It looks like the big threat to Westeros in Game of Thrones Season 7 are the Others, or
white walkers, with their army of the dead , marching on the Wall to bring a "night
that never ends" . These guys are a… problem, cause the walkers are not only super-strong,
super-angry ice demons, but their swords can shatter steel – they seem immune to normal
weapons . There are just two known ways to kill a walker – one is with a blade of dragonglass
– go watch that video – and the other way is with a blade of Valyrian steel – we
see this in Season 5 , and it's also hinted in the books . Valyrian steel is a special
kind of metal, used to make swords that are sharper, stronger and lighter than blades
of regular steel . The steel was made in Valyria hundreds of years ago, but when Valyria was
destroyed in a mysterious Doom, the secret of making Valyrian steel was lost . So the
Valyrian blades that remain are really valuable – there are a couple of hundred of them
in Westeros , but only about twenty are mentioned in the books.
Most are the treasured heirlooms of noble houses, handed from generation to generation
through the centuries . Lots of these swords have great backstories and histories, and
some of them may play a role in the war with the walkers to come.
So let's have a look at the Valyrian blades of Game of Thrones.
Probably the most obvious Valyrian sword is Longclaw, the sword used by Jon Snow.
Longclaw is a bastard sword, which means it's a bit longer than a normal longsword . This
is also pretty fitting given that Jon is a bastard – or he's believed to be a bastard,
but that's another story.
Longclaw is given to Jon by Jeor Mormont, whose family held the sword for hundreds of
years . Jeor originally gave Longclaw to his son Jorah, but Jorah dishonoured the family
by selling slaves and fleeing Westeros.
He leaves the sword though , so Jeor gives it to Jon.
It'd be interesting to see Jorah's reaction if he ever sees Jon with his family's sword.
But with its bastard blade and white wolf pommel, Longclaw is very symbolic of Jon's
It'll no doubt play a big role in Jon's fight against the white walkers, and the sword
might even tie in to the prophecies about a hero called Azor Ahai who's expected to
lead the fight against the walkers with a flaming sword called Lightbringer – that's
what Stannis and Melisandre try to emulate.
There are theories suggesting that Jon's sword Longclaw might somehow become the true
Lightbringer, to be the fire and the light needed to face the darkness and cold.
Another sword that appears in the show is Heartsbane, the Valyrian steel greatsword
of House Tarly . Randyll Tarly makes a big deal of how he doesn't want his fat cowardly
son Sam inheriting the fabled blade Heartsbane, which is part of the reason why Randyll forces
Sam to join the Night's Watch . Heartsbane does have a long history – a few hundred
years ago, an outlaw from Dorne called the Vulture King was stopped when men led by a
Savage Sam Tarly hunted him down, using Heartsbane to slay dozens of Dornishmen . There's a
pretty good chance our Sam was named after this historical Savage Sam.
In the books, Heartsbane is held by Randyll Tarly , who's known as one of the great
soldiers of Westeros . In the show, Sam visits home and takes Heartsbane from Randyll, bringing
it with him to the Citadel, the sorta Hogwartsy university of the maesters.
Which could play out in some interesting ways.
Maybe Sam and the maesters could study Heartsbane, try to unlock the secrets of Valyrian steel,
or maybe find more Valyrian blades.
But whatever happens at the Citadel, Randyll will want his sword back.
Another important sword is Ice, the Valyrian steel greatsword of House Stark . Ice is really
big, apparently too big to use in battle – it's more of a ceremonial sword . Ned Stark uses
it to execute Gared at the start of Book 1 – and near the end of Book 1, Ilyn Payne
uses it to execute Ned . So the Lannisters end up with Ice, and Tywin Lannister decides
to melt Ice down and reforge it into two smaller swords.
Cause while no one knows how to make new Valyrian steel, some skilled smiths can reforge it
into new forms – in this case Tywin hires the armorer Tobho Mott – who happens to
be the teacher of Gendry.
So some people speculate that Gendry knows a thing or two about Valyrian steel .
But yeah Ice is melted down and forged into two smaller swords – Tywin gives one to
his son Jaime, and the other to his grandson Joffrey.
Joffrey names his sword Widow's Wail, because he's a nasty little shit, while Jaime does
something more meaningful.
He names his sword Oathkeeper, and gives it to Brienne.
Cause remember, Jaime swears an oath to Catelyn Stark that in return for being set free, Jaime
would return to her Sansa and Arya.
So Jaime gives Brienne Oathkeeper to uphold this oath on his behalf, to defend "Ned
Stark's daughter with Ned Stark's own steel" . The sword is also symbolic of the
respect Jaime has for Brienne – he used to hold her in contempt, but now he gives
her a "sword fit for a hero".
Joffrey, meanwhile, uses his Valyrian sword to slay a book and then a pie, and then he
dies . The sword then presumably then goes to Joff's brother Tommen, though in the
show Tommen's dead too – so it's not clear who'll use the sword next.
Widow's Wail is now the only known Valyrian sword in the city of King's Landing – surely
it'll come in handy sometime.
So those are major Valyrian swords that appear in the story – there are also some interesting
historical ones.
Perhaps the most famous Valyrian blade is Blackfyre . Blackfyre was the sword of King
Aegon Targaryen, the Conqueror who first took over Westeros.
Aegon was a great warrior , and used Blackfyre in the battles that founded the Targaryen
Each king after Aegon bore his sword , so Blackfyre became an important symbol of Targaryen
political legitimacy – if you had the sword, you were seen as the rightful king.
That's why it was so shocking when King Aegon the Fourth, one of the worst Targaryen
kings, gave Blackfyre to one of his bastard sons, Daemon . Daemon took Blackfyre as his
house name, and later claimed to be the rightful king, beginning a war for succession called
the First Blackfyre Rebellion . The great battle of this rebellion was at the Redgrass
Field, where Daemon used Blackfyre in a duel against Gwayne Corbray, who had his own famous
Valyrian blade , called Lady Forlorn.
It's said they fought for near an hour, and each time Blackfyre and Lady Forlorn clashed,
you could hear the sound from leagues away – "half a song and half a scream" . Eventually
Daemon won the duel, but then he was killed by arrows from his half-brother Bloodraven,
who by the way, is the same guy who later becomes a tree god and teaches Bran how to
magic – more on him later.
So Daemon died on the Redgrass Field, but his Blackfyre ancestors continued to rebel
against the Targaryens for years , and all of this began partly because Aegon the Fourth
gave the Conqueror's sword to his bastard son.
The sword represents being the rightful king , but for the hundred years or so, no one
seems to know where the sword is.
Which could have implications for the schemes of Varys and Illyrio.
In the books, Varys and Illyrio have this crazy complex conspiracy to put a kid called
Young Griff – who they say is Aegon the Sixth – on the Iron Throne – go watch
that video.
But basically there's evidence that this Aegon kid might actually be a Blackfyre, a
descendent of Daemon.
So it's very interesting that in a reading by George Martin of a draft version of a chapter
from Dance, Illyrio mentions a gift for Young Griff, and a "sword", and "things Griff
must know".
Fans speculate that Illyrio may have Blackfyre, the fabled blade of Aegon, and will give it
to Griff to grant him political legitimacy as a king.
This is very speculative, but could make a lot of sense – it'd solve the mystery
of what happened to Blackfyre, and would tie present plots to the past in a really cool
So yeah, Blackfyre is important, and Lady Forlorn is also a thing.
After the duel at the Redgrass Field, the sword returned to House Corbray, and a hundred
years later, Lyn Corbray used it in Robert's Rebellion, killing Prince Lewyn Martell of
the Kingsguard.
Lyn is now involved in the plots in the Vale, working with Littlefinger, but it's not
clear if he can be trusted . Lyn's a dangerous man , violent, and possibly a paedophile , depending
on how you interpret this line about "boys" . But yeah that's what's happening with
Lady Forlorn now.
Historically, there was also a sword called Lady Forlorn used in the wars of the Andals
in the Vale, but apparently that may've been a different Lady Forlorn?
People keep naming swords after famous older swords, which confuses things, but anyway
– Another important Targaryen sword is called
Dark Sister.
While Aegon the Conqueror had Blackfyre, his sister Queen Visenya had Dark Sister, a "slender
blade" designed for a female warrior . Visenya used the sword during Aegon's Conquest,
when she wasn't roasting people with her dragon.
And many years later, Dark Sister went to Daemon Targaryen, the "rogue prince",
who used the sword during the Dance of the Dragons – the big Targaryen civil war.
During a mid-air dragon battle with his nephew Aemond One-Eye, Daemon leapt from his dragon
onto Aemond's dragon, and drove Dark Sister through Aemond's one good eye , before both
men and their dragons fell from the sky and died.
This is why we need a Game of Thrones prequel movie, guys.
After Daemon, Dark Sister went to Aemon Targaryen, the famous Dragonknight said to be one of
the greatest and noblest knights that ever lived – he's the namesake of Maester Aemon
And after the Dragonknight, Dark Sister went to a man called Brynden Rivers, or Bloodraven
. Bloodraven really needs his own video, but basically he was a king's bastard, a spymaster,
sorcerer , Hand of the King, he killed Daemon Blackfyre at the Redgrass Field, had a relationship
with Shiera Seastar – who might possibly be Quaithe? – then Bloodraven joined the
Night's Watch, became Lord Commander, went north and finally became a tree wizard man,
the guy who's known in the show as the three-eyed raven.
But the question here is – what happened to the sword Dark Sister?
Did Bloodraven bring it with him to the Night's Watch – like Jeor did?
And if he did, is the sword in the cave where Bloodraven trains Bran?
If so, it's possible that Bran's friend Meera might take up the sword – it's designed
for a woman's hand, after all.
In fact, some people think that in the show, she already has it – she does grab a sword
from the cave in in Season 6.
Another possibility is for Dark Sister to go to Arya.
Needle is cool and all, but surely a ninja assassin like Arya should have a storied Valyrian
sword like Dark Sister – Arya herself kind of is a 'dark sister'.
This is all wild speculation, but given the history and importance of Dark Sister, it
seems likely that the sword will reappear in the story.
Another lost Valyrian sword is Brightroar.
House Lannister bought Brightroar for a huge amount of gold before the Doom of Valyria
. But a hundred years later, after Valyria was destroyed, King Tommen Lannister went
on an expedition to plunder its ruins.
He took Brightroar with him – and "never returned" . House Lannister lost one of
its most valuable treasures, which always frustrated Tywin when he led House Lannister.
So at one point, Tywin's younger brother Gerion went on a quest to find Brightroar,
but he never returned either – go watch the Gerion video.
But in the end, Tywin got his Valyrian sword in the form of Ice, which he made into Oathkeeper
and Widow's Wail.
By the way, in the books those swords are coloured red, Tywin has the metal dyed to
a sorta rippling Lannister crimson, cause Tywin's all about that house pride family
legacy stuff.
Anyway the next couple swords are owned by ironborn – there's Red Rain and Nightfall.
Red Rain is a Valyrian sword held by Dunstan Drumm , the Lord of Old Wyk.
He whips it out at the Kingsmoot and recounts how his ancestor, Hilmar Drumm the Cunning,
famously took Red Rain from some knight, armed only with his wits and a cudgel.
And there's a theory that that the knight who Drumm took Red Rain from might have been
from House Reyne , a family in the westerlands who Tywin Lannister wiped out.
