Hi! Today we're talking about the short "u"
vowel sound. So there are different spelling patterns for this sound but
often it's just the letter "U". But the thing that's confusing is that in French
and Spanish in many languages, the "U" letter always sounds like "u" or "oo" but
in English sometimes it sounds like "a". Like in the word "sun". Not "soon" where the
lips are going out "oo". It's "sun" where the jaw is dropping and it's a somewhat low
sound: "sun" "sun", "soon" and "sun". Some other examples of the short "u" are in the
word "love". So you notice that has an "O" in it so it's not always a "U" but it could
be in the word "run" or "gun". So it's usually the letter "U" and involves that
jaw dropping "a": "Sun". Great! So now you know so you don't get confused in
English that the letter "U" is not always "u" or "oo", sometimes it's "a" like in "sun".
Now's the time for you to practice on your own! And thank you for watching.
For more infomation >> How to pronounce the /ʌ/ sound | American English Pronunciation - Duration: 1:36.-------------------------------------------
Jaditoner E commerce - Duration: 4:42.
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SS14 .. !! Funny Science HOWTO of a strange video and life honey tips [HOWTO] - Duration: 2:23.
SS14 .. !! Fun Science howto videos and miraculous life kkultip [HOWTO]
Mercedes-Benz 200 - Duration: 1:07.
I hate studying !! Children who became mother ?! Replace role - [RabbitPlay] - Duration: 6:03.
I hate studying !! Children who became mother ?! Replace role - [RabbitPlay]
★ Nightcore - Summer Mashup 2017 | +40 songs | Live Stream | Sugu Music ★ - Duration: 5:55.
Nightcore Live
Sugu Music
Summer Mashup 2017 +40songs
Nightcore radio
Moonstruck - O Suave Fanciulla (O Loveliest of Maidens) - Duration: 4:05.
Oh Loveliest of Maidens
Oh Sweetest Vision
Bathed in the soft glow of a Moonbeam
In you
I see a Dream come to
Ah! You Alone Command Us
Oh Love!
A Dream
I pray always to Dream!
In the Depth of My Soul
I Tremble
with the Height of Passion
Your Kisses Thrill
Love itself!
Oh! How sweetly does -
Be mine!
- his flattery fall upon My Heart
You alone command me, Beloved!
No, I beg you!
Might I go along with you?
What? Mimi?!
It would be so much sweeter to stay here.
It's Freezing outside.
I shall stay close to you!
And when we return?
You'd like to know!
Let me take your arm, My Dear little one.
I shall oblige, kind sir!
Tell me you Love me!
I Love You!
My Love!
My Love
My Love ! My Love !
Mercedes-Benz 200 - Duration: 1:07.
IWC Presents: Hong Kong Tatler Generation T 2017 Pioneers - Duration: 2:11.
What drives me is the desire to make an impact,
a positive impact.
So, that answer changes pretty much every day
but lately it's been my staff who's been driving me a lot to become better and better.
What drives me is the universal curiosity to the world
and to the people within that.
What drives me is seeing the people using the products
and they really love it.
and it's what keeps us going.
The reason for my ambition comes from
being first generation on my dad's side
and really understanding that struggle.
I think a great leader makes everyone around them feel important
and valued and encourages them to do their best.
Really waking up every day and looking forward to
what I get to do. That's success for me.
Failure is not a word in my dictionary.
I do think there is only learning and success
and failure is just a type of learning
on the way to success.
Great leaders are people who are able to
get their hands dirty in order to move things forward.
I'm really proud of creating something that people love
and also by doing that, I'm also creating jobs.
That's what makes me proud.
Saab 9-3 2.0t Euro Edition - Duration: 0:59.
Smart Forfour 1.0 T BRABUS Xclusive Automaat - Duration: 1:00.
do's and don't of college along with some tips for incoming freshmen| pt 1 - Duration: 13:55.
