Yes, your name.
My name's uh
Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetenyevwe-
For more infomation >> your name - Duration: 0:07.-------------------------------------------
CONTACT YOUR GUIDES. July 5, microtaller with Ana Hatun Sonqo. - Duration: 27:46.
Love Island's Jess parades cleavage in 'date night' dress — but who's the lucky guy? - Duration: 2:55.
Love Island's Jess parades cleavage in 'date night' dress — but who's the lucky guy?
LOVE ISLAND 2017: Jess flaunted her boobs in this date night dress amid Mike romance rumours. The Love Island babe may have been voted out of the villa, but shes not letting that get her down.
** LOVE ISLANDS MONTANA SUFFERS EPIC NIP SLIP ** Since leaving her fellow islanders, Jess has seemingly been on a one woman mission to remind fans of the killer body theyre no longer seeing on TV each night.
Taking to Instagram, the rising starlet shared a picture of herself wearing a dusty pink dress with a plunging neckline. After deciding to go sans bra, the 23-year-old embraced an impressive boob spill as she flaunted her deep golden tan.
Love Islands Jessica Shears hottest pictures Love Islands Jessica Shears hottest pictures. 1 / 35 .
BEACH BABE: The reality starlet has been flashing her goodies since being dumped from the show.
With the outfit clinging to her Jessica Rabbit curves, its fair to say the brunette bombshell owned the look. But it was Jess caption that proved to be the most saucy detail about her post.
Alongside the snap that has racked up close to 30,000 likes in just 11 hours, the Brit babe said of her dress: The perfect pretty in pink look for date night. So just who is the busty babe planning on wearing her new outfit for?.
ROMANCE OR SHOWMANCE: Jess was loved up with Dom during her time on the island.
An Instagram follower While Jess was happily coupled up with Dom Lever — with the pair cementing their relationship by having sex in the hideaway — she was accused of sleeping with Mike Thalassitis after they were both dumped from the island.
Eager to set the record straight, the brunette beauty denied that anything had gone on during a candid appearance on Love Island Aftersun alongside host Caroline Flack. However, that hasnt stopped the rumour mill from going into overdrive.
Unsurprisingly, fans continued the did they/didnt they debate in the comments section of Jess sizzling snap.
Love Island 2017s saucy antics Love Island 2017s saucy antics, as things hot up between the sheets and more. 1 / 59 Jessica Shears and Chloe Crowhurst share some girl on girl action .
JUST FRIENDS? Jess has denied the persistent rumours that she slept with Mike. One disgruntled follower wrote: You ruined Doms time in the villa.
You slept with Mike, you snake. Leaping to the reality starlets defence, a loyal supporter argued: She didnt do it, everyone! Other viewers were simply too distracted by Jess appearance to care about the ongoing drama.
An awestruck male gushed: I wish you were still on Love Island, because you in a bikini, followed by several heart-eyed emojis.
Episodio 8 | Mi Casa - Duration: 4:54.
Videos De la PANTERA ROSA en Español - Callejón sin Salida - Capitulos 2017 - Duration: 5:53.
POCOYO en español 2017 - Bloques de Música - Capitulos Dibujos Animados - Duration: 6:01.
JUST IN: Sarah Palin Goes Thermonuclear, Makes EPIC Move Against New York Times | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:24.
For too long, the Leftist media has gotten a free pass to say whatever they want about
whoever they want.
They have no qualms about telling flagrant lies because there are never any repercussions
for their libel.
Now that's changing.
The New York Times thought it would be business-as-usual when they made the outlandish claim that Sarah
Palin incited the assassination attempt on Democrat Congresswoman Gabby Giffords.
But Palin is striking back, suing The New York Times with Hulk Hogan's legal team!
(via Breitbart).
Democrats are known for accusing others of the foul actions they are doing.
It's how they cover their tracks.
They've used that tactic successfully against conservatives for many years now.
It's no surprise that right after the assassination attempt on Republican lawmakers, which resulted
in the hospitalization of House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA), The New York Times immediately
published an editorial in which they blamed Sarah Palin for the 2011 shooting of Congresswoman
Gabby Giffords.
The Leftist propaganda rag wrote: "Before the shooting, Sarah Palin's political action
committee circulated a map of targeted electoral districts that put Ms. Giffords and 19 other
Democrats under stylized cross hairs" (via Breitbart).
They were saying that Sarah Palin was calling for the killing of these Democrats.
The accusation is not only false.
It's utterly ludicrous!
Clearly, for the New York Times, facts don't matter at all!
In 2011, Governor Palin, a popular conservative personality, was leading the electoral charge
in key districts where Republicans had a strong shot at winning.
Her PAC was giving money to GOP candidates.
The picture mentioned by The New York Times didn't even mention candidates.
It simply showed the districts that would be battlegrounds during the election.
Only a deranged mind would look at that and see a hit-list!
Sarah Palin called out the fake news publication.
She warned that she was considering taking them to court.
The New York Times subsequently issued two corrections.
But they never retracted the false assertion that Palin had put the Dem politicians "under
stylized cross hairs."
The least they could do is admit they'd lied.
In fact, the newspaper doubled down on the accusation.
In a written statement, The New York Times said the "error doesn't undercut or weaken
the argument of the piece."
Well, Governor Palin warned them.
Now she's showing them she wasn't bluffing.
The former Vice Presidential candidate has assembled a crack team of lawyers to sue the
heck out of The New York Times.
Palin's lawyers are the ones who helped professional wrestler and actor Hulk Hogan
successfully sue Gawker for illegally publishing portions of his sex tape.
Hogan won $115 million–and Gawker filed for bankruptcy.
It later closed down.
Let's hope history repeats itself now.
Wouldn't it be satisfying to see the Democrats' favorite publication lose a major lawsuit
and have to declare bankruptcy?
Fight them like a lion in court, Mrs. Palin!
We're with you!
Do you hope Sarah Palin sues the New York Times out of existence?
Please share this news and tell us what you think!
How to make Designer Ear Rings | Simple and Beautiful Ear Rings | Learn to make Fancy Ear Rings | - Duration: 10:15.
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Save Money on Software at the U of I WebStore - Duration: 2:22.
Cooncil Juice LIVE - Party Anthems - Duration: 56:22.
Saint Bernard Dog Eating Hot Dogs in a Swimming Pool - Duration: 3:45.
Saint Bernard Dog Eating Hot Dogs in a Swimming Pool.
CIBSE Building Performance Awards 2016 - International Project of the Year - Duration: 3:40.
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JUST IN: Sarah Palin Goes Thermonuclear, Makes EPIC Move Against New York Times | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:24.
For too long, the Leftist media has gotten a free pass to say whatever they want about
whoever they want.
They have no qualms about telling flagrant lies because there are never any repercussions
for their libel.
Now that's changing.
The New York Times thought it would be business-as-usual when they made the outlandish claim that Sarah
Palin incited the assassination attempt on Democrat Congresswoman Gabby Giffords.
But Palin is striking back, suing The New York Times with Hulk Hogan's legal team!
(via Breitbart).
Democrats are known for accusing others of the foul actions they are doing.
It's how they cover their tracks.
They've used that tactic successfully against conservatives for many years now.
It's no surprise that right after the assassination attempt on Republican lawmakers, which resulted
in the hospitalization of House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA), The New York Times immediately
published an editorial in which they blamed Sarah Palin for the 2011 shooting of Congresswoman
Gabby Giffords.
The Leftist propaganda rag wrote: "Before the shooting, Sarah Palin's political action
committee circulated a map of targeted electoral districts that put Ms. Giffords and 19 other
Democrats under stylized cross hairs" (via Breitbart).
They were saying that Sarah Palin was calling for the killing of these Democrats.
The accusation is not only false.
It's utterly ludicrous!
Clearly, for the New York Times, facts don't matter at all!
In 2011, Governor Palin, a popular conservative personality, was leading the electoral charge
in key districts where Republicans had a strong shot at winning.
Her PAC was giving money to GOP candidates.
The picture mentioned by The New York Times didn't even mention candidates.
It simply showed the districts that would be battlegrounds during the election.
Only a deranged mind would look at that and see a hit-list!
Sarah Palin called out the fake news publication.
She warned that she was considering taking them to court.
The New York Times subsequently issued two corrections.
But they never retracted the false assertion that Palin had put the Dem politicians "under
stylized cross hairs."
