Ehhh ...The big tree far away
This one ?
OK, I see him
He's going South-West
Someone is building South-West ! 239
I got him, I got him.
Damn, this shot was awesome.
What Goes Bump in the Night: Sleep Disorders - Duration: 13:31.What time is it?
What why?
Wait what?
Why isn't the light working?
Is the power off?
What's going on?
What the heck?
Oh, what time is it?
What… wait a second.
I'm dreaming!
Sleeping is something that we all do.
As often as possible if we can help it.
And you'd think with all the practice we get that we'd be experts by now...
But we're not, we actually kinda suck at it.
First, we need to get the mandatory disclaimer out of the way…
I'm not a doctor.
I'm also not a clinical psychologist…
Or a dentist.
That'll make sense later.
Don't take medical advice from a guy on youtube, okay?
Sleep disorders can be divided up into two categories, first, let's talk about Dyssomnias,
when you have trouble going to sleep, staying asleep, and sometimes even waking up.
Which is the case for Kleine-Levin Syndrome, also known as Sleeping Beauty Syndrome.
This is an extremely rare disorder where you sleep for 20 hours a day, every day, sometimes
for weeks at a time.
These episodes can sometimes be separated by years.
People with this disorder experience insatiable appetites when they're awake.
Both for food and for naughty time.
Most people with this disorder have a hard time discerning reality from dreaming and
as a result will sometimes just do nothing when they're awake.
It's extremely rare, in fact statistically, only 22 people in the United States have it,
so it's really difficult to figure out what causes it.
The leading theory is some sort of viral infection, but there's at least a dozen possible viruses
that have been linked to it so, we just don't know.
We do know what causes the next one on our list though, which is far more common.
Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders.
There are a few main types with extremely long names like Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder,
Advanced Sleep Phase Disorder, and Non-24-hour Sleep-Wake Disorder.
But they're all somewhat the same, with minor differences here and there.
Your circadian rhythm is the 24 hour sleep-wake cycle, which is built into everyone by evolution
and is regulated by light.
So how are we messing this up?
Well, diet and exercise are usually the main treatments so, that.
But even moreso, shift work and unnatural light, including lamps, TVs, and phones.
You have to remember that in terms of human history, all of these things fairly recent
inventions, and we're only now starting to realize how these stupid little things
are affecting our brains.
Normally, at night, your brain sees that it's dark out and starts to release melatonin,
which is the hormone that makes you sleepy.
But now, we have our homes artificially lit and we're staring at these stupid little
light boxes all the time, which tricks your brain into thinking the sun is still up, so
it doesn't release melatonin.
You might be saying that even cave people were living by campfires and candlelight back
in the day, so that doesn't make any sense.
And yeah, you're right.
But those light sources are comparatively dim and more towards the red end of the light
Whereas these little screens and the sky are blue light.
And it's blue wavelength light that your brain uses to regulate melatonin.
Somewhat related to this is Narcolepsy, when your brain can't regulate your sleep wake
cycle at all, so you just fall asleep seemingly at random.
I say almost, because one of the primary symptoms is excessive daytime sleepiness, which is
basically what it says on the tin.
Shout out to the only person who knows why I said it like that.
These sleepiness episodes are kind of warning signals of an impending sleep attack and only
last a few seconds or minutes.
So be sure your friends are ready and waiting for a random, unannounced trust fall.
The opposite of this is probably the most experienced dyssomnia, Insomnia, which is
the inability to go to sleep or stay asleep.
It is often comorbid with other disorders such as depression and anxiety or even physical
ailments such as diabetes.
We all know what this is like right?
You're laying there, rolling around, thinking about that really ill-timed racist joke you
sad as a kid, replaying game of thrones episodes in your head, planning tomorrow- Just shut
up and go to sleep already!
But at least you don't have Fatal Familial Insomnia.
This is a genetic prion disease, also known as a Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy.
I just really wanted to say the big words and sound smart.
Symptoms don't show up until adulthood, and once you show symptoms, there is no cure,
and you only have 18 months left to live…
18 sleepless months.
All the while your mind is slowly deteriorating.
Don't worry too much though, only 100 people in the world have this disease.
But someone has to be the 101st right?
There are also physical issues which can prevent you from getting to sleep as well, such as
Sleep Apnea, when you stop breathing.
There are two types, central, which is when your brain just kinda stops telling you to
breathe all of a sudden.
Which is scary.
And then obstructive, the kind we all hear when people snore like chainsaws.
Sometimes you wake up gasping for breath… and sometimes you don't.
Either way, the treatment is to wear one of those creepy Bane masks to sleep.
Then, there's everyone's favorite sleep disorder to make fun of: Restless Legs Syndrome.
I actually had Restless Legs Syndrome back in the day, before there was a pill for it
or even a name for it.
It's when you're laying there and you have this insatiable urge to move your legs.
You'll never guess this, but the treatment for it, before there was a pill anyway, was
diet and exercise.
So now let's get to the second and arguably more fun sleep disorders: Parasomnias, which
is when you can get to sleep, but you have abnormal behaviors or perceptions.
Each of these can be put into one of three subcategories: Physical, Sensory, and Conscious.
You'll see each one of these light up differently for each one we talk about.
But since we're already on physical issues, let's stick with that.
*Muffles* *Screams*
Bruxism is when you unconsciously grind your
teeth whils you're asleep.
You might have no idea that you're doing it, but your dentist does.
That hole is not a cavity, it's not a naturally occurring indentation, it's a result of
grinding from the opposing tooth.
Treatment is pretty simple, it's just a mouthguard – you can get one of those boxing
style ones from the store or have your dentist make up a fancy one like this.
One of the most common dreams is when you experience lockjaw or your teeth are falling
If you experience those dreams, you might be grinding your teeth.
My second video ever was on dreams, so I'm not going to get too much into the meaning
If you're doing it in your dream, there is a chance you're doing it in real life.
Normally, when you're sleeping, your brain paralyzes your body so that you don't swing
around and break people or things.
But it can't paralyze your face.
Which is why your eyes dart around during REM sleep, you grind your teeth, and sometimes,
you talk.
This is called Somniloquy, which is just a fancy word for sleep talking and there isn't
much else to say about it.
But sometimes that paralyzing mechanism doesn't work and you end up with REM Sleep Behavior
This isn't just rolling over or repositioning, this is you acting out your dream, thrashing,
kicking, punching and everything else.
What time is it?
Wait… oh no, I'm still dreaming.
Wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up!
Whoa whoa, okay wait, there might actually be a chance that I'm doing this in real
life, no need for the neighbors to call the cops or anything.
It'll be alright, the alarm will go off soon and I'll wake up.
Which brings us to Somnambulism, or sleep walking.
For REM Sleep Behavior Disorder, you're just moving around in bed, but for sleep walking,
your eyes are open, you can feel gravity and balance, you're even interacting with people
and objects – but you're not conscious.
People who sleepwalk have engaged in naughty times, in which case it's called Sexomnia,
and even murdered people.
And if they have a proven history of sleep walking, they're usually found innocent…
figure that one out.
I'm not sure how I feel about that one, you still killed someone, just because you
didn't mean to do it or you weren't conscious doesn't mean you're not still dangerous.
What time is it?
Oh no no no no!
Oh c'mon c'mon c'mon.
Okay how can I get out of this?
Exploding Head Syndrome!
This is when you hallucinate a sensation or perception that usually wakes you up.
Most of you experience this as a falling sensation.
But there are people out there who hear gunshots, explosions, or slamming doors.
And yes, it really is called Exploding Head Syndrome, so of course I had to include it.
A second ago when I mentioned that your brain usually paralyzes your body when you're
sleeping a few of you rubbed your hands together in anticipation for me to talk about this
next one.
Sleep Paralysis.
This is when you hear things happening in the world around you and you are conscious,
but your body has not received the "it's time to wake up" signal.
