The best throws of the FIFA in Xbox 360. Presents !
That was close Part 17
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For more infomation >> Essa Passou Perto Parte 17(Os Melhores Lances do FIFA no xbox 360) - Duration: 3:13.-------------------------------------------
La buena gastronomía, otro de los encantos de la "Bella Airosa" - Duration: 2:37.
Vino el amor | David le jura a Juan que lo dejará en la ruina - Duration: 1:12.
Sim Dara - The Power of Subconscious Mind | Success Reveal - Duration: 31:12.
Success Reveal
Sim Dara
The Power of Subconscious Mind
Mr. Sim Dara
bring to you by Success Reveal
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Peugeot 308 1.6 BlueHDi 120pk Active [NAVIGATIE] - Duration: 1:03.
Cure Insect Decay Candidate Papaya is easy enough to make - Duration: 12:02.
Cure Insect Decay Candidate Papaya is easy enough to make
Blindspot 2x20 Promo "In Words, Drown I" (HD) Season 2 Episode 20 Promo ft. Ronda Rousey - Duration: 0:17.
Her skills are unstoppable.
But next Wednesday...
Ronda Rousey guest stars on a new Blindspot,
next Wednesday on NBC.
How Negative Energies Prey On The Vulnerable - Duration: 5:12.
How Negative Energies Prey On The Vulnerable
By consciousreminder
I had just moved into a new apartment and usually I am pretty diligent about saging
a new space but for some reason, around two weeks in I still hadn�t done it.
For those of you who don�t know, saging is an old practice that is supposed to clean
away negative energies and protect your space.
My apartment however was brand new and I wasn�t really concerned about it�� of course,
until something happened.
I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep when suddenly I heard a really calm voice
talking to me.
The voice started telling me about my past life.
I was confused as to where this �voice� had come from and was just lying there listening
to the fairly negative recount of a supposed past life.
The voice then started telling me how I had failed to listen to the signs.
Not listening to the signs has lately been a fear of mine as I attempt to take this spiritual
The voice then became negative and I tried to shut it off, blaming my silly inner fears
for its presence.
The voice then prompted to tell me that it could confirm it was here by using my boyfriend,
then out of no where, my boyfriend grabbed my hand and squeezed it.
I froze, what the hell was in the room here with me?
And was it just a coincidence that at that very moment my boyfriend squeezed my hand?
I fell asleep and had weird dreams all night.
Our thoughts create our reality, I have seen that universal law in action too many times
to mess with it, and at the end of the day its my decision to believe the �voice�
or not, but my question now was, what benefit did this entity get out of doing all this?
It didn�t really feel like a positive thing to me but it didn�t feel super negative
either, in fact I just felt quite vulnerable.
When people become vulnerable they give their energy away.
Not just to wondering spirits but in real life too.
When we feel vulnerable we lose our power, our self-control and our confidence.
People or even spirits who try to make us vulnerable do so to feel in control.
When they are in control, that is when they can take over and manipulate.
This can be used in all areas of life, in relationships, in jobs, with families and
even with negative spirits.
I am still not certain what exactly this �voice� was in my room and I am not even really sure
if that was it�s intention but I do know this, that to stop vulnerability all you need
to do is remember your truth and who you are.
You can only feel vulnerable if you allow yourself to.
Remember, your emotions are your responsibility.
Vulnerability is not all bad either, in fact vulnerability can be one of the most revealing
things we can allow ourselves
to experience.
Toyota Verso 1.6 VVT-I TERRA - Duration: 1:02.
• Jughead + Archie | Kill Me - Duration: 1:09.
He was looking for the girl next door.
He found me.
If you tell anyone about this...
What are you gonna do?
What do you care, Andrews?
Nothing, just leave him alone.
You and betty?
We may have had a moment.
It's - It's totally cool, I get it, no worries.
Are we 100% sure that Archie's straight?
But as friends, right?
I've never been good enough for you.
I'll never be good enough for you.
I'm not talking to you anymore.
It would've gone a long way with me.
We definitely shouldn't do this.
The hell do you know about it, Jughead? Or about me even?
But I used to know this guy once...
Archie Andrews.
Congrats on 17K, Frontier Hero! - Duration: 0:56.
(to be continued meme music fades in aaaaaaand...)
Can you please
So I can see
Benny :D
*I'm so done with life screaming*
Try Not To Laugh Watching Funny Fails Vines Compilation 2017 | EpicFail - Duration: 5:53.
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Hope you have a great time
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【APH Estonia】Scissorhands【Hetaloid Cover】 - Duration: 4:33.
Love me. Love me. Love me. Love me.
Love me. Love me. Love me. I merely want you to love me.
The snow fallen onto my fingertip wouldn't even melt.
Someone somewhere was making fun of my tin heart.
