- Stay tuned for tears.
- So she's actually the celebrity.
- It's these yahoos.
- Morning, Trainiacs!
As you might be able to see from these old,
what is that, radio?
Who does radio anymore?
You know who does radio?
I do radio!
After yesterday's long swim,
heading to our national CBC radio station morning show,
I think they wanna hear who the yahoos are that
decided to swim in the Red River.
It's these yahoos.
(upbeat electronic music)
- Swimming against the water or?
- Oh, no.
Thank goodness, no.
(upbeat electronic music)
- Triathlon Kim used to be in the media
so she's actually the celebrity all-around.
Even though I'm on the radio.
(upbeat electronic music)
- Did you ever have one of those friends
that says hey, we should do this.
Well, it started as a crazy idea and then it got serious.
Yesterday, after months of training,
three men accomplished their goal of swimming
37 kilometers of the Red River.
Taren Gesell, Pat Peacock, and the CBC's own
Jacques Marcoux swam from the south perimeter
to the north perimeter.
So how is Taren Gesell feeling
after more than nine hours in the water?
Well, he's in studio this morning.
Thanks for coming in after your day like that.
- Thanks for having me.
- How are you feeling this morning?
- Sore.
Very sore.
- Yes, and?
- Yeah, a little bit.
It's a bit surreal.
I was saying--
(upbeat electronic music)
- His friends and fellow athletes, Pat Peacock
and the CBC's very own Jacques Marcoux.
I don't know if Jacques's in the office or not today
but we better get a kick.
Thank you.
Super fun, yeah.
I love listening--
(water running)
- That is that.
I'm gonna have to vlog left-handed today.
This hand, of all the things that are sore,
that wrist, that wrist is by far the worst.
And, as they say in there, alright, what's next.
Well, what's next is an enormous breakfast at Stella's.
Or Clementine's.
It's gonna be big, I'll tell you that much.
Yeah, coffee would be great.
Yes, yes, yes to all.
(upbeat electronic music)
Soreness and fatigue is setting in.
So things from yesterday that are worth note.
Yeah, that hurt a fair bit.
My jaw did not hurt that much.
My forehead, right here, from the big goggles,
that hurt quite a bit.
There's just constant pressure right there.
The most painful thing, like painful structurally, was here.
Right there and then on the inside 'cause as you're treading
water you're kinda kicking that way.
But right there, that core from just constantly kicking,
the abdominal muscles got really tuckered out and the cold.
The cold, the cold, the cold, the cold.
Pat pulling out at 27 k, I wasn't there to see it
and the guys actually decided not to tell me
because I was about a mile behind
and it was so cold that the guys, normally they'd swim up
at every nutrition stop, they'd wait for me.
They couldn't tread water.
You stop, you instantly started shaking
so you had to keep moving and then
even as you were moving, you're cold.
And Pat just being so damn fit with an eight-pack
and having no body fat, he froze.
It was so cold that I was expecting a whole lot
of internal mental chatter of Taren versus Taren
with Taren saying no, stop, stop, stop, stop.
You shouldn't be doing this, get out,
boat's right there, shore's right there, you can stop.
And then other Taren saying shut up.
Shut up, shut up, no.
I'm gonna finish, just gotta finish this,
this is a very big day, focus, focus.
This Taren and this Taren basically went away.
The entire day was almost being brain dead.
That people would talk to me and I don't know
if I answered many questions like what do you want?
They would maybe bet one word answers.
There was one time when my dad asked me, "How do you feel?"
I said, "So, so cold."
And he said, "Is there anything I can do?"
There are a million things that he could probably do
and my answer?
And then I just kept swimming.
Time started going by, when I had two hours left
it seemed like nothing, like I was basically finished.
But time just started going by like (snaps) half hour,
(snaps) half hour, (snaps) half hour, (snaps) half hour.
I think it was because my body was basically shutting down
and putting as much effort into just turning over
my arms as possible and keeping going.
And I actually swam the last third of it
basically with my eyes closed.
So yeah, I'm egged up.
I am toasted up.
I am coffeed up.
I am chia puddinged up.
Back to real life.
Hey, Trainiacs.
As promised, we--
you are so crooked.
We'll answer, your open water marathon swimming questions.
What did I use to stop chafing?
Body Glide, lots of it.
What kind of watch do I use?
A Garmin 920 XD.
Yes, it is tri-friendly.
What water pree--
What water-proof music device do I use?
I use the Finesse Duo.
How did the wetsuit hold up?
Let's go see.
Look at that.
This is this wetsuit's last dance anyway.
When the water temperature is hot enough
that you can choose between wearing a wetsuit or not,
when would you go for just a tri-suit to save time in T1
or would you always go for a wetsuit when I can?
Yes, I am not a very strong swimmer.
If you don't have a swimming background
a wetsuit helps because you're more buoyant,
you stay higher in the water, you go faster.
What is the hardest thing I've done in my life,
including non-Triathlon events.
We're talking endurance events, probably yesterday.
How much of that truckload of candy did I end up eating?
How long did it take me to train for this?
Three months of very specific training,
eight years of building up the base of fitness.
Did I have a stroke-rate I was aiming for?
No, but I held 27 strokes a minute.
Did I swim with the current?
Yes, and what speed was the current?
Standard open water swimming speed is somewhere
around three k an hour.
We were going, at times, 5.3.
How could hypothermia have been prevented?
Most open water English Channel swimmers
will actually put on 40, 50, 60 pounds
before doing the open water swim and they'll cold train.
50 km swim next time or is 37 pushed to the max?
I don't know yet.
The thing about these long swims are that
right past 3 1/2 hours, it's all painful.
You just kinda keep enduring.
And you could probably endure for days on end,
you just don't want to.
What entry-level wetsuit would I recommend?
An Xterra.
How should they generally fit?
Tight in as many places as you can except for the shoulders.
What's my take on the report that you read
about a sewage dump that occurred a few days ago
in the Red River?
Yes, an Olympic-sized swimming pool worth of sewage
was dumped in the Red River four days before we did this.
Media sensationalizes everything and they use big numbers
like 2.7 million liters of sewage,
an Olympic-sized swimming pool amount of sewage,
but compared to the amount of river that we swam through,
it is 1/1,000 the volume, if that.
And it's been pushed away for four days.
Also, Jacques pooped in the water so.
How many calories were burned?
I worked it out to about 6,000 not including the heat loss.
The heat loss probably amounted to, I don't know,
another two, three, four thousand.
So nine, 10,000 calories.
How do you spot whilst swimming a long distance?
We would just look for corners and bends in the river
and then we would swim tangents from one corner to the next.
And that's it.
We blasted through comments that have built up
in just a couple, that's like two hours since uploading
so thanks for getting into those comments
with all of your questions.
Fun thing that Kim just came up with as an idea,
she said that I might not do the best job
of communicating all of the despair or the sad things,
the challenges that happened yesterday
and I'm just all happy-go-lucky.
She is a reporter and is very good at asking
cut deep to the bone questions.
So tomorrow, we're gonna have a no-Triathlon Kim
interviews Triathlon Taren about the long swim.
Stay tuned for tears, Trainiacs, stay tuned for tears.
For more infomation >> Open Water Triathlon Swimming Q&A - Duration: 9:42.-------------------------------------------
Complete treatment at the dental clinic in Moldova, TravelToDentist - Duration: 2:18.
This is our patient Raphael who came to be treated in Moldova.
Do you want to tell us something about the experience?
I have to say it was a positive experience. I come from Sardinia, I already did some estimates
and I had experience with other dentists but
I was not satisfied with the work.
Besides the cost ... Once arrived there, I realized that the professionalism in Moldova, in Chisinau,
is more satisfying, more serious, and more thorough in my opinion.
I have your address form word of mouth experience, from a friend, who has had an experience with you,
I waited, I sent a panoramic x-ray, I received the estimate and here I am.
And I want to say that I am satisfied with your punctuality, your kindness and your professionalism.
What did you like most about the whole experience?
Regarding the treatment: Is there anything that surprised you?
No, surprise no, the truth is that you are professionals and I have a very good impression regarding to patience,
accommodation, equipment, in short, it is a complete team and if anyone will come here, will benefit from a complete treatment.
What do you think about hygiene, accommodation and other things?
In fact, I have said that this is a complete team.
Well, in concerning the accommodation everything is new,
the hygiene of the clinic is impeccable; you are always available and very kind.
Well, I think everyone who needs dental treatment has to try this experience.
LUANA MARQUES - [COVER] NINGUÉM É DE FERRO (Wesley Safadão feat. Marília Mendonça) - Duration: 2:18.
Chronicles of a Mind in Love - Agonia - Duration: 6:30.
Do you really like her
I could be only confusing things as always
Maybe I should try to forget her for a little longer
But you know you tried for enough time
And if it was an ilussion it had already passed
Maybe you love her.
You can't love her
Just can't.
If you are so sure
Why don't you just tell her?
Tomorrow I'll say that I love her.
It's not possible not to after trying to forget her for an entire day
You can do it!
Do you need something?
You can say it.
I have something to say to you
I just don't know how.
It's ok, say what's in your mind.
I don't know how.
I have to go,
My class it's going to start.
But we can talk about it another time.
"Are you free now, to come to the club?"
"I'll be there in 10."
I called you here because I think I'm ready to say what I feel
Then say it.
I love you.
