Twenty years later and a certain infamous vocal sample is still causing controversy.
You may recall how this eerie chanting... from The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time ended
up having to be removed from later copies, due to it containing many references to Islam
and even mentioning Allah's name multiple times.
Well it turns out that that very same vocal sample was used in the new Street Fighter
V stage Temple Hideout.
Capcom however quickly realised their mistake and then pulled it from sale.
So, yes, they actually didn't intend on using Muslim vocals in the stage's song and have
apologised for the error.
Due to the fact this was completely unintentional, it's hard to call this an act of censorship.
However, it's still important and very relevant to keep track of things like this, which are
removed over causing offensive, which is why Censored Gaming is talking about it today.
And, like mentioned, this particular vocal sample is already infamous in the video game
It's appeared in other games, such as the N64's Cruis'n' World, and it appears that
whilst obviously some sort of Asian chanting, developers are continuing to not realise that
the chants are actually very religious in nature.
It also seems to be due to the fact that the sample appears in this very commonly used
sampling CD, called Voice Spectral Vol. 1, although, it is surprising that the same samples
are being used twenty years later now.
Capcom has issued this statement about the whole ordeal and have explained that song
will be replaced with a currently existing one as a temporary measure, and will eventually
be replaced with an edited version of the original.
The stage is now back up and available for purchase as well, and we can see that the
stage's track has currently been changed to M. Bison's theme.
For those of you who are curious though and want to hear what the song sounded like before
it got replaced, here it is and, as always, thank you for watching.
For more infomation >> Street Fighter V Stage Pulled Over Religious References - Duration: 2:28.-------------------------------------------
Nightcore - Rise And Fall【Starset】Lyrics & Spectrum - Duration: 2:28.
Watch them all lie down Watch the eyeless gain control,
Gain control!
They could never blind me
I clench the fist and overtake it all I navigate the endless rise and fall
You push my back against the wall When I attack I'm taking all
I'm taking it all Rise and fall
One more fits inside the mold One last chance to break the hold,
Break the hold!
I clench the fist and overtake it all I navigate the endless rise and fall
You push my back against the wall When I attack I'm taking all
Taking it all Rise and fall!
Rise and fall!
I clench the fist and overtake it all I navigate the endless rise and fall
You push my back against the wall When I attack I'm taking all
I'm taking it all Rise and fall
Biker helps a stranded German ran out of gas - MotoVlog - Duration: 13:02.
Do you need help?
Where is the nearest gas station?
Gas station?
There are two
follow me
It is empty?
I can take you
If you have a bottle
Do you have a bottle?
I think we can buy it there
And then we can up and down
Do you have cash or card?
Do you have cash or card?
cash money
Oh man
No problem
This is the least I can do
super ????????
Everything fine!
It was not far away
I think you can inside a bottle (lol)
that's good too
well boys
asking does not hurt
Because it can happen to you too
when you are out of gas
and yes
what does it cost me to ask
A good friendship
As simple as that
Need to Zandvoort
Yes Yes Yes
last fifty kilometers
You pick it up and
put it on the ground to do it
you have to wait
Now comes the
it is not automatic, they must press a button
to start
Coffee shop (AAAAHHHHH)
I do not know
Well, tanked!
it's only petrol
that is empty?
then we go back
How long have you been waiting?
half hour
did you call someone?
Tango was just down there (no a Shell)
3 kilometers further there was a tango
on the highway
???????? /
no problem
there we are
Thank you very much!
I'll wait here
I'm going to wait until it starts
if only the gasoline it is not a problem
when the gasoline is in then I smoke a cigarette
fucking hell
and now we wait
????????? was empty
Tango is 5km away (not a shell)
the walk takes atleast an hour
this was the last one
There is another petrol station nearby
I just went to the best first station
no problem
?????????????? /
otherwise you just buy
a liter of cola
fill it and go
when it gets hot
if it gets too hot
it's your bike? (Duh)
have you built it yourself?
Normally it is a sports tour
I see
nice bike
Is this the final drop?
I think
it needs more gas
Thank you!
no problem, the bikers ... (bond)
thank you very much!
the motorcyclist association
you need this?
new reserve tank?
I can use it
otherwise I throw it away
I'm almost home anyway, is fine
awfully awfully thanks!
no problem, no problem
it's the least I can do
Now you can smoke a cigarette
you now have a story
where are the cigarettes?
what can I do?
to wait
to wait
you could call the Dutch road assistance
Yes Yes Yes
or walk to the next station
it start so that's good
have a nice day
I am going on
thank you very much!
no problem
no problem
it was my problem
My topcase is ...
ohh..rondom taping
I help your, you help me!
electrical issues? no problem
gasoline? uuggghhhh
it is well
thank you for that!
it'll be fine
In this video, we're going to look at all of the melee weapons in Mass Effect Andromeda
as well as the augments that go in them.
Even if you're a player who never melees, there is a build for you that will increase
your weapon or power damage in the background by up to 25%.
Without further delay, let's get into the video
Melee weapons are separate not in just weapon type, but they're different in how they work
to normal projectile based armaments,
This may seem obvious, but if you think about it, the only stat they show us is the damage,
but that's not all that matters.
The damage per hit is only part of it, we need one more statistic to make an informed
decision on which weapon to go with by seeing what the DPS is or Damage Per Second.
To work this out, we need to see the speed of each melee weapons animation.
This isn't all,
Each melee weapon has its own unique attribute,
To find out the weapons animation speed we're going to use SCIENCE!
In reality, i'm just going to do at least 4 consecutive attacks with each weapon and
record it at 60 frames per second,
I'll measure from an easy to track point in the first animation to that same point on
the second animation and so on, including the cooldown time between each attack, however
many frames this is will be the amount we divide the damage per hit by,
multiply that by 60 and we have our DPS to no more than a 16.6r millisecond margin of
error, provided the key actuation on my keyboard doesn't differ, which it will a little, but,
essentially, it's a pretty good idea of the DPS
The lowest of the results will be the result we use to attempt to negate any latency from
both my keyboard and my finger.
For these measurements, I'll temporarily lower my graphics settings to the lowest to prevent
any latency gained from minor throttling.
I've tested all of these weapons at rank 1, the DPS will increase per rank but their relation
to each will remain mostly the same.
<title: About An Hour or so later>
So, I've got all of the results, let's take a quick look at each weapon for its Damage
per hit, DPS and Unique attributes.
First up, the Krogan Hammer,
This beast hits for a whopping 400 damage at a speed of 100 frames or 1.7 seconds, this
results in a DPS of 240,
Its unique ability is pretty much that it's AOE, which means it hits in an Area of Effect,
so multiple targets at once within a given range,
Utilised with certain skills on clumps of enemies, this could be seriously lethal.
Then there's the Kett Vakarsh,
its damage per hit is actually the highest when you take into account the burn damage,
it's initial hit is 300 but it puts a debuff on the mob that hits for 110 fire damage every
second, the combined sustained damage is 410, with a 117 frame animation, or 1.9 seconds,
this is the second longest animation leading to a DPS of 216 which is kind of at the midpoint.
Its effect is awesome though as along with the DoT it places, that DoT is a fire combo
primer which as always will only work on unshielded and unarmoured kett.
The Kett Carfalon is a survival melee weapon, it's damage is a respectable 325, but as it's
animation time is 1.8 seconds, it's DPS is only 182, which is on the low side.
But it's unique effect saves its ass... or even yours, by healing you a little with every
The Electric Firaan has the lowest damage per hit of all at 175, but its animation speed
is the tied quickest at 1 second leading to 175 DPS,
Its unique ability stuns its targets which even works on shielded enemies giving it a
lot of value, as well as priming for a tech combo.
Next is everyone's favourite, the Asari Sword, with a damage per hit of 400, but the longest
animation time of 2.3 seconds, which is the same whether you teleport or not, gives this
weapon a low DPS of 175,
But it's unique ability is very cool, it teleports you toward the target you are currently locked
on to before performing its strike, also during that teleport, you are invulnerable, making
this a very good weapon for sustained use within an exposed area allowing you to ninja
from one enemy to another.
Now it's time for the Angaran Firaan, it's damage per hit isn't huge at 250, but its
speed is the tied lowest at 1 second, resulting in the highest DPS of all at 250,
On top of that, it has a damage boost on Armoured Enemies as it's unique ability, which is kind
of cool if this was an Ultra-Rare crafted item I'd be all over this.
The Remnant Cryo-Gauntlet is a very coooooool one...
*crickets* With a damage per hit of 200 and an animation
speed of 1.4, it has the lowest DPS at 140, but its unique ability makes up for this,
being, in my opinion, the best, for its ability.