The least they could do is admit they'd lied.
In fact, the newspaper doubled down on the accusation.
In a written statement, The New York Times said the "error doesn't undercut or weaken
the argument of the piece."
Well, Governor Palin warned them.
Now she's showing them she wasn't bluffing.
The former Vice Presidential candidate has assembled a crack team of lawyers to sue the
heck out of The New York Times.
Palin's lawyers are the ones who helped professional wrestler and actor Hulk Hogan
successfully sue Gawker for illegally publishing portions of his sex tape.
Hogan won $115 million–and Gawker filed for bankruptcy.
It later closed down.
Let's hope history repeats itself now.
Wouldn't it be satisfying to see the Democrats' favorite publication lose a major lawsuit
and have to declare bankruptcy?
Fight them like a lion in court, Mrs. Palin!
We're with you!
Do you hope Sarah Palin sues the New York Times out of existence?
Please share this news and tell us what you think!
Rafting on the Southern Bug in Migea. #rafting - Duration: 7:52.
Enis Bytyqi - Jerem (INSTRUMENTAL) [Prod. linndd] - Duration: 3:24.
Wednesday 6/28/17 I Samuel 17:48 - 18:30 - Duration: 58:31.
(organ music)
- [Narrator] Welcome to the Shepherd's Chapel Network
Family Bible Study Hour with Pastor Dennis Murray.
Wisdom is understanding God's word.
Pastor Murray's unique teaching approach
brings God's word alive with meaning
as he takes you on a chapter-by-chapter,
verse-by-verse study of God's letter to you, the Bible.
And now here is Pastor Dennis Murray.
- Good day to you, God bless you.
Welcome to Shepherd's Chapel.
Welcome to this family Bible study hour.
Ready to get back into our Father's word here at the chapel.
We're gonna pick it up today I Samuel 17:48.
And I just wanted to remind you where we left off
in our last lecture.
Israel was in a strait.
Here we've got Goliath over nine feet tall,
and he's challenging the people of Israel,
the armies of Israel to choose out a champion to fight him.
"There's no sense in all of us fighting.
"You choose out your champion and it's winner take all.
"If your champion's able to kill me,
"we'll serve the people of Israel.
"If I'm able to kill your champion,
"Israel serves the Philistines."
There wasn't any volunteers in Saul's army.
Little David, 17 or 18 years old at the time, showed up,
and he heard Goliath putting down the armies of Israel,
actually mocking the armies of Israel and mocking the God
of the armies Israel.
Saul didn't have any other volunteers,
so he got David and put his own armor on David.
David was teetering back and forth.
He couldn't hardly stand up under the weight
of Saul's armor.
He said, "I can't fight with these.
"Give me my staff and my sling.
"I've practiced with them, and I know I can take him."
Then the Philistines showed up and saw David and said,
"What am I, a dog, that you send this boy out here
"to fight me with a stick, a staff?"
And it said he cursed David in the name of his Gods,
which is Dagon and Baal.
David said, "You know, Goliath, you come to me
"with your sword, and your spear, and your shield,
"but that's where you put your confidence,
"but I come to you in the name of the God of armies
"of Israel whom you have defied."
And Goliath said to David, "Come over here, boy."
He said, "I'm gonna feed you to the fowls of the air
"and the beast of the field."
David said, "The Lord is going to deliver you,
"not only you, but your armies into my hand,
"and I'm gonna feed not only you, but your armies
"to the fowls of the air and the beast of the field."
No brag, just fact.
David's showing no signs of fear as he approaches the giant.
You can take a lesson from this, as well.
Things are gonna get tough for God's elect,
but there's nothing for you to fear.
As long as you have the gospel armor on,
and God the Holy Spirit with you, there is nothing to fear.
There are no giants in this world.
So, let's ask that word of wisdom.
In Jesus' precious name, Father,
we ask you to open eyes, open ears this day.
We pick it up I Samuel 17:48 and it reads,
and it came to pass when the Philistine arose,
that's Goliath, and came and drew nigh to meet David,
that David hasted, and ran toward the army to meet
the Philistine.
No fear on the side of David.
He totally trusts in the Lord,
and I can just see Goliath and his backup soldiers,
his army, are probably shocked
that David is running toward them.
They probably suspected that David would run from them.
That's basically what the armies of Israel
had been doing for the 40 days that Goliath
had been taunting them.
And David put his hand in his bag,
and took thence a stone, and slang it,
and smote the Philistine in his forehead,
that the stone sunk into his forehead;
and he fell upon his face to the earth.
God in control.
Remember when David picked up five of stones,
five being grace in biblical numerics.
And he didn't need five stones; it only took one
for him to nail the giant in the forehead.
And we see a beautiful type in this, I think,
for the deadly wound to the One World political system.
I'm speaking of Revelation chapter 13.
And you've heard the old adage,
"The bigger they are, the harder they fall."
I think we saw a good example of it
when Goliath went down, verse 50.
So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling
and with a stone, and I'll add the Holy Spirit,
and smote the Philistine, and slew him;
but there was no sword in the hand of David.
David had told Goliath, "I'm gonna take your head,"
but he had no sword is the reason this was stated
in this way.
What is David gonna do?
51, therefore David ran and stood upon the Philistine.
I can just see him running and jumping up
on the chest of Goliath.
And took his sword and drew it out of the sheath thereof,
and slew him, and cut off his head therewith.
And when the Philistines saw their champion was dead,
they fled.
The deal was that if the champion of Israel won
and was able to kill Goliath, they were to serve
the armies of Israel, but the armies of the Philistine
saw their champion go down and they're hightailing it.
They're taking the HA route, verse 52.
And the men of Israel and of Judah arose, and shouted,
and pursued the Philistine, until though come to the valley,
and to the gates of Ekron.
And the wounded of the Philistines fell down by the way
to Shaaraim, even unto Gath, and unto Ekron.
Ekron and Gath, two of the major cities of the Philistines.
In other words, they chased them all the way home,
and you can believe that the Philistines were slain
as they were running, leaving their carcasses
for the fowls of the air and the beast of the field.
Chased them all the way home.
Verse 53, and the children of Israel returned
from chasing after the Philistines,
and they spoiled their tents.
They went after the spoils of war.
The armies of Israel weren't in all that big of a hurry
to go to fight the Philistines,
but they're surely not being slow
about going to the spoils of war.
What a great victory, and think how this made David look
in front of the people who would eventually
be serving him as he is the future King of Israel.
This was a giant step by David in taking over the kingship.
And remember the spirit of God has left Saul,
who is still King of Israel,
but now the spirit of God is with David.
Verse 54, and David took the head of The Philistine,
and brought it to Jerusalem;
but he put his armor in his tent.
In other words, David put Goliath's armor
at his home in Bethlehem.
Jerusalem at this time was not called Jerusalem,
not until David and his armies defeated the Jebusites
some years later after this point in time
did it become Jerusalem.
Judah had taken part of the area of Jerusalem west
of Mount Moriah, but they had not taken the citadel,
which is where Zion is located basically
from the Jebusites at this point in time.
Verse 55, and when Saul saw David go forth
against the Philistine, he said unto Abner,
the captain of his host, Abner was his main general of Saul,
"Abner, whose son is this youth?
"Whose son is this youth," question.
And Abner said, "As thy soul liveth, O King, I cannot tell."
Abner, of course, was Saul's first cousin,
the very trusted general.
But he's saying, "I don't know who that young man is,"
but both of them can tell that he was but a teenager.
Verse 56, and the king said, "Inquire thou whose son
"the stripling is."
This word stripling in the Hebrew is elem.
And it means something kept out of sight,
and if you can visualize David standing behind Goliath,
he, indeed, was a stripling because as huge as Goliath was,
David would be kept out of sight.
He was but a lad is what this is saying.
And as David returned from the slaughter of the Philistines,
Abner took him, and brought him before Saul
with the head of the Philistine in his hand.
Israel has a new champion in David.
And Saul said to him, "Whose son art thou, thou young man?"
And David answered, "I am the son of thy servant Jesse,
"the Bethlehemite," from Bethlehem.
There's another who would be born in Bethlehem
almost 1,000 years after this period in time.
Bethlehem means the house of bread if you translate it,
the bread of life, Jesus Christ, would be born
in Bethlehem almost 1,000 years after.
All the success on the part of David
is for the reason that the spirit of God is upon him.