BJAY - Quando o sol se for (Prod. Jiem EB) - Duration: 2:48.
How to Layer Marble - Scrapbook Boutique! - Duration: 6:34.
Hi it's Therese from Lostinpaper and today I'm here for scrapbook boutique and I'm
going to be using the layering marble stamp set from Waffle flower and it does
look quite intimidating but seriously it's really easy to use so I've printed
out the cheat sheet for this and it does give you a guide for an a2 sized card
but also a guide just if you wanted to use these how to layer the stamps
themselves so there's three main images in the set and each one has a squiggle
line around it on the packaging so you know which ones go together and a number
as well so the number would tell you whether to use a light in a medium ink
or a dark in so it's numbered one two and three so generally you find that the
largest image it's going to be in the light ink and I decided it'd be fun to
make a pink marble background I know I don't even know why, I think you can
get pink marble I don't know but I thought it would be really pretty on the
cards I had to get rid of that idea out of my head but the colors I thought I'd
put it with was the Grays so I am using some altenew inks here I've used the
frosty pink and then the warm grey so the second color is that evening grey in
the third one moon rock then I can come in and just fill in this almost this
gaps in the stamp so you can if you look at the actual stamp images you can see
where these need to be placed otherwise just look at the cheat sheet it's really
quite easy to do and very forgiving because you know after all it's marble
and it can be anything you know it could be anything you want it to be so I
wasn't being too particular or too fussy I did use all the three main images with
the three layers out of the step out of the set but you don't have to you
could actually use as many layers or as little layers or use them independently
on their own it's very fluid like it would be just so much it's such a fun
stamp set to use this last one that I'm using here is a standalone image and I'm
just using it as a filler so my next part of my card now that all my marble
is created doesn't look great is to die cut a window and this is using the MFT
this is the rectangle peekaboo window and it leaves the embossed stitch line,
actually a couple stitch lines around the edge which is really pretty I've
stamped out this cute little mouse image it's a penny black stamp from especially
micey stamp set. I have used this stamp set before has
the cutest mouse images and I've nearly colored every one of them now, I've
got a couple to go but this little I thought it would be good actually
stamped her in some gray flannel to memento ink which is perfect when you
want to color with Copic markers and then I've used my warm grays and just a
touch of green and pink for the little things just to tie in the marble I
didn't want too many other colors I want this to be quite a clean and simple card
I'm adding some glossy accents just to the tips of the little petals and I'm
using that because I want to add the twinklets
diamond dust isn't it the best stuff it's actually glass it's bits of glass so
it's really quite heavy so I know it's going to hold if I use glossy accents if
I use other glues I would be worried that it would come off the trouble is it
does take a while to dry so have had to set that aside I didn't want to do it
after because I was going to end up with it within my card but so I just have to
be patient I'm not really
the sentiment is also from penny black and my favorite stamp set yet again
snippets so when in doubt head for snippets I've colored my own card stock
with the w7 just to keep the same tones and I wanted this to pop on my background
on my pink marbled background and I thought this one just to die-cut this
with the this is for another penny black dye set called tagged I've added some
scraps of fun foam to the back of my panel and I've used scor tape around
the inside portion I didn't want to color my mouse directly on the front of
my card because you would be able to see the Copic markers through the inside of
the card and this way I know it's going to line up perfectly if I actually add
it afterwards and then I can just add the adhesive to the front of my top fold
card using my ATG and I've got way too much adhesive there now that I can use
my glue gun I obviously overuse it but I suppose at
least it's never going to fall apart I've used some pop dots / foam squares
to add my sentiment to the front of a card and then my card is done thanks so
much for joining me today I've had a blast
till next time happy papercrafting bye
SsangYong XLV - Duration: 1:09.
SsangYong Tivoli - Duration: 1:10.
SsangYong XLV - Duration: 1:10.
Apresentação do canal! - Duration: 0:38.
Cartoon Network - The Search for New Animated Content - Duration: 7:37.
Cartoon Network has long had an interesting way of discovering new and innovative television
shows to bring to their growing audience.
Over the years, we've seen many original programming come from their numerous variety
But how did we get here?
How did we get to where we currently are, where animated shows that take a unique approach
to their given genres seemingly come out of nowhere?
It all starts somewhere – Cartoon Network has never shied away from looking at the past
for creating new content for the future.
In the year 1991, Turner Entertainment purchased the animation studio Hanna Barbera.
This gave them access to classic shows such as The Flintstones, Scooby-Doo, Jonny Quest
– just to name a few.
In fact, Cartoon Network looked towards the 1964 series Jonny Quest as they moved forward
with a series of year-long "Turner-wide initiatives" to capitalize on old characters
and create new franchises.
1996 became known as The Year of Jonny Quest, starting with the launch of The Real Adventures
of Jonny Quest – a reboot of the Jonny Quest series, that placed our protagonists a few
years in the future, where Jonny and Haji were now teenagers.
The series wasn't a smashing hit as they'd had hoped it to be, but it was the beginning
of something larger for Cartoon Network.
Something that would have more impact and set the tone for what Cartoon Network was
going for with their programming block, combining the old with the new.
Yogi Bear, one of Hanna Barbera's classic characters was reimagined in the late 90s'
by Ren and Stimpy creator John Kricfalusi.
A Day in the Life of Ranger Smith and Boo Boo Runs Wild were two shorts created by John
K that displayed a different style of humor, sexual content and break in tone from the
source material.
In fact, because of the nature of the shorts, Cartoon Network had a hard time finding a
place for it in their programming block.
That idea was short lived and stand-alone.
Trying to merge past shows with modern day influences and style is all good, but is it
really sustainable?
There are new ideas out there just waiting to be discovered.
Intro What A Cartoon – A new initiative that provided Cartoon Network with original
animated shorts commissioned from Hanna-Barbera and various independent animators.
This gave them the chance to assess the potential of certain animated shorts to serve as pilots
for spin-off series and signed contracts with their creators to create ongoing series.
What A Cartoon proved to be a well full of amazing talent, unearthing now classic shows
such as Dexter's Lab, Jonny Bravo, Cow and Chicken, the Powerpuff Girls, and Mike, Lou,
and Og.
Cartoon Network quickly realized the variety show format was the direction to go in order
to find new ideas for animated shows.
It was a great way to discover new talent, and really brought independent ideas that
may have gone unnoticed to the forefront.
This was a time where Cartoon Network took a lot more risks.
In fact, As part of their $350 million multiyear commitment to original programming, Cartoon
Network added four half-hour animated shows to its primetime lineup in 2001 and ordered
nearly 120 new episodes of existing shows.
How'd they find these particular shows?
They created something called "Voice Your Choice" where Viewers had the chance to
vote on which of three series pilots they'd like to see become a half-hour original series.
This was a weekend filled with 52-hour original programming.
All pilots vying to become an actual series.
Which shows made the cut?
Whatever Happened to...
Robot Jones?
Codename: Kids Next Door The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
This was really unprecedented, putting the fate of new shows in the hands of children.
Betty Cohen, the president at the time of Cartoon Network said, "It's the ultimate
in kid empowerment — they get to program the network."
After this great initiative, Cartoon Network was sitting pretty with a slew of new, original
They placed their trust in creators that were alums of the What A Cartoon school of ideas,
with Genndy Tartakovsky creating Samurai Jack, Craig McCracken creating Foster's Home for
Imaginary Friends, and American writer collective Man of Action with Ben 10.
All shows that were successful for Cartoon Network, with two remaining modern day successes
in their revivals – proof that Cartoon Network is always looking to the past to create a
successful future in programming.
Cartoon Networks last foray into extracting more original programming came in the form
of The Cartoonstitute, headed by Craig McCracken.
Unfortunately, it was a short-lived series, being cancelled well into the first season.
But not without providing us with three new shows in Regular Show, Secret Mountain Fort
Awesome and Uncle Grandpa.
That was the last age of the cartoon variety shows – from there, Cartoon Network would
return to their old methods of content discovery: looking at shows from the past and bringing
them into the modern era.
But this time, they not only took a look at the golden age of television with Thundercats
and the Looney Tunes Show, they visited the silver age with reboots of The Powerpuff Girls,
Teen Titans Go, Samurai Jack and Ben 10.
All shows that ran well into the late 90s', mid 2000s'.
What Cartoon Network has done in my opinion is a brilliant move – over the years, they've
always been conscious to the fact that they ought embrace new talents and pay attention
to the ones they currently have employed.
Rebecca Sugar started off working on Adventure Time before moving on to work on Steven Universe,
which started off as a pilot made specifically for Cartoon Network.
And now Ian Jones-Quartey, who also worked on both Adventure Time and Steven Universe,
is moving on to spearhead a series of his own that was picked up by Cartoon Network.
OK K.O.!
Let's Be Heroes.
Cartoon Network is a perfect example of a company that has truly acknowledged its past
to dictate its future.
Fine-tuning along the way its methods of operation, to see to us remaining excited about what
lies ahead.
You may not like some of the reboots you've seen from Cartoon Network, but the fact that
Cartoon Network is brave enough to take such risks in their programming, both on new original
programming and revivals of old classics, says something about their business model.
It's a business model that's for the consumers and the entertainers.
A channel that's filled with variety, for all ages.
What do you think is next for Cartoon Network?
What shows do you think are next on their list for a comeback?
Let me know in the comments section down below.
