Directed by Luis Buñuel
It was during one of the violent phases of the Revolution.
Everywhere banners were being raised by one side or the other.
The provincial capital where I lived...
with my parents was still relatively peaceful.
My family was very well-off...
and I was an only child.
Above all, my mother adored me.
I was brought up by a governess, but that didn't keep me
from acquiring the bad habits of a spoiled child.
I'll bring him his water.
No, madam said she doesn't want him to eat too much.
Very well.
Come out of there at once!
Do you hear me? You'll be sorry if you don't.
Come out at once!
What have you been up to?
I was playing.
A well-bred boy doesn't do that!
What if your mother finds out you messed up her clothes!
My mother lets me do what I want.
You should behave like a little gentleman.
You're too old to do that kind of things.
If only they'd spank you occasionally.
What a little devil! Always getting into some mischief.
But you'll be good now, won't you, my little angel?
He won't be any more trouble.
Where are you going?
To the theatre, pet. Your father is picking me up.
I don't want you to! You're not going!
Don't be difficult, Archie.
Don't be a bad boy because...
if you are a good little boy and let me go,
I'll bring him something he'll like.
The music box!
That's right!
What a bad boy I have!
I'll get it for you right away.
Come here, our lunch is getting cold.
Sit down and I'll put your napkin on.
Don't be so fidgety, Archie. You're upsetting me.
Your parents pay me to raise you properly.
Well, they have lots of money.
That's no answer. They could spend it on themselves!
If you were my child... but they treat you like a 3-year-oId.
Here it is, dear.
Take good care of it and don't break it.
I leave him in your care, miss.
He won't trouble you anymore.
Put him to bed at 8 o'clock.
Until then, you could tell him the story of the little box.
What story, madam?
You know, that story. You understand what I mean?
The one about the little box belonging to a king...
You're late! I've been dressed for half an hour.
Sometimes, you have to wait too.
Hurry up, we'll be late. I'll put my jewels on.
Don't bother, there isn't going to be any show.
- What's that? - No show, I said.
But why?
Because bullets are flying in the suburbs already.
It won't be long before they reach us.
But there's nothing to worry about yet.
Is it nothing that we can't go to the theatre?
All those agitators should be strung up!
Don't worry. They say General Gomez will be here tonight,
he'll put them in their place.
It would have to be today!
Tell me the story!
Oh, yes...the story...
about the king who owned this box.
He wasn't a king.
My mother said he was!
Well, that comes later on. It first belonged to a fairy.
Where do fairies live?
In the air, in the water... in the fire...
A king ordered this little box to be made.
So now we come to the king!
The king had enemies he wanted to get rid of...
and the genie gave the box strange powers.
He could get rid of them by starting up the box.
What happened then?
One day, the Prime Minister, who was a traitor...
said the queen was conspiring with the enemies.
The king commanded her to look him in the eyes but...
she lowered them and...
the king took it as a sign of guilt. Without a second thought,
he started up the little box
and the poor queen was struck dead.
But one day...
The story made a deep and lasting impression on me.
I owned the box now. Could I take someone's life with it?
I confess I started up the box in order to test my powers.
Instantly, I thought of the governess.
I was convinced that it was I who had killed her.
I assure you that morbid sensation gave me a certain pleasure.
Of course, it is only now that I realize all that.
Yes... it was a real pleasure,
to feel myself aII-powerfuI.
You are aware that this is a human weakness...
Since my reminiscences displease you, I won't go on.
Actually, I do find them distasteful.
Had I known, I wouldn't have asked to hear them.
I prefer to believe that you are deluding yourself.
It's imprinted on my memory like a photograph.
Time has a way of distorting things.
I am sure you were as good and pure as other children.
I think you like to pass yourself off as wicked.
I'm very far from being a saint.
Sister, would you be frightened if I told you something?
That depends.
It's something that would greatly interest you.
Well, you can tell me tomorrow.
We've talked too much today, the doctor will scold us.
I'll bring you your pill.
I have to go to the dispensary...
What are you doing?
What are you up?
I must know something, sister.
What is it?
You always want to be in the good graces of God?
Yes... I try.
Well then, wouldn't you be glad to die...
since it means eternal bliss? Isn't that right?
Of course...but why?
I'll give you that joy.
I don't understand.
If you had let me explain before, you would understand now.
Go on, Doctor. Excuse me.
Your honor, everything is quite clear to me.
I don't doubt that it was an accident...
the elevator door, through an oversight, was left open.
I think so too. But, why was the sister running?
I can't say why. It doesn't seem extraordinary to me...
still it's odd that a nurse would run to get something.
Your honor, Mr. Archibaldo De La Cruz has come in.
Let him wait.
Do you know what room she had come out of?
We couldn't find out though we asked all the nurses on the floor.
What illness was Mr. De La Cruz being treated for?
Since his wife's tragedy, his nerves have been shot.
I prescribed fifteen days of absolute rest for him.
What's he like?
A typical man of our times... a bit moody.
Thank you. It's been a pleasure meeting you.
For me, also. I am always at your service.
Thank you.
Tell Mr. De La Cruz to come in.
Mr. De La Cruz, this way, please.
Your honor.
This is a mere formality.
I hope you won't mind giving me a few moments.
Certainly not.
Please be seated.
What can you say about the events leading to the accident?
Can you add anything to what we already know?
You did well to call me because I know everything.
How's that? What do you know?
Everything relating to this matter. It was no accident.
What was it then?
A crime.
Please be serious.
I'm not joking. Sister Trinity was murdered.
Then I'll have to believe you. Who murdered her?
I did, your honor.
Are you insane?
Up to that time I thought I was sane.
I killed her deliberately and in cold blood...
and she wasn't my first victim either.
I don't know what you're getting at but I must hear you out.
Mr. Gomez! Make a record of all this.
Keep in mind that everything you say...
may be used against you.
Go ahead.
Your honor... do you like music boxes?
See here, now...
A few weeks ago I went out to buy a piece of jewelry.
It is not a very fashionable piece,
but notice the workmanship without regard to
the value of the stone.
Let's see what you think of this rare little Italian music box.
It plays a pretty tune for two minutes.
Isn't it very pretty?
Can you change the melody if you want to?
No, sir.
May I?
What do you wish?
Sorry if I'm being rude...
but this little music box belonged to me once...
I really must get it back.
Well, it's for sale...
I acquired it Iegally, sir, and these people wish to buy it.
I'm very sorry.
Permit me to explain.
It belonged to my mother and is very dear to me.
During the revolution my house was looted and it disappeared.
Please understand, I would give anything to get it back.
Without a doubt, such memories should be respected.
We all have our own.
Of course. That's certain.
Once, when I was little, I went with my mother...
Lavinia, he's not interested in your childhood recollections.
I have other music boxes I can show you.
Don't bother, sir. Let's go, Lavinia.
Please let me explain.
No thank you, sir.
Well, there goes a customer.
But I really couldn't disregard your feelings.
To me childhood memories are sacred.
How much?
2,000 pesos...
Will you take a check?
Of course. We only have to look at a face to tell if it's honest.
An honorable person has it etched on his forehead.
- Payable to? - Bearer.
Don't bother to wrap it.
Does the medallion still interest you?
No, not now... thank you.
Who is he?
Archibaldo De La Cruz.
You asked too little. You could have charged him a lot more.
It isn't right to overcharge. He seemed an honest man.
And rich, too. For if he was poor, he'd better not be honest.
Good afternoon, Juan. I'm lucky to find you in.
Bring me the vase I finished this morning. I want to take it out.
You eating in?
I've baked apple tarts.
Keep them for tomorrow.
Mrs. Cervantes called to remind you of her invitation.
They expect you for tea at six.
I won't forget.
The neighbor came over to complain
about the smoke from the studio chimney.
I'm sorry but it's my house
and I won't give up my hobby just to please him.
This is the last beige shirt, the others will arrive later today.
Very well. Now leave me alone.
I'm sorry I took so long but I had to clean it.
This is the one, isn't it?
Yes, wrap it up and leave it in the car, please.
You don't remember me, do you?
No, I don't.
I thought I was interesting enough not to be forgotten.
I'm sorry, I have a terrible memory for faces.
But I remember you very well...
and not because you're so handsome. Don't flatter yourself.
Certainly not.
But that doesn't mean I'm not attracted to you.
- That's my guardian. - Well...
Don't get the idea I'm a schemer.
My name is Pat Terrazas, we met at Fat Azuara's club,
where you used to gamble.
That's right.
I suppose you'll be there tonight?
- Tonight? - Of course.
Didn't you know that it has reopened?
I hadn't heard.
By now, even the police must know about it.
Well, I look forward to seeing you there.
Let me drive.
Do you like my legs?
My God, Patricia!
This will take about a week.
That way the structure will not be damaged.
Just a moment, please.
Excuse me.
You'd better go, Archibaldo is already here.
If he doesn't want to see me, I don't want to see him either.
He knows you're married and have a little girl.
So here we go again, with the same old story.
- Do you need help? - No, thank you.
Is this young lady a friend of your mistress?
Miss Patti? She went to school with Carlota.
She comes here often?
Almost never. I don't think my mistress likes her much.
Well, it's a little...
I'm so happy to see you, Archibaldo.
Do you know Rivas, the architect?
I've had the pleasure.
- How do you do? - How do you do, Mr de Ia Cruz?
What a darling little vase. Look, Alejandro!
Day by day, your work improves.
I'm a mere amateur.
Carlota will adore it. Take it to her yourself.
She's in the chapel.
- Excuse me. - Go ahead.
Oh, merciful, loving, sweet Virgin, pray for us...
so we may attain the divine grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
- Forgive me... - How are you?
Fine, thank you. How pretty it is, Archie.
What lovely colors. Someday we'll have to watch you at work.
I'm going to dedicate it to the Virgin. What do you think?
Is there anyone better?
I'm moved by this atmosphere of peace in which you live.
It's like another world.
Well, it won't be peaceful for long. In a few days,
the workers will be in, and then...
What's wrong? I can see you're worried.
