Hi everyone, I am Mert! Heating with you today call the Orkin ...
Translate: Ali Tiryaki Instagram: WhatsApp._.durumlari
... We wish him the debt. Let's see how to react?
Do not forget to throw in advance like video sharing and social media
In addition, if you are not still subscribe to my channel You can also subscribe below.
And video from anywhere ...
I shared the results of the lottery friends ... - They seen on info button.-
if you watch the video of the winner until the end ...
... You can see the winners of the raffle. Last month I made a big draw
It was a big draw for me at least.
Anyway, let's start video
Now if my camera as they focus
We're searching
If you are reading this section, type -Altyazı reviews PHACO: D-
Hello hello Orkin. -Hi dear, I am your uncle.
How are you? -Good is you wassup I work well or
You have 42 thousand subscribers Did you know the way?
-O super super ab
Is Orkin no greeting?
I congratulate you -I ... Come on, let me, congratulations.
Did you miss me the way
-really already knows I miss my dear friend.
or I was going to ask you something.
Would you do me a favor? -Hahah of course not.
Can you give me 10 000 ₺ debt?
Haydaa ... Mom Seeks 1 second, very sorry.
I am waiting
I wish I could put somethin 'elevator music. Please follow my instagram. Translate: Ali Tiryaki Instagram: WhatsApp._.durumlari
Almost before the end of the waiting ...
-We let's continue Ha you come right?
Yes, I want to be in debt behold, behold ₺ 10 000 or something.
About. Could you?
They do not have canceled Canceled.
So much okay or not ...
-You've changed our friendship alone is going now where I do not know ...
No, no we're not offended alright. All right then super
Whatever goodbye to you later, bye See you later.
Come on, I'm closing baybay
Let Me Go -Baybay
Yes ₺ 10 000 a year for us as you can see friends did not despised.
I did not PC's have even less than the price: D-
Translate: Ali Tiryaki Instagram: WhatsApp._.durumlari
For more infomation >> CAALING ORKUN ISITMAK AND WANT 10.000₺ DEBT ! - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
기태영♥유진 딸 로희, 애착인형과 TV 시청하는 사랑둥이 "집중" - Duration: 2:27.
Diseñadora venezolana se inspira en datos e imágenes de la crisis en su país para su nueva colección - Duration: 3:27.
Romina Power e il legame con Al Bano: "Deriva da vite precedenti"| K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:44.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Cabrio 350 CGI Avantgarde Automaat // Navi / Leder / Stoelverwarming / PDC / - Duration: 0:59.
Citroën C4 Picasso 1.6 E-HDI Exlusive Automaat // Bluetooth / Trekhaak / PDC / Camera / Navi - Duration: 1:01.
You Win: Webinário ao VIVO, 100% Online e GRATUITO - Duration: 4:48.
TudoEntregue: Aplicativo inovador para controle de entregas e coletas - Duration: 9:40.
La differenza tra Made in Italy e fatto in Italia - Duration: 2:46.
Colin Abrahall (GBH) - O BEN PARA TODO MAL - S01Ep5 - Duration: 10:10.
Resident Evil 1-6: Game Fails ITA - RaVe TuBe - Duration: 2:04.
(AN011) Habu Yoshiharu Meijin X Murayama 7º Dan (AiYokofudori) - Duration: 16:07.
Hi everybody!
Today, a match of third round of 44th Osho's challenger qualification.
A match between Habu Yoshiharu Meijin and Murayama Satoshi 7th Dan.
Sente is Habu Meijin, but we will analyze from Gote, Murayama 7th Dan's view.
Lets analyze from Gote's view.
Here, both advance Fu of Hisha's head, probably it will be a Yokofudori.
It is a match of November 11th, 1994.
It is Yokofudori.
Here, the most common is to play 33Kaku and fight like this,
but in this match he played 88KakuNari and exchanged Kaku.
For DoGin, he played 76Hisha, bringing the match to a double Yokofudori.
This variant make the match very aggressive.
How will it become?
Advance Gin, and confront Hisha.
At this moment, if he swing here, there is the 15Kaku applying an Ote Hisha.
With this Gote would already lose.
So, he offered the exchange.
DoHisha, DoFu.
Dropped 46Kaku threatening the Kyosha.
Here, he could play 55Kaku threatening both Kyosha.
But there is the 28Fu.
In the sequence he could take the Keima making a Tokin,
this would be too strong, so he has to take it, but it would be followed by 25Hisha.
threatening Kaku and Gin, so, even if takes Kyosha, he would lose his Gin.
So, 55Kaku wouldn't have good result.
So, for 46Kaku, he played 82Kaku.
Then, DoKakuNari.
Followed by 55Kaku. Now, he is threatening Gin,
so, in the last sequence, he would be able to take the Gin.
In this match he played 85Hisha, first.
Here he threatened Kaku and Keima, and was answered with 86Hisha.
If he takes Kaku, Gin is undefended, and to make a Ryu would be very good.
He made the Gin to advance and dropped 28Fu after that.
I doubt which position is better, but he considered this case was better.
So he played like this.
So, takes Gin.
Takes Keima.
Flees Gin, followed by Tesuji, 38Fu.
He wants to make more Tokin.
Here if he plays DoKin.
He could 26Kei.
With this...
With this, to not lose the Kin, he would have to advance, but there's the KeiNari.
When he flee Kin, the Gyoku's defense was weakened.
So, he ignored 38Fu and attacked with 81Uma.
Followed by 39.
Here he moved Tokin. To promote the Fu looks more natural,
but if he flee, like this.
At this time, this form seems to be better.
Because he can sacrifice the Tokin.
And if he takes with DoGyoku, could play 29Hisha.
And the possibility of this move with Ote is a big advantage.
