This project has made me realize several things. Maybe I would emphasize that in life, when you have a dream, you can take two attitudes:
you can complain: it's too complicated, it's too ambicious... Or "What if?": What if we try? What if we do it?
So, this project has transmitted me that "it's posible", the imposible becomes posible
The project began because Aleix, which is the director of the movie,
made an assignment for the university in which he had to make a movie trailer in which he had to cut an paste different parts of videos
he made a trailer of what could be a movie about "3 religious rebels"
everything was fake, I mean, he picked up parts of films and series...
The thing is that he showed it to us afterwards, and to many other people,
and the truth is that we liked it because some of us had read the book
And it was a book we had enjoyed.
Well, not only that, it had...
It had touched us deeply, in the way that Roberto, the main character, has to live sainctity.
his way of living life, of fighting for his ideals.
In that moment when we were sixteen, seventeen, eighteen years old, it enthusiasmed us.
So, the ground was prepared for the trailer to motivate us,
then Aleix, well we were searching for something to do that winter,
that year in general, some activity to do. We were thinking in doing some volunteering...
we were not sure about what we wanted to do, we wanted to do something together, and then Aleix told us: hey, ¿why don't we make a movie?
We liked the trailer, and it would be awesome to have the movie in cinemas, ¿why don't we make it then?
Then I thought: well, ¿Why couldn't we make a movie? It's not absurd,
then things got started, you are in charge of the camera,
and then everyone, well, none of us had ever made a movie, not even a short one, one of us had made a little video, but,
We knew nothing, and then what we did was, Ok, I do this, and we would start to search in the internet, for example, types of cameras, ¿how do you shoot cinema? ¿What's the process? etc.
So, everyone got informed of his task. The one in charge of the lighting how to lighten in cinema, which lights do you use,
in that sense it was a very enthusyastic moment, investigating, and that was cool, and it seemed like the project could go on,
but the practical part wasn't going so well, because two months prior to the shooting,
the shooting was in July, so this was in May or April, we didn't have any monastery to go to,
all of those that answered me said me no or they didn't answer at all,
then we didn't have a camera either, we didn't have any lights,
I had also sent an application form to ask for extras, and only two people had signed up,
so it looked like it couldn't be,
time passed by, and there were still many things left to do,
in that moment I thought: maybe it doesn't come up, what a pity, but this has just been a project, an idea, it doesn't have necessarily to go on.
And then it was when God manifested himself clearly and told us: "No, I want this to continue".
Then, suddenly a woman told us that she had a brother that's a monk
in the monastery of Santa Maria de Huerta, in Soria, that maybe they could allow us to shoot there,
so that we should call him. We called him, and he said no problem, and also the monastery was only an hour and a half far from Madrid,
suddenly, doors started to open, a man from Schoenstatt from Barcelona, that works in Sony, told us that he could lend us a camera, when normally this type of cameras are very expensive.
Another person, that helped us during the WYD, tells us that he can lend us some lights for free.
I mean, suddenly all problems went away, little by little, everything got solved,
so, what we saw is that what God wants of you is to trust Him.
Normally, I tend to be very realistic, I mean, no, consider this, think about that, and so on,
And when he told me I said: I think it's a great idea, Aleix, great.
And he wasn't expecting that, he didn't expect that his idea would be accepted, you know?
And then he called more people and the answer he got was support and motivation.
It's been amazing how we started to dream and it has become very big
For example, the first budget we had for the movie was five hundred euros,
We wanted to organize a party and earn five hundred euros and that was all,
And specially, I think the project has changed, at the beginning it was a huge challenge, something I thought it was almost impossible,
And then a lot of things have come easily, people that have helped us when we began,
people that got really involved with us, people that got enthusiasmed, even people that didn't have anything to do with us, you know?
at the end you realize that when God wants something, he'll not only search people to help you do it, he'll also make things easy for you
For the project, it has been a proof that if you want, you can do anything.
It's been like a dream, to see how we put the means to achieve that dream, and then see how it comes true.
It all started as an absurd, crazy idea, that could have end up just as a joke between friends, and then we really did make a movie.
We knew nothing about cinema, we had no means at all.
There have been tough moments all the shooting long.
In the shooting, in the preparation moments, and also the postproduction has been tough.
There have been days of no sleeping, of long testings, the difficulty of facing something new,
All this has been a learning process for us.
And it goes on, it goes on because we have trusted it to God.
At the end is friendship what makes you continue, see? We have started this, we are having fun,
because we did have a lot of fun.
At the end this is part of the project, we have been together, we have known each other better,
And we have integrated people that initially wasn't part of the group, and that have felt very happy and part of it.
and they also felt that they could give the things they knew, you know? And between this friendship the project has been forged.
So I think it's essential, because friendship, the links between people, that's what makes you live the project,
I mean, it's impossible to try to give a message about community and ideals, sainctity, if we don't live that in the crew, you know?
If we are not friends, if we don't get along, if we don't share the same dreams.
So I think that friendship has been the essential part in this project.
I think it's an evangelizer project, it's a way of getting close to people you don't know, and make them a gift of something you have.
And that's faith, and what this movie reflects.
I take everything, all the effort behind the project, the dreams, the work of everyone, we were like a team,
and that, that community aspect, was fantastic, and it's amazing.
And the movie, even if it's only for the work of everyone, has to succeed.
I take all the fruits of this project, in spite of all the crisis we passed, the tensions, which are normal,
I think that everyone that has been touched by this experience, has been also got closer to God.
With that desire to make known this story that we think can change the world and the youth,
These two pillars have been the ones that have allowed the project to go on.
Project 3MR it's a cry to the world and to society that things can be done,
And that if God is in your side, you are unstoppable.
In the beginning, the word "monk" meant lonely.
Nobody knows who was the first man that decided to leave everything and head to the dessert in research of loneliness.
But we do know whose life became a lamp and a light for many people generation after generation.
Benedict of Nursia, son of a roman noble man, because of the decadent morality of his time, decided to depart from the world and to live in a cave in Subiaco.
Soon, many young men joined him attracted by his fame of wisdom and sainctity
His community grew and Benedict became the Abbot of a flourishing monastery: the Abbey of Montecassino.
In there, Saint Benedict wrote the Rule, which stated how the monks should live, owing to two basic principles: prayer and manual labour.
The Benedictine Order came into being because of him, and it soon spread through the Old Continent.
By the time the Roman Empire fell, the monks were the only ones that dared to colonize the inhospitable areas and they founded monasteries in the territories at war.
However, sluggishness and corruption infected the ecclesiastic world.
Selling bishoprics was common everywhere, and in Rome, noble houses were fighting to gain the papacy, as if it was a manor.
In the north of France, the reformation started by the Benedictine monks of the Abbey of Cluny was trying to amend these deviations and to regenerate the whole Church.
But the soul of the Christendom lived in its strong and proud knights. Their courage and bravery allowed them to pursue the greatest feats.
By that time, I was fifteen years old. My cousin Jacob had just been knighted. And I was about to make a decision that changed the course of my life.
Three Religious Rebels
I see you somewhat discouraged son
I don't know how to tell it to father…
Some day you will have to
I know, but I never find the courage to do it. With cousin Jacob's banquet Father doesn't do anything but think of the day I will also be knighted.
Your father has been dreaming about that day since you were born.
That doesn't help at all! He will never agree on me becoming a monk.
Come on Robert, you have been wanting it a long time. Don't let this dishearten you. You just have to dare!
News arriving from Rome are terrible. The Pope has died, but it hasn't been possible to convoke an election yet.
The House of Tusculum has imposed its heir, Teofilus, as the new Pope.
Oh my God!
But that is not the worst part. The boy is only twelve years old!
Twelve? Twelve years old and he is already Pope?
Doesn't anybody care about what happens to the papacy anymore? Where are the other barons of Christendom?
They couldn't care less! They have been used to this for so long they don't conceive a different way of acting.
I propose a toast to cousin Jacob!
To cousin Jacob!
You should have seen it. It was incredible! There was the Count of Champagne and all the barons of the region.
First of all you kneel before the Count. You place your hand before his hands and pronounce the oath of allegiance.
Afterwards, he takes the sword and appoints you knight of Champagne. The day you are knighted you'll see it for yourself.
No cousin, I will never be knighted.
Jacob, we are waiting for you outside.
Someday the truth had to come out.
You didn't see his face when I said I would never be knighted…
Tonight is as good as any other.
I know, I know… It's fine… I will tell him.
Ermengarde! My brother Leon says his harvest this year has been as good as ours.
It seems the time of the famine is finally over… for good.
Robert, I would like to talk to you.
Tonight you said something to your cousin that surprised me. I may have heard it wrong.
Did you say you would never be knighted? What exactly did you mean by it?
I said what I feel Lord. I will never be knighted.
And why is that?
I won't be knighted because I know a higher and nobler kind of chivalry.
I can't seem to get where you're going.
I don't wish to serve a Count or a Baron as noble as they may seem. I want to faithfully serve God.
Father… I want to become a monk.
I have been raised by the Benedictine monks. I did learn more than the Trivium and Quadrivium from them.
During the famine and shortage, you gave a lot to the poorest, and so did uncle Leon… I feel very proud of the chivalrous blood that runs through my veins.
But the monks gave much more than you.
The doors of the monastery of Saint Peter where overcrowded with poor people. And yet no one returned with empty hands.
And for that reason the monks were dying of hunger. Do you understand? They were dying of hunger and scarcity!
Then I realized that one doesn't need to grasp a sword to be a knight. I realized that there is a nobler and higher chivalry.
Who inculcated such an idea in your mind? The monks or your mother?
None of them.
Who then?
What you're saying makes no sense! You will be knighted as your cousin. And that's it!
You cannot make that decision for me.
Of course I can! I'm your father
You have to understand all this is too hard for me. He is our only son.
Besides, he is so ardent that I'm afraid he could be easily disappointed.
You know as well as I do that some monks should have never stepped a foot inside a monastery.
There are also abbots more concerned about wealth than to give glory to God.
I don't want Robert to have to live with that.
The monastery of Saint Peter is not a common monastery. Their monks are reformed monks from the order of Cluny.
And still, if things get as bad as you mentioned, who more suited that Robert to fight against it?
Few people are as strong-minded as he is to change what they believe is wrong.
You are proud of Christian chivalry spreading around the world.
Let Robert bring it to the cloister!
In the castle of Troyes, my mother always had her own way. Therefore, after some time, my father called me to his presence.
Have you called for me sir?
My son, you mother has convinced me, and you too.
You can go to the monastery of Saint Peter. You can go this very year.
But if you are to become a monk, be a real monk. Be firm, be honest, be a man that can be trusted.
The other day Teofilus was appointed Pope. A twelve year old child in the Chair of Saint Peter.
The Church needs saints to balance such a monstrosity. Saints! Do you understand?
You were burning with desire to become monk. Let be it! Keep burning! Don't turn out a straw fire.
Consider you entrance in the monastery as if you drew the sword for God.
I command you son. Don't ever sheathe that sword.\
Pardon me!
Don't worry Frater. Are you a novice?
Yes, I am looking for Father William
Then you're going in the wrong direction. We novices have to go this way.
Oh! Thank you.
By the way, my name is Maurus.
I am Robert.
The most important job you will do as monks is studying and copying our library manuscripts.
However, as novices, you will have to do other jobs for the monastery as well.
When the bell rings, you shall head over to the church for prayers.
He is Father William. He will be our Master of Novices.
He is a bit strict.
From None to Vespers you will do the afternoon labor. After Vespers you will dedicate yourselves to study and reading until supper.
After Compline, silence hours will begin.
That day, I experienced for the very first time the taste of the monastic life. It tasted like loneliness.
