Brexit instigated Trump, Trump instigated the Austrians...
...which might instigate Le Pen, and perhaps the German AfD.
Whatever happens to the EU, we can't all leave our continent.
Even if Orban, Wilders in Holland or anyone else leave the EU...
...we will all still be living in Europe.
Sorry about my voice, I'm think I'm losing my voice.
I think we are losing our politics.
The politics in Europe show there is no political union.
The only changes that take place are in the margins.
All across Europe, in all member states, there is a rift...
...between the political elite and those who call themselves 'the people'.
With me is Ulrike Guérot, founder and director of European Democracy Lab.
You are involved in the future of Europe.
People are coming up with various solutions, including a new Europe.
You believe the sovereign states should be replaced with European Regions.
I'd like to add that Farage and the UKIP are addressing a precarious point...
...when they say:' We're not in control': the slogan of the Leave Campaign.
Everyone agrees that we need a fundamental change.
The way things are going now we're heading for disaster.
Brexit is only the beginning. It won't be a walk in the park.
We can see clearly what will happen.
Since Brexit, the British pound has been dropping every day.
More and more Britons are leaving the continent.
We know British universities will go under...
...when they stop receiving the nine billion subsidies from the EU.
And yet Theresa May keeps saying: We'll do Brexit and it will be a success.
But the numbers show that it won't be a success.
So why don't we say it won't be a success?
It is a disaster and it will be a disaster.
The way we talk about Europe... drifting further and further from the truth.
People feel that.
The Austrian elections were in December, the French ones in May...
...and the German ones in September. It's a chain reaction.
Brexit instigated Trump, Trump instigated the Austrians...
...who may instigate Le Pen and perhaps the German AfD.
We're not sure, but that's what might happen.
Then it will be like Stephan Zweig's The World of Yesterday.
It will be like waking up in another world.
Remember how we sat in cafés, or in the Amsterdam coffeeshops...
...and we were all so free, right?
If you read Stephan Zweig or Thomas Mann...'ll see that they had already analysed it out in the 1920s.
They were no fools.
There are quotes by Thomas Mann from 1913, before World War I.
'If nothing changes, Europe will end up in a negative spiral of nationalism.'
On the surface, everything seem fine.
We can still travel, the borders are still open.
We still have the euro, everything is OK. But the trust is gone.
Not just among EU citizens, but also among the governments.
The system is still in place, everything seems fine.
But below the surface things are brewing.
Sometimes you only realise something when it's too late.
That's what's going to happen in Europe.
One day we'll be discussing Europe, the peace project and so on...
...and the next day we'll wake up and Europe will be gone.
Wasn't it nice, those open borders. Erasmus, all those exchanges.
All gone.
Europe isn't in a good state. A lot of people are saying that.
Even German Secretary Steinmeier said, in late October...
...that we can't rule out a demise of the EU any longer.
And the idea that we'll just carry on and things will be fine...
...that whole peace story is becoming very wobbly.
We see Turkey, IS and Putin threatening the EU from outside...
...and internally we see populism and nationalism everywhere.
The legal systems in Hungary and Poland are falling before our very eyes.
And there is nothing we can do.
And then there's the militarisation of society, of course.
The whole peace discussion, the surveillance state.
We can't make laws anymore.
The CETA agreement led to EU becoming legally incompetent.
If you view all these things as building blocks...
...then all those building blocks show...
...that the EU, in terms of acceptance and credibility... competence and political mission...
...has been considerably damaged.
In 1992, the borders between the 12 European Community will disappear.
This will bring changes.
It will become easier to work in another country in the EC.
Traffic won't be delayed at border controls.
For more information, pick up a leaflet at the post office or library.
Mr Monnet, how did you come up with the idea for a European Community?
The two wars.
It was clear...
...that we wouldn't be able to construct peaceful relationships...
...based on the nation-states.
We had to come up with an alternative and during World War II...
...I became convinced...
...that the only hope for peaceful relations in Europe...
...would be to try to build...
...the same kind of relations that exist within our borders.
To prevent one single country from dominating... should not be based on nation-states.
The peace story isn't working anymore. What do we tell people now?
How do we persuade the Europeans?
The question isn't 'how do we persuade them'.
You can't persuade people of something bad. It's not about PR.
'Listen to the people better.' They're not stupid.
Good, thank you.
No, it's fine. Yes, follow me.
Wonderful, thank you.
I'm just going to change into my yoga pants.
What should we tell the bankers?
The topic is, like the title of the book, why Europe should become a republic.
Then I will give a talk about Brexit, and the problems it will lead to...
...regarding free travel, and then I'll see what comes up.
I don't have to come up with new things every time.
But the bankers are scared too. - Yes, that's right.
There was the ' EU Three': France, Germany and Italy.
You have to want to see it, and in Germany and Holland we don't see...
...that the Italians and the French are not as happy with the euro as we are.
They had to put a lot of effort into it.
They suffered a lot, partly because the reforms didn't take place.
But also because the structures of the monetary union aren't working...
...or at least they aren't working for those countries.
We don't know what's going on in that regard.
It's no secret. You can read it in the Italian newspapers... the Financial Times, everywhere...
...that the euro crisis isn't over yet.
It's like an avalanche.
Once it starts to shift, it's unstoppable.
And it's already shifting. - Yes, there is Brexit...
...and the unresolved matter of Grexit...
...which was postponed in 2015...
...although nobody doubts the Greek debt situation is unsustainable.
And in Hungary, the judicial state is being cast aside.
The High Council of Justice in Poland...
...and in Hungary a newspaper was banned recently.
Human rights are no longer respected in Hungary.
And what does the EU do? - Nothing.
No, we're just letting it happen.
Orban says: I'm a sovereign state, I can do what I want.
So that's the problem. We can't be both the EU and have sovereign states.
Sovereign states have a monopoly of violence according to Max Weber.
If you make laws, you need sanctions for when these laws are broken
If you ask when the EU going is to fall, these are all signs.
The EU won't collapse like a house of cards.
But Hungary, Poland, Renzi, these are all signs...
...that the EU might not be legally competent.
Merckel said: If the euro fails, Europe fails.
I don't believe that. I think it's as follows:
If the euro stays like this, the European democracy will fail.
That's what is going on now. All the populism we see now... mainly due to the mismanagement of austerity policies.
You could put it like that. Most scientists do.
In that respect, the right and left-wing populism we see in Europe now... only, not only but also...
...a delayed reaction to what happened in 2012.
For me, 2012 was like, let's say the original sin.
They're here for the suitcase.
I was going to stop by. - Yes, for the suitcase.
Come in, I'll show you.
I can't check in this suitcase like this tomorrow.
My flight is at 7:05 am.
There was this sense of: Nobody is doing his duty.
The rats are deserting a sinking ship. No one was there.
I wondered: What have you been working for these past 25 years?
It was my life project. Maastricht, Europe.
We've taken care of that forever, and I was a part of it.
25 years later, the European Council building was abandoned... if a plutonium bomb had gone off.
Nobody cared anymore, it was empty, no longer tangible.
I went home and thought: Hang on, what was that?
How could the EU fail so badly? Why was nobody defending it?
What happened to the beauty of the European project?
Why are we talking about bailouts, Cyprus, banks...
...why do we use this technocratic language...
...and not about the union of citizens, and fellowship?
Why is no one talking about an ever-closer union?
Why have we forgotten what we wanted to do together...
...which was to overcome the barriers of the nation-states?
I was interested in politics from a young age.
Possibly because my father was involved in local politics.
My dream was to be a foreign correspondent.
