Friday, June 30, 2017

Youtube daily report Jun 30 2017



Loving oneself is perhaps the most important fact that guarantees our survival

In a complex and increasingly difficult world to cope with. Curiously, our culture

And education are aimed at punishing too much love. There are times for love and decrees

About what is good taste and bad taste. If you decide to congratulate yourself by giving you a kiss, possibly

The people around you even the psychologist on duty) will evaluate your behavior as ridiculous,

Narcissus the pedant. It is badly seen that we give ourselves too much time, we contemplate or we self-

We are rebuked: "All excesses are evil," we are told. Debatable. Some

Excess remind us that we are alive. Our civilization tries to instill principles

Such as respect for the human being, sacrifice, altruism, the expression of love, good

Treatment, communication, etc., but these principles are directed to the care of

Other humans.

Self-respect, self-love, self-confidence and self-communication are often not

account. Moreover, it is considered bad taste to want too much. If a person is friendly,

Expressive, affectionate and thinks more in the others than in herself, is evaluated excellently:

Its name is "dear". If someone disguises his virtues, he denies or

Undermines their achievements, that is, lies or self-punishment, is


Not only do we reject honest and honest self-acceptance, we do not care whether it's true or

No, but we enact and reinforce the denial of our virtues. Absurdly, the virtues

Can be displayed, but not verbalized. If you have a good body, you are allowed to use

Thong, miniskirt, or tight pants, but you're not allowed to talk about it. If people

They are self-motivated, so they are right, they produce rejection and annoyance.

This policy of not speaking well of oneself in public, of not being exaggerated in self-rebalancing,

Of not giving yourself much pleasure, of disguising, of great modesty, etc., ends up becoming

In a value that we use too often. The "virtue" of not wanting oneself

To himself in public, extends to when we are alone. When you try to leave the

Excessive selfishness, we have not allowed self-love to enter. If the human being deserves the

Respect that is promulgated for being something special, that should be extended to your own person.

To avoid falling into the insufferable pedantry of the know-it-all, we have fallen into modesty

Self-destructive denial of our virtues. For not being wasteful, we are

Petty Clinical psychologists know that this style of over-

oneself. It is the broth of the well-known and dreaded depression. You have the right

To love you no longer feel guilty about it, to dispose of your time, to discover your tastes,

To pamper you, to take care of you and to choose.

Unfortunately, our mental structure is being formed more on the basis of the evaluation

Other than in self-evaluation, and we become victims of our own invention. Self-sensitization

Has made us forget those times of childhood when everything was shocking and rewarding.

We are too "outwardly" seeking the approval of others) and not

We spend enough time self-balancing and liking ourselves.

Our system of socialization has been more oriented to prevent the affective excesses, known

By specialists as "manias" (inflated self-esteem, too much confidence, etc.), which,

To states of sadness and depression caused by insecurity, self-image and self-concept

negative. Sufficiency and excessive safety produce discomfort. The insecurity

Produces pity. Usually people tend to take sides for the weakest.

Immunity to the scourge of depression is only achieved if you learn to love yourself. As the

Better things, you need a special treatment. You can not allow yourself to be hurt or given

The luxury of self-destruct stupidly.

From a young age we are taught personal self-care behaviors: we brush our teeth,

Bathing, cutting nails, eating, controlling sphincters and dress. But what about the

Self-care and mental hygiene? We are not taught to love, to like, to contemplate

And to trust in ourselves. In addition, although some parents have this as a desideratum,

We lack adequate teaching procedures. Nor are we taught to teach.

The image you have of yourself is not inherited or genetically transmitted. As it

From what has been said so far, is learned. The human brain has a system of

Information processing that allows to store a virtually infinite number

of data. This information, which we have stored in social experience, is stored in the

Long-term memory in the form of beliefs and theories.

In this way we have information of things or objects, the meaning of words, situations,

Types of people, social activities, etc. This knowledge of the world, wrong or

No, it allows you to predict, anticipate and prepare to face what is going to happen. By

Example, if you know a person who claims to be a racist and an active member of the Ku Klux Klan,

You can predict how you will think and act on certain situations. Could you

Anticipate their behavior before a person of color, 10 who thinks about racism and

Its position in front of the traditions.

As you build an inner representation of the world around you, you also build

Theories and concepts about yourself. The relationship you establish with the world not only allows you

Know the environment, but also your behavior in front of him. These experiences of contact

With people (friends, parents, teachers) and things of your immediate material universe develop

An idea of ​​how you really are. The failures and successes, the fears and insecurities, the

Physical sensations, pleasures and dislikes, how to deal with problems, what

They tell you who you are, what they do not tell you, punishments, etc., everything converges and is organized

In an internal image about your own person: your self or your auto-quequema. Can you think

You are clumsy, ugly, interesting, intelligent or bad. Each of these qualifiers are

The result of a previous story, where you have been generating a "theory" about you

same. If you think you are a loser, you will not try to win. You will say: "Why try,

I can not win "or" it's impossible to change "or" I'm not worth anything ".

Humans show the conservative tendency to confirm, rather than to distrust, the

Beliefs. We are conservative by nature, and this economy of thought returns us

Stubborn and taken from our opinion. Once established the belief is very difficult

Change it. We resisted looking at our way of looking at things. If you set up a

Negative autoscale, he will accompany you for a long time if you do not make an effort to modify it.

In short, what you think and feel about yourself is learned and stored in a way

Of theories called self-schemas. There are positive and negative self-schemes. The first ones will take you

To cherish you, the seconds, to hate you.

No one contemplates and cares for a person who hates. Similarly, if the vision you have

Of you is negative, you will not express affection, because you will not believe deserve it. If your self-squeeze

Is positive and you do not feed it, it will fade. Some people, instead of congratulating themselves,

Disguise their joy with a phlegmatic parco: "It is nothing" or "it was my duty". The

Denial of personal recognition is a form of self-destruction.

In the autosquemas four fundamental aspects are interlaced that, for didactic purposes,

I will try to separate. In reality, they merge into an indissoluble whole and form the nucleus

Of personal self-assessment. They can become solid foundations on

Which you can build a strong and secure self, or the main source of self-elimination

And self-price. They are: Self-concept (what you think of yourself), Self-image

(How much you like), Self-esteem self-support (how much you rewards) and Self-efficacy

(How much confidence you have in yourself). They are the four supports of a good ego, or

The four horsemen of the apocalypse. If you fail one, it will be enough for your self-squeeze

Is lame or unstable. In certain situations, if only one of the riders is disengaged, the

"Herd" can follow.

Although negative self-schemas can destroy us, humans show the inexplicable

Tendency to conserve and feed them. The strange behavior of maintaining self-schemes

At all costs can be deadly for your mental health. Depressive people, for example,

Show this tendency to confirm it bad. If they are considered ugly, they neglect their figure

To corroborate its ugliness; If they think they are unintelligent, they fail at the

Examinations; If they believe they are victims, they play the role of martyrs or seek punishment;

etc. This way of confirming negative self-evaluation, behaving as if it really

Outside true, is very common. Social psychologists have called this mechanism, general-

Unconscious mind, self-realized prophecies.

If your selfishness is irrationally structured, you will distort reality. You will feel

Stupid despite being intelligent, horrifying without being, incapable being able and, finally,

You will try to punish yourself for not believing yourself worthy of congratulations.

An interesting aspect to note is that people with problems of self-acceptance

Are too "hard" with self-criticism and "soft" when they criticize other people.

On the other hand, subjects who show good self-esteem are protected by being rather mild

At the time of self-evaluation. An act of self-sufficiency. Who said we should

Be twenty-four-hour goals "By no means am I holding an attitude

Compulsive to deceive oneself? I simply think that sometimes "turning a blind eye"

Against small and insignificant errors or personal defects is useful for health

mental. It is preferable an optimistic position of slight overestimation, a heartbroken attitude

Pessimistic with oneself and a positive attitude toward others. Love begins at home.


"Have the courage to be wrong."


Culture has taught us to wear an invisible but painful club with which we are beaten

Every time we are wrong or we do not reach personal goals. We have learned to cast

Blame for almost everything we do wrong and to doubt our responsibility when

We do it well. If we fail, we say: "It depended on me"; If we succeed: "It was

pure luck". What kind of education is this, where we are taught to become

Responsible for the bad and not for the good? Self-criticism is good and productive if

Do it carefully. In the short term it can be used to generate new behaviors, but if

Uses indiscriminately and dogmatically, generates stress and is fatal to our self-concept.

The bad habit of permanently doing "inner cultural revolutions" is

A form of psychological suicide.

Some people, by having an inadequate self-evaluation system, acquire the "vice"

Of negatively speaking all over. Hanging posters with categories

General. Instead of saying, "I behaved awkwardly," they say, "I'm clumsy." They use

The "I am useless" instead of "I was wrong" in this or that thing. Self-punishment has been

Wrongly considered a way to produce appropriate behaviors.

How do you get a negative self-concept? A typical way is through self-criticism

Excessive. Humans use internal standards, that is, internalized goals and criteria

(Learned) about excellence and inadequacy. These standards emerge

Of the system of beliefs, values ​​and needs that we possess. A high self-demand will produce

High and rigid operating standards. However, while it is important to maintain

Relative personal exigency levels, or moderately high to be competent, the "short circuit"

Occurs when these levels are irrational, too high and unreachable. The irrational idea

That I must emphasize in almost everything that I do, that I must be the best at all costs and

Which should not be mistaken, are imperatives that become unbearable. Put of

Absolute way to happiness in goals, is to remove it from your personal domain. So yes

The goal is not reached, the world is over. The poet Runbeck once said: "Happiness

It is not the season to be reached, but a way to travel. "

People who make success a value, who are extremely competitive and handle

Rigid standards of execution, travel poorly. They have mounted the wrong car.

Perhaps happiness is not to be the best seller, the best mom, or the best child,

But to try it honestly and calmly, enjoying it while traveling to the

goal. An exaggerated level of self-demand generates strict patterns of self-evaluation.

If you have strict criteria for self-evaluation, you will always have the feeling of inadequacy.

Your body will begin to secrete more adrenaline than normal and anxiety will interfere with

The performance needed to reach the goals. You will enter the vicious circle of

Who aspire every day more and have every day less.

Irrational standards will make your behavior never enough. Despite your

Efforts, the goals will be unreachable. When you feel incapable, your self-assessment will be

negative. This feeling of ineffectiveness and the inability to control the situation

You will experience stress and anxiety, which in turn will affect your performance away from you

More and more of the goals.

People trapped in this trap become depressed, lose control over

Their own behavior and unfailingly fail. Precisely what they wanted to avoid! For

High, this "no escape" situation, of frustration and uncontrollability, leads them

Self-criticism and self-punishment; They become victims of their own invention.

The consequence of this kind of short circuit blender is the loss of self-concept

And depression. The more you do of "winning" a value, paradoxically more destined

You're missing out.

Sometimes people can show rational goals for an unprepared observer.

However, exaggerated self-demand is measured in terms of the possibilities of each

one. If you do not have the skills or resources to achieve the goals, the aspiration

The simpler it becomes unattainable. In these cases, resignation and objective reassessment

And frank of your goals and resources is the solution. Unfortunately, if we do not win, we tie.

If you are too self-demanding and self-critical, you will use a dichotomous style. This wants

To say, extremes. Things will only be white or black, good or bad. You will see the

Reality with a kind of binoculars where the middle tones, the nuances and the tonalities

they do not exist. "I am successful or I am unsuccessful." Absurd. There is nothing absolute. It all depends

Of the glass to look at. If you apply this binary processing style, no doubt

The catastrophe will come. You will refer to yourself in categorical and inflexible terms,

As ever, always, everything and nothing. These words should be suspended from our

Be considered "bad words". The only thing they generate is confusion and misunderstanding.

