hey guys..so um
I'm back
i'll explain it in the description
this might be a long description so..plz read it
and since the video is almost done...
thx for being here and stay good..
and thx for supporting me for being my subscribers..
this isa very short video..sorry
and now stay good and stay in the shadows
For more infomation >> roblox high school(read description) - Duration: 0:30.-------------------------------------------
WHOA! What Obama Just Did May Actually Cause Him To Lose His ENTIRE Pension… | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:59.
Last year, Obama vetoed a bill that would have curbed the pensions of former presidents
if they took outside income of $400,000 or more which is raising concern among many lawmakers
and citizens in light of the fact that Obama gladly took $400,000 for a Wall Street speech.
He knew.
That's why he vetoed!
He's NOT for the people.
There is no HOPE AND CHANGE.
The whole Obama hype was complete bullshit.
Just like Clinton.
Just like Bernie.
They are all bald faced LIARS.
The sponsors of that bill that Obama vetoed (for personal gain) say they'll reintroduce
that bill in hopes that President Trump will sign it.
"The Obama hypocrisy on this issue is revealing," said Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, chairman
of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and sponsor of the 2016 bill.
"His veto was very self-serving."
I wish these politicians would just tell it how it is instead of bowing to political correctness.
Look, the black dude covered his corrupt, Kenyan ass and vetoed the bill so he could
make the tax-paying peasants pay his filthy pension.
He NEVER cared about the common man.
Dude is a racist Muslim pile of shit.
Okay so Chaffetz and Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, the sponsor of the companion Senate bill,
say they will re-introduce the Presidential Allowance Modernization Act this month.
The bill would cap presidential pensions at $200,000, with another $200,000 for expenses.
But those payments would be reduced dollar-for-dollar once their outside income exceeds $400,000.
Opposing Views reports that Chaffetz also serves as chairman of the House Oversight
and Government Reform Committee and sponsor of the original pension reform bill.
In addition to the Wall Street speaking fees, Obama and his wife, Michelle, have signed
a lucrative publishing deal for two separate books, worth an estimated $65 million.
The Obamas released a plan on May 3 to donate $2 million to a program in Chicago that promotes
summer jobs for youths in the area.
"The basic premise here is, if they want to go fishing in Utah for the rest of their
lives, they can do that," said Chaffetz in 2015, reports Salon.
"They will be well compensated for the rest of their lives.
If they're going to make millions of dollars, the taxpayers shouldn't have to subsidize
A spokesman for former President George H.W. Bush said he is not opposed to pension reform,
according to USA Today.
"For the sake of future occupants of the office, he does think some consideration should
be given to the public role former presidents play — and we are told that very positive
conversations addressing that and other matters have taken place."
Democrats say they won't necessarily oppose changes.
Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., the top Democrat on Chaffetz's committee, was a co-sponsor
of the original bill.
"Cummings definitely supports the concept, and if we can work out the technical issues
with the bill that arose late in the last Congress, we expect he would strongly support
it again," said spokeswoman Jennifer Hoffman Werner.
Trump has not taken a position on the legislation.
But during the campaign, he said he'd take a close look at pensions for elected officials
— especially members of Congress.
"The first thing I'm going to do is tell you that if I'm elected president, I'm
accepting no salary, OK?" he said at a town hall in 2015.
"They get benefits that nobody else can even think about, OK.
And they don't like to talk about it.
But we'll work on that."
what do you think about this? please sahre this and Scroll down to comment
You'll Never Throw Away Papaya Seeds Again | When You Know The Surprising Benefits of Papaya Seeds - Duration: 2:24.
papaya seeds benefits, papaya seeds benefits,
papaya seeds benefits, papaya seeds benefits,
papaya seeds benefits,
If You Add Kiwi To The Water You Drink | this is the kiwi benefits for health on your whole body - Duration: 3:43.
kiwi benefits for health, kiwi benefits for health,
kiwi benefits for health, kiwi benefits for health,
kiwi benefits for health,
'I had to do what was right as a father' - Duration: 1:19.
PLEASE HELP! I want to hear your ideas!! [CC] - Duration: 4:44.
Welcome to my new subscribers thank you for subscribing thank you for watching.
(upbeat music intro)
Hello everybody! Welcome to Monday.
As you can see I am busy unpacking.
Andrew and I got home yesterday from Anaheim. We attended the VidCon 2017 YouTube
conference and had a great time. So today it's been all about doing the things,
unpacking, putting things away... I didn't leave the house quite in the tidy order
that I like to before going on vacation so kind of just catching up on that today.
(music plays)
Oh who am I kidding?
Let's just dump it out.
(music plays)
Okay, got that done.
Alton was super excited to see us yesterday when we got home.
Drew's dad's been staying with us and so
he watched him I think Alton might have been a little bit
spoiled while we were gone.
So Alton is out getting a walk now and hopefully
that will help tucker him out. He's been wanting to play
at night so when we're all wanting to get ready for bed
he goes to a toy box and starts getting his squeaky toys and pacing around
getting all excited. I'm wondering if it's a little bit of anxiety with the
fireworks because it's that time of year and he does not like the fireworks but
last night I shut him in our bedroom and he settled down, so you know I think
every night it's going to be a little bit of a surprise.
So one of the really good panels I went to VidCon was put on by three YouTube engineers and it talked
about search and getting found on YouTube because of the huge amount of
video content that's on their platform every day. And they said you know you
really need to focus-- or we encourage you to focus on growing your community.
Basically create content that people want to come back and watch. So one
suggestion that the engineers gave for helping to grow your community and grow
your viewership is to proactively ask your audience what they would like you
to do on your channel. What videos would they like to see you make. And I think
that's a great idea. At the end of the day I will always want
to create content that does energize me and it motivates me to want to make it,
but I also definitely want to provide content that you enjoy watching.
So please we made some suggestions in the comments below about different kinds of
things that you like to see me do on my channel. About different videos maybe
you'd like me to see make whether they be cooking videos or organization videos or
different disability topics you want to learn about or you know creative projects.