Yes, Carlota... I must speak to you.
What's troubling you?
I am not going to beat around the bush.
Something very disturbing happened to me today...
that stirred up very deep emotions.
But that's not what I want to speak to you about.
Why not?
Don't you think I would understand?
Of course. It's only that I don't quite know how to explain.
You can be open with me.
Maybe we can find a solution together.
I'll try to make myself clear. You are my ideal.
I know that your purity and innocence could save me...
but I don't dare involve you in a tragic destiny.
Tragic! Why do you say that?
I am convinced that I am not like other men.
I am aware of my feelings and they frighten me.
Believe me...
there are times I fervently desire to be a saint,
at other times... a great criminal.
Isn't that absurd?
It seems to me that...
what's wrong with you is that you're alone too much.
Why don't you come to see us more often?
We have a lot to talk about.
Alejandro! Don't go in there!
Why not?
I'll go myself... but what can I tell her?
You'll think of something.
Carlota, your godmother has taken III.
Who told you?
They just phoned. We must go there right away.
I feel terrible but you must excuse us.
Is it serious?
Well, she's very old and you know at that age...
I'm terribly sorry.
Don't worry. The important thing is that it's not serious.
- Well... - We hope to see you soon.
I'll see you out.
I'll call tomorrow.
Don't bother, I'll call you... Eventually we'll get together.
I'll take over now.
Maybe the fat man will bring me luck.
That's why I'm here, Mrs. Terrazas.
Place your bets!
You've wiped me out, I'm a plucked chicken.
Give me 2,000 pesos, Willy!
Let me sit down. I really can't stand on my feet anymore.
Okay, see if it changes your luck.
Thank you, you're very kind.
1 7 black...
Oh, these shoes are killing me!
They are good ones, too. They were made for me in Paris.
I bought them on the Champs EIys'es. Look, feel them.
They're well made but something is wrong with them.
They are fine, indeed.
Willy dear, what did they cost?
Patricia, please!
Hurry. Place your bets!
Bet on 34. I have a feeling.
Good idea.
Give me 2,000 more, Willy.
Take them, and that's all.
Two chips, Fatty.
No... don't touch them, it's unlucky!
Place your bets.
Anyone else?
Do you plan to keep my shoe as a souvenir?
23 red... double!
Be a dear, give me 5,000.
Let's go. I told you that would be all for tonight.
You won't give them to me?
Archibaldo, will you lend me 5,000 pesos?
Don't bother, sir, she's not playing anymore.
Let's go.
I'm going,
but you're beginning to get on my nerves, sweetie pie.
- Shari we go ? - O.K.
Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen!
An interesting woman, right, Archie?
I could cheerfully murder her.
Don't be stupid. What gives you the right...
- Your money. Isn't that so? - And other things...
Like what? You want to be buried with your money.
It still hurts you to spend it.
It disgusts me to see you act like a common tramp.
I do as I please!
You make me look like a fool.
You can scram, little man, for all the good you are to me!
I don't want you to throw money away stupidity.
I don't do anything stupidity! Besides, I don't need you.
- You're serious? - AbsoIutely.
Then it's all over?
It has been for a long time.
You'll get gray hairs over tonight
and furthermore, I'm going off with the first man I meet.
Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen.
No more bets!
Did you hurt yourself? It was awful.
Just scraped my knee.
You're lucky. What a pity about the car.
I don't care about it. It wasn't mine. I'm even now.
I understand.
Can I be of any help?
I'm alone, would you be so kind as to go with me?
On one condition...
What's that?
That once we arrive, we don't go anywhere else.
Invite me to your place.
I've already thought of that.
I was afraid you'd refuse.
But I asked you.
Perhaps we both had the same idea.
- Where's your car? - Over there.
There are times when I think life's not worth living.
You're oversensitive.
I'm sure that your troubles are only temporary.
Who can tell?
There are skeletons in every closet.
You're hiding something?
No, what could possibly interest you about my quiet life?
- You live with your lover? - No, alone.
- An apartment? - Furnished.
- Any servants? - Naturally...
Do they sleep in?
Are you from the police? Why so many questions?
I'm interested in you.
- Where are we going? - To my house.
- You live here? - Yes, right there.
I'm expecting a telegram. Just one second.
Here is the house you were so interested in.
It is not really up to my standards,
but people don't know the difference.
Look at my souvenirs while I put these away.
I won't be long.
How do you like my gallery?
Interesting, and full of celebrities.
The only one missing is the inventor of the atomic bomb.
I haven't got to him yet...
But I'm still trying.
And this bullfighter?
It's Rivetillo!
He dedicated a bull to me just before the bull killed him.
I've kept you standing all this time...
Forgive me.
It's quite all right to sit by me.
As you wish.
Do you get a kick out of asking questions?
- Why say that? - I find you very strange.
I don't understand.
I'm going to be frank.
When you offered to take me home...
I thought, how wonderful, I'll seize the opportunity.
But in the car I realized you had something else in mind.
That's right.
Would you believe that it's the same for me?
If you're not thinking of deceiving your friend...
what's the point of this stimulation game?
You'll find out. But I wonder why you came.
You'll find out.
But I haven't offered you a drink.
What would you like?
Anything... a glass of milk.
Yes, milk. I don't touch alcohol.
All right, I'll drink for both of us.
It isn't really true, is it?
That you really like...
I swear I do.
- You here? - You weren't waiting for me?
Liar. As if I didn't know you...
Reality? I came with another man.
- I know, with A. De La Cruz. - You followed me!
Tell me, didn't you do it only to make me jealous?
You know there can never be anybody but you.
You forgive me about the car?
It doesn't matter, what's important is that we love each other.
We can never love the way other people do.
No. We live in our own little hell.
What about him?
We don't have to make a big deal out of this. Let's go!
I know the situation is a little embarrassing...
But we're men of the world, are we not?
Let me formally introduce you, this is William Colbert...
But you've already met.
Pleased to meet you, Mr. De La Cruz.
It's unfortunate that we're always fighting...
that's why these things happen to us.
Not always, Willie, just enough to break the monotony.
I understand perfectly.
But just one minute with her,
is worth all that she makes me suffer.
She's the most unreasonable woman in the world.
One can't love and be reasonable at the same time.
If you'll excuse me...
Won't you drink your milk?
I think it's time for me to go.
Don't rush off... stay awhile.
You're not to blame. Patricia, serve the drinks.
Sit down, please.
That's how she is, but I trust her.
It's better to be deceived than be distrustful. Don't you agree?
Yes, but I have to...
No, wait. Let me explain some more.
Our life has been as hell since she got her hooks in me.
As you know, the man chases the woman until she catches him.
Our troubles began the very day we met.
She was wearing a very tight dress
transparent, with flowers on it.
- Remember, my love? - How couldn't I?
You were furious because my legs showed through.
That proves I love you, don't you think so?
Yes, my love, you know that I adore you.
The two of us forever?
You're going... Forgive us...
I'm sorry, but I must go.
Should we let him go like that?
Don't blame me.
Who's blaming you? Let's not start.
- Don't use that tone of voice! - What tone!
A gentleman to see you.
You know I only see visitors by appointment.
But he insists on speaking with you. He's from the police.
What could he want?
Tell him to come in.
Sorry to bother you at this hour, Mr. De La Cruz?
Indeed. What can I do for you?
Are you a friend of Miss Patricia Terrazas?
I mean no.
We're not exactly friends, I know who she is.
Until what time were you with her last night?
I don't know... It must have been between 12:30 and 1 o'clock.
And while you were with her, did anything unusual take place?
No... let's see...
I don't think this is the proper place for a formal statement.
Can you tell me what happened to Miss Terrazas?
Nothing much. She turned up with her throat slit.
Can I have your opinion?
Almost... just give me a second.
You say you started to argue when Mr. De La Cruz left?
Yes, sir. I told her something she didn't like.
She was upset. We both got very excited.
And nothing more?
I confess I said a few harsh things.
Then she suddenly slapped me. I pushed her away.
As I was leaving, I saw that she was crying.
That's all.
There is no doubt that this note is in her handwriting.
Send in your report to headquarters.
They've have it today, Inspector.
Does this sound like her?
'They'll, it's impossible for me to go on like this.
''I didn't want to look lovely in death, that's why...
''I killed myself like this. I hope that...
''my blood flows over you the rest of your life... Patricia.''
The case is solved. Lots of blood and for no reason at all.
How about some coffee, Lopez, before the judge gets here?
Good idea, Inspector.
I won't keep you any longer.
You're free to go and do as you please.
Miss Patricia Terrazas was cremated yesterday
Final stage in the tragic life of Patricia Terrazas
Archibaldo... No, she's up already.
With great pleasure.
Do you wish to speak to Carlota... just a minute...
What now?
Archie's inviting us to supper. He wants to speak with you.
Mother, you know very well I can't tonight. Tell him I'm sorry.
She asks you to forgive her, but she has a headache.
That's quite all right. It's better for her to stay home.
Tomorrow, I definitely must speak with her.
Give her my best.
You're always around.
You won't get out of it this time.
- Let me explain... - It's not necessary.
I already know what you're going to say.
I don't have enough space. But then, you deserve one.
Now I'll go fix your drink.
I know you don't drink. I'll send for your milk right away.
Is it true this place is ancient? How old is it?
Well... it must be...
Was it always like this?
It used to be a town hall, and before that it was a bakery.
Amazing! And before that?
Before that, this picturesque place was a convento.
What's a ''convento?''
You know, a place where nuns live.
I understand...but... how many nuns lived here?
How many...? Well, exactly thirty-two.
I understand... were there any male nuns?
Male nuns? Well, there were fewer of them...ten or twelve.
More women and less men... always, everywhere.
There's my cousin, I'm going to say hello to him. Excuse me.
Make believe you know me. I had to get away from those people.
Don't you remember me?
I would certainly like to.
That's why you were staring at me?
Yes, and because you look so pretty.
Now we're getting somewhere. Try to remember.
Don't tell me you've forgotten so soon.
I'm not that naive.
No, really...
And women should trust men...