The Reynes have a red lion for their sigil, and their name is Reyne, so Red Rain is a
fitting name in more ways than one.
And the westerlands have historically been raided by ironborn , so it makes a lot of
sense for the Drumms to have taken Red Rain from the Reynes.
In Book 4, Drumm is on raids with Red Rain in the reach.
Nightfall is Valyrian sword held by the knight Ser Harras Harlaw.
Harras supports Asha or Yara Greyjoy at the kingsmoot , though Euron later kinda steals
him from her by making Harras a lord . The sword Nightfall was historically wielded by
the infamous ironborn raider Dalton Greyjoy , called the Red Kraken for all the blood
he shed . It's said Dalton loved three things, the sea, women, and his Valyrian sword Nightfall
. It's not clear how Red Rain and Nightfall will tie into the broader story of Thrones,
but some speculate that King Euron might take these swords from their owners – in the
books Euron has a set of armour made of Valyrian steel, he might wanna complement that with
a Valyrian sword or two.
Also Nightfall is a pretty appropriate name for someone who is low-key trying to cause
a Lovecraftian blood magic apocalypse type situation, which, he is – we'll have to
explain that in another video.
Euron is scary.
But another Valyrian blade that's had a big impact on the story is not another sword,
but a knife.
In Book and Season 1, an assassin tries to kill Bran Stark with a knife of Valyrian steel.
Catelyn takes the blade to King's Landing, and Littlefinger tells her the knife is Tyrion's
– so Catelyn, thinking the dwarf tried to kill her son, arrests Tyrion, which kicks
off the War of the Five Kings.
Thing is, the real culprit behind the catspaw is Joffrey – Littlefinger lied about the
knife in a deliberate attempt to cause war.
After betraying Ned Stark and profiting off the downfall of his family, Littlefinger carries
the Valyrian knife in later books – shamelessly wearing a symbol of his lies and betrayal.
Now, in the books, Sansa in the Vale with Littlefinger and the knife – some people
speculate that Sansa will use the knife to kill him, destroying Littlefinger with the
same blade he used to destroy her family.
There'd be a great poetry to that – though things'll prolly go differently in the show.
There are a few more Valyrian swords that were used in the Dance of the Dragons, the
Targaryen civil war from a hundred years ago.
Lamentation is a sword carried by a guy called Willum Royce.
He got caught up in the Storming of the Dragonpit, when a rioting mob of common folk killed some
chained-up dragons.
In all the violence and the chaos, Willum Royce and his sword were lost . There was
also Bold Jon Roxton and Ormund Hightower, who bore the swords Orphan-Maker and Vigilance
. Roxton was killed , and we haven't heard from his family since, but the Hightowers
are still around, so they might have Vigilance at Oldtown – where Euron may be closing
There are a few more Valyrian blades that are only briefly mentioned in the text.
Some soldier from Lys had a Valyrian sword called Truth , the Celtigars of Claw Isle
are said to have a Valyrian steel axe , and a guy called Caggo has a Valyrian steel arakh
– one of those curvy Dothraki scythey things – which is apparently rare in Valyrian steel
. Caggo is a captain of the Windblown mercenaries, so he'll be involved in the story ahead.
And finally, there are a bunch of Valyrian daggers among the treasure Euron presents
at the Kingsmoot.
It's a little weird the way these are off-handedly mentioned , as though a buncha Valyrian blades
is no big deal – maybe Valyrian daggers are more common than the swords are, though
you'd think, that if so, someone like Tywin could buy a bunch of Valyrian daggers and
reforge them into the sword Tywin so desperately wanted for so long.
The true value and rarity of Valyrian steel is not very clear.
But regardless, this is every Valyrian blade mentioned in Game of Thrones.
Longclaw and Heartsbane, Ice, Oathkeeper and Widow's Wail, Blackfyre, Dark Sister, Lady
Forlorn, Brightroar, Red Rain and Nightfall, the swords of the Dance, Littlefinger's
dagger and this other miscellaneous stuff too.
There are more swords out there somewhere of course – bout a hundred and eighty more
– and Westeros might need them all to win the war against the walkers.
Thanks for watching.
If you wanna learn more about the histories and backstories of Thrones, you might like
to read The World of Ice and Fire, George Martin's worldbook, which is all about this
sorta stuff.
There's a link to buy it below, which supports this channel at no extra cost to you.
Some of this art is from The World of Ice and Fire, other pieces are by Amok, and kethryn,
check the description for details.
Thanks to the translators for translating captions, and thanks to the Patrons for making
Alt Shift X possible, including James Beagles, Yelda Aktuna, Avery Calvert, Rufus T Firefly,
Suikoshiningforce2, and Hodor Targaryen.
For more infomation >> Valyrian steel: who has the swords that can defeat white walkers? - Duration: 18:11.-------------------------------------------
English Vocabulary Words With Meaning: the Oxford 3000: Letter D: Episode 09- Free English Lesson - Duration: 3:25.
Lamborghini Huracán GT3 - Real VS Assetto Corsa - EN (ITA SUBS) - Duration: 3:04.
Ricetta Spaghetti con le Cozze alla Marinara - Spaghetti with the Mussels at the Marinara - Duration: 1:44.
PAW PATROL MISSION PAW TOYS STOLEN! PAW Patrol Mission Paw Transformer Toys to the Rescue! - Duration: 21:38.
hey everyone you're in for a treat today
I am going to show you kids my entire
PAW patrol collection
no you are not hands because I'm
going to use my PAW patrol steal ray
and still your entire paw patrol
collection Oh No Romeo stolen the
mission cruiser and he's going to take
my entire PAW patrol collection mr.
you're not going to be able to do
anything because you'll be frozen have
a taste of my freeze ray!
oh no Romeo has frozen me what's gonna
happen next is Romeo gonna be able to
take all the paw patrol toys or will the
Transformers and the paw patrol and PJ
stop him I don't know but give this
video a like right now and be sure to
continue to watch until the end to see
what happens to me mr. hands
but in the meantime Bobby and everyone
are going to show you some of our cool
paw patrol toys unless romeo takes them
all toy time tv oh whoa Bobby they frozen
mr. hands
I know Numba they froze him good and Romeo
going to take all our PAW patrol
oh no I want to show everybody our toys
first I shoot in 82 guys we want to show
everyone our paw patrol collection
before Romeo tries to take it and we
finish up our fun adventure come on guys
we're show the kids all of our paw
Patrol stuff oh well I'm kind of
unfrozen for this because this isn't a
pretend time part I'm gonna shoot you
guys all in our paw patrol pups
oh I'll start with our really cool
mission paw vehicles Wow look at this
it's Skye and her sky cycle whoa this
is like it is in the mission Paw episode
when they go after Sweetie
and barkingburg and the rubble in
his mini-miner look at Rubble he's so
cool and rocky in his repair cart hey
rocky and Zuma in his hydro ski and
Marshall in his rescue Rover and
we've got chase and his three wheeler
these are some really really good one oh
boy oh boy oh boy
guys I got so many to show you today and
then we'll get back to our adventure and
then we'll find out whether or not Romeo
is going to be able to take all the paw
patrol toys or maybe the PAW patrol in
the PJ Masks
it's rocky don't lose it reuse it hey
it's rocky in his action-packed mission
PAW rescue outfit now looky here
it's skye and hers and Marshall and look
here it's chase
Chase is on the case hoo boy oh boy oh
boy these are really cool Mission PAW
pups and looky here it's Zuma
ready to dive in wow these are really
cool they can all go Barkingburg
stop Sweetie and it's Rubble rubble rubble
on the double in his mission paw Air
Rescue uniform wow these are really
really really cool you're really awesome
I really like these a lot
we're gonna move these back here this is
the mission paw stuff we're showing y'all
the mission pop ups first but we're
about to get some really really cool
ones besides just the mission paw
okay these are my pup fu pups whoo I
love pup fu oh hey looky looky looky it's
Marshall rocky Zuma guy chase is on
Heath and rubble whoa these are so
oh boy I'm gonna move them back here
because I got into them back here so you
can see the other ones do they have so
many of these paw patrol puppies to show
you our paw patrol collections
unbelievable whoa our nice set is really
awesome - I love our nice said it's got
coolant like rocky in his night uniform
of the Shepherd's visors you can see em
stereos it's rocky and rubble took hey
rubble I see you yeah okay hey yeah we
can see you now don't you look at the
camera rubble rubble rubble on the level
it's Marshall Marshall asleep release
your eyes are there Marshall so that you
can be seen and oh boy if Zuma and chase
sees on the case as a really cool night
that is then which pup is this one we've
got right here hit shy
oh this pups gonna fly it's a really
cool cool cool night oh boy
it's moving back here we've got even
more let me show you all the paw patrol
pups before we get to the vehicles cuz
we get a lot of vehicles all to look a
ring oh here's our cowboy pups
these are really cool too I love the bad
cowboy cowboy puppies Skye rocky
Marshall and I cover the treat rubble
and Zuma and we're missing someone we're
missing chase
where is chase oh I don't know where is
Chase is on the case but he's missing
from our cowboy what that look for him
in a little bit that I know way is I
doubt he was in with all the Cowboys and
I guess he's not that's he blended so
I'll check that
oh and here are our jungle rescue pups
oh boy look at this it's chase chase is
on the case I'm gonna put your leg down
chase Chase is on the case
and there's Marshall guy hope she lost
her pack let's put our pack back on did
you guys watch the episode where they go
and see Mandy manda and they also just
see a tracker and Mara humdinger has
actually put a mask on that was for the
Mexican it turns into now
and he jumps around everywhere did you
see that episode that was in one of the
mission Papa so that was on this season
but we've got rubble Skye Marshall Jace
rocky and Zuma all in our jungle rescue
pups that's really cool oh boy oh boy oh
boy oh boy oh and here we just got the
Action Pack pups my movies over here so
that we can do the other ones well we
got a lot of puppies we got a lot of
Wow okay here we go these are just our
regular paw patrol Action Pack reap tech
chase there's Everest this tracker he's
in there too but he's not actually back
down the way in there should be in there
we've got trouble
come on Marshall time pups gotta fly and
rubber dog rubber dog that must end up
there yeah well my dog it so these are
normal Action Pack pups
they don't have an action packed oh yeah
but tracker but when they do wolf
Adam to our normal action pack puppies
okay let's move these over sighs wow we
got a lot of paw patrol pups all right
kid you not we get a paw patrol army of
puppies yay
laughs we got oh boy oh here we go these
are some really cool ones these are our
air rescue pups that are just being
normal air rescue not the special
mission pollen rescue this guy
there's Zuma there's chase from the paw
there's Marshall and rocky and here
comes rubble rubble rubble all of them
all and of course we have to have writer
he's in this to writer
look how coolly look writer is really
oh and I see oh boy we've got even more
we're gonna move these all back to here
there we go
McGee over here boy we got a lot of them
the writer was really cool watch my name
is why applause likes it yeah I just
watch it watch it whoa shredder plays in
the air he's really awesome he's really
cool cool cool cool
paw Patrol you got a paw patrol puppy
he's actually the leader of them off and
he's a ten year old boy oh boy we got
paw patrol pups falling everywhere here
oh wow we got these two I almost forgot
about these these are our paw patrol
mission pie kampot oh look at that
it's rubble and he's got his
construction claw it ties it up and let
you see it wow it's so cool you get
these cool goggles on to Detective die
that's really awesome you get
Zuma what you doing Zuma here we go up