Click that like button if you enjoyed this video, and be sure to subscribe for more of
Thanks for watching this video, be sure to share it – and until next time my friends,
I'll see you in the next one.
Renault Megane - Duration: 1:02.
Citroen Jumper 33 2.2 HDI L1H1 Kasten KLIMA+NAVI+LED - Duration: 0:56.
MÚSICA INDÚ-Aye Bhai Zara Dekh Ke Chalo-SUB ESPAÑOL- ENGLISH SUB-Raj Kapoor - Mera Naam Joker - Duration: 3:55.
Hey brother, look and walk
Not only front but behind as well
Not only right but left as well
Not only up but down as well
Hey brother
Hey brother, look and walk
Not only front but behind as well
Not only right but left as well
Not only up but down as well
Hey brother
Where you've come
It's not your house nor street
It's not your village nor corner It's not your colony nor lane
It's the world
And my friend this world is a circus
And in this circus
Even a big person and a small person; Even a honest person and a bad person
Even a thin person and a fat person
From top to down and down to top; Everyone has to come and go
And on the whip of the ringmaster
With a little bit of hunger
With a little bit of money
With a little bit of luck
Here you have to dance with variety
Here you have to cry and sing multiple times
From a hero
From a hero you have to become a joker
Hey brother
Why are you scared of falling
Why are you scared of dying
Until you don't stumble
Until you don't call any sorrow close to you
You won't understand what life is
You came crying and you'll leave crying
Hey brother
Hey brother, look and walk
Not only front but behind as well
Not only right but left as well
Not only up but down as well
Hey brother
Hey brother, look and walk
Not only front but behind as well
Not only right but left as well
Not only up but down as well
What magic is this, whay play is this
An animal here is more loyal than a human
Even though he goes through whips
Even though he stays hungry
But still he doesn't attack his master
And when it comes to humans
Whose food they eat, Whom they get love from
Whose songs they sing
They stab a knife in their body.
Sir, what do you think about this
Whose food they eat, Whom they get love from
Whose songs they sing
They stab a knife in their body.
Hey brother
Hey brother, look and walk
Not only front but behind as well
Not only right but left as well
Not only up but down as well
Hey brother
Acabar Com o Zumbido - Como Acabar Com o Zumbido - Duration: 34:14.
VW Golf - Duration: 1:11.
SsangYong Korando - Duration: 1:09.
Rent the Runway Review - Duration: 12:51.
hi everybody my name is Alexandra Napoli and this is health coach TV today I am
going to be sharing a review of one of my favorite companies called Rent the
Runway the reason I love Rent the Runway is because I'm so popular that I get
invited to parties all the time but I do get invited to a lot
of weddings I have five weddings to go to this year five that's like way too
many outfits to think about way too much money to spend and so rent the runway is a
fantastic way to get an awesome dress at an awesome price and then you just send
it back to the magical fashion fairies the way the rent the runway works is that
you go online for their wonderful website you scroll through hundreds and
hundreds of dresses you find the one that's just right for you you ask them
to send it to you and then a few days before your event you get a magical
shipment from rent the runway in this beautiful garment bag just like a heavy
bag so your dress is definitely safe in here you open it up and your beautiful
dresses are inside you get to pick two sizes if you're worried about sizing
you're like I've never tried that on before there's tons of reviews so you can
look at people's body type you can like judge like oh they're a 34 B I'm a 34 B
that will probably fit me right or wrong but then you can also get 1 size bigger
or one size smaller somehow I ended up with three dresses I'm not gonna
complain but I am gonna check my bill in this perfect little zipper pouch oh
actually this is my return label so that's the other really good thing when
you're done you just wrap it all back up in this guy throw the return label on it
prepaid postage and just throw it in the mail it can't get any
easier now I'm going to try on my dresses this is dress number one it's
very sparkly and shiny it's called the black emory dress and it's very nice
this is an extra small I can't zip it up luckily there would be another size of
this in the bag but I ordered this by accident because I was just doing way
too much shopping I didn't even realize I was ordering two dresses is that bad
or great I am going to go with great this one would be really nice it feels
more like a winter dress because it is sleeve but very cute this is dress
number two is it's called the charlene dress it's by Slate and Willow I don't
know about it it also feels this is the larger size of the two oh I can get it
it's up okay what do we think I don't know what do we think do we like it
do we like it I'm diggin it I'm not digging it I feel kind of like a slutty
stuffed sausage so here's what we're going to do we're going to call rent the
runway and we're going to test out their customer service thanks for calling
rent the runway your call will be recorded for quality and assurance yours too
if you're calling in regards to a four or eight day rental press one
if you need assistance press 1 if your dress doesn't fit and you don't need a replacement
there's now a fast and easy way you can process your return online the order
history section on our website for iPhone app shipment the return forum
within 24 hours of receiving your order and you'll receive merchandise credit
minus the cost of shipping if you need a replacement dress we are happy to send you another
style for the cost of shipping simply remain on the line to
speak with the stylist so another style for the cost of shipping if you're
rental ends on a Sunday or holiday not to worry
you have until the next business day to return it to a UPS drop box do a
high call volume at this time the wait time may be up to 8 minutes 8 minutes
okay so we've got like an eight-minute wait I'm on their website and their chat just
popped up so I let them know in the chat that I needed some help so we'll see if
that works and so beautiful so that's another tip if you're going to do Rent
the Runway and you need your dress for Saturday night
rent it on a Thursday because it's still a 4 day rental because technically sunday
is a free day because the post office doesn't work on Sundays so you just drop
it in the mail on Monday and you get one day free it's magic maybe I should look
up some sixes too cuz girl I'm busting out of this guy Wow hi Alicia I
just received my order and none of the dresses that I got fit so I was hoping
that we could get something okay just one moment please really she put me on hold or my phone died right
when she answered faaaak can you actually call me back this phones about to dies
it okay what's it I'm sorry what's your name Alex Alex okay thank you so much
okay and then she never gone back chat just responded what to do what to do
what to do do I wait for a alicia to call me back or do I just call them back I guess I
just call them back oh my hyping up of amazing customer service
so this is fun right we're having a good time
it's like bonding time for you and me like we're just like chillin calling
customer service is actually a bonding experience it brings people closer
together so I've also asked the person in the chat to tell Alicia to call me
back and I'm wondering if there's just nothing available to ship or if the
website is broken rent the runway is killin it tonight I swear every other
time I've done this it's been super easy as soon as I try to show you how easy it
is it becomes incredibly complicated I've never had a problem before
so of course today's the day that I'm like fuck so it was hoping that you
could send me something new what time on Saturday
by noon okay yeah I have no idea every time I keep trying to search on your
website it kind of crashes are you choosing delivery for Saturday? I will now do you have any suggestions
so you want to go with a black sequin dress not necessarily
long sleeve I don't necessarily need long sleeves I'm kind of open to whatever
if you see anything at all just tell the style name a I can check if it's actually
available for deliver saturday okay so the one that I saw off first
it's called Yoanna itself pep and sheath oh my god
although is that too white for a wedding I don't know if that's not
allowed okay let's let's grab that I think it's fine it's not it's more blue
that way is it available this weekend I have a six available
I don't know what the colors of this wedding are what about Rouge Suzette dress
one okay I think there's that many pages of dresses so let me just
can you send both of them is it the same as before where you get two sizes yeah
you want to go about I'm very good about deciding what about the sweet candy apple sheath
i have that in a 2 and a 4 okay that might work better they're
pretty much very similar right what's the difference between the two the one looks
like it has boning in it and it's a bit of a older style
do you have anything in a scuba available I know we can carry
that material yeah so go where it says does embellishment and choose scuba
wow there's a lot are you like in a rush to get me off
the phone? no not al all nothing's popping out at me
you can review the site and call back in the morning what about neon coral porter dress that in a 2 and a 4
really cute what would you pick between this one and the red I would go
with the coral it is very cute okay let's do that
well that's pretty okay yeah let's do that
alright so we're going to send this out to you all that we ask
is just your return back the dresses that you have and then you will receive the
this replacement on Saturday right so you're all set how much is this costing
it's costing you zero dollars is that because I have like a membership or something well no because
you had the order already and it was an issue with it so we're giving you replacements
because we weren't even able to fulfill your original order so we're not going to
charge you for this replacement Emone thank you so much have a great
night okay bye okay so we have a new dress coming it's
getting delivered Saturday morning before noon which I should double
check the time of the wedding but I'm pretty sure it's in the evening so it
should be fine and it's going to cost me $0 to get a brand new dress which will
hopefully fit but I have high hopes and high expectations
Emone was very sweet and super helpful when I finally did get somebody on the
phone everything's worked out so see you on
Saturday I'll show you my new dress okay so as promised my rent the runway new
outfits arrived before noon on Saturday another fancy garment bag
so my new dress is in here so I'm gonna try them on this is like a really
aggressive color oh my god so this looks really good so I'm super
happy with my new dress is going to be really fun wedding we're going to
tonight the runway is fantastic there customer service as you saw was
really good and they delivered what they promised another dress Saturday so that
I could wear it to my wedding Saturday night so everything went perfectly
I love Rent the Runway I've used them a ton of times in the past
the thing that I love the most about them is that it's eco-friendly probably
100 girls have worn this dress before me and
100 other girls are wearing after so instead of me spending $300 on a dress
I'm you and you and you and you one dress you get it for the price of like this
is I think $40 but so for like 40 to 60 dollars you can wear a $300 dress and
then you just send it back they dry clean it for you everything's taken care
of so if you want to try rent the runway go for it if you have and you love it
let me know in the comments below I'd love to hear from you and send me your
pics of your hot rent the runway dresses so exciting yay
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SsangYong Tivoli - Duration: 1:01.