It not only freezes the target but primes it for a cryo combo too, this, of course,
doesn't freeze shielded or Armoured foes, however.
Then the signature Omni-Blade with a damage of 275 and a speed of 1.2 seconds it's DPS
is a fairly decent 230, unfortunately, there is no unique ability for this weapon.
And lastly, the Biotic Amplifier which has a damage of 275 and a speed of 1.2 making
it's DPS 230, it's the same as the Omni-Blade except it actually has an ability, which is
to stagger red bar enemies.
So if we look at each weapon from a purely DPS stand point this is how they rank,
From top to bottom, Angaran Firaan, Krogan Hammer, Biotic Amplifier, Omni-Blade, Kett
Vakarsh, Kett Carfalon, Asari Sword, Electric Firaan and the Remnant Cryo-Gauntlet.
But I don't think just the DPS is the best way to look at these.
This moves us onto the builds
<title: Melee Weapon Builds with Augments>
To start with, the most simple build is for players who almost never use it,
These players should still make their own melee weapon and that's down to the Augments,
if you just use weapons, pick any Ultra-Rare Melee weapon and put 4-5 Kinetic Coils in
it for a 12-15% increase in weapon damage that is just now there being awesome.
Most would say to go for the Asari Sword as it gives you a moment of invulnerability in
a bad fight while doing a little damage to and the main plus is that it works at range
which if you are weapon heavy user, is most likely where you'll be.
If you are a power user, you can gain an even bigger benefit from this by adding 5% extra
per augment in a specific power type or add some recharge, or a number of different things
purely through the base stackable augments that you purchase from General Merchants.
Special augments cannot be placed on the melee weapons, nor do they have mods.
You'd be insane to miss out on an up to 25% increase to certain abilities.
<title: Top Picks>
My top picks for Melee weapons are based on the average player who doesn't use melee as
a large part of their balanced diet.
But i've also got a few of note to specific builds.
If you want a super quick weapon that does fantastic damage, then go for the Angaran
Firaan, but be aware it only has 2 augment slots by default.
If you are after an 'OH CRAP!' button then you have 2 great choices, either the Asari
Sword, the damage of which isn't great but it gives you a moment of invulnerability to
breath and works at range.
The other is the Remnant Cryo-Gauntlet that does the lowest damage, but primes for a cryo
combo and keeps red bar mobs on the ground for like 6 plus seconds which is pretty fantastic.
For more specific builds, the Krogan Hammer is amazing for those who utilise AOE pull,
by pulling the enemies toward you in a clump, you can melee them all in one strike dealing
a lot of damage.
The Kett Carfalon, however, was made with Vangaurd in mind for sure, it's ability to
heal on strike makes this a very attractive weapon for those in the enemies face a lot.
<title: Outro>
That's about it for melee weapons, if you think I missed anything or you disagree with
anything I've said, let me know down below.
If you liked this video or it helped you at all, let me know via a comment or a like,
feedback is important and I always enjoy reading what you have to say, even when it's critiquing
the way I do things.
Thanks for watching, have an awesome day folks.
ซื้อเสื้อผ้าแฟชั่นออนไลน์ราคาถูก ที่นี่เลย! Goodgirl Shop แฟชั่นออนไลน์ราคาส่งประตูน้ำ - Duration: 1:43.
Fernanda entrevista: Punho de Ferro 👊 | Inside OK!OK! - Duration: 5:37.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200 CDI 1e eigenaar,vol btw,ex taxi - Duration: 0:54.
Mercedes-Benz 200-280 (W123) 230 E / Pullman / Incl Beurt + APK - Duration: 1:01.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Cabrio 350 CDI ELEGANCE /leer/navi/ pdc verkocht - Duration: 0:55.
Gritos de matita - Carbonation (Manaus - Am - Brazil) - Duration: 17:13.
Comemoração na Legião - 160 anos Livro dos Espíritos - Duration: 2:01.
Como Parar de Criar Expectativas Amorosas em 1 Passo - Duration: 4:53.
1197 Homenagem Dia das Mães Religioso - Voz Fem. - Duration: 2:12.
FASHION REVOLUTION: Mi Historia de Amor - Duration: 1:35.
This is my LOVE STORY
There are some differences
Between what we think -we are- and we use
every day
We choose a new ´´me´´
A reflection of ourselves
Without knowing the depth
That we carry together with just one step
In the middle of layers
Surrounded by names
and images that describes the F U T U R E
The weight of who we are is there
Every day growing
And meeting with small, big and invisible MAGIC PLACES
That create each of our garments
There is always life
they grow, travel and we learn how to love
And we travel the world without words
But with the looks that have remained in the memory of someone else
See what we have designed
The union and the mix of ideas
It's back and come back to see the moment to act now
See the reality that is in us every day
I have chosen a mirror that reflect the stories
The value of being unique in my own travel
That can live more than a moment instead of one
that can be there, always there
in the possibilities of creation
I am ILLUSTRATOR of my choices
Come cucinare a bordo di una barca a vela [ nautica in pillole ] - Duration: 1:20.
Wonder Woman Cosplay - How to make Wonder Woman Gladiator Skirt - Duration: 5:25.
Hey Cosplayers, I am Skyler Ostler and in today Apprenticeship I'll be teaching you
how to make Wonder Woman's skirt from the live action Wonder Woman Film using Craft
foam and a pair of spanks stay tuned!
Before we jump into it, I created a Wonder Woman Cosplay guide for you, complete with
reference images, poses, origin, costume components, and much more!
And the best part is, it is completely free, just follow the link below
to get yours!
Also I have created a kit that includes all the necessary materials for this build and
the links of where to purchase them to make this build as easy as possible check out that
link in the description as well!
Alright, let's get started!
We'll begin by creating the patterns for the four sets of panels that hang down on the
skirt, front sides, and back.
Youll want to start by putting on the breastplate that I taught how to make in a past video
and a pair of spanks, trace along the belt onto the spanks as a reference for gluing.
Then use some painters tape to trace out the front panel of the skirt you can choose how
long you are comfortable with.
Each panel will be made of two pieces, one wider piece and a skinnier piece layered on
top of it that runs longer than the wider bottom layer.
Trace them out on the painters tape and then cut them out.
If you want to do what I did, I just used this front panel pattern to create the left
and right panels and only drew out the back panel as a separate template, but you can
draw them all separately if you'd like.
After you have the main 4 panel patterns created you will then want to create one for the side
using the same method.
Wonder Woman's skirt has these two overlapping leather pieces that run across the hip overlapping
the side panel and slightly overlapping the front and rear panels.
Once you have your panel patterns created, it's time to transfer these shapes over to
the craft foam.
Trace your patterns onto the black 2mm craft foam, it's important to use the black craft
foam as it will save you lots of time when it comes time to paint.
I have the craft foam I used listed in the materials kit linked in the description.
Then cut all of your skirt panels out of the foam, making sure to keep the front and back
pieces of each panel together with their proper pairs.
Next, we need to make this craft foam look like leather to really sell the Wonder Woman
Amazon warrior look!
If you want to see how to do that, pause this video and check out my How to Make Foam look
like Leather video linked above and below!
Then come back here and we'll continue!
Alright, welcome back, now that you have successfully performed the miracle of turning foam to leather,
let's take your leatherworking skills to the next level and begin assembling the skirt
Now let's put them all together, You'll begin by attaching each of the panel pairs together.
By adding about an inch wide spread of contact cement along the top backside of the longer
skinnier piece and a matching spread of contact cement along the top front of the larger underlayer
Let the contact cement sit for about 5-10 mins (as per bottle instructions) and then
press the two pieces together, repeat this process for each of the four main panels.
Before we move forward take the rear panel and a razor and slit the rear panel under
piece along the lines of the skinnier top layer so that it looks like this.
Once all of the 4 main panels are assembled we will add them to the spanks.
This is where the breastplate belt reference lines you made earlier will really come in
Adding an inch wide spread of the contact cement to the back top of each panel and a
corresponding strip along where you want to attach it, attach the front, sides, and rear
Now lastly, add the overlapping side pieces in the same way with a strip of the glue along
the top of each and matching strip of glue where it will go and then attach it.
Make sure to put the lower piece on first and then overlap the upper piece after.
You know have the completed structure of the skirt, now you just need to give it some battle
damage and that slight blue sheen that Wonder Woman's skirt has.
The way I did that was using some metallic blue automotive paint.
Spray some good coats of it on and kind of wipe away parts of it to dull it slightly.
I also did some subtle dry brushing with a Rustoleum light blue in some spots to add
a little more dimension.
