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For more infomation >> Pop Latino 2017 ★ Reggaeton Mix 2017 ► Pop En Espanol 2017 - Duration: 1:00:08.-------------------------------------------
Estrenos 2017 Reggaeton Abril - Reggaeton Summer Mix 2017 Lo Mas Nuevo - Duration: 1:02:28.
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End of the experiment: 31* days without sugar
Today's the last day of the experiment 31 days without sugar
which I started, just right here a month ago
I was trying to show how a month of a 0 sugar diet could affect my body
to understand properly what I've just said let's move backwards through the beginning of everything
sugar has become one of the most dangerous drugs in our century
I think we all agree so far
So...where is the difference between sugar and other drugs? (appart from the fact of being legal)
sugar, is one of the most addictive substance but its strong point is the hability to go unnoticed
No drug classified as such goes unnoticed
To what extent is this a reality?
31 days 0 sugar
I've just come from the supermarket. I bought some food that I usually eat.
Let's see which of this food will I be able to eat
Tomato sauce: 69 gr per pot
Cold tea: 25 gr per can
Energy drink: 55 gr per can
As you could see, there are not a lot of things without sugar
I'm not really sure about what I'm going to eat for the whole month
Vegetables, fruit, meat & fish
these aliments don't bring added sugar so...
they are the ones I'm going to include on my diet
Let's go and see if it works
I would probably eat something different (pizza, snack...) in a normal day at this moment but...
today I have just this banana
I wanted to make the experiment more interesting and relevant so
I decided to spend a week before the experiment gathering normal values about my health
At the end of the experiment I wanted to know if there would be any substantial difference between the results
In general I'm Ok but there are some parts that could be better as my blood pressure
Let's see what happens to my health if I spend one month avoiding any kind of food with added sugar
Day 7: I've been with the experiment just for a week
I do not feel well
I feel hungry every single hour since the beginning
I'm in a bad mood, furious kind of depressed, stressed out ...
Unable to focus on what requires my concentration
I hope this changes soon, otherwise
I don't see myself capable of finishing the 31 days of the experiment
Which is the reality of sugar in this moment?
Sugar is in the majority of the food of our daily diet in this moment
The most important thing is to make it clear
Not all types of sugar are just as harmful
There is natural sugar for example inside fresh fruit
And the ADDED sugar (in almost all food):
sauces, soft drinks, snacks...
we should reduce the intake of the second group of food in daily diet
due to the risk of suffering problems with our health
They give us empty calories. Just energy. There aren't nutrients inside like vitamins, minerals, fiber...
They don't give us any of these essential "must take" components of food
So an increase of this kind of food in our diet could cause serious health problems and also increase the risk of suffering of other patologies
What are the effects of long term intake in human organism?
If we are talking about the effects of the massive intake of sugar in a prospective way
We are definitely noticing the relevance of this intake in increasing the quantity of triglycerides (mg/dL)
Consequently increasing the quantity of fat in our body
And finally having a huge impact in the increase of the incidence of OBESITY
There is also an increase in the values of blood pressure
Insulin resistance is created as in people with diabetes, due to the increase of circulating blood sugar
There is also a reduction in the amount of good blood cholesterol (HDL: high density lipoprotein)
Finally the consequences of sugar can also appear in children or teenager. It doesn't only affect the elderly
An increase of sugar in our diet is related with and increase of the amount or possibility of caries (Dental decay) in people from all range of ages
After all of this is evident the need to reduce the intake of sugar
Making clear that we should reduce the intake of added or processed sugar
We are not including inside this group: natural sugar from fruits, and other food
Day 13: The worst had already happened
Day 17: We have family dinner
Everybody is here with his own pizza
Different pizzas...
I have my healthy salad
Are they ok?
very good!
what a pity you cannot eat
No no! it's better for us, because we have more!
Day 21: Good morning!
I've just just wake up, and took a cold shower
And I'm feeling great this morning!
We are in the final stretch of the experiment
there are just one week and a half left
Since a couple days ago
I'm feeling quite better and different than at the beginning
I'm feeling myself as a more active person, happier, more optimistic...
a couple weeks ago I was woried
I was feeling terrible
and unsure if I was going to be able to finish
As I said one moment before. This feelings are disappearing
Even my room changes (my sister took the clothes that were hanging from the door xD)
I'm feeling great but great is really subjective.
I want to discover the objective truth behind the results at the end of this experiment
How could a month avoiding sugar had affected me?
At this point we can objectively say that I've loss weight (4,7 kg)
For me it's very important, but not the most important modification
The impact of the intervention (31 days 0 sugar) was shocking when I first saw the results
It's not just about blood pressure (there is a decrease either in systolic and diastolic blood pressure)
There is also a decrese in the total amount of blood cholesterol
an increase in the total amount of daily activity
an increase in the average quantity of slept hours
An it's also important to say that there were
some feelings I could not register or objectively quantify
they were improving as long as days were passing by
However, I could not give you results of that but I felt I had to tell you
Has it been very hard?
It depends on the moment
At the beginning it was tough
being separate from sugar completely was so strange
It was when I felt I was really addicted
I was feeling terrible until day 12 - 13
I even woke up several days on the night of hunger
There was a period in which I wanted to give up
because I was so bad
I couldn't work or study properly
After that, like everything in life
with more time and perseverance
everything started to change and improve
And I was feeling better every day
I was able to focus in my work and in studies more easily than before
And this is what I take from the experiment
And last question
Are you going to stay with this diet ?
I'm going to continue with this lifestyle
Not as serious as I was doing it
But the benefits of being separated of the sugar
were so big and so relevant...
and I don't want to lose them
I'm definitely going to keep this lifestyle in my routine
but just doing some variations. The most important thing is to reduce it, every effort is worthy
see you soon!
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When I can't find home
cuz the stars wont glow
you're the light that guides my way
on empty roads
POP LATINO MEGAMIX 2017 ★ Reggaeton, Pop, Salsa, Bachata ★ Pop En Español - Duration: 1:01:21.
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Stretching With Ernie Dixon - Duration: 4:10.
Trailer #3 SUBTITULADO en Español | BAYWATCH (Guardianes de la Bahia) (HD) Zac Efron - Duration: 1:41.
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На грани: Шикотан – страна моя родная. Или один раз в год и сакура цветет - Duration: 3:17.
8 Ball Pool -New All In Match Auto WIn 100% Worked {No Root} Anti Ban 2017 - Duration: 2:27.
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8 Ball Pool - New 3.9.1 Fareez Mod 100% Work [No Root] Fareez AutoWin Mod 2017 - Duration: 7:33.
Hüvasti, koolikott! - Duration: 1:05.
Why do I go to school?
Why must I study?
What do I want to be when I grow up?
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Why It's Hard To Talk About and Report Child Abuse - Duration: 4:33.
[pencil writing]
[Pokemon game sound]
Last week, I made a very last minute video called "Child Abuse Is Not A Prank Or A Joke"
and it was, in fact, about the DaddyOFive controversy.
Well, not only that.
It was also about my experience.
I've dealt with abuse since I was 7-years-old.
That is a very long time.
And over the years I've been on the Internet, I never talked about it in detail outside of Tumblr.
Last week's video was the first time that I talked about what happened to me on my YouTube channel.
In a way, I wasn't ready, I really wasn't ready,
but after seeing the videos from DaddyOFive and Philip DeFranco,
I couldn't just sit down and stay still.
When stuff like this comes to light, and some cases in the past have come to light by news and elsewhere,
people often say,
"They need to report this."
"Why don't they talk about this?"
"Why don't they tell someone?"
I want to talk about why it's so hard to talk about this kind of stuff and especially to report it.
Sometimes, people don't believe us.
Especially if it's the mother who is the abuser.
Because the mother is usually automatically seen as this sweet, nurturing person that could do no wrong
and will always love her child unconditionally.
Sometimes, people find out and they don't do anything about it, or they give up.
I reported my abuse to my middle school guidance counselor when I was 12.
I remember crying my eyes out, grabbing a bunch of tissues, hyperventilating,
and trying to eat a lollipop that the counselor gave me so I would calm down.
My counselor's solution was to write a letter to my abuser asking her to come in
and to have a conversation about what was going on.
She read the letter, yelled at me about it, and didn't go.
She wanted absolutely nothing to do with it.
I go to my counselor again the next morning and she had no other solutions.
She didn't want to try to do anything else, and she didn't report it further.
To make things even worse, even though stuff like this is already really bad,
Sometimes, there are cases of people literally seeing the abuse happen in front of their eyes
and they don't do anything about it.
Zahra Baker is the perfect example of this.
The murder of Zahra Baker was a huge case in North Carolina.
Zahra Baker was a 10-year-old girl who went through a lot.
She was diagnosed with bone cancer and as a result, lost a leg and her hearing.
Long story short, she was abused by her stepmother.
She went to school with injuries such as a black eye and
even though the family was checked up on, nothing really went through.
Now, her neighbours did see her being abused.
Her neighbours reported to the news as witnesses that they did see it happen in front of their own eyes.
