Hello, and welcome. My name [is] John Edwards
And I am a certified Gottman method couples therapist and a licensed psychotherapist
[I'm] really excited to bring you the very first episode of the relationship success cafe
so during
These episodes. I will be providing you with tips on how to make your
[relationship] a success
So the very first episode will be the top six reasons
Why marriage counseling doesn't work and you're probably wondering wait didn't he just say [that] he was going to give us
Tidbits of information in order to help us make our relationships better that is correct
But I'm going to tell you
Why one of the most common things that people do to make their relationships better?
Doesn't work and that is marriage counseling. So here are the top six reasons why marriage counseling doesn't work?
Okay, here. We go reason number six
You have a bad marriage counselor. That's right
You heard me correctly [I'm] saying you have a bad marriage
Counselor your counselor was trained in couples counseling or marriage counseling
but he or she is just really bad [at] what they do and
In this case it won't matter
Because they're just bad at what they do just
[with] how there are bad drivers. They're bad doctors. They're bad lawyers
They're bad nurses you have a bad marriage counselor, and if that's what's happening
Couples counseling will not work
reason number five
You don't have a good fit with your marriage counselor
So research is very clear that
the biggest reason that counseling succeeds is because the client likes a counselor and
So if you're having marriage counseling with a counselor or a psychotherapist that you do not like
It is probably not going to work
reason number four
Couples wait an average of six years of having problems before they go get help
That's right six years
Usually around year three couples realized. We're having some problems. We should probably do something about it
Most don't most wait another three years and then they decide
Oh, we should really go get some help, but guess what by the time you get to the couples?
[counsellors] office
Your problems are like
Gangrena, they're really bad
You're in a lot of distress
And then what tends to happen is folks go in and I want to do this much work to save this relationship and so
It doesn't really matter what the couples counselor does
People don't want to work that hard, and so it doesn't really work
reason number three
one member of the couple is not really committed to the process right, so
they go, I'll go to couples counseling because
My partner is the problem and so they go and they say hey everything in the relationship would [be] great if you can fix him
Everything in the relationship would be great if you can fix her the problem
Is that is that it takes two people to have problems and therefore it takes two people to rebuild?
Reconnect and revitalize the relationship. So if one person is there really so that the other person [can]
Get fixed then couples counseling is not going to work reason number
One person in the couple has already
emotionally left the relationship
They're probably already seen an attorney
[they're] thinking about
who's going to get the kids they're thinking about who's going to get the dog or the cat and
The only reason they go to couples counseling is so that they can [check] it off on a box and say yep?
I tried it and
They [basically] as my former Korean co-worker used to say
They're saving face
So they're going to [counseling] so that they can tell their friends their co-workers their family
Kids, whoever might ask. Yeah, we tried counseling, but it didn't work
But they were never committed to the counseling process to begin with they were only doing [it] so that they can say
Yes, I tried it and so therefore the couples counseling will not work
okay, let's recap before [we] get to the number one reason reason [number] six you have a
bad couples counselor
Reason number five you do not have a good fit with your counselor. You don't really like your couples counselor
Reason number four you've waited too long you waited a long time and your problems are really really bad
And so you've now decided that you don't want to do that much work
reason number three
One person is only going because they think the other person has all the problems
reason number two
One person has already
emotionally left the relationship and
now we are ready for reason number one as
to why couples counseling or marriage counseling does not work and
Here we go
The number one reason why couples counseling or marriage counseling does not work you?
[are] seeing a couples therapist or a marriage?
Counselor who has zero training or very little training in couple counseling or marriage counseling?
You're probably thinking hey, wait a minute isn't this like number six
Didn't you say [that] number six? Is that I have a bad marriage counselor or we have a bad marriage counselor
Number six the couples therapist or marriage counselor has training in
Couples counseling or marriage counseling. They're just bad at it
This reason the number one reason is that the therapist that you may be seeing has?
zero training or very little training in couples counseling or marriage counseling and
Therefore, not only do they not know what they're doing
They're [also] bad at it because they don't know what they're doing
And so this is the number one reason why couples counseling or marriage counseling will not work?
most of us when we go to
Counseling school whether it's we got to get a degree in psychology or social work or marriage and family therapy we get excellent?
training in
individual counseling however very few programs provide very specific
[in-depth] training for couples counseling or marriage counseling or relationship counseling?
