My mic was muted so the whole time I basicaly was just being noob. But then I go a bit serious. And ye
MUPPET BABIES RETURNING 2018 - Duration: 6:05.-------------------------------------------
Cùng Xem Lại Hành Trình Đến Trận Chung Kết Của U23 Việt Nam - Duration: 2:00.-------------------------------------------
NC: 디즈니셈버 - "스타워즈: 에피소드 5 - 제국의 역습" 리뷰 - Duration: 5:23.-------------------------------------------
[ HOT] Trận chung kết U23 Việt Nam - U23 Uzbekistan có thể bị hoãn do biết rơi dày | NVH - Duration: 2:05.-------------------------------------------
BÀI HÁT SỐ 1|| TIẾN LÊN U23 VIỆT NAM ! TOÀN THỂ DÂN TỘC VIỆT NAM ĐANG Ở BÊN CHIẾN ĐẤU CÙNG CÁC BẠN | - Duration: 14:17.-------------------------------------------
NAMHANHTRANG - LẬP ĐÀN CẦU KHẨN U23 VIỆT NAM VÔ ĐỊCH CHÂU Á - Duration: 1:24.-------------------------------------------
한국-우즈벡 등 AFC U-23 챔피언십 4강 대진 확정 - Duration: 2:56.-------------------------------------------
[u23 박항서 베트남 결승 진출] 2018 AFC U-23 챔피언십 결승전 '베트남 우즈베크', 중계, 경기 시간 - Duration: 5:19.-------------------------------------------
[u23 박항서 베트남 결승 진출] 2018 AFC U-23 챔피언십 결승전 '베트남 우즈베크', 중계, 경기 시간 - Duration: 5:09.-------------------------------------------
Trước giờ bóng lăn | Hải Phòng trước trận Chung Kết lịch sử của U23 Việt Nam | Nhạc chế - Duy Hưng - Duration: 3:28.-------------------------------------------
박항서 감독 통역이 전하는 '박항서 매직' - Duration: 5:37.-------------------------------------------
Get Cute-------------------------------------------
Satanic Temple of Arizona adopts a portion of the I-10 near Casa Grande - Duration: 1:27.And for drivers along the I-10 near Casa Grande, that's exactly what they're
going to see because the Satanic Temple of Arizona has now adopted a two-mile
stretch of roadway that they will clean and maintain over the next year. "I just
want to clean up a highway. Please give me a highway to clean up. And they said
fine." America Curl, a member of the Satanic Temple, reached out to the
Department of Transportation last summer. She says the process of adopting the
road was easy. She filled out an online form and paid a small fee. "And you put
what you want on the sign so we wrote The Satanic Temple of Arizona and then you
submit it to DOT and they get back to you really quickly." Curl understands
there is a stigma surrounding the temple especially after their attempts to read
the invocation at Phoenix City Council meetings were denied. "I was a little
hesitant because I understand you know people here and women worried that we're
going to do something crazy, you're going to try and turn this into something
political." But she wants to make it clear this is about giving back to the
community while keeping Arizona beautiful for everyone. "I really like
that this project means enough to our members that we want to expand it so
that people can get out there and work to show people that, you know,
keeping this state beautiful is important to them."
Ray Conniff - Mandy (HD) (CC) - Duration: 3:08.-------------------------------------------
HOW TO MEET CNCO!! WORKS 100% I SWEAR!!! (subtítulos en español) - Duration: 9:16.-------------------------------------------
I FORGIVE Logan Paul - Duration: 1:21.forhive him pls
미국 '남북대화 지지,기대' vs '양보나 시간벌기 우려' - Duration: 4:10.-------------------------------------------
RANDOM TEAMING IN GOTA!!!! INSANE CLIPS! ULTIMATE PUSH - Duration: 9:04.My mic was muted so the whole time I basicaly was just being noob. But then I go a bit serious. And ye
Ethiopian news today | በቆቦ ከተማ መከላከያ ህዝቡን በመምታት ላይ ነው - Duration: 13:51.በቆቦ ከተማ በዛሬው ዕለት ወጣቶች ከየቤታቸው ታፍሰዋል ወጣቱን በከፋ ሁኔታ አጋዚዋች ይደበድቡታል ሱቆች፣ ትምህርት ቤቶች፣ መንገዶች ተዘግተዋል ከተማው የተረጋጋ ቢመስልም በርካታ ሰራዊት በከተማው ይገኛል መከላከያ ህዝቡን በመምታት ላይ ነው
BAD KARMA | meme redo | Mike total drama (read desc) - Duration: 1:14.Don't keep on wanting
People have loads
And they're never happy.