But nobody did anything about it.
Nobody stepped up to try to save this child.
As a result, Zahra Baker was killed and her stepmother was guilty and is now in prison.
Sometimes, people get a little too invasive.
They start asking all of these questions.
Some of it is just genuine curiosity, but as it starts to go on and on, it almost starts to sound like judgment.
"Well, why haven't you told anyone?"
"Did you tell your other parent or anyone else in your family?"
"Why haven't you left?"
As if just suddenly packing up and leaving is an easy solution.
Because to one person who might ask these questions,
it doesn't matter if you don't have the income or the means to take care of yourself if you did leave.
But let me tell you, even if you packed and left, what happens if you end up homeless as a result?
That has and does happen.
If you don't have family or friends to take you in, what are you going to do?
Sometimes, it's easier to stay so you can still have a roof over your head, a bed to sleep in, and food to eat.
It isn't as easy as people think.
I'm not the only person that this has happened to.
Zahra Baker isn't the only person to have died as a result of child abuse.
This happens to so many kids and teenagers everyday.
Can everybody swoop in and be Superman, Superwoman, Superperson and save every child
and put them into a healthy environment?
Probably not.
It's probably not realistic.
But it's just so hard talking about this kind of stuff when you know that it doesn't always work.
Sometimes, you'll take the risk and it pays off.
Sometimes, you'll take the risk and it turns out nobody believes you and you just feel stuck and hurt.
And sometimes, people just don't care.
But, sometimes, things do work out and when that happens, that is a really good thing.
That's why child abuse is so hard to talk about.
If you want to follow me on all of my social media, links to that will be down below.
If you want to help support my content, you can do so by being a Patron on Patreon
or leave tips on ko-fi.
Both links will be down below.
I upload every Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.
And I will see you later. Bye.
Handbags for girls kids Hanbag childrens and toddlers in amazon shopping online 781 - Duration: 0:39.
Handbags for girls kids Hanbag childrens and toddlers in amazon shopping online
8 Ball Pool -New All In Match Auto WIn 100% Worked {No Root} Anti Ban 2017 - Duration: 2:27.
8 Ball Pool - New 3.9.1 Fareez Mod 100% Work [No Root] Fareez AutoWin Mod 2017 - Duration: 7:33.
3-Course Mother's Day Brunch (Strata, Smoothie & Breakfast Parfait) Bigger Bolder Baking - Duration: 8:44.
Hi Bold Bakers!
To celebrate Mother's Day, I am going to show you how you can create this beautiful
three-course brunch.
The recipe's are really simple, it just needs a little bit of planning, and I'm
going to show you how.
So let's get baking!
So first off, I would like to say Happy Mother's Day to mammy Stafford in Ireland.
She is probably the best mammy in the world, so I hope she has a great day.
Now, I want you to stay tuned to the very end of this video, because I'm going to
show you how you can bring the three dishes that we're making together on a beautifully
set table, and your mom will be delighted with it.
We're going to start out with our first course, which is a blueberry muffin smoothie.
Add in frozen blueberries, frozen banana, and the zest of one lemon.
Lemon and blueberries go together like peanut butter and jelly, they are two really complimenting
flavors, they're so yummy.
So now into this mix we're going to add some rolled oats, yoghurt, and then milk.
So now you can use a dairy free yoghurt and a dairy free milk and that will taste really
good too, so in you go.
Then last but not least, we're going to add in our ice.
Our ice will make it nice and cold and thicken it up.
So that's all of our tasty ingredients.
On with our hat.
And you want to blend it up until it's really lovely and smooth.
So what makes this a blueberry muffin smoothie is the oats.
It gives a lovely thickness and creaminess to your smoothie and then also the combination
of the blueberries and the lemon tastes just like a muffin.
Once your smoothie is really blended it is done.
Look at that, lovely and thick.
So go ahead and fill up your glass, I have a really pretty little glass here.
Be generous with your smoothie cause it's mother's day so fill it all the way up to
the top.
Go ahead and pop in a straw for easy drinking.
And that is your blueberry muffin smoothie!
Now I'm going to give it a little taste because my mammy is in Ireland and she can't
be here.
Also, to be fair, I am actually Waffle's mammy so I get a mother's day too.
Oh yum, oh yum yum yum yum yum, is absolutely delicious.
It's funny because you always ask me for smoothie recipes and I think you're really,
really going to like this one, oh geez it's so good.
Ok, don't drink your mother's smoothie.
I'm going to pop this into fridge and then we're going to get started on our next course.
So our next course for our Mother's Day brunch is fruit.
Now this is a really, really easy recipe and it looks amazing.
When I kind of think fruit for breakfast I do think of my mum because she used to have
grapefruit and those kinds of things for breakfast when I was a kid so it kind of reminds me
of her.
So we're going to start out with a cantaloupe, and a cantaloupe is a beautiful melon, gorgeous
color, and has a beautiful flavor.
Now all you want to do is cut the ends off your cantaloupe.
So the reason we cut off the bottom's so it has a nice flat surface to sit on your
And then go ahead and slice them right down the middle.
So now what we have here is something like an edible bowl.
We are going to scoop the seeds right out of the center; you go ahead and discard these.
So now you can do this step actually the night before, scoop out your seeds, and then wrap
them in cling wrap so then the next morning they're ready to go.
Now ours are lovely and scooped, now we're going to make them beautiful.
Go ahead and fill you cantaloupe with yoghurt.
Now I'm using Greek Vanilla Yoghurt, but you can use any type of yoghurt that you want.
Now on top of our yoghurt I'm going to add on more fruit.
You can use any type of fruit you like.
I'm going to use some strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries.
Now for a little bit of crunch and texture, I'm going to put on some granola.
Now the recipe for my granola can be found on along with all of
my other recipes for this video.
Let's do a nice thin line of granola scattered all around.
I love granola on fruit.
And then for another little pop of color I'm going to put in a sprig of mint, right there.
Now don't let the other half go to waste, feel free to fill that one up as well.
So now you'll be happy to know that you can make him up in advance and then pop him
in the fridge all ready to go, he'll hang out in there for a few hours, and then he
can bring all your brunch together.
For right now, we're going to move on to our next dish, which is a beautiful savory
So now the main course for our Mother's Day brunch is going to be a type of a savory
bread and butter pudding, also known as a strata.
It's really delicious and you can add anything you want in to it.
So here I have a big loaf of stale bread, and all I'm going to do is cut away the
brown bits, and the reason I want to do that is just so that our strata looks lovely and
has the same color all over.
Then go ahead and just chop it into chunks, not too big.
Now use any type of bread that you like, and you can also use a challah or kind of an eggy
This is a great recipe to make if you have bits of stale bread hanging around.
For some reason stale bread soaks up the custard better.
Once your bread is chopped put it into a bowl and set it to the side.
So now what really makes this dish kind of crazy is lots of cheddar cheese and chopped
up delicious smoked bacon!
All you want to do is just grate as much cheese as you like, I like a lot of cheese.
And then here I have some cooked bacon all ready, and then just give that a nice chop.
Chop up your cooked bacon nice and small, so you get a little bit of bacon all the way
And then lastly, for a little bit of color, I'm also gonna chop up some parsley.
So if you've never had strata before, let me paint you a little picture.
Imagine bread in a savory custard with loads of cheese, bacon…oh my gosh it really doesn't
get much better than this.
Ok, lovely, now that's all of our accoutrement, now we're going to bring in a bowl and mix
up our custard.
In to your bowl add in your eggs, milk, and a generous helping of salt and pepper, and
then whisk all these ingredients together.
So now because this is a custard-based dish, the main ingredient is egg, so unfortunately
you can't leave them out, you do need them.
Ok, whisky whisky whisky, now we're going to add in our other ingredients.
In goes our cheese, it's like the glue that holds it all together.
I'm going to save a little bit for the top as well.
Bacon, hello, in you go.
Now if you don't eat bacon it's totally fine, you can leave it out, or you can add
in different vegetables instead.
Tasty, and I'm also going to reserve a little bit for the top.
Parsley, for a lovely color, in you go.
And then of course, last but not least, your bread.
Now you want to mix all these ingredients really well together, we want to make sure
that bread soaks up all of that lovely custard.
So give it a good squish down, mixy mixy mix.
So now to plan out your brunch I'm going to tell you a really great tip.
Make this strata up the night before, pop it into the fridge, and then next day all
you have to do is bake it off.
Overnight it will soak up all the lovely custard, the flavor will get better.
This is all mixed up, I'm going to set this aside for 10 minutes and let it soak.
So here I have a springform pan, this is like a cheesecake tin.
Now mine is 9", but you can use a 12" one as well, that will work well.
And then I also have it lined with parchment paper all the way to the top so the custard
doesn't seep out.
Now all you have to do is go ahead fill up your tin.
And with a spatula just flatten out the top.
Now, for those of you who know Bigger Bolder Baking, we don't do things by halves, so
I am going to garnish the top of this strata with some more cheddar cheese, bacon, and
a tiny bit of parsley.