some dropping them
there's Numa and he's getting look drone
they can go underwater and do rescues
deep Wow sorry rubble is a trouble in
the head let's fix that so you just put
it down like that and you good to go
again okay and we got Marshall Marshalls
got really cool hydro cannon that can
like cut like a laser we need to believe
it well that's really awesome and
Marshalls get these cool wet goggles on
- yeah oh it feels awesome awesome
I love the paw patrol Action Pack pups
they're really cool man he's gotta shave
he's on the Kato there we go Chase is on
the case
and here - a claw that comes out they
can pick up things that's all
and we've got some point we're missing
some oh where did it go I am missing
and sky hmm let me see if I can find
them oh and a year's guy this pups gotta
fly with her action pack hey did you
special about right there whoa Buster's
wings they come out she can fly around
and save everyone in parking Birds and
last but not least is rocky this pup
likes a recycle and he's got a radar
scanner on his back see that we'll see
everyone's falling
let's fix them here okay let's begin a
yeah radar scanner and so cool well he's
getting like dancing walls and see all
chasm fun cool things Devine our Action
Pack pups we've got a lot of them from
our mission pot our Cowboys to our oh
Christ or nights we've got them all but
we've got even more to show you on our
it is guys mission pas helicopter look
how cool that thing look and here's
chases mission pavia co there's no mom
but I can't find Aramis I don't know
where is and we've Jack Marshalls
vehicle like a vehicle and rubbles
mission part vehicle we've got all the
mission ha big bro bulldozer Marshalls
fire truck Zuma's hovercraft chases
Cruiser Skye's helicopter and Rocky's
recycling truck and we got this cool
into it's not a mission bar vehicle but
it's Marshall forest fire truck this is
really cool cuz it's got a little thing
on the back where you can go we cut down
trees and help put out fires and lookie
here guys
it's rubble in his bulldozer and is that
cool so we've got a lot of cool paw
patrol vehicle you get even more hold on
you get tons and tons and tons not only
that we've also got to look out see them
yeah oh it's really big and taking up a
lot of space we can't show you all that
we'll put it down here friend yeah hey
okay see you got whoo rubbles Bullas are
here and we got giant rocky you can try
Rocky's jungle trek Rocky drag boat and
let me get Rocky's recycling truck and
lookie here
it's Marshalls fire trucks
oh wow that's a lot of toys leaving at
the pull back toys over here see you got
rubble where's rubble at there is one
back nice giving you a feel go
I'm just perfect yeah well he won't go
buddy you know you to me today and we
get all the others we can show really
ever wool I don't think I can get it all
out can we got so many
I'm trying moving back over here is your
tons of them
oh man a lot of rocky stuff right here
oh here's chinses cruiser here's captain
turbot saving bail and we had captain
turbot event again we can I'm fine you
oh here he is
captain dinner's diving bell yes hey
mister hand shake up do it whoa you got
a lot of positive stuff ready yeah we do
okay let's see what else you got we get
villains have a craft Simmons jungle
rescue hovercraft Jace is big cleaner
it's Rocky's a really big big recycling
is rubbles bulldozer rubbles crane
belozor his cruiser oh and here's a
jungle creature where we're running out
of room I have to mow some of these okay
maybe the rear sight Wow hello kids
Everest snowplow let's get this
underneath here to do that there we go
and we got trackers truck we've got
Giants tied she's really big oh I guess
it's Marshalls rescue ambulance
Marshalls jungle rescue fire truck
Marshalls fire truck there's a lot
there's tons and tons of stuff in here
and Apollo's you go wow we got so many
things is the ATV oh wow it's a huge
collection here patroller - well we've
got too many bulbs all Joy's that we've
got a pile up a paw patrol toy oh boy
how are we gonna fish our adventure with
all these paw patrol toys everywhere I
know I'll use some magic when we last
left our story Romeo had frozen mr.
hands and was gonna steal all the paw
patrol toy why I'm going to take on to
Papa to a boys so then if you guys have
any Queen to play with just then chase
Marshall and rubble came rolling up on
the scene jacy's own king Oh No it looks
like Romeo is frozen
your hands what are you doing Romeo I
can tell you what he's doing he's going
to steal all of our brought toys hunch
mr. Chang's you're supposed to be frozen
rubble rubble on the double
you can't steal the paw patrol toys
because you'd be taking us I think it's
time for the paw patrol transformers to
comment action cities on the case paw
patrol mission pop-ups transformed into
transformers paw patrol transformers
let's get Romeo hey guys I've broken
three of Romeo's freeze ray let's get
mr. hands is broken free okay Romeo
we're gonna get you you can't take all
of our toys I swear okay Dave twenty-one
and I just um I'm doing it down here
okay I think yeah yeah now again this
close be party mission pioneer career
and yeah thank you and rubble rubble
Alma bubble change
he's taking the mission cruiser don't
worry rubble we've got a tracking device
on it and we'll find it later but thank
goodness he didn't take the paw patrol
toys so that we can play anymore that
royo almost took off our paw patrol toys
he's got a piston mission crew yeah he
was Bobby but won't find him in another
episode when he goes off with it but
right now we've got the mission cruiser
don't we Bobby well if you like the bomb
patrol and you love our paw patrol
collection the night to see all of our
fun toys we have be sure and give this
video a like right now and subscribe to
toy tank TV for more cool awesome videos
that was lots of fun you can subscribe
to tweet I'm TV by touching the little
photo of body in the middle of your
screen and you can also touch the other
photos to watch more videos right now
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Scars inside the heart that you hide behind a smile. You trust only your brothers not the saints in heaven.
Maybe I don't know how to explain, maybe because I'm a sinner. God forgive me now because I can't show devotion to You.
Hands joined in one second detached from life. For every steep descent, (there is) a long rise.
When they say: ''Are you allright?'' When they ask you: ''How are you?''
Dissolve the pain in a (liqueur) glass! The adventures and the troubles are yours!
When they say: ''Are you allright?'' When they ask you: ''How are you?''
Dissolve the pain in a (liqueur) glass! The adventures and the troubles are yours!
Without saint to pray to, idealize your own patience. As if it was a slowly burning candle.
The calm dominates my face but the anger is raging inside you. The family and your true friends are your only concerns.
I 've made a flag out of these scars of mine with the purpose to demonstrate it proudly for my entire life.
When they say: ''Are you allright?'' When they ask you: ''How are you?''
Dissolve the pain in a (liqueur) glass! The adventures and the troubles are yours!
When they say: ''Are you allright?'' When they ask you: ''How are you?''
Dissolve the pain in a (liqueur) glass! The adventures and the troubles are yours!
Shit. Ey.
What's wrong?
It's 1 pm. Your grandmother and my mother are already here. Get dressed.
Yeah. Yeah.
Didn't want to wake you up, guys. See you tonight. ;)
Good Morning.
How did you know I'm awake?
You're constantly moving your leg up and down for half an hour now.
Did you sleep well?
Yes. Do you know what time it is?
1 pm.
I should leave.
What are you up to?
We could go swimming at the lake. Unless you want to get rid of me.
How could I say "no" to that?
And now: make me breakfast.
You mean: You'll make me breakfast.
Keep dreaming.
Not like that, mister!
Yes. I'm coming.
Be careful. You'll break the basket. Here.
Thank you.
He can't even sign a card for me?
You know that your father is very busy.
Oh wow. That looks so nice! How are you?
Good. Thanks.
Where is Leopold? Honey?
He's getting dressed.
Ah okay. I brought you guys a present. Tada!
Where did you get that from?
Is that really necessary? We don't need to rub it into the neighbors faces. Do we?
It's a rainbow.
I know.
Ah there you are! See, once I'm not there you oversleep.
I love you too.
Mom, that's Leopold.
Hello. Nice to meet you. Leopold.
Mrs. Brikmann. Hello.
I'm gonna shower real quick.
Aren't they cute?
I bet you haven't had breakfast. Let me see what you guys have around
and maybe I can cook you something before we start with our hard work. Okay?
Of course!
This way?
He came home and found Noah being fucked by someone else.
And then he lost it.
And he didn't beat him up?
No. Jan is just not like that. Otherwise he could have spanked Noah once in a while.
Why is sex so damn important?
Well. It is part of it all. I want to be physically close to someone I like.
After all it's just sex.
"Just"? I like sex.
That I believe. Can you give me the towel?
Why don't you get it yourself?
Thank you.
I assume we won't go to a nude beach?
You like nude beaches?
Now I do.
Sorry to disappoint you.
Too bad.
Don't get too upset.
Fine. Only because it's you.
Oh that's my sister. She can't cook either.
Are you hurt? Let me take care of that.
I can do it myself. I am so sorry. Tomorrow I'm gonna buy you a new one.
You did that on purpose.
What? Don't act all innocent.
It wasn't on purpose.
You ruin everything you touch! What do you even want from me? Is the situation at home so shitty?
Am I suddenly good enough again?
Lukas. That's enough.
Yes. That is enough. I want you to be gone when I come back. Got it?!
He didn't mean it.
I think he did.
Don't worry to much. It's gonna be all right.
Don't touch me.
I know you feel attacked but Lukas will calm down again.
He is just very hurt.
Don't tell me how I should raise my child. I am his mother, not you.
Then start behaving like his mother.
Since then I haven't heard anything from him.
But I was alwasy focused on my mom anyways.
Do you get along with your dad?
We used to go on vacation in Sweden. Just the two of us.
We owned a small cabin at a lake.
While all kids in my class were desperately waiting for christmas
I just wanted the summer holidays to finally start
so we would drive up there again.
In Sweden he taught me how to swim.
I was so afraid
that there would be monsters in the lake.
I can't swim.
I never learned how to do it.
He just ran away.
As if there was nothing holding him back.
As if I wouldn't exist.
Can I ask you something?
Why do you pay me?
That's not for you. That's for the taxi driver.
Every time we meet you give me money.
For your taxi. Yes.
It doesn't feel like it.
I just want you to get home safely.
Why do you pay me? I'm not a prostitute.
Of course not.
Why the stupid money?
Because I really like you.
I have a boyfriend.
I am sorry. I didn't see that coming.
If I would have known that I would fall for you I would never have written you in the first place.
So you can cheat on your boyfriend. That makes it all okay.
Did you really think it would be any different if you paid me like a cheap whore?
Maybe in the beginning. But I really like you.
I don't want it all to end now.
You want me too, don't you?
What's that?
I don't understand.
You get exactly what you want.
You get sex.
As much as you want.
And once you're done I get my money and I leave.
Got it?
I don't want you like that.
That's all you get. Think about it.
We are too far away from the beach.
Don't worry. I'll look after you.
What are you doing?
Teach me how to swim.
I changed my mind.
Come on. It's easy. You know the movements.
It is pretty cozy here. I think I'll stay.
Come here.
It's your fault if I drown.
Close your mouth.
Oh god! I'm swimming!
Very good!
I'm a natural.
You are.
I really liked it.
Will you come over tomorrow?
Come on.
I'll pay again.
No. Sorry.
I'll double your payment.
Please. I want to see you again.
I really like you...
And, Raphael? How was it?
Do you think they'll give you the job?
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English Vocabulary Words With Meaning: the Oxford 3000: Letter D: Episode 09- Free English Lesson - Duration: 3:25.
Valyrian steel: who has the swords that can defeat white walkers? - Duration: 18:11.
