Little Nightmares
For more infomation >> Little Nightmares | 小小梦魇 | #1 - Duration: 16:59.-------------------------------------------
Audi A3 e-tron Lease Edition Sport 1.4TFSI 204 pk *RIJKLAAR - Duration: 0:59.
Sobre descoberta, relações e recomeço - Duration: 6:08.
Costa Rica trip - Episode 5 - The Sierpe con - Duration: 5:14.
Sierpe was a place that I've never really heard before
until I saw some pictures of it
in this book of Costa Rica aerials
an after I saw it there I said "Wow! I want to go see Sierpe"
and when I realized that it was near Manuel Antonio
and we were planning on a road trip to the south
then we said "Let's make a tour in the Sierpe canals"
it made all the sense in the world
Corcovado National Park 108km
today we are heading south
we are going to the Sierpe canals
we wanted first to stop by the Stone spheres National Park
that was on the way to Sierpe
we are the archeological site "Las Esferas"
looks like it is closed today
but sadly because it was Monday
Costa Rica's National Parks are closed on Mondays so...
today is closed
let see if the guard let's us take a look at the spheres
we tried to convince the guard to let us in
to take a few pictures
we didn't see the stone spheres
we couldn't get in, we weren't allowed
Ok, let's move on to Sierpe
when we arrived at the town of Sierpe
we had the luck to see some Macaws up close
but really really close!
like I've never seen in my life
and it is because in the town of Sierpe they have these Almendro trees
that it is one of the Macaw favorites
and they frequently arrive there to eat from the tree's fruits
and this time we were lucky enough to have them up close
really next to us
me with the camera then I was like
after that we decided to take a look
on how to make the canals tour in Sierpe
then someone convinced us of making a 2 - 3 hours tour
and without much analysis we took the boat tour to make the Sierpe tour
and it was a con!
what the tour actually was
it only took us down and up a bit from the Sierpe river near the town
we did saw some nice birds and all but...
it was nothing at all of what we had expected
of a Sierpe tour!
and this wasn't the tour guide's fault
or the guy who sold us the tour
because we actually never said what we were our expectations from the tour
it is just only that this is the type of tour they offer
when it is only a 3 hours tour around there
the nice Sierpe canals are very far away from the town of Sierpe
after making the tour
I went to ask the tour sales guy
that if they made tour to the mangroves part of Sierpe
which is the most interesting part of the Sierpe canals
and he told us that they do this tours as well
but they do it early in the morning, 5 or 6am
it takes like 6 hours to do it
so really
if anyone is interested in making this type of tour
the real Sierpe tour
then you should arrive at 6am
to make such kind of tour
maybe call before, coordinate everything, stay around the town the night before
to make this kind of tour because the one we did
I think it is not worth it
for such a long trip that if you make it from San Jose
there are actually closer places to make such kind of tour
almost the same or better
of what we did there
good thing this was the only deception we had on our trip to the south
because actually after that
we had one of the best surprises of the trip
and we will see that
on the next episode
Speedart Saturday- Animal Jam Art Contest Prize for Fuzzyberryclaws1 - Duration: 4:19.
[Music: "Son of a Rocket" by Kevin MacLeod (]
Hey, Jammers! Crazcatlover here, back with another episode of Speedart Saturday!
Today, I'm going to be drawing fuzzyberryclaws1's wolf,
and this drawing took two hours and 43 minutes to complete.
So, in case you didn't know, fuzzyberryclaws1 was one of the runners up of my recent art contest, for this awesome drawing!
And so, again, I didn't have enough spikes to give all of the runners-up spikes,
So instead I'm making speedpaint videos! For fuzzyberryclaws1, and I already did snowlondon's.
So after this, this will be the end of the speedpaint videos for the art contest winners and runners-up.
And so I will be opening commissions again really really soon.
I plan on getting them open and have a video about them being opened,
and how to order them, on either Monday or Wednesday, depending on when I get the speedpaint video for Tuesday done.
So yeah, look forward to that!
If you've been wanting to order art by me, you don't have to wait much longer.
By the way, if my voice sounds a little bit different than normal,
that's because I'm sick. That's why I didn't narrate last episode of Animal Jam Art Gallery.
Because I'm sick and I really did not want to narrate anything that day,
when I was making Animal Jam Art Gallery.
But I'm feeling a little bit better today; more energetic!
More like making a speedpaint video narration, so I'm making a speedpaint video narration!
I'm making a speedpaint video, and I'm answering Q&A questions!
So, today's Q&A questions come from my buddy, sarahkey8!
I feel like I say that in every speedpaint video.
She provides me with pretty much all of my questions for my Q&A.
Which I really appreciate, but honestly, guys, if you want to ask me questions, don't be afraid to ask me questions!
I really do appreciate it when I get Q&A questions.
And so yeah, anyway, the first question is, What is your opinion on the new pet eggs?
The pet eggs are cool, but the pets that come out of the pet eggs are even awesomer!
Because they're so SQUISHY! They're so cute and little and kawaii ^.^
Especially the pet bat chicks. I just love the pet bat chicks, I love them so much.
They're so squishy-looking. I love them.
Anyway, next question is, What do you think the new animal is going to be?
Well, um the letters on that stone (in the Jamaa Journal) are kind of weird-looking.
They're, like, upside-down and mirrored, but if you look at them,
it does look like it says Canidae.
I don't know if I'm pronouncing that correctly because I don't know Latin...
But anyways, Canidae is a scientific classification of animals, it's a family.
Family Canidae, and it includes wolves and foxes and jackals and other dogs and stuff.
So, like Wisteriamoon and... Julian2, I think? predicted, I think it might be a jackal,
or maybe an African wild dog, since bepper has really wanted an African wild dog,
and Animal Jam seems to be listening to what the famous Jammers want.
Like, the whole 1,000 buddy spaces and everything but yeah I think it's- I KNOW it's going to be some kind of dog.
But I don't know what kind of dog, so a jackal is a good theory.
So, yeah that's what I think. Thank you so much for those awesome questions, Sarahkey8!
And if you have any questions that you want me to answer in a future speedpaint video, don't be afraid to ask!
You can ask on my Jammer Wall in Animal Jam, or on my blog,
I would love to answer your questions in a future speedpaint video!
And so yeah, here's the finished art! (text displayed on screen)
And of course, (text displayed on screen)
Keep on drawing and have a fabulous day! This is crazycatlover, logging out. Peace!
LADA PRIORA from Samara with LOUD SOUND music CARAUDIO - Duration: 17:18.
Imagine yourself sitting in a car with tinting, a traffic officer comes up and says, 'Wait, I' gonna grab my meter and write you a ticket'
You're, like, 'Okay, go'. And while the officer is away - Tigran, you're up.
Open the window. Shazam! Voila! No tinting.
Do it back on, will ya?
And to tint it, just open the window. Alakazam! Here, it's back!
This is on fire! Here comes the future. Here it is!
Hi, everyone. We're having a regular review today
because this is yet another Lada Priora.
We've lost track of how many of them we've done. I just asked guys which one was this. Sergey said he didn't know
It's been a bunch of these in here lately. Prioras have been frequent guests recently.
This one came all the way from Samara (~1000 km or ~620 mi). There are two from Samara. A black one, too
Are we gonna shoot it today?
[T]: Yep.
Okay, but first comes this -- is it grey? Or brown?
[T]: Coriander.
Okay, coriander.
A coriander Lada Priora with about 500K rub worth of music.
Actually, it was a bit over half a million. We just rounded it off to half a million so that you don't get too shocked.
So the audio installed by Tigran costs as much as the car itself does.
The car is originally from Samara but the owner currently lives in Stavropol.
So we put this car up to Stavropol's finest traditions mixed with Rostov's finest.
So we have three bands, all of them extremely loud, two 15" subwoofers.
Two AGM batteries in the trunk and one under the hood. Powerful monoblock, powerful amps for the front.
We're gonna show-and-tell it all to you now,
And, of course, Tigran's poor neighbors who havnn't heard loud music in a while have the pleasure,
And so will you. We'll definitely try it. Turned out really loud.
Both the sub set and the front. The front is a real killer.
Tigran would squirm, me, too. The front turned out really loud.
We'll start from under the hood. You've already opened it. Great!
We've picked up a trick from Vik Mots. Now I will be in the frame, too
because on the footage where you speak about hardware, there should be a person who speaks about it.
The engine, again, is one 16 Volt engine. See? Here it says 16, and here is the V for Volts.
The alternator is one WPS, for 253 A.
The cable laid leading from the alternator is doubled up. You keep asking why double. The more, the better, guys.
For the battery we have one Exide EM100
A very nice one, with good output, good quality, very compact and rather affordable.
Kicx, again! Tigran?! And there's Ural down there. Lol
[T]: Are you taking Kicx off?
No. Why?
[T]: Kicx vs. Ural.
[T]: I made them friends.
Look, it's Ural.
[T]: They're pretty. They are gold.
And we've also installed... A canister for the braking fluid (kidding).
For the power cable we have ПВ-3, 50 sq leading from the alternator to the power cell.
And from here on, the layings are 70 sq. each.
We have the total of two + and two - leading to the rear.
The covers. Did you craft them, Tigran?
[T]: My apprentice Kirill made them.
Your apprentice Kirill made them? You know, Kirill isn't always a good name for an installer.
So Tigran crafted these podiums together with his apprentice. Which makes you what? A teacher now?
[T]: More like a teecha.
[Comedy Club sketch cut in]: - Thank you, teecha! - You welllcome!
Okay. We have four pairs of 18sound's 410s.
These are one of the loudest mids. Maybe the loudest, I'm not sure.
We also have Eminence, American speakers. Beta-8A was their name, I think. I keep forgetting it.
Very powerful mid-bass speakers.
And two T-35 tweeters. Which is probably the weakest link in this door.
So here's the door we got. Pretty impressive.
I can't say it's too heavy. Let's say it's reasonably heave. The door closes okay.
Then begins - or maybe even continues - the luxury part.
For the HU we have a Pioneer 99.
