Hi my name is Sylvia Brown and I would like to share some information about
accessibility. It is my responsibility as an educator that I comply with section
504 and 508 to ensure equal access to all my learners.
パーフェクトタイミングな犬たち。「こんなん出ました~」的な?【癒される】 - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
OUTBREAK HAKKINDA HERŞEY - Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 17:18.-------------------------------------------
EJ Carter is Up Next-------------------------------------------
TORTINO AL CIOCCOLATO CON CUORE MORBIDO - Duration: 4:32.-------------------------------------------
Sindrome di Asperger: sintomi e diagnosi - Duration: 4:07.-------------------------------------------
POMPIERI Cartoni animati italiano. Pompieri per bambini. Camion dei POMPIERI. Sam POMPIERI italiano. - Duration: 6:37.-------------------------------------------
Hidden Cove of Campulongu in Villasimius ~ 31 December 2017 | Travel in Sardinia - Duration: 1:03.Hidden Cove of Campulongu in Villasimius ~ 31 December 2017 | Travel in Sardinia
Siamo fatti della stessa materia di cui son fatti i sogni - (HD) (English subtitle) - Duration: 2:03.We are such stuff as dream are made on...
This song by Grieg , celebrates the sunrise.
It could also evoke awakening from a dream
...a very sweet awakening and slow
...then the music grows
becouse , slowly the rays of sun warm the earth...
...but it is perahaps not yet a dream?
But what the dream are?
...and if it were a dream, what we now see is reality?
there is no security yet it is not
while i dreamed, and until we wake up
everithing we see in the dream has for us
the same reality as when we are awake
people, things, thoughts
the emotions we live in the dream
they appear real until when we wake up we realize that
everything that happened in the dream
everything we've met
lived, experienced
in reality, perhaps, it does not exist
made of that matter that we could define
oneiric subject
or using the words of Shakespeare
as dream are made on.
La verità di Loredana Lecciso su Albano e Romina Power: l'annuncio della D'Urso - Duration: 3:55.-------------------------------------------
[심심할땐 토상놀14] 처음으로 공개했던 6살,7살 나린이와 다린이의 어린이집 등원 아침 일상! 지금보니 왜이렇게 어려보이죠?ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 10:00.-------------------------------------------
Eating on a fire: tasty mashed potatoes and sausages in a frying pan - Duration: 3:58.Well, what do you say to the audience?
[♪ music ♪]
I got such food.
Today it is very difficult to make a video.
Bonfire all the time goes out.
Snow is falling.
It's getting dark.
The dishes do not want to stand exactly at the stake.
Therefore, cooking is extreme.
The camcorder falls asleep with snow.
I always wipe it off.
So that nothing will happen to her.
And this all distracts me.
Hardly I can prepare well today.
But I'll try anyway.
I'll cook something.
[the noise of oil in the frying pan and the crackling of the fire]
I have one more event.
There was the first order of the announcement on the hut.
Now on my hut there is such an announcement.
He ordered him to put "Mario".
"Mario" is known to many.
The announcement reads as follows:
"Hello to the Novel to the Free! Welcome back!"
[imitation of the solemn sound]
So the place on the hut is very promising!
As always, a dog is with me.
She is with me all the time.
As soon as I leave the house, she immediately follows me.
Hey, dog!
Well, what do you say to the audience?
Yes, there's nothing to tell you.
Well, what's with our sweets (sausages)?
I have already turned them over once.
They are remarkably fried.
[Oil frying in a frying pan]
The potato boils strongly.
It will mash.
A fox. :-) Walking, sniffing.
He wants to eat something.
Not yet ready, dog.
Now -10 degrees Celsius. And the batteries are quickly discharged.
I had to change the battery during shooting.
We add a piece of butter to the cauldron.
Big enough.
And add sour cream. How I love.
Dog! Back off!
Still there is a cooking!
Do not bother to shoot the video. Back off.
We poured sour cream.
And all this is actively pushing.
Portion for the dog.
Now I'll try, hot or not.
Fine. Now I'll give the dog.
And I'll prepare the mashed potatoes for the video shootings.
I got such food.
It turned out well.
And two fried sausages.
From pork and onions.
Here. "
Sausages I will not try. I already ate yesterday. Delicious!
In general... But, no, I'll take a bite off a piece.
Now I'll take it all home.
I'll eat there.
Bon Appetit everyone.
[sound of pleasure from eating]
With you was Tatiana Gordeeva.
Until next time!
[Oil frying in a frying pan]
Il nuovo progetto a tasso fisso a Marbella - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
Jeremiah 11 and Channel Update - Duration: 20:45.hello ladies and gentlemen my name is Justin Breithaupt my intention today is
to read you Jeremiah 11 and talk a little bit about repentance and one of
the things that led me to this is I felt like you know I was being compelled by
God to read this scripture think I still have the right to read from Scripture
okay so I'm gonna I'm gonna try to do that today hopefully there won't be
sirens and handcuffs or anything for doing that but we're going to talk about
that repentance um another thing before I get started I'd like to give a
huge thank you to my viewers because um, their, one of my viewers decided that I
needed to go to law school and so you know again I don't like to invest my
time personally I don't really enjoy investing my time in people's cases and
legal matters because I keep seeing injustice everywhere I look and I find
it disgusting and appalling and I've seen enough of it
how's that I've seen enough of it to where I don't want to see it anymore
because it doesn't appear that there's anything that can be done about it
within the existing justice system okay and if it could be it would have been if
it could be fixed it would have been fixed by now I'll put it that way
but anyway so big thank you for that and then click quick the the law class that
I'm taking is called jurisdiction Airy how to win in court it costs two hundred
and fifty dollars to go through it it's recommended by Bill Thornton on his
website as a prerequisite to learning common law and I'm not trying to do an
advertisement here but I just want to tell you about it it what it does is it
explains things from a lawyer's point of view from a the lawsuit point of view
which is not you know common law and it explains why lawyers have a hard time
dealing with common law because they're just
not geared for it they're not wired for it just like just like Bill Thornton
says you know he explains that that if you are a lawyer it's very hard to
unlearn the lawyer stuff and learn the law or in common law but in any case
it's a very I just I'm not through it yet I'm nope I'm halfway through yet but
it's very educational informative lets you know about a lot of tools that are
there and how to use them you know I'm built for it doesn't explain this stuff
the other thing is if you complete the course you actually get a degree which
is kind of cool so and then the link in the description
not gonna lie to you is an affiliate link so if you click it I'm supposed to
earn some money which will help but again not an advertiser I'm just telling
you what's going on I'm thankful for it but it also means I need your prayer and
your support because it also means the difficulty as well because I've got a
lot of things coming up on my youtube channel that are supposed to be
happening I've got business taxes for state of Washington to do by the end of
the month here in January I've got lots of blog posts to make and I've got to go
through these law classes and several people have asked me to look over their
court cases too so I've got a lot of stuff going on all at once and it's just
hard for me to find time to do everything okay so I also have sponsors
looking at sponsoring an upcoming video series on my channel and when I complete