PVC Pipe Rag - Duration: 2:54.-------------------------------------------
(Micro YTP) VSauce Michael Goes Into a Mental Breakdown of Splicing - Duration: 0:06.Hey! Michael VSauce here.
And whaddya say.. .ereh attuo teg eW
Beef Flu
강추위에도 국내 첫 애플스토어에 쏠린 관심 - Duration: 1:35.-------------------------------------------
BÀI HÁT SỐ 1|| TIẾN LÊN U23 VIỆT NAM ! TOÀN THỂ DÂN TỘC VIỆT NAM ĐANG Ở BÊN CHIẾN ĐẤU CÙNG CÁC BẠN | - Duration: 14:17.-------------------------------------------
MUPPET BABIES RETURNING 2018 - Duration: 6:05.-------------------------------------------
Priscilla Abby 蔡恩雨 - Burn & Alan Walker - Faded - (YJ's COVER ) - Duration: 2:29.Opps
En iyi Al-Sat Taktikleri ve En sağlam Trade kazancı - Duration: 15:25.
Mayan eruption in the Philippines. Activity of the volcano Mayon. What happened in the world. - Duration: 2:46.As of January 25, the National
Philippine Coordination Council and combating the consequences
natural disasters, more 75 thousand people were evacuated
in connection with the ongoing the Mayon volcanic eruption.
The eruption that began January 13, now in the active
phase: fountains of lava reach 500 meters in height, its streams
spread over a distance about five kilometers from
The volcano also erupts Ashes and hot volcanic
gases that threaten all living things at a distance
up to 5 kilometers.
In the disaster area is located 10 settlements in
province of Albay.
Because of the eruption were canceled 11 international and 50 internal
Let's remind, that the Mayon volcano - the most active of Filipino
Thus, in 1814, a layer of volcanic mud was completely covered
the city of Kagzawa.
Then more than 1200 died
한국 축구 히딩크 감독을 벤치 마킹한 박항서에 배우라 - Duration: 4:20.-------------------------------------------
7 rimedi naturali per eliminare l'alito cattivo - Duration: 10:11.-------------------------------------------
Graphic Designer | Fluffy Pet Comfortably Settled To Sleep - Duration: 32:04.A Young Woman Petting Funny Bulldog at Xmas Eve (Stock Footage)
Agama Lizard Eating Zophobas Worm (Stock Footage)
Armadillo - Standing Loop - Left Side Angle
Bengal Cat Portrait - Pedigree Cat (Stock Footage)
Bulldog On The Street (Stock Footage)
Bulldog Walking On The Street 02 (Stock Footage)
Bunny Wiggles his Nose (Stock Footage)
Cartoon Sleepy Cats
Cat - 08 - Moving In & Out Of Screen (Stock Footage)
Cat Lying On A White Background (Stock Footage)
Cat Walk Cycle Pack
Cool Dog (Stock Footage)
Curly Woman and Cute Funny Dog (Stock Footage)
Cute Cat on Blue Sky Background (Stock Footage)
Cute Dog (Stock Footage)
Cute Dog Between Flowers (Stock Footage)
Cute Dog with Smart Eyes (Stock Footage)
Cute Ginger Cat Licking Itself on a Beige Couch. Fluffy Pet Comfortably Settled To Sleep. Cozy Home (Stock Footage)
Cute Ginger Cat Lies in Bed, Man Scratches It's Neck Funny Pet with Pleased Emotion on Face (Stock Footage)
Cute Ginger Cat Lying in Bed Under a Blanket (Stock Footage)
Cute Ginger Cat Lying in Bed Under a Blanket. Fluffy Pet Comfortably Settled To Sleep (Stock Footage)
Cute Kittens Playing (Stock Footage)
Cute Puppy Playing in Green Grass (Stock Footage)
Cute Puppy Resting Outdoors (Stock Footage)
Dog in Grass (Stock Footage)
Dog Princess (Stock Footage)
Dog Snout At Sunset By The Sea (Stock Footage)
Fluffy Rabbit Sits in Snow in Winter (Stock Footage)
Funny Cat in a Sack (Stock Footage)
Funny Cat Playing with Little Toy Bunny (Stock Footage)
Funny Cute Dog on the Meadow (Stock Footage)
Funny Dog Hunting (Stock Footage)
Funny Dog on the Grass (Stock Footage)
Funny Dog Playing (Stock Footage)
Funny Dog Playing In Sand On Beach With Her Owner (Stock Footage)
Funny Dog Sleeps on the Back (Stock Footage)
Funny Gopher Gnaws Branch (Stock Footage)
Funny Horse 2 Logo Reveal
Funny Horse Opener
Funny Hungry Dog (Stock Footage)
Funny Monkey at the Zoo (Stock Footage)
Funny Small Cat At Home (Stock Footage)
Human Hand Touching Dolphin In Pool (Stock Footage)
King In His Place (Stock Footage)
Kittens Playing (Stock Footage)
Lizard Agama Running Over Sand (Stock Footage)
Party Dog (Stock Footage)
Pet (Stock Footage)
Pet Guinea Pig on a Neutral Background (Stock Footage)
Playful Cat and Dog Fight (Stock Footage)
Rabbit Digs Burrow in Snow (Stock Footage)
Rabbit Hiding in Forest Grass (Stock Footage)
Sad Dog Lying on Pillow (Stock Footage)
Several Kittens Playing In a Box (Stock Footage)
Sleepy Cat (Stock Footage)
Tired Cat on Grass (Stock Footage)
Two Calf (Stock Footage)
Trendy Dog (Stock Footage)
Veterinarian Inspecting Scared Dog - Care For Pets (Stock Footage)
White Rabbit Eats Grass 01 (Stock Footage)
Woman Washing Dog in the Sea (Stock Footage)
Young Girl Petting Bottlenose Dolphin (Stock Footage)
Young Girl Petting Dolphin (Stock Footage)
Young Tired Woman With Dog Sleep In Bedroom On (Stock Footage)
Young Woman and Funny Dog (Stock Footage)
세종병원 의료진·직원 부상 8명 추가사상자 188명으로 - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
LEGO® Ninjago® Season 8 ...-------------------------------------------
Logan - HD - Legendado - 2017 - Duration: 2:17:24.-------------------------------------------