I want to live in another country and report on it.
I remember when the European Act was signed in 1986...
...and they hung up the flags of all the member states... the Godesberger Allee. It was covered with flags.
For me, that was... I was cycling there as a student...
...and felt: Something is happening here with Europe.
I was 19 and had just started university.
That's when I became interested in it.
What were Mitterrand, Genscher and Kohl doing? What was going on?
Suddenly I was in the middle of it. I was 23 and went to study in Paris.
I fell in love. I was 23 in Paris, so I fell for a Frenchman.
That's how I became fluent in French.
Suddenly, Europe was a part of my life.
I was driving through Belgium to visit my boyfriend in Paris.
That's when you realise what they meant by an 'ever-closer union'...
...and the Maastricht Treaty. I became a European citizen...
...and tried to analyse what was going on in politics.
That never went away.
In 1992 I was lucky enough... apply for a job at the CDU/CSU faction.
I had an interview with Karl Lamers. Max Kohnstamm dropped by...
...who wanted Lamers to visit his estate.
We are very pleased to welcome Mr Kohnstamm, Vice President...
...of the Action Committee for the United States of Europe.
It was a very long drive.
I was in the car with Max Kohnstamm for at least 7 hours. I was 22...
...sitting next to a 70-year-old man saying: I was in Moscow in '36...
...did this and that with Komsomol, and I met Stalin...
...and Herbert Wehner and I...
I thought to myself: Have I landed in a history book?
It was so fascinating to hear how even in the 50s, 60s and 70s...
...nothing was set in stone in Europe, the active ones were giving it structure.
They wanted it and said: We need to think it, express it...
...and create laws that are valid and lead to the formation of Europe.
The political situation has become even worse.
The member states are all dealing with pressure from populists.
Every government leader is afraid of populism.
That makes EU reforms impossible. Holland is the perfect example.
Holland with its Ukraine referendum and Association Agreement.
It drives me mad.
First the Dutch government votes in favour. Then the people start to grumble.
And in parliament the government doesn't vote against this referendum...
...but says: You can have your referendum.
The referendum comes, the government does nothing to win it...
...the opposition wins and supposedly the democracy has ruled.
So I think: Why do the Dutch get to decide about this agreement?
Don't I, a German citizen, have a say in it?
When the tension rose between me...
...and the EU politicians or the thinktanks...
...or rather everything built around the EU...
The EU is huge, and doesn't just have its own people, but also thinktanks...
...and many people associated to it.
I was told I was too critical and befouling my own nest.
I just had a different perspective.
We say we want to think innovatively...
...but nobody really does.
Systems don't want independent thinkers. They're too much hassle.
Hannah Arendt talked about 'thinking without banisters'.
They don't want freethinkers.
Systems want people who think like the system.
My European Democracy Lab is a small thinktank...
...that aims to come up with creative, new thoughts about Europe.
How are you?
Let's have a quick meeting about all the appointments that are coming up.
I thought about what else you can do with Europe.
I don't claim to have all the answers. There are more out there...
...but I do believe you should consider various ideas... order to decide what the future of the continent should be.
We don't want to tear the EU down.
We want to save the good things and take it into the next century.
The old European project was adequate for last century...
...but it should be turned upside down. That's what the volcano represents.
This is a conceptual artist. Volcanos turn the world upside down.
We should turn Europe from top-down to bottom-up...
...and create a Europe for the people.
We don't want to destroy the EU...
...because we need the euro, the Erasmus generation, the single market.
We need to enrich it and turn it upside down.
Not top-down, but bottom-up.
And enrich: One market, one currency, one democracy.
We should put that cherry on top of this European project... that it becomes a Europe of the citizens instead of member states.
Citizens who agree with one another will found a republic.
That's our task for the future.
This nationalistic attitude doesn't help. We have three giants:
Germany, France and the UK. Always throwing a spanner in the works.
Now it's Brexit, but Germany is being difficult now... wanting to make all the decisions. And then there's the Portuguese, Fins...
Are we really interested in what the Portuguese think? Not really.
In the mythological image of Europe...
...the Brits, French, Germans or Bulgarians can't do it alone.
In the sense that every European nation...
...would have its own role and an organic position.
That's important: nobody can leave.
They all belong to Europe and are needed the way they are.
They all contribute something to Europe.
I can't draw very well, but this is roughly Europe.
Here is Denmark, Italy... is Greece, the Danube is the aorta...
...connecting all the countries it flows through.
Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria. That's the Danube.
This is the Rhine that connects Europe from Amsterdam to the south.
Europe is one.
The borders we've drawn have split up the old cultural regions.
Take Spain and France. They split up the Basque Country.
Or Austria and Italy, who split up Tirol.
We derive our cuisines, soups and languages from these cultural regions:
Basque, Normandic, Alsatian.
That's Europe, and European diversity.
Make those regions constitutional carriers.
There are roughly fifty regions...
...that support the European republic.
Then, like the US, there are fifty or sixty federal states...
...or regions, provinces, administrative units, however you want to call them.
They maintain their culture and identity on the one hand...
...and give the citizens exactly what they want now:
Their own identity, which the populists are so hell bent on.
And you get a stronger role in a political system...
...because you've removed the middle layer of the nation.
But some regions are richer than others, how will that work?
Set up a European unemployment insurance: an indirect stabilizer.
So everyone in Europe gets the same benefits.
This also conveys that all Europeans are equal... terms of the law and what they are entitled to.
What about the refugees? - We set up a department for that.
We introduce a bonus system for cities and regions...
...and say: We will help any region or city that takes in refugees.
We will arrange architects, advisors. We will offer advice and money.
Turn it into a competition, so cities start requesting refugees.
It's happening already.
In Southern Italy there are abandoned and ageing cities...
...where they... There's this fantastic mayor in Southern Italy.
Are you Nigerian? From Gambia?
He took in refugees and accommodated them in old buildings.
An old city that no longer had a bakery had a bakery again.
The schools were full again. There were classes again. It works.
That way, you let the market do its job again.
If the regions of the Netherlands, Budapest, Hungary...
...or east Germany don't want any refugees, they won't get them...
...but they won't get any money from the European Committee either.
The problem with these 27, 28 member states is that they're not the same size.
The Dutch and the Germans are not represented equally in the EU.
You and I. As a Dutch person, you are represented very differently from me.
We are not equal in the elections.
That's a problem for the democracy. - How do you mean?
That a German member of parliament...
...will represent its people differently from a Dutch one.
We vote differently. In Germany we vote as federal states...
...unlike Holland or France. The election system should be the same.
One person, one vote, otherwise it's not a democracy.
The European social model is a cultural invention.
We must realise that.
They don't have it in India, Russia, or the US...
...where people sleep in the streets.
Or in Africa or Latin America where there is a lot of corruption.
We should ask ourselves: Is this what we want, or not?
If we do, we have to work for it.
The EU represents freedom...
...but there are many countries in the EU where there is no freedom anymore.
That's the problem. You say:
How can intellectuals say that when it's no longer the reality?
As Brecht said: First food, then morals.
As soon as people fear for their jobs, their families, their future...
...they let themselves be lured into nationalism...
...which can in turn lead to tension and even war.
You don't defend freedom when you're doing badly.
We talk about security, defending ourselves..
...defending our values against Putin or the IS. We want safety.
But Europe's cultural heritage of the French Revolution... freedom, equality, fraternity. Safety isn't listed there.
I'm saying: You can be safe in jail.
In the former East Germany they were very safe, but not free.
If you exchange freedom for safety, and that is what is happening... have lost. Then you are no longer defending your values...
