I look forward to all the future missions that NASA is going to be sending out in the
Solar System.
Here, check this out.
You can use NASA's website to show you all the future missions.
Here's everything planned for the future, here's everything going to Mars.
Now, let's look and see what missions are planned for the outer planets of the Solar
System, especially Uranus and Neptune.
Oh, that's so sad… there's nothing.
It's been decades since humanity had an up close look at Uranus and Neptune.
For Uranus, it was Voyager 2, which swept through the system in 1986.
We got just a few tantalizing photographs of the ice giant planet and it's moons.
What's that?
What's going on there?
What are those strange features?
Sorry, insufficient data.
And then Voyager 2 did the same, zipping past Neptune in 1989.
Check that out, and that, and this.
What's going here on Triton?
Wouldn't you like to know more?
Well, too bad!
You can't it's done, that's all you get.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we've studied all these other worlds.
I'm glad we've had orbiters at Mercury, Venus, everything at Mars, Jupiter, and especially
We've seen Ceres and Vesta, and the Moon up close.
We even got a flyby of Pluto and Charon.
It's time to go back to Uranus and Neptune, this time to stay.
And I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Scientists at NASA recently published a report called the Ice Giant Mission Study, and it's
all about various missions that could be sent to explore Uranus, Neptune and their fascinating
The team of scientists who worked on the study considered a range of potential missions to
the ice giants, and in the end settled on four potential missions; three that could
go to Uranus, and one headed for Neptune.
Each of them would cost roughly $2 billion.
Uranus is closer, easier to get to, and the obvious first destination of a targeted mission.
For Uranus, NASA considered three probes.
The first idea is a flyby mission, which will sweep past Uranus gathering as much science
as it can.
This is what Voyager 2 did, and more recently what NASA's New Horizons did at Pluto.
In addition, it would have a separate probe, like the Cassini and Galileo missions, that
would detach and go into the atmosphere to sample the composition below the cloudtops.
The mission would be heavy and require an Atlas V rocket with the same configuration
that sent Curiosity to Mars.
The flight time would take 10 years.
The main science goal of this mission would be to study the composition of Uranus.
It would make some other measurements of the system as it passed through, but it would
just be a glimpse.
Better than Voyager, but nothing like Cassini's decade plus observations of Saturn.
I like where this is going, but I'm going to hold out for something better.
The next idea is an orbiter.
Now we're talking!
It would have all the same instruments as the flyby and the detachable probe.
But because it would be an orbiter, it would require much more propellant.
It would have triple the launch mass of the flyby mission, which means a heavier Atlas
V rocket.
And a slightly longer flight time; 12 years instead of 10 for the flyby.
Because it would remain at Uranus for at least 3 years, it would be able to do an extensive
analysis of the planet and its rings and moons.
But because of the atmospheric probe, it wouldn't have enough mass for more instruments.
It would have more time at Uranus, but not a much better set of tools to study it with.
Okay, let's keep going.
The next idea is an orbiter, but without the detachable probe.
Instead, it'll have the full suite of 15 scientific instruments, to study Uranus from
every angle.
We're talking visible, doppler, infrared, ultraviolet, thermal, dust, and a fancy wide
angle camera to give us those sweet planetary pictures we like to see.
Study Uranus?
Yes please.
But while we're at it, let's also sent a spacecraft to Neptune.
As part of the Ice Giants Study, the researchers looked at what kind of missions would be possible.
In this case, they settled on a single recommended mission.
A huge orbiter with an additional atmospheric probe.
This mission would be almost twice as massive as the heaviest Uranus mission, so it would
need a Delta IV Heavy rocket to even get out to Neptune.
As it approached Neptune, the mission would release an atmospheric probe to descend beneath
the cloudtops and sample what's down there.
The orbiter would then spend an additional 2 years in the environment of Neptune, studying
the planet and its moons and rings.
It would give us a chance to see its fascinating moon Triton up close, which seems to be a
captured Kuiper Belt Object.
Unfortunately there's no perfect grand tour trajectory available to us any more, where
a single spacecraft could visit all the large planets in the Solar System.
Missions to Uranus and Neptune will have to be separate, however, if NASA's Space Launch
System gets going, it could carry probes for both destinations and launch them together.
In a moment, I'm going to talk about the science.
What do we want to know about Uranus and Neptune, but first I'd like to thank Nelson Reyes,
Martin Assche, R.Instro, and the rest of our 750 patrons for their generous support.
If you love what we're doing and want to get in on the action, head over to patreon.com/universetoday
The goal of these missions is the science.
We want to understand the ice giants of the outer Solar System, which are quite different
from both the inner terrestrial planets and the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn.
The gas giants are mostly hydrogen and helium, like the Sun.
But the ice giants are 65% water and other ices made from methane and ammonia.
But it's not like they're big blobs of water, or even frozen water.
Because of their huge gravity, the ice giants crush this material with enormous pressure
and temperature.
What happens when you crush water under this much pressure?
It would all depend on the temperature and pressure.
There could be different types of ice down there.
At one level, it could be an electrically conductive soup of hydrogen and oxygen, and
then further down, you might get crystallized oxygen with hydrogen ions running through
Hailstones made of diamond could form out of the carbon-rich methane and fall down through
the layers of the planets, settling within a molten carbon core.
What I'm saying is, it could be pretty strange down there.
We know that ice giants are common in the galaxy, in fact, they've made up the majority
of the extrasolar planets discovered so far.
By better understanding the ones we have right here in our own Solar System, we can get a
sense of the distant extrasolar planets turning up.
We'll be better able to distinguish between the super earths and mini-neptunes.
Another big question is how these planets formed in the first place.
In their current models, most planetary astronomers think these planets had very short time windows
to form.
They needed to have massive enough cores to scoop up all that material before the newly
forming Sun's solar wind blasted it all out into space.
And yet, why are these kinds of planets so common in the Universe?
The NASA mission planners developed a total of 12 science objectives for these missions,
focusing on the composition of the planets and their atmospheres.
And if there's time, they'd like to know about how heat moves around, their constellations
of rings and moons.
They'd especially like to investigate Neptune's moons Triton, which looks like a captured
Kuiper Belt Object, as it orbits in the reverse direction from all the other moons in the
Solar System.
In terms of science, the two worlds are very similar.
But because Neptune has Triton.
If I had to choose, I'd go with a Neptune mission.
Are you excited?
I'm excited.
Here's the bad news.
According to NASA, the best launch windows for these missions would be 2029 or 2034.
And that's just the launch time, the flight time is an additional decade or more on top
of that.
In other words, the first photos from a Uranus flyby could happen in 2039 or 2035, while
orbiters could arrive at either planet in the 2040s.
I'm sure my future grandchildren will enjoy watching these missions arrive.
But then, we have to keep everything in perspective.
NASA's Cassini mission was under development in the 1980s.
It didn't launch until 1997, and it didn't get to Saturn until 2004.
It's been almost 20 years since that launch, and almost 40 years since they started working
on it.
I guess we need to be more patient.
I can be patient.
So far, NASA hasn't suggested any names for these missions.
What would you call them?
And now I'm going to naively ask for your ideas for the names of probes to Uranus…
and Neptune.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
In our next episode, I wonder why we haven't sent humans anywhere interesting in a long
time, and propose a better way to explore space: capability-based human space exploration.
That's next time.
For this episode's playlist, I've queued up a bunch of videos about Uranus and Neptune,
starting with our own video about why Uranus is on its side.
Then Phil Plait's Crash Course Astronomy about the ice giants.
How to Pronounce Uranus, the Planets Beyond Neptune, and an astronomy lecture about the
ice giants of the Solar System.
It would have all the same instruments - aww.
For more infomation >> Is Time To Go Back to Uranus and Neptune? Revisiting Ice Giants of the Solar System - Duration: 9:18.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Caddy 1.9 TDI MAXI (105pk) Airco /Cruise /Elek. pakket /Parrot /Zij-Schuifdeur R. /Mistl. - Duration: 0:56.
Yanukovich. La huida 19-20-21 feb. 2014 - Duration: 21:58.
Dothraki, their History, Roots, Locations and Personalities | Map of Essos - Duration: 11:27.
The Dothraki are large people with copper-toned skin, dark almond eyes, and black hair.
They are nomadic warriors who range across the vast grasslands of the Dothraki sea in
Essos, and their hordes are known as khalasars, the nomadic groupings upon which dothraki
society is based.
The ancestors of the Dothraki came from the lands beyond the Bone Mountains in the Further
East, leaving behind the bones that give the Bone Mountains their name.
Around the time of the Doom of Valyria, the Dothraki rode toward the Free Cities out of
the east, sacking and burning every town and city in their path.
The leader of a khalasar, is called khal.
The khal leads the khalasar and its various khas, a subdivision of a khalasar, commanded
by a ko, a lieutenant of a khal.
The khal is usually considered the strongest or fiercest of a khalasar; because he must
be a ruthless and cunning warrior to deal with any who challenge his authority or get
in his way.
It is also said that if a khal cannot ride, he cannot lead.
Khals keep trusted companions and guards known as bloodriders, who follow the khal everywhere,
even in death.
If their khal falls in battle, the bloodriders live only long enough to avenge his death.
They refer to each other as "Blood of my Blood" as a sign of respect and the closeness
of their bond.
A khal's wife is called a khaleesi, while his heir to a khalasar is named the khalakka.
There were many great khals in the short history of dothraki.
The first was khal Mengo who lived during the Century of Blood.
His mother was Doshi, a reputed witch queen who united all Dothraki under his command
during the Century of Blood.
Becoming the first great khal.
He enslaved or killed those who refused to follow him.
In his old age, he turned his attentions westward and began to move against the Kingdom of Sarnor.
As the Sarnori were contemptuous of the horselords, they sought to use the Dothraki in their own
wars, offering them gold, slaves, and other gifts to fight their rivals.
Khal Mengo took these gifts and then took the conquered lands as well, burning fields
and towns and farms to return the grasslands to their former state, as Dothraki consider
it sinful to cut the flesh of the earth with plows, spades, and axes.
In time he was succeeded by his son Moro, who led the Dothraki to the gates of Sathar,
the "Waterfall City" of the Sarnori.