Unsurprisingly, if you earnestly desire success, power, and prestige, you will fear

failure. This fear will make you focus more on the bad things that

The good ones, in order to "prevent" the mistakes you so fear. In other words,

You will develop a maladaptive targeting style aimed at seeing in yourself

Only bad. This will lead you to ignore the approximations to the goal, as well as the

Efforts and small ascents that you make in the staircase towards your personal achievements.

If you relate the above to the dichotomous style, then it is clear that such approaches

To the goal go unnoticed: "I arrive, or I do not arrive" "I am, or I am not in the goal".

The worst way to treat you is with impatience and contempt. For wanting to see the tree does not

You will see the forest. Negative self-observation, like self-evaluation and self-punishment,

Generates stress, diminishes performance, mistreats the ego and, in the long run, affects


The use of extremely rigid, perfectionist and irrational standards increases the

Distance between your ideal self (what you would like to do or be) and your real self what really

You do or you are). The greater the distance between the two, the less likely to reach

Your goal, more frustration and more feelings of insecurity in the face of useless efforts

By approaching the supposed "happiness".

If someone courageously makes the difficult decision to "travel well", the pressure

Is inexorable and cruel. If, in addition, the goal does not coincide with the values

Of the reference group, the level of sanction can actually become intolerable.

Those objectives that distance themselves from economic production are seen as synonymous

Of vagrancy, bohemia or idealism. If we change goals, we are labeled as immature or unstable,

As if stability existed and was a symbol of intelligence. A quick look

To the people who have made the history of mankind shows that some instability

And dissatisfaction are essential conditions for living intensely. Absolute stability

does not exist. It is an invention of those who fear change. The famous "maturity", taken

To the letter, is the prelude to the decomposition. Blind blindly to your own standards

Or external is to restrict your freedom to think. You would lose the ability to make decisions and

Objective criticism. Do not be afraid to review, change or modify your goals if they are a source

Of suffering, even if your neighbors do not like it.

The important thing then is not only to discover that you are self-demanding, but to be able to modify

The standards. To achieve this you can not be too "stable" or too

"structured". You need a pinch of non-sanity (not to mention madness). People

Mentally rigid, self-critical and strict with themselves are normative persons.

They usually lock themselves in a jail made by themselves and the educational environment, whose

Bars are a set of virtues and values ​​that are not always rational, of which they can not

escape. They struggle between good and evil. In general, these subjects are more Papist

Than the Pope. They have placed so many conditions and requirements to move in life, that

The road becomes too narrow and narrow to walk comfortably through it.

They hit with walls of self-criticism and should at every step. Others, however,

They cross a real comfortable and calm highway. The style of "beating" and

Punishment is not precisely the best ground for a self-concept to germinate and thrive

Without feet of mud. Being flexible is, without a doubt, a virtue of intelligent people.

But, as I pointed out earlier, to avoid something that we think is bad, we do

Something worse. By avoiding being a "weathercock", we define a goal and jam (some do

A kind of welding) the rudder to it. Absurdly we sacrifice the right

To change our minds and we are wrong, for the apparent safety of traveling on a route

Unchangeable We mistakenly consider that it is the only and best way to walk by

El Mundo

Like a grotesque cartoon, very self-critical people put on a shirt

Strength to not get mad, and the result, paradoxically, is the psychological imbalance.

You should definitely try to be less hard on yourself.

Saving self-concept

Let's see a guide that can serve to safeguard your self-concept of indiscriminate self-punishment.

1. Try to be more flexible, both with others and with you

Do not use the extreme dichotomous criterion to evaluate reality, including yourself.

Do not think in absolutist terms: there is nothing totally good or bad. Remember that

You must have tolerance for things to get out of the lane sometimes. If you are inflexible

In your things, you will clash violently with reality; She is not total or definitive.

Learn to endure, to personify and to understand your rigidity as a defect, not as a virtue.

Rigid things are less malleable, do not stand too much and break. If you're

Normative, perfectionist, intolerant and too conservative, you will not know what to do with

lifetime. She is not like that. The vast majority of everyday events will give you stress,

Because they are not like you would like them to be. Concentrate for a week or two on the

Nuances Do not rush to categorize strictly. Stop and think if you really

What you say is true. Check your way of pointing and pointing. Do not be drastic.

Find around you people to whom you have already cataloged and dedicate yourself to question

Your lettering. Look for evidence against, discover the nuances. When you evaluate, avoid

Use words as always, never, all or nothing. Do not label people, you included,

With totalities. As a leading psychologist said, it is not the same to say: "Robó

Once, "to say," He is a thief. " People are not "they", they simply

They behave. Intransigence generates hate and malaise. It's time for you to go back

Your rigidity.

to. Let yourself not be so normative. That will not make you a delinquent. If you have five days

To pay an account, pay the fifth, and if there is no legal risk, the sixth or seventh.

Do not always arrive early. Step on the grass Try to scream in a library. Be more

Informal one day, to see what happens.

B. Try not to be a perfectionist. Disorganize your schedules, your rites, your travels, you

Way of ordering things, etc. He lives with the disorder for a week. Fear him.

C. No rotules, nor autorrotules. Try to be benign. He speaks only in terms of behavior.

D. Concentrate on the nuances. Think more about alternatives and exceptions to

rule. Life is composed of shades rather than whites and blacks.

and. Listen to people who think differently than you. This does not imply that you must necessarily

Change your mind, just listen. Let the information enter and then decide.

Remember: if you are inflexible and rigid with the world and people, you will end up being so

with you.

2. Check your goals and the real possibilities to reach them

Do not put unattainable goals. Exert yourself according to your possibilities

And skills. If you find yourself trying to climb some Mount Everest, or change mountains

Or enjoy the ride. When defining a goal, you must also define the steps

Or the subgoals. Try to enjoy, "paladea1" the climb each step, as if it were

Of a goal by itself. Do not wait until you reach the end to rest and enjoy.

Search for intermediate stations. Lose time on this. Write your goals, review them, question them

And discard those that are not vital. Life is too short to waste. Remember,

If your goals are unattainable, you will live frustrated and bitter.

Do not self-observe only bad

If you only focus on your mistakes, you will not see your achievements. If you only see what you see

Lack, you will not enjoy the moment, the here and now. "If you cry for the sun, you will not see

The stars ", Do not be aware of your failures as a radar. Accommodate your attention

Also to the appropriate behaviors. When you find yourself focusing negatively on

Obsessive way, stops.

Do not think badly about yourself

Be more benign with your actions. Fortunately you are not perfect. Do not insult yourself or reprimand yourself.

Keep track of your negative self-assessments. It detects which are fair, moderate

And objective. If you discover that the lexicon to yourself is offensive, change it. Search for qualifications

Constructive Reduce your self-verbalizations to what are really worth it. Exercises

The right to be wrong. Humans, like animals, learn from

Trial-error. Some people believe that human learning must be trial-success.

That's a lie. The cost of growing up as a human being is to err and "screw up".

This universal law is inescapable. Saying, "I do not want to be wrong," is to make a

Tantrum and a tantrum for children. It is impossible not to be wrong, as it is that there is no acceleration

Of gravity. Mistakes do not make you better or worse, just get dressed. Just remember you

That you are human. When we talk about your Self-efficacy we will return to the fear of making mistakes.

Let's recap and clarify. Moderate self-criticism, objective self-observation,

Constructive self-evaluation and having rationally high goals are necessary behaviors.

Very possibly they have collaborated in the adaptation of the human being. These processes are not bad

In themselves, depends on how they are used and where they are aimed. Poorly used,

Rigid, hard, destructive and compulsive way, affect the self-concept. Used properly

Serve as an encouraging guide.

Socially speaking, he has not been taught to make good use of them. We are introduced

Ruthless self-criticism as a value and as the key to success; But possibly

By ignorance, we have not been alerted on its possible consequences. Avoiding

An end, undoubtedly pernicious (poverty of spirit, laziness, failure,

Being "little" and having no goals in life), has taken the pendulum toward the

Another, equally harmful and harmful.

Our culture seems to prefer psychologically disturbed but successful people,

To psychologically healthy but unsuccessful people. However, success here is secondary.

No use if you can not enjoy it. Dissatisfaction with oneself

Achievements and excessive ambition act as an engine, but, because of over-accelerated operation,

Usually burns early. You are a special machine within the known universe, no

The mistreatment Demand yourself, but within reasonable limits. Do not deny yourself.

For more infomation >> Walter Riso -Aprendiendo a quererse a si mismo - Capítulo 1 y 2 - Duration: 31:31.


30.06.2017 - Reportajes UMH Nº66 "Parque Científico UMH" - Duration: 15:28.

For more infomation >> 30.06.2017 - Reportajes UMH Nº66 "Parque Científico UMH" - Duration: 15:28.


Más allá del mar de las tinieblas. Una travesía repleta de secretos - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Más allá del mar de las tinieblas. Una travesía repleta de secretos - Duration: 0:31.


Funny Clown & Zombie for kids | Robocar Poli toys Rescue clown from scary zombies | video for kids - Duration: 4:14.

Hi Kids,

Today Funny Clown Bob will present you a story with scary but funny zombies.

In this video for kids you will see a toy play on how Robocar Poli team, Poli, Helli, Roy and Amber will rescue clown Bob from zombie bite.

Do not forget to subscribe under the video and like it

Click on the picture to see other funny videos

For more infomation >> Funny Clown & Zombie for kids | Robocar Poli toys Rescue clown from scary zombies | video for kids - Duration: 4:14.


How to make a gift envelope? Origami envelope💌Origami Envelope - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> How to make a gift envelope? Origami envelope💌Origami Envelope - Duration: 2:50.


Imanol Arias, primeras declaraciones tras haberse dado una segunda oportunidad con Irene Meritxell - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> Imanol Arias, primeras declaraciones tras haberse dado una segunda oportunidad con Irene Meritxell - Duration: 5:06.


30.06.2017 - Noticias UMH TV Nº171 - Duration: 14:32.

For more infomation >> 30.06.2017 - Noticias UMH TV Nº171 - Duration: 14:32.


UN: Denfending Parents' Rights to Educate - Duration: 2:19.

Thank you Mr Vice President.

The ECLJ thanks the Special Rapporteur for her Report on Non Formal Education,

and for her invitation to show more flexibility in this area.

As highlited in this Report, the right to education is enshrined in international law as belonging primarily to the parents.

This competence is based in natural law on their responsability but also on the freedom of

conscience and religion of the parents. They should be able to raise their children according to their own convictions.

The ECLJ wishes to draw the Council's attention to certain violations against Non Formal Eductation which

is considered as such as soon as the lessons are not officialy organized by the State.

Today, in Europe, several countries drastically restrict any Non Formal Education and impose

to all children the same formal education.

Parents are thus forced to register their children in public schools even if they wished to educate them themselves.

In Germany, a faillure to comply with this obligation is punished by a fine and a prison sentence.

This is a violation of the freedom of education of the parents and to the right to education of the children,

who could often benefit from a more personalized education.

Moreover, one must note that formal education in several European countries no longer guarantees

a teaching of a sufficiant quality.

Through debatable pedagogical choices the education given by the State ends out to be of mediocre quality,

sometimes lower than that provided by Non Formal settings.

In France, while about 20% of pupils of 12 years of age who went to public schools do not know to read properly,

the State prohibits parents from setting up non formal school by gathering to educate their children.

The ECLJ invites the Council to better guarantee the freedom of parents to choose the most appropriate

form of education of their choice and to recall that responsability for a good education lies upon all actors,

including the State.Thank you.

For more infomation >> UN: Denfending Parents' Rights to Educate - Duration: 2:19.


ONU: L'ECLJ dénonce l'eugénisme comme un racisme scientifique - Duration: 2:22.