...but you're defending your safety, your life, and money.
But people we call heroes, like Sophie Scholl and Bonhoeffer...
...didn't defend their lives, let alone money. They died for freedom.
That's what worries me. The discourse in Europe... so dominated by the paradigm of 'safety'...
...that we're allowing everything.
The French state of emergency, security cameras and so on.
We're not defending our ideals. That's the problem.
My ideas are impressionist. It's not perfect.
I'm not dogmatic. I don't want to have to come up with everything myself.
I would like to plant ideas and sow them with others.
That's very important.
Always think new thoughts. People should always think new thoughts.
We're broadcasting this so other people will hear what is being said...
...and have food for thought.
It's like impressionism. I have a few points which inspire others.
'Guérot made this point about cities and refugees.'
'I'm an architect and I can contribute. I can improve her idea.'
I can say I'm in favour, but the European political reality...
The political reality is what we make of it. End of story.
Don't you think something bad has to happen before we see it's a good idea?
Maybe, and yet reality is what we make of it.
For more infomation >> Europe is dead, long live Europe - (VPRO documentary - 2016) - Duration: 46:50.-------------------------------------------
Sanvezzo le aplicó al Toluca el "Gol fallado, gol en contra" - Duration: 0:57.
Resultados En Vivo Sorteo Domingo 30 Abril 2017 Loteria Nacional de Panama Numeros Loteria 30 Abril - Duration: 1:17.
♓ 🐠Pisces Patience For May🐞🌻🐦2017 FREE Tarot Oracle Cards♥♦ ♠♣Reading 🔮 - Duration: 10:00.
Shingeki no Kyojin Season 2「AMV」- Titans ᴴᴰ - Duration: 4:06.
Instumental Hip hop (Todo Fue Una ilusión)Romantico - Duration: 3:39.
họa tâm sư tập 4-phim cổ trang mới nhất 2017 - Duration: 35:00.
Laura Low - My Body (Live Acoustic) - Original Song - Duration: 3:49.
This is called My Body
You know
Sometimes I feel like dancing and shaking and getting a little crazy
But it seems like when I do that people get me wrong
Well that's gotta change
When I was just a little girl my mamma used to tell me
Whatever you do in life you better do it right baby
Don't care if you're doctor or a whore but be happy and free
And that's how I learned not to judge anyone or to let them judge me
If I show some of this or move it like that
it don't mean you can treat me however you want
I can show you some of this or move it like that
but you better respect me I do what I want
It's my body and I do what I want with it
I do what I want with it, I do what I want with it
It's my body and I do what I want with it
I do what I want with it, I do what I want with it
So now you seem a bit upset you're calling me hussy
Boy if you do it it's ok believe me I don't get it
And now you feel relieved I'm not your girl and it's kind of fun
Cause she didn't look that prudish at all when she was cheating on you last night
It's my body and I do what I want with it
I do what I want with it, I do what I want with it
It's my body and I do what I want with it
I do what I want with it, I do what I want with it
My looks are not who I am, they don't define me
My cash is not who I am, it don't define me
My clothes are not who I am, they don't define me
If you don't know who I am you won't define me
If I show some of this, move it like that
It's my body
I do what I want with it
I do what I want with it, I do what I want with it
It's my body
I'm gonna do, I'm gonna do what I want with it
And you don't know who I am, no!
You won't define who I am, no!
So go ahead I don't care, no!
Your words they don't mean a thing, no
And you don't know who I am, no!
You won't define who I am, no!
So go ahead I don't care, no!
Your words they don't mean a thing
Thank you so, so, so, so much
History of Saorsa - Part 1 - Duration: 13:18.
Hey again! Today, and the next few episodes devoted to
Saorsa's stuff specifically, we're going to be talking about the origin of the planet
Saorsa, and it's sister world Seireadan. Technically those should be pronounced Say-or-Shah and
Sher-ri-dan, if we go by the original gaelic terms, Scottish and Irish respectively, but
the issue is that the game is meant for an English speaking community, primarily in North
America, and people are going to pronounce these how they read them on the cover. That
and they honestly sound better this way so nyah.
In any case, it's time for a history lesson on the world... or worlds, as the case may
be! Let's start off this series with Saorsa itself, and the Omnicidal War.
So first off, Saorsa wasn't always known as Saorsa. This's actually a fairly recent development,
so we have to go back a few hundred years to get an idea of how we came to this point.
Originally, Saorsa was the homeworld of the Dragons. As in all Dragons. Within the history
of the multiverse that Saorsa's a part of, the very first Dragons originally evolved
upon Saorsa, and then branched out into other worlds through various means. Magic, technology,
wormholes, tears between realities, you name it. Every Dragon you meet or see in any game,
book or movie, had their initial origin of their species begin upon Saorsa itself somewhere
in the very distant past. Now, the thing about Dragons is that a fully
grown adult Dragon is about on par with a demigod at the very least. They're considered
to be ascended beings, and as such, they kind of look down on most other species. Can't
pooossibly imagine why. Admittedly, since Dragons have grown so prolific within the
various universes they've spread to, not every Dragon is a fearsome creature of near unimaginable
intelligence and raw power, as we've seen such things arise as Faerie Dragons, Pocket
Dragons, even a lot of Dragons which are little more than mindless beasts. Still, the fact
of the matter is that most Dragons are pretty intimidating, even at the lower end of the
scale. At the HIGHER end of the scale... well, that's
where things got interesting. If a deity is godlike to mere mortals, then what's a Dragon
deity going to be like compared to Dragons? Yeah. Yeah, that's kind of an unfair comparison.
The Dragon deities kind of snubbed their collective snouts at the other deities just as Dragons
do to other species. Which was fine, until a few of the Dragon
deities started caring so little for the other deities out there, that they started killing
them for minor transgressions much as one would swat an irritating fly. This didn't
go over too well with some of the larger deities out there who could actually go toe-to-talon
with a Dragon deity, and things started to get a little bit heated.
At first, it was expected that things would break down into, yanno, Dragon Gods versus
everyone else, but that's not quite what happened. Instead, the Dragon Gods had a division, a
split down their ranks - some of them were of the opinion that these lesser deities weren't
worth their time and the ankle biting was getting annoying enough that they needed to
be eradicated like pests. The other major faction was of the opinion that these younger
species should be taught the ways of Dragonhood and raised to greatness alongside the Dragons.
There were obviously a lot of other smaller factions which took things one way or the
other, but the end result was that this divide lead into a very messy and very complicated
war within the heavens, where deities from all over were putting a personal stake in
the matter. Many tried to avoid the conflict, and unfortunately, they were summarily hunted
down and exterminated by more extreme factions... who were subsequently hunted down for bringing
the war to those who were neutral parties. In short, it was a world war involving deities.
Except it was larger than a world war, larger than a galactic war, larger than a universal
war - thousands of realities were all affected as various gods and goddesses and creatures
difficult to even imagine came into conflict with one another.
By the time the dust settled, there wasn't really a whole hell of a lot left. Virtually
every deity had been slain in what was later termed the "Omnicidal War" or the Omni War
for short. Those few who weren't killed outright, were so wounded or weakened that they'd been
forced to retreat to non-corporeal states to regenerate for millennia and haven't been
seen in person since. The primary battleground of this Omni War
was that of the Dragon homeworld itself, and with so many deities present, it was destroyed,
recreated, reshaped, remoulded until it became a hotspot for magic, growing even more magically
active than it had been in the past. With the deities more or less out of the picture,
however, this singular world was left in a state very similar to what it had once been,
recreated a final time as the dying spell of the last Dragon Goddess, but it no longer
held any deities to watch over it. Nor any deities to harm it.