All men were put to the sword and their women and children carried off as slaves to the
slave markets of the hill city of Hazdahn Mo, a colony of the Ghiscari Empire.
Sathar was burned to the ground, and it is written that Moro gave the ruins a new name:
Yalli Qamayi, the place of Wailing Children.
Six years later, Moro razed Kasath to the ground, with the aid of the King of Gornath,
who had taken one of Moro's daughters as wife and made common cause with him and sent aid
to Moro's riders.
Twelve years later, however, Moro was slain by Khal Horro, who took control of his khalasar.
He also took Moro's daughter, who had married the King of Gornath in an alliance between
him and Moro, for himself.
Three years later Horro was slain by a rival, and his great khalasar separated into a dozen
lesser hordes.
Khal Haro lived during the Century of Blood.
He united with khals Qano, Loso, and Zhako to fight against High King Mazor Alexi, who
had united all of the Sarnori lesser kings to defend their homeland against the Dothraki
The battle took place halfway between Sarnath and the ruins of Kasath.
The Sarnori chariots smashed the center of the Dothraki horde.
Haro was trampled and died, while his Dothraki fled.
However, the escape was feigned and Haro's riders turned back, raining arrows on the
Sarnori, while the other khals surrounded the Tall Men on all sides.
The battle was later named Field of Crows.
Khal Loso, dubbed Loso the Lame, was one of the four khals that fought in the Field of
Less than a fortnight after the Field of Crows Loso sacked Sarnath and put the city to the
Khal Zeggo also lived during the Century of Blood.
He sacked the city of Sarys, the last city of the Kingdom of Sarnor to fall to the Dothraki.
Khal Onqo lived during the Century of Blood and lead a particularly huge khalasar.
He began to make incursions into the Ibbenese territories in Essos, only to be killed by
the Ibbenese in an epic battle that destroyed his khalasar.
His grandson was Khal Dhako, who approached the city of Ibbish to sack it, but its inhabitants
took to their ships and fled.
Dhako put the city to the torch and named it Vaes Aresak, or City of Cowards.
In his wroth, Dhako burned not only the abandoned city, but so much of the surrounding countryside,
that he was thereafter known as the Dragon of the North.
Dhako took great pride in being known as the Dragon of the North, however he came to rue
it when his khalasar was broken by that of the younger Khal Temmo, who took the elder
captive and fed him to the flames after cutting off his hands, feet, and man parts, and roasting
them before his eyes, after first burning his wives and sons in the same manner.
Temmo was a great conqueror, but is best remembered for his loss in the Battle of the Three Thousand.
He led his khalasar to Qohor to sack the city.
He destroyed city's defenders on the first day and retired to his camps for the night,
planning to sack the city the following day.
The next morning he awoke and found three thousand Unsullied barring the way.
Eighteen times the khalasar attacked the Unsullied, to no avail.
Khal Temmo was slain in the battle, along with all his sons, and bloodriders.
His khalasar suffered grievous losses and eventually chose to retreat.
Vaes Dothrak, translated as City of Riders, is the only city of the Dothraki people.
It is located beneath the Mother of Mountains, a holy mountain for the Dothraki people on
which only men can set foot.
Near the city is the Womb of the World, a large lake and another holy place to the Dothraki
The lake is surrounded by reed, and is reported to have no bottom.
According to Dothraki legends, the first man emerged from the depths of the Womb of the
World, riding on the back of the first horse over a thousand years ago.
City has no walls and is ruled by the dosh khaleen, the wives of all the khals who have
come before.
They are the only permanent residents of Vaes Dothrak, along with their eunuch slaves.
They enjoy great honor and status amongst the Dothraki and serve as seers foretelling
the future and interpreting omens for the Dothraki.
Vaes Dothrak is a place of peace where the Dothraki khalasars may gather and meet to
trade, but not to fight.
Therefore it is forbidden to draw a sword while in the city, under penalty of death.
However, the restriction is specifically on drawing a bladed weapon or shedding blood,
but should the need arise, it is permissible to kill someone in the city using other lethal
means, like strangulation or burning.
Even so, due to the respect the Dothraki have for the city, violence within it is rare.
Vaes Dothrak is at once one of the largest cities, due to its expansive layout, and one
of the smallest, due to its small inhabitant population.
It has broad, windswept streets paved in grass and mud.
There are carved stone pavilions, manses of woven grass, wooden towers, stepped pyramids
and log halls.
It is large enough to hold every khalasar, were they all to return at once.
The Horse Gate, main gate of the city, is no true gate, as there are no gates or walls
in Vaes Dothrak.
Instead, it is named for two gigantic bronze stallions whose hooves meet a hundred feet
above the roadway to form a pointed arch.
The godsway is a broad, grassy road that runs through the heart of the city in a straight
It goes from the Horse Gate to the Mother of Mountains.
Along the way it passes through the Western and Eastern Markets.
The Western Market is a grand bazaar used by traders from the Free Cities.
It is a great square of beaten earth surrounded by mud-baked brick, animal pens and whitewashed
drinking halls.
Hummocks rise from the earth and beneath the square lie large storerooms.
The interior of the square is made up of stalls and aisles.
In the Eastern Market, traders from Asshai, Yi Ti and the Shadow Lands come to trade.
There one can find rarer items, such as manticores, elephants and striped white and black horses,
called zorses, of the Jogos Nhai.
Traders are free to cross the Dothraki sea unmolested to Vaes Dothrak as long as they
keep the peace, do not profane either the Mother of Mountains or the Womb of the World
and give the traditional gifts of salt, silver and seed to the dosh khaleen.
The Dothraki sea is also known as the Haunted Lands and the Great Desolation after the dozens
of ruins of the cities destroyed and nations conquered by the Dothraki.
Before the Century of Blood, it was referred to as the grasslands and is considered by
some as the birthplace of civilization, where the first true towns arose beside the banks
of the Sarne river.
Save for Vaes Dothrak and some Valyrian roads in the west near the Forest of Qohor, there
are no surviving roads, hills, or cities, leaving an ocean of unbroken rippling grass,
for which the Dothraki sea is named.
Over a hundred types of grass grow on the plains, often growing thick and taller than
a man's head and from afar look like a sea, as it rolls like waves in the breeze.
Some rivers run through the lands, though they are often shallow and shift with the
seasons; overall sand is more prevalent than water.
Other than that it is largely empty, with packs of wild dogs, herds of free-ranging
horses and rare hrakkar, a white lion.
By the time of the War of the Five Kings, the most powerful khal is Drogo, son of Khal
From an early age Drogo was an extraordinarily gifted warrior even among the fierce Dothraki;
before the age of thirty he led a khalasar forty thousand strong, the largest on the
Dothraki sea and has never been defeated in battle.
Drogo owns a palace in the sacred Dothraki city of Vaes Dothrak.
He also possesses a nine-towered manse in Pentos, given to him by the city's ruling
magisters as part of their policy of bribing the Dothraki not to loot the city.
Drogo's bloodriders are Cohollo, Qotho and Haggo.
Cohollo was pledged to the khalakka Drogo while he was still a child, and saved young
Drogo's life from sellswords on one occasion.
Qotho is known as the most sadistic of Drogo's bloodriders.
He has cruel eyes and quick hands that like to hurt.
Even his horses react to him with fear.
After Drogo's injury, Daenerys intends to take her husband to the maegi Mirri Maz Duur
to heal him, but Drogo's bloodriders attempt to stop this from happening.
They are killed by Daeneryse's guards and Jorah Mormont.
Dothraki are fearsome and through their history they have destroyed many fine cities and kingdoms.
Some of those kingdoms still live in one form or another, and are waiting to strike back
on dothraki, seeking their weak spots.
And, surely, those lands threatened by dothraki won't support any friends of the bloodthirsty
horseriders, especially ones with the fire breathing dragons by their side.
Germany's Crazy Robot Censorship In Video Games - Duration: 4:36.
There are a few reasons why you may not want to be a gamer living in Germany.
The sometimes strict censorship of video game violence, for example, is sure to upset those
of you who enjoy seeing your enemies exploding to pieces.
However, once upon a time, German gamers were faced with something a bit more bizarre when
it comes to video game censorship and I'm talking about... the robots.
You see, one way that the industry decided to tackle Germany's problem with video game
violence was to turn all of the characters into non-human robots instead.
Due to this, there are many examples from the 90s and 00s of games having a special
German version created that are extremely different to the rest of the world... and
much more mechanical in nature.
Take Soldier of Fortune 2, for example, which is a popular FPS from back in 2002.
As you can see from the gameplay, there's no shortage of that red stuff, with you being
able to target any of the enemies' body parts and obliterate them to pieces.
Back in 2002, Soldier of Fortune's gameplay was groundbreaking and there was absolutely
no chance that it would be allowed to be released in Germany in its original form.
And so, for the German release, the devs completely changed the game and not only turned every
single human character into a robot, but also replaced the story with a new one, where the
game now takes place in a parallel universe where mankind was completely wiped out by
The game of course plays and feels very different with all humans now turned to machines.
Also, this means that there's no more of that high tech violence system, with the robots
instead blowing up when defeated.
Another game released in Germany with humans turned to robots is Carmageddon, the graphic
vehicle combat game from 1997.
One big part of the title was the ability to mow down pedestrians during races for points.
Over in Germany though...
German games turning characters into robots though, goes back even further than the 90s,
with one of the first cases happening in Contra from way back in 1988.
This one however, ended up affecting all European regions and it even led to the title being
given a new name...
As you can see on the cover art, the game is now based around futuristic robots instead.
These changes affected all humans in the game and then went on to also be made to all of
the Contra sequels for a whooping 9 years.
One of the later games even decided to make the same changes to a wolf-like playable character,
showing that this treatment wasn't exclusive to humans.
This is similar to Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, which made changes to all of its Demon enemies,
which, whilst humanoid looking in nature, aren't actually human
Turok does also contain many proper human enemies though, such as human poachers, soldiers
and sergeants.
Naturally, these were censored in Germany the same... by turning them into some sort
of robot.
Now there are many more examples of German games with similar sort of changes, but the
last for today will be a rather infamous case from 2003's Command & Conquer: Generals.
The real time strategy game was actually originally released completely uncensored in Germany
and with only a 16+ rating.