However, I remembered that my father used to say every warrior knows a desolation moment before going to combat.
That memory encouraged me.
Life at the monastery was very busy.
We spent the most part of the day at the scriptorium, studying and copying manuscripts;
or in the Choir singing the Divine Office.
We, as novices, spent the rest of the day doing different jobs for the monastery or in the kitchen.
It seemed unbelievable that I had ever had leisure time back in the castle.
Even during collations we had to keep silence while listening to a part of the Rule or some other edifying text.
Our Abbot, Dom Bernard, would often talk to me. He would always have some advice for me.
Study and live the Rule, my son. Do it and you will not only be a good monk, but you will be saint.
Every morning, Dom Bernard taught us different chapters of the Rule in the Chapter House.
The Rule contained all the teaching of our father Saint Benedict.
I soon discovered a great wisdom in the Rule.
"… And I sought for a man among them who would stand in the breach of the wall before me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none".
I picture a town burning in flames, besieged from every corner and with an enormous breach in its walls.
Through this breach the enemy is about to break into the city.
Is there anyone willing to defend the breach at the wall? Is there anyone willing to be saint?
Maurus and I became friends. He was older than me and had been novice for a longer period. Thus, he helped me adapt to the monastic life.
We used to discuss often over many different topics, from the interpretation of the Holy Scriptures to the right observance of the Rule.
However, his influence wasn't always good.
He knew all kinds of tricks to elude our assignments and to escape Father William's control.
For some reason, whenever I followed Maurus I ended up being in some kind of trouble.
"We deliver the Tithe of this year's harvest, according to the dignity of our mother house of Cluny,
and of our Most Reverend Abbot Hugo, which, in fact, is the Abbot of us all…"
I am quite impressed with this boy.
Novice Robert. I am astonished with the effort he puts on everything he does.
He is always the first in all matters.
Don't you think his attitude is a little bit presumptuous?
Why would it be?
He tries really hard, as if he wanted to be seen. Moreover, he walks in a haughty manner, as if he was a knight.
It is the ardour of his age. I don't see any harm on it.
In fact, I would worry if this fervor extinguished. It would mean we are doing something wrong.
Maurus, who are they?
They are peasants who grow the lands.
I can see that! I mean, what are they doing in this lands, they are monastery's lands.
Well, these men grow them for us.
But, aren't we supposed to do it ourselves? The Rule states that every monk should live from the work of his hands.
Robert, you cannot take the Rule literally. Besides, we cannot do two different things at the same time.
We cannot be copying manuscripts and growing the lands.
As far as I know we don't seem to have the ubiquity gift yet…
Father William! Hurry! Run!
But didn't he tell you to collect these from the orchard?
Then it is stolen.
Look frater. Don't you pay attention to the gospels?
Luke 10-7. "The workers deserve their wages".
Come on, I think he might have passed by.
Father Abbot, I would like to ask you something that preoccupies me.
Go ahead.
I find that sometimes there are certain differences among the way we life and what the Rule states.
And what those differences might be?
Saint Benedict insists on the aspect of the manual labor, and we are not doing any actual manual labor.
Well! It is the first time a novice complains for the lack of manual labor.
Don't you have enough with the cleaning and kitchen chores?
Well yes… but I think Saint Benedict didn't mean that kind of manual labor, did he?
He was referring to the hard and tough labor of growing the lands. Besides, we have servants that do it for us,
and when we stop being novices we won't even be doing domestic chores.
You are right, my son. But Saint Benedict lived five hundred years ago.
Things have changed a lot since then.
Manual labor was necessary in those days, because both Saint Benedict and the first Benedictines lived a very simple life, almost like peasants.
But our lives don't have that simplicity. We have a much higher task to complete:
to copy the manuscripts of our library. If we fail to do this, all the teachings of the Fathers of the Church and the old masters will be lost.
It is a great responsibility.
But… Saint Benedict insists on manual labor. If we fail to do it, will be still faithful to the Rule?
Let me ask you a question that may solve all your doubts.
If Saint Peter came back to Rome nowadays, in this very year of 1034,
do you think he would find the same Church he ruled a thousand years ago?
No. I think he would feel uncomfortable surrounded by cardinals and kings.
I think he would get upset to see a thirteen-years-old child sitting on his chair.
In fact, I believe he would prefer to return to Heaven.
But in truth it is the same Church, Robert. The Lord still is the same, and so is the Faith.
The essence remains the same, however the forms have changed. Do you understand?
So… essentially, we are the same as the first Benedictines?
Exactly! We live in communities, under the command of an Abbot and according to the Rule.
The external differences you may notice don't affect our essence.
Saint Benedict would find the exactly same spirit here as in Monte Cassino.
Change doesn't necessarily involve deviation, but evolution.
What do you think?
What do I think? I think you are right! And it might be best for me to learn to think a bit more.
Oh! It is time for Vespers.
I bet Brother John falls asleep today as always. Pay good attention, it always happens after the second psalm.
The Count of Champagne and his cortege has arrived. We need your help.
Why is the Count visiting us?
He came to spend Christmas here.
Yes. He does it every year.
Welcome, Count, Countess. It is a great joy to have you here with us.
A present from the county.
We thank you deeply! This way please.
Hey, doesn't he prefer to spend Christmas at his court?
The Count has made innumerable donations to this monastery. It is a great honor to receive him here every year.
In fact, it is said that he wants to be buried here.
Silence! You will come to speak with me later, Brother Robert.
Dominus. Come with me.
Why were you and Brother Maurus talking without permission?
I… I am sorry Father William. It was my fault. I initiated the conversation.
You think that rules are not made for you, don't you?
Well, that is called pride. And pride is one of the worst sins.
Father William told me many things about pride and humility that day.
Too many for me to be able to understand at the time.
But the one thing that he made clear was that I was prideful and that I should be more humble,
and that if I kept being prideful, I would never be a good monk.
I don't know why, but when I saw those men, I felt a profound peace inside me for a second.
Can we come in?
Yes! Come in.
We thank you for receiving us. We were travelling to Troyes when this storm surprised us.
As soon as it eases we will be on our way.
Please, sit down.
My name is Bruno. He is Odon…
I am Alberic.
They are John and Peter.
I am Robert. Tell me, have you had anything to eat?
You are not monks, are you?
No. We are hermits. We live in the woods of Molesme.
And what is that has brought you this far?
We are going to Troyes to talk to the bishop so he may grant formal approval for our little community.
I always thought hermits lived alone.
Let's just say the Providence has gathered us during this phase of our lives.
And what about you? How long have you been Benedictine monk?
Oh no! I am still a novice. I will finish in two months, and then I will make vows.
So in two more months you will be all of a monk. Maybe you are to be a new Saint Benedict!
Isn't that a bit presumptuous, Brother Bruno?
Presumption… Humility isn't at odds with great ideals.
Many think they are humble only because they dream in diminutive.
Well, it looks like it has stopped raining. We must get going.
But it is late! Stay for the night. Our Abbot will be pleased to accommodate you.
Express our gratitude to your Abbot, but we have to follow our journey.
I will keep you in my prayers.
May God protect you, Brother.
May the Lord guard you.
I lately find Robert is more distracted than usual. I am afraid being indoors for so long isn't making any good.
Young men need to move and breathe some air, especially now with the vows approaching. I wouldn't want them to be nervous.
Maybe you could assign Robert a task outside the monastery. Send Maurus as well, so that they can converse and get distracted.
So be it.
Well, where were we?
"We would appreciate to…"
Oh yes! "We would appreciate to be granted the exploitation rights of the lands that go across the village…"
Robert, go pick up some firewood with brother Maurus.
Let's go Robert!
I can't believe they have let us out. I've been inside the monastery for weeks.
We have until None. We have the whole morning to do whatever we please.
What is the task that Father William gave us?
To collect firewood.
Oh well! Then we have plenty of time…
Maurus, what does being a monk mean to you?
Why in the world are you asking me this right now?
I don't know. It's just that the other they, a group of hermits came by the monastery and…
Don't tell me you want to be a hermit!
No, it's not that… It's just that I felt a bit jealous. They seemed really close to God.
Don't you like the life in here?
I don't know… Sometimes I have this odd feeling. It's like if I was giving God to little of me.
Too little? We spend the whole day praying at the chapel!
We are giving Him the same as the founders of Cluny, and they were saints! Don't you think it is enough?
The founders of Cluny rescued monasteries from the decadence and mediocrity. But, isn't now the time to go further?
The hermits said something that stroke me. They said: we have to be a new Saint Benedicts. They said we have to change things.
And I feel I am only saving my own soul, but, what about the rest of the world?
What about it?
We cannot pretend it doesn't exist. Wars, hunger, discord… We must do something about it!
Well, I hope you can tell me what we can do from the monastery...
Come on Robert, it's time to return.
Can I ask what are you doing?
Collecting firewood.
And wouldn't you mind collecting it at the monastery instead so that we don't have to carry it all the way back?
Have Robert and Maurus come back from the task you entrusted them?
They should be here by now. I sent them to collect firewood, so they are probably leaving it around the kitchen.
I'll go see if I can find them.
Brother Robert, I would like to have a word with you when you are finished with that.
Yes, of course.
I will be waiting in the backyard.
What would Father Abbot do without his favorite novice?
Well, son. The time of your vows is about to come. Do you feel ready?
If I am to be honest Father Abbot, I don't.
What troubles you?
Something you would call a conflict of ideals.
When I entered this monastery, you told me to study the Rule of Saint Benedict. Not only to study it, but you told me to embody it.
And the same did my father. He said: "Unsheathe your sword for God, and do not ever sheathe it again. Be a rightful monk."
Don't you think you are being one?
I am still a novice, and I wouldn't want for you to find me presumptuous,
but when I compare Saint Benedict's life to my own, I see that we are not only distanced by five centuries but also by far less authenticity.
In what way?
I know you told me that change does not necessarily means deviation, but we follow the observance that the abbey of Cluny dictates, right?
Yes, that is right.
Then, wouldn't the original observance be a more generous gift for God?
Wouldn't it be, maybe even nobler, to live with the simplicity of Monte Casaino,
with its solitude, its manual labor and its complete isolation from the world?
Yes, my son. I believe you are right. That would the noblest.
Receive me, Lord, according to your Word, and I shall live. And do not obscure me on my hope.
Ten years later.
But then, you want me to be appointed as prior of the monastery?
That is right, Father Robert.
If that is your wish, I shall do it. But let me say that I don't feel capable of it.
I am sure you will do just fine.
Father Abbot, I would like to ask for one last thing.
Maybe, wouldn't it be the moment to start living the rule in a more authentic way?
My son, you will never be a good diplomat. You are more transparent than glass.
You would like to introduce some reform so that we can live more like the first Benedictines, isn't that right?
I understand you well, my son, but the moment is not quite yet. The community is not ready.
They have change in having you as their prior. Let them habituate to you first.
Yes, Father Abbot.
Frater! I haven't congratulated you for your new appointment as Prior.
Ah… Thank you…
What's with the long face? Is something wrong?
No, it's nothing.
Well, anyway, I have some news that will surely make you happy. Pope Benedict IX has abdicated! Theophilus is no longer Pope!
Wow! That is great news.
I knew you would like it.
Prior Robert asks me to bring you the count on the grain harvest from this year.
Wow! That is great! I did not expect him to have it so soon. Brother Robert is truly efficient.
Truth being said, naming him prior was an excellent choice.
Although I must confess I wasn't convinced at first. You know that Brother Robert is too stubborn and extremist in his opinions,
but he has turned out to be a great prior in the end. Even the grumpiest monks are becoming friendlier.
He is as good as it gets. He has even gained a good reputation among the peasants from the region.
They have him for a holy man.