When the spirit of God came upon
one of the judges of Israel, Gideon, for example,
three things occurred.
Most often the courage was given.
In other words, not just normal courage,
but courage to do something like David did
in taking on the giant Goliath.
Second thing that the spirit of God gave
to one of the judges of Israel
was the ability to prophesy.
We learn in Acts chapter two in the New Testament
that David was, indeed, a prophet.
The third thing that he spirit of God brought
to one of the servants of God was wisdom,
and David was behaving himself very wisely
and very efficiently as he went about
fighting the Philistine.
All this success brings upon Saul a spirit of jealously,
and we're gonna see that in chapter 18.
Let's go with it, verse one.
And it came to pass, when he, when David,
had made an end of speaking unto Saul,
that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David,
and Jonathan loved him as his own soul,
as his own self is what this means.
This word, a lot of people think there was some kind
of perverted relationship going on with David and Jonathon.
That's not the case at all.
They did love each other as a brother,
but don't try and read anything into,
or listen to anybody who says that they had some kind
of perverted relationship.
This word knit in the Hebrew is qashar,
and it's a prime root that means to tie or to bind.
And this friendship, this bond that formed
between Jonathon and David would even survive the death
of Jonathon because David continued to show favor
to Jonathon's family after Jonathon was dead.
A lot of people think Jonathon and David
were close to the same age at this time, and they weren't.
Jonathon at this time, the son of Saul,
in other words, he's the prince of Israel,
he's the one that most everyone is looking to
as the air apparent to Israel and that he is Saul's son.
But Jonathon would be approximately 40 years old
at this time and David probably barely 20 at this time.
Verse two, and Saul took him that day, and would let him
go no more home to his father's house.
This is not to be taken that he forbade David
from ever going to Bethlehem to his father's house
'cause he made many journeys at feast days
to be with his family.
This verse simply means that no longer would Saul
permit David to go back to Jesse's house to tend the sheep.
He wanted him more permanently in the capitol
is what this means, verse three.
Then Jonathon and David made a covenant,
a contract or a compact, because he loved him
as his own soul.
And, again, this would be a friendship that would endure
beyond even Jonathon's death.
And Jonathon stripped himself of the robe that was upon him
and gave it to David, and his garments,
even to his sword, and to his bow, and to his girdle.
And this was a custom of the time,
and this would be a great honor that Jonathon was bestowing
upon David, letting him have his clothing
and even his weapons.
And that's not all that unusual even today.
If you have teenage daughters, you probably know
that there's a lot of exchanging of outfits or clothes
that goes on between people of like size.
Not a big deal, verse five.
And David went out whithersoever sent him.
In other words, to battle with the Philistines.
And behaved himself wisely.
He had common sense.
And Saul set him over the men of war.
David earned that position with his victory
over the giant Goliath.
And he was accepted in the sight of all the people,
and also in the sight of Saul's servants.
David's reputation was increasing,
and many of these people that he is winning over
are people who will serve him
when he becomes the king of Israel.
But understand that some of these people
are still serving Saul.
So, it puts them in a difficult situation,
in fact, as Saul's son Jonathon on numerous occasions
had difficulties because being David's friend
and being Saul's son put, that's wrong ends of the spectrum,
if you will, and Jonathon found himself
between a rock in a hard place because of his relationship
with David on more than one occasion.
Verse six, and it came to pass as they came,
when David was returned from the slaughter
of the Philistine, that the women came out
of all the cities of Israel, singing and dancing,
a great celebration of this victory,
to meet king Saul with tabrets, and with joy,
and with instruments of music.
Saul about to be shot down.
We're gonna see that the women,
well, let's go one more verse and we'll talk about it.
Verse seven, and the women answered one another
as they played and said, "Saul hath slain his thousands,
and David his tens of thousands."
Uh, oh, that's gonna be trouble for David.
The women are heaping praise upon David
for killing tens of thousands of Philistines.
David is becoming very popular with the people.
He's winning them over left and right.
And he's probably more popular than Saul
at this point in time.
Dangerous for a servant to be more popular than the king,
and the jealously begins to be stoked in King Saul.
Verse eight, and Saul was very wroth,
and the saying displeased him;
and he said, "They have ascribed unto David 10 thousands,
"and to me they have ascribed but, or only, thousands.
"And what can he have more but the kingdom?"
What's next for this lad who killed Goliath?
He's gotten very popular with all of my servants.
The women are praising him for killing tens of thousands
of the Philistines and they only praise me
for killing thousands.
What's next, are they gonna wanna give him the kingdom?
Saul may be thinking that in a jesting way,
but that's already been decided.
Samuel has already anointed David king over Israel, why?
Because God rejected Saul for not following God's commands
and the spirit of God has left Saul;
the spirit of God is on David.
Verse nine, And Saul eyed,
this means that he watched with jealousy,
David from that day and forward.
The spirit of God has left Saul;
the spirit of jealousy is upon him.
Jealousy can change people's behavior.
Someone who you would consider to be completely rational
in all respects, if that old spirit of jealousy
comes upon them, they start behaving differently.
It's an evil, evil spirit, the spirit of jealousy,
and it's gonna have a big impact on King Saul, verse 10.
And it came to pass on the morrow,
that the evil spirit from God came upon Saul.
In other words, God allowed this evil spirit.
And he prophesied in the midst of the house,
and David played with his hand,
as in the past, when this evil spirit came upon Saul,
David would play the harp, the music,
and it would calm Saul.
As at other times, and there was a javelin in Saul's hand.
The music is not going to calm the evil spirit
in Saul this time.
And if you don't know what a javelin is,
it's a spear is what we're talking about.
And Saul cast the javelin, for he said,
"I will smite David even to the wall with it."
And David avoided out of his presence twice.
He was hoping to pin David to the wall with this spear.
Scholars argue over what this
he avoided out of his presence twice.
Some scholars means that there were two attempts
that Saul made of throwing a javelin at David
and striking the wall with it.
I lean toward the opinion of those who scholars
who think that Saul lunged at David,
keeping the javelin or spear in his hands,
and then David fled, and then he threw the spear,
trying to pin David to the wall.
I guess that's a moot point, but there'll be someone else
who will be Saul's target in the not-so-distant future
with the javelin; that's his own son, Jonathon.
Verse 12, And Saul was afraid of David
because the Lord was with him,
this word afraid is to mean apprehensive,
because the Lord was with him and was departed from Saul,
the reason for this whole situation.
The spirit of God had left Saul;
the spirit of God was with David.
The spirit of God, when God is with you,
brings success and glory, verse 13.
Therefore Saul removed him, removed David, from him
and made him his captain over 1,000,
and he went out and came in before the people.
This is a figure of speech, a Hebrewism.
Went out and went in, it just means he went about
his day-to-day activities before the people.
I think he removed David from his immediate presence,
so as to avoid this jealousy taking over,
and made him captain over 1,000.
That's a pretty powerful military figure.
And David behaved himself wisely in all his ways,
and the Lord was with him.
God's blessings bring success.
Wherefore when Saul saw that he behaved himself very wisely,
he was afraid of him.
This word afraid is different than the word afraid
we had in verse 12, where in the Hebrew it's yara,
which means to fear.
It can mean to revere, it can also mean to be apprehensive.
This word afraid is nur, and it means to shrink
from sore fear.
Saul's rejection by God is being manifested
in his fear of David.
Verse 16, But all Israel and Judah loved David,
further driving Saul into this madness,
because he went out and came in before them.
He was a good leader, he was well respected by the people.
He was courageous in battle.
He was honorable, verse 17.
And Saul said to David, "Behold my elder daughter Merab,
"her will I give thee to wife,
"only be thou valiant for me, and fight the Lord's battles."
For Saul said, to himself, "Let not mine hand be upon him,"
referring to David, "but the let the hand of the Philistines
"be upon him."
Saul did promise, it was well known throughout the troops
of Israel that Saul promised that he would give his wife,
or one of his daughters, to whoever would fight and kill
Goliath, the giant.
And also his father's house would be free of taxes
from that day forward.
Is he being a nice guy here and meeting his promises?
No, he has an ulterior motive.
His motive is to, "I'm not gonna kill David;
"I'm gonna have the Philistines kill David.
"David's dead; my problems are solved."
This is not an act of love on the part of Saul,
much to the contrary, verse 18.