So it is very important that when you select
Your marriage counselor that you be sure that they have received [very]
specific training in
Couples counseling or marriage counseling or relationship counseling otherwise it will not work
There you have it the top six reasons. Why couples counseling does not work?
thanks for watching and I will see you next time on the next episode of
The relationship success cafe. Go out and make life amazing
For more infomation >> Couples Counseling - Top 6 Reasons Why It Doesn't Work - Duration: 8:32.-------------------------------------------
K.A.R.D - Rumor (English Cover) M/V - Duration: 4:35.
R you for real
Somebody told me
They saw you the other day
Oh no, And they said you looked so happy babe
Then I lost all my strength
Maybe I hoped you would be unhappy
But how could you be over me in what feels like a day? No way
What do I do?
Can't let you see me being jealous of seeing you happy
With somebody else, it's like you forgot me
Well it looks like I'm the one who got played
Maybe you don't recall, but I still think of you
No matter how hard I try can't get you out my head
They must have seen wrong, I just can't believe this
After what we've been through it makes no sense
I put on a strong face
When I'm out with all my friends
According to them you've got someone new
I can't let them see how I really feel
Will you just tell me that it's not too late
Please, I'm begging you for one more chance
Where u at my love, where u at my love
You know I don't want anyone else
Somebody told me, oh no
They saw you hanging out with another girl
(They said she was seriously ugly)
I've never felt this way before you
I was so jealous
I wished that one of you would break it off
There's no way she was your type
She must be a friend and nothing more
What do I do? I can't let you see me
Being jealous of seeing you happy with somebody else
it's like you forgot me
Well it looks like I'm the one who got played
I didn't think I'd be the one to feel anything
I thought that I had gotten you out of my head
They must have seen wrong, I just can't believe this
After what we've been through it makes no sense
I put on a strong face
When I'm out with all my friends
According to them you've got someone new
I can't let them see how I really feel
Will you just tell me that it's not too late
Please, I'm begging you for one more chance
Where u at my love, where u at my love
You know I don't want anyone else
All the rumors I hear about you
Please tell me they're not true
(It's true, it's true)
Look me in the eye when you speak, tell me now
It's all a lie, all these rumors you've heard flyin' around
How could I do that when you're still my background
on my phone, can't forget when I thought you were the one
But this old photo's a waste of real love
I put on a strong face
When I'm out with all my friends
According to them you've got someone new
I can't let them see how I really feel
Will you just tell me that it's not too late
Please, I'm begging you for one more chance
Where u at my love, where u at my love
You know I don't want anyone else
Haley: Alright, so uh
Haley: We love K.A.R.D Rachel: Yes
Haley: Very much Rachel: Yes
Haley: Which is why we made this cover Rachel: Indeed
Haley: Because we're obsessed Rachel: It's fun
Haley: It's amazing
Haley: They're great. I love them. I wanna see them so badly
Rachel: Me too
Haley: You know
Haley: J. Seph *cough cough*
Rachel: *cough* BM *cough*
Rachel: *cough* What?
Haley: Somin Rachel: Jiwoo
Haley: Yaaaas Rachel: Yaaas
Haley: We love you guys so much, if you're watching this
Haley: So um Rachel: We hope you enjoyed it
Haley: Please come to North Carolina if you ever go on tour again Rachel: North Carolina, yeah
Together: Please
Haley: Thank you, we love you. bye! Rachel: Thank you, we love you. bye!