Our meeting left a lasting impression on me.
What's that melody? Where did you hear it?
In a music box your mother had when you were a child.
Of course ! What a memory I have !
Let's be friends!
Intimate friends, nothing less.
But I must get back to my Yankee friends.
They know their way around.
And tomorrow, who do I eat?
I'm paid to do this.
- You're an interpreter? - And a guide.
And also a model... made to serve God and you.
One of those so-caIIed artists has already used me.
Look who's there! My daddy has come to pick me up.
Excuse me.
- When can we meet again? - It won't be easy.
Since you're not a Yankee or an artist, I can't see how.
Where do you live?
Give me a pencil.
Insurgentes 408.
'La Moda EIegante''.
I am there day and night, even though it's very confining.
You said you'd come with some Yankees!
Maybe he's a Yankee.
Quit kidding. Who is he?
Have you forgotten?
Oh yes... what are you doing with him?
I went over to say hello. He's attractive, don't you think?
I can't understand why you insist on working.
Now that we're getting married, it's absurd...
I don't want people to say I'm marrying for money.
Let me introduce you to my uncle. They're from Oklahoma.
I consider it only right for a mother
to be concerned about her daughter's future.
Carlota, my child... Archibaldo is here.
How are you, Archie ?
Archibaldo has come to ask you something important
and he discussed it with me first.
But since you must make the decision,
I'll leave you two alone so you can talk freely.
Excuse me, please.
You must have guessed what this is about.
Yes... I won't deny it.
Since the other day, I've become more and more convinced
that you can favourably change my life.
I am absolutely certain that I need you.
If you help me, my life will not turn into a disaster.
Would you consider marrying me?
- To tell the truth... - What is it?
I'm surprised.
I didn't think you would take that decision.
- Don't you like me? - Of course, I do.
I feel a great affection for you but in a matter like this,
I need more time to decide.
- How much time? - Maybe a month or two.
My proposal doesn't exactly please you.
It's not that. I want to be sure and fair to you.
I beg you... let me think it over.
As you wish.
But please, Carlota, think of my situation...
and remember that you are leaving me in the dark.
Have you finished talking? What was your answer, child?
Everything will work itself out.
Carlota is still young. Let's wait a little while.
This number is very popular.
It brings out your features nicety.
Pardon me, May I see Miss Lavinia?
Miss Lavinia? I don't know her. Do you have the right address?
Yes, I was told she worked here.
Here? No, sir. But wait... I'll ask the owner.
Here is the owner, she'II help you.
We've never had any employee by that name.
They must have given me the wrong address. Thank you.
By the way,
where were these mannequins made?
These are imported. This one was made in Mexico.
It's new... made by a craftsman from Coyoacan.
May I have his address?
With pleasure. Please wait a moment, sir.
- Are you finished? - Yes.
- Then, I'll be going. - Yes, that's fine.
See you tomorrow.
Lavinia! How are you?
You certainly have shown yourself to be resourceful.
- How did you find me? - I have ways.
The dress shop?
Of course. I saw you there, dumb and paralyzed.
Each time I see you, I like you better.
What can I do for you?
Will you do some modeling at my house?
Could you come tomorrow?
- But... are you an artist? - Sometimes.
What do you say?
Do you live alone?
No. I live with my cousin.
A girl of you age. A charming girl.
Since you've given me such assurances...
I can't tomorrow but, how about Saturday at four?
Agreed. May I go along with you now?
No... look who's over there.
And he doesn't like to see me with my clients.
Until Saturday then... and remember, I am punctual.
Wait a minute, please.
I adjusted those measurements as you suggested.
- Did you increase them by 2.5? - Exactly.
That's fine.
How are you?
Good morning. Good morning, gentlemen.
- Is your mother well? - Yes, thank you.
The estimate is ready. You wish to see the figures?
Come in.
I've been going crazy without you. You must have guessed.
My love, what's the matter?
Tell me!
I'm here to tell you it's all over between us.
Are you crazy? What are you saying?
I beg you, please listen to me.
O.K., tell me.
It had to come to this someday.
We both knew it since you wife refused to divorce you.
My not getting a divorce is not my fault.
My intention was to avoid hurting you.
Consider well what you're saying.
I've thought it over.
Try to understand what this relationship means to me.
I feel guilty, like a criminal
and I see my mother suffering all the time.
Tell me the truth.
Archibaldo De La Cruz proposed to you.
I saw it coming. Carlota, you can't do this to me.
Just because a wealthy man offers you a bright future,
you're going to forget what we share?
Or, don't you love me anymore? Answer me!
I haven't stopped loving you,
but I can't go on like this. We must go our separate ways.
Then this is the end of everything, forever?
I suppose you won't see me once you're married?
Naturally. I may be weak but I'm not a slut.
You're going to find out you just can't drop me like this.
I warn you. I'm not taking this lying down.
Please, they'll hear us.
We have to go on seeing each other as always.
I don't know what to say. Call me later at home.
Goodbye, gentlemen.
Give your mother my regards.
If you don't need me, I'll be going.
You can take the whole day off.
Yes, sir. Until tonight.
Esteban, has Juan left yet?
Yes, sir. We'll both be back at ten.
Why, you're right on time...
How very considerable.
You thought I'd let you down?
It wouldn't have surprised me.
You would have been angry and I wouldn't want that.
And your cousin? Let's see if she really does resemble me.
In there, come with me.
- Is she asleep? - She doesn't hear.
- Is she cold? - It's a hot day.
Cousin, let me introduce you to my friend, Lavinia.
You're beginning to worry me.
How did you manage to get my little sister here?
I always thought she was a good girl.
She was so alone and abandoned I took pity on her...
and I offered to let her live with me.
My parents always said that she would turn out bad.
Do you think she did wrong?
That depends on whether you act like a gentleman.
I come from a long line of gentlemen.
In spite of your doleful air, you're quite amusing.
And you are the most charming woman I have ever known.
I've been thinking of you since I saw you surrounded by flames.
Just like a witch condemned to burn at the stake.
My little Joan of Arc.
Was she a witch?
Those who burned her said she was.
Tell me, how did that happen?
It's a very long story.
did I come here to work, or have my leg pulled?
All in good time.
The servants are off so I will get you a drink myself.
So, except for my cousin, we're all alone in the house?
Don't you think it's better...
Get me the drink and then we'll talk.
I didn't get lost, here I am.
Without the servants,
I'm a little confused, I can't find anything. Will a cup do?
Can you guess which I am?
Unbelievable! The dress fits her to a ''T''.
As if it were taiIor-made.
And your shoes. You wear lovely stockings.
I also put your panties.
Sir, it's either one or the other. You must decide
because two of us would be too much.
Don't touch me!
All right now, I'm going to change.
It won't be easy to get these off.
No, don't! Come here.
I want to keep her like this, with your clothes...
I'm going to give her this.
I bought it for your sister.
You didn't give me time to dress her.
Look how cute it is. You're really very shocking, but I'll agree
because I'll come out ahead.
Go into the other room while I dress.
When you finish dressing, you can come in.
- May I...? - Come in.
Although it's not taiIor-made, it fits you perfectly.
Even the quality is first-rate. I have to give you credit.
That's quite unnecessary.
I'm dying to find out something, but I hesitate to...
Go ahead, ask...
In this castle, is there no place to work but your room?
I have a workshop. Let's have a drink and I'll show it to you.
What's this?
A memento of my travels. Take a look.
There's a photograph of the place Joan of Arc was burned.
Examine it at your leisure.
I love to look at family albums.
Now I'm sure that even as a child you were cute.
And this lady, how elegant! You mother, of course.
Let's see if I can find...
Somebody's at the door.
I don't know who it could be. I never have visitors.
Shari I go see?
No. It has to be a mistake.
And what if it's not? I have a feeling it isn't.
Oh, I forgot to tell you. I arranged for them to pick me up here.
I wanted them to see your work.
They say that you're very good.
We just adore Mexican art. We want to see some.
Won't you show them? They won't stay long.
Come in, please.
Was this house a convent, too?
No. There are some houses in Mexico that weren't convents.
Excuse me.
I would like you to explain some aspect of your art.
Mr. De La Cruz is an original artist who doesn't follow rules.
Look at some of his work then I'll explain. Come this way.
Couldn't you find something better to amuse them?
Forgive me.
I don't know what to show them.
It's another of your jokes and you're going to pay for it.
I'd gladly let you scold me but it won't be possible.
Why not?
- You won't see me again. - How come?
- I'm quitting my job. - But why?
Because I'm getting married.
Getting married?
Excuse me a moment, I have to take care of my clients.
You have been most kind to let us visit this darling residence.
We're terribly grateful to you.
Let's go. We're in a big hurry. Let's go, everybody.
So I can't see you again?
No, my future is a man who will always want me by his side.
But you'll have my little sister to console you. Bye.
Why did you make me come here, Carlota?
Sooner or later you'll have to face up to it...
We'd better discuss this matter now. My future depends on it.
Why else do you think I'd come here?
It seems to me...
Mrs. Cervantes... Carlota... what a surprise!
How are you?
Come in, please.
I didn't expect a visit from you.
Does it surprise you?
An hour ago, we didn't even know we were coming. Isn't that so?
What's important is that you're here. Come in.
I'm pleased to see you, only, my servants are off today.
It doesn't matter, we're glad to find you alone.
- Sit down, please. - Thank you.
Don't be surprised by our visit.
Carlota has good news for you, she wanted to tell you in person.
Speak up, please. You can't imagine how impatient I am.
I don't know how to begin...
It's about the proposal you made to Carlota.
You can easily understand why she asked you to wait.
She finally told me today...
You don't know how happy you made me.
From this moment on, a new life begins for me.
Is it really possible you've accepted me?
I know the sorrow of being separated from your daughter...
but I promise you will not be abandoned. We will live close by.
I feel for you deeply, and am truly fond of you.
Mother, please. I knew you'd make a scene.
It's only natural for her to become emotional...
It's painful to be separated from an only daughter.
I want you two to be very happy.
