Hello guys It's Remus here and not so long ago I've made a video about the rarest skins,
this time, let's see some of the most popular skins!
There's a new RP giveaway, so subscribe, share the video and leave a like and a comment below.
There are some skins that were given for free and that can still be taken for free, and
we are going to exclude those from the countdown since they are the most owned skins in the
game, but let's take a look at them.
First there is Judgement Kayle, that was given to pretty much everyone in season 1.
After that, Dreadknight Garen, the skin can still be taken for free from Twitter.
Next, Unchained Alistar, given for free for subscribing on League's YouTube channel.
And finally, and the most owned skin, Riot Girl Tristana, given for free from Facebook.
Now, let's take a look at the top 10 most popular skins excluding those 4 from above,
note that the accuracy might not be perfect, but the statistics are based on a large number
of players, and the same stats were used for the rarest skins video!
At number 10 there is Muay Thai Lee Sin, released in 2012 for 975 RP, it is one of the most
commonly purchased skins in the game, even if newer Lee Skins might be better, the skins'
age and many sales that featured it made it get a rank in the top.
Frosted Ezreal takes the number 9 spot, this was Ezreal's second skin and priced only at
520 RP, it was made out of accident when the developers put their concept arts in the freezer,
the price most likely caused it's high number of sales, and the long time since it was released,
in July 2010, since it looks very close to the original with only some color changes,
but that wasn't uncommon for older skins.
Number 8 is taken by Headhunter Nidalee and for good reason, that skin is awesome, and
pretty hot, if you like animals that way, released in 2013 for 975 RP, newer compared
to the older ones(you don't say) still it performed better, but Nidalee had many times
where she was one of the most played champions, and the previous skin was released 2 years
before Headhunter and that probably made this skin shine.
Number 7.
Pulsefire Ezreal.
Another Ezreal skin, and the first Ultimate Skin in the game, it was really great for
2012, but compared to newer ones like Spirit Guard Udyr, DJ Sona or Elementalist Lux, it
doesen't live up to the current standards, and not really worth the 3250 RP price anymore,
but Riot said they will eventually update it to be more in line with the other Ultimate
Still, the hype of an ultimate skin, a nice teaser video, unique skin features and a big
sale at launch, made this skin one of the most sold ones in the game!
Number 6.
Victorious Morgana.
Apparently the only reward skin to make it to the top, Victorious Morgana was given in
Season 4 for everyone that made it to Gold or above, so yes, quite a lot of people have
it, unless you are silver for 10 years, but there are more people in Silver and Bronze
compared to Gold and above, still, many people indeed got it.
Number 5, one of my favorite skins in the game, Spirit Guard Udyr.
The second Ultimate Skin, and a far superior one compared to Pulsefire Ezreal, with a comic
book released before the skin, and 4 animal forms it can take and transform to when fully
maxed out, each ability modifying his appearance and evolving further once an ability is maxed,
and you can max 4 out of 5 every game, and a sale at launch as well, this skin is great!
Number 4.
Traditonal Karma, another free skin but not as common as the first 4 free skins we took
a look at, this one was given in 2013 once Karma's rework was released to the people
that owned her before, since the rework had gameplay and visual changes, her look changed
quite a lot, and to preserve the old one as well, they made a traditional skin for the
loyal Karma players that wanted to keep her old style.
At number 3 there is a bunny, Battle Bunny Riven, I see why this skin was sold so much,
it's pretty nice, and it was released in 2012 so it had time to sell a lot, plus many sales
probably, and a ton of Riven mains around the world wanting to ruin their top opponent's
KDs with a bunny outfit and then search for cosplays of the skin!
Number 2, ShockBlade Zed.
Zed was and still is a super popular champion and in my oppinon, one of the hardest in the
game, Shockblade was his release skin in 2012 and since a lot of people really liked him
at launch or later, they got this skin for him, plus there were no other skins for him
untill 2014, and that was a limited SKT skin, and team skins aren't as loved as normal skins,
unless you are a big fan of a team, he also had a limited championship skin, and the new
Project: Zed one, but Shockblade is a really cool skin, it also received a chroma pack
and a lot of Zed lovers had enough time to get it!
