Welcome to Tatuajes Tattoo
Today we'll talk about Polynesian tattoos and
Before we begin our video
We publish videos every day so
make sure to subscribe for more
funny tattoos
Polynesian ranging from corners in Hawaii
New Zealand and Easter Island.
The Polynesian languages are the main
factor defining the region
Polynesian tattoos have been a
source of intrigue for many
historians traditions
behind these tattoos are centuries
old. Have been very
Interestingly associated with it, giving
meaning and distinctive designs.
Traditional tattoo designs
often they are seen in some native
Polynesians called Tafuga and not
They should be imitated. The old way of
tattoos handed down from master to
disciple and involves a lot of
Tattoo teachers were people
very important as they knew the
meaning of symbols and
patterns. They continued their tradition
from generation to generation, ie
from parents to children without spreading
largely because of their knowledge
sacred history.
Respect for mother nature,
origin of arts and creatures has
an important role in the culture
Here we leave some
Polynesian tattoos.
You agree with our
If you enjoyed these tattoos shares
the video with family and friends could
be very useful for them
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For more infomation >> Polynesian Tattoo for women o Tatuajes Polinesios para mujeres más Maoris, Kiri-Tuhi-Tatuajes Tattoo - Duration: 7:02.-------------------------------------------
PF024 Dreamland - Lewis Carroll - Musical adaptation of the poem - Subtitulado en español - Duration: 3:20.
Resultados En Vivo Sorteo Miercoles 26 de Abril 2017 Loteria Panama : Numeros Loteria 20 Abril 2017 - Duration: 1:21.
مش متذكر - I don't remember - No Recuerdo - Duration: 4:08.
Ahmad, come and play with us
I don't remember!
Oh no! The ball has been punctured! Ahmad do you have a ball to play with?
I don't remember!
I am a little Palestinian girl, and I am still at the age of flowers
I am good-hearted, I have pure intentions and I don't harm anyone
I know my home, I know my land, and my lovely family is surrounding me
I find whatever I ask for with love and kindliness
Ahmad, my son, I put your sandwich in the kitchen, have you taken it?
I don't remember!
Have you studied for today's exam?
Ahmad have you studied Unit 3 completely?
I don't remember!
where did you bring the knife from?
I don't remember!
who planned for the stabbing attack?
I don't remember!
I don't remember!
You are a liar
I don't remember!
The campaign in solidarity with imprisoned children will continue until their release
I don't remember!
In solidarity with the children arrested in obscure jails
I don't remember!
I don't remember!
Don't worry Ahmad, we are doing our best for you and for all the children imprisoned in occupation jails
I don't remember! (screaming)
Ahmad, my dear, Happy Birthday, you have turned 15 today
I don't remember!
Acted by "Martyr Basel Al Araaj Drama band"
& little girl Retal Abu Samra
Special Thanks to: Ghaleb Abu Samra, Eyad Abu Zeid, Sahar Al Tatar Sinan, Ayat Zaatreh, Ali Al Zubaidi and Enaba Village Society
Audio engineering: Ahmad Ribhi Cinematography: Belal Omar
Film Editing: Ismael Thabet Translation: Aseel Saleh
Idea and Script of Aseel Saleh
Directed by Belal Omar
Blender Tutorial - How to make a 2D Animated Ring Circle for Intros - Duration: 10:00.
hello welcome on back to TutsByKai
I'm Kai and today we're getting started
making a 2d ring graphic. I previously
made a tutorial on how to make a circle
2d motion graphic and it was requested
that I do a more of a ring style, so
pretty much just have a circle in the
middle of it... so that's all we're going
to do today so we're going to get
started and delete the default cube with
the delete and left click, the lamp same
way and the camera. we're going to hit 1
on our numpad I'm using the middle mouse
button to move around my scene by the
way; clicking on it and we're gonna hit one on
my numpad to go into the front-facing
view, we're gonna go to create and scroll
down until you find the camera and click
camera, we're going to drag that back and
hit 0 to go into the camera's view
things are going to get a bit different
here than the first tutorial this is
where things change a bit so we're going
to add in a plane, we're going to drag
this open a little bit, we're going to add
in a plane just like we did before plane
and we're gonna hit R X 90 on our keyboard
to rotate that on the x-axis 90 degrees
I'm going to zoom in and hit tab on our
keyboard... this brings up the edit mode
and now what we need to do is we need to
add in two cuts on the on the on the z
and the x-axis so the way we do this is
we go to tools and then hit loop cut and
slide now this is a tool that we can use
to cut an object in half. so we're going
to add one there, we're just gonna click
and this pink line appears once you go to the
edge of the of an
object goes pink so we're going to hit
one there boom we're just gonna click
so I can drag this around, so we're
going to right click to cancel that
movement and I'm going to add another
loop cut and slide just one right there
right on the edge and then right click
to cancel the movement so now we have
four squares pretty much is what you're
seeing right? four squares and what we
can do with these is do what we need to
do (laughs) so we need to add in one more loop
cut and slide I'm going to add that
right here as you can tell it's
segmented by by the cuts so we could cut