Everything I see through my eyes remains distorted.
This hand of mine
cannot even caress your cheek.
If that's the case,
just how can I protect your smile?
Love me. Love me. Love me. Love me.
Love me. Love me. Love me. I merely want you to love me.
Since the only thing I can do is wound others,
with this hand of mine,
I'll just eliminate anyone who picks on you.
Yes, this must be the meaning of my existence.
Everyone has become terrified of my hand.
Not a single person dares to make fun of us.
Yet, God, please tell me
why I have suddenly become all alone.
I fought and fought. I believed in your smile.
I fought and fought. Nevertheless...
Something gentle, shiny, and warm
spreads from my hand to my entire body.
I was actually the weakest of them all in this world.
I will never hurt anyone again.
I have a feeling that I can finally
caress your cheek with my hand.
Just once more, if we could meet again,
I'll love you. I'll love you. I'll love you. I'll love you.
I'll love you. I'll love you. I'll love you. I'll be able to love you.
Todd Erickson | Rehab at Kline Galland - Duration: 0:51.
I don't remember any of this, this is just what I was told.
Something happened and I got separated from my bike and then
I was run over by a car in the right lane.
I was 25.
When I got to Kline Galland I had to learn to do everything again.
I had to learn to eat, to talk, to walk.
While I was at Kline Galland the staff there worked with me and my specific needs to
make my experience a good one.
Life now with my family is pretty great.
I love having my kid around and my wife around.
Kline Galland gave me back my life.
6 lb White Rabbit Burrito Challenge from Man v Food | Freak Eating w/ FoodBeast - Duration: 6:38.
no fanfare no BS no stalling you get 30
minutes beat the white rabbit burrito
this burrito has defeated dozens of
challengers and it was featured on man
vs. food so let's make some history
we have you a man
freak eater from Victorville California
Victorville California giving out what's
up guys and welcome for children
Whoopi challenger Valerie Rico's room
fuck Long Beach's in that log where you
guys ready for this area job you guys
are in for a treat we got a competitive
eater right here over the average adult
trying to people just want to take this
thing out and we got blue PCAs sweet
beans in the house so follow them
boobies it will go ahead and start this
clock up at 30 minutes oh okay let's go
at 30 minutes and get a little countdown
here for the ground boom by four three
two Wow Oh wish you luck 30 minutes is
going down six know where your child is
going here at Cerritos California goes
beyond opening it read from a better
week for Wang out at you
to celebrate the debut of their second
food truck white rabbit truck brought
back their giant fusion burrito
challenge the huge burrito represents a
mix of Filipino Mexican and American
cooking but anything that weighs six
pounds is not going to be for everyone
the truck serves a lot of great fusion
food so if you don't like challenges
you'd be better off eating something
more normal-sized the tacos and normal
sled burritos might be a wiser choice
but we're talking about a challenge here
the challenge itself is actually
challenging packing in six eggs garlic
fried rice and three pounds of the meat
of your choice
you end up with a big burrito nearly two
feet long and quite difficult to swallow
first off you have a mixture of tastes
and textures that you don't really
encounter in any other food challenge
the particular this particular
combination is on the dry side you can
literally feel the moisture being sucked
out of your mouth as you were eating so
that doesn't mean that Rita was bad
quite the opposite it was you risk quite
the opposite it was richly seasoned and
deeply flavorful without being
overwhelming or unbalanced I went with
chicken adobo which I enjoyed quite a
bit it's a food I've eaten in smaller
quantities it's definitely not bland the
garlic fried rice was probably what
accounted for much of the difficulty of
the burrito it felt at times like I was
eating a giant rice sandwich there's a
reason why so there's a reason that the
good reason why so few people have
finished this challenge you end up
needing to take in a lot of water to get
the burrito down and that means you'll
need quite a large stomach capacity to
hold it all in the 30 minute limit is
going to be a roadblock for many in case
you didn't know this breeder was
featured on man vs. food nation and
that's a testament to the quality of
this challenge to my knowledge only a
small handful of people have finished
this big burrito and they've mostly been
competitive eaters I tried doing a quick
you two
search and I found a video from John
bellow who recently completed it and
Jeremiah foster finished it a few years
ago but that was pretty much it this is
actually this was actually my second
stab at the burrito and even though I
already beaten the challenge in 2011 it
still felt hard to eat I was determined
instead of personal debt last time I
needed over 20 minutes I wanted to get
it around 15 so I pushed myself to keep
eating without stopping
are you guys big impressed you guys
aren't even easy for you guys this is
like wow that is somebody that really
finished this big ol thing yes just yes
finish it - love to the boil
specifically for $100 and 50% off the
lifetime of white rabbit just like a no
hooking them up with a t-shirt what else
about wheel that's been one swing - good
job man good job poopies live Wall
Street we go 40 minutes stuff we gotta
go down to read it down over here and
again with a hot sauce sriracha they're
not a good AME to rock shows
and I'll blow 30cc burrito and then we
got fart here say he's done quite wrap
that up take it home to my friends for
your feet your box we're cooking with it
thank you for joining me on another food
challenge escapade hit like if you
enjoyed the video and I'll see you next
time stay in school don't do drugs and
eat like a freak
World's Hottest Muscleboy Superhero Dressed in Perfect Gold Speedo for Heel or Jobber? - Duration: 2:34.