(sound of door opening)
Somebody didn't want to go on a long walk.
He's probably tired.
I might-- maybe me or Andrew will take him out.
Well let me say this: if it were, you know like
Saturday he wouldn't have come home so soon. Because I was going to wear this puppy out and know the reason why.
I didn't work! But that was my approach.
It's okay. We can take him out later if he needs. Why don't you go get some water Alton.
Oh is it not fresh enough?
Talk about being spoiled. So that's all for today's video. Thank you for watching
and please give this video a thumbs up and subscribe if you're watching for the
first time and you haven't yet, I'd really appreciate it. I will see you on the next video. Bye!
(music plays)
DIY Easy No Mess Glitter Decor Unopened Bottle! Gift Ideas - Duration: 8:42.
Welcome back to DIY No Need To Cry with Ivelisse.
DIY Easy No Mess Glitter Decor On an Unopened Bottle.
Gift Ideas.
All the materials that I used for this DIY are listed in the description box below.
I bought these mini bottles to show you on because I don't drink and it would be a
waste of money if I had bought the bigger ones.
You can do the same thing to any size or shape bottle you want.
I'll be giving these to my lovely sister when I'm done decorating them.
Shout out to my beautiful sister Abby!
Hey Sis, love you! let's get started!
To begin, you'll need to paint the bottle with a color that best matches the color of
the glitter.
I used a brush because I wanted to get around the labels without getting any paint on them.
Later on, I'll switch to a pouncer brush to get a more even coverage.
As always do this in layers and let in dry in between each one.
I covered the label in the back because I'll be putting an initial on it.
You could take the label off if you prefer.
I didn't bother because this bottle is so tiny that it won't even be noticeable.
For the second coat of paint, use the pouncer brush and get as close to label as you can
but be careful not to paint it.
If you do it' okay, just wipe it off with a damp cloth or a wet cotton swab.
Make sure to redo the edges with the brush until they are completely covered.
Once all that is dry add the glitter!
But not just any glitter.
I found these when I went to buy more paints and I had to try them out.
I did and I had to show you guy's how easy and beautiful these are.They're like a glitter
glue but cheaper, you get more for your buck and you can get them at your local Walmart
and no, I'm not being sponsored by Walmart, I'm just always shopping there lol!
So, if you don't like glittering bottles because of the mess and hassle of putting
excess glitter back into the containers… this is the way to go and they are so cheap!
They have them in few different colors.
I had to share them with you guys.
I'll leave all the info to them in the description box below.
After you apply one coat, let it dry and continue giving it coats until you are satisfied.
This is mine after two or three coats.
Look at that sparkle... and I have no mess to clean up!
I love these glitter paints!
Let me know what you guy's think.
Do you prefer this look or the chunky glitter look?
Let me know below.
You can leave it as is or add bling wrap to it.
I would usually stick individual rhinestones at this point but seeing as I was trying to
make this an easy no-mess DIY anyone can do as a gift, and I had this beautiful bling
wrap, that I thought, would go perfect, I used this instead.
Just measure and cut to size.
This has four rows and you can cut them to be singles as shown here.
I outlined all of the labels.
Use Mod Podge and a brush... glue them all around, outlining all the labels.
Look at this bottle, I'm just in love with it.
Can you picture a bigger bottle, anyone would love to get this as a gift!
You could leave it like this but you'll know me, more bling please lol!
I decided to add an initial to the back to make it even more special.
Using the same wrap, I made a letter A for my sister Abby.
And this is it all finished!
I love, love, love how this came out.
Soooo pretty!
This would make a great gift for any occasion.
Birthdays, anniversaries, you could put both initials.
weddings, you could make a bunch of little ones and give them away as party favors or
if someone got a promotion and you wanted to congratulate them.
What would you guys do with them, let me know?
So these are a few examples and ways you can use these glitter glues on your bottles.
So you've already seen this one.
The ribbon from the dollar tree along with the gold glitter and pure gold acrylic paint.I
used the paradise pink glitter without any paint.
Just straight on the bottle.
I peeled the label off the back of this one and I just glittered the glass and I did go
over this label as well and look how pretty that looks.
So you can paint them without using any color.
It kinda looks cool because it says Barefoot Bubbly and so it looks like glitter bubbles.
Let me give you a closer look.
And then you can see that one.
I painted this one with pool blue and then I put the glitter glue over it, which is turquoise
and then I let that dry.
Then I put the rhinestones over it and glittered the top with regular loss glitter and Mod
So that's another idea.
Guy's these are just examples.
I just wanted to give you quick examples of what you could do, how you can use them other
then this way.
and lastly, there's that one.
Again, these are just very fancy swatches I did for you guys haha.
I was just going to swatch them on a big bottle but then I decided, why not throw a couple
thing's on them to give you guys an idea of what you can do with them.
For the purple one, I used purple pansy with the purple glitter glue and bling stickers.
These are the flat back pearls that are sticky... and again I covered the label on this one
and just pearls, pearls all around the labels and up here, and that's it.
Remember you can do these to big bottles as well.
I just used little bottles to save money because I don't drink as most of you already know.
and I did not do swatches for the red or the silver.
Actually, now that I think about it.
I did use the red and was not a big fan of the red.
That's right I did do one with the red.
I started it and didn't like it so I didn't do it.
I did not use the silver, so I don't know how that looks.
So that's it.
Just wanted to give you ideas on how you could decorate bottles because some of you had asked
me how do you decorate bottles that are unopened.
I will make another video and show you how to decoupage a bottle that's not opened.
Thanks again for watching… and if this is your first time watching, I hope you consider
subscribing to get updates on future videos.
Please don't forget to thumbs up this video if you liked my DIY.
It really helps my channel out and remember, do it yourself there's no need to cry!
How To Connect Amazon Echo (Alexa) To OpenHAB 2: Official OpenHAB Skill 2017 - Duration: 6:10.
Hey guys Matt here from MKSmartHouse.com and in this video I am going to show you how to
connect the Amazon Echo to your OpenHAB 2 System.