If he promote the Fu, I don't know if he would flee, but in this case,
The sacrifice wouldn't have any effect.
He tried to take the advantage and played 39Tokin.
So, DoGin. Well, even with FuNari he could take with, DoGin, too.
But, like this, he limited the possibilities.
So, he played 55Kaku.
Then, he try to decide with 72Gin.
Well, for Gote it would be good to be able to flee to this side.
For 72Gin, he plays 37KakuNari.
Then, Gyoku flee.
And make Ote with Keima.
Maybe, the sequence 85Hisha with 86Hisha, was played to make this Ote possible.
Then, flee.
Then, DoGin.
Then, 66Gyoku.
In this 66Gyoku, if I'm not wrong, nowadays the 85Gyoku seems to be considered better.
But as this match was played on 1994, at these days...
We can say that the theory used now was based on this match results.
Nowadays, if I'm not wrong, with 85Gyoku they consider that Sente has the advantage.
But even though, this sequence is very hard.
In this match...
Was DoFu, followed by 66Gyoku.
Here, he played 62Kin, followed by 63GinNarazu.
Then, 86Hisha.
Defend in the middle of path with 76Fu. This part is very hard.
Well, here he could take Uma, but this would delay the attack.
Then, he plays DoHisha, to try to decide it.
65Gyoku, followed by 64Fu.
55Gyoku, advance Fu.
DoGinNarazu, then, takes Kin.
Then, plays 71Hisha.
Here he defended with 61Gin, but how would it be if he had fled like this?
If he goes up like this...
There is the 45Kei.
And how would be the match in this situation?
Well, with this 71Hisha,
When he make Ote with Gin, and he goes up it's possible to take 73Kin with the Hisha.
Would it be it?
So, with 45Kei, Sente seems to be in advantage.
Then, he defended with 61Gin.
He followed dropping 53Gin.
Draw Uma back, followed by 46Kei.
This part, Sente seems to be better, but I'm not sure.
Then, he plays 65Kin. Interesting. This Kin is a move of Attack and Defense.
If plays DoGin, he can take this Gin.
And this side become much more sake. Interesting.
For 65Kin, he moves to the side, followed by 53Kin.
Then, DoGinNarazu, so, jumps Keima.
Followed by 35Gyoku. Looks dangerous to flee to this side.
Then, 34Fu.
Then, plays DoKei. If it was DoGyoku, could drop 25Gin.
Is that so? Let's see...
If it was 25Gin, Gyoku goes back.
With this, I doubt if he is caught... Ah there is...
Could play like this.
There is some other way to play?
Well, if he play like this...
Goes up, and takes Gin, how would it be?
With this, this side can drop Fu, followed by 24Gin.
And even if he play 63Kei, could play DoUma, DoUma, and finish dropping Fu and Gin.
So, the sequence with 53Uma, it is Gote's victory.
So, with Uma...
Followed by 34Fu and DoKei.
Drop 26Gin, must to play 24Gyoku, 15Gin.
35Gyoku, 26Uma, 46Gyoku.
Then, retreat 76Ryu.
In this position, he abandoned, giving up the victory to Murayama 7º Dan.
In this position, looks like, he could defend with 56Kei.
For 56Kei, could he take it?
Is there some better move? Ah, there us this option. That's true...
Like this, 55Kin, DoGyoku, 65Ryu, 46Gyoku, 35Ryu, and it is over.
So, for this Ote with 76Ryu, if drop something at 76, could take it.
Ah, sorry, can't drop 54Kei. Even with 66Kei, would it be 55Kin?
If he play 66Kei, how would he answer?
Well, he would win, taking this piece?
Is that so?
As it opens up this escape route, it is a bit fearsome, but he could win taking it.
Take, is it right?
Is there any better move?
I believe he wins taking here.
Well, if covers with Kin, he could simply take and play 55Kin to finish.
Well, even with 56Kin... In this case...
Well, could take it, too.
Well, looks like, instead of finish it directly, he would win with this side safe.
Well, this variant seems to give the victory for Gote, too.
Then, he abandoned after see the 76Ryu.
Well, maybe he didn't defend because he considered that he already lost.
This match was pretty aggressive. I believe they studied a lot for this match.
And this match influenced a lot to define the Joseki.
Making this match very important.
Thank you very much.
GIOCHI BELLI GRATIS! Sony Playstation Plus Luglio 2017! PS4 Instant Game Collection July! - Duration: 2:23.
¿Cuál sería el plan para acusar de tráfico humano a padres de niños que entraron ilegalmente a EEUU? - Duration: 3:08.
Hi boys and hi girls, here I came back to a new video. I'm Martina and today I want to tell you about how my relationship with socials changed.
A year ago, I was just on Facebook and Instagram...
Both of them I used them only to post or to stalk somebody.
I didn't load many photos 'cause I was ashamed. I didn't like how I was in the photos.
To tell the truth I never liked me. I've always had a low self-esteem.
All this 'cause many times society requires unnecessary beauty standard.
You have to be lean, you have to be high, you have to have the perfect skin, you have to have beautiful hair...
But trust me, I understand it after so long, these are not the things that count.
Be nice inside counts. And I know that this phrase you'll have heard a thousand times before, but that's right.
Rather try to have a nice character, to be kind.
We all have defects, which make us unique and we must learn to accept them.
So take photos, immortal moments because in the future there will be beautiful memories.
I really hope with all myself that the video you liked! And I hope these little tips can serve you!
In the infobox below you will find all the links in my social profiles and if you liked the video, put a thumbs up, comment and do not forget to subscribe!
And we'll see you at the next video!
Cruce agresivo de tweets con la periodista Brzezinski, el nuevo capítulo de Trump contra la prensa - Duration: 3:38.
LR AloeVia 2017 - Duration: 1:56.