You are trapped in your own paralyzed body – kind of like that terrible Hayden Christensen
It usually only lasts a few seconds or minutes, but it's still pretty terrifying.
And now that we've finally got to the ones where you're conscious, I would be remiss
if I didn't mention Lucid Dreaming, which is when you are conscious and aware that you
are dreaming.
Sometimes you'll incorporate sensory input from the outside world… but not always.
You might be thinking that this is not a disorder, but it is, it's not normal – you're
not supposed to be conscious when you're dreaming.
A disorder doesn't have to be bad, being excessively happy is a disorder.
Most people who experience this usually wake up as soon as they realize they're dreaming,
but there are some people who like to try and hone their skills at lucid dreaming.
Shoutout to the oneironauts.
Nobody is going to the doctor over lucid dreaming and even if you did, I doubt there are any
treatments, but it's still abnormal sleep behavior.
What time is it?
Oh no, no no no no no!
C'mon c'mon!
Wake up!
There has to be a way to get out of here.
C'mon c'mon please!
But there is a certain type of lucid dreaming that is particularly terrifying, appropriately
named, Night Terrors.
This typically involves being chased, being immobile, or being trapped in your dream,
knowing that you're dreaming and not being able to wake up.
Family members will see your distress, usually your heavy breathing and excessive sweating,
and likewise not be able to wake you up.
You will eventually wake up, this isn't an episode of Black Mirror, but still.
This is different from just a bad nightmare, because you are conscious in your dream, you
know you're dreaming.
Almost always, with night terrors, nightmares, lucid dreaming, and regular dreaming, you
will forget about it shortly after you wake up.
Your brain knows it's not real, so it won't commit it to memory.
But I already made a video about dreams, so go check that out if you're interested.
So the next time someone tells you THIS IS ALL JUST A BAD DREAM you'll know better.
Sleeping is something we all do.
As often as possible if we can help it.
And you'd think with all the practice we get...
Two things really quick.
On Tuesday night I'll be live streaming the State of the Union address much like I
did last year.
So if you'd like to discuss it and watch along while hearing my comments, set your
Secondly, you probably noticed a huge jump in quality with this video, and that's because
I got some new equipment thanks in part to your support on Patreon.
So if you'd like to support the channel, consider donating a dollar or two.
There's a link on screen or in the description.
Do you suffer from any of these disorders or want to share your experience?
Let me know down in the comments and don't forget to somnambulate that subscribe button.
Also be sure to follow me on twitter and facebook and join us on the subreddit.
2018 Honda Civic 1 6 i DTEC Overview - Duration: 5:34.Welcome to the oil-consuming form of the tenth era Honda Civic.
This new 1.6-liter, four-chamber diesel joins the oil controlled 1.0-liter and 1.5-liter
variations that were propelled a year ago, and in addition the traveling Type R - all
of which we're as of now especially partial to.
The new diesel, which we've been driving on the shockingly battered lanes of Rome, picks
up the same broad updates that were presented on the petroleum models.
Honda made a special effort when it came to outlining this auto, committing 33% of its
innovative work assets to the venture.
Indeed, it's the result of the single biggest improvement program in the organization's
There's another stage, an updated suspension set-up that includes MacPherson struts in
advance and a multi-connect raise pivot at the back, and additionally a hardened unibody
and a brought down focus of gravity.
These progressions, Honda says, have been executed to loan the Civic a more coordinated
and connecting with driving background.
The 1.6-liter I-DTEC motor has additionally been overhauled.
New produced steel cylinders supplant the aluminum jobbies found in before incarnations
of this power plant and help to lessen grinding and cooling misfortune inside the square.
Another turbocharger offers decreased slack and additionally enhanced low-to mid-run pull.
Its 221lb ft of torque is accessible from 2000rpm, while crest control - every one of
the 118bhp of it - is come to at 4000rpm.
The key details for this auto, be that as it may, are its economy figures.
Honda claims that the Civic diesel will oversee 80.1mpg on the joined cycle, with CO2 outflows
from 93g/km.
We'd be extending reality somewhat on the off chance that we said the Civic diesel was
an energizing auto to drive.
In any case, on the other hand, an oil-consuming family hatchback is never going to be the
kind of auto to set your heart hustling.
This shouldn't imply that the Civic isn't a stunningly fit auto, mind.
While it's not especially brisk - it dispatches the 0-62mph dash in a relaxed 10.5 seconds
- where it scores huge focuses is in the ride office.
You get the feeling that almost no will annoy the Civic.
Its suspension adapts well finished harsh and uneven surfaces - even the mottled Roman
streets of our test course didn't influence it to recoil - retaining shocks with little
complain, and never figuring out how to feel something besides planted and stable.
Its versatile dampers confine vertical travel well, and even set to their sportiest setting,
the Civic feels quiet and gathered.
Very why a diesel Civic necessities versatile dampers is another inquiry totally.
It directs well, as well, regardless of whether there is little in the method for criticism
from the electromechanically helped variable-proportion rack-and-pinion controlling - in spite of
the fact that that is the standard nowadays, would it say it isn't?
It doesn't roll an especially perceptible sum through the twists, and sudden alters
in course don't annoyed the Civic's adjust too essentially either.
We'd get a kick out of the chance to state that it grasps well, as well, however the
streets of our Italian test course didn't give much in the method for sharp curves.
It had a wealth of quicker, gentler extends of Tarmac, however, which uncovered the Civic's
amazing refinement at cruising speeds.
The 1.6-liter I-DTEC is tranquil, and cheerfully sits at motorway speeds.
It lacks some in-equip push, however, yet this is comprehended by working the six-speed
manual gearbox, which is exact in its activity and has a pleasingly short toss.
The inside isn't the last word in extravagance, with plenteous plastics all through, however
you can't blame it to the extent ergonomics are concerned.
The Honda Connect infotainment framework is a fly in the generally consummately worthy
balm, inferable from the way that it's not especially responsive, and falls behind the
opposition to the extent its designs are concerned.
Gratefully, Apple CarPlay and Android Auto go some approach to helping this.
Diesel isn't precisely kind of the month at present, inferable from expanded government
tax assessment and an obvious approach of deception encompassing its ecological qualifications.
In any case, Honda anticipates that diesel models will represent 31% of all UK Civic
deals, so it wouldn't appear that all expectation is lost.
There's a considerable measure to like about the Civic diesel, as well.
It's agreeable, drives well and is a refined long-remove tourer.
Our £24,925 top-spec EX show accompanied a lot of standard pack and, by correspondingly
prepared opponents, for example, the Ford Focus and Seat Leon, is relied upon to hold
essentially a greater amount of its esteem.
Be that as it may, the case is the same for its oil fueled rangemates, which we'd pick
In addition to the fact that they are less expensive to purchase, they perform better,
yet still won't abandon you recoiling at the fuel pump.
[ 자극적 / Part 2 ] 선배와 부실에서 연애연구♥ [Soft talk / Kissing Sound / Drama Voice] r-15 - Duration: 23:50.-------------------------------------------
САМЫЕ ЗАКАЗЫВАЕМЫЕ СМАРТФОНЫ НА АЛИЭКСПРЕСС | ТОП 10 смартфонов с АлиЭкспресс - Duration: 8:29.-------------------------------------------
The Isle | NEW UTAH MODEL! | #115 [Early Access] - Duration: 12:33.NEW UTAH MODEL!
oh! There is a drop for humans!
What the...?
This is new for me :O
Hello there!
What are you doing here?
R.I.P. Angelka
This AI dino is still chasing me. D:
The night time is endless. >0<
I'm here! :P
A nice utah pack. :)
Guess who's here... 0,0
Who is it?
It's only a baby carno and utah. :)
That's adorable. <3
He must be in shock that he sees us. xD
Damn... I hate the night time. x_x
awww... that human is want to be with us. :)
'Demon from the darkness'
He seems to be friendly.
Hi! nice to meet you. ;)
LOL! RIP unnamed utah.