If that makes them give more food to the monastery, I myself will preach about his miracles.
And maybe this time as prior will help him to forget those odd ideas about the Reform.
I believe you are a little naïve. I think Brother Robert will never forget about that.
He is just waiting for the right opportunity.
Father Robert, there is a man called Alberic that wishes to see you.
Brother Alberic?
How are you, Father Robert? Do you remember me?
It has been a while. How is everything going?
Well, things could go better. Brother Bruno left toward the Alps to lead a community there and the rest of us feel a little lost.
I see, and what has brought you here?
Robert, we have heard about your reputation all across the region and we wish to ask you to guide our community.
Yes, the whole community has agreed on it.
Alberic, I really appreciate your coming with this petition, but it cannot happen.
I am tied by the vow of obedience, and only my Abbot can free me from it.
But go to the Bishop. Surely he will find someone better than me to guide you.
Well… Thank you.
I am sorry if I disturbed you. God bless you.
God bless you, Alberic.
Yes, father Robert?
Reverend father, I would like to ask you to free me from my vow of obedience, let me depart with the hermits from Molesme and found a community with them.
I am sorry?
Father Abbot, these hermits have been left without anybody to lead them and they have asked me to join them in their path.
They are willing to take Saint Benedict's Rule and live it in its whole purity. It's the opportunity I have always wished for.
But that cannot be, Robert. We need you here. The community needs you. You cannot imagine the good you are doing with your example.
No, Robert. You shall stay here.
I'll obey, Father Abbot. As you wish.
That day I learned what it truly meant to fulfill the vow of obedience.
The Abbot has told me everything.
Maurus, you have known me for ten years. You know that my only wish is to be able to start living the original observance of the Rule.
Nobody seems to be on my side. I feel like a walker which travels towards a distant peak.
Everything ahead of me is mist and fog and no path appears before my feet.
It's as if my opportunity to carry this out is never going to arrive.
Come on! Where is the stubborn Robert I once knew? I am sure that opportunity will come across someday.
Did you call for me?
That's right, father Maurus.
You are losing tomorrow a friend, and I will lose the support for my eld.
Our Father Prior is leaving us. Robert is leaving.
How? When?
He will become the superior for the hermits of Molesme.
But you have always denied it to him.
This time I cannot deny it to the authority that demands it from me.
The Pope!
That is right. Even to Rome has Robert's reputation arrived.
When they saw their requests were being denied, the hermits decided to go to who could not be disobeyed.
And to Rome they went. So this time I don't have a choice.
Do you think his Reform will result?
Well. You know that discussions about the true spirit of the Rule are not something new.
But maybe Robert, despite of his youth, or maybe thanks to it, has found the crux of the matter.
I don't know, but in my opinion he's exaggerating. I share all his opinions except this one. There must be a reason for it.
Father Maurus, thanks to God our community is very normal, but there are not many monasteries like ours in France.
Cluny did plenty of good on its time, but now Cluny…
Look, all throughout France there are monasteries in crisis, and some in open rebellion against rules they reckon to be too strict.
The monastic world needs something radical, something that makes it tremble and awakes from its ease.
Why then did you never let him make it here?
You know how monks are in this monastery. The Reform that Robert is proposing is too much for them.
No. Robert has to start this Reform with new people, creating a monastery from the ground. That is the only way.
Yes, Robert will have his opportunity with these hermits, and you will also have yours.
What do you mean?
I need a prior, and I consider you the right person for this job.
Yes. You, Father Maurus.
But you know I have a very sharp tongue.
It can be tamed.
Twenty years of efforts have not made a difference.
Then you shall keep trying.
Come on, go see Father Robert. Surely he will have many things to tell you.
Hello Father Prior.
So you knew?
Indeed, it is a great responsibility. Dom Bernard is very old, so you will have to be in everything, except in the name, abbot of the monastery.
Forget that now. You may fool the Abbot, but not me. Tell me, you were the one who told those hermits to go see the Pope, didn't you?
Well you should have. And you would have spared them and you all this years of waiting.
Yes, and I would have been asking myself the rest of my life if this was my will or God's will.
It is better this way. Now there are no doubts.
Look Robert, no one can live this Reform except you.
Maurus, too many lenitives have been introduced in the Benedictine order. We need to get back to the original observance.
I wish you could come with me. I will need a real friend there. You have always been one.
And I still am.
I know. Pray a lot for me.
That I can promise.
May God be with you frater.
Even if the other abandon me, He will always be with me.
Those men lived in the most humble poverty.
There was nothing to reform there. No lenitive or custom to abolish.
All there was to do was to start living the Rule.
At the end of the day, I would go to sleep more tired than ever, but also profoundly happy.
I am pleased with your smile, Brother Alberic. Keep it forever.
I cannot change it.
But an Abbot does have the power to change charges. From now on you'll be the Prior of Molesme.
I am here to obey.
Well then, my first command as abbot will be for you to keep smiling.
We are clearing this field. I imagine we will have to be the entire winter working on it.
Afterwards, in spring and summer, we will have to farm it, plow it, care for…
All I hope is that we get a good harvest in autumn. We cannot feed ourselves out of stumps.
Naturally. Do you think it will be a good crop?
The soil that has never been plowed does not produce much on its first year, but we'll trust in God.
No one beats you at this, Alberic. How are the rest of the jobs going?
Come, I'll show you.
This is the beginning of a canal that will bring water to the monastery.
We are drying out that swamp to make a crop field.
Those two monks over they are paving the hill and filling up the gulch two obtain a new wheat field.
All this with only seven men. What could you achieve with an army?
Well, I have also sent two other monks to get wood in order to build a barn for cattle which we still don't have.
Great faith you have, Father Prior.
For now what I have is plenty of work to do, Reverend Father.
We may not be the God's knights you expected us to be, but at least we are the hard workers the benedicts are supposed to be. That part of the Reform is accomplished.
I'm glad you called it Reform, not rebellion, like others.
Forget it, just monks from other monasteries, which openly criticize us.
Well, that might as well attract attention upon us. Our critics are making us a favor by calling us rebels.
Let's then be the rebel monks!
You'll see. Applicants will come from everywhere and I will have to prepare fields for all of them to work.
Applicants! Applicants coming!
Alberic, you're the prior, you go! We might scared them if we all go at once.
Very well Father Abbot.
My name is Stephen. We have heard about Abbot Robert and thus we come to join the monks of Molesme. They told us to come here.
Yes, indeed! Come this way. I am the prior, Alberic.
Brother Stephen, right?
Stepehn Harding, right.
Harding? That doesn't sound French.
I am not. I come from England.
Ah! You don't have any accent at all!
Yes, well… I studied in the cathedrals schools of Reims and Paris.
And what made you change Plato and Aristotle for the robe and the hoe?
Well, let's say that, rationally thinking, this was the best option.
What is so funny about it?
Only an Englishman would consider the vocation in logical terms!
Isn't it wonderful? Englishmen and Frenchmen working side by side.
It looks like God has wanted to perform a little miracle with us.
Are you certain there are only two in the entourage?
Yes, Your Lordship.
I would like to know how to dress up.
If those monks of Molesme are truly as people say they are, they will think I'm a peacock with my usual clothing.
And, on the contrary, if they are not as people say, I will let them down if I don't show with my brightest gowns.
After all, I do not know why I have to make this visitation. I am the bishop of Champagne, and Molesme is in Burgundy.
His founder, Robert, comes from Troyes, my lord. So it is convenient that is you, sir, who makes the visitation.
Besides, the trip is not long. We'll be there not long after noon and back home at nightfall.
I believe this apparel will be both modest and dignified at the same time.
Judging the Bishop's expression this monks will not last long.
Who knows?
It would be something extremely unusual to find monks that truly lived the solitude and manual labor, don't you think?
Unusual, you say? It would be a blessing.
If monasteries were really places of work and prayer, we the bishops would have far less preoccupations and the Holy Mother Church less scandals.
But my reports go beyond. People say they dying of starvation, silence and work,
I've heard that they are not summited to the Abbey of Cluny, and that they follow the Rule of Saint Benedict's according to their own interpretation.
If reports are true, Robert will go back to Troyes, and Molesme will be the forest it once was.
Go tell father Robert that Bishop of Troyes and his vicar are here on visitation.
What is it announcing?
None prayers, your Lordship.
Good. We'll attend it.
Will you preside it?
No, no. We'll stay in the rear. Do everything as usual.
Eminence, this is our Father Abbot, Robert.
You are the most pleasant surprise of the year. In my community's behalf, we welcome you.
Thank you.
We were about to carry out our collation. Would you care to join in our humble meal?
We would be pleased.
Warn the cook. Come with me.
The Bishop and his vicar are coming to the collation. Will you manage?
You already know the status of our pantry.
Well, put some water on the soup and… and… serve wine only to our guests. The community will be happy with water.
Well, as you say.
It is not great meal for a bishop, but what can we do…
And so humble! Find out if this is normal or if it's an exhibition.
The monks don't seem shock at all. It looks like it is usual.
I would like to have a word with you. Maybe while we talk, some of your men could show the fields to my vicar.
Yes. My prior Alberic will handle it. If you care to follow me, we will have more privacy in my cell.
I hope that Abbot Robert will know how to explain him the spirit of our way of live.
Don't you worry. His Lordship is an expert on getting information
and I imagine that in this occasion he will use his ability to draw out everything he wants to know.
Let's just say that Bishop Hugo extracted a confession of my whole life, from my youth till the beginning of the foundation of Molesme.
He told me we should be part of an order if we didn't want people to distrust us.
We prefer to live apart from the world and to make our own choices.
But you also want vocations, am I right?
I am the legate of the Pope in France and the Holy Father does not want independent abbeys. This set the grounds to new possible rebellions.
I do not have any doubts about your good intentions, but we cannot make exceptions.
You do not have to submit entirely. If your community joins Cluny, I myself will make sure that you do not see yourself forced to abandon your observance of the Rule.
Thank you your eminence, but we prefer to keep having our independence.
Well then. I suppose I cannot force you, but take in account that I will not be able to help you either.
You do not seem very happy with Molesme.
The truth being said, I am starving.
And I am admired.
What? No suppression then?
Suppression? God wish there was more dissemination.
These men are neither fool nor phony.
I hope there could be more Roberts out there in the world. Christendom would be much better.
Come on! Let's speed up. We shall get back home before dark.
Your Eminence, the city guards have detained some men dress as monks going door to door asking for charity.
What? Bring them to me right away! Evangelical poverty is one thing, but begging is very different.
What is that I have been told? Are you begging around?
But… Brother Stephen!
Sit down. Sit down and tell me what happened to you.
Well. Not much to tell really.
The harvest has been so poor this year and the community has grown so much, that the pantry is empty.
Well, Abbot Robert sent us to reach for food but did not gave us money for it.
In fact the only thing he gave us was the passage of the prophecy of Isaiah which says
"And you who have no money come, hurry, buy and eat".
But I am afraid that Isaiah's prophecy has not become true.
What is that you need?
But, what has happened for you to come to this situation?
When we did our first visitation you were living severely, but this is just indigence.
We have had a very bad harvest.
You cannot continue this way. You might day of starvation.
The duty of every Abbot is to take care of the community that has been entrusted to him.
I cannot let you die of hunger, and even less in a community as loved as yours.
You have to turn into a subsidiary of Cluny. Only then may I be able to help you.
If not, we dissolve the community and each one may go back to his original monastery.
Don't say foolish things.
Don't worry for it. The subjection will be only in the name. I promise you.
If not, your Reform will die, and you will die with it.
Fine, we see.
The Bishop Hugo sought after all of our needs.
He convinced every noble of the region to give money to the Abbey.