Señales que permiten establecer si una persona es adicta a las redes sociales - Duration: 2:44.
loser talking about doctor who stuff - Duration: 6:07.
The lipstick I had bought just arrived
I got very excited, so I put it on without any makeup
I look weird, but it is beautiful
I just found the love of my life
It's this lipstick
Hi. Welcome to another video
I still don't know how to start videos
If you ever wondered why
this is the channel's name
like... I THINK *SARCASM* it's because
of Doctor Who
I think *SARCASM*
MAYBE *SARCASM* it's because
I like Doctor Who
I had to get on the bed to grab these things from the shelf
Since I'm here and I've talked about
why this is the channel's name
I think I'm gonna show you my Doctor Who stuff
Simply because.
Firstly, the coolest things, which are
the sonic screwdrivers
They make the little noise
And this one is also a pen which is really cool
This one was supposed to be 11th's screwdriver
and it was suposed to come closed
like so. But I broke it after a while
so now it only stays like this
It used to be a lot cooler, you pressed the button and it went off
Now it just does this
Not that this isn't cool
It's still pretty cool
I also have two books, Summer Falls
and a novel with Capaldi's Doctor
but i still haven't read it
so I don't know if it's good
I basically saw Capaldi on the cover and bought it
But I still haven't read it, I don't know if its any good
Summer Falls, on the other hand
I really liked the story
written by Amy and River's story, but not that much
I didn't understand the third one that well
But I still find it cool
Now, something I should have hanged on my door
But I still haven't, out of pure lazyness
It's this gorgeous TARDIS plaque
I know
This is very silly, but I like it a lot
I'm still hanging this on my door
Some time
It's too much work
It's too much work
Actually, it has been dropped a few times
so it's pretty screwed up
I have to get rid of the dents first
but other than that...
it's really cool, come on
look at it
that's really cool.
I also have
this 10th Doctor, David Tennant, vinyl figure
because he's my favorite Doctor
This was a gift, actually
My brother bought it for me when he went to the US
I took it out of the box once, when I got it
and then never again. I'm doing that now
just to show it on the video
The camera won't focus right, but look how cute
He moves his little arms and has the little screwdriver
I think the box is nice as well, because it
looks like his TARDIS on the inside
I don't know how well you can see it
And last but not least
is THE best Doctor Who thing
a Doctor Who fan can own
Which is a dalek plushie
This is really cool, it's very
It doesn't even look like the most dangerous creature in the universe
It talks
This is extremely silly
but I think it's very cool
Me and my dalek <3
Am I done? I think so
I don't know if there's anything else
There is!
But I can't get it now, can I?
I can't get it now
but I also have a DVD
It's a movie telling the story
of the first Doctor Who episodes
The beggining of the show, how it started
the ideas, the showrunners
I like it a lot even thought I only watched it once
But I think it's really cool to see how
this show, that lasted for so long,
started and how it's been causing an effect
on people since the beggining
I think it's really cool
It's really cool... it's cool
NOW we're done
I'm pretty sure this is one of the lamest videos
I have ever made
Not that that's hard to accomplish
I wasn't very creative, so that's that.
I'm sorry
I'm in the middle of test week
once I'm on recess I'l make something better
Maybe I'll make something better
I think
I'll do what I did in January again in July
recording a bit everyday and putting it together for a video
because I was going to do that in February,
but I had a few problems with iMovie
it stopped working, it was weird
But I think I'm doing like
the beggining of the year, the middle and the end
I'm recording December as well
So... This is it
Thanks for watching
If you want, you can like this video and subscribe
It's very weird for me to talk like this
Now, on this corner (but it's actually the other one)
you can see my watermark
I have my own watermark!!
Click here to watch my last video
If you want to watch more, subscribe to my channel
but I can't guarantee they'll all be like this
This was weird
This was very weird
It wasn't cool
It was weird
Thanks again for watching
these minutes of me rambling on Doctor Who stuff
And until the next one!
Fujigen FGN bass review by Igor Odaryuk - Duration: 4:35.
My Channel's 1 Year Anniversary. All my colouring books & finished pages. - Duration: 36:39.
My Channel's 1 Year Anniversary. All my colouring books & finished pages.
Criando um trem de carga - Duration: 5:12.
Renault Captur TCe 90 Dynamique // R-Link / Navi / Bluetooth / Climate control / Fabrieksgarantie t/ - Duration: 0:54.
GOP Congresswoman Reacts To Donald Trump's Tweets | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 4:00.
Volvo V70 bjr 2013 2.0 D4 5-CIL 120kW/163pk 6-bak R-Design Plus CLIMA + CRUISE + ADAPT.BI-XENON + NA - Duration: 0:57.
Michiko Hayashi invites you to participate in the III World Conference of Peace and Light - Duration: 3:38.
CAALING ORKUN ISITMAK AND WANT 10.000₺ DEBT ! - Duration: 3:10.
Hi everyone, I am Mert! Heating with you today call the Orkin ...
Translate: Ali Tiryaki Instagram: WhatsApp._.durumlari
... We wish him the debt. Let's see how to react?
Do not forget to throw in advance like video sharing and social media
In addition, if you are not still subscribe to my channel You can also subscribe below.
And video from anywhere ...
I shared the results of the lottery friends ... - They seen on info button.-
if you watch the video of the winner until the end ...
... You can see the winners of the raffle. Last month I made a big draw
It was a big draw for me at least.
Anyway, let's start video
Now if my camera as they focus
We're searching
If you are reading this section, type -Altyazı reviews PHACO: D-
Hello hello Orkin. -Hi dear, I am your uncle.
How are you? -Good is you wassup I work well or
You have 42 thousand subscribers Did you know the way?
-O super super ab
Is Orkin no greeting?
I congratulate you -I ... Come on, let me, congratulations.