the law school I plan on doing a video series telling everybody what I learned
from the law school to because that that seems to be the most popular thing on my
channel is legal stuff but I want people to migrate over to my legal channel so
this one is just for preaching and unboxing Authority and all that so this
video is kind of a channel update to already four minutes in so all you
started we're in the scripture really quick and yeah I've got a lot of the
things in my life that are going on all at the same time so it's like fingers
here spinning you know lots of plates at once okay so we're going to read
Jeremiah 11 and let the Lord speak this to you how you believe he's speaking it
to you if it applies to you applies to the people whatever okay well let you
figure that out but I'm just going to read the scripture
Jeremiah 11 original King James Version so we'll see if that causes any problems
okay the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord saying here the the words of
this covenant speak unto the men of Judah and to the inhabitants of
Jerusalem and say that one to them thus saith the Lord God of Israel cursed be
the man that a bit not the words of his covenant now what is God's covenant his
covenant he's given us two covenants that over kind of overlap each other so
there's the Old Testament covenant with his laws in his roles okay which you can
find in my free book that's free to download in the description of the
Christian cords crostinis curia okay and then he came and sent himself as a
sacrifice for us and taught us a lot of things in the New Testament as well so
that under the New Covenant we don't have the old temple system anymore and
we don't sacrifice animals to God but everything else still applies so that's
that's what his covenant is and so we read here again and say that one to them
thus saith the Lord God of Israel cursed be the man that will bathe not the words
of his covenant which I commanded your fathers in the day that I brought them
forth out of the land of Egypt from the iron furnace saying obey my voice and do
them according to all which I commanded you so shall ye be my people and I will
be your God that I may perform the oath which I have sworn unto your father's to
give them and a land flowing with milk and honey as it is this day then
answered I and said so be it o Lord then the Lord said unto me proclaim all these
words in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem
saying hear ye the words of this covenant and do them for I earnestly
protested unto your father's in the day that I brought them up out of the land
of Egypt even unto this day rising early and protesting saying obey my voice yet
they obeyed not nor incline their ear but walked everyone in the imagination
of their evil heart therefore I will bring upon them all the words of this
covenant which I commanded them to do but they did them not and the Lord said
unto me a conspiracy is found among the men of Judah and among the inhabitants
of Jerusalem they are turned back to the iniquities of their forefathers which
refused to hear my words and they went after their gods to save them to serve
them sorry the house of Israel and the house of Judah have broken my covenant
which I made with their fathers therefore thus saith the Lord behold I
will bring evil upon them which they shall not be able to escape and though
they shall crying to me I will not hearken unto them then shall the cities
of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem go and cry unto the gods unto whom they
offer incense but they shall not save them at all in the time of their trouble
for according to the number of the eye sees were thy gods o Judah and according
to the number of the streets of Jerusalem have you set up altars to that
shameful thing even altars to burn incense to bail therefore pray not thou
for this people neither lift up a cry or prayer for them for I will not hear them
in the time that they cry unto me for their trouble and that's a hard one
right there because you know I do want to pray for my enemies and I do pray for
them I pray for him all the time the God will turn them around and show them the
truth and that they can avoid punishment you know for themselves and for their
loved ones but it says here not to break form
and I tell you the truth be careful with that because only God can tell you
whether or not you should pray for your enemies and the New Testament ELLs you
too so when they get to the point you're not supposed to pray for him anymore
hopefully God will tell you but until then pray for your enemies
verse 15 what half my beloved to do in mine house seeing she hath wrought
lewdness with many and the Holy flesh is passed from thee when thou doest evil
then down rejoices the Lord called thy name a green olive tree Fair and a
goodly fruit with the noise of a great torment he hath kindled fire upon it and
the branches of it are broken for the Lord of Hosts that planted thee hath
pronounced evil against thee for the evil of the house of Israel and of the
house of Judah which they have done against themselves to provoke me to
anger in offering in incense and to bail and the LORD hath given me knowledge of
it and I know it then thou ShoWest me their doings but I was like a lamb or
an ox that was brought to the slaughter and I knew not that they had devised
devices against me saying let us destroy the tree with the fruit thereof and let
us cut him off from the land of the living that his name may be no more
remembered now I'll pause there think about the people who have had a home and
a family and a job and all these things and all of a sudden unrighteous people
come in and cut them up they they come in and they take everything from them it
says I says but I was like a lamb or an ox that he brought he's brought to the
slaughter and I knew not that they devised devices against me because they
work in secret see and they devised evil plans against
against God's people but O Lord of Hosts that judges righteously that triose the
reins and the heart let me see thy vengeance on them
for unto thee have I revealed my cause and you know one of the things that that
people try to do often in court is try to say that nobody has brought a cause
how many people go before God and say there's no cause your haven't done
anything wrong therefore thus saith the Lord of men of
Anthes that seek thy life saying prophet prophesy not in the name of the Lord
that thou die not by our hand therefore thus saith the Lord of Hosts behold I
will punish them the young man shall die by the sword their sons and their
daughters shall die by famine and there shall be no remnant of them for I will
bring evil upon the men of anetha even the year of their visitation now someone
asks some really good questions tonight we just started a new Bible study at our
church and we've always had one with pastor by now we have a new pastor Lee
whose first name is Jeff and he you can see his sermon hopefully that this will
like publish on the same day and he just did his sermon on repentance and anyways
we're into his final state tonight and somebody has to be questioned they said
how come David killed the husband of Bathsheba and slept with her and got her
pregnant and took her as his wife and God did not kill David Norma moved him
from power over over Israel and the reason is is because David repented he
realized that he'd done something wrong and that what he was trying to cover up
for which is why he had the husband murdered and then the prophet Nathan
came to him and confronted him and he so that the so that the Lord could forgive
him and so he repented and he still faced judgment in life he's his sons it
did some bad things as a result he was on the run from Absalom though there
were lots of things that happen to him because of his decisions and choices but
God did ultimately forgive him and and restore him the pastor today
preached about Nineveh he said that you know the Prophet was angry because