Poten Seccs Fórmula Exclusiva →【Leve Sua Parceira Nas Alturas】Poten Seccs - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
THE BEST - EXERCISE - FOR WOMEN OVER 50! - fabulous50s - Duration: I'd love to talk to you about the number one exercise I think every woman
in their 50s should be doing if it's the only exercise you do this is it and if
it's if you're someone who does lots of exercise add this to it hi I'm Schellea
this is fabulous 50s a lifestyle channel that celebrates women in their 50s so if
you have joined me here to learn about this exercise I found out about this
when I went to a lifestyle retreat and we got taught that doing a Chinese squat
is one of the most beneficial things for our health for any age group
particularly people who are getting older because when you don't activate
all your muscles in your legs that leads to muscle loss sitting accelerates
muscle loss and muscle loss equals aging and you can imagine old people when
they're kind of bent over and that they're walking slowly it's because
everything's kind of gone soft and lost its effectiveness to keep the body
upright and and also another thing about sitting sittings not the best thing for
us and we tend to sit all day and sitting loosens our gluts and it doesn't
engage anything so you're not engaging your core or your legs or your gluts or
anything so sitting is really bad but we all do it all day so this is something
that you can do at home and if you just do it every day building up slowly and
slowly - you can do it for a bit longer you're going to notice a benefit in your
strength and your vitality and I'll tell you why but first of all I'll show you
what to do so you just go from a standing position and you come down to
squatting and this is called a Chinese squat and it's called that because in
Asia this is how people communicate they eat they talk they they cook they do
everything like this naturally and soda babies you
notice a young child a toddler this is how they sit this is how they do things
so it's it's the way the body was designed yet we don't do it so our
bodies don't perform as well as they could for as long as they could just
another thing you try and keep your back as straight as you can and hold your
core in and your feet flat on the ground not not like this you have them flat on
the ground as you can now this may be difficult to do for a long time so 10
seconds you're doing great and you just keep practicing getting a little bit
longer at each time until it's something that you can do very easily but it's
quite important for us to do as women in our 50s because we've got to work on
becoming someone who can live into the next 50 years with lots of health and
vitality the Chinese squat actually helps loosen the back and align the
spine and lengthen the hip flexors which are here and when they get short that's
when we get really stiff and everything's very hard to do so it also
is great for improving your digestion because of the way that we're sitting
like this it helps everything move through the body and our bowel function
is a lot better your knees get strong all the parts of your legs get strong
and your core becomes strong so that's kind of good for us but the thing that I
found out about that I didn't know when I learned about this is that women who
are going through menopause so from you know early 40s mid 40s - way into their
50s what happens is we go through these hormonal changes that
actually make us think and remember and feel the pain and the hurt inside our
body that has gone on in the past and I guess our job in menopause is to realign
ourselves and move through what our hurts and our pains and move into a new
phase of life I've I've been reading dr. Christiane Northrup who's these books
are great I've got another one here really fantastic reading actually for
everybody but she talks about how we as women hold a lot of our pain here in
this area and that's why we can have many many problems particularly with
painful periods and menopause and all sorts of things that originate in that
area and we have to release that pain so that we can move forward so all of the
wisdom that we've gained in our life is we've got to keep growing and growing
and learning and releasing all of the crap all of the bad stuff that's
happened and interestingly this is where we store it and doing this exercise is
going to be strengthening for us and and kind of liberating for us so yeah every
day if you can do this for 10 seconds 15 seconds you know 45 seconds into a
minute five minutes just have a little practice of doing it and start releasing
some of that stuff that we're hanging on to and help bring some some great bone
strength and building muscle into your body because our legs and all of this
area supports everything else so if they're strong we can be strong and
vital so if you can't get down here use a ball like this and this gives you a
similar kind of position for your body to be in but it
doesn't give you the the strength that you're going to get from doing the squat
but it will help you get your body down low because some sometimes if you
haven't been used to exercising it might be difficult for you to get to here and