Rachel: *kisses* Haley: *laughs*
Haley: Dab
Haley: Dabs for BM!
vlc record 2017 04 29 19h28m44s vlc record 2017 04 29 18h50m16s dvd E VIDEO TS mpg - Duration: 0:09.
vlc record 2017 04 29 19h30m13s vlc record 2017 04 29 18h50m16s dvd E VIDEO TS mpg - Duration: 0:19.
vlc record 2017 04 29 19h29m18s vlc record 2017 04 29 18h50m16s dvd E VIDEO TS mpg - Duration: 0:27.
Histórias da minha infância + conversa com atores de 13RW - Duration: 13:26.
Dr Enéas Carneiro no Jô - 2 blocos - parte 1 - Duration: 27:01.
6 Important Things Your Hands Are Trying to Tell You About Your Health - Duration: 3:16.
6 Important Things Your Hands Are Trying to Tell You About Your Health
Having fingers or even an entire arm that feels numb is something that one in ten people
in the world have experienced.
That prickly feeling might be temporary, the result of ordinary fatigue, or a sign of a
more serious problem with a person�s health.
1.Tiredness and fatigue
How it�s manifested: When we lift heavy items and place our wrists in uncomfortable
poses, we raise the pressure on the nerves located close to the surface of the skin.
This leads to a tingling sensation on the surface of all our fingers.
What to do: Be sure to get enough sleep and general rest; enjoy a massage.
2.A lack of vitamins
How it�s manifested: A lack of certain vitamins (such as vitamins E, B1, B6, and B12) can
often cause a tingling sensation in the fingers of the left hand or in the left leg.
What to do: Work to restore the balance of vitamins in your body.
It�s worth consulting a specialist to determine the right dose that you need as an excess
of certain vitamins also has negative side effects.
3.Damage to the spine
How it�s manifested: Various problems with the spine make themselves known through the
little finger of the left hand.
This is the result of too much pressure on, and harm done to, the nerves.
What to do: Stretch your back as often as possible; try to do some yoga, gymnastics,
or swimming.
Avoid spending long periods in a sitting position.
4.Carpal tunnel syndrome
How it�s manifested: Carpal tunnel syndrome is often expressed through the thumb, index,
and middle finger.
Due to certain actions that are repeated again and again as part of a person�s job or lifestyle,
tendons can swell up, causing numbness in the hand.
What to do: Simple gymnastics and stretching the joints can help prevent the appearance
of carpal tunnel syndrome.
5.Problems with blood circulation
How it�s manifested: Numbing of the fingertips on the right hand can occur because of pressure
on the surface nerves or trauma to the hand or shoulder joint.
Tingling in the right hand can also be caused by certain cardiovascular diseases, which
have an effect on the general flow of blood to the extremities.
What to do: Go for walks at a moderate pace, or do gymnastics to improve the health of
the blood vessels in your extremities.
More serious problems with blood circulation require the intervention of medical professionals.
6.Buerger�s disease
How it�s manifested: This illness mostly affects smokers.
The blood flow is disrupted by the constant intake of nicotine, which in turn leads to
a lack of minerals in the body.
This causes numbness first in the fingers, then the whole arm.
What to do: There is no way to cure this disease completely.
But giving up harmful habits is an obvious first step.
Couples Counseling - Top 6 Reasons Why It Doesn't Work - Duration: 8:32.
Hello, and welcome. My name [is] John Edwards
And I am a certified Gottman method couples therapist and a licensed psychotherapist
[I'm] really excited to bring you the very first episode of the relationship success cafe
so during
These episodes. I will be providing you with tips on how to make your
[relationship] a success
So the very first episode will be the top six reasons
Why marriage counseling doesn't work and you're probably wondering wait didn't he just say [that] he was going to give us
Tidbits of information in order to help us make our relationships better that is correct
But I'm going to tell you
Why one of the most common things that people do to make their relationships better?
Doesn't work and that is marriage counseling. So here are the top six reasons why marriage counseling doesn't work?