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Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:09.
Suzuki Ignis - Duration: 1:08.
Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:01.
Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:07.
Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:06.
Suzuki Ignis - Duration: 1:07.
Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:07.
Suzuki Celerio - Duration: 1:06.
Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:07.
10 (More) Bugs in CS:GO - Duration: 2:07.
Volvo XC70 Cross Country 2.4 T COMFORT LINE V70 Automaat Airco Schuifdak Leer YOUNGTIMER Inruil moge - Duration: 1:01.
How Does The Crookes Radiometer Work? - Duration: 5:36.
How the heck does that work?!
Hey Crazies.
I'm adding a new kind of video into the mix where I explain how things work.
Today, we're covering the Crookes Radiometer.
What's a Crookes Radiometer?
Great question!
It was invented by an English chemist and physicist named William Crookes.
A chemist and a physicist?!
Wow, that doesn't happen a lot these days.
Anyway, a Crookes radiometer looks something like this.
There are 4 vanes, each with a white side and a black side.
They're enclosed in an air-tight glass bulb where most of the air has been sucked out.
When you shine light on it, the vanes spin.
Simple enough to demonstrate, but a huge pain to explain.
There are 3 different effects at play: pressure from light, also known as radiation
pressure, pressure from heated air, and air vortices.
Let's look at those one at a time.
Option 1: Radiation Pressure!
When atoms run into other atoms, they exchange momentum.
If there are a lot of atoms, we call that pressure.
Radiation is just a catch-all word for particles that carry energy away.
Any type of light counts as radiation.
Photons have momentum too, which they can also give to atoms after hitting them.
If there are a lot of photons, we call that radiation pressure.
In the radiometer, the photons hit the white side twice as hard as the black side,
which gives us a net force in this direction.
There's a slight problem though.
The momentum of a single photon is proportional to its energy and, therefore, its frequency.
That is a seriously tiny number!
When you consider in the dimensions of a radiometer vane; the type of, strength of, and distance
to your light source; and finally multiply by four; you get about 2.5 nano-newtons!
That's itty bitty.
So, while radiation pressure makes solar-sails possible and balances the inward gravity of
a star, those things are big.
To get the tiny vanes in the radiometer to respond you'd have to vent all the air to
space and shut off gravity to minimize friction.
I really need to figure out where that's coming from.
Anyway, I can do those things because I'm on a spaceship!
But you can't and the company that makes these certainly can't either.
We know there's more going on here for multiple reasons.
If radiation pressure was it, it would spin this way, but a standard radiometer spins
the other way.
It doesn't even need to be light.
Just getting it hot or cold will make it spin.
Keep in mind, scientists have been discussing this thing for over a century now.
It started in the late 1800s between Maxwell and Reynolds.
They kept publishing papers as rebuttals to each other, but then Maxwell died and the
Royal Society wouldn't let Reynolds respond anymore.
After that, no progress was made for almost 40 years because we just didn't have the
technology to verify anything.
Option 2: Pressure from heated air!
A standard Crookes radiometer does have air only a little bit, but it's there.
That air gets heated near the vanes, but more so on the black side.
The temperature increase causes a pressure increase and that pressure pushes the vanes
Is it really that simple?
This is the Science Asylum.
You think we're going to stay that superficial?
Temperature increases and pressure increases don't always correlate.
We need to consider something called the Mean Free Path.
That's the average distance a molecule can travel before you expect to run into another
If the air is really thin, that could be the size of the vanes in the radiometer.
But, since the air molecules in the radiometer are also hitting the vanes the pressure isn't
evenly distributed across those vanes.
Ricocheting molecules can keep other molecules from hitting the vane.
That happens more near the center than the edge so the pressure across the vane looks
more like this.
It's higher near the edges and less near the center.
The more air molecules there are in the glass bulb, the smaller the mean free path.
That does mean the pressure can distribute across the vanes better but, too many, and
it'll distribute throughout the whole radiometer better resulting in effectively zero pressure
difference on the vanes.
Option 3: Air Vortices!
Even when there isn't a pressure difference moving the vanes along that temperature difference
is still there.
With more molecules around, that temperature difference pushes the air like this and, by
Newton's third law, the vanes are pushed in the opposite direction.
The radiometer vanes still spin.
But as we mentioned before, the more air molecules there are in the glass bulb, the smaller the
mean free path.
If you put too many molecules in there, they hit each other so much their motion becomes
random again.
That's why this doesn't work at atmospheric pressure.
So which is it?
Option 2 or option 3?
Manufacturers of these radiometers have found a sweet-spot at about 1 pascal.
That's about 10 millionths of an atmosphere, so it's pretty low.
But it's just the right number of air molecules, so that both a pressure difference and an
air flow are at play inside the radiometer.
So, crazies, what did you think?
Do you want to see more of this type of video?
Have you ever wondered how something worked?
Let us know in the comments.
Thanks for liking and sharing this video.
Don't forget to subscribe if you'd like to keep up with us.
And until next time, remember, it's OK to be a little crazy.
The featured comment comes from Rodney Smith who asked:
Does using a magnet make it weaker?
The energy to do that work has to come from somewhere.
The result is that a truly permanent magnet is impossible.
The Shady Side Of Tiger Woods - Duration: 5:14.
Tiger Woods was once golf's golden boy: he was a champion and a family man with a gorgeous
wife and two beautiful children.
However, Woods' perfect facade shattered after a series of scandals, ranging from marital
infidelity to an arrest.
Here is the shady side of Tiger Woods.
Driving under the influence
Tiger Woods was arrested on a DUI charge early in the morning on May 29, 2017, in Jupiter,
A police report obtained by ESPN claimed that Woods, 41, was asleep at the wheel of his
running vehicle when he was pulled over, but that he was as "cooperative as possible."
Blowing a 0.00 on the Breathalyzer test, Woods claimed that alcohol was not involved.
He said,
"What happened was an unexpected reaction to prescribed medications.
I didn't realize the mix of medications had affected me so strongly."
Wife cheater
In November 2009, Woods crashed his Escalade, hitting a curb and a fire hydrant and running
over shrubs in his Windermere, Florida, neighborhood with his back windows smashed out by golf
The New York Post reported that Woods' wife, Elin Nordegren, had discovered text messages
from multiple women on his cell phone, not long after The National Enquirer ran a report
that Woods had cheated on her.
A source close to the golf pro told the New York Daily News,
"He got careless.
He's been doing this for years.
He wanted to run with the big dogs.
He saw all the action that Michael Jordan was getting on the side.
But even Michael forgot you have to be discreet.
You can't rub your wife's face in it."
Thus began a series of seemingly endless reports on Woods' alleged infidelities.
Woods' women
Woods' affair with Rachel Uchitel was reportedly his most consistent.
The New York Post said that Uchitel initially denied hooking up with the golf star, but
later hired celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred and scheduled a press conference.
When the press conference was suddenly cancelled, it was rumored that Woods paid Uchitel $10
million in hush money to keep mum on the relationship.
It only gets worse from there.
Next up, Jaimee Grubbs, who appeared on VH1's Tool Academy claimed to have been intimate
with Woods more than 20 times over a span of three years while he was married to Nordegren.
She told Extra,
"If it wasn't me, it was going to be other girls."
Oh, and there were.
From a reality star to a porn star, and a waitress at Perkins, to a nightclub promoter
in Vegas.
Then there were the whisperings of the British television personality that nobody could name,
and the wealthy cougar in Florida.
Not to be outdone by the New York party girl, Cori Rist, who quickly grew tired of being
cooped up by Tiger for fear of being seen.
Beyond all the reported women, there were also the "half a dozen" paid escorts from
the services of Hollywood madam, Michelle Braun.
When all was said and done, Woods was reported to have slept with upwards of 120 women.
Apology after apology
After the cheating scandal broke, Nordegren and Woods were still at odds, but he requested
she play nice at the behest of his sponsors.
A source told People that Elin acquiesced, for the good of her children.
But it didn't last long.
Nordegren filed for divorce, with reports in October 2010 revealing she took home a
$110 million payout from Woods, close to one sixth of the golfer's net worth.
About a week after the car crash and the exposure of his infidelity, Woods apologized to the
public, albeit vaguely.
He said in a statement,
"I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart.
I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves.
I am not without faults and I am far short of perfect."
His second apology, days later, was much clearer, switching from "transgressions" to flat-out
"infidelity" — and was sure to include his sponsors in his mea culpa.
It was here that he made the announcement to take an "indefinite" break from professional
golf to focus on his family.
Gatorade, AT&T, Accenture and Tag Heuer went on to drop Woods as a sponsor, though, curiously,
Nike kept him on.
Sex addict
The New York Daily News reported that Woods checked into a Mississippi rehabilitation
center to cope with alleged sex addiction in January 2010.
His former coach, Hank Haney, wrote in a tell-all called The Big Miss in 2012 that Woods vowed
he was a changed man once he left treatment.