directly on the center before but now we
have a few more options so we're going
to cut right there once there
boom so now we have all the vertices
we need we're going to is going to
delete all of these that we don't need
because we don't need any of these
except for the first two we don't need
anything but this one and this one we
need the top one and the one right here
in the middle there so we're going to
delete all of these other vertices
because we don't need them they're gone
all right so now we pretty much just
have this line and I know you're
thinking Kai how do you make a circle
from a line the same way we've done it
and the way we do as we go over to the
modifiers tab and we're going to add
modifier and go to screw look at that
boom now we instantly have a ring 2d
graphic so pretty much this is where it
gets back on the same track as being the
same as my previous tutorial whew didn't
see that I'll put a link up I put a card
up on the screen right about now and
you'll be able to see that if you need
to see it so pretty much what we just
did was we made a a screw screw pretty
much just takes two vertices and in
rotates them and tell it just
duplicates them there, duplicate them
there there there if I hit apply on
this you can see that all of the
vertices go like this but it's very very
low resolution I'm going to undo that
it's very very low steps it's only 16 so
we're going to drag this all the way up
to 512 512 is the max it this is nice on
the steps for viewing it but if I
render this like this as you can tell it
still looks like the 16 by 16 because we
didn't up because we didn't up the
render step so we need update as well
make sure you don't forget that that's
very important so now we pretty much
have a donut or if you want to if you
want to lower this a lot more you can
make an actual screw like a bolt looks
pretty cool
so let's put that back up now the way we
animate this is we go to the zero frame
make sure it says it says 0 on the start and
we're going to do the same thing we did
before so we're going to put this on
zero zero on the zero frame and we're
going to hit I on our keyboard make sure you hover
your cursor inside the angle box and hit
I on your keyboard and then we're going
to go to the fifth frame and we're going
to type in 250 oops 250 and then we're
going to hit I just like that right oh I
seem to have lost seem to have lost a
plane there
I'm on the wrong I'm on the wrong layer
right there that was weird all right so
uh huh make sure that says 215 hit on
your keyboard to insert that keyframe so
now we have it going from being 0 to 250
so now we needed to finish up we're
going to the 15th frame give it a bit of
time to finish up and we're going to 360
hit 360 on your keyboard hit I now we
have the full the full animation here
this is what it does... boom just like that perfect
right if you want to change this
thickness the way you do this is really
if you go back into tab mode as you can
tell if you drag this bottom vertice or
the top vertice if you drag this bottom
vertice you can make it smaller on the fly
right there it's amazing this is super
super handy stuff and the way we can
animate this it's actually as you can
tell you can't animate in tab you can
edit in edit mode you can't add
keyframes in edit mode which is a shame
by how we work around that as we go over
here to the data tab object data and we
hit and we click that now this this
whole panel brings up shape keys shape
keys is something we can use to insert
keyframes in edit mode which is super
cool stuff so we're going to add in not
an edit mode because we can't do an edit
mode we can click this plus over here
twice hit that plus twice to bring up basis
and key 1 now pretty much because this
was nothing it did nothing we have to
animate this ourselves so pretty much
this basis is telling it's telling this
plane this circle now now we need to
keep it the way it is and then key 1 is
saying we need to change it so what we
need to change it to is this when you
hit tab and we need to drag this to this
top vertice up here but as you can tell
I can't get that perfect there's always
going to be a bit of a line there if I
render this excuse me if I drag the
value up and then render this you can
see you can see there's a line there
instead of trying to get this perfect
you know scrolling all the way in and
you know getting it perfect like that
I'm never going to get it 100% perfect
so let's undo that a way we can get is
absolutely 100% perfectly is we can add
uh... we can add in snap mode the magnet
down here if you click that and then we
make sure this is on vertex mode
then we move this up as you can tell it
snaps right to that vertice so now it's
perfect so if we release that, hit tab
again you can tell that this line is
completely gone if I if I get rid of
that you can't see the line at all the
line is no longer there you can't see it
anymore a hundred percent perfect lined
up perfectly but now the problem is is
like I won't be able to grab this guy
because there's nothing for me to grab
it's it's completely scaled to zero so I
have to hit this plane up here
if I hit plane then you should be able
to grab that that bad boy once again so
now the way we animate this is we go to
the zero frame and make sure this value's
on one and then hit I hover your cursor
inside this box and hit I now we're
going to go to the fifth frame or your
second frame whatever frame that's on
and then we're going to hit 0.4 like
that right and then hit I now we're
