Monday, January 15, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 15 2018

Well... I wanted to talk you about something that I don't understand very well

that is the "elitism" and tastes in the theatre.

Do you like reggaton? Do you like pop? Do you like rock? Do you like classic music?

Do you like... experimental music? Do you like tecno?

Do you like it? Do you like everything? Really do you like everything?

If you like everything: awesome!

But, let's pretend for a second that there are some things that you don't like.


OKAY! Theatre is e-xac-tly the same!

Myths and Curiosities - The curtain's open

There's a lot of people who say to me "I don't like theatre, because theatre is, is..."

Hey wait! No. It's not possible that you don't like theatre because You've never watched it.

It's impossible that you don't like theatre in general.

And if it would be the case, it would be because of some specific reason

Wouldn't it?

But, normally, the case is that people have not watched theatre enough for really know what they like and what don't.

So, it turns out to be a two-edged sword.

In the countries where the theatre tickets are expensive, as Spain, let's say

people don't go to the theatre, so they cannot know what do they like about theatre, and this is vicious circle, which grows up and, therefore, people don't go to theatre!

But, in other countries as Czech Republic (the one I'm in), due to you can go to the theatre for two euros if you are student

in these kind of countries, people know what they like and what don't.

In fact they have even favourite directors. Favourite directors!!!

As you can like Spielberg or Tarantino in films

there's people who like... well, I don't know. Any name of a czech important person here, I have no clue.

And, of course, this contrasts with the people who say to me:

"I don't go to the theatre because the theatre is like... for cultivated people, and what I want is to have fun"

So... man! Maaaan! Hello?

I'm not asking you to go to a theatrical adaptation of a Lars von Triers' film

I'm not asking you to go to a theatrical adaptation of a Mozart's Opera

I'm simply asking you to go what you feel like.

But, if you don't know what kind of theatre can you watch

it's quite difficult for you to know that do you feel like watching, right?

But, people, not all the theatre is only for thinking.

In fact, and this was already said by Lope de Vega

[...] I will say that I have, and sorry, / to obey to who rules me [NT: the normal people] / who, even with the ignorance of the people, I want / to say you in which way I would like to write [plays] / and, since we cannot follow the Art [classical one] / find a meeting point between them [...] Extract from "The new art of making comedies".

The best theatre and, in general, the best art is the one that touches

the head, the chest and...

Everything. It touches you everything. The emotions, the more visceral part of you, and also the head.

It makes you feel, it makes you think and makes you move.

The three at the same time!

That's good art!

And that's also good theatre. I think that. But well, it's only my opinion.

So, as I'm a little sick of it, I'm showing you know a little set of theatre genres that exist and I also like a lot.

But, I mean, said fastly, ok?

And I mean, NOWADAYS' theatre

So... here's a list, which I leave you in the description (it's from wikipedia)

Theatrical genres and styles. Well... mostly styles.

Random ones. Of theatre.

WARNINGA! Please use this list as a reference but take in count that <b>neither the genres nor the styles have to be pure</b>, so before blaming a company who said "we do this" and you saw something else, think first about it. In films genres mixes. In literature and painting also. In theatre is not different. There you have it!

Absurd theatre. It's a kind of theatre in which random things happen.

Very random. But it's very funny, as well. And it use to have a deeper philosophical meaning

among all that fun, what makes it really interesting for me.

In Spain there are Miguel Mihura, Jardiel Poncela

And also you have Pinter, Ionesco, and all those plays.

There's also improvisational theatre and Theatresports

which are spreading a lot all over Europe and USA.

As I told you is a kind of theatre which the audience take part of

and, basically, there are kind of "teams" in which actors improvise

and some have to win, basing on what the audience say

And, in fact, the audience propose improvisations and actors do it, thing that I find quite cool.

There's also Performance Art. Well, this is not a theatrical genre by itself.

It's a more visual Scenic Art, more plastic one.

In which the thing that matters is the meaning of the picture you are watching. So, what you watch is what has the real meaning. It's like a "moving painting", let's say.

There's also Commedia dell'arte, which is based on archetypes.

The "silly", the "fat", the "doctor",...

the "lover", the whatever.

But they are not exactly this ones, they are different. (EXAMPLE OF ARLECHINO)

In this case they are Arlechino, Dottore, Pantalone, and so on (EXAMPLE OF ARLECHINO)

But, comedia dell'arte is everywhere. For example, see this:


Yes, they are Marx Bros.

Marx Bros. were basically "nowadays'" commedia dell'arte.

We have also Musical Theatre, which is theatre where actors also sing and dance normally.

Pantomime, what is really visual Scenic Art

and it's based on, using a concrete corporal technique,

imitate life objects and create ilusions

of being in different spaces and times, you know.

Shadow Theatre. This makes me freak out!

I've never watched this live, but I really would like to because I think you can do real magic with this.

Puppet theatre.

Another awesome thing. In fact the in good puppet theatre you don't see the puppet master

because it's done that good that it seems that the puppet has real life, and it's really wonderful.

And, also there's the fact that you can really tell everything with puppet theatre

Funny things and whatever.

In fact, you've already seen that there's a lot of TV programs in which they still use puppets.

There's also Invisible Theatre. Which is a kind of Theatre of the Oppressed, by the way.

And it can be performed, let's say, in a pub!

But you will never know you that is is theatre.

Because actors are going to make you part of the play and make you behave a s a character without you knowing it. And a Invisible Theatre can finished without you knowing that you were in one.

This really scares me, but I would really like to take part in one of them.

Itinerant Theatre, about which we've already talked.

The point is that it's the most difficult one to be watched, because it's not used to be performed.

But, when it is, is amazing!

I mean, you literally follow a theatre play.

It's like the whole world would be the theatre play, the scene.

And this is almost just theatre.

And I missed some stuff!

But you have also dance of lots of kinds. Ballet, for example.

Even if it doesn't seem it, there are awesome ones.

But, it's true that sometimes ancient ballets are really old-fashioned, I know

but sometimes watch one is really great because

for going to a ballet performance you have to read the story first.

We are super used to criticize people who spoils us the series.

Well, for watching ballet and opera, you have to "spoil yourself" before!

And what's the point then, you may thing.

Well it's HOW they expressed the story through the movement.

Because, you know, they are going to express and story, but without telling it to you.

They take the dance language for telling words.

That's why you cannot make a ballet out of everything. In that sense, it's limited, as well

But you have also dance theatre.

As you know it' a kind of dance which, basing on the fact that dance can mean

and without using any narrative, it makes you feel.

let's say that it is like poetry: a thing that you read and understand

but you can make lots of interpretations out of it. It's like "danced poetry". I like to call it that way.

There are other kind of spectacles as microtheatre.

Those are REALLY short plays. I mean fifteen minutes. Even less.

And just from five to fifteen people watch it.

And performed tow or three actors as much.

Those plays can be of any kind. It's a surprise.

You see a title that you like, you go and...

sometimes you find somethings that you didn't expect and, as it's a cheap theatre, it's really good.

And it's a perfect plan for hanging out with friends on friday or stuff. Also this kind of theatre use to have a lot of engagement from the audience.

And a theatre that I like a lot, as well: Forum Theatre.

A one that, well, it's more for thinking and even acting, as it's a theatre in which the audiences performs on stage.

And about this, you have more here up, although I have to make a bigger video explaining what is really the Threatro of the Oppressed and the Forum Theatre.

And, for the ending...!

Although we could talk way more about this:


In the "classical" plays there's the texts and the stage directions inside.

For instance... I take this play from Lauro Olmo.

I open any page and, you can read.. "First part"

And the very first thing after it is a heck of big stage direction about what is or not on stage.

and then the play starts.

So! The "dramatic" theatre, let's call it that way

is based on a text and the way that the text itself says that has to be performed.

But this is a lie, ok? A lie. Because never ever any text is performed the same way as the text says.

If it would be that way, where the creation then?

I remember that I was discussing with a teacher of mine in Twitter about what Postdrama was. ("Postdrama doesn't exist. Full stop. And I have a mud pool for fighting with anyone")

And he is right actually

because postdrama is everything somehow. It's a text without any predetermined propose.

If you take this, it has a predetermined propose.

"See, this is my propose as playwritter"

But postdramatic theatre has nothing like it!

For instance, this play...

The only thing that says is

"Big venue. They enter. He says.:" It's not said even who is entering.

You cannot imagine who rich are these kind of texts for actors

because they are basically material for creation.

I fell super free when I see a postdramatic text because you really can do whatever you want. It's like clay.

And precisely due to that it's really cool to watch postdramatic theatre

because you can watch anything.

As I told you, Psicosis 4:48 is one of those proposes.

I watched this play before and I can swear it wasn't the same propose at all!

Jsut for you to imagine: this one is performed by four actors

and the version I saw was performed by three

but the Sarah Kane's text is a monologue!

Which is supposed to be for one people!


Well, you can imagine!

I don't really know if I gave you ideas.

If I convinced you or not for going to the theatre.


If you don't go to the theatre, please, not because there's no options!

Aand if it seems there are no options... look well!

Look well because usually... even if the companies are not used to say what kind of play are they performing

I swear you! Twice!

That you can always find more information

if you want. If you ask for it in the venue.

Or if you go to the webpage of the company.

So, there are no excuses!

Well... money can be one. Ok!

But don't say me that theatre is only for elitists.

Nor say me you don't like it if you didn't go! Because not! Because...

"Read this with my voice. "That's a paddlin'!"".

So... see you in the next showhearshal!

Emm... I'm so dizzy. Oh god!

For more infomation >> THEATRE IS NOT FOR ELITIST PEOPLE: 15 examples | Myths and curiosities - Duration: 10:01.


Résident améri­cain et pas suisse : quand Johnny pous­sait un coup de gueule sur Twit­ter - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> Résident améri­cain et pas suisse : quand Johnny pous­sait un coup de gueule sur Twit­ter - Duration: 4:52.