Did you miss me the way
-really already knows I miss my dear friend.
or I was going to ask you something.
Would you do me a favor? -Hahah of course not.
Can you give me 10 000 ₺ debt?
Haydaa ... Mom Seeks 1 second, very sorry.
I am waiting
I wish I could put somethin 'elevator music. Please follow my instagram. Translate: Ali Tiryaki Instagram: WhatsApp._.durumlari
Almost before the end of the waiting ...
-We let's continue Ha you come right?
Yes, I want to be in debt behold, behold ₺ 10 000 or something.
About. Could you?
They do not have canceled Canceled.
So much okay or not ...
-You've changed our friendship alone is going now where I do not know ...
No, no we're not offended alright. All right then super
Whatever goodbye to you later, bye See you later.
Come on, I'm closing baybay
Let Me Go -Baybay
Yes ₺ 10 000 a year for us as you can see friends did not despised.
I did not PC's have even less than the price: D-
Translate: Ali Tiryaki Instagram: WhatsApp._.durumlari
기태영♥유진 딸 로희, 애착인형과 TV 시청하는 사랑둥이 "집중" - Duration: 2:27.
Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 T.SPARK Veloce Edizione Sp. 120 Pk Elek. Ramen/Elek. Spiegels/Stuurbekrachtiging/ - Duration: 0:57.
Opel Mokka 1.4 T Cosmo // Bluetooth / Climate control / Trekhaak - Duration: 1:00.
Opel Mokka 1.4 T Cosmo // Navi / PDC / Bluetooth / Schuif- kanteldak - Duration: 0:55.
Opel Astra 1.0 Selection // Airco / Lichtsensor / Fabrieksgarantie t/m 30-01-2018 - Duration: 1:01.
Renault Clio Estate TCe 90 Limited // Navi / Bluetooth / Airco / PDC / Fabrieksgarantie t/m 06-06-20 - Duration: 0:56.
Republican Congressman Says He Shouldn't Pay For Maternity Leave Because He Has An X Chromosome - Duration: 4:32.
Republican Texas representative Pete Olson appeared on a right wing talk show on Friday
morning, to lament the fact that the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, forces insurance companies
to pay for things that men can't use.
For example, prenatal care.
Obviously that doesn't necessarily apply to men.
We don't take any kind of prenatal care.
So why would anyone, according to Pete Olson, with an X chromosome need to be paying for
these kinds of things?
Furthermore, he said maternity leave shouldn't happen.
He shouldn't have to foot the bill for that, again, because he has an X chromosome.
Those were his words, "Because I have an X chromosome, why should I give a damn about
women in this country, and pay for anything that benefits them?"
Let me go ahead and spell this out for you in several different ways.
First of all, if we're talking about prenatal care, and maternity care, and caring for children
... I don't know if you realize this, but it's not the 1600s anymore.
That's not just a woman's job.
Men should care about the health, and safety, and wellbeing of their children.
So, you know what?
It's okay that we pay for that.
We pay to have our children cared for.
I don't see anything wrong with that, because it does affect you, you idiot.
Second, I'm not in your district.
My tax dollars help pay for your salary, but since you don't represent me, I guess I shouldn't
pay for your salary anymore.
I guess most of us shouldn't pay for your salary anymore.
See how that logic that you use against women, "because you don't use it, you shouldn't have
to pay for it" ... See how that applies to other situations as well?
My house has never caught on fire, yet I still pay to have a fire department.
I've never been arrested.
I've never had to have someone arrested, yet I still pay for police.
Everything affects everybody, folks.
That's part of living in a community, living in a country, living with other people.
We have to take care of one another, and we have to care about one another.
Because if we don't, it descends into anarchy.
But that's the republican way.
Screw you, I've got mine, I'm not going to help you.
I'm going to continue making my $174,000 a year salary, and bitch about a few of those
tax dollars going to pay for women to have maternal leave, and prenatal care.
That is the epitome of selfishness, and it is represented within the Republican Party;
in this specific case, by Texas representative Pete Olson.
We should care.
Just because you have an X chromosome doesn't mean that women's issues don't affect you.
Or do you not care what happens to women in this country?
Do you not care what happens to your mother, or your sister, or your daughter, or your
friends, or your wife?
Are you that close minded?
Or maybe you're a single guy, maybe your mother abandoned you.
Maybe there are absolutely no women in your life.
But does that mean everybody else's family and friends has to suffer, just because you've
got something against women?
I think a representative like yourself would fit in less in America.
Maybe you should try traveling over to Saudi Arabia.
I think you could do great as a politician over there, with your backwards view of women's
role in society, and how people, not just men, but all people, should be taking care
of one another.
So, why don't you go move over to one of those misogynistic countries where women have absolutely
no rights?
They can't even show their face in public.
That's where you belong, with these kinds of political views.
You do not belong in the United States.
We're far more progressive than that, or at least we should be.
Move to one of those regressive countries, and I promise you, your political career will
take off like you could never imagine.
Gnash - i hate u, i love u feat. Olivia O'Brien (Krizz Solano Cover) - Duration: 4:05.