Thank you Mr Vice President.

The ECLJ thanks the Special Rapporteur for his report on the contemporary forms of racism,

but regrets that a precise contemporary form of racism be not mentioned: the "scientific racism" of eugenics.

At the origin of racism, there is the idea that some groups of people

are worth less than others because of their physical characteristics.

With scientific progress, some even developed the idea of an evolution of the human species,

evolution having resulted in the existence of individuals and human groups less evolved than others.

These theories generated racism and eugenics and the idea that humankind can be improved

thanks to the progress of genetics and through the selection and voluntary elimination of groups deemed

"inferiors" as well as through their demographic containment.

Racism today finds its justification in eugenics, and it is vain to pretend to fight one without the other.

One cannot despise a person, and refuse her the right to live because she has a different chromosome or gene, deemed "inferior".

The inherent and equal dignity of all human beings must be defended, whatever their genetic heritage.

Mister Rapporteur, you cannot mention twenty-six times the word "Nazi" in your report,

as for them eugenics and racism were but one scientist ideology, without denouncing

the contemporary eugenics which takes the form of prenatal manipulation and genetic selection of human beings.

The ECLJ urges you to condemn this eugenics, notably the new non-invasive test of prenatal diagnostic

of Down syndrome, which allows the detection and elimination of the majority of trisomic children:

yet these children can live a long and happy life.

Mr. Rapporteur, the true danger of racism in the XXIst century is not only the few neo-Nazi groups,

it is the eugenics ideology and the selection that numerous human beings endure

because of their genetic heritage, with the help of States and modern technics. Thank you.

Thank you very much.

For more infomation >> ONU: L'ECLJ dénonce l'eugénisme comme un racisme scientifique - Duration: 2:22.


How does it feel to reach this milestone? - Duration: 0:25.

Dr. Justine Suba-Cohen - Chief Resident, Family Medicine Program

For more infomation >> How does it feel to reach this milestone? - Duration: 0:25.


I didnt come here to hurt people Republican senator MSNBC - Duration: 8:59.

For more infomation >> I didnt come here to hurt people Republican senator MSNBC - Duration: 8:59.


Warkop DKI - I Love You Just the Way You Are ( Album Dokter Masuk Desa ) - Duration: 4:15.

Some Go Changes To try and please me

You never let me down before ehm hm hm...

Don't imagine You'r too familiar

and i don't see you anymore Why... what non i see you

in time of trouble you never...Close too come this far

i took the good time i take the bed time

i take you just the way you are

Don't go crying some new Fashion

Some change the color of your hair ehm hm hm...

you are have that smile and so confession although i might nothing to give

i don't want clever conversation i never want a wounded hearth

ehm hm hm...

i touch when someone that i can touch too

i want you just the way you are

i need to know that you always be the same old some one that i need

what really take till you to believe in me the way that i believe in you

i said i love you and that forever

and this i form this from this hearth ehm hm hm...

I could not love you Having Better

i love you just the way you are

i said i love you and that forever

and this i form this from this hearth ehm hm hm...

I could not love you Having Better

i love you just the way you are

For more infomation >> Warkop DKI - I Love You Just the Way You Are ( Album Dokter Masuk Desa ) - Duration: 4:15.



For more infomation >> FESTEN STARTER I BUSSEN - Duration: 1:01.


5 Tips to Improve Exam Revision - Duration: 5:04.

Hello everyone!

Since I am actually in exam season, having completed 5 out of 7 exams, I wanted to would

share with you my favourite 5 revision tips and how I try to overcome finals in the best

way possible.

Scheduling your study sessions is fundamental to get the hang of the time you have available

and organize the content of your exam into edible chunks instead of leaving everything

until the last minute.

Half of your grade translates to your organization during revision and if you divided the material

in a way that enabled you to actually study everything before the exam.

If you want to know how I usually divide my time for multiple exams you can check my video,

which will be listed on the right upper corner of the video and down in the description box.

Instead of starting with easier chapters and information which makes me feel at-ease, I

force myself to confront all of the content that I'm having trouble with first, even

if that means jumping around between different chapters.

This is a fool-proof way to make sure that, as soon as I start revising from the start,

I will never feel hindered or frustrated when I reach certain parts of my notes, since that

previous, initial effort has already been made.

That results in a smoother revision and also reinforces knowledge on concepts that may

be present throughout other chapters.

When I'm feeling rushed and pressured to cover a lot of material in a short period

of time, I always have a tendency to only scratch the surface of whatever I am studying,

not delving deep enough into the contents of the material I'm revising.

Asking questions about the information I am reading, as well as researching other sources

of evidence and having attention to detail, increases my knowledge on the subject exponentially,

and that results in an improved flow of thought and, consequently, in better results.

Although you should delve deep into the research of your exam material, it's important to

know how to condense all that information into quick, easy-to-read outlines or guides.

If you've been subscribed for a long time you know that I always mention these as a

holy grail during exam season.

Having these stripped-down notes allows you to access all information you need to know

by topics, understanding the connections between concepts and easily visualize all the content

you need to learn and explain, without having to pick up your textbooks again from page

1 and look at what you've highlighted.

Having simple guides as substitutes for larger sources of information saves you a lot of

time before an exam, since as soon as you start going through all of your content you

will find out that you have now time for multiple revisions instead of just one which implied

having to shift through endless pages, searching for the highlights.

This is my number one tip for anyone who has trouble memorizing information.

Studies show that, when people studied a list by reading half of the words silently and

the other half by saying the words out loud, the words spoken aloud were remembered much

better than those that were read silently.

That is called the production effect.

The words you speak aloud are now translated into speech and you have knowledge of producing

the items as well as a memory of hearing them. 

As such speaking out loud, as if you were presenting or explaining the subject to a

friend, improves memory retention, structures your arguments and usage of concepts and overall

develops your knowledge and perception of the subject.

I hope you have enjoyed this video!

Since we are reaching Back-to-School season, I wanted to announce that I will be uploading

twice a week from the middle of July to the middle of September.

I will cover all the essentials and everything you need to know to get organized for the

next school year or college semester.

Since it was so requested, I will also be uploading various printables and a whole free

planner in a new platform during the summer so you can access various files and documents

to help you get started on the road to organisation.

If you are looking forward to that, don't forget to click the subscribe button and I

will see you next week.


For more infomation >> 5 Tips to Improve Exam Revision - Duration: 5:04.


BMW X1 2.0I SDRIVE HIGH EXECUTIVE AUT8 , Sportleer, NaviPro, Xenon, Full - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> BMW X1 2.0I SDRIVE HIGH EXECUTIVE AUT8 , Sportleer, NaviPro, Xenon, Full - Duration: 0:57.


Odstojniki do miodu nierdzewne serii CLASSIC i PREMIUM - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Odstojniki do miodu nierdzewne serii CLASSIC i PREMIUM - Duration: 2:13.


Honda CR-Z 1.5 I-VTEC IMA SPORT , Navi, ECC, LMV - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Honda CR-Z 1.5 I-VTEC IMA SPORT , Navi, ECC, LMV - Duration: 1:03.


"TOXIC" - Britney Spears // Acoustic Male Cover by Daniel Lowe - Duration: 4:43.

Baby, can't you see I'm calling

A guy like you Should wear a warning

It's dangerous I'm fallin'

There's no escape I can't wait

I need a hit Baby, give me it

You're dangerous I'm lovin' it

Too high Can't come down

Losing my head Spinning 'round and 'round

Do you feel me now

Taste of your lips I'm on a ride

You're toxic I'm slipping under Taste of a poison paradise

I'm addicted to you Don't you know that you're toxic

And I love what you do Don't you know that you're toxic

It's getting late To give you up

I took a sip From my devil's cup

Slowly It's taking over me

Too high Can't come down

Losing my head Spinning 'round and 'round

Do you feel me now

Taste of your lips I'm on a ride

You're toxic

I'm slipping under Taste of a poison paradise

I'm addicted to you Don't you know that you're toxic

Man, I love what you do Don't you know that you're toxic

Taste of your lips I'm on a ride

You're toxic I'm slipping under With a taste of a poison paradise

I'm addicted to you Don't you know that you're toxic

And I love what you do Don't you know that you're toxic

Intoxicate me now With your lovin' now

I think I'm ready now I think I'm ready now

Intoxicate me now I think I'm ready now

I think I'm ready, yeahhh

Intoxicate me now Intoxicate me now!

Intoxicate me now, I think I'm ready now, Intoxicate me now...

Hey guys I'm Daniel and thankyou for watching my cover of "Toxic".

If you loved what I did, please check out my other videos and be sure to subscribe,

like, comment and share.

You can also check out my Patreon page, which is in the description if you'd like to support

me there.

Thankyou so much for watching, bye!

And I will always love you I, I'll always love you...

For more infomation >> "TOXIC" - Britney Spears // Acoustic Male Cover by Daniel Lowe - Duration: 4:43.


Iclal&Mert + Elmas&Aslan {Rockabye} - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> Iclal&Mert + Elmas&Aslan {Rockabye} - Duration: 4:10.

------------------------------------------- Revival quest - Self feeding lag and making a large spawner cell - Duration: 3:22.

[Back to our quest to revive]

[One teamer taken down! 🙌]

[and some self-feeding kills]

[Trying to split-kill spider, but actually got eaten by ambushing.]

[4500 mass reached taking thewse teamers down!]

[funny team was ambushed by teamers. And with all my luck, he splits in 8 and I defeat ity and every nearby teamer and my mass is now 16143! 🙌]

[I attack a cell spit in 16 but he transfers his mass quckly enough to take me down.

[Self-feeding to eat the teamer...]

[Don't move the virus in my big piece!. Let it hit the teamer!]

[ANTI-~TEAMING! 😡😡, Trying to abort ASAP!

I am going to give 4500 to tjhis spawnr cell because I hate anti-teaming hitting solo players

[Feeding my self with my spawner cell, I end up with my spawner cell eaten by the teamer. This revelates me to eat the cell trapped inside a giant spawner cell with a virus]

[This is just one of our attempts to send back to life. Now just before any teamer overlaps my giant spawner cell, I will attempt to virus them, trying not to get eaten by the expansion

For more infomation >> Revival quest - Self feeding lag and making a large spawner cell - Duration: 3:22.


Presidents Moon, Trump agree to establish peace on Korean peninsula and achieve economic - Duration: 2:50.

President Moon Jae-in, on his first trip to the U.S. since elected South Korea's president

in May, and First Lady Kim Jeong-sook joined U.S. President Donald Trump and his wife for

dinner in the White House State Dining Room.

That dinner has just wrapped up.

For details, our chief Blue House correspondent Moon Connyoung is live in Washington for us.

Connyoung, I think it's something that many around the world had been curious about.

How was the two presidents' first handshake?

Well, Mark.

Perhaps to the disappointment of many who had hoped to see a grand drama play out there

was no handshake fiasco, no bizarre photo op moment.

The very first meeting between South Korean President Moon Jae-in and his U.S. counterpart

Donald Trump took off in a pleasant manner with a warm welcome.

Mr. Trump and his wife greeted South Korea's first couple at the White House South Lawn


Before the closed-to-the-media dinner, the U.S. president hinted at how engaging he expects

the discussion to be... saying that "it could be very well into the evening."

And, it was.

The first intro meeting between Presidents Moon and Trump lasted over two hours, half

an hour longer than initially planned.

Another curiosity.

Was the dinner menu anything out of the ordinary?

Well, we could say that.

Over a nicely prepared course meal and definitely carefully selected menu - the main dish of

the evening being Korean traditional dish, Bibimbap made with South Carolina-produced

long grains - the two leaders agreed to together establish peace on the Korean peninsula and

achieve economic prosperity based on steadfast South Korea, U.S. alliance.