"There are some girls who are going to be after me even more now, especially the wild
ones, but what I learned is that for the rest of my life I can't have sex with someone unless
I genuinely feel something for them.
If I do, I'm putting myself in jeopardy."
A bit of a bully
Haney recalled in The Big Miss that Woods would often be cruel to his competitors, fans,
and teammates.
In one 2006 incident, Haney claims that Woods openly ordered a 24-hour adult movie package
when sharing a hotel room with devout Christian golfer Zach Johnson.
Haney also claimed that Woods frequently body-shamed fellow pro Phil Mickelson and called him lazy,
and that Haney himself would "cringe" when Woods would completely ignore "little-kid
autograph seekers who were begging him to stop."
Sub-par performance
Woods' physical problems have impeded his athletic performance for years following his
cheating scandal, starting with an MCL injury in 2011, back spasms in 2012, and eventually
four back surgeries and counting.
Woods had a great 2013 season - winning the PGA tour's player of the year honor, but that
season wasn't without controversy.
In an October 2013 column, Golf Channel analyst Brandel Chamblee gave Woods an "F," accusing
Woods of being "a little cavalier with the rules."
Chamblee never outright said Woods cheated, but he later doubled down on his accusations
in a piece citing four separate incidents, three of which resulted in Woods getting two-shot
Injuries derailed Woods 2016 and 2017 PGA tour seasons again, but Despite it all, Tiger
continues to work on making a comeback.
But at this point, it seems he'll never regain the status he once had - either on the golf
course or off it.
Thanks for watching!
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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!
Han Solo Movie 2018 - Phil Lord & Chris Miller FIRED - Beyond The Trailer - Duration: 15:00.
So here are my thoughts on the Han Solo drama
or as I like to call it
Oh this is such a fabulous business conversation
I loves it!
Nurture your emotional well-being - Duration: 9:30.
Session five; Emotional well-being. In today's presentation we'll be talking
about emotional well-being. Things that threaten our emotional well-being,
negative versus positive emotions, and discuss some practical ways to enhance
positive emotions. Emotional well-being is one of the most essential aspects of
wellness, yet is one that gets little attention. Do you think that is true? If
so, why would it be that emotional well-being gets so little attention?
Maybe it's because we're often told not to show emotions. You know things like
don't cry, don't be emotional at work, deal with it. Or you'll find emotional
well-being is the ability to feel and express the entire range of emotions
from anger to love and control them not be controlled by them. The key point here
is the importance of having awareness of the emotions and then being able to
respond appropriately, rather than react from an autopilot mood. We discussed this
previously when we talked about the benefits of practicing mindfulness as a
way to gain a deeper awareness of our thoughts emotions and sensations.
This image shows that we move up and down between emotions throughout our day
so emotional well-being is not about being happy all the time but rather
finding out what makes us the happiest and regularly engaging in those
activities or with those people more frequently so that we can experience
positive States more frequently than negative States. By doing that throughout
our day we end a day with more energy and satisfaction, rather than feeling
depleted and exhausted. Threats to emotional well-being. Let's look at some
things that threaten our emotional well-being. Again we are not looking at
eliminating negative emotions, but rather being aware of all the emotions and
responding in a choice full way. Mismanage emotions such as anger,
frustration, resentment, fear, perceived threats or everyday stressors, trauma,
major life event such as a death or this or a loss of job. What are some
examples of these emotions when reacted Upon inappropriately? Perhaps road rage?
Abusive language, overeating, passive-aggressive behavior, sarcasm or
just suppressing the emotion, anger and fear. The average person tends to get
angry between 15 and 20 times per day. Anger and fear are two emotions that
have one purpose, to save your life in the event of physical danger. I'm sure
you've all heard of the fight-or-flight response right? Anger is a fight response,
fear is a flight response. Given that how many of our lives are truly threatened
50 to 20 times a day what kind of things are we most threatened by that we
experience anger this often. Each day are we perhaps reacting out of stress than
actually having our lives endangered. About 1 in 10 Americans age 12 and over
takes antidepressant medication. Here are 2 more emotional states, anxiety and
depression that one ongoing can disrupt our emotional well-being and the
prevalence is quite high. "The reason people find it so hard to be happy is
that they always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is,
and the future less resolved then it will be." How true this is this quote sums
up what we've talked about earlier in this series. We tend to ruminate on the
past or rehearse what might occur in the future. This way of thinking often
results in increased feelings of stress and anxiety. We know that our thoughts
are directly linked to our emotions. It's how we are thinking about a situation
that results in a positive or negative emotion positively. So what is the
antidote to all this fear and anger Anxiety and depression and other
negative emotional states we talked about? Mindfulness as a way to decrease
the stress response my is helpful in bringing awareness to our
emotional moods which allows us to the make a choice to do something
differently. There's also an additional practice and training that can help
offset negative emotions. it's called positivity and like
mindfulness can be practiced anytime and anywhere and for brief periods of time.
Practicing positivity builds the area of the brain that helps Warren to see the
world through a more positive lens. A renewing researcher on the subject is
Dr. Barbara Frederickson. She has done research in this field for 20-plus years
and has written many peer-reviewed articles as well as a popular book
called Positivity. She's a professor of psychology at University of North
Carolina. According to her research here are some
valuable benefits of practicing positivity. Some research proven benefits
of practicing positivity include increased creativity, increased
resiliency, increased academic performance, increased social
connectivity, increased Trust. Positive emotions don't just make us feel good
they transform our minds our bodies and our ability to bounce back from hard
times. Dr. Feddersen isn't just talking about junk for joy positive emotions.
There are a whole range of positive emotions out there including feelings of
gratitude, feelings of serenity and feelings of wealth and closeness.For the
people we care for, if positive emotions open our awareness and increase the
expanse of our peripheral vision that means that they help us see more
possibilities and there are a lot of benefits that flow from this. Far from
being trivial we found that positive emotions broaden our awareness in ways
that reshape who we are and they build up our useful traits in ways that bring
out the best in us helping us become the best versions of ourselves. Positivity is
a psychological state that broadens the mind and brings us closer to others.
These are some of the emotional states associated with positivity. Wouldn't it
be nice to experience these states more throughout our day? And there
a lot of benefits that flow from this. People are more creative when they're
experiencing positive emotions. When solving a problem they can come up with
more ideas of what they might do next. People are more likely to be resilient.
Kids academic performances can improve. Research has shown that kids do better
on math tests or other tests if they're just asked to sit and think of a
positive memory before they take the test. Positive emotions make us more
socially connected to others even across groups. And other experiments show that
if you induce positive emotions people are more trusting and come to better
win-win situations and negotiations.
Today is a good day for a good day. It's important to practice positivity.
Fortunately many researchers agree that short practices have results referred to
by some as micro movements. one does not have to sit for hours a day to reap the
benefits of practicing positive emotions it literally can be done in brief
moments. here's an example, one brief practice is to simply start your day
checking in and asking what is good about today. It may be as simple as
appreciating that you have eyes that see, legs that move, beautiful weather,
loving relationships, a roof over your head and food on your table.
To summarize, today we talked about the barriers to optimal emotional well-being.
Cultivating awareness of our emotions and choosing to respond versus react so
that we're controlling our emotions rather than allowing our emotions to
control us. We learned about two common emotions that lead to reactivity, anger
and fear or the fight-or-flight to negative emotions such as depression
anxiety that are very prevalent in our society. And positivity as an antidote to
negative emotional states. Next steps your journey like who you are think
about are you in touch with your emotions, treat others well, value
experiences / possess questions hole gratitude for your loved
ones, have meaning in your life, and try to be flexible. Practice what is good
about today, also practice positivity at least three times this week. Additional
resources.Thank you for joining us in session five emotional well-being in
your best self a guide to achieving a balanced
well-being series.
Suits | Season 4, Episode 8: 'Donna Tells Rachel a Big Secret' | 100 Days of Suits - Duration: 2:32.
5 Questions for a Straight Bartender Working in a Gay Bar - The Johno Show Weedtuber Cannabis - Duration: 8:21.
Hey Stoners Welcome to The Johno Show I'm your host Jonathan.
We are here with my friend Nick who runs Givebac Rolling Papers and I am going to ask him 5
questions every gay man has ever wanted to ask their hot straight bartender friend who
works at a gay bar.
Before we begin tell our audience a little about Givebac Rolling Papers.
Question 1: Why did
you decide to work at
a gay bar?
Question 2: How many times a night do you get
hit on?
Question 3: Are guys disappointed when you tell them you're straight?
Question 4: What's the easiest way to get a free drink in
a gay bar?
Question 5: To me the gay world is the way men would like to behave if women let them.
So, have you learnt a lot about heterosexuality working in a gay bar?
And we have another two questions specifically for our Patreon family.
If you'd like to become a member of The Johno Show Patreon Family and gain access
to all the behind-the-scenes discussions and shenanigans you can sign up for just $4.20
a month.
Thank you for watching.
As always please share this with your friends on social media and
give it a thumbs up if you liked it.
If you'd like to watch the full unedited version of this show
you can
become a member at our Patreon page.
Thank you Bye!
No homeschooling in Germany - Duration: 5:09.
In Germany, all children have to attend school: it's the law.
And while most Germans are happy with it, not everybody is pleased.
And from time to time, there's a little scandal.
One such scandal was the family who wanted to homeschool their children, but wasn't allowed to.
They were fined, and the authorities threatened to take their children into care.
