I'm back
¡Qué onda compadres! (How's it going close friends!)
Welcome to the 2nd season of my channel
in this video I'll explain why I took so long to upload new videos
how long did I take... like... 6 months?
OMG 8 months! (< this doesn't count)
I wanted to tell you that during that time I wanted to focus on another project
as I said in my previous Kiubo video, which is in English
I stated I wanted to focus on education to help out friends and family
well, everyone in Mexico really
and just yesterday I finished the first video of that project
a brand new channel where I talk about our country's common problems
from small problems like knowing if the person who you're with prefers to be on their phone than to talk to you
or if they actually suffer from an addiction
to big problems like what happens in the whole country
you'll later understand what I mean
actually you can watch the first video on that channel, I worked very hard on it
hopefully the video helps you out and if not, share it to whom you think it would be helpful
don't worry! I'll keep uploading videos to this channel and you can see I just recently uploaded 2 Yooka-Laylee episodes
a game I'm enjoying a lot
and hopefully you like it as well, and the weird voices I make for each character
hmm, I think that is all so-
-what was that?
nothing happened lol-
-Ugh wha-What?!
???: What's up crazy 😎
Oscar: Who are you?!
???: I'm you but way cooler
I am...
Oscar: "Freaking... Vato"?
Oscar: What kind of name is that?
FV: pfft dunno you gave it to me
a crappy name if you ask me
Oscar: Oh, uhmm... does this mean you'll be on my channel too?
FV: Well... it looks like it
Oscar: Oh okay... well, I think that's it for today?
See ya in another video...? Bueno, bye? ("Bueno" = Alright in this context)
FV: Check out "Oscar EXP"'s channel! That's where I make my debut ;)
click it, c'mon! CLICK IT DUDE!
:Bloopers: Oscar: Check out the first video so you see with your own eyes- *hits mic* -whoops
For more infomation >> Bienvenidos a la 2nda Temporada ... ¡y Nuevo Proyecto! | Kiubo! - Duration: 2:35.-------------------------------------------
IT ESO ¿Quién es PATRICK HOCKSTETTER? - Curiosidades Stephen King - Duration: 8:39.
Néstor Araujo, sobre su hermano Félix: "Vamos a salir cada uno a morirnos en la cancha" - Duration: 1:26.
Oribe Peralta: "Tenemos la oportunidad de ganar la Liga una vez más" - Duration: 1:12.
Alain Verdier - Jelly Beans - Duration: 2:54.
Let´s heat it up
You know my style
I want it all and I want it right now
Let's heat it up
You know my style
I want it all and I want it right now
Let´s heat it up
You know my style
I want it all and I want it right now
Let´s heat it up
You know my style
I want it all and I want it right now
I know imma get it
It´s just a matter of time
Hold up, hold up, hold the line
It´s not that easy my friend
If you knew what I´ve done...
All I fuckin sacrificed...
To reach a place that I don´t even know
or maybe just a better state of mind
I think that I actually know where I´m going
It was the first thing that I had to define
I don´t wanna be part of the darkness
I don´t want the mirror to reject me
Cause I feel like a ghost when I look in my eyes
and I see my ambition reflected
I just wanted a kiss of goodbye, baby
Waited a lot for that night, baby
Pray for not coming across with me when you go out
and I´ll pray for you, all in my dreams, baby hold up
Baby, hold up
Baby, hold up
Baby, hold up
Let´s heat it up
You know my style
I want it all and I want it right now
Let's heat it up
You know my style
I want it all and I want it right now
Let´s heat it up
You know my style
I want it all and I want it right now
Let's heat it up
You know my style
I want it all and I want it right now
Jorge Vergara rompió el silencio: "Haremos lo necesario para seguir siendo campeones" - Duration: 0:45.
Korean Drama Review: Scarlet Heart Ryeo - Duration: 15:57.
Good morning, good afternoon and good night, my name is Racheliz Medina from Pijama Squad
And today I'm finally going to talk to you about Scarlet Heart: Ryeo
First of all, this drama aired from August 29 to November 1, 2016
When it first aired, I started watching it in September, around that time
but I dropped it, because of uni and work
So now that I have finally have some time left,
I picked up the drama where I left off and I finished it
And I was so shook!
I mean like that ending was
and I want to discuss about theories later from the drama (for a second season)
So the plot in general for the drama is
that Hae Soo or Hae Jin, her real name from the present time
is a girl that in the first episode was really sad
It seemed that she broke up with her boyfriend
and then she goes to a near park, where it has a lake
and she meets this homeless guy
and she was telling him that life sucks and she was truly sad in that moment
So at the same time, she sees a kid drowning in the lake
She goes to rescue the kid
and while she tries to save him, he gets saved
but, then she is the one struggling to get to the surface
and while all of that is happening, the moon turns into an eclipse
So because of the eclipse, she seemed to have travelled back in time,
The drama is all about time travel, kind of science fiction
It takes her to the Goryeo era
that was the era where it was Taejo's reign, the first king we see in the series
and throughout the drama, she falls in love with
the 8th prince, and then her feelings shift
and she later falls in love with Wang So
And Wang So is the last king we see in the kdrama
So I'm going to start off talking about the cast
The protagonist is the 4th prince, who is played by Lee Joon Gi
Which most of us have known for, well at least for me
I saw him in the drama Arang and the Magistrate from 2012
and he co-stars with Shin Min Ah
you may know her from her drama, Oh my Venus
which was a recent work from her
And he also did Two Weeks,
which I think I started watching it when it aired
but it centered more on action
Lee Joon Gi is known for acting in crime/thriller dramas
I do see him more in those type of dramas
And there is IU, which plays Hae Soo
She recently acted in the drama, The Producers with Gong Hyo Jin and Kim Soo Hyun
Kim Soo Hyun right now is one of the hottest and top actors in South Korea
And well, IU's breakthrough role was in "Dream High"
She was part of the main cast
She played a girl that was a bit fat and
and she did a risky diet in where she struggled a lot from teenage struggles (insecurities)
And I believed she acted pretty well, a good role
In this drama, I truly believe it is one of her best roles yet
She really delivered, drama-wise, acting was on point
And in the end, it really got to my heart
About the other characters, they are
Kang Ha Neul, who plays the antagonist, Wang Wook aka the 8th prince
Hong Jong Hyun, who plays the one who takes the king's throne
who kills the Crown Prince and he becomes king
And the other main character is Nam Joo Hyuk's Baek Ah, who is the actor from Weighlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo
which is the other video I'll film to discuss it later,
He was the third prince, the closest to Wang So
And he was the only one who supported him through everything, his journey, his struggles
So he basically is his right hand, when Wang So becomes king,
But because of the circumstances and the turn of events
everybody, including him, pulls back
and that was really sad
also, Baekhyun, which plays the 10th prince
Which I will discuss about that painful scene
And Ji Soo, who is the other prince that falls in love with Hae Soo towards the end of the drama
And I'm going to breakdown to discuss the scenes I chose that were the most important
Starting the breakdown, I wanted to discuss Hae Soo's sad fate
IU truly showed her full potential as a capable actress
I believe that one of the most important scenes from her was when she was tortured
Which she was framed and sentenced guilty for supposedly planning to poison the Crown Prince
but Wang So tried to protect her and takes the blame
but Hae Soo is left to suffer the consequences, it was one of the most important scenes
Another thing from the drama was the character Chae Ryung
She was Hae Soo's first friend in the Goryeo Era
And in the end, she was tricked into being a spy/traitor
but it was all because she loved one of the princes and we all make mistakes...
So I think, one the main lessons from the drama was that we all make mistakes because
because we all fall in love
Chae Ryung's death was devastating and truly sad
A scene that truly shocked me was Seohyun's Woo Hee
Soohyun is a singer from the girl group, Girl's Generation
Which probably you must have heard from before,
Well, she, in that scene was where she killed herself
but in the name of the land she was born
So she thought that to end all conflicts and troubles from the palace and her land
And her soulmate, which is Nam Joo Hyuk's Baek Ah
She thought that it was best to sacrifice herself and end all the trouble and conflict
So for me, it was a big shocker. A big plot twist.
Like, she was decided in marrying the 3rd prince
and everything, so I was like what the hell just happened
But she always, had as a priority her people, her land and her status
before anything else.
It was something of a "nice touch", even though it made me sad, because the drama
had so many unfortunate turn of events, and it led up to this painful twist
Another was the 10th prince's death.
Baekhyun was the actor who played the 10th prince from the kpop group, EXO.
He didn't really had much screentime.
Like at the beginning, he had a crush on Hae Soo and then, he was forced to be married with another princess.
She was the daughter of the warrior who was friends with Taejo (first king in the drama)
He is an amazing actor. I've seen him in a lot of dramas, I can't remember his name right now...