Here's our hi-end island here.
For stage speakers there's a stage recorder, right?
People often mock me 'cuz I sometimes call an HU a recorder. They're, like, 'Recorder is for cassettes, no?'
I'm sed to that term. I come from the generation that listened to cassettes. I even remember reel tapes.
Half of the subscribers will go nuts after this.
If you don't know what a reel tape is write 'I don't know what a reel tape is'
Again, we have two voltmeters. One shows the front voltage, the other one's for the rear one.
This is pretty much it about the interior. Total factory look, huh?
But every joke has a kernel of truth in it. The door handles are stock which is great.
We didn't have to go with those buttons and thrusts.
None of those. So we managed to keep the stock placement of the door handle and the window lift button.
So we could say, part of the stock survived
[T]: Even the glovebox opens.
No way!
Like hell it does. I tried and I couldn't.
[T]: Here, look.
That little? It's just as good as none.
[T]: Why? It's enough to put in your papers.
Nay, it doesn't.
Let's check out what we have in the back here. In the back, we have a bass reflex directly to the outside.
What's in there?
Here, here, here. What's that? Right there inside? What is that?
Right there. See
[Wilhelm scream]
Scared the hell out of you, huh?
What, did you expect this, huh/
Audio Extreme here. You're witnessing an epic rebirth of legendary subwoofers.
These were the subs - their 12" version - were installed in the '13. They brought the '13 its popularity.
Or was it the '13 that made the subs popular?
This part, unfortunately, I can't show you now but I will put up some footage I had shot in advance.
Under the raised floor, there are two power cells Exide EK950,
Everything is connected via a copper bus. Fuses here. Somewhat a DIY distributor.
The trunk houses the feed only. The amps are here behind the rear seatbacks.
And don't you tell our videosdon't up in their quality! Tigran is a grand light master.
See? He got whole two lights! Two iPhone torches simultaneously!
You can see. You can see - that's good enough. It's our motto.
OGO 1500. An extremely powerful 2-channel amp from the Deaf Bonce series.
This one evolved from a OGO 2000.D - a wideband serving monoblock.
Here, we have two channels. They're a bit weaker but all in all, it's a crapload of power.
It just tears, pulls out the maximum and a bit more from the 410s,
Both its channels serve -- one channel per door. One channel per four 410s.
Machete M154 feeds Eminence Betas.
And for tweeters, we have Machete M84.
And an Audio Extreme 5500 is mounted on a specially crafted false pannel in the rear.
So what, we only have to turn it on, right? Oh,a nd for the interested, let me jot through the settings
If you're not and you want some kickass music, wait just a teeny bit.
Before we get to the HU, let's see how badass Samara - or should I say Stavropol?
Badass Stavropol guys fight the tinting fines. See? It's completely untinted.
Whoop! And here it's instantly tinted. I want that, too, Tigran!
Make it back!
Look! Shazam! It's clear. This is pure magic!
Imagine yourself sitting in a car with tinting, a traffic officer comes up and says, 'Wait, I' gonna grab my meter and write you a ticket'
You're, like, 'Okay, go'. And while the officer is away - Tigran, you're up.
Open the window. Shazam! Voila! No tinting.
Do it back on, will ya?
And to tint it, just open the window. Alakazam! Here, it's back!
This is on fire! Here comes the future. Here it is! Only 30K rub.
We have a Priora with a brand new design. I really like it. Why are you laughing? I'm serious. I love it.
Eye burning. Bright, white, nice.
And Pioneer 99 here.
The voltage...
And there's your music.
Okay, we'll go therough the settings now.
The sub is clipped at 63 Hz on the top.
25 Hz on the bottom.
These are the mid-bass speakers. They play the range between 125 Hz and 315 Hz.
The band is very narrow but it allowed us to pull out some really nice punch out of them.
The 410s are starting at 400 Hz but I did it for the sake of extra safety. You can clip 'em lower.
But or target was max volume so that your ears go bananas.
And on the top, their limit is 6.3 KHz. It's not like they play well above that anyway.
Tweeters are clipped at 8 KHz.
Nothing extraordinary. The levels are adjested a little.
Equalizer is set at flat, and the initial time delay preset works okay for us
But in case you're setting time delays, I'd recommend you hold this scroller and regulate the channels.
That's how I do it.
It's just before setting a delay you need to pick it here.
And if here, you pick the position as left or right. for some reason - still clueless why - the HU sets it at different levels.
And you'll havesomething like this. The left channel will be lower than the right one.
Or vice versa. Can't recall exactly. I find it inconvenient. So I set'em at the same level
And then I finish up the delays.
Okay, so we've been over the HU, we've shown you the speakers, we've shown you the amps.
The subs, the voltmeters. The Priora, too. All that's left is some music on.
This song is for Alexey 'Lyosha' J.
He has been begging us to say his name in a review.
He raps about us, too. He's a real deal guy. So why not drop his name?
Here's a good track. Why not give publicity to a good track? And other his tracks are crap, right?
[T]: Of course, they're crap. He never wrote one for me.
Hey, man, make a track about Tigran. The guy's upset you don't have a track about him.
Wait, he's gonna say you are all thumbs.
Okay, Lyosha, record a track about Tigran, and then we'll turn on yours.
Okay, let's consider it a downpayment. We turn your track on right now,
[T]: And you record a new one.
Okay. Lyosha J - A Loud Lada Cruising Down the Roads. Just on the spot with this car, right?
Okay, we'll see now how loud his Lada is there.
And some Coca-Cola for dessert.
You often ask about the apps I use. I mainly use this LazyTune. It's offline. Doesn't stream online.
Here's HD Player. Offline, too. I used to use it a lot. Now I barely ever do.
If I need the music from Vk, I just use official Vk app.
So we got a very loud and pretty stable project. We turned it on until the neighbors started complaining.
If here, in this yard, a car stays on until the neighbors come complaining, it means the car's stable.
The weakest link here is tweeters and probably the alternator. Needs to be brushed up so that it charges up under idle rotation.
Kick up the accelerator a tad, like, 100-200 rpm more, and te charging goes perfectly.
But under idle rotation, it barely charges up.
It's not good but if the owner is reasonable enough to kick up the acceleator during stronger music output,
Or he needs have the sheave worked on. We didn't have the time, the guy had to go.
The system turned out very loud and hi-end. And, gotta say, VERY loud.
Four pairs of 410s is no joke.
For an inexperienced listener, it may hurt a lot.
The mid-rage is /that/ loud.
Tweeters actually manage to keep up but they're probably the weakest link in the sys.
I could turn 'em up but the car is not local so I'd rather they experiment with tweeters on their own.
If something happens, it's not difficult - and not expensive - to replace these tweeters' drivers.
So they can only experiment to get the nice volume which needs to be even higher to keep up with the 410s.
But this way it's not bad, too.
And the reborn Audio Extreme. It was a pleasure to see them again, for sure.
I've killed my share of these 15"s in my Ford.
I participated in Alphard's crash tests when they first started shipping those.
These were Alphard's very first subs. I'd burn them, and they'd give me those with new coils.
So it was a lot of testing.
And the tinting was a great surprise for me. Really cool. It's a must-have in our days.
I mean, ou can drive around tinted or not - up to you.
I should also acknowledge the nice level of bass which turned ot despite the fact that --
Let alone this is a sedan. Behind the rear seatback, there's a false panel which basically cuts out the trunk from the inside.
In installs of this kind decent bass is usually very difficult to achieve. But here, we did manage to.
Perfect for club music. At about 42-45 Hz it's the best. Plays greatly. An amazing bass.
Especially for a sedan.
If you have any questions regarding this Prora, leave them in the comments section.
If you want to go with 'Should've bought a better car', just switch channels. Right away.
You know what? I know just the erfect channel for you. The one where kids unpack Kinder Surprise eggs.
[T]: That channel has more subscribers than ours.
So keep your 'Should've given it to me' or 'Could've bought another Priora's to yourselves, okay?
Btw, when we load a foreign car, you say 'Could've bought a Priora with that money'
We load a Priora, and you say, 'Could've bought a foreign car with that money'.
Everyone knows how to make it better. We know how to make it louder.
That's all. This was LOUD SOUND, guys. Buy, everyone.
[T]: And the Instagram?
Live LOUD.
[T]: Mention my Instagram, man.
Promote your Instagram yourself.
[T]: Guys, subscribe to my Instagram. I need it to have more followers than Alex's.
Never happening.
No, man. That is never happening.
Where is your Instagram written, Tigran? Show it.
There it is. On the Priora. On the door. See?
There. On the door and the fender.
[T]: Oh, yeah. Now I see it. Right.
That's it. Subscribe to Tigran's Instagram.
Man, you owe me money for the promotion.
[Ep5] Anime Monster Strike (Legendado pt-br | sub Portuguese - Brazil) [temporada2] - Duration: 9:58.
Что восхищает мужчин в женщинах | Секреты первого знакомства - Duration: 4:40.
★ How to PUNISH THE CHILD. Collection of rules of punishment for bad behavior of the child. - Duration: 5:51.
Volvo V60 T3 152pk Nordic + R-Design - Duration: 0:47.
Volvo V60 D3 150pk Geartronic Nordic + R-Design - Duration: 0:55.
Little Nightmares | 小小梦魇 | #1 - Duration: 16:59.
Little Nightmares
Why Hollywood Won't Cast Eliza Dushku Anymore - Duration: 4:31.
Eliza Dushku was the queen of the early 2000s, staking her way through the Buffy the Vampire
Slayer series as Faith, and taking on the role of Missy in the teen favorite Bring it
Lately though, despite her proven acting talents, she hasn't snagged any high profile gigs.
Here's a look at why Hollywood won't cast Eliza Dushku anymore.
Dushku has starred in several TV shows over the past two decades, from Buffy to Dollhouse
to Banshee, playing what could best be described as the "Eliza Dushku" role.
That has limited her options in film, as she's been passed over for several major roles,
including Mary Jane Watson in the original Spider-Man trilogy, a role that went to her
Bring It On co-star Kirsten Dunst instead.