there's this terrible place called intima where they stomped on people
destroyed people conquered them to come over and nobody liked Nineveh not that
not the Israelite people and so when God told Jonah to prophesy to Nineveh he did
not want to see them saved but just one sentence
just just prophesying against them telling them that they were going to be
destroyed and then all of a sudden they decided to repent and turn around and
they were spared now eventually their nation did come under judgment but they
were spared from the judgment at that time because at that time they repented
and turned around and it seems that it's so much easier for for people who are
rebellious against God people their evil to turn around and repent rather than
those who are already pretending to follow God and so that leads to another
thought and that is that life does not seem fair does it because those who
follow God are under a stricter judgment than those who are rebellious against
God the New Testament tells us that where sin is grace yet more abounds and
that's the truth the truth is is that if somebody whether they are regardless of
the amount of income that they have and wealth whether they're at the bottom or
at the top if they live a life of evil never submitting to God or submitting a
young age and choosing your evil or whatever then in their rebellion God
will meet them time and time again and give them options to turn back to God
oftentimes they are so bitter so angry with God that they will not turn back to
God until they have no other choice or until God can open their eyes to realize
that it's the best option for them and and so you know Jesus said that narrow
is is the gate that leads to life and only if you find it and that includes
those who pretend that they're following God or those
try to follow that on their own strength includes a lot of people and so the the
thing is is that we have to be open-minded and open-hearted to God and
his commands the heart is deceptive above all else and so just because
something feels right does not mean it's right and just because your logic can
justify your actions does not mean it's right here we have to continually
measure ourselves against the Word of God to know the truth because there is
no other standard of truth there are standards that try to reflect or mirror
this truth here but the problem with those standards is that they compromise
and they all fall short of God's standard okay so we've got to as a
people we've got to turn around and we've got to follow God and what will
happen for sure only God knows there are two questions to ask will people repent
and will they be spared or will God's judgment come and if God's judgment
comes who will be spared what will it look like these are these are good
questions and I believe that that I have high chances of knowing the answers to
some of these questions but I I'm not going to be like Jonah and I hope you're
not either okay I'm not going to be angry if my
enemies repent and turn to God and do what's right I'm not going to be enemy
all right not gonna be enemy I'm not going to be angry if they're still
sitting in power okay I'm not going to be angry about that I'm going to rejoice
that they turn their lives around I can tell you the truth that there are many
people who would love to see judgment come down upon my enemies and they would
probably be angry with me if I had the opportunity to seek that judgment
and decided to forgive them and give them a chance to change their ways but
such as the heart of God the heart of God is that everyone would be saved that
no one would perish and that everyone would have everlasting life and so
therefore that is my conclusion for this video with Jeremiah 11 please like
comment share and subscribe may Jesus bless you
please click links in the description of the video I consider giving us a
donation on patreon and if you haven't already come to Christ there's a link in
the description for that - it's called peace with God net but if you haven't
given your heart to God if you haven't repented let's just say a prayer for all
those things right now Lord Jesus we thank you for being the one true God for
sending yourself as a sacrifice to this earth for having mercy and grace upon us
and for taking our place on the cross thank you that you you leave us without
excuse thank you that you speak to us throughout our lives through other
people through science through wonders through your creation and that you give
us instruction to turn around and repent and receive your salvation in your mercy
so that we can be your children and the brothers of Christ and Lord for you said
that Christ was the first among many brothers and so lord I just I pray for
those watching for me you'll search our hearts and show us where we have erred
against you and that you will also show us that there is enough grace and mercy
from you to where we no longer need to feel condemned and Lord lead us to pray
together Lord forgive us we are sinners we have sinned against you thank you
that you sent your son to die on the cross for us we surrender our lives to
you and we put our faith in you that you can forgive us and we are forgiven that
we are now your sons and and brothers and sisters and daughters and Lord we
just pray that you'll guide us into a good church
it's to good people and away from people that you don't want us to associate with
Lord and give us the strength and the courage and the boldness and the wisdom
and the knowledge and all that we need to do your will whatever it is that you
have for us to do and let us not fear to do what you asked us to do Lord but let
us embrace it and let us remain obedient and faithful to you and not turn to the
left or to the right from your commands in Jesus name I pray amen all right
【MUKBANG】 Simple Pasta Using Canned Mackerel & Tomato! + Miso Soup! 5.4Kg, About 6500kcal [Use CC] - Duration: 4:52.Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles By ~Aphexx~ )
so today! tadaa using these cans of mackerel and tomato I'll be making pasta
These cans of mackerel are so convenient don't you think
And you can make some very yummy stuff From these cans of mackerel, alrighty let's get making
These are the ingredients
Slice an onion thinly
And cut up this long onion as well
In plenty of hot water add salt And boil our pasta
This is 900 grams
In a pan heat up garlic and olive oil And the onions we sliced up earlier
Once the onion start to wilt Add the cans of tomato
Also add the cans of tuna That have been drained of water
Then crush up the mackerel
Once it has cooked a bit Flavor with a bit of salt and pepper
Sadly the pasta will not fit in the pot So I will combine them in this bowl
Top it off with the remaining sauce
Then top with some onion
tadaa it's done
It's full of so much of the mackerel and looks so yummy
It weighs 4.4 W/O the bowl
I've made some miso soup as well its 1kg worth itadakimasu
The aroma from the mackerel makes my mouth water
This was super EZ to make yet you can really taste the tomatoes and mackerel nicely
its super yummy
The one good thing about making things at home Is that you can make Super huge portions like this to eat
I kind of want to spice things up a bit So I will add this ra-yu chili oil
If I had some Italian chili oil around I'd totally use it but sadly I don't have any
but this Ra-yu will probably be just as yummy
Lately I've been really into spicy foods
It adds that needed spicy kick And also that yummy ra-yu flavor
The noodles are coated in the sauce making them So yummy
I will now add some Parmesan cheese
On looks alone Parmesan cheese and tomatoes seems so yummy together
They do go nicely together The parmesan cheese add that extra depth of flavor
My hands are starting to get cramped From twirling so much Pasta
Last mouthful itadakimasu
All done gochisosamadeshita
The cans of mackerel and tomato We're very yummy
Since it uses canned mackerel It's full of concentrated mackerel flavor