So the princess is Zhera.
Never seen that actress before, but I believe she did amazingly well, hope to see her in more dramas
So the scene I wanted to go back to,
is when they are running away from the King Wang Jo
Which is the main villain of the drama, in my perspective
And this king decided to kill the 10th prince, because
apparently there were rumors of dethroning him and put the 10th prince in the throne
and when he got the news, the King decided to kill him off.
That scene was painful, not because he died, but how he had to die.
The 4th prince had to end it all himself. He had to kill his brother instead of the king
Because the king was going to kill the 10th prince with arrows, a slower way to die.
The princess was already murdered,
And it was a chaos,
How the 4th prince had to do that! He had to horribly end the 10th prince's life with his sword.
It was gruesome, because it was horrible to be the one to kill your own brother and end his misery
because your other, evil brother wanted to kill him slowly.
It was truly a strong scene, but very well acted.
I was, "Wow, what else could happen after this?"
And well, yeah I'll get into more of what happened.
For the last episodes, Hae Soo throughout the drama
At least, at the beginning, the drama had a sweet tone and atmosphere
So I truly thought the drama was going to have a light story
But after watching more, I was like... mmm
No, there were too many turn of events and they were too much
At the end, Hae Soo couldn't handle her life at the palace, she got sick
Even though, there were moments that the chemistry and romance [between the main characters]
In the end, you notice there weren't many scenes
because comparing other dramas, other concentrate on the build up of the budding romance
But in this one, it developed more the drama in the story, with Hae Soo had a purpose of being there
I think she had to time travel to help Wang So
be a better person
and for me, I think it was a different touch that really sparked my interest
because instead of focusing the drama in the romance
it really focused on the drama. In the 4th prince's struggle
and how Hae Soo came to be the person to help him become a better person
Not to let him become the past version of himself
or let his emotions dictate his decisions
and kill because of that, because before he returned to the palace
He used to be a violent person
He literally killed a lot of people, he was a violent and scary person
but he turned out to be like that, because of the things that happened to him in the past
which you can see in the drama, his mom didn't love him
he suffered from abandonment
and that is why I feel that Hae Soo had a purpose in his life
Not because she had to save him because of love, but because
She was a person who was there for him
So that brings me to the last episodes and the scenes I want to discuss
Where she decides to take off and instead of staying with him
She rejects everything from the palace life, and being his royal concubine
Not even being his official wife, because she couldn't
They explain it in the drama, why she couldn't marry
In the end, they just couldn't be officially together
And she quits that life and runs away with the other prince who is played by Ji Soo
Wang Jong
He falls in love with Hae Soo too
That was one of the funny things in the drama, almost every other prince fell in love with her
But, in the end, she gets weaker
She gets pregnant even! From the king of course, and everything happened at the same time
She dies in the end.
And it totally was the most saddest scene in the world.
But I got so confused, because she accidentally time travelled to that era
She doesn't belong there. She got stuck there and DIED.
I was like "Okay? How is everything going back to the way it was for her?"
How, how is the circle going to close? And it didn't end like that.
That's my only complaint.
How did they let her die in the past?
It didn't really made sense to me
But now, I want to tell you my theories.
For the last episodes and scenes from the drama,
The astronomer
Was the character that always knew from Hae Soo really was, that she wasn't from that era
He's the only character that we see in the past and present
And Hae Soo did recognize him when she time travelled, that he was in her present
She did know he was the homeless guy
So he, the astronomer, tells the king, after a year of Hae Soo's death in Goryeo
He is leaving the palace for good and then he tells him
"Like don't worry, Hae Soo isn't from this time, you'll be able to find her"
She died stuck in that era.
How was she going to return to the present?
So my theory... I think is when she sees the paintings in the museum
She thought that the memories where nightmares. We see her cry in bed
She realizes that they were memories,
Towards the ending,
He says [Wang So] looking at the camera, "I'm going to find you" referring to Hae Soo
And you are like: WHAT WHAT WHAT?
so as for my theory, after all the suffering,
I wanted that happy ending.
I really thought they were going to give us that happy ending,
But sadly, it wasn't like that.
So it leads you
to an open ending
that possibly they'll find each other again in the present time
They never explained how the astronomer got back in time
That's what we assume, as a viewer, that
That the astronomer knows the way to cross from time to time, to time travel
And maybe, the astronomer told the king about it before he left,
So let's see what happens, I really wish for a second season,
But, it depends, usually korean dramas don't have second seasons.
That is an big exception, unless they do it, but change the actors from the original cast
But I really want that season two.
And that they would answer me that question
that how the astronomer time travelled
If Wang So will "rescue" Hae Soo
Or at least see her again in the present time.
And all of these doubts that they left us
What the hell? After all that suffering?
They aren't going to be together ever?
Yeah, they did loved each other and
I did understand the main concept that
it was all about making Wang So a better person to be a wise king
but yes, at the end, you want that happy ending.
So I need that season 2 for Scarlet Heart
So for rating, I shall give with pillows [pillow rating]
5 to 5 pillows
because I liked the drama very much and
I was hooked and obsessed, playing it non-stop
to know what happens
and I truly suffered along IU
she acted so well and Lee Joon Gi too! They did such a good job together.
5/5 I give it that, so beware of my next kdrama video,
in where I'll discuss Weighlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo!
Which will be in the channel later in the week!
If you guys ever want to talk, feel free to do so at twitter!
Follow us on social media, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter!
Subscribe here in youtube!
My name is Racheliz Medina, I'm from Pijama Squad
Neighbors react to Dayton man who tried to join ISIS - Duration: 1:33.
Un fracaso de millones de dólares, Tigres se quedó en el intento - Duration: 1:31.
Billboard Latino 2017 | Billboard 2017 | Los premios Billboard de la Música Latina - Duration: 1:22.
Antonio Gramsci. Los días de la cárcel (Lino del Fra, 1977) - Duration: 2:03:06.
TRASTORNOS DE LA PERSONALIDAD | La clasificación - Duration: 3:30.
BREAKING: Sick Soros Finally Crime Exposed. He's Finished. - Duration: 2:20.
The globalist regime has been slowly manipulating our culture for years, but now their actions
are coming to light.
George Soros, the leader and bankroller of the globalist movement, has been called out
by Hungary.
Victor Orbán, the Prime Minister of Hungary said, "Despite ruining the lives of millions
of European with his financial speculations, being penalized in Hungary for speculations,
and who is an openly admitted enemy of the euro, he is so highly praised that he is received
by the EU's top leaders."
(via Breitbart) You are a brave man, Mr. Orbán.
The world needs more government officials like you.
George Soros has been using his NGOs and other "charitable" organizations to import migrants
into the EU and America.
This man has no morals.
During World War II, Soros even betrayed the Jewish people by seizing their property for
the Germans, as highlighted by his 1990s 60 Minutes interview with Kroft.
Soros does not care about anyone but the banks.
He has no problem selling others out; he was raised doing it.
At least Hungary is willing to do what needs to be done.
Soros needs to answer for his crimes.
The globalists don't believe in borders.
The globalists don't believe in culture.
Globalists don't believe in ANYTHING we, as Americans, hold dear.
Thankfully, Donald Trump has reintroduced American values to our culture, but we haven't
heard the last from Soros.
Soros and his liberal goons, like ANTIFA, will always be waiting for an opportunity
to strike.
The mainstream media is owned by Soros.
He silences the opposition, and he tries to silence conservative voices.
Thankfully, we now know that the mainstream media is not our friend.
The mainstream media is dedicated to hiding the truth and muddying the waters.
We should all thank Hungary for calling out George Soros.
What do you think about Hungary's accusation?
Please share this news and let us know what you think!
The Queen Hosted the 40th Anniversary of the Motability Charity at her Home in Windsor Castle - Duration: 2:16.
Bienvenidos a la 2nda Temporada ... ¡y Nuevo Proyecto! | Kiubo! - Duration: 2:35.
I'm back
¡Qué onda compadres! (How's it going close friends!)
Welcome to the 2nd season of my channel
in this video I'll explain why I took so long to upload new videos
how long did I take... like... 6 months?
OMG 8 months! (< this doesn't count)
I wanted to tell you that during that time I wanted to focus on another project
as I said in my previous Kiubo video, which is in English
I stated I wanted to focus on education to help out friends and family
well, everyone in Mexico really
and just yesterday I finished the first video of that project
a brand new channel where I talk about our country's common problems
from small problems like knowing if the person who you're with prefers to be on their phone than to talk to you
or if they actually suffer from an addiction
to big problems like what happens in the whole country
you'll later understand what I mean
actually you can watch the first video on that channel, I worked very hard on it
hopefully the video helps you out and if not, share it to whom you think it would be helpful
don't worry! I'll keep uploading videos to this channel and you can see I just recently uploaded 2 Yooka-Laylee episodes
a game I'm enjoying a lot
and hopefully you like it as well, and the weird voices I make for each character
hmm, I think that is all so-
-what was that?
nothing happened lol-
-Ugh wha-What?!
