Hello my friend, Alegrias.
Just like last month,
today I have invited Aline to come and represent the seekers by asking different questions about the self-realization process
and the process of inner self-transformation.
It's my privilege, Baba. I thank you so much.
During this season in India I had the opportunity to follow along with the many questions that were asked,
and for as much as the theme of this year may be purpose, many questions were related to romantic relationships.
It appears that this is our main affliction; the mystery of relationships.
I liked a point that you put out, saying that purpose is our relationship to life and I would like you to comment a bit about this.
How do we reach a point where we have a good relationship with life?
How do we identify our purpose?
It is only when we completely remove the idea that we have enemies from our minds.
It is only when you are able to become a friend to your brothers and sisters.
So, yes, an emancipation within the sphere of relationships which makes us aware of our purpose.
Some see life on planet earth as a prison. Some see it as the maximum security prison of the galaxy.
I prefer to see it as a school. And, if life is a school, relationships are it's university. I often repeat this phrase.
In some moment, you are going to need to graduate from this university.
You are going to need to learn to let the other be free, even to not love you, and to be able to not fall into the trap of taking revenge, of blaming –
to not fall into the trap of believing that you are a victim and the other is your enemy.
I understand that going through this stage, which I call the sphere of relationships, is unavoidable and
this emancipation is what allows us to become aware of our purpose.
To become aware of why you came here and what you came here for – in the larger sense.
Although many are here to learn some things within the sphere of relationships, this is always just a passage,
because at the deepest level we have come here to share our spiritual treasure with the world. To share our gifts and talents with the world.
This only happens when we are really capable of wanting to see the other happy.
Therefore, it is necessary to emancipate yourself in the sphere of relationships.
It is in some way important for you to be able to mature enough to not project your bad parents on the other.
Because as long as you are projecting your bad parents on the other you will want to take revenge on them, and you will not want to share your treasure.
You will not want to give yourself to the other.
This will block the possibility of becoming aware of your purpose.
It is certain that the awareness of your purpose takes place because you fall in love with life.
However, for you to have a love affair with life, for you to really enjoy this opportunity of being alive,
you have to have matured a bit in the sphere of human relationships.
So, it's like this – loving means to let the other be free, even to not love you – because at the end of the day it sets us free as well.
Total freedom.
And you have often said that everything is our choice, that we are where we put ourselves – and I have seen a lot,
I see it in my work as a teacher and a coach, and I see it even in my family – the attitude that "No, I didn't have a choice."
"I have this career because I needed to start working early on, I wanted to work with art, or with music "
"but I needed to work because I wasn't born into a rich family."
How is this issue of purpose related to opportunity? To having favorable conditions, to this financial issue? How to we harmonize with this conflict?
This is a good question because it helps us to understand the theme of choice and self-responsibility more deeply – both of which I have spoken about a lot.
Self-responsibility and choice are proportional to our consciousness.
As long as we are unconscious, we are at the mercy of unconscious impulses and the forces that govern this world – including that of karma.
Often the person feels that they are completely restrained and that they have no possibility to choose.
I am reminded of the story of this body.
When I was young I was only able to find work in a company, in a company that I had great difficulty accepting –
it was a meat packing company and I was a vegetarian.
Oh my God, what a conflict!
Although I was very young, just fourteen, I was already a vegetarian.
For me it was a sacrifice to go to that company to work, but it was the only job that I could get –
it was the only way that I had to make money to survive, I didn't want to depend on my parents.
And at the same time, I learned so much there, it was so magical, so crucial for my life and my development –
even for me to strengthen my awareness of vegetarian nutrition, because I saw how the animals were treated with such cruelty, with such a lack of love,
with so much disrespect.
I became aware of an aspect of the misery of this world, this was very strong for me, it was part of my development.
During this phase I was still unconscious of the laws that govern my mind, and so I was brought to this company, moved by karmic forces.
And obviously when I was able to mature, when I was able to expand my consciousness,
then I was able to take the reins of destiny in my hands and resolve to follow another path.
In order to be able to choose to do what you would like, you have to have some degree of self-knowledge, some degree of discernment –
you have to have some degree of knowledge of the mechanics of the mind and of the ego.
This is why I say that yes, everyone is where they put themselves.
That it's true that there are no victims, and that self-responsibility is the cornerstone on which the temple of consciousness is balanced,
we are speaking about a relative knowledge – it is relative to the degree of consciousness the person has.
The person often sees themselves as not having a choice because they don't have a repertoire, they don't have tools.
They need to move within themselves to train to get the skills to be able to get out of that place which is creating dissatisfaction –
so it is dissatisfaction which will begin to make the person move.
It is the awareness that "ok, my life is no good here, I feel bad in this place."
"I want to work somewhere else, but I am working here because it's the only thing that I have. How do I get out of here…"
From this point the person starts a process of self-investigation and self-transformation that will gradually give them dominion over life.
This feeling of dissatisfaction, of not fitting in where they are –
which causes depression, anxiety, and deep sadness, is a big gift to tell us that it is possible to change our path.
The person gets to this stage, which is the first step. The second step, after becoming aware – could it be that it comes as a big fear of scarcity?
Because at the end of the day you have a job which guarantees you a salary.
Sometimes you have built a career in that field, and now you are dissatisfied.
How can we avoid this fear of scarcity, this fear of lack, of not having enough money to pay the bills at the end of the month,
fear of not having enough money to raise your kids and to take a risk, to surrender to this new path?
This transition needs to happen with a lot of awareness, with your feet firmly on the ground.
To follow your heart means to respect the laws of life.
I say that spontaneity, which is intuition, which manifests through the heart, always manifests with wisdom and compassion.
Always with wisdom and compassion.
Sometimes the person needs to make the sacrifice of staying somewhere that they no longer like,
because they know that they have to pay the bills at the end of the month and they are going to have to build pathways to make this change;
they need to create and complete this transition sustainably, respecting the laws that they themselves created.
They built a family, and they are responsible for this family, they have children to take care of.
In this case, this fear of scarcity referrs to a reality, because there is the possibility of real lack and this transition needs to be made with wisdom
If they already were able to gain awareness about their purpose, and they create a plan to fulfill this purpose, they will make this transition step by step
step by step until the time comes that they end up being able to jump. But this leap is then made with awareness.
I feel that we need to avoid all unnecessary suffering.
There is no reason for a person to throw themselves into an abyss and afterward to suffer because of fear, because there is still fear there.
I have said that we are here to make the transition from fear to trust.