Mil Hojas de Papas, mil suscriptores! | Ideas & Sabores - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Mil Hojas de Papas, mil suscriptores! | Ideas & Sabores - Duration: 4:12.


Un mensaje para mis seguidores.. *LOS AMO* - Duration: 8:13.

For more infomation >> Un mensaje para mis seguidores.. *LOS AMO* - Duration: 8:13.


Bunkyo Civic Center Sky View Lounge - Tokyo - 文京シビックセンター展望ラウンジ - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 3:08.

The Bunkyo Civic Center, and its Sky View Lounge observatory is, as far as we are concerned,

the best spot in Tokyo to enjoy Mt Fuji behind Shinjuku's major skyscrapers.

Open year round with free admission since 1994,

the Bunkyo Civic Center had a rather rocky start and today's design is actually very different from the initial one!

the original building that was built in 1959 was not deemed to match future safety standards

and it was instead decided that it would make more economical sense to come-up with an entire new design.

Opening for the second time in 1994, the Bunkyo Civic Center, the administrative heart of Bunkyo,

is a radiant compromise between modern architecture and functionality.

If you ever have the chance to visit the Bunkyo Civic Center,

we would strongly advise you to do so as early as possible in the morning (9 a.m.) or during sunset.

For more infomation >> Bunkyo Civic Center Sky View Lounge - Tokyo - 文京シビックセンター展望ラウンジ - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 3:08.


Alivio natural para la endometriosis - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> Alivio natural para la endometriosis - Duration: 5:59.


1- Compromiso en 1 Minuto - Out por Regla - Kirk Watson - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> 1- Compromiso en 1 Minuto - Out por Regla - Kirk Watson - Duration: 1:46.


Consejos para evitar várices y celulitis en tus piernas - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Consejos para evitar várices y celulitis en tus piernas - Duration: 1:39.


Oportunity! Leave your ID here | Express Video | World X - Duration: 0:18.

Hi!, I hope you're fine...

Leave your ID

And I will complete the level, upload it, give a "Like" and give "Rate"

Do it now!

And I'm going to make video of it :D

For more infomation >> Oportunity! Leave your ID here | Express Video | World X - Duration: 0:18.


Ducks May Have Wings, But ...

For more infomation >> Ducks May Have Wings, But ...


Ironmaster: Review - Duration: 5:37.

Welcome back to my dark Corner of this Sick world

'Everyone hates us, Vood'

Earlier this year we reviewed Teenage Caveman,

which contains an historically accurate recreation of the discovery of the bow and arrow.

so you can imagine my shock on watching Ironmaster.

Now I don't know what to believe.

'Believe me it's true'

Ironmaster is one of those 80s Italian sword and sandal sub-epics, low on plot, high on semi-nudity.

But, actually, this is pretty restrained, aside from the occasional cave girl nip-slip.

Which is inevitable given the costume, she can't even die without popping out.

The plot can be summed up in one line, which could be from literally any of these films

'You'll never turn this ragged band into warriors'

Bad guy Vood is expelled from his tribe for reckless behaviour.

'Vood doesn't deserve to be leader of Great Zuck's Tribe.'

'He killed Zextra, he's a murderer and a traitor and must pay for what he has done.'

and, following a volcanic eruption, accidentally discovers iron.

Enter Lith...

'I salute the great Vood, the future master of all these valleys'

who appears from nowhere having apparently travelled here on the off-chance

someone might be discovering iron

'Now I belong to you Vood'

Like an Iron age Lady Macbeth she sends Vood back to his tribe to become King Teddybear head

'Vood has returned'

ousting buff, waxed and blow-dried good guy Ela

'I will spare your life'

Well that's gonna come back and bite you in the ass, but now Ela is the one on the outside

'My name is Isa'

so it's his turn to meet a random woman.

'I was out collecting nuts and berries'

You don't seem to be very good at it.

Meanwhile, having spent a long afternoon learning to smelt iron,

Vood is conquering other tribes.


Sneak attack!

'Each of those fires is a different tribe'

There's 3 of them, they all seem to be right next to each other,

and I can't help noticing that they've camped in the territory of the toy mammoth.

Never the less, Vood's men are ruthless.


With is odd when you consider they were all with Ela earlier

'Life has no value from them'

This would be your own tribe you're talking about.

Isa's tribe by contrast are a bunch of hippy vegetarians

'Weapons are evil. Weapons spill blood'

and don't understand Ela's story

'The man is called Vood'


Presumably his parents hated him.

Along the way we have random encounters with plague victims

'Don't touch them, they're sores bring death'

Death to the terminally ill.

extras from planet of the apes.

Endless buffalo.

and occasional lions.

Lions don't climb trees,

as you can plainly see.

But through all of this, Ela still bothers Vood

'This time I won't let the prey get away'

We seem to be remembering events differently

'I will spare your life.'

More confusingly

'As long as he's alive, we're in danger'

He's one man, he's not coming for you. All this is a plot contrivance to get to the final confrontation

'With this, our tribe cannot be beaten'

But how can Ela get the people of Isa's tribe to give up their peaceful ways and defend themselves?

'I am the spear. Go. Fly.'


Turns out their doctrine of peace is a fairly flexible one,

although they should at least be careful when training.

That's how accidents happen.

I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee.

This is an iron age arms race and comes with a moral

'There will be another Vood'

that seems to hint at nuclear disarmament.

with the slight caveat that, metaphorically speaking, they already dropped the bomb.

The slogan 'Annihilate your enemies, then disarm' is not one I would expect to see at a rally anytime soon.

'What are we waiting for, let's go.'

Thanks for watching subscribe here learn how to join the dark cult here

For more infomation >> Ironmaster: Review - Duration: 5:37.


Prototip aplikacije "RateMe" - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Prototip aplikacije "RateMe" - Duration: 2:38.


Mar Rojo: Arqueólogos descubren los restos del ejército egipcio del éxodo bíblico - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Mar Rojo: Arqueólogos descubren los restos del ejército egipcio del éxodo bíblico - Duration: 3:10.


#1사랑스러운 ✪ 새끼 고양이 키우기 과정입니다 ❥【애완동물 6.212.797】 - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> #1사랑스러운 ✪ 새끼 고양이 키우기 과정입니다 ❥【애완동물 6.212.797】 - Duration: 3:58.


BREAKING!! Trump's Attorney Just Served The CLINTONS – He's Taking It From Them! - Duration: 6:27.

BREAKING!! Trump's Attorney Just Served The CLINTONS – He's Taking It From Them!

The Clinton family has evaded prosecution for years, but that may change after what

has been discovered over the last several weeks.

There are so many people begging for them to be prosecuted, but they've kept on waiting

for so long.

Over the years, the Clinton's have been involved in numerous scandals that would land

anyone else behind bars for an extremely long sentence.

However, since the Clinton's are the top leading Democrat politicians, they have been

able to fly under the radar despite the public outcry for their arrest and prosecution.

This time it may be different.

To prove how privileged they are, you don't have to look much further than last year when

Hillary Clinton was cleared of any wrongdoing for deleting highly classified emails from

her private server.

Instead of Hillary being indicted, she was cleared of all charges, which seemed only

to encourage her as she began to accuse President Trump of Russian collusion and a myriad of

other crimes worthy of his impeachment.

Nothing of which came to be anything meaningful or worthy of impeachment, but it may have

been a distraction tactic used to get people off her back for a few moments.

Now the tables have turned as new evidence of Hillary Clinton's involvement in the

Uranium One scandal have been revealed This could be what provides the prosecution with

enough evidence to find her behind bars sooner than later.

The first indictments have been handed out over this weekend, but that is just the beginning

of a very long grueling legal battle that will likely ensue.

Over the weekend, it was discovered that a Grand Jury in Arkansas had been convened to

look into the Clinton Foundation's deeds over the last several years.

According to recent reports, Hiland has reopened the Clinton Foundation investigation that

was shut down by Loretta Lynch and former FBI Director James Comey.

Of course, the left is doing their best to protect the Clinton family, and there could

be a significant distraction or delay coming from them.

The mainstream media may desire to shield the criminal Clinton's and has done their

best to push this significant news story under the rug.

That won't stop independent and right-wing aligned news sources from reporting on the

truth and recent indictments handed down.

Breitbart reports: "An 11-count indictment has been handed

down from a grand jury investigating possible Russian bribery involving former Secretary

of State Hillary Clinton's Uranium One deal negotiated when she was part of the Obama

administration, a report says.

The indictment was levied against Maryland resident Mark Lambert, a former co-president

of a nuclear transportation company involved in Hillary Clinton's deal to sell U.S. uranium

interests to a Russian company.

A Department of Justice statement says that the 54-year-old Lambert was charged with "one

count of conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and to commit

wire fraud, seven counts of violating the FCPA, two counts of wire fraud and one count

of international promotion money laundering."

The Clinton's and their powerful allies in the media and government may think they

have nothing to worry about, but that is not the case after what Attorney General Jeff

Sessions just said.

Sessions made it clear that the era of "free passes" is over and has briefed the Department

of Justice and the FBI that justice must be served this time around.

Here is more from Lifezette who chronicles the many investigations into the Clintons

and their bogus foundation and how many times they were given a free pass.

"Until recently, the Clinton Foundation has been monitored by the IRS, the Department

of Justice, and the FBI, and multiple state government authorities that are seeded with

persons loyal to either the Clintons or the Obamas.

Every time, the Clinton Foundation got a free pass.

But now it appears key authorities may finally be turning strict attention toward answering

tough questions about public filings of Clinton "charities" inside and outside the United


When these powerful organizations engage motivated minds, they will wish to concentrate on a

few areas that have long gone begging for attention.

The first time the Clinton Foundation was investigated, between 2001 and 2005, then-FBI

Director Robert Mueller, then-Deputy Attorney General James Comey, and others could not

seem to find obvious and escalating frauds as a supposed presidential library complex

in Little Rock, Arkansas, also "fought HIV/AIDS internationally" from unregistered offices

in New York and Massachusetts without ever obtaining required audits of worldwide activities.