???: What's up crazy 😎
Oscar: Who are you?!
???: I'm you but way cooler
I am...
Oscar: "Freaking... Vato"?
Oscar: What kind of name is that?
FV: pfft dunno you gave it to me
a crappy name if you ask me
Oscar: Oh, uhmm... does this mean you'll be on my channel too?
FV: Well... it looks like it
Oscar: Oh okay... well, I think that's it for today?
See ya in another video...? Bueno, bye? ("Bueno" = Alright in this context)
FV: Check out "Oscar EXP"'s channel! That's where I make my debut ;)
click it, c'mon! CLICK IT DUDE!
:Bloopers: Oscar: Check out the first video so you see with your own eyes- *hits mic* -whoops
BREAKING: Rand Paul Makes OMINOUS Threat To Berkeley…. - Duration: 1:20.
Sen. Rand Paul realizes the anti-free speech movement by the far-left is getting out of
On Thursday, the Kentucky senator gave a warning that should strike fear into the heart of
Berkeley College.
"I think that Congress, and the people who appropriate the money, we should think about
whether or not we should be sending money to universities that only have one set of
speech," Paul stated on "The Laura Ingraham Show."
That's not going to set well with some, but it desperately needed to preserve constitutional
When asked if he thought the "federal government, Donald Trump" could "impound" funds
that would go a place like UC-Berkeley, Rand was ready with an answer.
"I think if it were a liberal president, and they were shutting down speech, they could
probably do it.
I don't think that — I don't think impounding funds is probably going to pass muster, but
I think that Congress, and the people who appropriate the money, we should think about
whether or not we should be sending money to universities that only have one set of
What do you think about this?
Please this news if you agree with Sen. Rand Paul!
NÉM ĐÁ THOẢI CON GÀ MÁI ĐI... THEO DÕI KẾT QUẢ NHÁ - Bạn Vinh - Duration: 10:07.
I'm WAY Too Pregnant For This! - Duration: 13:41.
Waterproof Fire?! | 10 Useless Walmart Items! - Duration: 24:24.
does this piece come off oh it does look
now that's the macro I bet I can get
even closer oh that's funny dude oh
there's a lot of moisture a lot of I
juice i juice what's going on guys
welcome to 10 useless things that Brian
say hello Brian hello hello found at
Walmart and we're going to find out
whether it's a steal or whether it's in
no deal all right you guys ever curious
about what Brian looks like good mystery
man keep it a mystery man you don't want
to show your face yeah okay he's not
ready yet guy I'm sorry he's not ready
yet guys make sure you click that Bell
icon next to my channel name on desktop
and on mobile because I live stream and
I show you exclusive products in that
live stream that don't end up in videos
and I also comment back for the first 30
minutes so that Bell icon just got tasty
didn't it
and you can't watch those live streams
later too because they I don't have that
DVR function so it literally is just
lost after after you watch it I mean I
could turn that function on but I choose
not to oh did you open this
oh you open this on sound changing
silencer okay now I'm a little bit
excited right as you guys know we have a
channel called battle universe check it
out using that link in the info card
right there battle universe where we do
exclusive Newark and like battles and
stuff like that and it's a blast I've
never seen a silencer oh wait it doesn't
actually show anything does it oh come
on why you buy a gun in an actual
projectile I'm so shook nasty okay let's
test this out got it finally got it out
okay for a gun that literally only makes
noise it's not bad okay so here's what's
cool about this gun right when I pull a
trigger the action goes back I assume
that little that thing that you see
inside there is a little button that
this depresses when I screw this puppy
in it presses that button and now it
knows to make a different sound kind of
see through it not really you're dead I
don't know it feels really good in the
hand but then they permanently attach
this so I can't undo that oh yeah I can
this thing right here oh man oh well
no I can't really because I just
destroyed it right now does it look so
cool you're only bit what that just
worked to what the heck as strong as my
hand that wasn't supposed to come off oh
now it looks kind of weird wait I don't
want the other members of high-five
Studios to know I'm about to destroy you
I know dad no your Casa oh that's a
yes miss teammate cooling caps so for a
few minutes stay cool for hours
oh no this is this seems kind of
practical you know sometimes you do that
when it's super super hot outside you
take your shirt you'll like put it in
the water and then you'll wrap it around
your head and you'll stay cool for hours
but I don't see why this why you
couldn't just get normal bandanna that's
like ten cents and not pay ten dollars
and this woman as you could clearly see
this is photoshopped that is so
photoshopped they did not get that woman
to do this I guarantee you watch I'm
gonna save this image them in a Google
search do image drop here and Oh wrong
man throw you are wrong I don't dude you
too nicely have that hat on Gotti Gotti
alright let's test it alright oh you got
the pan on dude I can't believe that
they actually used that picture maybe
it's like a royalty-free picture and
they paid to use the rights of it or
something like that I don't know oh I
see this is how this has those beads in
it again it's filled with those like
tiny little beads that have that
absorbed 200 times there's their size
yeah I'm not gonna put water in it
because I'm actually kind of cold right
now and I know it would actually work so
I'm just gonna wear it like this what's
up this yeah it's not bad it's
comfortable this is a steel I think it's
a steel
look how great I look dude
moto Ted Cali 36 volt electric pocket
bike white what you mean it's a mini
bike three hundred and seventy seven
dollars hey guys I got this
oh tech pocket bike because look at that
thing do the thing with dope I just want
to see it moving okay
Robert please write it please write it
oh my gosh she doesn't write it Robert
that is awesome
oh my gosh yes dude I need this I need
this think of all the fun laughs you
wanna fun challenges we could do Brian
did you get this
I didn't oh no Brian it's another life -
by a guy that's expensive
yeah it's like $400 guys please and we
will buy this and write it around for
your enjoyment and honestly my enjoyment
guys please I want to review it a little
live pets chiloe chile the cool frog
that was an ass being on TV product dude
the cello setup with flipping your
pillow looking for relief some nights
you feel like you're on fire introducing
chiloe oh my gosh chill off chill off I
guess you got to try it dude we got to
see if this chill stacks up to the next
am i right hey don't be a chiller huh
wow that's a that's big I didn't think
was gonna be this big it's kind of
creepy how like the frog's legs are
strapped in I don't know why it's a
little creepy
Jamie chill Oh Kamiya chill oh he's home
relax dude chill oh how long to mean you
like this geez thanks dad Bobby try to
get any salt
probably Oh Bobby tried to get you to
eat raw for all legs braless I'm
probably on a team men challenge he
didn't think I see that I could eat it I
literally they're not cooked he's like
can you get him I check the box he comes
back like yeah it's cooked girl
microwaves up Bobby sometimes Bobby
sometimes all right so what do we do is
this a button right here oh oh I would
have thought he jumped would have jumped
farther whoa one oh now he's dead did
you put your water no do you think is he
supposed to be in water I swim in water
no way oh yeah he kind of fun oh oh
you're splashing everywhere
stop chill Oh bad chill Oh bad chill oh
my oh my gears like strokes I had no
idea was gonna spray that much chill oh
oh oh I got a discipline chill oh hold
on chalo chalo chalo chalo chalo i don't
understand why like what you supposed to
do with it oh great it hops now look add
something better to make it more than
just like hopping it's gotta hop for a
reason man
No Deal ah
ice-cream sandwich Oh savor the
adventure ready to eat no drip no meth
so it's like astronaut food its
freeze-dried camping that's the same
thing I'm pretty sure going to space and
going camping is nothing
no it's just as intense dude sometimes
at night you don't know what's happening
good I just want to clarify that this
thing says ready to eat no drift no mess
it says no mess on it so I'm opening
this up expecting there not be a mess if
there is a mess it's no deal automatic
No Deal ingredients milk cream skim milk
solids skim milk solid the hexxus skim
milk solid because that this is the
moment Oh white oh wow that looks like a
mess to me here's what I'm saying I
don't that looks like a mess to me they
melt like a ice cream that like when it
drips that's still a mess it says no mat
try doing my mouth as water here I know
you shouldn't see Brian right now he's
like just intently staring at the ice
cream stand she's like I don't even have
like there's not one piece that that has
stayed on the other side Oh scarf it's
tastes like an Ice Cream Sandwich but
warm because once your mouth hydrates it
it just tastes like warm ice cream
that's true these are good but look at
that mess disqualified do No Deal all
right Brian thinks it's a deal though
we're going camping you want ice cream
and again totally take action with you
just don't have ice cream for a day or
two people can't lay em that little
I need my ice cream pigs when I go
camping how much more enjoyable bro
hey I don't think this is enjoyable oh
my gosh relax dude are you soft yeah you
oh my god guys do you want to see me
make fun of things more often follow me
on twitter at matthias I am boom there's
my username right there actually guys
what I'm going to do right now is tweet
out something from when I'm filming this
video so you'll know the exact moment I
filmed it hey guys that's a pretty easy
tweet to find right so you'll find it
follow me and like this tweet boom
discovered up Alan hurt she's got to be
mr. funny bad no it wasn't that
that's hiccup attacks me dude hiccup
attack displaced and included
tyrannosaurus rex 3 excavation tools