According to the South Korean president's press secretary, the two leaders exchanged

ideas on various issues ranging from North Korea's nuclear programme to economic relations.

Meanwhile,, I want to point out...

President Trump just minutes ago tweeted that he just wrapped up a good meeting with South

Korean president and that the two discussed many things including North Korea and a *new

trade deal.

I asked Mr. Moon's press team about this *new trade deal... but they avoided giving a clear

answer alluding to a possible announcement by the two leaders after their official bilateral

summit Friday morning, local time.


For more infomation >> Presidents Moon, Trump agree to establish peace on Korean peninsula and achieve economic - Duration: 2:50.



hey guys welcome to cook with Nancy another episode today we are going to

make a simple and easy quick recipe it's a sabudana vada also known as a sago vada

this is no deep frying so don't be concerned

it's very minimum oil that's used it can be as a breakfast or as a snack

let's get started with the ingredients here I'm using 1 cup of sago or

sabudana that is soaked overnight 6 to 8 hours and drain the water I have 2

medium sized potato oil and finely grated you have to make sure it's finely

grated we don't want any kind of big lumps we have 2 finely chopped spring

onion 2 tbsp cilantro finely chopped and I have a 3/4 cup of spinach finely

chopped I have one tablespoon lemon juice chilli as per your taste I am just

using one chilli use as per your taste 3/4 a cup of roasted peanut that is

grounded I bought roasted peanut from store and that's just grounded it I'm using

salt as per my taste and one tablespoon of brown sugar now mix you

can also use white sugar it's okay now mix them until it comes together to make

a soft dough to form soft dough once that is done set it aside and wash your hand

let's get started with the ball now I'm just greasing my palm with little the oil and

start making a small sized ball then I'm using appa pan so I'm making the size

as per my pan continue to do this with all the mixture that you have and we go

ahead and fry this I am done with all those now this is the pan that I'm

talking about this is appa pan it's very famous In india you can find if

amazon so add little bit of oil in the cavity and then place the prepared balls

in there I'll keep flipping after every 5 minutes so that it gets nice and brown

you can see it's nice and browned it's very crisp from outside and soft from

inside once that is done just go ahead and serve in our serving plate with your

favorite chutney i am using green chutney it's the cilantro and mint chutney

so soft inside as you can see it's so simple guys and so easy if you

liked this recipe please do subscribe to my channel and please leave any comments

and likes I will see you soon in my next video with new recipe till then take

care and bye bye guys



[ENGSUB] Let's Only Walk The Flower Road EP 4 (Idol Drama Operation) - Duration: 11:36.

[4th Episode: PICK ME] Welcome all of you to "The Five!"

Is there any member who wants to say before you start competition?

OK, Moon Byeol. Please go ahead.

From today, I will rap in the competition.

Will you compete as a rapper?

Good. Let me announce that Moon Byeol will compete as a rapper.

It's time to present you their first performance.

Let's wait and see how Moon Byeol's challenge will end.

Who will be the final members of "The Five?"

Everyone, please stay tuned till the end.

"The Five!" It's show time!

You are the next one, right?

Don't feel pressure, Sohee. Way to go!

Did you call me by name? I was born early in 1995.

I put up with it since we were a team. Now I hope you act politely.

I've been trying so hard to become one of the five.

I can't allow friendship to get in my way.

Eun-ae, sorry for giving the cold shoulder to you.

- Hey, Sohee was born early in 1995. Early in 1995? She's "quick" Sohee.

- What if she got kicked out? - She's not QUICK but KICK Sohee.

- I think she will not be able to debut. - Right, poor thing.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1!

SMS voting is just over.

They have been in a fierce competition.

What's the final result?

Let me announce the result.

Out of the seven girls, who will be the final members of "The Five?"

Let me announce it now.

The first one to join "The Five" is...

Congratulations, Seulgi!

Congratulations! You're the first one to join "The Five".

Your face looks like you can't believe this.

Let me sincerely congratulate you.

Now, it's time to announce the second one.

Who is the second one to join "The Five?"



Moon Byeol!

Congratulations. Moon Byeol is the second member of "The Five".

Your performance was unique. It produced a great result.

The third member is...

Everyone is looking down and waiting for the result.

The third member of "The Five".

Congratulations! YooA!

It's YooA.


It seems that she is sorry for others.

Let's move on to the fourth member.

Four of them are anxiously waiting for the result.

The fourth member of "The Five" is...


Su-Jeong is the fourth member of "The Five".

Now we have three contenders.

Only one will debut.

From now on, I'll open this red envelope.

It has the name of the fifth member.

In front of you, I will open this red envelope.

You've done a great job.

The last member of "The Five"

is this one, out of the three candidates.

Let me announce.

The last member of "The Five" is...

Eun-ae! Congratulations!

Eun-ae is the last member of "The Five".

Five members are decided like this.

Two of you will be eliminated.

You will debut earlier than us. Congratulations, everyone.

I will continue to practice as a trainee.

But Somi decided to quit.

Sorry, Sohee.

I should have not talked to you.

It's not because of you. Don't blame yourself, Eun-ae.

Don't worry about it. I'm fine.


I'm afraid if you can adjust well, because you don't talk much.

In fact, I tried not to talk much to prevent making mistakes.

I really wanted to quit.

But I was able to endure thanks to you girls.

But... this doesn't seem to be right.

We had to compete and survive.

I'm sick and tired of it. I will join another company.

Thank you for your help so far. Good luck.

Don't cry.

A farewell to friends. That is the hardest part.

We practiced together. We relied on each other.

We ran toward the same dream.

Now we have to forget about

our past memories and future dreams.

Girls, let's drink beer. I'll buy. What do you think?

Will you keep doing this? Chin up!

We finally made it. Let's cheer up.

We made it? Cheer up?

It seems kind of wrong to me.

- What's your point? Quit together? - I didn't mean it.

- What did you talk about with the CEO? - What?

Byeol, did you talk with the CEO behind us?

What do you want to say?

Didn't he talk you into being a rapper, promising your debut?

Cat got your tongue? Is it true?


Then what? Tell us. Why did you change your position?

Why? Why did I change? You know nothing about me.

[Episode 5 will be aired on 11AM tomorrow]

- Is this what you wrote? - Yes.

- Too old-fashioned. - I spent 3 days for this.

- Too old-fashioned. - 3 days... - Sorry.

For more infomation >> [ENGSUB] Let's Only Walk The Flower Road EP 4 (Idol Drama Operation) - Duration: 11:36.


Going for a walk - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Going for a walk - Duration: 1:06.


Blaise Matuidi in 'regular contact' with Man Utd, talks also held with Arsenal - Duration: 3:00.

Blaise Matuidi in 'regular contact' with Man Utd, talks also held with Arsenal - report

The Paris Saint-Germain midfielder has been heavily linked with a move to the Premier League this summer.  Matuidi, 30, has just 12 months remaining on his contract at the Parc des Princes.  Reports claimed this month that talks over a contract extension at PSG was verbally agreed, but they have since broken down following the arrival of new sporting director Antero Henrique.  And his father Faria admitted his son will explore other options with his contract ticking down.  Jose Mourinho is keen to sign a defensive midfielder as he wants to bring in a long-term replacement for Michael Carrick, who is in the twilight years of his career.    Manchester United are in regular contact with Paris Saint-Germain midfielder Blaise Matuidi Matuidi could fit the bill as the Portuguese boss wants to allow Paul Pogba to venture further forward next season.  And French outlet PSG United claim regular contact with United has been made.  But Manchester United will face competition from Premier League rivals Arsenal as they have apparently held discussions with the former Saint-Etienne man.  However, his agent Mino Raiola wants his client to sign for Juve despite Italy not being Matudis first choice.  The France international was all for staying at PSG until Patrick Kluivert and Olivier Letang left the club this summer.  But Matuidis father revealed his son now has mixed emotions about remaining at the club.  Speaking to Le Parisien, he said: "A few weeks ago, Blaise was more interested in staying at PSG.

"Now the situation is much more mixed. PSG, and in particular their new sporting director [Antero Henrique], have been slow to reveal their intentions.

"For that reason we're listening attentively to the advances of other clubs. "There's a feeling, rightly or wrongly, that everything said [by PSG] in the past few months is now part of ancient history..

For more infomation >> Blaise Matuidi in 'regular contact' with Man Utd, talks also held with Arsenal - Duration: 3:00.


Jaguar XF Sportbrake 2018 | Sospensioni Posteriori Pneumatiche Autolivellanti - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> Jaguar XF Sportbrake 2018 | Sospensioni Posteriori Pneumatiche Autolivellanti - Duration: 0:32.


Nishkam Seva Glendale Gurdwara Open House-Glendale, AZ - June 25 '17 - Duration: 38:17.

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fatel good afternoon everyone my name is Harkanwal Singh

and actually I'm a native Arizonan. I was born and raised here and I'm also

a Sikh American. The entire Sikh congregation would like to welcome you

to our home today. This is our place of worship and we sincerely are grateful to

you for taking the time to come here on such a hot summer day. I think what is it

110 -115 and we really appreciate the effrt that you guys made, So the Sikh

religion was founded by guru nanak in the punjab region of india and roughly

five hundred years ago his message was that all people are created equal and we should

exercise tolerance and respect for people of all backgrounds and faiths

deep exemplified true interfaith acceptance at a time and place where this

was not the convention. He did not attempt to convert followers of other

faiths but rather he urged them to explore their inner meanings of their

own religious philosophies and beliefs. In essence he felt that the various

spiritual paths are like the different spokes on a wheel and they all led to the

same Center which is a fundamental truth. He was therefore opposed to the idea

that sikhs or anyone else could consider so spiritually superior to any other

group thus it follows that sikhs do not attempt to convert adherents of other

faiths. In fact the Guru Granth sahib which is our holy book that you see us bowing

down to as we enter actually contains writings of wise thinkers of other

faiths in addition to the writings of our own leaders and spiritual leaders

For us the writings that are contained in this holy book are the

embodiment of spiritual wisdom the Sikh religious commitment to equality and

justice is cemented in our Sikh identity the turban which covers the sikhs uncut

hair is a representation of these balance as such the turban is a sikh

crown and an article of faith that represents part of the equality,

freedom, and justice for all. I'd like to share some basic information about the

sikh thing. Sikhism you may not know is the fifth largest religion in the world

and the world's third largest monotheistic faith we believe in an

omnipresent formless God whom we commonly refer to as Waheguru. We

regard men and women as equal in all spheres of life,. The concept of

gender equality is central tenet of the Sikh faith. Sikh woman can do

prayer service and participate in every aspect of life equal to men. We also

believe in equality amongst all human beings regardless of their race or caste

and the freedom to choose and practice religion freely is that the foundation

of Sikhism,. We believe there are many paths to God and many avenues to seek

truth. We are expected to perform selfless service which we call Seva and

we're expected to share with those who are less fortunate than ourselves and

just to let you know 99% of turban wearing Americans that you may see are

Sikh and it represents, the turban that is, our commitment to protect and stand

up for the values of equality and justice for all.