Strangely, as the first investigation wound down, evidence in the public domain suggests

that the Clinton Foundation also defrauded the National Archivist by making demonstrably

false representations in a binding legal agreement.

For example, there is no evidence the IRS provided final approval to the Clinton Foundation

to "fight HIV/AIDS internationally" as a tax-exempt purpose by Nov. 18, 2004, the

date the presidential archive was officially donated.

That Nov. 18, 2004, agreement is nowhere to be found today on the Clinton Foundation website

and in public filings despite the charity's more than 13 years of widespread solicitation

across state and national boundaries using telephones, mail, and the internet.

The next major investigation started in December 2009 when the French government launched a

detailed look into UNITAID, a multilateral international organization — primarily funded

by France — that has sent more than $650 million to arms of the Clinton Foundation

engaged, at least in theory, in fighting HIV and AIDS.

Reports concerning this investigation, written in French and published in 2010 and 2011,

show that French government authorities, like their U.S. counterparts, missed the heart

of the problem posed by the Clinton Foundation."

Bill and Hillary Clinton are not above the law even though they tend to act like that.

For too long we have seen Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill traipsing around the

country spewing their lies and getting away with various crimes.

The liberal elitists have been able to get away with their crimes for too long, but it

appears as though the Trump administration will finally put an end to the long line of

broken laws.

It's about time.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING!! Trump's Attorney Just Served The CLINTONS – He's Taking It From Them! - Duration: 6:27.


Mil Hojas de Papas, mil suscriptores! | Ideas & Sabores - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Mil Hojas de Papas, mil suscriptores! | Ideas & Sabores - Duration: 4:12.


Ducks May Have Wings, But ...

For more infomation >> Ducks May Have Wings, But ...


Surprise Toys in Microvawe - Duration: 5:54.

Surprise Toys in Microvawe

For more infomation >> Surprise Toys in Microvawe - Duration: 5:54.


Imagine Dragons ‒ Rise Up - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Imagine Dragons ‒ Rise Up - Duration: 4:01.


Dear Brothers, I'm Sorry - Duration: 2:07.

To my brothers in Christ.

I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry we live in a culture that looks to emasculate you.

A culture that pollutes us with images of men who striving for anything but virtue.

I'm sorry that the media always portrays husbands or male characters

as these dim-witted, lazy men who do nothing for themselves.

I'm sorry that we never acknowledge that men struggle with self-worth and body image as well.

I'm sorry that the culture tells us that real men are these over-sexualized beings

who spend six-plus hours in the gym and have no control over their sexual desires.

I'm so sorry that the culture portrays the "nice guy" as this nerdy,

backboneless man, who can never seem to get out of the friend zone.

And doesn't display any sort of confidence.

I'm sorry that the only guy who seems to display any sort of confidence

is the tool who has no respect for himself or women.

I'm sorry the culture has fed us the lie that "men don't cry."

That if a man cries or displays any sign of sympathy or compassion, then he's weak.

I'm sorry our culture sucks.

I hear your frustration.

And I'm here to say that I don't believe those lies.

You were made for so much more than what this culture tells you.

You are a strong, bold, dauntless man of God.

You area man entrusted with the duty to uphold the dignity of every woman.

A duty you will fulfill beautifully and courageously.

I promise to do my part in leading you away from sin and closer to the heart of Christ.

We live in a culture that strives to kill any ounce of virtue.

A culture that tries to pin man and woman against each other.

To convince us that we're alone in this strive for holiness.

I refuse to allow it to win.

I choose to stand against the tide.

To break the chains.

I choose to help restore the culture through virtue.

I choose to do that through my love for each brother and sister in Christ.

I choose to stand beside you, walking the long and narrow path to Heaven.

To eternity.

To a life of happiness and joy.

Love, your sister in Christ.

For more infomation >> Dear Brothers, I'm Sorry - Duration: 2:07.


Pani Fazilet i jej córki / Odcinek 30 / Rozmowa braci - Napisy PL - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Pani Fazilet i jej córki / Odcinek 30 / Rozmowa braci - Napisy PL - Duration: 2:37.


Overcome Sales Objections by Turning Your Company's Flaws into Features - Duration: 3:00.

- On a recent trip to Minneapolis,

my wife and I went to Hell's Kitchen restaurant,

where we saw this amazing sign on the wall that read,

"These are the worst seats in the house."

(theme music)

Now, you know the ones I'm talking about.

They're next to the server,

or they're next to a door,

so you feel a draft blow through every single time,

or the worst, they're by the bathroom,

so everyone that walks out the door has to look at you,

and you look at them and wonder if they washed their hands.

Now, in most restaurants,

they don't warn you about these seats

when they put you there.

They hope you don't notice,

or maybe you're just nice enough not to say anything.

But not this restaurant.

This one told us straight-up,

these seats are gonna be terrible.

You have to climb into the seats

and you might fall out of them.

You're next to the kitchen chaos.

The staff is flying by.

Now, it's pretty cool.

Think about everything the restaurant is accomplishing

with this brilliant piece of honesty.

They tell you up front

what you're gonna eventually discover,

and by doing that,

they take ownership of the situation.

They eliminate any obvious complaints

that their customers may have.

They take charge of shaping customer perception.

Instead of harboring resentment,

they get you to embrace

the awfulness of the situation up front,

and in fact, they make you feel extra special for doing so.

They even give you a free dessert.

Now, as a magician,

I've used the act of acknowledging

what people may be thinking

to alleviate their worries and break the ice.

If I'm approaching a group of people that I've never met,

if I sense their hesitation in the eyes,

they're probably gonna think

I'm gonna be a cheesy or a bad magician,

so I'll say something up front like,

"Hello, I'm the magician tonight.

"I'm really terrible,

"so I have to pay you all to act amazed.

"Are $100 bills gonna be okay?"

Now, they laugh,

because I just said exactly what they're thinking,

but by saying it first,

I take away that negativity from them.

Instead of hiding their assumptions,

I bring them out into the open

so we can acknowledge them and move past them.

How can you use this in your business?

Acknowledging what your customers, clients, patients, guests

may be thinking up front

creates a more authentic interaction.

Now, does your business maybe have

a bunch of long steps leading to the entrance?

Hang a plaque at the top that congratulates them

on the number of calories they've burned by getting there.

Do you have a parking garage

with a couple really tight spots

that are difficult to fit in?

Put a sign out that says "Experienced parkers only."

Your office building maybe has old, embarrassing bathrooms.

Okay, put up a sign across from each toilet saying that,

Hey, here's the documentation

of the "History of These Hallowed Stalls."

Is there another kind of negative reaction or response

that you're hearing from your customers

that you want to eliminate?

Acknowledge it up front,

and you show them that their entire experience

is under your control.

If you can make them laugh while overcoming

what would otherwise be a negative perception,

that's even better.

So, kudos to this restaurant in Minneapolis

for acknowledging the awful seats,

and for doing it in a fun, authentic, and memorable way.

Now it's your turn.

How are you gonna turn your business flaws

into features that your customers

will embrace, remember, and talk about?

(theme music)

For more infomation >> Overcome Sales Objections by Turning Your Company's Flaws into Features - Duration: 3:00.


North Texan Recalls Harrowing 'Miracle On The Hudson' - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> North Texan Recalls Harrowing 'Miracle On The Hudson' - Duration: 2:50.



For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 CW 1.4I BLUE DYNAMIC / ALL-IN BOVAG GARANTIE / CLIMATE CONTROL / C.VERGR.AFSTANDBEDIEND - Duration: 0:59.


Ewangeliarz OP | 16 stycznia 2018 | (Mk 2, 23-28) - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP | 16 stycznia 2018 | (Mk 2, 23-28) - Duration: 1:58.


My First Time - Pressure Cooking | Episode 40 - Duration: 10:59.

hello... hello... why aren't I that happy... start the car! hi everybody my name is Alex welcome to my kitchen where we only

cook healthy food that doesn't suck what I'm working with tonight is kale

mushrooms leeks celery organic coconut milk taters various spices an onion these this and

chicken so naturally I'm gonna be making kind of like a chicken curry kind of

thing it's gonna be food that's how I cook yum so first up we're gonna take

our onions we're gonna top and tail it fancy fancy words I'm gonna do long slices and the just chop

new gadget alert new gadget alert we got a new gadget guys this is called a pressure cooker and it's supposed to cook things really

fast so I'm making stew and it says it's only going to take five minutes to cook we'll

see about that so I'm gonna get my pot nice and hot I

changed my mind about the order of thing I'm gonna start with some grapeseed oil

new oil alert new oil alert apparently it's really good for a high temperature

frying so cooking things like meat in grapeseed oil is fantastic so I'm gonna

do like a generous slosh of that then I'm gonna get my chicken ready gonna get up in

here up in here up in here y'all gonna make me act a fool up in here up in here

y'all gonna make me lose my cool up in here up in here always wash your hands

when working with chicken don't touch stuff stuff gets weird from chicken so it's not my

regular salt just kosher whatever that was a heck of a lot of salt pepper

I'm gonna come in with some paprika so let me just mix this up a little bit I don't like it when the

chicken touches the other things and I like talking in song cuz it makes me feel good

sorry about that more salt more paprika okay my grapeseed oil is probably

hot so I'm gonna drop my chicken in here and get it brown on each side now I'm

just gonna keep on chopping keep on keepin on let's head out out with the leaks

a leak is kind of like an onion it's in the onion family or I could be a

walrus I'm Alex this is my kitchen the thing about leaks is that

they can get pretty dusty on the inside so you want to really like open them up

and then rinse them off I'm gonna give these a nice coarse chop cuz I'm so

fancy I think there's like a whole market for just singing rap songs like

talking rap songs I'm so fancy you already know I'm in the fast lane from

LA to Tokyo celery again rinse it off chop it up so we have a lot of green

happening here I'm gonna add a little bit color I only have baby carrots so I'm

gonna use some baby carrots again cut them into kinda bigger pieces so just flip the