And David said unto Saul, "Who am I," question,
"And what is my life, or my father's family in Israel,
"that I should be son in law to the king?"
This is very humble statement by David.
"Who am I that I should be the son in the law to the king?"
I'll tell you who he was.
He was a man after God's own heart.
He was not only suitable to be the son in law to the king;
he is the next king of Israel, verse 19.
And it came to pass at the time when Merab, Saul's daughter,
should have been given to David,
that she was given unto Adriel, the Meholathite, to wife.
Nothing is written anywhere else in the Bible
about this Adriel.
Nothing is written about why Saul broke his promise to David
that he was going to give Merab to him.
Perhaps the next verse explains.
And Michal, Saul's daughter, loved David,
and they told Saul, and the thing pleased him.
It was right in his eyes in the Hebrew.
I think this can be explained in that Merab
did not love David.
She loved this Adriel.
Her father did not want to put her in a marriage
that she did not love the bridegroom.
So, it was brought to his attention
that his younger daughter, Michal, did love David,
and that served two purposes.
21, and Saul said, "I will give him her,
"that she may be a snare to him,"
again, he's not being a nice guy.
This is not for David's benefit; he has an ulterior motive.
"And that the hand of the Philistines may be against him."
Wherefore Saul said to David,
"Thou shalt this day be my son in law
"in the one of the twain."
And this means in the second way.
Merab was the first way; Michal is the second way.
Nice guy Saul, no, he's scheming to have David killed.
And Saul commanded his servants saying,
"Commune with David secretly and say,
"Behold, the king hath delight in thee,
"and all his servants love thee.
"Now therefore be the king's son in law."
Saul's sending messengers because he knows David
probably doesn't trust anything that Saul says or does
at this point.
There's a certain thing about forgiveness,
but you don't forget someone trying to pin you to the wall
with a javelin.
David's not deceived by Saul's words at all.
And Saul's servants spake those words in the ears of David.
And David said, "Seemeth it to you a light thing
"to be a king's son in law, seeing that I am a poor man,
"and lightly esteemed?"
This is to Saul's messengers and he's saying,
"I don't have the dowry that it would take to secure
"the king's daughter.
"I'm a poor man and lightly esteemed."
And the servants of Saul told him saying,
"On this manner spake David."
Saul, this is what David said.
David said, "I can't come up with that kind of money
for the dowry that would be expected for Michal.
And Saul said, "Thus shall ye say to David,
"The King desireth not any dowry,
"but 100 foreskins of the Philistines,
"to be avenged of the king's enemies."
But Saul thought to make David fall by the hand
of the Philistines.
"All I want, David, from you is the foreskins
"of 100 Philistines."
The Philistines were uncircumcised;
that's why they were often called uncircumcised heathens.
You can be sure that these Philistines,
100 of them are not going to line up
to make a donation to David for the 100 foreskins
that he needs to secure the hand of Michal in marriage.
He would have to kill the 100 Philistines
and Saul is thinking surely the Philistines will kill David
before he's able to kill 100 of them.
26, and when his servants told David these words,
it pleased David well to be the king's son in law,
and the days were not expired.
In the Hebrew, this is the days were not fulfilled.
There was still time to accomplish the agreement.
Wherefore David arose and went, he and his men,
and slew of the Philistines 200 men.
He didn't stop at 100, he did 200.
And David brought their foreskins,
and they gave them in full tale,
that means a full count, to the king,
that he might be the king's son in law.
And Saul gave him Michal, his daughter, to wife.
He kept his promise this time,
although he had broken other promises.
Verse 28, And Saul saw and knew that the Lord
was with David, much to his chagrin,
and that Michal, Saul's daughter, loved him.
God's protection over David making things difficult
for his enemies, including Saul.
And Saul was yet the more afraid of David,
and Saul became David's enemy continually.
The hatred of David was growing and growing.
It never will stop until Saul is dead, verse 30.
Then the princes of the Philistines went forth,
to battle, in other words, to war,
and it came to pass, after they went forth,
that David behaved himself more wisely than all the servants
of Saul, so that his name was much set by.
This was in the Hebrew is his name became precious
to the people.
David means beloved, it can be translated,
and the people did love David.
He was, as I said earlier, he was very courageous.
He was fair, he was honest with the people.
He was wise in his doings and his popularity was growing;
the popularity of Saul was surpassed
by the popularity of David.
David's gonna spend a good part of his time
over the next several years on the run from Saul
and his armies.
But, again, God watches over David and protects him.
It was promised that that seed line was going
to come through David.
That promise was made in Genesis 3:15,
where God was talking to the serpent and Mother Eve,
and he said, "I'm gonna put enmity between thy seed
"and the woman's seed," as he was speaking to the serpent.
And it referring to the seed of the woman,
"You will bruise his heel."
Certainly they did that when they nailed him to the cross,
but, "He," that's Jesus Christ, "Will bruise your head."
Satan didn't want David to be on the throne.
Satan knew that it was through David's seed line,
out of the root of Jesse, would messiah come.
He knew that head bruising is not past, it's future.
Satan was doing all he could
to keep that messiah from coming.
Messiah doesn't come, Satan wins, death wins.
Messiah came and death lost, Hebrews 2:14.
The reason Jesus was crucified on the cross
was to defeat death.
Oh, death, where is thy sting?
Grave, where is thy victory?
Don't miss the next lecture.
We got a short message.
We'll ask you to listen a moment, won't you please?
- [Narrator] The Mark of the Beast on CD
is our free introductory offer to you.
What is the Mark of the Beast?
Many false teachers would have you believe
it will be a tattoo on your forehead
or a computer chip planted under your skin.
It's getting late in the game.
You need to know what the Mark of the Beast is.
As it's written in Revelation 13:8, many will be deceived.
Christ said in Mark 13:23,
"Behold, I have foretold you all things."
Jesus, indeed, told us how not to be deceived,
and Pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step-by-step study
of God's word concerning this critical subject.
The telephone call is free, the CD free.
No shipping and handling, just call 800-643-4645
to request your one-time, one-per-household copy
of the Mark of the Beast.
You may also mail your request to Shepherd's Chapel
PO Box 416 Gravette, Arkansas 72736.
Don't be deceived by Satan.
- Welcome back, we're glad you could join back with us.
Let's have the 800 number please, 800-643-4645.
That number good throughout Puerto Rico, the US, and Canada.
If you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose
to be answered on the air, feel free to call that number
and leave your question.
Please, don't ask questions about a specific individual,
denomination, or organization by name.
We try to teach God's word in a positive manner.
Throwing out negative about others
by name serves no purpose.
We simply won't do it.
We'll let God's word do the teaching,
the correcting, and the healing.
If you're studying via the internet
somewhere around the world that's unable
to use that 800 number, your announcer
at the end of the hour will give you our mailing address.
Quite all right to mail your questions in being the point.
Got a prayer request?
You can do away with the telephone number.
You don't need a telephone,
you don't need a mailing address.
Talk to your heavenly father.
You should make time each day to talk to him,
and tell him that you love him.
Thank him for the many blessings that he bestows upon ya.
I really don't think you have a lot of competition
from your brothers and sisters in this world today.
Everyone's so busy running here, running there,
trying to make a living.
They don't have time for God.
He has feelings just like we do,
and it hurts his feelings when you ignore him.
Don't do that, talk to your heavenly father.
We do have these prayer requests, Father.
We come united as one in the name of your son, Jesus Christ.
We ask you to look upon these, Father.
You know their needs, financial difficulties,
marital problems, Father, you know.
If it is your will, a special blessing on each of these.
We also lift up our military troops
who are in harm's way around the world, Father.
Watch over, guide, direct, touch, heal
in Jesus' precious name, amen, and thank you, Father.
Let's get to some questions and see what's on the mind
of folks around the country.
First up today we have Derick,
and Derick's from Tennessee.
"Do you think that God would still use us
"to fight a demon that was terrorizing someone
"if we had started sinning but knew all along
"God was with us?"
Number one, Derick, you don't fight with demons.
You don't fight with Satan.
Jesus taught us in Matthew chapter four how to handle Satan.
You rebuke him, and we do it in the name of Jesus Christ.
Luke 10:17-18, in the name of Jesus Christ,
we have power over all of our enemies,
that includes Satan, that includes evil spirits.
But, I tell you, if you start fighting with Satan,
and you think you can defeat Satan on your own
without the name of Jesus Christ, you're in for a hurtin'.