I laughed so hard. When I saw this :'D
Bro, what happened to your hair?! :'D
Sandra Lynn - Somebody Kis...-------------------------------------------
Anticipazioni Uomini e Donne: colpo di scena tra Gemma e Giorgio | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:08.-------------------------------------------
Uomini e donne, al Trono Over Gemma sfila in sottoveste ed esplode la polemica | M.C.G.S - Duration: 9:32.-------------------------------------------
Uomini e Donne, Anna Tedesco: ecco la spiazzante decisione su ... - Duration: 4:15.-------------------------------------------
LMC Passion 470 E - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Citroën Berlingo 1.6 e-HDI 500 Cl. Ec - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
BBB18: Jorge fala sobre bebedeira de Ana e dispara - Duration: 5:59.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 208 1.2 e-VTi Active Automaat - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
BBB18: Prova do veto, monstro, e muita confusão, assista | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:59.-------------------------------------------
Block Strike VS Real Life - Duration: 1:43.-------------------------------------------
Maldives Vlogs 17/18 - Day 5 - Visiting a nearby Island - Duration: 11:39.>> Goodmorning and happy January 1rst 2018
it's 8.30 a.m. and we have 45 minutes
to have breakfast and get ready because this morning
as first adventure for this 2018
I'm scared of you!
we're going to visit a nearby island
today it's sunny and I can't see a single cloud in the sky
That's incredible, let's see how long will this last
We're in the same spot, but what you didn't see is that
we had breakfast, we got ready and now we are ready for our adventure
here is my look of the day, I'm even wearing shoes
second take, we changed,
we've been reminded that we're visiting a local island,
which means that the main religion is islam
so we should have dressed a bit more, both of us
so this is my new look of the day
this is the main street of this island, which is the capital of the atoll
we have an hour to roam around, which is going to be even too much time, as the island is super small
I'll sum up for you the few things we got to know
this is the capital of the atoll, it has a name I can't pronounce
this is the main street and here there are the only police station of the atoll
the only hospital, the only bank with the only ATM
the mosque and they mainly live on fishing, the power is created with a generator
we basically walked around the whole island
I'm happy we came here, because I had the opportunity of seeing a different side of the Maldives
and how maldivians actually live
in these separate communities
it's very fascinating and interesting to see
it's time to head back and I'll greet you with the view of this coffee shop called fankuri
We're back on the beach
today is sunny
it's so beautiful
so very bautiful
I don't know if you can get used to this
it's lunch time
it's low tide, I think it's around 4 p.m., the good thing about being on holiday is that you loose track of time
the sun is starting to set, the water level has decreased
and I'm walking right next to the reef, have a look
it's 6.20 p.m. and we're still on the beach
in this position and Dani even took is pillow outside
and we're here enjoying the twilight
Goodevening giugizers, it's almost 8 p.m.
gosh my face is terrible
Whatever, this is my look for dinner, countrygirl at the beach style
I thought why not?
Oh you're making that noise!
and we're ready to go have dinner and basically this afternoon we did nothing
which is what you should do at the Maldives, I agree
so let's go have dinner!
tonight it's indian food night
we're back at the jetty where they feed the fishes
and fishes know things we ignore
and there are already all the mantas, are they mantas? and there's eels too
now I show you
that should be a eel, let me zoom in
here comes her majesty
and the eel couldn't care less, look at her, not a single f*ck given
and here there's plenty of them because they know food is coming soon
and during the day is all empty here, that's weird
good evening everyone, we're back in our villa
another day is over and we're watching TV
and they're talking about indonesian couples who celebrated the new year by getting married
so interesting, anyway we're ready to relax even more
because the relax is never too much
so I would call it a day while walking around for no reason
happy 2018 to you all and be aware that in 2017 212.000 people divorced
this is an important information
oh great I was filming the wall behind me
Ok, I'm signing off now with my huge pimple which I turned into a permanent scar
so goodnight and see you tomorrow, ciao!
9 l'orto di Stefanoapeassassina - LA VANGA MAGICA cos'è, come usarla, come e dove comperarla - Duration: 5:25.-------------------------------------------
O Outro Lado do Paraíso: Adinéia pede ajuda de Irene para armar plano contra Samuel e Cido - Duration: 5:26.-------------------------------------------
TRAILER OFICIAL 2018 | OFFICIAL TRAILER 2018 - FreeKicksPT - Duration: 3:44.Hi guys! Here's FreeKicksPT!
And welcome to the first video of 2018!
This year we'll be doing a lot of videos
So, If you didn't subscribe the channel yet
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In this channel you can find some type of videos but... always related to football (soccer)!
You can find "Best Free Kicks", like a compilation with our best shots
You can also find unboxings of
Football boots, official match balls and non-official balls
Every football stuff!
Then, we test the products, we do a review and we give our opinion about it!
We also bring to you a lot of tutorials
It can be some shooting technique or skill
For example, we brought the "Knuckleball Tutorial"
"How to Curve a Ball"
And a lot of skills that PRO Players use
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Big hug & see you in the next video ;)
Dona Anna: Chat about Yerba Mate tea. - Duration: 2:33.
on my wedding day
my mom prepared her bed
with a beautiful quilt that she herself
had embroidered with rechelieu embroidery
she said: Look, it's to place all the gifts that you will going to get.
but I did not...
I had no idea which gifts I was going to get that day.
so, the wedding happened
the dinner and everything
when, after all, I went to my mum's bedroom
I was amazed by a bed full of presents
some very good presents
dinner sets, coffee sets
a picture of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
which I liked most
and some tableware
two plates, two forks...
...two knifes
two small mugs
and it was when I also saw a gourd...
a Yerba Mate Tea gourd
and the gourd still exists
that gourd did stay there for a long time
until we begin to do the Chimarrão at my home
with who came to visit us
the neighbors, the mother-in-law, my mother ...
and we drank the Chimarrão
or I was me that was going to visit them
as today is soft drink and other things
I that time was just Chimarrão
we used to talk about
confidences, some times...
the domestic works, the children
we all used to drink Chimarrão
my name is Anna Judite
I am completing 72 years old
lived out pretty well
Atariquest - Episodio II | ANIMACIÓN | Donkey Kong y Ghostbusters - Duration: 2:27.-------------------------------------------
Como trocar amortecedores traseiros NISSAN X-TRAIL T30 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 11:26.Use a socket №17 and an open-end wrench №16
Use a socket №17 and a combination spanner №19
Use a socket №14
Using a special tool to compress the spring
Use a socket №17
Before installing new shock absorbers it is strongly recommended to pump them over for 3-5 times manually
(SS military march) Wir sind des Geyers schwarzer Haufen - Duration: 3:25.We are the Geyer's black band
And will we fight against the tyrants
Pike ahead, on our hand Set on the monastery roof the red rooster
Pike ahead, on our hand Set on the monastery roof the red rooster
When Adam dug and Eva spun God have mercy
Where was the nobleman? God have mercy
Pike ahead, on our hand Set on the monastery roof the red rooster
Pike ahead, on our hand Set on the monastery roof the red rooster
Florian Geyer will leads us Despite warning and spells
The Bundschuh leads by Fahn ' Wear helmet and harness on
Pike ahead, on our hand Set on the monastery roof the red rooster
Pike ahead, on our hand Set on the monastery roof the red rooster
At Weinsberg it sets fire and stink
Many people evitate the blade
Pike ahead, on our hand Set on the monastery roof the red rooster
Pike ahead, on our hand Set on the monastery roof the red rooster
defeated we going back home
Our grandchildren will fight better
Pike ahead, on our hand Set on the monastery roof the red rooster
Pike ahead, on our hand Set on the monastery roof the red rooster
COMO EXTERMINAR AS CELULITES EM UM 1 MINUTO - Duration: 3:03.-------------------------------------------
Você Vai PARAR de ROER AS UNHAS em 3 MINUTOS Quando Ver Isso - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
Consigli per pulire la pelle in modo naturale - Duration: 4:33.-------------------------------------------
GG KE GHAR PG-------------------------------------------
Volvo V40 2.0 D4 || R design || 190pk || 14% bijtelling - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
Fortnite Highlights #11 - Sniped - Duration: 0:21.Ehhh ...The big tree far away
This one ?