A second war had been nearly ready to break out from the followers of the previous deities,
when a solution was provided - not quite an armistice, but more of a rebirth.
The Dragon homeworld would be allowed to be used for the next generation of Dragons to
grow as they had prior, but a neutral party of caretakers would oversee it to ensure that
other species could grow alongside the Dragons, to learn to be worthy of becoming deities
themselves. The emphasis would be upon drawing individuals
who showed the potential for greatness to the world, and then to give these individuals
the tools needed to become truly capable of changing the course of history regardless
of how they may decide to proceed. There would be no moral arbitration. No "good"
nor "evil" or any other version or variation thereof. There would only be a world dedicated
to teaching the most potentially influential beings in existence how to tap into their
latent potential, to become able to change their worlds whereever they may go.
Of the first few new species drawn to the world, were the Ferax. They saw the world
for what it was and embraced it, even giving it a name in their own dominant language - one
which stuck. Saorsa. It meant many things.
As with most Ferax names for things, it was
both straight forward, as well as sarcastic at the same time. A world where one has no
freedom, yet learns to be free. Where one must seek salvation and be redeemed in the
eyes of the warden, yet held to their own individual standards. Where the value of liberty
is taught by having it stripped away. It was a fitting name, and one which persists
to this day. So... to take a step back for a moment, who
were these neutral caretakers of the world? Who could claim not to have been touched by
the omni war, who would not apply prejudice and anger to other species?
The Æserians were those to step forward, both with the plan, and the population to
bring it to fruition. This angellic-appearing species had primarily dedicated themselves
towards following a goddess of chaos - one who saw the multitude of events which happen
as being part of a much greater whole; organized, structured, yet unknowable... even to the
gods themselves. To these Æserians, the loss of their goddess,
and in fact the events of the entire omni war, these things were only one small step
forward in the natural order of things. Everything that had happened had built up to that point
through the complex interactions throughout all of history, just as the end of the war
had been, and just as this next step would be. Everything held an order to it, even if
it could not be understood, and it would be folly to hold any one group accountable for
what was caused by all of reality since the dawn of time.
As such, it had made perfect sense for these Æserians to be the ones to take care of
the world as neutral caretakers. The long game, however, is a much different
matter entirely. Machiael, the warden put in charge of Saorsa
itself, has a somewhat different agenda from that of the majority of the other Æserians,
though she keeps her agenda well-hidden. Unlike the others, she served a much darker, more
sinister deity, a great calamity of horror which was stricken down during the omni war,
yet not fully slain. Her goddess hungers. Hungers for bloodshed on a similar scale.
She can not be revived without another war of equal or greater violence.
And so, Machiael plans to feed her goddess. How? Why, she intends to teach as many individuals
as possible how to rise to greatness... or more specifically, how to rise to godhood.
Within her machinations, she plots to grow legions of deities, to ensure they're as varied
and diverse in opinion and nature as possible, for she knows there will eventually be a tipping
point where they descend again into madness and slaughter one another when those inconsistent
values clash. So yes, she follows the same methodology as
the other Æserians, though her end goals are much, much different. Whether the player
characters discover this and end her plans or not, that's another story for another time,
one which you'll hopefully get to see firsthand. Next time, four weeks from now, we'll be covering
Seireadan, the Dirac Sea and the druids, and how they came to be wrapped up into this whole tale.
So with that, I'm out. I'll see you next time!
Oh I'm a dragonness and I'm okay
I go fwoosh fwoosh and I fly all day
I torch some knights, I chew their mail, I pick my fangs with spears!
But when they steal from my hoard? That really grinds my gears!
Preguntas y Respuestas 5 | Discriminación en Francia | Programa Au Pair - Duration: 11:34.
họa tâm sư tập 4-phim cổ trang mới nhất 2017 - Duration: 35:00.
Sea Stones Pebble Home Decor Ideas. Easy Beach Rocks Crafts for Garden. Creative Recycling Ideas - Duration: 5:32.
Sea Stones Pebble Home Decor Ideas. Easy Beach Rocks Crafts for Garden. Creative Recycling Ideas
Have a great day!
Watch more videos! Subscribe to the channel!
Верую (I believe) - Андрей Борисенко (2008) - Duration: 4:09.
I believe in one God,
the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth
and of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
the only-begotten, begotten of the Father before all ages.
Light of light; true God of true God;
begotten, not made; of one essence with the Father,
by Whom all things were made;
Who for us men and for our salvation
came down from Heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary,
and became man.
And He was crucified for us
under Pontius Pilate,
and suffered, and was buried.
And the third day He arose again, according to the Scriptures,
and ascended into Heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father;
and He shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead;
Whose Kingdom shall have no end.
And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life, Who proceeds from the Father;
Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified;
Who spoke by the prophets.
In one Holy, Orthodox, and Apostolic Church.
I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins.
I look for the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come.
My Wild European Trip w/ JaidenAnimations - Duration: 10:09.
VidCon Europe happened...
And I went to it!
With Jaiden!
We've known each other for a few months, but we hadn't actually met until... now.
I was pretty nervous about meeting in person for the first time and then immediately having
to sit next to each other for 8 hours straight on our flight to Amsterdam, because, I mean,
let's be honest...
Until then, I had no proof that she wasn't an /axe murderer/.
Still don't, but we're friends so she'll kill me last.0
Anyway, flying with a friend is awesome because airplanes are... hilarious.
The in-flight magazine had lots of not-English bits next to pictures that couldn't ever possibly
make sense, like this one guy who was just... holding a duck.
What uh... whatcha doin' with that duck, man? ...are you gonna eat him?
The best part about duck-man is that I used my phone to translate the caption and it said
"Test the chops of pork."
This guy had a neat hat that he seems to like, Scarlet Johansen was taking a nap - for some
reason, and this sweet briefcase wants you to "MOVE OVER MILLENIALS".
*close magazine* ... COMEDY GOLD!
…I stole this.
Also, I think the guy in front of me was sitting in his chair upside down.
We basically spent the entire flight just tiredly laughing at everything.
When we walked out of the airport we just... stood there, like, "*stifled laughter* now
We didn't even know how to get to the convention center!
Luckily, a very nice and not-at-all-shady foreign man walked up and asked "Texi?"
Why yes, complete stranger, we would like to put our lives in your hands!
He told us to just, walk toward the parking garage down the street and he'd catch up.
Yeah, that's fine!
At least if he murders us we'll get a good video out of it.
But it all went better than expected.
He unlocked his car, then went to do something real quick before we left.
The only real problem was later when he accused me of messing with his taxi meter thing.
We were in the backseat!
When I told him we had no idea what he was talking about, he was like "In my four years
of texi driving it's never done that!"
Done what!?
There's a first time for everything, bucko!
I got a bad feeling that he was trying to scam us somehow, but since I'm so well versed
in "The Art of Doing Things You're Not Supposed To (Trademark)" There was NO WAY a taxi driver
was ever gonna pull a fast one on us.
He was actually a pretty nice guy and we made it to the hotel in one piece.
Which, by the way, had an /amazing/ floor to ceiling window.
An ENTIRE WALL was just, a window.
So that was exciting, but Jaiden broke everything so we got "upgraded" to a less cool room.
It's fine, I mean, she only ruined my whole trip.
While we were waiting for the new room we went out to explore Amsterdam and get something
to eat.
I'm from a city that isn't cool enough to have a metro or anything so we had to figure
out how to use public transport.