If it was necessary, I'd give my life for it !
You are a good man, Archibaldo, a very good man.
Whatever Carlota may do, may you have all the good you deserve!
Sir, this letter has come for you.
Where's the rest of the furniture?
The wedding's the day after tomorrow!
- It's coming. - O.K.
''Before you get married, you must know the truth.''
''Be at the architect's garden tomorrow.''
''You will learn that Carlota is not as pure as you imagine.''
Leave me alone, Alejandro.
Forgive me, I had to see you. To hold you in my arms.
If you hadn't come, I don't know what I'd do!
You would have created a scandal as you said you would.
The idea of not seeing you anymore drove me crazy.
Is there no way to dissuade you from this wedding?
It's my only chance to lead a decent life.
How can you be against that?
Promise me you won't try to interfere.
Yes, my love. I promise.
But something has to prevent our being separated.
Why do you say that?
I don't know, but a love like ours just can't fade away...
as if it were only a dream.
Something has to happen.
And I believed I'd be saved by her purity.
Were I to kill her now, I'd be called a common murderer.
But once we're married, I'd be a husband avenging his honor.
Tomorrow night, in the bridal suite...
No, don't take it off.
I want to see you like this...
Wearing that tiara and veil, symbols of purity...
so white and transparent
that one can look into your immaculate soul.
I would like to see you kneeling, praying...
as you did that morning at the chapel, you remember?
I told you I wanted to be either a great criminal or a saint?
Won't you give me that pleasure?
Come now.
I've seen you praying so often in my dreams.
I'd like to see you as you were on that day. Kneel!
For God's sake, why?
Please... Kneel!
That's better. Now fold your hands. That's it!
Fold them!
Now pray.
No, no, no! In a loud voice. Say your prayers out loud.
For God's sake, Archie!
Won't you do this for me?
May God save you, Queen and Mother. Mother of mercy.
Our life and sweetness, our hope.
May God save you. We are called the banished children of Eve.
We send our sighs to you from this vale of tears.
You are our Lady, our interceder, turn to us your merciful eyes.
Show us Jesus, the blessed fruit of your womb.
Oh, Clement, oh, merciful, oh Virgin Mary...
pray for us that we may be worthy
of the divine grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
What are you going to do?
Archie, let me explain.
What happened to you? Hurry! The ceremony is almost over.
Here's a place for you, Father.
Thank you so much.
I can't stand very long.
My legs give out on me.
How do you like the wedding?
My, it's splendid. And so many people.
That's because our friends are such fine people.
I had to go out because my eyes were filling with tears.
For me, a wedding, a baptism,
even a confirmation... are always moving.
The pomp of the Catholic church
is like a blanket or poetry which covers all its aspects.
It's something unique and extraordinary.
How would you feel if this were a civil ceremony?
It would be prosaic,
You are right, Father.
But I think that our friend
is a sentimentalist.
In everything and everyday, thanks be to God.
For example, when I see a regiment,
the colors unfurled, I feel a knot right here,
and my eyes fill up with tears!
That's only natural for well-born people.
It's patriotism.
Of course.
It's over, gentlemen.
Is she yours?
She's a little friend. Mine is six years old.
I'm taking her back to her mother.
I'll be right back.
It seems to be over.
Alejandro, no!
Once more, Fate intervened in a curious way. My plans,
though frustrated, were fulfilled.
Even before your call,
I had decided to turn myself in.
One question, Mr. De La Cruz...
Do you like mystery stories?
Your honor?
Mr. Gomez, you may leave the room.
Speaking seriously now,
one thing can't be denied...
You are a great criminal, that is potentially.
And what about my crimes?
Your crimes?
What crimes? I dare say...
I can't prosecute you for wishing someone's death.
We have enough to do as it is.
- Your honor? - Yes.
Your wife is here. Have you finished yet?
- In a few seconds. - Yes, sir.
It was I who killed all these women. I'm a criminal.
Thinking is not a crime, my friend.
All I can do is give you a piece of advice.
Yes, your honor.
In the future, use an electric shaver.
That's about all.
If you'll excuse me, my wife is waiting.
Goodbye, your honor.
How marvelous!
What are you doing here?
I really can't explain it. I was wondering about it myself.
I was home and now suddenly I find myself here.
Isn't your husband waiting?
You said you'd never leave his side.
I don't give a damn about my husband!
You mean you didn't, after all?
As you can see.
Wasn't it a good match? A rich man, respectable...
Yes, but besides being rich and respectable, it turned out
that he was an honorary police official and he was jealous.
Enough said... Congratulations! And what about your Yankees?
Not in this period. Like fruit, they have their seasons.
What have you been up to? How are you?
Quite well.
For the first time I can say my life is uncomplicated.
Well, why don't we go for a walk?
Where to?
To where you're going.
What a coincidence! Let's go.
Processed by C.M.C.
For more infomation >> Ensayo de un crimen (1955). Luis Buñuel | Con Miroslava y Hernesto Alonso - Duration: 1:26:26.-------------------------------------------
Comfort del idiota Peter Capusotto y sus videos Temporada 10 - Duration: 5:10.
La ley de Milo Murphy: Es mi mundo - Créditos finales (Español latino - Letra) - Duration: 0:41.
Big Papi gives commencement address, receives honorary degree - Duration: 0:48.
Eminem Lose Yourself Subtitulado en Español (Explicit) - Duration: 5:18.
Watch This New Twist on "I Spy" - Duration: 0:54.
Hey you guys, I'm Jocelyn welcome to game
day and today we're playing one of our
senses games: I spy like an animal
asking your child to observe their environment
is a great way to ground them in the
present moment
have your kids pick their favorite
animal is their animal predator or prey
what kinds of eyes does that animal have?
Then you play iSpy but from your animal's
perspective. "I spy flowers to eat!" "I spy a hiding place"
So this is a twist on the classic game but it
helps kids go deep into pretend play and
it scaffolds the game so that you can
play with them with a sense of purpose
and direction. Pick your favorite animal
and start by spying colors. But then get
really specific about what you see
Use this as a gateway to meditation and for
a little extra relaxation. For more games
and tools subscribe to our Channel
Como cuidar el Agua? - Duration: 2:21.
JUST IN: Michelle Obama's School Lunch Program Gets Stunning News From Trump Admin… - Duration: 1:21.
Michelle Obama's school lunch mandates are being unraveled right before our eyes.
The days of overreaching government telling your kids what is good and bad for them are
over — President Trump is the new sheriff in town and his agriculture department is
doing everything they can to protect liberties in the cafeteria.
The Daily Caller reports:
Perdue and Kansas Republican Sen. Pat Roberts will release a new interim rule "designed
to provide flexibility for school meals" at an elementary school in Leesburg, Va.
Monday, a USDA press release stated.
The exact nature of the interim rule is unclear, but the USDA said it will provide "regulatory
flexibility" for public schools.
Former First Lady Michelle Obama spearheaded reforms to the school lunch program to improve
youth nutrition and reduce childhood obesity, but many schools found the restrictions difficult
to follow.
School children hated Michelle Obama's lunch program — and the evidence for that is clear.
Here are some inedible foods that were served under the Obama administration:
what do you think about this?
Please SHARE this news if you're glad President Trump is undoing Michelle Obama's lunch
Top 10 Most beautiful Places To Visit in Karachi | Beauty Of Pakistan - Duration: 7:41.
Pakistan is the most popular country in the world and Karachi is the heart of Pakistan.
Karachi is known to be as the City Of Light. It is the economic backbone of Pakistan.
It is the largest and most popular city of Pakistan for main seaport and financial center.
It is an agricultural city which is famous as a capital of Pakistan province of Sindh.
Car explodes on I-75 near Dayton - Duration: 0:25.
Watch This New Twist on "I Spy" - Duration: 0:54.
Hey you guys, I'm Jocelyn welcome to game
day and today we're playing one of our
senses games: I spy like an animal
asking your child to observe their environment
is a great way to ground them in the
present moment
have your kids pick their favorite
animal is their animal predator or prey
what kinds of eyes does that animal have?
Then you play iSpy but from your animal's
perspective. "I spy flowers to eat!" "I spy a hiding place"
So this is a twist on the classic game but it
helps kids go deep into pretend play and
it scaffolds the game so that you can
play with them with a sense of purpose
and direction. Pick your favorite animal
and start by spying colors. But then get
really specific about what you see
Use this as a gateway to meditation and for
a little extra relaxation. For more games
and tools subscribe to our Channel
I need to take a picture (29) - Duration: 3:03.
I need to take a picture
it's about celery because that's what I'm writing about
it's celery month and my blog is about food
I write about food not poems
and since it's the month of celery
I need to take a picture
I need to take a picture of eating celery
probably with hummus
for Instagram
and I have to put on this special jacket
the symbol of my culinary status as chef
with the white cotton cloth bouncing light waves
as I dip the celery in the hummus
make a cheesy face
and take the picture
instagramers love my pictures of eating food
we all eat food we all need food
which is why I became a chef
I need to eat like I need to take a picture
because I write about food
I cook food I eat food and
I share it onTwitter and Instagram
so I take the picture
I refuse to take those pictures where
the food is spilled all over the table
and the camera is looking down at
the table as if it were floating on a parachute
looking at those kinds of pictures
make me think of all the starving people
in the world today and how
they don't get fed
and why do we take pictures that waste food
just take a picture of eating the food
or cooking the food
or the food on a plate
but spilling the food all over the table
that's still life and you can't eat still life
or the food that is spilled all over the table
so I need to take a picture
should I photograph just the celery
or me eating the celery
how about giving the celery
to a hungry person so they can
make enough soup to feed their family
now this is where food becomes political
All my vegan blogging friends donate
to the causes that save the animals
from slaughterhouses and abusive owners
what little money I can scrape up
goes to the local food bank
because people need to eat
we all need to eat
so I take a picture
of eating food that will be
shared on my blog about food
but I won't spill the food all over the table
because I don't want people to starve
food is political
being a chef is not
so I take a picture
Asiatisk kvinna skrapar Triss i Nyhetsmorgon (English subtitles) - Duration: 4:22.