And finally, the most sold skin according to my evil calculations of going to everyone's
PCs in the world and asking them what skins they own while threatening to eat their lemons,
Mecha Kha'Zix.
Same as Zed, Kha'Zix was a super popular champion at launch even if not so much anymore, I remember
playing him mid and getting first blood on the enemy jungler every game.
Mecha, same as Shockblade, was Kha'Zix's release skin, and it is a really nice skin, plus it
was a higher tier one, at 1350 RP, and same as Zed, Kha'Zix didn't get any new skins for
2 years, so many people liking him got this skin, which is a really good one, and was
the first of the currently 4 Mecha Skins!
And that's it for this video, let me know if you own any of the skins from above, and
what is your favorite skin!
Remember to like the video and leave a comment, as well as share it with your cats, it will
help me out a lot, YouTube is in a pretty bad state at the moment, so any help is appreciated!
And I will see you soon, bye bye!
For more infomation >> TOP 10 MOST POPULAR SKINS IN LEAGUE OF LEGENDS - Duration: 10:06.-------------------------------------------
Gold and Silver Update – w/e 28th April 2017 - Duration: 5:23.
Citroën C1 SHINE 1.0 E-VTi 68PK 5-DRS * CLIMA * LMV * TOUCHSCREEN * - Duration: 1:02.
Sobre viver ao suicídio | Que houve, Enrique? - Pt. 2 - Duration: 8:45.
MC Livinho - 80% Whisky 20% Bala (Áudio Oficial ) Dj LK - Duration: 3:47.
Inteligência Artificial apostando na Mega Sena - Duration: 6:00.
Hello guys It's Remus here and not so long ago I've made a video about the rarest skins,
this time, let's see some of the most popular skins!
There's a new RP giveaway, so subscribe, share the video and leave a like and a comment below.
There are some skins that were given for free and that can still be taken for free, and
we are going to exclude those from the countdown since they are the most owned skins in the
game, but let's take a look at them.
First there is Judgement Kayle, that was given to pretty much everyone in season 1.
After that, Dreadknight Garen, the skin can still be taken for free from Twitter.
Next, Unchained Alistar, given for free for subscribing on League's YouTube channel.
And finally, and the most owned skin, Riot Girl Tristana, given for free from Facebook.
Now, let's take a look at the top 10 most popular skins excluding those 4 from above,
note that the accuracy might not be perfect, but the statistics are based on a large number
of players, and the same stats were used for the rarest skins video!
At number 10 there is Muay Thai Lee Sin, released in 2012 for 975 RP, it is one of the most
commonly purchased skins in the game, even if newer Lee Skins might be better, the skins'
age and many sales that featured it made it get a rank in the top.
Frosted Ezreal takes the number 9 spot, this was Ezreal's second skin and priced only at
520 RP, it was made out of accident when the developers put their concept arts in the freezer,
the price most likely caused it's high number of sales, and the long time since it was released,
in July 2010, since it looks very close to the original with only some color changes,
but that wasn't uncommon for older skins.
Number 8 is taken by Headhunter Nidalee and for good reason, that skin is awesome, and
pretty hot, if you like animals that way, released in 2013 for 975 RP, newer compared
to the older ones(you don't say) still it performed better, but Nidalee had many times
where she was one of the most played champions, and the previous skin was released 2 years
before Headhunter and that probably made this skin shine.
Number 7.
Pulsefire Ezreal.
Another Ezreal skin, and the first Ultimate Skin in the game, it was really great for
2012, but compared to newer ones like Spirit Guard Udyr, DJ Sona or Elementalist Lux, it
doesen't live up to the current standards, and not really worth the 3250 RP price anymore,
but Riot said they will eventually update it to be more in line with the other Ultimate
Still, the hype of an ultimate skin, a nice teaser video, unique skin features and a big
sale at launch, made this skin one of the most sold ones in the game!