A little information about the gurdwara,

the prayer hall that we're sitting in today the one Gurdwara like we are

sitting in today were founded as places where the, Sangat, the Sikh

religious congregation could come together as a community to worship. We do

this worship by reciting and reflecting upon the hymns contained in the Guru

Granth sahib, our Holy Scripture book. People from all walks of life are

welcome to attend or observe our religious services in the Gurdwara. the

Sikh religious service is centered on the singing of these hymns, which we

call this kirtan and it ends with us sharing a meal together as a

community called LANGAR. As you will notice the kirtan or the singing of the

Hymns is traditionally accompanied by a harmonium, which you see here which is an

accordion like a keyboard instrument and drums, Indian drums which are called TABLAs

which you can see there,, the Guru Granth Sahib or sikh scripture is the embodiment of

spiritual authority for our faith as such we bow down to it as the Word of

God. The PALKI or canopy above the holy book signifies respect of its authority

and this practice is actually rooted in traditional treatment of kings in

India. Likewise the CHAUR or the flowing whisks that you see the gentleman waving

its waved over the Guru Granth Sahib to indicate its sovereignty and at the end

of the service before the community meals evening we also share the

KARAH PRASHAD which is the service of sweet pudding and it's offered to all

and eaten as the acceptance of the sweetness of God's work. So I'd like to

now introduce Anjaleen Kaur who's a Sikh awareness advocate and has been very

active and helping to put this event together. So I ask her to come up


Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh So when we first put this event in our head

before trying to put together the open house we thought maybe we'll get 20 or

30 people to attend. so I am so thrilled to see this room full of people who are

wanting to learn and experience this event. so thank you all for attending

our open house today. We're very fortunate to have many special guests

with us today as well so I wanted to take a minute to recognize that please stand

and remain standing as I call your name Paul Penzone, Maricopa County Sheriff

Ana Armendarez, Senator John McCain's staff, Kate Gallego, Phoenix

councilmember, Deborah Stark Phoenix councilmember, Ryan Winkle Mesa

councilmember, Benjamin Bratt water conservation board, Philip Mariner

special detective liasion Phoenix Police Department, Mini Hernandez

sergeant of the Phoenix Police Department

Chris detective phoenix police department, Marchelle Franklin

director of community affairs phoenix police Department, Tom Myers lieutenant

Scottsdale Police Department Chris Castle community liaison to the

Scottsdale Police Department, rabbi jeremy schneider

immediate past president of the board of rabbis grreater phoenix

lieutenant colonel Wayne Webb assistant director Arizona Department of Public

Safety and very long executive director governor's office of equal opportunity

a few guest speakers our first speaker is Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton and the

mayor Stanton has been a big advocate for the Sikh religion last year

decided the Vaisakhi Proclamation of celebrating recognizing the contribution

of sikhs in our Phoenix community. Mayor Stanton may I please ask you

to come to the podium. thank you.

thank you so much it is my honor to be here representing myself and Councilman

Kate Gallego, I think she is in the back also to be here on this beautiful

national day of community outreach that the Sikh community has been kind enough

to invite myself and so many members of the community

this Sikh community representing the values of equality and being kind to

everyone treating everyone as equal. I think we need more sikhs run, need to

run for public office pleas with their views and values, ....We are blessed in our city, I

signed the proclamation last year because I've seen firsthand how blessed

we are to have so many in the Sikh community in Phoenix in the valley

that's five or six thousand maybe growing at a very very fast pace five

hundred thousand to six hundred thousand across the United States of America and

we are a better city and a better country because of the presence of so many in

the Sikh community. I've been blessed to see it firsthand I worked with a lot of

different people as Mayor of the City of Phoenix in when I have a chance to

interact with the Sikh community and i am inspired, because the community cares so

much not just about other members of the Sikh community but also about the

community as a whole so many charitable acts roll up the sleeves get

involved in the community knowing that on occasion too often the Sikh community

is misunderstood and people have their work sometimes stereotyped sometimes

negative stereotypes and those are handled with such dignity and grace and

class by members of the Sikh community least that's my experience and of course

after the tragic murder of Balbir Singh Sodhi

after 9/11 you know there was a lot of tension, Sikh community how would they

respond and what I saw was just incredible in terms of the grace and

class and forgiveness and love in community that was shown by the Sikh

community and it taught me and some of the other members in the community

important lessons about how we should treat our fellow human beings and I'm so

glad to be here last time I was here was unfortunately after the tragedy in the

Sikh community in Wisconsin, we had a beautiful prayer session right here and

a beautiful meal in the hall afterwards of course I have not been back since, and I'm so glad

that you invited me and leaders of the city's community to be here for this

national day of community outreach. So its incumbent upon all of us, sikh

community members or not to let our community

know what a beautiful faith this is.What beautiful people are members of the Sikh

community and that hate has no place in our community, I know the sikh community

better than anyone else understands that if they were victimized by hate and have always

responded with love and I'm inspired by that so thank you for having me here

today thank you for opening up this beautiful

building for the entire community so we can celebrate the Sikh community here in

the City of Phoenix

sorry I am vertically challenged

Thank You mayor Stanton and I also just want to add that mayor Stanton's team has been a big

advocate of the WE ARE SIKHS campaign and has been sharing it publicly,

they have it on their social media so thank you so much for that, next we have

is vice mayor of Scottsdale Suzanne Klapp to come up and speak and I

also want to share that Mayor Jim Lane of Scottsdale also cited Vaisakhi proclamation

last year celebrating the recognizing

the work of sikhs in the Scottsdale community

I'm very honored to be here representing the City of Scottsdale and the City

Council I have to admit that I know very little about the Sikh faith but I did

look up some things to familiarize myself with what you believe and all of

it is roughly where I go again so we have a lot of common ground I

understand that your major tenets are colonies and freedom and love and who

couldn't support that. so from my Christian community I feel we

always support that I know not always. I also know that you have made concerted efforts

in the last year to try to familiarize the community with your faith and

what you believe in and I think that this event ceremony here today is a good

testament to the fact that you're succeeding and so you have at least

enlighten me you help me better understand what you are about to better

be able to communicate to other people about what you're about so that is a

great learning experience for me and I'm very grateful that I'm able to be here

and understand exactly how passionate you feel about equality and community so

from the City of Scottsdale and specifically from the City Council

and here representing the mayor Jim Lane, i am so very happy that you invited me

it's a little bit of challenge for me to get up and down I have to tell you

that I missed having to sit down and get up be able to get up at moments notice but other

than that I feel very comfortable being here among you and thank you so much for

the Welcome you've given to me and I should also know that interestingly

enough the gentleman who talked to the outside and brought me in is actually my

neighbor that we have never met, same community of scottsdale moountain

and he was very very close to me so thank you - Parminder Singh

for getting me a little bit more acclimated to what would

be going on today. thank you so much

when we said come out with your neighbor

we literally meant come out and meet our neighbor. our next speaker is congressman David Schweikert

who represents the sixth District which includes most northern, includes most

of northern Phoenix Scottsdale Paradise Valley and CaveCreek, So request congressman

to come out oh and his beautiful daughter

it is a joy to be here um she is very very excited

she loves to pull on the beards and looking around the room it's full of


I may have someone of the unique relationship with this community

tell me if I'm about 20 some years ago four huge sikh gentlemen, I've always said

saved my life. I was in Jaipur heading to Rajasthan, i was in rajsthan, i was

heading to jaisalmer and I was being thrown out of a sleeper car and these four

gentlemen who were all military but they were going on holiday came in took pity

on me explained that I did have the ticket and

then I spent the next three days with them some of the most fun I've ever had

in my life how do I say this pleasantly the pasty white kid from Scottsdale

hanging out with these mountains,you know these officers in the Indian

military and showed me part of Rajasthan part of Jaiselmer that I would never see

until this day two of them are still my friends on Facebook and I think with

what you've had that sort of intimate personal experience when you say that

spending every day sleeping in the same room with the

number of gentlemen you become friends and you also realize that I'm really bad in tying

turbuns and try it over and over but from a policy standpoint also as a member of

Congress I am the person who introduce the legislation several years

ago to make it clear that traditional head wear can be worn in the US military

and you see how far we have come now, Can I beg of you for what you're doing right now

you're doing something incredibly important incredibly honorable the

community needs to understand the incredible love and uniqueness of your

faith and it's more than you know I see a handful of people here the

gentleman here that have been friends for a long time we all those of us who

care those of you who want to tell your story we all need to do more of this to

explain the uniqueness and the elegance because you must admit those amazing

elegance of this thing and we need to go tell that story thank you for letting me

have my wife and my little girl here

this is special for all of us thank you

Thank You congressman and thank you so much for supporting sikhs in armed forces.

next we have senator Kate Brophy McGee she represents district 28 which

includes Paradise Valley parts of Scottsdale in North Phoenix and many of

you may remember her because senator Brophy McGeen jus past April

signed and read Vaisakhi Proclamation on the Senate floor here in Arizona

good morning it is an honor and a privilege to be here a little bit of a

personal story throughout, i am third generatioN Arizonan, i grew up in Bisbee and Tucson

and moved to Phoenix 37 years ago when I met ... my husband and the Sikh

community has always been a part of our story we were bankers and found this

community to be extremely industrious hard-working bright professional

entrepreneurs always seeking to better themselves it was an honor and privilege

to work with Anjali who is indeed a lioness to put together the resolution I

recycled and read it on the floor of the Senate this last session my intention

this upcoming session is to spread that wonderful word and most impactful

message to the house and to the governor's office and tell your story it

was one of the most amazing things events I have ever been involved in in

my life as a legislature legislature your

community exemplifies the high ideals that we as Americans aspire to

love of family love of country love faith loyalty honor all the things all

those aspirations but if we just followed through on it

we truly would be the greatest country in the world even more I enjoy working

with your community I so appreciate your contributions small and large to the

tapestry that is Phoenix distinctiveness Arizona and on behalf of the Arizona

State Senate house and the governor's office I thank you thank you for this

beautful invitation

thank you senator brophy mcgee for being a big advocate of our community and

sharing our message. next up is rev Larry Fultz who is executive

directors of arizona Interfaith rev Larry Fultz

see you're wearing our colors today

Hello - I was really honored to be here today about 20 years ago I came into contact

with the gentleman by the name of dr. sachdev I knew nothing about the Sikh

religion about their faith but you cannot be around dr. Sachdev very long and not

know something and learn quickly because this is one of the greatest

ambassadors of the Sikh religion in the world there can be and then I met Rana and

his family in so many other beautiful sikh people in this community and I can

say it's been a really joy for me to be a participant in all your events

inviting me to these colorful times I'm always impressed by your ministry the

service of Seva, I watched you do this I even videotaped it but most of all

but most of all the signature event in my life is your langar meal tht you provide

for us at our moment of experience interfaith and it's always a beautiful

event I thank you for inviting me here to tonight, i agree with you mayor we are a

better community because of the Sikh community is with us and the senator I

would say that you would agree with me we're a better country because of all

the 600k plus Sikh community members that are with us you give us something that

we need desperately in this country and that's the understanding of how to

love one another talk civily to one another to respect

one another and as a member of the Arizona interfaith movement you are one

of our vibrant members that we cherish thank you for inviting me here god bless

you make this a wonderful event

thank you so much reverend to those kind words in our last speaker is Mary

Anne Weismann national chair of education at the ADL

i am also vertically challenged - thank you so much for inviting us here today

I thank my good friend Rana and Sukhi for having us and for being our friends

we've met Rana through misfortune when his brother was killed and a ADL reached

her brother and instead of being instead, of being bitter he became more of messenger of

peace and well you know if a rabbi hillel the Jewish religion had said that

if I am NOT for myself who will be for me if I am only for myself who am i, if

not now when!. I think what you're doing to me feels like you're building community

across all of us and so that I think for that I thank you so much all of you for

opening your doors and telling us about your beautiful religion and the

way that to build communities is to break down all the walls so thank you so

much again thank you to all of our hosts here and of course Rana and Sukhi and thank you all

so when I said that's our last speaker sorry, I wanted to add

Sheriff Paul Panzone so if you would like to say a few words I think our community would love to hear

from your. Sorry Sherrif to put you on spot.