Host: Now I welcome our Triss-guest, Matine.
Matine: Yes.
Host: I'm gonna have to ask you to pronounce your surname for me so we get it right.
Matine: Yes.
Host: Since it's hard for me to pronounce.
Host: That's right.
Matine: Yes.
Host: A beautiful name, but hard for me to pronounce.
Host: You're here, you haven't been in Sweden for too long.
Matine: [Inaudable] Two years.
Host: Two years?
Matine: Yes.
Host: Yes.
Host: Your partner, Jörgen, is here too.
Matine: Yes.
Host: From what I understood, an important thing you would use the money for is to buy a hotel in Thailand.
Matine: Yes.
Host: Where?
Matine: Yes..
Host: Okay, so now it's time to scrape, then we'll see the amount of years.
Matine: Okay.
Matine: Five.
Host: Good luck.
Matine: Yeah, five.
Host: Five, why?
Matine: Yes..
Host: Why?
Matine: Five!
Host: Why five?
Matine: Yes.
Host: Yep.
Host: Press harder.
Host: That's- that's enough.
Host: You can begin scraping the next one.
Host: As long as we can see the number-
Host: Twenty-five and ten.
Host: And fifteen.
Host: One of each.
Host: We have a twenty there, too.
Host: Two of ten.
Host: And the second twenty.
Host: Are you nervous?
Host: Exciting, isn't it?
Matine: Yes.
Host: It's exciting for me, too.
Host: The second fifteen.
Host: Twenty-five for the second time.
Host: This is it.
Host: The result is ten years!
Matine: Yes. Thank you.
Host: Well, there is still enough money for ten years more.
Host: And you're welcome back in just a moment we'll see how much money you'll get per month.
Matine: Yes.
Host: Welcome back
Matine: Yes.
Host: I hope it'll go well for you...
Host: ... You've won ten years.
Matine: Ah.
Host: And now we'll see how much money you'll earn each month.
Matine: Yes.
Host: Go ahead.
Host: And good luck yet again.
Matine: Okay.
Host: I hope you get a lot of money now.
Matine: Yes.
Host: What will you do with the money...
Host: ... if you can't buy a hotel?
Matine: Yes!
Host: We'll see how much you get.
Host: 20,000 and 50,000
Host: And 10,000.
Host: So you're guaranteed to get at least 1,2mil, but you CAN get more.
Host: You got them all again.
Host: Two of 50,000.
Host: And there we have two of 10,000, too.
Host: Two of 10, two of 15, and two of 50.
Host: The results are 15,000 a month!
Host: You got some extra money!
Matine: Yes.
Host: 1,8mil.
Host: Yeah, that's right. Three of 15,000 is 1,8mil.
Host: So you earned about half a million, or 600,000.
Matine: Yes. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Host: Take care and good luck with your hotel plans
Matine: Yes.
Thoughts Become Things - Duration: 3:15.
Welcome to Network Marketing Pro.
My name is Eric Worre.
And many of us have seen the movie The Secret or maybe read the books As A Man Thinketh,
or Acres of diamonds or Think and Grow Rich.
And this idea thoughts become things is real.
And if I was to give advice to you or to any person wanting higher levels of success inside
of network marketing, is to do the following: think about your network marketing business
all the time.
All the time, when you are working out, when you are getting ready to go to bed, when you
get up in the morning, when you are in your car, when you are doing anything you are doing.
The more you engage your mind and you think about your business the more successful its
going to be.
I don't know of any high level successful person inside of network marketing that has
not done this.
Some people brag about this fact that they can, "Oh I can turn it off.
I can turn this part of my life on, I can turn this part of my life off."
I don't know about that, when it comes to entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs turn it on and
it stays on.
It's on all the time.
That doesn't mean you don't love your family, it doesn't mean that you don't care about
the people around you.
You do.
But your mind, your passion, your subconscious brain is always cranking, you're always thinking
about ideas, you're always jotting things down, you're always improving on some strategy that
you are working on.
You're constantly thinking about your customers, your distributors, your duplication, your
leadership, your presentation, your training, everything you can think of is constantly
rolling around in your mind and that process allows you to get better.
So my advice for you today is think about your network marketing business all the time,
and watch what happens with your success.
You are going to be amazed at how fast you grow.
That's our show for today ladies and gentlemen, my wish for you is that you decide to become
a network marketing professional, you decide to go pro, because it is a stone cold fact
that we do have a better way.
Now let's go tell the world.
Everybody have an awesome day and I will see you tomorrow.
Take care bye bye.
Hey my name is Eric Worre and if you are involved in the network marketing profession, I want
to invite you to come to the Network Marketing Pro YouTube Channel.
Every week we put out content on how you can become a network marketing professional.
We have tips, ideas, strategies, interviews with million dollar earners in the profession,
interviews with global icons like Tony Robbins or Sir Richard Branson.
Lots of different things that we provide, they are absolutely free.
Do yourself a favor, click on the link, subscribe to the YouTube Channel, tell your friends
to do the same, and I can't wait to see you there.
Coloring a Cute Girl Frog Coloring Book, Drawing a Frog and a Flower Coloring Page - Duration: 7:46.
Coloring my drawing of a Cute Frog, Sunshine and Flower for Kids Learn Drawing, Coloring and Painting!
Easy Ways to Start Saving 50% of Your Monthly Net Income (How do people save half of their income - Duration: 13:27.
hey guys thanks for tuning in today in
today's video I'm going to be talking
about the spending stratigies my wife and
I used to save a lot of money every
single month compared to national
average numbers now I don't want these
videos to go too long but I also want to
have enough detail so they're meaningful
for you guys so what I'm going to do is
I'm going to break this into a couple
different videos or create a series and
then we'll take it up through there but
if you're here to save money if you're
here to find ways to tighten your budget
and keep more of the money you make
every single month this video is for you
so stay tuned
I am MK the cpa and along with my
sidekick chipper as you guys know on
this channel we teach you things that
you were not taught in school such a
personal finances investing taxes and so
much more these are videos that are
going to help you save time money and
frustration of you trying to figure this
out all on your own so if you're new
this channel please consider subscribing
because we make new videos for you guys
every single week alright guys as we
dive into the video the first thing I
want you to know just for full
transparency purposes is that the
national average is I'm going to be
discussing in this video relate to
numbers and articles I found online
that's is where I'm pulling the detail
now the only reason I'm pulling that
detail is so we have something to
compare what we're saying we're saving
versus what the natural national
averages are and just so you guys know
getting ahead financially it does take
sacrifice nothing you will ever want in
life does not come without some sort of
sacrifice I don't care what the TV says
I don't care who says what but hard work
and discipline is involved if you want
to be successful in anything that's
especially true in finances but the tip
I'm sharing with you are all things i
truly my wife and i truly do every
single month to save as much money as
possible currently we're saving fifty
two percent of our net take-home income
i'm excited to be sharing information in
this video because i really think if you
take this information and go back and
study your expenses I think you're going
to find ways where you could be maybe
save me more of your net monthly cash
flow let's go ahead and dive right into
it alright guys the first day I really
want to talk to you guys about this
saving money on your smartphone now this
is my phone it's the iphone 5s I know
it's yeah I notice it's not the seven
it's not the success it's not the
Samsung Galaxy whatever phone there on
now I have no idea and I purposely I
really don't care but this is the iphone
5s it only has 16 gigabytes of memory I
do not get the expanded member
on my phone now what we do is we do not
my wife and I do not chase new cell
phones down it is so expensive and it's
a complete waste of money in my personal
opinion I agree that cell phones are
phenomenal I totally agree with you but
by always going after one of the oldest
models of phone you can save a lot of
money and the phone is still fantastic
the technology is so good that sure
maybe the other camera is a little bit
better but really there's nothing
life-changing about it from what I found
now the average cell phone bill
currently in the US for the smartphone
ranges can range from forty dollars a
month up to a hundred and sixty dollars
a month these are real numbers I've done
my research and those are the numbers so
my phone bill has never exceeded seventy
dollars a month so compared to the
national average that's a thirty dollar
savings per month right there now I try
to hold on these phones as long as
possible so in two months my I just
checked with my phone store or my phone
carrier this phone is going to be
completely paid off and my cell phone
bill is going to drop from seventy
dollars a month down to forty five
dollars a month and I do not plan to
purchase a new phone if the battery is
going to get faulty on me I'm actually
going to try and let me know if you guys
have done this but because I've never
tried it yet but I'm going to see if I
can purchase a battery online and
install it myself because I would really
like to keep this thing going as long as
possible and notice I do have this
otterbox case on the phone and it is was
worth every penny the otterbox case was
I think we're like 30 or 40 bucks but it
has saved my phone more times than I can
even speak about and so I've never
broken a smartphone because this all in
all I don't have to buy cell phone
insurance or anything like that so after
this phone drops to forty five dollars a
month I will be saving about fifty five
dollars a month on average compared to
the national average so be smart about
you're spending on your smart phone
number two landline I do not now most of
I think most Millennials aren't going to
get a landline but
no if you're watching this you have a
home phone I don't have we don't have
one and the average home phone landline
costs between fifteen to thirty dollars
a month and I just don't see a need for
it my mom has one and I finally
convinced her to get rid of it and just
get a cell phone because every time with
everything being connected to the
Internet the TV the phone etc etc well
when her internet service goes down I
can't call her and so she's realized at
this point that the landline is
completely useless and so we're going to
get her a cell phone so by cutting the
landline like I said we're saving
fifteen to thirty dollars a month on
average alright continuing with saving
money on phones and phone related things
let's talk about number three which is
we do not do unlimited plans if any kind
there's unlimited plans four carwashes
on limited plan for golfing there's
unlimited plans for data uses on cell
phones I think the data usage plans on a
cell phone are a great example I have
never paid for an unlimited plan they
can be very pricey and I do have
internet that I purchased for my own
home but what I found by cracking your
usage and I think if you track your own
usage to you might find this for
yourself but due to the nature of my
life and my work I'm pretty much always
around Wi-Fi internet so on average i
have actually i did over three months i
looked at my data use it's on my phone i
was using less than 1 gigabyte per month
and so there was totally no need for me
to ever get an unlimited plan it was a
complete waste of money and by avoiding
that unlimited plan we're able to save
at least twenty five fifty dollars a
month depending upon the phone carrier
let's talk about number four see this my
wife and i do not purchase alcohol the
average person in America can easily