And that fear of scarcity is our greatest obstacle, but this transition doesn't happen magically.
This transition from the false to the real, or the fulfillment of the inner purpose in the outer world has its challenges.
Of course, this also includes the transition from fear to trust. This is something which needs to be built up step by step.
Of course, the more responsibility the person has in the world, the more challenging it will be, and I suggest that they make a plan for this transition.
It all depends on how much responsibility they have.
For example, the father of a family with children will be inevitably more tormented by the fear of scarcity than a young person with no commitments with life.
So, it's easier for someone free of responsibilities to venture out to do what the heart decides, to manifest what the heart determines.
At the same time the need for fulfillment doesn't depend on anything external, at some point they will need to do what the heart decides.
At some moment they will be brought to this transition.
I suggest that they do it with the least amount of suffering possible. That they make a plan for this transition.
Sometimes you need to give the heart some time to reveal itself. For the purpose to manifest.
And sometimes this "time" means to stay some time without doing anything. It means to take a holiday.
It means to be able to get in touch with what gives you comfort and joy, and it's not always possible.
Sometimes you need to find this while you are acting, which is more challenging.
There is no recipe, there is no rule that works for everyone – each one will do it in their own way.
But what I have noticed is that when one really aligns with their purpose,
or better said, when the purpose of their soul manifests in the outer world they also tune into prosperity and abundance.
Existence takes care of their needs. It ends up coming. It ends up arriving.
Even as a way of showing – you are on the right path.
Synchronicities take place, magical situations arise out of nothing, sometimes what you really needed to meet a need.
The person that you needed to meet arrives. The moment, situation or opportunity ends up coming.
And sometimes it even ends up coming in a very concrete way to meet your needs.
And sometimes it depends on time, doesn't it? And patience.
Sometimes it depends on time - in order to mature, to be able to understand certain aspects that need to be understood.
We are speaking about moving from the mask to the being.
We are speaking about a process of deconstruction of the entire story of what we believe our lives are.
I always give the classical example from Vedanta of a person that looks at a piece of rope on the floor and sees a snake.
They believe that it's a snake.
Imagine a person who imagines that they see a snake, and they build a career out of being a snake trainer.
From there they build their website, and plan their career based on the idea that they were born to train snakes,
and in truth there is no snake, there is only a piece of rope on the floor.
Notice that this person will have more difficulty in transitioning to the real, because this whole empire that they have built is going to need to fall.
It will need to fall.
There are some people who manage to make this transition softly. It's incredible how some people have this ability.
They manage to do it softly, from the outside you almost can't notice that it's happening. It happens sweetly.
There are others that don't have this ability, and they go into a deep crisis.
They need to cross a desert, because the fantasy that they have created about who they are,
and what they came here to do, is being deconstructed until they are able to manifest the truth.
It's interesting as well to notice that as long as they are tied to this false purpose, they will always go through the fear of scarcity.
It is only when they align with the true purpose of the soul that they align with prosperity and abundance
– or rather, when they are able to eradicate the fear of scarcity from their system.
So, in order to finish up, what could soothe these people?
Either the ones who are identifying that they don't fit in or who are crossing the desert and in pain,
what could help these people have a little more sweetness in the process, to alleviate?
To serve, to serve, to give of themselves.
Even if they don't yet have clarity about their purpose, even if they haven't yet been able to identify their gifts and talents,
my suggestion is to give of yourself voluntarily.
Do voluntary service wherever it may be possible, wherever possible.
Go to a day care, to a retirement home, to an ashram, to wherever you can put love into motion,
because it is love in motion that will open up the doors to the awareness of your purpose.
My suggestion to this person is to give of themselves, to truly give of themselves without wanting anything in return.
Without wanting anything in return, without expecting anything in return.
Even if it's just for an hour a week. Even just an hour a week.
This way, the person will be opening up the path for love to be able to arrive and manifest itself.
Precisely that, then the person becomes a channel, a channel that love passes through in order to reach the other.
Happiness passes through them in order to reach the other.
Naturally it shines light on the awareness of their purpose, helping them to find their place in the world.
Baba, may it be so, and may the seekers be able to find this path for love to flow on, to transform their gifts and talents and put their gifts and talents at service.
May it be so! May it be so!
For more infomation >> Global Talk Abril 2017 - Entrevista Propósito / April 2017 - Interview - Satsang - Purpose - Duration: 22:26.-------------------------------------------
Renault Clio TCE 120pk GT (Glazen dak/R-link/Climate/Cruise/17''LMV) - Duration: 0:51.
T-SKIEP : Révolté - Duration: 2:02.
Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 T.Spark Progression (LEER!!!!/Climate/Cruise/LMV) - Duration: 0:41.
Ejected from bike lane by police. Envis farbror. - Duration: 4:49.
Want to open the window please?
- Hi! - Hi
Couldn't you tell I wanted to speak to you?
Would you be so kind and move the car?
*inaudible, something about he wants my to show some ID if I'm a police or something...*
I'm your boss. Now move your car.
Come on, off you go.
My wife is in the store, she's buying cookies and milk for the grand kids.
Oh! Buying cookies and milk, is she?
For our grand kids, yes.
OK... O_o
And my kids that want to feel safe while riding their bikes in traffic, you don't care about them do you?
Yes I do...
No you don't, 'cause you're not moving the car.
Sorry, come again?
You're a grown man with a beard, I'm sure you'll be OK.
I can't hear you, you need to roll the window down more.
Cooome on.
I can't hear you, roll down the window.
Why not use this parking space?
I still can't hear you...
Could you please tell him to move the car?
I tried to explain to him for a long time that there's a free space right there.
...and I have asked him to ID himself as police - Because...?
If he does that, I will move.
OK... And?
My wife is in the store buying milk and cookies for our grand kids!
If you tell me to move, I will do that.
Yeah well it would be great if you didn't park on the bike path.
Yes, you're absolutely right.
Best of all would be if you issued him a ticket since he's parked here now, that's cause for a ticket.
I'm not arguing, I'll move.
Police: Just move the car.
Kind of strange that you need to wait for a cop before you'll move the car.
But I don't like self-appointed police officers and wisacres.
You're the self-appointed police who thinks you can park here.
- I totally understand you. - Good. Thank you.
You're most welcome.
[bf!au] hoseok - you and me | #heartSEOKchallenge - Duration: 1:05.
YOU: Why aren't you sleeping? Hoseok: I miss you.