So the family went to the US and applied for asylum.
They claimed religious persecution,
since, as Evangelical Christians,
they didn't want their children being taught about things like evolution.
The courts, though, disagreed.
The law they were in violation of wasn't targeted at any specific group:
it was the same for everyone, regardless of religion or race, or anything else.
So their application for asylum failed,
but they weren't deported.
As far as I know, they're still living in the US,
still hoping that the courts will one day decide in their favour.
So, is Germany taking away the rights of parents
to bring their children up exactly as they please?
Or is there something even more sinister than that?
Is it some kind of state-imposed mind-control?
Some people would certainly argue that.
Others, though, would argue differently.
There is actually nothing stopping parents from
teaching their children whatever they want to teach them,
as long as it's not something seriously bad like how to be a Nazi.
But the parents have to do it in their own time:
the children still have to go to school.
Most Germans would even argue that children have a right to attend school.
A very common point is this:
children have the right to be able to mix with other children of their age,
and from as many different backgrounds as possible.
School, they say, is about more than just the lessons.
And, they say, far from being a way to tell children exactly what to think,
school is a place where they are taught critical thinking skills.
Parents who want to homeschool their children
may claim to be protecting them from indoctrination,
but in fact it's those parents doing the indoctrination.
The history of compulsory schooling in Germany is a very complicated one
that goes back as far as the 16th century.
By the 19th century the idea of compulsory schooling for everyone was there,
but there weren't enough schools.
Not until 1919 was there a law for the whole of Germany.
These days, each state has its own laws.
Generally speaking, children must attend school from the age of 5 or 6,
for a minimum period of about 9 or 10 years.
If you worry that compulsory schooling allows the state to indoctrinate children,
you may actually have a point.
After all, the Nazis were very big on compulsory schooling,
and we all know how good they were at indoctrination.
I once met an elderly gentleman who was a schoolboy in those days.
Every week, he and his classmates would go to church
and attend what was called "Bible study".
At these sessions, the priest would ask them what they'd learned at school that day,
and then proceed to tell them exactly why everything they'd been taught was wrong.
This gentleman explained it to me like this:
he said it was an innoculation against Nazi propaganda.
So, that leaves us... where, exactly?
A government-approved education may well amount to political or religious indoctrination.
But then again, so might homeschooling.
It all depends on the government or the parents respectively.
What you might find difficult is justifying the claim
that being forced to send your children to school amounts to persecution,
and justifies claiming asylum.
Nobody's being tortured or killed,
and you really can't claim asylum
purely on the grounds that you disagree with your country's laws.
Which reminds me: it's time to get the kids off to school.
Oh, wait — I've just remembered! I don't have kids.
What a relief!
Thanks for watching. If you'd like to send me a postcard, here's the address.
And don't forget to visit my website and follow me on Twitter and Facebook.
Also, if you'd like access to special bonus content
and help with the costs of running this channel,
please consider making a small monthly donation on Patreon.
The Hellfire Club: Debauchery and Raising Hell in 18th Century England - Duration: 6:29.
The Hellfire Club: debauchery and raising hell in
18th century England.
Take a journey with us to discover the depravity
and excesses of one man and his friends
in 18th century England.
You won't believe how one person can have shocked
society with his dark rituals, partying and womanizing.
So much so that it lives in the
local memory even to this day.
Welcome to the Hellfire Club:
debauchery and raising hell in 18th century, England.
The beautiful English Countryside
is a picture of tranqulity.
But this corner of south England near High Wycombe
hides a dark past and a sinister
secret lies beneath this seemingly peaceful church.
These are the Hellfire Caves,
a network of man-made caverns.
They were excavated between 1748 and
1752 for Francis Dashwood
11th Baron le Despencer
and co-founder of the Hellfire Club.
whose meetings were held in the caves
The caves Run deep into the hillside above
West Wycombe village, and directly beneath
St Lawrence's Church and Mausoleum,
which were also constructed by sir Francis Dashwood
around the same time the caves were excavated.
The unusual design of the caves was much inspired by
Sir Francis Dashwood's visits to Italy, Greece,
Turkey, Syria and other areas of the Ottoman Empire
during his grand tour.
The caves extend a quarter of a mile or
400 meters underground.
With the individual caves or chambers connected by a
series of long narrow tunnels and passageways.
Within the Caves are a series of chambers
given different names.
The Steward's Chamber and Whitehead's Cave,
Lord Sandwiche's Circle,
Franklin's cave - named after Benjamin Franklin, a friend
of Dashwood who visited West Wycombe -
The banqueting Hall, The Triangle, The Miner's Cave and
finally, across a subterranean river named The Styx, lies
the final cave - The Inner Temple.
Where the meetings of the Hellfire Club were held and
which is said to lie 90 metres directly beneath the
church on top of West Wycombe Hill.
In Greek mythology the River Styx separated the mortal
world from Hades,
and the subterranean position of the Inner Temple
- directly beneath St Lawrence's Church -
was supposed to signify Heaven and Hell.
The caves were used as a meeting place for
Sir Francis Dashwood's notorious Hellfire Club
in the 1750s and early 1760s.
Members of the Hellfire Club included men from all
corners of the political and social elite of British society.
Including politicians, governors
landowners, doctors and poets.
18th Century figures included William Hogarth
John Wilkes, Thomas Potter and
John Montagu - 4th Earl of Sandwich.
Though not believed to have been a member,
Benjamin Franklin was a close friend of Dashwood
who visited the caves on more than one occasion.
According to Horace Walpole (a politician of the time),
the members' practice was rigorously pagan.
Bacchus and Venus were the deities to whom they
publicly sacrificed.
And nymphs and hog heads were laid in festivals for
this new church.
Dashwood's garden at West Wycombe contained
numerous statues and shrines to different gods.
Daphne and Flora, Priapus, as well as
Venus and Dionysus.
Meetings occurred twice a month with an
Annual General Meeting lasting a week or more
in June or september.
Many rumours of black magic, satanic rituals and orgies
were in circulation during the life of the club.
Dashwood's club meetings often included
mock rituals, lewd materials, much drinking,
wenching and banqueting.
The early 1760s saw the downfall of Dashwood's
exclusive club, and the Hellfire Club
had been dissolved by 1766.
The caves were disused before eventually becoming
a World War 2 air raid shelter.
In more recent times the caves have become
a well-known paranormal attraction for tourists
as well as television ghost
investigation programmes.
Ghosts said to have been sensed include those of a
young girl dressed in white and the spirits of nuns.
Perhaps they are the ladies of the night
known to have visited the club
in disguise to entertain gentlemen.
Witnesses have seen orbs, and have heard
crying and knocks.
Would you dare visit the Hellfire Club?
Thank you for watching.
if you enjoyed this video please give it a like,
subscribe and share.
Rent the Runway Review - Duration: 12:51.