Baby Doll Bath Time take a bath with REAL WATER Toys! YapitTV Toys - Duration: 5:16.
Let have some fun with the bath toys
Help the baby doll take a bath
with the shower sprayer and baby wash
WORST LIVE COVERS REACTION (Female Singers) - Duration: 10:46.
this video is called female singers
worst covers this is going to be a shady
video and it's gonna probably gonna be
really funny and polarizing so let's
just get right into it
tops well worst covers based on a
personal opinion the fact that they got
to put a disclaimer before the video you
know some people's feelings not to be
hurt don't stop me now did you cover
those they don't have a lot of dislikes
last one they concluded this performance
okay let's get'em performance okay
that's the original based on dislikes
it doesn't sound that bad I don't
understand what was so bad about that
her classic record
she's on I bet she's having fun let her
have fun
classic Rooker
seriously a Jackson 5 song
classic justify records
oh I've seen this before yeah this is
not good yeah yeah this is a while ago -
yeah yeah it's not a good course alone
she was just like flat
whoa wow do you attempt sing a song if
you're not like
god bless her she was trying she's at
mmm mom Barbara legends beautiful
I like that they're putting in brackets
based on my personal opinion like yeah
she's straining she's straining
not kind of been better
not bad
she's moaning oh oh okay
I never even heard that song before
off-key she's singing in a completely
different key it sounds like it's like I
don't know temple's different the key is
she was overthinking
wonder iana's best songs I've ever
hearing cell for the first time I broke
I think as a habit for Demi's to over
sing I think she was in the oversea
video I did last week like a cop over
singing singer she was on that list so
yeah she she tends to do that a lot okay
I should I you know
she hears voices one of those places
like either you love or you hate was
that I got who that and I don't want
Adams who is that
I wonder what she's sitting with like
who's that lady who's that that Kelly
oh that's major obliged
Keri Hilson sing the songs
well Wendy
classic she doesn't have the emotion
behind it no no girl she doesn't she
doesn't have the power behind their
voice to pull this record off no girl
I'm so sorry
she's a pretty girl but no girl know
that Barbra start man
that's me
come on Barbara come on
whoa Wow that was a very really
interesting list um yeah mm-hmm yeah I
was believed that that list really
speaks for itself
none of those covers maybe I think the
only one that was like about was
probably only person I feel like could
have been left off the list was probably
Katy and I did mine Katy's performance
maybe I got to see like the whole
performance to see what people just like
about it so much but maybe Katie's and
Rihanna's I feel like Rihanna you know
she wasn't really you know she was
having fun on stage she wasn't really
necessarily trying to give you you know
vocals she's just having fun especially
she's singing somebody else's song so I
don't know I'm kind of iffy about those
two things but the rest of the people on
the list yeah they definitely deserve to
be on this list thank you guys again and
always for watching my videos and I'll
see you in my next one
Essa Passou Perto Parte 17(Os Melhores Lances do FIFA no xbox 360) - Duration: 3:13.
The best throws of the FIFA in Xbox 360. Presents !
That was close Part 17
Thank you for watching,sign up for the channel.
ZF Skurcz - Bułgarski pościkk | "Cramp" Movie Studio - The Bulgarian Pursuit - Duration: 49:37.
♫ [Blues for Ben] ♫ The "Cramp" Movie Studio
and presents:
♫ [Squarepusher - Fat Controller] ♫
ALIEN: [unintelligible]
ALIEN: [panicked muttering]
[metal clanging] ALIEN: [panicked scream]
ALIEN: [unintelligible]
♫ [Blues for Ben] ♫ a cult movie called:
The Bulgarian Pursuit
♫ [Critters Buggin - Raimondi] ♫ *72 hours earlier*
[phone ringing]
[panicked shriek]
MAN: Laslo?
MAN: You're still asleep?
MAN: Get to my office! Right away!
LASLO: Roger.
LASLO: I'll be ready.
♫ [MMW - Everyday People] ♫
LASLO: Damn it.
LASLO: Yeah...
LASLO: [grunt]
LASLO: Yeah...
LASLO: But this...
LASLO: ...I don't remember.
LASLO: Hmm...