Hoseok: Kiss me (text on the sticker)
Have you eaten? Right
Hoseok: Cheer up looking at Hoseokie YOU: lol you are crazy
Time goes by really fast. Wow..
The memories are popping up
I just came back from a schedule
It was really hectic
Because of comeback and within the hard schedule...
I miss you
Hoseok: Come to Korea Hoseok: I want to be with you forever
YOU: Me too
YOU: I've arrived
Hoseok: I'm waiting at the airport
[ Vlog ] Japan Touch Haru 2017 - Duration: 7:25.
Hello everyone! So here we are at Japan Touch!
We're in the 100% cosplay corner...exactly! We arrived yesterday we the Ouibus, 7 hours of Ouibus to come in Lyon just for you guys.
If it's not beautiful! It's all about love!
All about love, I love it!
So we started a little to install the stand and before that we visited Lyon and it's very beautiful!
So since they're all a little busy to sign autographs.
We're gonna make it simple, we're going to make a quick walk because after stealing the camera of Hikari why not!?
Sewing classes! Interesting.
It's our second day at the Japan Touch Haru, we're fed up to be next to the principal stage!!
What did you say!?!?
I don't knooow!
Ok, little conclusion to this vlog Japan Touch Haru! I'll let you begin with the negatif point.
So the big negatif points was that we were really next to the stage so there was too much noise
so we wanted to do a sewing class and it was impossible with the metal concert behind.
We were to far away from the others cosplayer because there was a wall of cosplayer and we were in the center of an empty space...
For a corner cosplay, I mean 100% cosplay there was the cosplayer and then us... it's too bad.
The positive points : The stands that was next to us were really cool, the photographer was just in front of us, he was nice and did good pictures, well big positive point!
Just Dance stand, I didn't stop going there just to dance and unwind! They were really cool
Well, generally the people presents at the Japan Touch are nice, even in the others conventions!
I really like this kind of vibes.
Even the cosplayer across us, I did go talk to them a little with ninja mode and they were very friendly they gave us some advices.
We've seen incredible stuff, especially some beverage with smoke coming out of it.
It was at "Au Dragon Qui Fume" who do this! The little badge and it was truly cool and good!
We thank them really because they were genuinely sweet with us and they brought all the drinks at our stand to make the smoke and do a pretty shot!
I met so many people such as the Toothless cosplayer girl who was such a cutie
and won the second place to the cosplay contest! They were many nice people and many amazing cosplay
to see us
SI GTA ONLINE ÉTAIT UN FILM... - Duration: 2:11.
F 14A VS F 16C F 15C Su 27 AI - Duration: 11:58.
F-16C blk 52, 5500lbs internal fuel, 2 AIM-9P, full internal gun ammo
F-14A, 10700lbs internal fuel, 2 AIM-9P, full internal gun ammo
Initial setup, angels 20, 10nm neutral, 350KIAS
After initial acceleration, both aircraft slow down to what i assume is their respective corner speed
After only 2 vertical passes, the F-14A seams to already getting an advantage....
Maybe i should have given the Viper less internal fuel, but i was afraid it will go bingo too soon
The F-14 is firmly saddled up by this point
Fox 2...
And spoofed by the sun
Guns, guns, guns...... and it's knock it off.....
2nd hop, F-14A, same loadout, F-15C, 10700lbs of internal fuel, full internal gun capacity, same setup
Standard vertical press on the first pass by both AI
They seam to complete the 180 in about the same time, with the Turkey at slightly higher altitude
Vector on vector, again both birds neutral at the pass
The F-14 comes over the top with a slight nose pointing advantage, pulls the lead and manages a snap shot
Knock it off......
In this hop we have a prolonged engagement in which neither plane can get the upper hand
I only included some of the highlights, as the entire fight was well over 10 minutes long....
The F-15 pulls a slight advantage and tries a high deflection snap shot....
The F-14 Does the same, scores a partial hit, but it's not enough for a confirmed kill
By this point the fight, both planes have burned through most of their fuel, but the Eagle having a better T/W ratio starts to get better angles on the Cat
Fox 2
Missile fails.....
They both run out of fuel and the crew ejects....
The last hop, F-14A (same configuration but no missiles) and an Su-27, 10700lbs fuel, no missiles
As there are no rear aspect heeters for the Flanker, i let them both fight clean
Similar as in the Eagle engagement, both AC complete the 180 at roughly the same time
But the F-14 gets a lucky shot at the first pass
The other engagements are similar as with the F-15, but the Su-27 gets even better as the fuel burns out
Santa Cruz Chupacabra Trail | GMBN Ride Along - Duration: 3:22.
- Blake Where are we riding now?
- We're dropping into Chupacabra.
- [Blake] Chupacabra.
(sticks cracking)
- [Neil] Oh, it's a fun trail.
- It is fun.
- [Neil] Nice and dry.
It burns.
(heavy breathing)
Trail's over.
Don't know if I went the wrong way.
Ah, look at this
(cries out)
I'll follow you!
- That's fine
[Neil]- What a trail
(excited shouting)
- [Blake] This is sick!
- That's amazing!
- Oh my gosh, that is the best!
[Neil]- So good.
- Oh wow, wow.
Furibee F36 E010 FPV Mod Thrust Test and Outdoor Flight - Duration: 5:19.
hello everybody thank you all for tuning in this is the Eachine E010 FPV Mod with the furibee F36 frame & motors
giving us lot's of thrust 40grams plenty enuff for FPV
Killing the tiny would definitely and win races
show you how I did it I'm not going the soldering
but i'm just going to show you all the modifications we made to make it work because i like the low profile FPV mod
instead of the camera putting in the middle and I'm you know the antenna is really high can bend over a lot of degrees easy to break
now that is protected pretty easily there's almost no chance of breaking the antenna
and if it those then I got a spare linear antenna so that's going to be fixed and it's more flexible
i made a little notch in the front I will show you lets remove this rubber band first
it's just one rubber band holding it in place
this where we made that little notch just be carefull and don't destroy the little light in the circuit board
that also keeps the antenna in place in place, of course, I made a few notches in the frame so the camera can sit in there
pretty nice and sweet directly in the rust because this FPV cameras do run pretty hot
and you need to sit in atrust to get proper cooling my those atleast I know about yours
this is a vtx 02 from banggood it's only eight teen dollar
put the links to the frame the motors and everything els down below in the description
there is something i added because during my outstanding trust tests
I had one test with a lot of vibration and It was killing my trust
so to dampen the circuit board i'm using my little and placed m3 rubber bands
also linked down below in description pretty cheap only 1 dollar
and placed them under the two screws you see one there and one in the back
killing the vibration as much as possible that is going to the circuit board
giving youthe maximum trust at most times because
there are bruhsless motors and wearing out after time
and create a lot more vibration I really hope
you're liking my f36 mod and the things
that i did and i'm showing you and give
it a lot of likes i'm going to be seen
the test flight and let's get to it
this is the Furibee f36 mod
with fpv now we are really
interested to see how much thrust we
have left over with the fpv mod because
now the moters and the cameras suck the
1s lipo battery empty and to show you this a real good test
with a new full battery
we are using the eachine 45cmaximum c because of the camera
then we hook it up to ower voltage meter one cell 425
this is over charge at it's maximum
high rates
still pretty much the same you can see
definitely can see that the camera is
drawing power from the engine first every
fpv flight of the furibee f36 mod and let's test how good she is
BTS AS YOUR BROTHERS// Special [ WhatTheFuff N°1 ] - Duration: 4:09.