Now just before we bake it, we're going to put a tin foil hat on the top, just to
stop it from browning too early.
Ok, lovely!
Now this guy is ready for the oven.
Bake your strata off at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, or 180 degrees Celsius, for twenty minutes.
Then after the twenty minutes, take off the tin foil and cook it for a further twenty
to twenty five minutes.
Our timer's gone off, so let's check on our strata!
Our strata looks perfect!
As you can see, it's golden brown on top and it puffed up.
And you can tell it's done because it's firm in the middle.
Once your strata has cooled down for around ten to fifteen minutes, you can take it out
of the tin, and then pop it on to your serving platter.
So this is definitely best eaten nice and warm, so go ahead and cut your mum and yourself
a nice big slice.
As you can see the custard has soaked up throughout all of the bread, and there's nice chunks
of bacon in there.
Now that your three courses are done, it's time to bring them all together.
Go the extra mile this Mother's Day and even set a beautiful table for her, and let
her know how special she is.
Oh yummy!
This is my kind of dish, and I'll tell you why.
It is carb on carb and fat and bacon and just delicious stuff, mmm!
You definitely have to make this recipe.
I really hope you enjoyed this episode, Happy Mother's Day to all the mammy's out there,
and I'll see you back here next week for more Bigger Bolder Baking!
Jerry Springer Show (April 27, 2017) : I Have A Gay Fetish - Duration: 35:38.
I'm Crazy - Duration: 6:07.
here comes the plane it's coming there
you go
it's landing hey welcome back if you
don't know me my name is Leslie Daniela and
just in case you want to know I make
videos every Thursday I'm gonna be
honest with you okay can I just tell you
how terrible is been this week for me
I'm not gonna lie my colleagues are
work literally had to tell me to get out of
the shop and breathe because I was
having like a panic attack and so much
anxiety about everything and this is one
of those moments that you have to tell
yourself to chill to calm down to you know
like stop thinking about everything stop
worrying about everything but no in
those moments when everything just comes
everything is a mess that's how it
happens that's how you have anxiety and
that's how you
I think it's been two years since the
last time I chill oh come on
you're always complaining I mean
on Friday evening wasn't that bad you
kind of chilll remember how cute he was
loving is right you didn't end up that
bad come on cheer up a bit
all will be fine could you stop dreaming
do you have any idea what you're going
through right now
you're useless you have no idea what
you're doing with your life he was so
cute you should've see the way he looked
at me I think I finally fall don't you
dare don't you fucking dare but you
crazy if you think you can have any type
of relationship right now I actually
agree with that hi
you'll belong here do you know what I
have the solution for your problems
me too love can someone shut her up
it's kind of impossible you know like it's
literally the strongest voice I have in
my head and no the solution is
not to burn the place I work down I can't do
that I can't but you want to
I don't want to go to jail
angry stop it what she needs is
to find a better job something that doesn't
give her so much anxiety so much
stress have a look at your anxiety
see what I'm saying
just relax all will be fine
she really needs to set everything on
fire this needs to be posted on Thursday
Thursday we know annoying customers
fucking annoying customers and then you
decide to study in the weekends and you
you're gonna be monday to friday working
and then studying in the weekends then
you have to post a video every single
Thursday and then do you have friends
you don't have friends
socialise who needs to sleep who needs to
sleep no one needs to sleep if you want
to have a fucking life there's no enough
hours in a day you stress go to sleep
you're not that stress when he hold you
in his arms and you both cuddle and spoon
till the noon I've got an idea
I'm gonna step loving on fire I'm gonna
set her on fire right here yes
do it do you know what I need love
I need you to shut up she need to edit
this video cuz this video has
to be post Thursday and then in two
weeks you're gonna have a cat yes I'm
gonna have a cat i'm so excited are you
sure you're gonna be able to take care
of a cat when you can barely take care
of yourself
fire love bills
work study nightmares useless all will be fine
really all will be fine you all
need to chill
where is chill Leslie?
Leslie I don't know it's been a while
since I chill so that is all I have for you
guys today thank you so much for
watching this mess yes this is literally
me every single day I know it's a
stressful I know that's my head my head
is terrible and I'm sure there has to be
someone out there that kind of feel the
same like everything is just like I
worry too much about everything it's
insane how much I think like it just
doesn't doesn't stop or maybe I should
probably pay a therapist and that that's
me worrying again so thank you so much
for watching and I really hope to see
you all next Thursday with a bit of
Leslie the bit of my craziness thank you
all so much for the support to all my
friends and family I think I say thank
you a lot of times but I'm just I don't
know it just means a lot for me that you
click that button and watch my video
it's just really true means the war for
me and don't forget to subscribe comment
like if you're new and here comes the
don't forget to comment like subscribe
and yeah bye
f my life I fucking can't
deal with this anymore
I really can't deal with this anymore
I have a massive headache I really
really have to post this on Thursday and I
believe is not a bad idea
we'll see about that when I finish to edit this video bitch
Maury Show (April 26, 2017) : I'm only 26…Is my 61 year old husband a cheater? - Duration: 36:49.
MTB Tour vlog Odenwald - Trails & Manuals -subtitled- - Duration: 11:06.
today on the other side of the rhine (river)
once more!
good balance training - one more time
this time more momentum
don't need balance then...
there's a trail right?
well lets see where I end up... well I know... but lets see if the trail is cool
looks kinda cool
yeah that's pretty cool
uhmm here we go
I always forget to tape the chainstays properly
I remember as soon as I enter the trails
rattle rattle
spring? ...spring!
this is the end??
I think I'll challenge myself..
how about manualing the whole trail down there
pretty long distance
some roots in front
well 1st try was a fail
but like fabio wibmer always says "second first try"
next try
why always here? ... now from here
tricky with all these loose rocks
final attempt
I just failed 2 times at the start
motivation is low... but this will be the one
just lost my momentum
seems to be a trail - lets ride it
woah what was that???
this one left a mark for sure
there it is
got this bike half a month ago and there are already so many scratches
this one on the fork is a big one.. ugly..
well then...
now the standard trail on the mountain
I'm not 100% where to go...
what's that? jump...
I want to check them out first
now the second line
the one with all the roots
seems to be leveled
now I took a stupid line
I'm pretty slow
road ends...
fun fact: last time I took this trail my crankarm broke
there's almost no.......grip
now there are holes I think
slippery stuff
this is cool
this is rideable! .. even a ramp down
bringing a saw next time
hate them loose rocks...
that's how all the scratches appear
look! a castle
what's there?
jump to nowherre
pulling a lot of manuals lately
when following this route I'll get to my car nice!
TEN RANDOM WORDS challenge ★ Olsikowa - Duration: 10:03.
Howdy potatoes!
I think I'm going to stay with the...
usual way of saying hello.
In today's episode I'm going to use another idea I got from you
in the comments.
It's the Ten Words Challenge.
It means I pick ten random words from a book
from random pages. Any word will do.
Whatever I get, I have to deal with it.
If you can't draw a word
you need to make a story behind it,
so it could match to the drawing.
I've prepared this special arrow
I painted it with watercolor and drew some interesting patterns
and with this lovely pointer
I'm gonna choose words.
For those who don't know - at the end of my every video
I put outtakes, you know, bloopers.
So stay till the end!
Okay, I got here my YouTube Notebook!
I'm gonna write here the words
so you wouldn't accuse me of cheating.
Okay, let's start!
First word...
Let's put it here... yes!
Aaah! Great for starters!
This looks good.
It's going to be...
Right next to "bunch of thieves".
This could be interesting, too. If I picked "bunch" or "thieves".
Okay, no stopping, let's go, go, go!
No... one.
No one.
Ooo and there was "Baggins" right next to it!
And what's going to be next...
A name was so close! Gandalf!
Let's go.
I hope I'll pick a name next time.
I think it's "thin".
Yes, "thin"...
Oh my, what am I gonna do with this? It'll be fun.
Under the armpits?!
Nah, it's clearly "under".
It would be funny if it was "under the armpits". Hehe.
"Let". Okay.
And we got here...
Ah, it was the last one.
Okay! I had to think really hard
to make a good story with these words, and I wanted them
to appear in the same order
I picked them.
Without mixing them, you know.
This is how I created the story.
Here are the words.
The story. So many strikethroughs. But
at some point it went smoothly.
And here's...
a plan how it's supposed to look like.
Two attempts.
Attention, please! Here's the story:
Two ELVES were looking at a map drawn on an old parchment.
I wanted to use a comic style here,
it brings me a lot of joy lately
drawing like this.
I think I'm kinda weird, since
I need so many changes to feel good.
Is anyone of you like that too? Do you like diversification?
From a safe distance, a wizard's owl was watching them,
because the elves TURNED OUT to be unworthy to complete the task they were given.
So owl is the object connected to the word "turn out".
Because it... watches them... because they turned out...
You know what I mean, right?
Oh man, do you hear this hoarseness? I hope you don't mind it.
A... a... a...
Yup. Hoarseness it is.
Such a proffessional voice testing!
And why did they appear to be unworthy?