{"Draska" is a Polish word with two meanings:} {1. Match striker.} {2. Skid mark.}
♫ [unidentified music] ♫
♫ [tadaa] ♫
♫ [unidentified music] ♫ BULGARIA - Sofia
[clockwork toy sounds]
LASLO: Where do you get your wares?
LASLO: Point us there!
TIED MAN: You have no idea who you're talking to!
ASPARUH: You won't be so eager once you get to the prison!
LASLO: We spied on your colleague. You and the entire gang were sold up by him!
LASLO: This is his confession.
TIED MAN: You have nothing on me, I'm clean!
LASLO: [deep inhale]
LASLO: [exhale]
LASLO AND TIED MAN: [inarticulate screams]
[punching sounds]
LASLO: Start talking!
[more punching sounds]
[clockwork toy sounds]
MAN: I see you weren't fooling around when I wasn't here.
MAN: Hold on.
MAN: It's our man!
LASLO: W-what do you mean?
LASLO: We found him in the city.
ASPARUH: He had two packs of pure crack!
MAN: It was our man.
MAN: He was working on that gang for six years.
MAN: We almost had their boss!!!
LASLO: He already started snitching!
LASLO: He just kicked the bucket.
MAN: What is this?!
LASLO: His things.
MAN: What the [cuckoo] is this? Look, you jackasses, it's his ID card!
LASLO: Oh, sorry, boss.
MAN: Since you're my best men, I am going to give you one more chance to restore yourselves.
MAN: Your task is to retrieve a secret microfilm stolen from us by foreign intelligence agents.
MAN: It contains contents compromising our department!
[desk punch] MAN: It contains contents compromising our department!
MAN: And one of our agents.
MAN: While he was performing an alcoholic libation.
MAN: With representatives...
MAN: ...of this...
MAN: ...disgusting enemy regime.
MAN: Incidentally, you are to meet this agent in Warsaw.
MAN: At first, act like you're working together, to make him less suspicious.
MAN: Then eliminate him.
MAN: This is his recent photo.
MAN: We suspect he will attempt to sabotage your mission.
MAN: Therefore, be alert.
MAN: Nonetheless, he can bring us some vital information for our investigation.
MAN: Under no circumstances we can allow an international scandal when this film reaches enemy hands.
MAN: This is a top-priority case!
MAN: When in any doubt, use unrelenting terror.
MAN: We do not have the liberty to do anything stupid.
[airplane engine humming] *Vahr-Shah-Vah*
♫ [The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - Very Rare] ♫
*Passport control*
ZDRAVKO: Oh! Welcome, compatriots!
ZDRAVKO: [in Bulgarian] How was your trip? {Note: They're actually talking in Hungarian, not Bulgarian}
ASPARUH: [in Bulgarian] Wonderful, excellent. {Note: They're actually talking in Hungarian, not Bulgarian}
ASPARUH: [in Bulgarian] Laslo puked in the passenger plane. {Note: They're actually talking in Hungarian, not Bulgarian}
LASLO: [in Bulgarian] I always puke in the passenger plane. {Note: They're actually talking in Hungarian, not Bulgarian}
ASPARUH: The superintendent Zivkov told us that you know who stole the microfilm and where it can be found.
LASLO: [in Bulgarian] Only once I did not puke in a passenger plane.
ZDRAVKO: The microfilm will be retrieved tomorrow.
ZDRAVKO: When the enemy will be selling it to our regime's enemy.
LASLO: [in Bulgarian] But I puked at customs clearance.
ZDRAVKO: We must rest before we act.
ZDRAVKO: Our country's destiny depends on it.
LASLO: Where is the shitbowl?
LASLO: I'm going to puke...
♫ [unidentified music; fast paced] ♫
LASLO: [vomits, yells]
[music ended abruptly]
♫ [Beethoven's 5th Symphony excerpt] ♫
♫ [unidentified music] ♫
LASLO: What's up?
ASPARUH: We're stuck.
LASLO: Where is this Zdravko dude?
LASLO: He was supposed to be here.
CAMERAMAN: (Bartek, it's your line.)
ASPARUH: But he's a traitor, remember what the boss told us.
ZIVKOV: That was our man!
ASPARUH: Not this one!
[comedy swoosh sound]
ZIVKOV: Your task is to retrieve a secret microfilm!
ASPARUH: This neither!
[comedy clang] ASPARUH: This neither!
ZIVKOV: You will eliminate our contact at the spot.
ZIVKOV: He started working for the enemy.
ASPARUH: Finally.
ASPARUH: Damn. We'll have to send him somewhere so he won't get in our way.
LASLO: He's coming.
ASPARUH: What's up, Zdravko, aren't you hungry by any chance?
ZDRAVKO: Of course.
LASLO: Maybe you'd like some kabob?
ZDRAVKO: Of course.