However, shortly after release the game was then indexed by the German government, meaning
that it was unable to be sold openly and had to be hidden out of view of children by, for
example, hiding it under counters.
This would, of course, heavily affect sales and so out of nowhere the devs had to create
a new version of their game for the German market.
Thus, a little while later came a version that had many changes made to it, to remove
anything that could potentially cause issues... one of the most popular forms of editing being,
yet again, turning all humans into machines.
Dozens of art assets had to be altered and it really gives a different impression than
the original.
Other changes include the removal of all civilians, changing anthrax to acid, the removal of elements
that were related to real life and even a mission being completely cut from the game.
There were many other changes made to the German version and perhaps one day Censored
Gaming could make a full in-depth video going into these.
Here, for example, is one of the other ways that Command & Conquer: Generals handled human
characters, with the bombers on the left being replaced by bombs on wheels.
Thankfully for German gamers though, it's now been a long time since this sort of thing
has happened and, in fact, the country has actually got a lot more relaxed in recent
years, with them allowing games like Mortal Kombat X completely uncensored.
However, with so many classics from the past being affected, including Valve's Half Life
which is commonly regarded as one of the most influential games of all time, these are memories
that still to this day must unfortunately linger on.
Until next time, thank you for watching.
Suzuki Jimny - Duration: 1:01.
Suzuki Jimny - Duration: 1:10.
Smart fortwo coupe Micro Hybrid Drive Black Limited - Duration: 1:06.
Suzuki Jimny - Duration: 1:01.
Suzuki Swift - Duration: 1:01.
Suzuki Swift - Duration: 1:09.
Como ler e compreender os quadros dos Inquéritos Demográficas e de Saúde (Português) - Duration: 7:58.
Os documentários "Divinas Divas" e "São Paulo em Hi-Fi" - Duration: 4:01.
Hi, how are you? My name is Alan, I am a journalist and this Ingresse na Arte channel, my culture channel on YouTube.
In this video, I am going to speak about cinema.
If you think you are the star on the dancefloor when you go out,
I think you should read more about Brazilian nightlife story and about who were some icons of Sao Paulo, Rio or Brazil nightlife and change your mind.
I speak specifically about eight transvestites that, during Brazilian dictatorship, in the 1960s and 1970s,
were the stars of amazing performances in theaters located in Rio de Janeiro downtown.
They are Jane di Castro, Rogeria, Divina Valeria, Camille K, Fujica de Hallyday, Eloína dos Leopardos, Marquesa and Brigitte de Buzios.
The documentary "Divinas Divas", directed by Leandra Leal and that is on Brazilian movie theaters, tells their stories.
In this documentary, besides speaking about their 50 years career, they also speak about society gender bias.
For me, the best documentary scenes are when they reveal some funny secrets, particular situation that they have lived.
Brigitte de Buzios, for instance, remembers when she has been to New York, in 1970s, for some performances.
Over there, she met some hippies, but she did not like them, because she thought they were a kind of stinky.
She also met some punk people, who used to go to CBGB night club, where bands as Ramones and Blondie used to play.
She loved them and, because of that, she likes to be called as a gothic transvestite.
Eloina dos Leopardos' sentences are funny as well. She, for instance, gives some advices you if you want to be a great transvestite.
For that, she says, you must take care your hands and shave.
Rogeria's sentences are also great. She, who maybe is the most popular transvestite in the documentary, declares she is the "Brazilian Family Transvestite".
The documentary "Divinas Divas" shows some scenes of a making of a concert that those transvestites have performed to celebrate their 50 year career
and lots of photos and TV images from the 1960s and 1970s.
Leandra Leal has taken a long time to release the movie because, according to her,
there wasn't enough money for produce it. She believes few companies haven't wanted to sponsor a movie about transvestites and aging.
Because of that, Leandra Leal recorded a video some years ago in which she asked for any money for who would like to see that documentary produced.
To convince people to do that, she says in the video:
"An artist completing 50 years of career still in activity is admirable. An artist completing 50 years of career still in activity being transvestite in Brazil is extraordinary."
I also suggest the documentary "São Paulo em Hi-Fi", directed by Lufe Steffen,
that shows how used to be São Paulo nightlife in 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.
As "Divinas Divas", "São Paulo em Hi-Fi" shows how some icon people of the night in that period used to enjoy the nightlife.
In that period, for instance, there was a person who went down Augusta street (a famous street in São Paulo) by elephant to go to a nightclub. That is true!
That is it. In the next video, on Tuesday, I am going to speak about a Steve Jobs exhibit.
If you like this video, do not forget to enjoy it and sign Ingresse na Arte channel. And, for sure, share it to your friends and Ingresse na Arte (get your ticket and get in art). Bye bye.
Quarto de menina - #meajudamari - Ep. 04 ❤ Mariana Martins - Duration: 6:26.
What's this? No Black Widow? Ah, you guys are the real Avengers!
Let's fight!
Yo I got your deposit, my fist!
Please. Please. No.
Boom! In yer face!
Whoa! That was awesome!
Times are changing boys and that means we change too.
I'm the bad guy!
I gotta stop Vulture!
Don't go after him, you're not ready.
Shut up Iron Man! I. am. ready.
Whoa! You're Spider-Man?!
Don't tell no one.
I'm gonna go climb the Washington Monument!
Hey! Get off the Washington Monument!
Get down or we'll shoot!
Hey bird-brain!
Let's dance!
You're gonna have to come at me with a lot more than that!
Come and get me Spider-Man.
I gotta believe in myself!
Mayday. Mayday. I think somebody's on my plane!
Ah! What is this?!
You're gonna wish you never met me!
You're gonna wish I never did this! Nooooo!
You know what?
You might be ready after all!
Hey I did it!
Um, don't hug me.
Fidget Spinner Piano Challenge - Oh! Susanna Beginner - LauraK - Duration: 0:53.
Glad it didn't fly on the piano.
If you can play an entire song on the piano
at basic or advanced level
with Fidget Spinner
post on YouTube with the title "Fidget Spinner Piano Challenge".
I doubt it.
I broke everything.
(Space Monkeys ) Parodia com Day Menezes - Anitta Paradinha - Duration: 5:48.
Como Virei Vegano (Em Desenho) - Duration: 2:31.
O dia em que Dom Pedro II quase foi presidente dos Estados Unidos (Felipe Dideus) - Duration: 5:45.
VW Polo - Duration: 0:52.
VW Polo - Duration: 0:53.
Skoda Octavia - Duration: 0:49.
Suzuki Jimny - Duration: 1:01.
Suzuki Jimny - Duration: 1:09.
Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:07.
Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:09.
Hyundai I30 - Duration: 1:02.
Imagens Históricas (Comentadas) - Duration: 8:30.
Suzuki Jimny - Duration: 1:01.
Suzuki Jimny - Duration: 1:10.
Suzuki Jimny - Duration: 1:01.
Is Time To Go Back to Uranus and Neptune? Revisiting Ice Giants of the Solar System - Duration: 9:18.
I look forward to all the future missions that NASA is going to be sending out in the
Solar System.
Here, check this out.
You can use NASA's website to show you all the future missions.
Here's everything planned for the future, here's everything going to Mars.
Now, let's look and see what missions are planned for the outer planets of the Solar
System, especially Uranus and Neptune.
Oh, that's so sad… there's nothing.
It's been decades since humanity had an up close look at Uranus and Neptune.
For Uranus, it was Voyager 2, which swept through the system in 1986.
We got just a few tantalizing photographs of the ice giant planet and it's moons.
What's that?
What's going on there?
What are those strange features?
Sorry, insufficient data.
And then Voyager 2 did the same, zipping past Neptune in 1989.
Check that out, and that, and this.
What's going here on Triton?
Wouldn't you like to know more?
Well, too bad!
You can't it's done, that's all you get.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we've studied all these other worlds.
I'm glad we've had orbiters at Mercury, Venus, everything at Mars, Jupiter, and especially
We've seen Ceres and Vesta, and the Moon up close.
We even got a flyby of Pluto and Charon.
It's time to go back to Uranus and Neptune, this time to stay.
And I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Scientists at NASA recently published a report called the Ice Giant Mission Study, and it's
all about various missions that could be sent to explore Uranus, Neptune and their fascinating
The team of scientists who worked on the study considered a range of potential missions to
the ice giants, and in the end settled on four potential missions; three that could
go to Uranus, and one headed for Neptune.
Each of them would cost roughly $2 billion.
Uranus is closer, easier to get to, and the obvious first destination of a targeted mission.
For Uranus, NASA considered three probes.
The first idea is a flyby mission, which will sweep past Uranus gathering as much science
as it can.
This is what Voyager 2 did, and more recently what NASA's New Horizons did at Pluto.
In addition, it would have a separate probe, like the Cassini and Galileo missions, that
would detach and go into the atmosphere to sample the composition below the cloudtops.
The mission would be heavy and require an Atlas V rocket with the same configuration
that sent Curiosity to Mars.
The flight time would take 10 years.
The main science goal of this mission would be to study the composition of Uranus.
It would make some other measurements of the system as it passed through, but it would
just be a glimpse.
Better than Voyager, but nothing like Cassini's decade plus observations of Saturn.
I like where this is going, but I'm going to hold out for something better.
The next idea is an orbiter.
Now we're talking!
It would have all the same instruments as the flyby and the detachable probe.
But because it would be an orbiter, it would require much more propellant.
It would have triple the launch mass of the flyby mission, which means a heavier Atlas
V rocket.
And a slightly longer flight time; 12 years instead of 10 for the flyby.
Because it would remain at Uranus for at least 3 years, it would be able to do an extensive
analysis of the planet and its rings and moons.
But because of the atmospheric probe, it wouldn't have enough mass for more instruments.
It would have more time at Uranus, but not a much better set of tools to study it with.
Okay, let's keep going.
The next idea is an orbiter, but without the detachable probe.
Instead, it'll have the full suite of 15 scientific instruments, to study Uranus from
every angle.
We're talking visible, doppler, infrared, ultraviolet, thermal, dust, and a fancy wide
angle camera to give us those sweet planetary pictures we like to see.
Study Uranus?
Yes please.
But while we're at it, let's also sent a spacecraft to Neptune.
As part of the Ice Giants Study, the researchers looked at what kind of missions would be possible.
In this case, they settled on a single recommended mission.