Helly all this is u140550 peace what's up everybody
ok well I've been pretty pretty busy I'm not been watched very much but um if you
guys ever decide to definitely catch me down live-streaming sometimes a live
stream on to youtube so feel free to find that down in the down box below
please subscribe hit the like button I'm also hit the bell because I make videos
as um as frequently as I can when I have the chance to currently right now I'm
doing my college classes and I've been very very busy college summer classes of
this anyways get in today's video and for incoming college students even
though I've probably already made these type of videos I felt that these needs
to be improved that's one of the reasons why you see some of the videos that
you're seeing right now as far as what I'm giving anyways for any of you guys
that I new freshmen or incoming freshmen these are some little things that you
should not do in college I mean sometimes some teachers will
prefer it but sometimes for the most part and I'm sorry if this is not even
even um some but for the most part most professors will not really listen to you
if you are doing this so when you go to college you know how I mean the college
when you go to elementary school middle school high school how do you tell you
to raise your hand I still sometimes do this but for the most part most colleges
they want you to be independent and to just answer in a respectful way and also
just to basically speak so one person has one opinion when a person has
another opinion you pretty much after they're done you can talk your opinion
then they can talk their opinion etc but depending on the
Prester sometimes you can also do this especially if you're in a good
discussion I learned this very much when I was in
my first few classes in college and a lot of times even though I was doing
this they were like David don't really pick me they just you know picked
whoever they saw if the person was pointing their finger out but usually P
spoken you said professor to the yes or ponte de Beauvoir so if you can
definitely say things in a respectful way you will definitely be able to get
their attention and also at the same time be able to UM learn and be able to
say what you need to say for some professors they will ask you to raise
your hand but for other professors where most part usually would not want to do
this always um excuse me always in commute in community college and
university okay so that's one the next one is remember you're in a class you
know how when you when you're in high school middle school and elementary
school you would raise your hand or you asked a professor or teacher can I go to
a restroom or may I go to restroom now that's respectful that's something that
definitely you shouldn't exactly you know take away less para is like now
that you're in college they don't mind you getting out of the class because
you're an adult you know you need a restroom go don't ask the professor just
go and then come back because they feel that and a lot of people feel that once
you are in college you basically are in charge yourself they are not in charge
of you if you don't get your work done you get the grade that you get
if you um decide you know oh I don't really like this class or you know I I
don't want to stay in this class the whole area time then you can definitely
do that you can go to restaurant leave class go huh and I just got but don't
expect your grade be that good some professors do not like it that you have
your phone open all the time but because you're in college setting some teachers
don't mind you using it every now and then because it is a way for you to
navigate through lecture navigate through a lot of different things and
it's a good way to take notes sometimes but that's depending on those teachers
digression um I may have said that wrong but I actually just fished a 63 a 63 or
more um exam recently which recently today so
it's pretty pretty long and I also had another class so I'm pretty tired I'm so
sorry you guys anyways so yeah when you are doing that you are your own boss um
data point care about you as a student but but what I mean my they don't mind
they don't really care too much that you're going to leave is that it's not
like high school you have to ask permission if you need to go go if you
don't want to be in the class so be it but don't expect for your grades to be
good might as well if that is if you don't care about the education and you
know other things then some people some professors will say you might as well
drop because you need to be you need to be one of those people that is engaged
and really wants to try their best and work hard and actually care about your
education this is one of the reasons why from the other video that I made before
is college for everybody you have to have the great and you have the passion
to do it and all the other things that I explained in that video
um because college is not easy there is a lot of hard things that can happen a
good example is sometimes you will have a X amount of a lot of books with many
chapters sometimes 200 300 page books and usually you'll read give her a
little bit of it or all of them all through and you only have a short amount
of time to read them this is for sometimes literature classes sometimes
for English classes and at the same time you'll you'll have to analyze things and
make them into analytical lean good argumentative essays um that makes your
point valid also also along with that you will need to know how to structure
it depending on how on the way that your teacher wants you to make your essay
especially if it's your first time taking an English class in a college
setting say yes they do care about you it's not like they don't but there is
times when um when sometimes I've noticed people Dino and some different
students I know some that that sometimes they don't wrote there's like a first or
second semester but sometimes they they care they care about college but some of