🎵 Feeling used But I'm 🎵
🎵 Still missing you And I can't 🎵
🎵 See the end of this Just wanna feel your kiss 🎵
🎵 Against my lips And now all this time 🎵
🎵 Is passing by And I just can't seem to tell you why 🎵
🎵 It hurts me every time I see you Realize how much I need you 🎵
🎵 I hate you, I love you, I hate that I love you 🎵
🎵 Don't want to but I can't put nobody else above you 🎵
🎵 I hate you, I love you, I hate that I want you 🎵
🎵 You want her, you need her And I'll never be her 🎵
🎵 I miss you when I can't sleep Or right after coffee 🎵
🎵 Or right when I can't eat I miss you in my front seat 🎵
🎵 Still got sand in my sweaters From nights we don't remember 🎵
🎵 Do you miss me like I miss you? 🎵
🎵I Fucked around and got attached to you your friends can break your heart too 🎵
🎵 And I'm always tired but never of you If I pulled a you on you, you wouldn't like 🎵
🎵 that shit I put this reel out, but you wouldn't bite 🎵
🎵 that shit I type a text but then I never mind that shit 🎵
🎵 I got these feelings but you never mind that shit 🎵
🎵 Oh oh, keep it on the low You're still in love with me but your friends
🎵 don't know If you wanted me you would just say so 🎵
🎵 And if I were you, I would never let me go 🎵
🎵 I don't mean no harm I just miss you on my arm 🎵
🎵 Wedding bells were just alarms Caution tape around my heart 🎵
🎵 You ever wonder what we could have been? 🎵
🎵 You said you wouldn't and you fucking did Lie to me, lie with me, get your fucking fix 🎵
🎵 Now all my drinks and all my feelings are all fucking mixed 🎵
🎵 Always missing people that I shouldn't be missing 🎵
🎵 Sometimes you gotta burn some bridges just to create some distance 🎵
🎵 I know that I control my thoughts and I should stop reminiscing 🎵
🎵 But I learned from my dad that it's good to have feelings 🎵
🎵 When love and trust are gone I guess this is moving on 🎵
🎵 Everyone I do right does me wrong So every lonely night I sing this song 🎵
🎵 I hate you, I love you, I hate that I love you 🎵
🎵 Don't want to but I can't put nobody else above you 🎵
🎵 I hate you, I love you, I hate that I want you 🎵
🎵 You want her, you need her And I'll never be her 🎵
🎵 All alone I watch you watch her Like she's the only girl you've ever seen 🎵
🎵 You don't care you never did You don't give a damn about me 🎵
🎵 All alone I watch you watch her She is the only thing you ever see
🎵 How is it you never notice That you are slowly killing me 🎵
🎵 I hate you, I love you, I hate that I love you 🎵
🎵 Don't want to but I can't put nobody else above you 🎵
🎵 I hate you, I love you I hate that I want you 🎵
🎵 You want her, you need her And I'll never be her 🎵
Slow But Steady Contributor to the Coming Economic Crisis Young People Don't Spend - Duration: 5:28.
Decrease in Spending from America's Young Promises Future Economic Crisis
Unless you're a statistician, the topic is as exciting as a Green Party stump speech.
But it matters.
Today's young people spend significantly less of their income in the real economy—and
their numbers are growing.
This acts as a permanent headwind to economic growth and assures economic crisis in the
not-too-distant future.
That's because the sheer volume of young people—the so-called Generation Xers and
Generation Yers—comprise a rapidly growing slice of the population.
As we can glean from the table below, in 2010, people aged 45 and older comprised six of
the top 10 most common ages groups.
By 2016, it was down to only two.
This is graphic evidence that America's young will exert a greater proportion of economic
output going forward.
And that might not be a good thing.
Because young people spend far less of their income than those a generation or two earlier.
According to Toronto-Dominion Bank (NYSE:TD), even though millennials make more discretionary
purchases than older people, they spend less money than the average consumer.
After accounting for a basket of spending inputs, Generation Xers spent 23% less than
baby boomers, while millennials spent 27% less.
That's a significant problem when you're talking about tens of millions of people in
each category.
Of course, with each passing day, the younger generation becomes an increasing portion of
total consumer spending, worsening the problem.
It's a slow-moving demographic and economic crisis with no clear solution.
Simply put, unless attitudes significantly change among America's youth, the free-wheeling
days of carefree consumer spending are over.
America's young are carrying the cross of stagnant wages and higher debt loads.
Both limit the amount of discretionary income available to spend.
This is leading to changes in spending patterns.
America's youth aren't shopping less by volume; in fact, they're shopping more.
They aren't boycotting the malls or shunning consumerism.
According to TD's metrics, discretionary purchases are up (see above).
But what they're clearly doing is spending less on the items they do consume.
For example, millennials eat out on average 13 times per month, compared to just five
times for baby boomers.
Yet, millennials spend just $103.00 per month versus $139.00 for boomers.
Multiply this example to a thousand other ones, and soon you're talking about real
Whether America's young are simply content with living within their means, disavow the
excesses of their parents, or are simply broke—the spending slowdown is real.
It makes us wonder whether future investors will spend less money on stocks, too.
Boosting Consumption Proving Difficult
The most powerful economic minds in America are constantly looking for ways to boost consumption.
Whether that's the Fed Reserve Chairperson or CEO of a huge multinational corporation,
lack of consumption growth is causing mature economies to fail.
The Fed has been trying for eight years to boost growth through ultra-low rates to meet
inflation and growth targets.
It's mostly failed.
It's not like people don't want more or better stuff, but there's a limit on how
much one can borrow.
If I only make "X" amount of money and my real wage hasn't risen in a decade, I
can simply only take on "X" amount of debt.
Short of banks paying the consumer interest to borrow (which amazingly, does happen in
some situations), debt saturation will always limit growth.
Take the $1.4 trillion student loan debacle as a prime example.
That number is $620.0 billion more than total U.S. credit card debt, and works out to $37,172
for each 2016 graduate.
So already, so many of America's young are saddled with significant debt even before
they've earned their first entry-level paycheck.
Is it any wonder why they've become so thrifty?
Call it adaptation, call it survival instincts.
But the fact remains, with wage growth consistently lagging behind real inflation; with younger
generations saddled with high student debt; with workplace automation threatening to pare
back job growth, we doubt young people will carry the growth torch.
The most "spend-sational" generation has come and gone.
It's not coming back.
Thus, the Federal Reserve and corporate America have an impossible task.