Aaand I'm back ! Hey there !
Please read the description 。◕ ‿ ◕。
SNUPER is back !
Please give them a chance, they
deserve some love !
And they honestly do great songs!♡
What The FLUFF?!
*You called them and chat about good memories*
*This is one of them*
* Y/N&JM laughing*
JM: Hyung! The snow is stuck on you
Y/N: Dasi ruuuuuun faster Jin !
J: Ah *laughs* YAAAAAH
*You made a snowball and hid it behind you*
*And attacked V just after his throw at JK*
Y/N: Sorry not sorry tae !
*VtoY/N* You, come back here.
V: I will get you back you small-
Y/N: What's Jungkook doing..?
JM: Ah wae-why(x5)
Y/N: Chimchim look!
JM: *laughing* Ah Wtf
*You went inside w/Yoongi*
JM: Hyung did Y/N get in?
JM: *threw his snowball*
JM: Ah yeah
Y/N : I was cute back then~
JM: Thaaat's the past ~
*That meme face*
Y/N: I hate you Jimin
JM: Now these memories are quite fun huh?
Tae: Yup
V: Now tell us what you miss about child Y/N?
V: Yeah so I-
JM: Thank you
V: Ah what the.. didn't you want an answer?
JM: Do you really miss something?
*Please wait while Tae's brain works *
V: Nope
JM: *Giggles*
JM: So do you miss something about Y/N as a child ?
JH: Our cute sister?
JM: Yeah
JH: I don't think there's anything
JM: Oh and also today is our comeback stage so d-
JH: Ooh that must be why you're here now?
JH: Oh wait- can you turn the camera please?
JH: I want to see our pretty sister
JM: Ah- can you see her now?
JH: Yeah
Y/N: .. (๑• _ •๑)
JH: Ah and- also really- why did you ask me that?
JH: Y/N you are STILL a child
JM: Ah she seems mad right now-
JM: Apologize
JH: Y/N I agree that you've grown up a lot until now
JH: But- you are still a baby to me-so
JH: And you're.. Ah what the..
JM: Now! Let me get Jin hyung for you
JM: Jin hyung will..
JM: Surely have a lot to say as he's the eldest ( •̀ㅁ•́;)
JN: I don't-
JN: Miss a-
JN: -nything
JN: At all
JN: Honestly you
JN: Were
JN: Honestly- hhhh -
JN: You don't know how hard it is to take
JN: care of a child- even when it's pretty
JN: I just have too many siblings
JM: So- what do you miss about child Y/N ?
JK: 'kay first-
JK: She used to be a very funny person huh?
JM: Yeah
JK: She now has.. a pretty strange sense of humour
JK: However - well
JK: She has stopped her pranks
JM: I thought she'd grow smart but..
Y/N: YAH !
JM: Ah! Namjoon-ssi
NJ: Yeah? *Squints to see you*
NJ: Do you miss something in child Y/N?
JM: Be honest she is far 'HyungNim'
JM: I'll take it as no then
JM: Okay Suga-hyung
JM: D'you ever miss child Y/N?
YG: Oh, yeah.
YG: Then please tell us more details
YG: Er, well..
YG: Err..
YG: She.. was quite calm back then
JM: Right..
YG: I could sleep well then
JM: But you still had to.. be there for her.. whenever she had a nightmare
YG: That is true..
YG: But she always
YG: calmed down once.. she got in my arms.
YG: I think I felt great because of that
*Yoongi talks about how you loved to cuddle then*
JM: But didn't it bother you?
YG: -and then this small thing held me so tight
YG: I could've- how did I even sleep at the time
YG: Aiish seriously..
Y/N : *amused* Remember when I choke you with the pillow?
JM: Ah that was- *chokes by himselfWTF*
JM: That memory is.. I think it's quite embarassing for you 'Hyungnim'
YG: .. It is.
JM: Fighting ~!
Y/N: Have a great comeback!
USING TARGET DISK MODE on a Mac - Duration: 4:18.
If you own a Mac, then, you should be watching this video.
Hi I'm Serge Siou and welcome to MacStudioA.
In this episode, Why It's A Good Idea To Set A Firmware Password On Your Mac.
No matter how elaborate your Mac login password might be, it's possible to gain access to
your precious and confidential files very easily without requiring your login password.
Basically, macOS has a feature called Target Disk Mode, once enabled, it allows you to
copy files at high speeds between two Macs that are connected via a Thunderbolt cable.
With target disk mode enabled on one Mac, it appears and functions as an external disk
on another Mac.
However, to prevent someone besides yourself from accessing your files, when enabling Target
Disk Mode, it's a good idea to set a Firmware Password on your Mac.
I won't go into how to set a Firmware Password on a Mac, as this was already covered in detail
on the video titled: "Protect Your Investment Mac Lock-Down".
The following demo will show, how to activate Target Disk Mode on a Mac when a Firmware
Password is not set and when a Firmware Password is set.
Time for a demo.
Soooooo, let's get started.
For this demo, I'll be using a Mac mini, a MacBook Air, and a Thunderbolt cable.
Let's first consider activating Target Disk Mode on the MacBook, when a Firmware Password
is not set.
Therefore, with the MacBook turned off, immediately after pressing the Power Button, press and
hold down the T key until a lightning bolt image floating around on the screen appears.
This is an indication that your MacBook is now in Target Disk Mode or in other words,
a glorified external hard drive.
Now, with Target Disk Mode enabled on the MacBook, simply connect a Thunderbolt cable
from the MacBook to the Mac mini.