dinosaur skull dig excavate and reveal a
dinosaur skull you'll be a nerd I like
this stuff
I'm just kidding looks kind of cool I'm
gonna feel like Ross from friends 90s
joke oh oh that's not supposed to happen
do you really expect me to excavate this
whole thing today yeah oh yeah it's not
it's a rock oh no it's like chalk so
it's like the same thing so these things
none of you guys have noticed but these
hit it big idea nice wooden mallet oh
other way yeah that's that's the part
these things are made out of like really
kind of heavy-duty chalk this is going
to take forever
that's it let's just go outside and
smash it oh my god bro I would have
taken you forever hey Oh
Marchese now oh oh look at jaw bone oh
that feels weird that's like cold ah I
did it guys look like a true
like a yeah dude this is how they do it
right yeah just smash it it's the
easiest way that's a steal if you got
the patience I don't why is just like
sewing why is it open all right what do
you mean why did you do nothing guys got
smashes afrezza
know if I trust them guys daredevil
boneless wings a flavor pack and kicker
saw buffalo style turn up the burn
includes kicker flame and pepper sauce
if you dare I mean I don't mind spicy
food I don't really like super spicy
foods like I like medium to hot salsa
but I don't like like the salsas that
people like for sport try yeah when you
start to like COFF and stuff like what's
the fun that where's the fun in that
you know what am I like Connor or
something so here's the Buffalo style
sauce what's this oh that's the kicker
sauce what is this fries and this not
for you it's a little concerning that
the kicker sauce didn't freeze dang it's
cold but it didn't freeze
you just got this straight out of
freezer right can we just check this one
to see if that's the same thing happened
it didn't breathe that must be really
really high but this did actually
doesn't smell half bad he's probably
toxic for you though little just thing
right there you're that what we're
contains no wing meat
oh no no wing meat oh you got me first I
got dude you got me for a second bro
because I thought it just contained no
meat well
no wing me okay so it's yes chicken
breast which is probably better honestly
probably better shaped chicken breast
patty fritters with rib meat with a rib
meat that's weird that's weird
let's try it anyways though I may I may
have Connor try to super spicy sauce
though Connor Connor will do anything
all right
ten seconds left and we're going to try
wingless wait their wings but then I
winged me in the moat that's a wolf
strange they don't smell bad what's so
funny Bobby is everything funny big
Connor eat something really bad and he
just takes it like a man how did you
know I was gonna make me something I can
just tell them look at his face right
now okay Connor here's what we're gonna
try actually here's what I'm gonna try
I'm gonna try these wings okay I want to
try these wings standarts all God's
going on hopefully things are cooked up
putting the kicker sauce no I'm not
going to do the kicker sauce dude you
did supposed to mount your mouth oh good
oh that glug it sounds like sour is it
close it's cooked now this sauce right
Connor yeah this is supposed to be super
hot stuff
Oh why good kicker I'm just gonna add
kind of bolt in there oh my god career
track on there you go Connor
well the whole thing dude well Connor is
trying this come surf subscribing the
team edge gaming to make it worthwhile
for him well not even hot at all have
you ever not like something you tried on
this channel I don't ever not like food
well I'll show ya is it spicy at all
yeah managua on fire Robin's on fire
well I'm okay with it alright well you
take the rest of me thank you I guess
it's a steal not for me though
Oh boomerang do we have enough room for
this high-tech engineering what does
that say really flies back to you okay
it looked like it was just getting cut
out I couldn't read it but they just
wrote it like that that's kind of
okay okay not in - none - it really it's
just a boomerang right so we're just
going to really have to test in the team
Edgware house I'm slightly afraid to
throw it out in the street and hit
someone's car or go over to the fence
into the neighbor's yard full men Johnny
old man Johnny's yard dude aerodynamic
soft foam if it hits you it won't hurt
you yeah I hardly doubt that okay let's
go test it out
all right Tanner has the boomerang right
there can you see him right there we've
got that boomerang I'm gonna tell him to
throw it I'm gonna see if it goes to me
hooker goes back to him
all right cannon do you know how to
throw one of those no you do like this
no like this no neither good now
no wizard around in your hand yeah yeah
we may have a problem here it was
offered to turn to Tanner he it looks
like he's in the bush now let's see if
he's having any success
I'm invite not to all my doubt there's
bogeys in here oh my god with Jin in the
bush this is like my home I found it and
she said you just do it oh my goodness
oh look look something for my eye who
didn't know John I just not so many bees
in here you can do it tanner you're to
tell us one of the vulva oh my gosh oh
my gosh there's be there are bees dude
no no joke he's not lying okay I don't
know if like it's like right in the
middle oh you want it now I'm gonna try
it see if we have any more luck I know
we're throwing it wrong guys I know
we're throwing it wrong someone in the
comments let me know how to throw it
right Oh what's wrong with you what are
you doing right before camera started
rolling oh I couldn't see that didn't go
back to him
deal cuz it still could be used as a
frisbee what's the knot that's it
guys before we hit the next couple of
products make sure you're subscribed
with your new year because we make
videos Tuesday Thursday and Saturday so
click that big ol subscribe button that
looks a little like this and we'll see
you here more often
next product Oh selfie three-in-one
mobile lens kit you know I've always
wanted to try these I've always seen
them around
are you talking about like I got to get
him something I've always wanted to try
this because it can potentially make
your selfies that much better or that
much sillier am i right
shoot point clip the only issue I have
with these things is that you like you
have to bring them around with you
everywhere and in the one day when
you're finally like yeah I could use
that you forgot it at home and the glass
on these things is usually like subpar
so it's like way better if you don't use
it and just zoom in later but sometimes
these can actually alter the field of
view on your lens but you can't do later
technically speaking okay so we got a
couple additions here we have a
wide-angle and I assume this is a macro
let's test it out shall we
huh you think it's because the case on
my thumbs
okay let's try Brian's phone nope it's
just the way it is however it is showing
a little bit more I'm going to take a
picture right now snaps now let's take a
picture without snaps boom okay so if
you guys can see the difference between
these two photos this one is without it
and this one is with it so you do get a
decent amount more but it's very oddly
shaped fish-eyed it's not great now
we're going to try the other one so we
screw this piece off right and I believe
if I'm not mistaken either this is
telephoto or oh it's still why oh no its
macro oh hold up hold up hold up I think
I may have just stripped it fisheye
macro and wide-angle okay so here's
what's up
this is mackerel you still get that
severe than getting if you can see photo
and then this is with macro okay look at
no joke pretty close and then this is
wide I'm just gonna make that the
background on your phone
never mind there's too much work dude
I think that's it though does this piece
come off oh it does look now that's the
macro and I screw this back in here I
bet I can get even closer oh so now
there's no vignette encoder and this is
how close I actually have to get oh
that's weird dude
so this is what it looks like when you
try to take a normal picture what's your
fuckin space this is how close you have
to get oh yeah really really close those
glasses grow and how they look like wet
and sticky why so sticky dude there's a
lot of moisture a lot I do I do
okay I'd say this is a steal because I
like the macro feature next items
Oh storm proof match kit stay lit no
matter what windproof and waterproof
windproof how do we put it out if we try
to like this put it in water it says
waterproof good no it's not why are you
sticking a bowl of water it'll yeah but
if there's water on it it'll still work
oh okay this is weird looking oh oh I
see how it's waterproof there's an
o-ring there it's a gasket essentially
that allows you to like this to not get
so the matches aren't water through
doesn't look like it we'll have to test
it though all right this is it - there's
a moment of no return right there okay
come on bro I'm doing that right bro
there we go cheese let's blow it
Oh Oh what whoa what oh it's still
burning dude uh turn the arrow dude and
that's it okay so okay so we were
absolutely a hundred percent wrong this
still burns underwater that is thick you
do all on that same time no dude I'll
start a fire oh my gosh that was intense
bro no lie this is a steal and I'm
keeping these for a future camping trip
that is insane dude I was like okay I'm
slightly impressed right now blowing on
it and then I put it under water and it
was bubbling and I was like oh that
thing's not done and I pulled it back
out was there still on fire
that was impressive dude that was
absolutely impressive that is so cool
wow that is a steel tool real good job
you see Oh storm proof matches boom you
get a shout out from Matthias Oh which
is hard to do guys make sure you click
this ten strange dollar store items you
see that goo in my hand it was bizarre
it was very strange that's all I can say
about without you watching it click up
and also click up there for Tennant
strange as seen on tv products you see
that that that projector there a thing
says things all over the wall it's
pretty cool alright check it out I'll
see you over there
How I Beat My Ghost - Duration: 1:52.