chicken over so it can cook on the other and I'm gonna hit my mushrooms haha i hit them so for mushrooms just cut off any big

bits of dirt hopefully you're buying organic and then you don't really have

to worry about does anyone know anything about the stems of the mushrooms like are you supposed to keep it are you supposed

to get rid of them are they good are they bad I have no idea I don't know why I'm

taking them off I've just decided that's how I'm rolling today okay so I'm just gonna

quarter the mushroom so into big chunks mushrooms are chopped

time for the taters and maybe from like the second time ever on

my show I'm actually gonna peel these I just feel like it today feels like a

peeled potato kind of day oh hey this is why I don't peel potatoes cause it's

boring okay let's chop these potatoes up I don't know into like a medium dice we're going

rustic here people I just can't believe that potatoes and all this

stuff is gonna be cooked in five minutes it it's it's unbelievable

un-freakin'-believable i also made up too much because it says

like please don't feel above the fill line and I'm gonna take it's advice so I

don't blow it up this is probably the first time ever that I actually read the

manual to something because I was worried that it was gonna blow me up

okay that's all my stuff for the ginger I'm just gonna take the skin off of the outside so I'm gonna

chop it word to the wise don't touch your face with ginger hands let's get our little spice mix together

while we wait I got some white pepper white pepper is actually pretty powerful

don't you don't need a lot of it it's way more powerful than black pepper I'm gonna

throw some basil in here generously hit it with some tumeric a little bit more

paprika lemongrass is where I get

confused do you put the whole thing in like is this gonna or is this gonna be

weird AF yeah it's like straight up like eating bark not at all not

enjoying that I saw this on TV the other day so I'm gonna try it I

got two celeries I gonna line them with these chives so I'm making a chive

Sandwich here I'm going to the layer in my lemongrass actually I'll put my

lemongrass in the bottom and put my chives on top okay if you know me you know

what I feel like I'm doing right now you know what I mean okay so chives on top

I'm also gonna put my two dried chilies in here and then I'm gonna close the

chili sandwich chili sandwich I'm gonna take my butchers twine I'm gonna tie it off

yeah this is probably not an actual technique I saw one person do it on

the Internet one time and so obviously I'm trying it and am the experts trust

me not working okay guys the chicken is done the chicken is out I'm gonna put

all of my oniony products in here so ah I'm just gonna put everything

let's just let's just go for it oh I'm at the first fill line all right so

everything is in including the ginger I'm gonna add my spice mix I'm gonna add coconut milk should I sautee this

for a little bit first what's the rule I don't know you tell me welcome to this

corner of my kitchen so we're gonna get everything mixed together we're gonna

get the spices going we're gonna get the ginger going we're gonna get the

potatoes covered we are mixing it up we need to add the chicken back and also

I'm getting dangerously close to that second line Oh hello

oh you like it why I dance don't you this is happening let's add our chicken

back in and pray to God that we don't hit the second line okay I don't really

care if it's mix or not I'm gonna add this guy I'm gonna add this guy this is

uh just a little bit of reduced chicken stock I'm gonna add that one more good

mix like I just don't get this I don't have the answers but what I do have is

life insurance so let's try this the lid goes on this is the pressure

gauge it's a very awkward piece that isn't actually attached to anything but

it's very important so you put that right on the top here

once it heats up that little gauge there is gonna start getting crazy like a wiki

wiki Wow the cooking time for like everything

it's like four minutes five minutes potatoes or five chicken is four like

this is crazy either it's not working or it is

working and I'm impatient or it's broken and the pressure is building up to such

intense places the whole thing's gonna explode in a minute

I'm safe now maybe needs to be hotter get it going let that whole adage of a

watched pot never boils a watch pressure cooker never

pressurizes I sees some action theres steam coming out of it still no movement on the pressure regulator

I'm the regulator I'm a regulate-late I don't want to regulate I want to

percolate you gotta start pressure regulating soon

pressure cooking is fun using a high heat setting on your stove he's the pressure

cooker until the pressure regulator attains a gentle rocking motion there's

no rocking in my ocean I don't like this so I thought this was gonna save me time I

thought it'd be like five minutes we're done what the fck is happening in

there the internet said maybe my heat wasn't hot enough so I turned it up it sounds very pressurized

I'm having fun are you guys having fun you think that's a gentle rock or are we a

little bit past the gentle rock five four three two one that was anticlimactic

turn the heat all the way off carefully lift there are two ways to cool down your pressure cooker and

the instructions will tell you which one to do you can either cool it immediately

by putting it into a cold water bath or putting it under cold water or you can

let the pressure come down naturally which is what this recipe said to do

so I'm gonna let that sit for a couple of minutes

and then I'm gonna come back so I think this is how we relieve the pressure

smells pretty good and open it up everything is very hot I'm gonna take out

my flavor bundle throw that away so we got our pressure cooker pot of chicken

stew and our pressure cooker chicken stew alright guys that's how you use a pressure cooker I'll probably get better at it as we go but

this is my first time so welcome to watching me do my first time live

all right let's taste this bad boy it's actually nice and flavorful it's

actually really tasty and it's cooked all the way through all the

vegetables are nice and soft the chicken is cooked all the way through it's hot

as the fires of hell cool I think this was a pressure cooker success

thanks for sharing my first time with me here guys if you enjoy pressure cooking with

me be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe alright guys now it's your turn

do you like pressure cooking and what's your favorite pressure cooker recipe

recipe let me know in the comments down below I'm gonna try all the recipes

because I work out this bad boy thank you so much for watching and being here

be sure to like comment and subscribe we'll see you next time this is actually

surprisingly good I'm surprised that it's good man we did good all right I'm

gonna go burn my face off while I shovel this in see you next time

For more infomation >> My First Time - Pressure Cooking | Episode 40 - Duration: 10:59.


Making the racing car and doing the race (Mazowiecki Wrak Race 2018) - Duration: 14:26.

For more infomation >> Making the racing car and doing the race (Mazowiecki Wrak Race 2018) - Duration: 14:26.


5 Question to Ask Yourself Everyday - Duration: 5:56.

hey it's Abbi J from AJ Life Hacks and today I'm sharing with you the top five

questions that high achievers and people who have accomplished phenomenal success

continually ask themselves and are making sure that they know the answers

to these five questions. So I think you'll be surprised at how poignant and

how deep reaching these questions can be so let's get going on this video.

The first question you should be asking yourself every day is, am I happy?

Probably as you were sitting there instantly your mindset either yes/no or

hmm. Right? Well that's because there are so many things that we attribute to our

happiness but if you know we're exciting all these goals and we're going after

success and we aren't happy, then something is wrong. Either we're not

setting the right type of goals, either we are going after something we truly

you really don't believe, in maybe for different reasons such as you're feeling

pressure from your friends and family to go after those goals, or maybe your mind

has changed and those aren't your goals anymore, but you just don't want to let

go of that dream. Well for so many different reasons we can find ourselves

unhappy but when you truly are going after a life of a higher pursuit I call

it you're going after some incredible goals and accolades that you want to

make your life the absolute best you could ever make it, then that should make

you incredibly happy. That should fuel your fire to get out of bed in the

morning and if it's not then ask yourself this question which is question

number two: What do I believe will make me happy? Now this question changes at

all different states of our life. I remember in high school I truly believed

that if I have long hair I would be happier than I was then and I'm just

here to tell you that that's simply not true. When we attribute our happiness to

anything other than ourselves and what we want out of our life then we are

bound to set ourselves up for disappointment.

So be very honest with yourself are there some things waiting

out there on the horizon for you that are going to make you happy, and oh if I

just had that one thing or that one relationship or this one person in my

life I would be so happy. Because I challenge you to truly take a look

because as happy as you make up your mind to be is as happy as you're ever

going to be. So take a serious look at that question and see if there's

anything that you put up as a roadblock on the way to your happiness.

The third question you should be asking yourself regularly if not thinking about

all day, every day, is what do I want out of my life? Now high achievers, people who

seem to accomplish the impossible, are constantly thinking about this and they

know the answer with clarity. They understand what they want out of life

and they might not know exactly how to get there yet but because they know the

end result they know that they can get there. The fourth question is super

important to understanding if you really are going to accomplish the goals that

you've set for yourself and that is this, Am i living in accordance to the goals

that I have? Now that's a little bit of a mouthful but basically what this means

is, am i living to my goals or am I not? Do I have this plan to lose weight but

I'm eating chocolate everyday? Or do I want to be a kinder nicer person but I'm

not willing to put myself out there and be more outgoing? Do I want a raise at

work but I'm not willing to put in the work or the effort or the hours it takes?

That's where we got to make sure our lives we're just living to what we

preach and that if we truly want change to happen for us. We have to change

something in our daily life, something in our routine, and if we want to see those

changes manifested we have to be living in accordance to those goals and what

those goals demand of us. My last question for you which it's so important

to just overarching you know am I going to be successful my life for whatever

that means for you. Success can be that you are a stay-at-home mom and you've

raised beautiful healthy children. Success could be that you're a CEO. But

the question I have for you that is so important is, are you growing? It is vital

to ask yourself that question because one of my favorite

quotes from Jim Rohn says that a man can have worked in a company for ten years

but have one year of experience and how is that possible? Well he repeated that

first year of experience ten times. That's huge!

And we don't even think about that. We just say to ourselves, "awesome. Well you

know, I'm working. I have to be growing, right?" No. We can really stay stagnant if

we aren't consistently asking ourselves these other questions moving towards our

goals and having goals to propel us forward. As human beings we love to coast.