A huge orbiter with an additional atmospheric probe.
This mission would be almost twice as massive as the heaviest Uranus mission, so it would
need a Delta IV Heavy rocket to even get out to Neptune.
As it approached Neptune, the mission would release an atmospheric probe to descend beneath
the cloudtops and sample what's down there.
The orbiter would then spend an additional 2 years in the environment of Neptune, studying
the planet and its moons and rings.
It would give us a chance to see its fascinating moon Triton up close, which seems to be a
captured Kuiper Belt Object.
Unfortunately there's no perfect grand tour trajectory available to us any more, where
a single spacecraft could visit all the large planets in the Solar System.
Missions to Uranus and Neptune will have to be separate, however, if NASA's Space Launch
System gets going, it could carry probes for both destinations and launch them together.
In a moment, I'm going to talk about the science.
What do we want to know about Uranus and Neptune, but first I'd like to thank Nelson Reyes,
Martin Assche, R.Instro, and the rest of our 750 patrons for their generous support.
If you love what we're doing and want to get in on the action, head over to patreon.com/universetoday
The goal of these missions is the science.
We want to understand the ice giants of the outer Solar System, which are quite different
from both the inner terrestrial planets and the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn.
The gas giants are mostly hydrogen and helium, like the Sun.
But the ice giants are 65% water and other ices made from methane and ammonia.
But it's not like they're big blobs of water, or even frozen water.
Because of their huge gravity, the ice giants crush this material with enormous pressure
and temperature.
What happens when you crush water under this much pressure?
It would all depend on the temperature and pressure.
There could be different types of ice down there.
At one level, it could be an electrically conductive soup of hydrogen and oxygen, and
then further down, you might get crystallized oxygen with hydrogen ions running through
Hailstones made of diamond could form out of the carbon-rich methane and fall down through
the layers of the planets, settling within a molten carbon core.
What I'm saying is, it could be pretty strange down there.
We know that ice giants are common in the galaxy, in fact, they've made up the majority
of the extrasolar planets discovered so far.
By better understanding the ones we have right here in our own Solar System, we can get a
sense of the distant extrasolar planets turning up.
We'll be better able to distinguish between the super earths and mini-neptunes.
Another big question is how these planets formed in the first place.
In their current models, most planetary astronomers think these planets had very short time windows
to form.
They needed to have massive enough cores to scoop up all that material before the newly
forming Sun's solar wind blasted it all out into space.
And yet, why are these kinds of planets so common in the Universe?
The NASA mission planners developed a total of 12 science objectives for these missions,
focusing on the composition of the planets and their atmospheres.
And if there's time, they'd like to know about how heat moves around, their constellations
of rings and moons.
They'd especially like to investigate Neptune's moons Triton, which looks like a captured
Kuiper Belt Object, as it orbits in the reverse direction from all the other moons in the
Solar System.
In terms of science, the two worlds are very similar.
But because Neptune has Triton.
If I had to choose, I'd go with a Neptune mission.
Are you excited?
I'm excited.
Here's the bad news.
According to NASA, the best launch windows for these missions would be 2029 or 2034.
And that's just the launch time, the flight time is an additional decade or more on top
of that.
In other words, the first photos from a Uranus flyby could happen in 2039 or 2035, while
orbiters could arrive at either planet in the 2040s.
I'm sure my future grandchildren will enjoy watching these missions arrive.
But then, we have to keep everything in perspective.
NASA's Cassini mission was under development in the 1980s.
It didn't launch until 1997, and it didn't get to Saturn until 2004.
It's been almost 20 years since that launch, and almost 40 years since they started working
on it.
I guess we need to be more patient.
I can be patient.
So far, NASA hasn't suggested any names for these missions.
What would you call them?
And now I'm going to naively ask for your ideas for the names of probes to Uranus…
and Neptune.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
In our next episode, I wonder why we haven't sent humans anywhere interesting in a long
time, and propose a better way to explore space: capability-based human space exploration.
That's next time.
For this episode's playlist, I've queued up a bunch of videos about Uranus and Neptune,
starting with our own video about why Uranus is on its side.
Then Phil Plait's Crash Course Astronomy about the ice giants.
How to Pronounce Uranus, the Planets Beyond Neptune, and an astronomy lecture about the
ice giants of the Solar System.
It would have all the same instruments - aww.
Volkswagen Caddy 1.9 TDI MAXI (105pk) Airco /Cruise /Elek. pakket /Parrot /Zij-Schuifdeur R. /Mistl. - Duration: 0:56.
Yanukovich. La huida 19-20-21 feb. 2014 - Duration: 21:58.
Dothraki, their History, Roots, Locations and Personalities | Map of Essos - Duration: 11:27.
The Dothraki are large people with copper-toned skin, dark almond eyes, and black hair.
They are nomadic warriors who range across the vast grasslands of the Dothraki sea in
Essos, and their hordes are known as khalasars, the nomadic groupings upon which dothraki
society is based.
The ancestors of the Dothraki came from the lands beyond the Bone Mountains in the Further
East, leaving behind the bones that give the Bone Mountains their name.
Around the time of the Doom of Valyria, the Dothraki rode toward the Free Cities out of
the east, sacking and burning every town and city in their path.
The leader of a khalasar, is called khal.
The khal leads the khalasar and its various khas, a subdivision of a khalasar, commanded
by a ko, a lieutenant of a khal.
The khal is usually considered the strongest or fiercest of a khalasar; because he must
be a ruthless and cunning warrior to deal with any who challenge his authority or get
in his way.
It is also said that if a khal cannot ride, he cannot lead.
Khals keep trusted companions and guards known as bloodriders, who follow the khal everywhere,
even in death.
If their khal falls in battle, the bloodriders live only long enough to avenge his death.
They refer to each other as "Blood of my Blood" as a sign of respect and the closeness
of their bond.
A khal's wife is called a khaleesi, while his heir to a khalasar is named the khalakka.
There were many great khals in the short history of dothraki.
The first was khal Mengo who lived during the Century of Blood.
His mother was Doshi, a reputed witch queen who united all Dothraki under his command
during the Century of Blood.
Becoming the first great khal.
He enslaved or killed those who refused to follow him.
In his old age, he turned his attentions westward and began to move against the Kingdom of Sarnor.
As the Sarnori were contemptuous of the horselords, they sought to use the Dothraki in their own
wars, offering them gold, slaves, and other gifts to fight their rivals.
Khal Mengo took these gifts and then took the conquered lands as well, burning fields
and towns and farms to return the grasslands to their former state, as Dothraki consider
it sinful to cut the flesh of the earth with plows, spades, and axes.
In time he was succeeded by his son Moro, who led the Dothraki to the gates of Sathar,
the "Waterfall City" of the Sarnori.
All men were put to the sword and their women and children carried off as slaves to the
slave markets of the hill city of Hazdahn Mo, a colony of the Ghiscari Empire.
Sathar was burned to the ground, and it is written that Moro gave the ruins a new name:
Yalli Qamayi, the place of Wailing Children.
Six years later, Moro razed Kasath to the ground, with the aid of the King of Gornath,
who had taken one of Moro's daughters as wife and made common cause with him and sent aid
to Moro's riders.
Twelve years later, however, Moro was slain by Khal Horro, who took control of his khalasar.
He also took Moro's daughter, who had married the King of Gornath in an alliance between
him and Moro, for himself.
Three years later Horro was slain by a rival, and his great khalasar separated into a dozen
lesser hordes.
Khal Haro lived during the Century of Blood.
He united with khals Qano, Loso, and Zhako to fight against High King Mazor Alexi, who
had united all of the Sarnori lesser kings to defend their homeland against the Dothraki
The battle took place halfway between Sarnath and the ruins of Kasath.
The Sarnori chariots smashed the center of the Dothraki horde.
Haro was trampled and died, while his Dothraki fled.
However, the escape was feigned and Haro's riders turned back, raining arrows on the
Sarnori, while the other khals surrounded the Tall Men on all sides.
The battle was later named Field of Crows.
Khal Loso, dubbed Loso the Lame, was one of the four khals that fought in the Field of
Less than a fortnight after the Field of Crows Loso sacked Sarnath and put the city to the
Khal Zeggo also lived during the Century of Blood.
He sacked the city of Sarys, the last city of the Kingdom of Sarnor to fall to the Dothraki.
Khal Onqo lived during the Century of Blood and lead a particularly huge khalasar.
He began to make incursions into the Ibbenese territories in Essos, only to be killed by
the Ibbenese in an epic battle that destroyed his khalasar.
His grandson was Khal Dhako, who approached the city of Ibbish to sack it, but its inhabitants
took to their ships and fled.
Dhako put the city to the torch and named it Vaes Aresak, or City of Cowards.
In his wroth, Dhako burned not only the abandoned city, but so much of the surrounding countryside,
that he was thereafter known as the Dragon of the North.
Dhako took great pride in being known as the Dragon of the North, however he came to rue
it when his khalasar was broken by that of the younger Khal Temmo, who took the elder
captive and fed him to the flames after cutting off his hands, feet, and man parts, and roasting
them before his eyes, after first burning his wives and sons in the same manner.
Temmo was a great conqueror, but is best remembered for his loss in the Battle of the Three Thousand.
He led his khalasar to Qohor to sack the city.
He destroyed city's defenders on the first day and retired to his camps for the night,
planning to sack the city the following day.
The next morning he awoke and found three thousand Unsullied barring the way.
Eighteen times the khalasar attacked the Unsullied, to no avail.
Khal Temmo was slain in the battle, along with all his sons, and bloodriders.
His khalasar suffered grievous losses and eventually chose to retreat.
Vaes Dothrak, translated as City of Riders, is the only city of the Dothraki people.
It is located beneath the Mother of Mountains, a holy mountain for the Dothraki people on
which only men can set foot.
Near the city is the Womb of the World, a large lake and another holy place to the Dothraki
The lake is surrounded by reed, and is reported to have no bottom.
According to Dothraki legends, the first man emerged from the depths of the Womb of the
World, riding on the back of the first horse over a thousand years ago.
City has no walls and is ruled by the dosh khaleen, the wives of all the khals who have
come before.
They are the only permanent residents of Vaes Dothrak, along with their eunuch slaves.