Okay, here. We go reason number six
You have a bad marriage counselor. That's right
You heard me correctly [I'm] saying you have a bad marriage
Counselor your counselor was trained in couples counseling or marriage counseling
but he or she is just really bad [at] what they do and
In this case it won't matter
Because they're just bad at what they do just
[with] how there are bad drivers. They're bad doctors. They're bad lawyers
They're bad nurses you have a bad marriage counselor, and if that's what's happening
Couples counseling will not work
reason number five
You don't have a good fit with your marriage counselor
So research is very clear that
the biggest reason that counseling succeeds is because the client likes a counselor and
So if you're having marriage counseling with a counselor or a psychotherapist that you do not like
It is probably not going to work
reason number four
Couples wait an average of six years of having problems before they go get help
That's right six years
Usually around year three couples realized. We're having some problems. We should probably do something about it
Most don't most wait another three years and then they decide
Oh, we should really go get some help, but guess what by the time you get to the couples?
[counsellors] office
Your problems are like
Gangrena, they're really bad
You're in a lot of distress
And then what tends to happen is folks go in and I want to do this much work to save this relationship and so
It doesn't really matter what the couples counselor does
People don't want to work that hard, and so it doesn't really work
reason number three
one member of the couple is not really committed to the process right, so
they go, I'll go to couples counseling because
My partner is the problem and so they go and they say hey everything in the relationship would [be] great if you can fix him
Everything in the relationship would be great if you can fix her the problem
Is that is that it takes two people to have problems and therefore it takes two people to rebuild?
Reconnect and revitalize the relationship. So if one person is there really so that the other person [can]
Get fixed then couples counseling is not going to work reason number
One person in the couple has already
emotionally left the relationship
They're probably already seen an attorney
[they're] thinking about
who's going to get the kids they're thinking about who's going to get the dog or the cat and
The only reason they go to couples counseling is so that they can [check] it off on a box and say yep?
I tried it and
They [basically] as my former Korean co-worker used to say
They're saving face
So they're going to [counseling] so that they can tell their friends their co-workers their family
Kids, whoever might ask. Yeah, we tried counseling, but it didn't work
But they were never committed to the counseling process to begin with they were only doing [it] so that they can say
Yes, I tried it and so therefore the couples counseling will not work
okay, let's recap before [we] get to the number one reason reason [number] six you have a
bad couples counselor
Reason number five you do not have a good fit with your counselor. You don't really like your couples counselor
Reason number four you've waited too long you waited a long time and your problems are really really bad
And so you've now decided that you don't want to do that much work
reason number three
One person is only going because they think the other person has all the problems
reason number two
One person has already
emotionally left the relationship and
now we are ready for reason number one as
to why couples counseling or marriage counseling does not work and
Here we go
The number one reason why couples counseling or marriage counseling does not work you?
[are] seeing a couples therapist or a marriage?
Counselor who has zero training or very little training in couple counseling or marriage counseling?
You're probably thinking hey, wait a minute isn't this like number six
Didn't you say [that] number six? Is that I have a bad marriage counselor or we have a bad marriage counselor
Number six the couples therapist or marriage counselor has training in
Couples counseling or marriage counseling. They're just bad at it
This reason the number one reason is that the therapist that you may be seeing has?
zero training or very little training in couples counseling or marriage counseling and
Therefore, not only do they not know what they're doing
They're [also] bad at it because they don't know what they're doing
And so this is the number one reason why couples counseling or marriage counseling will not work?
most of us when we go to
Counseling school whether it's we got to get a degree in psychology or social work or marriage and family therapy we get excellent?
training in
individual counseling however very few programs provide very specific
[in-depth] training for couples counseling or marriage counseling or relationship counseling?
So it is very important that when you select
Your marriage counselor that you be sure that they have received [very]
specific training in
Couples counseling or marriage counseling or relationship counseling otherwise it will not work
There you have it the top six reasons. Why couples counseling does not work?
thanks for watching and I will see you next time on the next episode of
The relationship success cafe. Go out and make life amazing
K.A.R.D - Rumor (English Cover) M/V - Duration: 4:35.