them don't um particularly so then they don't come to class for maybe a week we
can have it is your responsibility as an adult to go to your classes and do what
you have to do so I don't want to waste a very much care about you but if you're
not going to give the effort back then you know it's not their fault because
you are a human being you are a person taking these classes and definitely like
I said you don't have asked the professor you got to do this this or
that you just go to the restroom we come back
you might have awesome what part of lecture but if your friends have took in
some notes maybe they'll give you some also when you are going to class they
expect you to have the books they need and to expect you to UM to understand
the requirements as a student in their class and that's definitely something
that you need to keep in mind also when you're reading books and you're doing
this in that take a good amount of time to Emma Tate make little notes in your
books or on a piece of paper to make sure that you are making the right type
of notes that will help you with your future essays I'm also taking notes so
that you can do good in your bio classes in your mathematical classes in your
chemistry classes etc um okay so what else to prepare you for college
make sure to also enjoy the college experience yes it is stressful yes it's
a lot of work guests this and that but do take a little bit of time if you can
to have a little bit of a relaxed time this is a reason being that you should
probably get a lot of your work done before the end of the week so that you
can always have a little bit of time to relax or downtown relax before you go
straight to studying for your next exam or studying for whatever it is also try
and make some friends um whether or not they'll be flown good friends depends on
you and your relationship with them but the reason I say make friends is because
you may not know anyone at the school but they will definitely help you out
with squish your schoolwork and your classes and it'll help you and them
to do well in the class on with that you need to um you need to take good notes
and sometimes depending on a few different things there are certain
programs that will help you in different things that you might need help with and
with that comes some things that accommodate certain people and help
certain people to make sure that you will do well in these classes on with
that you also want to make sure to study and repeat and reread notes so that you
will be prepared for those exams that are coming up anyways I have a lot more
I like the same but I'm going to put this as a part one and then I'm going to
add in a part two where I hope I set in the best way possible but this is the
best way that I can explain at this moment I will see you guys in the next
video please rate a K like comment and subscribe and hit that Bell button I
hope you guys enjoy this video I know it's a lot of me rambling and rambling
and rambling and look at the time right now it's almost 13 minutes long but um
this is definitely to prepare you for college and this is my part one there
will be a link to one video um from my previous video there will be another one
on this side that I'm going to be putting a random video this is actually
a video long long time ago when I was in HS and I would like for you guys to
actually look at it if you guys have a chance to it's a pretty cool one um it
was something I did in town show and also I will every now and then be
promoting different types of youtubers I really like I feel like
family needs a shout out just like they would probably shout out my channel so I
will definitely put them in the middle with my subscription picture right here
and their subscription picture right about here so anyways I will see you
guys in the next room and/or video when I have the chance to come back
this is you 1 4 0 5 5 0 will be sending out now and I hope to see you in the
next video every reader teen child Buster down yeah
Chăn ga giá rẻ | Ra giường Hàn Quốc đẹp sọc xanh vàng trẻ trung T-755 - Duration: 0:28.
Home Library Service from Essex Libraries - Duration: 2:01.
★ Nightcore - Summer Mashup 2017 | +40 songs | Live Stream | Sugu Music ★ - Duration: 5:55.
Nightcore Live
Sugu Music
Summer Mashup 2017 +40songs
Nightcore radio
Waking the Wind Fish - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Analysis - Retrospective - Duration: 7:18.
Out of all the games in the Legend of Zelda franchise that I've played (and I've played
most of them), Link's Awakening is probably tied with Majora's Mask for being my favorite.
I've adored Link's Awakening ever since I first got my hands on it as a kid, and that
love has only increased as I've grown up and replayed it over the years.
As The Legend of Zelda's first portable outing and following the release of A Link
to the Past on the Super Nintendo, it had a lot to live up to and did so exceedingly
well, even being the first game to try out some ideas that went on to become staples
throughout the rest of the series.
Despite often being listed as one of the best games released on the Game Boy, Link's Awakening
sadly seems to be one of the lesser played Zelda games.
Thankfully, Nintendo's Virtual Console service has widened availability of the game to those
who missed it before or are too young to have played it on release.
Unlike a lot of Legend of Zelda games, Link's Awakening doesn't have a grand story to
tell, at least at the start.
Upon booting up the game, you are shown a short sequence depicting Link sailing across
an ocean during a thunderstorm when his small boat is struck by lightning and completely
Found laying on a beach by a young woman named Marin, Link discovers that he washed up on
the shore of an island named Koholint.
After finding his sword, Link encounters an owl who explains some of the happenings of
late on Koholint, and that the only way to leave the island is to "wake the Wind Fish".