As you'll notice, the Hard drive or drives from the MacBook appears on the Desktop of
the Mac mini.
Now simply drag and drop files that you want to copy.
Once done, eject the drives by dragging to Trash and then unplug the Thunderbolt cable.
To exit Target Disk Mode on the MacBook, press the power button.
As was shown, it was that easy to enable Target Disk Mode on a Mac when a Firmware Password
was not set in order to gain access to files and without requiring a login password.
However, if a Firmware Password was set on the MacBook, it is not possible to activate
Target Disk Mode by pressing the T key after pressing the power button as was shown earlier,
doing so, will just bring you to the login screen.
The only way to enable Target Disk Mode on the MacBook, is by signing in with your login
Then, from System Preferences, click on the Startup Disk icon, enter your Admin password
to unlock the panel and click on the Target Disk Mode button.
From the pop-up dialogue window, click the Restart button.
After clicking the Restart button, you are asked to enter a Firmware Password.
Once entered, you'll see the floating lightning bolt image as shown earlier, and like before, simply
connect a Thunderbolt cable from one Mac to another to copy files.
Therefore, to prevent someone, besides yourself from accessing your precious files via Target
Disk Mode, watch video titled:"Protect Your Investment Mac Lock-Down" .
And that's all there is to it.
Thanks for watching and thumbs-up if you liked this video, and please, share and subscribe
to be notified of the next episode.
Thanks and Peace.
HONEST Q&A! 😬 - Duration: 6:21.
too bright, too bright
lower the exposure
oh my god i look like i'm crying right now but i just yawned
hi everyone! welcome back to my channel
so for today's video i'm going to be doing a, kind of like a q&a but it's also kind of like a tag
i'm just taking questions out of it cause i don't want to answer all 50 of them
i'm just gonna pick the questions that i think are relevant, and yeah, i'm just gonna answer them for you guys today
so it's kind of like an honest q&a
so get your tea
just get a snack, ok?
and there's squishies all over my floor right now
this hair is really annoying me, like, it doesn't show up any other day, but when i'm filming it shows up, like, thank you!
but before we get on with the video, this is also a collab with....
Angela Bella!!
like i said it's a collab so you guys defiantly need to check her channel out, i will have all the information
and her video down below, in the description, so just click on the, you know, Show More tab
and it will have all the information right there
and without further ado, let's just get started!
how old were you when you learnt how to ride a bike?
i'm pretty sure i learnt how to ride a bike in like 2014
so i was in 2014...
10, if my calculations are correct
how many oceans have you swam in?
i have swam in... oh actually i have swam in 1 ocean
but that was at camp once and i don't know how i did it
like, it was literally up to here...
and i was still in the ocean
technically i've swam in 1
how many countries have you been to?
4, i've been to China, Hong Kong, Australia, and NZ, if that counts
because i'm technically in NZ, right now
have you read any of the Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, or Twilight series?
i have read all the Harry Potter books, i have read the first Hunger Games book
and i'm starting to read the rest of it
and i haven't read the Twilight series, just because i don't really want to, so...
Twilight fans, don't start hating on me in the comments.. but i don't really want to read it tbh
would you rather have an American accent, or British accent?
an American accent, just because... it's kind of like...
it's kind of like my accent right now
but British accent is like "weally" different
do you know who Kermit the frog is?
yes! i... i do
pretty sure if i said no you guys would start attacking me in the comments again
and i know Kermit the frog because of, like, the famous tea memes where Kermit is drinking tea
it appeared everywhere when i used to have Twitter
and it was just really funny
what language besides your native language would you like to be fluent in?
i would like to be fluent in French just because i'm learning French right now but,
tbh i'm pretty sure i'm just not gonna take French anymore after this year
because i'm like so bad at it
fun fact: i actually got 99.5% on my French test
but i'm pretty sure my teacher marked it wrong
and i actually got 100.5% (because you could get bonus points)
but oh well, who cares? i still got 99.5% on my French test!
do you spell the colour as "Grey" or "Gray"?
i actually don't know how people in NZ are supposed to spell it
actually i don't have a way of spelling it
i just spell it the way it comes to my head first
so i spell it both ways, actually
what's the name of your favourite restaurant?
i have soooo much favourite restaurants, i can't tell you
would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs?
of course the suburbs, like, i just feel so sorry for the people who live in a rural area
because you just can't go anywhere, like, it's just so rural
can you whistle?
no, i actually can't whistle, it's really annoying me
do you sleep with a night light?
do you eat breakfast every morning?
yes, actually. i don't know anyone who skips... oh actually.. i do
how many times have you been to the hospital?
i've only been once, honestly
have you ever seen Finding Nemo?
yes i have!
if i said no, you probably would have attacked me, for the third time
but i haven't watched the whole movie, it's just like some parts of it
where do you buy your jeans?
i got my new jeans from Target, Kmart, H&M, all those clothes shops, obviously
what flavour tea do you enjoy?
i mostly like black tea/English tea, and green tea
how many pairs of shoes do you currently own?
i'm pretty sure 5
how old were you when you found out Santa wasn't real?
i just knew Santa didn't exist, i never grew up to know that Santa gives presents,
just because i never got presents, we just get money
whose your favourite person in the world?
my favourite person is myself...
What's On My Travel Bucket List? - Duration: 9:06.
Hey, guys! I just recently got back from VidCon Europe in Amsterdam
and I'm planning a little trip to London, and I'm planning my very first time ever in Italy very soon
And this got me thinking about my travel bucket list.
I've made a lot of little unofficial lists, I guess, over the years, of the places that I wanted to go,
but mostly I've just kind of kept it all up in my head.
But I thought this would make a really fun video, and also just kind of something I can come back and reference
in a few years, and just sort of check off each box as I hopefully accomplish them.
This is in no way an exhaustive list of all the places that I hope I'm going to be able to go in my lifetime,
and if something comes up where I get an opportunity or if I find a budget flight to some other place other than these places
and I do that first, then you know...that's cool with me. Basically I just kind of want to travel anywhere and everywhere.
But these are just the places in particular that I really, really want someday to be able to say that I've been to.
The very first one on the list has to be Germany. This is one that I've been wanting to visit since before I ever went to Europe.
My very first European experience was in Barcelona, and then I moved to England,
and this whole time I was just saying: the second I get a chance to go to Germany, I'm gonna go
And it just still hasn't happened unfortunately.
There's a lot of reasons probably why I want to go to Germany. Maybe, I guess, the top one is that
you might have guessed from my last name, Heckler, I do actually have German heritage.