Despite being so easy to make It was very yummy
It was so easy to make and so yummy won't you all Please give it a try
And as always thank you for watching if there is anything You want me to do or eat please tell me in the comment
Section below if you like this video please hit the like And Subscribe buttons BAI BAI
ఈశాన్యంరేకులషెడ్డు యజమాని అభివృద్ధికిమంచిదికాదు| Eesanyam Vastu | Gruha Vastu In Telugu | Devotional - Duration: 1:50.SUBSCRIBE
Branzino al sale: semplicità e leggerezza! - Duration: 5:49.-------------------------------------------
Tortine ai mirtilli e sciroppo d'acero - Duration: 4:55.-------------------------------------------
JOVANOTTI, "LE CANZONI": IL NUOVO SINGOLO E IL VIDEO "FANTASTICO 2018" - Duration: 2:36.-------------------------------------------
Cecilia e Ignazio: Francesco Moser dice la sua a Verissimo - Duration: 3:46.-------------------------------------------
Bíblia Sagrada "Imersiva" - Jó 38-42 // (Mês 1 - Dia 27) - [Ativar Legenda] - Duration: 14:50.-------------------------------------------
6 beneficios de una dieta depurativa - Duration: 7:23.-------------------------------------------
Giulia De Lellis protagonista di un film? L'indizio di Damante - Duration: 3:55.-------------------------------------------
Fantasia di ceci e broccoli - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
GG KE GHAR PG-------------------------------------------
SB Intro - Duration: 0:15.Hi my name is Sylvia Brown and I would like to share some information about
accessibility. It is my responsibility as an educator that I comply with section
504 and 508 to ensure equal access to all my learners.
パーフェクトタイミングな犬たち。「こんなん出ました~」的な?【癒される】 - Duration: 3:05.-------------------------------------------
OUTBREAK HAKKINDA HERŞEY - Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 17:18.-------------------------------------------
How I Make Money Online-------------------------------------------
Gear Test, 4 Synthetic Reeds Comparision: Legere, Hahn, Fiberreed, Bari [ENG SUBS] - Duration: 24:07.hello again on my channel
today I'm continuing topic from last episode
I'm testin fully synthetic reeds
for alto sax
so sit back and enjoy next episode
so as I mentioned at the beginning
I'm testing fully synthetic reeds
I got 4 different brands
1st Legere, most expensive one
2nd is Fiberreed
then goes Bari, completely transparent
and Hahn, german made one
Hello again on my bench
where we will look thoroughly
at 4 today's episode examples
Now is the apropriate time, to look at the Web
new about these reeds
I've received 2 pcs of those
one is #2.1/4 and
2nd is stickerless, but it is #2.5
as you can see they are built
from kind of milky plastic
as far as a bottom side,
it is a little bit rough
maybe to not stick to the mouthpiece too often
reeds are cut in unfilled way
this american cut
upper part is slippery
it disturbs me a little bit
during playing my lip moves forward too deeply
it would fit better for me to be a little bit more rough
now information about this reed from Legere Website
They devided into 2 groups
Classic and Signature
mine is Singrature
it is more expensive
so I've decided to test the most expensive one
there is also classic & studio cut
for jazz use
maybe later I'll do the same test with there 2 others
There are informations from Legere Website
I translate into Polish text which is displayed
I dont't understand the sentence: "Exchange of strenth policy"
if you know what they mean, please write in the comments section
2nd on for testing is Hahn
I bought it many years ago,
at that time I've been listening a lot
saxophonist Adam Pierończyk
but these reeds did not meet my expectations
I got couple of them
I've chosen #3
is most suitable to Vandoren #2.5
which I use for daily use
as you can see, this mate as structure plastic
canes of fiberglass
it is very thin at end
with no structure
bottom part is a little bit slippery
it may stick to mouthpiece
upper part is also slippery
because i got couple of them
they are built with a special gum
I needed to remove it
so my ligature can handle this reed
Saxas Ligature
what producer says about there reeds
next one is fiberreed
they are similary made as Hahn
the same fabrics and materials
slippery at the bottom
the same as upper part
cut unfilled, as previous ones
what producer writes about these products
the informations are the same as at previous ones
made in three models, as seen
and the last one is Bari
this company is well known from making mouthpieces
Branford Marsalis plays on Bari Mouthpiece
I didn't know, that this company from this sight
that they produce reeds
bottom is fully transparent, and fully slippery
like a glass structure
front part which goes to the mouth is a little bit rough
rest is fully transparent
mine is MH, means medium hard
informations from Bari Website
there is nothing mentioned about the material which this reed is made from
they are made in two versions
mine is original
so let's play on those reeds
how they sound, how they react
and change in various octaves of the saxophone
1st is Legere
this part is attack
I'm a surprised in positive way
it sound similary as my daily use one
Vandoren ZZ
attack is quick, responsive
there is no hiss, which all synthetic reeds usually produce
so far so good
2nd one is Hahn
as mentioned played by Adam Pieronczyk
gum is removed, so it can be attached to my mouthpiece
I hope it won't make the sound worse
last I've used this reed 10 years ago
so for me there is too much high frequencies
and as you you can hear at the beggining
I struggled with reaching the low notes
this #3 but it is similar to Legere #2.5
but sound too sharp, too rough, too edgy
and there are lot's of intonations problems
I did not correct this recording, so you can hear it thoroughly
with the same embouchure
I would have to get use to play on this reed
for a long time I guess
if you want to have the sound with lot's of high freqs
this reed would fit for you
but the intonation is not "out of the box"
3rd one is Fiberreed
this reeds is not for me
I struggle with everything as You've heard a while ago
intonation problems, hiss
does not fit to my mouthpiece and saxophone
4rd one is BariReed
I also struggle with attaching the ligature
there is a notch on this reed
so I won't be abble to fit it in a straight way. Need to set this up somehow, even in a twisted way
so let's check the sound
as previous one
it does not fit for me at all
to many hiss, the "goat" sound
lot's of attack problem, and reaching low notes
maybe beacuse of this crooked way of attaching the reed to ligature and mouthpiece
so this reed is not for me
and finally my daily use: Vandoren ZZ #2.5 reed
and in comparision to the sythetic ones
check the description of this movie
I will write down the starting point times of each reed comparisions
so you can compare 5 reeds in a fast way
this classical cane reed Vandoren #2.5 ZZ
and sound like this
my conclussion
legere in my opinion is the best
I've heard that there reeds are premium
so if I was forced to switch to synthetic reed
my choice would be of course Legere Reeds
it response almost as good as traditional cane reed
the rest is much, much, much worse
Hahn maybe would be good
after long practicing and getting use to
Bari and Fiberreed totally disaster for me
lot's of struggle with almost everything: intonation, attack, response, reaching low and high note
please write the comments bellow, what you think about synthetic reeds
I'd rather still play on my cane Vandoren ZZ reeds
but in case of emergency, I would play legere reeds
lot's of sunny or humidity
Maybe in couple months from now
I'll do the test of Forestone Hinoki & Black Bamboo I've tested in previous episode
as well as this legere reed
because synthetic reeds are advertised as most durable ones
for many months
so I'll do the durability test after couple months of use each of them
this is it in this episode
this was my honest test of four different synthetic reeds
please subscribe my channel if you enjoy my work.