Obviously my height is not vertically challanged. first my wife Veronica I would like to

thank you for allowing us to be honored with your presence today this is a

wonderful wonderful opportunity for me my first exposure to your community

unfortunately was due to tragedy I was the coordinator of a stop whisp program with

a big Police Department a member of your community was murdered and I would tell

you that in tragedy often times we build relationships and become stronger

although our hearts are heavy and we have to suffer great loss it gives us an

opportunity to truly come together to understand but during those trying time

we truly are one big community with many unique cultures so through that

experience for me in many others I had the chance to visit homes of families

good unfortunately suffered some form of crime or violence and to come here with

you today and actually our friendship really grew in 2012 and I began to run

for this office and my passion was to bring back an office that gave respect

to the community that gave service that was compassionate and that is the

friendship that you showed me from the very first day that I had a chance to to

get to know more about you as individuals as much as a community and I

don't think there's any greater show of strength than they have a peaceful

loving client part in this community displays every day so to have a chance

to to be a friend to know you better and to serve you is truly a great honor for

me and I would call you this aspect we go through this process especially from

a law enforcement perspective that you educate us that your call of us is

actually want the office that I represented to be one that is

understanding of all cultures that is supportive and compassionate that is

strong with a peaceful loving heart and there's no greater mentor for us to learn

that then through you so look forward too our relationship growing into having a partnership in

this effort to make it better for the beautiful showman we see in this room

and through other community to come from all different cultures so again me and my wife

Veronica are honored to be here with you we thank you so much but thank you for

the love compassion and that quiet strength that you display all the time

throughout your life because it is truly an example for all of us thank you

thank you so much sheriff that means a lot to us and then our last speaker will

be Phoenix Councilwoman Kate Gallego we can have you come up

thank you so much for welding all of us from the City of Phoenix but we want to

offer a specific things for the great partnership with our Police Department

Sheriff Penzone alluded to that some of these partnerships have come through more difficult times but really have gotten a lot of national

praise for our relationship and our particularly in the Sikh community

advisory board so want to thank Marchelle Franklin who leads that effort and thank

all of you for participating hopefully it has contributed to creating a safer

more welcoming community and for those who are interested in that advisory

board the next meeting is coming up on the 25th of this month on the person

note I have a lot of friends and family a lot of friends here who have helped

welcome my new baby and many of their personal milestones and I just enjoyed

you welcoming all of us from the City Council at great community events even

the arizona on the diamond backs played better when it was the Sikh community

day so people have to have that day every week maybe a really key

to success it's been a wonderful day appreciated all the educational efforts

leading up to this event the beautiful tours and just how welcoming this the

planning committee has been so thank you so much to the planning committee for

the wonderful effort

so just to conclude and the speaking part of the program I would like to

thank all of our guests for joining us here today from young to old and I'd

like to extend a special thanks to our speakers who took the time out nere to

come and spend the day with us and all the volunteers that put

in countless hours to make this open house a success.. the goal of this open house

was really to help change perceptions and for our future generations I have

two small boy clearly that's my passion for doing this making them and

I'm making the world a better place for them and they feel protected like any

other mom we want to do. so will conclude a service with the hymn called Anand

sahiib followed by a prayer called ardas for which we will all stand and and then a

reading from our Holy Scripture the GURU GRANTH SAHIB as Harry mentioned. Will then

distribute sweet pudding in called 'KARAH PRASHAD' and then we will move to the hall across the

breezeway from LANGAR so you've heard people talk about langar and people do

like the food here and so langar is the community meals serve at the end of

every sikh service. we also sit on floor side by side and receive and eat

food together and that's really a symbol of equality so that was a radical

gesture that was developed at a time when social rules kept the rich and the

poor separate from daily activities so by putting them all in a place together

the same level and being together it took away that kind of social status so

for those of you that have food allergies before you eat Parshad or Langar

please make sure you consult with a volunteer

and also for those who would like to experience what it feels like to wear

a turban, we have turban tying going on during langar in one of the rooms

and so everyone is welcome to get a turban tied on them and they get to take the

turbun home as well- so encourage everyone to join for that it's

only by taking the time and effort to get to know one another

that we learn about our neighbors and community we hope that by tending the

something else we learn more about your neighbors and then we share the

same great American values of equality and justice we sincerely thank you for

joining us here today and commend her contributions to strengthen our society

in creating mutual respect

great so what are your favorite dish I love yogurt yogurt okay I also love this

pudding pudding yes what with my diet everything was very great and rice

excellent the vegetables everything's good

what did you like most

ofcourse the pudding - it is close to you. how about you ma'am

what did he like

i liked the lentils and .. the riata to cool it out is it too spicy maybe - its good that's good

which what was your favorite food,

i will have to say th- okay and the pudding

I'm Italian so I know a lot about food yes and rice was

very good but the custard was my favorite awesome

so many wonderful people I didknow a lot about the sikh community. Scottsdale PD is welcoming to the sikh community to

learn more about us and we would like to learn more about you

and what was your favorite food - i enjoyed everything everything awesome yeah I

like you're like me

so good to have u - we do indian food atleast once a week. what do you do. i cook more southern indian.

What do u cook.i took cooking classes in Trivendrum southern india. i do more dosas. You can make dosas. ofcourse. WOW. Like do you do

the batter also yeah well I cheat sometime you get mix or raw from flour. My wife is from South India she

grew up in Hyderabad. really. oh i see up until few years ago we had certain relatives next to hyderabad

right right I grew up from Punjab so I didn't know anything about the South

Indian cuisine but now I love her food

we'll be it's very different nice nice most

Americans only have Punjabi food - right North India mostly - never had

southern yeah exactly that's that's awesome and my teacher

Krishna so she wouldn't even use garlic and onion oh yeah

so they're very strict on certain food

mam what was your favorite food what did you like most - i like the beans and rice. excellent thank you

For more infomation >> Nishkam Seva Glendale Gurdwara Open House-Glendale, AZ - June 25 '17 - Duration: 38:17.



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For more infomation >> GREENWOOD AIRVAC SALE - Duration: 1:12.


[Peeka & Boo] Is the glass half empty or full? - Duration: 1:36.

Pose and pose.



Hi everyone.

Today Boo and I will be posing...

a common question and coming up with what we think the answer is!

So, today's posed question is…

We have a glass that is filled to the middle,

Is the glass half empty or half full?


Ummm Boo, do you think this is a trick question?

'Cause wouldn't it be both?


So what Boo's saying is according to some, this question is supposedly used

to frame how you perceive things.

So those who are supposedly more optimistic would say it's half full.

And those who are not so optimistic would say its half empty.

In other words, because I'm feeling optimistic today, I'mma say its half full.

And should I feel not so optimistic tomorrow, I'mma say its half empty.

And if I'm feeling in between, I'mma say its half empty-full.

So effectively its either or both.



Well, there you have it, we think the glass is both half full and half empty,

but what do you guys think?

Let us know in the comments below and thanks for tuning in!


Hi Boo.

Does this glass look half empty, or half full? And you can't say both.

Ohhh, you're optimistic today.

So I was wondering…

For more infomation >> [Peeka & Boo] Is the glass half empty or full? - Duration: 1:36.


PRAI Champagne Caviar Skin Renewal Serum 3.4 fl. oz. - Duration: 7:36.

For more infomation >> PRAI Champagne Caviar Skin Renewal Serum 3.4 fl. oz. - Duration: 7:36.


Get Your Winning Numbers N...

For more infomation >> Get Your Winning Numbers N...


The second meeting of experts o Babi Yar Holocaust Memorial Center - Duration: 3:27.

Léontine Meijer-van Mensch, Program Director, Jewish Museum, Berlin

Yana Barinova, COO of BYHMC

Lutz Engelke, Professor for transformation design, Founder, TRIAD Berlin

Marek Siwiec, CEO of BYHMC

Joschka Fischer, the former Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor of Germany

Borys Glazunov, Director, National Historical Memorial Preserve "Babyn Yar"

The tragedy of Babi Yar is a world-known tragic place. Babi Yar became the symbol of Holocaust in the world, therefore it has a very significant value in the world history.

of Holocaust in the world, therefore it has a very significant value in the world history.

Joanna Fikus, Head of exhibitions department, POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews

Timothy Ventimiglia, Branch Director, Ralph Appelbaum Associates, Berlin

For more infomation >> The second meeting of experts o Babi Yar Holocaust Memorial Center - Duration: 3:27.


5 Tips to Improve Exam Revision - Duration: 5:04.

Hello everyone!

Since I am actually in exam season, having completed 5 out of 7 exams, I wanted to would

share with you my favourite 5 revision tips and how I try to overcome finals in the best

way possible.

Scheduling your study sessions is fundamental to get the hang of the time you have available

and organize the content of your exam into edible chunks instead of leaving everything

until the last minute.

Half of your grade translates to your organization during revision and if you divided the material

in a way that enabled you to actually study everything before the exam.

If you want to know how I usually divide my time for multiple exams you can check my video,

which will be listed on the right upper corner of the video and down in the description box.

Instead of starting with easier chapters and information which makes me feel at-ease, I

force myself to confront all of the content that I'm having trouble with first, even

if that means jumping around between different chapters.

This is a fool-proof way to make sure that, as soon as I start revising from the start,

I will never feel hindered or frustrated when I reach certain parts of my notes, since that

previous, initial effort has already been made.

That results in a smoother revision and also reinforces knowledge on concepts that may

be present throughout other chapters.

When I'm feeling rushed and pressured to cover a lot of material in a short period

of time, I always have a tendency to only scratch the surface of whatever I am studying,

not delving deep enough into the contents of the material I'm revising.

Asking questions about the information I am reading, as well as researching other sources

of evidence and having attention to detail, increases my knowledge on the subject exponentially,

and that results in an improved flow of thought and, consequently, in better results.

Although you should delve deep into the research of your exam material, it's important to

know how to condense all that information into quick, easy-to-read outlines or guides.

If you've been subscribed for a long time you know that I always mention these as a

holy grail during exam season.

Having these stripped-down notes allows you to access all information you need to know

by topics, understanding the connections between concepts and easily visualize all the content

you need to learn and explain, without having to pick up your textbooks again from page

1 and look at what you've highlighted.

Having simple guides as substitutes for larger sources of information saves you a lot of

time before an exam, since as soon as you start going through all of your content you

will find out that you have now time for multiple revisions instead of just one which implied

having to shift through endless pages, searching for the highlights.

This is my number one tip for anyone who has trouble memorizing information.

Studies show that, when people studied a list by reading half of the words silently and

the other half by saying the words out loud, the words spoken aloud were remembered much

better than those that were read silently.

That is called the production effect.

The words you speak aloud are now translated into speech and you have knowledge of producing

the items as well as a memory of hearing them. 

As such speaking out loud, as if you were presenting or explaining the subject to a

friend, improves memory retention, structures your arguments and usage of concepts and overall

develops your knowledge and perception of the subject.

I hope you have enjoyed this video!

Since we are reaching Back-to-School season, I wanted to announce that I will be uploading

twice a week from the middle of July to the middle of September.

I will cover all the essentials and everything you need to know to get organized for the

next school year or college semester.

Since it was so requested, I will also be uploading various printables and a whole free

planner in a new platform during the summer so you can access various files and documents

to help you get started on the road to organisation.

If you are looking forward to that, don't forget to click the subscribe button and I

will see you next week.


For more infomation >> 5 Tips to Improve Exam Revision - Duration: 5:04.


sirf 130 baar ye wazifa parhai | ya sabur ka wazifa in urdu kamran sultan,dua ki qaboliat ka wazifa - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> sirf 130 baar ye wazifa parhai | ya sabur ka wazifa in urdu kamran sultan,dua ki qaboliat ka wazifa - Duration: 2:33.


DOCUMENTÁRIO Fahrenheit 11 de Setembro LEGENDADO PART.1 - Duration: 1:01:05.

For more infomation >> DOCUMENTÁRIO Fahrenheit 11 de Setembro LEGENDADO PART.1 - Duration: 1:01:05.