With nothing else to do but follow the sage advice of this owl, Link sets out, plundering
many dungeons across the island to gather the eight "Instruments of the Sirens",
which are the only way to wake the Wind Fish, because apparently alarm clocks haven't
been invented yet.
So that's it then, a very different story compared to the three previous Zelda games;
no grand tale of fighting a supreme evil to save the land, just the story of someone lost
in a strange place, desperately trying to find their way home.
In some ways, it's a lot more down-to-Earth than the previous games.
Link is just as much a stranger to this land as we are, and the small island setting and
lower population than in previous games means that characters are more unique, like Tarin,
Marin's crazy, mustachioed, mushroom-loving father (hmm, that sounds a bit familiar…)
or Grandpa Ulrira, who is too socially anxious to speak in person but acts as the game's
"Where do I go next?"
button if called from one of the many telephone booths scattered across the island.
The living, breathing island of Koholint isn't the only example of how Link's Awakening
Despite a pretty sizeable obstacle in the control limitations of going from the Super
Nintendo's four-button controller to the Game Boy's two buttons, the game never feels
clunky or stiff.
Sure, the solution of using both buttons for equipment slots can lead to changing what
items you have equipped more regularly, but that wasn't something that ever bothered
This change did mean that the sword, picking things up, and charging with the Pegasus boots
had to be converted to usable items since they no longer could be controlled via dedicated
buttons, but that's a relatively small compromise to have made for such an elegant solution.
Doing so even allowed for the secret ability to combine bombs and the bow to fire bomb
arrows, a concept that was continued in some future Zelda titles.
Link's Awakening did more to influence the series than just that, as well.
While A Link to the Past set a lot of standards for story and game design for the rest of
the series, Link's excursion to Koholint Island also tried out several new concepts
that became iconic for the series.
The item trading minigame, collectibles hidden around the world that grant you an award for
gathering enough, and even being able to play multiple songs on the ocarina all originate
from Link's Awakening.
It's even the first time that the ocarina, needed to wake the Wind Fish, plays a pivotal
part in the story of the game, assuming you don't count the duck from A Link to the
Past taking you from Ganon's Tower.
Other new ideas are less obvious, like the introduction of a magnifying lens that reveals
what is hidden, or receiving hints from a mysterious owl, but still had a heavy impact
on future games in the series.
Though, of course, we can't talk about the influence on other games without discussing
how Link's Awakening was influenced by other Nintendo titles.
Some of the references to other franchises aren't very subtle, such as the bow-wows
and myriad of other enemies that are heavily inspired by enemies from the Super Mario games,
or the Yoshi Doll that you win from the Trendy Game shop.
Tarin, as I insinuated earlier in the video, is extremely reminiscent of Mario, with a
large mustache, an appreciation for mushrooms, as well as being transformed into a raccoon
early on in the game.
Another character, Mr. Write, is based off of Dr. Wright from the Super Nintendo release
of SimCity.
As part of the item trading minigame, you deliver a love letter to him which includes
a photo of "Christine" (the photo really being of Princess Peach from the Mario series),
while in actuality Christine is… a goat.
...Yeah, I'm not going there.
Yet another interesting reference is to be found in Prince Richard, a character from
the Game Boy game Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru, which only saw release in Japan and
was the basis for the game engine of Link's Awakening.
Many Zelda games revolve around certain themes or concepts that form a basis for their story
or the tone that the game tries to present, and Link's Awakening is no different.
Twilight Princess plays heavily on the ideas of light, darkness, and the grey that lies
between; even the title alludes to this, as twilight is the intermediate time between
day and night.
The Wind Waker flirts with prophecy and the cyclical nature of the Hero; relatively fitting,
given the series' faithful following of the Hero's Journey narrative structure.
Majora's Mask places a lot of emphasis on feelings of loss and despair, especially in
certain sidequests.
Link's Awakening, despite its apparent lightheartedness, has some relatively heavy ideas at its core
as well.
As you push through the game, it is gradually revealed that there are some wider consequences
to waking the Wind Fish.
The bosses that guard the Instruments of the Sirens (appropriately named "Nightmares")
are insistent that the Wind Fish must not be awoken.