there is lot's of going on on this channel
see my website: leszeknowotarski.pl
there is saxophone course to buy or rent
including episodes: how to play saxophone & what to practice
and improvisation development course
if you like this movie, please give me the thumb up
if you want to donate my work, you can do it
on patronite.pl, or patreon.com
in Leno Music section
I also do live streams weekly, on every friday at 8PM CET
you can see my approach to teaching, and my methods of teaching the saxophone
I do online classes via Skype
and also personally, here in Krakow Poland
and I hope I'll see you next time
on Leno Music Channel.
Thank You, Leszek Nowotarski
N.Flying - Hot Potato (Greek subs) - Duration: 3:21.-------------------------------------------
My Sons Won't Grow - Duration: 42:35.-------------------------------------------
Fox News @ Night 01/27/18 3AM | January 27, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:49.-------------------------------------------
Lokesh Rahul Or KL Rahul ,11 crore ,k11 punjab,vivo ipl auction.2018 - Duration: 0:42.Lokesh Rahul Or KL Rahul ,
11 crore ,
k11 punjab,
vivo ipl auction.
Park Hyung Sik Shows His Love For BTS's V at the recent Seoul Music Awards. - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 2:50.The bromance is real between former co-stars Park Hyung Sik and V at the recent Seoul Music Awards.
Both celebrities were notoriously known for their close friendship after starring on the drama Hwarang with Park Seo Joon.
On the day, Park Hyung Sik was tasked to present the winner of the Bonsang awards with actress Park Eun Bin and the two briefly talked about the number of male idol groups promoting last year.
He was asked if there was a particular group that he particularly liked.
"He was selected as the #1 Most Handsome In The World, Our V.
-Park Hyung Sik.
The comment received quite a reaction from the audience as V stood up candidly holding up a V-sign.
This not the first time that the actor has done so.
A few days back, he proudly boasted about V's new title by commemorating it on his Instagram account.
If that's not bromance, I don't know what is.
Dragon Ball Z - Mixtape - Duration: 1:29.Ian if u cheat on Smash Bros...
You will get banned for life...
Ian if u cheat on Smash Bros...
its sure you will get banned for your entire life...
Ian Ian Ian if u cheat on Smash..
Smash Smash Bros, you will regret everything you have done...
Smash Smash Bros,
Ian, you have cheated not once but three times...
Ian this is the finale of Smash, watch out for all them glitches on the road...
So Ian, if u cheat, YOU WILL GET BANNED!
Ian if u cheat on Smash Bros...
You will get banned for life...
Ian if u cheat on Smash Bros..
its sure you will get banned for your entire life...
Ian Ian Ian, if u cheat on Smash...
면역체계를 활성화시키고 간을 보호하는 가시여지 - Duration: 7:48.-------------------------------------------
Swain Rework Montage #4 - Best Swain Plays | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:33.
Swain Rework Montage #4 - Best Swain Plays | League of Legends Top
Swain Rework Montage #4 - Best Swain Plays | League of Legends Top
Swain Rework Montage #4 - Best Swain Plays | League of Legends Top
Swain Rework Montage #4 - Best Swain Plays | League of Legends Top
Swain Rework Montage #4 - Best Swain Plays | League of Legends Top
The Ingraham Angle 01/27/18 2AM | January 27, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 41:20.-------------------------------------------
AN INCREDIBLE BATTLE ANIMALS CAPTURED ON CAMERA. REAL ANIMAL WORLD. ANIMAL FIGHTS - Duration: 4:22.-------------------------------------------
Tutorial: Perfect slow motion in Adobe Premiere CC - Duration: 5:20.whats up my name is austin newell today I'm going to be showing you how to create the
perfect slow motion in adobe premiere.
so when I say perfect slow motion I'm talking about when your shooting around 60 frames
per second on a mirror-less camera a go pro footage that you get back that will play in
real time.
so an example that will be I have some footage here of a motorcycle driving along and so
If I play the footage for you right now you'll see it's playing along smooth but it's playing
in real time it's not playing in slow motion.
you shoot 60 frames per second you generally wanna shoot it for the reason of slowing it
sometimes the footage doesn't come that way and you'll get it exactly like this.
what I'm talking about is finding the mathematical way to slow this down into the correct speed
it may be filmed at 60 frames per second but we want to interpret it at 24 frames per second.
so a couple ways to slow footage down in adobe premiere is go over here and you have the
rate stretch tool. and this tool will let you click your clip and drag it around.
so the best use for this tool is if your footage is 12 seconds 13 seconds and you want it to
fill a gap that is 13 14 15 seconds instead of having to find out the mathematical way
to get it to that 14 seconds your just going to click and grab and now it's going to be
that much longer but it will be slowed down a fraction, almost unnoticeable sometimes
but that's not what I want.
if hit v to go back to your arrow tool.