From everywhere, people would come and ask that our men would found new subsidiary monasteries in their lands.
Many priories were founded throughout Burgundy.
Everything looked to be going fine with Molesme.
That day we were served with a truly moldy bread.
There was no one who could eat it. In fact, I will talk to the brother cook so....
Brothers, shouldn't you be working in the fields?
Hmmm...Yes. We were just heading to the scriptorium to copy a manuscript.
Do you have permission from prior Alberic?
Then to work the fields!
Yes Father Abbot.
Welcome Father Abbot! Do you need anything?
No, no, thank you so much. I just left the horse in the stables, it's such a good thing you decided to build them.
Oh yes, he had to pull them down to make bigger ones.
Good, that way more animals will fit in.
Yes, yes. And how was the visit to the count of Champagne?
It was fine. The priory progresses with strength and the count is interested that we build a new priory.
Oh! That is good news indeed! Quite fine!
Please, give this to me, you must be so tired from the trip.
Thank you. I am quite happy that other monasteries are joining us in our observance of the Rule.
Well yes, Robert, I...there is something I have to tell you.
I think you should be here longer, in the monastery.
With everything back and forth, in this community we miss having you, and the younger ones don't even know you.
I...I cannot be in place of the abbot all the time.
Oh...I wasn't expecting this.
Well yes. Don't worry. We'll talk about this later.
There is something that I've been meaning to tell you.
Since you left, the community has been too relaxed, especially the younger ones, those who didn't live the austerity from the later days.
They want more scriptorium and less manual work. You know, more Cluny and less Molesme.
The worst is Brother Romanus. He's as smart as the devil, and the rest follow him around as clowns.
They don't listen to me, but because I'm not the abbot. They would listen to you.
I will talk to the community. The lack of obedience cannot be tolerated.
Brothers, I have heard that some of you do not go to the fields in work hours and that you avoid manual labor at every expense.
I have also heard that many of you complain about the quality of the food and clothing you receive.
You should know that complaints and disobedience are the path for destroying a monastic community.
We have come here to serve God and to become saints through work.
Therefore, we will eat the same food, wear the same clothes, and do the same work.
I am worried that the community will not understand the spirit that we want to live at Molesme.
The problem is that most brothers that where with us at the beginning have left to found hew priories.
I hope that my presence here achieves the restauration of discipline.
I'm sure it will.
Saint Benedict insists so much in this. Community life is very important for the life of a Benedictine monk, as it is well said here...
Reverend Father. What do you think about what Saint Benedict says in this passage of the Rule?
It is in chapter 48. Precisely the one dedicated to manual labor. It says:
"if the conditions of the place or poverty forces them to harvest the crop for themselves, do not afflicted."
From this, is it not understood that the work in the fields is not something mandatory but something which is to be done in case of poverty or need?
Brother Romanus. Why do you not read the next phrase?
It says: "Then you will be true monks while you live from the work of your hands like your fathers from latter days and the apostles."
Maybe you should also read the phrase which follows that one: "All of this must be done with moderation."
"All of this must be done with moderation in benefit of the weak", and I do not see that we are a community of weak people.
The monks of this monastery raised these buildings with the strength of their arms.
But that is something of the past, why should it....?
Brother Romanus! There is nothing more to be said. If you want to tell me something you shall come to my chambers.
Well, I think we have discussed this for the last time. We are not going to do it again.
It was made clear we have to work in the fields. That's it!
But I don't want to work in the fields…
Brothers, it is time for manual labor. I think that the discussion has been sealed sufficiently in the chapter hall.
We want to be able to debate the topic of manual labor with all of the community gathered together.
The Rule says that we have to take in consideration the opinion of everyone when concerning important decisions.
Yes. And according to the regulations of Cluny, the monk must be dedicated to the tasks of study, scripture, and not manual labor.
Well, if you know the regulations then you also know that it also say the monks owe strict obedience to their abbot,
and so for holy obedience you will all go to work the fields.
You have to make your authority be valued as an abbot. Expel Brother Romanus!
No Alberic. God seeks for monks who serve Him freely, not forced by their abbot.
Besides, if we manage to convince them we will have gained many more souls for our cause.
But at least make Brother Romanus be silent! He is breaking the vow of obedience!
The worst thing is that he's right. According to the regulations of Cluny, they are not bounded to working the land,
and my attitude might be understood as an abuse of authority.
But this...this is not Cluny! This is Molesme!
Officially, we are Cluny.
I will call a reunion in which the entire community can freely express their opinion on manual labour.
Father Abbot, please let me tell you something.
What drove me to join this monastery was the hight ideal that was lived at this place.
Explain them what is the Rule for you. Only that way will you be able to convince them and win their hearts.
You are right brother Stephen. I had almost forgot why we were here.
This Sunday at Nones, we will have a reunion in the chapter hall to talk about manual labour.
Reverend Father, the Bishop of Troyes is here. He wishes to talk to you.
Robert, all of the nobles of the region have come to me with great alarm telling me that there is a rebellion in your monastery.
They are all very distressed. What exactly is happening?
There are certain differences in the interpretation of the original Rule.
Well then, you must solve this situation as soon as possible, or you will lose the trust of the nobles.
But putting a solution to this would imply that a part of the community would be damaged by this.
There are times when we must make sacrifices for the big projects to be able to go forward.
From you and your abbey depend the rest of the priories that you have founded.
If you do not solve this conflict, your Reform will have been for nothing.
You must act inmediately.
The ones of us who founded this monastery with great effort, did it moved by the wish to see it go back to the benedictine observance.
The observance whose foundation is built on manula labour, which brings us closer to God and sanctifies us.
Some of you, who have rebeled yourselves against manual labour alleging to the rules of Cluny,
tell me, why do you wish you eliminate it?
We don't want manual labour eliminated.
We only want for the scriptorioum to be recognized as good manual labour as working the land and the crops.
But that is not what the Rule says!
That we cannot know, since the Rule talks about manual labour with stipulating what it is.
And Caseodorous, which you all know was contemporary of Saint Benedict,
says that of all of the tasks that can be realised within manual labour, non of them plesases him more than that of the copyists.
And how are we to feed if we do not work the fields?
We can lease them to the peasants!
Let them work them and give us fees to support us!
If we want we can get many lands. All of the nobles of the region are prepared to help us.
All of that will just guide us back to ease and mediocrity!
That is not the spirit of Molesmes!
Always talking about the spirit of Molesmes! But that is in the past!
Are we really to be suicidal and day of starvation in order to satisfy God?
Nobody is dying of starvation here! We only want to keep manual labour just as Our Father Saint Benedict asked us to!
We want scriptorioum!
The actual situation does not satisfy you. Tell me. What do you propose?
For each monk to choose if he prefers to do the manual labor in the fields or in the scriptorioum.
But those are softeners. That is a deviation of the Rule.
Father Abbot. Saint Benedict was not against softeners.
He himself says that his Rule was much lighter that the rest of the monastic rules of his time.
He wanted to created a school of love of God, in which nothing terrible is imposed, nothing sharp.
Saint Benedict was a very human saint.
And yet we are not even capable to follow his Rule.
We only want to modernize his teachings. He would have wanted it.
Let us make manual labour in the scriptorioum!
Fine. Who else wants this?
Let this be as you say.
Robert! How have you let this happen?
I am the abbot. I do not wish to divide the community.
It is already divided.
Robert. I want to ask your forgiveness for what I said before.
I didn't realise how hard it must be to be abbot. Please, forgive me.
I had already forgiven you.
We still have the chance to change the situation. Romanus and his supporters have won because they are many,
but if you call the monks that have left, we will be more, and we can retake the observance of manual labour.
No Alberic. The monks of Molesme have taken their decision, and I have taken mine. can you leave?
These monks don't really want to fully live by the Rule.
I can force them to do manual labour, but I cannot force their hearts to love the strict observance.
Saint Benedict says that the abbot must watch for their sons to get to spiritual maturity.
Well then, for these it is better to be a time by themselves and mature.
But if you go this monastery will sink.
If it is the work of God, He will keep it floating. And if it is not, it will sink like any other human doing.
At the beggining, I thought that this Reform was the will of God, but now I'm not that sure.
I must retire, since I am not the one who must keep this ship floating. can still silence those who are against us! They have broken their vowes! They have to obbey you! You are the abbot!
No, you are the Abbot now, do as your conscience and the Rule dictates you.
And where will you go?
I will go to the woods. I hope my fasting and prayers will be of more use than my command.
But… We still can move to any of the priories you have founded. Let this community do what they want, and we will see how they can manage without you.
You don't understand anything Alberic. I did like Cluny. I have made the same mistakes I have denounced.
I created a lazy and mediocre community. I have turned a feudal lord with lands and vassals.
This wasn't Saint Benedict's will.
But this is your Reform! What will we do without you?
This is not my Reform. It's God's Reform. And to him I return it.
"I, Robert, Abbot of Molesme, appoint Alberic as my successor to this monastery.
From this day, you will all pay respect and obedience to him.
May God's blessing be with you, and may our Virgin Mother of God protect you."
Robert has left because he wanted to prove that we are true knights of God.
Let's show him that we are by fully living the Rule!
From this day we will all work in the fields! All of us!
Do you know what the regulations of Cluny say it must be done when the abbots are despots and tyrants?
That they must be imprisoned!
Lord, now I solely speak to you.
Now, that no one wants to understand, you contradicted everything, you left me in no-man's land.
you don't want me to pursue my Reform but only you will.
But have given me your peace.
Now, I begin to understand.
I cannot force anyone to come up to the heaven I live in your light.
I cannot explain the agony that is your joy and the lost that is having you.
This is why I desire loneliness, to move away from the world so that I can reach you.
Let's put Alberic in a cell until we decide what to do with him.
Starting from today, all mores of Cluny are in force, as they are explained in their regulation.
Maurus! What are you doing here?
Dom Maurus! I am Abbot of Saint Peter's now.
Then, Dom Bernard passed away, didn't he?
Yes… It happened some months ago.
I have been so occupied lately that I haven't heard any news from the world.
Don't worry! That's a good thing for a monk.
How did you know I was here?
The monks of Molesme told me. I came as soon as I learned that you had an insurrection in your monastery.
Oh Maurus! You were right… Nobody wants this Reform, not even God.
I have been obstinate and prideful.
It is only needed a few monks disagreeing with you to make you change your mind?
Robert, I know for sure that before Resurrection, death and Cross have to be passed.
I knew a monk once that wanted to be another Saint Benedict. He wanted to unsheathe his sword for God and never sheathe it again.
Do you think that monk will still be out there, at the breach of the wall?
Do you think he will keep wielding his sword?
Brother Romanus would like Robert to return to the monastery to become our abbot again.
You didn't accept neither his Reform nor his command. You want him back now?
We realized we made a mistake.
No! You realized that without Robert, all the noble men don't support you economically and the villagers had left to other lands.
You only want Robert back because of his influence.
We have to go to see the Pope. He won't let such a prosper abbey ruin. We must get Robert back.
But, without the bishop's favor, the Pope won't listen to us.
This is not our bishop. Molesme belongs to the episcopacy of Burgundy.
Let's visit the proper bishop. He will surely support us.
Where is Alberic?
I am sorry. I have been a fool. I behaved like an idiot following my pride.
I put our abbey under Cluny only because I wanted my Reform to prosper.
Besides, I did it without asking for your advice, and without taking into account the community's opinion. Saint Benedict would have never done that.
A monastery is like a family. I have disappointed you.
This is the penitence God has sent me. I am truly sorry that you have to suffer for my failure.
This is not the end. We cannot surrender now. Where is Robert, the rebel?
We learnt what didn't work. Let's emend it. Let's found a new abbey without Cluny regulations, only under the Rule.