It looks like the big threat to Westeros in Game of Thrones Season 7 are the Others, or
white walkers, with their army of the dead , marching on the Wall to bring a "night
that never ends" . These guys are a… problem, cause the walkers are not only super-strong,
super-angry ice demons, but their swords can shatter steel – they seem immune to normal
weapons . There are just two known ways to kill a walker – one is with a blade of dragonglass
– go watch that video – and the other way is with a blade of Valyrian steel – we
see this in Season 5 , and it's also hinted in the books . Valyrian steel is a special
kind of metal, used to make swords that are sharper, stronger and lighter than blades
of regular steel . The steel was made in Valyria hundreds of years ago, but when Valyria was
destroyed in a mysterious Doom, the secret of making Valyrian steel was lost . So the
Valyrian blades that remain are really valuable – there are a couple of hundred of them
in Westeros , but only about twenty are mentioned in the books.
Most are the treasured heirlooms of noble houses, handed from generation to generation
through the centuries . Lots of these swords have great backstories and histories, and
some of them may play a role in the war with the walkers to come.
So let's have a look at the Valyrian blades of Game of Thrones.
Probably the most obvious Valyrian sword is Longclaw, the sword used by Jon Snow.
Longclaw is a bastard sword, which means it's a bit longer than a normal longsword . This
is also pretty fitting given that Jon is a bastard – or he's believed to be a bastard,
but that's another story.
Longclaw is given to Jon by Jeor Mormont, whose family held the sword for hundreds of
years . Jeor originally gave Longclaw to his son Jorah, but Jorah dishonoured the family
by selling slaves and fleeing Westeros.
He leaves the sword though , so Jeor gives it to Jon.
It'd be interesting to see Jorah's reaction if he ever sees Jon with his family's sword.
But with its bastard blade and white wolf pommel, Longclaw is very symbolic of Jon's
It'll no doubt play a big role in Jon's fight against the white walkers, and the sword
might even tie in to the prophecies about a hero called Azor Ahai who's expected to
lead the fight against the walkers with a flaming sword called Lightbringer – that's
what Stannis and Melisandre try to emulate.
There are theories suggesting that Jon's sword Longclaw might somehow become the true
Lightbringer, to be the fire and the light needed to face the darkness and cold.
Another sword that appears in the show is Heartsbane, the Valyrian steel greatsword
of House Tarly . Randyll Tarly makes a big deal of how he doesn't want his fat cowardly
son Sam inheriting the fabled blade Heartsbane, which is part of the reason why Randyll forces
Sam to join the Night's Watch . Heartsbane does have a long history – a few hundred
years ago, an outlaw from Dorne called the Vulture King was stopped when men led by a
Savage Sam Tarly hunted him down, using Heartsbane to slay dozens of Dornishmen . There's a
pretty good chance our Sam was named after this historical Savage Sam.
In the books, Heartsbane is held by Randyll Tarly , who's known as one of the great
soldiers of Westeros . In the show, Sam visits home and takes Heartsbane from Randyll, bringing
it with him to the Citadel, the sorta Hogwartsy university of the maesters.
Which could play out in some interesting ways.
Maybe Sam and the maesters could study Heartsbane, try to unlock the secrets of Valyrian steel,
or maybe find more Valyrian blades.
But whatever happens at the Citadel, Randyll will want his sword back.
Another important sword is Ice, the Valyrian steel greatsword of House Stark . Ice is really
big, apparently too big to use in battle – it's more of a ceremonial sword . Ned Stark uses
it to execute Gared at the start of Book 1 – and near the end of Book 1, Ilyn Payne
uses it to execute Ned . So the Lannisters end up with Ice, and Tywin Lannister decides
to melt Ice down and reforge it into two smaller swords.
Cause while no one knows how to make new Valyrian steel, some skilled smiths can reforge it
into new forms – in this case Tywin hires the armorer Tobho Mott – who happens to
be the teacher of Gendry.
So some people speculate that Gendry knows a thing or two about Valyrian steel .
But yeah Ice is melted down and forged into two smaller swords – Tywin gives one to
his son Jaime, and the other to his grandson Joffrey.
Joffrey names his sword Widow's Wail, because he's a nasty little shit, while Jaime does
something more meaningful.
He names his sword Oathkeeper, and gives it to Brienne.
Cause remember, Jaime swears an oath to Catelyn Stark that in return for being set free, Jaime
would return to her Sansa and Arya.
So Jaime gives Brienne Oathkeeper to uphold this oath on his behalf, to defend "Ned
Stark's daughter with Ned Stark's own steel" . The sword is also symbolic of the
respect Jaime has for Brienne – he used to hold her in contempt, but now he gives
her a "sword fit for a hero".
Joffrey, meanwhile, uses his Valyrian sword to slay a book and then a pie, and then he
dies . The sword then presumably then goes to Joff's brother Tommen, though in the
show Tommen's dead too – so it's not clear who'll use the sword next.
Widow's Wail is now the only known Valyrian sword in the city of King's Landing – surely
it'll come in handy sometime.
So those are major Valyrian swords that appear in the story – there are also some interesting
historical ones.
Perhaps the most famous Valyrian blade is Blackfyre . Blackfyre was the sword of King
Aegon Targaryen, the Conqueror who first took over Westeros.
Aegon was a great warrior , and used Blackfyre in the battles that founded the Targaryen
Each king after Aegon bore his sword , so Blackfyre became an important symbol of Targaryen
political legitimacy – if you had the sword, you were seen as the rightful king.
That's why it was so shocking when King Aegon the Fourth, one of the worst Targaryen
kings, gave Blackfyre to one of his bastard sons, Daemon . Daemon took Blackfyre as his
house name, and later claimed to be the rightful king, beginning a war for succession called
the First Blackfyre Rebellion . The great battle of this rebellion was at the Redgrass
Field, where Daemon used Blackfyre in a duel against Gwayne Corbray, who had his own famous
Valyrian blade , called Lady Forlorn.
It's said they fought for near an hour, and each time Blackfyre and Lady Forlorn clashed,
you could hear the sound from leagues away – "half a song and half a scream" . Eventually
Daemon won the duel, but then he was killed by arrows from his half-brother Bloodraven,
who by the way, is the same guy who later becomes a tree god and teaches Bran how to
magic – more on him later.
So Daemon died on the Redgrass Field, but his Blackfyre ancestors continued to rebel
against the Targaryens for years , and all of this began partly because Aegon the Fourth
gave the Conqueror's sword to his bastard son.
The sword represents being the rightful king , but for the hundred years or so, no one
seems to know where the sword is.
Which could have implications for the schemes of Varys and Illyrio.
In the books, Varys and Illyrio have this crazy complex conspiracy to put a kid called
Young Griff – who they say is Aegon the Sixth – on the Iron Throne – go watch
that video.
But basically there's evidence that this Aegon kid might actually be a Blackfyre, a
descendent of Daemon.
So it's very interesting that in a reading by George Martin of a draft version of a chapter
from Dance, Illyrio mentions a gift for Young Griff, and a "sword", and "things Griff
must know".
Fans speculate that Illyrio may have Blackfyre, the fabled blade of Aegon, and will give it
to Griff to grant him political legitimacy as a king.
This is very speculative, but could make a lot of sense – it'd solve the mystery
of what happened to Blackfyre, and would tie present plots to the past in a really cool
So yeah, Blackfyre is important, and Lady Forlorn is also a thing.
After the duel at the Redgrass Field, the sword returned to House Corbray, and a hundred
years later, Lyn Corbray used it in Robert's Rebellion, killing Prince Lewyn Martell of
the Kingsguard.
Lyn is now involved in the plots in the Vale, working with Littlefinger, but it's not
clear if he can be trusted . Lyn's a dangerous man , violent, and possibly a paedophile , depending
on how you interpret this line about "boys" . But yeah that's what's happening with
Lady Forlorn now.
Historically, there was also a sword called Lady Forlorn used in the wars of the Andals
in the Vale, but apparently that may've been a different Lady Forlorn?
People keep naming swords after famous older swords, which confuses things, but anyway
– Another important Targaryen sword is called
Dark Sister.
While Aegon the Conqueror had Blackfyre, his sister Queen Visenya had Dark Sister, a "slender
blade" designed for a female warrior . Visenya used the sword during Aegon's Conquest,
when she wasn't roasting people with her dragon.
And many years later, Dark Sister went to Daemon Targaryen, the "rogue prince",
who used the sword during the Dance of the Dragons – the big Targaryen civil war.
During a mid-air dragon battle with his nephew Aemond One-Eye, Daemon leapt from his dragon
onto Aemond's dragon, and drove Dark Sister through Aemond's one good eye , before both
men and their dragons fell from the sky and died.
This is why we need a Game of Thrones prequel movie, guys.
After Daemon, Dark Sister went to Aemon Targaryen, the famous Dragonknight said to be one of
the greatest and noblest knights that ever lived – he's the namesake of Maester Aemon
And after the Dragonknight, Dark Sister went to a man called Brynden Rivers, or Bloodraven
. Bloodraven really needs his own video, but basically he was a king's bastard, a spymaster,
sorcerer , Hand of the King, he killed Daemon Blackfyre at the Redgrass Field, had a relationship
with Shiera Seastar – who might possibly be Quaithe? – then Bloodraven joined the
Night's Watch, became Lord Commander, went north and finally became a tree wizard man,
the guy who's known in the show as the three-eyed raven.
But the question here is – what happened to the sword Dark Sister?
Did Bloodraven bring it with him to the Night's Watch – like Jeor did?
And if he did, is the sword in the cave where Bloodraven trains Bran?
If so, it's possible that Bran's friend Meera might take up the sword – it's designed
for a woman's hand, after all.
In fact, some people think that in the show, she already has it – she does grab a sword
from the cave in in Season 6.
Another possibility is for Dark Sister to go to Arya.
Needle is cool and all, but surely a ninja assassin like Arya should have a storied Valyrian
sword like Dark Sister – Arya herself kind of is a 'dark sister'.
This is all wild speculation, but given the history and importance of Dark Sister, it
seems likely that the sword will reappear in the story.
Another lost Valyrian sword is Brightroar.
House Lannister bought Brightroar for a huge amount of gold before the Doom of Valyria
. But a hundred years later, after Valyria was destroyed, King Tommen Lannister went
on an expedition to plunder its ruins.
He took Brightroar with him – and "never returned" . House Lannister lost one of
its most valuable treasures, which always frustrated Tywin when he led House Lannister.
So at one point, Tywin's younger brother Gerion went on a quest to find Brightroar,
but he never returned either – go watch the Gerion video.
But in the end, Tywin got his Valyrian sword in the form of Ice, which he made into Oathkeeper
and Widow's Wail.
By the way, in the books those swords are coloured red, Tywin has the metal dyed to
a sorta rippling Lannister crimson, cause Tywin's all about that house pride family
legacy stuff.
Anyway the next couple swords are owned by ironborn – there's Red Rain and Nightfall.
Red Rain is a Valyrian sword held by Dunstan Drumm , the Lord of Old Wyk.
He whips it out at the Kingsmoot and recounts how his ancestor, Hilmar Drumm the Cunning,
famously took Red Rain from some knight, armed only with his wits and a cudgel.
And there's a theory that that the knight who Drumm took Red Rain from might have been
from House Reyne , a family in the westerlands who Tywin Lannister wiped out.