When you buy a tram pass, you're supposed to scan it when you get on and when you get
But one time, Jaiden forgot to scan it as she was getting off, and I got really worried,
You're not following the rules!" she turned around all dramatic-like, "What are they gonna
do, kick me off?"
And, of course, the delirious laughter didn't /stop/ when we got off the plane.
We were surrounded by signs written Dutch that looked real silly to my dumb American
Look at this, that's not a word, that's a short story!
I think they had to make the building wider just to fit the name in.
Sometimes we'd see a random English word thrown in for good measure, like this ad at the tram
stop that said something apparently outrageous about mayonnaise, because... *pan to bottom*
The best is when a word is /almost/ English.
Like the name of one of the weird restaurants Jaiden found on her phone, spelled Y-A-G-O-Y.
Which I read "It's YA GOY!"
With a name like that, we had to go.
The thing we /didn't/ know about Yagoy is that it is actually a yoga school that also
sells food.
Just inside was a big sign "Show us your feet" which seemed a little forward, but who am
I to argue with a laminated sign?
So we took our shoes off and picked a table.
The lady that runs the place came over all confused like, "uh... people don't come here
for the food" But we still got dinner, and some tea that tasted like gum!
Ten outta ten.
When VidCon started, we went to some panels and walked around the expo hall.
The craziest part of the trip to me, was that about a dozen people recognized /me/.
I mean, I think people were mostly excited to see Jaiden, and I kinda cheated by Tweeting
what I was wearing, but that was so cool!
First, thank you!
Everyone who came up to us was super nice.
And second, are you sure you didn't have me confused with someone else?
I have like 2 videos.
Either way, thanks.
On the second day, Jaiden was the moderator of the animation panel, which was awesome
by the way, good job Jaiden.
And when it was over, /I/ was the first to clap, so, I helped too.
Afterwards Swoozie was taking selfies with fans and generally just being like, the smoothest
guy ever.
I mean, /I'm/ incredibly charismatic.
But Adande takes it to a whole new level.
Swoozie is somehow cooler in person than in his videos.
It's disgusting.
So Jaiden and I went over to the window where Adande was making a small crowd feel like
the most important people in the world, and sat kinda next to him.
I was trying to play it cool, cuz you know, can't let Swoozie outshine me too much, but
also furiously taking mental notes.
(Paper in brain: "How to get people to like you") After a while I was like "so um... we're
about to go get dinner, if you wanted to come, that'd be cool, I guess..."
And he was like "Ha ha ha.
Am I not cool enough to eat with?
Am I not up to your "standards"?
Probably not.
You're gonna not hang out with Jaiden freaking Animations just because /I'm/ with her?
That's... understandable.
Sorry Jaiden.
Besides, he had another panel to do.
Another panelist was one of the /first/ people I ever subscribed to, TomSka.
He's pretty well known for making... this.
And after Swoozie headed out it was just me, Jaiden, and Tom.
Now's my chance!
I can use everything I learned from Swoozie just now to be so charming and funny that
Tom will have no choice but to go to dinner with us and follow me on Twitter and be my
/best/ friend in the whole world.
So I confidently strolled over to him and said "so um... we're about to go get dinner,
if you wanted to come, that'd be cool, I guess..."
And he was like "Ha ha ha... ok."
It worked!
And to top it all off he followed me on Twitter so I could DM him the name of the restaurant.
We're pretty much best friends now.
(pop noise) *Tom unfollows*
Well, it was fun while it lasted.
Tom, his friend Elliot, Jaiden, and I went to this place called Wagamama, which we don't
really have in the US, but it was delicious.
I don't have a joke for this part, I just really liked the food.
Actually, can we talk for a second?
(pause) Not everything that happens to me is funny, but now it's kind of my job to share
my life and, hopefully, make you laugh.
I wish I could tell you a hilarious story of all the crazy stuff that happened that
night, and I think /some/ YouTubers might embellish things...
But the truth is: we all just ate dinner and relaxed, which I needed after a day of running
around VidCon.
Tom and Elliot were really genuine and down to earth and it was cool to actually get to
know them a bit.
(reverse pop noise) *Tom refollows*
We booked a few extra days with the hotel so after VidCon we'd have time to explore
Amsterdam and take a train over to Paris.
Which just sounds cool doesn't it?
"Yeah, no biggie just gonna run to Paris for the day"
The morning of that trip was /supposed/ to be frantic.
Wake up early, eat breakfast, ride the tram to central station, and get to our train as
fast as possible.
But I woke up and like, checked Twitter... and went back for seconds at breakfast...
Jaiden, relax, we have time.
It takes 22 minutes to get to there, and we have like half an hour!
When we walked out of the hotel we saw the tram leaving our stop, which means we'd have
to wait 10 whole minutes for the next one.
Wow Jaiden, you really should have hurried at breakfast.
The tram we got on was /excruciatingly/ slow, because oF COURSE IT WAS.
An old man got off without scanning his pass and the driver stopped to make him go through
all his luggage and pockets to find it.
Like, what the heck!?
Leave him!
He's old!
We got to the station with about 60 seconds to spare.
We sprinted in and checked the monitors to see which platform the train was on.
Before I could even focus on the screen, Jaiden shouts "THIS WAY" and we take off running
toward platform 15.
As we get close to the stairs I hear a train above start to move.
We're so close!
This is gonna be like one of those scenes in the movies where we throw our bags on the
train and hop on just in time.
We climbed the stairs to the platform and saw… nothing.
Dang it, the video's ruined.
We went back to the monitors, and figured out that we needed to be on platform 15…
in the international terminal.
On the other side of the station.
So close, yet so far away.
Luckily we were able to get on the next train out so we just had to wait for an hour.
Jaiden had to go to the bathroom, and apparently in Amsterdam, you have to pay an entrance
fee to... pee.
But she walked up to the little rotatey bar thing and instead of putting money in it like
a law abiding citizen, just kinda… went... under it.
Don't tell her I said this, but she's a total weirdo.
Unfortunately for her, the pee police emerged from the shadows and told her to leave.
What, you think you can just go to the bathroom?
Pff, millennials.
While we were on the train we'd occasionally hear a stern sounding announcement in a different
language and turn to each other like, "[Seriously?]"
The day was off to a good start, and when we arrived in Paris we'd have seven hours
to do as much as possible.
Outside the train station a guy came up to us and asked, "Texi?" and we were like
"This can only end well!"
It did not.
Here's the thing, I KNEW he was scamming us.
The driver didn't have a meter thing, so we'd have no way of knowing what the charge
should have been, and the guy that brought us to the driver was wearing real expensive
shoes that just screamed "I steal money from dumb tourists!"
He was even saying hi to train station employees in the halls - that definitely didn't know
him - to make it seem like he worked there.
I noticed all of those things, AND IT STILL WORKED!
That twenty minute cab ride cost three times what it should have.
Not the end of the world, but boy did we get taken for a ride.
We walked everywhere else.
It's pretty amazing what you can do in seven hours.
We went to the Eiffel Tower, but since we didn't have quite enough time to wait in
line, we just like… touched it.
And, of course, signs in France also looked silly to us.
I don't care what language you speak, three of the same letter is /too many/!
We also stopped at a little bakery where I asked for their least American cookie, but
when I said that, someone in the back laughed at me.
The owner came out and said "Sorry!
I'm from Kansas!"
If I went to Kansas, everyone would be a total stranger, but meeting another American abroad
was like, "we're friends, huh?"
Our last night in Amsterdam Jaiden found a restaurant that we were pretty sure would
let us keep our shoes on.
When we showed up, the hostess said they only had two meals left and we were like...