You did it!
There is no skirting around the fact that this is one Very Legit Wonder Woman Gladiator
Nice work!
Thanks for watching!
You guys are the best and I am so grateful to all of you for your support in watching
and learning with me!
If you liked this video give it a like and share it with your friends and most importantly
subscribe and select to receive all notifications so you can
the first to see the other videos I release!
Once again, thanks for watching, LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and COSPLAY ON My Friends!
Steuertipps: Körperschaftssteuerbescheid Teil 1 - Duration: 9:55.
How to make a SHOTGUN COW with command blocks in Minecraft - Duration: 3:23.
Street Fighter V Stage Pulled Over Religious References - Duration: 2:28.
Twenty years later and a certain infamous vocal sample is still causing controversy.
You may recall how this eerie chanting... from The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time ended
up having to be removed from later copies, due to it containing many references to Islam
and even mentioning Allah's name multiple times.
Well it turns out that that very same vocal sample was used in the new Street Fighter
V stage Temple Hideout.
Capcom however quickly realised their mistake and then pulled it from sale.
So, yes, they actually didn't intend on using Muslim vocals in the stage's song and have
apologised for the error.
Due to the fact this was completely unintentional, it's hard to call this an act of censorship.
However, it's still important and very relevant to keep track of things like this, which are
removed over causing offensive, which is why Censored Gaming is talking about it today.
And, like mentioned, this particular vocal sample is already infamous in the video game
It's appeared in other games, such as the N64's Cruis'n' World, and it appears that
whilst obviously some sort of Asian chanting, developers are continuing to not realise that
the chants are actually very religious in nature.
It also seems to be due to the fact that the sample appears in this very commonly used
sampling CD, called Voice Spectral Vol. 1, although, it is surprising that the same samples
are being used twenty years later now.
Capcom has issued this statement about the whole ordeal and have explained that song
will be replaced with a currently existing one as a temporary measure, and will eventually
be replaced with an edited version of the original.
The stage is now back up and available for purchase as well, and we can see that the
stage's track has currently been changed to M. Bison's theme.
For those of you who are curious though and want to hear what the song sounded like before
it got replaced, here it is and, as always, thank you for watching.
Nightcore - Rise And Fall【Starset】Lyrics & Spectrum - Duration: 2:28.
Watch them all lie down Watch the eyeless gain control,
Gain control!
They could never blind me
I clench the fist and overtake it all I navigate the endless rise and fall
You push my back against the wall When I attack I'm taking all
I'm taking it all Rise and fall
One more fits inside the mold One last chance to break the hold,
Break the hold!
I clench the fist and overtake it all I navigate the endless rise and fall
You push my back against the wall When I attack I'm taking all
Taking it all Rise and fall!
Rise and fall!
I clench the fist and overtake it all I navigate the endless rise and fall
You push my back against the wall When I attack I'm taking all
I'm taking it all Rise and fall
Biker helps a stranded German ran out of gas - MotoVlog - Duration: 13:02.
Do you need help?
Where is the nearest gas station?
Gas station?
There are two
follow me
It is empty?
I can take you
If you have a bottle
Do you have a bottle?
I think we can buy it there
And then we can up and down
Do you have cash or card?
Do you have cash or card?
cash money
Oh man
No problem
This is the least I can do
super ????????
Everything fine!
It was not far away
I think you can inside a bottle (lol)
that's good too
well boys
asking does not hurt
Because it can happen to you too
when you are out of gas
and yes
what does it cost me to ask
A good friendship
As simple as that
Need to Zandvoort
Yes Yes Yes
last fifty kilometers
You pick it up and
put it on the ground to do it
you have to wait
Now comes the
it is not automatic, they must press a button
to start
Coffee shop (AAAAHHHHH)
I do not know
Well, tanked!
it's only petrol
that is empty?
then we go back
How long have you been waiting?
half hour
did you call someone?
Tango was just down there (no a Shell)
3 kilometers further there was a tango
on the highway
???????? /
no problem
there we are
Thank you very much!
I'll wait here
I'm going to wait until it starts
if only the gasoline it is not a problem
when the gasoline is in then I smoke a cigarette
fucking hell
and now we wait
????????? was empty
Tango is 5km away (not a shell)
the walk takes atleast an hour
this was the last one
There is another petrol station nearby
I just went to the best first station
no problem
?????????????? /
otherwise you just buy
a liter of cola
fill it and go
when it gets hot
if it gets too hot
it's your bike? (Duh)
have you built it yourself?
Normally it is a sports tour
I see
nice bike
Is this the final drop?
I think
it needs more gas
Thank you!
no problem, the bikers ... (bond)
thank you very much!
the motorcyclist association
you need this?
new reserve tank?
I can use it
otherwise I throw it away
I'm almost home anyway, is fine
awfully awfully thanks!
no problem, no problem
it's the least I can do
Now you can smoke a cigarette
you now have a story
where are the cigarettes?
what can I do?
to wait
to wait
you could call the Dutch road assistance
Yes Yes Yes
or walk to the next station
it start so that's good
have a nice day
I am going on
thank you very much!
no problem
no problem
it was my problem
My topcase is ...
ohh..rondom taping
I help your, you help me!
electrical issues? no problem
gasoline? uuggghhhh
it is well
thank you for that!
it'll be fine
In this video, we're going to look at all of the melee weapons in Mass Effect Andromeda
as well as the augments that go in them.
Even if you're a player who never melees, there is a build for you that will increase
your weapon or power damage in the background by up to 25%.
Without further delay, let's get into the video
Melee weapons are separate not in just weapon type, but they're different in how they work
to normal projectile based armaments,
This may seem obvious, but if you think about it, the only stat they show us is the damage,
but that's not all that matters.
The damage per hit is only part of it, we need one more statistic to make an informed
decision on which weapon to go with by seeing what the DPS is or Damage Per Second.
To work this out, we need to see the speed of each melee weapons animation.
This isn't all,
Each melee weapon has its own unique attribute,
To find out the weapons animation speed we're going to use SCIENCE!
In reality, i'm just going to do at least 4 consecutive attacks with each weapon and
record it at 60 frames per second,
I'll measure from an easy to track point in the first animation to that same point on
the second animation and so on, including the cooldown time between each attack, however
many frames this is will be the amount we divide the damage per hit by,
multiply that by 60 and we have our DPS to no more than a 16.6r millisecond margin of
error, provided the key actuation on my keyboard doesn't differ, which it will a little, but,
essentially, it's a pretty good idea of the DPS
The lowest of the results will be the result we use to attempt to negate any latency from
both my keyboard and my finger.
For these measurements, I'll temporarily lower my graphics settings to the lowest to prevent
any latency gained from minor throttling.
I've tested all of these weapons at rank 1, the DPS will increase per rank but their relation
to each will remain mostly the same.
<title: About An Hour or so later>
So, I've got all of the results, let's take a quick look at each weapon for its Damage
per hit, DPS and Unique attributes.
First up, the Krogan Hammer,
This beast hits for a whopping 400 damage at a speed of 100 frames or 1.7 seconds, this
results in a DPS of 240,
Its unique ability is pretty much that it's AOE, which means it hits in an Area of Effect,
so multiple targets at once within a given range,
Utilised with certain skills on clumps of enemies, this could be seriously lethal.
Then there's the Kett Vakarsh,
its damage per hit is actually the highest when you take into account the burn damage,
it's initial hit is 300 but it puts a debuff on the mob that hits for 110 fire damage every
second, the combined sustained damage is 410, with a 117 frame animation, or 1.9 seconds,
this is the second longest animation leading to a DPS of 216 which is kind of at the midpoint.
Its effect is awesome though as along with the DoT it places, that DoT is a fire combo
primer which as always will only work on unshielded and unarmoured kett.
The Kett Carfalon is a survival melee weapon, it's damage is a respectable 325, but as it's
animation time is 1.8 seconds, it's DPS is only 182, which is on the low side.
But it's unique effect saves its ass... or even yours, by healing you a little with every
The Electric Firaan has the lowest damage per hit of all at 175, but its animation speed
is the tied quickest at 1 second leading to 175 DPS,
Its unique ability stuns its targets which even works on shielded enemies giving it a
lot of value, as well as priming for a tech combo.
Next is everyone's favourite, the Asari Sword, with a damage per hit of 400, but the longest
animation time of 2.3 seconds, which is the same whether you teleport or not, gives this
weapon a low DPS of 175,
But it's unique ability is very cool, it teleports you toward the target you are currently locked
on to before performing its strike, also during that teleport, you are invulnerable, making
this a very good weapon for sustained use within an exposed area allowing you to ninja
from one enemy to another.