As you near the end of your quest, it becomes apparent that Koholint and all of its inhabitants
are a part of the Wind Fish's dream, and that by rousing the Wind Fish from its slumber
everything will disappear; the island, the monsters, all the friends you've made and
possibly even Link himself.
It's a disturbing revelation; even if these people and this place don't PHYSICALLY exist,
to both Link and the player they're as real as anyone else he has met in his journeys.
These are people that bonds have been formed with, that have given advice on where to go
next or how to get someplace, that have personalities and charm all their own, yet they are (seemingly,
anyway) a figment of the Wind Fish's dream.
And the one thing that Link has set out to do, that he NEEDS to do, will erase them from
They'll be gone forever, just like that.
And that's the most poignant thing that I pulled from this game.
As much of a connection as Link and the player may have to these characters, Link can't
stay in this world forever.
He has obligations to the outside world.
As painful as it might be, the Wind Fish must be woken up; the adventures on Koholint must
come to an end, and Link must return to his life... but these experiences and the people
he met will never leave him.
Despite being "just a dream", the time spent on Koholint and with those who lived
on the island will always be a part of Link; they're not truly "gone".
To me, this parallel between Link and the player is beautiful.
The ending has both Link and the player "waking up", putting down the "adventure" and
moving on.
Whether it be video games, cinema, television, books or real life, all of our adventures
and experiences stick with us for long afterward.
For me, Link's Awakening has been one of those adventures, and I just wanted to share
the "why" with you guys.
It is an amazingly well crafted game and serves as a great reminder that our experiences stay
with us and shape who we are as individuals, and that our friends and loved ones will always
be a part of us, even if they leave our lives for one reason or another.
BUTTER SCOTCH ICE CREAM RECIPE II बटर स्कॉच आइस-क्रीम बनाने की आसान विधि II BY VIJAYALAKSHMI II - Duration: 6:07.
Hello this is vijaya & welcome to vijaya's recipes.
Our today's recipe is Butter Scotch Ice-Cream.
Let me tell you what is Butter Scotch
Butter Scotch is a confection or a toffee like sweet which is made from butter, sugar and cream.
And this Butter Scotch is used for making desserts like Butter Scotch ice cream.
So let's make Butter Scotch Ice-Cream.
To make Butter Scotch Ice-Cream. we have taken 250 gm fresh cream.
1 Cup Milk, 1/2 Cup Milk Powder
2 tsp Butter, Crushed cashew nuts
3 tbsp sugar, 1/2 milk powder
Food colour - yellow colour & 1 tsp butter scotch flavour.
We have measured all these ingredients from this measuring cup (1/2 cup) & tbsp (1 tbsp)
So let's make Butter Scotch Ice-Cream.
We have turn on the gas and we'll put sugar in the pan
We'll cook the sugar on the low flame till its melted
While breaking the sugar granules we'll keep stirring it continuously.
Sugar is melted and we'll add butter in it
Adding cashew nuts
Mix it well
Turn off the flame
And we'll take out the mixture on a greased plate
We have let the mixture cool down for 10 mins. Now its is hard and we'll break it
We'll put these pieces into the blender jar
Let's blend them
We have grind it coarsely
Taking it out in a separate bowl.
In an another bowl adding fresh cream.
Powdered Sugar
Mix it well
Adding milk in it
Let's whip the ingredients
Add milk powder in it
Butter scotch mixture
Mix it well
Adding 1 tsp butter scotch essence.
Adding 2-3 drops of yellow food colour
Let's whip the mixture
Transferring the mixture into the ice cream container.
We have transferred the mixture into the ice cream container.
Let's close it and we'll deep freeze it for 10-12 hours
10 hours has been passed & we have taken out the ice-cream from the deep freezer.
Now we'll scoop the ice cream.
We'll garnish it with butter scotch mixture.
Our Butter Scotch Ice-Cream is ready.
If you like our today's recipe of Butter Scotch Ice-Cream, then do try this.
We have given all the detailed method of preparation & ingredients.
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After subscribing, please hit on the bell icon to get regular notifications of our new recipes.
And please keep watching our recipes on every Tuesdays & Fridays.
And for more such recipes please visit our website www.vijayasrecipes.com
Thanks a lot for watching.