Jak řešit touhu dítěte po poznání biologických rodičů, nežije-li s nimi - Duration: 21:56.

For more infomation >> Jak řešit touhu dítěte po poznání biologických rodičů, nežije-li s nimi - Duration: 21:56.


İlkay Dindar - Bubidümen - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> İlkay Dindar - Bubidümen - Duration: 4:32.


Rabbit BUFFY VS LAWNMOWER EXPERIMENTERS KITTY AND PESIA channel As well ka Let ka New - Duration: 4:23.

Hello, you are on the channel Come on Let's go. Today

We will conduct experiments with Kotey and Pesey.

Baffenysh what are you doing this cheerless? You do not like

experiments? Yes, everything I like, I just

have not had enough sleep! Today morning outside any beast

noisy and did not let me sleep. Here you like to experiment

with all sorts of scary contraption Now you should be with her and to get acquainted.

Hmm, what kind of animal it was? Well, how do I know! I f

I was in the room, and he was on the street! Oh well. Let's watch

the best commentary on the past video and I'll go to the street

I check there. About comments I love.

But now, I go, wait, no I did not see I

almost made it! Ah ha swimmer you mine.

All cut one come. You guys are just super!

So many good comments it's great.

By the way Annie today a little busy, but it transmits

Greetings to you and so Busek how many will be on

I like this video. Well, let's see, we

what a beast woke Buffy. What kind of animal it is?

I'm curious. And so it the lawn mower! Listen

but what is good in my idea! Experiments with a lawnmower!

See how powerful unit It looks like a racing machine!

Hmm maybe arrange races in such a lawnmower!

Guys if you pick this video 15,000 likes that we'll

the race! In the meantime, it will experiment

her appointment. Kotja Pesya come here!

Already running! Hi guys! Vaf! Hello! soldiers Kotja

and Pesya to experiment ready!

So that's great! We will not save time and choose

who goes first. I called up a volunteer!

Kotja last time was, now it's my turn!

Okay! Guys write in comments how you think

what will happen to Pesey! You while writing and I run this

unit! Well, now let's go!

Oh you g crumbs makaroshki! Wow! Pesyu sliced

into little pieces! You Just imagine that

if there is fall arm! This is a very dangerous

equipment! Pesya think with me I agree.

Let's take a look ka that inside there. Yeah I see a sharp

knife, but nothing more! Ladnenko, I think of all

Coty. Kotja kc kc where are you?

I'm here! What do you think?

I think it's time to compete! Guys write in the comments

Do you think anyone will cut lawn more! Me

or Pesyu? You write and I'll wait! Write?

Um, I think Kotja be pleased I won! it simply

smeared across the lawn! Stunned!

Well, as I now his assemble! Out even on the wheel

adhered! It took half an hour! I still gathered our troops

and now their good and wash my melted only

Buffy first show. Buffy look! It Pesya,

and it Kotja! Wow, not sickly their flattened!

I would not want to meet this beast, who by the way

he? Buffy is a normal lawn mower!

And we decided to arrange for such beasts of the race!

About the race! I love it! Guys let us rather shall find

15,000 Likes and made the race! Well, who has not yet signed

Be sure to sign! And click on the bell

not to miss the new video

And all the while, and see you soon meetings!

I give you Busko. Smack Smack Smack

For more infomation >> Rabbit BUFFY VS LAWNMOWER EXPERIMENTERS KITTY AND PESIA channel As well ka Let ka New - Duration: 4:23.


Walter Riso -Aprendiendo a quererse a si mismo - Capítulo 1 y 2 - Duration: 31:31.



Loving oneself is perhaps the most important fact that guarantees our survival

In a complex and increasingly difficult world to cope with. Curiously, our culture

And education are aimed at punishing too much love. There are times for love and decrees

About what is good taste and bad taste. If you decide to congratulate yourself by giving you a kiss, possibly

The people around you even the psychologist on duty) will evaluate your behavior as ridiculous,

Narcissus the pedant. It is badly seen that we give ourselves too much time, we contemplate or we self-

We are rebuked: "All excesses are evil," we are told. Debatable. Some

Excess remind us that we are alive. Our civilization tries to instill principles

Such as respect for the human being, sacrifice, altruism, the expression of love, good

Treatment, communication, etc., but these principles are directed to the care of

Other humans.

Self-respect, self-love, self-confidence and self-communication are often not

account. Moreover, it is considered bad taste to want too much. If a person is friendly,

Expressive, affectionate and thinks more in the others than in herself, is evaluated excellently:

Its name is "dear". If someone disguises his virtues, he denies or

Undermines their achievements, that is, lies or self-punishment, is


Not only do we reject honest and honest self-acceptance, we do not care whether it's true or

No, but we enact and reinforce the denial of our virtues. Absurdly, the virtues

Can be displayed, but not verbalized. If you have a good body, you are allowed to use

Thong, miniskirt, or tight pants, but you're not allowed to talk about it. If people

They are self-motivated, so they are right, they produce rejection and annoyance.

This policy of not speaking well of oneself in public, of not being exaggerated in self-rebalancing,

Of not giving yourself much pleasure, of disguising, of great modesty, etc., ends up becoming

In a value that we use too often. The "virtue" of not wanting oneself

To himself in public, extends to when we are alone. When you try to leave the

Excessive selfishness, we have not allowed self-love to enter. If the human being deserves the

Respect that is promulgated for being something special, that should be extended to your own person.

To avoid falling into the insufferable pedantry of the know-it-all, we have fallen into modesty

Self-destructive denial of our virtues. For not being wasteful, we are

Petty Clinical psychologists know that this style of over-

oneself. It is the broth of the well-known and dreaded depression. You have the right

To love you no longer feel guilty about it, to dispose of your time, to discover your tastes,

To pamper you, to take care of you and to choose.

Unfortunately, our mental structure is being formed more on the basis of the evaluation

Other than in self-evaluation, and we become victims of our own invention. Self-sensitization

Has made us forget those times of childhood when everything was shocking and rewarding.

We are too "outwardly" seeking the approval of others) and not

We spend enough time self-balancing and liking ourselves.

Our system of socialization has been more oriented to prevent the affective excesses, known

By specialists as "manias" (inflated self-esteem, too much confidence, etc.), which,

To states of sadness and depression caused by insecurity, self-image and self-concept

negative. Sufficiency and excessive safety produce discomfort. The insecurity

Produces pity. Usually people tend to take sides for the weakest.

Immunity to the scourge of depression is only achieved if you learn to love yourself. As the

Better things, you need a special treatment. You can not allow yourself to be hurt or given

The luxury of self-destruct stupidly.

From a young age we are taught personal self-care behaviors: we brush our teeth,

Bathing, cutting nails, eating, controlling sphincters and dress. But what about the

Self-care and mental hygiene? We are not taught to love, to like, to contemplate

And to trust in ourselves. In addition, although some parents have this as a desideratum,

We lack adequate teaching procedures. Nor are we taught to teach.

The image you have of yourself is not inherited or genetically transmitted. As it

From what has been said so far, is learned. The human brain has a system of

Information processing that allows to store a virtually infinite number

of data. This information, which we have stored in social experience, is stored in the

Long-term memory in the form of beliefs and theories.

In this way we have information of things or objects, the meaning of words, situations,

Types of people, social activities, etc. This knowledge of the world, wrong or

No, it allows you to predict, anticipate and prepare to face what is going to happen. By

Example, if you know a person who claims to be a racist and an active member of the Ku Klux Klan,

You can predict how you will think and act on certain situations. Could you

Anticipate their behavior before a person of color, 10 who thinks about racism and

Its position in front of the traditions.

As you build an inner representation of the world around you, you also build

Theories and concepts about yourself. The relationship you establish with the world not only allows you

Know the environment, but also your behavior in front of him. These experiences of contact

With people (friends, parents, teachers) and things of your immediate material universe develop

An idea of ​​how you really are. The failures and successes, the fears and insecurities, the

Physical sensations, pleasures and dislikes, how to deal with problems, what

They tell you who you are, what they do not tell you, punishments, etc., everything converges and is organized

In an internal image about your own person: your self or your auto-quequema. Can you think

You are clumsy, ugly, interesting, intelligent or bad. Each of these qualifiers are

The result of a previous story, where you have been generating a "theory" about you

same. If you think you are a loser, you will not try to win. You will say: "Why try,

I can not win "or" it's impossible to change "or" I'm not worth anything ".

Humans show the conservative tendency to confirm, rather than to distrust, the

Beliefs. We are conservative by nature, and this economy of thought returns us

Stubborn and taken from our opinion. Once established the belief is very difficult

Change it. We resisted looking at our way of looking at things. If you set up a

Negative autoscale, he will accompany you for a long time if you do not make an effort to modify it.

In short, what you think and feel about yourself is learned and stored in a way

Of theories called self-schemas. There are positive and negative self-schemes. The first ones will take you

To cherish you, the seconds, to hate you.

No one contemplates and cares for a person who hates. Similarly, if the vision you have

Of you is negative, you will not express affection, because you will not believe deserve it. If your self-squeeze

Is positive and you do not feed it, it will fade. Some people, instead of congratulating themselves,

Disguise their joy with a phlegmatic parco: "It is nothing" or "it was my duty". The

Denial of personal recognition is a form of self-destruction.

In the autosquemas four fundamental aspects are interlaced that, for didactic purposes,

I will try to separate. In reality, they merge into an indissoluble whole and form the nucleus

Of personal self-assessment. They can become solid foundations on

Which you can build a strong and secure self, or the main source of self-elimination

And self-price. They are: Self-concept (what you think of yourself), Self-image

(How much you like), Self-esteem self-support (how much you rewards) and Self-efficacy

(How much confidence you have in yourself). They are the four supports of a good ego, or

The four horsemen of the apocalypse. If you fail one, it will be enough for your self-squeeze

Is lame or unstable. In certain situations, if only one of the riders is disengaged, the

"Herd" can follow.

Although negative self-schemas can destroy us, humans show the inexplicable

Tendency to conserve and feed them. The strange behavior of maintaining self-schemes

At all costs can be deadly for your mental health. Depressive people, for example,

Show this tendency to confirm it bad. If they are considered ugly, they neglect their figure

To corroborate its ugliness; If they think they are unintelligent, they fail at the

Examinations; If they believe they are victims, they play the role of martyrs or seek punishment;

etc. This way of confirming negative self-evaluation, behaving as if it really

Outside true, is very common. Social psychologists have called this mechanism, general-

Unconscious mind, self-realized prophecies.

If your selfishness is irrationally structured, you will distort reality. You will feel

Stupid despite being intelligent, horrifying without being, incapable being able and, finally,

You will try to punish yourself for not believing yourself worthy of congratulations.

An interesting aspect to note is that people with problems of self-acceptance

Are too "hard" with self-criticism and "soft" when they criticize other people.

On the other hand, subjects who show good self-esteem are protected by being rather mild

At the time of self-evaluation. An act of self-sufficiency. Who said we should

Be twenty-four-hour goals "By no means am I holding an attitude

Compulsive to deceive oneself? I simply think that sometimes "turning a blind eye"

Against small and insignificant errors or personal defects is useful for health

mental. It is preferable an optimistic position of slight overestimation, a heartbroken attitude

Pessimistic with oneself and a positive attitude toward others. Love begins at home.


"Have the courage to be wrong."


Culture has taught us to wear an invisible but painful club with which we are beaten

Every time we are wrong or we do not reach personal goals. We have learned to cast

Blame for almost everything we do wrong and to doubt our responsibility when

We do it well. If we fail, we say: "It depended on me"; If we succeed: "It was

pure luck". What kind of education is this, where we are taught to become

Responsible for the bad and not for the good? Self-criticism is good and productive if

Do it carefully. In the short term it can be used to generate new behaviors, but if

Uses indiscriminately and dogmatically, generates stress and is fatal to our self-concept.