ASPARUH: ["Bulgarian"/Hungarian]
[punching sound]
LASLO: ["Bulgarian"/Hungarian]
♫ [Blues for Ben] ♫
[rooster cock morning sound]
[cow mooing]
ZIVKOV: We suspect that the microfilm was stolen by our ambassador's brother.
ZIVKOV: He works with foreign intelligence agents and abuses his diplomatic immunity.
ZIVKOV: He is a master of disguises.
ZIVKOV: Do not allow him to trick you.
ZIVKOV: Those are his files.
♫ [short thriller melody] ♫
♫ [unidentified music] ♫
ASPARUH: [heavy, angry breathing]
*METRO: Central Warsaw - direction: Kabaty*
[comedy slide sound]
[train engine humming]
[warning sound]
METRO LOUDSPEAKER: Next station: Mokotów Field.
[train engine humming]
LASLO: Well... what are those... our... tariffs?
ASPARUH: You don't know? It's a holocaust laser.
LASLO: What does it do?
ASPARUH: Take a look.
[ding, low-frequency chirp]
[laser blaster sounds]
♫ [MMW- Hey-Hee-Hi-Ho] ♫
♫ [MMW - Everyday People] ♫
CLERK: Hello?
CLERK: Good day!
CLERK: Yeah?
CLERK: I'll take a look at this, then.
CLERK: Fucking old lout. Shit. Fix it yourself.
[hit sound, yelling]
[pained yelling]
SPY: Hey, mister!
SPY: You borrow stuff here, not lay around!
OLD MAN: Oh, okay, sir, I... I'm borrowing this movie!
THUG: Holy fuck!
[cameraman snickers]
MAN IN BLUE: [laughs]
BOTH: Hi, hello, welcome!
MAN IN BLUE: How are your tapes?
CLERK: I came...
CLERK: Today... I came-- I c-- [stutters]
CLERK: [struggles to not laugh]
MAN IN BLUE: You got crocked here or what?
CLERK: [keeps laughing]
CLERK: Sorry, I just remembered something funny.
[cameraman laughs] CLERK: Sorry, I just remembered something funny.
CLERK: Here's an entire box...
CLERK: Aaand...
CLERK: See you.
[cameraman chuckles]
ASPARUH: Oh, it's Zdravko!
LASLO: Hi, Zdravko.
LASLO: Come here, shall you?
LASLO: How did you like the kabob, Zdravko? Tasty?
ZDRAVKO: [vomits]
ZDRAVKO: Delicious.
ASPARUH: Where is that dude with the microfilm?
ZDRAVKO: I saw him nosing around under the bridge.
♫ [unidentified music; fast paced] ♫
LASLO: Oh Jesus!
ASPARUH AND ZDRAVKO: You jackass, get up! [mostly unintelligible]
♫ [techno music] ♫ MAN IN BLUE: Tapes, tapes, tapes, I sell!
MAN IN BLUE: Tapes, tapes, tapes!
[phone ringing] MAN IN BLUE: Tapes, tapes, tapes!
[phone ringing]
MAN IN BLUE: Hi, Błażej.
MAN IN BLUE: Bring in another hundred, they sell really well.
MAN IN BLUE: See you, then.
MAN IN BLUE: Taaapeeees!
MAN IN BLUE: Disco tapes, better than pretty babes!
♫ [unidentified music] ♫ MAN IN BLUE: For each occasion, for each pocket!
MAN IN BLUE: Disco, disco, to me, it's everything!
MAN IN BLUE: Yee-hee!
MAN IN BLUE: Would you, gentlemen, like some tapes?!
LASLO: Where's the microfilm?!
EVERYONE: [unintelligible, ruckus]
[punching sound] EVERYONE: [unintelligible, ruckus]
[music stops abruptly]
[punching sound]
♫ [music resumes] ♫ MAN IN BLUE: But gentlemen... what is this all about?
ASPARUH: Where did that guy run...
LASLO: ...with the microfilm?
MAN IN BLUE: He ran there!
[phone ringing] MAN IN BLUE: He ran there!
LASLO: Then we thank you... most sincerely, sir.
ZDRAVKO: Hey! Which way was it?
ASPARUH: That one!
[punching sound] ASPARUH: That one!
ZDRAVKO: I bit my tongue, you jackass!
♫ [faster-paced version of Blues for Ben] ♫
[engine humming, techno music]
LASLO: Oh Jesus!
[violent braking sound]
[futuristic door opening sound]
DRIVER: Hey, dude! You all right?
LASLO: The microfilm!
♫ [unidentified music] ♫
ASPARUH: You. Where's Laslo?
ZDRAVKO: What Laslo?
ASPARUH: That one, you know.
ASPARUH: Fuck this, the microfilm is most important.