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hey guys good morning it's now 12:45
a.m. not the scent of time the date is
June 27th and to damages profound a
market recap of what's been going on and
his crazy trip to market
welcome to the Cebu coach annal all
right so the first big information was
on Vitalik those rumor early in the
morning yesterday that he had passed
this woman was completely fake this is
the Wild West right now of the crypto
space it's not like CNN or MSN a Fox
where confirmation can happen any second
it takes time for rumors in a crypto
space to folks to find out if it's true
but if you guys don't know he is alive
and that all of you guys know by now so
that rumor is false he posted a note on
social media confirming a block number
that confirms that he is alive so rumor
dead alright next I want to talk about
this market correction the state news
affected the market pretty heavy those
massive profit taking but I think the
reason why the profit-taking happen is
because of all these ICL's
that are being funded with ephraim
Chilton's both going to Cohen base are
going to exchanges and sending off their
aquariums over to these ICL's
and I believe most of this profit taking
is by these ICL's who are trying to go
out and fund your businesses and
projects um we're going to see more of
this volatility I believe as more of
these ICS come out there's been a lot
that's come out in the month of June
alone and within the past months receive
hi seals gather as much as five hundred
million dollars in funding so if you
could imagine just half a billion
dollars taken out of the market in the
past month there'll be no surprise upon
this volatility at a crypto market cap
right now stands at around 98 to 99
billion as of 1 a.m.
Mountain Standard Time on June 27
we've seen a gradual uptick in market
we've seen crip those kind of about
rebalancing and ha any higher since your
lows just use I want to share on
corn-based and GTS coinbase
did have some interruptions and delays
digits as well had to halt transactions
and I want everyone if you have your
tokens or coins and these exchanges
please get a wallet a crypto wallet on
if you want to carry one on yourself you
can carry your trades or you can put
your token in the corresponding trays or
and carry it wherever you go if you want
a wallet that you want to play your PC
or Mac you can find something like
Jack's jxx
and bring in my youtube channel I have a
playlist of wallets that have steps step
instructions on how to use and install
if there's a wallet that you guys want
to know how to use but you cannot find
instructional video on please let me
know and I could find one and add it on
to my playlist next thing I want to talk
about is Portugal tax and citizens
Portugal spoon at excellence its
citizens that transact in bitcoin this
is no surprise because here in the US or
text 50 percent if we transfer our
crystals over to be it yes is a 50% tax
we're going to see other countries
follow this patent as well and I guess
don't Reno believe I injured just
legalize the transaction of bitcoins so
I won't be surprised seem more
regulation put on your citizens when it
comes to transacting bitcoins or crypto
cause currencies for that matter are you
on a price for ironing was a recent IC
o---- that big began trading and the
exchanges recently it's seen a recent
price fall and with a lot of these I so
that come out guys
if you don't really know they start off
with inflated prices as get pumped into
the exchanges and within days weeks and
months you will see a gradual decline
downward in volume and
an activity odd this is normal but be
worried about these IPOs do your
research before diving into them check
the amount visit other youtubers who
have instructions or as will educate you
on it because shows are legit if your
scams if your destructive devices to
invest me always your research into Rita
white papers but don't fall into some of
these ICF scans not saying that is a
scam but you'll see more ICS that become
Lindy exchange battle for price and it's
almost like a price correction or price
discovery mechanics alright so this past
weekend during classic was added to that
tax exchange
the Dex exchange is a Chinese exchange
twenty-third classical's added a firm
classic did see a huge surge in price
about ten to fifteen percent during this
old volatile market swing but for press
monthly from classic has no relatively
stable its resis highest twenty four
dollars per token and has fallen within
the $19 $20 mark so there's been
relatively stable but a good thing about
it it's had an uptrend while this whole
market has been volatile other piece of
news I want to go into are fake coins to
didn't mean Vietnam government confirms
that a coin that was tied to its country
at stake so guys we worry about the fake
coins that are being released out here
by these ICL do research do homework
look at the community that's surrounding
these ICL's
is some of them may be so deceiving but
good websites good PR s but be Rory get
a list of advisers you could find just
scrutinizing these coins and find out if
they are legit
do your homework I emphasize that