Because they stole a pouch left under NO ONE's supervision.
They didn't know the owner of the pouch was lurking for them THROUGH the gap between trees.
I know he might look like he's lurking from behind a tree...
but let's keep it is a gap between trees.
When he noticed his pouch being stolen, he MANAGED only to grab his beer
and followed the thieves since, waiting for a good moment to retrieve his property.
Don't know why, but when I'm looking at this dude, he seems to be more of a pervert, than a victim.
Maybe every guy lurking through a gap between trees
looks like a pervert.
Beer in his hand doesn't help!
Oh, my!
I couldn't stick to the correct order
because first I picked "hill" and then...
(well it doesn't matter because in english translation)
(the order is correct, so nevermind)
The wizard was hiding over the HILL and his THIN fingers
were creating a charm, which was about to make the ground collapse UNDER elves' feet.
So as you can see - this charm here, white smoke and sparkles around his hands
is also appearing around the evil elves' feet.
I know, elves are usually
the good guys,
they're noble etc,
but in some literature there are different approaches.
Most cases elves are shown as
proud creatures with a weakness for beautiful things.
You can see rich patterns on their clothes,
maybe they saw something precious in this pouch?
That's why they felt an unstoppable urge to have it.
But most of all, there always can be a
black sheep of the family.
And now, they just...
follow the path of darkness.
These things happen.
That's why the wizard wanted to challenge them.
And now he can assume
these elves suck.
So he needs to pass this amazing task to someone else,
the task... which is...
something only wizard knows.
So if the ground collapsed,
falling elves were supposed to drop the map,
and a hobbit, going this direction,
would LET his curiosity be his guide and he would pick up the map.
After reading the map
he could take up where the elves left off.
I didn't want him to be Bilbo or, I don't know, Frodo or something.
I wanted him to be an anonymous hobbit,
occasionally going for a walk in the wodds.
Maybe he wanted to pick some mushrooms for dinner?
Who knows.
I got to say the last word here!
The last word belongs to me.
And this word is BUT.
BUT! This whole plan was about to be destroyed
by a little squirrel jumping from a tree to tree.
It would land on wizard's hands
and stop creating the charm.
I like this picture so much!
It was worth to spend...
Five... Six?
Seven hours on drawing?
From 5 p.m till midnight. How long is that?
Three... seven! (gasp)
Allright, there were two little breaks.
Two one-hour breaks.
It makes 5 hours, then.
Come to me, sheepy!
Quite a relationSHEEP.
Let me know how did you like the story and the picture!
I highly recommend doing this challenge.
It was so much fun!
And I know it's pretty time-consuming,
but if you draw on a tablet it always takes time, because you care about every detail
you can zoom everithing and work on something,
that wouldn't be even visible from the distance.
It doesn't change the fact I'm extremely proud of this picture,
it looks like a frame from an animated movie,
or a picture from a book, where you look for hidden things.
I just love neat and detailed pictures!
Love it!
Okay, for the next video I'd like you to
five or ten words - depends on
how much time you have.
So from this five or ten words you need to create a picture.
Of course you need to write down the words and show it to me.
Send your drawings to
And a fancy sheep has a playlist for you, it will appear on a screen
playlist with a music, that will give you a shot of energy!
It works for me.
so click it...
See you again on Thursday at 6 p.m.
don't forget about it!
So take care and byebyebye!
Hah, this looks funny.
I think I'm gonna have some fun with this arrow.
Is this an animal abuse, or not yet?
Easy, the sheep likes it.
What should I do in my Intro!? - Duration: 1:45.
there's no pleasure without the pain, right?
all right guys it's me,Tara,
OK, so I realized something everybody on
YouTube has like little things that they
do in their videos in the beginning
I don't have that I'm just like hey guys
it's me Tara and then I get right into
it what should i do?
you know saying, "Chew for thought?"
I feel like chewin bubblegum will help me...
So that's what I'm doin, I'm
chewing for some thought. Figure out what
i'm going to do then beginning of every video
Hey guys just meet Tara erickson
hey guys it's me Tara erickson
Hey guys it's me Tara
you know I could start depressed
and then get happy
hold the smile
It's me Tara
It's me Tara
Me, Tara
I pop back up and they go "Oooh,
wow she's still alive!"
Take them through the motions
It's me Tara
They go "Oh wow she's spellin it out"
Let's do some more chew for thought
thought got to go through the pain of
chewing it, but then boy oh boy it's a
pleasure afterwards
Hey Guys, its me Tara
maybe I just hold it like this
for a little while
and people think the screen's frozen
but it's not
It's just, that's how I do every intro
Good right?
Potęga Podświadomości: Mity i Sprostowania o Podświadomości - Duration: 15:55.
Relazioni pericolose - I 50 segnali di una relazione intima tossica - Parte 10 - Segnali 43-50 - Duration: 3:55.
Lithuanian Hot Pockets: It Was Love At First Taste - Duration: 8:27.
Over Easter weekend I tasted these Lithuanian packaged hot pockets and I really wanted to
try making them myself.
They're filled with a flavor that I'm not familiar with.
It's lentils combined with onions and majoram.
And potatoes.
Oh no, the potatoes go in the dough that's wrapped around the filling.
They were so tasty I wanted to try making them at home.
The recipe uses measurements of 'glass', which I'm not familiar with.
So I'm just using a glass.
It's around a cup.
I found a recipe online and it was in Polish.
I couldn't find the English version because I'm not familiar with the keywords.
My husband translated it for me and so I'm able to make this recipe.
With a little modification.
More onions and I'm using yellow lentils instead of green lentils.
I have the lentils boiling.
They've got some foam.
Looks so disgusting.
I think the lentils are done.
I just didn't have a chance to go out and buy them.
So, we'll see how they taste.
But hopefully, they'll taste as good as the ones I had over Easter.
I think this might be too much?
I don't know.
It needs a bigger pot.
And the potatoes.
I accidentally left it on too high so it's a little burnt.
I hope it's okay.
I'm adding garlic at the end.
So the recipe calls for majoram and we found something green.
And I know we have majoram...but the basil, thyme and mint are all labeled so this has
to be majoram?
I think.
Now I'm putting the cooked onions and lentils together.
I actually had left some raw onions to mix in as well.
That was the tip we got from my cousin in law on how to make them.
She was the one that made the Lithuanian dish for Easter.
I don't know if this is going to all fit?
I don't know if I should try.
Maybe I should blend it first?
These are fresh eggs from the farm.
I gotta make this a little drier.
Because I don't think I can fold this into the dough.
It's too, it looks a little wet.
I don't know how, this is breadcrumb.
I think this looks okay.
I've been having this for a while so I don't know if it'll be any good.
Dry dry!
I'll put this on here.
On a lot of flour.
And roll it out.
Should they be this big?
Alright, so.
The filling right here.
I assume this is how you close it?
I'm not sure.
But it looks similar to what I had.
Hope this will stay sealed.
One more here.
This is way too much I think.
Oh I hope this stays sealed.
So what I'm left with is a ton of filling.
I don't know, was I suppose to fill it more?
Make it thinner?
This is what I came up with.
Now I'm going to put an egg wash on top.
This is kinda fun.
It's like painting.
I don't know how much I'm suppose to put on here.
It got really puffy.
And here they are.
They're really delicious.
Crispy on the outside and very soft on the inside.
Since I ended up with so much filling, I threw together some dough with some sourdough starter
I had.
And I made another batch.
I know it's not going to taste as good because it doesn't have potato in it but we'll see
when they come out.
The sourdough batch, they look really shiny and extremely puffy.
I hope they taste okay.
I hope they're done inside.
Oh, they're still good.
Oh they're heavy.
This is what they look like.
It's hot.
I think they're harder they're much harder than I expected.
We'll see when they cool off a bit.
They're definitely not as good.
It's bready, it's actually like a cracker over the filling.
But I think they might taste much better when they cool off, so we'll see.
I like the shapes they come in.
I'm having the very last one.
And I think I will make them some other time.
I think they're really good for breakfast or brunch.
I would love to have this in the morning and just heat it up in the oven.
It seems like something that would go really well with coffee.
So I think I'll give it a try some other time, maybe make a really large batch and then freeze
them and save them for later.
Awesome Vegan Beauty Products + natural | Kia Lindroos - Duration: 6:16.
hi everyone and welcome to my channel
today I wanted to talk about vegan beauty
and I pretty much just want to do a basic vegan beauty video
and share some of my absolute favourite vegan beauty products
there are so many great products that are out there
that are vegan and these ones are all to the most part natural as well
and thats what I also always prefer using
so its good for your skin, its good for the animals and its a little bit better for this world
and yeah, I just absolutely love these products so I wanted to share them with you guys
if you guys are starting your vegan journey or your natural beauty journey
or whatever it is maybe this video can help you guys out
so my absolute number one product that I want to share with you guys
is this dry shampoo.