I love the amazon echo and think it is an awesome device that makes controlling smart
devices really easy with voice control.
You can be in another room and yell to alexa and tell her to turn on a device for you.
In this video we will be connecting alexa to our openhab 2 system so she can control
our openhab items.
The only thing we are going to need for this video is the Amazon Echo device, I will leave
a link to all the Amazon Echo devices in the description to my website but, personally
I have only used the Echo Dot.
For this guide I am going to assume you already have the device installed and it is running
perfectly using the setup instructions Amazon provides and you can control it and can access
it from the Alexa app.
I am also going to assume that you have a items file and a rules file.
If you do not then go take a look at my video where I explain how to setup the configuration
files in openHAB.
I will not be making two seperate videos using Mac and PC because the process is really similar
the only difference is that on mac you use Terminal to ssh and on PC you use putty.
The first thing we have to do is ssh into the OpenHAB Server.
I recommend having my website guide open when you do this so that way you can just copy
and paste commands.
Now type in sudo nano /etc/openhab2/items/home.items and press enter.
Now we are going to add the tags that the Amazon Echo supports to the items.
The tags go right before the bindingconfig.
The amazon echo supports the following tags.
[ "Switchable" ] This tag is used with the Switch item type, Dimmer item type, Color
item type, as well as the Rollershutter item type, but you would not use this for a light
that is what the next one is for.
[ "Lighting" ] This tag is used for lights with the Switch item type, Dimmer item type,
and the Color item type.
[ "CurrentTemperature" ] This tag would be used with a device that reports temperature
and has the Number item type.
[ "Thermostat" ] This tag is used with an item that has a Group item type and has
the following devices in the Group [ "CurrentTemperature" ] [ "TargetTemperature" ] [ "homekit:HeatingCooling"
] I personally do not use the tags associated with the Thermostat and have never used them
but if you want more information on them then check it out the github, link is on my website,
which is in the description.
I just use the Lighting and the Switchable one, in the future we may be using the Current
Temperature one.
Alright let's take a look at my items file because I have already put in the tags.
As you can see I put the Switchable tag next to the items that are the Switch item type
but are not lights.
I also put the switchable tag into the GarageDoorShutterDummy items because they are of the Rollershutter
item type.
Here is the complete item:
Rollershutter GarageDoorShutter1Dummy "Garage Door 1" <garagedoor> [ "Switchable" ]
I created a dummy switch for the garage doors because chamberlain myq does not like the
command it receives when the amazon echo talks to it so I created the dummy Rollershutters
as a sort of Middleman to handle the requests.
I will talk more about this later.
You can also see I used the Lighting tag for the two light switches.
If you guys have any questions on these tags leave them in the comments because chances
are someone else probably has it too.
Anyway once all your tags are in place, press control x then y and enter to save.
Now we have to address the Rollershutter items because when the echo sends a command it uses
percents so let's fix it.
This step is optional and only if you have a Rollershutter item that needs on and off
or up and down instead of percents.
Type in sudo nano /etc/openhab2/rules/home.rules and press enter.
Then type in the following:
rule "Garage Door 1 Voice Control" when
Item GarageDoorShutter1Dummy received command then
if (receivedCommand < 50) {
sendCommand(GarageDoorSwitch1, ON) }
else {
sendCommand(GarageDoorSwitch1, OFF) }
I pasted it in twice and modified it because I have two garage doors.
All this rule is doing is taking the percent from the dummy items and then either sending
the on or off command to the device.
If your device requires up or down then change the ON to UP and OFF to DOWN.
Now press control x then y and enter to save.
The items are now ready, so the next thing we are going to do is connect the Amazon echo.
So grab your mobile device that already has the Alexa app installed and open the app.
First press the three lines at the top left to bring up the menu.
Then press skills.
In the search type in openHAB.
Click on the openHAB skill.
Then click enable.
It will open up a web browser page, so type in your myopenhab.org username and password
and press sign in.
It will load a new page, press allow.
Once that is finished scroll up and press the done button.
It will then ask you if you want to discover devices, click on the Discover Devices button.
It will now look for the OpenHAB items.
Once it finished then it should have found all of your openHAB items and they should
all be listed there.
That is it!
The amazon echo now has access to all your devices and you can control them with voice
Let's test it.
"Alexa, turn on MK Light" "Alexa set Garage Door 1 to 0%" "Alexa, turn on Sprinklers
Zone 1" Great!
The device is connected and working!
Now we can control our openHAB items with voice commands!
Alright thank you for watching and If you have any questions leave them in the comments
section below or head over to mksmarthouse.com/forum where you have a better chance of it getting
Good Bye!
COLORS SCOOTER and BMX Bikes Extreme Jumping With Hulk Cartoon 3D For Kids - Duration: 2:07.
Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
roblox high school(read description) - Duration: 0:30.
hey guys..so um
I'm back
i'll explain it in the description
this might be a long description so..plz read it
and since the video is almost done...
thx for being here and stay good..
and thx for supporting me for being my subscribers..
this isa very short video..sorry
and now stay good and stay in the shadows
[ENG SUB] BTOB - Changsub KSTAR Lovers Interview (Part 2) - Duration: 2:59.
So I think I'll take my clothes off and walk everyday
- I'll go back to asking questions about the album
- If today was the end of the world, what would you want to do?
I would like to eat together with my family
I want to eat my mom's cooking
- What's a charm about you that makes you feel like "I want you to believe me here!", (in the song) "Believe In Me"
I'm happy when it's believed that I'll be a singer who grows continuously, even after this
- When do you feel "Happiness"?
Today. Because it's the release day of my Japanese solo debut single
- If you were to give the girl you like a present. What kind of flower would you give her?
I think I'll give her a rose
[Song: "This Flower For You" - Changsub]
- Summer is coming up soon, do you have plans this summer?
My plan in January was to show my abs
But, I want to make my body better than that time
So I think I'll take off my clothes and walk everyday
- Please tell me what the future plans are for you and BTOB
When my solo activities end in Japan...