I cannot do it. I have a papal Order that obligates me to stay in this monastery. But you can go and found this abbey without me.
We won't go anywhere without you.
Let's visit Bishop Hugo. He is the legate of the Pope in France. He has the power to revoke the papal Order.
Brothers in Christ, dear friends, whatever we should do, let's do it together.
"Hugo, archbishop of Lyon and legate of the Holy see,
to Robert, abbot of Molesme, and to all the brothers that want to join him in serving God under the Rule of Saint Benedict.
May all know that you and some of your monks visited us in Troyes,
and declared your desire to live closely and more perfectly under the Rule of Saint Benedict.
Owing to the fact that in Molesme, that desire can't be fulfilled, us, looking after both parts' welfare,
judge that it is convenient that you should move to a new location the Divine Providence should allocate for you.
And for the purpose of this God's work prosperity, I send you this approval, signing it perpetually under the apostolic authority that was given to us, under this printed seal."
I would like to ask for your forgiveness, due to all my many mistakes and faults as abbot of this monastery.
Should you pray for the new mission we are about to undertake.
All of you that wish to be more bountiful before God, please, step forward.
Robert, Alberic and Stephen founded a monastery in a place called Cîteaux. From Cîteaux, the Cistercian Reform started.
The new Order soon expanded through Europe. In less than a century, more than 200 monasteries were founded.
Robert was canonized in 1220 by Pope Honorius III. His feast is celebrated on the 17th of April, day of his decease.
For more infomation >> THREE RELIGIOUS REBELS (FULL MOVIE) - Duration: 1:49:25.-------------------------------------------
Letter E - EV (House) Song | Lovely Toys Turkish Alphabet Education | Episode 6 - Duration: 3:26.
Run, Run, children
everyone to their place!
O o o o o o o o
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Oyun EVİ
Friends Do you know what we do today?
Today I want to show you my TOY HOUSE.
Now together with my little HOUSE
We are going to sing the song.
There are a lot of things in my toy house
What do you think is there in my house?
It has blue windows, withl red edges
It has blue windows, withl red edges
There are a lot of things in my toy house
What do you think is there in my house?
There is one big one had a small two-door green or green edges
There are a lot of things in my toy house. What do you think is there in my house?
Floral garden also has böcekli Pale walls around
There are a lot of things in my toy house. What do you think is there in my house?
Cute Is there a charming roof There are blue on top of a chimney
There are a lot of things in my toy house. What do you think is there in my house?
Friends, subscribe to my channel
to watch new cartoons and songs.
Hello everyone and welcome
a new tutorial Ebm
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I answer all very well thank you very much and
until tomorrow video
First days in Iran and best sights in Tehran - A Wop in Iran 1 - The Traveling Wop - Duration: 7:47.
Letter E - EV (House) Song | Lovely Toys Turkish Alphabet Education | Episode 6 - Duration: 3:26.
Run, Run, children
everyone to their place!
O o o o o o o o
Y y y y y y y y y y
U u u u u u u u u u u
N n n n n n n n n n
E e e e e e e e e e
V v v v v v v
İ i i i i i i i i i
Oyun EVİ
Friends Do you know what we do today?
Today I want to show you my TOY HOUSE.
Now together with my little HOUSE
We are going to sing the song.
There are a lot of things in my toy house
What do you think is there in my house?
It has blue windows, withl red edges
It has blue windows, withl red edges
There are a lot of things in my toy house
What do you think is there in my house?
There is one big one had a small two-door green or green edges
There are a lot of things in my toy house. What do you think is there in my house?
Floral garden also has böcekli Pale walls around
There are a lot of things in my toy house. What do you think is there in my house?
Cute Is there a charming roof There are blue on top of a chimney
There are a lot of things in my toy house. What do you think is there in my house?
Friends, subscribe to my channel
to watch new cartoons and songs.
Should I Try to Kiss You? - Duration: 42:30.
Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i NOW 5drs (airco) - Duration: 0:41.
Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Now 5drs (airco) - Duration: 0:41.
Hyundai Elantra 1.6I-16V GL - Duration: 0:52.
Hyundai Matrix 1.6i GLS - Duration: 1:02.
What Doesn't Kill You Makes You 100 Days Stronger - Duration: 5:09.
>> Jon: RIGHT.
>> Jon: WE DID IT.
>> Stephen: I'D BUY THAT HAT.
Subaru Legacy 2.0i Nieuwe apk Nieuwe distributieriem clima - Duration: 1:02.
First days in Iran and best sights in Tehran - A Wop in Iran 1 - The Traveling Wop - Duration: 7:47.
Let's Play - Left 4 Dead [Mercy Hospital] - Duration: 1:06:51.
[Upbeat intro music]
[Tank roaring]
LOUIS: [Panicking] Run or shoot?
LOUIS: [Yelling] Run or shoot!
BILL: [Shouting] Both!
[Guns firing]
[Eerie music playing gradually getting louder]
Hello everybody!
This is Halo Skillz is of course Left 4 Dead: Game of the Year Edition.
and we're going to be..I'm going to be playing some campaign today of Left 4 Dead.
So again...welcome and thanks for joining me today.
[Zoey repeatedly saying "We need to get moving!"]
[The annoying voice of Zoey fades]
[Loud] Zoey: "We need to get moving!"
[Confused yet intrigued] Well....that's some interesting audio in the background there...with Zoey.
[Short laugh]
Okay...single-player here.
and we're just going to be doing normal today..
and I don't know if I'm going to be doing any multiplayer or not...
just depends on how long it takes to get through the campaign here.
I may not be..I may not get through all the campaigns here.
[Overwhelmed] Since there's like...
[Briefly pauses and attempts to count but fails]
There's seven.
It just depends..maybe might be able to get through Dead Air...possibly start into Blood Harvest.
We'll see.
and we'll start at the beginning here...
Random doesn't really matter to me, honestly.
and for all the loading screens..these are going to be cut out...
just so you guys don't have to..sit through and that way I don't waste your time here in the loading screens.
[In a dramatic voice] No Mercy
I am playing as Bill so this will be...
[Softly] Fun.
[Reading text from poster] Curing The Infection...One Bullet At A Time
Now I have played Left 4 Dead before in the past but its been quite some time since I've played Left 4 Dead.
[Unknown person speaking into a megaphone] Repeat proceed to Mercy Hospital for evacuation.
[Zoey repeatedly saying "We need to get moving"]
[Amused] So....I'm playing Left 4 Dead on the Xbox One as one of Xbox One's backwards compatible titles.
and I've noticed here..this is the first time I'm playing the game on Xbox One.
and it seems like Zoey is having some....
[Thinking about what words describe her behavior]
Dialogue issues?
I mean if you can't hear it in the background its...
Okay..I mean it stopped now but she was like...
[Imitating] We need to get moving!
We need to get moving!
like constantly
[Brief laugh]
and that was not in the 360 version so that was kind of an interesting dialogue glitch there.
I don't think I picked up a weapon did I...might want to do that.
Okay, its been awhile since I've played the game and got used to the controls..
bare with me here as I stumble through this first chapter.
[Irritated zombie noises]
I gotta get used to the controls here.
BILL: Over there!
I hear a Boomer.
BILL: Reloading!
I gotta be careful here cause there's a Boomer.
LOUIS: Boomer!
[Relieved] There's the Boomer.
[Somewhat angry] FRANCIS: Watch where you're shooting!
[Horde music begins to play]
[Music playing] Knife Party - Bonfire
Wait for it....
Okay...wait for the fire to go out.
BILL: Look.
Where's...Where's the second pistol at?
Right here.
[inhaling] Alright.
BILL: There's a subway station just around the corner.
BILL: Reloading!
BILL: Reloading!!
[hunter pounces]
LOUIS: Hunter!
LOUIS: Reloading!
LOUIS: We got to get off the street.
FRANCIS: Reloading!
[Louis getting pulled by smoker] N-n-n-No!
Where did that smoker go?
I saw him.
BILL: Reload...Everyone in to the station!
I know for most of you...playing this first chapter here--especially on normal
you guys could probably speed-run like a minute
but I haven't played this game in awhile
so I'm a little..uh..little rusty with the controls if you couldn't tell here.
Alright, we're gonna...
we're gonna get going here before the horde comes.
[short nervous laugh]
[Reading stats] Killed the most infected...
Now sometimes the A.I. in this game can be a little wonky.
You guys probably know that..the A.I. is not the smartest at times.
That's why most people will play with other actual players.
It's just so much better...
For [briefly pauses] convenience sake I'm playing with three A.I.
Alright...might as well heal up here.
Now aiming in this game...
Let's see here.
[Softly] Sniper...
See...I don't think you can zoom in with dual...dual pistols.
I don't think.
BILL: Reloading!
[quickly] BILL: Reloading!
BILL: Re---Ugh!
BILL: Pipe bomb over here!
Did I just...
I hear a smoker.
That was not the smoker.
Okay, we're good.
[Hunter music playing]
I hear a boomer and a hunter.
BILL: Hunter!
[Hunter screech]
Come here boomer.
Ahhh! Come on man!
Hey guys! Want to get him off of me?
I know I'm talking to A.I. here but...
ZOEY: I'm reloading!
FRANCIS: Reloading!
And that's how we deal with boomers.
Ah...this game...classic.
[smoker noises]
Anything in here?
[Hunter screech]
BILL: Hunter's got Francis!
[Horde music starts playing] do I use?
I gotta...
I gotta figure out how to use weapons.
BILL: Fire in the hole!
That was probably not the best use of a pipe bomb there.
[short laugh]
FRANCIS: Reloading!
Kinda getting used to the controls now.
BILL: Look at this.
BILL [in a demanding voice]: Look!
BILL: Ammo here!
Wait. Molotov?
LOUIS: Grabbing pills.
ZOEY: Boomer!
BILL: Over there!
And that's how we deal with boomers.
[Incoming dank memes]
[Mission failed. We'll get em' next time.
See those sweet moves there?
[Hunter screech]
Oh god!
Nothing in here.
LOUIS: Reloading!
BILL: Pills here!
Got some pills.
What is this?
Ooo..pipe bomb.
I'll take that instead of the molotov.
Auto shotgun...Hunting rifle...Assault rifle...
BILL: Weapons here!
[long inhale]
[long exhale]
I think we'll go with the assault rifle...more ammo.
[Horde music starts playing]
FRANCIS: Reloading!
BILL: Grenade!
Man I am not doing to...not doing so hot here.
[distant witch sobbing]
I hear a smoker...I don't know where it is though.
[In a delighted voice] Got it!
Oh No!
Don't tell me the witch is in here!
[Worried] Oh no...
That would be like the worst spawn if the witch was in here.
[more witch crying sounds]
Oh my God!
Where is it?
[witch sounds getting louder]
Where is it?
I'm so...
[stressed laugh]
I'm so scared!
I don't know where the witch is!
I think it's like right past this door.
Oh my gosh...
BILL: Pills here!
This is going to be interesting.
Moment of truth...
BILL: Watch it! Watch it!
BILL: Boomer!
[slightly annoyed]
Oh my gosh...
Jeez...(not to be confused with cheese)
LOUIS: Reloading!
LOUIS: It might be a good time to patch yourself up.
LOUIS: This should last until we're safe.
Where's that....I h---
[Nearby smoker making sounds]
[Insert Solid Snake "!" sound]
Oh I see you--Smoke Weed Everyday...come here.
I see you!
Come here!
I see the smoker.
Okay...we got em'.
ZOEY: Reloading!
Oh God...Where's the witch at?
Oh shit.
Hopefully I can get past her.
[Hunter screech]
[Surprise motherfucka!]
I don't know if I'm gonna...she's right up the staircase there!