The Reynes have a red lion for their sigil, and their name is Reyne, so Red Rain is a
fitting name in more ways than one.
And the westerlands have historically been raided by ironborn , so it makes a lot of
sense for the Drumms to have taken Red Rain from the Reynes.
In Book 4, Drumm is on raids with Red Rain in the reach.
Nightfall is Valyrian sword held by the knight Ser Harras Harlaw.
Harras supports Asha or Yara Greyjoy at the kingsmoot , though Euron later kinda steals
him from her by making Harras a lord . The sword Nightfall was historically wielded by
the infamous ironborn raider Dalton Greyjoy , called the Red Kraken for all the blood
he shed . It's said Dalton loved three things, the sea, women, and his Valyrian sword Nightfall
. It's not clear how Red Rain and Nightfall will tie into the broader story of Thrones,
but some speculate that King Euron might take these swords from their owners – in the
books Euron has a set of armour made of Valyrian steel, he might wanna complement that with
a Valyrian sword or two.
Also Nightfall is a pretty appropriate name for someone who is low-key trying to cause
a Lovecraftian blood magic apocalypse type situation, which, he is – we'll have to
explain that in another video.
Euron is scary.
But another Valyrian blade that's had a big impact on the story is not another sword,
but a knife.
In Book and Season 1, an assassin tries to kill Bran Stark with a knife of Valyrian steel.
Catelyn takes the blade to King's Landing, and Littlefinger tells her the knife is Tyrion's
– so Catelyn, thinking the dwarf tried to kill her son, arrests Tyrion, which kicks
off the War of the Five Kings.
Thing is, the real culprit behind the catspaw is Joffrey – Littlefinger lied about the
knife in a deliberate attempt to cause war.
After betraying Ned Stark and profiting off the downfall of his family, Littlefinger carries
the Valyrian knife in later books – shamelessly wearing a symbol of his lies and betrayal.
Now, in the books, Sansa in the Vale with Littlefinger and the knife – some people
speculate that Sansa will use the knife to kill him, destroying Littlefinger with the
same blade he used to destroy her family.
There'd be a great poetry to that – though things'll prolly go differently in the show.
There are a few more Valyrian swords that were used in the Dance of the Dragons, the
Targaryen civil war from a hundred years ago.
Lamentation is a sword carried by a guy called Willum Royce.
He got caught up in the Storming of the Dragonpit, when a rioting mob of common folk killed some
chained-up dragons.
In all the violence and the chaos, Willum Royce and his sword were lost . There was
also Bold Jon Roxton and Ormund Hightower, who bore the swords Orphan-Maker and Vigilance
. Roxton was killed , and we haven't heard from his family since, but the Hightowers
are still around, so they might have Vigilance at Oldtown – where Euron may be closing
There are a few more Valyrian blades that are only briefly mentioned in the text.
Some soldier from Lys had a Valyrian sword called Truth , the Celtigars of Claw Isle
are said to have a Valyrian steel axe , and a guy called Caggo has a Valyrian steel arakh
– one of those curvy Dothraki scythey things – which is apparently rare in Valyrian steel
. Caggo is a captain of the Windblown mercenaries, so he'll be involved in the story ahead.
And finally, there are a bunch of Valyrian daggers among the treasure Euron presents
at the Kingsmoot.
It's a little weird the way these are off-handedly mentioned , as though a buncha Valyrian blades
is no big deal – maybe Valyrian daggers are more common than the swords are, though
you'd think, that if so, someone like Tywin could buy a bunch of Valyrian daggers and
reforge them into the sword Tywin so desperately wanted for so long.
The true value and rarity of Valyrian steel is not very clear.
But regardless, this is every Valyrian blade mentioned in Game of Thrones.
Longclaw and Heartsbane, Ice, Oathkeeper and Widow's Wail, Blackfyre, Dark Sister, Lady
Forlorn, Brightroar, Red Rain and Nightfall, the swords of the Dance, Littlefinger's
dagger and this other miscellaneous stuff too.
There are more swords out there somewhere of course – bout a hundred and eighty more
– and Westeros might need them all to win the war against the walkers.
Thanks for watching.
If you wanna learn more about the histories and backstories of Thrones, you might like
to read The World of Ice and Fire, George Martin's worldbook, which is all about this
sorta stuff.
There's a link to buy it below, which supports this channel at no extra cost to you.
Some of this art is from The World of Ice and Fire, other pieces are by Amok, and kethryn,
check the description for details.
Thanks to the translators for translating captions, and thanks to the Patrons for making
Alt Shift X possible, including James Beagles, Yelda Aktuna, Avery Calvert, Rufus T Firefly,
Suikoshiningforce2, and Hodor Targaryen.
English Vocabulary Words With Meaning: the Oxford 3000: Letter D: Episode 09- Free English Lesson - Duration: 3:25.
TRY NOT TO LAUGH Funny Animals Vines Compilation - Best Funny Videos of Animals Doing Stupid Things - Duration: 10:05.
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Top 10 SECRET WAYS Companies Are RIPPING YOU OFF! - Duration: 9:05.
Hey YouTube, Jim here … welcome to Top10Archive!
It's all about the money.
For you, the consumer, it's all about saving as much as you can on every purchase.
For the company you're handing your hard earned cash over to, it's all about emptying
your wallet, so why should you trust there aren't underlying and hidden truths that
make them more money?
You shouldn't, and after this Archive of the Top 10 Secret Ways Companies Are Ripping
You Off, you'll never look at your favorite companies the same way again.
Wasting Electricity Unless you unplug your cable box at night,
there's a good chance your cable company is draining you while you sleep.
Though they're not directly profiting from your loss, according to former United States
Secretary of Energy, Steven Chu, the "always on" set-top boxes needlessly consume approximately
$12 billion of electricity every year, a figure contested by National Cable & Telecommunications
Association vice president Brian Dietz.
In 2014, for a California household, the estimation was about $8 a month, and while that may not
sound like much, a penny saved is a penny that can buy you a few lattes.
Paying for Air It's funny to hear people complaining about
the air in their potato chip bags when there's a far worse offender out there.
You know that gallon of ice cream you've been nursing?
Would you believe that a rather large portion of that creamy goodness is actually what's
called "overrun," or air added to the product to achieve maximum creaminess?
Ice cream requires some air to be creamy and light, but just how much of your dairy treat
is air?
Well, the Food and Drug Administration regulates the amount of overrun a manufacturer can use
in their ice cream to 100%, which would allow them to package two gallons of ice cream from
one gallon of mix.
While name-brands allegedly stray from higher overrun, it's the cheaper store brands that
are said to hover close to 100%, allowing them the chance to offer much lower pricing.
Hidden and Unnecessary Charges When you sign up for something, are you confident
that you know exactly what you're getting into?
Hidden fees are a common business practice, one that's pretty difficult to get away
Cell phone companies are one of the worst proponents with what's been called "Cramming."
Essentially, third-party companies approved by the company tack on additional costs to
customer bills, which is why it's imperative to check your bill each month and the terms
of any contract you sign.
Cable companies are just as guilty of unnecessary charges.
How many channels in your 140-channel lineup do you actually watch?
Even if it's only half, you're stuck paying for channels you don't watch as cable companies
are not often inclined to offer an "a la carte" menu.
A third offender is banks who aren't always upfront about overdraft charges and increase
in ATM surcharges.
Brand Name vs. Generic They're plastered all over our televisions
and scattered throughout the magazines some of us still read.
It's impossible to avoid name brand marketing, which conditions us to look for that specific
brand as we shop, but do we really need that specific brand?
In most cases, absolutely not.
Generic versions of many name brand products, from cereals to medication, offer a cheaper
variety without a decrease in quality or effectiveness.
In fact, if you compare the ingredients of many name brand and generic products, you'll
find very few – if any – differences.
In regards to generic drugs, the biggest difference will be in the inactive ingredients, or the
dyes and flavorings that alter color and taste.
The point?
You can easily save if you don't let name brand marketing get the best of you.
Thicker Glasses Unless you're extremely anal and untrusting,
you likely haven't required a bartender to measure out your 16 oz pint in front of
You just take their word for it, but after hearing this, you may think otherwise.
When you order a pint at a restaurant or bar, the likelihood that you're getting a full
16 oz is pretty slim.
One method to avoid giving you what you paid for, many locations turn to thicker 14-ounce
glasses, or "cheater pints."
It may look like a pint but the thicker glass takes up about 2 oz of space where your beer
should be.
In 2007, beer blogger Jeff Alworth started the Honest Pint Project to praise establishments
for giving an exact 16 oz. 5.
Sell-by / Use by Dates You wake up on March 3rd, craving a nice cold
glass of milk.
Low and behold, you grab the milk and are faced with a March 1st expiration date.
Clearly, it's time to get rid of the remaining half gallon and go buy another, right?
Sure, if you hate money.
Truth of the matter is those dates aren't even for you as the consumer, not that they'd
tell you.
The "Sell-by" date is meant for grocer management while the "Use by" date is
just the last day the food manufacturer will guarantee the freshness and quality of their
More often than not, the food is still good days, sometimes weeks, after those dates.
If you're ever concerned about your foods freshness, don't go by the date.
Signs like rotten smells, slimy coatings, and change in consistency are better indicators
of when it's time to go shopping again.
Convenience Shopping We're all about the convenient things in
You walk through a grocery store, see a package of pre-chopped pineapple, and you buy it.
Find that same pineapple in its solid form, all you can think about is having to cut it
down and the urge for pineapple passes.
While convenient, pre-chopped food also comes at a cost – more money from your pocket.
The average difference between, say, a whole pineapple and a prepared package is around
Consider that it takes approximately 5 minutes to chop a head of lettuce, the grocer is essentially
getting $36 an hour to chop your fruit and vegetables, even more considering what they
deliver is likely not a full pineapple.
Chances are, if there's a more convenient form of something, you're paying more for
A lot more.
Another example would be at Wal-Mart, where you can buy a warm 2-liter of soda for $1
in the back of the store, and a cold 20oz soda for nearly $2.
Plumping When you buy $8 worth of chicken breast, you
want $8 worth of edible poultry.
You can bet, unless you go directly to the source, you're not getting that.
It's common practice for chicken producers to inject your packaged chicken with liquid
and, if the wording on the package is any indication, most aren't ashamed to show
Your poultry could be injected with enough liquid to account for 15 to 30% of the weight
you're paying for and seeing as how that liquid will evaporate, you're essentially
throwing money to the wind.
The practice has been labeled as "plumping" and is usually done with salt water, chicken
broth, or seaweed extract.
In the Chinese market, shrimp gets the plumping treatment with a gel-like substance.
Pre-Sale Price Hike When it comes to shopping, it's all about
the sale.
Black Friday, Cyber Monday, President's Day – you name it, there's a sale for
it, but what if we told you those price drops you're anxiously awaiting aren't really
anything special?
Back in 2013, department stores like JCPenney and Kohl's were found engaging in a rather
uncouth practice of raising the prices of products before putting them on sale.
Independent investigations into the matter performed by multiple newsgroups found that
many of the "sale" price tags were hiding a gross secret: underneath the sale sticker
was the progression of pricing that showed the item started out at a lower price than
what it was on sale for.
While some increases may have been the result of a rising cost of materials, most are likely
a ploy to place an item "on sale" without the same loss.
Prepayment Penalties Are you in a mortgage with a high-interest
Did you find another company that will offer you a lower rate?