He'll eat your lunch, Satan will.
You don't entertain evil spirits,
you don't argue with 'em, you don't fight with 'em,
you order them out in the name of Jesus Christ.
Jesus said, "Get behind me, Satan."
That's what we say in the name of Jesus Christ.
Michelle in California, "Will you, please, explain
"what the meaning of the abomination of desolation
"in Matthew chapter 24 is?"
I sure can, and that's Matthew 24:15,
for those of you who aren't familiar.
And it states there when you shall see the abomination
of desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophet,
stand in the Holy Place.
When I read that, what's the first thing that comes to mind?
I wanna know where did Daniel, the Prophet Daniel, say that?
And if you are a biblical, not a scholar,
but if you're interested in God's word,
that's the way you learn God's word,
and it directs you to Daniel 9:27.
By the way, the Moffatt Bible did a lot better job,
James Moffatt did a lot better job of translating pronouns,
he, she, and it.
Rather than translating when you see the abomination
of desolation, stand where it ought not,
Moffatt correctly translates it when you see the abomination
of desolation standing where he ought not.
And what this is talking about
is when you see the Antichrist,
setting himself up in the Holy Place,
claiming to be Jesus Christ, get out of Judea.
Patricia in North Carolina,
"Is the Lord coming back soon to rapture the church
"out of here, and those left behind
"are those with the mark of the beast?
"I see all these bad things happening
"and wonder if he will come back soon."
Well, I look forward to the day that Jesus Christ comes back
but what you need to be aware of, Patricia and others,
is the Antichrist comes before Jesus Christ.
And, contrary to what you stated,
those who believe in the rapture theory,
which is not biblical at all,
are being set up to be deceived by the Antichrist.
They're the ones who are going to receive
the mark of the beast, not those who are left
here on Earth after the supposed rapture.
Jesus is coming back to Earth.
Read Acts 1:11.
That's when Jesus ascended from the Mount of Olives,
and the angels were standing there,
and they said to the disciples and the others there,
he said, "You men of Jerusalem,
"what are you standing around looking about?
"He's coming back here to the Mount of Olive."
And what do you put the gospel armor on for?
Ephesians chapter six, you put the gospel armor on
to stand against the fiery darts of Satan.
We're not flying away anywhere.
Antichrist is going to be here first.
We're gonna stand against him,
witness for Jesus Christ when the Holy Spirit
speaks through us, and then Jesus returns.
I say come, Lord Jesus, come.
And I agree with you in one respect, Patricia,
and that is things are a mess.
I'll tell you what, we've got,
things are turned upside-down.
People take what's right and say it's wrong.
They take what's wrong and say it's right.
Only Jesus can straighten this mess out.
Sheila in Georgia, "Where in the Bible can I find about
"financial blessings?"
Good question.
I like Deuteronomy 29:9, where the instructions to Moses
from our heavenly father, "Keep therefore the words
"of this covenant and do them,
"that you may prosper in all that you do."
You wanna prosper in all that you do?
Keep the covenant; that means keep the commandments of God.
And we all fall short.
I don't want anybody getting off on a guilt trip.
We all fall short, but that's what repentance is for.
I did a message not too awfully long ago called Prosperity,
CD 31555, and you might give that an order
if you're interested.
Being rich doesn't always involve having a lot of money.
There are many different ways to be rich,
and it's much better to be rich in your heavenly father,
towards your heavenly father
than it's to have a goldmine saved up
because you can't take a goldmine with you when you die,
but you need to build up your treasures in heaven,
not here on Earth.
Another thing on that,
be watching for your August newsletter,
which will be a Bible study entitled Rich Man,
and that definitely tells you
that there are more important ways to be rich
than having a lot of money.
Arlene in California, "Do you come from a long line
"of pastors in your family?"
No, actually not.
Neither of my grandfathers was a pastor.
My father, Pastor Arnold Murray, was a very good pastor,
as most of you know.
Debbie in Michigan, "I am interested in purchasing
"precious metals.
"I have done research on where to purchase them.
"However, there are so many different companies out there,
"I don't know who to trust.
"Can you, please, give me an idea
"of where to purchase so I don't get blindsided?
"Your help would be greatly appreciated."
And, no, Debbie I'm not able
to give you financial advice concerning,
or recommend a company, a reputable company
from which to buy precious metals.
What I would suggest you do is check out
the customer references for the companies
that you're looking at.
And, of course, for those of you,
"Why would you wanna be buying precious metals?"
The elect are not going to be able to buy and sell
while Antichrist is here.
If you want his funny money, the monetary system
of the One World Order, you're gonna have to worship
the Antichrist to get it.
We're not going to Worship the Antichrist,
and, therefore, it's good to have precious metals
so that you can barter.
You're not gonna be able to buy and sell,
but you're gonna be able to trade,
if you've got something that's valuable.
Silver, gold, other precious metals
always have been valuable; they always will be valuable.
Martha from Tennessee, "Can you tell me why Christians
"that believe in the rapture seem to prosper so much?
"Seems like everyone I know that is well to do
"believes in the rapture."
And we talked about this a minute ago.
Rich doesn't always necessarily mean having a lot of money.
What I would suggest you do, Martha, though is learn
the acrostic in Psalm 37.
There's a hidden message in Psalm 37
that involves verse seven, verse 20, and verse 34.
In the Hebrew language, stick with me here,
in the original languages, every verse is four lines
in the original language.
Verse seven, 20, 34 are three lines,
which point them out specifically to the astute student.
In verse seven it says, "Threaten not yourself
"in those who prosper in their way."
In other words, the ways of the world.
Don't worry about people who seem like they get ahead.
Verse 20 it states that the wicked shall perish,
and shall be as the fat of a lamb on an open spit.
Have you ever seen a little piece of fat
from a steak fall into the fire on a broiler or a grill?
(exhales sharply) It goes up in spoke forever.
And then in verse 34, the last part of the acrostic,
God will exalt the righteous,
that means he'll promote the righteous,
and you will witness the wicked being cut off.
You'll witness the wicked going into the lake of fire.
Tony in Georgia, "This is my question.
"I Corinthians 15:46, natural man is stated first
"after spiritual man.
"Does this mean that our souls were not in a spiritual body
"in the first Earth age, or before being born of woman?"
No one was born of woman in the first Earth age.
So, to answer your question, Tony, there was no flesh
in the first Earth age because no one was born of woman.
It was in this, the second Earth and heaven age,
that the womb was formed and people were born in the flesh.
First Earth age, spiritual only.
That's not to say there was no flesh;
there was no flesh man.
But the dinosaurs, for example, were in the flesh
in the first Earth and heaven age.
And who do we have?
Elizabeth from Maine, "I thank our father for the gift
"of this ministry," and thank you.
You are truly appreciated.
Thank you for your kind comments.
Let's get to your question.
"I am Elizabeth from Maine,
"so this has to do with Isaiah 66:22-24.
"If there are no tears in heaven,
"then why do we have to look upon the dead bodies
"of those who have rebelled against God?
"I am so sadly troubled enough over people
"that do not know the Lord already
"because they are living in this wicked world without hope,
"and nothing to look forward to.
"Why must we look upon those suffering
"because they rebelled?
"Why must this be?," question.
"I will never be able to be joyful and happy then."
Isaiah 66:22, 23, and 24 is talking about Gehenna,
which is most often translated
into the English language as hell.
Elizabeth, I want you to understand hell is the lake of fire
and if you go into the lake of fire, which Satan will,
and those who choose to follow him, you're blotted out.
You're blotted out forever.
It's not like we're gonna be, I agree with you.
Heaven to me would not be sitting there looking down
at ol' Uncle Jeff screaming at the top of his lungs
for the eternity because he's in the lake of fire.
It's like the fat of that lamb when it hits the spit
of the barbecue grill.
(exhales sharply) It goes up and it smoke forever and ever.
But I want you to take a note, Elizabeth.
You read Revelation 21:4.
That's the kind of heaven you want.
There's no more sorry, there's no more crying,
there's no more death, there's no more pain,
and God wipes away the tears from his children's faces.
That's what heaven is.
It's not listening to people scream for the eternity
because they're in the lake of fire.
Cindy in Alabama, "When our flesh bodies die,
"do we travel back to heaven a space vehicle,
"like Ezekiel described, or do we just step out of our flesh
"into a different time period?"
That's called a different dimension.