Immediately after practicing for "Napoleon", I'll start performing it in July
For BTOB the next solo project is being prepared, so please anticipate that
Also please come see my musical a lot, it's a really interesting production! Please anticipate it
- Please give a message to the fans for the end
Please give my Japanese solo debut single "bpm82.5" lots of love
I hope everyone comes to like my songs and listens to them a lot
Please give me love
And also BTOB, when the solo projects release
The third member is preparing. And it's still a secret who it is, but I hope you support them
Please give BTOB and me lots of love
Please come and watch "Napoleon" too!
Thank you!
[Auslan] Sherrie Beaver - Finding your passion - Duration: 5:53.
I'm Sherrie, and this is my sign name.
Some of you know that I have a blog called "I Sign. I Wander."
In this video, I'll be talking about finding your passion.
What does passion mean?
It could be what makes you excited.
Motivates you.
Lights your fire.
Something that makes you tick.
Become productive.
Makes you happy.
Wake up every morning feeling happy
because you know you'll be doing something
for yourself and other people.
Why did I choose to talk about passion?
It's taken me 11 years to find my passion.
Now I have found my passion.
Why did it take me 11 years?
11 years ago, I started university and thought my passion
was teaching deaf children.
I thought I wanted to become a teacher of the deaf.
I was excited to start...
Until 3 years later, I realised that wasn't my passion.
I didn't have any motivation.
I skipped classes.
I just...
I didn't try hard to do my best.
That made me feel uncertain about what I was doing.
I needed to do something about it,
so I withdrew from the Education course
and switched to Arts/Humanities.
I was amazed at how broad it was.
There were so many subjects I could try
such as history, linguistics, philosophy,
anthropology, and sociology.
So many subjects!
It was amazing.
It also gave me the realisation where I could find my passion.
I found my passion in writing, research, information sharing...
And most recently, as of two years ago,
community development.
So the last 11 years has been an interesting ride,
however it hasn't been 11 years, it's taken me 24 years.
How did it take me this long?
I remember when I was 8,
I envisioned myself becoming a teacher of the deaf.
I met so many deaf adults at that time
who were studying to become teachers.
They were so motivated and I wanted to be just like them.
They were giving back to the Deaf community through deaf children.
These children were the next generation of deaf people.
They encouraged deaf children to become future leaders.
I was in awe of them.
I wanted to be the same as them.
However, I thought teaching
was the only way to give back to the Deaf community.
No, it isn't. I can do that in many other ways.
I picked community development
because it will allow me to give back
by empowering deaf people from birth to death.
Through information sharing.
Through data collection.
Through research.
Educating hearing people about us.
I love it.
I realised I don't need to become a teacher.
I teach other people through community development anyway.
If you're unsure of what your passions are, think about...
What makes you tick?
What makes you get up every morning?
What motivates you?
What ignites your fire?
Think about that.
You don't need to study.
You can try different types of jobs.
You can try apprenticeships and traineeships.
You can go travelling to find your passion.
You can meet lots of people.
There are so many ways to find your passion.
But not all ways will suit everyone.
Everyone is unique.
I found mine through studying.
I love studying.
I've studied for the last 11 years at university.
Phew, I've had enough for now.
If you've found your passion, I'd love to know how.
Your story will be different to others.
The Climb (cover) by Meg Raz - Duration: 4:26.
Pokemon XY Furious Fists Booster Pack Opening! Daily Fast Pack! - Duration: 3:07.
whats up everyone welcome back to bc unleashed guys we are back here with another daily fast
pack but before we come to that I have some news so the winner of the last giveaway decided
to give the winning cards and things away to someone that congratulated them so I went
through the comments found all the ones that congratulated them and randomly picked a winner
so the new winner is on the screen now congratulations for winning guys you are such an awesome community
just the fact that you guys are giving to eachother and everything is amazing so keep
that up lets keep this community growing and keep this channel growing so thank you for
everything but lets go ahead and get on into this daily fast pack guys if you are new here
guys we have six booster packs here and we are going to roll this die to see which one
we are opening so what ever number it lands on is the pack we are opening one two three
four five and six we have a primal clash furious fists evolutions sun and moon roaring skies
and a sun and moon guardians rising so lets go ahead and roll this die to see what we
can get there we go guys it went off the screen here we go we are getting a two so we are
opening up this furious fists pack lets get these other one out of the way if you are
not following my instagram go ahead and follow that it is on the screen now check that out
I post some cool pics and other things like that but lets go ahead and get on into this
baby here we go guys hopefully we get something awesome but we will see very shortly alright
here is the code guys let me know what you guys get in the comments down below if you
end up getting that and we are going to go three to the front and hopefully we get something
epic here we go guys we are starting off with a focus sash a hitmontop a scrafty I believe
I am saying that correctly a bellsprout a shelmet a magmar a mienfoo a mienfoo I dont
know how to pronounce that laughter that is the first time I ever got that card a skorupi
skorupi i believe kind of like a scorpion sort of thing a makuhita reverse guys check
that out and our final card of this opening is going to be a regular rare leafeon guys
that is the first leafeon I ever pulled so check that out that is still pretty cool even
though it is just a regular rare that is still cool we got this reverse makuhita but guys
thank you for being such and awesome community you guys are making my youtube channel just
blow up right now so I appreciate that if you are not subscribed to this channel go
ahead and click that subscribe button give this video a big thumbs up and leave me a
comment down below guys we will see you next time on bcunleashed bye
Seymour Hersh US Lied About Syrian Chemical Attack Then Bombed Them Anyway - Duration: 17:58.
Seymour Hersh US Lied About Syrian Chemical Attack Then Bombed Them Anyway
by Tyler Durden
Liberty Blitzkrieg's Mike Krieger notes that part of Trump�s appeal to many of his voters
was, at least ostensibly, the idea that he would employ a less hawkish/neocon foreign
policy than his opponent Hillary �We Came, We Saw, He Died� Clinton.