I never used dry shampoo before but then I started to want to wash my hair less and less
because I used to do that every day
so the I decided to give it a go and this one was the first one I did give a go on
but I am so in love with this product
I also wanted to find a natural dry shampoo
so that its good for your scalp. I am always very careful with what I put onto my hair..or I try to be
and this one is just so, so awesome
I have it on today as well and this is the third day that I have not been washing my hair
and for somebody who has extremely thin hair
that gets oily easily, I think thats pretty awesome
so this is the dry shampoo by lulu organics and it is in the scent lavender
they have other scents too but I'm just a lavender fanatic so I absolutely love this one
so definitely give that a go.
Lets keep it to hair products
Nest one I have hear is by Lush and it is the BIG shampoo
It is a volumizing shampoo
so Lush is kind of a sort of natural but not really brand
you know they have more natural ingredients in their products usually
but there are still some not so awesome ingredients in them
non the less this shampoo is really, really amazing
even Alex my boyfriend love using it
it just gives the hair such a nice voluminous look after the shower
and it just feels amazing, your hair feels so soft after using it, its nice to apply, and it also smells really good
definitely give that a go if you are looking for a shampoo
The next few products that I want to talk about are from the brand SantaVerde
and it is their Aloe Vera range
I have only tried out their wash gel and also their moisturizer
and they are both really amazing products
the moisturiser is one of the best moisturisers I have tried until now
and this one is a really, really good wash gel as well
I made a video about vegan wash gels a while ago as well if you want to go check that one out, there are couple of other great wash gels too
but this one would definitely go on the top of my list of great wash gels. I absolutely love using this one.
So next I want to talk about make-up
and here again I try to use natural products if I can find some good ones and of course always vegan.
so one product that I have absolutely been loving since I discovered them
were the PuroBio lipliners
They have such great staying power, such great colours as well
sadly not all of them are vegan. The two that I have here are both matte colours
I have one of them on my lips today. They are both matte, the other one is 10 matte, the other 8 matte
but I absolutely love them. They give such a nice matte colour on the lips
and, you know, there is this trend going on right now anyway with the 90s kind of matte lip colours and I think this one suits that trend just so so well
such great products and really, really good price as well. I think these are around 7 euros or so, so thats a really good price lip liner/ lip pencil
so definitely go try those ones out
I am going to link everything in the description box down below if you are interested in anything so you'll easily find all of that
The next make-up product that I want to talk about is eyeliner
I pretty much use eyeliner every day or when ever I use make-up at least
I just absolutely love the look, I feel like it just opens my eyes more, I don't know, may thats just what I feel like but
I just love using eyeliner and making a winged eyeline
and thats not always easy t o find a vegan and natural liquid eyeliner
lately I have been using the one from 100% Pure, their liquid eyeliner in black
This one like is glued to your eyes, its almost difficult to wash off
which sort of is a negative side but on the other hand
when it rains, and its raining a lot lately, it's important that it stays on
so I absolutely love this liquid eyeliner so if you are looking for one try this one from 100% Pure.
Last product that I want to talk about today is foundation
I have mentioned this in so many of my videos already..
it is the PuroBio Sublime foundation. I really, really like this product
its almost always my go to foundation
kind of depending on the weather but since its still kind of cold..I think in the summer time
when it gets warmer, its a bit too thick and I won't be using this one too much
but other than that I love using this one a lot
it gives a matte finish and it's buildable in its coverage
so whenever I do have some little spots or imperfections it really does cover those up really, really well
I am going to leave a make-up tutorial video that I made a while go where I also use this if you want to see it in action
and again a really good price. It's not expensive at all
Ok guys. Those were all of my absolute favourite vegan beauty products for the moment
you know, I keep getting new ones that I really like
or I start loving another product that I haven't used in a while or something
you know, I am thinking of making many more of these in the future as well every now and then
just to update you guys on some of the amazing vegan beauty products that are out there and also natural of course ( or for the most part)
If you did like this video remember to give it thumbs up and also leave your favourite vegan beauty products down in the comments below
and yeah, subscribe to my channel for more videos and I will see you in my next one.
Bye Bye!
Makeup Tutorial Compilation April 2017 | The Most Beautiful Makeup Ideas - Duration: 10:11.
Thanks for watching
Hope you have a great time
Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!
types of fans || whoevenismaria - Duration: 7:08.
FREAK RAGE!! (Overwatch Funny Moments #2) - Duration: 16:20.
music plays
拍攝器材升級 Video Equipment Upgrade - Duration: 1:01.
Hello, I'm Steven Law
I just upgraded my selfie equipment
You can see the video quality now
Very smooth, not shaking
I just went to the street to practice using the selfie equipment
Found that holding a selfie equipment is very attractive to the eyes of passers-by
Passers-by will go back to see
The person who keeps talking to the camera
With his selfie equipment
Will begin to shoot more high-quality vlog
Such as introducing different types of guitars
I saw someone on BiliBili often asked
are the guitar behind me really can play, or just the furnishings
If you look more careful, I use them in different videos
I will start to introduce different types of wood
Is tones have any difference between different wood
Everybody wants to see more high quality free videos
Remember to subscribe to my Facebook, instagram and Youtube
Now I go ahead and practice how to use the camera
see you next time bye, Bye
The WRONG Question To Ask A Realtor - Duration: 4:18.
Gary Wong: Hey, guys.
It's Gary Wong with again.
People know me as the Christian Realtor.
I'm also the author of The Book on Vancouver Real Estate.
Today, I just want to share a video in my car.
It's been awhile since I last filmed in my car.
Today, I want to talk about something that I've been doing these days.
For the past year, I've been mentoring other real estate agents and I'm certified as a
[McDawn 00:00:47] Realty Certified Mentor.
I mentor new real estate agents who want to pass the post licensing requirements.
Then the common question and barrier that they go through is that when they meet their
clients, their clients ask them how many years in the business have you been in.
The problem is that I think that's the worst question to ask real estate agents.
Because it's really not about how many years in the business they've been in.
I've seen veteran realtors with 30 years experience make huge mistakes.
They're just dropping the ball.
They're not doing their due diligence when working with their clients.
They're not looking up whether a house is an owner built house or whether it's built
by a particular builder.
They're just dropping the ball, but I've also seen newer agents that are also dropping the
At the end of the day, it's not about how many years in the business you've been in
but how diligent and how hard working the agent is.
I've met a ton of agents in the industry, and there's just a lot of bad agents.
Honestly, there's just a lot of bad agents out there.
The agents aren't doing what they should be doing for their clients.
They're not working their best interest.
They're not fully disclosing everything.
They're trying to pressure their clients to buy or sell.
I really think they have a short term thinking.
They're not really thinking in the long term, building a long term relationship with their
When you interview a realtor, just don't focus on how many years in the business they've
been in.
Focus on what they're going to do, how hard are they going to work.
If they don't know the answer, are they going to go and find out.
Are they going to be on top of things?
Are you low on their priority list, or are you very high on their priority list?
Are they going to get back to you?
I think the key is to really look at the realtor and see whether this realtor has the grit,
has the character to really do what's best for you.
Don't look at the years of experience.
Don't look at the number of awards they've made.
those awards speak something but it's not everything.
I've won a bunch of awards, but I've also seen a lot of award winning real estate agents
that they don't know what they're doing.
Really it's about whether they're a good fit, whether they really do what they say and say
what they do.
I'll share more in another video so that's it for today.
Gary Wong with
Until next time, God Bless you.
Thanks, guys, for watching my video.
Please subscribe and share with your friends.
Email me if you have any more questions.
Thank you.
Blonde Cucumber Explodes... പൊട്ടു വെള്ളരി പൊട്ടി - Duration: 2:46.
Hi guyzz..
Lets go and watch what happened to..
the blonde cucumber
"pottu vellari" i have placed
on my cupboard last night with some
water sprinkled on it
here, on the top it is intact
but, on the side you can see that
it cracked...
it cracked like this...
yes, from top to bottom is a single crack..
now, let me split open..
it is so delicate
how it looks..
we can see the seeds right at the center
and the flesh is having a consistency like
... some grains...
not sticky at all..
feels like some grains
flesh you can see towards the sides and the seeds
at the center
see after grating using a spoon
am able to make
so easily a plate of seeds
and another one with the flesh
and it looks just like snow...