"Parallel universe, dimension," you said it.
"When John was taken to the third heaven age,
"that sounds like he was taken to the future."
It was a future point in time,
but it wasn't a third heaven; it was a third heaven age
that he was taken to.
"And then brought back to this second Earth age."
You got it.
"Since we came from heaven to Earth at conception,
"then return to heaven when we die,
"and everything that is has been and will be again.
"Everything happens exactly as it is written in the Bible,
"even thousands of years beforehand.
"Are dimensions like time travel?"
I wouldn't want to, I think you'd scare off a lot of people
if you started talking about the dimensions
being time travel.
I don't think that your original question was,
"Do we travel in a vehicle such as in Ezekiel chapter one?"
I don't believe so.
The flesh, or flesh body, returns to the Earth
from which it came.
The spirit returns to our heavenly father from once it came.
And the reason I think that the vehicles
were in Ezekiel chapter one was because it wasn't just God
who came to Earth to communicate with Ezekiel;
it was his throne, his entire throne.
Patty from Georgia, "Revelation 19:11-21 tells of Christ
"riding out of heaven on a white horse.
"Is this literal or symbolic?
"Does Jesus really arrive on a white horse
"at the second advent?"
Yes, but be very careful.
There is another who will arrive on a white warhorse.
You can read about him in Revelation 6:2.
He even has a bow, like the Shekinah glory
of Jesus Christ around.
The problem is, though, his bow in the Greek language
is toxon, and it means a cheap fabric imitation.
That's the Antichrist.
He returns first.
As always, he's gonna imitate Jesus every way he can.
Lucifer means the morning star.
Who is the morning star?
Jesus Christ is the morning star.
So, Jesus returns on a white horse, guess what.
Satan's gonna return on a white horse, why?
He wants to deceive you into believing
that he is Jesus Christ.
Don't be deceived.
Patty from Georgia, we did that one.
Who do we got now?
John from Kentucky.
"I'm sure what you do is a labor of love.
"Not wanting to contradict you or offend.
"I was just wondering why you don't teach more
"on the New Testament more often than what little you do."
And it's addressed to me personally because we teach
the pastors of Shepherd's Chapel
teach every book in the Bible.
We found ourself in a bit of quandary concerning
my teaching in the New Testament.
And you're not watching the Sunday messages very much
because I teach the New Testament
as much as I teach the Old Testament
in the regular Sunday messages.
But we've found ourself in a bit of a quandary
as far as me breaking into the New Testament with teaching.
Why, because if I teach a book in the New Testament,
we're gonna pull Pastor Arnold Murray's teaching
of the New Testament, and I'm not ready to quite do that
at this point in time.
We get too much mail from people thanking us
for continuing to air Pastor Arnold Murray's teachings.
Pam from New York, "One question: is there any one way
"to tell 100% for sure if you're one of God's elect,
"or is it something you will only find out
"when the time comes?"
If you understand God's overall plan,
and you understand that the Antichrist comes first,
you're probably one of God's elect.
There aren't very many people that understand
those two things at this point in time.
I am out of time.
I want you to know that I love you all a great deal, why?
Because you do enjoy studying God's word in depth.
You know what, it makes your father's day
when he looks down from heaven and he sees you
with the letter that he wrote to you, the Bible,
seeking knowledge of him, it makes his day.
We are brought to you by your tithes and offerings.
If we helped you, help us keep coming to you,
won't you do that?
Everything is super duper here at the Chapel.
I do want you to know there's one thing
that's most important, though, you stay in his word.
Every day in his word is a good day, do you know why?
It's because Jesus is the living word.
(organ music)
- [Narrator] Hearing God's word with understanding
will change your life.
We hope you have enjoyed studying God's word
here on the Shepherd's Chapel Family Bible Study Hour
with Pastor Dennis Murray.
If you would like to receive more information
concerning Shepherd's chapel,
you may request our free introductory offer.
Our introductory offer contains the Mark of the Beast CD,
our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study,
a CD catalog, and a list of written reference works
available through Shepherd's chapel.
To request our free introductory offer by telephone,
call 800-643-4645 24 hours a day.
You may also request our introductory offer
by writing to Shepherd's Chapel PO Box 416
Gravette, Arkansas 72736.
Once again, that's Shepherd's Chapel PO Box 416
Gravette, Arkansas 72736.
We invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study
each week day at this same time.
Thank you for watching today's program and God bless you.
♪ He's got the whole world in his hands
Tourist - We Stayed Up All Night (feat. Ardyn) (Official Audio) - Duration: 4:26.
So let's pretend that we have no weight on our shoulders
No time for future, no time for the past
You know we're young have time for fun
We'll open the door and out we run
I remember cause you told me you were going away
I wanted to know you, tomorrow was too late
Standing on younger ground, we didn't know what we'd found
But the world put you in front of me and we aligned
We stayed up all night (to watch the sunrise)
We stayed up all night (we never felt so alive)
We stayed up all night (to watch the sunrise)
We stayed up all night (we never felt so alive)
I remember the evening the air was cold outside
I was wanting for nothing somehow you arrived
Standing on younger ground, we didn't know what we'd found
The world put you in front of me and we aligned
We stayed up all night (to watch the sunrise)
We stayed up all night (we never felt so alive)
We stayed up all night (to watch the sunrise)
We stayed up all night (we never felt so alive)
I won't give it up tonight X4
We stayed up all night (to watch the sunrise)
We stayed up all night (we never felt so alive)
We stayed up all night (to watch the sunrise)
We stayed up all night (we never felt so alive)
We stayed up all night
We stayed up all night
We stayed up all night
I bought a Banana plant Musa Basjoo from Germany - Duration: 3:45.
Hi I'm George I went to the post and got a parcel
IE, I bought a banana plant on eBay
This time a plant on ebay, not seeds
And it came pretty fast in 11 days
I'm so happy, it's called Musa Basjoo
And I bought at a price of 16 euros
Less than 16, but it's ok
And the seller is from Germany
And the seller said the banana is 10 centimeters, and puts it in a cardboard box
And she put it
and we open the box and see the condition of banana plant
Let's do that
But this box is so easy, and it's really cool
The German packed very well
Let's open the box
Look at the condition of the banana palnt, it's called Musa Basjoo
The beauty came, it is still very small
To me it will grow bigger but
We will see how fast it will grow
Look how it is
Is thin and small yet
I will plant it in a pot untill
But good it came green
And very super
Look, how it looks at the moment
I will plant it in a pot
So it came day 2 And look how the banana looks, I hope to grow new leaves
So we will see, when I buy plants I like to choose small plants
And grow them big with my hand
So it's great
this until it will not plant directly in the ground
I expect to grow, to make it thicker
And wait to grow beautiful new leaves
and then I will think, to put it directly in the ground
That there are some dogs and they can destroy it
But I know it will grow well because
I like bananas and grows well to me
Look like I have bananas directly into the ground, for example it
Has grown very well directly into the ground
And it's two years old and I planted it from the seed
And looks gorgeous, it's growing very fast on the ground
And already has babys
And look at how babys grow, one
And the second is there
Great, I like bananas
In a while we will see this little banana Musa Basjoo like this
Great and beautiful, but we will need to have patience
And that's it, and it's very exciting when you look and see it so small
And when it grows big and you look, and you say wow how cool
And that's it
I like this command, and I'll still make banana orders
And thank you for watching
leave a like, distribute this video
And we'll see you next time, bye :)
Remy: People Will Die! - Duration: 1:56.
These cuts are blood money.
People will die.
Let's be very clear:
Senate Republicans are paying for tax cuts for the wealthy with American lives.
People need kidneys.
It's sad but decreed.
Yet this Senator's hoarding one more than she needs.
I offer this bill and I hope you'll vote aye
unless of course you just want people to die.
Traffic deaths have many crying with fear.
Over thirty thousand people are dying each year.
This modest change I propose must be applied
unless of course you just want people to die.
Alcohol deaths are exceeding comparisons,
black people, white people, native American.
We need to ban alcohol, it can't be denied,
unless of course you just want people to die.
Murders are bad, they have no defenders.
Yet many are committed by repeat offenders.
I say lifetime in prison whatever the crime,
unless of course you just want people to die.
I don't have a bill, or a groan to detail,
I just need a short clip for my donor email.
Tim there's blood on your hands!
You want people to die!
That good? Cool.