While it�s still too early to decisively say that Trump will usher in yet another foreign
policy disaster for these United States and the world, it�s certainly not looking good.
The lobbing of tomahawk missiles into Syrian based on the fairytale that Assad launched
a chemical weapons attack was the first sign that Trump is easily manipulated and impulsive.
In fact, the episode bothered me so much I wrote a post detailing the dire ramifications
titled, Prepare for Impact � This is the Beginning of the End for U.S. Empire. I suggest
taking a read if you missed it the first time, it�s my most popular post of the year.
While that was bad enough, Trump�s cozying up to the barbaric, terrorist-supporitng leaders
of Saudi Arabia has been by far the most concerning aspect of his foreign policy (if you can call
it that) so far. This policy has become even more dangerous now that the 30-year old princeling
who is leading the Saudis� increasingly aggressive stance in the region has been named
crown prince. It appears Trump is willing to let the Saudis do whatever they want in
the region, which is guaranteed to have disastrous implications for America and the Middle East.
But a new Seymour Hersh article is out showing that the US knew there was no Assad chemical
attack in April, but President Trump decided to bomb anyway.
And the details are shocking... as TheAntiMedia.org's Darius Shahtahmasebi details, never one to
accept the U.S. government�s official explanation of events without question, Pulitzer Prize-winning
journalist Seymour Hersh has investigated Donald Trump�s decision to strike the al-Shayat
Airbase in Syria in April of this year, which the president launched amid widespread allegations
that the Syrian government committed a chemical weapons attack.
In a report entitled �Trump�s Red Line,� published Sunday in the daily German newspaper
Die Welt, Hersh asserts that President Donald Trump ignored important intelligence reports
when he made the decision to attack Syria after pictures emerged of dying children in
the war-torn country.
For those of us without goldfish memories, Hersh�s recent investigation is reminiscent
of his previous examination of the alleged chemical weapons attacks in 2013, detailed
in an article entitled �Whose Sarin?� That article was published in the London Review
of Books.
The official White House explanation for the events in April of this year was that Donald
Trump was moved by the suffering of �beautiful� Syrian babies � the same Syrian babies he
doesn�t want to set foot in the United States � and decided to punish the Syrian government
for the attack two days after it allegedly occurred. This punishment came in the form
of an airstrike despite the lack of a thorough investigation regarding what took place that
fateful day in April and who was ultimately culpable (though the Trump administration
insisted they were certain that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was to blame).
In that context, it should come as no surprise that Trump acted rashly without consideration
of the facts on the ground. However, what is most disturbing about Hersh�s account
is the fact that, according to his source, Trump was well aware that the U.S. had no
solid intelligence linking the Syrian government to a chemical weapons attack � and that�s
because, according to Hersh�s article, it�s doubtful a chemical weapons attack occurred
at all.
Hersh reports:
�The available intelligence made clear that the Syrians had targeted a jihadist meeting
site on April 4 using a Russian-supplied guided bomb equipped with conventional explosives.
Details of the attack, including information on its so-called high-value targets, had been
provided by the Russians days in advance to American and allied military officials in
Doha, whose mission is to coordinate all U.S., allied, Syrian and Russian Air Force operations
in the region.�
�None of this makes any sense,� one officer reportedly told colleagues upon learning of
the decision to bomb Syria, according to Hersh. �We KNOW that there was no chemical attack
� the Russians are furious. Claiming we have the real intel and know the truth � I
guess it didn�t matter whether we elected Clinton or Trump.�
According to Hersh, Trump �could not be swayed� by 48 hours worth of intense briefings
and decision-making following the initial reports of the alleged chemical weapons attack.
Hersh, who reportedly reviewed transcripts of real-time communications, explains that
there is a �total disconnect� between the president and his military advisers and
intelligence officials.
As is the case with Syrian military operations, Russia gave the U.S. details of the carefully
planned attack on a meeting in Khan Sheikhoun, according to Hersh�s admittedly anonymous
sources. The Russians had employed a drone to the area days before the attack to develop
the intelligence necessary to coordinate it.
According to Hersh�s sources, the United States and its Russian counterpart routinely
share information regarding planned attacks in order to avoid collisions. However, they
also permit �coordination,� a practice that involves giving the other side a �hot
tip about a command and control facility,� which then helps the other side carry out
their attack.
Therefore, there was no surprise chemical weapons attack, as the Trump administration
alleged. In fact, Russia had actually warned its American counterpart on the off-chance
that there were any CIA assets on the ground who should have been forewarned of an impending
�They [the Russians] were playing the game right,� a senior adviser told Hersh.
Hersh continues:
�Russian and Syrian intelligence officials, who coordinate operations closely with the
American command posts, made it clear that the planned strike on Khan Sheikhoun was special
because of the high-value target. �It was a red-hot change. The mission was out of the
ordinary � scrub the sked,� the senior adviser told me. �Every operations officer
in the region� � in the Army, Marine Corps, Air Force, CIA and NSA � �had to know
there was something going on. The Russians gave the Syrian Air Force a guided bomb and
that was a rarity. They�re skimpy with their guided bombs and rarely share them with the
Syrian Air Force. And the Syrians assigned their best pilot to the mission, with the
best wingman.� The advance intelligence on the target, as supplied by the Russians,
was given the highest possible score inside the American community.�
Hersh confirms Russia�s account of the incident, in which Russian authorities alleged that
the Syrian Air Force bombed a �terrorist warehouse,� and that secondary bombings
dispersed dangerous chemicals into the atmosphere.
Strangely, if Hersh�s reporting is accurate, it is not clear why Russia didn�t give the
detailed account at the time � and why the Russians didn�t emphasize that they had
shared information with the U.S. military well in advance of the attack, as this would
have cast further doubt on the official U.S. narrative. In that context, Russia could have
provided proof of any prior communications that took place within the so-called deconfliction
channel. It also doesn�t explain why Russia�s president, Vladimir Putin, appeared to endorse
two competing theories behind the events at Khan Sheikhoun.