go down a little bit further and you might need some help even to help you
lean on something while you're you're going down here but don't don't stress
at all about being able to do this practice and do it at your own pace
just be really excited and proud of yourself that you've done something that
you couldn't do before and a small amount of time means it's going to be a
longer amount of time when you keep practicing it I think that's all I've
got for you today I'm sorry I look so scruffy but I've just come from the gym
and I wanted to share that with you so thank you for watching please subscribe
and give the thumbs up if you liked the video and have a great day
After Democrats Blame POTUS For Shutdown, Trump Unleashes Schumer's WORST Nightmare- BreakingNews24 - Duration: 23:48.After Democrats Blame POTUS For Shutdown, Trump Unleashes Schumer's WORST Nightmare
At midnight on Friday, the government was sent into a temporary shutdown after the Senate
failed to approve a short-term spending bill.
Democrats have blamed President Donald Trump for the shutdown, saying he has refused to
bargain with them.
However, no sooner had the left begun hurling their baseless accusations at POTUS, Eric
Trump came forward to unleash Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer's absolute worst nightmare.
President Donald Trump (left), Sen. Chuck Schumer (center), Eric Trump (right) (Photo
Credit: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg/Getty Images, Alex Wong/Getty Images News/Getty Images,
Screen Capture) Republican senators needed 60 votes on Friday
to move forward with a bill that would have funded the government for 30 days, but they
came up short.
Of course, the Democrats have remained adamant that the resulting shutdown is the fault of
the Republicans who refused to bargain with them on the issue of illegal immigration.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer blamed President Trump outright, saying, "He's
turned blowing up bipartisan agreements into an art form."
Schumer added, "Negotiating with President Trump is like negotiating with Jell-O."
Senate Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) speaks during a news conference on
January 20, 2018, on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., after the government was shut down when
the Senate failed to pass a resolution to temporarily fund the government through February
(Photo Credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images News/Getty Images)
Of course, this is far from the truth.
The Democrats are the ones who chose illegal immigrants over the American citizens they
are supposed to represent.
The Democrats have opted for a government shutdown, rather than a compromise, in order
to further their own agenda.
In reality, the Democrats chose politics over Americans.
During the hours leading up to the government shutdown, President Donald Trump invited Senate
Minority Leader Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., to the White House to negotiate the outline of
a deal, which both sides believed was in reach.
After several more conversations during the day, the deal fell apart and the Senate failed
to pass a measure to keep the government funded.
"During the meeting, in exchange for strong [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] protections,
I reluctantly put the border wall on the table for the discussion," Schumer said from the
Senate floor.
"Even that was not enough to entice the president to finish the deal."
[Source: ABC News]
One person who has heard enough of the nonsense coming from the left is the president's
son, Eric Trump, who called into Judge Jeanine Pirro's show on Fox News on Saturday to
weigh in on the government shutdown.
"People see through it," Eric said.
"I mean, people have seen a year that's incredible.
It's been filled with nothing but the best for our country, 'America First' policies,
and they're happy with where we are as a nation," he added.
"I mean, my father has had incredible momentum," he went on.
"He has gotten more done in one year than arguably any president in history.
How do they divert from that message?
How do they save their own party when they don't have any leadership, they don't
have any good candidates out there, they don't have a message of their own?
How do they do that?
They obstruct, they distract, they try and place blame."
Indeed, the Democratic Party is imploding because they have no leadership, no potential,
and no message.
They have seemingly made it their sole purpose to obstruct President Donald Trump, and that
is not a purpose at all.
The Democrats have proven one thing above all else with this senseless government shutdown;
namely, that their party is a total joke.
They ought to just start preparing themselves now for another staggering loss not only in
2020 but in this year's midterms as well because with each one of these bone-headed
political stunts, their chances of winning back the White House or even a congressional
seat become slimmer
and slimmer.
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