Sure, you can refinance, but don't expect the process to be as simple as that.
You see, if you try to pay off your debt with your current mortgage company early, you may
incur a "prepayment penalty," or a penalty for paying off your loan early.
They're not present on every mortgage, but the typical penalty can be as much as 80%
on six months of interest as homeowners are typically allowed to pay off up to 20% of
the loan balance each year.
The point of the penalty is for the lender to recoup a portion of the interest they're
losing with the loan being extinguished earlier than anticipated.
Jintazo - Nan Nan Nan - Duration: 1:07.
wody - Duration: 0:17.
The True Story Behind The Creation Of South Park - Duration: 7:29.
Four foul-mouthed kids, a ton of oblivious townspeople, and a whole lot of hidden aliens:
During its two decades on TV, South Park has become a cultural institution.
But how did the unlikely, raunchy, irreverent cartoon make it to air in the first place?
Born of boredom
Music major Trey Parker and math major Matt Stone met in film class at the University
of Colorado in 1992.
They found themselves stuck on other classmates' film sets, working the lighting and sound,
and generally feeling pretty bored.
Parker and Stone started doing silly voices to amuse each other and found they had the
same sense of humor.
Parker told Entertainment Weekly,
"We would always talk like these little kids and make each other laugh."
They messed around with their characters for a full year before they ever thought to commit
anything to film.
A school presentation
Before Parker and Stone decided to turn their characters into pop culture icons, Parker
made his own cartoon debut with a satirical school presentation called "American History,"
which used the same construction paper animation style that the duo eventually adapted for
South Park.
It was the amatuer effort that would launch a thousand f-bombs.
The cartoon won a student prize at the University of Colorado in 1992, inspiring parker and
Stone to take it further.
Knowing that the film department had a short film showcase at the end of the year, they
decided to do something holiday-appropriate for their December debut.
So, they made The Spirit of Christmas, also known as Jesus vs. Frosty.
Which is exactly what it sounds like.
Though they didn't all have names, kids that looked and sounded pretty similar to Kyle,
Kenny, Stan, and Cartman are all there.
It even has some pretty familiar lines.
"Oh my God, Frosty killed Kenny!"
At the first screening, the audience went nuts.
People were shocked at seeing cute cartoon kids swear up a blue streak and having Christmas
icons try to murder one another, but since it was a college crowd, most of the people
loved it.
The Musical
After Jesus vs. Frosty, Parker and Stone didn't go right to work on more animated shorts.
Instead, they made a trailer for a musical comedy about Alferd Packer, a man famous for
survival cannibalism in Colorado.
The University of Colorado, which hilariously named its own cafeteria after Packer, liked
the trailer so much, that it gave the duo $125,000 to shoot a full length feature.
They weren't completely ready to leave snowmen behind, though.
"Let's build a snowman."
The resulting Cannibal!
The Musical was a glimpse into Parker and Stone's future, with hints of the demented
comedy and budding musical genius that would find its way into their professional projects
years later.
And believe it or not, they even hid a few aliens throughout the film, like they would
later would in South Park.
Troma Productions picked up the film for distribution three years after it was made.
Brian Graden at the Fox Broadcasting company happened to see it, and he immediately wanted
to work with Parker and Stone.
Though he couldn't get any major studio to take a liking to Cannibal!, Graden was determined
to make something happen with the pair.
The Christmas card and Clooney
As Graden, Parker, and Stone were trying to get something off the ground, including a
failed children's TV show pilot called Time Warped, Parker and Stone were hurting for
Graden gave them $1,200 to make a video Christmas card based on the original Jesus vs. Frosty
short, thinking it would only be seen by a few of his friends.
Parker and Stone were excited to get money to do anything, so they made a new five-minute
short and figured it would be the last time they'd visit the quiet little mountain town.
The Spirit of Christmas, also known as Jesus vs. Santa, was even more similar to the soon-to-be
South Park than the original.
Though the short had many future South Park staples, Parker and Stone didn't even put
their names on the film because they figured it was just a little project for fun.
Graden ended up sending the tape around to about 35 friends, but he purposely didn't
send it to any studio heads, assuming the material would offend them.
But the people who actually saw Jesus vs. Santa loved the short so much, they copied
it, sent it to friends, and showed it at parties.
One of the biggest fans of the short was George Clooney.
South Park executive producer Anne Garefino told Hollywood Reporter,
"Before we even began working on the series, the fact that George Clooney had made hundreds
of VHS copies of The Spirit of Christmas and sent them out to all his friends was already
the stuff of Hollywood history."
Without Clooney sharing hundreds of bootleg VHS tapes, South Park might never have happened.
Despite other people claiming to have created the popular, but anonymous, short, Parker
and Stone eventually got the credit they deserved, and offers began coming their way…
including the chance to direct Barney's Great Adventure.
Which, obviously, they did not take.
Graden, Parker, and Stone got meetings everywhere, but nearly all the studios were afraid of
putting something so edgy on the air.
And there was also the assumption that every show needed to go the Simpsons route and depict
a family — not a bunch of nasty kids.
They were turned down by MTV, and Graden was even turned down by his own network, Fox.
So, Graden left the company to go wherever South Park landed.
Comedy Central they messed afraid of the potty-mouthed tots and signed them on to make a pilot.
The crashed pilot
When Parker and Stone got to bring South Park to life, they didn't pull any punches.
The first episode, "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe," was shown to focus groups, where people would
rate the show on a scale of 1 to 10.
The show hardly got anything over a three.
And there were lots of ones.
Three people actually cried because they were so disturbed over the things the children
said or did.
Comedy Central didn't pull the plug on the series altogether, though.
They were a struggling network at the time, and aired a slightly modified pilot mostly
because they knew it would get them attention.
South Park debuted in August 1997 after minimal promotion.
Graden thought they'd be lucky to get 200,000 people to tune in, but the premiere got 889,000
viewers, and the show was pulling in over 5 million by the end of the season.
It was an instant, insane hit.
Before long, the show was on the cover of Rolling Stone and Newsweek.
Cartman eternal
Despite the remarkable success, Parker and Stone didn't think they'd be working on it
for very long at all.
Parker recalled to The Hollywood Reporter,
"We thought: 'It's not going to last.
Take it while you can.'
We really had the attitude of, 'Let's do this as long as we can, then we will go back to
He went on to say that it wasn't until around season 15 of the show that he realized they'd
probably never need to go back home.
Thanks for watching!
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Colors for Children to Learn with Wrong Eyes Peppa Pig - Finger Family Songs - Duration: 2:06.
Colors for Children to Learn with Wrong Eyes Peppa Pig - Finger Family Songs
The GMBN Freerider Challenge! | Blake Samson Vs. Martin Soderstrom - Duration: 7:54.
- Today is the Freerider Challenge.
Blake Samson vs. Martin Soderstrom.
Five challenges to see who's the king of freeriding.
- I like that.
- [Voiceover] The stoppie.
The bunny hop challenge.
Big trick.
The race.
- Okay, so challenge number one is a simple one,
it's a stoppie challenge from this mark
the person who stoppies the furthest is the winner.
However, there is a freeride twist.
The run in to get all the speed, well there is no run in.
So, they got to try to find one.
- Whoo!
- [Blake] Freeride in!
- No!
That was *****
- If I don't beat this one, that is ridiculous.
- [Martin] Freeride!
- It's harder than you think!
That was embarrassing.
Should we do it again?
- I agree.
- Yeah I agree.
Let's do it again.
- Freeride.
- This run in, that's why.
- Freeride!
- It's just so, there's too many rocks there.
Drop it in.
I'm gonna be right here.
- I was like "God dang it!"
- It's so hard with the rocks there.
- Yeah with the rocks dropping your wheel.
- The first round goes to Martin,
although I think both boys need to practise
with front brakes cause it wasn't that impressive.
- We never ride with front blakes, brakes.
- Blakes?
With front blakes!
- Challenge number two, the bunny hop challenge.
We got a run in, a bit of a slope and a stick
they got to try to clear this
and we'll keep raising it until one of them fails.
- [Blake] Alright!
Hey, did you know I hold bunny hop record
on GMBN yeah?
Watch me knock this off.
- [Martin] Yeah!
That was actually
impressively easy
I would say.
- [Blake] Second go, go for it.
- Whoo hoo! Freeride in!
I didn't know twenty-niners could hop that high.
- Who knew? Who knew.
- [Martin] Come on Blake!
- Should we go big, massive?
- I'm scared of heights, I don't know.
- Actually that's pretty big.
Do you reckon?
Yeah, put the glove so we can actually see the stick.
- That's like Blake height right there.
- That is Blake height, look!
- [Martin] Freeride!
- [Blake] If you clear this, I'm buying you a beer.
No way!
- [Martin] Oh so close!
- [Blake] Oh man.
That was close!
- Now this is a real freeride challenge.
This is the roost challenge using
our new patented roost-o-meter.
Biggest roost wins.
(mechanical sounds)
(video game sound effects)
Now it's time for best trick.
We're on the trail, we've got a bit of a drop off with a
pretty sketchy run actually,
and this is going to be judged on technicality,
smoothness, extension, steezness, coolness,
everything basically.
- Wow.
- Biggest wreck off this drop off wins.
- No pressure Blake!
- No pressure, no.
- [Martin] I grabbed.
- [Blake] You grabbed what?
- [Martin] I grabbed the dropper post.
- [Blake] Oh, that would have been...
- Man.
- [Martin] Yeah!
That was good!
- Well I think it's a tough one to call
but I'm gonna give that one to Blake.
Good extension, smooth landing.
- That was good.
- It's now two all so the last challenge is a decider.
- I got a challenge for you, it's timed okay?
So no judging, no tricks, no nothing.
- No nothing.
- Purely challenge.
- No style? Basically, zero style. Cool.
- And you gotta race around the track,
and I'm gonna run, you're gonna follow.
And the time stops when you put your foot down here.
- Okay.
Right here?
- Right here on this mark.
- Cool. Alright I follow you.
- Follow. I'll check out.
And then up here.
- Up there?
- Yeah and then put your foot there.
- Cool.
- Three, two, one, go!
(dance music)
- Whoo it's quick.
- [Martin] That felt good!
Can't believe I'm losing all the freeride stuff
and I was flying!
- Three, two, one, go!
- [Martin] Pedal Blake! Pedal!
- [Blake] Oh my!
It's that stupid tree!
- Are you alright?
- Yeah, I almost broke my finger on that rock!
- My heart stopped!
- That's the second time I hit it!
- [Martin] Oh my God, that is...
(screaming in slow motion)
- Well Blake if you're gonna lose,
then definitely try to lose in style.
And Martin is the winner!
Well done!
- Thanks guys, I wish it wasn't on
a did not finish
but I'll take it!
- If you want to see more videos like this
click on the GMBN logo to subscribe
and click down there for Presenter Challenge
over here for Martin's pro bike check.
Give us a thumbs up if you enjoyed this video!
How to take no L's (Black Ops 3 Insane Funny Moments!!!) - Duration: 5:09.
Hey, what's up guys today I got another video here for you.
What a bad start?
Bro did I? I just get turned on st the beginning of the video. Like What?
This gun melts.
Get of me!
How did that not hit?
How did dat dat dat
Bro aghh... This gun!
Ha Ha One bursted.
Oh no!
This guy is still on the second weapon.
Get of me!
Dude.. What?
Ok. There you go.
One the first game even though I don't use anyone of these weapons.