However, Hersh continues:
�A team from M�decins Sans Fronti�res, treating victims from Khan Sheikhoun at a
clinic 60 miles to the north, reported that �eight patients showed symptoms � including
constricted pupils, muscle spasms and involuntary defecation � which are consistent with exposure
to a neurotoxic agent such as sarin gas or similar compounds.� MSF also visited other
hospitals that had received victims and found that patients there �smelled of bleach,
suggesting that they had been exposed to chlorine.� In other words, evidence suggested that there
was more than one chemical responsible for the symptoms observed, which would not have
been the case if the Syrian Air Force � as opposition activists insisted � had dropped
a sarin bomb, which has no percussive or ignition power to trigger secondary explosions. The
range of symptoms is, however, consistent with the release of a mixture of chemicals,
including chlorine and the organophosphates used in many fertilizers, which can cause
neurotoxic effects similar to those of sarin.� Hersh is not the first high-profile investigator
to cast major doubts on the Trump administration�s official narrative regarding the events at
Khan Sheikhoun. MIT professor emeritus Theodore Postol, who previously worked as a former
scientific advisor to the U.S. military�s Chief of Naval Operations, poked major holes
in the claims that the Syrian government had launched a chemical weapons attack at Khan
Sheikhoun, noting the �politicization� of intelligence findings (you can access all
of his reports here). Postol argued that there was no possible way U.S. government officials
could have been sure Assad was behind the attack before they launched their strike,
even though they claimed to be certain. Postol took the conversation even further, asserting
that the available evidence pointed to an attack that was executed by individuals on
the ground, not from an aircraft. Former weapons inspector Scott Ritter had similar concerns
regarding the White House�s conclusions, as did former U.K. ambassador to Syria Peter
Ford. The mainstream media paid almost zero attention to these reports, a slight that
exposes the media�s complicity in allowing these acts of war to go ahead unquestioned.
�This was not a chemical weapons strike,� the adviser said. �That�s a fairy tale.
If so, everyone involved in transferring, loading and arming the weapon � you�ve
got to make it appear like a regular 500-pound conventional bomb � would be wearing Hazmat
protective clothing in case of a leak. There would be very little chance of survival without
such gear. Military grade sarin includes additives designed to increase toxicity and lethality.
Every batch that comes out is maximized for death. That is why it is made. It is odorless
and invisible and death can come within a minute. No cloud. Why produce a weapon that
people can run away from?� According to Hersh�s source, within hours
of viewing the footage of the �attack� and its aftermath, Trump ordered his national
defense apparatus to plan for retaliation against the Syrian government. Hersh explains
that despite the CIA and the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) having no evidence that
Syria even had sarin, let alone that they used it on the battlefield, Trump was not
easily persuaded once he had made up his mind.
�Everyone close to him knows his proclivity for acting precipitously when he does not
know the facts,� the adviser told Hersh. �He doesn�t read anything and has no real
historical knowledge. He wants verbal briefings and photographs. He�s a risk-taker. He can
accept the consequences of a bad decision in the business world; he will just lose money.
But in our world, lives will be lost and there will be long-term damage to our national security
if he guesses wrong. He was told we did not have evidence of Syrian involvement and yet
Trump says: �Do it.�� [emphasis added] At a meeting on April 6, 2017, at his Mar-a-Lago
resort in Florida, Trump spoke with his national security officials regarding the best way
to move forward. The meeting was not to decide what to do, Hersh explains, but how best to
do it (and how to keep Trump as happy as possible).
Trump was given four options. The first one was dismissed at the outset because it involved
doing nothing. The second one was the one that was decided upon: a minimal show of force
(with advance warning to Russia). The third option was the strike package that Obama was
unable to implement in 2013 in the face of mounting public opposition and Russia�s
threats of intervention. This plan was Hillary Clinton�s ultimate fantasy considering she
was encouraging it moments before Trump�s lone strike actually took place. However,
this would have involved extensive air strikes on Assad�s airfields and would have drawn
in the Russian military to a point of no return. The fourth option involved the direct assassination
of the Syrian president by bombing his palaces, as well as his underground bunkers. This was
not considered, either.
As we all witnessed in April, the second option was adopted, and the airbase Trump struck
was up and running again in less than 24 hours, making it a very symbolic and empty show of
Hersh�s insight into the way Trump is conducting his foreign policy does not bode well for
the future of the Syrian conflict (or anywhere else in the world, for that matter). Trump
was not interested in the intelligence or the facts on the ground � if he had been,
he would have waited until an investigation had determined culpability before ordering
a strike.
Missing from Hersh�s account, however, is the fact that it was newly appointed national
security advisor General H.R. McMaster who laid out the military strike proposals to
the president at his resort on April 6. McMaster replaced former national security advisor
Michael Flynn after the latter was forced to resign due to leaks from within the intelligence
community. Due to Flynn�s alleged ties to Russia, it seems unlikely he would have proposed
such a strike on Russia�s close ally to begin with.
It is unclear whether McMaster proposed the strikes in order to appease Trump or because
McMaster ultimately wants Trump to adopt a tougher stance against Syria and Russia; McMaster
has a history of pro-interventionism and anti-Russian sentiment.
Those commentators who can review these startling revelations but still condone Trump�s actions
with a lazy �Assad is still a bad guy and must be overthrown� mindset argument are
being intellectually dishonest, with themselves and others. As was the case in 2013, there
is still very little evidence that Assad has ever used chemical weapons � particularly
in the attacks that the U.S. has tried to pin on him � yet this is the standard by
which the corporate media and our respective governments have instructed us to judge Assad.
Even without this conclusive evidence, shortly after the April events, U.S. ambassador to
the U.N. Nikki Haley stated Assad will fall from power.