[Supa Playing Mario Kart 7]
These are my first captions ever in a video.
I do a glitch
I'm working on my ROAR -明照又春香 (Written by Viv, 小恐龍) - Duration: 1:41.
小小的種子 (Little Seed)
看見希望 (Sees hope)
大大的藍天 (In the Big Blue Sky)
種下夢想 (Plants dream)
花開春香 (Flowers bring the scent of Spring)
正要綻放 (Are going to bloom)
風起明照 (Wind is blowing, showing the light from the sky)
展翅飛翔 (Spread your wings and soar)
看得最遠的地方 (To the farthest place you can see)
蒲公英的孩子們啊 (Dandelion Children)
你們要飛到多遠的地方 (How far you are going to fly)
是否還記得家鄉的味道 (Do you still remember the scent of your hometown)
當陽光灑落在福爾摩沙 (When the sun spills in Formosa/Taiwan)
蒲公英的孩子們啊 (Dandelion Children)
沒忘了那塊養育你們的土壤 (Did not forget the soil that raised you)
等到明照又春香的那一天 (Wait until the day that light from the sky and scent of Spring be back again)
乘著風 (Riding the wind)
你終於能... (You finally can...)
回家 (Go Home)
This is what happens when I'm bored. - Duration: 3:26.
Matthew West Roasts a Tardy Student in an Amazing Improv Song - Duration: 2:04.
Lipscomb University one seat was empty in the front row
Tried to start this class someone said, "Where did Jerod go?"
Oh he's out there on the campus trying to be his own man
Gotta pay that college bill so he started a popsicle stand
Just one problem, Jerod Your popsicle is not frozen, oh no
No one wants a popsicle that melted, melted, you're melting my heart
Oh yeah
He's not melting my heart Jerod said, "Don't you know I picked that
up from my trip overseas?
Yeah, that's how everybody eats a popsicle in Italy."
They just put a straw in it and drink it on down
So I thought I'd bring this new concoction straight to Nashville town
Jerod, you're a messed up dude Jerod, I don't mean to be rude
Next time you open up a popsicle stand Make sure you got a freezer, a freezer on hand
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Everybody say, oh oh oh oh oh oh Come on if you love Jerod say
Oh oh oh oh oh oh One more time
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Well the moral of the story
Is if you wanna make a dime Don't worry about popsicles
Show up to class on time
As heard on The Wally Show
Oh you killed that! You killed that my man!
AFRAID TO SCORE...[ROCKET LEAGUE #14] - Duration: 9:00.
- What's up, guys? Hope you're doing well.
I'm Scooter Magruder, this is Scooter Gaming!
We're back at it, Rocket League doubles.
I'm with Jonathan Salmon, SalmonsDontDie.
Jon, what is going on?
- [Jon] Slowly figuring out how to take over the world.
- What's the first step?
- For taking over the world?
- Yeah.
- I can't tell you.
Because then you'd be doing it, too.
Are you gonna do something this game?
Look at me.
- Bro, fear me.
- Look at me, are you gonna do something?
- Feed me.
- Is Scooter hungry?
Oh, look at that. That's yours.
That's yours.
That's what you produce? Wow.
- Jon?
- How'd I miss that twice?
(Jon laughs)
I almost had it.
Right here, I would've went for it, but then that happened.
- Um.
- That's how we start it off, bro.
- We needed to add, you know, intrigue.
It's all about intrigue.
These guys don't look like they're good,
so we wanted to, you know, spot them.
Make it interesting.
Oh, I got it.
- No no, I got it.
- I like it. I like it.
I was about to hit it. I was about to hit it.
And I was like, I trust Jon. I trust my teammate.
You saw me, though. He saw me.
You saw me comin' in.
- In his eyeball.
all right, stay back.
- You want that triangle formation?
- Stay back.
Oh yeah, oh.
Oh, look at that, a little touch.
Oh Magruder, it doesn't get better than that.
- Oh!
Dang, forgot my boost.
- I'm here, I'm here, I'm here, I'm here, I'm here.
Oh, that's a long ranger.
That's a long ranger.
I should have...
I didn't mean to touch it.
I just was like, I was real close to it when I jumped.
I did not expect that.
I'm sorry, man. Intrigue.
- Gimme that.
- Rip, rip nation.
- Gimme that.
There it is.
- Oh, one more.
- Jon, oh!
- It was all right.
- Gimme the boost. Get lit.
- Oh, that's you. Please take it.
- Where's it dropping?
- Right there.
- Oh my gosh.
Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh!
Jon, I have no idea what you were doing,
but we'll let it slide, because it still went in.
Ooh, look at that. Wow, Jon.
- I don't know. What do you want me to say, man?
I felt like I was precise.
- Mm hmm.
- Depth perception might be a little off.
- Could be, could be.
Are we done?
- Mm, I don't know.
- These guys are trash.
Oh, never mind.
Never mind to the never mind.
Gimme that. I'll take the boost as well.
Oh, thank you.
Ride action.
- Give you a push pass.
- Oh yes, light touch.
- Oh, it don't get...
- I was not expecting him to pass it to me.
- It was feathery. That's how light it was.
- Oh, what do you got?
Please, oh, no that looks like it's going in.
- You won't be there. Oh, man.
- Dang. You know what that say, right?
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes.
That doesn't...
- Bro, I'm over here reacting about your blind nut story.
(Jon and Scooter laugh)
The blind squirrel.
- Wow, Jon.
I don't make these sayings up.
- I don't...
You're done man.
That's a bucket, by the way.
- We're done.
We're back in it. And we're back in it.
Oh, my. Jon, Jon.
- Do something, though. Come out of there.
Oh my gosh, like I'm waiting for you to like just bang that.
As soon as I miss, you gotta...
As soon as I miss, you gotta be there.
Aw, man.
If I miss, you gotta be there.
- No.
- Be back in the field.
Yeah, yeah.
- That was not one where I should've attacked it.
- [Narrator] What would you have done?
A: Attack.
B: Not attack.
C: Get lit.
Comment down below.
- The other guy was closer, their teammate was closer.
If I would've attacked and missed,
there would've been no one close to goal,
and you would not have been able to recover in time.
- You say that, but I don't think
you've got a crystal ball.
- Jon, what?
Jon, are you afraid to score?
Or, what's happening?
- You told me to feed you, man.
Trying to feed you, dog.
What do you want me to say?
No, I just keep catching them at silly angles.
- Jon, I need you to do better, beginning right now.
- You and me got the same amount of points.
We've literally have the same amount of points.
Same amount of shots.
- How do we have the same amount of points if it's 3-4?
See, that's court awareness, right there.
You have no idea what's going on in this game.
- I'm not talking about team points,
I'm talking about individual points.
Wow, the deflection on your own goal? Good job, man.
You know what?
- Hit it.
- You know what?
Look at the feather.
Oh, my gosh.
- Oh, my gosh!
- I think the game is afraid of me scoring.
That's more what it is.
- Dang!
- Oh, man. You know, I almost had it.
The only thing that freaked me out was this goalpost
blocking my camera view.
- We've entered Magruder time.
- Oh my gosh, that was sketch.
- We've entered Magruder time.
Uh oh
- It's 2v1 right there.
Oh my gosh.
- I'm so focused right now.
- That;s you. That's you.
Oh, that's me!
- Go, Jon, oh!
Light touch.
- Oh, Magruder!
(Jon yells)
Dude, where...
Oh my gosh, man. I don't want to lose.
- We're in Magruder time.
- Please do something.
- Who's not...
Jon, who's not doing anything!
- Oh, my God, this is it.
(Magruder screams)
(Jon laughs)
Yo, it's on you.
Dang it.
Oh, my gosh.
Jeez, gosh!
Come on, man!
- Oh, my gosh!
- Dude, what do you want from me, man?
Look at your ping, man.
I'm puting this game on you, man.
- That game was intense.
- Wow.
- And Jon, I have no idea what's going on.
- With what?
- Your performance.
- What do you mean, I've got 60 points less than you.
Our performances are solidly on par.
- Points don't mean everything.
Points don't mean everything.
- Sure, but it's a good way to assess.
Now, look at their team. They shouldn't have won.