We love to coast on average but the extraordinary life is never easy and it

constantly requires us to change and improve ourselves. So be sure that you

are always growing and ask yourself that question all the time check in with

yourself. Am I growing in the ways that I want to grow and develop? So there you

have it! Those are the five questions that are so fundamental to success and

building and achieving success and your goals and what you want out of life. So

be sure that you've written down those five questions feel free to go back

through this video also put them in the description below so that you can be

sure that you are consistently asking yourself these questions, because I

promise you that as you consistently ask yourself these questions and think about

them and change your life so that you love the answers you're giving that

change is gonna happen for you. So give this video a nice thumbs up! Please

subscribe to my channel ,and I will see you in the next video. Abbi J out.

For more infomation >> 5 Question to Ask Yourself Everyday - Duration: 5:56.


Coffee Chat| January Life Update - Duration: 7:51.

All right MOODies, let's chat

Channel we are the Moody's and we post videos about our family in our lives and things that pertain to us if

You would like to be a part of the clan then go ahead and hit the subscribe button so you don't miss any videos from

us and if you are part of the Moni plan then go ahead and hit the

Notification about so you don't miss any videos that we upload our

Uploading schedule is a little weird because as I said in the last video

We are still

kind of coming out of sickness and trying to

Get our lives back together so that we can get this new year off to a great start

But we do need to make sure that we're resting and things like that so I'm kind of posting videos as I can the best

I can and you will see this ensemble in this exact background in another video

So I'm just trying to

film videos

and get them out as I can so this is kind of going to be an

Impromptu little coffee chat I actually do have coffee

In my favorite month


We're just gonna be chatting first things first. I wanted to

Kind of talk about our not talked about a touch on why we don't show our subscriber count' on our channel

Normally when I'm going through, and I'm watching videos, and I see that someone doesn't have their subscriber count on

I'm Hailie like Oh. What do you have to hide? Why?

uh-huh but for me personally I

Realized that I was getting way too into the numbers and I was so focused on what my subscriber count was

And I can still see my subscriber count and I don't care if you guys know my subscriber count

But I turned it off for myself

because I just want to focus on it making videos that I'm proud of that you guys enjoy and

That are really putting out the message that we want to send for them to the world

So I'm not necessarily care of more so about the numbers, so I honestly haven't really been checking our analytics

I haven't really been looking at the subscriber count. I mean I love today just to check

We're at 189

but I

Do it for myself and some arrow as I'm going through and I watch videos and I look at content creators. I'm kind of learning

not to

Like just don't judge people when you're like going to their channels

And you know there might be a smaller youtube channel like before I started to youtube channel. I wouldn't never

watch someone's video

Shot it on an iPhone. I just didn't think it was visually stimulating. It didn't attract me at all, but now being a content creator

And having started my career on YouTube like through my iPhone

I get the struggle and honest

And honestly some people's

content is amazing and their quality is really good like there were times with my quality on my

iPhone was smacking and I was like yeah, whoa, this is crazy, but

There are also times where you just kind of got to push past that to see their content and to see their potential and so


Really forgot where I was going and and tire in but that's why we don't show our subscriber count' in case you guys have been

Wondering chip has actually been applying to grad school

Which we are both very very excited and very nervous about so if you can

Please send up some prayers and some well thoughts well wishes

Because we really really kind of need him to get into grad school for those who don't know he has a BFA in

Photography, and so he is going to be going back to try and get his MFA and that will allow him to teach

He doesn't want to teach long term like that's not necessarily his career goal

But it is something that he would like to do and I know that for him receiving his master's

Is something that he really really wants to do

As far as our channel goes I know that some of you are not some of you, but I can feel

This internalized pressure like well, why aren't you putting out more videos?

And some of that has been because I've been sick, but I think a lot of it has been because I haven't really

Nailed down my schedule my routine to a point where I can kind of just like okay

this is the time that I'm going to sit down and

Film this time that I'm going to sit down and then boom boom boom done

And I think that the wonkiness of our schedule is a little weird like trying to put out videos

Like Monday through Wednesday, and then not on Thursday, but then again on Friday

and then you know it's a little weird, so I

may just


Videos on

Like Monday through Thursday have it be four days a week

Maybe we'll go live on Friday and Sundays and that seems to be a little bit easier for me because then it's like I kind

Of have the weekend sit down and really think about the videos that I want to do

Film those get those ready loaded all of that jazz and then you know we just go live on Fridays

I'm kind of have fun. So I think that's going to be the change that we're gonna make to the

Channel I also know that I really want to redo our

video our like our welcome to the clan video

I feel like I should change that it just sounds so

Confederate, so I'm gonna change that but welcome to the Moody fam

So that's gonna be the change to our channel. I'm also for those of you

Don't know just kind of reconfigured a blog

So that the MIDI or the posts that are on the blog are just kind of like my thoughts on different things

It's not necessarily like you won't find like interests out block so if you guys would all go check it out then

Keep getting calls from like someone in Vermont. I don't know oh

That's that I feel like I'm not really talking about anything at this point so this chest

It's it is what it is guys. It is what it is. Just love me. Anyways okay?

I'm going to go ahead and finish my coffee. I'm gonna start editing the video

Hopefully I'll probably put one out today, and then this video you'll be seeing it Monday

You know maybe some more vlogs I do really want to work on our intro video though, so if you have any ideas

or if there's something that you would like to see then go ahead and put in the comments or yeah in the comments and

Go ahead and leave me some more questions of things that you would like to know about us or see on our channel or things

like that

Just because I do want to make sure that we are making videos for you guys

So if you leave some questions or comments you know if you have questions for chip, and I that'll be cool, too

But I know next week we have quite a few front projects coming so yeah, but other than that. I'm going to go ahead and

For more infomation >> Coffee Chat| January Life Update - Duration: 7:51.


Bitcoin Giveaway!! | Bitconnect Is Back!! | ABC's Of Cryptocurrency! - Duration: 15:25.

Yo, what's up? Everybody man, it's appointments keep not your average TB. It is a Monday

Hope everybody's having an amazing Monday a 135 p.m.. Over here in California when I'm recording this

Like I said man B connect before we get him to that make sure you subscribe

Notification bell smash the notification bell and comment below hit the like all that good stuff

You know I mean this helps out the channel and I would greatly appreciate it anyways man like I was saying bit connect is back

Here it is man. Um. I could've sworn a little bit more money than this, but whatever all the investments are there

Okay, okay, you go all the investments are there

Everything's good to go we got three hundred seventy dollars in there


okay, so I started with this one quick quick quick quick quick quick update because we gotta get into this very important stuff I

Started with 350 no 250

250 so I made I've made a hundred and twenty seven dollars on

big connect, you know I mean and

How much was it last time I forget what I said on go back couple videos

And I said how much I made on hash sure I didn't even think about writing it down right now

But um I made a little bit more on hash, Flair, and I have one reefer

I have one referral people have signed in

One person has signed under my coin of my bit connect the other person has signed in to hash Flair

So only one referral you know and in 66 bucks. It's not too bad

You know I don't have hundreds of thousands of dollars right here, so I appreciate you guys that did sign up under me and um

And again, this is something that's doable for anybody. You know I mean it you have a friend sign up you can have a

Family member sign now you can have you could start your little YouTube channel and get someone to sign up

You know I mean. I haven't really been pushing referral bonuses or any referrals or anything like that and

And I got one on hash flirt like I don't even mention - flirt

I mentioned bacon a few times, so it is definitely possible as of right this very moment hash

Flair has been more profitable than

But yesterday I was watching the video, and they clicked that on hash flare

After that your contract is up. That's it you get you got the money that you got and that's it

I'm big tonight after the year is


You get your capital back so I put in 250 bucks at the end of the year

That at the end of the year, you know it next this December coming up

I'll get back my 250 so all this all this brothers and all this some

Profit that I received and then on top of that I get back the money that you invested so

I didn't think about that. I don't know why I didn't think about that and in hash Flair you never get that money back

Yeah, I mean so in hash for you make a little bit more profit

on the interest

But in big connect you get that money back so here you let them borrow a thousand dollars

You make money you make money you make money you make money, and they give you back. That's amazing

You know I mean so uh

I'm gonna have to say that on that big connect. You know I I believe is not a scam here

We are right here. They took care of business. We are back

So it is you know we're here as working I I think

I'm gonna start investing more money in big connect. You know I mean even though the the the lending the

The the interest is not that high

Compared to hash flow or other lending programs. You know what and I'm gonna have a video coming up real soon

There's other lending programs dabber coin that I was looking in now. There's another lending program called lend connect

And that one looks really promising

They're saying that they offer between one and five percent

Daily interest rate so Len can make it something else that I'm looking into and so pretty sure they hired a couple days

I'll be doing a video of comparing all three both likely will be investing in in a

Another landing platform so stay tuned for that anyways man here. It is big connect. We're back and it's all alright

And I got a I've got to put up the tweet that the the the Twitter feed Twitter feed right here on the computer

But I'm just like big connect X's down for a day so maybe there, maybe maybe they're upgrading their platform over there, too

So they don't have these attacks on that other thing

I'm baking like X

But I don't really want to make too much a big deal about it because I'm overhearing that states so who cares about big kinetics

But just in case you guys are invested in it the plat for the the website is gonna be down for 24 hours

Okay, letting you guys know moving on this is something that I've been wanting to talk about

Is basically the ABCs when it comes to?

Cryptocurrency and and the markets it's not like that I mean

When I first started yeah, I had to put well. I had to put one and one together

You know I mean like you're talking about oh the a th the ATX a th and then the a th is

1000 or bit kinetic a th is

20,000 oh my gosh

And I was like what the fuck was that what does that mean so I had a you know Google a th and so

Make sure you guys have your pens and papers wait

That's kind of old school home make sure you guys have your notes open in your phones and your iPhone or whatever the case might?

Be because we're gonna get into classes now in session ladies and gentlemen, so these are some how many of them ten of them

Another was more than that

This is about 15 of

Different acronyms and words that are going around the cryptocurrency space that you might need to know and a couple of them

I've seen it multiple multiple times asking. What is this? What is this so here's a quick little?