Dushku still occasionally gets parts in minor films like Eloise, but Hollywood seems to
have her pegged as a TV star, which puts her in a bit of a Catch-22, since she can't prove
she's capable of bigger film roles until they give her the chance at one.
Back to school
In June 2014, Dushku tweeted: "I've enrolled in college back in my hometown of Boston…"
Dushku told Boston Magazine she was taking classes at Suffolk University for a bachelor's
in sociology, taking the bus and subway to get to classes.
Her choice makes sense, as Dushku's mother was a former professor at Suffolk.
But time spent in Boston at school or taking in Celtics games is time out of the Hollywood
And you know what they say: out of sight, out of mind.
Charity case
Dushku's mother Judy has been involved with charities abroad for awhile.
In honor of her 30th birthday in 2010, Eliza teamed up with her mom and digital media site
Tonic to raise $30,000 for THARCE Gulu, a center for former child soldiers in Gulu,
Eliza and her then-boyfriend Rick Fox visited Uganda that same year, sealing Eliza's love
of charity work.
She told BuzzNet, "It was unbelievable to hear their stories first-hand.
Rick and I weren't under the university's liability so we went to Gulu.
We visited some of the camps where people had been displaced.
They were forced to leave their land and live in really small, cramped camps."
Dushku is well aware of how she can leverage her celebrity to help people in need.
"I immediately realized how many… how many people you could reach and, and how many people
will support you because they like you and they want to be part of the things that matter
to you."
In 2013, Eliza was honored in her hometown of Boston for developing a program for inner-city
girls in New Hampshire.
The ceremony at Fenway Park honored her as a "Camp Champion" by the American Camp Association.
Political activist
Dushku's social media accounts are filled with political statements, which is nothing
new for the outspoken actress.
In 2016, she told Boston Magazine, "People will always also go, 'You're just a dumb actress,'
and I'm like, 'Well, my mother did teach government and comparative politics for the last almost
50 years.'
I may be just a 'dumb actress,' but I also have picked up a few things and observe the
goings on of our country.
I think that I have a right to have an opinion—and an educated one at that."
Between her charity work and her political activism, Dushku seems to have found a higher
calling than landing a role in the next Tru Calling.
Documentary darling
Dushku's documentary Dear Albania took five years and a Kickstarter campaign to film.
The documentary brings to light the people of Albania.
Dushku, who is part Albanian, talks about the country's plight with issues like communism
and dictator rule.
Dushku told BostInno, "Everybody knows [Greece and Italy] and nobody knows anything about
Albania other than that the kidnappers from the movie Taken were Albanian and that Kirsten
Dunst did a fake war with a green screen in Wag the Dog in Albania.
We thought it was important we put Albania a little more on the map for people."
"There's just so much history that deserves to be um… seen and understood.
It's a challenging process and I learned a lot."
She's busy with other things
Besides modeling and appearing in music videos, Dushku has also been doing voicework for animated
films and TV shows.
And she's still landing television roles in both made-for-TV movies and ongoing shows,
like the hit series Bull.
With everything else on her plate, though, the question may not be whether or not Hollywood
wants her, but whether she needs Hollywood.
We can't wait to see what she takes on next!
Thanks for watching!
Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!
Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T DISTINCTIVE 170PK TCT Leer/17 inch - Duration: 1:08.
Alfa Romeo MiTo 1.4T DISTINCTIVE | 135 PK | NAVI | LEER | BOSE | PANO DAK | ALL-IN!! - Duration: 1:02.
SURPRISE MOTHER FUCKER! |BENVLOG 278 | 28042017 - Duration: 10:18.
Ben : This is our criminal team member
Hack : No I'm not!
Ben : This trip is a trip that I didn't tell anyone I'm going or not going
Ben : I can't wait to see there face now
Ben : Are you excited?
Ben : so fucking slow
Ben : one more time
Hack : I'm not excited
Ben : this is Hack first time to travel out of Thailand
Ben : At first Hack will go alone and hack said please don't leave me alone
Peach : At first Ben He's going to book and let hack sit alone
Ben : yes , why I didn't do that
Peach : So pity him
Ben : Today isn't weekend and it's in a rush hour , so we decide to reach early
Ben : and we reach here at ? What time
Hack : 7 maybe?
Ben : 7 am and we need to aboard at 11 am
Peach : Nah 11.55
Ben : 11.55 am ok let's find some place to sit
Ben : This is my first time for us travel to Japan
Ben : During waiting to aboard
Ben : What you saying?
Peach : I'm so pretty
Peach : I know you will cut it off
Ben : What you are saying take 2!
Peach : I said , look at three of us who never been there before
Peach : and travel together this time
Peach : and we don't know anything tooo!!! where the bus is train ? lol
Ben : This thing call explore your world map
Ben : Specially Hack Peach : first time travel and so far away Ben : and many days
Ben : Ultra Singapore he didn't join us
Ben : Oh yes, We didn't tel where are we going !!
Ben : We are going to!
Ben : Punz we have something to tell you
Ben : this weekend please takecare our house and cat
Ben : We are going to EDC
Punz : Really?
Punz : Fuck you!
Punz : Shut up!!
Punz : You fucker hahaha
Peach : Not only you that don't know we are going
Ben : Yes, everyone
Punz : really ?
Ben : It's time to go
Ben : I bring my drone together this time
Ben : Catch up Hack don't get lost
Hack : sorry I'm looking at the plane
Ben : for your information , if you want to travel with your drone
Ben : dont' fully charge you drone battery to aboard , and you need to carry it with you
Ben : our gate so far
Ben : Don't make you battery 100% power
Ben : leave it lower than 50% or discharge
Ben : Because Drone battery is Lipo cell , it's not good with a high air pressure
Ben : so you need to keep it beside you
Ben : If it have something emergency we will can do something with them
Ben :Damn !! Peach : so gentleman
Ben : Hack is a good boy
Ben : We will take about..... I know how many hour to be there . I'm waiting for announce
Ben : This is the face that we see cute air hostess
Ben : Now Hack he take a exam now lol
Peach : Nah her copy
Ben : My computer run out of battery now
Ben : Japan time is +2 from Thailand time so
Ben : So it's 6PM now we will arrive there in a hour
Ben : We here >,,<
Ben : Our dream country
Ben : This so awesome look here
Ben :The luggage they put it so neatly
Peach : So we in Japan now
Ben : Station number 12
Ben : 12 is over there
Ben : We are goin to take a bus to a hotel and they are drink near my hotel.
Ben : it's sooner Mofo lol
Ben : I'm at hotel now
Ben : but not your hotel Hack
Ben : the hotel that I'm booking
Ben : It's have one side is EDC
Ben : I don't know I got that view or not cuz it's random room !!!!
Ben : I hope I will got at EDC view
Peach : I think it's not a EDC view cuz EDC is on that side
Ben : What ever I'm ok with anything now
Ben : The window can't open and EDC is just over there
Ben : See there is EDC
Ben : That they testing a light
Ben : Did you see it?
Hack : Where? Peach : on the right side!!
Ben : The running light
Ben : oh fuck this one
Ben : automatic toilet
Ben :Damn
Ben : Finally I can try it now yeah!
Ben : Ok it time to surprise now
Ben : So cold
Ben : can I bring this fire with me?
Ben : walking to there , now weather is 14c
Peach : guest what they will say when they see us
Ben : what the first word they will say?
Peach :Fuck
Ben : Fuck
Ben : I didn't prepare for met a cold like this
Peach : I bring only short pant Ben : Who da fuck said , it's warm here
Ben : So close now
Peach : Finally bitch !!
Ben: Yes, time to avoid to answer them will over now
Peach : Too said she finally it is so excited this mission going to complete
Ben : The end of a secret time
Peach : what month we start it
Ben : I'm not sure it's long time ago Peach : January ?
Ben : but the worst part is we book a wrong side with them so tomorrow I need to sell the ticket infront there
Ben : so we going in together with hack right? Peach : Yes!
Ben : Ok let's do it
Bo : Fuck!!
Peach : She crying
Too : Hide hide Naris didn't see you
Ben : are they here now?
Milk : WTF!!
Naris : Fucker!!
Milk : I wanna cry
Ben : What wrong with you !
Peach : We booked everything before you did it lol
Naris : Fuck they trick us
Naris : let's go pool party in my house
Ben : what? you have pool party there?
Milk : we have can catch the last train now
Ben : really pool party ?
Milk : See you !!! Ben : See you tomorrow
Best Remixes Of Popular Songs 2017 💊 Melbourne Bounce Dance Mix 💊 Party Club Charts Hits - Duration: 54:33.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
Homemade Healthy Granola Recipe - No Oven Recipe - Diet PlanTo Lose Weight Fast - Nisa Homey - Duration: 7:31.