It honestly sucks to wake up like early on a Saturday morning.
That's the thing right on the weekends like it just feels
It feels bad like if you wake up too early
And for me if I wake up at 1 am it still feels bad.
So that's like I am 2 for 2 right now
What were those shots?
Oh bro imagine if I got him.
I literally just spawned.
Anghh. This is like the hardest part too!
Bro so many shots.
Swear if I choke this.
Ok. I am 3 for 3 right now.
All 3 games I have won.
See this man knows.
He know what's good for him.
He didn't challenge me.
Ok. I am already at .
The third.
Ok.I am.
Bro what? He just gave me the gunny.
Haha. Bro that was like such a bad mistake on his part though like.
What? What was that spawn?
Bro this guy has to set me back. What a guy, like actually?
Ok, there you go, finally.
4 for 4
You know lets get another win. 5 for 5 you know what I am saying?
Gotta destroy these kids, you know what I am saying? Gotta show them who's on top boi.
What an emblem?
I am pretty sure that is one of the default emblems.
Ha ha
Both of them were in a gun fight came in just killed both of them.
Taking L's to kids I shouldn't be taking L's to.
Like what ? What?
How am I losing gunfights.
*Heavy Breathing*
Bro like every kill that he gets makes me more and more mad.
Like bro what happened to my hit detection?
Ok there you go. Finally.
Get off me you're awful!
Ha Ha. I feel bad for him.
Get of me
Oh bro he just.
Yo imagine five piece killcam. Aghh
Eh there you go. 5 for 5. Lets go.
The comeback that I had to make. Bro I was 4 kills behind. That was kind of intese I am not gonna lie.
I hope you guys enjoy the video if you did please leave a like and as always I'll see you guys later. Peaceeee
VOLKSWAGEN GRAVEYARD: Vintage, Army & Rally Cars - Urbex Lost Places Abandoned Belgium - Duration: 11:03.
At first Germany, then Luxembourg and France...
And now – on day five of our huge urban exploration road trip...
...we finally arrived in Belgium.
Hidden very well in the woods this amazing car graveyard awaited us.
Crazy, engine's still there.
And what's over here?
You can still open the hood smoothly.
So this is the trunk? Engine was at the other end of the car.
Here's barely any space.
Maybe it is only intended for small bags like they used to have back then.
The car isn't that big too.
The car battery is in the back.
It's over here under the back seat.
Right under this marvelous window.
Over here...
...we've got a jeep.
There are several levers.
This is the parking brake but what's this?
Maybe it's for adjusting the seat? - Yeah, that might be possible.
But what's with the other levers?
In the front...
...there's a rope winch.
And a big hook.
So this jeep towed some cars probably.
Looks like a sick racing car to me.
But I think someone started to dismantle the car and that's why it looks that way.
Someone even cut the back part open.
And now it looks like a rally car.
Though... Look at these dampers.
There are a lot of rally cars on this graveyard.
That's true. And what's on the roof?
These are seats. Looked like cases at first.
I just noticed that this is probably a car of the German armed forces because there's German text.
"Caution! Remove antennas before driving. Danger when touching overhead wires."
So that's a German car for sure.
A jeep of the German armed forces.
Looks like the tank is in the front.
And this looks like a dune buggy. - I thought the same.
It's probably a rally car again. And here's another one.
Looks like the engine was in the back too.
But it is already stripped.
I just noticed that this is the whole frame but totally overgrown.
We don't know how, we don't know...
...but in the middle of these woods rally vehicles and cars with a military look were stored a long time ago.
Especially cars of the brand Volkswagen can be found here.
Mostly beetles...
...but Volkswagen buses of the first generations as well.
All these vehicles probably belonged to a deceased car collector.
Have you seen this?
What do you mean?
"Hugo Boss"
...says the text on this car at least. Dunno why.
...someone took part in races with this car and Hugo Boss was sponsor.
How does it look in the inside?
Everything was removed but it looks like a rally car.
Look! You can still see the ventilation of the car.
At the sides air for the engine was sucked in.
I just discovered this vintage car radio.
If it were up to me radios would still look that way today. It's way cooler.
Have you checked the milage?
What does it say?
Ninety-six thousand...
No, that's wrong.
The sun is dazzling in Belgium...
"Fasten your seatbelts!"
"attachez" means something like to fasten.
"vos" means your.
"ceintures" means belt probably.
"Prière de ne pas fumer!"
"fumer" means to smoke. So the signs says: Please don't smoke in the car.
Pretty cool...
I'm joining you.
Where are we going? - We're going to...
My butt is getting soaked.
Don't drive that fast!
I don't drive yet. - I see.
At first I have to turn on the lights.
Is it working? - I don't see any lights at all.
Shit. Seems like the car is broken. - You think so? - Dunno...
What a cable clutter...
It's so cold here...
Is it possible that we don't have any windows? - Oh, I see!
This abandoned site is something you don't see every day.
It's a lovely mix of great cars and beautiful decay.
Don't forget to leave a like and a comment.
We have a lot of upcoming videos, so stay tuned!
Making Another Pottermore Harry Potter Wand! - Duration: 9:07.
Hi guys! My name is Anouk, and today..
We are going to make another Harry Potter wand! It is..
This one!
I think it's going to be a little bit more different than the wand I made for myself
But.. we'll see!
Okay, the first thing that we need to do, is put a lot of glue on the stick
Guess what I just did?
I burnt my fucking finger on the glue gun!
I never knew it was that hot! Oh my god
You know what the worst thing is?
I couldn't immediately kept my finger, uhh..
I couldn't immediately keep my finger under cold water, because the glue..
On the stick wasn't dried up, and I didn't want to ruin the wand, so..
I just sat there with the wand in my hands..
And my finger..
Let's go back
When there's enough glue on your stick
And it has dried completely
We're going to cut it, so at the end, it looks like the original wand!
Okay, now we're going to do something I didn't do when I made my wand..
It is making it smoother
Mine was pretty rough, so by rubbing the hot part of the glue gun..
Where I burnt myself earlier..
On the wand, it will make the wand smoother and nicer to hold!
When you're done doing that
It is time to make the small ropes that are on the real wand
I used some rubber bands, and made them the perfect size using scissors and superglue!
It's finally time to paint the wand!
I painted one layer..
And another layer..
And another layer until I found the perfect color to match the original wand!
When it has dried completely..
I painted another layer with a bit darker and a bit lighter paint and I painted some details on the ropes
So it's a few days later and I realised I..
Didn't make an outro yet, so..
I made the wand for a girl, and she was really happy with it, so..
And now that I made this video, I can delete that other video because it is way too cringy!
No just kidding, I'll probably just hide it or whatever
If you want to see more Harry Potter related videos, click over here!
And if you want to subscribe to my channel, click over here
And I will see you in the next video! Bye!
Anime jokes #52 | Funny moments from the anime | ANKORD BURNS | BURNS cuba77 - Duration: 10:06.
Cat Museum in Minsk - Duration: 2:43.
Greetings to all! Does it often happen that children ask for a pet and the parents refuse? Or maybe you just don't know how to spend your child's free time?
Well, we've found a solution! The Cat Museum! It is located in Minsk, at 23 Internatsionalnaya street. By the way, it's very close to the apartment that we showed in the previous video.
In the museum you will not only be able to play with friendly four-legged fluffies but also to drink tea, try the delicious desserts, play chess and checkers, admire works of art on the cat theme, and draw your own picture.
It will be interesting not only for the kids, but also for couples. Quite unusual idea for a date, don't you think so?
Do you wonder where these lovely fluffies came from? The museum staff takes the homeless cats from the streets. After passing a veterinary examination, vaccination and other necessary procedures, these cats find a home in the museum.
By the way, visitors can take any cat they like.
Entry tickets are inexpensive. Part of this money is spent on charitable assistance. Food and other necessities are purchased and donated to non-profit organizations that protect the homeless animals.
So now you know how to mix business with pleasure and good deed!
Thumbs up! Leave us a comment! And don't forget to subscribe! Bye!
Oncologists Urge You To Stop Eating These 8 Foods That Are Proven To Cause Cancer - Duration: 7:24.
Oncologists urge you to stop eating these eight foods that are proven to cause cancer
Answer medical experts consider cancer as a complex set of diseases they also note that it can be triggered by various factors
Lifestyle Factors Like Unhealthy diet Physical inactivity Tobacco use
specific infections
environmental exposure to various types of chemicals and radiation
Chan according to researches following an unhealthy diet and being physically inactive Tudela [vate] your possibility of developing cancer
It has been estimated by the world Cancer research fund that nearly twenty percent of the total
American cancer cases are associated with poor diet physical inactivity weight gain and excess consumption of alcohol
However like many other diseases cancer is also a preventable disease
so you can greatly can greatly lower your risk of cancer by
eating a healthy diet rich in organic veggies and fruits
giving up smoking
exercising regularly
maintaining a healthy body weight
Here is the list of top aide foods that can increase your cancer risk
We find an artificial sugary foods it
Is a well-known fact that the excess intake of foods containing refined sugar and artificial photos?
Sweeteners Like High fructose corn syrup can lead to the development of a wide range of health issues
in general this type of foods can quickly raise the levels of insulin and boost cancer cell growth in
2006 the American Society [for] Clinical nutrition Journal published a study
Suggesting that the participants who consumed higher amounts of sugar sweetened Foods had a greater chance of developing pancreatic
cancer than control group
Hence consider substituting these unhealthy food choices with natural options such as maple syrup, honey
Stevia Blackstrap Molasses or [Jav]
red and processed meats
There are a lot of harmful preservatives and chemicals and process meats including Bacon sausage ham Etc
moreover this type of need also possesses extremely high amount of salt
The nutrition and cancer journal published a study showing that the excess processed meat consumption could be linked to the development of colorectal
cancer ill cancer
That's not all higher Ed meat consumption can also elevate the person's risk of developing prostate and Colorectal cancer
So you should exclude these foods from your diet?
You should only eat grass-fed meats since it is a much healthier alternative than processed once
Smoked and pickled foods the regular consumption of these foods is not good for your overall health
Namely the smoking process of smoked Meats leaves many toxic ingredients in the meat which can contribute to various health issues
[also], there are a lot of nitrates in pickled foods that are transformed into a night Rizzo
Additionally this ingredient can significantly elevate the possibility of developing cancer
Sir, what's more smoked and pickled foods are loaded with preservatives
They are added in these foods in order to prolong their shelf life
But the excess intake of preservatives can trigger cellular damage thus resulting in cancer development
Therefore it is recommended to exclude these foods from your diet
white flour
nowadays there are a great number of processed food products containing refined white flour
However refined white flour possesses high amounts of carbohydrates which have negative impact on your health also
They can elevate the risk of developing cancer
According to studies women who consumed too much
Carbohydrates had erased breast cancer risk it has been also found that white flour
consumption can cause increased sugar levels in the blood very quickly
That is why you should replace refined white flour with other healthier alternatives such as [canoa] almond whole wheat or Barley?
flour flour
hydrogenated Oils
This type of oils are actually turned into Poi Ravens through the processing and manufacturing
They are chemically extracted from vegetables to prolong their shelf life as well as preserve processed Foods
Moreover they are Abundant in Omega-6 fatty acids and Trans fats
To explain you more deeply small amount of Amoeba 6 fatty acids can be beneficial for your overall health
But high intake of these fatty acids can negatively affect the cell membrane
Structure and flexibility it can elevate your risk of developing mini cancer types
particularly skin cancer
Plus the Trans fats can raise your chance of developing colorectal
prostate and breast cancer as you can see
Hydrogenated oils can do a lot of harm to your health so replace them with extra virgin coconut and olive oil or Palm oil
microwave Popcorn
Did you know that there is a chemical known as flirtin or a cassock present in the microwave popcorn bags that is extremely toxic?