ZDRAVKO: Of course.
ASPARUH: Maybe that guy will know something about the microfilm?
ASPARUH: Or maybe he's the right one?
ZDRAVKO: You blind? He's the wrong one!
ZDRAVKO: Bring him on!
ASPARUH: Stop, we must talk!
ASPARUH: [grunt]
ZDRAVKO: [in Bulgarian] There are houses over there!
[cameraman laughs] ZDRAVKO: [in Bulgarian] There are houses over there!
♫ [unidentified music] ♫
[laughs in the background]
???: Bring him, bring him here!
ATHLETE: [heavy breathing]
ATHLETE: What are they doing?
ATHLETE: What do they want from me?
[panicked murmurs]
ASPARUH: ["Bulgarian"/Hungarian] Where is your pencil?
ZDRAVKO: ["Bulgarian"/Hungarian] I don't know...
ZDRAVKO: ["Bulgarian"/Hungarian] I only have a pencil.
ASPARUH: ["Bulgarian"/Hungarian] Excuse me,
ASPARUH: ["Bulgarian"/Hungarian] where is the closest store?
ZDRAVKO: ["Bulgarian"/Hungarian] There is no sausage in the confectionary.
ASPARUH: ["Bulgarian"/Hungarian] My apartment consists of a bathroom.
[hit sound]
ATHLETE: I'll just finish my exercises... before they catch me.
ASPARUH: ["Bulgarian"/Hungarian] Give me the chalk, there's no microfilm!
♫ [The James Bond theme] ♫
ZDRAVKO: ["Bulgarian"/Hungarian] My car went to the school.
ATHLETE: [quiet grunts]
ZDRAVKO: ["Bulgarian"/Hungarian] Excuse me sir, what time is it?
ASPARUH: ["Bulgarian"/Hungarian] Most sincere thanks for your attention.
ZDRAVKO: ["Bulgarian"/Hungarian] Yes, yes, of course.
♫ [The Bender - Tuatara] ♫
ASPARUH: My ear's itching.
ASPARUH: That dude always plays with the pistol.
ASPARUH: Damn! [gunshot]
ASPARUH: He fired it!
LASLO: Dude. He shot himself in the head.
ASPARUH: Whatever, Zivkov wanted him dead, anyway.
ZIVKOV: You will eliminate our contact on the spot.
ZIVKOV: He started working for the enemy.
[multiple gunshots]
[scratching sound]
LASLO: [yells]
LASLO: Oh Jesus!
LASLO: I cut myself!
LASLO: I could have shaved more thoroughly, my facial hair is sharp!
LASLO: I bleed plentifully.
LASLO: Whoa. It stopped.
LASLO: Holy cow. That'd be a gallon.
[cameraman chuckles]
ASPARUH: We cannot show up at the embassy without the microfilm.
???: [unintelligible]
LASLO: [unintelligible]
LASLO: [coughing]
LASLO: Let's visit the store.
LASLO: Shall we?
STORE OWNER: Gentlemen, where are your manners?
STORE OWNER: By tradition, we enter the store with a cart or a bucket.
[metal clanging]
STORE OWNER: Being well-mannered is a top-priority...
STORE OWNER: ...but the customer...
STORE OWNER: always right!
[cameraman chuckles]
STORE OWNER: My hat... flew away.
STORE OWNER: All because of those glasses.
STORE OWNER: Shucks, everything I'm wearing is dirty.
STORE OWNER: [spits]
STORE OWNER: What do you wish, gentlemen?
ASPARUH: Information!
♫ [unidentified music] ♫
ASPARUH: Where's the microfilm?!
STORE OWNER: Get the hell out of here, out with you!
LASLO: Damn you!
STORE OWNER: [grunt]
LASLO: Oh, no, no, don't!
STORE OWNER: [grunt]
STORE OWNER: That's all?
[hit sound]
[hit sound]
STORE OWNER: [inarticulate]
[cameraman snickers]
STORE OWNER: [yells]
STORE OWNER: [yells]
LASLO: [roar]
[punching sound]
[gun reloading]
STORE OWNER: [dying yell]
♫ [Vicki Sue Robinson - Turn the Beat Around] ♫
*Gum Arabic*
JUNKIE: [sniff]
SPY: My most sincere apologies to you, sir, what time is it right now?
JUNKIE: I have no idea, sir, my watch tips are attached to each other.
JUNKIE: Because of this glue.
SPY: Fuck off, then!
ASPARUH: What did he tell you? What was it?!
[punching sound]
JUNKIE: [Bruce Lee-like battle cries]
JUNKIE: [ditto]
ASPARUH: Son of a bitch!
LASLO AND ASPARUH: On three! One! Two! Three!
JUNKIE: Oh Jesus!
[hit sound] JUNKIE: Oh Jesus!