Which was kinda the perfect ending for the trip.
Neither of us had any idea what we were gonna get, but it ended up being really good.
WHICH IS A DUMB METAPHOR (James says something, I didn't really pay attention.
Make sure to watch Jaiden's video)
Richard Dreyfuss Said Something So Shocking, Tucker Carlson Was Speechless, Holy Sht Video - Duration: 3:19.
Dreyfuss Said Something So Shocking, Tucker Carlson Was Speechless, Holy Sht [Video]
Fox News host Tucker Carlson has seem just about everything and his long and successful
journalistic career, as he has interviewed hundreds of different people with every single
background and point of view imaginable.
When Tucker Carlson brought actor Richard Dreyfuss, you might expect this to be the
ordinary deluded Hollywood celebrity liberal interview, where Tucker would dismantle his
guest for his flawed point of view.
However, Dreyfuss said something so startling, even Tucker was astonished.
They began speaking about sanctuary cities but then, unprompted, Richard said, "I want
to mention one thing.
You were talking about the speakers on university campuses.
And I am totally, incontrovertibly on your side about this.
I think any intrusion into freedom of speech is an intrusion into freedom of speech.
And when one of the presidents of one of the colleges said, 'This is a school, not a
battlefield,' I said, no, it is a battlefield of ideas and we must have dissonant, dissenting
opinions on campuses and I think it's political correctness taken to a nightmarish point of
He added, "I am a constitutionalist who believes that the Constitution and the Bill
of Rights must be central and the parties must be peripheral.
Civics has not been taught in the American public school system since 1970.
And that means everyone in Congress never studied the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
as you and I might have."
Dreyfuss continued, "People come from all over the world or are born into this nation
without the values that we have here.
That's why they came here, to get them.
And what are they?
You can put them in opportunity, rise by merit, mobility, and freedom.
That's what we sell.
And if you don't want that, you've chosen the wrong place.
And you don't get a pass by being born here, you have to learn it.
And we must learn our values and if we don't, we are fatally, fatally wounding ourselves.
We will not have any way to really combat the ideas behind ISIS because we won't know
our own.
And we have to."
After Richard finished, Tucker said, "So I … typically I interrupt our guests and
I expected to debate you, but … I agree with every single word of that and I just
want to say thank you very much.
I think it's important."
Are you shocked this actor said this?
Watch below:
I'm a Hippy - Chema Gogia (English Subtitles) - Duration: 4:07.
Free Tibet Productions.
With the collaboration of I'm Your Friend, Not Your Food.
15th No to War in Vietnam.
Hi, let me introduce myself. My name is Chema Gogia and I'm a hippy.
It consists in having pacifist beliefs. Either share them or you're a fascist.
I've been given a heads-up.
Today, there's a protest.
My irritational banner
will help me to score.
I want word peace, a free and beautiful planet without any evil.
How I wish all the people that ate animals would die.
My music taste
is very original.
Canteca de Macao
Extremo and Manu Chao.
I'm the one who decides what's good and what's bad.
I'm a hippy.
I represent what society wants.
I'm a hippy.
Today it's really hot, I'm fed up of squatting. Let's go to my house and take a dip in my swimming pool.
I fell in love with my ex-girlfriend cos she had a Bob Marley patch on her rucksack.
But I stopped liking her cos one day she shaved her armpits.
What I will never do
is eat in McDonalds.
Capitalism can go away.
Long live pacifism.
I'm the one who decides what's good and what's bad.
I'm a hippy.
I represent what society wants.
I'm a hippy.
Today it's really hot, I'm fed up of squatting. Let's go to my house. I've got air conditioning.
Since I became a hippy, I'm more cultured than you.
I go to bars to recite poetry.
The dove flies happily flapping its wings through a free world.
Until the oppressive system cuts off its wings and the dove is no longer free.
I'm the one who decides what's good and what's bad.
I'm a hippy.
I represent what society wants.
I'm a hippy.
I'm the one who decides what's good and what's bad.
I'm a hippy.
I represent what society wants.
[FREE] 21 Savage Type Beat 2017 | Free Type Beat I Rap/Trap Instrumental 2017 - "Revenge" - Duration: 3:54.
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-play - Duration: 0:41.
2 bloki reklamowe i zapowiedzi z 3 czerwca 2016 roku - Duration: 13:28.
Origami Dress- Mother's day Card #2 |Do it Roxy - Duration: 3:03.
WHO'S NaNa? Qui est NaNa? - Duration: 11:42.
shippings on crack vol.2 [#9] - Duration: 5:34.
Jesse Watters Hands Shark Lawyer Bloom Her Ass For Her Sick Attack On Him, Hell Yes - Duration: 2:44.
Jesse Watters Hands Shark Lawyer Bloom Her Ass For Her Sick Attack On Him, Hell Yes
In classic witch hunt style, liberals smelling blood after Bill O'Reilly's controversial
exit created a scandal out of nothing when they sleazily insinuated that Fox News host
Jesse Watters was making an "oral sex joke" about Ivanka Trump.
Watters said about Ivanka that he "really liked how she was speaking into that microphone"
and perverts on the left somehow construed that Watters was talking about oral sex.
Automatically, opportunistic feminist lawyer Lisa Bloom threatened Watters, who thankfully
just smacked her away.
Tweeted nasty lawyer Bloom, who is representing women who are attacking Bill O'Reilly, "We
all saw your hand to mouth gesture on the video.
We're watching how you demean women.
We brought O'Reilly down.
Maybe you should be next."
She later added, "Jesse, I know you work in an environment that reduces every woman
to sexual plaything, but you're still responsible for your own sleaze."
Other liberal idiots piled on with the assault on Watters, such as Callum Borchers of The
Washington Post who wrote, "Watters's mischievous grin only reinforced the idea
that his final remark was, as the New York Times's Maggie Haberman put it, an 'unsubtle
reference' to a sex act."
Watters clarified what he said in that segment, saying, "During the break we were commenting
on Ivanka's voice and how it was low and steady and resonates like a smooth jazz radio
This was in no way a joke about anything else."
This did not appease the screechy liberal idiots, so instead he did the best thing he
could possibly do to them: ignore them.
Instead of playing their game, he decided to take a break.
Said Watters, "I'm going to be taking a vacation with my family, so I'm not going
to be here tomorrow and Friday.
But I'll be back on Monday, so try not to miss me too much."
Are you glad Watters blew them off?
President Trump Crushes Reuters Interviewer By Handing Him A Single Piece Of Paper - Duration: 2:32.
President Trump Crushes Reuters Interviewer By Handing Him A Single Piece Of Paper
President Trump trolled the reporters at Reuters in a brilliant way.
The media continues to insult and delegitimize the President at every opportunity.
President Trump had the perfect come back.
Reuters reported on the incident.
"Midway through a discussion about Chinese President Xi Jinping, the president paused
to hand out copies of what he said were the latest figures from the 2016 electoral map.
"Here, you can take that, that's the final map of the numbers," the Republican president
said from his desk in the Oval Office, handing out maps of the United States with areas he
won marked in red.
"It's pretty good, right?
The red is obviously us,"" wrote Reuters.
President Trump handed out copies of the map to every Reuters reporter in the room.
The map shows the country in blue and red.
The red is clearly dominant on the map.
A confused Reuter's reporter Jeff Mason went on CNN to discuss the incident.
"Was it about his feeling of success, or did you feel that he still feels he has to
prove that he won because there's so much cynicism?" asked CNN's Chris Cuomo.
"I think that's a good question, and it's hard for me to answer that.