R you for real
Somebody told me
They saw you the other day
Oh no, And they said you looked so happy babe
Then I lost all my strength
Maybe I hoped you would be unhappy
But how could you be over me in what feels like a day? No way
What do I do?
Can't let you see me being jealous of seeing you happy
With somebody else, it's like you forgot me
Well it looks like I'm the one who got played
Maybe you don't recall, but I still think of you
No matter how hard I try can't get you out my head
They must have seen wrong, I just can't believe this
After what we've been through it makes no sense
I put on a strong face
When I'm out with all my friends
According to them you've got someone new
I can't let them see how I really feel
Will you just tell me that it's not too late
Please, I'm begging you for one more chance
Where u at my love, where u at my love
You know I don't want anyone else
Somebody told me, oh no
They saw you hanging out with another girl
(They said she was seriously ugly)
I've never felt this way before you
I was so jealous
I wished that one of you would break it off
There's no way she was your type
She must be a friend and nothing more
What do I do? I can't let you see me
Being jealous of seeing you happy with somebody else
it's like you forgot me
Well it looks like I'm the one who got played
I didn't think I'd be the one to feel anything
I thought that I had gotten you out of my head
They must have seen wrong, I just can't believe this
After what we've been through it makes no sense
I put on a strong face
When I'm out with all my friends
According to them you've got someone new
I can't let them see how I really feel
Will you just tell me that it's not too late
Please, I'm begging you for one more chance
Where u at my love, where u at my love
You know I don't want anyone else
All the rumors I hear about you
Please tell me they're not true
(It's true, it's true)
Look me in the eye when you speak, tell me now
It's all a lie, all these rumors you've heard flyin' around
How could I do that when you're still my background
on my phone, can't forget when I thought you were the one
But this old photo's a waste of real love
I put on a strong face
When I'm out with all my friends
According to them you've got someone new
I can't let them see how I really feel
Will you just tell me that it's not too late
Please, I'm begging you for one more chance
Where u at my love, where u at my love
You know I don't want anyone else
Haley: Alright, so uh
Haley: We love K.A.R.D Rachel: Yes
Haley: Very much Rachel: Yes
Haley: Which is why we made this cover Rachel: Indeed
Haley: Because we're obsessed Rachel: It's fun
Haley: It's amazing
Haley: They're great. I love them. I wanna see them so badly
Rachel: Me too
Haley: You know
Haley: J. Seph *cough cough*
Rachel: *cough* BM *cough*
Rachel: *cough* What?
Haley: Somin Rachel: Jiwoo
Haley: Yaaaas Rachel: Yaaas
Haley: We love you guys so much, if you're watching this
Haley: So um Rachel: We hope you enjoyed it
Haley: Please come to North Carolina if you ever go on tour again Rachel: North Carolina, yeah
Together: Please
Haley: Thank you, we love you. bye! Rachel: Thank you, we love you. bye!
Rachel: *kisses* Haley: *laughs*
Haley: Dab
Haley: Dabs for BM!
Saab 9-3 Sport Sedan 1.8T 150 pk LINEAR PDC | ECC | Cruise Control | Regen- en lichtsensor | Blueto - Duration: 1:01.
Claw machine win that wasn't counted because we cheated at the arcade T_T | Catch A Toy #31 - Duration: 11:30.
K.A.R.D - Rumor (English Cover) M/V - Duration: 4:35.
R you for real
Somebody told me
They saw you the other day
Oh no, And they said you looked so happy babe
Then I lost all my strength
Maybe I hoped you would be unhappy
But how could you be over me in what feels like a day? No way
What do I do?