OK, I see him
He's going South-West
Someone is building South-West ! 239
I got him, I got him.
Damn, this shot was awesome.
What Goes Bump in the Night: Sleep Disorders - Duration: 13:31.What time is it?
What why?
Wait what?
Why isn't the light working?
Is the power off?
What's going on?
What the heck?
Oh, what time is it?
What… wait a second.
I'm dreaming!
Sleeping is something that we all do.
As often as possible if we can help it.
And you'd think with all the practice we get that we'd be experts by now...
But we're not, we actually kinda suck at it.
First, we need to get the mandatory disclaimer out of the way…
I'm not a doctor.
I'm also not a clinical psychologist…
Or a dentist.
That'll make sense later.
Don't take medical advice from a guy on youtube, okay?
Sleep disorders can be divided up into two categories, first, let's talk about Dyssomnias,
when you have trouble going to sleep, staying asleep, and sometimes even waking up.
Which is the case for Kleine-Levin Syndrome, also known as Sleeping Beauty Syndrome.
This is an extremely rare disorder where you sleep for 20 hours a day, every day, sometimes
for weeks at a time.
These episodes can sometimes be separated by years.
People with this disorder experience insatiable appetites when they're awake.
Both for food and for naughty time.
Most people with this disorder have a hard time discerning reality from dreaming and
as a result will sometimes just do nothing when they're awake.
It's extremely rare, in fact statistically, only 22 people in the United States have it,
so it's really difficult to figure out what causes it.
The leading theory is some sort of viral infection, but there's at least a dozen possible viruses
that have been linked to it so, we just don't know.
We do know what causes the next one on our list though, which is far more common.
Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders.
There are a few main types with extremely long names like Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder,
Advanced Sleep Phase Disorder, and Non-24-hour Sleep-Wake Disorder.
But they're all somewhat the same, with minor differences here and there.
Your circadian rhythm is the 24 hour sleep-wake cycle, which is built into everyone by evolution
and is regulated by light.
So how are we messing this up?
Well, diet and exercise are usually the main treatments so, that.
But even moreso, shift work and unnatural light, including lamps, TVs, and phones.
You have to remember that in terms of human history, all of these things fairly recent
inventions, and we're only now starting to realize how these stupid little things
are affecting our brains.
Normally, at night, your brain sees that it's dark out and starts to release melatonin,
which is the hormone that makes you sleepy.
But now, we have our homes artificially lit and we're staring at these stupid little
light boxes all the time, which tricks your brain into thinking the sun is still up, so
it doesn't release melatonin.
You might be saying that even cave people were living by campfires and candlelight back
in the day, so that doesn't make any sense.
And yeah, you're right.
But those light sources are comparatively dim and more towards the red end of the light
Whereas these little screens and the sky are blue light.
And it's blue wavelength light that your brain uses to regulate melatonin.
Somewhat related to this is Narcolepsy, when your brain can't regulate your sleep wake
cycle at all, so you just fall asleep seemingly at random.
I say almost, because one of the primary symptoms is excessive daytime sleepiness, which is
basically what it says on the tin.
Shout out to the only person who knows why I said it like that.
These sleepiness episodes are kind of warning signals of an impending sleep attack and only
last a few seconds or minutes.
So be sure your friends are ready and waiting for a random, unannounced trust fall.
The opposite of this is probably the most experienced dyssomnia, Insomnia, which is
the inability to go to sleep or stay asleep.
It is often comorbid with other disorders such as depression and anxiety or even physical
ailments such as diabetes.
We all know what this is like right?
You're laying there, rolling around, thinking about that really ill-timed racist joke you
sad as a kid, replaying game of thrones episodes in your head, planning tomorrow- Just shut
up and go to sleep already!
But at least you don't have Fatal Familial Insomnia.
This is a genetic prion disease, also known as a Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy.
I just really wanted to say the big words and sound smart.
Symptoms don't show up until adulthood, and once you show symptoms, there is no cure,
and you only have 18 months left to live…
18 sleepless months.
All the while your mind is slowly deteriorating.
Don't worry too much though, only 100 people in the world have this disease.
But someone has to be the 101st right?
There are also physical issues which can prevent you from getting to sleep as well, such as
Sleep Apnea, when you stop breathing.
There are two types, central, which is when your brain just kinda stops telling you to
breathe all of a sudden.
Which is scary.
And then obstructive, the kind we all hear when people snore like chainsaws.
Sometimes you wake up gasping for breath… and sometimes you don't.
Either way, the treatment is to wear one of those creepy Bane masks to sleep.
Then, there's everyone's favorite sleep disorder to make fun of: Restless Legs Syndrome.
I actually had Restless Legs Syndrome back in the day, before there was a pill for it
or even a name for it.
It's when you're laying there and you have this insatiable urge to move your legs.
You'll never guess this, but the treatment for it, before there was a pill anyway, was
diet and exercise.
So now let's get to the second and arguably more fun sleep disorders: Parasomnias, which
is when you can get to sleep, but you have abnormal behaviors or perceptions.
Each of these can be put into one of three subcategories: Physical, Sensory, and Conscious.
You'll see each one of these light up differently for each one we talk about.
But since we're already on physical issues, let's stick with that.
*Muffles* *Screams*
Bruxism is when you unconsciously grind your
teeth whils you're asleep.
You might have no idea that you're doing it, but your dentist does.
That hole is not a cavity, it's not a naturally occurring indentation, it's a result of
grinding from the opposing tooth.
Treatment is pretty simple, it's just a mouthguard – you can get one of those boxing
style ones from the store or have your dentist make up a fancy one like this.
One of the most common dreams is when you experience lockjaw or your teeth are falling
If you experience those dreams, you might be grinding your teeth.
My second video ever was on dreams, so I'm not going to get too much into the meaning
If you're doing it in your dream, there is a chance you're doing it in real life.
Normally, when you're sleeping, your brain paralyzes your body so that you don't swing
around and break people or things.
But it can't paralyze your face.
Which is why your eyes dart around during REM sleep, you grind your teeth, and sometimes,
you talk.
This is called Somniloquy, which is just a fancy word for sleep talking and there isn't
much else to say about it.
But sometimes that paralyzing mechanism doesn't work and you end up with REM Sleep Behavior
This isn't just rolling over or repositioning, this is you acting out your dream, thrashing,
kicking, punching and everything else.
What time is it?
Wait… oh no, I'm still dreaming.
Wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up!
Whoa whoa, okay wait, there might actually be a chance that I'm doing this in real
life, no need for the neighbors to call the cops or anything.
It'll be alright, the alarm will go off soon and I'll wake up.
Which brings us to Somnambulism, or sleep walking.
For REM Sleep Behavior Disorder, you're just moving around in bed, but for sleep walking,
your eyes are open, you can feel gravity and balance, you're even interacting with people
and objects – but you're not conscious.
People who sleepwalk have engaged in naughty times, in which case it's called Sexomnia,
and even murdered people.
And if they have a proven history of sleep walking, they're usually found innocent…
figure that one out.
I'm not sure how I feel about that one, you still killed someone, just because you
didn't mean to do it or you weren't conscious doesn't mean you're not still dangerous.
What time is it?
Oh no no no no!
Oh c'mon c'mon c'mon.
Okay how can I get out of this?
Exploding Head Syndrome!
This is when you hallucinate a sensation or perception that usually wakes you up.
Most of you experience this as a falling sensation.
But there are people out there who hear gunshots, explosions, or slamming doors.
And yes, it really is called Exploding Head Syndrome, so of course I had to include it.