Number 6.
Victorious Morgana.
Apparently the only reward skin to make it to the top, Victorious Morgana was given in
Season 4 for everyone that made it to Gold or above, so yes, quite a lot of people have
it, unless you are silver for 10 years, but there are more people in Silver and Bronze
compared to Gold and above, still, many people indeed got it.
Number 5, one of my favorite skins in the game, Spirit Guard Udyr.
The second Ultimate Skin, and a far superior one compared to Pulsefire Ezreal, with a comic
book released before the skin, and 4 animal forms it can take and transform to when fully
maxed out, each ability modifying his appearance and evolving further once an ability is maxed,
and you can max 4 out of 5 every game, and a sale at launch as well, this skin is great!
Number 4.
Traditonal Karma, another free skin but not as common as the first 4 free skins we took
a look at, this one was given in 2013 once Karma's rework was released to the people
that owned her before, since the rework had gameplay and visual changes, her look changed
quite a lot, and to preserve the old one as well, they made a traditional skin for the
loyal Karma players that wanted to keep her old style.
At number 3 there is a bunny, Battle Bunny Riven, I see why this skin was sold so much,
it's pretty nice, and it was released in 2012 so it had time to sell a lot, plus many sales
probably, and a ton of Riven mains around the world wanting to ruin their top opponent's
KDs with a bunny outfit and then search for cosplays of the skin!
Number 2, ShockBlade Zed.
Zed was and still is a super popular champion and in my oppinon, one of the hardest in the
game, Shockblade was his release skin in 2012 and since a lot of people really liked him
at launch or later, they got this skin for him, plus there were no other skins for him
untill 2014, and that was a limited SKT skin, and team skins aren't as loved as normal skins,
unless you are a big fan of a team, he also had a limited championship skin, and the new
Project: Zed one, but Shockblade is a really cool skin, it also received a chroma pack
and a lot of Zed lovers had enough time to get it!
And finally, the most sold skin according to my evil calculations of going to everyone's
PCs in the world and asking them what skins they own while threatening to eat their lemons,
Mecha Kha'Zix.
Same as Zed, Kha'Zix was a super popular champion at launch even if not so much anymore, I remember
playing him mid and getting first blood on the enemy jungler every game.
Mecha, same as Shockblade, was Kha'Zix's release skin, and it is a really nice skin, plus it
was a higher tier one, at 1350 RP, and same as Zed, Kha'Zix didn't get any new skins for
2 years, so many people liking him got this skin, which is a really good one, and was
the first of the currently 4 Mecha Skins!
And that's it for this video, let me know if you own any of the skins from above, and
what is your favorite skin!
Remember to like the video and leave a comment, as well as share it with your cats, it will
help me out a lot, YouTube is in a pretty bad state at the moment, so any help is appreciated!
And I will see you soon, bye bye!
Why Super Saiyan Blue 2 & 3 WON'T HAPPEN - Duration: 4:41.
How To Get More Customers Using Content Marketing - Duration: 8:19.
hi I'm nanci and this
is great content in the wrong context
do you remember this experiment?
in the description below you can find a link to
download the quick guide: make context rule
so if you look online
this experiment is used to let us know
how insensitive to beauty we've become
I really hope that researchers just didn't
conduct this experiment with this scope, because...