Can't let you see me being jealous of seeing you happy
With somebody else, it's like you forgot me
Well it looks like I'm the one who got played
Maybe you don't recall, but I still think of you
No matter how hard I try can't get you out my head
They must have seen wrong, I just can't believe this
After what we've been through it makes no sense
I put on a strong face
When I'm out with all my friends
According to them you've got someone new
I can't let them see how I really feel
Will you just tell me that it's not too late
Please, I'm begging you for one more chance
Where u at my love, where u at my love
You know I don't want anyone else
Somebody told me, oh no
They saw you hanging out with another girl
(They said she was seriously ugly)
I've never felt this way before you
I was so jealous
I wished that one of you would break it off
There's no way she was your type
She must be a friend and nothing more
What do I do? I can't let you see me
Being jealous of seeing you happy with somebody else
it's like you forgot me
Well it looks like I'm the one who got played
I didn't think I'd be the one to feel anything
I thought that I had gotten you out of my head
They must have seen wrong, I just can't believe this
After what we've been through it makes no sense
I put on a strong face
When I'm out with all my friends
According to them you've got someone new
I can't let them see how I really feel
Will you just tell me that it's not too late
Please, I'm begging you for one more chance
Where u at my love, where u at my love
You know I don't want anyone else
All the rumors I hear about you
Please tell me they're not true
(It's true, it's true)
Look me in the eye when you speak, tell me now
It's all a lie, all these rumors you've heard flyin' around
How could I do that when you're still my background
on my phone, can't forget when I thought you were the one
But this old photo's a waste of real love
I put on a strong face
When I'm out with all my friends
According to them you've got someone new
I can't let them see how I really feel
Will you just tell me that it's not too late
Please, I'm begging you for one more chance
Where u at my love, where u at my love
You know I don't want anyone else
Haley: Alright, so uh
Haley: We love K.A.R.D Rachel: Yes
Haley: Very much Rachel: Yes
Haley: Which is why we made this cover Rachel: Indeed
Haley: Because we're obsessed Rachel: It's fun
Haley: It's amazing
Haley: They're great. I love them. I wanna see them so badly
Rachel: Me too
Haley: You know
Haley: J. Seph *cough cough*
Rachel: *cough* BM *cough*
Rachel: *cough* What?
Haley: Somin Rachel: Jiwoo
Haley: Yaaaas Rachel: Yaaas
Haley: We love you guys so much, if you're watching this
Haley: So um Rachel: We hope you enjoyed it
Haley: Please come to North Carolina if you ever go on tour again Rachel: North Carolina, yeah
Together: Please
Haley: Thank you, we love you. bye! Rachel: Thank you, we love you. bye!
Rachel: *kisses* Haley: *laughs*
Haley: Dab
Haley: Dabs for BM!
Old castle trailer video - Duration: 7:10.
Thank you for watching! If you liked this video please give it a thumbs up and if you enjoy this channel please subscribe. :)
Go home English. YOU ARE DRUNK! - Duration: 2:17.
To people who are good at English, please help me out here.
Hello world!
I'm not that good at English.
No, no!
Don't give me that look: Oh my god, you are like that person who said she's totally
not prepared for the test but still get an A. If you want me to chat with people in English,
sure, but if you want me to write essay in English.
Kill me.
But fun fact, when I was in fifth grade.
My English was so bad I have to attend a special English class during lunch break.
I was the only student in class who didn't know how to spell "flower".
Don't give up on yourself!
This intro is too long, here comes my confusion.
Why do you no pronounce T?
I do believe if you pronounce the T in them, it will still be correct and people will know
what you are talking about?
Why not pronounce it?
Man, I just don't know.
Is English drunk?
Or am I drunk?
Tell me!
And for this one word, I feel like perhaps people are just too lazy to pronounce "th"
in the correct way?
That's how I pronounce it.
That's what I often heard.
Basically changing the "th" into "f" because you are too lazy to move your tongue?
Don't know!
I seriously have no clue.
And here's one of my pet peeves about English, why you make sentence sounds like a question
when it's not?
This is how I was taught in school, when you are asking a question, raise the tone for
the last few words.
May I go to the bathroom?
Is there anyone sitting here?
Can I punch you in the face?
Yeah, these are surely questions, but the followings are not.
When I was at home today?
My mom came back early from work?
She bought a pig.
Last Saturday?
We went to movies?