They enjoy great honor and status amongst the Dothraki and serve as seers foretelling
the future and interpreting omens for the Dothraki.
Vaes Dothrak is a place of peace where the Dothraki khalasars may gather and meet to
trade, but not to fight.
Therefore it is forbidden to draw a sword while in the city, under penalty of death.
However, the restriction is specifically on drawing a bladed weapon or shedding blood,
but should the need arise, it is permissible to kill someone in the city using other lethal
means, like strangulation or burning.
Even so, due to the respect the Dothraki have for the city, violence within it is rare.
Vaes Dothrak is at once one of the largest cities, due to its expansive layout, and one
of the smallest, due to its small inhabitant population.
It has broad, windswept streets paved in grass and mud.
There are carved stone pavilions, manses of woven grass, wooden towers, stepped pyramids
and log halls.
It is large enough to hold every khalasar, were they all to return at once.
The Horse Gate, main gate of the city, is no true gate, as there are no gates or walls
in Vaes Dothrak.
Instead, it is named for two gigantic bronze stallions whose hooves meet a hundred feet
above the roadway to form a pointed arch.
The godsway is a broad, grassy road that runs through the heart of the city in a straight
It goes from the Horse Gate to the Mother of Mountains.
Along the way it passes through the Western and Eastern Markets.
The Western Market is a grand bazaar used by traders from the Free Cities.
It is a great square of beaten earth surrounded by mud-baked brick, animal pens and whitewashed
drinking halls.
Hummocks rise from the earth and beneath the square lie large storerooms.
The interior of the square is made up of stalls and aisles.
In the Eastern Market, traders from Asshai, Yi Ti and the Shadow Lands come to trade.
There one can find rarer items, such as manticores, elephants and striped white and black horses,
called zorses, of the Jogos Nhai.
Traders are free to cross the Dothraki sea unmolested to Vaes Dothrak as long as they
keep the peace, do not profane either the Mother of Mountains or the Womb of the World
and give the traditional gifts of salt, silver and seed to the dosh khaleen.
The Dothraki sea is also known as the Haunted Lands and the Great Desolation after the dozens
of ruins of the cities destroyed and nations conquered by the Dothraki.
Before the Century of Blood, it was referred to as the grasslands and is considered by
some as the birthplace of civilization, where the first true towns arose beside the banks
of the Sarne river.
Save for Vaes Dothrak and some Valyrian roads in the west near the Forest of Qohor, there
are no surviving roads, hills, or cities, leaving an ocean of unbroken rippling grass,
for which the Dothraki sea is named.
Over a hundred types of grass grow on the plains, often growing thick and taller than
a man's head and from afar look like a sea, as it rolls like waves in the breeze.
Some rivers run through the lands, though they are often shallow and shift with the
seasons; overall sand is more prevalent than water.
Other than that it is largely empty, with packs of wild dogs, herds of free-ranging
horses and rare hrakkar, a white lion.
By the time of the War of the Five Kings, the most powerful khal is Drogo, son of Khal
From an early age Drogo was an extraordinarily gifted warrior even among the fierce Dothraki;
before the age of thirty he led a khalasar forty thousand strong, the largest on the
Dothraki sea and has never been defeated in battle.
Drogo owns a palace in the sacred Dothraki city of Vaes Dothrak.
He also possesses a nine-towered manse in Pentos, given to him by the city's ruling
magisters as part of their policy of bribing the Dothraki not to loot the city.
Drogo's bloodriders are Cohollo, Qotho and Haggo.
Cohollo was pledged to the khalakka Drogo while he was still a child, and saved young
Drogo's life from sellswords on one occasion.
Qotho is known as the most sadistic of Drogo's bloodriders.
He has cruel eyes and quick hands that like to hurt.
Even his horses react to him with fear.
After Drogo's injury, Daenerys intends to take her husband to the maegi Mirri Maz Duur
to heal him, but Drogo's bloodriders attempt to stop this from happening.
They are killed by Daeneryse's guards and Jorah Mormont.
Dothraki are fearsome and through their history they have destroyed many fine cities and kingdoms.
Some of those kingdoms still live in one form or another, and are waiting to strike back
on dothraki, seeking their weak spots.
And, surely, those lands threatened by dothraki won't support any friends of the bloodthirsty
horseriders, especially ones with the fire breathing dragons by their side.
Germany's Crazy Robot Censorship In Video Games - Duration: 4:36.
There are a few reasons why you may not want to be a gamer living in Germany.
The sometimes strict censorship of video game violence, for example, is sure to upset those
of you who enjoy seeing your enemies exploding to pieces.
However, once upon a time, German gamers were faced with something a bit more bizarre when
it comes to video game censorship and I'm talking about... the robots.
You see, one way that the industry decided to tackle Germany's problem with video game
violence was to turn all of the characters into non-human robots instead.
Due to this, there are many examples from the 90s and 00s of games having a special
German version created that are extremely different to the rest of the world... and
much more mechanical in nature.
Take Soldier of Fortune 2, for example, which is a popular FPS from back in 2002.
As you can see from the gameplay, there's no shortage of that red stuff, with you being
able to target any of the enemies' body parts and obliterate them to pieces.
Back in 2002, Soldier of Fortune's gameplay was groundbreaking and there was absolutely
no chance that it would be allowed to be released in Germany in its original form.
And so, for the German release, the devs completely changed the game and not only turned every
single human character into a robot, but also replaced the story with a new one, where the
game now takes place in a parallel universe where mankind was completely wiped out by
The game of course plays and feels very different with all humans now turned to machines.
Also, this means that there's no more of that high tech violence system, with the robots
instead blowing up when defeated.
Another game released in Germany with humans turned to robots is Carmageddon, the graphic
vehicle combat game from 1997.
One big part of the title was the ability to mow down pedestrians during races for points.
Over in Germany though...
German games turning characters into robots though, goes back even further than the 90s,
with one of the first cases happening in Contra from way back in 1988.
This one however, ended up affecting all European regions and it even led to the title being
given a new name...
As you can see on the cover art, the game is now based around futuristic robots instead.
These changes affected all humans in the game and then went on to also be made to all of
the Contra sequels for a whooping 9 years.
One of the later games even decided to make the same changes to a wolf-like playable character,
showing that this treatment wasn't exclusive to humans.
This is similar to Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, which made changes to all of its Demon enemies,
which, whilst humanoid looking in nature, aren't actually human
Turok does also contain many proper human enemies though, such as human poachers, soldiers
and sergeants.
Naturally, these were censored in Germany the same... by turning them into some sort
of robot.
Now there are many more examples of German games with similar sort of changes, but the
last for today will be a rather infamous case from 2003's Command & Conquer: Generals.
The real time strategy game was actually originally released completely uncensored in Germany
and with only a 16+ rating.
However, shortly after release the game was then indexed by the German government, meaning
that it was unable to be sold openly and had to be hidden out of view of children by, for
example, hiding it under counters.
This would, of course, heavily affect sales and so out of nowhere the devs had to create
a new version of their game for the German market.
Thus, a little while later came a version that had many changes made to it, to remove
anything that could potentially cause issues... one of the most popular forms of editing being,
yet again, turning all humans into machines.
Dozens of art assets had to be altered and it really gives a different impression than
the original.
Other changes include the removal of all civilians, changing anthrax to acid, the removal of elements
that were related to real life and even a mission being completely cut from the game.
There were many other changes made to the German version and perhaps one day Censored
Gaming could make a full in-depth video going into these.
Here, for example, is one of the other ways that Command & Conquer: Generals handled human
characters, with the bombers on the left being replaced by bombs on wheels.
Thankfully for German gamers though, it's now been a long time since this sort of thing
has happened and, in fact, the country has actually got a lot more relaxed in recent
years, with them allowing games like Mortal Kombat X completely uncensored.
However, with so many classics from the past being affected, including Valve's Half Life
which is commonly regarded as one of the most influential games of all time, these are memories
that still to this day must unfortunately linger on.
Until next time, thank you for watching.
Suzuki Jimny - Duration: 1:01.
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Smart fortwo coupe Micro Hybrid Drive Black Limited - Duration: 1:06.
Suzuki Jimny - Duration: 1:01.
Suzuki Swift - Duration: 1:01.
Suzuki Swift - Duration: 1:09.
Renault Mégane Scénic 2.0 KALEIDO Airco Trekhaak Apk t/m 24-3-2018 - Duration: 1:00.
【Undertale 音樂翻譯】放棄救贖吧 GIVE UP EVERY SOUL[中文CC字幕] (BATIM X UNDERTALE) (By OR3O★) - Duration: 2:50.
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Suits | Season 2, Episode 10: Harvey and Mike Get High Together | 100 Days of Suits - Duration: 3:05.
- [chuckles]
- [sighs]
- OH.
- WOW.
- [snickers]
- WAY. - [laughs]
[both laughing]
Is Time To Go Back to Uranus and Neptune? Revisiting Ice Giants of the Solar System - Duration: 9:18.
I look forward to all the future missions that NASA is going to be sending out in the
Solar System.
Here, check this out.
You can use NASA's website to show you all the future missions.
Here's everything planned for the future, here's everything going to Mars.
Now, let's look and see what missions are planned for the outer planets of the Solar
System, especially Uranus and Neptune.
Oh, that's so sad… there's nothing.
It's been decades since humanity had an up close look at Uranus and Neptune.
For Uranus, it was Voyager 2, which swept through the system in 1986.
We got just a few tantalizing photographs of the ice giant planet and it's moons.
What's that?
What's going on there?
What are those strange features?
Sorry, insufficient data.
And then Voyager 2 did the same, zipping past Neptune in 1989.
Check that out, and that, and this.
What's going here on Triton?
Wouldn't you like to know more?
Well, too bad!
You can't it's done, that's all you get.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we've studied all these other worlds.
I'm glad we've had orbiters at Mercury, Venus, everything at Mars, Jupiter, and especially
We've seen Ceres and Vesta, and the Moon up close.
We even got a flyby of Pluto and Charon.
It's time to go back to Uranus and Neptune, this time to stay.
And I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Scientists at NASA recently published a report called the Ice Giant Mission Study, and it's
all about various missions that could be sent to explore Uranus, Neptune and their fascinating
The team of scientists who worked on the study considered a range of potential missions to
the ice giants, and in the end settled on four potential missions; three that could
go to Uranus, and one headed for Neptune.