Now it's time for the Angaran Firaan, it's damage per hit isn't huge at 250, but its
speed is the tied lowest at 1 second, resulting in the highest DPS of all at 250,
On top of that, it has a damage boost on Armoured Enemies as it's unique ability, which is kind
of cool if this was an Ultra-Rare crafted item I'd be all over this.
The Remnant Cryo-Gauntlet is a very coooooool one...
*crickets* With a damage per hit of 200 and an animation
speed of 1.4, it has the lowest DPS at 140, but its unique ability makes up for this,
being, in my opinion, the best, for its ability.
It not only freezes the target but primes it for a cryo combo too, this, of course,
doesn't freeze shielded or Armoured foes, however.
Then the signature Omni-Blade with a damage of 275 and a speed of 1.2 seconds it's DPS
is a fairly decent 230, unfortunately, there is no unique ability for this weapon.
And lastly, the Biotic Amplifier which has a damage of 275 and a speed of 1.2 making
it's DPS 230, it's the same as the Omni-Blade except it actually has an ability, which is
to stagger red bar enemies.
So if we look at each weapon from a purely DPS stand point this is how they rank,
From top to bottom, Angaran Firaan, Krogan Hammer, Biotic Amplifier, Omni-Blade, Kett
Vakarsh, Kett Carfalon, Asari Sword, Electric Firaan and the Remnant Cryo-Gauntlet.
But I don't think just the DPS is the best way to look at these.
This moves us onto the builds
<title: Melee Weapon Builds with Augments>
To start with, the most simple build is for players who almost never use it,
These players should still make their own melee weapon and that's down to the Augments,
if you just use weapons, pick any Ultra-Rare Melee weapon and put 4-5 Kinetic Coils in
it for a 12-15% increase in weapon damage that is just now there being awesome.
Most would say to go for the Asari Sword as it gives you a moment of invulnerability in
a bad fight while doing a little damage to and the main plus is that it works at range
which if you are weapon heavy user, is most likely where you'll be.
If you are a power user, you can gain an even bigger benefit from this by adding 5% extra
per augment in a specific power type or add some recharge, or a number of different things
purely through the base stackable augments that you purchase from General Merchants.
Special augments cannot be placed on the melee weapons, nor do they have mods.
You'd be insane to miss out on an up to 25% increase to certain abilities.
<title: Top Picks>
My top picks for Melee weapons are based on the average player who doesn't use melee as
a large part of their balanced diet.
But i've also got a few of note to specific builds.
If you want a super quick weapon that does fantastic damage, then go for the Angaran
Firaan, but be aware it only has 2 augment slots by default.
If you are after an 'OH CRAP!' button then you have 2 great choices, either the Asari
Sword, the damage of which isn't great but it gives you a moment of invulnerability to
breath and works at range.
The other is the Remnant Cryo-Gauntlet that does the lowest damage, but primes for a cryo
combo and keeps red bar mobs on the ground for like 6 plus seconds which is pretty fantastic.
For more specific builds, the Krogan Hammer is amazing for those who utilise AOE pull,
by pulling the enemies toward you in a clump, you can melee them all in one strike dealing
a lot of damage.
The Kett Carfalon, however, was made with Vangaurd in mind for sure, it's ability to
heal on strike makes this a very attractive weapon for those in the enemies face a lot.
<title: Outro>
That's about it for melee weapons, if you think I missed anything or you disagree with
anything I've said, let me know down below.
If you liked this video or it helped you at all, let me know via a comment or a like,
feedback is important and I always enjoy reading what you have to say, even when it's critiquing
the way I do things.
Thanks for watching, have an awesome day folks.
ซื้อเสื้อผ้าแฟชั่นออนไลน์ราคาถูก ที่นี่เลย! Goodgirl Shop แฟชั่นออนไลน์ราคาส่งประตูน้ำ - Duration: 1:43.
Tattletail Song [Don't Tattle On Me] (Jackie-O Russian Cover) [Remix] - Duration: 2:26.
Maitreya Rael: Don't Cry for Peace: Laugh for Peace ! - Duration: 15:30.
Don't cry for peace: laugh for peace
You all probably read my text about 3 months left
I received many messages of raelians who
have anxiety because of this message.
No need to panic or to be anxious
some people tell me : "Oh you make me depressed"
Of course not!
If you become sad, anxious, worried
you lose your power to save humanity.
That's the most
difficult time for humanity, and we need to be full of energy to save humanity.
To be full of energy
you need to laugh and smile.
Not become anxious and cry.
If you become afraid, anxious and cry, you lose your energy.
Some raelians sent me messages:
"Since your 3 months message
I cannot sleep."
This is stupid!
Totemo baka (totally stupid)
Opposite !
You need to sleep well
for peace.
To laugh
for peace
to sing
for peace
to dance
for peace.
You have more energy to save humanity.
You have more energy then, to
make these stupid politicians
change their mind and
make atomic bombs forbidden.
If you cry you change nothing
and, more terrible
if you cry and have negative
you have less
telepathic energy
to make this change.
We can
we can save humanity.
Yes, with protest and petition, people signing, yes !
But that's not the most important thing.
The most important thing you are doing it right now, here.
Just before, when wonderful Kotaro was making you meditate for peace.
That's very powerful
do it,
all the time,
with a smile
happiness, singing,
to send beautiful, positive
a mental energy to the stupid governments.
then we can change the future.
Not by crying
not by stopping to sleep
then we become like vegetable
and we have no
mental power, telepathy to change government.
So, if you want to save humanity
This terrible moment of humanity, we must
be happier than ever!
To have more energy
to save the world.
This is our mission
These stupid people, crying, and depressed
make me think about another thing.
You know these snobbish people living in New York, or Paris
they want to...
they think about African people who have no water
in Paris, New York or Tokyo
so, they save water
because Africa has not enough water.
But if you stop taking baths to save water, it doesn't bring water to Africa!
The water you save
doesn't go to Africa
you just have less showers and less baths
and you smell bad.
Me, when I read: "oh, we must save water!"
Yes, in countries where there is not enough water.
Not in countries where you have too much water!
Like Canada,
they have a lot of water.
So they can take 5 baths a day
the water they save doesn't go to Africa.
When I read: "Save the water for these people, so many people have not enough water in the world."
I take two baths!
Because in Okinawa there is a lot of rain
the little rainy season, the little monsoon, we have
so, we don't have not enough water.
If by saving water
African people receive these water, I would immediately stop having shower.
But it doesn't work.
So if you live,
if you are lucky enough to live in a country with a lot of water like Japan, and Okinawa
enjoy your baths.
It's the same thing about: "oh, poor people in Africa, they cannot eat."
"I must save my food"
If you save your food,
it doesn't give food to Africa!
If you eat less
you become small
and the African children, they die the same.
So you need energy
Enjoy your food!
Every time I see on TV African children dying because no food
I go and cook the best meal possible
and enjoy with other raelians
with a little meditation.
Enjoy your food!
So many people don't have it.
Is it selfish?
Not at all.
If by eating half my plate other half goes to Africa, I eat half.
But it doesn't work
so eat everything
and another one
not too much because, we look like sumo.
And, you have more energy
to really have action
create organizations
to send food
and help to African people.
For this you need energy
and be healthy
the same for bringing peace to humanity.
By crying: "oh, terrible, 3 months"
you do nothing
you become depressed
you stay in bed
and humanity is doomed.
By being healthy
you change the world.
Happy people
have more telepathic power
depressed people have no telepathic power
because they think.
Thinking is not meditating.
meditation is no thinking
then, no thinking.
Lots of telepathic energy available
then you pray for peace.
You pray to change the mind of these stupid leaders.
Especially the leaders of Japan.
I cannot believe that the Japanese government
doesn't want to sign
this law making atomic bombs forbidden, I cannot believe.
Japan is the only country in the world which suffered
hundreds of thousands of deaths because of atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
And they don't want to sign the law making atomic bombs forbidden?
When I read that
I was laughing like crazy
they are very stupid or crazy
Japan should be the pioneers
Japanese government should promote this and
push people to vote against atomic bombs.
They say: "No we don't want to make atomic bombs forbidden"
Am I dreaming?
What kind of bad dream is that?
So, we need to have energy
here there is 3 months to change the decision of these governments
and for that we need to be healthy
happy, to change their mind.
Don't cry for peace
laugh for peace
sing for peace
dance for peace
then you bring peace on Earth.
Please, do it.
Saab 9-3 Sport Sedan 1.8T 150 pk LINEAR PDC | ECC | Cruise Control | Regen- en lichtsensor | Blueto - Duration: 1:02.