♫ [MMW - Hey-Hee-Hi-Ho] ♫
[door knocking]
[eyelid smacking]
DEALER: I have there...
DEALER: my bag...
DEALER: Forty kilograms of exceptionally strong marijuana.
DEALER: It's a drug of highest achievable quality.
DEALER: One-hundred percent natural.
DEALER: It's black-market value is about 120 million...
DEALER: ...złotys.
BUYER: Allow me to try, will you, sir?
[unearthly sounds]
BUYER: Indeed, it's first class.
BUYER: So as we agreed, I'm going to pay you a hundred Benjamins.
DEALER: What?!
BUYER: Ooooh!
BUYER: I apologize! I am stoned!
BUYER: Obviously, I wanted to say... promissory notes of the National Bank of Poland...
BUYER: ...of varying denominations!
BUYER: With total value of... a hundred million złotys!
BUYER: Hmm. That is exquisite.
BUYER: Let us finalize our transaction, then!
[cameraman snickers] DEALER: [shriek]
DEALER: [pants]
♫ [Star Wars - Imperial Attack excerpt] ♫
POLICE OFFICER: Good morning, gentlemen! ♫ [Star Wars - Imperial Attack excerpt] ♫
DEALER: Yeah, yeah, what is it?
POLICE OFFICER: Just a routine inspection.
POLICE OFFICER: Whoa, whoa, what am I seeing here?
[bottles clanging] POLICE SUBSIDIARY: I speculate you're dealing with illegal goods!
DEALER: Oh, no, no, no. Just a tiny bit.
POLICE OFFICER: Weed, marijuana, that is, cannabis.
POLICE OFFICER: An illegal drug! Terminally dangerous!
POLICE SUBSIDIARY: The biologically active compounds of cannabis cause dependence,
of mental character!
POLICE OFFICER: In long-term smokers,
POLICE OFFICER: after quitting intoxicating themselves, symptoms of hunger appear!
POLICE SUBSIDIARY: It was pointed out a neuro-degradation is possible!
POLICE SUBSIDIARY: That's physical dependence!
BUYER: [yells]
[hit sound]
POLICE OFFICER: Cannabis should be considered dangerous for health of individuals, the society,
as well as for Poland's healthiness - an addictive agent!
POLICE SUBSIDIARY AND POLICE OFFICER: That's what it is. This is what it looks like.
BUYER: That's horrible!
DEALER: Macabre!
BUYER: And we were told that is just a harmless stimulant, not any more dangerous than tea or coffee!
BUYER: Oh my, we had no idea until now how much evil we were doing by our actions!
DEALER: We are immediately stopping this disgraceful procedure.
DEALER: Therefore,
DEALER: we give ourselves to justice,
DEALER: so we can get a well-deserved punishment.
POLICE SUBSIDIARY: You won't tell us how to do our work!
DEALER: But Mister Lieutenant!
DEALER: I was only--
POLICE SUBSIDIARY: It's better when it's shut!
♫ [unidentified music] ♫ [beating sounds]
DEALER: [unintelligible; begging]
DEALER: But immediately!
[more beating sounds]
POLICE OFFICER: This is for your own good!
DEALER: [shriek]
POLICE SUBSIDIARY: It hurts us more than it does you!
[slam sound] POLICE SUBSIDIARY AND BUYER: [grunts and yells]
[eerie sound]
♫ [MMW - Hey-Hee-Hi-Ho] ♫
POLICE OFFICER: Good day, gentlemen. Do you, by any chance, have anything to do with the illegal procedure that's happening behind those doors?
ASPARUH: By no means!
ASPARUH: We are agents of Bulgarian justice!
ASPARUH: We're on a dangerous criminal's trail.
POLICE OFFICER: Allow me to see your ID cards, gentlemen.
POLICE OFFICER: Everything seems in order, ID cards are genuine...
POLICE OFFICER: I don't see any issues. You may carry on... with your duties.
LASLO: [unintelligible; chirp] said "Listen, Laslo! Screw it, not listen!" [unintelligible, cuckoo]
LASLO: Look, look, our microfilm is there!
♫ [unidentified music] ♫
[dog barking]
*MANLY* [heavenly sound]
[crashing sound]
[gunshot, dog whine]
LASLO: You hurt the doggie.
ASPARUH: Nah, they're kitties.
[swoosh, hit sound]
ASPARUH: [grunt]
ASPARUH: Where's the microfilm? SPY: I don't have it!
SPY: I don't!
ASPARUH: Where is the microfilm?!
LASLO: Where's the microfilm?
SPY: I don't have it--
[gunshot] SPY: [yells]
SPY: [yell]
[cameraman laughs] SPY: [yell]
SPY: [roar]
SPY: I have it!