Each of them would cost roughly $2 billion.
Uranus is closer, easier to get to, and the obvious first destination of a targeted mission.
For Uranus, NASA considered three probes.
The first idea is a flyby mission, which will sweep past Uranus gathering as much science
as it can.
This is what Voyager 2 did, and more recently what NASA's New Horizons did at Pluto.
In addition, it would have a separate probe, like the Cassini and Galileo missions, that
would detach and go into the atmosphere to sample the composition below the cloudtops.
The mission would be heavy and require an Atlas V rocket with the same configuration
that sent Curiosity to Mars.
The flight time would take 10 years.
The main science goal of this mission would be to study the composition of Uranus.
It would make some other measurements of the system as it passed through, but it would
just be a glimpse.
Better than Voyager, but nothing like Cassini's decade plus observations of Saturn.
I like where this is going, but I'm going to hold out for something better.
The next idea is an orbiter.
Now we're talking!
It would have all the same instruments as the flyby and the detachable probe.
But because it would be an orbiter, it would require much more propellant.
It would have triple the launch mass of the flyby mission, which means a heavier Atlas
V rocket.
And a slightly longer flight time; 12 years instead of 10 for the flyby.
Because it would remain at Uranus for at least 3 years, it would be able to do an extensive
analysis of the planet and its rings and moons.
But because of the atmospheric probe, it wouldn't have enough mass for more instruments.
It would have more time at Uranus, but not a much better set of tools to study it with.
Okay, let's keep going.
The next idea is an orbiter, but without the detachable probe.
Instead, it'll have the full suite of 15 scientific instruments, to study Uranus from
every angle.
We're talking visible, doppler, infrared, ultraviolet, thermal, dust, and a fancy wide
angle camera to give us those sweet planetary pictures we like to see.
Study Uranus?
Yes please.
But while we're at it, let's also sent a spacecraft to Neptune.
As part of the Ice Giants Study, the researchers looked at what kind of missions would be possible.
In this case, they settled on a single recommended mission.
A huge orbiter with an additional atmospheric probe.
This mission would be almost twice as massive as the heaviest Uranus mission, so it would
need a Delta IV Heavy rocket to even get out to Neptune.
As it approached Neptune, the mission would release an atmospheric probe to descend beneath
the cloudtops and sample what's down there.
The orbiter would then spend an additional 2 years in the environment of Neptune, studying
the planet and its moons and rings.
It would give us a chance to see its fascinating moon Triton up close, which seems to be a
captured Kuiper Belt Object.
Unfortunately there's no perfect grand tour trajectory available to us any more, where
a single spacecraft could visit all the large planets in the Solar System.
Missions to Uranus and Neptune will have to be separate, however, if NASA's Space Launch
System gets going, it could carry probes for both destinations and launch them together.
In a moment, I'm going to talk about the science.
What do we want to know about Uranus and Neptune, but first I'd like to thank Nelson Reyes,
Martin Assche, R.Instro, and the rest of our 750 patrons for their generous support.
If you love what we're doing and want to get in on the action, head over to patreon.com/universetoday
The goal of these missions is the science.
We want to understand the ice giants of the outer Solar System, which are quite different
from both the inner terrestrial planets and the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn.
The gas giants are mostly hydrogen and helium, like the Sun.
But the ice giants are 65% water and other ices made from methane and ammonia.
But it's not like they're big blobs of water, or even frozen water.
Because of their huge gravity, the ice giants crush this material with enormous pressure
and temperature.
What happens when you crush water under this much pressure?
It would all depend on the temperature and pressure.
There could be different types of ice down there.
At one level, it could be an electrically conductive soup of hydrogen and oxygen, and
then further down, you might get crystallized oxygen with hydrogen ions running through
Hailstones made of diamond could form out of the carbon-rich methane and fall down through
the layers of the planets, settling within a molten carbon core.
What I'm saying is, it could be pretty strange down there.
We know that ice giants are common in the galaxy, in fact, they've made up the majority
of the extrasolar planets discovered so far.
By better understanding the ones we have right here in our own Solar System, we can get a
sense of the distant extrasolar planets turning up.
We'll be better able to distinguish between the super earths and mini-neptunes.
Another big question is how these planets formed in the first place.
In their current models, most planetary astronomers think these planets had very short time windows
to form.
They needed to have massive enough cores to scoop up all that material before the newly
forming Sun's solar wind blasted it all out into space.
And yet, why are these kinds of planets so common in the Universe?
The NASA mission planners developed a total of 12 science objectives for these missions,
focusing on the composition of the planets and their atmospheres.
And if there's time, they'd like to know about how heat moves around, their constellations
of rings and moons.
They'd especially like to investigate Neptune's moons Triton, which looks like a captured
Kuiper Belt Object, as it orbits in the reverse direction from all the other moons in the
Solar System.
In terms of science, the two worlds are very similar.
But because Neptune has Triton.
If I had to choose, I'd go with a Neptune mission.
Are you excited?
I'm excited.
Here's the bad news.
According to NASA, the best launch windows for these missions would be 2029 or 2034.
And that's just the launch time, the flight time is an additional decade or more on top
of that.
In other words, the first photos from a Uranus flyby could happen in 2039 or 2035, while
orbiters could arrive at either planet in the 2040s.
I'm sure my future grandchildren will enjoy watching these missions arrive.
But then, we have to keep everything in perspective.
NASA's Cassini mission was under development in the 1980s.
It didn't launch until 1997, and it didn't get to Saturn until 2004.
It's been almost 20 years since that launch, and almost 40 years since they started working
on it.
I guess we need to be more patient.
I can be patient.
So far, NASA hasn't suggested any names for these missions.
What would you call them?
And now I'm going to naively ask for your ideas for the names of probes to Uranus…
and Neptune.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
In our next episode, I wonder why we haven't sent humans anywhere interesting in a long
time, and propose a better way to explore space: capability-based human space exploration.
That's next time.
For this episode's playlist, I've queued up a bunch of videos about Uranus and Neptune,
starting with our own video about why Uranus is on its side.
Then Phil Plait's Crash Course Astronomy about the ice giants.
How to Pronounce Uranus, the Planets Beyond Neptune, and an astronomy lecture about the
ice giants of the Solar System.
It would have all the same instruments - aww.
GOP Gov. On Repeal And Delay: 'Doesn't Sound Like A Good Idea To Me' | MSNBC - Duration: 6:54.
Let's Draw Cheesecake Boys - Paul Richmond Studio - Duration: 1:51.
Crack is not whack.
Let's draw!
Do I look shiny?
Hi everyone, Paul Richmond here.
Do you like to draw or paint or maybe just sketch and doodle?
Chances are you have the interest needed to become a serious art student.
And if you've never considered yourself an artist, maybe it's because you haven't found the
right inspiration yet.
After all, fruity still lifes don't do it for everyone.
Here at Cheesecake Boys Instruction Schools, we believe students should draw whatever fruity
things they like, especially pinup boys!
To start, simply visit drawcheesecakeboys.com and download this enjoyable art test that
has been developed and perfected through years of in-depth study by experts.
There's no cost or obligation.
Seriously, who's paying for my wardrobe budget, then?
We've helped literally tens of aspiring artists become more skilled, more apt,
and more sexy in their work.
Take the test at home in your spare time and share it with us when your done.
Our first drawing lesson is coming soon, complete with a real live Cheesecake Boy model - for
academic purposes only of course. Hey! Watch that pencil!
Visit drawcheesecakeboys.com today, and your artistic skills will soar!
Let's draw!
Capricorn July 2017 Astrology Horoscope by Nadiya Shah - Duration: 11:57.