If I hit command +R the speed and duration box pops up.
if you right click find it here, speed and duration.
so what I did when i used the rate stretch tool it slowed it down to 82.65 percent of
what the whole entire footage is at 100 percent so it's no longer running at 60 frames per
second it's running at something marginally slower maybe 55 45 just random space in between
there so what I'm going to show you is at what percentage should we figure out to get
this to interpret at 24p from 60 frames per second.
so I'm gonna put this back to 100 hit OK so now it's playing and we want to find that
percentage so i'm gonna do a little bit of math here ill bring the calculator over to
show you.
so you shoot your footage at 60 frames per second 60 and you want to divide it by 24
frames per second so you shoot at 60 or any number that your footage is and interpret
it at 24 divide it by 24 you get 2.5 so that means there's 2.5 more frames in 60 frames
per second than there is in 24 frames per second so we are half way there.
we now know that it's a multiplied factor of 2.5 so if we look at out footage and I
go back to the speed and duration settings if 60 frames per second runs at 100 percent
and we take that 100 percent and we divided it by 2.5 we get 40 so now we know 40 percent
is what the speed needs to be at to get to 24 frames per second.
so lets set this to 40 we see it's increased from around 13 seconds to around 31 seconds
hit OK now the footage is playing perfectly slow at 24 frames per second the true way
it's supposed to be slowed down and it's not some random variable from the rate stretch
tool this is as slow as it is gonna get before it starts getting some blocky choppy stop
motion animation looking footage this is where you want it to be so this actually works for
any kind of frame rate that your shooting at that's obviously above 24p so your shooting
at 120 frames per second drag this over the math still works exactly the same so you take
120 divide it by 24 you get 5 you take that 5 you divide 100 by 5 you get 20 so if your
shooting at 120 frames per second you wanna slow this down in premiere to 20 percent of
what the original speed is to get it's true 24p interpretation so and again this works
with when your shooting footage that plays back in real time, if your shooting on a camera
that will already buffer it back and play it, if it turns your your 240 frames per second
into a 3 minute clip, it's already doing that for you but a lot of consumer level phones
go pros will record high frame rates at in this way that you'll have to slow it down
like this, so I hope this tutorial was helpful and hope you were able to learn something
and comment below and tell me what you think weather you hate it good or bad, feed back
is always good and subscribe if you want to see more tutorials all see you
next time.
A Very Happy Birthday After All!! - Duration: 8:55.What was the lesson you learned in 2017?
The lesson that I learned in 2017 is regarding friendship.
And I've come to accept at this age that friendship does not need to be forever
And sometimes it's just for the moment
for whatever you need in that moment, you might have a friend for that moment.
Can I say moment again?
Ok, "moment."
Haunted Italy | Milan's Funeral Tram Service - Duration: 7:09.-------------------------------------------
Leeteuk posted a message on Instagram that had some fans worry about him. - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 3:50.Right after the Seoul Music Awards, where he accepted Taemin's award and read his speech, Leeteuk posted a message on Instagram that had some fans worry about him.
He explained what his current mental state is and how sometimes he just feels like a hamster racing every day.
"… It truly was an exhausting and chaotic day.
I have to wash my bed sheets, dry them and then lay on top of them to truly feel that this day is now over.
My voice is raspy, my head is empty and my legs feel like they're floating.
I sometimes think I'm a hamster, racing on his wheel.
But what is the reason for me to keep running on that wheel? There's an answer but it's probably best to just keep racing without knowing… that's the answer.".
— Leeteuk.
After receiving a myriad of supportive comments, Leeteuk uploaded a new message just to assure fans that he was ok.
He also wanted to thank everyone for their concerns.
".Everyone thank you so much… My eyes look really sad… I'm going to blame it on the cold weather.
Even looking at myself, I feel uncomfortable.
I'm past puberty ㅋㅋㅋ.". — Leeteuk.
Signs Of Cardiac Infarction | The Body Warns You 1 Month Before a Cardiac Infarction - Duration: 3:26.
이특이 Instagram에 메시지를 올렸습니다. 일부 팬들은 그를 염려했습니다. - KPOP NEWS - Duration: 3:55.-------------------------------------------
두 명의 말레이시아 여배우는 늦은 작가 종현에 대해 분개하게 웃었다. - KPOP NEWS - Duration: 2:18.-------------------------------------------
【MUKBANG】 Simple Pasta Using Canned Mackerel & Tomato! + Miso Soup! 5.4Kg, About 6500kcal [Use CC] - Duration: 4:52.Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles By ~Aphexx~ )
so today! tadaa using these cans of mackerel and tomato I'll be making pasta
These cans of mackerel are so convenient don't you think
And you can make some very yummy stuff From these cans of mackerel, alrighty let's get making
These are the ingredients
Slice an onion thinly
And cut up this long onion as well
In plenty of hot water add salt And boil our pasta
This is 900 grams
In a pan heat up garlic and olive oil And the onions we sliced up earlier
Once the onion start to wilt Add the cans of tomato
Also add the cans of tuna That have been drained of water
Then crush up the mackerel
Once it has cooked a bit Flavor with a bit of salt and pepper
Sadly the pasta will not fit in the pot So I will combine them in this bowl
Top it off with the remaining sauce
Then top with some onion
tadaa it's done
It's full of so much of the mackerel and looks so yummy
It weighs 4.4 W/O the bowl
I've made some miso soup as well its 1kg worth itadakimasu
The aroma from the mackerel makes my mouth water
This was super EZ to make yet you can really taste the tomatoes and mackerel nicely
its super yummy
The one good thing about making things at home Is that you can make Super huge portions like this to eat
I kind of want to spice things up a bit So I will add this ra-yu chili oil
If I had some Italian chili oil around I'd totally use it but sadly I don't have any
but this Ra-yu will probably be just as yummy
Lately I've been really into spicy foods
It adds that needed spicy kick And also that yummy ra-yu flavor
The noodles are coated in the sauce making them So yummy
I will now add some Parmesan cheese
On looks alone Parmesan cheese and tomatoes seems so yummy together
They do go nicely together The parmesan cheese add that extra depth of flavor
My hands are starting to get cramped From twirling so much Pasta
Last mouthful itadakimasu
All done gochisosamadeshita
The cans of mackerel and tomato We're very yummy
Since it uses canned mackerel It's full of concentrated mackerel flavor
Despite being so easy to make It was very yummy
It was so easy to make and so yummy won't you all Please give it a try
And as always thank you for watching if there is anything You want me to do or eat please tell me in the comment
Section below if you like this video please hit the like And Subscribe buttons BAI BAI
Jeremiah 11 and Channel Update - Duration: 20:45.hello ladies and gentlemen my name is Justin Breithaupt my intention today is
to read you Jeremiah 11 and talk a little bit about repentance and one of
the things that led me to this is I felt like you know I was being compelled by
God to read this scripture think I still have the right to read from Scripture
okay so I'm gonna I'm gonna try to do that today hopefully there won't be
sirens and handcuffs or anything for doing that but we're going to talk about
that repentance um another thing before I get started I'd like to give a
huge thank you to my viewers because um, their, one of my viewers decided that I
needed to go to law school and so you know again I don't like to invest my
time personally I don't really enjoy investing my time in people's cases and