and a couple of things that have my list
is IBM builds blocks and payments
blocks and payment rail to Asia you're
going to see more companies Devon to
block things I'm not surprised this is a
new market folks want to see how they
can be efficient and business processes
and serve your customers better and
certainly key companies like IBM and I
looking solving companies like Accenture
and goes on Hamilton jump into this
block chain space to see what they can
leap out from it it might be a PR or a
marketing ploy but I think blockchain
technology offers more benefits when it
comes to today's market all right let's
say when I get an update on Bitcoin if I
am litecoin and affirm classic Bitcoin
has has seen lows but a steady low add
bit around the $2,300 train $400 price
range ether in classic has been stable
within the past month but it's seen a
gradual high it's reached as high as
twenty four dollars per token where as
big client we as high as $2,700 this
past month
litecoin has also seen a gradual
increase in price per client as very
likely reach as high as 50 dollars this
past month and a good thing about your
friend unlike on is that you see a
gradual high during this whole ball so
crypto coin market you know noise so I'm
definitely glad to see that Bobby prayer
during classic and litecoin are stable
and seen gradual highs and higher eyes
in price
lastly deferring 'iframe has been sort
of a disappoint from June 12 up until
now it's fun at about 40%
I currently think it bounced back up to
adults $250 price range which is
currently trading now
um that's all I have to say for these
tokens and coins that's a lot to say but
guys second my platelets I have how to
videos and how to install and use some
of these out wallets actually let me go
to my list
on the next page which I don't have and
if you like this video presentation
please give a thumbs up if you want to
find more information like this please
hit the subscribe I'll be posting videos
like this throughout the week and check
out my bit coin and crypto news
regarding Africa and the Caribbean have
a great day
What's on my iPhone + Case Collection 2017 - Duration: 11:16.
What the fudge was that? Was that a bird?
Hey guys! It's me, Jazyy_baby, coming at you!
Nah, I ain't stealing hers.
okay. so today I'm gonna do a what's on my iPhone video for you guys and I have the
iPhone 5s and I've had it since about early 2015
oh I just got a message I have friends. okay so let's just get on with the video I guess
before I actually do what's on my iPhone I want to show you guys my phone case it
says live by the Sun and love by the moon so on my phone I have a tempered
glass screen protector I don't know if you guys can tell so oh sh*t it's 4:20 I
didn't even know I did not plan that at all so I have the AT&T carrier I don't
know why that would matter I have 77% I don't know why
that would matter either currently it's June 24th and my lock screen is a
picture I took at my school cuz oh my gosh I'm in data and I deal with cameras a
lot so I took this picture when you unlock my phone my back screen my
home screen is this drawing that I saw on Instagram so first thing I guess I'll
do this bar I don't know what you call it but I just have my phone my messages
Safari and this little music stuff which it doesn't have just music so it has my
music has Pandora it has Viggle which is an app for
like getting points if you log in TV shows I don't even know why I have that in
my music I'm so unorganized I have YouTube and then I have this music which
is don't tell anyone but it's like a free music app watch all of her YouTube
videos I love her she's amazing okay so um this is the
first part or whatever so I have my contacts the calendar the clock the
weather the settings FaceTime mail calculator reminders maps Apple Store
iTunes Store news Find My iPhone find friends and home next I have my camera, woo
have my all my editing apps which include moldiv the background eraser
retype pictool VSCO camera connect which is for this camera that you guys
are looking at because I have the Canon Rebel T 6 I and it has the Wi-Fi
connecting thing so it comes with an app and phonto which is for fonts and then I
have my photos which are just my photos yeah I have a lot oh sure let me show
you these two photos these two photos I took of this my Canon camera like
literally today I used a little filter on the actual camera to take this
picture these two pictures so that's why it has that little thing on the edges
and next is just TV which I won't even use I don't know what it is and then next I
have this which is more of my main my mainstream use thingies so I have
ifunny the daily horoscope which I check my horoscope on cuz you know I yeah
I like it and I'm a Capricorn so you know yeah if anyone else is a Capricorn
you can read your daily horoscope for today so yeah and then I have iBooks I
have this folder thing which is all my health which has the health app that's
already given on the iPhone Fitbit running and runkeeper which for
both running apps just saying yeah and I have my notes I have wattpad which is a