Masha and the Bear, bad kid Masha crushes silly bear under car wheel. Medved, don't wake till spring - Duration: 2:24.
You nailed that nailing bear!
Oh oh.
Poor bear, are you okay?
Hi bear!
Kia Sportage 1.6 T-GDI GT-Line PlusLine - Duration: 0:54.
Kia Sportage 1.6 T-GDI 2WD | LM | Clima | Camera | Navi - Duration: 1:01.
Audi A3 1.4T Navi Xenon Sport S Ecc Lmv Ambition Pro Line Plus *nieuwe model* - Duration: 0:41.
Colour Grey Hair Naturally for $30 a Year! // Vegan, Cruelty-Free & Zero Waste - Duration: 17:52.
Hey there modern vegans and vegan curious,
it's Margaret, and welcome back to ModVegan.
If you're new to the channel, be sure and give this video a thumbs up,
and also, be sure and subscribe if you enjoy it,
and click on the bell icon so you can be notified
every time there's more great videos just like this one.
Today on the channel I want to talk with you about
zero waste hair colour.
And some of the experiences that I've had,
and how I think they might be valuable for you,
and maybe some different ideas for you to take into
consideration going forward.
So I got my first grey hair when I was 25 years old,
and I remember it very distinctly.
Because it was the day of my wedding that I noticed.
So I was sitting there with my hairdresser,
and she was doing my hair for the wedding,
curling it, and she noticed a grey hair,
and she said "oh, I guess you've started to get grey hair!"
And I thought, "oh my god, I'm only 25!
I can't believe that I
have grey hair already."
Well, fortunately it grew very slowly,
so I've only gotten a few grey hairs every year.
But still, it was a little traumatizing to see that first grey hair,
and I will never forget it when she pulled it out of my head
and showed me that indeed, I did have a white hair
growing out of my head.
But since then, I've gotten a little more comfortable with it,
and for many years I just kind of ignored it,
because it was so small.
Like there were just a couple of hairs,
so I pretty much ignored it.
But as time went on, I decided I wanted to do something about it,
and I know that a lot of women absolutely love their grey hair,
they embrace it, and I want to congratulate them,
I think that's fabulous.
It's up to everyone whether they decide
they want to colour their hair or not.
It's very much a personal decision.
It's just like wearing makeup:
no one should ever make you feel like you need to wear makeup,
or that you have to wear makeup, no one should ever
make you feel like you need to dye your hair,
but if you want to, and you just like the idea of having
a little more colour in your life, then this video is for you.
So after I found that first grey hair, I pretty much ignored
the grey hair until I was around 30.
And I made sure I waited until I was about 30
before I started colouring my hair,
because I just felt like for some reason in my head
that it didn't make sense to colour my hair before I was 30.
So I started colouring my hair when I was about 30 years old,
and I just coloured it pretty much the colour that it is now,
my natural hair colour, 'cause this is my natural hair colour.
I just used a semi-premanent dye, which is like the natural
I think Clairol makes Herbal Essences?
It's kind of their demi-permanent, if you're going to use the
lingo used by hair dressers.
That is kind of the
semi-permanent/demi permanent hair colouring that lasts
for about 28 washes.
It doesn't lift any colour out of your natural hair,
it just deposits colour on your natural hair.
So it's not bleaching it, it's free from bleach,
and it what it does is it just deposits colour on the shaft of your hair.
So that's kind of how that works.
And I did that most of the time, because I felt like
I didn't want to pay anymore, I didn't want to have to do
permanent dye, because I felt that really to do a good job
of permanent dye it's better to go to a hair dresser,
so I just used the temporary ones at that point.
And I did that for quite a few years, until I was about -
I guess I was 32 or 33?
Because it was just a couple of years ago.
I decided to start highlighting my hair,
and you can see that in some of the earlier videos
from this channel.
You can see me with highlighted hair, because I decided
to go to the hair dresser and get my hair highlighted.
And of course that was with peroxide, because that's really
the only way to bleach hair.
So I went to my hair dresser,
had that done there, and I did that for a little while,
and then I stopped doing that when I decided it was just
ridiculously expensive.
I didn't want to do it anymore.
I thought that it overall worked pretty well.
It was not
an uncomfortable process by any means,
it's just the amount of money that you're spending on it
that is really the deterrent there,
and that's really - the environmental impact and the time
and money spent at the hairdresser are the big drawbacks to that sort of thing.
But of course, also as a vegan, you're going to find
when you try to look into it a bit, that hardly any hair dye
is vegan.
And since I care quite a bit about this -
I make sure that my makeup is vegan - I'm very
conscientious about that sort of thing -
it didn't seem right for me to be using hair dye
that was not vegan either.
So about - gosh - probably
about 6 months ago?
I stopped using traditional hair dye,
and you may have noticed that my hair has been a bit darker
in my recent videos, and that's because I'm no longer highlighting it,
I kind of cut off the part that was highlighted.
And now I am using a natural hair dye instead,
and I wanted to tell you guys about it,
because I've been very happy with it,
and I think it's a really good solution if you are a brunette.
If you are not a brunette, if you're a blonde,
then this may not work as well for you, especially if
you want to keep your hair a blonde colour.
There are other solutions for hair colour if your hair
is naturally blonde.
I know that Bea Johnson
from the "Zero Waste Home" book and blog
- she uses chamomile tea in her hair.
I don't know if that works at all - I have no clue,
because I'm not blonde, so I don't know if that works,
but that's one idea if your hair is naturally blonde.
But I would pretty much take this video as advice for brunettes.
I'm only giving advice for brunettes, because I am a brunette,
so that's what this advice is for.
So I did quite a bit of research before I decided to use
a more natural dye.
And I looked around different companies, tried to find
out more about natural hair dyes, and since I'd had a horrible
reaction to the brand HerbaTint when I was in high school,
I decided to avoid that, because they use some of the same
chemicals that are in conventional dyes,
and so even though their dyes are "natural" - they do contain
some chemicals in them that may be - if you have sensitive
skin you may have a problem with them.
So that would be my big caution with Herbatint.
I think it probably works just fine for people who are
looking for colour, as long as they do not have sensitive skin.
And I do.
I had a horrible reaction back when I was in school -
when I was in high school I had a really deep reaction to it.
My entire head was itching, it was miserable.
So since then I haven't used Herbatint.
I was pretty happy with
Herbal Essences from I think Clairol, that makes Herbal Essences.
I used that for a while.
And I was pretty happy with that.
It had more to do with wanting a vegan and cruelty free option.
And thankfully, I found one that I'm pretty much in love with.
So after doing quite a bit of research, I ended up
with the LUSH Caca Rouge.
Now, try not to let the name dissuade you.
Caca is a bad word in Spanish,
but we're going to forget about that for a second.
But I think what they're just trying to say is that this is red.
And this is their basic red hair dye.
This is what I use.
And it's interesting, because if you look at my hair,
you're going to notice that there really is no red at all.
You probably can see a few highlights where it may look
slightly red - but the hair itself is not red.
It does not look red at all.
And that's one of the beauties of using henna,
which is what this dye is made out of, it's made out of henna.
And one of the beauty's of henna is that it kind of just
goes over your natural hair colour - it's almost like a varnish.
And it kind of coats your hair, it protects your hair,
and it imparts a red tone.
If you're blonde,
then your hair may look very red.
And you will notice,
I'm going to show you guys the grey spot in my hair -
that is my major major grey spot right there -
you're going to notice that's where it's red.
So that's the hair that's white, and you can see that it's turned
bright red.
And it's just this tiny little section right here -
I mean, I'm 35 years old, and this is the part of my hair that is
kind of white, and it's been turned like a brighter red colour.
But you don't really notice it that much -
you can see when you're looking at the rest of my hair,
you don't tend to notice that there's that bright section of red there.
And I'm quite happy with it.
I have to say, like, if you look at it,
I've only ever been trying to cover up my grey roots -
I'm not really interested in changing the colour of my hair,
and I find that this red works very well.
One of the things that the sales person at LUSH told me
was that if you are using their red hair dye,
it's better to use the Caca Rouge than the Caca Marron,
because the Caca Marron is their brown,
but it just doesn't contain as much colouring pigment
in it.
So unless you're trying to colour your hair brown
(which, if you're say, blonde, you might want that, because you might not want a bright
red result)
you might be happier with the Caca Marron if you're a blonde.
But if you have white hair, the Caca Rouge covers the colour
a little bit better.
It covers grey much better than the other one does.
And I'm going to take her word for it.
Because that's been
my experience so far.
It works very well to cover up greys.