spend twenty to sixty dollars a month on
alcoholic beverages and the worst part
about spending all this money on alcohol
is the product life cycle is only last
until you're Nick's into the next
morning so it's not going to stay with
you very long number five home cooked
meals how we save a lot of money and I
this is a really common one but it's so
true now for my research online I found
that the average American our average
person is spending 232 dollars a month
on average eating Mills out and I don't
know if you guys knew this because I
didn't but the average person spends 18
it goes out 18 to 20 times per month so
it can really add up fast by key food
has gotten so expensive especially as
minimum wage increases keep increasing
that restaurant like McDonald's or even
subway it can really add up quick so
even it can be five to ten dollars per
mill and if you go to a sit-down dining
establishment it can easily be ten to
twenty dollars or more per a mill
especially once you add the tip now I do
go out sometimes I'm not going to say
don't but really guys you can save a
tremendous tremendous amount of money
just by cooking more for yourself and
this eating food that you buy from the
store so with statistics like that you
could easily see how a person could
spend a couple hundred dollars per month
just eating out and food is one of the
most crucial and most expensive parts of
the average person's budget currently I
spend between sixty to eighty dollars a
month or we spend between sixty to
eighty dollars per month eating out and
compared to a 232 dollar national
average that's a net monthly cash flow
savings of 150 to 170 dollars per month
that we save just by cooking at home
number six we cut the cable so now what
we do is we just use hulu hulu plus and
netflix and you guys can use the same
thing or any other combination of those
streaming services that you want and by
doing that we're we're only spending
twenty dollars a month compared to the
sixty dollars we use has been so that's
an easy net saving the forty dollars per
month that we get to keep instead of
giving it to those cable company all
right number seven let's talk about
clothing clothing everybody loves
clothing well a lot of you guys do but
the average person according to forbes
the average person in america
one hundred and forty dollars per month
on clothing ouch so the trick are the
thing that my wife and I do is we make
sure if we're buying clothes we never
ever pay full price there's no reason to
there are so many freaking clothing
stores you do not have to pay full price
and you're just acting on intelligently
if you do so I encourage you not to pay
full price now we do have a lot of
brand-name clothes now wife does
purchase things I express but she always
pulling from the clearance rack and I I
really don't do big big name brand
clothes myself I used to have the fear
that if I didn't purchase really nice
clothes it was going to hurt me in my
career that was completely fault if you
still dress professional dress nice act
professional and do good work you can
still get ahead even though your shirt
doesn't cost if you buck even though
your pants don't cost a hundred bucks
even though your shoes don't cost to a
hundred or two hundred dollars you can
still get ahead still get promotions so
the whole thing about clothing yes it's
important but you can still look for a
dress professional for less money just
really look into where you're purchasing
clothes so we we shop at places like TJ
maxx Ross everyone smile will purchase
things online some of my shirts i get
from target some of my shirts i get from
JC Penney's so clothing is a big one and
just remember you can save a lot of
money in that particular area if you try
alright let's get some numbers chipper
do you have the totals for us on the
savings right away sir by implementing
these seven strategies we discussed in
this very video my wife and I are able
to save 380 up to five hundred and
twenty-five dollars compared to national
averages on these expense categories
dominating but I just want you guys to
know what I would recommend doing is
make a budget if you don't know how to
make one I'm be making a video on that
very very soon look at your budget track
your spending habits track how much you
use services like data and cell phone
usage etc and you can start to find ways
and think of ways where you can save
even more money every
months because it takes sacrifice to get
ahead financially but trust me the
stress free life of not having to worry
about money is so so good alright guys
i'm gonna start wrapping up the video
here if you have any comments or
questions about anything we've discussed
today please leave it in the comment
section down below and if you're saying
Mike you're spending way too much
freakin money on the thing Judas
mentioned you big dumb dumb well let me
know I want to be saving as much as
possible just like you guys so please
leave your suggestions on how you save
money and ways that you get ahead for
you and your family it would be awesome
to share it we can all learn from each
other and that's what that's why i love
youtube and what youtube can become it's
a great community where we can share
information for free to help each other
out now if you like the video please do
not forget to hit that like button
before you leave especially if you
learned even one new thing today because
these videos I make for you guys are
really meant to help you get further and
farther ahead in your life by watching
by you spending time watching these
videos if you're new to this channel
please do not forget to subscribe over
here and down below and in description
below I'll leave a couple of videos on
taxes and other financial subjects on
some of the other videos I've done so
make sure to check them out and with
that being said chipper and I will see
you in the next video I hope you guys
have a fantastic week and I really just
encourage you take this information and
use it to live your life on caged by
everybody see you next week
STOP WASTING TIME - Motivational Video for Success & Studying - Duration: 5:55.
The one commodity that is most valuable
on this earth is time. Time to love, time
to live. From the moment the human body
is born it begins dying. I don't think you,
you quite caught that. Let me say it again. From
the moment the human body is born
it begins dying. Some happen faster, some
happen slower, some of us help them
go faster, and some of them prevent it from
happening sooner than later. How many seconds
how many minutes do we waste every day
doing things that are nowhere near the
goals and aspirations and passions that
we have inside? How many times you go
through the course of a day and realize
did I do anything I set out to do today?
Write down those goals each and every
day. No matter if there's two goals a day if
you can accomplish those then you're
doing more than just making it through the day.
You are living and achieving your dreams.
Find time to better yourself. Read
explore, research, live life do things
you've never thought of doing before.
That's what it's all about. When you're
that's that date that they put on the
left side of the tombstone. When you die
they put another date on the right side
of the tombstone but that dash in the
middle is the most important thing on
that tombstone. That is a line that
throughout that entire time frame you
were able to impact and touch others
lives. You were able to leave your mark on
this earth. You were able to build a
legacy that nobody could change. You were
able to have it to where people remember
who you are no matter what. When you're
living for that dash in the middle you're
going to remember your why.
Your why, why you're here not, not the
why, why did you do something, your why.
Your, your reason for getting up in the
morning. Your reason for pushing yourself
past the brink of exertion and giving
up. Your reason for moving on and getting
things done in life. That dash in the middle
that's the thing that pushes you. How do
you rate yourself on a scale of one to
ten in terms of your physical appearance?
In terms of your health? Do you take care
of yourself? Are you allowing yourself to
get overweight and out of shape? Are you
conscious of your health? Are you
watching the food that you take into
your body? Do you make a deliberate
effort to exercise, you know it was
George Burns, he said we cannot help
getting older but we don't have to get
old and many of us get old before our time
because we don't take time to take care
of ourselves. Your environment is a very
good indicator on a scale of one to ten
is it what you want it to be? Do you
find it desirable? Are you satisfied? The
job or career that you're involved in
someone said that 85% of the American
public are unhappy with their jobs. Are you
spending eight hours a day just doing
time? Doing something that you don't find
challenging, that does not make you
stretch mentally, that does not stimulate
you, that does not inspire you, something
that you don't find a sense of
fulfillment in it? If you're doing that
day in and day out, it has to affect how
you feel about yourself, your level of
motivation, your relationships.
What kind of impact is that having on
your life? Is it nourishing or is it a
toxic relationship? Does it drain
you or does it build you up? Ask yourself
that. How motivated are you to do
something about it?
Your contribution, your actions... what are
you giving? Many people will leave the
universe without a trace. No one will
know they were here and in fact under
their name we could put under there,
'not used up.' Will anybody know that you
came this way? What contribution are you
giving? What will you leave? What will be
different because you came this way? Just,
just stop for a second. Write down your
What are you doing this for in life? If
your why doesn't make you cry, that's not
your why. Again, if your why doesn't make
you cry, then that's not your why. Your
why should be something so big that it
moves your family tree. Your why should
be something so big that it changes the
whole outlook on how things are with you
and your home, your family, your religion,
your purpose. Think about your passion,
think about your opportunities and that's
how you find your purpose. OPP. When that
why meets up with your passion, your
opportunity, your purpose, then you'll
find out. The most important day in your
life is the day you remember why you
were born.
The 100th - Duration: 5:29.
This is our 100th Video, so Please give it a like, a share, and if your new, hit that subscribe button ;)
Destiny Lore Rasputin NEVER Shot the Traveler - Duration: 23:45.
The Guardian Vanguard hoped that Rasputin might make a powerful ally, capable of mapping
and reviving Golden Age military assets and recruiting them for the City's defense.
But Rasputin has proven recalcitrant and high-handed, unresponsive to the City's outreach.
We cannot characterize Rasputin's strategic objectives and capabilities, cannot define
its physical or computational architecture, cannot ascertain its disposition with regard
to the City, and cannot be sure it retains memory of events before the Collapse.
The Traveler came out of nowhere.
Entirely unanticipated.
Imagine if it hadn't been friendly.
Imagine that.
Rasputin surely has.
Welcome back guardians, today we are revisiting the theory that Rasputin crippled the Traveler.
I am for the most part very specific with my scripts and writing, often using phrases
such as "I believe", "I think this means", "I interpret this as", which are all intended
as 'sign posts', indicators to the listener that what I am saying is not fact but an interpretation.
An interpretation of the grimoire cards.
Unfortunately, I did not do this for the Collapse video, and made it seem like it was fact that
Rasputin crippled the Traveler.
I admit I have also been biased towards this topic in the past, so I hope this video will
correct that and present some evidence to why Rasputin did NOT cripple the Traveler.
If you have corrections like this in the future, please feel free to use my discord and post
in the "lore section", however try not to debate within the lore tab, as all you
will do is bury your own feedback.
Take any discussion into the general section.
This is myelin games and I hope you enjoy this latest destiny lore episode.