hey guys I'm Nisa homey and welcome
back to my Channel today I'm sharing a
highly requested recipe on how to make
healthy granola at home which can be
enjoyed both by kids and adults granola
is a breakfast food or a snack
consisting of oats,
nuts, seeds etc and they are toasted to
golden-brown which made them very crispy
and crunchy. Granola is a great snack to
be carried to work or if you're
traveling or if you're living in the
hostel. Now first let me show you how to
make granola on the tawa on the
stovetop though you can also make this
in the oven and then later in the video
I'll also show you how you can use
granola in your daily diet I will also
share some of the benefits of the
ingredients I'm using while making the
granola. This granola is my kids favorite
especially my son who loves to snack on
it while studying. so without much adieu
let's get started
first I am going to roughly chop some
nuts I am roughly chopping 1/4 cup of
cashew nuts,
1/4 cup of peanuts, and 1/4 cup of
almonds you can also use other nuts like
macadamia, hazelnuts, or pistachios try to
use locally available nuts as much as
possible. I have a 1/4 of a dried coconut
which is known as copra in Malayalam
simply slice the dry coconut as thinly
as you can. You can also use coconut
chips or coconut flakes and now for the
main ingredient which is oats you need
to use rolled oats and not the instant
oats to make this granola. I am using a
large iron pan to make this on the
I have already heated my pan and once
the pan is heated reduce the flame to
medium-low. remember I am using a cast
iron pan which retains more heat than a
nonstick or aluminum pan. now add in 1
tablespoon virgin coconut oil, I like to
use virgin coconut oil because it's full
of nutrients and also gives a nice light
flavor to the granola you can use any
healthy oil but please avoid olive oil
as it has a strong flavor once the oil
is lightly heated add in one cup of
rolled oats. Whole oats are full of fibre, high in
protein, and contains vitamins and
minerals like folate, iron, and magnesium
so be sure you are using whole rolled
oats and not instant or quick cooking
oats. 1 cup of poha or aval, note that I am
using the thick variety of poha which is
made from Kerala's red rice but you can
use any variety of poha available in the
place you live in. Poha is rich in iron and
having poha regularly can prevent iron
deficiency or anemia. poha is low in
gluten and easily digested and then add
in the chopped nuts and sliced coconut
stir it well so that it is nicely mixed
and on medium to low flame start
toasting (roasting) the oats, poha, and the nuts. This
is one of the easiest and healthy
granola recipe so you don't have to buy
a ready-made granola as it may be loaded
with artificial flavors, refined oil, or
refined sugar. now while these are
getting toasted let's chop some dry
fruits I have about 10 to 12 dates which
I have already de-seeded and I am roughly
chopping them adding dates is entirely
optional but I like to use as it gives
some sweetness and an instant energy. In
between keep an eye on the oats mix so
that it does not get burnt so make sure
you stir it on and off. I have some dried
kiwis which I had sun-dried myself last
year I got them from Kodaikanal and
since they were plenty I simply sliced
and sun-dried them so what I'm going to
do is I'm going to roughly chop them
adding kiwi is optional I am using this
because I just happen to have some dried
Kiwis. now the other dry fruits I am
using are 1/4 cup of dried unsweetened
cherries, 1/4 cup of black grapes. Now the
oats and poha has started to turn light
brown at this stage I am adding in 1/2
TSP cinnamon powder and mixing it very
well for an added flavor
I am drizzling in 1/2 teaspoon of
vanilla essence. This will give a nice
flavor and the kids will really like it
as it will also give a store-bought flavour
to the granola now to sweeten this I
am using three table
spoon coconut sugar. Sweetening the
granola is entirely optional but if you
are making for kids it's best to add some
sweetener and do not use refined sugar
if you don't have coconut sugar you can
use grated jaggery or grated palm sugar
or even maple syrup but do not use honey
the heat will make the coconut sugar
melt and it will help to distribute
sweetness evenly so make sure you mix it
really well once everything is mixed and
the granola is toasted I am switching off
the flame and transferring the granola
to another plate to allow it to cool
down. I forgot to toast some melon seeds
so I am again heating a small pan with 1
TSP virgin coconut oil and adding in 1/4
cup of melon seeds I took the seed from
muskmelon all you have to do is simply
wash the seeds and sun-dry them. Did you
know that musk melon seeds are a good
source of plant-based protein? . musk melon
seeds are extremely rich in antioxidants
vitamin A, C, & E and these vitamins helps
to prevent macular degeneration in the
eyes and they are also very good for
your vision. The antioxidants in the
seeds keeps your cholesterol level
steady and also decreases the risk of
cancer. Melon seeds are a great source of
minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, and
potassium. They helps to improve bone
density and regulate your blood pressure
so the next time you get some muskmelon
make sure you Sun-dry the seeds and
store in an airtight container. Okay! once
the seed starts to pop switch off the
flame and transfer it over to the
granola once the granola has cooled down
completely I like to transfer it to a
bowl and I hope you can hear the toasted
crunchy sound
add in the chopped dry fruits into the
granola and mix well with your hands and
my healthy granola is ready. Transfer it
to an airtight container and it will
keep good for months. Keep a jar of
granola in your office or in your hostel
and night shift worker can snack on this
at night while they are working. Now how
to use granola one way of using it is
adding it as a topping over a fruit or
yogurt or curd since granola is very
crunchy they are great as toppings. A bowl
of curd topped with granola is a great
after meal snack or you can sprinkle
granola over smoothies. Now the
recommended serving is 1/2 to 1/3 cup of
granola per day so do not over indulge
all the ingredients will be listed in
the description box below so please do
check it out. Make this healthy granola
so that your kids can sprinkle them over
lassi, milkshakes, or even plain milk and
enjoy summer with homemade healthy
snacks. So do try this recipe and let me
know how this turns out if you are new
to my channel hit the subscribe button
so that you can stay updated when I post
new videos thank you for watching and
until next time take care bye-bye
Spotlights 26: Defense of Darkminions - Starcraft II Highlight - Duration: 2:50.
Darkminions' opponent goes for an early pool.
The opponent hides a drone and proxies a Spine Crawler.
Darkminions responds with a Spine Crawler of his own.
His opponent morphs Banelings out of sight.
To minimize drone kills, Darkminions "mineral walks" his drones through his Queen.
His opponent goes full all-in on the attacks.
Darkminions loads up 2 Banelings in a Drop Overlord
and positions it above a choke he made by his ramp.
He drops Banelings on the attacking force.
Unfortunately, a few slip through.
Darkminions splits his heart out only losing 1 drone.
He Holds Position by the choke and flanks with his Banelings.
A Simple Method to Improve Your English Speaking Skills, Grammar, & Vocabulary (DO THIS!) - Duration: 13:59.
- Hello, this is Jack from
And in this English lesson,
you are going to learn about a method
that will dramatically improve your speaking
from anywhere in the world.
If you have been following me for a while,
then you'll know that I talk about this method quite often.
And the reason is this.
It works.
If you follow this method and use it
for about 15 minutes a day, five days a week,
it's going to make a massive difference to your speaking.
The method is this.
Listen, repeat, record, compare,
and get long term repetition.
Listen, repeat, record, compare, long term repetition.
Now, if you want to learn more about this program,
there is a link in the description, okay?
If you want to learn exactly what this method is about,
there is a link in the description
where you can learn about this
and how you can get inside my program.
Okay, welcome to you if you are joining live.
It is great to have you here.
For whatever reason, I don't see the comments on my screen.
So I am going to open up my computer
and take a look at those comments.
Give me one second, everybody.
Listen, repeat, record, compare, long term repetition.
That is what we are talking about today.
And I'm going to explain why this method works in a second.
We have Fabio here.
We have Thiago.
We have Gabby.
Good to have you all here.
Thank you for joining.
If you are enjoying this lesson,
press that like button and share it with a friend.
Share this with someone who would find it useful.
Okay, let's get straight into the method now.
Listen, repeat, record, compare, long term repetition.
And that's the link
where you can find out more information about this.
So what we're doing is we are finding audio in English.
We are using English audio.
This could be a fluency phrase.
It could be from a video.
It could be from a TV show, from a podcast,
from a song, from anywhere.
But English audio that is relevant to you
and what you want to learn.
We find a phrase.
We then repeat the phrase, okay?
We repeat the phrase.
We listen for the intonation, the stress of the word,
the English sounds, the linking words as well.
So we listen to the audio and repeat it.
Then we record our own version
and compare it to the original, okay?
So we record what we repeat and compare it
to the original.
So you listen to the audio, you repeat it,
you record your version,
then you compare it to the original.
Does that make sense?
Does that make sense?
Please let me know.
Please let me know.
Trent is here.
Arisa is here.
Cecilia is here.
A few other people are joining too.
Guys, give me that thumbs up or the heart
and then please share this with someone.
So we're taking English audio phrases.
We're listening to them, we're repeating them,
we are recording them and we are comparing to the original.
On this last note, okay, somebody sent me an email.
In fact, I've received a lot of emails, okay,
from people who say this is amazing
because you can listen to your own voice
and make changes you need to make.
Angela says, "Hi Jack, first time here.
"I'll let you know if your method works."
Please try it.
Please try it.
And if you want to learn more about it,
The reason why I recommend you do this
is because of many reasons.
Firstly, you're going to improve your pronunciation.
You're going to improve the way you speak English.
Because you are getting audio from native
or proficient speakers
and you are copying the way they speak.
In class, people say, in school,
your teachers say never copy.
Do your own work.
But we want to copy the way people speak.
That's how we can actually produce the right sounds.
And this method allows you to copy
native or proficient speakers.
It is really powerful.
But not only that.
You're going to improve your fluency.
You're going to improve
the way you speak in terms of fluency
because you are getting lots of practice.
You are repeating things over and over again.
So your fluency is going to improve too.
But not only your fluency.
Your grammar.
Your grammar is going to improve as well
because you are repeating sentences.
You are repeating phrases that English speakers use.
So you are going to see a phrase, repeat it,
and then you will internalize grammar.
You'll reach a stage where grammar feels natural to you.
You're also going to learn new words and phrases
because you are taking phrases
and you're learning new vocabulary.
You are learning new vocabulary.
Now, an important part of this as well
is long term repetition.
Long term repetition.
And what I mean by this is you don't just repeat the phrase
the first day.
But you repeat it tomorrow, in two days,
in four days, in eight days, et cetera.
Sometimes you just read the phrase.
Sometimes you write it down.
Sometimes you repeat it again.
But once you can say a phrase in the correct way,
you need long term repetition.
This is what is going to help you produce phrases
and sentences naturally and in a flexible way.
Okay, in a flexible way.
So, we are listening to phrases.
We are repeating them.
We're recording our own version.
We're comparing our own version to the original.
And then we're getting long term repetition.
Can you see how powerful this is?
Please say yes in the comment section if you can.
And if you're watching a replay, say yes as well.
And again, if you want to learn more about this method,
go here,
This is my program that is currently open
and it gives you this method in depth
and it gives you the phrases you need to practice
and it gives you the memory cards, the flash cards,
so you can get long term repetition.
So that you can easily use software
to repeat the phrase when you need to repeat it.