No this video is in no way sponsored by LUSH,
and for that reason, I'm going to let you guys in on a few tips
that I have regarding using this product for greying hair.
Now I've been using this product for a few months,
and you will notice that it is 90% still there.
So I've used maybe a third or something of this outer ring.
So it comes with nine blocks of colour,
and if you're just colouring your roots,
and you're just trying to get rid of the grey that's maybe
at the very root of your scalp - you really do not need much of this at all.
You're going to just use a cheese grater and grate off
a little bit of this bar and then add some boiling water to it
until it kind of is the consistency of a brownie mixture.
So it's going to be not quite liquid, and not quite a solid -
just somewhere in between.
Kind of like a goopy paste.
That works best for sticking it to your hair.
And again, I mean - I've done this now like four times.
I try to do it once every four weeks.
And I find that works best for me.
Because it actually is a lot more permanent than the dye
that I was using before.
But it also - even though it's more
permanent, it's kind of nice to have it have that nice colour
at the roots.
I don't like the roots to get too long.
So that's why I do it every four weeks.
But you can see - if I've done if four times - I have no idea
how long this is going to last, but I would say one of these
bars - if you're just colouring the greys and you're not doing much else -
a bar like this will last you about a year.
And this is probably - I'm going to say it's about -
I'm going to be off here with the price,
but I think that it's under 30 dollars in Canada.
I think it's more like $20 in the US.
And it's about a year's
worth of hair dye.
Which is a pretty good deal,
because, at least in Canada, it's usually around $10 on sale
to buy a hair dye in a bottle.
And you need to buy those every month.
So you're talking $130 every year, vs. $20-30 a year
so it's definitely a considerable savings.
And of course, the only waste that you have is this,
which is your instruction information,
and it's just printed on recyclable paper.
So it really is zero waste.
And it's - aside from the sticker -
it does have a little sticker on here, and I do think this might be a plastic sticker,
so the sticker is not recyclable, but that is the only part
of the packaging that is not recyclable.
I brought
a recyclable bag to buy it, so it's truly a pretty much zero waste
hair dye solution.
And it's nice, 'cause it comes from a store,
it's already pre-made for you, all you need to do is add the hot water
to it.
It's very simple.
If I can do it, anyone can.
I've been trying to convince my mom to try it,
'cause I think that she'd really enjoy it, I think it's pretty much
exactly the colour that she would want.
So I just go ahead and I grate that bar, into a container like this one,
anything that isn't going to stain significantly.
You just put it in here.
I actually use one of my
eyeshadow brushes in order to apply it to my scalp
because I kind of just paint it on where I see white spots.
So if I see, you know, a white hair, I can just add it right there.
And you want to mix it until it's kind of a thick paste.
And then you can put it on a brush, and then add it to your hair.
I recommend doing this instead of adding it all over your hair
as long as your hair is somewhere in the brunette family.
If you feel that your hair is either black or blonde,
you probably want to go for something else, do not listen
to this video.
If your hair is blonde or black, and you want a specific
colour, if you're trying to colour all of your hair,
then watch someone else's video, this video is for someone
who has brown hair already.
But if you're just addressing those roots,
and you're trying to change the colour of the roots,
I would strongly recommend you try this.
Just kind of paint it onto your roots.
Leave it on their for about two hours.
And I know that's going to sound ridiculous.
Because when I first read that, I thought "oh my god,
two hours of having something on my head will never work."
But it actually works very well.
You just put it on the roots,
I tend to put it around here
- anywhere where you might get a few white hairs,
put it there.
Any place where you might see your hairs
a bit lighter, and then I put a shower cap over it.
And I have a reusable shower cap that I have at home
for when I'm taking a shower and I don't want to get my
hair wet - so I will use that, and you just put it on
for a couple of hours.
You can walk around the house.
The nice thing with this is that unlike an artificial
dye, if this falls down on your marble countertops, for example,
I've got some marble countertops in here -
if it falls on that, it's very easy to wipe it off.
It's not going to
stain it unless you leave it on there for a long time.
I've been very happy with the kind of ease with which
it can be removed from things.
I haven't had a real problem with that.
And when you're done, you just rinse it out,
and then shampoo your hair.
It's a little bit different, again, from an artificial dye
where you probably wouldn't want to shampoo it.
With this one I do recommend shampooing,
because this has cocoa butter and things like that in it,
to kind of give it a nice smell.
It's just meant to be
a little bit more rich.
And so you don't need to worry about it
drying your hair, it does not damage your hair,
in fact, it actually protects your hair.
And I just love it.
I'm a huge fan.
Again, this video is not sponsored, I wish it was.
It's not sponsored, but I absolutely love this product
and like I said, because it's not sponsored, I can tell you,
that unless you have like - I don't know - maybe 20-30% greys
because I don't really - maybe I have like 5% grey?
Something like that?
So I don't have a lot of grey, and so for me, a bar like this
will easily last a year, probably longer - and if you have
a few more greys than that, then it may not last quite that long,
but you're still going to find it lasts much longer
than any traditional hair colour does.
Again, unless you're blonde - if you're blonde,
you probably need to do something else.
You might need to use like an entire bar and cover your head
with it so that you get uniform colour and everything like that.
But if the problem is just about having some greys here and there,
it works really well.
and as you can see, like - I'm really quite happy with it.
I find that it is working really well with my hair.
And it's good too, if you have a sensitive scalp.
I've told you guys before, I have psoriasis,
and I've always found that to be kind of uncomfortable
when I use artificial dyes.
Like - that's the ironic thing.
If I leave this stuff on for two hours, it doesn't irritate
my head at all.
Like, I can leave it on for two hours -
I could probably leave it on overnight, and it would not
bother my skin at all.
And I have very sensitive skin.
But there's nothing in this that is speeding up that dye
to make it work faster on your hair,
and that's the real problem with something like
a Clairol dye, or L'Oreal or any of those brands -
they contain ammonia to help speed up the process
and help your hair to change colour faster.
And it may work in 10 minutes,
but that isn't really necessarily good for your hair.
And so, a product like this that you can leave on for a couple of hours
and then remove, doesn't irritate your skin at all,
and then if you have something like I do, like psoriasis,
it doesn't irritate the psoriasis at all.
Like, I still have
some psoriasis plaques on my head, and it doesn't irritate those,
and I'm so grateful to have this colour,
and that's why I really wanted to share it with you guys,
especially if any of you guys have, say, an autoimmune
disorder, or anything that causes irritation of your scalp,
you definitely probably are miserable every time you use
a harsh dye on your hair,
and this isn't like that at all.
So, definitely something worth considering.
Also doesn't have any waste!
And the funniest thing is,
I find now, whenever I go to the drug store,
I realize there's nothing I really need to buy there,
because, just in the last couple of weeks, I've started making
my own toothpaste, and my own deodorant,
now I do my hair colour, and I don't really need to worry about
going to the drug store any more, because most of the things
that I need, I already have, or I could make myself,
and it's kind of a nice, liberating feeling.
And I think actually saves me quite a bit of time.
If you enjoyed this video, be sure and give it a thumbs up,
and subscribe if you aren't already,
and also please let me know what your doing with your own
hair dye - if you're pretty happy with your solution,
or if you've tried - especially if you've tried another kind of
zero waste, natural solution that you've found works well for you,
I would love to hear about that.
Let me know, especially things that are cruelty free and vegan.
I would love to hear about that.
And I hope everybody has a beautiful day.
Thanks so much for watching.
Take care.
[Ben Phillips vietsub]:Elliot chơi nhảy cầu và cái kết đắng - Duration: 4:54.
Dragon Ball GT OP | Dan Dan Kokoro Hikareteku - ENGLISH Cover (SadSynth) - Duration: 2:08.
Bit by bit, I'm falling under your spell Your smile's all I need to see to know we'll
Leave this endless darkness, saying, "Come along with me!"
Hold my hand
Back when you first came into my life, I recalled a place that I knew as a child:
a special place, one that I held close to my heart
Won't you lead me in a dance down this winding road,
Where light and shadow entwine to take hold of the thoughts of the one left far behind?
Know that sometimes, I want to turn around and see the things that I've passed on the
journey, But know with love on my side, with courage
and pride, I'll fight; I will carry on
Bit by bit, I'm falling under your charm You'll keep me and all the world far from
harm Bring hope to everyone; take in your hands
eternity Even when it seems that I don't need you,
Just know that I am in love; can't wait to
Leave this endless darkness.
Won't you come along with me?
Hold my hand
we are geometry dash - Duration: 0:51.
How to solve problems? the six-step strategy [Animated] by Animation in Education - Duration: 2:58.