I think he just wanted to relish in the fact that this map looks good for him…so he's
just very proud of it.
And whether that's rooted in a sense that he still has to prove that he won, or he's
upset that the media got it wrong in terms of the predictions ahead of time – it's
hard for me to say," said Mason.
The message is obvious.
No matter how much the media tries to bring him down, the country is behind him.
That map proves it.
Check out the video below.
Slightly More Realistic Jurassic World Ending - Duration: 0:19.
Rawr xD
Silver Collection 90% Junk Silver Coins Dimes, Quarters Half Dollars Coin Roll Hunting - Duration: 5:56.
hey silver bus what's going on I wanted
to show you another stash pickup we got
today that really really cool so there's
you know a lot of forms of different
silver out there this is what is called
junk silver it's 90% silver so 1964 and
prior your quarters your dimes or half
dollars your larger dollars they were
all made with 90% of its coinage was
silver and then in 1960 you know five
forward that changed to a basically a
plug and you know junkier metals what
have you that aren't worth a whole lot
compared to a nearly pure silver coin so
there is a whole movement to collect
this junk silver 90% silver because it's
it's got some great value and trade
value it's very very liquid out there
there exact some states I'm in Utah
today and I picked this up here and Utah
this is actually used in trade it was
made legal a year or two ago I believe
to trade via the silver the old silver
coins for its silver value for example
this is a stack of quarters you would
not take this and spend it like a 25
cent piece like like a regular quarter
from today okay that's worth 25 cents I
guess maybe a penny of silver in there
if that or other actually other metals
but this one 64 and prior this
particular one happens to be a what is
that a 50 going to get it to focus maybe
if I go like this to a cool and you can
spot these so that's like a little 1950s
what is that 58 that value is going to
be quite a bit more than just the 25
cents in fact in today's market I think
it closed around 16 and a half dollars
per ounce and so the conversion for pure
melt value today is about twelve dollars
so what that means is for every four
quarters of the dollar is worth about
twelve dollars in melt value okay here
are some fifty cent pieces look at this
old one from the 1940s Walking Liberty
half dollar you can get it to focus on
that that's pretty cool check out the
back and then of course we have the Ben
Franklin's and those go back into the
50s and 60s this is a 62 and a 63 all
and again 90% of its silver so there's
real real silver value here so these two
combined is $1.00 in face value and
about twelve dollars in melt value on
the panning sense okay here are some
dimes and these actually look the same
as today's dimes only the date is going
to be 1964 or older I'm not sure if
that's going to focus on that I think
that is a 64 died and here's a tomb of
them so you can see the silver color I
don't have any against to compare
against and that's one way you can find
these in rolls of quarters and dimes is
that the edging is all solid silver
looking versus I'm going to take say two
quarters I don't know if this will show
up on video real well but you can see
there's there's a little bit of bronze
looking and silver on top silver color
anyway okay versus pure pure pure edge
of silver okay and that's one way to
quickly help the year of these coins so
a roll of Dimes for example is it's $5
face value
today's mark you can multiply it by 12
and that's not what that is worth so
right there $60 was a silver one tube
and I picked up these glass not glass
but plastic tubes
just so I can store these things really
nice and preserve them pick them up at
Hobby Lobby for a couple of bucks for
four or five of these things and I love
here my silver clang and Chang listen to
that anyway hope that was useful and
informative so be looking for this kind
of coinage in your spare change if you
have jars or containers of old coins
that you know before you hit the the
machine that takes them back in and
spits out a little ticket you go to the
cashier and get that paper money look
through them and see if there's anything
pre 64 so including 1964 and older in
the quarters half dollars and dimes
okay nickels don't count unless it's a
buffalo nickel then that's has some
collectible value but these are the
three I'd keep an eye out for and every
once in a while I'll get it in some
change loose change at the 7-eleven or
you know somewhere or the grocery use my
debit card but most the time but when I
use that real money
I'll get back some and we just start
collecting it all right so hey if you
liked the video if it was helpful
informative appreciate a thumbs up maybe
share it be sure to subscribe to the
channel we're going to talk a lot about
silver over the next while because we've
got some really cool things we're
working on in that in that arena and so
be the first to sort of hear about it
through this channel alright over now
thanks for watching
【星野花】あぁ!『First Kiss』と ℃-ute 『涙の色』(共short version) 歌ってみた - Duration: 3:12.
Why can't you become my lover?
Then why did you kiss me? On that night
I had another person that I liked
Even so my heart was stolen
Always driving together with our usual friends
I liked those lively times
It all changed with that kiss
I can't look at you directly
I can't laugh at our stupid conversations when I'm with everybody
You talk to me so naturally
I am afraid of you
Take me back to that night
Take me back to before that kiss
You are stubborn
You still don't understand
I can't be with you anymore
Goodbye, my love
There's no way we can go back to being 'friends'
From this side I too intend to selfishly manipulate
You cheating on me
I would have forgiven you
But I won't forgive that day where you've hurt my pride
Tears, tears that won't stop
This will make me refreshed
That day I've trusted you was such a waste
Even so, this is the goodbye for the person I loved
Nickelback - Photograph but the every word is BACKWARDS while music is not - Duration: 4:17.
Samuel Amaz, do it
Fall on skin
Samuel Amaz, do you?
*intensive yells*
Eight miles away
I'm the turtle
But I am mo-Ron
My name awake a hero,man
Your name is more lane
My turtle
But a-at all
I am able to be a hero,man
*We can't hear you*
Nothing to do in the Voodoo now
Serious Sam
You all will got it(I hope)
Here is Lisa
And Louis
Eaaasy now...
And will be unleash
Mess it
*incomprehensible words*
Sassy Fatima
Master Timma
(Was it a burp? DansGame)
It's enough x2
Eight miles away
I am the turtle
But i am mo-Ron
My name awake a hero,man
It's enough x2
I am the turtle
But it is rough
But i able to be a hero
Soon i'll see that zippy slayer
Let's eat synthed mayonnaise
reads even Rousseau
Sing un-to
British accent
Why you are here?
It is strange place to kisses
Just leave!
Do i go raft
due in Miss Sneasel?
Whiny horse
You've maded one of some gristles
Mighty Aaron
well assumed to you
Manny, i'd never wayle to possess you
Squandy and squendy slough (I don't know wat it means)
Innervate and realize a little
Here i wait a Lumen,tho
Here i go, bruh
*your microphone still off, dude*
It's enough x2
It's enough x1
Zero (it's enough)
Eight miles away
I'm the turtle
But i am mo-Ron
Marble my name over hero,man
*reversed sighs*
It's enough( really enough)
*incomprehensible at all*
Meleeman so loves it
Major trophy winned by (BigDaddy)Notail
He will wish
neither neko, maka-maka-makadouche
Hill louse kneel to the beetle
(I am done)
Now this Secret for harder erection is not a secret any more - Duration: 2:24.
hello guys, welcome to natural cure tips.
first of all i want to thank you for your response on my videos, many brothers are asking
me about the results of these formulas, even 1 brother said, i am using this formula from
last 3 weeks but no result.
my friend, all these formulas have some benefits, but it depend, is this formula beneficial
for you or not.
reason for making these videos is to spread helpful information, because almost nobody
know about this.
i already use 1 formula for myself, but now i will use another.
previous 1 was beneficial for me, but not too much, Thats why i will use another, maybe
other one will give more result.
lets talk about our today's formula.
my today's formula is for making the penis more hard, and strong.
Because due to bad activities, like due to masturbation, penis muscles become weak, and
when it get erection, penis is not hard than it should be.