How do you boost consumption when a growing army of youth guard the purse strings?
Lower credit standards, cheap credit, and financization of the economy have already
been tried.
It worked great while it lasted, but that growth engine is dead.
There are no easy solutions.
And with increasingly fewer "spend generation" folks able to prop up a debt-riddled construct,
future economic crisis is assured.
Dacia Sandero 0.9 TCe S&S Stepway Lauréate // Navi / PDC / Airco / Bluetooth / Fabrieksgarantie t/m - Duration: 0:54.
Renault Captur TCe 90 Dynamique // R-Link / Navi / Bluetooth / Climate control / Fabrieksgarantie t/ - Duration: 0:54.
DIY GALAXY IN A JAR - Duration: 7:28.
I actually did a DIY correctly maybe not the first time but I did it
DIY Galaxy in a jar
Hashtag Zoe
hey guys oh and welcome back to my channel so for today's video I have a
DIY galaxy in a jar so the things you are going to need for this DIY is
obviously a jar so this is a mason jar or Kern now it's definitely not this one
a star also paint and for each color paint you're going to need water they
laugh Oh cup water for each paint if that makes sense
hopefully it'll mix them when actually using DIY and also some large consoles
and of course glitter because you have to be extra right okay so the first step
is to add some cotton balls inside now this do I have to do layers so the first
layer is going to be these cotton balls and we're going to stretch them out a
little bit and place that at the bottom of the jar okay so I'm going to pop that
all down and then the next step is to add glitter to this layer
okay so the next step after this is to choose the color I'm
going to go with this light blue and I'm going to mix a little bit of this heat
into this water and then I'm going to mix it up next I'm going to be pouring a
little bit of it just so it fills the layer where the cotton balls are okay
and the next step because this is our first layer we're going to add another
layer for the next color so I'm going to repeat the process of pulling this apart
and Larry from on top of the blue okay so that above this layer of cotton bolls
you're going to add some glitter on top of this okay so that's good then I'm
going to take this blue it's obviously different than this one as you can see
and I'm just going to be doing the same process with this color again a little
bit of paint and then mix it in with the water and then again repeating the
process pouring this in okay so the next step is putting another layer of cotton
ball on top of this one I'm gonna try it to where I'm not pulling them apart to
see maybe it'll make the section a little bigger
okay so next I'm going to add some more glitter to this layer then I'm going to
be mixing in purple to the water
okay then I'm going to be pouring this on top again okay this is going pretty
pretty good knocking the line okay again I know you're probably really
shocked I'm going to be going in with another layer of cotton balls on the top
of this one and then you guessed it put more glitter on top so let's do that and
then of course this one I am using pink because it is my final color
okay so now that this one is all mixed up I'm just going to be adding it to the
top okay so I should not do my math correctly because I still have a lot
more room and I did all the colors so I think I'm going to be creative and
continue the process one more time because after all being creative is you
know doing your own thing creating what you're going to create and that's what
I'm going to do so let's do this again next time putting some more glitter
because obviously glitter is like the best thing ever and I'm going to be
adding this color this is the one I started with
This looks like a Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino!
going to be doing another layer of cotton balls and another layer of
glitter and then I'm going to be doing another layer of water down paint so
okay so the last layer I'm actually going to be mixing in both of these
colors hopefully it works first I'm going to do the blue then then
I'm going to be mixing in purple
I max I can add more cotton balls this is one off
creativity am i right
take this spoon maybe mix some of the top colors together I actually did a DIY
correctly maybe not the first time but I did it okay this is what I like to call
a unicorn galaxy Frappuccino with extra glitter so it's the new thing okay and
obviously guys this is not an actual unicorn Frappuccino this is pink so
don't drink it don't eat it do not try it like literally don't try it at home
because that's disgusting if you want to try to DIY please send me pictures via
Twitter and Twitter @hashtagzoe so and you got but don't drink it please I
don't want you guys guys I'm actually impressed with myself and I'm not
impressed with myself on DIYs a lot so I actually did it now I'm just going to
close it and I'm I'm really suspicious
so thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video give it a big thumbs
up if you made it this far into the video comment your Starbucks order mine
is definitely not the unicorn Frappuccino but you know this is cute
this is the unicorn frappuccino let me know in comments down below and I will
see you guys in my next video
DIY Unicorn, galaxy in a jar
DIY galaxy in a jar
Hashtag Zoe
DIY Unicorn craft
Best Songs Of 1983s - Unforgettable 80s Hits - Greatest Golden 80s Music - Duration: 2:00:13.
Thanks for watching! Don't forget to SUBCRIBE, Like & Share my video if you enjoy it! Have a nice day!
CAALING ORKUN ISITMAK AND WANT 10.000₺ DEBT ! - Duration: 3:10.
Hi everyone, I am Mert! Heating with you today call the Orkin ...
Translate: Ali Tiryaki Instagram: WhatsApp._.durumlari
... We wish him the debt. Let's see how to react?
Do not forget to throw in advance like video sharing and social media
In addition, if you are not still subscribe to my channel You can also subscribe below.
And video from anywhere ...
I shared the results of the lottery friends ... - They seen on info button.-
if you watch the video of the winner until the end ...
... You can see the winners of the raffle. Last month I made a big draw
It was a big draw for me at least.
Anyway, let's start video
Now if my camera as they focus
We're searching
If you are reading this section, type -Altyazı reviews PHACO: D-
Hello hello Orkin. -Hi dear, I am your uncle.
How are you? -Good is you wassup I work well or
You have 42 thousand subscribers Did you know the way?
-O super super ab
Is Orkin no greeting?
I congratulate you -I ... Come on, let me, congratulations.
Did you miss me the way
-really already knows I miss my dear friend.
or I was going to ask you something.
Would you do me a favor? -Hahah of course not.