- I'm just disappointed, Jon.
Not in you, but in the outcome.
- For sure.
- If you enjoyed this video, press the like button.
I make new videos every day.
The heck? That's a lot.
That's like one per day, that's like one every 24 hours.
Do the math.
As always, No Jugamos Juegos.
Throw me the alley.
I'm a grown man.
(Magruder screams)
Noel Gallagher (Captioned) Don't look back in Anger Acoustic Rare 1995 - Duration: 4:40.
Slip inside the eye of your mind
Don't you know you might find
A better place to play
You said that you've never been
All the things that you've seen
Gonna fade away
Gonna start a revolution from my bed
'Cause you said the brains I had went to my head
Step outside, summertime's in bloom
Stand up beside the fireplace
Take that look from off your face
Cause you ain't ever gonna burn my heart out
So Sally can wait
She knows it's too late
As we're walking on by
My soul slides away
But don't look back in anger
I heard you say
Take me to the place where you go
Where nobody knows
If it's night or day.
Please don't put your life in the hands
Of a Rock 'n Roll band
And throw it all away
So I start the revolution from my bed
'Cause you said the brains I had went to my head
Step outside cause summertime's in bloom
Stand up beside the fireplace
Take that look from off your face
Cause you ain't ever gonna burn my heart out
So Sally can wait
She knows it's too late
and I'm walking on by.
My soul slides away
But don't look back in anger
I heard you say
So Sally can wait
She knows it's too late
and I'm walking on by
My soul slides away
But don't look back in anger
I heard you say
So Sally can wait
She knows it's too late
And I walked along by
My soul slides away
But don't look back in anger
Don't look back in anger
I heard you say
Better than her any day
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
Hey guys
How's it going?
I'm in Bangkok for 5 days
and I'm here for the Thai
New year which is called SONGKRAN
Are you ready to get water splashed on you?
It's my first time here
I think we should buy the water guns
So at this street called SILOM
Basically everyone has waterguns
and buckets
and they throw water at people
but this year it MIGHT be banned
because it's very close to the Thai kings
anniversary for his funneral...
GRAB car?
It's very useful in Thailand
This is GRAB taxi
It's how you kinda travel around
in Thailand
Instead of actually getting a normal taxi
Just order from your phone
and it will come in like 2 minutes
Which one are you going to get?
Even the 350 one is huge
How is it?
This one is quite good too
This is the 350 one right?
Think I might one of these BIG ones
It's only like 350 Baht for one
Do you want me to take it for you?
This one 550
Do you have another one of this?
BIG one
Yes we do!
Do you have a red one?
Today holiday?
Yes holiday
Songkran, everyone is day off right?
3 days
Until 15th
How long are you going to be here?
Till Sunday
We're going to the S2O festival tonight
It's going to be really fun
Oh man
this is SO crazy
everyone is like spraying water
There's a BATTLE in there!!!
So when you want to refill water
You have to come to these stations
and they basically sell water
to refill your water gun
for about 10 baht (30 yen)
for a full can
this is awesome
I'm just standing here
shooting people that's walking past
So I think this entire street is called
SILOM road
and basically everyone's here
throwing water
on each oher
and spraying with their water gun
it's quite a long road
so they closed it just for this event
I always hear
a big crowd of people down there
yelling and screaming
I think there's a whole battle going on there
Songkran in Thailand
is a 3 day holiday
that they have off
because it's Thai new year
and no one is working
so it's like their biggest celebration
In April
13th, 14th and 15th
Just got owned by a whole group of them
Having fun??
you should have come last time!
this is so fun
it should be me asking you if it's fun!!!
Absolutely INSANE
There's a lot of people here getting shot at
Crazy! Everyone is screaming
Having fun?
This is insane!!!
This is the end
Hope you guys enjoyed my VLOG!
and I'll see you guys next time!
Probably back in Japan
Please give a thumbs up on my video!! Thanks!
Grandmother 'An Eye For An Eye; He Needs To Pay For Killing My Baby' - Duration: 2:05.
Nerd Block Sci-Fan Block April 2017 Unboxing Review - Duration: 9:36.
HEY GUYS its me your host SUPERSORRELL and today we have for you another NERD BLOCK UNBOXING
this time its the SCI FAN BLOCK which this month includes items from King Kong, STAR
TREK, The Twilight Zone & THE LABRINTH.
- the ultimate scifi & fantasy box. this months box includes some awesome goodies from some
great science fiction fandoms.
STARTING AT $19.99/MONTH - SCI-FAN BLOCK Sci-Fan Block joins two of your favorite genres, science
fiction and fantasy, to bring you more of what you love.
You'll receive 4-6 fun collectibles & one exclusive T-shirt.
Switch, pause or cancel at anytime.Sci-Fan Block is THE science fiction and fantasy subscription
box for true fans!
Your Block contains a variety of licensed merchandise as well as fantasy and sci-fi
collectibles that are carefully selected by Nerd Block�s team of geek culture aficionados.
Your fantasy and science fiction subscription box contains items that
are thoroughly tested for quality, collectability and of course, fun!
We work with some of the largest brands in the industry to build
each monthly fantasy and sci-fi crate to meet the high standards of our members.
Sci-Fan Block delivers on value and rewards subscribers with exclusive items that you
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Get your hands on the best sci-fi and fantasy crate on the market today!
Please Subscribe and Support the channel!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC23U4jpP2BAw8uxaH4Zwh8g?sub_confirmation=1
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My Geek Box "SORRELL10" �10 Off First Box ZBox "SuperSorrell" �5 Off First Box
Anime Bento "SUPER10" 10% Discount Geek Nirvana "Super10" 10% Discount
mobilinnov.com "SuperSorrell" �3 Discount FredBox - "supersorrell" 10% Discount
About Me ********
Hey guys I am your host SuperSorrell, This channel has everything from Toy Unboxing Reviews,
Mystery Boxes by Loot Crate & My Geek Box to in depth Action Figure reviews of Star
Wars Elite Series, Star Wars Black Series, Marvel Legends and Marvel Ultimate Series.
I love Funko Pop Vinyls, Dorbz and collecting Vinyl figures too!
My wife has joined the channel under the alias Mrs SuperSorrell where we do Disney Store
Haul videos and Tsum Tsum Tuesday Mini Plush reviews!
I am a huge LEGO fan! and love to do complete opening and building videos!
I also love blind bags, blind boxes like Mystery Minis and more!
I am a huge scifi geek and love my Dr Who & Star Trek too!
I read Marvel Comics and starting DC too!
I am a huge movie and pop culture buff and therefore I attend a lot of conventions across
the UK come and say hello!
I always answer comments from fans so feel free
to ask anything in the comment section!
So don�t forget to subscribe!
- *New content uploaded daily!
My Equipment *************
Console: Xbox One/360/PS2/PS4/PC Camera: Sony Handycam HDR-CX240
Vlog Camera: Samsung Galaxy A3 Webcam: Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000
Mic: Blue Snowball Blackout USB Capture: Elgato Game Capture HD
Headphones: Turtle Beach Star Wars Battlefront Sandtrooper Gaming Headset
Software: Sony Movie Studio 12 Platinum
Sci-Fan Block April 2017 Nerd Block Unboxing Review
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nerd block,nerd block sci-fan edition,sci-fan,unboxing,review,nerd block sci fi,april 2017,david bowie,the labrinth,star
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sci fan april 2017,nerd block sci fi april 2017
Will "No One" Teaser Promo (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:33.
Is love...
They say in London people cry the names of plays as if they were kings.
Who are you?
No one...