So it's going to give you the method
and the materials you need to reach this stage,
but also it's gonna give you feedback.
So once you go through these phrases inside my program,
then you can upload your version.
I will listen to it and I will give you feedback.
And there's also a pronunciation tutorial
that gives you all the lessons you need for pronunciation.
And feedback again.
So first you're going to go through
the pronunciation tutorial
so that you can develop the sounds of English,
so that you can develop the right intonation,
so that you can learn how to link words together.
And I'm going to give you feedback throughout this tutorial,
again, go here,
There is a link in the description.
And you're going to get feedback on your pronunciation.
And then you're going to get all these fluency phrases
and memory cards so that you can use this method
on a daily basis.
Somebody's saying, "I cannot access your link."
Okay, I'll put it in the comment section too
and see if I can pin that comment.
I can't pin it.
Yes, I can pin it.
So in the comment section,
you can go there and get access to this program.
A couple of things about this program.
It is going to close for enrollment on the 5th of May.
Friday, the 5th of May.
So you need to sign up before that date
in order to get access to all these materials.
When I open again, it will be at a higher price.
So you can get in now for the price it is,
but later it's going to be higher.
And also, I'm going to remove the speaking evaluations
in the pronunciation tutorial.
That will be additional as well.
So this program is gonna close next Friday.
Please take a look at the link
and if you're interested, then sign up.
I know how much this program is going to help you
and it's gonna help you get this method
and all the materials you need for this method
and the evaluation too.
Akhmed said, "Please put the link on YouTube."
I will, I'm going to upload this video to YouTube very soon.
Hattai says, "Hi, I've been following you all day."
Thank you so much.
Katia says, "I can understand you perfectly.
"I'm so happy for that."
That's great.
That means you are at a good level with your listening.
Your listening is at a good level.
Ada says, "Useful lesson, thanks."
Thank you.
Oh, Katia is from Argentina.
How interesting.
Ploi Manunited, probably the Manchester United Fund,
says, "Hello from Thailand.
"Great idea, I'll follow this method."
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Guys, if you have any questions about the program,
about this method, please let me know now.
It is quite similar to shadowing, okay?
But from my experience, it is better than shadowing
because with shadowing,
what you're doing is you're just repeating as you listen.
And you're not getting the ability
to improve the way you speak.
It's just practice.
And a lot of people make mistakes when shadowing.
Angela, "How long do you think it takes to see improvement?"
After the first day of using this method,
you will feel really strongly
about how much it's going to help you.
You'll see an improvement within the first day
because you'll be able to listen
and change the mistakes that you make.
But you know, within three months,
you will be at a much higher level.
You'll be speaking more fluently.
Speaking with more confidence.
And it's a long term commitment,
but you need about 10 to 15 minutes every day.
Mara says, "I should do that indeed."
You should.
Guys, go check it out.
Angela says, "Three months would be great."
Yeah, three months is like when you really feel
like you've made a big difference.
When you really feel like you've made a big difference.
For those just joining, welcome.
A review.
What we're doing is we're using this method
to improve our speaking from anywhere in the world.
It improves our pronunciation, our speaking,
our grammar, our vocabulary, and other areas of English too.
You find audio that is relevant to you and you listen.
You repeat phrases.
You record your phrases on your phone, on your computer.
You compare your version to the original
and then you get long term repetition, okay?
Now you can do this by yourself.
If you want the materials and the full method
and evaluations, go to,
sign up because I'm closing enrollment for this next Friday
on the 5th of May.
On that note, thank you so much for watching.
Like and share.
Check out that link.
Join the program.
And I'll see you inside the program.
Speak to you all soon.
Bye for now.
Kara Zor-El • "I'm always going to follow my heart." - Duration: 3:29.
She's been here twelve years, and still thinks deep down everyone is as good as she is.
You don't want to hurt these people.
You say, Supergirl - bad.
But Supergirl, help people...
Supergirl, not bad.
Maxwell Lord, made her to be just like me.
She didn't deserve what happened to her.
Alex, no!
But, she was.
You, are the most moral person that I know.
So if you think it's the right thing to do, it is.
It's not the reporter that matters. It's the truth that matters.
You did it your way, without- without violence.
You tricked me!
I believe everyone should be judged on their own merits.
I know our Worlds have, had their differences
which is all the more reasons, that we need to fight to make peace!
You have kindness in your heart.
A Kryptonian, taking care of a Daxamite.
So when you wake up, I'll be here for you.
And I thought I'd seen it all.
And what are you to my daughter?
I'm a friend.
Drop something?
No ones ever stood up for me like that.
Now, you have someone that will stand up for you, always.
You're different, Kara.
You see people.
I'll marry you!
If your good friend Kara, came with you...
and had my back.
Can you look me in the eye, and tell me you are prepared to kill?
Did I kill anyone?
Superman, doesn't kill.
I'm sorry.
No, no we don't kill.
I don't kill.
Supergirl, is everything you think she is.
She's strong, she's brave
but the most remarkable thing about Supergirl, is that she is the kindest person I've ever known.
Kara Danvers, you are my hero.
I actually think you look pretty awesome.
I'm friends with all the nice girls.
You don't know me.
I know your kind.
I know what your integrity means.
I never lie.
He might find novel about me, is integrity.
He's Daxamite royalty, and you're starting to despise him for it.
I don't despise anyone.
You don't have to be afraid.
I'm right here.
You're so special.
I know that.
I deserve better than being lied to.
I forgive you.
We're going to find your daughter.
I'm gonna to fix this
I promise!
We are going to help her, right?
It was nothing.
Oh, no. It was something.
It was something extraordinary.
Everybody stand down!
I'm not going to let you die.
It was our turn to help you.
I'm always going to follow my heart.
That a girl, Danvers.
People don't love her because of what she looks like on the outside.
I love her
because of who she is.
I've always felt the need to help people.
Because she's brave
because she's kind
and she always tries to do the right thing.
LADA PRIORA from Samara with LOUD SOUND music CARAUDIO - Duration: 17:18.
Imagine yourself sitting in a car with tinting, a traffic officer comes up and says, 'Wait, I' gonna grab my meter and write you a ticket'
You're, like, 'Okay, go'. And while the officer is away - Tigran, you're up.
Open the window. Shazam! Voila! No tinting.
Do it back on, will ya?
And to tint it, just open the window. Alakazam! Here, it's back!
This is on fire! Here comes the future. Here it is!
Hi, everyone. We're having a regular review today
because this is yet another Lada Priora.
We've lost track of how many of them we've done. I just asked guys which one was this. Sergey said he didn't know
It's been a bunch of these in here lately. Prioras have been frequent guests recently.
This one came all the way from Samara (~1000 km or ~620 mi). There are two from Samara. A black one, too
Are we gonna shoot it today?
[T]: Yep.
Okay, but first comes this -- is it grey? Or brown?
[T]: Coriander.
Okay, coriander.
A coriander Lada Priora with about 500K rub worth of music.
Actually, it was a bit over half a million. We just rounded it off to half a million so that you don't get too shocked.
So the audio installed by Tigran costs as much as the car itself does.
The car is originally from Samara but the owner currently lives in Stavropol.
So we put this car up to Stavropol's finest traditions mixed with Rostov's finest.
So we have three bands, all of them extremely loud, two 15" subwoofers.
Two AGM batteries in the trunk and one under the hood. Powerful monoblock, powerful amps for the front.
We're gonna show-and-tell it all to you now,
And, of course, Tigran's poor neighbors who havnn't heard loud music in a while have the pleasure,
And so will you. We'll definitely try it. Turned out really loud.
Both the sub set and the front. The front is a real killer.
Tigran would squirm, me, too. The front turned out really loud.
We'll start from under the hood. You've already opened it. Great!
We've picked up a trick from Vik Mots. Now I will be in the frame, too
because on the footage where you speak about hardware, there should be a person who speaks about it.
The engine, again, is one 16 Volt engine. See? Here it says 16, and here is the V for Volts.
The alternator is one WPS, for 253 A.
The cable laid leading from the alternator is doubled up. You keep asking why double. The more, the better, guys.
For the battery we have one Exide EM100
A very nice one, with good output, good quality, very compact and rather affordable.
Kicx, again! Tigran?! And there's Ural down there. Lol
[T]: Are you taking Kicx off?
No. Why?
[T]: Kicx vs. Ural.
[T]: I made them friends.
Look, it's Ural.
[T]: They're pretty. They are gold.
And we've also installed... A canister for the braking fluid (kidding).
For the power cable we have ПВ-3, 50 sq leading from the alternator to the power cell.
And from here on, the layings are 70 sq. each.
We have the total of two + and two - leading to the rear.
The covers. Did you craft them, Tigran?
[T]: My apprentice Kirill made them.
Your apprentice Kirill made them? You know, Kirill isn't always a good name for an installer.
So Tigran crafted these podiums together with his apprentice. Which makes you what? A teacher now?
[T]: More like a teecha.
[Comedy Club sketch cut in]: - Thank you, teecha! - You welllcome!
Okay. We have four pairs of 18sound's 410s.
These are one of the loudest mids. Maybe the loudest, I'm not sure.
We also have Eminence, American speakers. Beta-8A was their name, I think. I keep forgetting it.
Very powerful mid-bass speakers.
And two T-35 tweeters. Which is probably the weakest link in this door.
So here's the door we got. Pretty impressive.
I can't say it's too heavy. Let's say it's reasonably heave. The door closes okay.
Then begins - or maybe even continues - the luxury part.
For the HU we have a Pioneer 99.
Here's our hi-end island here.
For stage speakers there's a stage recorder, right?
People often mock me 'cuz I sometimes call an HU a recorder. They're, like, 'Recorder is for cassettes, no?'
I'm sed to that term. I come from the generation that listened to cassettes. I even remember reel tapes.
Half of the subscribers will go nuts after this.
If you don't know what a reel tape is write 'I don't know what a reel tape is'
Again, we have two voltmeters. One shows the front voltage, the other one's for the rear one.
This is pretty much it about the interior. Total factory look, huh?