A second ago when I mentioned that your brain usually paralyzes your body when you're
sleeping a few of you rubbed your hands together in anticipation for me to talk about this
next one.
Sleep Paralysis.
This is when you hear things happening in the world around you and you are conscious,
but your body has not received the "it's time to wake up" signal.
You are trapped in your own paralyzed body – kind of like that terrible Hayden Christensen
It usually only lasts a few seconds or minutes, but it's still pretty terrifying.
And now that we've finally got to the ones where you're conscious, I would be remiss
if I didn't mention Lucid Dreaming, which is when you are conscious and aware that you
are dreaming.
Sometimes you'll incorporate sensory input from the outside world… but not always.
You might be thinking that this is not a disorder, but it is, it's not normal – you're
not supposed to be conscious when you're dreaming.
A disorder doesn't have to be bad, being excessively happy is a disorder.
Most people who experience this usually wake up as soon as they realize they're dreaming,
but there are some people who like to try and hone their skills at lucid dreaming.
Shoutout to the oneironauts.
Nobody is going to the doctor over lucid dreaming and even if you did, I doubt there are any
treatments, but it's still abnormal sleep behavior.
What time is it?
Oh no, no no no no no!
C'mon c'mon!
Wake up!
There has to be a way to get out of here.
C'mon c'mon please!
But there is a certain type of lucid dreaming that is particularly terrifying, appropriately
named, Night Terrors.
This typically involves being chased, being immobile, or being trapped in your dream,
knowing that you're dreaming and not being able to wake up.
Family members will see your distress, usually your heavy breathing and excessive sweating,
and likewise not be able to wake you up.
You will eventually wake up, this isn't an episode of Black Mirror, but still.
This is different from just a bad nightmare, because you are conscious in your dream, you
know you're dreaming.
Almost always, with night terrors, nightmares, lucid dreaming, and regular dreaming, you
will forget about it shortly after you wake up.
Your brain knows it's not real, so it won't commit it to memory.
But I already made a video about dreams, so go check that out if you're interested.
So the next time someone tells you THIS IS ALL JUST A BAD DREAM you'll know better.
Sleeping is something we all do.
As often as possible if we can help it.
And you'd think with all the practice we get...
Two things really quick.
On Tuesday night I'll be live streaming the State of the Union address much like I
did last year.
So if you'd like to discuss it and watch along while hearing my comments, set your
Secondly, you probably noticed a huge jump in quality with this video, and that's because
I got some new equipment thanks in part to your support on Patreon.
So if you'd like to support the channel, consider donating a dollar or two.
There's a link on screen or in the description.
Do you suffer from any of these disorders or want to share your experience?
Let me know down in the comments and don't forget to somnambulate that subscribe button.
Also be sure to follow me on twitter and facebook and join us on the subreddit.
2018 Honda Civic 1 6 i DTEC Overview - Duration: 5:34.Welcome to the oil-consuming form of the tenth era Honda Civic.
This new 1.6-liter, four-chamber diesel joins the oil controlled 1.0-liter and 1.5-liter
variations that were propelled a year ago, and in addition the traveling Type R - all
of which we're as of now especially partial to.
The new diesel, which we've been driving on the shockingly battered lanes of Rome, picks
up the same broad updates that were presented on the petroleum models.
Honda made a special effort when it came to outlining this auto, committing 33% of its
innovative work assets to the venture.
Indeed, it's the result of the single biggest improvement program in the organization's
There's another stage, an updated suspension set-up that includes MacPherson struts in
advance and a multi-connect raise pivot at the back, and additionally a hardened unibody
and a brought down focus of gravity.
These progressions, Honda says, have been executed to loan the Civic a more coordinated
and connecting with driving background.
The 1.6-liter I-DTEC motor has additionally been overhauled.
New produced steel cylinders supplant the aluminum jobbies found in before incarnations
of this power plant and help to lessen grinding and cooling misfortune inside the square.
Another turbocharger offers decreased slack and additionally enhanced low-to mid-run pull.
Its 221lb ft of torque is accessible from 2000rpm, while crest control - every one of
the 118bhp of it - is come to at 4000rpm.
The key details for this auto, be that as it may, are its economy figures.
Honda claims that the Civic diesel will oversee 80.1mpg on the joined cycle, with CO2 outflows
from 93g/km.
We'd be extending reality somewhat on the off chance that we said the Civic diesel was
an energizing auto to drive.
In any case, on the other hand, an oil-consuming family hatchback is never going to be the
kind of auto to set your heart hustling.
This shouldn't imply that the Civic isn't a stunningly fit auto, mind.
While it's not especially brisk - it dispatches the 0-62mph dash in a relaxed 10.5 seconds
- where it scores huge focuses is in the ride office.
You get the feeling that almost no will annoy the Civic.
Its suspension adapts well finished harsh and uneven surfaces - even the mottled Roman
streets of our test course didn't influence it to recoil - retaining shocks with little
complain, and never figuring out how to feel something besides planted and stable.
Its versatile dampers confine vertical travel well, and even set to their sportiest setting,
the Civic feels quiet and gathered.
Very why a diesel Civic necessities versatile dampers is another inquiry totally.
It directs well, as well, regardless of whether there is little in the method for criticism
from the electromechanically helped variable-proportion rack-and-pinion controlling - in spite of
the fact that that is the standard nowadays, would it say it isn't?
It doesn't roll an especially perceptible sum through the twists, and sudden alters
in course don't annoyed the Civic's adjust too essentially either.
We'd get a kick out of the chance to state that it grasps well, as well, however the
streets of our Italian test course didn't give much in the method for sharp curves.
It had a wealth of quicker, gentler extends of Tarmac, however, which uncovered the Civic's
amazing refinement at cruising speeds.
The 1.6-liter I-DTEC is tranquil, and cheerfully sits at motorway speeds.
It lacks some in-equip push, however, yet this is comprehended by working the six-speed
manual gearbox, which is exact in its activity and has a pleasingly short toss.
The inside isn't the last word in extravagance, with plenteous plastics all through, however
you can't blame it to the extent ergonomics are concerned.
The Honda Connect infotainment framework is a fly in the generally consummately worthy
balm, inferable from the way that it's not especially responsive, and falls behind the
opposition to the extent its designs are concerned.
Gratefully, Apple CarPlay and Android Auto go some approach to helping this.
Diesel isn't precisely kind of the month at present, inferable from expanded government
tax assessment and an obvious approach of deception encompassing its ecological qualifications.
In any case, Honda anticipates that diesel models will represent 31% of all UK Civic
deals, so it wouldn't appear that all expectation is lost.
There's a considerable measure to like about the Civic diesel, as well.
It's agreeable, drives well and is a refined long-remove tourer.
Our £24,925 top-spec EX show accompanied a lot of standard pack and, by correspondingly
prepared opponents, for example, the Ford Focus and Seat Leon, is relied upon to hold
essentially a greater amount of its esteem.
Be that as it may, the case is the same for its oil fueled rangemates, which we'd pick
In addition to the fact that they are less expensive to purchase, they perform better,
yet still won't abandon you recoiling at the fuel pump.
[ 자극적 / Part 2 ] 선배와 부실에서 연애연구♥ [Soft talk / Kissing Sound / Drama Voice] r-15 - Duration: 23:50.-------------------------------------------
САМЫЕ ЗАКАЗЫВАЕМЫЕ СМАРТФОНЫ НА АЛИЭКСПРЕСС | ТОП 10 смартфонов с АлиЭкспресс - Duration: 8:29.-------------------------------------------
The Isle | NEW UTAH MODEL! | #115 [Early Access] - Duration: 12:33.NEW UTAH MODEL!
oh! There is a drop for humans!
What the...?
This is new for me :O
Hello there!
What are you doing here?
R.I.P. Angelka
This AI dino is still chasing me. D:
The night time is endless. >0<
I'm here! :P
A nice utah pack. :)
Guess who's here... 0,0
Who is it?