EVERY SUNDAY ON www.traduttorianonimi.it
Day #10 of 30 Day Video Challenge For My MLM International Silver Network- Filling The Pipeline - Duration: 3:13.
hey guys it's Pete Olsson the Montana
silver stacker hope everyone's doing
fantastic ww3 silver and gold is I want
to give you the results for my day
number 10 of my 30 day video challenge
from my MLM company International silver
Network this is where I'm giving you a
recap and a number 10 was yesterday by
the way where I'm giving you a recap of
all my activities from my multi-level
marketing company International silver
network so I start off the day making
some videos which is great on YouTube I
like to put those out there and because
every one of those videos is like a
recruiting warrior for me and out there
24 hours a day 365 days a year
I made my dials I made 18 dials
yesterday actually I spoke to five three
wanted information so that was that was
fantastic when i dial into my target
market I only speak to network marketers
from my genealogy list right just dialed
right in that target market we have a
30-second pitch very simple they either
want the information or they don't but
we're talking to the right people
Network marketers target market not Aunt
Sally and Uncle Henry and your next-door
neighbor Bob right now that doesn't work
you got to be targeted if you own a
hockey equipment company you wouldn't
market two golfers would you of course
okay I help my downline make calls
yesterday they had two leads they called
me and and they put their phone on mute
and listen to how I made the call how he
handled the questions how I answered the
closes in that in those particular case
both of those were voicemail messages
but I was helping my downline do those
three ways I was talk to my best partner
Jim Lois on on different things that
we're going to be doing and marketing
here in 2017 talking about different
Facebook Ads things of that sort
that will be progressing on and I spoke
to two prospects yesterday and I came in
through my marketing funnel both of
those were no they weren't interested in
the home-based business so that was
great I always offer them to
the customer at our silver/gold monthly
savings program you know if this
business is not for everybody
saving Silver Gold is for everybody
right everyone should be doing that so I
gave him that link in that website but
it was a good day it was a productive
day got a lot done and moved one step
closer to the next close so guys a very
good Wednesday I hope you have a great
Thursday today if you liked the video
thumbs up please share it please comment
please subscribe a phenomenal home based
business click on that link below in the
description take the tour of our on of
our the online tour of our silver and
gold home-based business
watch those four short videos fill out
the survey and I personally will get
hold of you I run all in North America
for the company number one recruiter and
producer in the world for the company ok
god bless you guys may God bless our
president Trump and may God bless the
United States of America I'll talk to
you guys later today thanks so much
Bienvenidos a la 2nda Temporada ... ¡y Nuevo Proyecto! | Kiubo! - Duration: 2:35.
I'm back
¡Qué onda compadres! (How's it going close friends!)
Welcome to the 2nd season of my channel
in this video I'll explain why I took so long to upload new videos
how long did I take... like... 6 months?
OMG 8 months! (< this doesn't count)
I wanted to tell you that during that time I wanted to focus on another project
as I said in my previous Kiubo video, which is in English
I stated I wanted to focus on education to help out friends and family
well, everyone in Mexico really
and just yesterday I finished the first video of that project
a brand new channel where I talk about our country's common problems
from small problems like knowing if the person who you're with prefers to be on their phone than to talk to you
or if they actually suffer from an addiction
to big problems like what happens in the whole country
you'll later understand what I mean
actually you can watch the first video on that channel, I worked very hard on it
hopefully the video helps you out and if not, share it to whom you think it would be helpful
don't worry! I'll keep uploading videos to this channel and you can see I just recently uploaded 2 Yooka-Laylee episodes
a game I'm enjoying a lot
and hopefully you like it as well, and the weird voices I make for each character
hmm, I think that is all so-
-what was that?
nothing happened lol-
-Ugh wha-What?!
???: What's up crazy 😎
Oscar: Who are you?!
???: I'm you but way cooler
I am...
Oscar: "Freaking... Vato"?
Oscar: What kind of name is that?
FV: pfft dunno you gave it to me
a crappy name if you ask me
Oscar: Oh, uhmm... does this mean you'll be on my channel too?
FV: Well... it looks like it
Oscar: Oh okay... well, I think that's it for today?
See ya in another video...? Bueno, bye? ("Bueno" = Alright in this context)
FV: Check out "Oscar EXP"'s channel! That's where I make my debut ;)
click it, c'mon! CLICK IT DUDE!
:Bloopers: Oscar: Check out the first video so you see with your own eyes- *hits mic* -whoops
Respect Marriage - Don't worship it TD Jakes 2017 #4 #5(10 things every single person ought to do) - Duration: 4:47.
number six Respect marriage
respect marriage I want I want to just start with that one phrase
respect marriage
when you know somebody's married
Don't be all up in their face
His wife just insecure no you just went too far
give yourself a little test
when you find yourself becoming critical
you like the one person
but you're very critical of the companion
Start examining your motives
because whatever they got they got that going on
and you really don't have anything to do with it
so if you find yourself being real opinionated
about their relationship you probably have gotten too far over into
I respect marriage it's just her
because when you get somebody
you gonna act funny when people are all up in their face
and inappropriate and they are falling all over them
Respect marriage while you're single
so you don't have to reap that
and when I say respect marriage
that includes being some spare tire
somebody who gets seen every few months
and all that kind stuff
It get encompasses all of that
and if you even goes down how you conduct yourself around people
that are married
you just respect it
It doesn't mean that you can't be nice
can't be polite can't do business
but there are certain lines you don't cross
because you wouldn't want anybody to treat your interests
like that so you that
Respect marriage
but do not worship it
don't worship it
don't worship marriage as if it is the end all
of what life is because if you are single
and you you worship the idea of marriage when you if you ever do get married it
won't live up to your idea and when it doesn't live up to your idea every time
you find something that deliver to your idea you'll quit because you must
understand that God's name is jealous the Bible says that the Lord is that his
name is jealous and that he will have no other gods before and certain people
worship marries they worship having somebody in their life they make an idol
out of having other people they worship the idea of marry and you're never going
to find anybody you're looking for mr. right and miss right they don't exist
they're not they're the closest you will get is mr. almost and miss pretty close
and if you get about there Thanks respective are you ready for the next
one this was really gonna get you know live and budget within your means
When you are in debt
it affects your personality your contentment
your happiness
it makes you make poor decisions because you need help
you got a temporary problem and you make a permanent decision
because you're in a temporary cramp and you allow
dollar signs to control your attractions
where in if you just live within your means
it would be better to live within your means
so that you can make an intelligent decision
not based on well
I'm a money be made cat
anime he got a car if you see about the car
he drilled left
in it what difficulty
because three or four years ago
he'll still be there
if you live within a budget
if you budget and live within your means
you don't have to make the decisions based on your excesses
so I can think you're not looking for
some messiah
to get you out of trouble live and budget within your means
ia any of this helpful
Old MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had a cow E-I-E-I-O - Duration: 2:19.
10 Dazzling New Discoveries From Ancient Egypt | Toplists - Duration: 13:09.
i have type two diabetes - Duration: 0:28.
[falls onto chair gayly]
i have type 2 diabetes
[faggoty laugh]
[audio cuts out]
[gay laugh again]
fuck her right in the pussy
[dumb snorting]
[shitty snort]
[rly again??]
[is the repetition of gags gonna be a running thing here]
[this is like the only bit that i didnt edit btw]
[except the "kys" bit ofc cause hes too much of a pussy to do it himself kek]
Osomatsu-kun Episode 51 (eng subs) - Duration: 21:41.
Legs, don't let me down!
Give me back my cookie, mreow!
I found it first
Come back here, thief!
No! I said no!
I already told you no!
Give me the cookie, traitor frog.
-It's mine! -No!
Stop right there!
What are you looking at?
Stop fighting right now.
And who the meow are you?
If you don't stop I will arrest you!
He's a cop...
Yup, yup
I didn't want to do this but you left me no choice
Are you going to arrest us, meow?
It's delicious!
A travel of shame!
What a long ride!
Well, finally we arrived at Yamaoku
All right, let's find a cheap place to rent
We just started our family trip and you're already stingy
Don't complain and keep your eyes open or we'll
end up to sleep in the middle of the street
So, as you already know, go find the cheapest among the cheapest!
Okay, okay. Cheap is it.
Look dad, here they only ask 5,000 per person.
Do you think I am a banker? Go find cheaper.
Only 3,800 here.
No, it's still expensive as cockles. Keep looking.
Ah! Look, look!
Good morning
Oh, welcome, sir.
We want the cheapest room you have.
Yes, yes, right away
(Hmph, a family of stingy douchebags.)
This is the one, do you like it?
Oh... it's not bad at all!
It looks all normal and stuff.
Came in, step inside.
Would you like some dinner?
It's still early, but well...
We got hungry from walking so much!
I will get you dinner right away. Enjoy your stay.
And it only cost us ten thousand a night
We did well into searching so hard.
Hmph, these brats are going to trash the place.
Don't talk about our customers like that!
If you care about them so much, go deal with them!
You won't get many tips from that pack of penniless muts.
[Excuse me, is there anyone at the counter?]
Look, we're rotten rich
and we came here to spend the night, yes?
Welcome to our humble inn.
Daddy, I want the ★COOLEST★ room.
As you wish, princess.
You there, do everything my daughter says, all right?
Then I can provide you the 100 thousand room
It hurts.
Did I say something wrong?
It's so cheap we got a twinge.
Don't you have more expensive?
No, no, I'm sorry.
It's so heavy, what's in there?
It's because it's filled with cash.
I can't believe this, if I treat them like kings
I'm sure I will get a huge tip!
Wait a moment, I'm coming!
Let's go for a walk before we eat.
1,000 yenes for a night is quite a deal, eh?
Yeah, especially nowadays.
What's wrong, Osomatsu?
Choromatsu, look at this
C'mon, it's just a worm.
That was a good nap.
Dear Mother of God!
It's not 1,000 yenes a night, it's 10,000! Did you see?