legal matters because I keep seeing injustice everywhere I look and I find
it disgusting and appalling and I've seen enough of it
how's that I've seen enough of it to where I don't want to see it anymore
because it doesn't appear that there's anything that can be done about it
within the existing justice system okay and if it could be it would have been if
it could be fixed it would have been fixed by now I'll put it that way
but anyway so big thank you for that and then click quick the the law class that
I'm taking is called jurisdiction Airy how to win in court it costs two hundred
and fifty dollars to go through it it's recommended by Bill Thornton on his
website as a prerequisite to learning common law and I'm not trying to do an
advertisement here but I just want to tell you about it it what it does is it
explains things from a lawyer's point of view from a the lawsuit point of view
which is not you know common law and it explains why lawyers have a hard time
dealing with common law because they're just
not geared for it they're not wired for it just like just like Bill Thornton
says you know he explains that that if you are a lawyer it's very hard to
unlearn the lawyer stuff and learn the law or in common law but in any case
it's a very I just I'm not through it yet I'm nope I'm halfway through yet but
it's very educational informative lets you know about a lot of tools that are
there and how to use them you know I'm built for it doesn't explain this stuff
the other thing is if you complete the course you actually get a degree which
is kind of cool so and then the link in the description
not gonna lie to you is an affiliate link so if you click it I'm supposed to
earn some money which will help but again not an advertiser I'm just telling
you what's going on I'm thankful for it but it also means I need your prayer and
your support because it also means the difficulty as well because I've got a
lot of things coming up on my youtube channel that are supposed to be
happening I've got business taxes for state of Washington to do by the end of
the month here in January I've got lots of blog posts to make and I've got to go
through these law classes and several people have asked me to look over their
court cases too so I've got a lot of stuff going on all at once and it's just
hard for me to find time to do everything okay so I also have sponsors
looking at sponsoring an upcoming video series on my channel and when I complete
the law school I plan on doing a video series telling everybody what I learned
from the law school to because that that seems to be the most popular thing on my
channel is legal stuff but I want people to migrate over to my legal channel so
this one is just for preaching and unboxing Authority and all that so this
video is kind of a channel update to already four minutes in so all you
started we're in the scripture really quick and yeah I've got a lot of the
things in my life that are going on all at the same time so it's like fingers
here spinning you know lots of plates at once okay so we're going to read
Jeremiah 11 and let the Lord speak this to you how you believe he's speaking it
to you if it applies to you applies to the people whatever okay well let you
figure that out but I'm just going to read the scripture
Jeremiah 11 original King James Version so we'll see if that causes any problems
okay the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord saying here the the words of
this covenant speak unto the men of Judah and to the inhabitants of
Jerusalem and say that one to them thus saith the Lord God of Israel cursed be
the man that a bit not the words of his covenant now what is God's covenant his
covenant he's given us two covenants that over kind of overlap each other so
there's the Old Testament covenant with his laws in his roles okay which you can
find in my free book that's free to download in the description of the
Christian cords crostinis curia okay and then he came and sent himself as a
sacrifice for us and taught us a lot of things in the New Testament as well so
that under the New Covenant we don't have the old temple system anymore and
we don't sacrifice animals to God but everything else still applies so that's
that's what his covenant is and so we read here again and say that one to them
thus saith the Lord God of Israel cursed be the man that will bathe not the words
of his covenant which I commanded your fathers in the day that I brought them
forth out of the land of Egypt from the iron furnace saying obey my voice and do
them according to all which I commanded you so shall ye be my people and I will
be your God that I may perform the oath which I have sworn unto your father's to
give them and a land flowing with milk and honey as it is this day then
answered I and said so be it o Lord then the Lord said unto me proclaim all these
words in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem
saying hear ye the words of this covenant and do them for I earnestly
protested unto your father's in the day that I brought them up out of the land
of Egypt even unto this day rising early and protesting saying obey my voice yet
they obeyed not nor incline their ear but walked everyone in the imagination
of their evil heart therefore I will bring upon them all the words of this
covenant which I commanded them to do but they did them not and the Lord said
unto me a conspiracy is found among the men of Judah and among the inhabitants
of Jerusalem they are turned back to the iniquities of their forefathers which
refused to hear my words and they went after their gods to save them to serve
them sorry the house of Israel and the house of Judah have broken my covenant
which I made with their fathers therefore thus saith the Lord behold I
will bring evil upon them which they shall not be able to escape and though
they shall crying to me I will not hearken unto them then shall the cities
of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem go and cry unto the gods unto whom they
offer incense but they shall not save them at all in the time of their trouble
for according to the number of the eye sees were thy gods o Judah and according
to the number of the streets of Jerusalem have you set up altars to that
shameful thing even altars to burn incense to bail therefore pray not thou
for this people neither lift up a cry or prayer for them for I will not hear them
in the time that they cry unto me for their trouble and that's a hard one
right there because you know I do want to pray for my enemies and I do pray for
them I pray for him all the time the God will turn them around and show them the
truth and that they can avoid punishment you know for themselves and for their
loved ones but it says here not to break form
and I tell you the truth be careful with that because only God can tell you
whether or not you should pray for your enemies and the New Testament ELLs you
too so when they get to the point you're not supposed to pray for him anymore
hopefully God will tell you but until then pray for your enemies
verse 15 what half my beloved to do in mine house seeing she hath wrought
lewdness with many and the Holy flesh is passed from thee when thou doest evil
then down rejoices the Lord called thy name a green olive tree Fair and a
goodly fruit with the noise of a great torment he hath kindled fire upon it and
the branches of it are broken for the Lord of Hosts that planted thee hath
pronounced evil against thee for the evil of the house of Israel and of the
house of Judah which they have done against themselves to provoke me to
anger in offering in incense and to bail and the LORD hath given me knowledge of
it and I know it then thou ShoWest me their doings but I was like a lamb or
an ox that was brought to the slaughter and I knew not that they had devised
devices against me saying let us destroy the tree with the fruit thereof and let
us cut him off from the land of the living that his name may be no more
remembered now I'll pause there think about the people who have had a home and
a family and a job and all these things and all of a sudden unrighteous people