But every joke has a kernel of truth in it. The door handles are stock which is great.
We didn't have to go with those buttons and thrusts.
None of those. So we managed to keep the stock placement of the door handle and the window lift button.
So we could say, part of the stock survived
[T]: Even the glovebox opens.
No way!
Like hell it does. I tried and I couldn't.
[T]: Here, look.
That little? It's just as good as none.
[T]: Why? It's enough to put in your papers.
Nay, it doesn't.
Let's check out what we have in the back here. In the back, we have a bass reflex directly to the outside.
What's in there?
Here, here, here. What's that? Right there inside? What is that?
Right there. See
[Wilhelm scream]
Scared the hell out of you, huh?
What, did you expect this, huh/
Audio Extreme here. You're witnessing an epic rebirth of legendary subwoofers.
These were the subs - their 12" version - were installed in the '13. They brought the '13 its popularity.
Or was it the '13 that made the subs popular?
This part, unfortunately, I can't show you now but I will put up some footage I had shot in advance.
Under the raised floor, there are two power cells Exide EK950,
Everything is connected via a copper bus. Fuses here. Somewhat a DIY distributor.
The trunk houses the feed only. The amps are here behind the rear seatbacks.
And don't you tell our videosdon't up in their quality! Tigran is a grand light master.
See? He got whole two lights! Two iPhone torches simultaneously!
You can see. You can see - that's good enough. It's our motto.
OGO 1500. An extremely powerful 2-channel amp from the Deaf Bonce series.
This one evolved from a OGO 2000.D - a wideband serving monoblock.
Here, we have two channels. They're a bit weaker but all in all, it's a crapload of power.
It just tears, pulls out the maximum and a bit more from the 410s,
Both its channels serve -- one channel per door. One channel per four 410s.
Machete M154 feeds Eminence Betas.
And for tweeters, we have Machete M84.
And an Audio Extreme 5500 is mounted on a specially crafted false pannel in the rear.
So what, we only have to turn it on, right? Oh,a nd for the interested, let me jot through the settings
If you're not and you want some kickass music, wait just a teeny bit.
Before we get to the HU, let's see how badass Samara - or should I say Stavropol?
Badass Stavropol guys fight the tinting fines. See? It's completely untinted.
Whoop! And here it's instantly tinted. I want that, too, Tigran!
Make it back!
Look! Shazam! It's clear. This is pure magic!
Imagine yourself sitting in a car with tinting, a traffic officer comes up and says, 'Wait, I' gonna grab my meter and write you a ticket'
You're, like, 'Okay, go'. And while the officer is away - Tigran, you're up.
Open the window. Shazam! Voila! No tinting.
Do it back on, will ya?
And to tint it, just open the window. Alakazam! Here, it's back!
This is on fire! Here comes the future. Here it is! Only 30K rub.
We have a Priora with a brand new design. I really like it. Why are you laughing? I'm serious. I love it.
Eye burning. Bright, white, nice.
And Pioneer 99 here.
The voltage...
And there's your music.
Okay, we'll go therough the settings now.
The sub is clipped at 63 Hz on the top.
25 Hz on the bottom.
These are the mid-bass speakers. They play the range between 125 Hz and 315 Hz.
The band is very narrow but it allowed us to pull out some really nice punch out of them.
The 410s are starting at 400 Hz but I did it for the sake of extra safety. You can clip 'em lower.
But or target was max volume so that your ears go bananas.
And on the top, their limit is 6.3 KHz. It's not like they play well above that anyway.
Tweeters are clipped at 8 KHz.
Nothing extraordinary. The levels are adjested a little.
Equalizer is set at flat, and the initial time delay preset works okay for us
But in case you're setting time delays, I'd recommend you hold this scroller and regulate the channels.
That's how I do it.
It's just before setting a delay you need to pick it here.
And if here, you pick the position as left or right. for some reason - still clueless why - the HU sets it at different levels.
And you'll havesomething like this. The left channel will be lower than the right one.
Or vice versa. Can't recall exactly. I find it inconvenient. So I set'em at the same level
And then I finish up the delays.
Okay, so we've been over the HU, we've shown you the speakers, we've shown you the amps.
The subs, the voltmeters. The Priora, too. All that's left is some music on.
This song is for Alexey 'Lyosha' J.
He has been begging us to say his name in a review.
He raps about us, too. He's a real deal guy. So why not drop his name?
Here's a good track. Why not give publicity to a good track? And other his tracks are crap, right?
[T]: Of course, they're crap. He never wrote one for me.
Hey, man, make a track about Tigran. The guy's upset you don't have a track about him.
Wait, he's gonna say you are all thumbs.
Okay, Lyosha, record a track about Tigran, and then we'll turn on yours.
Okay, let's consider it a downpayment. We turn your track on right now,
[T]: And you record a new one.
Okay. Lyosha J - A Loud Lada Cruising Down the Roads. Just on the spot with this car, right?
Okay, we'll see now how loud his Lada is there.
And some Coca-Cola for dessert.
You often ask about the apps I use. I mainly use this LazyTune. It's offline. Doesn't stream online.
Here's HD Player. Offline, too. I used to use it a lot. Now I barely ever do.
If I need the music from Vk, I just use official Vk app.
So we got a very loud and pretty stable project. We turned it on until the neighbors started complaining.
If here, in this yard, a car stays on until the neighbors come complaining, it means the car's stable.
The weakest link here is tweeters and probably the alternator. Needs to be brushed up so that it charges up under idle rotation.
Kick up the accelerator a tad, like, 100-200 rpm more, and te charging goes perfectly.
But under idle rotation, it barely charges up.
It's not good but if the owner is reasonable enough to kick up the acceleator during stronger music output,
Or he needs have the sheave worked on. We didn't have the time, the guy had to go.
The system turned out very loud and hi-end. And, gotta say, VERY loud.
Four pairs of 410s is no joke.
For an inexperienced listener, it may hurt a lot.
The mid-rage is /that/ loud.
Tweeters actually manage to keep up but they're probably the weakest link in the sys.
I could turn 'em up but the car is not local so I'd rather they experiment with tweeters on their own.
If something happens, it's not difficult - and not expensive - to replace these tweeters' drivers.
So they can only experiment to get the nice volume which needs to be even higher to keep up with the 410s.
But this way it's not bad, too.
And the reborn Audio Extreme. It was a pleasure to see them again, for sure.
I've killed my share of these 15"s in my Ford.
I participated in Alphard's crash tests when they first started shipping those.
These were Alphard's very first subs. I'd burn them, and they'd give me those with new coils.
So it was a lot of testing.
And the tinting was a great surprise for me. Really cool. It's a must-have in our days.
I mean, ou can drive around tinted or not - up to you.
I should also acknowledge the nice level of bass which turned ot despite the fact that --
Let alone this is a sedan. Behind the rear seatback, there's a false panel which basically cuts out the trunk from the inside.
In installs of this kind decent bass is usually very difficult to achieve. But here, we did manage to.
Perfect for club music. At about 42-45 Hz it's the best. Plays greatly. An amazing bass.
Especially for a sedan.
If you have any questions regarding this Prora, leave them in the comments section.
If you want to go with 'Should've bought a better car', just switch channels. Right away.
You know what? I know just the erfect channel for you. The one where kids unpack Kinder Surprise eggs.
[T]: That channel has more subscribers than ours.
So keep your 'Should've given it to me' or 'Could've bought another Priora's to yourselves, okay?
Btw, when we load a foreign car, you say 'Could've bought a Priora with that money'
We load a Priora, and you say, 'Could've bought a foreign car with that money'.
Everyone knows how to make it better. We know how to make it louder.
That's all. This was LOUD SOUND, guys. Buy, everyone.
[T]: And the Instagram?
Live LOUD.
[T]: Mention my Instagram, man.
Promote your Instagram yourself.
[T]: Guys, subscribe to my Instagram. I need it to have more followers than Alex's.
Never happening.
No, man. That is never happening.
Where is your Instagram written, Tigran? Show it.
There it is. On the Priora. On the door. See?
There. On the door and the fender.
[T]: Oh, yeah. Now I see it. Right.
That's it. Subscribe to Tigran's Instagram.
Man, you owe me money for the promotion.
Things You Didn't Know About Bubble Tea - Duration: 4:44.
Bubble tea enjoyed brief popularity in the United States in the late 2000s but made a
comeback in 2016.
Recognizable to many people by the tapioca balls at the bottom and the wide straws that
allow you to sip them along with your tea, you probably know bubble tea when you see
But how much do you really know about this odd and exhilarating beverage?
These facts about bubble tea's history, ingredients — and health risks — might surprise you.
A happy accident
Bubble tea is a Taiwanese tea-based drink invented in Taichung in the 1980s.
So the story goes, Lin Hsiu Hui got bored during a meeting and poured her tapioca dessert
into her tea — and it turned out delicious.
Nothing might've come of it if Lin Hsiu Hui wasn't already the product development manager
for Chun Shui Tang teahouse, but she was.
And that's what kicked off this trend.
Even though Lin Hsiu Hui first created bubble tea by adding tapioca balls into her tea,
the "bubble" in bubble tea actually refers to the oxygen pockets formed by shaking the
It's likely that these same bubbles formed when she first poured her tapioca dessert
into her tea during that fateful, boring meeting when she invented the stuff.
This is also why you can get bubble tea without any tapioca.
Milk tea, pearl tea, tapioca tea, boba tea, and foam milk tea are a few of the variations
available to suit your taste palette.
Evolution of tapioca size
The size of the tapioca in bubble tea can also vary.
This explains a few of the different names for the tea.
Pearl tea refers to the original bubble tea with smaller tapioca "pearls."
Boba tea, on the other hand, refers to the bubble tea with larger pearls.
Because the small pearls are typically used in desserts like the one Lin Hsiu Hui poured
into her tea in the 1980s, we might say that small pearls are the traditional style for
bubble tea, though now almost all shops use the larger boba.
If you want something chewy in your bubble tea, but don't like tapioca, that's also not
a problem!