book app where creators like you and me we write our own books and other people
can read them then in this folder I have all my games which is blockheads 8 ball
pool dancing line tiny cow one night ultimate werewolf and then adcap which
is like yeah I don't even use this app so I'm just going to delete it I'm sorry
sorry but yeah then I have my school app which has everything for school I guess
so I have photo math which is a lifesaver for math problems I swear you
should get it it's basically a solver for math problems it helps a lot so you
guys can use it student view which is where I check my grades my stop mobile
which is for the bus route so I know where the bus is
I have study blue which is for my French class but it's really for any
class but I use it for French because my French teacher uses that I've Google
Drive and Google Docs in the next page I have Drive which is so I can learn how
to drive because I want to learn how to drive and I want to get my driver's
license right when I turn 16 so next I have Twitter which I don't really use I
have kik I don't really use Instagram which I use pretty much every day
Pinterest Skype snapchat tumblr facebook and the facebook Messenger which is
works hand in hand next page I have my Starbucks app Amazon mercari wish
shopkick countdown Poshmark post mates letgo
wish local and offer up and this is mainly like shop apps except for this
which I don't know why that's there yeah and the last page of my iPhone is just
random apps which I barely use at all so the compass the watch which I don't even
have a watch a wallet stocks podcast voice memos and Apple tip so that
basically concludes my what's on my iPhone but I decided to put in like a
two in one video so I'm gonna show you guys my case collection so the first
case is a Pomeranian dog puppy case and yeah second case is just this black case
with a white border thing which comes off but it broke here so yeah third case
is this pink case which yep pretty self-explanatory
yellow clear case I have this silicon cassette case and have this pink clear
case I have this too sassy for you case but like it's sort of breaking apart
I actually got this from the app Mercari for like two dollars which is like oh it
was a pretty good deal um I got this case which was from the 99-cent store I
remember and it's like the white part is silicon and the black part is plastic I
really only wore it on my phone once but like it's kind of cool I like it I have this case which is like you can tell it's sort of like breaking a little
bit but it's fine it's all good it's this cat and it has these cool
sunglasses I have this semi clear because this is more opaque than that
but it's this red case I have my live by the Sun love by the moon case and then I
have this case which I actually made it myself
I'm pretty sure the name was decoden or something like that I'll probably put it
on the screen like decoden I think it was I did this back in middle school
like first year of middle school sixth grade and yeah black inside white
outside sort of case and then I have I have cases that aren't even for my phone
but I'm just gonna show you guys because I'm weird like that so um these cases
are for the Galaxy Note 2 so if any of my viewers have a galaxy note
2 and would like any of these cases you guys can just you know tell me you know
I could send them to you if you want me to I don't have this phone my sister
used to have this phone but she got rid of it like the first week and then she
got a new phone so yeah so the first case is this sort of lime green color
it's by mercury it's a mercury case so I don't know how good design that is or
not but I have this plain white case there's this red sort of has a sparkle
to it
I have plain black case I have a blue with Sparkle case and I have this black
border with sort of translucent back that's it for my video I hope you guys enjoyed
if you did you guys can give this video a little thumbs up or you guys can
comment down below maybe questions or anything I guess um
if you guys want to watch more of my videos you guys can hit that little
subscribe button it's probably somewhere around here so that's it for my video
and I'll see you guys next time bye little extra clip maybe I should do
vlogs I look cute damn this lighing people do look that weird lip thing
I don't know how people do it okay bye
Moonstruck - O Suave Fanciulla (O Loveliest of Maidens) - Duration: 4:05.
Oh Loveliest of Maidens
Oh Sweetest Vision
Bathed in the soft glow of a Moonbeam
In you
I see a Dream come to
Ah! You Alone Command Us
Oh Love!
A Dream
I pray always to Dream!
In the Depth of My Soul
I Tremble
with the Height of Passion
Your Kisses Thrill
Love itself!
Oh! How sweetly does -
Be mine!
- his flattery fall upon My Heart
You alone command me, Beloved!
No, I beg you!
Might I go along with you?
What? Mimi?!
It would be so much sweeter to stay here.
It's Freezing outside.
I shall stay close to you!
And when we return?
You'd like to know!
Let me take your arm, My Dear little one.
I shall oblige, kind sir!
Tell me you Love me!
I Love You!
My Love!
My Love
My Love ! My Love !
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