come in and cut them up they they come in and they take everything from them it
says I says but I was like a lamb or an ox that he brought he's brought to the
slaughter and I knew not that they devised devices against me because they
work in secret see and they devised evil plans against
against God's people but O Lord of Hosts that judges righteously that triose the
reins and the heart let me see thy vengeance on them
for unto thee have I revealed my cause and you know one of the things that that
people try to do often in court is try to say that nobody has brought a cause
how many people go before God and say there's no cause your haven't done
anything wrong therefore thus saith the Lord of men of
Anthes that seek thy life saying prophet prophesy not in the name of the Lord
that thou die not by our hand therefore thus saith the Lord of Hosts behold I
will punish them the young man shall die by the sword their sons and their
daughters shall die by famine and there shall be no remnant of them for I will
bring evil upon the men of anetha even the year of their visitation now someone
asks some really good questions tonight we just started a new Bible study at our
church and we've always had one with pastor by now we have a new pastor Lee
whose first name is Jeff and he you can see his sermon hopefully that this will
like publish on the same day and he just did his sermon on repentance and anyways
we're into his final state tonight and somebody has to be questioned they said
how come David killed the husband of Bathsheba and slept with her and got her
pregnant and took her as his wife and God did not kill David Norma moved him
from power over over Israel and the reason is is because David repented he
realized that he'd done something wrong and that what he was trying to cover up
for which is why he had the husband murdered and then the prophet Nathan
came to him and confronted him and he so that the so that the Lord could forgive
him and so he repented and he still faced judgment in life he's his sons it
did some bad things as a result he was on the run from Absalom though there
were lots of things that happen to him because of his decisions and choices but
God did ultimately forgive him and and restore him the pastor today
preached about Nineveh he said that you know the Prophet was angry because
there's this terrible place called intima where they stomped on people
destroyed people conquered them to come over and nobody liked Nineveh not that
not the Israelite people and so when God told Jonah to prophesy to Nineveh he did
not want to see them saved but just one sentence
just just prophesying against them telling them that they were going to be
destroyed and then all of a sudden they decided to repent and turn around and
they were spared now eventually their nation did come under judgment but they
were spared from the judgment at that time because at that time they repented
and turned around and it seems that it's so much easier for for people who are
rebellious against God people their evil to turn around and repent rather than
those who are already pretending to follow God and so that leads to another
thought and that is that life does not seem fair does it because those who
follow God are under a stricter judgment than those who are rebellious against
God the New Testament tells us that where sin is grace yet more abounds and
that's the truth the truth is is that if somebody whether they are regardless of
the amount of income that they have and wealth whether they're at the bottom or
at the top if they live a life of evil never submitting to God or submitting a
young age and choosing your evil or whatever then in their rebellion God
will meet them time and time again and give them options to turn back to God
oftentimes they are so bitter so angry with God that they will not turn back to
God until they have no other choice or until God can open their eyes to realize
that it's the best option for them and and so you know Jesus said that narrow
is is the gate that leads to life and only if you find it and that includes
those who pretend that they're following God or those
try to follow that on their own strength includes a lot of people and so the the
thing is is that we have to be open-minded and open-hearted to God and
his commands the heart is deceptive above all else and so just because
something feels right does not mean it's right and just because your logic can
justify your actions does not mean it's right here we have to continually
measure ourselves against the Word of God to know the truth because there is
no other standard of truth there are standards that try to reflect or mirror
this truth here but the problem with those standards is that they compromise
and they all fall short of God's standard okay so we've got to as a
people we've got to turn around and we've got to follow God and what will
happen for sure only God knows there are two questions to ask will people repent
and will they be spared or will God's judgment come and if God's judgment
comes who will be spared what will it look like these are these are good
questions and I believe that that I have high chances of knowing the answers to
some of these questions but I I'm not going to be like Jonah and I hope you're
not either okay I'm not going to be angry if my
enemies repent and turn to God and do what's right I'm not going to be enemy
all right not gonna be enemy I'm not going to be angry if they're still
sitting in power okay I'm not going to be angry about that I'm going to rejoice
that they turn their lives around I can tell you the truth that there are many
people who would love to see judgment come down upon my enemies and they would
probably be angry with me if I had the opportunity to seek that judgment
and decided to forgive them and give them a chance to change their ways but
such as the heart of God the heart of God is that everyone would be saved that
no one would perish and that everyone would have everlasting life and so
therefore that is my conclusion for this video with Jeremiah 11 please like
comment share and subscribe may Jesus bless you
please click links in the description of the video I consider giving us a
donation on patreon and if you haven't already come to Christ there's a link in
the description for that - it's called peace with God net but if you haven't
given your heart to God if you haven't repented let's just say a prayer for all
those things right now Lord Jesus we thank you for being the one true God for
sending yourself as a sacrifice to this earth for having mercy and grace upon us
and for taking our place on the cross thank you that you you leave us without
excuse thank you that you speak to us throughout our lives through other
people through science through wonders through your creation and that you give
us instruction to turn around and repent and receive your salvation in your mercy
so that we can be your children and the brothers of Christ and Lord for you said
that Christ was the first among many brothers and so lord I just I pray for
those watching for me you'll search our hearts and show us where we have erred
against you and that you will also show us that there is enough grace and mercy
from you to where we no longer need to feel condemned and Lord lead us to pray
together Lord forgive us we are sinners we have sinned against you thank you
that you sent your son to die on the cross for us we surrender our lives to
you and we put our faith in you that you can forgive us and we are forgiven that
we are now your sons and and brothers and sisters and daughters and Lord we
just pray that you'll guide us into a good church
it's to good people and away from people that you don't want us to associate with
Lord and give us the strength and the courage and the boldness and the wisdom
and the knowledge and all that we need to do your will whatever it is that you
have for us to do and let us not fear to do what you asked us to do Lord but let
us embrace it and let us remain obedient and faithful to you and not turn to the
left or to the right from your commands in Jesus name I pray amen all right
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