It's been several generations, so my family hasn't spoken German for several generations,
so it's not like it's that close, and I don't really have close, close ties to anyone in the country or anything like that
But... I mean, there's always that little, little part of your identity that you can't quite shake, and you just kind of...
I just feel like I really should visit Germany someday.
In terms of where, I am not that picky. Berlin would be amazing. I've heard so many wonderful things about Berlin.
Munich, Dresden... There are so many places. I have friends from all over Germany,
and I have tons of other friends who have visited different places.
Basically any opportunity I get to go anywhere within Germany, I'm going to be a happy girl.
The next place would have to be Japan, and again I'm not really that picky on where in Japan I would want to explore.
I just find the culture quite fascinating.
I don't speak Japanese, I don't really have any personal ties with the country,
except my violin instructor for several, several years was Japanese, and she...
Her house was kind of amazing. You kind of felt like you were stepping into...
Japan, I guess. Like, a house in Japan. Everything was very green, tons of plants,
she had tons of things all over the walls and everything that were just...based on her culture
and it was very fascinating. So, even though I don't have any close personal ties,
it did make me very curious and it did make me really want to actually go there and experience it for myself.
So of course Tokyo, you have to go to Tokyo if you go to Japan
Kyoto looks absolutely beautiful
Again, not picky, I just really would love to spend a week or two just exploring all over.
Next, I have never been anywhere in South America before, so that's kind of just a very general bucket list.
I would really, really love to go to that continent.
More specifically, I think it would be amazing to visit Machu Picchu in Peru, and I've also always been very curious about Buenos Aires in Argentina.
I don't really know why I'm so curious. I think it might have been when I was doing my undergraduate degree,
we had a study abroad opportunity, for us who were studying Spanish,
to apply for a semester in a Buenos Aires university that had some sort of connection with ours. They had some sort of deal
And I didn't do it. I don't remember why
I think it conflicted with something else that I had that semester, or maybe it was too expensive
I don't really remember. But ever since then, I think it's just kind of been in the back of my mind
I've just kind of really wanted to visit there and to be able to experience that
because I did miss that one opportunity.
And the reason I want to go to Machu Picchu, other than the fact that, of course, it's very famous,
is I watched some vloggers when they went there, I think... sometime last year?
And it was a big group of vloggers and they were all vlogging from it, so I watched all their different videos
And it made me so fascinated with this. I'd never really seen that much actual live footage of this place,
and it seemed absolutely stunning.
Moving a little further north, I would love to go back to Mexico.
I have seen a couple places in Mexico, but they were both kind of on the border because it was during a sort of Texas vacation that my family was doing
And then we dipped in and saw a couple places, but I've never actually been to Mexico City or any place...
Any Mexican beaches or anything like that, any places further into actual Mexico.
Obviously those couple of places were only a small part of Mexico, so I would love to go
to basically any Mexican beach, and I would really love to see Mexico City.
Now, these aren't in any particular order, but if I did have to pick one that I would say is just kind of the ultimate bucket list travel place
it would have to be New Zealand.
You guys who have watched me for a while probably have already guessed why it is that I want to go to New Zealand,
and it is 100% Lord of the Rings. I am unashamed.
I just want to see every single place that they filmed any Lord of the Rings scene EVER.
Even if I have to take a helicopter, which I don't mind. I'm not scared of helicopters.
And of course, there's tons of actual New Zealand sights to see as well and that aren't related to my very favorite series ever
So I would just love to do a vacation where I can explore that. I've never seen that part of the world
I would love to also see Australia, but I'm going to stay on topic with the New Zealand part being my bucket list item.
And I would just love to explore it and to see that side of the world.
Another place I would really love to see is India.
Once again, I'm not going to get super specific because I don't really have a preference on what part I want to see.
I think the main reason I really would love to see basically any place in this country
is because I know it is so, so different culturally from everything that I've ever experienced.
Just from watching vlogs that I've seen of people who have visited, as well as documentaries and everything else
I know that this is just such a huge part of the world and where a lot of people in the world live
And yet it's something that I feel like no vlog and no video is ever going to quite give you the sensation of actually visiting the place.
So I would love sometime to be able to get the opportunity to go and to actually experience it for myself.
I also hope that someday I will get the opportunity to visit the pyramids in Egypt.
This is probably pretty self-explanatory, considering it's one of the greatest monuments and the greatest landmarks that there is in the entire world, basically.
It's one of those things you read about, you can watch a bunch of documentaries, you can see a ton of pictures, and yet
there's just something that you just know you're missing, that you can't get unless you actually go and visit it for yourself.
I'm a little bit of a nerd for anything that's really old, which is why I love castles and all that stuff you can find here in Europe.
I love just seeing things that were built and were created so long ago, because it kind of transports you back even more than anything else does.
You can go to as many museums as you want and see as many artifacts behind glass as you want,
but there's just something about actually seeing something just so grand and beautifully done in front of you
that...it's just...nothing can compare, really.
Changing styles a little bit, I would also love to go to Hawaii.
This is sort of the "dream destination" for honeymooners or for an anniversary or something
and I know that it's...it's a little bit cliché, I think, at this point.
But, honestly, it has some beautiful beaches, from what I've seen in videos and documentaries and pictures,
and honestly, there's a reason why it's cliché, and there's a reason why it is so talked about. Because it looks really, really amazing.
Not everything that's widely talked about has to be overrated.
So even though normally my style of vacation is not lying on a beach, someday I really just want to have a lazy vacation and go to Hawaii
and enjoy myself and find out for myself if it's overrated.
I feel like this list is getting longer and longer, so I'm just going to wrap it up with just one final place that I have to put on my bucket list
And that is Quebec.
I've been to a few different places in Canada, but they're all mainly English speaking
and Quebec is kind of its own little place, I think
The culture is a little bit different, the style is a little bit different, I feel like, of architecture, and of just living in general
And there's the obvious difference that it's mainly French, rather than English
My parents went a few years ago, and they sent me pictures, and this was before I even spoke French and before I'd ever even visited France,
and I already thought it was amazing. And now that I actually am learning French and am nearly fluent in French
and, of course, I've immersed myself in SO much more French culture,
now Quebec seems even more interesting to me, because it's very tied to French culture,
because it's been more heavily influenced by France.
And it also -- supposedly, I have heard -- feels European to the rest of North America
So now that I've actually lived in Europe for some time and I've experienced it a little more,
I kind of want to go and see what I think, as a North American who now kind of knows what it feels like to live in Europe.