And also those married men above the age of 40, they can also use this formula.
The massage with this formula, will make your penis hard, and strong.
for this you will take 3 things.
1st. olive oil.
Black cumin oil.
and third is honey.
you will take 1 spoon of black cumin oil, 1 spoon of olive oil, and also 1 spoon of
honey, and mix them completely.
it will be better if you will heat it littlebit.
Because when you will heat it, honey will mixed completely.
Now formula is ready.
you will massage daily before go to sleep, when you will massage, oil will absorb in
penis and the honey will be on your penis.
then you will leave it just like that, then after 40 minutes, you will wash your
penis with normal water, but remember, do not wash with cold water.
you will do the same procedure minimum 30 days. and please try to massage more on the
root side of penis.
i hope you will try this, i will come back with new formula, please subscribe my channel,
till that time, good bye.
Bhai Anantvir Singh Los Angles - ਹਮ ਹੋਵਹ ਲਾਲੇ ਗੋਲੇ ਗੁਰਸਿਖਾ ਕੇ - Amazing Kirtan - Duration: 24:08.
Surowa Wegańska Kuchnia PL #101 - Duration: 27:26.
Massagem Relaxante Personalizada em Cadeira. (Fica a Dica) - Duration: 14:36.
Eric Bolling Just Got Career Defining News, It's Incredible Details - Duration: 2:21.
Eric Bolling Just Got Career-Defining News, It's Incredible [Details]
Over the course of the past year, Eric Bolling has seen his career take off at Fox News,
as Americans eager to get the sharpest perspective possible on the news in our turbulent country
were increasingly drawn to Bolling and his intelligent perspective.
However, recently there have been a great deal of shake-ups at Fox News, and everyone
has come to be in the hot seat in the wake of departures of A-listers such as Bill O'Reilly
and Megyn Kelly.
It seemed as though nobody at the network was safe, and people were wondering where
Eric would end up.
Thankfully, Bolling just got some news that brings his career to its highest point yet.
According to a recent press release, Bolling will not be taking a break from Fox News but
instead will find a brand new home as lead host of a show called Fox News Specialists,
which will air in the former 5pm EST slot of The Five, which is being moved to 9pm EST
after Tucker Carlson's show.
To show how important this show is, they have even arranged for a truly VIP guest for the
show's first episode.
Tweeted Bolling, "Thank you!!
Just a few days away.
@realDonaldTrump will be the first guest."
Bolling will host the program together with Kat Timpf and Eboni K. Williams, who posted
to her Twitter followers, "So humbled and thrilled to announce my new show!!
God is so great.
Monday on The Fox News Specialists at 5pm M-F."
Are you proud of Eric Bolling for his huge promotion?
Preguntas y Respuestas 5 | Discriminación en Francia | Programa Au Pair - Duration: 11:34.
Instumental Hip hop (Todo Fue Una ilusión)Romantico - Duration: 3:39.
♓ 🐠Pisces Patience For May🐞🌻🐦2017 FREE Tarot Oracle Cards♥♦ ♠♣Reading 🔮 - Duration: 10:00.
Jesse Watters Hands Shark Lawyer Bloom Her Ass For Her Sick Attack On Him, Hell Yes - Duration: 2:44.
Jesse Watters Hands Shark Lawyer Bloom Her Ass For Her Sick Attack On Him, Hell Yes
In classic witch hunt style, liberals smelling blood after Bill O'Reilly's controversial
exit created a scandal out of nothing when they sleazily insinuated that Fox News host
Jesse Watters was making an "oral sex joke" about Ivanka Trump.
Watters said about Ivanka that he "really liked how she was speaking into that microphone"
and perverts on the left somehow construed that Watters was talking about oral sex.
Automatically, opportunistic feminist lawyer Lisa Bloom threatened Watters, who thankfully
just smacked her away.
Tweeted nasty lawyer Bloom, who is representing women who are attacking Bill O'Reilly, "We
all saw your hand to mouth gesture on the video.
We're watching how you demean women.
We brought O'Reilly down.
Maybe you should be next."
She later added, "Jesse, I know you work in an environment that reduces every woman
to sexual plaything, but you're still responsible for your own sleaze."
Other liberal idiots piled on with the assault on Watters, such as Callum Borchers of The
Washington Post who wrote, "Watters's mischievous grin only reinforced the idea
that his final remark was, as the New York Times's Maggie Haberman put it, an 'unsubtle
reference' to a sex act."
Watters clarified what he said in that segment, saying, "During the break we were commenting
on Ivanka's voice and how it was low and steady and resonates like a smooth jazz radio
This was in no way a joke about anything else."
This did not appease the screechy liberal idiots, so instead he did the best thing he
could possibly do to them: ignore them.
Instead of playing their game, he decided to take a break.
Said Watters, "I'm going to be taking a vacation with my family, so I'm not going
to be here tomorrow and Friday.
But I'll be back on Monday, so try not to miss me too much."
Are you glad Watters blew them off?
Shingeki no Kyojin Season 2「AMV」- Titans ᴴᴰ - Duration: 4:06.
Laura Low - My Body (Live Acoustic) - Original Song - Duration: 3:49.
This is called My Body
You know
Sometimes I feel like dancing and shaking and getting a little crazy
But it seems like when I do that people get me wrong
Well that's gotta change
When I was just a little girl my mamma used to tell me
Whatever you do in life you better do it right baby
Don't care if you're doctor or a whore but be happy and free
And that's how I learned not to judge anyone or to let them judge me
If I show some of this or move it like that
it don't mean you can treat me however you want
I can show you some of this or move it like that
but you better respect me I do what I want
It's my body and I do what I want with it
I do what I want with it, I do what I want with it
It's my body and I do what I want with it
I do what I want with it, I do what I want with it
So now you seem a bit upset you're calling me hussy
Boy if you do it it's ok believe me I don't get it
And now you feel relieved I'm not your girl and it's kind of fun
Cause she didn't look that prudish at all when she was cheating on you last night
It's my body and I do what I want with it
I do what I want with it, I do what I want with it
It's my body and I do what I want with it
I do what I want with it, I do what I want with it
My looks are not who I am, they don't define me
My cash is not who I am, it don't define me
My clothes are not who I am, they don't define me
If you don't know who I am you won't define me
If I show some of this, move it like that
It's my body
I do what I want with it
I do what I want with it, I do what I want with it
It's my body
I'm gonna do, I'm gonna do what I want with it
And you don't know who I am, no!
You won't define who I am, no!
So go ahead I don't care, no!
Your words they don't mean a thing, no
And you don't know who I am, no!
You won't define who I am, no!
So go ahead I don't care, no!
Your words they don't mean a thing
Thank you so, so, so, so much
【星野花】あぁ!『First Kiss』と ℃-ute 『涙の色』(共short version) 歌ってみた - Duration: 3:12.
Why can't you become my lover?
Then why did you kiss me? On that night
I had another person that I liked
Even so my heart was stolen
Always driving together with our usual friends
I liked those lively times
It all changed with that kiss
I can't look at you directly
I can't laugh at our stupid conversations when I'm with everybody
You talk to me so naturally
I am afraid of you
Take me back to that night
Take me back to before that kiss
You are stubborn
You still don't understand
I can't be with you anymore
Goodbye, my love
There's no way we can go back to being 'friends'
From this side I too intend to selfishly manipulate
You cheating on me
I would have forgiven you
But I won't forgive that day where you've hurt my pride
Tears, tears that won't stop
This will make me refreshed
That day I've trusted you was such a waste
Even so, this is the goodbye for the person I loved
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