... white snow.. it looks like
Advantages & Disadvantages of Owning 100 oz Silver Bullion Bars As Seen On Fox News and Alex Jones! - Duration: 7:54.
hey guys what's going on Pete Olsson the
Montana silver stacker hope everyone out
in YouTube world is doing fantastic it
is Wednesday today into 26th and I am
doing a video on the advantages and
disadvantage of disadvantages of
stacking 100 ounce silver bullion bars
and I've got three 100 ounce bars
one two three they're all the same kind
from from OPM and I do there's a lot of
reasons than I do it I'd like to be
diversified we'll show you the metals
here quickly but I like to be
diversified in my silver gold medals
holdings if you will and when I say
diversified I'd like to have one ounce 5
ounce 10 ounce kilos 100 ounce I'd like
to have rounds and bars I like to have
bullion I like to have government mint I
like to have semi numismatic coins I
like to have you know proof 70 low
mintage numismatic point because the
appreciation etc etc but I've got three
100 ounce bars of silver and the reason
guys and let me show you this one and
they are heavy man this is from OPM and
just a beautiful beautiful bar the
advantages of the hundred ounce bars is
that a they store very very neatly put
my hand are big that's so heavy they
store in your safe so neatly and it's
squarely in there and you know just easy
to stack in there it makes it very very
simple so that's number one number two
very small train Ian's over spot you can
get the you know some of the best prices
in the world on 100 ask it's a lot
easier for them sell all this in one big
bar then it is
two individual individual realms number
three it just as I mentioned it's great
to be diversified I think it's great to
have everything you know you know as far
as the metals are concerned so number
four I like it just in case down the
road guys there's a you know a huge
purchase that you know I would like to
make and this would make it easier I
mean it's very possible as mike maloney
and david morgan somebody even talked
about that you know a few ounces of
silver could buy a house one day or a
tract of land etc etc so a hundred ounce
bar would could could buy you something
absolutely enormous you know but you
want that you want to do etc etc you
don't have to in my opinion I don't
think you have to have a lot of these
that's why I have three the three
hundred ounce is three hundred hundred
ounce bars I think I think that's a for
me that made sense in the future will I
add to it you know maybe maybe I'll get
one of those hand poured ones but I'm
not any rush to I think that satisfies
the itch if you will some of the you
know disadvantages of the hundred ounce
bars guys is that you know the cost can
be out of reach for many investors right
I mean in today's price is about
eighteen dollars an ounce
it's eighteen hundred bucks okay in the
past in the 1980s there were some
isolated cases of genuine bars with
holes drilled in filled in with lead but
you know again you have to make sure
that you're buying you know from
reputable reputable private mints
reputable dealers like for instance my
company is n International Silver
Network right that's very important our
customer website by the way is WWF re
silver and gold calm so so that's
important other people feel that
is the exchange training it's hard it
would be hard to use and that's that's
not true I mean that's not true this can
be melted down just like anything else
will be people that you know that want
the bigger bars for storage ease and
accessibility so on and so forth
so there will always be a market for
people that want this will be a market
for every type of exchange in silver and
gold whether you know be the one ouncers
or five ounces or ten ounces or kilos
etc etc but there is a place for these
and I and I think that everyone should
have a few but I don't think this is
something that you should start off with
I think this is you know the hundred
ounce bars of silver should be after you
you have 500 ounces of one ounce rounds
or bars I think that's where you should
start off that I call that the training
wheels of silver stacking and then after
you have 501 ounce bars or rounds then
then go from there and start getting
into five answers and ten ounces and
kilos you know government mint coins you
know American Eagle Canadian Maple Leaf
Mexican Libertad UK Britannia so on and
so forth okay but definitely something
that you want to put into your portfolio
of silver stacking I just don't feel I
need any more than three at this point
if I get the edge all I had may be
another one but I think it's good so
there you go guys
100 ounce bars and today's dollars about
$1,800 at 18 dollars an ounce and they
are heavy they're beautiful and there
you have some of the advantages and
disadvantages of owning 100 ounce silver
bullion bars alright if you guys like
this video please give it a thumbs up
please share it please subscribe please
feel free to comment below let me know
if you have any hundred ounce bars or if
you're planning on getting some and any
other comments or thoughts or feelings
that you have
and I would love love to hear from you I
run all of North America guys for isn
International Silver Network we have an
absolutely phenomenal silver and gold
home-based business why not get paid to
do what you already love to do stack
silver and gold and I've been able to
stack over 6500 ounces of silver and
gold for free because of is N and I
qualify for my brand new Mercedes Benz
in the first 60 days of the the business
they send me on trips all over the world
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My cat had a job - Duration: 4:34.
Global Market Cap Hits $50 Trillion For The First Time Ever As All Eyes Turn To Trump Tax Plan - Duration: 24:42.
Global Market Cap Hits $50 Trillion For The First Time Ever As All Eyes Turn To Trump
Tax Plan
by Tyler Durden
After two days of back to back triple digit gains in the Dow for the first time since
the election, overnight the torrid rally has faded, with European shares and U.S. stock
futures little changed ahead of Trump's big unveil of his much anticipated tax cut plan
as investors seek new impetus for a flagging relief rally. And, if as some traders expect,
the rally is likely to be reignited no matter what Trump announces today (although a less
hyperbolic plan may in fact be more favorable for risk, as it makes Trump's plan more likely
instead of being shot down by Congress).
Despite the tapering of euphoria, world stocks hit another all time high on the back of strong
earnings and the realization that whatever Trump says, the S&P - less than 1% from all
time highs - will likely hit a new record. the MSCI world equity index, which tracks
shares in 46 countries, was up 0.1% to a fresh record high. It is up nearly 2% this week
and 8.35% since the start of the year. As Bloomberg's David Ingles charts, the market
cap of all stocks in the index, and thus the world, has just surpassed $50 trillion for
the first time ever.
"On top of (the French election result) we have had a very decent set of corporate earnings
in the U.S. and that helped push the market further along the same direction," said Investec
economist Philip Shaw. "I am unsure how further along we really are on the tax cutting agenda,
but it is certainly not doing market sentiment any harm," he added.
Further details on President Trump's tax cutting plans are expected to be announced later on
Wednesday, potentially reviving reflation bets. The threat of a U.S. government shutdown
this weekend also receded after Trump backed away from demanding Congress include funding
for his planned border wall with Mexico in a spending bill.
The dollar rebounded modestly for a second day after plunging in the past week to lows
not seen since November, gaining against most group-of-10 currencies even as the WTI slide
continues, with crude languishing below $50 a barrel after a report on U.S. supplies.
European stocks halted a five-day advance that had taken them to the highest since 2015
as earnings painted a mixed picture on growth.
According to Bloomberg, investors are waiting to see if Trump�s conciliatory tone on the
border wall could help avert a government shutdown even as most members of the Congress
are in the dark about the $1.1 trillion spending bill. Policy reviews by the Japanese and European
Central Bank may also set the tone for rest of the week.
European shares pulled back slightly from 20-month highs as some disappointing corporate
results weighed on the market but Asian stocks powered ahead. The Stoxx Europe 600 Index
was little changed, after a five-day rally to the highest since August 2015.
Japan�s Topix index rose 1.2 percent, climbing for a fifth straight day for the longest winning
streak this year. Futures on the S&P 500 Index were flat after the underlying gauge climbed
0.6 percent on Tuesday, to within 10 points of its closing record.
The early FX price action this morning has been in the EUR, as the market has faded the
story out late yesterday that the ECB are considering signalling a tweak in their monetary
policy stance in the wake of the Macron first round victory at the weekend. This sounds
premature to say the least, and alongside this, we have seen Draghi and Co curbing some
of the hawkish sentiment in response to their last meeting. The recovery EU wide is a little
better than fragile, but as the Fed have been struggling to do in their communication to
the market, the ECB now face a similar task.
The slew of positive news pushed the Nasdaq composite to a record high on Tuesday while
the Dow and S&P 500 brushed against recent peaks.
Against a strengthening dollar, the euro held on to the bulk of the gains made earlier this
week; it fell 0.13 percent to $1.0911, but is still up 1.72 percent from Friday's close.
U.S. Treasury yields, meanwhile, rose above 2.30 percent for the first time in two weeks.
"U.S. bond yields have broken higher without the support of commodity prices which is one
of the clearest signs that the Trump trade is back," Morgan Stanley analysts said in
a note. Euro zone government bond yields nudged up ahead of Trump's keenly anticipated tax
Oil prices resumed their downward trend on Wednesday as data showed a rise in U.S. crude
inventories and record supplies in the rest of the world cast doubt on OPEC's ability
to cut supplies and tighten the market.
Economic data include revision of retail sales. Procter & Gamble, PepsiCo are among companies
scheduled to publish results. Alphabet, Microsoft,, Twitter, Intel, Barclays, Bayer
AG and Total SA are among major companies releasing results later this week. The Bank
of Japan is widely expected to keep the settings on its monetary easing program unchanged at
the end of a two-day policy meeting on Thursday. Though inflation remains well below the central
bank�s 2 percent target, it�s ticking up. The ECB sets monetary policy later that
same day. With officials indicating little chance of a policy change, the focus will
be on any signals from President Mario Draghi that the central bank is debating an exit
from its extraordinary stimulus.