It's only a baby carno and utah. :)
That's adorable. <3
He must be in shock that he sees us. xD
Damn... I hate the night time. x_x
awww... that human is want to be with us. :)
'Demon from the darkness'
He seems to be friendly.
Hi! nice to meet you. ;)
LOL! RIP unnamed utah.
I laughed so hard. When I saw this :'D
Bro, what happened to your hair?! :'D
How I Make Money Online-------------------------------------------
Kia Picanto 1.0 T-GDi 5-zits X-Line met Clima, Cruise, Navi en 7 jr garantie - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Saab 9-3 Sport Estate 1.8t Linear Business / LPG-G3 / Clima + Cruise - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Sour Patch Kids Sponsor Overwatch League & Player Signing and Trading Windows Open | Akshon Recap - Duration: 4:44.this is Darren from Akshon Esports back with Akshon Recap number five which
seems to be out rather quickly as the news keeps on coming. For those who are
new in this series we tackle important stories in the esports community in
addition to other notable topics. Earlier today Blizzard revealed that they had
opened the free agent signing period for overwatch League teams on Monday January
22nd during this period teams can sign any eligible player currently not signed
to an overwatch league contract players can only be signed to a team's active
roster up until the start of stage two on February 21st but this doesn't mean
that players can't be picked up as a substitute or placed on a contenders
team for the time being until the next window of opportunity to promote a
player into a starting position teams struggling at the bottom of the
standings after three weeks of play are looking to make the most of this period
to bring on some new talent for the Florida mayhem this is something that
they've been keeping an eye on and have the greatest signing potential the
smallest roster in the league the mayhem can sign up to six new players allowing
them to add some more strategic flexibility to their roster we are happy
with our core we'd like to add some debt in multiple positions both as insurance
for when a player gets ill and to create some healthy competition said mayhem
head coach Ventus Mineral latias everyone is also anticipating a pretty
drastic meta shift going into stage two with changes to mercy it's important for
us to stay ahead of the curve and ensure that we're optimally equipped to play
any composition imaginable without having the dilute hero pools of the
players we already have as for the Shanghai dragons who've been struggling
to claw out from the bottom of the standings team manager yang Vann stated
in the announcement we've been assessing candidates globally in a meticulous
manner according to the management teams roster strengthening plan for the
transfer window we are making good progress on contract negotiation and
further news will be shared as soon as possible this statement indirectly
confirms our previous report in which we revealed via sources close to players
who have been already approached by the Dragons that there was an active
interest in signing new talent one player in particular that is potentially
on the Dragons radar is the ex rocks orcas player giggity who could join the
Shanghai contender squad among others it remains to be seen at this
rumor regarding gay guru holds true but we'll keep you updated in the coming
weeks starting February 11th the day after the end of stage one the player
trading window will open allowing teams to exchange talent with interested
parties during the season as they see fit
both the free agent signing period and the player trade window closes on April
3rd the day before the start of stage 3 which is also when rosters will be
locked for the remainder of the season and playoffs it is important to note
that all signings and trades must be approved by the overwatch league office
before taking effect in other news two new companies have entered the overwatch
eSports scene as official partners of the league both t-mobile and Sour Patch
Kids yes the mouth puckering candy that would
give our dentists a nightmare have joined the likes of Toyota HP and Intel
signing multiple year deals with Blizzard Entertainment the two companies
both provide products and services that cater towards the eSports youth
demographic ranging from 12 to 35 years old with over 10 million viewers after
week one of the overwatch League and a steady stream of viewers still tuning in
we can expect more companies partnering with Blizzard in the coming months a new
developer update video also came out this week with Jeff Caplan touching on
popular community topics I'll leave the link in the description below if you
haven't seen it but here's a quick TL DW instance of abuse chat are 17 percent
downs of the report changes Blizzard now as a program to proactively seek out
social media like YouTube and track down Talk
if the Mersey nerves are too much the dev team will help her Jeff and his team
are heavily looking into Hanzo and his scatter arrow they have not yet decided
how they can adjust the scatter arrow or if they will give Hanzo a new ability
altogether the overwatch team doesn't think may is in a horrible place in the
meta but they will try to ensure that she stays competitive they also don't
believe Symetra needs major buffs but she was designed to be situational so
they may help her as well otherwise that's all for this installment of
action recap if you enjoyed the video consider subscribing by clicking the
action icon or check out some of our other videos if you have something to
say and want to join in on the conversation consider checking out a
discord server we would also like to extend our thanks to you the viewers for
the support that action recap has seen we never thought that episode 5 would be
out already within a week of starting the series so thank you for the
continued support and we hope to create more informative content in the future
otherwise has been dared from action eSports see in the next one
Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI Blue 100PK COMFORT+ |NAVI |AIRCO - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
Funny Videos 2018 - Funny Animals Fails Compilation 2018 | Try Not To Laugh Challenge - Duration: 10:20.Thanks for watching
Hope you have a great time
Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!
T AND Y CONSONANTS - CHA SOUND in American English - Duration: 2:40.-------------------------------------------
Liberals Wail As Oprah Gives The 1 Reason Why Her Presidential Run Won't Happen - Duration: 3:31.-------------------------------------------
Trump Tries To Kill Solar Power By Taxing The Hell Out Of It - Duration: 3:53.The renewable energy sector here in the United States has been the fastest growing energy
sector for about the last two years.
They're growing in terms of job numbers.
They're growing in terms of sales.
They're growing in terms of revenue.
They're outpacing coal, natural gas, fracking, and even the oil industry in some regards;
and it's because of that that Donald Trump has decided to take a sledge hammer to the
progress being made by the renewable energy industry in the United States.
This week, Donald Trump announced that he was going to be imposing a 30% tariff on all
solar panels imported into the United States, so what this means is that if a company overseas
is making solar panels and we want to buy them and use them here in the United States
we have to purchase them, they bring them into the United States, but before they can
come onto our shores there's going to be a 30% tax on them.
At the time, when Republicans are talking about cutting taxes for all corporations,
all industries, all wealthy people, they're raising taxes on solar panels to help destroy
the renewable energy industry in the United States in order to protect their buddies over
in the fossil fuels sector.
Donald Trump has made it clear that he does not believe in climate change, and he does
not even like renewable energy.
He told us repeatedly on the campaign trail and in his last year of being president that
coal jobs were coming back.
Well, they haven't come back.
They're, in fact, still losing jobs because nobody wants to use coal anymore; but, not
to be outdone, Donald Trump decided, "Well, you know what?
If you don't want to use coal, I'm going to make solar power, renewable energy, so damn
expensive that you have no choice.
That's going to get me those coal votes in 2020, assuming I don't go to prison before
that election."
That's what we're talking about here today.
I have never in my lifetime, and I don't think there ever has been in history, seen an administration
in the White House be so hostile towards science, because that's what's at the root of all this.
It's not just that he's taxing renewable energy to help drive them out of business, it's that
he's also doing it because he doesn't believe climate change is real!
I mean, the other ... If you want to talk about dumb science, things from administrations,
I guess, the only other thing that would compare to this was when John Adams decided to green
light an expedition to go to the center of the earth because he thought the earth was
That's, essentially, what we're dealing with here today, except that Donald Trump has plenty
of evidence telling him that climate change exists.
He just choose to ignore it.
He has the most well-informed, well meaning people at his disposal here in the United
States, and, really, all around the globe, and yet he chooses to embrace ignorance, because
that's the only thing he understands.
For those of us who care about the environment, I'm sure we're going to find a way to come
up with that extra 30% charge that he's putting on solar panels, but most people in this country
aren't going to be able to afford that.
Governments who were thinking about, or, state governments, I should say, who were thinking
about starting solar farms, they're not going to be able to afford it anymore.