It's so good!
I hope you're enjoying the meal.
Stop, stop!
Well then!
What are you doing entering the room like an Elephant in a fine China store?!
Look at the excellent food they give us for 1,000 yens! Why do you interrupt us like that?
That's the issue, they aren't serving us for 1,000 yens.
This stay costs at least 10,000 yenes!
80,000 yens in total! We don't have that money!
What's going on? Anything wrong?
This can't be eaten.
No, sir. Don't you know this type of food must have a special kind of rice as a sidedish?
I didn't know. Forgive me.
If you tell me what kind of special rice it is, I will switch it.
It doesn't matter! The kids must learn how to eat all types of dishes!
But dad
They're so spoiled, it's not easy to give proper child education when you're rich.
You're right, they're so used to our Chef's dishes, they won't eat anything humbler.
Damn, this is incredible.
Pay a moment of attention!
I want you to behave like RICH KIDS!
I get it now, but won't they find us out?
I will come up with something later.
You guys, leave it to your dad.
Here's your meal, please enjoy.
How am I supposed to eat this crap?
Bring something decent or don't come back at all!
How can you give this kind of meal to someone of our class?
Damn it, I have such bad luck. Damn.
Incredible, incredible...
Watch your step, melon head!
To me?
What a big fat lie.
What are you thinking of doing?
Young men, are you going somewhere?
Dad gave us pocket money so now we have one million yens to spend
A million? What happened?
Our house is so big, it's hard to go from our room to the kitchen.
We had one more brother but we lost him while playing hide-and-seek
Yup, it's been three years and we haven't found him yet.
Ten yens!
(I saw it first!)
Are you sure your family is rich?
Haha, it's just that we've never seen such a small amount of money before!
What a cutie pie!
What's up?
Let's act all friendly towards her.
We'll be saved
Let's go!
I'm detective Iyami.
Come in, detective
What kind of building is this?
By the way, I'm hungry.
Because if you do...
This is what awaits you.
They'll kill me!
All right! All right!
What a good hotpot
Enjoy yourself
This looks delicious
It smells good
This, and this, and this and also this
C'mon, buy it all for me
All of this?
Well, of course, you're super rich, no?
But, it's so much that-
Or maybe the fact you were rich was a lie?
It's the absolute truth!
Back at our mansion we have a fat diamond this size
A diamond?
Really?! A diamond so big? Lucky!
Yeah, it's so big and heavy we want to sell it fast
to lift the weight off our shoulders! Really!
Really! Well, turns out my dad has a suitcase full of cash!
Would you mind to show me that diamond, pretty please?
Sure! Have it your way.
Hot diggity dog!
The meal was poisoned
I'm going to die from this awful taste
I need something to take the bad taste out of my mouth
Watch out!
I'm a cop.
And the chickens you sell at this store have committed 160 crimes of ???
But I thought chickens couldn't talk
And how can you be so sure if you aren't anything more than a stupid employee?
Freeze! You're all arrested!
Nobody moves!
The criminal chickens have been arrested!
Thank you for your collaboration! Have a good day!
(Bye! Bye! See you later! See ya!)
Where are we going to get a diamond now?
I said it without thinking
But the girl believed us and turns out her dad
has a suitcase STUFFED with bills to spend
Dear, if we play our cards right we can get their money
Of course...
An now, what you're going to do with this?
You'll see
Excuse me~
Wow! Is this the diamond?
B, b, but who is this chick?
It's the girl I told you about.
It's real! It's been awhile since I've seen such a big diamond.
I told you so!
How much would it cost me?
We'll sell it for cheap! 80 thousand yen only!
80 thousand yen only! And only for today!
You can't let this one in a million chance to pass up!
What do you say, doll?
Only 80 thousand yen for such a big diamond?
#? With that cost we can pay our stay!
Kids, take mom away!
But how much is it?
Kids, take Osomatsu away!
No! Let me go! No!
I can't understand. How much are you asking for?
You see, little girl... this diamond is worth...
800,000,000 yenes
Hey dad, aren't you going senile?
W, What?
Kids, take Osomatsu away!
No! Let me go!
Whoa, it's not expensive at all.
True, it's a reasonable price.
I'd love to buy it.
Of course, do as you like.
Wonderful! I will bring the money soon.
Don't bother yourself, I can pick it up.
Okay! I'll be waiting in my room.
I'm so happy!
What have you done, dad?
You leave it in my hands!
Yes, true! We're very rich!
We love this diamond dearly but you'd do us a favor by buying it.
This is amazing!
A diamond that big for that price?
That seems wonderful.
All right, I will buy it.
Really? You will buy it?
Of course.
Here, here you have all the <i>dough</i>.
We buy your diamond with much plea-diddly-iddly-sure.
Yes, but we ended up to scam someone.
Huh? This is a scam?
What do you have in that suitcase you're hiding behind your backs?
Have you seen anything or someone suspiscious?
Freeze! It's a order!
I'm looking for scammers and
I need help to find them.
I knew it!
What is this? It's all white.
Forgive us!
We don't forgive anyone here!
Shall we take them to our BDSM room?
Good idea!
BDSM room?
We call this the pan from Hell
And these are the Australian wild baths!
Who is touching my ass?
And now who's touching my wiener? Show yourself!
Enjoy youselves!!
T/N: This song is a translation of the Japanese one but they left out the ending animation.
Let's go!
♪Karamatsu wears Osomatsu pants ♪
Things are as they are
how to make multiple bootable usb,how to make multiple bootable pendrive,2017 - Duration: 10:09.
how to make multiple bootable usb,how to make multiple bootable pendrive,2017
Happy Pharrell Williams | Músicos para Casamento | Quarteto de Cordas | Música Instrumental - Duration: 1:44.
BREAKING: Sick Soros Finally Crime Exposed. He's Finished. - Duration: 2:20.
The globalist regime has been slowly manipulating our culture for years, but now their actions
are coming to light.
George Soros, the leader and bankroller of the globalist movement, has been called out
by Hungary.
Victor Orbán, the Prime Minister of Hungary said, "Despite ruining the lives of millions
of European with his financial speculations, being penalized in Hungary for speculations,
and who is an openly admitted enemy of the euro, he is so highly praised that he is received
by the EU's top leaders."
(via Breitbart) You are a brave man, Mr. Orbán.
The world needs more government officials like you.
George Soros has been using his NGOs and other "charitable" organizations to import migrants
into the EU and America.
This man has no morals.
During World War II, Soros even betrayed the Jewish people by seizing their property for
the Germans, as highlighted by his 1990s 60 Minutes interview with Kroft.
Soros does not care about anyone but the banks.
He has no problem selling others out; he was raised doing it.
At least Hungary is willing to do what needs to be done.
Soros needs to answer for his crimes.
The globalists don't believe in borders.
The globalists don't believe in culture.
Globalists don't believe in ANYTHING we, as Americans, hold dear.
Thankfully, Donald Trump has reintroduced American values to our culture, but we haven't
heard the last from Soros.
Soros and his liberal goons, like ANTIFA, will always be waiting for an opportunity
to strike.
The mainstream media is owned by Soros.
He silences the opposition, and he tries to silence conservative voices.
Thankfully, we now know that the mainstream media is not our friend.
The mainstream media is dedicated to hiding the truth and muddying the waters.
We should all thank Hungary for calling out George Soros.
What do you think about Hungary's accusation?
Please share this news and let us know what you think!
Learn Colors for Children Body Paint with Play Doh Stars & Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 15:36.
Welcome MToys Channel
Learn Colors for Children Body Paint with Play Doh Stars & Finger Family Nursery Rhymes
TRASTORNOS DE LA PERSONALIDAD | La clasificación - Duration: 3:30.
Old MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had a cow E-I-E-I-O - Duration: 2:19.
BREAKING: Rand Paul Makes OMINOUS Threat To Berkeley…. - Duration: 1:20.
Sen. Rand Paul realizes the anti-free speech movement by the far-left is getting out of
On Thursday, the Kentucky senator gave a warning that should strike fear into the heart of
Berkeley College.
"I think that Congress, and the people who appropriate the money, we should think about
whether or not we should be sending money to universities that only have one set of
speech," Paul stated on "The Laura Ingraham Show."
That's not going to set well with some, but it desperately needed to preserve constitutional
When asked if he thought the "federal government, Donald Trump" could "impound" funds
that would go a place like UC-Berkeley, Rand was ready with an answer.
"I think if it were a liberal president, and they were shutting down speech, they could
probably do it.
I don't think that — I don't think impounding funds is probably going to pass muster, but
I think that Congress, and the people who appropriate the money, we should think about
whether or not we should be sending money to universities that only have one set of
What do you think about this?
Please this news if you agree with Sen. Rand Paul!
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