going to drag this all the way back down
go all the way down hit I... but
now that is pretty much it we have our
our circle and it gets smaller and it
you know it fills out as it as it zooms
around like that pretty cool stuff and
one last thing I'm going to do is I want
to rotate this as it's coming in so
we're going to hit I for rotation on the
first frame our first keyframe and then
on the fifth frame we're going to rotate
this by 25 degrees and then we're going
to hit rotation and then we're going to
go to the 15th frame and we're going to
our Y 45 and then I as you can tell
didn't do much because it's connected
but it did so this was like right there
so you can't really tell because going
the same way that it's coming so instead
of doing that we're going to undo that
and make sure all those those numbers we
just put in more negative so our Y
negative 25 I on our keyboard go to
the fifth frame our Y negative 45 enter
right so now it doesn't look like it
just stays still right so does that I'm
not sure why this last keyframe didn't
go in though that's weird
we're going to do a negative 45 again
and then hit I location- oh excuse me... I rotation... that's why I didn't go in
all right so there we go now that's good
there we go so now our animation is 100%
it rotates as it comes in it gets bigger
it goes all the way around really cool
stuff here I really really enjoy making
these these 2d motion graphics tutorials
now I haven't seen a lot of people doing
motion graphics tutorials, so I'm glad I
can assist since we did this in Blender
Render you can always switch on over to
cycles since we didn't add any materials
anything like that and then hit on
motion blur make sure that's on because
this motion blur is a lot better than
the blender render motion blur so we're
going to make sure that says Ambient
Occlusion make sure this is all the way
black... hit use nodes so now we have our
100% stark white circle in our black
background with the perfect motion blur
that is good I'm going to use Cycles
Render for this... so that is pretty much
it for this tutorial I hope you enjoyed
it if you want to see more tutorials
just like this I post them weekly I'll
be posting more stuff just like this let
me know what you want to see down below
and for the next tutorial I'll see you
guys in the next one bye
Audi A3 1.9 TDI Attraction - Duration: 1:02.
Hey my luvs! Túlio's here!
And Magic Cucumber is here too!
I decided to bring Dance Central here one more time,
For those who subscribed recently,
I used to do Dance Central videos since the beggining,
And I decided to record Dance Central videos again,
To see if you guys gonna like it,
And, how's gonna be.
That's why your feedback in this video is VERY important,
Because if you want me to keep doing Dance Central videos,
You need to leave that sassy like and a comment.
I don't wanna see any fandom fight here.
On the comments of this video.
Don't start that stupid comparsion of:
"Who's the best? Just Dance or Dance Central??"
If I see anyone messing up on the comment session,
I'm gonna slap your hand.
Just like this.
But guys,
Share this video to your friends that loves Dance Central!
Come.... come, just come.
Don't forget to subscribe,
To help us reach 200K SUBS this year!
Thank you, and we'll see you soon! <3
The Chainsmokers, Coldplay - Something Just Like This (BENZI & WOLFE Remix) - Duration: 3:25.
Comment #ccsquad if you see this ;)
something just like this remix
Machining StarWars K2SO knee - Duration: 9:17.
Board Report April 2017: Region I - Duration: 4:03.
Welcome to Hartford, Connecticut where the NAD Board is meeting.
We have had some great discussions, especially for plans with Region I.
We'd like to share some great things happening in our region.
Region I has many legislative bills introduced in their state legislature, kudos to those who did.
Some examples include:
language acquisition -- making sure deaf children between ages 0 - 5 are on par with their peers
by kindergarten, accountability on state level is important
license plate recognizing deaf drivers with a logo is a big concern, especially when deaf people
are pulled over by the police, some state associations are concerned
and interpreting licensure bills to make sure the interpreting community is in good shape and that
the deaf community is protected as well.
Those are the different types of bills in our region.
We recognize the hard work the State Associations have done in getting them passed on the state level.
We also have many events in our region such as upcoming State Association conferences
happening now through the fall.
Check our Facebook page for more information.
Also, we have the National Leadership Training Conference (NLTC) during October 3-5
in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma!
We hope you will join us.
We will do something new this year at NLTC, a region mini conference.
Come and join us!
Also, we are planning for our next biennial conference in 2018 in Hartford.
We are looking for volunteers.
You can check our Facebook page for more information soon.
We are really excited for everything you have done, keep up the work and
moving forward with your sleeves rolled up!
Region I is champ!
Yes, you're champ!
Healthy multifunctional cake cream - Duration: 2:47.
Multifunctional cake cream
Zdrowy i absolutnie pyszny
Only 3 ingredients
+ mixer ;)
400 g sweet cream (min 30% fat)
Wait until we've whipped cream
Check the taste ;)
500 g Mascarpone
It's ready!