The bad habit of permanently doing "inner cultural revolutions" is

A form of psychological suicide.

Some people, by having an inadequate self-evaluation system, acquire the "vice"

Of negatively speaking all over. Hanging posters with categories

General. Instead of saying, "I behaved awkwardly," they say, "I'm clumsy." They use

The "I am useless" instead of "I was wrong" in this or that thing. Self-punishment has been

Wrongly considered a way to produce appropriate behaviors.

How do you get a negative self-concept? A typical way is through self-criticism

Excessive. Humans use internal standards, that is, internalized goals and criteria

(Learned) about excellence and inadequacy. These standards emerge

Of the system of beliefs, values ​​and needs that we possess. A high self-demand will produce

High and rigid operating standards. However, while it is important to maintain

Relative personal exigency levels, or moderately high to be competent, the "short circuit"

Occurs when these levels are irrational, too high and unreachable. The irrational idea

That I must emphasize in almost everything that I do, that I must be the best at all costs and

Which should not be mistaken, are imperatives that become unbearable. Put of

Absolute way to happiness in goals, is to remove it from your personal domain. So yes

The goal is not reached, the world is over. The poet Runbeck once said: "Happiness

It is not the season to be reached, but a way to travel. "

People who make success a value, who are extremely competitive and handle

Rigid standards of execution, travel poorly. They have mounted the wrong car.

Perhaps happiness is not to be the best seller, the best mom, or the best child,

But to try it honestly and calmly, enjoying it while traveling to the

goal. An exaggerated level of self-demand generates strict patterns of self-evaluation.

If you have strict criteria for self-evaluation, you will always have the feeling of inadequacy.

Your body will begin to secrete more adrenaline than normal and anxiety will interfere with

The performance needed to reach the goals. You will enter the vicious circle of

Who aspire every day more and have every day less.

Irrational standards will make your behavior never enough. Despite your

Efforts, the goals will be unreachable. When you feel incapable, your self-assessment will be

negative. This feeling of ineffectiveness and the inability to control the situation

You will experience stress and anxiety, which in turn will affect your performance away from you

More and more of the goals.

People trapped in this trap become depressed, lose control over

Their own behavior and unfailingly fail. Precisely what they wanted to avoid! For

High, this "no escape" situation, of frustration and uncontrollability, leads them

Self-criticism and self-punishment; They become victims of their own invention.

The consequence of this kind of short circuit blender is the loss of self-concept

And depression. The more you do of "winning" a value, paradoxically more destined

You're missing out.

Sometimes people can show rational goals for an unprepared observer.

However, exaggerated self-demand is measured in terms of the possibilities of each

one. If you do not have the skills or resources to achieve the goals, the aspiration

The simpler it becomes unattainable. In these cases, resignation and objective reassessment

And frank of your goals and resources is the solution. Unfortunately, if we do not win, we tie.

If you are too self-demanding and self-critical, you will use a dichotomous style. This wants

To say, extremes. Things will only be white or black, good or bad. You will see the

Reality with a kind of binoculars where the middle tones, the nuances and the tonalities

they do not exist. "I am successful or I am unsuccessful." Absurd. There is nothing absolute. It all depends

Of the glass to look at. If you apply this binary processing style, no doubt

The catastrophe will come. You will refer to yourself in categorical and inflexible terms,

As ever, always, everything and nothing. These words should be suspended from our

Be considered "bad words". The only thing they generate is confusion and misunderstanding.

Unsurprisingly, if you earnestly desire success, power, and prestige, you will fear

failure. This fear will make you focus more on the bad things that

The good ones, in order to "prevent" the mistakes you so fear. In other words,

You will develop a maladaptive targeting style aimed at seeing in yourself

Only bad. This will lead you to ignore the approximations to the goal, as well as the

Efforts and small ascents that you make in the staircase towards your personal achievements.

If you relate the above to the dichotomous style, then it is clear that such approaches

To the goal go unnoticed: "I arrive, or I do not arrive" "I am, or I am not in the goal".

The worst way to treat you is with impatience and contempt. For wanting to see the tree does not

You will see the forest. Negative self-observation, like self-evaluation and self-punishment,

Generates stress, diminishes performance, mistreats the ego and, in the long run, affects


The use of extremely rigid, perfectionist and irrational standards increases the

Distance between your ideal self (what you would like to do or be) and your real self what really

You do or you are). The greater the distance between the two, the less likely to reach

Your goal, more frustration and more feelings of insecurity in the face of useless efforts

By approaching the supposed "happiness".

If someone courageously makes the difficult decision to "travel well", the pressure

Is inexorable and cruel. If, in addition, the goal does not coincide with the values

Of the reference group, the level of sanction can actually become intolerable.

Those objectives that distance themselves from economic production are seen as synonymous

Of vagrancy, bohemia or idealism. If we change goals, we are labeled as immature or unstable,

As if stability existed and was a symbol of intelligence. A quick look

To the people who have made the history of mankind shows that some instability

And dissatisfaction are essential conditions for living intensely. Absolute stability

does not exist. It is an invention of those who fear change. The famous "maturity", taken

To the letter, is the prelude to the decomposition. Blind blindly to your own standards

Or external is to restrict your freedom to think. You would lose the ability to make decisions and

Objective criticism. Do not be afraid to review, change or modify your goals if they are a source

Of suffering, even if your neighbors do not like it.

The important thing then is not only to discover that you are self-demanding, but to be able to modify

The standards. To achieve this you can not be too "stable" or too

"structured". You need a pinch of non-sanity (not to mention madness). People

Mentally rigid, self-critical and strict with themselves are normative persons.

They usually lock themselves in a jail made by themselves and the educational environment, whose

Bars are a set of virtues and values ​​that are not always rational, of which they can not

escape. They struggle between good and evil. In general, these subjects are more Papist

Than the Pope. They have placed so many conditions and requirements to move in life, that

The road becomes too narrow and narrow to walk comfortably through it.

They hit with walls of self-criticism and should at every step. Others, however,

They cross a real comfortable and calm highway. The style of "beating" and

Punishment is not precisely the best ground for a self-concept to germinate and thrive

Without feet of mud. Being flexible is, without a doubt, a virtue of intelligent people.

But, as I pointed out earlier, to avoid something that we think is bad, we do

Something worse. By avoiding being a "weathercock", we define a goal and jam (some do

A kind of welding) the rudder to it. Absurdly we sacrifice the right

To change our minds and we are wrong, for the apparent safety of traveling on a route

Unchangeable We mistakenly consider that it is the only and best way to walk by

El Mundo

Like a grotesque cartoon, very self-critical people put on a shirt

Strength to not get mad, and the result, paradoxically, is the psychological imbalance.

You should definitely try to be less hard on yourself.

Saving self-concept

Let's see a guide that can serve to safeguard your self-concept of indiscriminate self-punishment.

1. Try to be more flexible, both with others and with you

Do not use the extreme dichotomous criterion to evaluate reality, including yourself.

Do not think in absolutist terms: there is nothing totally good or bad. Remember that

You must have tolerance for things to get out of the lane sometimes. If you are inflexible

In your things, you will clash violently with reality; She is not total or definitive.

Learn to endure, to personify and to understand your rigidity as a defect, not as a virtue.

Rigid things are less malleable, do not stand too much and break. If you're

Normative, perfectionist, intolerant and too conservative, you will not know what to do with

lifetime. She is not like that. The vast majority of everyday events will give you stress,

Because they are not like you would like them to be. Concentrate for a week or two on the

Nuances Do not rush to categorize strictly. Stop and think if you really

What you say is true. Check your way of pointing and pointing. Do not be drastic.

Find around you people to whom you have already cataloged and dedicate yourself to question

Your lettering. Look for evidence against, discover the nuances. When you evaluate, avoid

Use words as always, never, all or nothing. Do not label people, you included,

With totalities. As a leading psychologist said, it is not the same to say: "Robó

Once, "to say," He is a thief. " People are not "they", they simply

They behave. Intransigence generates hate and malaise. It's time for you to go back

Your rigidity.

to. Let yourself not be so normative. That will not make you a delinquent. If you have five days

To pay an account, pay the fifth, and if there is no legal risk, the sixth or seventh.

Do not always arrive early. Step on the grass Try to scream in a library. Be more

Informal one day, to see what happens.

B. Try not to be a perfectionist. Disorganize your schedules, your rites, your travels, you

Way of ordering things, etc. He lives with the disorder for a week. Fear him.

C. No rotules, nor autorrotules. Try to be benign. He speaks only in terms of behavior.

D. Concentrate on the nuances. Think more about alternatives and exceptions to

rule. Life is composed of shades rather than whites and blacks.

and. Listen to people who think differently than you. This does not imply that you must necessarily

Change your mind, just listen. Let the information enter and then decide.

Remember: if you are inflexible and rigid with the world and people, you will end up being so

with you.

2. Check your goals and the real possibilities to reach them

Do not put unattainable goals. Exert yourself according to your possibilities

And skills. If you find yourself trying to climb some Mount Everest, or change mountains

Or enjoy the ride. When defining a goal, you must also define the steps

Or the subgoals. Try to enjoy, "paladea1" the climb each step, as if it were

Of a goal by itself. Do not wait until you reach the end to rest and enjoy.

Search for intermediate stations. Lose time on this. Write your goals, review them, question them

And discard those that are not vital. Life is too short to waste. Remember,

If your goals are unattainable, you will live frustrated and bitter.

Do not self-observe only bad

If you only focus on your mistakes, you will not see your achievements. If you only see what you see

Lack, you will not enjoy the moment, the here and now. "If you cry for the sun, you will not see

The stars ", Do not be aware of your failures as a radar. Accommodate your attention

Also to the appropriate behaviors. When you find yourself focusing negatively on

Obsessive way, stops.

Do not think badly about yourself

Be more benign with your actions. Fortunately you are not perfect. Do not insult yourself or reprimand yourself.

Keep track of your negative self-assessments. It detects which are fair, moderate

And objective. If you discover that the lexicon to yourself is offensive, change it. Search for qualifications

Constructive Reduce your self-verbalizations to what are really worth it. Exercises

The right to be wrong. Humans, like animals, learn from

Trial-error. Some people believe that human learning must be trial-success.

That's a lie. The cost of growing up as a human being is to err and "screw up".

This universal law is inescapable. Saying, "I do not want to be wrong," is to make a

Tantrum and a tantrum for children. It is impossible not to be wrong, as it is that there is no acceleration

Of gravity. Mistakes do not make you better or worse, just get dressed. Just remember you

That you are human. When we talk about your Self-efficacy we will return to the fear of making mistakes.

Let's recap and clarify. Moderate self-criticism, objective self-observation,

Constructive self-evaluation and having rationally high goals are necessary behaviors.

Very possibly they have collaborated in the adaptation of the human being. These processes are not bad

In themselves, depends on how they are used and where they are aimed. Poorly used,

Rigid, hard, destructive and compulsive way, affect the self-concept. Used properly

Serve as an encouraging guide.

Socially speaking, he has not been taught to make good use of them. We are introduced

Ruthless self-criticism as a value and as the key to success; But possibly

By ignorance, we have not been alerted on its possible consequences. Avoiding

An end, undoubtedly pernicious (poverty of spirit, laziness, failure,

Being "little" and having no goals in life), has taken the pendulum toward the

Another, equally harmful and harmful.

Our culture seems to prefer psychologically disturbed but successful people,

To psychologically healthy but unsuccessful people. However, success here is secondary.

No use if you can not enjoy it. Dissatisfaction with oneself

Achievements and excessive ambition act as an engine, but, because of over-accelerated operation,

Usually burns early. You are a special machine within the known universe, no

The mistreatment Demand yourself, but within reasonable limits. Do not deny yourself.

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