ABCs for you guys for crypto

Cryptocurrency so when you guys are in the markets you guys are on other YouTube channels you guys know what you're talking about right?

so something when someone says 88 this was not that popular in my and that I've seen but ATH means all-time high you know I

Mean all-time high is Bitcoin reaching

$20,000 per Bitcoin. That's bitcoins all-time high. That's what that means pretty self-explanatory

Okay, next one bull market

You know I mean bull market is when the market is going up and up and up and up do you go to coin market?

coin market

Capcom you're gonna see a bunch of green on the

Percentages that means there's a bull market the expectation that prices are gonna go up

Okay, and on the flip side actually

I kind of broke this backwards because boo-bear is before bull and bear market is the OP?

You know I mean you could think of it as bear height

But bears hibernate during the winter, so there's sleepy be really tired and bulls are very aggressive

And you know I mean so when they're saying it's a bull market. That's when you're like right now

We're in a bear market because all the present' most the percentages on the coin market

Capcom are red percentages so that means everything's going down everything's consolidating

So that's what a bear market means means its hibernating the expectation that prices will go down okay?

Let's see what else cold storage something that I'm gonna be talking about very very soon as well man wallets

Hardware wallets all that good stuff, man

Cold storage is when you move your your you know like your you're holding Bitcoin

And you're gonna hold it for a while

So you don't need it in your exchanges or in your wallets on your computer?

So you buy it you either you can print it. You can print it. It's a code

You know that you print, and you just print on a piece of paper

And it has a little that little weird square box looking code

And it has a code or whatever and it has all your Bitcoin saves on to that piece of paper

So that is a form of cold storage. Also. I don't even open it yet

A ledger nan-oh s. This is a hardware wallet. This is also considered cold storage basically anything that holds your cryptocurrency

Outside of the computer super super safe this way in case someone hacks your computer whatever the case. They're unable to

You know hack your computer and steal your cryptocurrency

So we'll be talking a little bit more about wallets like that in a few a really soon video

And then so we have fiat again

It's an alphabetical order because there's cold storage in this hot storage

But we'll get too hot storage in a little bit Fiat Fiat basically when someone's like

Oh when you transfer your Bitcoin the Fiat when you?

Transfer your cryptocurrency to feeI all they're saying is when you transfer it back to the money that you're gonna use the actual money

For example I'm in, California so when I say I'm gonna transfer. I'm gonna

Exchange my Bitcoin to Fiat to Fiat meaning, I'm gonna change my Bitcoin to US dollars. It's basically

That's what Fiat means okay?

Let's see here FOMO. This is the good stuff right here FOMO stands for fear of missing out so if you see

You see like it like I see a lot of like in the car wheel or comment the people were like oh

That's just homo like that that person was forum or whatever the case might be is that they have a fear of missing out for

example my my first first first first ever

Investment into Bitcoin. That's when it was about to go up to 20,000. I saw that it was going up up up I

Purchased it

it was seventeen seventeen thousand something when I when I purchased my first hundred dollars worth of Bitcoin and

As you guys all know after that it went down the freakin ten thousand, so I lost some money there

But again you really don't lose the money unless you sell I didn't sell I kept those you know. I got the Bitcoin now

We're at like

Thirteen fourteen thousand has been it's been fluctuating

In the last week or so so that's what FOMO means fear of missing out

That's what people react because of emotions my god

I'm it's now and it is as something's going up they buy on top of the peaks and then make stuff usually consolidates and

They lose a little bit of money, okay

But there's something else that I you see a lot of this for example people were spreading a lot of fun about big connect they

Still like the people who spread a lot of foot of big connect meaning fear uncertainty and doubt

So basically they just people just talking shit, but is what it means people are talking shit

They're trying to spread fear uncertainty and doubt is what they're doing to the market

All right hold on hold. It was pretty pretty self-explanatory hold the investment so

Most people are holding

Bitcoin because you know that's the one that everybody thinks is gonna go highest right now

so you purchase something and

exactly so basically you're in a hole what you do is buy Bitcoin you transfer it to your cold storage and

That's how you hold your investment

And what's there between Halloween and holding?

Just the DLR in different places on the word, okay

Here we go hot storage so basically hot storage is cold storage is everything offline adding a computer all that stuff

Hah storage is stuff that you keep in your wallets, aka

Exodus wallets Jack's wallets

blockchain wallet

There's just hundreds of wallets out there that you can use again. We're gonna be getting into

A wallet video here really really soon so stay tuned for that all right

I see oh this is the biggest one everybody's like you know all the new beings are like what the ICO. What's an ICA?

What's an IC oh okay ICO is when a company?

Is gonna come out creates a coin?

For example bit connect okay B connect already existed it had an ICO when I first first started

But now that it's established now it has a new ICO called big connect X


So that ICO is initial coin offering is what ICO stands for and it's like crowdfunding they

Want us to invest in their in their company and this way they get a lot of money?

So there's there's a lot of us that invest in their company

They make hundreds of thousands of dollars

And they're able to use that money to build their company and in exchange

We get a little share of it aka a token or a coin whatever the case might be

and yeah, and so and so

After a couple months they do their thing and then once the company because we're profitable that one coin that cost us

Let's just say five bucks. It's now worth ten bucks because that company is worth more so we made money

Yeah, I mean so basically initial coin offering is when an IC o---- stands for everybody's really really excited about I SEOs

But they're definitely

The best independent on the company, and if it's a good company a good situation

It's the highest returns, but then again. It's the highest risk so that's what I ciose are

mooning everybody hears about oh

Bitcoin to the mood whoo they're talking about the price is gonna go up

Extremely high when someone says something is moaning or it's gonna. Go to the moon meaning that is gonna

You know the price is gonna. Just explode. That's what mooning means

ROI ROI is a return on your investment again

It's really bothering me that this is there you go and that it was not centered ROI return on investment is

Is when you obviously this is what we're looking for we want we want to buy

Bitcoin as cheap as possible or any cryptocurrency any IC o----

Putting yourself in lending platforms mining platforms

We wanted we want to return on our investment, so if we put ten dollars, and we get twenty dollars

That's a ten dollar return on investment. I mean so that's pretty self-explanatory as well

And these are the last one well

Every that although the wells are buying the Wells who think it's the well that's basically people with the betters that are very very wealthy

You know like very powerful. Have a lot of cryptocurrency because again, we're talking about the crypto currency

Markets it's the same thing as stock market and stuff like that and same language stuff like that

but we're talking about cryptocurrency markets and

So Wells are the big time people have a lot of cryptocurrency these are the ones that buy a lot of a byte they say

They they put in like a hundred thousand dollars in a certain cryptocurrency

so they fluctuate the markets the way they want to that you know or they take out a

Hundred thousand dollars worth the currency so it shoots a freaking

coin down or

You know the market down a certain point whatever the case might be so that's what it is right there

Those are basically the ones that I've noticed I've come across

But people are asking in different platforms different comment sections. What does this mean? What does this mean all that good stuff?

Okay, we're at fourteen minutes. That's not bad. That is not bad none, but it's not your average TV

Is your boy monkey again this has been the ABCs of cryptocurrency stuff that I think?

You know that we don't say in our everyday lives, and we're like what the hell's that mean hey?

Lou here it is right here make sure you um you know now you guys are ready to go into the crypto world then make

Some money see what your see what your ROI is on your foot and your FOMO that made no sense

But anyways don't forget to subscribe hit notification bell and for all you guys that are tuned in to the mi

I'm gonna be giving away

Twenty dollars it is Monday. It's the start of the week

So how much better would it be then - I know they can't get any better

But let's give away $20 Bitcoin for a one lucky winner I'll be announcing that in tomorrow's video again

Thank you guys so much for tuning in to that Jerry TV. I appreciate every single. What do you guys?

And I will be seeing you guys tomorrow

For more infomation >> Bitcoin Giveaway!! | Bitconnect Is Back!! | ABC's Of Cryptocurrency! - Duration: 15:25.


【Awa Cover】"The Name of the Sin"/罪の名前 Short ver.【魚沫-あわ- 歌ってみた】(Re-Upload!) - Duration: 2:30.

The goddess of fate took notice of me.

"What an adorable baby,

I know!

Let's cast a spell on her for fun."

"The Name of the Sin"

With sunken eyes and a skinny body,

Anyone who saw me described me as such.

"You monster!

You're not human like us!", they said.

I won't think about such sad things; after all,

If I did, the tears won't stop spilling again.

I would be better off dead, right?

And you shouted back,

"Don't cry, I will always,

until the day we die, be by your side. That's why

From today onwards, you'll be a normal girl, okay?"

... Did you see that?

The spell that was just like a bad dream, see,

It looks like it's just been broken.

For more infomation >> 【Awa Cover】"The Name of the Sin"/罪の名前 Short ver.【魚沫-あわ- 歌ってみた】(Re-Upload!) - Duration: 2:30.


I made a swimming pool at home ㅣ RabbitPlay - Duration: 10:27.

I made a swimming pool at home ㅣ RabbitPlay

For more infomation >> I made a swimming pool at home ㅣ RabbitPlay - Duration: 10:27.