hello fabulous Capricorn welcome to your horoscope for the month of July 2017
looking at life and love I am your astrologer Nadiya Shah thank
you for being here what an amazing month it is and really
you are at the center of the world really the center of the party
especially in the early part of the month and that is when we have a full
moon taking place now this full moon is happening in your sign hand-in-hand with
pluto across the sky from the sun of course and also mars not far from the
Sun as well talk about life changing now those of you born right around the 10th
of the month of any given month for that matter are gonna feel this energy more
than most but all capricorns out there are going to feel a change are going to
feel themselves having to be deeply honest with themselves about who they
are and where it is that you may be actually experiencing a disconnect
through your actions I see this as a time of really looking in the mirror and
more than deciding who you are realizing who you are not and this ends up
facilitating all kinds of meaningful change that actually can help launch you
in new directions if not a whole new life and I don't say that lightly
you've got this full moon happening in your sign hand-in-hand with Pluto and
this is a rebirth and nothing less this really is getting in touch with
some very strong emotion getting to the root of yourself and your life and what
is going on with you and for you and at the same time all of this very likely
facilitated through another person that really is the Sun that is Mars standing
across the sky and this tells me that chances are there's going to be some
meeting some encounter some interaction with another key person that is part of
the catalyst that helps you to see yourself differently
that helps you to really decide who it is that you are meant to be and who it
is that you no longer are so some of you are going to experience this in the
context of love because a lot of this when you have a full moon in your sign
it is about accepting the truth the fullness of the truth of your heart and
what your heart truly desires a lot of times we come to that awareness thanks
to love thanks to another person or at the very least someone that we trust
that we're in partnership with so chances are with this full moon there's
someone else there if you're in a committed relationship
it could be playing out within that established bond if you're open to
meeting someone new this could present themselves into your life if they
haven't already thanks to the new moon that happened late last month that would
have represented some new person that would have entered to help you to see
yourself differently so this really is the full realization of what they are
reflecting back to you as I like to say to see yourself differently as reflected
in the eyes of another this is that full realization what is it that you are
seeing and do you like it that's the key do you like what you see as you look at
your reflection in the eyes of another where is it that it's yours to take on
that it's your work to do that it's yours to change and where is it that
your work is self-acceptance your work is to see yourself more lovingly and to
empower yourself from that place your answer is going to be uniquely your own
and at the same time there's that change there's that promise of becoming
something more becoming someone else someone that is strong and clear about
your direction and about your identity I must admit for some of you out there
this is going to be painful and I'm sorry to say that but there was a
percentage of you out there that this realization is going to come on with
some measure of challenge some measure of pain some measure of sort of
realizing within yourself where it is that true
deep closure needs to happen whether that is a self-concept of yourself that
you can put behind whether that is admitting to yourself that you've
behaved in ways or demonstrated yourself to be a certain way that isn't the truth
of who you are the great thing is though like any growing pain ultimately you
grow and you're stronger and you're better and actually more beautiful
actually more glowing that is the direction that you are moving in thanks
to this full moon it is a task very lightly will represent some sort of a
task and ultimately it is a task that is up to your willingness to take on or not
again comes with strong emotions very likely there'll be a sense of urgency
sense of realization that something's got to change and it's got to change
right now and yet that's where the reward is by being willing to do that
work by being willing to look at yourself you allow yourself to walk a
new path the path that truly is your own one that involves deep self honesty but
also a full embrace of your power and boy do you have a lot of power this full
moon will make you aware of just where your power is and how much of it it is
and that you can fully own that you can fully claim that as we move towards the
later part of the month as much as the beginning of the month has such a strong
focus on you as we move towards the later part of the month the energy will
change up it will change and shift and what's great about what's happening in
the later part of the month is a new moon now this new moon is actually a
precursor if you will to the Eclipse that is going to take place next month
now I'll be here to talk about it then astrological circles certainly are
buzzing with this eclipse because it does indicate there is this heralding of
changing times and in our own unique journeys and our own lives as well we
are going through changes so this new moon this month is not an eclipse but
it's happening in the same area of the sky and it is really point
the way through intuition through subtle messages what bigger changes are being
called for now ultimately whether or not you want to take on those changes I
don't think it's gonna matter that much your willingness because with eclipses
ultimately they're about bringing you into alignment with a more loving vision
for your life and the more you cling to some old vision the more challenging you
make it for yourself but thankfully I don't think that's going to be the case
because of the work you're gonna do with yourself in the early part of the month
you'll already start going through a transformation this particular new moon
that happens this month and the Eclipse next month that I'll talk about then has
to do with what's happening with you on the front that has to do with your money
so it has to do with your relationships to financial institutions your
understanding of wealth something about your understanding of grants and loans
and bursaries and insurance payments and benefits you may qualify for what does
that mean to you what is it represent for you how much
debt do you want or not want where is it that you feel comfortable with your
ability to create real wealth for yourself where is it that emotionally
there may be some healing that needs to happen so you really can welcome in
greater wealth into your life but more importantly where can you recognize all
the ways in which you already experience wealth this particular New Moon is going
to start pointing the direction it's going to start showing you the way and
this is going to be different for everybody for some people that maybe if
you are in a life and you really don't like it then this could show you how you
can actually attract the funding you need to create the life that you desire
the messages again will be subtle there'll be a strong intuitive quality
to it and then next month is when things will really start to accelerate if there
is a project that you have in mind very strongly something that you truly desire
to work on this can be your understanding of where you can get those
investment dollars where it is that you can
a partnership that ultimately will allow you to keep your creative vision but
will also allow you to take that energy and create more prosperity more
opportunity for yourself in the process this can be very exciting but a lot of
the excitement is really going to reach you a little bit further into the summer
for now pay attention hone that intuition because it is going to point
the way to all kinds of wonderful opportunities to really experience type
of abundance that you truly desire to have in your life and to know that you
are provided for to know that you are cared for by a loving universe now part
of that care may also be emotionally it's amazing you know we talked about
financial institutions and things but there's also another layer to this which
is that you know sometimes people they just care about us and some of that care
is wealth and that care can be emotional absolutely and then it can also be
practical as well so being open to that allowing other people to be the avenues
with which the universe shows you that you are provided for is one way to use
this energy well now where it comes to matters of love I already mentioned that
full moon I think that's going to be such a huge focus and matters of love
because it is about getting to the truth of yourself and it is about
understanding your heart that much more deeply and that's really where your
power is this month and that's really what I love about this month for you is
that you get to the truth about the choices that you've made about the
desires that you've had both the people who've been in your life and as you get
to that truth you're able to decide for yourself a lot more consciously what
kind of life it is that you truly desire to live and how to go about creating it
what kind of love it is that you truly desire to experience and in the process
of that definition you can't help but create exactly the kind of love that you
know not only do you want but truly do deserve well thank you so much
for watching you can get a video just like this each and every week by logging
on to Astro fabulous calm or Nadia chaud comm and signing up to be one of my
superstars new superstars are joining every day thank you so much I love my
superstars I love my feminist friends and fans as well and everybody out there
thank you so much for being here so yes log on to Astro fat lose calm or Nadia
sha calm and get instant access to expanded exclusive video scopes each and
every week for your sign it'll be a great month enjoy
First Impressions - Juvia's Place & Makeup Shack! || Makeup by Lez - Duration: 22:28.
Okja | Netflix Original Films | Movie Review - Duration: 3:39.
Now that was an emotional journey.
For those of you enjoying your Netflix subscriptions I am excited to share a review of their newest
original film, Okja.
Directed by visionary Korean filmmaker Bong Joon-ho, known for Memories of Murder, The
Host, Mother and Snowpiercer.
A lot of people in the U.S. might not be familiar with his work, but from what I've seen,
it is among the most distinct and unique as it gets.
These last two films in particular feature very socially-provocative storylines, with
an ensemble cast of renowned Korean and American actors.
At first it's a little strange getting used to reading subtitles one moment, and then
not having to the next, but it's done so seamlessly that it never feels jarring.
So the film begins with an introduction to Lucy Mirando, played by Tilda Swinton, taking
over her family's corporation.
She announces her plan to breed piglets to what she calls super-pigs, and send the best
26 to locations all over the world.
After 10 years pass, they'll declare one as the favorite, which I suppose means the
Enter Mija, played by Ahn Seo-hyun, who grew up with her pig Okja.
There's a lot of beautiful scenes and shots around their home in the mountains of Korea,
and you can't help but quickly come to love their relationship.
These sequences are short-lived however, when a film crew representing Mirando Corp. picks
Okja as the best and take her away.
From here on the film shifts in tone quite a bit, as we follow Mija's journey to bring
back Okja, while getting caught in the middle of multiple situations.
We see the inner workings of Lucy's P.R. team, including notable faces like Giancarlo
Esposito and a wacky Jake Gyllenhaal.
I had to point this out, as it was definitely one of his more out-there performances.
It might've felt like a bit much at times, but I admired how far he went with it overall.
Things get quite intriguing when we're introduced to the Animal Liberation Front, or ALF, with
a big plan.
This is an actual resistance group in real life, and the film depicts a collection of
interesting individuals from it.
Notably Lily Collins as Red, their leader Paul Dano as Jay, and Walking Dead fan-favorite
Steven Yuen as K, their translator.
Get ready for some of their tricks.
I appreciated how every character is utilized for distinct purposes in this film, and it
never feels like someone is just filling up space.
There's a fair amount of humor and silliness mixed in as well, which is subtle enough to
avoid tonal issues.
What holds steady is the message.
One of the director's biggest goals was to show how people look at animals in several
ways, usually as cute and lovable pets, or as food.
He explores how these barriers are created in our minds, what we choose to ignore as
a society, and how this is problematic thinking overall.
All I'm going to say is this film will have you reconsidering how you look at the meat
industry after watching it.
Make no mistake though, the director isn't attempting to force any particular viewpoint,
simply provide more of an understanding to what many may not know yet.
From an entertainment standpoint, I was consistently sucked in and closely following this film.
At just over two hours, the pacing is quick enough to make it feel a bit shorter, which
is fine by me.
Don't forget to stick around after the credits for an extra scene to chew on for a bit.
Overall we have a fantastic movie that I'm looking forward to watching again.
If you guys haven't seen Snowpiercer, definitely give that a try as well.
I mean it's got Chris Evans so that's a plus right?
All of the director's films are well received, so the choice is yours.
Okja is a fresh, fun, emotional adventure that'll open eyes to harsh truth.
And that's why this film, is a Dyligent Pick.
So guys, did you like Okja?
Is this your first time hearing about it?
Did I convince you to check it out?
My name is Dylan, and if you love entertainment, subscribe to my channel while this video ends,
and send me a thumbs up before you go.
Thanks for watching, and stay diligent!
Crying All The Time - Have You Ever Thought About Why People Cry | Natural Health - Duration: 6:07.
Ford Mondeo Wagon 1.6 ECOBOOST TITANIUM,161pk,NAVI,TREKHAAK,CLIMATE C, - Duration: 1:00.
15 Funny Heartbreaking Pizza Fails - Duration: 1:54.
15 Funny Heartbreaking Pizza Fails
ALERT: Maxine Waters Loses Her Mind, Issues Horrifying Threat Against Trump | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:24.
Libs keep talking about getting President Trump
to stop tweeting.
If there's anyone who shouldn't be tweeting anymore, it's Maxine Waters.
If only for her own good–she's embarrassing herself by putting her senility on full display.
Congresswoman Waters (D-CA), has been calling for the impeachment of Trump from the beginning.
Now, she's taken her absurd rhetoric even further, saying that Trump should be EXILED
(via Twitter).
Please, what is this–the 3rd Century?
Waters' tweet is ridiculous on so many levels.
First, on what does she base the assertion that "women are fed up with this President?"
Sure, she's a woman who doesn't like Trump.
But there are millions of women across the country who voted for him and support him.
It's just a Democrat tactic.
With the Dems, it's always about dividing people, be it by race, religion, or gender.
The Left doesn't win unless it employs identity politics.
They have nothing of substance to offer.
Next, what has Trump done that's even impeachable?
Waters has been calling for the impeachment of Trump since day one.
What did he do at the outset?
Simply having a contrary political view does not constitute an impeachable offense.
There has to be a reason for impeachment!
It can't just be because you don't like the president.
What would our country be like if Congress impeached every president who belonged to
the opposing party?
We'd be in chaos.
The Dems have been playing up the Russia conspiracy for months now.
They want to make an impeachable offense out of that.
But even the media players who peddle that garbage know it's a nothing-burger.
Maxine's got nothing!
Now Waters wants to exile Trump?
Where does the law provide for the exiling of politicians?
I didn't realize that was a thing.
I think Ms. Waters should study up on the Constitution.
Of course, it's not surprising for a Democrat to be so constitutionally illiterate.