Market Snapshot
S&P 500 futures down less than 0.1% to 2,384.00 STOXX Europe 600 unchanged at 386.90
MXAP up 0.5% to 149.55 MXAPJ up 0.3% to 487.86
Nikkei up 1.1% to 19,289.43 Topix up 1.2% to 1,537.41
Hang Seng Index up 0.5% to 24,578.43 Shanghai Composite up 0.2% to 3,140.85
Sensex up 0.7% to 30,149.50 Australia S&P/ASX 200 up 0.7% to 5,912.04
Kospi up 0.5% to 2,207.84 German 10Y yield fell 1.0 bps to 0.368%
Euro down 0.2% to 1.0910 per US$ Brent Futures down 0.04% to $52.08/bbl
Italian 10Y yield rose 8.4 bps to 1.972% Spanish 10Y yield rose 1.1 bps to 1.686%
Gold spot up 0.1% to $1,265.84 U.S. Dollar Index up 0.2% to 98.98
Top Headline News from Bloomberg
President Donald Trump�s expected call to slash the corporate tax rate to 15 percent
-- a number that many economists say would boost the deficit so much that the cut would
be short-lived -- may be less about policy and more about deal-making
The roll-out of legislation this week that would rip up much of the Dodd-Frank Act marks
a pivotal moment for Republicans� efforts to overhaul post-crisis financial rules
Credit Suisse Chief Executive Officer Tidjane Thiam is bowing to investor pressure to keep
the bank�s biggest profit generator and instead will bolster capital by selling stock
in a rights offer KKR & Co. offered to buy a controlling stake
in Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc., the chip system-making unit of Hitachi Ltd., in a bid
that values the target at $2.3 billion BHP Billiton Ltd. said it may resurrect the
sale of its under-performing Fayetteville shale gas assets in Arkansas a little more
than two weeks after billionaire Paul Singer proposed spinning off the mining company�s
U.S. petroleum division China Southern Airlines Co. said it plans
to buy 20 widebody aircraft from Airbus SE in a deal worth about $6 billion, according
to a filing to the Hong Kong stock exchange Wednesday
KKR to Acquire Hitachi Kokusai in Deal Valued at $2.3b
IQiyi, Netflix Reach Content Cooperation Agreement Uber to Question Alphabet�s Larry Page in
Robocar Case Bayer-Monsanto Deal Needs EU Scrutiny, NRW
Minister Tells RP Shanghai to Develop �Water Town� Next
to Disneyland, Zone Says Asia equity markets maintained the positive
momentum from their counterparts in US, where the DJIA outperformed on strong earnings and
the NASDAQ Comp. closed over 6,000 for the first time ever. ASX 200 (+0.8%) gained on
return from holiday, while Nikkei 225 (+1.1%) benefitted after the JPY weakened against
its major counterparts. The Hang Seng (+0.3%) and Shanghai Comp. (+0.2%) also conformed
to the upside after the PBoC continued its liquidity injections. Finally, 10yr JGBs were
lower with demand dampened amid the broad-based heightened risk appetite and as the BoJ kick-started
its 2-day policy meeting in which the bank is widely expected to remain on hold, while
there was also notable underperformance observed in the super long end.
PBoC injected CNY 40bIn in 7-day reverse repos, CNY 20bIn in 14-day reverse repos and CNY
20bIn in 28-day reverse repos.
Top Asian News
China�s Homemade Aircraft Carrier Is Second in Xi�s Fleet
China Merchants Seeks to Overtake UBS in Asia With Offshore Push
China Market Strains Worsen as AAA Rated Vanke Scraps Bond Sale
ICRA Sees FY18 Foreign Flows Into Indian Debt Capped at $5- $10b
China Eastern Said in Cargo Stake Sale Talks With Private Firms
Huarong Investment Risks in Spotlight After Glaucus Report
Hyundai Motor Counts on SUV, Genesis Brand to Revive Profits
Korean Peninsula on Brink of War Provoked From Outside: Russia
European bourses fail to find any firm direction with equities trading somewhat mixed yet again.
Earning updates are yet again at the forefront of investors' minds, with Credit Suisse outperforming
in the SMI this morning after announcing profit rose above analyst estimates, additionally
the Swiss bank noted that they will raise USD 4bIn in a rights issues. Elsewhere, luxury
names have been lifted after Kering stated that their organic growth were significantly
ahead of expectations. Credit markets have found some support following yesterday's risk
sentiment as the bund has seen a slow grind higher since the cash open, benefiting from
month-end extension buying needs.
Top European News
Santander�s Brazil Patience Pays off as Rebound Lifts Profit
Kering Shares Surge After Gucci�s Strongest Growth in 20 Years
Standard Chartered Profit Soars as Bank Overhaul Gains Traction
Daimler Raises Earnings Forecast as Spending Pressure Mounts
HSBC, RBS Saudi Ventures in Talks to Form $78 Billion Lender
BHP Considers U.S. Shale Asset Sale After Activist Call
Handelsbanken�s Capital Supremacy Fails to Charm Shareholders
Telia Sees Lower Uzbek Fine of $1 Billion as Sales Top Views
SEB Sees Riksbank Move After �Shock� Sweden Manufacturing Data
De Benedetti Bets on Media as Italy Business Clans Look to Sell
In currencies, the Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index increased 0.2%, climbing for a second day
after a 0.5 percent drop on Monday. The yen slipped 0.1 percent to 111.24 per dollar,
after dropping 1.2 percent on Tuesday. The euro lost 0.2 percent to $1.0903, after four
straight days of gains. The early price action this morning has been in the EUR, as the market
has faded the story out late yesterday that the ECB are considering signalling a tweak
in their monetary policy stance in the wake of the Macron first round victory at the weekend.
This sounds premature to say the least, and alongside this, we have seen Draghi and Co
curbing some of the hawkish sentiment in response to their last meeting. The recovery EU wide
is a little better than fragile, but as the Fed have been struggling to do in their communication
to the market, the ECB now face a similar task. So the 1.0950 test was inevitable given
the headline driven market, but EUR/USD has since tempered this with a move back to 1.0900,
while EUR/GBP � traditionally bid into month end � is also restrained through 0.8500
� but largely down to Cable resilience ahead of 1.2750, but now seemingly 1.2800 (1.2805
the low this morning). For EUR/USD, 1.0850-30 looks strong in the meantime. USD/JPY has
also slipped back a little, and as we noted yesterday, sellers aplenty in the 111.00-112.00
area. We suspect a large chunk of the upside is down to the hopes and expectations of credible
tax plans to be 'outlined' in an announcement later today, so the risk here is that the
market is (again?) disappointed. EUR/JPY has also relented given the above move, and after
failing to touch on 122.00, we are back in the lower 121.00's.
In commodities, gold struggled with reclaiming USD1270 yesterday, and we have since slipped
back into the mid USD1260's as the recovery in the USD index allied with a modest recovery
in risk assets put further pressure on precious metals. Silver has also given up ground, and
has dipped into the USD17.50's. Oil prices back in focus after we slipped back under
USD50.00 in WTI, resuming its decline and losing 0.2% to $49.45 per barrel, after halting
a six-day selloff on Tuesday. . OPEC talks now key as Oil bulls need further encouragement
on an extension to the output cuts. The major producers all seem broadly open to the idea,
most of all Saudi Arabia as ongoing comments suggest. Key EIA report today with speculation
inventory will contract. Base metals all following the risk mood, with ranges tight ahead of
Trump announcement later today. Copper buoyed but struggles at USD2.60.
It�s a very quiet day ahead in terms of data. Over in Europe French consumer confidence
for April is the only number of note and is expected to be unchanged at 100, and there�s
nothing of note to watch in the US. However earnings season continues with Proctor & Gamble
and Boeing due to report today among other names. Away from data, we will see UK PM Theresa
May host EC President Juncker and EU�s Brexit negotiator Michal Barnier today
US Event Calendar
DB's Jim Reid concludes the overnight wrap
So on day 97 of his Presidency, today is all about Mr Trump's tax plans of which the eventual
success (or lack of it) will likely define the economic landscape of his administration.
The WSJ last night reaffirmed that Mr Trump wants to slash corporate tax including on
pass through businesses. He is also planning a tax break for child care expenses. There
was also talk of a territorial tax for companies where they would pay little or no tax on future
foreign earnings. Bloomberg also report that a repatriation tax of 10% is planned on the
estimated $2.6tn of stockpiled offshore earnings. Anyway whatever we hear today it will still
have to go through legislative approval and there will a lot of talk about how tough that
will be if it's not revenue neutral.
Staying with US politics there were signs yesterday that a US government shutdown may
end up being averted as President Trump showed signs of easing up on his demands for the
immediate funding of the border wall. So far the spending plan needed to keep agencies
running till September has been kept quiet ahead of this Friday�s deadline, but Trump�s
willingness to push back funding the wall to later this year could be a sign that he
would be ready to sign the spending bill.
Ahead of the big day in Washington, sentiment across global markets remained positive yesterday
following the relief rally on Monday. European equities ticked up on the day (STOXX +0.2%)
while the Eurozone Banks index gained by +0.6%. The DAX and CAC posted small gains of +0.1%
and +0.2%. US equity markets maintained momentum with the S&P gaining +0.6%, led by Materials
(+1.4%) and Financials (+1.2%). Strong bluechip earnings helping. The NASDAQ also hit a new
all time high, breaking the 6,000 mark for the first time after gaining +0.7% on the
day. Interestingly this was 17 years after first hitting 5,000 although without checking
one wonders how many constituents were in the index back then that are still there today.