I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get past her...
without alerting her.
Oh God...I--I think were gonna have to fight her.
[Yelling right next to the witch] LOUIS: Witch!
ZOEY: Witch.
BILL: There's gonna be hell to pay if you keep aggravating that witch!
[Angry witch is angry]
BILL: Witch!
Yeah...she's--she's a little tee'd off right now.
BILL: Hold up, that witch is getting ready to pounce!
[Playing the "To Be Continued" music]
[Dis music doe]
BILL: I'm down!
Oh No!!
Oh No!
Everything is going to hell!
And that lies the end of Bill...
Well...Take Two here.
I think this time I'll get the auto-shotgun.
I'm also gonna try to go a little faster through here.
Try to go a little faster through this.
BILL: Reloading!
LOUIS: We gotta take the rail line north to Mercy Hospital.
LOUIS: Watch out!
Oh God! Boomer! Where's the Boomer at?
I saw something...
I saw something.
[surprised sound]
[Smoker shooting its tongue out] LOUIS: Nooooo!
ZOEY: Reloading.
Get those pain pills there.
[Not sure what I said after this?]
Oh God...where's that Boomer?
I think he's to the left.
ZOEY: We need to get moving!
I hear a Boomer...but don't know where it is.
Aright, we're..we're gonna do this.
[Slightly irritated] I..I..I got that Zoey..thanks..thanks for telling me though.
Oh God!
Where is it?
Okay...there's..there's the Boomer.
Alright, we're good here.
FRANCIS: Look out!
ZOEY: Look out!
LOUIS: Reloading!
Oh God! Horde!
Time to move!
Dat music doe
Oh God.
[Loud] Oh No!
[Surprised and Terrified] Oh God!!
I am trapped!
[Prolonged] Noooooo!
Kill the Tank! Kill the Tank!
Get me up! Get me up! Get me up!
Oh my God.
ZOEY: Might be a good time for a health...
BILL: Healing! Cover me!
And I hear another Boomer...oh my gosh.
After that Tank
Let's see if there's a molotov or something in here.
Be nice...
No ah...No molotov or ah...pipe bomb.
Oh Boomer! Where you at buddy?
I don't think so!
We're good.
Ooo! Pipe bomb. Where?
[Delighted] Yes please.
[Softly] Assault rifle...
This early on?
Yes please.
BILL: Fire in the hole!
That was probably a really good placement of that molotov.
BILL: Grenade!
Just gonna kind of...
clear things out here a little bit.
BILL: Molotov!
[No one else says anything] Roger that.
Now...I think usually there's some gas cans here..
Here we go.
Throw one there.
Oops! Okay..well...
guess that works but I didn't mean to do that.
I hear you Zoey...I hear you.
Ahhh...I don't like this to be too close to me.
That should be good.
LOUIS: Come on! Let's do it!
I think I'm only going to have time today just to get through the Mercy...campaign.
ZOEY: Boomer!
LOUIS: Reloading!
LOUIS: Shit! I'm down!
[shooting long-range with an auto shotgun because that's how I roll]
LOUIS: I need some help!
FRANCIS: Get your ass up! Let's go!
[L4D should have Payday 2's Inspire skill am I right? #GETTHEF*UP]
Oh shit...I hear a hunter.
LOUIS: Reloading!
BILL: Ammo here!
ZOEY: Hunter!
BILL: Hunters got Zoey!
ZOEY: Reloading!
[Witch crying]
FRANCIS: Hey...a little pick-me-up.
BILL: Molotov over here!
BILL: Smoker!
BILL: Pills here!
Alright, let's...
I hear a boomer.
Got it!
[Jump out of your seat there a little bit...don't worry I did as well]
FRANCIS: Reloading!
BILL: Grabbing a pipe bomb.
[Aaahh...the soothing sounds of Zoey's "We need to get moving" glitched dialogue line]
LOUIS: Watch out!
[Hunter roars]
LOUIS: Hunter!
BILL: Fire in the hole!
[Horde music starts playing]
Come on guys...
let's go...
There is a horde coming I think.
BILL: Cover me.
[Angry Francis is angry] Get your asses in here!
[In a joking manner] Yeah! Exactly Francis!
I mean...I think that's a little excessive there...
with the...
but...I mean...
he's not joking though...get..get in here.
[Mocking Francis] Come on...guys...get your ass in here.
LOUIS: Come on! Let's do it!
There we go.
Yeah I got my ass handed to me by the that was...pretty crazy.
BILL: Reloading!
I'll take the pipe bomb.
BILL: Reloading!
Another pipe bomb here.
BILL: Grenade!
BILL: Pipe bomb!
FRANCIS: Reloading!
Oh come on! That was cheap!
You mothe....come here.
Try that again...I dare you!
LOUIS: Reloading!
It's still not dead.
Alright...let's move on.
[Horde music starts]
Oh shit!
Thank God I had that pipe bomb!
ZOEY: Reloading!
BILL: I don't know if...
BILL: Grenade!
[Tank roars]
Oh no!
Where is it?
Happy Feet!
Wombo Combo!
That ain't Falco!
That ain't Fal...
[a plethora of Oh's!]
[something winner repeated over and over again]
Oh come...Oh my gosh the combo!
The combo!
A hunter, a smoker and a tank!
Oh my gosh!
LOUIS: Maybe you outta heal up.
LOUIS: Hold up! I'm gonna...
LOUIS: Let me heal you up.
Alright, alright. You can heal me, that's fine.
I mean I used my pain pills there and I wish you...
didn't do that but I mean that's okay.
[Loud] Pills here!
BILL: Get on the lift!
Let's see if there's anything around here that we can use.
Doesn't look like it.
Up the lift we go!
Good luck Zoey!
[Sarcastic] Hope you make it!
BILL: Fire in the hole!
That was probably not a good idea to put it right there but...
ZOEY: Noooo!
FRANCIS and ZOEY: Reloading!
I hear...I hear a boomer.
Where's the boomer?
Oh! I saw it!
Where did you go?
LOUIS: Reloading!
BILL: Reloading!
[Hunter screeches]
BILL: Zoey!
[Sarcastic] Sorry about that Zoey! Did I get a little bit of buckshot in you?
[Still sarcastic] Sorry about that.
I was just trying to get that hunter off of you.
ZOEY: Reloading!
Okay wait.
Oh I hear another boomer.
I think it's down here.
Oh it is definitely down here.
It killed itself!
[Simpsons Nelson laugh] Ha ha!
That's hilarious.
Take those pills.
[Scary hunter piano sound]
Hunter where you at?
FRANCIS: Reloading!
ZOEY: We need to get moving!
BILL: Fire in the hole!
ZOEY: We need to get moving!
Well, that should just about clear out all the enemies.
I think there may have even been more pipe bombs back here possibly.
I hear a boomer.
Anything..Oh yup.
Pipe bomb
BILL: I'd rather have a grenade but this will do.
[Hunter growls]
[Horde music starts]
Oh God!
BILL: Fire in the hole!
Well, that was kinda wasted there.
[Zoey getting pulled by smoker] Noooo!
FRANCIS: Reloading!
Come on guys don't hang around there forever.
LOUIS: Reloading!
LOUIS: Bet it's just a little further.
BILL: Looks like people went this way.
LOUIS: Nice shot!
Takes care of the hunter.
Of course there's a boomer.
[Loud boomer noise]
Oh God!
[Relieved] Oh, okay!
BILL: Good shot.
[Zombie isn't dying] Die.
LOUIS: Watch out!
LOUIS: Reloading!
So I think there's a witch nearby.
Guys...are you coming?
Oh my God!
Look at all the zombies down here.
[Happily] Okay...Lets go everybody!
[Whispers] ZOEY: Listen...lights out.
Yeah, there is a witch nearby.
It's like really far away though so I don't think I have to worry.
There's also a Boomer.
[Witch sounds getting louder]
Oh! It's over there!
I don' I have to...
[Pauses abruptly]
Dat Boomer doe.
would like to try to go around that.
if at all possible
Which I don't know if I will be able to go past the witch there..
I think it's a path you have to go down.
but this molotov will help
BILL: Smoker!
[Softly] Alright.
[Uneasy] This is gonna be close.
[Horde music starts playing]
[Hunter screeches]
Francis, you tard!
[tard - short for retard...or if you misread and thought the text said terd]
BILL: Grenade!
ZOEY: Help me!
ZOEY: Thanks.
Thank God, because I was running low on ammo.
BILL: That's a lot of shit.
Yeah, too bad we couldn't get past that witch without startling her.
Francis the "idiot" had to startle her, of course.
[Looking for exit] Okay, I think it's this way?
Yup, this way.
[Softly] Alright.
There's a Smoker nearby.
Oh! Come on!
Get it off of me please!
Thank you.
Let's get to the hospital before we all die.
BILL: To the hospital!
LOUIS: Reloading!
Oh, I want to get this med-kit though first.
BILL: Cover me, gonna heal!
LOUIS: Reloading!
[Hears Tank] Oh shit!
Time to go!
There's a Tank coming!
Everybody get your ass in here.
Zoey, you are so screwed!
Oh my gosh.
LOUIS: Got it!
Alright...Okay people, let's go now.
BILL: Assemble in the safe room!
Let's go...
waiting on you Zoey
FRANCIS: Get in here!
ZOEY: I don't know if I'm gonna make it.
BILL: Outstanding!
[Relieved] Oh my gosh...
Look at that, a hundred and eighty-nine kills.
FRANCIS: Grabbing pills.
ZOEY: We need to get---
BILL: Heal up Louis!
[Zoey.exe has stopped working...]
[Laughing] Oh my gosh...Zoey!
Stop with the "We need to get moving!"
[and it continues...]
[Annoyed, yet entertained] I know we need to get moving Zoey it's...
We'll get there, okay?
Settle down.
ZOEY: We need to get moving!
I...I got that Zoey thanks for reminding me again though.
[Sarcastically] Hey guys...
We need to get moving!
[Cue odd timing of that with horde music]
Oh shit, horde.
Hey guys...let's get going.
BILL: Reloading!
ZOEY: We need to get moving!
And there's a witch nearby, of course.
ZOEY: Reloading!
And there's a Smoker.
I don't know if I'll be able to avoid the witch or not.
FRANCIS: Good shot.
You tried!
but you failed
[Witch sounds become louder]
Oh my gosh...where...where is it?
Not in there.
It's in here!
BILL: Boomer!
BILL: Ah, more stairs!
ZOEY: We need to get moving!
LOUIS: Nice one!
LOUIS: Reloading!
And there's a Sm...
And there's a Smoker.
Oh, I saw it!
BILL: Smoker!
[Incoming DodgeBall movie reference]
It's a bold strategy Cotton...but it paid off.
BILL: Fire in the--
[Hunter] Aah!
[My best Bill impersonation] Fire in the hole!!
[Long excessive yell] BILL: Noooooooooooo!
ZOEY: Behind you!
I got the front guys, if you want to watch the back.
Oh God!
BILL: Reloading!
BILL: Into the elevator!
BILL: Reloading!
Oh no...
Guys, in the elevator please!
Oh my gosh!
We just missed that hunter.
Oh my goodness...
FRANCIS: Hey, look on the bright side
FRANCIS: we don't make it, I'll still be really handsome.
[Francis laughs]
Here you go Lois...
[Corrects] Louis.
LOUIS: Thanks, I owe you one.
Don't wanna be selfish here with the health kit.
LOUIS: Okay! Let's do it!
[Ready for some AC/DC?]
♪♪ It's a long way to the top, if you don't want to die! ♪♪
ZOEY: We need to get moving!
LOUIS: Reloading!
Ohhhh shit!
ZOEY: Tank!
Ohhhhhh my God!