Please, subscribe :)
Hyundai ix35 2.0I 4WD I-CATCHER - Duration: 1:03.
Citroën Xsara 1.4I LIGNE PRESTIGE * 1 JAAR APK - NAP - SPORTIEF * - Duration: 1:01.
Toyota RAV4 1.8-16V VVT-i Luna - Duration: 0:54.
Honda Civic 1.4i City APK 08-2017 bj 1998 !!! - Duration: 0:47.
Hyundai i30 1.4I ACTIVE COOL - Duration: 0:59.
How to Make No Glue Fluffy Cappuccino Slime ,How to make Cappuccino Slime without Glue, DIY Sllime - Duration: 6:13.
Capuccino Fluffy No Glue Slime Tutorial
Coffee and water
Face mask , coffee, shaving cream ; stir well :))
I bought Xiaomi Hybrid Pro to my sister - Duration: 19:33.
Welcome to Frequency TV Channel.
I hope you support us, nice to see you.
We love to review electronic products.
Thats why We prodive honest and clear reviews.
You are free to ask anything you want.
Information is so important for all cultures.
I will be happy to help and inform.
Part 3: Tracer Unit - Internal hop-up instalation. (DIY Step by Step) - Duration: 8:19.
Hello and welcome to AirsoftTech.dk
This is my M4. In Part one i showed you how to make the electronics that goes into a Tracer Unit.
In Part 2 We made it into a supressor
Today I'm going to show you how to make it into an internal unit and install it in your gun.
So keep watching
Turn it on and it can iluminate the tracer rounds.
First we find a drill that has the right size (The diameter of the LED). And a smaller one to pre drill the hole.
I find the point I want the hole and tab it. This makes a small indent that will help the drille stay in place.
Now thers a small mark in the center.
Now I drill out the guide hole.
To be safe you realy should remove the barrel and hop-up rubber before drilling!
Now I change the drill bit to the one that has the same size as the LED that I'm installing.
Now the LED should fit down the hole.
Make sure you remove any material inside!
Now as you can see the LED goes all the way inside the feeding tube. So it's too long.
So it have to be cut to size in order to not block the bb's from feeding.
Get some cutting tool and cut off the top of the led.
Be carefull that you DON'T cut off the metal parts inside! Or the LED will break.
After cutting the LED you should test it before you glue it in place.
To test the LED after I cut it, I just use the tesating rig. (Just attact it to your electronics)
Make sure the top of the LED don't go to far in.
Before you leave it to dry remember to test that the BB's will have a free pasage past the LED.
When it's compleatly dry then you can add a drop of glue to make sure it stays in place.
Remember: It needs to be completly dry before tou touch it!
Testing it again after installing it. To be sure that everything is fine...
Bend and cut the leg's of the LED to size.
Solder on extention wires (That will go to the electronics). And remeber to insolate with heat shrink rubber.
I "Always" Pre tin the wires and parts they attach to first. Then I don't need more hands ;-)
Crimp on the heat shrink rubber.
Not just route the wires to the battery and electronics compartment. And solder them on... (A nice touch to have a swith to turn it on and off)
That's it ... You are done :-) Now Let's test it out !!
Remeber to subscribe to my chanal for more videos.
Board Report April 2017: Region II - Duration: 5:21.
I'm Linsay Darnall Jr.
And I'm Richard McCowin.
We are your Region II Representatives.
There will be State Association Conferences happening soon, both of us are looking forward to them.
These conferences are opportunities for you to make motions about your state's future.
Could be about deaf people's interests, deaf children, election for new officers,
and to select delegates for the 2018 NAD Conference.
Both of us are eager to work with you all.
I plan to attend the conferences in Nebraska and Indiana as I will be providing a workshop.
And I will go to Illinois and Iowa so I will see you there.
Currently, there are various legislative bills in our region.
You have been doing a good job keeping an eye on these bills, we encourage you to continue!
If you need some support, please feel to ask us.
One of the best ways to do this kind of work is through exchanging ideas.
We all can observe and learn with better ideas.
Improve from others.
Continue to work.
This will make progress for Region II for deaf people's successful rights
in regards to jobs, education, and access.
Now, as a board member, I have two responsibilities.
I serve as the Board Liaison for Certified Deaf Interpreters (CDI) Task Force.
The purpose of that task force is to improve how to work with deaf interpreters.
I also serve as the Board Liaison for the NAD Interpreter Section.
The section consists of people who joined the section to support interpreter issues and help make progress.
As for me, I am the Board Liaison for the NAD Youth Strategy Team (YST),
which focus on ages of 18 – 30 years old.
We are developing a survey to identify how to recruit or inspire young people to connect with the NAD.
I also am on the Organization committee which is responsible to figuring out the structure of the NAD.
We're looking on ways to improve on its effectiveness and how to make it more efficient to serve you better.