Tim, dinner at five?
The car deaths I mentioned are terrible stuff.
Doesn't seem one seat-belt is ever enough.
You must vote for my act so that fewer will cry,
unless of course you just want people to die.
The carbs, the container, we cannot ignore
whipped cream's killing more people than ever before.
This bill would be passed and be ratified
if those people that didn't want people to die.
Why not weigh all the costs?
the effects, the results.
Empathize with each other as if we were adults.
Use our brains to craft arguments not vilify.
See that freedom's a trade-off.
You want people to die!
I tried.
PRANKING MY MOM WITH A TATTOO!!! - Duration: 18:38.
Rinor: What are you guys doing?
Rinor: Did Mom go to sleep?
Rina: Yoo Rinor what is that?
Rinor: What?
Rina: What is that??
Rinesa: Turn around
Mom: Rinor why are you sleeping here?
Mom: Go sleep in your room!
Rina: Mom look what Rinor has done..
Rina: Look he got a Tattoo.
Mom: What did you do???
Mom; You got a tattoo?
Mom: You know thats not good for you right?
Rina: Mom i told you that this guy is messed up. He went and got a tattoo for no reason. You know that is permanent right?
Mom: Why did you get a tattoo, you know that's not good right?
Rinor: Last night... Mom: What do you mean last night??
Rinor: Let me wake up first...
Mom: No you can't... What time did you come home??
Rinor: 3:00 am
Mom: So when did you get the tattoo??
Rinor: Last night...
Mom: that's not good Rinor..
Rinor: I know it's not good but I had to do it, so I did it.
Mom: What do you mean you had to do it???
Rinor: We drank a little bit with friends, and we had a competition, losser has to get a tattoo.
Mom: But it's not good for you..
Rinor: It's the EAGLE
Rinor: I have to show the whole world I'm Albanian
Mom: But this doesn't come off
Rina: Yes is permanent
Rinor: So what??
Rina: I don't know why is he finding this so funny..
Rina : Slap him in the face than he will wake up.
Rinor: I know it's not good but it's the eagle
Mom: The eagle, so what it's never coming off..
Mom: Did you ask me for this?
Rinor: I called you but you didn't pick up
Rina: and he knows that mom doesn't like tattoos
Mom: Rina did you know about this?
Rina: No i just saw it, and that's why I called you.
Rinor: I know it looks bad but trust me it's really nice.
Mom: Dad is going to kill you. Am telling you that this is not good for you.
Rinor: It's pretty good.
Mom: No it's not..
Rinor: Last night i didn't see it good, but now i quiet like it.
Mom: U like it?
Rinor: mom look, am almost turning 20 soon and
Mom: So what 20, 40 it doesnt matter.
Mom: because you know i don't like this kind of stuff
Rinor: yes but girls like tattoos
Rina: You see he is taking it as a joke.
Mom: Trust me am disappointed and when dad comes he is going to kill you
Rinor : Why you don't like it?
Mom: No I don't
Rinor: Why not? It's an eagle
Rinor: Listen there is alot of people watching us on youtube, we got to show them that we are Albanians.
Rina: They can now we are Albanian even without a tattoo
Mom: I have no comment for this.
Rinor: Wait wait
Mom: go back to your room
Rinor: Can I just say something quick
Mom: No
Rinor: I have to tell you that with this tattoo i will get alot of girls. In a week I will get like 5 girls and i won't be lonely anymore
Mom: And how do other people get girls without tattoos. You don't need tattoo for that
Rinor: I couldn't anymore
Rina:I don't know how you not getting used with his lies.
Rinor: No but for real is a tattoo
Rinor: where is mom?
Rinor: You woke up at 8am and this is how we say good morning to you
Mom: You will take a beating one day!!!
Save Money on Software at the U of I WebStore - Duration: 2:22.
Saint Bernard Dog Eating Hot Dogs in a Swimming Pool - Duration: 3:45.
Saint Bernard Dog Eating Hot Dogs in a Swimming Pool.
Fmr GOP congressman Why I changed my mind on Obamacare MSNBC 1 - Duration: 10:59.
Honda CR-V 2.0i AWD Executive HDD Navigatie - Trekhaak - Rijklaar!!! - Duration: 0:54.
Toyota Avensis Verso 2.0i 5P, Zondag Open! - Duration: 1:02.
Lore of Kayn - Preview - Duration: 0:53.
a peerless practitioner of lethal shadow magic
Shieda Kayn battles to achieve his true destiny
to one day lead the Order of the Shadow into a new era of Ionian supremacy.
He audaciously wields the sentient darkin weapon Rhaast,
undeterred by its creeping corruption of his body and mind.
There are only two possible outcomes: either Kayn bends the weapon to his will...
or the malevolent scythe consumes him completely
paving the way for the destruction of all Runeterra.
DRIFT| OC Animation - Duration: 0:25.
I'm wandering
I'm weightless
I'm failing
I'm faithless
to madness
I'm taken
for granted
I'm wandering
and worthless
Forgive me
Forget it!
The Difference (Kaito V3 Talkloid motion +dl) - Duration: 0:14.
What's the difference between
YAOI and shounen ai?
Builder Hall 6 (Clash of Clans) - Fimo Miniature Polymer Clay Tutorial - Duration: 10:58.
Ok I baked it and it's finished
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I think it will be some troops:)
Take care and to the next one!:)
Hatsune Miku - Ghost Rule (Crusher Remix // Türkçe Altyazılı - Duration: 4:26.
Cooking With Me " African Dish" - Duration: 11:11.
Hi, guys welcome back to my channel. I'm writing on my cell and
Thank you to be here to cut on my video if you are a regular subscriber
Welcome back, and thank you cuz you have the real MVP if I just knew that's the first time you take in my channel
please stay click the subscribe button because I'm
Promised to you. I'm making so much fun things here. Oh
Whatever anyway, you definitely don't like me, but today. I'm gonna in my kitchen
Just like you see you can see we here we here today. So what we're here today
We're here today, because I'm about to cook some other conditions. Yes
consist of Plantain
chicken and
Vegetable that's just that so today
I'm bringing you dance for you
And me to enjoy so guys first of all I think I'm not dressing like an African mom
So hold on give me a second and have a good rest. How you like me now, I?
like this dress form
From Africa this cute dress kaka back and I tie my hair hmM pretty much, it doesn't match
But it's okay
I had to pick up something real quick because
you don't have to look all that people you gonna cook so I'm coming this food is a request for my sister and
She's in DC right now, and she just texts me mommy. Did you cook my food like I asked you to?