Instead, we're going to get more years of using fossil fuels, spewing carbon into the
atmosphere, and destroying the planet, all because Donald Trump is a complete science-denying
How to Hire Writers to Create Killer Content For Your Blog [STEAL OUR PROCESS] - Duration: 6:47.-------------------------------------------
oh gong & sun mi ✗ If this isn't love, then what is? | Hwayuki [CC] - Duration: 2:17.If this isn't love, then what is?
I've given you back the memory I've taken.
Now only you can call me out of here.
Should I not have called him out?
The Great Sage, the equal of heaven... Son Oh Gong...
Son Oh Gong, the Great Sage, the equal of heaven, protect me until the end.
Alright. Even if the world falls apart,
I'll protect you.
Marvel Black Panther & Erik Killmonger Basic Hasbro Movie Action Figure Review - Duration: 10:22.Marvel Black Panther & Erik Killmonger
Basic Hasbro Movie Action Figure Review -
A warrior and new king of Wakanda, T�Challa defends his kingdom as Black Panther.
Imagine joining the mission to protect Wakanda with this 6-inch scale Black Panther figure,
inspired by the upcoming film, Black Panther.
Figure features movie-inspired design and multiple points of articulation, as well as
a character-inspired Black Panther accessory.
Collect all Black Panther movie 6-inch-scale figures to imagine the action of Black Panther!
Help protect Wakanda with our awesome 6 inch Black Panther figure!
It features a movie-inspired design, multiple points of articulation, and a character-inspired
Marvel Black Panther 6" Black Panther Figure - Kids will love recreating exciting battles
for the fate of Wakanda with these 6� figures.
Made with true to movie styling and 7 points of articulation for lots of cool battle poses
Marvel Black Panther 6" Erik Killmonger Figure - Black Panther 6" Mini Figure
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Marvel Black Panther & Erik Killmonger Basic Hasbro Movie Action Figure Review
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Top 10 Mysterious Websites You Shouldn't Visit - Part 2 - Duration: 6:59.Hello and welcome back to the Most Amazing Channel on the internet!
I am your most amazing host, Rebecca Felgate and today we are back with the Top 10 Mysterious
Websites You Shouldn't visit!
You guys loved part one so much, I am coming at you with a part 2.
Before we get started, I just wanted to let you guys know that we have brand new merch
for sale at Most Amazing!
We have brand new colours available, and my new favourite is red!
If you buy anything from the Most Amazing team and send us a picture, we will post it
on our Most Amazing Instagram.
10 -Staggering Beauty I have no idea what is happening here other
than there is a blinking little black worm who wants to be my friend.
When I say wants to be my friend, I mean that it follows my mouse and wiggled about in kind
of an enjoyable way.
I don't know if I like how much it is staring with me.
But, oh, if you don't want to have a seizure, don't move your mouse too fast, that is
when this worm takes a dark turn.
9 - So, Endless.Horse showcases a baffling text
created image horse….who's legs go on forever….and ever…and ever…and ever….and
I scrolled for five minutes and couldn't get to the bottom of the legs, then I lost
all hope and interest and sadly scrolled all the way back to the top.
What is the meaning of this?
And why is the horses eye a 6?
8 - It looks simple, but what is going on here? is a maintained site with a member area you can login to.
If you don't have a login, you can apply by submitting information to
…although they say you should already know what information is needed, if you don't
they say don't try or ask!
What an enigma!
I have no idea what is going on behind closed doors here… also, that must be an expensive
domain name to maintain .
7 - Bury Me With My WELL…I mean…is this some kind of social
commentary ?! Bury Me With My is a strange website indeed.
The words "Bury me with my money" flash across the screen, accompanied with a grainy
old man voice….then a man falls with a sack of money to the bottom of the page…and then
that happens over and over again until there is a pile of dead cartoon men with their money
all across the page.
6 - Despite this list being the Top 10 Mystery
Websites you shouldn't visit, I actually really think you should visit this site, it
is a treat.
Every time you hover over the giant letter r, b or g, you get a robotic voice singing
the letter at you and your screen changes colour accordingly.
Here is a little demo….
I mean, any fan of Kraftwerk will love this.
What it means, I don't know….
Do I care….
Not really.
I am also kind of here for this too, but I am in to weird.
Next up, at number 5, we have Metaphors of
This gets weirder as time goes on, and I am fully here for the sound.
It is like some surrealist creature running on a geometric body, gradually getting bigger
as things drop from the sky.
If you press the red circle, more things fall!
It's pretty strange and chaotic….but some part of me loves it, even though its probably
an artistic expression of evil.
4 - Move Now Think Later Ahhh….anxiety!
What is happening on this website and why!
It is all black and white and looks like a chess or checkers board…then little circles
start bopping around all over the place.
If you listen with sound on, too, it is pretty stressful!
It's very pingy!
3 - What the fresh 90s comic sans hell is this?
This site is all about the sound….the baffling baffling sound.
An man with an African accent welcomes you to Zombocom...over and over again.
He then says stuff like …"You can do anything at Zombocom, anything, the only limit is yourself.
" - there is some pretty kitsch music playing in the background, too, while a rainbow colour
wheel spins.
2 - YYYYYYY.Info That is 7 ys….
But I have more than seven whys in my line of questioning regarding this site.
The sound, too…
I think it can be different each time you load the page, but mine was a rising whirr
that never stopped and I felt it was trying to populate my brain.
It seems to be a weird collection of data and images from the internet displayed on
one page… it's chaos in its purest form.
Finally….I don't know…I get a weird murder vibe from our number one, we have Cleanupwv
So this is a Youtube Channel….and I have no idea what the heck is going on.
The channel is filled with mysterious CCTV style footage and it all seems to feature
parts of the same clip.
It's all silent too….which…I mean…creepy.
The mysterious collection of 430 videos seem to be shot in Japan and their descriptions
are non sensical.
I googled some of the words in the description and it was like Raw non-tax mud?
Den….whatever that means.
It's a mystery… but it feels sinister.
That was the Top 10 Mysterious websites you shouldn't visit!
Let me know if you visited any of them against my better advice and it there are any more
I need to know about.
Maldives Vlogs 17/18 - Day 5 - Visiting a nearby Island - Duration: 11:39.>> Goodmorning and happy January 1rst 2018
it's 8.30 a.m. and we have 45 minutes
to have breakfast and get ready because this morning
as first adventure for this 2018
I'm scared of you!
we're going to visit a nearby island
today it's sunny and I can't see a single cloud in the sky
That's incredible, let's see how long will this last
We're in the same spot, but what you didn't see is that
we had breakfast, we got ready and now we are ready for our adventure
here is my look of the day, I'm even wearing shoes
second take, we changed,
we've been reminded that we're visiting a local island,
which means that the main religion is islam
so we should have dressed a bit more, both of us
so this is my new look of the day
this is the main street of this island, which is the capital of the atoll
we have an hour to roam around, which is going to be even too much time, as the island is super small
I'll sum up for you the few things we got to know
this is the capital of the atoll, it has a name I can't pronounce
this is the main street and here there are the only police station of the atoll
the only hospital, the only bank with the only ATM
the mosque and they mainly live on fishing, the power is created with a generator
we basically walked around the whole island
I'm happy we came here, because I had the opportunity of seeing a different side of the Maldives
and how maldivians actually live
in these separate communities
it's very fascinating and interesting to see
it's time to head back and I'll greet you with the view of this coffee shop called fankuri
We're back on the beach
today is sunny
it's so beautiful
so very bautiful
I don't know if you can get used to this
it's lunch time
it's low tide, I think it's around 4 p.m., the good thing about being on holiday is that you loose track of time
the sun is starting to set, the water level has decreased
and I'm walking right next to the reef, have a look
it's 6.20 p.m. and we're still on the beach
in this position and Dani even took is pillow outside
and we're here enjoying the twilight
Goodevening giugizers, it's almost 8 p.m.
gosh my face is terrible
Whatever, this is my look for dinner, countrygirl at the beach style
I thought why not?