If anyone should be exiled, it's Maxine Waters.
She's been identified by various sources (including liberal ones like The Los Angeles
Times) as one of the most corrupt politicians in Congress (via Citizens for Ethics).
She uses her political contacts with companies to secure contracts and deals for her family.
She's gotten rich by abusing her office!
Waters has also apparently used her role in government to direct government money to an
organization in which she has a financial stake–without ever disclosing her relationship.
That's completely unethical.
If a Republican were to do that, they'd be in jail by now.
But Democrats are always given a free pass when committing crimes!
Waters' constant attacks on Trump are simply a way for her to reinvent her corrupt self
as a populist hero.
When a Democrat accuses you of something, you can be sure they're doing it themselves.
Waters slanders Trump to divert attention from her own corruption.
Democrats make themselves look silly by giving a voice to Maxine Waters.
Every sane person knows Trump is not going to be impeached.
Time for Waters to retire to the mental asylum!
Make room in Congress for true patriots!
Should Maxine Waters be kicked out of the country?
Please Share this and tell us what you think.
Bird Poop - Duration: 1:49.
This is life. Aren't you forgetting something?
Really not not anything?
what about the story time video you do once a month
Oh Fluff
hey guys in the girl Haps here today
I shall tell you the story from my childhood my younger years
I'd go to my grandparents as I said in a previous video
I would do chicken chores and with the shortlist chores. And with this short list of chores
That I would have to do, one of them was sweeping now out of all my siblings
I was the boss at this job one day as I was sweeping the LIKE A BOSS
I went under one of the trees to sweep and I felt the drops fall on my shoulder. I thought it was raining
Nope, it would bird shiza. I went to the porch put up the broom. Went into the house and asked my Grandmother what to do, what - oh?
That's good luck
That in no way is good luck. it was one of the most disgusting things that has ever happened to me
I didn't go back outside after that luckily for me. If that's the time that we had to go home the following day
We went back. It was berry picking season, so it was a normal thing for us to go back
I went back to do my chicken chores
And just like they did before the mother fluffing bird did the same thing on the same shoulder in the exact same spot
I flipped the table (meteorically) went inside and this time my whole family was in there
I explained what happened and my grandmother brought it up
The same thing happened the day before yep
They all laughed at that one so for the rest of the day, i stayed inside and dusted.
I was for moral for a story there is not really one except try not to be under birds
I guess also give this recording the end Card i'm going to show all the all art you guys have made for me for the past few
Months I love them, and i'm shocked that i'm getting all these "fan art stuff" (not all is fan art). Sorry they're not moving across the screen
I don't know how to do that, but I like to thank you guys for watching hope you enjoyed. all da loves loves
And I'll see you guys in the next video. Bye
Invintation from orga team of Svetlye Gory Open - Duration: 3:24.
Hello, dear friends!
We are the organization team of the official speedcubing championship - Svetlye Gory Open 2017
This championship will take place in the nearest suburbs of Moscow - just 7 minutes ride from the metro station "Pyatnitskoe Shosse".
This competition has potential to become the largest in Russia.
We are ready to accept up to 400 competitors from all around the World.
Our general sponsor is one of the biggest puzzle manufacturers - QiYi MoFangGe.
The competition will take place in the building of private school "Svetlye Gory"
Thanks to our strategic partners, we can organize a bus from the metro station and food on the competition.
There will be 15 disciplines on Svetlye Gory Open 2017:
2x2 - 7x7 speedsolving,
- Skewb? What is "skewb"?
3x3 with feet,
3x3 blindfolded,
- Aaah, I can't see anything!
- Everything is OK, that's just blindfolded round.
3x3 one-handed,
Rubik's Clock,
- What time is it now?
- DNF.
multiblind, (in russian "multik" means "carton". Still a bad pun, but whatever)
4x4 and 5x5 blindfolded.
Speedcubing is a force, that unifies people.
We will be happy to see participants from Moscow and Moscow region,
other Russian regions and also people from all around the Globe!
The registration will be opened till August, 27.
You can find more information and ask any questions in or group in VKontakte.
You can find link to it down in the description.
2-3 of September 2017. International open speed cubing championship Svetlye Gory Open 2017.
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
🈹 Ecstatic - Underground 🈹 - Duration: 4:44.
Como Virei Vegano (Em Desenho) - Duration: 2:31.
The Importance of Understanding the Other Side - Duration: 3:47.
Everyone has positions on something and no matter what issues you care about or what
your position, there's bound to be someone out there that sees the whole thing differently.
Unless you fall in the middle of every issue, there's bound to even be people whose opinions
are basically polar opposites from yours.
Hell, even from the middle it could just seem like *both* sides are extreme and opposite
to you.
Now, of course, there are actually extremists.
I've discussed that before and I'm sure I'll discuss it again.
Not everyone who disagrees on an issue is one of them, though, even though it can often
seem like it.
We're predisposed to see people like us in a better light than we see those who are different
from (or disagree with) us.
It's not hard to fall into believing in a caricature of those you strongly disagree
with, or at least believing false generalizations about them really apply (sometimes even universally).
I'd like to think most of us want to get to the truth, not just win arguments.
In reality, though, either goal requires you to actually understand those who oppose you.
If you want to convince people they are incorrect on an issue, you can't do that by opposing
something they don't actually believe.
If you want to make a case against something in its entirety, you'll need to understand
it well enough to make sure your points actually hold up rather than only working against a
small subset.
Even if you want to make a case in favor of something, you will likely be able to make
a stronger case if you start by understanding any opposition that currently exists.
That way you can bring up any counterpoints you have, or at least display enough honesty
and integrity to acknowledge valid points and explain why you don't think they are reason
enough to oppose or prevent that thing.
And, of course, if you are actually seeking the truth or the best possible answer instead
of trying to further your own, you'll need to hear out, make sure you understand, and
truly consider all the different possibilities and views out there.
Finding the real answers without understanding the people who think you're wrong or they
have a better answer would basically just be a matter of luck.
Or to put it another way,
Hank Green: I think it is very important to understand them.
Like I think that without trying to understand a problem,
how are you going to solve a problem you don't understand?
You're just throwing stuff at the wall at that point.
And when it's all of us throwing stuff at the wall then it's all going to cancel each other out.
Which really is a good question.
How can we solve a problem if we don't understand it?
And I mean *truly* understand it, not just think we understand it because we've been
exposed to and mocked one form.
We need to understand why even the extremists believe what they do.
What problem(s) are they trying to solve?
How would their plan work?
Are there any valid points that we really should be addressing?
We also need to look for and understand any more moderate versions of those ideas, or
other ideas between the two that might work better.
Do *all* of a particular group want that thing you think is devastating?
If not, then just harping on that detail isn't going to be convincing for those who don't,
unless you can show how it necessarily leads that way.
Is there a milder position that would seem to solve the problem without the same devastating
Then perhaps it should be acknowledged, even if not in detail.
If nothing else, it will help signal to people who feel the more extreme solution is necessary
that they can abandon it without giving up on solving that problem.
Thanks for hearing me out!
As always, civil discussion, suggestions, and constructive criticism are welcome in the comments
or via social media.
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Stick around through the credits for a link to another video,
or check out the description for any sources I used.
Hitman Absolution Gameplay Walkthrough Part 4 - Run For Your Life - Mission 4 + Commentary - Duration: 23:31.
what's up as people of YouTube welcome to the another video of mission failed 404
and as usual i'm Rafi again and today it's going to be the part 4 of mission .....
I'm sorry hitman absolution and I don't know how long is gonna take because these
level called run for your life is bigger bigger so let's go let's see what we got there
oh,fu**ing a***ole,man
i hate you,f*** you
go f*** you
shit on your face you bloody man
oh,my god,he's gonna burn me?com'n
see you next time
run for your life
now,let's ruuuuuuuuuuuuun
run for my life,,,,, running for my life
okay this is fun to kill you,,this was fun to kill you
the sound effect look like the movie started just now
oh,shit,ooohh shit!,shit shit
now I'm gonna kill you too
okay another one
sorry buddy
I need my scissor I'm sorry I can't I
i can't lead you to bring that to your home sorry for that
what do you say to me?
seccond floor
I like to kill someone like that
another one is coming
come on come on,i would like to kill you
no one's here
anyone there?
okay let's go
I like that sound effect
now let's run
fucking helicopter
okay I got a secret entrance
anyone there?no one
oh,am i?no,man
that's f**king helicopter is shitting on my face
i don't like it
how many door i have to break?
hmmmm,are those police?-yeah
i got a door
ohh,like dreAM PLACE
awesome place, I would like to mention
sounds like some kind of angel in there
but no angel i'm seeing
you bloody policeman.why are you standing right there?go
so many them
oh,no no come on.got it,got it,got yeah
hell yea....
why they're running .they're running so fast but they can't catch me because I'm
too fast than them....oh so fu**
yeah okay at last, are they scared of me?
I don't think they have to
no, so many police
oh one of them is coming
hey you need to stop
okay,more of you?goo
oh,that place,a station?
okay there's police
Oh No
Hey oh-ho okay I'd like to hit you but I
can't oh shit shit shit shit fu*k,
oh,ihave to activate checkpoint
why did i do this?nooo,shit
okay,he's coming for me
no,he's not
okay he's not here
i'm fine
no no
no,i don't know you,I'm sorry
right please
hello hi
Oh these men is kind of like JACKSEPTICEYE
hey JACKSEPTICEYE, how are you?
no no no you don't know me and I don't know you you f**king bitch
there you go
okay now ,now what?
okay I think I have to wait for a train
shit oh no I think I have
oh,no.come on
shit me shit on me come on
okay oh no this is that place
i just skip it
i'm a bullshit
now I'm cleared the train will arrive in 45 seconds
I think I have to hurry no let's hurry, i can't run
I have to run for my life more thirty secconds no no no body found
but I'm clear okay come on oh no no no no come on come on come on
come on 15 seconds 14 13 12 11 ,,,,,,,,,,,3 2 1
no the sound was like the war has just started,but war just ended
so,here was the whole video ,if you have liked it just click the like button
and if you haven't just punch off my nose stop it ya stopped
and if you have any suggestion for us,comment below stay with us if you want to get all the video fast
for just do subscribe stay with us stay cool feell the game
bye bye
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