Hmm, and I said no, she said okay
Thank you very much, so she basically very mad she think I'm not cooking, but actually I'm cooking with you guys
And I'm cooking for her. So how are you gonna? Enjoy and
See you on the next video. Love you
So it's down about Peter oven at 350 for a minute
And there are plenty in this afternoon plenty don't be scared the skin
It's like that because it's really is pretty much yellow 20 is another form of banana
So don't be scared is a very very very good very sweet
You can fly you can boy you can be kid, but for us this time. We're gonna bake it
We're not gonna fight because it's not really what we want. We want to low down the bad calorie
So what I'm doing right? Now is I'm gonna take off the skin off the plantain
Pretty easy really, just like you taking off the pan and your skin on the banana very easy
And then I'm gonna cut I'm not cutting too small because I'm gonna. I'm gonna
Put on the oven so I'm gonna bake it so you don't want that to stick on the pan. That's why
That's what I'm doing again. So that's what I'm gonna. Do for all of that
Now that I cut all the plantain upon the big pan because the other pain was so small
So I'm just I'm a franco a little salt in it I
Don't know reason why I'm putting salt is
Test differently because at the end of the day you you put salt under order food
When I will go ahead and spray some all oreo on it because you don't want to stick together I
Feel that this this oil wasn't enough, so I went and I grabbed the other oil and put on top on it
I add some little of it
And I will mix it
And it will be definitely ready to put in the oven
So I will put in the oven for like let's say 20 minute and then I will checked
Now that the plantain is getting really is getting baked over there
We're gonna Grab the chicken its and this one is actually chicken legs
Some thick enough, and I put in the vaccine. I don't know how you call that
You put that away, and then I'm gonna take off the skin. I've done like I don't like cooking with the skin on the chicken
I don't know why I think it's just so on Earth a healthy
And then I will break it. I will turn the knife to the other side and break it into
Because having the whole chicken is just to be polite
but that magical meal so I turned and break it and turn back to the knife to cut it I
Hope you understand what I'm saying you're using the Pod that is now sharp to break the bones of the chicken
so you're breaking into
you can cook that also with
like chicken to whole chicken actually
So to clear my chicken a spray and a little lemon on it
No, bubble or bunch of it actually I let that sit for let's see 10 minute
While I see you now, I'm a crab onions garlic
Green peppers green onions
What else yeah? That's all that. I'm a blended together
That's actually the spice knock on the hoppers cook the chicken live and cook the whole nail with
You don't have any any really matter how you cut the onions cuz you're gonna blend it. It's Gonna blend it very
It's Gonna all blend it. It's Gonna be a packed
Go ahead, and wash all my rings
So actually I have persil green onions
That's opinions. Go ahead, and wash it cut the clay down through that pathway
Land on my Green is ready. I'm I wash the chicken
Again, and then now I'm fleeing some salt some black
This is another cheek and says when they're not really good for your for our health
But at the African we need that guys we definitely need that
I'ma put the greens that I blended in it, then I'm gonna mix it together
Yeah, you use. You're gonna use one of your hands cuz
Helping you mix all the food you just wash it. Hi guys this is my friend. She was there for a little talk girl talking
Then I would go ahead and put in the pan
to bake it
Usually you fried the chicken so usually you clipped of chicken you bought a chicken for like 20 minutes
And then you fired me, I believe everything about turning about five. I don't like it
So I baked a pigtail. I did I decide to bake it just because I'm staying away from any unhealthy thing
We need to bake it now. I took the point enough, and I was turned just because one part was really the
The one that was touching the pan was ready
And I turned and then I would turn it again and put it back in the oven oh
Go ahead and put it back movin now. We go ahead with vegetables. I have Karat
Paper Green Papers Tomatoes
green onions pestle and I cut it I could just
I'll just cut it you can you don't have any particular way
How you wanna call it and then after that everything was really and I'm mixing everything together for some salt
Some so I actually I mean you know how you like your food to taste. So you just go ahead and put some sauce
black people
and the logo the logo green that x left you're gonna put that in it and then the
Chicken the water out of the chicken you put that on it, and then that's the final what guys you
Ready to eat yummy, Washington again. I'm even hungry
I hope you guys like my video, and thank you for watching guys. I love you guys you in the next video
18 Ways to Style Box braids or Short Twist- - Duration: 10:23.
Dont forget to choose your favorite hair style and comment below
Dont forget to choose your favorite hair style and comment below
Superb 2 - Replacement of small flap gas spring (Magneti Marelli GS0920) (3T5827552) - Duration: 2:00.
MYSTIC MESSENGER- "Friendship goals" ANIMATIC (Golden Time Parody) - Duration: 1:19.
Let me in!
No, really...
I'm not feeling well today.
You shouldn't have push your self so hard~
I thought I'd make you dinner...
Hey, do you like meat and potatoes?
No, not really...
You know, I'm free for today
I was wondering if I could stay over ~
Seriously, seriously, seriously, seriously...
Hi~ ZEN-san
Eh, what?
W- what?
He is my boyfriend
No one can come between us,
We are lovers from a past life.
I was a shepherd in a past life
And I was a nun at a convent~
You two are weird!
You saved my life...
Re: Responses To 7 Simple Steps To Get Biafra Without Firing A Single Shot By Rudolf Ogoo Okonkwo - Duration: 8:20.
Re: Responses To 7 Simple Steps To Get Biafra Without Firing A Single Shot By Rudolf Ogoo Okonkwo
In my article, "Just Before You Say Biafra," I listed 7 simple steps to get Biafra without firing a single shut. I received a lot of responses from many of you. Here is my reaction to your responses.
This is from a story that former APGA chairman, Chekwas Okorie told a few of us at the 2004 World Igbo Congress Convention in New Jersey.
In 2003, APGA won election in 4 of the 5 eastern states, according to Chekwas Okorie. But the PDP rigging machine rigged APGA's governorship candidates out.
In those days of Obasanjo and Maurice Iwu, they wasted no time with sophisticated rigging methods. They simply wrote the results they wanted, handed it over to INEC officials to announce.
When the results were announced, Chekwas went to then President Olusegun Obasanjo to complain. Obasanjo acknowledged that the rigging happened and promised to hand back to APGA and Chekwas two or three states.
He asked Chekwas to first go and consult his party on the states he would like handed over to APGA.
During the same election, PDP was also set to rig ACN out of the South West. As the results were being published online at INEC website, all western states were falling to PDP.
When the then Lagos State governor, Bola Tinubu, saw what was going on, he called President Obasanjo.
He told Obasanjo that he had 10,000 area boys who had gallons of petrol in hand ready to burn down Lagos if INEC announced that he lost to PDP.
Obasanjo immediately called Maurice Iwu and asked him to leave Lagos State alone. That was how Lagos state was left alone.
Meanwhile, when Chekwas returned to Obasanjo days after the election, Obasanjo had seen that all was calm in the East. He told Chekwas off and asked him to go and do his worse.
I said all this to point out that I am fully aware that elections in Nigeria are often rigged. The riggings have gone from crude means to sophisticated means.
Without endorsing Tinubu's approach, determined group can fashion out effective ways of resisting election rigging and protecting the mandate of their people.
In the meantime, I want to clear one misunderstanding about the 2/3 of the elected officials mentioned in the article. That was referring to South Eastern elected officials, not all the senators and members of the House of Representatives.
The ultimate goal of the plan that I laid out is to give the world empirical proof that a majority of the people in Eastern Nigeria want Biafra. Sit-at-home order is not a proof.
You provide proof when you elect local and national representatives who advocate self-determination. Unfortunately, the East cannot force a referendum to happen.
But what can be done, and done fairly easily, is to show through electing people who believe in self-determination and self-governance to the state houses in the East and to represent the East in Abuja.
Many have asked, whether a party that supports self-determination and self-governance of the Igbo can be registered in Nigeria. APGA was such a party, even though it probably did not spell it out.
Any registered political party can add self-determination to its platform. There is no reason self-determination cannot be a legitimate aspiration of a political party in a democracy.
It will not lead to a de-registration. If it does, the court would have to intervene.
A new party can state it as a platform and go for registration. As long as the party is not saying its platform is to break away from Nigeria, which will run into constitutional problem, registration will go through.
But if it doesn't, that will be an opportunity to take the matter to the courts and test our so-called democracy.
Having such a party in place, the only thing that can stop the election of people who support the platform from happening, as some have identified, is rigging.
Which brings us to the question of how we can have a free election in the East.
First of all, the premise of this whole piece is the Biafran activists' assumption that majority of people in the East support Biafra – as shown from the response to the sit-at-home order.
If it is in the interest of people in the East to have Biafra, why won't they ensure that elections are credible?.
Secondly, who rigs elections? Who do politicians, whether local or from Abuja, use to rig elections? Are they not the same local people who support Biafra? When given the option to rig an election that will keep them in Nigeria or to allow a free election that will free them from Nigeria, why would they rig?.
Thirdly, if politicians from the East are all signing up with Biafran activists' cause, why would they work against that interest when it is very crucial?.
If the above mentioned issues are addressed, no military force or security operatives will be able to infiltrate and successfully rig elections against the will of all the people driven by a singular purpose as strong as Biafra.
More importantly, is it not easier to ensure a free and fair election in the East than to stop elections from happening unless the federal government gives a date for a referendum? Is it not easier to ensure a free and fair election in the East than to fight a war with Nigeria?.
If in an environment that is supposedly "pro-Biafra", Biafran activists cannot convince the people to vote for the cause and protect their vote, how do they intend to lead these same people to war when internal and external interests will throw in everything to make sure the war is lost?.
Unless the goal is to force people to believe what we believe, there is no substitute to winning people over to your side of the argument. Unfortunately, force fails in the end. It fails even quicker when deployed against the Igbo.
Also, there is a limit to where propaganda can take anyone. The easy task is to talk and to threaten people.
The difficult task is to humble yourself, get into the arena, pull up your shirt and do the tough job needed to convince others that your argument is superior, smarter and safer.
The choice is yours. If you cannot lead a people to vote for your position and to protect that vote, you probably cannot lead them to a war and win. Rudolf Ogoo Okonkwo is the author of "This American Life Sef.
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