Step 2 CS Preparation: Learning How To Show Empathy - Duration: 5:09.

welcome everybody today I'm going to show you how to demonstrate empathy

during your step 2 CS exam even if you're not an empathetic person or if

you struggle to recognize when and where to show it so after finishing the short

video you'll have a complete understanding and a strategy for exactly

how to get your empathy points throughout the CS exam even if you

struggle to show it when you practice it and be sure to stick around until the

end of this video because I've got a special bonus for you but only if you stick

around until the end. So my name is Dr. Paul and I'm the director of programs

here at the USMLE Success Academy, now after helping hundreds and hundreds of

students over the years with their CS prep, lacking empathy has been a common

problem so we started to implement exactly what I'm about to share with you

here today and it had worked like a charm over and

over again, so let's dive in. First let me ask you does this sound like you you're

in your encounter and you know you should be showing empathy but you don't

know when to do it and even if you're given a cue you find it awkward or

difficult to show it in the right way well if that's you or even if it isn't

you but you want to show more empathy don't worry I've got the solution so

here's two times during your history component where you can lead the patient

into telling you about their problem so that you can demonstrate empathy on the

spot. Of course things might pop up elsewhere but these two specific steps

will be done specifically so that you can demonstrate empathy; it's going to be

something that you bring upon the encounter so that you can get your

points. So here are those two opportunities first when you've entered

the room and you sit down to talk with the patient

ask them what brought them in, they'll tell you whatever the problem may be at

this point tell them that you're really sorry to hear about XYZ whether it's

stomach pain headache etc and be sure that you do so with an empathetic tone

and let them know that you're going to do everything in your power to help them

feel better. That was your first empathy point and

you got it out of the way right at the beginning of the

encounter. Now, not only did you get your point early on but you created an

atmosphere where the patient feels that you're empathetic and this only makes

the patient feel more and more comfortable with you moving forward. The

second forced empathy point comes at the end of your history when you do a

quick review of the problem. Now just as a side note you don't need to repeat

every part of the HPI, past medical history, social history, just cover a

few points that really stand out such as this: Ok Mr. Smith, just to review

you're experiencing a pounding headache on the left side of your head that comes

and goes throughout the day and is getting progressively worse, do I have

that right? They'll say yes. At this point, thank them

for answering your questions and reassure them again that you're gonna do

everything in your power to help them feel better ASAP. They'll thank you and

then you move into your physical exam. And that's all there is to it. You've

demonstrated empathy two times already and if you do this right the patient has

no idea that you've planned it out and it allows you to get those empathy

points that you need for your exam early on right away and naturally. So here's

what I want you to do. As you practice your encounters be sure to actively

practice this at those two specific points. After you've done this a dozen or

so times, it should become second nature so that you can be sure to get those

points on your exam. So just to review, ask them the problem at the onset and

demonstrate empathy then wrap up the history component with a quick review

and offer empathy again. Do that and you'll be sure to get your points. Okay,

so I know you want to maximize your efforts in your Step 2 CS prep, and I

told you about something special at the beginning of this video. Well now

you can go ahead and download it below this video we're giving you an outline

of the five biggest mistakes that students are making during their Step

2 CS prep that could lead to failure. It's free to download, just go ahead and

click the link below in the description and we'll send it straight to your inbox

within seconds. Now, if you found this video to be helpful, please help us

spread the word by hitting the like button below, by sharing it with your

colleagues, and by leaving us a comment in the comment section below.

Are you ready to start preparing for your Step 2 CS exam but you're not sure

where to start or you're scared of wasting time and energy on things that

just aren't all that important? Let us be your guides and we'll show you how to

prepare the right way and the smart way so that you don't have to waste your

time or your energy trying to figure things out on this crazy exam.

Learn more at and click on the link to check out our Step

2 CS preparation program options

For more infomation >> Step 2 CS Preparation: Learning How To Show Empathy - Duration: 5:09.


Coach application for '/r/RocketLeague subreddit Discord' - Duration: 45:17.

For more infomation >> Coach application for '/r/RocketLeague subreddit Discord' - Duration: 45:17.


M jak miłość, odcinek 1342: Julka rzuci pracę - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> M jak miłość, odcinek 1342: Julka rzuci pracę - Duration: 2:11.


Wraith could just be the answer to all tactical players - Duration: 13:37.

For more infomation >> Wraith could just be the answer to all tactical players - Duration: 13:37.


Trying to Understand Copyright in Canada - Duration: 4:34.

Oh hi! Because I want to conform to stereotypes – because I'm white and a

little gay – I love ABBA! Let's take a listen. What? I can't because YouTube

might take away my monetization? Oh! I wanted to be a dancing queen. Listen, you

can criticize YouTube for a lot of things, but the way that they handle

copyright isn't one of them. There's also some pretty misguided ideas about how

copyright works, especially here in Canada. If I have to one more time hear

that it's perfectly okay for you to use three seconds of a song in your video

I'm going to punch a beaver. And you can take that however you want! And even

though I know some things I thought it'd be better if I invited somebody on here

that was much smarter than I. Me? I. JD has his own YouTube channels, has his own

podcasts, but makes most of his living off of photography. So I asked him what

was the biggest misconception people had about copyright. JD: The biggest

misconception that people have about copyright typically comes from what

everybody hears as fair use. Being Canadian, and being in Canada, there

is actually no fair use law in Canadian copyright. It's something referred to as

fair dealings. It encapsulates some very similar things to fair use such as

parody, you know utilizing things for education, and so on. So that's probably

the biggest misconception is that people tend to grab laws from across the world

and then apply them to their country when there's very specific country laws

in terms of copyright. KYLE: So then I asked what is gonna get people on YouTube into

the most trouble? JD: The biggest thing that will get somebody on YouTube in trouble

is typically music and music copyright. So a lot of people will think that they

can go out and if they use – one of the biggest misconception is – if I only use 3

seconds of a song is that it's perfectly okay. And that is incorrect. If you use

any portion of a song you need to have permission to use that song. Now to avoid

those things, YouTube has some great things like the YouTube audio library

where you can cross-reference and see if you use a song whether you're

able to monetize your video, or if you have – you know – if you use a song if

you're able to use, basically, split monetization. Or if you're not

allowed to monetize at all. KYLE: And then I wanted to know how JD has been

personally affected by copyright. JD: For me, because I'm a photographer, copyright is

a big deal because I go out and I take images of celebrities. I work in music

photography so a lot of times what will happen is those images get stolen and

utilized in magazines, or videos, or so on and so forth. Without my permission. So

basically using the DCMA I will be able to enforce my copyright across the

web and basically have videos taken down in a lot of cases that utilize my

content that I haven't given permission to use. There is some some gray areas,

right? In terms of news reporting if myself, as a photographer, maybe I get in

a situation where, for example, we just recently had you know Queens of the

Stone Age that kicked the photographer in the photography pits and all that

kind of stuff. Maybe they would show something that I had taken to show

my work in part of the news story. But again, going back to fair use, or fair

dealings in Canada, is it necessary to complete the story is kind of the

balance and you know? Or could they show something else in its place? Generally

speaking as long as you ask permission first, if you know the source and you ask

permission and they give you permission generally you're on the right track. If

you just go and use something without somebody's permission and

somebody's created something, because that's what copyright protects. That's

when you're gonna get yourself in trouble. Does copyright protect you? It

absolutely does. As a creator when you're creating something your work is also

protected by copyright so somebody just can't take your whole entire YouTube

video and play it on their television network and make money off that without

your permission. KYLE: Hopefully that makes a little bit more

sense to you. I know it definitely clarified some things for me. And now to

celebrate let's listen to some Super Trouper! What do you mean I can't!? Thank you

so much for watching. My name is Kyle. I upload videos every Monday and Thursday.

You can like, comment, and subscribe but the best way to support

me – for as low as $1 per month – is over on my Patreon page. So not even Waterloo? You

hate good music non-existent person.

For more infomation >> Trying to Understand Copyright in Canada - Duration: 4:34.


Academy of Art University - F...

For more infomation >> Academy of Art University - F...


Retorno de Investimento - Sylvia de Morais - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Retorno de Investimento - Sylvia de Morais - Duration: 3:32.


Moça da plateia chama Flor de velha e bate boca com a apresentadora no Jogo - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Moça da plateia chama Flor de velha e bate boca com a apresentadora no Jogo - Duration: 2:54.


Cranberries star Dolores O'Riordan dies in London aged 46 | news 24h - Duration: 5:41.

'Shocked at the loss of an incredible talent and a lovely soul': Tributes paid to Cranberries lead singer Dolores O'Riordan after she is found dead in London's Hilton Park Lane hotel aged 46

The Cranberries singer Dolores ORiordan has died suddenly at a hotel aged 46, her publicist has confirmed. The Irish rock star, who has recently been performing with a band called D. K, was staying in London while recording.

Her publicist did not comment on how she died, other than it say it was sudden and that her family are devastated.

Met Police told MailOnline that ORiordan was found in a room of the Hilton London in Park Lane at 905am, and that the death was being treated as unexplained.

Ronan Keating was among dozens of celebrities to express their sadness at the news, as he told of his shock at the loss of an incredible talent and a lovely soul.

Miss O'Riordan had three children with ex-husband Don Burton, a former tour manager for Duran Duran to whom she was married for 21 years. Their son Taylor, 20, and daughters Molly, 16, and Dakota, 12, live with their father in Canada.

This was the rockstars last tweet, posted on January 4 and stating she was heading to Ireland.

  The Irish rock star (pictured left in 2012), who has recently been performing with a band called D. K, was staying in London while recording. The star, pictured with her bandmates in 1999, recently told of trouble times she went through.

  ORiordan and her daughter Molly in 2008. She has two other children; a son named Taylor and another daughter called Dakota, as well as a step-son named Donnie.

Met Police told MailOnline that ORiordan was found in a room of the Hilton London in Park Lane (pictured) at 905am, and that the death was being treated as unexplained.

The other members of The Cranberries expressed their devastation at the death of their friend and bandmate in a Twitter post.

A statement from her publicist said: Irish and international singer Dolores ORiordan has died suddenly in London today. She was 46 years old.

The lead singer with the Irish band The Cranberries was in London for a short recording session. No further details are available at this time.

Family members are devastated to hear the breaking news and have requested privacy at this very difficult time.

ORiordan, who was born in Limerick, last posted a picture of herself with her cat on Twitter on January 4 with the caption: Bye bye Gio. Were off to Ireland..

In a tweet, the other band members wrote: We are devastated on the passing of our friend Dolores. She was an extraordinary talent and we feel very privileged to have been part of her life from 1989 when we started the Cranberries.