Hersh�s investigation bolsters many claims that the U.S. acted rashly without first conducting
or ordering an impartial inquiry regarding what happened in April of this year. Hersh�s
report also serves as a reminder to the world of the warpath we are continuing down, spearheaded
by an impulsive and reckless megalomaniac who has no interest in ascertaining fact from
Liberty Blitzkrieg's Mike Krieger also notes that just as interesting as the information
above, is the fact that Hersh had to turn to a German newspaper to publish it. This
makes perfect sense, because the one area where U.S. corporate press maintains unassailable
consistency is when it comes to cheerleading for an interventionist, imperial foreign policy
based on unverified claims and outright lies. Trump�s little fireworks display checked
all those boxes, which is why the corporate media drooled all over the bombing, celebrating
Trump for the first time of his Presidency. As Hersh notes:
After the meeting, with the Tomahawks on their way, Trump spoke to the nation from Mar-a-Lago,
and accused Assad of using nerve gas to choke out �the lives of helpless men, women and
children. It was a slow and brutal death for so many � No child of God should ever suffer
such horror.�
The next few days were his most successful as president. America rallied around its commander
in chief, as it always does in times of war.
Trump, who had campaigned as someone who advocated making peace with Assad, was bombing Syria
11 weeks after taking office, and was hailed for doing so by Republicans, Democrats and
the media alike. One prominent TV anchorman, Brian Williams of MSNBC, used the word �beautiful�
to describe the images of the Tomahawks being launched at sea. Speaking on CNN, Fareed Zakaria
said: �I think Donald Trump became president of the United States.�
A review of the top 100 American newspapers showed that 39 of them published editorials
supporting the bombing in its aftermath, including the New York Times, Washington Post and Wall
Street Journal. Which once again goes to show just how worthless,
irresponsible and downright dangerous U.S. corporate media really is.
Finally, as Ron Paul rages below, Republicans cannot let go of "regime change" for Syria
and new Cold War with Russia -- even as the Democrats are starting to back away. Will
the mainstream media stick with the narrative as well? Or is it all about to come crashing
Arsenal will only land £57million man Alexandre Lacazette if Lyon can find prolific replacement - Duration: 3:26.
Arsenal will only land £57million man Alexandre Lacazette if Lyon can find prolific replacement
ARSENAL will miss out on £57million Alexandre Lacazette if Lyon cannot find a suitable replacement for the prolific 26-year-old.
The forward scored 76 goals in his last three Ligue 1 seasons and that sort of reliable finishing does not come around often or cheap. Lyon are demanding £57m for striker Lacazette.
Atletico Madrid were ready to splash out on the goal machine this summer until their transfer ban wrecked their carefully laid plans.
Arsenal will have to pay at least £57million for Alexandre Lacazette.
Arsenal have agreed a club-record £44m deal to sign Lyon star Alexandre Lacazette. And now Arsenal can benefit from their misfortune and swoop for the wantaway France international.
Lyon president Jean-Michel Aulas said: "Today [Monday] our position is that as long as we have not signed his replacement, we will keep him.
"He expressed the wish to leave and he was given an agreement to go to the club of his heart, but things did not happen. "He wants to leave. We will discuss it in the coming weeks.
"If so, offers will be heard, provided they match the value of the player. Watch Arsenal target's Alexandre Lacazette phenomenal season.
Bertrand Traore has failed to establish himself in the first team squad at Chelsea.
Bertrand Traore signed his first professional contract with Chelsea in 2014. Aulus was speaking at the unveiling of Bertrand Traore who the French club signed from Chelsea for £8.
The 21-year-old Burkina Faso star is a talented attacking force but is not a candidate for replacing Lacazette's goals.
Lyon's new man said he was relieved to be finally getting a chance to play regular first-team football after being farmed out on loan by the Blues.
He said: "It was time to land in a more stable project, considering my age and my development, it was the moment for me to leave Chelsea.
"It was time to look for stability in a club where I would play a leading role. The best of Lyon forward and Arsenal target Alexandre Lacazette.
Team New Zealand's 'naughty boys' as $4k bags thrown away - Duration: 2:20.
Team New Zealand's 'naughty boys' as $4k bags thrown away
In the excitement of winning the Americas Cup, some Team NZ crew toss their prize Louis Vuitton bags to the crowd.
Team NZ skipper Glenn Ashby labelled his team naughty boys for throwing away their $4100 Louis Vuitton bags into the crowd at the Americas Cup presentation ceremony.
Team New Zealand members were given the limited edition Louis Vuitton Sac Polochon bags – filled with other goodies from the key Cup sponsor – as they lined up waiting to get their hands on the Auld Mug.
Master of ceremonies Tucker Thompson asked them to hold the bags up for a photo opportunity and once that was complete, the Kiwis starting throwing the bags into the crowd, much to the delight of the punters who fought to get their hands on the expensive gems.
Team New Zealand line up with their expensive Louis Vuitton bags as they wait to be presented the Americas Cup in Bermuda. I think they were a little bit naughty boys for doing that, a smiling Ashby told 1 News.
I dont think Louis Vuitton will be that happy with the guys throwing the bags into the crowd. But look, everyone was pretty excited. The guys were really enjoying the fact we made it through.
Obviously Louis Vuitton have been huge supporters and sponsors of the Americas Cup for a long time now. Team New Zealand skipper Glenn Ashby says they were excited in the moment when they threw their prize bags to the crowd.
It was a fantastic day and the girls in the crowd were all pretty excited. Louis Vuitton bags arent cheap.. But he conceded the SWAGS – sailors wives and girlfriends – probably werent too happy.
I think in the future they will have to hold on to them a bit more. their mums or their girlfriends will go crook at them otherwise..
Americas Cup winners Team New Zealand are gifted limited edition bags after their stunning success in Bermuda.
"이 우정, 칭찬해" 최지우X오연수X이윤미 '미녀★ 회동' - Duration: 1:46.
Love Island's Sam to return to villa in shock Tyla takeover? - Duration: 2:47.
Love Island's Sam to return to villa in shock Tyla takeover?
On Monday Sam and Chloe got the boot after being crowned the least compatible couple.
Naturally Sams absolutely gutted that his time was cut short before he could fall head over heels – and he spilled that things were seriously hotting up with newcomer Tyla.