hi everybody my name is Alexandra Napoli and this is health coach TV today I am
going to be sharing a review of one of my favorite companies called Rent the
Runway the reason I love Rent the Runway is because I'm so popular that I get
invited to parties all the time but I do get invited to a lot
of weddings I have five weddings to go to this year five that's like way too
many outfits to think about way too much money to spend and so rent the runway is a
fantastic way to get an awesome dress at an awesome price and then you just send
it back to the magical fashion fairies the way the rent the runway works is that
you go online for their wonderful website you scroll through hundreds and
hundreds of dresses you find the one that's just right for you you ask them
to send it to you and then a few days before your event you get a magical
shipment from rent the runway in this beautiful garment bag just like a heavy
bag so your dress is definitely safe in here you open it up and your beautiful
dresses are inside you get to pick two sizes if you're worried about sizing
you're like I've never tried that on before there's tons of reviews so you can
look at people's body type you can like judge like oh they're a 34 B I'm a 34 B
that will probably fit me right or wrong but then you can also get 1 size bigger
or one size smaller somehow I ended up with three dresses I'm not gonna
complain but I am gonna check my bill in this perfect little zipper pouch oh
actually this is my return label so that's the other really good thing when
you're done you just wrap it all back up in this guy throw the return label on it
prepaid postage and just throw it in the mail it can't get any
easier now I'm going to try on my dresses this is dress number one it's
very sparkly and shiny it's called the black emory dress and it's very nice
this is an extra small I can't zip it up luckily there would be another size of
this in the bag but I ordered this by accident because I was just doing way
too much shopping I didn't even realize I was ordering two dresses is that bad
or great I am going to go with great this one would be really nice it feels
more like a winter dress because it is sleeve but very cute this is dress
number two is it's called the charlene dress it's by Slate and Willow I don't
know about it it also feels this is the larger size of the two oh I can get it
it's up okay what do we think I don't know what do we think do we like it
do we like it I'm diggin it I'm not digging it I feel kind of like a slutty
stuffed sausage so here's what we're going to do we're going to call rent the
runway and we're going to test out their customer service thanks for calling
rent the runway your call will be recorded for quality and assurance yours too
if you're calling in regards to a four or eight day rental press one
if you need assistance press 1 if your dress doesn't fit and you don't need a replacement
there's now a fast and easy way you can process your return online the order
history section on our website for iPhone app shipment the return forum
within 24 hours of receiving your order and you'll receive merchandise credit
minus the cost of shipping if you need a replacement dress we are happy to send you another
style for the cost of shipping simply remain on the line to
speak with the stylist so another style for the cost of shipping if you're
rental ends on a Sunday or holiday not to worry
you have until the next business day to return it to a UPS drop box do a
high call volume at this time the wait time may be up to 8 minutes 8 minutes
okay so we've got like an eight-minute wait I'm on their website and their chat just
popped up so I let them know in the chat that I needed some help so we'll see if
that works and so beautiful so that's another tip if you're going to do Rent
the Runway and you need your dress for Saturday night
rent it on a Thursday because it's still a 4 day rental because technically sunday
is a free day because the post office doesn't work on Sundays so you just drop
it in the mail on Monday and you get one day free it's magic maybe I should look
up some sixes too cuz girl I'm busting out of this guy Wow hi Alicia I
just received my order and none of the dresses that I got fit so I was hoping
that we could get something okay just one moment please really she put me on hold or my phone died right
when she answered faaaak can you actually call me back this phones about to dies
it okay what's it I'm sorry what's your name Alex Alex okay thank you so much
okay and then she never gone back chat just responded what to do what to do
what to do do I wait for a alicia to call me back or do I just call them back I guess I
just call them back oh my hyping up of amazing customer service
so this is fun right we're having a good time
it's like bonding time for you and me like we're just like chillin calling
customer service is actually a bonding experience it brings people closer
together so I've also asked the person in the chat to tell Alicia to call me
back and I'm wondering if there's just nothing available to ship or if the
website is broken rent the runway is killin it tonight I swear every other
time I've done this it's been super easy as soon as I try to show you how easy it
is it becomes incredibly complicated I've never had a problem before
so of course today's the day that I'm like fuck so it was hoping that you
could send me something new what time on Saturday
by noon okay yeah I have no idea every time I keep trying to search on your
website it kind of crashes are you choosing delivery for Saturday? I will now do you have any suggestions
so you want to go with a black sequin dress not necessarily
long sleeve I don't necessarily need long sleeves I'm kind of open to whatever
if you see anything at all just tell the style name a I can check if it's actually
available for deliver saturday okay so the one that I saw off first
it's called Yoanna itself pep and sheath oh my god
although is that too white for a wedding I don't know if that's not
allowed okay let's let's grab that I think it's fine it's not it's more blue
that way is it available this weekend I have a six available
I don't know what the colors of this wedding are what about Rouge Suzette dress
one okay I think there's that many pages of dresses so let me just
can you send both of them is it the same as before where you get two sizes yeah
you want to go about I'm very good about deciding what about the sweet candy apple sheath
i have that in a 2 and a 4 okay that might work better they're
pretty much very similar right what's the difference between the two the one looks
like it has boning in it and it's a bit of a older style
do you have anything in a scuba available I know we can carry
that material yeah so go where it says does embellishment and choose scuba
wow there's a lot are you like in a rush to get me off
the phone? no not al all nothing's popping out at me
you can review the site and call back in the morning what about neon coral porter dress that in a 2 and a 4
really cute what would you pick between this one and the red I would go
with the coral it is very cute okay let's do that
well that's pretty okay yeah let's do that
alright so we're going to send this out to you all that we ask
is just your return back the dresses that you have and then you will receive the
this replacement on Saturday right so you're all set how much is this costing
it's costing you zero dollars is that because I have like a membership or something well no because
you had the order already and it was an issue with it so we're giving you replacements
because we weren't even able to fulfill your original order so we're not going to
charge you for this replacement Emone thank you so much have a great
night okay bye okay so we have a new dress coming it's
getting delivered Saturday morning before noon which I should double
check the time of the wedding but I'm pretty sure it's in the evening so it
should be fine and it's going to cost me $0 to get a brand new dress which will
hopefully fit but I have high hopes and high expectations
Emone was very sweet and super helpful when I finally did get somebody on the
phone everything's worked out so see you on
Saturday I'll show you my new dress okay so as promised my rent the runway new
outfits arrived before noon on Saturday another fancy garment bag
so my new dress is in here so I'm gonna try them on this is like a really
aggressive color oh my god so this looks really good so I'm super
happy with my new dress is going to be really fun wedding we're going to
tonight the runway is fantastic there customer service as you saw was
really good and they delivered what they promised another dress Saturday so that
I could wear it to my wedding Saturday night so everything went perfectly
I love Rent the Runway I've used them a ton of times in the past
the thing that I love the most about them is that it's eco-friendly probably
100 girls have worn this dress before me and
100 other girls are wearing after so instead of me spending $300 on a dress
I'm you and you and you and you one dress you get it for the price of like this
is I think $40 but so for like 40 to 60 dollars you can wear a $300 dress and
then you just send it back they dry clean it for you everything's taken care
of so if you want to try rent the runway go for it if you have and you love it
let me know in the comments below I'd love to hear from you and send me your
pics of your hot rent the runway dresses so exciting yay
Income tax and your pension payment - Duration: 1:24.
Hi, I'm Bonnie from the Saskatchewan
Pension Plan. Thanks for joining us today.
Our topic for this video is Income
Tax and your Pension Payments. It's
important for you to know that when you
choose an annuity from Saskatchewan
Pension Plan that that payment is taxable
income in the year that it's received.
Every year we will issue a T4A for
you to file with your tax return, and if
you want to reduce the tax burden at the
end of the year, you can choose to have
additional tax withheld from that
pension payment each month. Your
accountant or tax preparer will be able
to help you determine what amount of tax
should be withheld from your pension
payment. Your pension from SPP qualifies
for the pension income amount. You may
claim any amount up to $2,000 of pension
income shown in Box 16 of your T4A even
if you begin receiving your pension
prior to age 65. If you require more
information, please visit our website or
call the number shown on the screen.
Thanks so much for watching.
Natural Ways To Reduce Wrinkles | Surprising therapy to improve wrinkles - Skin wrinkles - Duration: 4:59.
EQ Bank - It's like Free Money - Duration: 1:01.
Woman in glasses: Is this for real?!
Woman with coffee: Thank you...?
Man on phone: Yo, I just got some money.
Can You Solve a Detective Mystery Using Just One Picture? - Duration: 3:03.
Can You Solve a Detective Mystery Using Just One Picture?
Can You Solve a Detective Mystery Using Just One Picture? In order to exercise your brain, you don't necessarily have to multiply ten-digit numbers in your head.
Sometimes, all it takes is one picture with a hidden explanation behind it.
We at Bright Side recommend trying to solve this unusual brainteaser right now.
It was a hot summer day, and a police detective decided to catch a little sun by the banks of a river.
Suddenly, he heard a woman crying.
"What's happened?" he asked the sobbing girl.
"Please calm down and tell me everything one step at a time." "That's easy for you to say," said the girl between sobs.
"You can't even imagine how dear that bracelet was to me.
I come here every day.
Today I took off my bracelet while sunbathing, placed it on top of my book, and accidentally fell asleep.
I woke up and my bracelet wasn't there anymore. The inspector fell into deep thought.
There were no footsteps left by other people in the sand around where the girl had been sitting, apart from her own.
There were no other people in the vicinity.
It followed that only one of the regular visitors to the beach could have taken the bracelet.
These people had now formed a thick wall all around the inspector.
He looked at them and within a moment understood who could have taken it.
So have you worked out who stole the bracelet? The only person who could reach the bracelet without leaving any footsteps in the sand is the one with the fishing rod.
He was the first person to fall under suspicion.
Illustrated by Askhik Rakimova for BrightSide.me .
We'd love to hear your views on this….
BREAKING: New Evidence Proves Michael Flynn Was Framed, What's Your Response? | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:28.
Michael Flynn is a hero and a dedicated Army legend who understands the threat of radical
He was a staunch supporter of President Trump early on.
Unfortunately, he fell victim to the vindictive Deep State and had to resign from his position
as National Security Advisor.
New evidence, via Circa, confirms what we patriots have known all along.
Flynn's fall was carefully orchestrated by enemies in the unelected Washington establishment.
Bitter FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe brought down Flynn in the act of political revenge!
Flynn is innocent!
McCabe was out to get Flynn due to his involvement in a sexual discrimination case leveled against
the FBI Deputy Director by one of the bureau's top anti-terror agents.
Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz was highly respected in the FBI.
Her counter-terrorism work was praised by all her colleagues.
During her time, she tracked down terrorists, rescued hostages, and was even on the case
to find the disappeared agent Robert Levinson in Iran.
Her prestigious career was cut short by the conniving of Andrew McCabe, who recently has
been the force behind the Russia probes into the Trump administration.
McCabe is one of the biggest puppets the Deep State has it its disposal.
Gritz went to work under McCabe in 2012.
Under him, she began receiving negative reviews for the first time in her career.
Eventually, the truth came out: this was a case of sexual discrimination.
McCabe was doing all he could to sabotage Gritz–including tarnishing her reputation.
Eventually, Gritz's case went national.
She became the central figure on a media exposé into harassment and discrimination in the
Michael Flynn, who was familiar with Gritz due to her counterterrorism work, took up
her cause.
Flynn wrote a letter in support of Gritz while he was an Army Lieutenant General and Chief
of the Defense Intelligence Agency.
Other Federal leaders did the same asserting their willingness to serve as witnesses in
Gritz's hearing.
This sent McCabe into a rage.
He got the FBI to promptly send a lawyer to block Flynn and the other intelligence officials
from contributing to the Gritz case.