Other options for the balls include grass, konjac, or coconut jellies.
You can also get popping boba, which is made from a seaweed extract with fruit juice flavoring
inside that pops open once you bite into it.
Some shops even offer puddings or beans as a tapioca-alternative.
Meanwhile, you may have mostly had bubble tea in its cold form, but drinkers aren't
limited to what has become known as the traditional style.
If you're craving bubble tea in the freezing winter, you can find it available in hot varieties
to help you warm up.
If you like it cold, but you're looking for something a little thicker, it's also available
as a smoothie.
Another option for customizing it is by choosing the type of tea.
Some shops offer lots of options, including green, black, oolong, and sometimes even Thai
and chai tea.
Pick your favorite variety and go from there.
Now, let's talk about the bad news ...
The waistline factor
Because the boba are most often made with tapioca starch, bubble tea isn't exactly low-calorie.
While tapioca boba are fat-free, bubble tea is loaded with empty calories and, depending
on the milk used, potentially also fattening.
Not only that, but some drinks add in flavored syrups, which means the carb count factor
can be very high.
According to a 2016 study, the high caloric and sugar content of boba beverages poses
public health concerns as they have the potential to further exacerbate the childhood obesity
epidemic, so enjoy this stuff in moderation.
There's also evidence that consumption of bubble tea and other sugary beverages has
been linked to the development of ADHD in children.
A bigger concern?
In May 2011, a food scandal broke out in Taiwan where the palm oil in some drinks and syrups
— including some that may have been exported and used in bubble tea shops around the world
— was replaced with diethylhexyl-phthalate.
This is a chemical often used in plastics to make them pliable and is considered a potential
carcinogen in humans by researchers.
However, the true effect of small doses of DEHP in humans — such as what would be obtained
through the casual drinking of bubble tea — still needs further testing.
Another report said that samples of bubble tea contained other carcinogenic chemicals.
That same year, however, Taiwan's Food and Drug Administration confirmed that a second
round of tests conducted by German authorities found no cancer-causing chemicals in bubble
Whether this means that the original samples were tainted in some way or that the levels
of chemicals vary from sample to sample isn't clear.
But there's been no further indication that bubble tea leads to cancer.
Even so, the risk-averse might take the better safe than sorry approach than indulge in this
bubbly beverage.
"So it's a tapioca starch, they pearlize it, and that's why they get the big straw
so you can actually suck up some of the tapioca pearl.
To bubble or not to bubble?
Although it may not be a health food, bubble tea hasn't been definitively proven as particularly
dangerous — unless you have an allergy to one of its ingredients.
As an occasional treat when you're thirsty and want something sweet and chewy all at
the same time, bubble tea is no worse for you than lots of other desserts.
And that's how it should be seen: as a dessert!
Just remember your options for customizing your bubble tea and the potential risks of
having it too often.
After all, you wouldn't drink a milkshake every day, would you?
You might gain weight, feel sick...or just end up like this guy:
"I drink your milkshake!"
Thanks for watching!
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[Épisode 5] Anime Monster Strike (VOSTFR | Français sub) [saison2] [Full HD] - Duration: 9:58.
Left 4 Dead 2 Best of Funny and Dumb Moments (Tagalog/Filipino/English Subs Captioning options) - Duration: 29:56.
lol spittered
Keep jumping so i can hit you again
What? what am i even holding on to?
Ooh! New spot.
Good Job
I didn't know that was an insta-kill
should i start it?
Start it now?
Run guys!
Oh crap. I'm trapped
I'm stuck!
let me through!
Let me through!
Never mind. too late
Hey! JMTV has her speakers on!
You being loud and shit over there
There's an adrenaline shot here
Adrenaline here
Adrenaline here
So noisy
There's adrenaline there he said
You just have to find it
one more
God damn it
Charger on the right
Where are you?
Here she is
Why there lol?
Well hidden
Don't! Not yet!
Don't listen to her Miles
Behind you F00dz
Oh shit a kid!
You scared of kids?
My stomach hurts
Fuck this shit! Fuck this shit!
Me: Move! Miles: The thing is too close
What the?
Son of a bitch x3
Oh no F00dz
Just defib him later
Illegal meat
We have something to eat later
Is the barrier ready?
Is the barrier ready? or not?
It's too hard to get back in!
I got this. i got this
fuck you guys
You alert them bottons. you have an adrenaline shot
I'll do it x2 I'm brave!
What's that? he doesn't have any arms but he keeps shooting me!
What do you mean he's shooting you? the zombies are shooting us now?
What the hell is that? he has no arms but he got in! what the hell?
What's this?
I can't get out
What the. i fell down now too!
Everything F00dz?
When are we gonna finish?
You guys keep shooting at me? i didn't do anything!
We're not gonna be able to finish if you keep doing this
We got spit on too!
The propane tank blew up!
You're drunk!
Stop it! You piece of shit!
You wouldn't stop!
I'm lagging
Oh shit! it was right next to me!
I'm such a dumbass!
Why me?
i need a gun
hey a jockey!
Tripmode: Get in! Cyphre: It's going to you
There he went in
What the hell i just healed too
Screw this!
Come back here!
It's dead
Seriously im last again?
Aeo: Take your time guys get some ammo and shit Tripmode: Let's go. leave cyphre.
Wonder what's on tv right now?
Leave her!
Me: What is she doing? Cyphre: Rochelle! You son of a...
You're using pistols
What happened?
Go on ellis you can kill them
Wow he only has a handgun. There. stay there
lol he's dead
What did you do trip?
He pressed it again!
You're an ass trip
oh crap! it fell
Hurry use the medkit
Ellis isn't even gonna steal it.
The bot is stupid it's only using a handgun
I don't like the way he's looking at us
Let's go
I just healed!
lol crap
i said shoot it!
i said shoot it
i missed sorry
Oh shit! didn't see the hole there
What the hell? Maybe cuz im using third person view
Watch your steps
Why am i playing like this?
I'm gonna die!
Too far. and i'm lazy
Son of a bitch!
I landed so far
There's a jockey.. i mean charger
So many special infected
Thanks :)
Cover? you shot me though
Our backx5
You're such a pussy Aeo
Everyone: There's a TANK!
Defib me instead?
Come here!
There's two here
Defib me
Owww! You're shooting me!
That's gonna take to long. shoot me instead
Now! Now shoot her
Get her stuff first
Let's go x69
leave her
Ooh a medkit! i can heal now
Here it comes
Charger behind you x2
Rochelle is gone
She's under the rock!
you won't stop?
That's enough
Trip help me
You still gonna heal?
Go on. keep going
Such a nice guy
It wasn't me!
It was aeo!
What? you sure?
6 Powerful Signs Your Soul Is Sleeping, Waiting To Be Awakened - Duration: 5:54.
6 Powerful Signs Your Soul Is Sleeping, Waiting To Be Awakened
Powerful Signs Your Soul Is Sleeping, Waiting To Be AwakenedMerriam-Webster defines the
soul as �the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual
life.� It�s that part of you that drives you for life.
So having a sleeping soul is like sitting in a car with no gas, no steering wheel, and
flat tires.
You aren�t really going anywhere.
Here�s how to determine if you�re in desperate need of a spiritual awakening.
People with dormant souls don�t really believe they have much reason to question authority
figures or the people in charge.
They trust their parents, their teachers, people who give them advice, implicitly.
Lifestyle blog Power of Positivity explains that an awakened soul �takes nothing as
truth until [they�ve] looked into it and decided on it for yourself.�
People with awakened souls don�t just go along with what everyone thinks is cool, the
music everyone likes, the ideas everyone accepts.
They forge their own way.
If you find yourself following trends, your inner soul may still be sleeping.
Power of Positivity elaborates, �You stand strong in your truth even if you only represent
a handful of people who know what you do,� when your soul is awakened.
People with awakened souls have accepted that change is coming whether they want it to or
not, and they are ready to jump on board the change train.
A dormant soul however is fairly accepting of the status quo, doesn�t see any reason
for things to be changing, and accepts the change imposed onto them as completely acceptable.
Someone with an awakened soul �probably can�t understand why this world operates
how it does,� according to Power of Positivity.
Awakened souls are always questioning.
A dormant soul is part of the crowd, while an awakened soul is at the front of the parade.
They�re leaders.
And according to Power of Positivity, if your soul is awake, �you sometimes feel very
alone and isolated in society, but know that most leaders do.�
It isn�t easy leading the revolution, but someone has got to do it.
�Even if you take the road less traveled,� the site continues, �you feel honored to
know what you do and have the fortitude to stick to your guns no matter what.�
Closed mind.
An awakened soul has a mind that�s like a sieve, filled with many, many holes allowing
new information and ideas to penetrate but not get stuck.
The things you need to know will catch, and the things you don�t will push through.
A dormant soul will be entirely closed off to everything, no matter what it is.
Even if that idea is something you might have actually come to agree with, you�re set
in your ways, and have no plans of changing or even hearing something new.
Dormant souls like engaging in conversation, but nothing too deep.
You like to keep the conversation light, airy, and buoyant.
But fairly awakened souls know that there are deeper things that need to be discussed.
They aren�t fans of small talk.
Power of Positivity explains, �You probably tell people what they need to hear,� if
your soul is awakened, �not what they want to hear.�
Hit Me Baby One More Time - Britney Spears (Cover) ft. Garrett Garcia - Bak Ne Söylicem! - Duration: 3:12.
SCARY Frantic moving eyeball tshirt - Digital PRANK COSTUME - Duration: 5:12.
Hello guys, welcome to new video
i'll do a fantastic product introduction today
You are already seeing it on screen right now
I ordered this interesting t-shirt from web
A moving t-shirt as you see
You can make very nice jokes With this t-shirt
When we first bought the T-shirt, the Hooked Man has a still eye
But you are downloading an app to your phone
And there are different eyes in this app
When we launch it, it looks like this
After you've done the settings
We place the phone in the shirt pocket
And eye is Ready
We can double-click to stop the eye
Only 1 of these options
Let's look at the other eyes now
Now let's look at the baby option on the menu
As you see it is a great option
Well, will it be more surprising with a shirt?