Oh you're making that noise!
and we're ready to go have dinner and basically this afternoon we did nothing
which is what you should do at the Maldives, I agree
so let's go have dinner!
tonight it's indian food night
we're back at the jetty where they feed the fishes
and fishes know things we ignore
and there are already all the mantas, are they mantas? and there's eels too
now I show you
that should be a eel, let me zoom in
here comes her majesty
and the eel couldn't care less, look at her, not a single f*ck given
and here there's plenty of them because they know food is coming soon
and during the day is all empty here, that's weird
good evening everyone, we're back in our villa
another day is over and we're watching TV
and they're talking about indonesian couples who celebrated the new year by getting married
so interesting, anyway we're ready to relax even more
because the relax is never too much
so I would call it a day while walking around for no reason
happy 2018 to you all and be aware that in 2017 212.000 people divorced
this is an important information
oh great I was filming the wall behind me
Ok, I'm signing off now with my huge pimple which I turned into a permanent scar
so goodnight and see you tomorrow, ciao!
Gorgeous Beautiful Manhattan KS Tiny House on Wheels by Tumbleweed Tiny House - Duration: 2:08.GORGEOUS BEAUTIFUL MANHATTAN KS TINY HOUSE ON WHEELS BY TUMBLEWEED TINY HOUSE
The Arbutus Laneway House (750 Sq. Ft.) in Vancouver, Canada | Gorgeous Small House Design - Duration: 2:17.The Arbutus Laneway House (750 Sq. Ft.) in Vancouver, Canada
Has the President read Natural News – or is he just smart He do - Duration: 4:23.Has the President read Natural News � or is he just smart?
He doesn�t get the flu shot, and here�s why
President Trump is either really smart, an avid reader of Natural News, or both � how
else can you explain the fact that he has never gotten a flu shot?
During a 2015 interview with Sirius XM�s Opie and Jim Norton, Donald Trump was asked
whether or not he gets the flu vaccination, to which he replied: �I�ve never had one.
And thus far I�ve never had the flu.
I don�t like the idea of injecting bad stuff into your body.
And that�s basically what they do.
And this one (latest flu vaccine) has not been very effective to start off with.�
Trump continued, �I have friends that religiously get the flu shot and then they get the flu.
You know, that helps my thinking.
I�ve seen a lot of reports that the last flu shot is virtually totally ineffective.�
This proves that in addition to being a competent president and an incredibly successful businessman,
Donald Trump is smart when it comes to medicine and vaccination as well.
As Natural News has explained numerous times in the past, there is a plethora of information
out there that suggests that the flu vaccine isn�t as effective as many medical experts
make it out to be, and in some cases even does more harm than good.
As reported by Natural News founder Mike Adams in October of last year, a medical study that
was conducted by researchers at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center found that
women who received the flu shot actually had weakened immune systems in subsequent years,
meaning that they became more susceptible to the flu and other viruses rather than less.
�Growing evidence shows that those who received a flu shot in the prior year have lower antibody
responses in the current year,� explained the study�s lead researcher Lisa Christian,
The study provides further evidence that supports what Natural News has been arguing all along
� that contrary to the official narrative of the flu shot industry that seems to believe
that the vaccine offers bulletproof protection, flu shots actually make people more vulnerable
to viruses and influenza infections.
This creates a vicious cycle, of sorts, whereby people become more susceptible to the flu
because of the flu shot, go in for more shots for �more protection,� and the entire
scenario repeats itself without end.
One month before reporting on this groundbreaking study, in September of 2017, Natural News
published another article on the risks and dangers associated with getting the flu vaccine.
Mike Adams provided readers with some pieces of evidence that, quite frankly, are difficult
to refute.
For one thing, the Health Ranger noted that there have been photographs taken of a 2013/2014
influenza vaccine box that admitted, in very small print so as to make it as difficult
to read as possible, that mercury was added to the vaccine as a preservative.
Furthermore, a screenshot that was taken straight from the official website of the Centers for
Disease Control admits that vaccines still contain ingredients such as Aluminum, Antibiotics,
Egg Protein, Formaldehyde, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) and Thimerosal, which is a mercury-containing
chemical compound.
In addition, lab results that were collected in the Natural News Forensic Food Lab confirmed
that the flu vaccination has nearly the same level of mercury claimed by the manufacturer.
With all of this information and evidence regarding the risks of the flu vaccination
readily available, it makes sense why Donald Trump has never gotten a flu shot.
Perhaps more and more Americans will follow in his footsteps, or, at the very least, read
both sides of the argument before making a decision
Cavuto on Business 01/27/18 10AM | January 27, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 24:53.-------------------------------------------
Mini Bowls T-shirt Yarn (Home Decor) - Duration: 11:02.Hello everyone I hope you are doing great today! today I wanted to show you how to do these
mini bowls that I've made to decorate my bathroom
we are going to need two colors of t-shirt yarn 8 mm crochet and needles
10 mm and 6.5 mm also uses a little bit of glue
for the final finish. To do the magic ring we take the t-shirt yarn
around our hand we passed the thread behind then what
we take with the needle and we take it with our index finger
we load thread and take it out by the arito in that magic ring we're going to do six
low points, anyway I'm going to leave link for the video where he explained
how to make a magic ring in detail,
then we have our six points we throw the end of the magic ring
to close it and let's make a slipped our first point
we take the thread and pass it through of the point and the arito that we have
loaded on our needle (so slipping is done) for the second round we started with
a chain and we're going to do the first low point at that same point where
we made the chain, where we have the slipped, and we're going to make an increase in
each point of the following, that is, two low points in each available point
until we finish our turn
we also ended up making a Slipped or dwarf point at our first point
this, which would be our third round, we are going to start it with an
chain and a low point in it point where we made the chain then
we make a point at the point next and in the next one that will be the
third we're going to make an increase and we're going to repeat this sequence until finished
the turn, a low point at a point and in the next point an increase
we also finished our return with a slipped and to start the fourth
back we started with a chain
likewise our first low point in the same point and we are going to do this
back with five low points and then a increase and we repeat these sequence until the
end of our return
we also finished our return with a slipped point and we start the
fifth round with a chain, this back, which is number five, like
that six and seven are going to be a low point at each point
all around
on lap number 6 we do not do the first low point at the point of
slipped but we simply do a low point at each point up
culminate our return
also the return number 7
let's make a low point in each point the whole turn
so we are staying for the return number 8 we start with a string and
let's make five points down and we skipped a point. Here I already have my five
low points then I will jump a point and the next low point I'm going to
do in the following
and I repeat this sequence of five points low and skip 1 to finish this round
and so it remains after this number return 8
there you can notice the holes where we We skipped the points. For turn 9 that
it's going to be decorative, we take the trapillo of the other color and we position it, I
I'm putting in the same point where I finished the round, I want it
position on the outside to go knitting in the opposite direction, that is,
from the outside in and just what I'm pulling out with my needle like
it shows in a way to go doing communes chains on the outer side
from my top edge
in point number 11, which I have left in the part of the bowl front
I'm going to throw that little arito that I have on my needle so that I stayed a
little bigger to simulate a little bow and pulled the needle out of there I get into the
next point and loaded the thread once with the arito loaded with my needle
I return the previous point and I reload thread and take it out repeating
again the procedure to simulate the other side of the bow, then continue
weaving the chains on the side outside until finishing the round
at the end of row number 9 simply we passed the thread forward to
make a knot between both colored threads gray and we proceed to use the
glue for the lacito we repeat in both ends of the loop
and as I say, we passed the thread for inside and we're going to make a knot
with the final end and the beginning of gray thread which I will also ensure
with glue to cut it and we also hide the remaining piece of
our fuchsia thread in this case using a 6.5 or 5.5 needle
millimeters, that is smaller than the one we use for the fabric with the
purpose of not deforming this one. Good friends and that's all for today, I hope
you liked this tutorial, If so, do not forget to leave me your little finger
above and subscribe to the channel as well leave me down your comments and doubts
chau until next time
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