[INTRO] I want to structure this video based on a
reddit post by Gaelhelemar, I not going to cover all the points in as much detail, so
please feel free to read the post in it's entirety, I will leave a link in the description.
The first major point that is addressed in the post is about the Books of Sorrow.
Specifically, how the Traveler was associated with two races, the Ammonites and the Harmony.
The Traveler empowered the Ammonites with paracausal weapons allowing them to fight
Auryx (Auryx, later becomes Oryx, the Taken King).
Verse 2:6 the sword logic reads, "AT LAST!
We knew curiosity would draw you back, Auryx.
In their desperation, the Ammonite have begun using paracausal weapons.
What are these?
How do they work?
Wouldn't you like to know.
Suffice to say that some powers in this universe are superordinate to mere material physics.
The source of these weapons is the Traveler, the Sky's bait star.
Their effect is subtle, but devastating."
Even though the Ammonites were using Paracausal weapons, they were still destroyed by Auryx
and then the Traveler left them.
Verse 2:9 Crusaders of the Books of Sorrow reads,
"It's done.
Eir and Yul feed on the Leviathan's carcass.
Xivu Arath has made a temple of the Chroma-Admiral's impaled corpse.
Below us, Savathûn's poisons stain the Ammonite home sea black.
Their screams flavor the void.
The Traveler has fled."
The point being argued is that the Traveler empowered the Ammonites first and only fled
once the Ammonites had been completely destroyed.
So this may indicate, that the Traveler would have done the same for us, i.e. the Traveler
would not have fled humanity upon just seeing the Darkness but would have provided us with
the tools to defend ourselves.
It would have stayed and fought, like it did with the Ammonites.
The second race I mentioned is the Harmony.
It appears that the Traveler also empowered the Harmony, leaving behind an object referred
to as the Gift Mast.
The Gift Mast seems to contain a lot of light which the Harmony were able to use.
Verse 5:3, I'd shut them all in cells reads, "HARMONY.
When the Traveler passed across Harmony, it lied to the orbits of ten worlds.
Now they orbit the black hole.
The Traveler lied to the accretion disc, so that it would give warm light to these worlds.
When the Traveler left Harmony, it made a monument out of the black hole's polar jet.
In the jet there is a hollow mast which sings in radiance.
This is the Gift Mast and we will devour it, we will eat the Sky out of it, we will snap
it like a bone.
The Harmony have weaponized their dead star."
The main point being made here, is that the Traveler had already gifted the Harmony with
advanced technology or at least the means to fight Oryx, i.e. the Gift Mast and the
reason for the Traveler leaving the Harmony was not necessarily related to the Darkness
or Oryx.
It seems that the Traveler had already left the Harmony prior to the arrival of Oryx.
The reddit post argues that there is no solid precedent that the Traveler simply flees and
abandons civilisation on the arrival of the Darkness.
Using the same line of thinking, we can examine the Fallen to give us some indication to the
behaviour of the Traveler, and how it previously aligned with other races and responded to
Oryx and/or Darkness.
Unfortunately, there is very little information regarding the Traveler leaving the Fallen
and very little information is known about the Whirlwind.
However the most commonly referenced card relating to the Traveler leaving the Fallen
is the Variks, The Loyal grimoire card which reads,
"First , the Great Machine.
Then, sky fell away.
Whirlwind ripped away the past.
All honor lost, all hope.
Judgment not enough.
Cannot keep Wolves from Kings, Scar from Winter.
Fell to fighting.
Fell to hate."
Some will argue because it says "first, the great machine" it implies that the Traveler
fled as the darkness approached and then the Whirlwind happened.
Whereas, others may see this as too separate events, similar to the Harmony, the Traveler
had already left for reasons unknown to us and then the Whirlwind occurred.
Whilst we do not know what happened during the Whirlwind, I do believe, like the author
of this post, that the Fallen encountered Oryx as indicated by the King's Fall raid
weapons that refer to Chelchis, the Kell of Stone.
To summarise the information so far, the argument is, we should not use the Ammonites, the Harmony
and the Fallen as evidence for the Traveler fleeing when faced by the Darkness, because
why the Traveler left this races is not truly known.
I think that is a fair point, so now let's move onto the Dreams of Alpha Lupi cards.
These cards reinforce the same point, that the Traveler did not flee previous civilisations,
it visited these races, gave them their own Golden Age and then left.
The cards also implies that the Traveler choose our civilisation to build and actually fight
the Darkness.
Ghost Fragment: The Traveler reads, "You have lived as invisibly as possible,
flicking from solar system to solar system, making grand plans, overseeing the culturing
of civilizations, before leaving in a blink.
But you have no recollection of ever wanting worship or even thanks from those blessed
by you.
" Like I said, the traveler was just building
civilisations and then leaving.
Not necessarily fleeing the Darkness.
I can understand this line of thinking, however in the books of sorrow and in the Ghost Fragment:
The Traveler 2, it refers to the chase, the chase between the Traveler and the Darkness,
I have to assume that the Traveler knew it was being pursued, it knew it was being tracked
by the Darkness.
And so personally I think it much more likely that the Traveler only visited this races
to create proxy armies to slow down Oryx and the Darkness.
Just like it says in the Darkness grimoire card which reads,
"Certain positions - often labeled heretical - imply that the Traveler itself triggered
the Collapse, or that it knew the Darkness was coming for it and hoped to use the Solar
System as a sacrifice or a proxy army.
" HOWEVER, even if that was the case, even if
the Traveler was arming civilisations as distraction, sacrifices to slow down Oryx, that does not
mean that the Traveler was going to do this to us.
This may sound too evil for the Traveler to do, but do remember that the Traveler was
willing to do anything to trap the worm gods on the fundament, which included creating
the God Wave known as the syzygy, designed to wipe out all species on the planet and
prevent the worm gods from making a symbiotic pact.
However, even if it did do this, it does not mean that the Traveler intended to sacrifice
us, in fact, the Ghost Fragment: The Traveler 2 grimoire card implies the opposite, it reads,
"This has been such a long chase.
This will be the place you will fight.
Fight and win."
This implies that the Traveler choose to stay and fight, it did not intend to flee the darkness
when it reached humanity.
The last Dreams of Alpha Lupi card that I want to address is the Ghost Fragment: The
Traveler 3 card.
The Ghost Fragment: The Traveler 3 card reads, "The knife had a million blades.
And you were giant, powerful and swift.
But the knife pinned you.
Cut your godly flesh away."
The author of the post makes the comparison of the Knife, to the darkness.
This is very reasonable because all of the Taken grimoire cards refer to a knife.
When Oryx takes these beings, he refers to all of their weakness, then changes them,
improving them and gifting them a knife.
So if the Knife represents a weapon of the Darkness, then this card confirms that the
Darkness crippled the Traveler not Rasputin.
Whilst I believe this is completely reasonable, I do have one major rebuttal to this and that
is in the Ghost Fragment: Mysteries grimoire card where it implies that Rasputin fought
the Darkness using a weapon called Aurora Knives.
The Cards reads, "Consider IT the power Titanomach world-ender
and consider what IT means.
I met IT at the gate of the garden and I recall IT smiled at me before before IT devoured
the blossoms with black flame and pinned their names across the sky.
IT was stronger than everything.
I fought IT with aurora knives and with the stolen un-fire of singularities made sharp
and my sweat was earthquake and my breath was static but IT was stronger so how did
I survive?"
If this is infact Rasputin speaking in this card, then the million knives that pinned
the Traveler could be Rasputin.
AND do believe that this card is referring to Rasputin as at the beginning of the card
it says, "I bear an old name.
It cannot be killed" and in Ghost Fragment: Rasputin 4 it says,
"and you're certainly not MINE although once you must have been
[I bear an old name.
It cannot be killed.
Not even here.]"
As you can see, I don't believe anything I have mentioned so far could be used as conclusive
evidence that Rasputin did or did NOT cripple the Traveler.
So now let's move onto the Rasputin cards which I think is often the centre piece for
this argument.
The main card in question is Ghost Fragment: Rasputin 5.
This is the card that essentially hints that Rasputin may have crippled the Traveler.
The card provides a list of conditions that must be met and if met the card provides an
action plan for what to do, the action plan reads,
"Stand by for DECISION POINT: If available ISR and WARWATCH indicates imminent
[O] departure > then [O] departure compromises human/neohuman
survival and epoch strategy Stand by for ABHORRENT IMPERATIVE:
Activate LOKI CROWN Perform deniable authorization: full caedometric
and noetic release Prevent [O] departure by any means available
Stand by for effect assessment criteria: Coerce pseudoaltruistic [O] defensive action.
Defer civilization kill."
Many have accepted that [O] represents the Traveler, so this card means that if all of
the requirements were met, then Rasputin would cripple the traveler, prevent Traveler departure
by any means available because Rasputin predicted that this would force the Traveler to create
a defensive mechanism, as it says "coerce pseduoaltruistic [O] defensive action".
So one of the first questions that I think should be answered is, were all of the requirements/conditions
So let's go through each line, each requirement that must be met for Rasputin to enact this
plan that prevents the Traveler from escaping.
The first requirement is "Under CARRHAE (WHITE or BLACK)"
This requirement is met in Ghost Fragment: Darkness grimoire card where it says, "I
am invoking Carrhae white and assuming control of solar defences."
The next requirement is "If SECURITY STATE is EGYPTIAN"
I believe this requirement is also met in the Ghost Fragment: Darkness grimoire card
when it says, "Cauterise public sources to SECURE ISIS and harden for defensive action".
ISIS being an Egyptian god is the clue to this requirement.
The next requirement is "If event rank is TEILHARD: TRAUMATIC CONTEXT
or SKYSHOCK: OUTSIDE CONTEXT" I believe this requirement is met also in
Ghost Fragment: Darkness when it says, "Promote event to SKYSHOCK:OCP:EXTINCTION".
The next requirement is "If VOLUSPA is ACTIVE and in FAILURE [[synapse
to FENRIR::SURTR]]" Once again the Ghost Fragment: Darkness grimoire
card reads "Activate Voluspa" and then in Ghost Fragment: Rasputin 3 it says, "Forecasts
unanimously predict terminal VOLUSPA failure."
