also getting better acquainted in the bedroom.
Chris and Olivia couldnt keep their hands off each other either – while Jonny and Camilla also took things to the next level, with Jonny proudly declaring to his fellow Islanders that he went to boob town.
Thats possibly a little more information than we needed to know, but thanks anyway.
Meanwhile the villa is set for even more drama following the latest recoupling – as Simon swapped Montana for fellow new girl Tyla and Montana promptly recoupled with Dom.
And another twist – which will see half the house split up and put into a separate villa – is set to shake things up even more. Could it be any more exciting?.
Love Island continues on ITV2 at 9pm on Wednesday night.
It needs to be an experience,
and it needs to be a multi-beneficial relationship.
I'm not just going to have an event and be like,
"Ok, here's a thing, just show up."
There's something special for those influencers,
they're getting something like a gift bag,
they're getting a free drink,
they're getting something.
A bit more of an elevated experience than everyone else,
because they're influencers.
You want to treat them well.
And you want them to talk good about you.
You want them to say good things.
Yeah, you want them to say good things about...
"I went to this thing and
they didn't have enough food for me," or whatever...
"I'm supposed to be talking about this."
So create a good experience for them,
for whatever you're trying to do,
whether it's an event,
if you're shipping a product, give them a tracking code,
make sure it's on time.
Make it nice for them to open up,
and "de-box," you know?
Just small things like that.
It's really about the experience.
We'll do unboxing products and stuff live,
someone gets you a new DXRacer chair,
which is like a several hundred dollar chair, very 💰💰💰
and they'll unbox it in front of their cam.
It's a big influencer thing,
everyone does 'unboxing' things,
so a lot of influencers that I work closely with
like Nicole Alyse (@nicolealyseee) who's a big influencer,
every Thursday she'll do an unboxing,
it's her mail day, and it's just like, "Holy sh💩t,
You're getting all this product. Wow." 😵😍😱
"This is amazing!"
And it's really fun to watch.
Yeah, they make it entertaining. They do.
But if you, as a product donor,
can also make it entertaining,
like, the box is designed well...
There's a nice note in it...
Just when they open it, it's fun and interesting,
that's always a positive,
instead of just, "Here's a thing in a cardboard box."
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