BILL: Smoker!
That was crazy.
FRANCIS: Quit fussing and let me heal ya!
ZOEY: I'm reloading.
[Loud and obnoxious] Thanks Francis!!
ZOEY: Get it off!
Oh my gosh.
LOUIS: Reloading!
Here we go.
Oh, this wasn't the final level.
I thought this was the final level...
This coming level is the last level.
[Loud mouth sound, sorry]
It's been awhile.
[Weird voice maybe from Francis...idk 2spooky4me]
Alright, Francis...
Come here.
BILL: Let me heal you up.
FRANCIS: Thanks, I owe ya.
Damn right you owe me...nah just kidding.
BILL: Reloading!
BILL: Reloading!
BILL: Through here.
ZOEY: Boomer!
FRANCIS: Boomer!
[Hunter music starts playing]
There's a Hunter nearby.
And a Smoker.
[Don't look kids.]
ZOEY: Smoker!
[Distant voice over radio] Mercy Hospital are you there?
LOUIS: Let's go!
Go up please!
Thank you!
ZOEY: We need to get--
ZOEY: Reloading!
ZOEY: We need to get moving!
[Chopper pilot] News Chopper 5 to Mercy Hospital.
ZOEY: I'm reloading.
LOUIS: Reloading!
BILL: There's the landing pad!
Come on guys, let's go!
[Chopper pilot] Mercy Hospital are you there?
BILL: First aid here!
ZOEY: Yup, I'm ready.
[Chopper pilot] News Chopper 5 to Mercy Hospital.
ZOEY: Grabbing first aid.
Just gonna try to find maybe some fuel things maybe.
BILL: Molotov!
Some molotovs there.
That should help.
Propane tanks
[Chopper pilot] Mercy Hospital respond if you are there.
Okay, one can go there.
Gonna try to plan here a little bit.
[Chopper pilot] Mercy Hospital are you there?
[Zoey.exe has stopped working again...]
I don't know why she...
why her dialogue is doing that.
Okay, umm...
Let's put this...
Put that over there.
[Chopper pilot] Pick up Mercy Hospital! Pick up!
Now here's our gas canisters here.
[Thinking about where to place]
Let's put one over there.
That might explode the gas there...okay.
Let's put that there.
[Chopper pilot] Mercy Hospital pick up the radio if you are there.
Let's put one...oh I don't know.
There...I guess.
[Chopper pilot] Mercy Hospital use the radio if you are there.
BILL: Wait up, I'm healing.
Just gonna heal myself a little bit.
[Chopper pilot] You've made it.
[Chopper pilot] All you need to do is hold them out until I get there.
[Chopper pilot] But first you need to prepare.
[Chopper pilot] There should be a mounted gun and other supplies to help you hold out.
[Chopper pilot] No way I can land unless you are ready.
[Chopper pilot] Call me back once you've prepared.
[Chopper pilot] News Chopper 5 out.
Oh, I guess...
Now they come.
[Chopper pilot] Okay, I am on my way.
[Chopper pilot] ETA fifteen minutes.
[Chopper pilot] Just hang in there.
[Chopper pilot] News Chopper 5 out.
BILL: I called the chopper.
Oh, come on.
Get off of me!
FRANCIS: Hunter!
FRANCIS: Quit fidgeting and let me heal ya.
BILL: Reloading!
[Cue sad piano music]
ZOEY: I'm down!
Oh my gosh, Zoey!
Oh my gosh!!
[Desperate cry for help] Francis!
Get me up!
Oh my gosh!
It's over.
Are we...
BILL: I need some help over here!
Bleeding out...
[Chopper pilot] ETA ten minutes.
[Chopper pilot] News Chopper 5 out.
[Weird unknown voice says 'Ably-sister'?]
BILL: Watch my back.
BILL: Louis!
Well...RIP Louis.
[Cue heavenly choir music]
ZOEY: We need to get moving!
[Yes, I said minutes...this is some emotional times.]
[Bad pun ahead.........or is it?]
[and a comedy punchline rimshot]
BILL: Come on, this fight ain't over!
FRANCIS: Get it off of me!
[To Boomer] FRANCIS: Oh Jesus, your breath smells bad!
ZOEY: Reloading!
BILL: Careful, Hunter around here.
BILL: Reloading!
ZOEY: Boomer!
FRANCIS: Boomer!
BILL: Got it!
ZOEY: We need to get moving!
ZOEY: Watch out!
BILL: Reloading!
ZOEY: I'm reloading!
[Hunter screeches]
ZOEY: We need to get moving!
FRANCIS: Watch where you're shooting!
[Tank music starts playing]
Oh no!
Not another Tank!
BILL: Boomer!
ZOEY: Reloading!
Oh my gosh!
ZOEY: Boomer!
FRANCIS: Boomer!
ZOEY: Tank!
FRANCIS: Reloading!
ZOEY: Reloading!
Got it!
BILL: The bird's here, let's go!
Oh no!
I'm getting in, I don't know about you guys but...
ZOEY: Nooooooo!!
Zoey got pulled there at the last second but she still made it in.
RIP Louis.
Lost but not forgotten.
In memoriam.
Pills here.
[Music of Mercy Hospital end credits]
Alright, let's see these sick gameplay stats here.
Unfortunately, I had one time I had to restart.
That's unfortunate.
One death
I've been incapacitated three times.
I used a lot of first aid kits.
A lot of pills
I killed 16 Boomers!
Nine Smokers
633 Infected...
Oh yeah, that 27 percent overall accuracy!
Seventeen hundred fifty-seven zombies were harmed in the making of this film.
Alright, guys there you have it.
I think that's going to be it for now.
Just the first campaign there of Mercy Hospital.
If you liked this video, be sure to give it a 'Like' and 'Share'.
Because it really helps with the search-ability of this video.
And I will see you guys...later!
[Chill outro music]
Richie & Lydia || Dark star - Duration: 1:23.
Nice hair
No, really. You've got great hair
Didn't your daddy tell you never to do this?
Do what?
Talk to strangers
You really want me?
But by seeing what someone is willing to give up
you can learn a lot about their true desire
I know what yours is
Why me?
What the hell are you doing here?
I was trying to protect you
Let go
Now, why don't you let her go. She's not a part of this
We're all a part of this
Don't, no, no
Review - Lego Creator: Volkswagen Beetle (10252) - Duration: 11:38.
Hey everyone!
JAYSTEPHER with Volkswagen Beetle
by Lego Creator.
Set number 10252.
Contains 1167 pieces.
Recommended building ages are 16 and up.
This looks like one awesome vehicle.
The box is labeled with "Expert".
This should be a challenge.
In addition,
looks like we get to make an ice chest and a surfboard.
Nice colorful box art.
What are we waiting for?
Let's crack this puppy open.
I wonder if the bags are numbered in this set for easy build.
Oh they are.
Wow this box is packed tight.
The tire was trying to hide from me.
So we have several numbered bags.
No! Don't go rolling off Mr. Tire.
You don't want to ruin the TV show.
Oh look we even get a Brick Separator too
to help with the build.
That will come in handy.
We have several numbered bags,
some tires,
a set of instructions.
I don't like the way these were packed in the box.
Very sloppy packing.
Let's make sure that's it.
I'm hoping there's no stickers in this set.
I didn't see any.
Oh there they are.
So these do come with stickers.
Well I was hoping those would be printed.
Now let me assemble the Volkswagen Beetle.
So we can take a closer look.
The Volkswagen Beetle all assembled.
This is a fun enjoyable set.
On the left,
we have the Volkswagen Beetle.
On the right we have a blanket,
cooler, and surfboard.
Let's take a closer look at each.
On the bottom-left,
we have a soft piece of fabric.
It appears to be very durable.
On the top-left,
we have a red and white cooler.
This does open up
to reveal two glasses,
some ice cubes,
and what appears to be a can of soda.
I'm not going to chance getting the can out.
I probably won't be able to put it back in again.
The top does snap in place.
There's a bit of a gap.
All that coldness is going to leak out of the top.
Now on the right,
we have a nice surfboard.
It is brick-built
with a fin attached to the bottom.
Nice color scheme with white,
green, and yellow.
It appears to be very durable.
Finally the Volkswagen Beetle.
This is one nice build!
The body color is azure.
Nice solid construction.
Nice headlights
and front bumper.
There's suppose to be a license plate sticker
that I choose not to put on.
On the top,
we have the Volkswagen logo.
That is printed on the 1 by 1 flat tile.
The front compartment does open up.
This appears to be a gas tank.
Not totally sure.
Here's another Volkswagen logo
on another 1 by 1 round tile.
We have a spare tire.
The spare tire is of a smaller diameter
than the standard tires.
So this will not work for a spare.
It just rests inside the compartment.
The doors on the vehicle do open up.
Nice detail.
Even the door panels are finished off.
Here's the rear.
This does open up as well.
We have a nice engine.
This seems a bit flimsy
like the back is about to break off.
The driver's side door.
The top does come off.
It is a bit of a challenge to remove the top
without something coming a part.
I would not recommend
grabbing on top of the luggage rack.
This is nice.
It appears to be durable.
There is some detail
inside the Bug.
We have a steering wheel that does not move.
I does tilt.
We have printed gauge
on a 1 by 1 round flat tile.
There is plenty of room.
The seats do come foreword.
You have to open up the door
to bring the seats forward.
So it is a bit tight for the interior.
Nice large back seat.
This does fold down.
We do have some storage in the back.
Really nice indeed.
Before I forget,
let's put the blanket in the back.
So this has to be rolled up.
So we can tuck it behind the seat.
Let's hurry up and close that up
before it comes unraveled.
It is a nice interior.
Putting the top on is simple.
Just set the top on
and slightly press down.
This will lock in place.
You can set the cooler
right by the bumpers.
Place the surfboard in this area.
It does snap in place.
You may have to slide the bumpers around
to get the surfboard to lock in snug.
This does roll very nice.
So the VW is a quiet roller.
Seems like it's very sturdy and solid.
Nice indeed.
Here are the remaining spare pieces
and stickers.
Too bad the graphics were not printed on the bricks.
It is a nice set of print work.
In the middle, we have a nifty Brick Separator
to help with the build.
This does come in handy.
On the right, we have various flat tiles,
a few plates,
and other various bricks
which may come in handy to enhance the Volkswagen Beetle
or for other Lego creations.
This concludes the review for
Volkswagen Beetle by Lego Creator.
Set number 10252.
This is one fantastic build.
I highly recommend it.
The only drawback with this set is stickers.
Not only we had to put stickers for the license plate,
but several stickers on the Bug
as well as a few one the ice chest.
Those pieces should have been printed.
Another issue that I had
is the side mirrors do tend to fall down
very easily.
There should have been a little more friction
put into the connectors.
Other than that,
this will make a fantastic display piece
for any Lego collector.
Thank you for watching!
Dinosaur Vs Dragon Cartoon Video For Children 3D Dragon Movie Animal Cartoon For Kids Dragon Fight - Duration: 1:00:30.
Dinosaur Vs Dragon Cartoon Video For Children 3D Dragon Movie Animal Cartoon For Kids Dragon Fight
Cocke County Memorial Building - Duration: 42:35.
The History of the Belkan Territory - Timelapse from 1987 to 2010 - Episode #10 - Stuff About AC - Duration: 2:06.