as scientists they probably
counted the fact that there were too
many variables to the decide that people
have become insensitive to beauty
pretty much no one stopped to listen to
this insanely famous violinist and
that's not proof that we are insensitive
to beauty you will also find the fact
that only a three years old kid
did actually stopped for a long period to
listen to the violence and so many
people so many blogs wants me to believe
that the only one who is sensitive to
beauty is a three-year-old kid so you're
telling me that the only one with no job
no duty not expected to be anywhere is
the only one who is sensitive to beauty I
think that the only ones got time
probably his mom didn't have time
it was probably yelling at the kids to
move because she probably had to go
somewhere like I don't know her job the
kids school something else I don't know
she probably had something to do like
everyone else in that underground
station it was morning people going to
offices to meetings how do you expect
people to stop the train is already a
variable what if the train was late
people didn't have time to stop for
coffee nor for a freaking violinist plus
we do not actually know how many of
these people thought like
I wish I had a few minutes to stop and listen
to this great violinist we do not read
minds so we can't possibly know how many
people is actually think so by the way
my point is you can't expect people to
appreciate your content no matter how
bad or good it is if it's in the wrong
context so these people got other stuff
to do they will do the other stuff that
they have to won't stop for your
insanely great content do not expect
that plus we do not know how many of
those people actually appreciate
classical music for instance if I was in
that underground station I wouldn't have
stopped because I do not like classical
music it makes me nervous
grumpy so no I wouldn't have stopped my
boyfriend doesn't like fish so he will
never eat a dish with fish inside so he
doesn't like it
not even if it's cooked by the most
famous chef in the world but you can't
say that he doesn't appreciate good
cooking because that's just not true
it just doesn't like fish another
example of great content in the wrong
context is ope For Paws as we know dogs
go crazy for food like every other
living being but they appreciate food a
lot more than a cat or a bird
nonetheless if you try to rescue a stray
dog a scare stray dog with food that's
difficult because the context is
"human, go away I'm scared stay away from me"
they're not almost interested in food in
that moment because the stain alive
thing is not food but is to not being
killed by the living being they have in
front of them so they will not want you
to rescue them because they will think
that you're going to hurt them plus they
will not be interested in food as
something insanely rare but it happens
just because the context is wrong so if
you want to get more customers you will
have to choose wisely your
context even if you produce insanely
great content if you put it in the wrong
context no one will see it
no one will care about it and it's gonna
be wasted to get more customers with
content you must choose the right
context like the right marketing channel
for instance if you're an architect
talking about the great horror movie you
watched last night on LinkedIn is not
good idea maybe will be interesting on
Twitter maybe on Facebook for your
friends and family but LinkedIn is not
the context for content it talks about
horror movies unless your job is about
movies if you're an architect you want to
talk about architecture only fear of
that you want to talk about curing sick
animals if you are marketer you wanna
talk about marketing you're a lawyer you
want to talk about law if you're a chef
you want to talk about food because
that's your job and LinkedIn is made for
job LinkedIn is the social network for
professionals so you will not talk about
your profession on Facebook if you talk
about your profession yeah it's gonna be
less effective because that's not the
context the context of Facebook is
parents and family of funny stuff
Twitter context is last minute stuff
or last minute things happening to you I
don't know I'm at the airport and I'm
waiting for that freaking American
Airlines flight
so with hastag you will find other
people waiting for the flight maybe in
same airport the timeline is
chronological not based on your interest
they actually say they wanna do that
deciding who is your best friend among
those who you follow the more you like
stuff from that account the more stuff
you will see from that count that's not
what we want from Twitter
BTW, choose the right context what if Megan
Fox would ask a guy out a common person
a common guy out while he's on the toilet
it would not be the right moment to say
yes let's go let's do that because the
guy is on the toilet you do not want to
talk to a person on the toilet and the
person the toilet will not probably
want to talk to you because that
person's got more important stuff to do
the context is wrong the content is
she's Megan Fox but the context is wrong
the toilet is just not placed so if you
want to get more customers thanks to
your insanely great content you must
choose the right context you want to
resonate with the context for your
content can be noticed and people will
have time to notice your content because
if you're in the wrong place people is
probably engaged in to something else
some other activity like not being late
underground station is not a place where
you stopped
so expecting people to stop in the
underground station was such a bad idea
please guys concert cost an insane
amount of money so even if you give
insanely good stuff for free
no one will care yes that's the wrong
context so this video was a great
content and this is the right context to
ask you to like the video subscribe to
my channel and let's make it everyone
love your business as much as you do
don't forget to download your quick
guides Make Context Rule thanks for
watching and see you next time with a
new quick online marketing tip
and a new downloadable freebie
Booker T Interview [2000-09-25] - Duration: 0:52.