Can you give me 10 000 ₺ debt?
Haydaa ... Mom Seeks 1 second, very sorry.
I am waiting
I wish I could put somethin 'elevator music. Please follow my instagram. Translate: Ali Tiryaki Instagram: WhatsApp._.durumlari
Almost before the end of the waiting ...
-We let's continue Ha you come right?
Yes, I want to be in debt behold, behold ₺ 10 000 or something.
About. Could you?
They do not have canceled Canceled.
So much okay or not ...
-You've changed our friendship alone is going now where I do not know ...
No, no we're not offended alright. All right then super
Whatever goodbye to you later, bye See you later.
Come on, I'm closing baybay
Let Me Go -Baybay
Yes ₺ 10 000 a year for us as you can see friends did not despised.
I did not PC's have even less than the price: D-
Translate: Ali Tiryaki Instagram: WhatsApp._.durumlari
GG LIVE | Bloodborne #2 (PS4) - Duration: 5:51:15.
Boom: Trump Publicly Fillets Schumer… "He Just Doesn't Seem Like…" - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 3:53.
Boom: Trump Publicly Fillets Schumer…
"He Just Doesn't Seem Like…"
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has wanted a part of the action on health care reform
ever since the American Health Care Act hit the upper chamber.
So far, that hasn't happened — and, if what President Donald Trump said Thursday
is any indication, it's not going to anytime soon.
In remarks to reporters, the president filleted the Senate majority leader publicly, saying
that "he just doesn't seem like a serious person" when it came to health care reform.
According to the Washington Free Beacon, the remarks came as the president celebrated another
2016 underdog victor — namely, the Chicago Cubs, who last year won their first World
Series since 1907.
Reporters asked the president about a proposal from Schumer that would have all 100 senators
come to the White House for a summit on health care — a thinly veiled plot to obstruct
the repeal and replacement of Obamacare if there ever was one.
"Would you be willing to negotiate with all of them?"
a reporter asked.
That would depend on Schumer, Trump said.
"I've got to find out if he's serious," Trump responded.
"He hasn't been serious.
Obamacare is such a disaster, such a wreck, and he wants to try and save something that's
really hurting a lot of people … It'd have to be very, very serious, and he's
done a lot of talking, bad talking, and he just doesn't seem like a serious person."
Of course, asking one Charles Ellis Schumer to be serious is kind of like asking him to
stay away from a television camera: It's not going to happen.
However, after the president made his remarks, Schumer swore up and down on a copy of "The
Audacity of Hope" that he and the Democrats were ready to get super-duper serious.
"I challenge them again, invite all of us to Blair House the first day we get back from
You think we're not serious?
Try us.
Democrats are ready to turn the page on health care.
When will my Republican friends realize it's time for them to do the same?"
Schumer said, according to The Hill.
"Mr. President, try me.
The minute you make the invitation, we'll take it in a very serious way.
It's not that audacious an idea," he said.
No, it's a stupid idea.
Schumer is willing to vouchsafe that the Democrats are ready to turn the page, yet he's a member
of the party that wants to salvage the decaying shipwreck that is Obamacare.
And to do it, he's basically trying to use stall tactics.
That's the height of unseriousness, and I'm guessing that's not going to change.
Please like and share on Facebook and Twitter with your thoughts on Trump's remarks.
{Idola Circus} Multi-Fandom Map {Flash Warning} - Duration: 3:33.
Do you see the blue sky crumbling away?
Do you prefer a dark room over anything else?
Ah~ Then let's play; Just a little~
Hey~ How about it~ Today is cheaper, after all~
I was taught that, a spider's thread is the hand of salvation in hell~
But the truth was that it was undoubted false rumor-like rumor.
Ah~ I didn't hear that, Buddha~
Untangle this thread of limbs
C-C-C-Come, let's dance, you and your sinful naked soul.
We know, we know the truth of yourself
Again, you lie, trying to hide your true feelings
Which is your lie, and which is your truth?
Well, I'm sure, I'll find out soon enough.
My time in the spotlight has finally come~
I feel trembling of excitement and fright~
There is no true reason to return home.
Money isn't something to be concerned about yet~
Trying to turn on the TV, you didn't realize Buddha's hands were free from handcuffs
Something else that has finally shown, he was considered a swindler
Ah~ I didn't hear that, Mr. Newscaster~
Untangle this thread of limbs!
C-C-C-Come, let's dance, you and your naked sinful soul
We know, we know, the truth of yourself.
Again, you lie, to hide your true feelings
Which is your lie, and which is your truth?
Well, I'm sure, I'll find out soon enough.
My time in the spotlight has finally come~
I feel trembling of excitement and fright~
I-I-I-It's time, to put a mask, a mask on your unsociable face
Including those imposing faces, I'll gather your pride, so please lend it to me~
Can you not hear that sound?
Of applaud without rejection?
Come, step into the spotlight~ Don't you know? You're also apart of the show~
Can you hear the backstage you pretend not to see?
Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, sing~
Mandy Harvey Performs "Envy" at the IDA Awards Gala - Duration: 6:53.
Please save me from the person I've become The world is changed into a place that can't be won
Though I know I should leave it all behind There's so many things that I wish were mine
Envy rots the bone Envy rots the bone Envy rots the bone Envy rots the bone
[instrumental] [saxophone solo by Andrew Vogt]
I can see that green light in your eyes; It's calling you and it comes as no surprise
It will change you, please darling turn away Or you'll be looking at yourself one day
When envy rots the bone Envy rots the bone Envy rots the bone Envy rots bone
One day soon Time will come and knock you down
Take that smile and turn it all around And when you try to stand and hold your head up high
You will crumble, and baby, you know why
Envy rots the bone my love Let it go A heart of peace is the only way to grow
Shuffle off that feeling You know it's greed And turn around, you have way more than you need
When envy rots the bone Envy rots the bone Envy rots the bone Envy rots bone
When envy rots the bone Envy rots the bone Envy rots the bone Envy rots bone
Envy rots the bone my love Let it go A heart of peace is the only way to grow
Shuffle off that feeling You know it's greed And turn around, you have way more than you need
When envy rots the bone Envy rots the bone Envy rots the bone Envy rots bone
When envy rots the bone Envy rots bone Envy rots bone
Envy rots bone
[fade out] ... [applause]
Sen. Portman, I'd Rather Go to Jail Than Die Without Medicaid! - Duration: 4:32.