And had such a horrible time.
You get my point?
Now this is a real question right here.
Why you confuse me and play with my emotion!?
Tell me, tell me bro, tell me sis.
Though I sometimes do the same…
But, but I learn that from you guys!
Pros at English, educate me!
Teach me!
Give me that knowledge juice!
Thank you for watching!
If you enjoy this video.
Leave a like and comment below let me know!
You can check out my last video there, and don't forget to subscribe because I will
upload new video every one or two weeks on Sunday.
And I'll see you there.
ANNOYING THINGS ROOMMATES DO!! Rippy Koul - Duration: 4:22.
Is she even a human??????!!!!!!!
Oh God!
Funny montage - Duration: 10:01.
Thinks hes gonna want theese >:)
I laught at this every single time XD
Prepare to die in laughter
You guys will love this one XD
Do you miss him?
This baby though
This bulldog is epic
This kid rages and i found out more in the vid that he broke his camera XD
He thre the chair
he threw the chair
He threw the cair... Just replace his "A NIGHTMARE" and chainge it so it sound like him sayying a nightmare before christmas XD
Couples Counseling - Top 6 Reasons Why It Doesn't Work - Duration: 8:32.
Hello, and welcome. My name [is] John Edwards
And I am a certified Gottman method couples therapist and a licensed psychotherapist
[I'm] really excited to bring you the very first episode of the relationship success cafe
so during
These episodes. I will be providing you with tips on how to make your
[relationship] a success
So the very first episode will be the top six reasons
Why marriage counseling doesn't work and you're probably wondering wait didn't he just say [that] he was going to give us
Tidbits of information in order to help us make our relationships better that is correct
But I'm going to tell you
Why one of the most common things that people do to make their relationships better?
Doesn't work and that is marriage counseling. So here are the top six reasons why marriage counseling doesn't work?
Okay, here. We go reason number six
You have a bad marriage counselor. That's right
You heard me correctly [I'm] saying you have a bad marriage
Counselor your counselor was trained in couples counseling or marriage counseling
but he or she is just really bad [at] what they do and
In this case it won't matter
Because they're just bad at what they do just
[with] how there are bad drivers. They're bad doctors. They're bad lawyers
They're bad nurses you have a bad marriage counselor, and if that's what's happening
Couples counseling will not work
reason number five
You don't have a good fit with your marriage counselor
So research is very clear that
the biggest reason that counseling succeeds is because the client likes a counselor and
So if you're having marriage counseling with a counselor or a psychotherapist that you do not like
It is probably not going to work
reason number four
Couples wait an average of six years of having problems before they go get help
That's right six years
Usually around year three couples realized. We're having some problems. We should probably do something about it
Most don't most wait another three years and then they decide
Oh, we should really go get some help, but guess what by the time you get to the couples?
[counsellors] office
Your problems are like
Gangrena, they're really bad
You're in a lot of distress
And then what tends to happen is folks go in and I want to do this much work to save this relationship and so
It doesn't really matter what the couples counselor does
People don't want to work that hard, and so it doesn't really work
reason number three
one member of the couple is not really committed to the process right, so
they go, I'll go to couples counseling because
My partner is the problem and so they go and they say hey everything in the relationship would [be] great if you can fix him
Everything in the relationship would be great if you can fix her the problem
Is that is that it takes two people to have problems and therefore it takes two people to rebuild?
Reconnect and revitalize the relationship. So if one person is there really so that the other person [can]
Get fixed then couples counseling is not going to work reason number
One person in the couple has already
emotionally left the relationship
They're probably already seen an attorney
[they're] thinking about
who's going to get the kids they're thinking about who's going to get the dog or the cat and
The only reason they go to couples counseling is so that they can [check] it off on a box and say yep?