Speaking exclusively to Daily Star Online, Sam revealed: Me and Tyla had a little thing going on but it was too little, too late. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Tyla told Sam to message him.
Before I left she did say to us make sure you message me when I get out. He continued: So well have to see what happens when she comes out.
Chloe chimed in: I wonder if shell friend zone you this time.
COUPLED OFF: Tyla is now with newcomer Simon.
Love Island Babes 2017 Love Island will see a stunning cast engage in the ultimate game of love, as they land in a sunshine paradise in search of passion and romance. Love Islands hottest babes .
FUTURE ROMANCE: Sam revealed something went down between him and Tyla.
Sam Sam then hinted to bosses that hed love to go in for a second helping of villa fun if he was given the chance. He continued: If I got given the opportunity to go back in I definitely would.
Ive got another three beds to go in. It looks like its a bit too late for a sizzling love affair with Tyla though, as during yesterdays intense re-coupling she was picked by Simon.
But supposedly Jess and Dom managed to strike up a steamy romance after leaving the villa.
RETURNING: Have Love Island bosses got another twist up their sleeves?. And Chloe and Jess even puckered up for a cheeky lesbian kiss. Never say never, right? Catch Love Island tonight at 9pm on ITV2.
Life behind bars 6/25/2017 FFW ride - Duration: 4:33.
Our route 6/25/2017
Stuart and Bob K...
Ralph G...
Ralph G....
North bound on the Seminole Wekiva Trail...
Headed home...
Enfrentamientos entre diputados y guardias en Venezuela | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:52.
'수트너' 지창욱♥남지현, 눈빛으로 말하는 '맴찢커플' - Duration: 3:32.
Gelatigelati/ Publique/ Panhonesta | vegan 젤라띠젤라띠/퍼블리크/빵어니스타 | 비건투어 #16 - Duration: 8:46.
I went to Publique, Bakery
It looks so delicious
Today I came here, Yeonnam-dong
This place is something unique. They don't use flour for making bread
I will show you this place for someone who never visited here before
What kind of bread are they selling??
Let's see
Coconut sugar if need, instead of white sugar
They don't use any milk and sugar
,making Coffee or any beverage
Using 100% Rice flour
I am so surprised that
there is an amazing place for healthy option
This is real
I found a beautiful place
I gonna talk with you in front of pretty background
You wouldn't expect how many people come to the place
I know that they are using pretty good ingredient
But you will see the bread looks very small
but the price is a bit high
I think if you chose several things,
it would be more than 20.000 Korean won
I bought like this
I bought 4 different desserts
I will show you which breads I bought from
Could you wait for me a min?
What I bought is...
I will put here at first
Sweet pumpkin scone
Mugwort muffins
Black sesame and rice
Sorry for messy background behind me
Please understand
What I gonna eat at first...
What do you like me to eat at first?
I will try this one
How does it taste?
I have pork on my hand
I would like to try to enjoy a small amount of it
This is grean tea rice brownie
Actually, I don't like eating green tea
and coffee, because of caffeine
The owner told me;
Do not eat before breakfast when you didn't eat on empty stomach
on empty stomach
I think this is too strong
Yes, this is really strong
so strong
I don't understand why people eat this, including me
I think eating it sometimes would be better
like with friends
if you're looking for dessert
This is sweet pumpkin scone
I think this is okay
This kind of bread is not my style
Well, it's like cookie
like snacks
tastes like cookie
well...it's no tastes
It's dry
you have to chew often and slowly.
I know
Bread making with white flour is very smooth
You might not need to chew at all
But this is not
Mugwort muffin
This is to be honest, too strong, too bit
No tastes
It's tasteless
I don't recommend eating this
I went on a vegan tour
I have been to Itaewon to try desserts
have been to The bread blue
Cook and Book
where I tried vegan desserts
and the desserts at Dalyang
I think desserts at the bread blue is the sweetest among those vegan restaurants
Yes, the breads there are so sweet
The desserts at Dalyang is sweet a bit
it is tasty
I think the healthiest desserts
which tastes good
was at the cook and book
And desserts at 'Plant', vegan restaurant in Itaewon
was very sweet, too
But this one
This is hardly sweet at all
No sugar
I was hungry before eating this
Now I feel so full
How could I feel so full ?
I think I couldn't eat another food
Now the time is
wow.. already
Then...see you later
OH~ If you tried this before
leave me a comment
whether you like it or not
like you don't like to eat, or any recommendation
Good Bye
Romantic Love Songs ♡ The Essential 100 Love Songs 70s 80s 90s ♡ Greatest Love Songs For Ever ♡ - Duration: 1:55:58.
Thanks for watching! Don't forget to SUBCRIBE, Like & Share my video if you enjoy it! Have a nice day!
See the strange photos of aliens found on Deep Web - Duration: 4:21.
1 HOUR of Meditation Music 🕉 Meditation Music, Relaxing Sounds for Yoga and Relaxation ☯ - Duration: 1:00:01.
10 Cantores brasileiros que faleceram cedo demais - Duration: 6:49.
CALVIN HARRIS vs DJ KHALED - Estreia Semanal - Duration: 1:31.
On June 16th, next to the debut of melodrama
Dj Khaled launched a very good farofa
with the queen of the conceptual farofa.
It's about "Wild Thoughts"
a featuring with Rihanna and Bryson Tiller,
that we have no ideia who it is,
but it's on the single.
The music has a similar feeling to "Work",
you can hear a lot of "wild wild wild"
that we do not understand,
but we already love it .
Wild Thoughts had many achievements!
Here you can see some of their perfomance in 24h...
The new does not stop there!
It seems like Calvin has been celebrate 4-20 and
is enjoying a vacation.
Released this week, the single "Feels"
comes with a strange mix,
feat with Katy Perry, the one who sings "Happy" and
Ariana Grande's ex Big Sean.
The song bring us, a reggae and funk beat, pretty cool
with a confusing lyrics, with no sense
that makes it seem like there is not even a chorus.
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