You can also touch once to toggle the light on and off
Where did I get this shirt?
I found it from a website from abroad
The price varies between $ 20 and $ 25.
You can also find the link below
Let's play Kingdom Hearts 1.5 part 64 : Peter Pan is a seller? - Duration: 30:38.
yo, what's up guys and welcome back to Kingdom hearts! In this part we will head to the next world in this circle which you can see.
what's going on now?
goofy: a big ship comes closer. It's a really huge ship.
donald: a ship? that's a pirat ship!
that's a pirat ship.
then I'd say ahoy!
they want to crash us. everyone keep hold on.
ok where did they..
where did they leave the gummi ship?
ha these both are pitiful. this can't even harm me. my spirit is way too strong as if a random ghost could break it.
I'm sorry for beeing born.
ok I'm pretty sure I have to translate that sentence into english. cause I didn't understand a word. (well but now you can hear it better)
this guy's mind's not good. and good bye donald.
I've finally found the technique how donald will heal us.
well I gave goofy all the potions but donald heals himself most of the times
yeah he just heals himself.. so I'll give donald all mega potions so in case he uses it he will also heal me :D
oh.. sora's heartless.. did he just run? oh well he left me an item and 150exp (I'll take it)
uh.. where are the heartless?
oh hello there.
and a nice critt afterwards.
ok there acctually isn't a chest. gues I remembered that wrong.
well. was it on this bar? well i can't jump on to this.
or can I? It seems like it. But I first have to get the ability to fly just like peter pan.
oops spoiler (not really xD)
where did he go again? did he run again?
oh man.
and I'm just overleveled again.
well I'll get to feel that at the end when I'm underleveled again..
well i will have good items at the end. let's go down there.
and don't hold on in the air.
oh there's our buddy again (our shadow). oh he rann again...
I'd imagine my shadow a bit stronger. I don't want to spoiler you but in a specific world it's like 10 times stronger AND has epic music.
and peter pan uses stop the whole time.
so I mentioned in another part that i haven't summoned djinni. I've acctually summoned him already and figured that out by rendering an older part.
pretty smart from me (ironically)
oh shit that guy countered me after I countered him.
but before we continue I'll look at peter pans menu. alright there it is.
let's steal his stuff. and does he hold items? nope. they normally hold something like potions.
well I thought I could be an asshole and steal all of his stuff. I mean the rest was ours anyways.
cause... you see it was the same stuff as we equipped the other bots. Idk excactly who the last one was but... (cause I was in the colosseum)
i gues it was jack.. skelington from halloween town.
well to bad that the enemys in this world got alot hp. I can't critt them down.
well I still deal a certain amount of damage.
haha there he died after we stole all of peter pan's items.
well I don't want to be that mean.
if he returns the items anyways i can give them back.
oh wait I stole goofy's items not peter's
well that wasn't funny.
what was equiped? flamewall..
let's give him an energy ring.
and a strengh chain will do.
alright he should be fine with that.
this would be something, right?
dude we haven't answered yet!
well well come at me.
i don't know. it doesn't seem like sleeping. it rather looks like she would be on drugs.
to we have to press a certain buton?
why can't I fly now? he just put that dust on us.
if I go through this door where will it get me to?
gues that was wrong.
come here our heartless.
or shadow.. idk.
I'd gues it's our shadow cause our heartless is a bit stronger.
spoiler again*
and he rann again.
since we are at the beginning again... huh? ah there it is. the stupid wooden door one a wooden ship... we can heal up. there we go.
this can't be it.. the camera movements are so shitty in this area.
ok it won't work like this. I just can't... oh there it is.
I just thought he wouldn't run this time. and I almost fell down again.
I could also use aero but it won't be necessary since I am to overleveled anyways.
yeah just hit him more often. I mean he's already dead anyways.
mh I have to go up somewhere in here... not there.
somewhere on top of a shelf.. is that it? yup. zam.
uhm let's go inside this room.
I can move up in here.. and there's a savepoint, right.
so I have to remove peter for a sec.
not goofy.. donald. ok good bye peter.
I like it that this world is so small. I might be able to finish it within 1 part (spoiler alert, I didn't make it)
If I don't die again in a moment
but yeah I don't have to deal with donald the whole time (other then the americans -->shots fired) I can remove him from my team.
well.. unlocked. that's a bit unfortunate.
wait.. wasn't there a trio tech? no but 20 enemys.
oh well.
ok this should be it.
where will this door lead me to? I can't go through.
yeah just jump on this pilar.nice idea.
well if we can't go through any other door let's heal and go up.
oh common.
do you like the longer parts? Or do you rather watch the shorter ones (specific for Kingdom Hearts*)
ok that was way creeper in kh 1
oh wow that's pretty unfair
as I said earlier. Do you like the longer parts? or do you like the shorter ones? cause I wanted to do longer parts (for this game). But if you want to see shorter parts then...
did he just split?
but if you want to see shorter videos then I might be able to give you 2 videos instead of 1 per day (obviously not at the moment)
man leave me alone.
nooo what the fuck is that?
i couldn't heal and he went into the bottom and pierced me... that dumbass.
what should I do there? should I jump onto the table?
the furniture would be damaged. we can't let that happen! XD
am I to stupid to go up the ladder? yup!
ok buddy come to me.
oh I've blocked him. easy.
man this enemy walks like nothing else would happen.
won't he split again? oh now he does.
oh he combinded again. and now he will go invisible again.let's roll for a turn.
ok he stopped this shit.
and he splitted again.
oh well now he's doing the shit again.
and goofy is almost dead again.
oh god.. NOO he hit me.
woah.. shit.
no (x7)
and before this battle I've even said. "Oh look at us, we are so overpowered"..
oh man.
oh wow now I'm the only one alive. thanks!
to useless to heal me and now they are all dead.
oh man.
don't fear me like that.
yeah attack the others.
could he acctually stop with this shit.. please?
oh wow and goofy's dead again.
I've blocked him twice and he gave me 2k exp. But I didn't get a level up. that's pretty sad.
what now? did I use the spell stop?
oh a new and nice accessoire. all are full life and I have no items left. SURPRISE!
mh what was it?
ok I'd lose ap like that. let's see.. ok I'll dequip the strengh chain instead of the fang.. or is the strengh chain stronger?wait that was a holy ring?
ok there's the strengh chain. mh... well I'd gain one attack but I'd lose 1 defense and 1 ap. so I won't equip it.
the new item gave me 1 attack damage anyways.
oh nice. some puppies again.
ok I came from there. but back there a question mark popped up.
maybe there?
no I gues over there.. alright.
I can go down there now. I think this is the room in which the 2 girls were.
well sure thing. help wendy.
was that a protes or protega chain? (protes)
oh my god now donald is back in our team. gues it will just get worse from now on.
holy ring.. what'll gain him the most defense?
oh perfect the thundaga ring.
ok I won't equip an item that'll give him 1 defense more but 3 hp less. this goes too far.
uhm let's head on.
we are down there again. and surprise the door is open now.
but it's somehow unnecessary that you can heal in both rooms.
instead of going half a meter to the side.. no you can heal in here as well.
and look how awesome I am. I will go into the boss fight without any potions or items.
well whatever
well I've already defeated the strong one.
the strong shadow.
oh I just thought...
man, are you serious? He just dodge really smoothly.
oh talking of the devil.. there I got back my potion
I definitively won't give that to donald. otherwhise he will just heal himself.
ok perfect.
oh wait I still have some.
oh I have a number of potions.
ok so let's give goofy 2 or so.
well whatever gues that's enough.
oh so it'll close again.
well I've acctually wanted to finish this world in one part but the part is half an hour long already.
I'd say thanks for watching and I hope to see you again next time.
Digger Man Read Aloud by Books Read Aloud For Children - Duration: 2:11.
Digger Man by Andrea Zimmerman and David Clemesha.
I love diggers.
My brother is too little, so he doesn't know...
... but soon I'm going to buy a huge digger.
My digger will be powerful.
I'll wear a hard hat and heavy digger-man boots.
I will work while my brother sleeps.
I will scoop up rocks.
I will push mud.
Sometimes my mom and dad can bring my brother to see me.
Maybe I can give my brother a ride in the digger.
I'll honk the horn and flash the lights for him.
One day I will dig a big hole to make a pond.
I will push the extra dirt to make a big hill.
I will plant trees and make a playground.
It will be a park.
My digger park.
My brother and I can play there.
I will always have a lot of work to do with my digger.
As soon as my brother gets bigger, I will teach him...
... so he can be a digger man, too.
প্রথমে নায়ক,তারপর সংসদ সদস্য ✔✔ অভিনেতা দেব এবার নতুন করে পাইলট হলেন ✔✔ Star Life Hot Topic - Duration: 1:14.
Special THANK YOU for 100 SUBSCRIBERS! - Duration: 2:04.
Ladies and gentlemen! We have arrived at
Planet 100 SUBS
Isn't this place beautiful? Oh wow! Look
at that over there! Wow!
I wish to be there one day! First of
all! And most importantly! I want to say
thank you! I truly mean it from the
bottom of my heart!
Seriously! It's awesome to know there was
a hundred people that like my content
that they wanted to see more! Okay! So
what is the direction that this channel
will be taking? You'll be seeing new
videos coming out, aiming to improve and
build yourself and your lifestyle!
Especially about achieving great things
such as wealth-building, wisdom and glory! *laughs*
Alright! That last word it was a bit
exaggerated, but still. Prepare to see
lots of new powerful book reviews, life
lessons, relationship videos, and so many
cool scientific studies that can benefit
you like my coffee nap video. Many cool
topics that I'll be going in depth about
improving your physiology of your body
and the psychology of the brain. Also! I
got some special surprises as well that
you'll be seeing later the future! Again!
my gratitude for those who subscribed
cannot be contained! Thank you! And if you
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again and I hope you have a wonderful
day! See you later!
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