Masha's Watermelon Was Crushed by Silly Joker, Funny Masha Video, Masha and the Bear, маша и медведь - Duration: 2:18.
So juicy
Come back bear, come back with my watermelon
Bear! Watch out for the car!
Grr Hrrgg Grhhr Hggrrr
[Joker laughing crazily and disturbingly]
Poor bear
Oh no, poor bear
Going to take you home and make you feel better
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All stock download links are in the description.
Lets zoom in using the Zoom Tool. (Z)
I'm going to make a selection of the desert.
I will make the selection using the Pen Tool. (P)
I will be adding buildings behind the selected part.
Once your selection is made > Right click > Make selection.
Feather Radius: 1 Pixel > Then hit OK.
Lets head over and unlock the background.
Head down and select Mask.
I will now add buildings to our project.
I will make a selection of the buildings using the Rectangular Marquee Tool.
I want to select some of the sky as well.
Select the Move Tool. (V)
Then drag and drop onto our project.
Make sure it's below the desert layer.
CTRL + T to select the buildings.
CTRL + 0 to zoom back out.
Resize the buildings as needed.
You can make them as big as you'd like.
When you're done. Hit Enter.
That looks pretty good there.
I'm going to rename this layer to buildings.
Select the top layer.
Create a new adjustment layer > Hue/Saturation.
Hue: 0 | Saturation: -32 | Lightness -4
Hit close.
Create a new adjustment layer > Curves.
Bring down the Midtones > Middle of slider.
Input: 139 | Output: 121
Select the Red Channel.
Bring down the redness slightly.
Input: 137 | Output 126
Hit close when you're done.
Next, I'm going to add clouds.
Using your Move Tool. (V) Drag and drop onto our project.
It's going to need some resizing. CTRL + T to select the clouds.
Position and resize the clouds as shown.
We also want to save some room for blending.
When you're done. Hit Enter.
I'm going to rename this layer to clouds.
Head down and select Mask.
We want to blend the clouds in nicely.
Foreground should be black.
Select the Brush Tool. (B)
Select a large brush with soft edges.
I will start blending at the bottom first.
Take your time.
I'm going to bring down the brush opacity to about 30%.
Start masking more to reveal the buildings better.
Rotate your foreground to white. (X)
This will bring back some of the clouds.
I'm now going to add the man to the project.
There's many ways to cut out the man.
Zoom in using your Zoom Tool. (Z)
I will use the Pen Tool to cut out the man.
Since this part is very time consuming. I will speed it up to save you some time.
I'm going to zoom back out CTRL + 0.
Right click > Make Selection.
I'm going to zoom back out CTRL + 0.
Feather Radius 0 > Then hit OK.
Head down and select Mask.
There's a few more parts that need to be masked.
Using your Pen Tool again, Select an area that needs to be masked.
Once your selection is made, Right click > Make Selection.
Then hit OK.
CTRL + 0 to zoom back out.
Using your Move Tool. (V) Drag and drop onto our project.
Duplicate the Man layer. CTRL + J.
Hide the bottom layer.
I'm going to rename this layer to MAN.
Right click on the top mask > Apply Layer Mask.
CTRL + T to select the man layer.
Resize and positon as needed.
I will position the man near the center.
When you're done > Hit Enter.
Create a new adjustment layer > Curves.
Clip to layer below.
Drag the first anchor upwards to brighten up the blacks.
Input: 0 | Output: 16
Then hit close.
Select the layer below the man. (Layer 1)
I'm going to add an explosion.
Select the Quick Select Tool and select the explosion.
Then head down and select Mask.
Select your Move Tool. (V) Drag and drop onto our project.
Make sure it's below the man layer.
CTRL + T to select the layer.
Resize the image like so.
I'm going to position the explosion to the left.
Hit Enter when you're done.
Make sure the layer mask is selected.
Bring down the opacity to about 55% so we can see behind the layer.
We need to mask some of the explosion.
Select your Pen Tool. (P)
Select the area that needs to be masked.
Right click > Make Selection > OK.
ALT + Backspace to fill with foreground color.
CTRL + D to deselect.
CTRL + 0 to zoom back out.
Bring back up the opacity to 100%.
Create a new adjustment layer > Black & White.
Clip to layer below > Then hit close.
Create a new layer > Rename it to shadow 1.
CTRL + Click on the man layer thumbnail. This will make a selection of him.
Make sure your foreground color is black.
ALT + Backspace to fill with black.
CTRL + T to select the man.
Right click > Flip Vertical.
Drag the shadow downwards like so.
Right click > Warp.
Warp the shadow to match the other foot area.
Hit Enter when you're done.
Bring the opacity down to about 40%.
Head up to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur.
Radius: 5 Pixels. Then hit OK.
Create a new layer.
I'm going to rename this layer to shadow 2.
Zoom in using your Zoom Tool. (Z)
Make sure black is your foreground color.
Select your Brush Tool. (B)
Brush Opacity about 50 %.
Start creating shadows like so.
Be sure to use a brush with soft edges.
Adjust the layer opacity if needed.
CTRL + 0 to zoom back out.
I'm going to add smoke to our project.
Using your Move Tool. (V) Drag and drop onto our project.
CTRL + T to select the smoke.
Resize as needed.
Hit Enter when you're done.
Lets add a fire/fireball to the project.
Using your Move Tool. (V) Drag and drop onto our project.
Make sure it's above the smoke layer.
CTRL + T to select the fire image.
We want to position and resize it. So that it fits correctly with the smoke layer.
Hit Enter when you're done.
Head up to Filter > Liquify.
Select the Forward Warp Tool.
I want to make it looks as if it's more like a fireball.
Hit OK when you're done.
I will do some final adjusting.
Hold CTRL down and select the fire and smoke image.
Then CTRL + J to duplicate.
Using your Move Tool. (V) Position to the left.
CTRL + T to select > Right click > Flip Horizontal.
Position and resize as needed.
Hit Enter when done.
Create a new layer.
I'm going to rename it to fire light.
Select a nice orange color.
Then hit OK.
B to select the Brush Tool.
Add light to the fire.
Change the Blending Mode > Screen.
Add 1 more to the other side.
Head down and create a new layer. Make sure it's below the man.
I'm going to rename this layer to sky light.
Change our foreground color to white.
Using the Brush Tool add a bit of light.
Lets change the Blending Mode > Soft Light.
I'm going to select the fire light layer.
Holding SHIFT + clicking the bottom smoke layer to select all layers.
CTRL + G to group all selected layers.
I'm going to rename this group to smoke and fireballs.
Select our first explosion layer.
I'm going to add Debris to the explosion.
Using your Move Tool. Drag and drop onto our project.
CTRL + T to select it.
Resize it as needed.
Hit Enter when you're done.
CTRL + J to duplicate.
Filter > Blur > Motion Blur.
We want make it look as if there's motion.
Angle - 53 | Distance: 5 Pixels.
Then hit OK.
Select the top layer
Create a new adjustment layer > Solid Color.
I want to select a green color.
COLOR CODE: 619029
Then hit OK.
Change the Blending Mode > Color Burn.
Bring down the opacity to about 30%.
CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + E (Merge all visible layers)
I'm going to rename it to Merged layers.
Right click > Convert to Smart Object.
Head up to Filter > Camera Raw Filter.
You can customize your final results here.
Shadow + 10.
Clarity +35.
Select the Detail Tab.
Sharpening Amount: + 10.
Click on the Split Toning Tab.
Highlights - Hue: 108 - Saturation: 10
Shadows - Hue: 123 - Shadows: 7
Select the FX tab.
Vignetting - Amount: - 10.
Then hit OK.
I'm now going to add some dust particles.
Using your Move Tool. Drag and drop onto our project.
I'm going to add a few more.
Using your Move Tool. Drag and drop onto our project.
Create a new layer.
Select a nice orange color. Add light above the man.
Change the Blending Mode > Soft Light or Screen.
Drop the opacity if needed.
Fight For Air Supremacy - Bloody April 1917 I THE GREAT WAR Special feat. Real Engineering - Duration: 9:33.
The advances of the war in the air between 1914 and 1917 were enormous and by April 1917
had resulted in two different aviation strategies for the British and the Germans.
Those strategies clashed head on this month, and the result was Bloody April.
I'm Indy Neidell; welcome to a Great War special episode about Bloody April.
The Battle of Arras, the first British offensive of 1917 on the Western Front, began April
It was the first large scale offensive they had begun since the five-month Battle of the
Somme began last July 1st, though they did have smaller offensives in progress on the
Mesopotamian, Palestine, and Macedonians Fronts.