Hey everybody! My name's Dominick Evans.
I'm a filmmaker and a disability and LGBT rights activist.
As a transgender, queer, disabled American I have a message for my Senator, Sen. Rob Portman.
Sen. Portman, I am a member of the disability rights group, ADAPT
who are out there right now in cities all across the country protesting
I sent a group of my group, Ohio ADAPT, to protest at your office.
Your security separated my group, would not let us come up together, and you had security follow them
all the way in. You said – they managed to talk to your aides – and you said to them, or through your aides
that you would get back a statement to us within 24 hours! That statement did not listen, at all
to what we were asking of you. As a disabled person,
I rely on Medicaid for my home care, that gets me out of bed, so I can work.
I work for the Center for Disability Rights, and I also work full-time, as a writer.
I need you, Sen. Portman, to GUARANTEE that my Medicaid, will not be lost in any bill the Senate passes.
I don't want to go to a nursing home. I live in the community. I'm a hard-working American who
who pays taxes. This is BULLSHIT what you are doing to people like me, who depend on this care to survive.
I don't want to end up dead. I will end up dead if I'm in a nursing home because nursing homes are not safe for
transgender people. They are not safe for queer people. They are not safe for people of color.
They are not safe for any multiply-marginalized person. They are not safe for any disabled person,
but it is especially hard for those of us who are multiply-marginalized.
Sen. Portman, do not let us die!!
We don't want you saying that you are only going to vote no on this bill, but you might vote yes
on an amended bill.
We will be back. We will not let you vote to kill us!
We need you to say, that no matter what bill you vote on, you will not vote to cut Medicaid.
You have to promise us that!
It's not just for. me. It's for all my friends who need these services to survive.
We will not accept anything else from any of the senators that represent us.
It is ridiculous what is happening to my friends across the country.
People in Denver were shut out in a hot room all night. They have been there over 24 hours
and you wouldn't let them use the bathroom – a basic human right!
You would not let a group of protesters in wheelchairs use the bathroom out there, Sen. Cory Gardner.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously?!
We have protesters in Indianapolis getting hurt because you were arresting them for protesting
because they don't want to die!
What is wrong with all of you senators who are doing this to disabled people?
I'm a 36-year-old transgender man who has never experienced anything to this scale
where I'm so terrified that I, I want to be there with my friends, putting my life on the line.
We need to stop this. We need to stop it.
It's ridiculous what you're doing to disabled people.
You should be ashamed of yourselves, all of you.
All of you GOP senators, you need to stop.
You need to stop and realize we are human beings, and these cuts are going to kill us!
Do not let us die, because that blood will be on your hands!
DIY Tie Dye Socks! Summer DIY! - Duration: 4:50.
*hears distracting noise
A lot of influencers are
burying their tags that say "sponsored" or "ad"
at the last paragraph when they're commenting on it,
Or not doing it at all.
Or just not mentioning it at all, yeah.
They're making it hard for you to know it's sponored content,
and the FTC is like, "Hey, no, this is still an ad."
"You have to say that."
So they just changed- they didn't 'just' change, but
the law specifically says it has to be mentioned
within the first three lines of anything.
Studies have shown that people prefer
to be advertisted to in this way,
as long as it's not intrusive,
and it's not false,
and I think it'll probably become the more
mode of advertising.
Everyone's becoming a "self-publisher" now,
and you can become a micro-influencer really easily,
I personally don't understand why people don't just tell them.
They don't care.
There's this fear that you've sold out,
and different stuff like that,
especially in the community that I'm a part of
because a lot of live streamers....
eh, not a lot of them...
it's a really bad misconception,
some live-streamers will start doing it,
and then it just becomes a thing.
I think we see those people who get really huge,
and we're like, "Oh, how'd they do that?"
And they're like, "I just started one day."
It's... that's not really how you do that.
That's a whole other conversation.
But the idea is that, "When I started this thing,
I wasn't selling products and stuff,
so I don't want to tell people I have a product now,
because it's not real."
And I'm like, "No, just tell people. They don't care."
They don't care as long as
you're choosing the right product for your brand.
So if I'm a live streamer,
say I do cooking, live-stream cooking
and then all of a sudden, I'm just like,
"And this is a really awesome MAKEUP BAG!"
It has nothing to do with what I'm doing,
or to the people who are watching me.
Not that the makeup bag is a bad thing,
but I totally took a 180 from my product,
and for my audience,
and they're going to be like, "What?!"
"What is going on?"
"Why aren't you advertising knives, or
or what kind of food we should be doing?!"
"Sponsored by: Kitchen Aid."
So as long as you're staying inside your market,
I think you should totally tell people, and if anything,
where I come from in Twitch,
people are really willing to give you money and support you,
and if you have an affiliate link, go to that affiliate link,
because they really like what you do.
And if you're honest with them,
like, "Hey look, this is how I make a living."
"I ❤️️ doing this for you, I wanna keep doing this for you,
and one of those ways is I get paid by people like 'this'."
So a lot comes down to the content you're putting out,
and making sure it rings true with your audience.
Yeah, you have to make sure
that the brand you're representing,
is on-brand with you, too.
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