The next requirement is "If YUGA is ACTIVE and in SUNDOWN"
I believe this requirement was met in Ghost Fragment: Rasputin 3 card which says, "I
am declaring YUGA SUNDOWN effective on receipt."
The next requirement is "If AI-COM has granted PERMISSIVE POTENTIATION
to outboard resilient instances" I do not have any reference to this requirement
being met, so I think it reasonable if you argued that not all of the requirements were
met so Rasputin never crippled the Traveler.
I think you could argue that this is evidence for the Traveler not being crippled by Rasputin.
Regardless, lets keep checking the other requirements.
The next reads, "If tactical morality is built at MIDNIGHT"
I believe this requirement is met in the Ghost Fragment: Rasputin 3 grimoire card which reads,
"Format moral structures for MIDNIGHT EXIGENT."
After all of these conditions/requirements that card continues and reads,
Stand by for DECISION POINT: If available ISR and WARWATCH indicates imminent
[O] departure > then [O] departure compromises human/neohuman survival and epoch strategy
Now this requirement is the requirement I would debate the most.
As far as I am aware we do not know if this was met.
We do not know if ISR and WARWATCH indicated that the Traveler was going to leave.
There are hints within the grimore cards that Rasputin did not trust the Traveler, like
the opening quote I used from Ghost Fragment Old Russia 3 which reads,
"The Traveler came out of nowhere.
Entirely unanticipated.
Imagine if it hadn't been friendly.
Imagine that.
Rasputin surely has."
Whilst this may suggest Rasputin was suspicious of the Traveler it does not mean that Rasputin
determined with confidence that the Traveler would leave.
If this requirement is not met, then Rasputin would not take action and would not cripple
the Traveler.
The main argument here, is that Ghost Fragment Rasputin 5 is a plan, not a report.
It is not necessarily saying what happened.
The card itself even says, "CONTINGENT ACTION ORDER".
A contingent action order, may mean this is a contingency plan, which is a plan designed
to take account of a possible future event or circumstance, this card is planning a scenario
IF the Traveler decides to leave.
It is not a recount of events that happened.
Further supporting this the reddit post speaks about the ordering the Rasputin cards, the
ghost fragment darkness card and the Sleeper simulant card according to their subject lines.
These cards start with a series of numbers and letters and also end with a series of
numbers and letters.
For example, the Ghost Fragment: Rasputin 5 card reads like this,
V101NTS923ATS000 (start) V101NTS923ATS001 (end)
This may indicate the order in which the cards should be read, if this is the case, then
Ghost Fragment: Rasputin 5 is actually the very first card, it has the lowest number
at V101, the Ghost Fragment Darkness is the next card with V113, Ghost Fragment Rasputin
3 is next with V120, Ghost Fragment Rasputin 6 is next with V150 and Sleeper simulant is
last with V156.
Once again, this would support that the statements in Ghost Fragment Rasputin 5 are simply a
plan, they did not necessarily happen.
Now, just be devil's advocate, I do have some rebuttals to this theory.
Firstly, the Ghost Fragment: Darkness grimoire card appears to document when Rasputin first
detected the Darkness and following the previous mentioned naming sequence, the Ghost Fragment:
Darkness card comes second after Rasputin 5, Rasputin 5 is the contingency plan, why
would Rasputin make a contingency plan if he had not yet detected the Darkness yet?
Why did Rasputin make a contingency plan that accounted for the Traveler leaving if the
Darkness had not even been detected yet?
Secondly, the series of numbers and letters also end with a distinct pattern.
We are not sure how these numbers may impact the order of the cards and so should also
be hesitant about ordering the cards based upon just the first number and letters.
Thirdly, I believe that Seth Dickinson the primary writer of the Books of Sorrow also
made comment on the headings in the Rasputin cards, however it did not confirm that the
numbers and letters were timestamps.
I believe this interview is on Episode 22 of the Destiny Ghost Stories podcast, however
unfortunately I have not found the direct quote yet.
So please take that with a pinch of salt.
Lastly, I would argue that the Rasputin 5 grimoire card coming first is actually greater
evidence for Rasputin crippling the Traveler.
I believe the card is more than plan, Rasputin is a computer, this is a script, this is code
telling Rasputin systems how to react within certain conditions.
An imperative means, "giving an authoritative command", so if this card comes first, as
the reddit post suggests, this is the authoritative script, this is the code that dictates how
the systems will react.
As the events are occurring this script is running in the background and checking off
the criteria as it occurs.
Carrhae white check, Egyptian security state check, skyshock check, yuga check etc etc.
And so I believe this whole video, this whole discussion boils down to one of the requirements,
one of the conditions that must be met in Rasputin 5,
If available ISR and WARWATCH indicates imminent [O] departure > then [O] departure compromises
human/neohuman survival and epoch strategy As far as I am aware, we do not know if Rasputin
detected the imminent departure of the Traveler and like this reddit posts suggest we should
not use the Fallen, the Ammonites or the Harmony as precedent for the Traveler's behavior.
So, we will have to just add this to the list of Destiny mysteries that I hope will receive
some resolution in Destiny 2… however I have feeling this will remain a mystery for
some time.
Thank you for your feedback on the Collapse video, I apologize for misleading anyone to
make it seem like it was fact that Rasputin crippled the traveler, it definitely is not
That concludes this latest destiny lore episode if you would like to support the channel leave
the word "departure" to indicate that this conversation all boils down to whether
Rasputin detected the Traveler's depature.
As usual
it has been a pleasure, this is myelin games.
Beauty of Japan. Fukushimas countryside travel 〜 - Duration: 6:17.
Welcome to Ouchi-juku
Eating with a spring onion...
Paradies on earth......
Onsen/ Hot spring hotel
Asus Zenfone 2 Unboxing - Gearbest [eng sub] - Duration: 2:57.
First let's open the package
trying here...
Is there anything else in the box?
Checking the box...
The inside seal is somehow damaged
Now let's open the box.
Protective sleeve is ok
Inside the box...
We find the serial number stickers and the manual.
The manual is in English and in Chinese.
Then there is the Chinese charger.
And the charging cable.
Unfortunately not headphones.
Let's try to turn it on.
It turns on.
Everything is OK!
Top 10 Most beautiful Places To Visit in Karachi | Beauty Of Pakistan - Duration: 7:41.
Pakistan is the most popular country in the world and Karachi is the heart of Pakistan.
Karachi is known to be as the City Of Light. It is the economic backbone of Pakistan.
It is the largest and most popular city of Pakistan for main seaport and financial center.
It is an agricultural city which is famous as a capital of Pakistan province of Sindh.
This Is Us Aftershow: Episode 16 - Duration: 7:19.
This Is Us Aftershow: Episode 8 - Duration: 7:54.
This Is Us Aftershow: Episode 10 - Duration: 8:42.
This Is Us Aftershow: Episode 9 - Duration: 6:02.
Farming Simulator 17 MANITOU MLT840 - Duration: 4:02.
HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will make a quick review of MANITOU MLT840 Telehandler.
Modded MANITOU MLT840 2 Engine Setup 3 Wheel Setup The Narrow Tires Setup Does Not Work
I wonder if this front hitch works
Front And Rear Hitch Works Fine
If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb
SpongeBob: Born to Be Wild//Best Frenemies - Title card - Duration: 0:26.
Why is video marketing so important today - its benefits - Duration: 1:11.
I'm Rebecca Jabbar, founder of Strategic
Marcomms, providing PR and marketing
services to clients of all sizes. When it
comes to video I can't stress enough how
important it is in today's communication
and marketing methods. By 2021 if we look
ahead to the future seventy percent of
all the data going across the internet
will be video and that's actually
marking how important video is to us
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search engine to Google and that's
because we all look to video to find out
what it is that we're looking for, for a
company and it's not just "how to" videos
and "cat" videos it's actually just seeing
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That's all I can say. Really do consider
Piden Hacks - Capitulo 10 ( FINAL ) - Duration: 24:49.
Quarteto de Cordas | See You Again Instrumental (Wiz Khalifa) Músicos para Casamento | Espaço Gap - Duration: 2:33.
JUST IN: Michelle Obama's School Lunch Program Gets Stunning News From Trump Admin… - Duration: 1:21.
Michelle Obama's school lunch mandates are being unraveled right before our eyes.
The days of overreaching government telling your kids what is good and bad for them are
over — President Trump is the new sheriff in town and his agriculture department is
doing everything they can to protect liberties in the cafeteria.
The Daily Caller reports:
Perdue and Kansas Republican Sen. Pat Roberts will release a new interim rule "designed
to provide flexibility for school meals" at an elementary school in Leesburg, Va.
Monday, a USDA press release stated.
The exact nature of the interim rule is unclear, but the USDA said it will provide "regulatory
flexibility" for public schools.
Former First Lady Michelle Obama spearheaded reforms to the school lunch program to improve
youth nutrition and reduce childhood obesity, but many schools found the restrictions difficult
to follow.
School children hated Michelle Obama's lunch program — and the evidence for that is clear.
Here are some inedible foods that were served under the Obama administration:
what do you think about this?
Please SHARE this news if you're glad President Trump is undoing Michelle Obama's lunch
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An Anarchist Life [legendas pt-br] - Duration: 1:12:06.
Como cuidar el Agua? - Duration: 2:21.
Top 10 Most beautiful Places To Visit in Karachi | Beauty Of Pakistan - Duration: 7:41.
Pakistan is the most popular country in the world and Karachi is the heart of Pakistan.
Karachi is known to be as the City Of Light. It is the economic backbone of Pakistan.
It is the largest and most popular city of Pakistan for main seaport and financial center.
It is an agricultural city which is famous as a capital of Pakistan province of Sindh.
Nicole's Vlogs: Live at the pool...4/30/17 - Duration: 12:03.
Video by; Nicole Gaspard
Sorry for the interruptions...
stay will buffer out here...
Thanks so much for watching!
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