And, of course, the better I get at French, the more I would love to immerse myself in the Quebec accent, because it is so fascinating
and it is so different from the one in France.
I'm not really sure how much you can hear the differences when you don't speak French,
because I could only tell little pieces and bits when I was learning French,
but now that I'm actually competent in French, I can hear such a huge difference, and it's so fascinating.
So yes, multiple reasons why Quebec has just GOT to be on this list.
That's where I'm going to stop for now because, again, I could go on for ages and ages,
but these are just the places that, I think...if I had to choose a few, then these would be the ones that I hope I'm someday able to visit.
Let me know in the comments what places are on YOUR travel bucket list, or if you're a vlogger and you want to make a video about it
then go for it and send me a link on Twitter.
I'm really excited to see the places you guys put on your bucket list, although it may just remind me of places that I've forgotten to put on mine, so...
Yeah, this list is by no means actually exhaustive or final.
Anyway, thank you guys all so much for watching, and I will see you soon in another video
[ENG SUB] 170419 MTV Idols Of Asia - VIXX N - Duration: 21:43.
Yay my good friend is all the way here from Korea!
I'm so happy
This friend over here is not only the friend of MTV Idols of Asia
But we also hosted together previously
So I'm really happy
Let's welcome VIXX's N, who is here in Taiwan once again
Hello everyone, I am VIXX's leader, N
Hello everyone
Seems like his Chinese has improved as well
Actually he has a special mission this time round in Taiwan
This is considered his first time coming to Taiwan alone right?
I am here for my solo fan meeting
I have prepared special performances, songs and activities
So I hope that everyone can come
Taiwan fans are really lucky
He's here to spend the White Day, which means an early Valentine's celebration with everyone
Because it's your first time coming to Taiwan alone
Did the members say anything before you come?
Such as giving some supportive words or things to take note of
They joked a lot
and also because it is my solo fan meeting
they sent some supportive messages
I will gather all the messages and show it during the fan meet, so everyone please come
You're here in Taiwan alone, usually you have the members by your side
Did it become a lot more quiet since you are here alone
Do you feel lonely without the members?
Of course I do feel empty and nervous
I also looked forward a lot while preparing for the fan meet, thinking of what to show the fans
I'm still really nervous after coming to Taiwan
But I saw Apple (MC) whom I meet often and that calms me down quite a bit
Really! It's been so long since we last met
What is this
This is a sort of chemistry between us, our friendship
You're here in Taiwan to spend White Day with fans
Did you prepare some Chinese phrases etc to interact with fans?
I have prepared special gifts and also performances that I have never showcased before
Previously when I was here with the members, it was a little chaotic at the airport
so I learned a Chinese word, 'be careful'
I hope that fans can be careful, and I said that a few times today
What about some sweet phrases
Such as 'I love you' 'I really like you all' did you learn them?
'I am really happy to be with you all, thank you for your love'
That's so accurate!
Oh really? I practiced a lot
You practiced a lot, I can teach you one sentence
'Please be my woman'
That's right
'Please be my woman'
The fans will go (screams)
Does he think that I am crazy
No, no
Because I haven't seen him in a long time, I am really happy
And I know that because he's here alone this time round
He prepared many things for the fans, besides learning new Chinese phrases
he will also prepare small gifts for the fans during the fan meeting right?
Because I followed his Instagram, and it seems like he enjoys doing handmade candles
Yes, I brought candles that I made for the fans all the way from Korea
I went to buy the cups and materials in order to make the candles
and made the candles myself
Please look forward to it
Wow so he handmade them himself
So why do you like making candles?
What makes you like candles and what kind of scent do you like the most?
Since I am always at home and I don't really like going out
I thought of what I can do as a hobby at home
And because I will always buy back candles whenever I travel
So I thought of making candles myself from then on and started making them
I like all kinds of scents but the candles have to match with the scents
Can I say the brands? I like S and J brands
They have all sorts of scent and I like all of them
I know that you really like candles, and I just came back from Bali yesterday
so I specially prepared a small gift for N
Incense(?), not sure if you like it
Oh yes I know this
Just stick it in and light it up
Yes I really like this
I have to prepare candles for you as well
Actually I really like candles as well but I don't think I can make them myself
Because my hands are too rough
It's not difficult, you can do it
Besides making candles, is there anything you are looking into or working on?
Firstly, I am working hard in the acting field
Because I really want to act in good dramas, I am working hard
And to showcase good performances, I am working hard in the area of singing and dancing
You've acted in a musical before and besides acting,
I also saw a video previously
He worked together with BTS's Jimin and performed modern dance
Is it considered your first time doing modern dance?
No, I have been dancing since I was young so this is not the first time
It was a really fun experience, with an opportunity to do modern dance and perform in front of everyone
It was a good experience
I really enjoyed practicing for the performance
Because Jimin and I, VIXX and BTS, are already friends
We then realized that we didn't know anyone else besides one another
So we worked really well together and had a good time
We also chatted a lot when practicing
This time round working with Jimin, were there any difficulties or anything fun that happened during the process?
We didn't have any difficulties
After our dance teacher taught us the choreography, we watched the demo video
Although the dance teacher was there with us initially, she wasn't there when we were near to the performance
We just practiced by watching the video
So Jimin and I distributed the parts and we practiced on our parts respectively
We then taught each other the dance moves after that
So you two distributed the work
Also, our styles are really different
Although the moves are similar, our styles are different
But we really like each other's style so we chatted and shared a lot with each another
So we practiced the choreography and gave each other our opinions and suggestions
I think we helped each other a lot
Besides acting and singing, you also participated in a musical previously
What do you think is the biggest difference between a musical actor and singer?
Did you specially prepare anything for the musical?
Being a singer and musical actor both needs acting
Performing, singing and dancing on stage, are the same
A singer would have to do all the acting within 3 minutes
But a musical actor can use 3 hours to convey and express the story slowly
So I think that the time has a big difference
I heard that N is an emotional person off stage?
Do you cry often off stage?
I do have an emotional side of me
But I'm not the type of person to cry often so I'm not sure
Whether I am an emotional person or not, it depends on how the others view me because I am not sure
Although I have worked with N before and we haven't seen each other many times
But I think that he is a really detailed person and takes good care of others, especially as a leader
And for example making of candles will require someone to be detailed
I can also see that he really likes kids by looking at his Instagram
He has a nephew as well, and he has a nickname, 'nephew pabo'
So I think that he might be a person who cries easily off stage
I have never cried while watching a drama or movie
Why is that so.. I am not sure..