So, that's what we have worked so far.
Of course, there is more work ahead of us.
Also, we are also excited about the next board meeting which will happen at
the NAD Leadership Training Conference (NLTC) in Oklahoma City this October.
Come and join!
The best part is the regional mini-conference that will happen during NLTC.
You will have an opportunity to make motions and be prepared for the NAD Conference next year in 2018.
Channel Update March/April 2017 - Duration: 11:46.
Channel Update, March and April 2017
Hi everyone and welcome to the channel update video of March and April 2017.
It is time again to update you guys, so you know what happened besides the videos i did recently. I´ll inform you as quickly as possible.
Let´s start with an appointment. In my area there is a very nice model show, but unfortunately i was not yet able to visit it myself:
It is the model show in the airfield museum Leipheim. It takes place in May, the 27th to be precise. It only takes place for one day.
The show takes place in the old former aicraft shelters.
As far as i know the show has a focus on aircraft models, that makes sense of course.
Anyway, i like to see any models, no matter which genre they are.
I am a bit annoyed that i was not yet able to visit that show, but this year i will really try it!
If you are close to that show, i recommend that you go there. It is certainly worth a visit.
Since we are already talking about model shows, the Fürstenfeld Modelbuilding days took place in early April.
I exhibited my work there for two days. It was a pleasure to meet some of you guys in person.
Some are already well known friends, but there were also a few new faces.
I appreciated the conversations i had with you guys. All in all a very nice show.
The show is a great one if you want to spend some money on kits. Bad for me!
I got hold of a few nice ones, like this Dragon Jagdtiger with all the original goodies inside.
I got these ICM figures.
I could not resist the Tamiya Cromwell kit. It comes with PE parts, metal tracks and what not. Various aftermarket parts are in the box.
Then i got the Dragon Jagdpanther early with all the goodies inside.
I also had to get this book about German badges. For a figure painter like me this is pretty relevant stuff.
I bought quite a lot of books in general recently, but i do not want to list them all up now.
I assume some of you are interested in seeing reviews of some books, but i do not know how relevant that would be in general.
Some people are certainly highly interested in that, some would despise it.
I have to think that over and find out whether or not this is a video format that works.
As you already know i organize a model building workshop for the children in my village this summer again. It is part of the holiday activity program.
Since the last update a lot of very generous donations have accumulated here. You can see how big the pile is - almost scray!
Thank you very much to all of you. I can not thank every individually now. I did that already in written form or personally - it would take too long to go through them all.
As you can see there is a lot of kindness left in humanity. So many kits for the kids, i am pretty sure we won´t run out of model building material in summer!
I´d like to encourage you guys to donate some old, unwanted kits, especially if you are from Germany, with low shipping costs. You can never have enough material for such a workshop.
I am looking forward to seeing the reactions of the children when they see the pile of kits. There eyes are probably going to pop!
In the last channel update video i annouced that the channel has now a Facebook page.
It is pretty successful, there are already over 300 members in the group. Very nice and big encouragement!
Usually i post there every day. It is always interesting to hear your opinions right away and it is easy to keep you updated in between the videos.
If you have time, please visit the group. Of course you can join if you like it.
Since the last update video i managed to release two "modelling heresy" videos. It seems like they hit the nail on the head.
It was very interesting to hear about the opinions and reactions. Most of them were of course positive, but there were also a few negative ones.
However, that is not a surprise if you think about the subjects i talked about.
It is easy to understand, why some people got a bit offended. I did not take it personal.
It is just my opinion, no one is required to follow it.
All in all it was a great opportunity to get to talk to some interesting people.
One of my viewers sent me this sanding paper by 3M right away. A very interesting system.
I tried it out and it works like a charm. Cool stuff. Maybe i do a video about it at some point.
I knew the company 3M already, but i never came across these sanding pads.
Anyway, thank you very much for this present! You know who you are. I appreciate this a lot and be careful with it.
Another very interesting conversation about sanding and priming ensued with Switcher.
He is a model building YouTuber as well and is around for a couple of years already, making interesting videos.
The whole conversation was very enriching: One does not always have to have the same opinion, but one can still discuss about the topic and exchange and explain the different points of view.
Everyone can profit from that. You do not have to be all polemic about it, claiming the other person has no clue at all.
Instead it is better to listen what the other person actually wants to say - usually very interesting points and ideas unfold. You have to be able to listen to make that happen!
All in all i was very chuffed about these conversations, especially the ones i had with Switcher.
Alright, let´s have a look at the projects on the workbench.
Luckily i was able to finally finish a few older projects i had started a while ago. Some of them required more time than i thought in the beginning.
Most of the older projects are done now, so i can start new projects without remorse.
One of the new projects is the Hobby Boss Schneider CA tank. It was the first tank deployed by the French in WW1.