Flynn even went public in defense of his colleague, offering an interview on NPR in 2015 in which
he testified to her work ethic and invaluable service to this country.
Andrew McCabe never forgot what Flint did.
He's been harboring resentment for the last few years.
And when he saw Flint placed in such a high post by a President whose loyalties lie with
the people (as opposed to the globalist elite), he became hysterical.
McCabe was on a mission to destroy Flynn at all cost.
McCabe used his FBI resources to publish the leaks making it look like Flynn was working
inappropriately with Russia.
It was all a set-up from the start.
Flynn isn't guilty; he attacked by cowardly men in a personal feud.
We have to put an end to the influence of the Deep State.
It is a threat to our Republic.
These heinous actors are unelected, but they do all they can to thwart our elected President.
Trump has to destroy these swamp rats before they destroy him!
Should Andrew McCabe be fired from the FBI?
please share this news and tell us what you think!
Surprising Tarot Reading for my Birthday - Duration: 9:16.
God, this table is so filthy.
Spin the dirty side away.
Hi everybody, I'm Amanda the G and tomorrow is my birthday and I thought a great way to
celebrate that would be to do a tarot reading.
Now I don't know what y'all believe about tarot cards, but they can be very helpful.
And I want to start this by saying that I am 100% a beginner in this, so my interpretations
might not be the greatest.
I'm kind of going with the teeny tiny book that comes with the cards and I might end
up doing this whole thing wrong.
So please bear with me.
I'm trying.
Since I have nothing specifically that I am going to be doing this focused on, I figured
I would just do the standard Celtic cross.
I don't have a card that I know well enough to pick as the card that signifies myself,
so I'm gonna kind of do it without that.
I'm hoping that's ok without a signifier card since I'm reading them for myself and my hands
are all over this deck.
I have just done a quick google search and you can use a random card as the signifier
card and let the deck pick it for you so I'm gonna go with that.
I read somewhere that you're supposed to hold the deck out and imagine a white light emanating
from yourself onto the deck.
So...we'll try that.
(music swell) I'm just gonna shuffle this a little bit.
There is our signifier card.
That card covers him.
This represents his obstacles.
This crowns him.
This is beneath him.
This is behind him.
This is before him.
So here is our cross that you can barely see (laughing).
Kind of.
So now I'm gonna have to look at this for every single card.
The signifier card it gave me was the 4 of cups.
Weariness, disgust, aversion, imaginary vexations, as if the wine of this world had caused satiety
That is meant to signify me - that I am weary and filled with imaginary vexations (sigh).
I would like to say that that's completely wrong, but I do work a lot and my head is
constantly filled with things.
This next card that covers is supposed to be my current environment and it is the 7
of what?
Is that a stick?
Is that, is that a stick?
Is sticks a thing?
These are apparently wands!
It is the 7 of wands.
On the intellectual plane it signifies discussion, wordy strife, in business negotiations, war
of trade, barter, competition.
It is further a card of success.
So apparently, I am currently...successful?
This card is my obstacles which is the hyrophant?
Hi, hi, rofant?
I cannot pronounce this!
Marriage, alliance, captivity, servitude, mercy, and goodness.
My current problems are marriage??
I don't think that's right.
I'm really bad at the whole interpretation part cause this is just here's a bunch of
random words and you can kind of interpret it a way that makes sense, but marriage makes
no sense.
My current obstacles I guess?
I don't really know.
I'm confused by that.
The next card is the crown and this is the best I can arrive at which is the wheel of
That sounds like a good card!
It signifies destiny, fortune, success, luck, and felicity.
So the highest I can reach is success!
I think that's true of everybody but I'm thinking this is a good card.
This next card is the one that is my own.
This is apparently what I have to work with.
It is the queen of swords upside down.
This is what I have to work with, apparently that's malice, bigotry, artifice, prudery,
and deceit.
This is just wrong!
I am not a deceitful person.
Unless this is like what I'm surrounded by.
This should be right side up.
I'm not somebody who is mean or mean spirited or hates anyone or is deceitful.
This is supposed to be my own, something that I have and can work with that is my own.
And that makes no sense.
Let's go to the past!
The tower.
The past is misery, distress, ruin, indigence, adversary, calamity, disgrace, and deception.
That one I will believe over this stupid card.
That makes sense, I haven't had a 100% perfect life like no one has, so...moving past that
and beyond it, let's look at the future card.
This next card is supposed to be the current that is coming into action, so the future
that's happening soon.
It is the star.
Well, great!
Loss, theft, privation, abandonment, although another reading suggests hope and bright pa-
So this is either loss or it's hope.
I am going to choose to believe that this card signifies hope.
That is how I am going to think of the future.
I am leaving behind the bad past and moving into a hopeful future where I can work towards
the wheel of fortune.
This is supposed to signify myself and my attitude towards...my situation I guess?
It is the 8 of wands.
Activity in undertakings, the path of such activity, swiftness, as that of an express
messenger, great haste, great hope, speed towards an end which promises assured facility,
that which is on the move, also the arrows of love.
My current feelings towards all this is rushing at that success which...that, that's correct.
This is supposed to be my environment, the influence, people, and events around me, which
is the knight of swords.
Skill, bravery, capacity, defense, address, enmity, wrath, war, destruction, opposition,
resistance, and ruin.
That signifies everything that's around me.
This is supposed to be my hopes and fears, it is the emperor.
Stability, power, aid, protection, a great person, conviction, and reason.
Can this and this card be switched with their meanings?
That this is what I have to work with and what I fear is that?
And that what I have to work with is being a great person and what I fear is the bigotry?
And then the last card is supposed to represent what will come and this is supposed to be
the one that you focus the most time interpreting.
So I probably spent way too much time interpreting all of these other cards.
This is the ace of swords.
So this is what is coming.
Triumph, the excessive degree in everything, conquest, triumph of force, a card of great
force in love as well as hatred.
This is a great card for what's coming!
So basically what I'm going to take from this is I'm going to kind of ignore some of the
things that don't really make the most sense.
In my past, I've had some hard times and I'm currently striving towards fortune, that I'm
going towards success.
In the future there is hope that I'm working towards, and will eventually reach thanks
to the ace of swords.
That's a pretty darn good, positive, happy thing to do for my birthday!
So that is my birthday venture into tarot reading.
Please let me know in the comments below what you thought about this reading, if you do
tarot, if you have a different interpretation, I would love to hear that.
And if you liked this video, click the like button and subscribe to my channel, I make
a new video every Tuesday.
Thank you guys so much for watching.
I really hope nobody thinks that I actually am like the queen of swords upside down, and
malice and bigotry is what I have to work with, cause that's just, that's just not me.
Relative adverbs | Learn English grammar - Duration: 4:50.
Random Acts of Kindness Vlog 1 | DONATING BLOOD IN ENGLAND - Duration: 10:38.
America's Cup: Grant Dalton reflects on how close Team New Zealand came to shutting down - Duration: 3:35.
America's Cup: Grant Dalton reflects on how close Team New Zealand came to shutting down
Grant Dalton has revealed just how close Team New Zealand was to folding as it struggled with money. Even up until winning the Louis Vuitton Cup qualifier on June 12, the Emirates Team New Zealand couldnt afford to pay sailors salaries.
Ironically, we pay salaries on the 15th of each month, and until we won the Louis Vuitton a week and a half ago, I couldnt actually pay the 15th salaries so its been pretty tight, Dalton told Seven Sharp.
He told the Herald that in October 2015, a press release announcing the syndicates closure was drafted. The board of directors came to the decision that the cash-strapped syndicate had no option but to close up shop.
Only a last minute bail-out from an overseas donor allowed Team NZ to stay afloat.
Less than two years after the darkest day in Team New Zealand history, Dalton was today holding aloft the Americas Cup in Bermuda after the young crew led by Glenn Ashby pulled off a dominant 7-1 win over Oracle Team USA.
We were past shutting our doors, Dalton said.
In my drafts, which Ive kept since October 2015, which I wrote on a flight back to England - I keep it as sort of a motivation, is a draft of a press release to shut the team.
We had a directors meeting that afternoon, we decided we had to shut. I worked through that night and came up with some money by daybreak, and here we are..
Dalton would not say who helped Team New Zealand - the most enduring syndicate in Americas Cup history - stay alive. It was a combination of people that helped. It was offshore money, and it kept us going..
Team New Zealand board member Tina Symmans told the Herald in one three-week period in October 2015, the board were meeting an average of twice a day as they fought to fend off closure.
Sir Stephen Tindall, the teams chairman, said he was never willing to accept Team New Zealand would dissolve. I think it is fair to say, right up until today, Grant is a pessimist, said Sir Stephen.
He painted a picture to us back then that we were finished, but I didnt accept it. We were very close to it, very close..
It took a huge amount of effort to dig our way out of it, but as Kiwis we are never down and out.
Having had their backs against the wall for the entire Cup cycle made todays victory an emotional one for Dalton, who endured a bitter public backlash early on in the campaign after making a plea for more government funds.
I certainly hugged a few more guys than I normally do, and a few of them had a tear in their eye.
Credit to Matteo de Nora - he was the first guy I saw. Hes just been amazing, as have Stephen Tindall and the rest of the directors. Theyve just been amazing..
There were some pretty tough calls weve made when weve been pretty much against the wall in terms of money. It had gone in fact at one stage, and we came back..
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