We note that having taken 17 years to fill in this last 1,000 point gap, it only took
49 days to move from 4,000 to 5,000 back in 2000. Another stat is that the index is now
up around 4.7 times from its lows in March 2009. Impressive and all these stats are a
reminder that timing is everything in investing!
Elsewhere risk-on continued in credit. In Europe we saw Main and Crossover spread tighten
by -2bps and -8bps respectively, while Senior and Sub financials spreads tightened by -5bps
and -11bps on the day. Over in the US we saw similar moves tighter as CDX IG and HY tightened
by -2bps and -7bps respectively. We saw a broad based sell off in government bond markets
with yields rising across all maturities for US treasuries (2Y: +4bps; 10Y: +6bps) and
Bunds (2Y: +2bps; 10Y: +5bps) . Yields for 10Y OATs and BTPs yields also rose on the
day by +7bps and +9bps respectively, with the 10Y OAT-Bund spread widening by +2bps.
In currency markets we saw the dollar (-0.3%) weaken for the second day in a row while the
Euro gained +1.0%. Sterling also gained +0.5% to reach its highest level this year. Moves
over in commodity markets were fairly muted at both ends of the risk spectrum, with WTI
and Gold mostly flat. The Asian session is also relatively quiet with the positive mood
of the last few days continuing. The Nikkei is 0.7% higher as the BoJ start their 2-day
meeting, the Hang Seng +0.6% and the Shanghai Comp +0.35%. Gold, the Dollar, Oil and Treasuries
haven't moved much in the overnight session.
Looking now at some of the data out yesterday. In Europe, the ECB Q1 Bank Lending Survey
was broadly positive as credit standards loosened across all three major categories. Loans to
enterprises dipped back into easing territory (-2%) after having ticked up by +5% in Q4
2016. The net easing was roughly in line with the expected change in standards as reported
in the previous survey, and banks now expect a net tightening of lending standards for
enterprises in Q2 (2%). Standards for consumer credit and lending to households also loosened
in Q1 (-7% and -5% respectively). Despite loose lending conditions credit demand growth
from enterprises is slowing down: net 6% of banks reported an increase in loan demand
from enterprises in Q1 but this was well below the 11% that expected an increase (as reported
in the previous survey) and also less than the 18% reporting an increase in loan demand
in Q4 2016. Banks however expect net loan demand from enterprises to accelerate in Q2
2017 (12%).
Elsewhere in Europe we also got French manufacturing confidence numbers for April that rose more
than expected (108 vs. 105 expected; 104 previous) while business confidence was flat on the
month (104) as expected. In the UK the PSNB numbers (including banks) for March were reported
well above expectations at GBP 4.4bn (vs. 1.5bn expected).
Over in the US we saw a large number of housing market indicators which were mostly positive.
The FHFA house price index rose by +0.8% mom in February (vs. 0.4% expected) while new
home sales unexpectedly rose to 621k (vs. 584k expected; 592k previous). In terms of
softer data, the consumer board consumer confidence indicator for April fell more than expected
to 120.3 (vs. 122.5 expected; 125.6 previous). The Richmond Fed manufacturing survey also
fell on the month but less so than expected (20 vs. 16 expected; 22 previous). It�s
a very quiet day ahead in terms of data. Over in Europe French consumer confidence for April
is the only number of note and is expected to be unchanged at 100, and there�s nothing
of note to watch in the US. However earnings season continues with Proctor & Gamble and
Boeing due to report today among other names. Away from data, we will see UK PM Theresa
May host EC President Juncker and EU�s Brexit negotiator Michal Barnier today.
O século XIX e suas transformações da imagem materna - Duration: 2:01.
Potęga Podświadomości: Mity i Sprostowania o Podświadomości - Duration: 15:55.
DIY kawaii Clay Notebooks - Duration: 10:10.
Alain de Botton – Comte, ordem e progresso - Duration: 1:55.
How to Get Featured on Deadline - Ep. 4: "Rehab" - Duration: 3:40.
♪ [music]
I work for Deadline.
We don't write articles about random people
who go to rehab.
But you do write articles
about famous people who go to rehab--
- You're not famous. - Shoot a documentary about it
that you predict will make me the face of my generation
and then I do become the face of my generation
and you say, "A-Toldja!"
I'll do it.
♪ [peaceful music]
I don't like it! I don't like it!
You have to get me out of here.
Wha--? You checked in two days ago.
They took my phone away from me.
They're trying to kill me!
Well, the point was to cure your
"Social Media App-diction".
I'd hardly expect them
to let you tweet about it.
You don't understand.
It's Thursday and I haven't posted
a Throwback Thursday photo.
My fans are gonna think I died!
Is this a set up for your documentary?
They won't even let me check Deadline.
Has Pete made any Oscar predictions?
I miss the Ratings Rat Race!
Okay. Are the Rita Wilsons filming this? I mean, this is--
Ohhhh my god.
Oh my god.
You're actually a social media addict?
I thought it was a gimmick for your documentary
to become the face of your generation.
Do you have any idea what this means?
I might literally die from lack of wi-fi?
Your plan is going to work.
Gimme your phone.
- No! Stop it! - I need it!
I need the app to tell me I'm pretty!
You so pretty!
You need to make sure she finishes this movie.
Dude, she's cracking.
Awesome. Film it.
I can't do this!
Hey, you listen to me.
I believe in you.
You do?
But I do believe in this documentary.
That it'll make me the face of my generation?
You could win an Oscar for Best Actress.
Well, no, that's impossible.
Are you being negative?
I will cut you
out of her life.
It's impossible to win an acting Oscar for a documentary.
Um, Meryl Streep in Julia & Julia?
Well, no, that was a biopic.
And she didn't win for that.
She won for The Iron Lady.
But The Iron Lady sucked
and she should've won for Julia & Juli--
Point is!
I bet we could get this in to Sundance.
Uch, let's call that Plan B.
Sun-- Sundance...
Sundance! That's huge!
You would get your 3-picture deal
and I would get my Toldja.
No. I can't.
I can't!
Oh my god, look at my thumbs.
I'm not doing this!
Okay, look.
Look! I know you need to be
borderline crazy to make it in this business
but I've come to believe you're going to make it
because you're borderline crazy.
Thank you!
Do you know how many actors are out there
right now wanting to get noticed?
But you found a way to stand out
by repeatedly stalking me and frightening me
into doing exactly what you wanted.
And was any of that easy?
When Deadline had me report
that Parenthood was ending
do you think that was easy for me?
Hell, no, it wasn't easy.
I cried for days over that.
But I did it!
Because I live to be a Deadline editor.
♪ [military music]
Now you march back into that rehab center
and you tell your therapist how you're only happy
when you're binge-tweeting Dana Delany,
and you let the Rita Wilsons capture it all,
and you get this documentary into Sundance,
and you give me my Toldja!
♪ [music crescendos]
I can do--
I ca--
I can do this!
Yes! You! Caaan!
You were faking that whole thing, right?
I stole his phone.
Let's do this.
♪ [snare drum]
4 Tipos de Vídeos Para Gravar Aparecendo ou Não - Duration: 7:32.
Mitsubishi 500: test - Duration: 1:43.
Mitsubishi 500: rekord prędkości - Duration: 0:19.
Farming Simulator 17 Reck Jumbo II - Duration: 13:19.
HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You a new tool you can use to compacting chaff.
The Reck Jumbo II You can attach to Tractor 3point Hitch Or to a Wheel Loader 2 Design Setup Wide And Small
Turn On Reck Jumbo II B KEY UNFOLD C KEY
I have load all my trucks and tippers
I stuck
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Sovereign's Cup KYC - Prof. O'Connell Interview - Day 2 - Duration: 1:40.
I'm sailing on Jump Juice Conor Phelan's
Ker 37 racing in IRC 0. Great day today very
pleased today we had...we won the first
race and we were second in the second
race to the Ker 40' Keronimo
who is over from the UK and that made
up for yesterday which was a pretty poor
day we had I think a fourth and a joint
fourth yesterday. And yesterday's
conditions were much much lighter and
they didn't really suit us that well we
struggled downwind a lot but today we
really got her going and we managed to
stretch our legs today. So much more
enjoyable day today. Norbert Riley's Mills 37'
Crazy Horse is a really really fast
boat in light air. She's been really
well sailed this week and they got some
really good guys on board so they had a
fantastic day yesterday a one and a two.
We were really pleased that it would there
was a bit more breeze today which suited
us a bit better. I think the windward leeward
suits any race both really, you know,
they're generally designed for windward
leewards for either going upwind or
straight downwind and they generally
don't reach very well whereas you'll
actually find that some of the cruiser
racers type boats. So a lot of those boats
like Conor Doyle's boat was going quite
well today and and John Godkin's boat.
So the round the cans would suit them a bit better.
Fun anime music #51 | Funny anime moments #51 | anime crack | coub anime (Specially) +18 - Duration: 5:56.
Badam Ke Fawaid│Benefits Of Almond│Badam Ke Fayde│Almond Benefits│Nafs Ka Tedha Pan - Duration: 3:27.
Badam Ke Fawaid
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