I am basically done with the running gear and lower hull.
As promised i´ll do a building review series about this project, showing how i build the diorama, the figures and the vehicle.
Of course i have already started filming the process. The motivation is there, so i do a building review!
I consider such a series to be pretty tedious and time consuming, so i do not make them very often.
However, this model deserves a building review and i´ll take my time to avoid any burnout.
Anyway, the Hobby Boss kit is pretty nice. There are a few missing details here and there, but the overall fit of the parts is excellent.
The lack of detail on some areas will be improved a bit by myself. I think the building review will show that in detail.
The second project will feature the Tamiya Famo 18 ton tractor. It is a gigantic vehicle. It is the kit that comes with the flatbed trailer.
I am sure this will be a big project. The vehicles involved are big already. There will be a diorama, too. On the trailer i´d like to have a Panzer IV or a StuG III.
The scene will be set in mid-Italy on a mountain road. I have a few interesting pictures of such a team trying to negotiate such a mountain road.
The kit by Tamiya has excellent fit, the parts are not too small and fiddly, the level of detail is alright. It is indeed big fun.
I kept the front axle and the steering mechanism movable, because it might play a role on the diorama. I am making sure, that the vehicle sits right on the road.
Same applies for the trailer, but i have not yet started to build it.
These are pretty demanding projects, but right now i am enjoying these the most.
It might take a long time until they are finished, due to the amount of involved kits, but who cares?
In the end we all want to see something nice, the speed to build it is not relevant.
Alright, let´s have a look at the kits i purchased since the last update.
The kits i bought are quite diverse in their subjects.
I really like the fact, that right now you can choose from so many kits outside the ordinary subjects, like WW1 or modern armor are becoming popular. Certainly things i want to get into.
It is not always necessary to keep things "German, WW2".
Thats it for this update video, i hope you enjoyed it. See you again in the next video, your Hamilkar Barkas.
Ny traktor på vingården - første kjøretur - Duration: 3:10.
What Are Fast Radio Bursts? A Big Mystery in Astronomy - Duration: 11:06.
You might think you're watching an educational channel, where I explain fascinating concepts
in space and astronomy, but that's not really what's going on here.
What's actually happening is that you're tagging along as I learn more and more about
new and cool things happening in the Universe.
I dig into them like a badger hiding a cow carcass, and we all get to enjoy the cache
of knowledge I uncover.
Okay, that analogy got a little weird.
Have you seen that video of badger hiding cow?
It's super cool.
Anyway, my point is fast radio bursts are the new cosmic whatzits confusing and baffling
astronomers, and now we get to take a front seat and watch them move through all stages
of process of discovery.
Stage 1: A strange new anomaly is discovered that doesn't fit any current model of the
For example, strange Boyajian's Star.
You know, that star that probably doesn't have an alien megastructure orbiting around
it, but astronomers can't rule that out just yet?
Stage 2: Astronomers struggle to find other examples of this thing.
They pitch ideas for new missions and scientific instruments.
No idea is too crazy, until it's proven to be too crazy.
Examples include dark matter, dark energy, and that idea that we're living in a
Stage 3: Astronomers develop a model for the thing, find evidence that matches their predictions,
and vast majority of the astronomical community comes to a consensus on what this thing is.
Like quasars and gamma ray bursts.
YouTuber's make their videos.
Textbooks are updated.
Balance is restored.
Today we're going to talk about Fast Radio Bursts.
They just moved from Stage 1 to Stage 2.
Let's dig in.
Fast radio bursts, or FRBs, or "Furbys" were first detected in 2007 by the astronomer
Duncan Lorimer from West Virginia University.
He was looking through an archive of pulsar observations.
Pulsars, of course, are newly formed neutron stars, the remnants left over from supernova
They spin rapidly, blasting out twin beams of radiation.
Some can spin hundreds of times a second, so precisely you could set your watch to them.
In this data, Lorimer made a "that's funny" observation, when he noticed one blast of
radio waves that squealed for 5 milliseconds and then it was gone.
It didn't match any other observation or prediction of what should be out there, so
astronomers set out to find more of them.
Over the last 10 years, astronomers have found about 25 more examples of Fast Radio Bursts.
Each one only lasts a few milliseconds, and then fades away forever.
A one time event that can appear anywhere in the sky and only last for a couple milliseconds
and never repeats is not an astronomer's favorite target of study.
Actually, one FRB has been found to repeat, maybe.
The question, of course, is "what are they?".
And the answer, right now is, "astronomers have no idea."
In fact, until very recently, astronomers weren't ever certain they were coming from
space at all.
We're surrounded by radio signals all the time, so a terrestrial source of fast radio
bursts seems totally logical.