Only for fans of JustVidman! (Use subtitle if needed!) - Duration: 2:16.
Cocaine Samples in London - INTERNATIONAL TOURRORIST [FULL EPISODE] - Duration: 4:13.
Ancient Greece is a founding culture of Western civilization as we know it
with thanks to a handful of notable Greek philosophers, artists and visionaries including:
The Greeks were soon toppled by the Roman Empire in what is historically their greatest tragedy
if you discount 'Wog Boy 2: Kings of Mykonos'.
In turn the Romans introduced Europe to Christianity
and a subsequent arse-load of war, genocide, famine and pestilence
which paved the way for the bustling and vibrant European tourism industry
that we all know and love today.
London's a hell of a city and it really does have something for everyone.
Food, fashion, sights, sounds and readily available 'Class A' narcotics over the counter.
Harrods, London's iconic luxury department store,
legally sold uncut cocaine as a miracle remedy for the common cold
right up until it was discovered to be dangerous
and firmly criminalised about a hundred years ago.
Cocaine is still off the shelves at Harrods
however no matter how hard I looked
I couldn't find any local regulation ruling out the humble free sample.
♫ Jolly Polka Music ♫
Hello Sir! You ever been to Columbia?
Oh no.
Cause now you don't have to. Try out a little bit of this.
Oh no, no.
You don't want to try?
Sir, you want to try some cocaine?
Ma'am this will put the wind in your sails.
I've got pure Colombian cocaine.
Surely you've tried this before.
Here we go.
Oh really?
Very good darling and yourself?
Can I have a little bit more please?
Oh absolutely ma'm, it's quite moreish isn't it.
Now you look like the kind of people that enjoy some cocaine.
Oh do we just?
Fantastic news! Finally some enthusiasts.
Now, here we are darling have you had this before?
Oh it's fine, it's totally fine.
Grandma is going to feel better than ever.
Go on, Ma.
Let's go. Darl'.
You put that in the other end and that's how you snort it.
That's it! Dad suspiciously know exactly how to do this.
Dad can you show how to do it?
Put it up to your nose like that, snort that, here we go.
Dad's got it, here we go.
Beautiful! What's your name?
Harriet! Well done Harriet. Be sure to take my number if you ever want more okay?
Harriet: Okay haha
Oh wonderful, have a lovely afternoon guys.
Well go on.
Oh no no no, this this is 100% safe. This is the real deal right here.
You do it, I can't do it.
Do you want to try it?
You go [snorts]
Oh I dunno about this.
There you go.
Here we go and 3, 2, 1 and..
[Customer sniffs powder]
Yay! Give her a cheer, everybody.
Beautiful. Hey, you'll be feeling that tomorrow.
Oh this is cocaine.
Haha I'll get in trouble.
Thanks anyway.
But you totally would if you weren't working.
Yeah alright then.
Alright, but you asked for it.
Would you like some cocaine?
So, do you want some?
Quickly please, Sir.
Sorry, yes.
Hello, would you like some cocaine?
Hello guys, do you fancy the high a lifetime?
Sorry, sorry.
I assure you this is about as pure as it gets.
I said "No, Sir."
Okay. But really though this will probably cheer even you up a little.
Let's go!
Miss. Do you mind, you as well.
Yeah, I'm coming.
Turn off the camera as well.
Okay, we're getting out of here.
♫ Jolly Polka Music ♫
Okay, I think they're calling the police.
Which is strange because it was legal up until 1916.
But, ahh, we gotta get out of here.