There are a few studies conducted on the harmful effects of this chemical in addition
Researchers revealed that those people who had fought exposure at work had a greater risk of developing kidney and bladder cancer
Another study found that this chemical can also result in impaired fertility in women
Microwave Popcorn also possesses many gmo products and preservatives including propel delayed
to be more specific
Science magazine published a study confirming that there are greater amounts of harmful chemicals and cancer promoting
Ingredients and farmed salmon than wild one some of these ingredients include toxaphene mercury
dioxins flame retardants and polychlorinated
Biphenyls these ingredients are not good for your health and can lead to many other health problems in
Case you want to purchase wild salmon please read?
It's labeled ingredients keep in mind that farmed salmon is cheaper than Wild variety
potato chips
Manufacturing process of potato chips requires very high temperatures it leads to the creation of a grill id which is a popular
Carcinogen the international journal of cancer published a study proving that this ingredient found in potato chips increases the possibility
of developing breast
Prostate Ovarian and digestive tract cancer
All of us know that potato chips are loaded with calories and fats that can lead to obesity high blood pressure and cholesterol
levels and So on
Also, they possess many artificial preservatives and flavors
But why are you still eating this type of food food?
Considering all these findings
You should prepare potato chips at your home by using olive oil rather than purchasing commercial potato chips plus
Consider preparing baked banana, or apple chips because they are healthier alternatives and potato chips
The Future of Fashion Is Science and Tech - Duration: 2:30.
Suzanne Lee: So as a fashion designer, I've always tended to think of materials something
like this ... Or this ... Or maybe this ... But then I met a biologist, and now I think of
materials like this.
Green tee, sugar, a few microbes, and a little time.
I'm essentially using a [kombucha 00:00:42] recipe, which is a symbiotic mix of bacteria,
yeasts, and other microorganisms, which spin cellulose in a fermentation process.
So what you're left with, depending on the recipe, is something that's either like a
really light weight, transparent paper, or something which is much more like a flexible
vegetable leather.
Danit Peleg: So you guys, do you wanna see how it looks like?
So, Rebecca is wearing one of my five outfits.
Almost everything here she's wearing I printed from my home.
Even her shoes are printed.
Neri Oxman: In our next project, we explore the possibility of creating a cape and skirt
... this was for a Paris fashion show with Iris Van Herpen.
Like a second skin, they are made of a single part, stiff at the contours, flexible around
the waist.
Together with my long term 3D printing collaborator, Stratasys, we've 3D printed this cape and
skirt with no seams between the cells.
Lucy McRae: So it's like an electronic tattoo, which is augmented by touch, or dresses that
blushed and shivered with light.
Speaker 5: So music was once a very physical thing, you would have to go to the record
shop and buy CD's.
But now you could just download the music, digital music, directly to your phone.
Fashion is also a very physical thing, and I wonder how our world will look like when
our clothes will be digital just like this skirt is.
Hatchimals ColleGGtibles Blind Bags LIMITED Surprise Eggs Hatching Unboxing New Toys Review Juguetes - Duration: 7:19.
Hello kitty I saw on the streets and I
took care of it Hatchimals CollEGGtibles Blind bags
this is the new hatchimals blind bags
their called Colleggtibles my hello kitty
is helping me 2 pack plus nest
you dropped it Ms. Hello kitty
so which one should we open first
so sky blue sky blue everyone out except
for you so we're doing the blind bags
first lets open this egg egg
don't drop it Ms. Hello Kitty
she's soft okay so we have to rug it again
I guess this will take forever
Hello Kitty can you help me and I'll open
another one okay what are you guys
doing we're trying to open this
you for time to open it I think
Hello Kitty will be faster cause she
has warm hands hey
you bad girl
you know what gimme me a hammer thanks you
let me help you Hello kitty oh my god you're
came out it's not egg anymore
this one is Meme and this one is hello kitty's okay
are you smiling
I'm Sally come on Fred I'll make it evil
the colors the purple my gosh offer and
suffered that it broke Bocuse the fake
is shopkin ishcomer ha
okay look it what is that
most terrible
really like - unicorn or snow the Horace
with a wing it's like let me fix oh shit
I don't know like a pony
right so hot here it's not done here's a
I guess this won't stick you want me to
get some how to do it challenge open it
for you
did it look under the sink this is a
monkey my my my I have you learn I carry
so we are done that open fish
Letta like this hot pink squirrel miss
hellokitty and is showing the flyer by
your bill about machine okay now I just
see you take shape can see spots a
limited edition or not maybe I will show
this is limited edition um sort of a
blue and pink of course but when I said
come in and don't touch dog okay we're
done with the radio and with it the
hakama video it's right up there and
this is all of the HMOs in its own
family this one school it's with its
friends know this one super rich be
enhanced this and it's limited edition
this is why we put up here and it came
and stand up
and I gotta give it a big thumbs up
these kinds of stars out of
I'm very ready to go here and I in fact
another video hope you guys are having
an amazing day and if we are going to be
testing out some odd power outfits cube
or whatever every year to be testing it
on a new aqua not a new iPhone I have
this cracked iPhone but like in the
middle of the screen it's not cracked as
much so we're gonna be testing that on
that head secret crack and we're gonna
be testing it on on this stuff so it
just gets tricky for this video I find
the first thing that we are going to be
cutting is this swedish fish bag so
let's see our first attempt oh I know
like people like you you can either spin
it like with your like one finger but
not going to finish that so if you want
to get like a full maximum speed ability
with the fidgets spinner then alright
look so we're gonna we're gonna we're a
look so we're on camera
I gotta try one more time
yeah Peter the best babe but when you
save up baby
alright guys to stop
yeah alright guys I know it's really
still slow on camera but it goes it went
really fast or not but like just a
couple pin this group we're gonna
calculate the velocity of the little
spinner to the maximize dose I don't
like a little draw how to fit your
flavors of like the like yesterday we do
law Elroy Sykes period calculus on the
sequel recycle bin on a motorcycle you
go okay right oh dude this shit is not
gonna work I guess we're gonna try again
your time's a charm
chewing on not big hi guys we are going
to be trying it on this iPhone I mean a
chip to the iPhone book is huge
and how do you change the Odyssey why is
some spinners and dangerous you weight
the right way it is an iPhone 6 and we
return it's 100 its trance doing a new
white hockey all like hack no I don't
know guys
but actually like in all seriousness
we're and I use this hand spinner right
in the center of this iPhone and see if
they can do any damage because as you
can see it is cracked on the sides a
little beau Berman - right in the center
and see if it can crack let's go guys it
go it's not doing anything we're going
to keep doing it
we do it two more times I'm working
I mean I did up here this time and it's
kind of chipping like it like it's can
see that ate it shipped a little yo-yo
actually crap look at all those cracks
right there oh my god alright that's
enough because like this phone is
actually like I show you one more one
more stroke yeah
this time one more time - Tom
seventeenth time all right
great to go into a boy don't know why
packs your like backpacks okay alright
guys I hope you do do if you've got our
YouTube channel and you guys so immersed
in my sucky no shut up
guys you want to see more fishes spinner
videos just like this make sure to
comment down below if you guys do want
to see Emma just smash that like button
down below this is a break over 100 like
commenting video this is right you go
I'll see you guys in my next video
Left Hand Brewing Milk Stout Nitro Beer Review 2017 - Duration: 3:35.
Welcome back everybody today I have a
beer review for you from Left Hand
Brewing Company this is Milk Stout Nitro
this is a 6% ABV and 25 IBUs
on the bottle it does have the ABV but
it doesn't have the IBUs I had to go to
untappd to find those out so as you
guys saw in the pour it even has a
diagram on the back of this you're
supposed to open it and pour it directly
upside down into the glass so that's
what I did so if we take a look tanish
off-white head lots of small bubbles
hardly no medium bubbles at all right
now we're sitting at about a half a
finger of head we do have some lacing if
we swirl it around it is staying if we
look at the color and the color is black
I do not have a hue on the sides or on
the bottom of this let's go ahead and
get a taste or smell I should say first
I'm getting sweetness followed by maybe
some chocolate and roasted malts it's
not a burnt roasted malt it's just it
smells like a good roast is malt in
there and that's about all I'm getting
let's give us a taste
up front I am getting some sweetness
like some lactose sweetness in there I
am getting that roasted malt in the back
it's a very light body i would say
medium or light to medium i would say
it's closer to a light than it is a medium
to me it almost the take or the body of
it is almost like a Guinness not much
bitterness at all in the back if
anything I think on the very back of the
palate it's it's more of a burnt roast
than it is a nice roasted malt in there
goes away pretty quick nothing in my
mouth after it's gone
yeah overall I would probably have to go
with a 4.25 on this one pretty good beer
I wish the body was heavier I wish it
was more of a medium to heavy leaning
towards the side of a heavy body other
than that it's a it's a good milk stout
and the Nitro helps it is a little bit
creamy in there but yeah 4.25 out of 5
on this one so that'll wrap up my review
for Left Hand Brewing Milk Stout Nitro
and until next time happy brewing thank
you for watching this video thumbs up if
you liked it thumbs down if you didn't
leave me a comment down below to tell me
what you thought about this video also
don't forget to subscribe and share and
hit that bell so you know when new
videos are coming out you can check out
these videos over here also head over to for everything beer in
the home brewing related
JingGuang Puppet Show: "One Sword : Invincible " - Duration: 5:27.
( JingGuang Multimedia International Ltd )
( JingGuang Classic Highlights HD )
( Breaking Once's own hearing to stop the evil tune : Episode 25 of Demonic Slaughter )
( On the second battle of Black Water City )
( Akabane faces off against Mang Xie Ying once more! )
Finish him first, then find the Emperor!
Your too overconfident
Hah, I'll keep your sword as a trophy!
(The two rings along with the evil sound! )
( It's a major burden on one's concentration! )
( Akabane's already injured and can't keep up! )
"Flying Red Feathers ! "
"Ghost soul!"
Stubborn boy...
( His endurance drained from multiple battles ! )
( Akabane seeks to end the fight quickly!)
( But Mang Xie Ying is well aware of her advantage !)
( and stalls with her distraction sounds !)
" Fire Phoenix Dance ! "
" Shattering Demonic Dance!"
" One Sword: Unlimited!"
( Help arrives and the fight shifts! )
( Mang Xie Ying is surprised and injured ! )
You think numbers work against me?
( The rings are pressed harder! )
( Kamita is unable to fully resist! )
( Mang Xie Ying takes the chance to strike! )
( Your lack of power ends up being a burden !! )
So damn noisy!!
"One Sword: Silence !!"
"Shattering Demonic Dance!!"
Die boy!!!
God damn this noise!!!!
You think I'm out of moves!?!?!
( Kamita deafens himself and attack with all 3 blades! )
( It's his own 4th move of the Unlimited Sword Style!!)
"One Sword: Invincible!!"
( The Sword faster than sound or shadow!! )
( It's a move faster than a persons' reaction!!! )
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