I tried it and
They [basically] as my former Korean co-worker used to say
They're saving face
So they're going to [counseling] so that they can tell their friends their co-workers their family
Kids, whoever might ask. Yeah, we tried counseling, but it didn't work
But they were never committed to the counseling process to begin with they were only doing [it] so that they can say
Yes, I tried it and so therefore the couples counseling will not work
okay, let's recap before [we] get to the number one reason reason [number] six you have a
bad couples counselor
Reason number five you do not have a good fit with your counselor. You don't really like your couples counselor
Reason number four you've waited too long you waited a long time and your problems are really really bad
And so you've now decided that you don't want to do that much work
reason number three
One person is only going because they think the other person has all the problems
reason number two
One person has already
emotionally left the relationship and
now we are ready for reason number one as
to why couples counseling or marriage counseling does not work and
Here we go
The number one reason why couples counseling or marriage counseling does not work you?
[are] seeing a couples therapist or a marriage?
Counselor who has zero training or very little training in couple counseling or marriage counseling?
You're probably thinking hey, wait a minute isn't this like number six
Didn't you say [that] number six? Is that I have a bad marriage counselor or we have a bad marriage counselor
Number six the couples therapist or marriage counselor has training in
Couples counseling or marriage counseling. They're just bad at it
This reason the number one reason is that the therapist that you may be seeing has?
zero training or very little training in couples counseling or marriage counseling and
Therefore, not only do they not know what they're doing
They're [also] bad at it because they don't know what they're doing
And so this is the number one reason why couples counseling or marriage counseling will not work?
most of us when we go to
Counseling school whether it's we got to get a degree in psychology or social work or marriage and family therapy we get excellent?
training in
individual counseling however very few programs provide very specific
[in-depth] training for couples counseling or marriage counseling or relationship counseling?
So it is very important that when you select
Your marriage counselor that you be sure that they have received [very]
specific training in
Couples counseling or marriage counseling or relationship counseling otherwise it will not work
There you have it the top six reasons. Why couples counseling does not work?
thanks for watching and I will see you next time on the next episode of
The relationship success cafe. Go out and make life amazing
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How to Get Rid of Dark Lips Fast - Duration: 3:04.
Welcome to Health Wisdom YouTube Channel.
In this video, you will learn about how to get rid of dark lips fast.
Keep watching.
Dark and pigmented lips decreases the beauty of the appearance.
The reasons for dark lips are many such as smoking, excess intake of tea and coffee,
allergens, dryness, cosmetics, exposure to the sun etc.
There are many natural ingredients or home remedies that you can use to remove your dark
Some of the things which you can do to get rid of dark lips are:
Protect yourself from UV Rays Exposure to sun rays causes the growth of
melanin on your skin which gradually creates pigments and as a result your lips become
Whenever you go out in the sun apply sunscreen and lip balm with minimum SPF 15.
Quit Smoking Fast Smoking causes discoloration of the lips.
It also leaves stains and black spots on the lips.
If you want pink lips you have to quit smoking as soon as possible.
Apply Lemon Juice on Lips Lemon helps in removing dark lips as it contains
Vitamin C which has bleaching properties.
You can apply lemon juice on your lips once a day.
After applying it, massage your lips using your fingertips.
Doing this will remove impurities from your lips.
Reduce intake of Caffeine Consuming more than 4 to 5 cups a day of tea
and coffee causes dark lips.
Reduce the intake of tea and coffee to a minimum and avoid if possible.
Don't Let Your Lips Dry Dryness of the lips causes darkness.
Apply some lip balm or glycerin on the lips.
Drink plenty of water, eat fresh fruits and green vegetables to replenish your skin and
Rose and Milk Rose has moisturizing, cooling and brightness
Mash up some rose petals and add some milk.
Massage this mixture onto your lips for 5 minutes on a daily basis until you see the
Doing this will make your lips mild and your lips will look moisturized and rosy.
In conclusion, doing the above things will help in get rid of dark lips.
However there are many other methods which you can use to get pink lips, which we will
cover in a future video.
Thanks for watching this video, if you enjoyed this video, please do not forget to like and
subscribe to our channel.
In this channel you will get information about various health related topics.
Wishing you good health in your life, bye.
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