About a week ago, astronomers from Australia announced that FRBs are definitely coming
from outside the Earth.
They used the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope (or MOST) in Canberra to gather
data on a large patch of sky.
Then they sifted through 1,000 terabytes of data and found just 3 fast radio bursts.
Since MOST is farsighted and can't perceive any radio signals closer than 10,000 km away,
the signals had to be coming outside planet Earth.
They were "extraterrestrial" in origin.
Right now, fast radio bursts are infuriating to astronomers.
They don't seem to match up with any other events we can see.
They're not the afterglow of a supernova, or tied in some way to gamma ray bursts.
In order to really figure out what's going on, astronomers need new tools, and there's
a perfect instrument coming.
Astronomers are building a new telescope called the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment
(or CHIME), which is under construction near the town of Penticton in my own British Columbia.
It looks like a bunch of snowboard halfpipes, and its job will be to search for hydrogen
emission from distant galaxies.
It'll help us understand how the Universe was expanding between 7 and 11 billion years
ago, and create a 3-dimensional map of the early cosmos.
In addition to this, it's going to be able to detect hundreds of fast radio bursts, maybe
even a dozen a day, finally giving astronomers vast pools of signals to study.
After the break, I'm going to run through the exotic ideas that could be causing fast
radio bursts, including an awesome idea for alien propulsion systems, but first I'd
like to thank some very special Patrons.
These people have been supporting us since December, 2013: Cole Palmer, Michael Freedman,
Bill Christian, Dennis Robertson, Craig Landon, Marko Zivanovic, John Gallant and Helge Bjorkhaug.
Thank you for over 3 years of support.
I couldn't do this without you and the rest of our 699 patrons for their generous support.
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Once again, this episode of the Guide to Space is sponsored by the .space domain name.
Remember when you wanted to make a website and had to spend a whole night brainstorming
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domain for only $2.99 instead of the usual $9.99.
Thanks again to .space for sponsoring this episode.
Now, back to the show.
Fast radio bursts.
What are they?
Astronomers have no idea.
Seriously, if you've got a good suggestion, they'd be glad to hear it.
In these kinds of situations, astronomers generally assume they're caused by exploding
stars in some way.
Young stars or old stars, or maybe stars colliding.
But so far, none of the theoretical models match the observations.
Another idea is black holes, of course.
Specifically, supermassive black holes at the hearts of distant galaxies.
From time to time, a random star, planet, or blob of gas falls into the black hole.
This matter piles upon the black hole's event horizon, heats up, screams for a moment,
and disappears without a trace.
Not a full on quasar that shines for thousands of years, but a quick snack.
The next idea comes with the only repeating fast radio burst that's ever been found.
Astronomers looked through the data archive of the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico
and found a signal that had repeated at least 10 times in a year, sometimes less than a
minute apart.
Since the quick blast of radiation is repeating, this rules out a one-time collision between
exotic objects like neutron stars.
Instead, there could be a new class of magnetars (which are already a new class of neutron
stars), that can release these occasional shrieks of radio.
Or maybe this repeating object is totally different from the single events that have
been discovered so far.
Here's my favorite idea.
And honestly, the one that's the least realistic.
What I'm about to say is almost certainly not what's going on.
And yet, it can't be ruled out, and that's good enough for my fertile imagination.
Avi Loeb and Manasvi Lingam at Harvard University said the following about FRBs:
"Fast radio bursts are exceedingly bright given their short duration and origin at distances,
and we haven't identified a possible natural source with any confidence.
An artificial origin is worth contemplating and checking."
Artificial origin.
Loeb and Lingam calculated how difficult it would be to send a signal that strong, that
far across the Universe.
They found that you'd need to build a solar array with twice the surface area of Earth
to power the radio wave transmitter.
And what would you do with a transmission of radio or microwaves that strong?
You'd use it to power a spacecraft, of course.
What we're seeing here on Earth is just the momentary flash as a propulsion beam sweeps
past the Solar System like a lighthouse.
But in reality, this huge solar array would be firing out a constant beam of radiation
that would propel a massive starship to tremendous speeds.
Like the Breakthrough Starshot spacecraft, but for million tonne spaceships.
In other words, we could be witnessing alien transportation systems, pushing spacecraft
with beams of energy to other worlds.
And I know that's probably not what's happening.
It's not aliens.
It's never aliens.
But in my mind, that's what I'm imagining.
So, kick back and enjoy the ride.
Join us as we watch astronomers struggle to understand what fast radio bursts are.
As they invalidate theories, and slowly unlock one of the most thrilling mysteries in modern
And as soon as they figure it out, I'll let you know all about it.
What do you think?
Which explanation for fast radio bursts seems the most logical to you?
I'd love to hear your thoughts and wild speculation in the comments.
In our next episode, we're going to take spacecraft reusability to the next step: single
stage to orbit.