I am really focused when I watch dramas and movies
However, maybe due to the reason that I am too rational
it is harder for me to get into the mood of the drama
But after learning how to act, how to bring out the character and how to say the lines
It made me think a lot more and I hope I can be more emotional in the future
And to try to follow a drama
Can you also share with us where did the nickname 'nephew pabo' come from
And what sort of games do you play with your nephew?
I have many nephews
My elder brother has 3 children, eldest brother has 3 and elder sister has 1 child
I have many nephews so you will see me playing with them pretty often
This is probably how the nickname came about, I am also thankful because it is a warm nickname
We will play with fireworks during special festivals
We will go to places with good scenery and eat delicious food
So we go out and play often
Older nephews will call me 'Sus Uncle', which means 'Superstar Uncle'
Younger nephews will call me 'VIXX Uncle'
So will the kids watch your performances and activities on TV?
Yes, when I appear on the TV, my parents will always tune in to the channel
If the kids want to see me, they will know that when VIXX comes out they can see me
So they will watch my performance together
Seems like the entire family is very proud and supportive of N, both the adults and younger ones
We also mentioned that N takes good care of others, so he's a leader who takes care of members
But as the leader, I am sure there are sweet and sour moments
So can you share with us, as the leader, what are the sweet moments and what are the sour moments?
Honestly I feel that I did not sacrifice anything as the leader
Instead of thinking this way, I would say that each of us has our own role to play in the group
I don't think there is anything I feel frustrated or upset about being the leader
Of course I do feel a little frustrated when the members don't listen to me
But if you ask me if I sacrificed anything
I would say no
You can complain a little since the members are not here
Who is the most naughty one among the members?
All of them listen to me pretty well, but Ken...
Just kidding
Doesn't he feel tired as the leader?
Were there times where you get so tired and be like 'I don't want to do this anymore, I don't want to be the leader anymore'
Were there such thoughts?
There were such thoughts when we just debuted
I didn't know why I am the leader and why they chose me
and also thought of not wanting to be the leader
But those times have passed
After that, instead of thinking that I don't want to be the leader anymore
When I get busy on certain things I will ask the members to share the workload
The members will also help me, so there isn't anything that gives me a hard time
So for example, N is now here in Taiwan to do his own activities
The other members are in Korea, so who will he entrust his work to?
Who will be the temporary leader of the group?
Actually before coming here for the fan meeting,
after having more stage experience,
since I performed in Hong Kong before as well
there is a part where we have to check the music and I will entrust that to Ravi
Hongbin will be in charge of checking the stage
There are also other things where I will ask Leo, Ken and Hyuk for help
They will all distribute the work based on their own interest and what they are best at doing
There is also one more thing I sought help from the members
If I appear on the TV, I will ask Hyuk to see how I appeared, and if I appeared well
Since I am in Taiwan now, if I appear on the TV in Korea, I ask Hyuk to help me to do a check
I asked him for help last night
I really told him last night, half jokingly
Hyuk said that he will do the job well so I assigned him that and came to Taiwan
Although it seems like you were joking, you chose the member who is the most naughty
Can you also choose a member whom you think that you dote on the most
it should be Hyuk and Hongbin
Recently Hyuk and Hongbin are the ones who will stand on my side
So I think I dote on them the most
So does it mean that whoever stands on your side you will dote on him the most?
That's right
Yes it's usually like this, you will dote on the ones who stand on your side
Actually N has many nicknames such as 'nephew pabo'
and he is also like 'the most powerful leader'
There's one more, when we asked VIXX to draw the previous time
We realised that N is a 'Drawing Blackhole'
It seems like N can't really draw well
Do you like drawing? Or are you a little scared of drawing?
Actually the one who can't draw well is Leo
Many of our members can draw well but Leo really can't so he has that nickname
They were asked to draw themselves when we went to Korea the other time
I remember that the drawings were... pretty scary
I don't remember
Just kidding
Is my face this round?
Is my hair parting like this?
You have such big eyes. - Yes the eyes are big
Thank you
We have the leader here today, so you will represent VIXX as a whole
Let's see if N can redress VIXX's nickname as 'Drawing Blackhole'
We have a hat here, let's have N to decorate it
Alright I will do a cute drawing
We'll see, please look forward
(N is an all rounder, he even knows the meaning of the Chinese idioms)
Let's have N to redress the nickname 'Drawing Blackhole'
I will draw my favorite mascot
So impressive, we just gave him the hat and he starts drawing without thinking
Don't you have... some design or anything?
He can just start drawing without thinking much
I already had some ideas on what to draw so
We don't have a second hat if you draw wrongly
Because I got the idea immediately
We will give this to our audience once N is done drawing
So we will see how N does it
She said that this will be given to fans?
I think they will like this
So cute
He's done?
So fast
This is me, and this is fans
Why is your face black
This mascot is me, because my skin colour is dark so I used this point to represent me
So this is your...... ideal type?
Good, good. Yes
This hat will be given to a lucky fan through our program
If we give you another hat, just draw it however you want
You might feel a little stressed just now by the fact that this will be given to the fans
So we will give you another one, can you draw it in a different style that you normally like?
Instead of a pretty style, I like it simple
A style with a main point
So I want to draw it in that style
Small point
You got an idea of what to draw already?
In such a short period of time
Do you have any idea?
Yes it's here
That's fast
But I am not sure if it will turn out nice
Seems like it's because he likes children
N is a really cute guy with a warm heart
So his drawing style is cute as well
I'm shy
He's spending a little more time
Almost done
We will announce the way to get the hat later on, please look forward to it
I am done drawing
He's done drawing the second one
There's a sun, among the clouds
(An idiom)
That's right
You know about (that idiom)?
(The idiom) means...
No matter what happens....there will be a time where things get better
Originally the sky is covered with dark clouds, when you clear them away you see a sun
Something like that
It's an idiom that means good things will happen
Something happy
Yes that's what I want to convey
I got what he was trying to convey
Lastly, is there anything you want to say to the fans?
Taiwan fans, this time round I am here in Taiwan to hold a fanmeeting
I am really thankful for everyone's warm support
I worked hard in preparing for the content of the fan meeting, so please look forward to it
I hope that we can create a special memory tomorrow
Please show lots of support, thank you
Thank you N!
Let's see what gifts to exchange with each other the next time you are here in Taiwan
Thank you, goodbye!
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