The world has lost a true artist today. Noel, Mike and Fergal. . A Met Police spokesperson said: Police in Westminster are dealing with a sudden death.

Officers were called at 905am on Monday to a Hotel in Park Lane. A woman in her mid 40s was pronounced dead at the scene. At this early stage the death is being treated as unexplained.

Her band had recently played in South America, and she tweeted pictures of fans in Lima, Peru in December.

She seemed happy and well: Stars pay tribute to singer Dolores ORiordan after she dies unexpectedly  James Corden and Duran Duran are among the stars to pay tribute to The Cranberries singer Dolores ORiordan.  Comedian and TV star Corden said he met the singer when he was 15.

She was kind and lovely, he wrote on Twitter. I got her autograph on my train ticket and it made my day.

She had the most amazing voice and presence. So sorry to hear that shes passed away today x. Duran Duran said they were crushed to hear the news.

Our thoughts go out to her family at this terrible time, they added. Dave Davies of The Kinks shared a picture of himself with ORiordan.

He said: Im really shocked that #DoloresORiordan has passed so suddenly - I was talking to her a couple weeks before Christmas she seemed happy and well - we even spoke about maybe writing some songs together - unbelievable God bless her. US singer Josh Groban tweeted: Nooooo!! Have always adored her songs and voice.      Stars including Beverley Knight, Ronan Keating and Brian McFadden expressed their sadness at the sudden death  .

The parish priest from her home town has confirmed her funeral will take place in Ireland, where she will be buried.

Father James Walton, parish priest at Ballybricken & Bohermore Parish, said: I only found out this afternoon. Her family is very devastated and upset.

The suddenness of her death has been a shock. I met Dolores two or three times when she was home visiting family. She was a lovely lady. Her family are still waiting for more details to come from London about her death.

The plan is for her to be buried here at home. When that will be will depend on when her body is released..

A spokeswoman for London Hilton, on Park Lane, said: It is with deep regret that we can confirm a guest sadly passed away at the hotel on Monday 15th January. We offer our sincere condolences to their family at this difficult time.

Team members acted swiftly to alert the Metropolitan Police and we are cooperating fully with their investigation. All further enquiries should be directed to the police. .

Last year she revealed that she had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2015, having battled with depression during much of her career.

She told Metro: There are two ends of the spectrum — you can get extremely depressed and dark and lose interest in the things you love to do, then you can get super manic.

Dolores ORiordan from the The Cranberries joining Italian singer Zucchero onstage during a benefit show in 2004.

I was at the hypomanic side of the spectrum on and off for a long period but generally you can only last at that end for around three months before you hit rock bottom and go down into depression.

When youre manic you dont sleep and get very paranoid. So Im dealing with it with medication.. The Cranberries last released an album in early 2017, but a US and European tour was cancelled in July due to health reasons concerning ORiordan.

In a statement, the band explained that she was suffering from an ongoing back problem and that doctors had advised her to pull out of all her upcoming gigs.

On December 20 ORiordan tweeted from the bands official account, writing: Hi All, Dolores here. A spokeswoman for London Hilton confirmed the singer was found in one of its rooms and extended its condolences to her family and friends.

I did my first bit of gigging in months at the weekend, performed a few songs at the Billboard annual staff holiday party in New York with the house band. Really enjoyed it! Happy Christmas to all our fans!! Xo.

ORiordan split from her husband of 20 years, the former tour manager of Duran Duran, Don Burton, in 2014.

In February 2016 ORiordan said she would use music, dancing and performing to improve her mental health after avoiding a criminal conviction for assault at an airport.

She was ordered to pay €6,000 to charity for headbutting, kicking, hitting and spitting on police officers following an alleged air rage incident.

The singer had previously admitted three assaults and obstructing a police officer after being taken off an Aer Lingus flight from New Yorks JFK to Ireland on November 10, 2014.

For more infomation >> Cranberries star Dolores O'Riordan dies in London aged 46 | news 24h - Duration: 5:41.


Após rumores, Cauã Reymond e Mariana Goldfarb terminam namoro - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Após rumores, Cauã Reymond e Mariana Goldfarb terminam namoro - Duration: 3:01.


Mil Hojas de Papas, mil suscriptores! | Ideas & Sabores - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Mil Hojas de Papas, mil suscriptores! | Ideas & Sabores - Duration: 4:12.


Ewangeliarz OP | 16 stycznia 2018 | (Mk 2, 23-28) - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP | 16 stycznia 2018 | (Mk 2, 23-28) - Duration: 1:58.


Un mensaje para mis seguidores.. *LOS AMO* - Duration: 8:13.

For more infomation >> Un mensaje para mis seguidores.. *LOS AMO* - Duration: 8:13.


M jak miłość, odcinek 1342: Julka rzuci pracę - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> M jak miłość, odcinek 1342: Julka rzuci pracę - Duration: 2:11.


Torvi Rodrigues - O Esqueleto de um Mar de Misérias (4x4 Vol 1) - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Torvi Rodrigues - O Esqueleto de um Mar de Misérias (4x4 Vol 1) - Duration: 1:15.


Oportunity! Leave your ID here | Express Video | World X - Duration: 0:18.

Hi!, I hope you're fine...

Leave your ID

And I will complete the level, upload it, give a "Like" and give "Rate"

Do it now!

And I'm going to make video of it :D

For more infomation >> Oportunity! Leave your ID here | Express Video | World X - Duration: 0:18.


Sequence 01 - Duration: 5:05.

If, like me, you do not believe that the entire cryptocurrency market is a speculative bubble,

scam or financial pyramid, I invite you to watch.

More and more people have recently heard about cryptocurrencies.

This is how bitcoin was created, what is blockchain or mining

you can easily find and read on the internet,

that's why I will save time and say something that is harder to find on the net

- that is how to start playing and earn money, but everything in turn.

There are dozens of exchanges in the network that offer their services.

However, as users from Poland, if we want to buy cryptocurrencies for PLN, we also need to connect to intermediaries, ie Polish stock exchanges

For my part, I recommend two exchanges:

Bitbay and Bitmarket24. Personally, I used the other side

however, Bitbay is more recognizable due to the possibility of buying more types of cryptocurrency.

Accordingly, it is 7 and 4

really nothing at all, because there are already 1384 different cryptocurrencies,

and at the moment of watching this video, there are probably over 1,400 of them.

The real boom, however, began with the beginning of January this year.

Two major stock exchanges - Bittrex and Binance

they blocked the registration of new users, however, it is only a matter of time when the problem will be solved.

So to the point. Creating an account is very simple

as on every page where we have our own account.

This can be done by a 3-year-old child, but I do not mention the creation of an account.

If the account is activated, immediately go to the settings and set the 2FA security, ie double verification.

Earlier, you need to download the Google Authenticator app on your phone.

Using it, we scan the QR code, which will appear at the 2FA setting.

Now, each time you log in, in addition to entering your email and password, you must also enter a 6-digit code that changes every 30 seconds.

Now you can feel more secure, and hacking our account and stealing funds will be greatly reduced, in other words you can be calm.

As I have already mentioned, we have many exchanges. However, let's talk about the most reliable ones.

It's best to create an account for 4, in order to have access to almost all available coins, but you have to have enough resources at that time

about 1 btc, or more than 50 thousand zlotys, and after the quarters of btc, send to these exchanges.

To the point. Bittrex - the most reliable stock exchange on which we can buy up to 198 most recognizable coins.

The second in order is Binance - the main Chinese stock exchange.

Also many valuable currencies, many of them are not on Bittrex, hence the best way to divide funds into these two exchanges.

The only downside is that we need to scan your passport to activate your account.

No. 3 is Cryptopia. Full of criticisms, mainly small, often called shitcoins,

you need to be careful not to lose money.

. On the other hand, on this stock exchange you can experience the largest increases even after several hundred% within a day.

So-called golden arrows

It is no coincidence that one day at the crypto is like a year on a real stock exchange.

The fourth, relatively new stock exchange is Kucoin.

We will find new currency on it that has just finished the ICO period. What is the ICO about this in a moment.

Now some information about commissions

Due to the fact that everything is decentralized, the owner of the exchange could sign up at any moment with the entire hajs,

but only a real business Janusz would do it, because no one kills a hen that lays the golden eggs

and these eggs are commissions for transfers and for buying currencies.

While the fees for buying currencies are unnoticeable to us, because it is difficult to accurately calculate them due to the ever-changing value of bitcoin,

Well, unless we operate in a different currency, but it's mainly bitcoin is a determinant

about 80 zlotys for a transfer from one exchange to the other, I seem to be simply stealing.

However, if that does not discourage you now, what the ICO is.

Abbreviation of Initial Coin Offering.

This is the action of start-ups aimed at raising capital by distributing some of the funds to people who have decided to support it.

So they are simply currencies that will enter the market in the future, and their initial price depends on the capital raised.

It is in them that there is the greatest potential and the possibility of earning the fastest, but there are BUT.

You can often find scams. So how do you know which ICO is reliable?

And here I go back to the beginning of the video. So where to get info on what to play.

Twitter. Mine of information.

If you are a beginner player and you are beyond the technical analysis of the chart, and the fundamental analysis also does not show much,

it is necessary to know who to watch and then to learn whether it is worth entering the currency at a given moment.

For my part, I recommend observing the people whom he observes himself,

because they are people watched by 2 friends who had previously started to play and have already earned a little penny starting this way.

My nickname on the screen.

In addition, advice:

do not buy on the hills. Never ever.

Only with very big luck will you earn or not lose.

Next, which may seem ridiculous - accept profits.

FOMO is only when you did not get into some coin, and not that we got out too early, and he then went up.

Therefore, accept profits.

Another thing - minimize losses. Set (preferably at a loss of 10%) so-called Stoploss, not to be too losing.

This is just a small piece of knowledge about cryptocurrencies, if my video is a bit interested in you, search for more information. Unfortunately, you will not learn Polish at TT, even among Polish traders.

But it is not so difficult to understand what to buy.

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