I'm talking about a rocket that takes off, delivers a payload into orbit and then lands
Is this possible?
Is it even a good idea?
The mystery of fast radio bursts is similar to the mystery of magnetars.
We kind of know what they are now, but they didn't give up their secrets easily.
Here's a video that talks all about them.
Like the Breakthrough Starshat spacecraft... (groans)
Board Report April 2017: Region III - Duration: 4:27.
Hello, we are your Region III Representatives.
I want to talk about Region III's latest legislative activities, which has been very active.
I will discuss three top issues.
First is the identification of deaf drivers on their driver's license or license plate, or the like.
There were lots of collaborative efforts to pursue the best solution.
Second is ensuring the rights of deaf children to education and language.
This is a very common issue among many state associations.
Third, and this is new, ensuring deaf children's rights to interpreting services in a service environment.
Often there are shortages of interpreters yet, like deaf adults have rights to appropriate interpreting services,
the same should also apply for deaf children.
Overall, there are good legislative efforts among state associations.
Now, for me – I'd like to discuss Membership, social media, and State Association Conferences.
First, how membership work varies for each State Association.
There are many different ideas on how to increase membership.
Some State Associations offer free memberships to increase their number which helps
with legislative efforts when asked how many members the State Association represents.
Secondly, we'd like State Associations to use social media more effectively.
Specifically, we can share information with each other.
This will help Region III be more effective.
Thirdly, from June through November, State Associations will be hosting their conferences.
Please look for more information from your State Association.
Various issues, topics, and ideas will be discussed.
We will share updates when available.
See you next time.
Polynesian Tattoo for women o Tatuajes Polinesios para mujeres más Maoris, Kiri-Tuhi-Tatuajes Tattoo - Duration: 7:02.
Welcome to Tatuajes Tattoo
Today we'll talk about Polynesian tattoos and
Before we begin our video
We publish videos every day so
make sure to subscribe for more
funny tattoos
Polynesian ranging from corners in Hawaii
New Zealand and Easter Island.
The Polynesian languages are the main
factor defining the region
Polynesian tattoos have been a
source of intrigue for many
historians traditions
behind these tattoos are centuries
old. Have been very
Interestingly associated with it, giving
meaning and distinctive designs.
Traditional tattoo designs
often they are seen in some native
Polynesians called Tafuga and not
They should be imitated. The old way of
tattoos handed down from master to
disciple and involves a lot of
Tattoo teachers were people
very important as they knew the
meaning of symbols and
patterns. They continued their tradition
from generation to generation, ie
from parents to children without spreading
largely because of their knowledge
sacred history.
Respect for mother nature,
origin of arts and creatures has
an important role in the culture
Here we leave some
Polynesian tattoos.
You agree with our
If you enjoyed these tattoos shares
the video with family and friends could
be very useful for them
Thank you for visiting Tatuajes Tattoo
appreciate you subscribe and
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White House turns conservative media reception into on-the-record briefing
President Donald Trump welcomed conservative media to a reception on Monday night, turning
the evening into an impromptu on-the-record briefing, according to multiple people in
Around 50 attendees from the likes of Breitbart, the Washington Free Beacon, Daily Caller,
Christian Broadcast Network, Catholic-focused The Eternal Word Television Network, as well
conservative radio hosts like Laura Ingraham, Larry O'Connor and John Fredericks mingled
with senior administration officials and the president over light snacks, fruit and candy
in the White House's Roosevelt room.
Nearly the entire communications staff were in attendance in addition to Commerce Secretary
Wilbur Ross, chief of staff Reince Priebus, chief strategist Stephen Bannon, senior adviser
Jared Kushner, National Security Council spokesperson Michael Anton and Deputy National Security
Adviser K.T.
After about 30 minutes, the president came in and, standing in the corner of the room,
began to take questions from the assembled press, later turning the event on the record.
Trump took a variety of questions on infrastructure, the border wall, Syria, China and taxes, according
to the attendees, several of whom tweeted
out the answers.
the entire
in Source, link in description.
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Here we go 'round the mulberry bush, The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush.
Here we go 'round the mulberry bush, So early in the morning
This is the way wash our face, wash our face, wash our face
This is the way wash our face , So early in the morning
This is the way brush our teeth, brush our teeth, brush our teeth
This is the way brush our teeth, So early in the morning
This is the way we put on our clothes, Put on our clothes,
This is the way we put on our clothes
On a cold and frosty morning
This is the way comb our hair, comb our hair, comb our hair
This is the way comb our hair, On a cold and frosty morning
This is the way we go to school, we go to school, we go to school,
This is the way we go to school, On a cold and frosty morning
Here we go 'round the mulberry bush,The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush.
Here we go 'round the mulberry bush, So early in the morning
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