For the Royal Flying Corps and Royal Naval Air Service, the Battle of Arras did not begin
April 9th, but the week before.
They had been hard at work on photographic reconnaissance, spotting for their artillery,
and just flying air patrols to deny the Germans the opportunity to see the British build up
and preparations for the battle.
Those three tasks were part of Major General Hugh "Boom" Trenchard's strategy of
the offensive.
The primary goal was to support the PBI - the poor bloody infantry - with recon and spotting.
The secondary goal was denying the same to the enemy.
This was the strategy that the RFC had followed at the Somme and during the first phases of
that battle, the new British and French fighters had given the British the advantage in the
They flew the Airco DH2, the Sopwith Pup, the Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter, and the Nieuport
11, 16, and 17.
By the end of that battle, however, after legendary German ace Oswald Boelcke was moved
from the Verdun sector to the Somme and his teams were equipped with the new Albatros
D.1 fighters, the pendulum of superiority swung back over to the Germans.
The Germans, for pretty much the whole war, had found themselves outnumbered in the sky.
So, out of necessity, the Luftstreitkräfte - the German Air Service - followed a defensive
strategy, and one that sometimes went so far as to forbid pilots to fly past the German
front lines.
A positive result of this was that when German pilots had engine failure, which was a really
common occurrence, they glided down to German held territory and could be back in the air
the next day, while for the allies engine failure often meant becoming a POW.
The key to making a defensive strategy work was the frugal employment of fighter pilots.
At Verdun in 1916, Boelcke had worked out a system to save the strength of fighter pilots.
He had communication set up with units at the front to alert him when they spotted French
And he had his unit, Fliegerabteilung 62, organized into packs when they attacked.
These two tactics meant that FA 62 only flew when there were targets available, economizing
their force, and had local air superiority when they did thanks to the packs.
The whole German Air Service soon used these tactics.
In August 1916, Boelcke organized the first dedicated fighter squadron - called the Jagdstaffel,
or Jasta.
He also promoted his "Dicta Boelcke", the eight rules for fighter pilots:
Try to secure the upper hand before attacking.
If possible, keep the sun behind you 2.
Always continue with an attack you have begun 3.
Open fire only at close range, and then only when the opponent is squarely in your sights
You should always try to keep your eye on your opponent and never let yourself be deceived
by ruses 5.
In any type of attack, it is essential to assail your opponent from behind
If your opponent dives on you, do not try to get around his attack, but fly to meet
it 7.
When over the enemy's lines, always remember your own line of retreat
Tip for Squadrons: In principle, it is better to attack in groups of four or six.
If fights break up into a series of single combats, pay attention that several comrades
would not go after one opponent
Brian: But these were not the only important rules for pilots and airplanes!
Who is this?
Flo, did you leave the door open again?
Relax Indy, it's Brian from Real Engineering.
I was just doing a video on the a erodynamics and physics of WW1 airplanes.
You know the rules of physics that the pilots also needed to abide to during the war.
That sounds really cool, Brian I will sure to check that out, I always wondered how these
birds would behave in the air.
(Looking to the camera) and you guys should also check out Brian's video over on his
Thanks, Brian and see you around.
Yup, good luck!
Anyhow, Boelcke would only lead his "cubs", which were handpicked junior pilots in the
squadron, in the air for five more weeks before his death, but the Lu ftstreitkräfte followed
his example the remainder of the war.
Boelcke's best-known student was also the best known fighter pilot of this war or any
other: Freiherr Manfred Albrecht von Richthofen known today as the Red Baron.
He took command of Jasta 11 in the Arras sector in January 1917.
The upgraded and improved Albatross D.III fighters had arrived as well, and this gave
the Germans the performance edge.
The RFC's only new addition since the Somme was the SPAD VII, so their other equipment
was somewhat obsolete.
By April, Jasta 11 shared an aerodrome with three other squadrons about 50km from the
British lines at Arras.
The Germans had 7 or 8 other squadrons scattered around the sector.
The British had dozens of squadrons there and the stage was set for the contest between
the strategy of the offensive and the strategy of the defensive.
The result was Bloody April.
By the end of the month, the RFC had lost 245 aircraft, with 211 airmen either dead
or missing, and 108 becoming prisoners of war.
That month the average life expectancy of a British replacement pilot was 11 days.
In total, the RFC lost about a quarter of its entire strength and was pushed to the
breaking point.
The Germans inflicted these losses at a cost of just 66 planes, making for nearly a 4-1
kill ratio.
Jasta 11 alone was responsible for 89 kills, 30% more than the entire total of German planes
lost, and the Red Baron increased his kill total from 31 to 52 during the month, including
four air-to-air victories on the 29th.
Here is a quote from his book Der Rote Kampfflieger which mentions both Lothar, the youn ger Richthofen
who was also a flying Ace, and their father on that day at the airfield:
"At half past nine he [Father Richthofen] came to our aerodrome.
We just happened to have returned from an expedition.
My brother [Lothar] was the first to climb out of his machine, and he greeted the old
gentleman with the words: "Good day, Father.
I have just shot down an Englishman."
Immediately after, I also climbed out of my machine and greeted him "Good day, Father,
I have just shot down an Englishman."
The old gentleman felt very happy..."
So it would seem on the surface that the Germans won Bloody April, but that's not really
the case, because even in the face of the deadliest of the German airmen, the RFC succeeded
in its mission to provide the PBI with up-to-date photographic recon and artillery spotting,
and the battle was fought in the skies over the German lines, not the British.
Okay, that might be small consolation to the British aircrews, but it made a real difference
on the ground, and from this month onward air superiority began to swing back toward
Britain as the Sopwith Triplane, the Bristol F2B, and by the summer the Sopwith Camel - that's
what Snoopy flew - and the RAF SE5 made their appearances.
As a side note here, one of the German pilots lost during Bloody April was Wilhelm Frankl
of Jasta 4.
With 20 kills, he was the highest scoring Jewish ace for the Germans in the war.
Anyhow, April was a tough month for the British everywhere.
Casualties at Arras were over 100,000 men, in the Middle east they lost at Gaza, in Macedonia
they lost at Lake Doiran, and at sea they lost over 800,000 tons of shipping to German
submarines, the highest monthly total of the war.
And the war would continue to ever increase in intensity and as it did so, there would
come months Britain would suffer greater numbers of losses in the air, but at no other time
would they suffer as great a fraction of total strength lost than during Bloody April.
We would like to thank H Lynn Keith for helping us out with the research for this episode.
If you want to learn more about the aerodynamics of WW1 airplanes, be sure to check out Brian's
channel Real Engineering and his video he just published.
Don't forget to subscribe, see you next time.
【東方風神録】 Nagoshi「 Yonder Voice」【Vietsub/Engsub】 - Duration: 4:29.
夏越 (Through Summer) English translated by Fuyuko
My memories of you and I
Making merry, are distant
Summer in our birthplace
Is silent again this year
But for flowing stream's song
And the skylark's chirping
It reverberates among the mountains
The sounds of taiko drums and flutes
In this ongoing eternity
I abandon myself to it
Looking up to the blue sky
Children proclaim their love
Passing across the borders
All dreams are the same
As far as the eye can see
Everything is covered in green
It brings tears to my eyes
That original scenery
'In such a beautiful world,
Why must humans fight?'
They reach for the eternal heavens
Dancing in a kagura performance
The water's surface is illuminated
By a multitude of kotodama
Those early days are
Just like a tender song
I stand in the vast fields
And I love the summer.
【AMV Glitchtale】- 報應 - Vocaloid - (CC中文字幕) - Duration: 4:11.
The English Knight is a SCAMMER! Part 8 (with subtitles) - Duration: 13:18.
Guitar Bear Rock Spectacular | BeanoToons - Duration: 2:33.
It's time to rock!
To the guitar bear! Ooooh yeah
She's the guitar bear with cool hai-ai-air
The guitar bear! Oooh ye-a-ah
She's a bear that plays guitar!
The guitar bear doesn't play for money
She wants to rock the trees for honey...
Oh yeah, the bees don't look pleased
They want peace and quiet now
And so they say
Buzz off
Listen to my grizzly sounds
The animals started swaying
To what the bees were playing
It was messing with her plan
So guitar bear waved, she waved to the sound man
Kevin! Turn my amp up from a seven, turn it up to eleven
Then all the way to one hundred and eleven!!
But guitar bear wants that sweet runny honey,
That golden taste inside her tummy
What guitar bear wants, guitar bear gets
With her paws movin' all over the frets
You know what's gonna happen next
You know what's gonna happen neexxttt
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