♫ Jolly Polka Music ♫
Mix Horseradish And Vinegar And You'Ll Get The Most Powerful Cure For Sinus That Exists! - Duration: 1:49.
before you begin I request you to please
subscribe to my channel mix horseradish
and vinegar and you'll get the most
powerful cure for scientists that exists
for many diseases particularly chronic
ones natural remedies are the best there
are no harmful effects and they are also
much cheaper with the first strong winds
and cold days all those who suffer from
frequent sinusitis return to their
dormant headaches are required
companions to sinusitis for which often
even the strongest drugs don't help
therefore it is better to turn to
natural message to relieve pain rather
than dosing with chemical preparations
the best ally in this struggle is
horseradish recipe it is recommended
that you great fresh horseradish and
pouring wine vinegar over it and then
put it in half liter bottle and seal it
keep the mixture for 10 days at room
temperature with occasional shaking when
this deadline expires breathe in the
steam for five minutes several times
during the day through the open bottle
neck soak fabric in the same liquid and
keep it overnight on the forehead or
neck the treatment lasts for five days
which is enough for the hot and strong
smell of horseradish in vinegar to solve
your sinusitis and unpleasant headache
one solution is to grate 50 grams of
horseradish insert it into 5 deciliter
of water and put it to boil after that
put your head above the pot cover it
with a towel and inhale the steam
if you like our videos please subscribe
like and share this with your friends
and family
Metro North & Amtrak Saturday Railfanning at Glenwood In 60FPS (Read Desc) - Duration: 19:07.
Train #8720 : This is the train to Grand Central
The next station is Yonkers.
Train #8720 : This station is Glenwood
This is the train to Grand Central
The next station is Yonkers.
*Ding Dong*
Train #8732 : This station is Glenwood
This is the train to Grand Central
The next station is Yonkers.
Train #8731 : This station is Glenwood
This is the train to Croton-Harmon
The next station is Greystone.
Scrap Mechanic- Looping Drum Machine (enable cc) - Duration: 1:44.
i tried using my headset's mic but it's awful, so ima CC instead
so there's three instruments: kick in black, snare in dark grey and a hat in light grey
the buttons on the left allow me to choose which instrument to sequence
the switch controls looping, and must be on to play
the button starts playing, but the machine will break if you press it too fast or too slow
heres a "four to the floor" kick pattern
im gonna add snares now
now hats
there's a bit of inconsistency in the rhythm, but i can't help that
there's three layers of 16bit memory in the back, 1 layer for each instrument
the red button clears the current pattern
thanks for watching!
Camtasia 9 Canvas Default Settings Across Camtasia Projects - Duration: 2:00.
Hi there, this is Naomi with the TopShelfVA channel.
Recently Frostedhopes AJ, love the name, asked if there is a way to change the canvas size
Now AJ knows how to change the canvas size per project but wants to know if there is
a way to make it a default.
Before we look at how to do this, a quick reminder to hit that subscribe button and
the notification bell, so you can get first notice when I upload a new training video.
Okay, even though AJ knows how to change the canvas size per project, for those who may
not know, let's take a very quick look where you can do this per video.
If you click on the Canvas Options to the color of the canvas settings for that project.
For instance, from the Canvas Dimensions to the color of the canvas by clicking on the
drop-down arrows by each.
So to AJ's question, let's say you have a standard canvas you will be using across
all of your projects.
How do you set the default?
Go to Edit, Preferences, then click on the Canvas tab.
You can now select the Default Canvas Dimensions and then click Okay.
It's as simple as that.
Now you will note though, you are unable to select the color of your canvas as a default.
For that, if you wish to change the canvas color, you will need to do it by project.
Okay AJ that was a really easy, short, and quick answer, and I hope this helps you with
your future projects.
If you're watching this and have a question, and would like me to create a Camtasia tutorial
video for you, simply subscribe to the channel, like this video, and leave a comment below!
Feel free to share this video on any of your other social media platforms and encourage
your friends to subscribe to this channel.
As always, this is Naomi with Top Shelf VA.com.
Until we meet again, have a wonderful day!
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