Belka and its borders (1987 - 2010) A Strangereal Timelapse
December 17, 1987 - Amendment of the Federal Belkan Law
February 8, 1988 - Eastern territory declares its independence with Mons as its capital
May 12, 1988 - Southeastern territory declares its independence with Directus as its capital
August 29, 1991 - Eastern territories are sold to several different nations
August 29, 1991 - Belka sells northern islands and Great Lakes region to Osea
December 16, 1991 - Ustio loses territory to Ratio and the eastern territory splits into Gebet and Recta
March 25, 1995 - Belka invades its neighbours triggering the Belkan War
April 1, 1995 - Allied Forces' counterstrike begins
April 15, 1995 - Belkan advance is halted
May 13, 1995 - Allied Invasion of Belka begins
May 31, 1995 - Disarmament is declared in the major cities of South Belka
June 6, 1995 - Belka deploys 7 nukes along the South-North Belka border
June 20, 1995 - Armistice is signed in Lumen - the Belkan War comes to its end
June 21, 1995 - South Belka is annexed by Osea and becomes "North Osea"
1995 to 2010 - Belka becomes an isolated nation. The North Osea-Belka border remains highly radioactive
Urgent crafts in Kindergarten or school - Duration: 17:31.
Pagan Origins of May Day (May 1st) Walpurgisnacht & Beltane Festivals - Duration: 6:01.
Does May Day have pagan origins?
Where did the tradition of May Poles, and May Baskets originally come from?
And did shouting May Day as the international signal of distress have origins within this
These and many other questions in regards to the Origins of May First will be answered.
Welcome to the Arcanum Luminarium.
The First of May is an ancient Northern Hemisphere Festival, now known as May Day, which traditionally
marked the return of Spring.
These festivals were celebrated with rituals to help ensure the fertility of crops within
Egyptian, Greek, and Roman culture.
Later festivals included the Celtic festival of Beltane, and the Germanic festival of Walpurgis
Many customs from these ancient festivals have found their way into modern celebration,
including the gathering of wildflowers, setting up decorated Maypoles, and dancing.
Maypoles in particular were danced around while holding brightly colored ribbons that
became decoratively intertwined.
The Romans celebrated this occasion over 2000 years ago with the Festival of Flora, which
was a 5-day celebration honoring the Roman goddess of flowers, vegetation, and fertility
known as Flora.
Flora was one of 15 deities to have their own state supported high priest, called the
Flamen Florialis.
The festival of Flora was celebrated with dancing, gathering flowers, and the wearing
of brightly colored clothing.
This festival was opened with theatrical performances, and concluded with competitive events,
spectacles at the Circus, and a sacrifice to Flora.
It was also documented in 30 AD that the emperor Galba featured a tight-rope walking elephant.
The Festival of Flora became officially declared a holiday by Julius Caesar, and it was said
people would wear garland of fresh flowers, while scattering seeds to promote agricultural
Lets look at another countries tradition around May First.
During this time, the Celtics celebrated the festival of Beltane, which means The Return
of the Sun.
It was celebrated within Ireland, and Scotland.
The Celts believed the sun was held prisoner during the winter months, only to be released
each spring to rule the summer sky.
They celebrated this release with fire ceremonies, and a huge feast.
Rituals were performed in order to protect cattle, crops, and encourage growth.
Bonfires were lite, and their flames, smoke, and ashes were said have protective powers.
People would walk around the bonfire, and sometimes leap over the flames.
As Europe increasingly became Christianized, these pagan holidays lost their religious
However, in Germany, May Day was used to celebrate St Walpurga, the saint credited with bring
Christianity to Germany.
Walpurgis Night is celebrated the night from April 30th to May 1st, and is when witches
are reputed to hold a large celebration on the highest peak of the Harz mountain range
known as the Brocken, awaiting the celebration of Spring.
This is also the eve of the feast day of Saint Walpurga, an 8th century abbess also known
as the head of nuns in Germany.
Similar celebrations to this are observed across Europe in: The Netherlands, The Czech
Republic, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, and Estonia.
In the United States during the 19th and 20th century May 1st was celebrated with May Baskets,
in which people would gather flowers, candies, and other goodies to put in baskets to hang
on the doors of friends, neighbors, and loved ones.
In some communities, the hanging of may baskets was a chance to express romantic interest.
If the basket hanger was spotted by the recipient, the recipient would give chase and try to
steal a kiss from the basket hanger.
This tradition and holiday has nearly completely been forgotten within the United States.
However, in many European Countries May First is also known International Workers Day, similar
to the United States Labor Day, which there is celebrated on the first Monday of September.
So, Does the May First holiday have anything to do with international distress signal,
which is indicated by shouting, May Day three times?
Actually NO!... it has no relationship to the holiday.
It was actually internationally recognized in 1927, with both French & English languages
in mind.
Frederick Mockford came up with it as a somewhat unique word, which was an anglicized spelling
of the French pronunciation of the word m'aider which means Help Me.
Well... There it is!
I agree!...
Now you all know the pagan origins of May Day spanning throughout history.
To all my European friends, have a good International Workers Day, and to my pagan friends, Hurray,
Hurray, The First of May, outdoor F-ing begins today.
If you enjoyed this video be sure to click that subscribe button for more informative
videos like this one involving the world of Fact, Theory, and Fiction.
Till next time, have a wonderful day.
Atlanta: Barbecue and Brunch - Duration: 21:03.
Multicultural Cooking - Duration: 21:02.
How To Create Wordpress Anchor Tag | How to create menu item anchor tag | Wordpress Anchor Tag Setup - Duration: 1:34.
hey guys thanks for tuning in the
purpose of this video is to add an
anchor tag to your menu for this
particular website I'm working on I
don't see a need to create a separate
web contact page so instead I'm going to
create an anchor tag to bring the person
directly down to the contact information
if that's what they want to do so how we
do this is we go to our menus and we add
a custom link click calm as a
placeholder otherwise I won't let you
add it and then so there we go
now instead of a URL we will do a hash
tag contact save this into our menu and
go to the page locate the contact area
row click on the row settings and add a
row ID specific to the custom URL name
that we gave in the menu structure save
this now when we refresh this page the
contact buttons should bring us directly
down to the bottom there we go see back
to the top down to the contact back to
the top down to the contact all right
guys if you have any questions please
leave a comment below if you found this
video useful please like and subscribe
to my channel thanks
[ ENG SUB ] SEVENTEEN One Fine Day in Japan EP 5 — Please Don't Change My Mate - Duration: 4:02.
english subbed by giantbaobei
SC: Listen, i have something to ask you…
SC: What do you think should one of you come to our team?
JH: It would be great if it's Seungkwan~
HS: It would be fun!
SK: No, no, no. When i scream, it triggers my vocal nodule.
JH: If not, then.. Dino?
DN: * Can't keep a straight face *
DN: I- I'll pass.
DN: I like it here. It's perfect. Even though there is good too…
DK: Dino is very happy in our team. LOL
DN: It's not like that…
SC: You don't like our team, that's what you meant?
DN: When did i say that~?
JH: Then, who do you want to take from our team?
JH: Like, "Ah, i really want him to come to our team."
DK: For me, Jeonghan. JH: Ah, me~ Why?
DK: He's somewhat smart, right? We want someone like that.
T8: For me… Hoshi.
HS: * Why me? *
T8: I just want to take him to our team.
WW: Hoshi is the most pitiful member in this team.
T8: He's the performance team's leader, but…
WZ: But he has a reason to be here. "Ah, i have to become the next leader."
HS: Sorry, Kid. I have to stay here.
( LOL )
HS: I have a reason to stay!!!
WW: Let me show you what absolute authority is like.
WW: Hoshi, you should go back to our room and pack our carrier.
WW: Oho, Hoshi. I told you to pack our things, though.
WW: Then, starting from Hoshi, we'll show you a solo dance.
WW: Joshua, Jun, and Hoshi will cook.
WW: Until then, i will be lying down here.
HS: I hope i will become the next leader.
HS: I have a reason to stay!!! ( LOL )
HS: You'll all die!!!
VN: Amazing.
VN: But when we do that goblin mission,
VN: It would be better if Hoshi was there.
WW: Can't i go there instead of him?
DN: However, it's only a joke, right?
SC: Dino.
SC: Do i look like i'm joking?
DK: I don't think they're joking, though?
SK: Are we really switching members?
SC: Give it to me!
SC: ( To WZ ) Carrier Fairy!
WZ: The carrier is right there…
WW: This punk! Aren;t you gonna fetch it?
MG: Look at him all flustered! LOL.
SK: This is so fun!
WW: Are you walking?!
DK: Woozi hyung is really fetching the carrier! Whoa!
WZ: Here, here…
WZ: The item is here~!
* Earlier * SC: Follow me!
SC: Lookie Dog!
* Lookie is holding a Carat Bong *
SC: Guys, wait. There's a Carat Bong.
SC: We're doomed…
SC: What to do…
HS: What is it!! 2X
WW: What is it exactly?
SC: Member Change Chance Ticket.
DK: So, It's real?
* The Hyung Team has the chance ticket *
SC: When i received it, i already had someone in mind…
SC: I'm deciding right? Since i'm the leader?
SC: I will first reveal the member from Dongsaeng Team i'd take.
* Drumrolls * ( Will be revealed later~ )
english subbed by giantbaobei
~ !! Thank you for watching !! ~
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Duru Kuaförde, Saçımıza Kedi Topuzu yaptırdık, Saç Topuzu modelleri, Kedi makyajı, vlog - Duration: 10:05.
The History of the Belkan Territory - Timelapse from 1987 to 2010 - Episode #10 - Stuff About AC - Duration: 2:06.
Belka and its borders (1987 - 2010) A Strangereal Timelapse
December 17, 1987 - Amendment of the Federal Belkan Law
February 8, 1988 - Eastern territory declares its independence with Mons as its capital
May 12, 1988 - Southeastern territory declares its independence with Directus as its capital
August 29, 1991 - Eastern territories are sold to several different nations
August 29, 1991 - Belka sells northern islands and Great Lakes region to Osea
December 16, 1991 - Ustio loses territory to Ratio and the eastern territory splits into Gebet and Recta
March 25, 1995 - Belka invades its neighbours triggering the Belkan War
April 1, 1995 - Allied Forces' counterstrike begins
April 15, 1995 - Belkan advance is halted
May 13, 1995 - Allied Invasion of Belka begins
May 31, 1995 - Disarmament is declared in the major cities of South Belka
June 6, 1995 - Belka deploys 7 nukes along the South-North Belka border
June 20, 1995 - Armistice is signed in Lumen - the Belkan War comes to its end
June 21, 1995 - South Belka is annexed by Osea and becomes "North Osea"
1995 to 2010 - Belka becomes an isolated nation. The North Osea-Belka border remains highly radioactive
The First Lady blossoms! Melania Dedicates Healing Garden at the Children's National Medical Center - Duration: 3:15.
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Daewoo Matiz 0.8 SPIRIT stuurbekrachtiging - Duration: 0:41.
Letter E - EV (House) Song | Lovely Toys Turkish Alphabet Education | Episode 6 - Duration: 3:26.
Run, Run, children
everyone to their place!
O o o o o o o o
Y y y y y y y y y y
U u u u u u u u u u u
N n n n n n n n n n
E e e e e e e e e e
V v v v v v v
İ i i i i i i i i i
Oyun EVİ
Friends Do you know what we do today?
Today I want to show you my TOY HOUSE.
Now together with my little HOUSE
We are going to sing the song.
There are a lot of things in my toy house
What do you think is there in my house?
It has blue windows, withl red edges
It has blue windows, withl red edges
There are a lot of things in my toy house
What do you think is there in my house?
There is one big one had a small two-door green or green edges
There are a lot of things in my toy house. What do you think is there in my house?
Floral garden also has böcekli Pale walls around
There are a lot of things in my toy house. What do you think is there in my house?
Cute Is there a charming roof There are blue on top of a chimney
There are a lot of things in my toy house. What do you think is there in my house?
Friends, subscribe to my channel
to watch new cartoons and songs.
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