♫ [tadaa] ♫
ASPARUH: Oh yeah?!
[gunshot] ASPARUH: Oh yeah?!
SPY: [yells]
SPY: [yells]
LASLO: On your knees!
LASLO: You traitor! Bow to Bulgarian law!
♫ [short thriller music] ♫
SPY: I'd rather not involve my knees!
ASPARUH: What, then?!
[multiple gunshots]
LASLO: I'll unpack the microfilm.
ZIVKOV: You will deliver this microfilm to our ambassador in Warsaw. Beware of his conjoined twin.
They're co-joined with their lower backs.
ZIVKOV: We have proof that he worked with the enemy regime.
ZIVKOV: We suspect he is conspiring behind the ambassador's back.
ZIVKOV: Under no circumstances he can-- can retrieve the microfilm.
ASPARUH: Okay, let's go to the embassy.
♫ [unidentified music] ♫
LOSER BUM: [unintelligible]
WINNER BUM: I won? I won!
LOSER BUM: Fuck you!
BOTH: [grunt]
WINNER BUM: Oh you fuck, I drink!
WINNER BUM: I drink!
WINNER BUM: I drink!
WINNER BUM: I won the drink!
WINNER BUM: [screams]
WINNER BUM: Shit, it's me who drinks!
WINNER BUM: [grunt]
WINNER BUM: [screams]
♫ [unidentified music] ♫
[music stopped] MAN: Ha!
MAN: It's great that nobody recognizes me, because I am my ambassador brother's brother...
MAN: I remain unrecognized only because I am indistinguishable from my ambassador brother.
MAN: No difference except a birth mark - a reversed circle.
♫ [short thriller music] ♫
♫ [music resumes] ♫
ASPARUH: Finally, the embassy.
MAN: I gotta pee!
GUARD #1: Halt!
GUARD #2: Embassy guard!
GUARD #1: And the ambassador's!
GUARD #2: The embassy's director!
GUARD #2: [yells]
[punching sounds]
MAN: [grunts]
LASLO: Mister Ambassador!
ASPARUH: Mister Embassy Director!
MAN: Ha, ha!
MAN: What's up?
ASPARUH: Mister Ambassador!
LASLO: We have the microfilm.
♫ [unidentified music] ♫ ASPARUH: Here you go!
MAN: I'm a bit dropped down emotionally again.
*Chinese candy drops*
MAN: Ah...
MAN: Chinese drops?
MAN: Hah. What, you were in China?
MAN: No...
MAN: In Bydgoszcz.
{They are produced in Bydgoszcz}
MAN: What are they made of?
MAN: Sausage..
MAN: Glossing agent E414...
ASPARUH: What happened to your brother, sir?
ASPARUH: The conjoined one?
MAN: You know... that this bird house was built... by me with two squirrels' help?
MAN: This one.
ASPARUH: But no no no!
ASPARUH: What happened to your conjoined twin?
MAN: Oh, him. He...
MAN: He was a traitor. He had to die.
LASLO: Mister Ambassador. We retrieved the microfilm.
MAN: But...!
MAN: ...the microfilm was retrieved by my twin brother!
ZIVKOV: The ambassador's brother can be distinguished by a distinctive birthmark on his neck.
ZIVKOV: It looks like a reversed circle.
ZIVKOV: Oh, excuse me.
ASPARUH: The reversed circle!
LASLO: The traitor's mark!
MAN: [chokes] Fuck!
MAN: [inarticulate]
ASPARUH: Choke on it, you traitor.
[phone ringing]
[eerie sound]
*from Sofia, Supt. Zivkov* ZIVKOV: Congratulations, you retrieved the microfilm.
ZIVKOV: You eliminated three traitors.
ZIVKOV: Zdravko Zdraicev.
ZIVKOV: The second brother of the ambassador.
ZIVKOV: The third brother of the ambassador.
*THE END* ZIVKOV: Return home for a well-deserved reward.
♫ [Melvins - Roadbull] ♫ {Wait until credits end for extra content}
main cast:
Grzegorz Paraska - Laslo
Bartosz Walaszek - Asparuh
Krzysztof Żelazko - Zivkov
Piotr Paraska - Ambassador's 1st, 2nd and 3rd brothers
[spacecraft sound] Marcin Rudowski - Zdravko
Interrogated Man: Łukasz Walaszek
Redneck with TV tray: Paweł Staszewski
Mobster: Paweł Szamburski
Mister UFO: Bartosz Walaszek
Guard: Piotr Kaliński
White trash girl: Joanna Kalińska
White trash man: Rafał Krzyżanowski
Tape rental clerk: Łukasz Walaszek
Customer #1: Grzegorz Paraska
Customer #2: Bartosz Walaszek
Tape seller: Rafał Krzyżanowski
Driver: Łukasz Walaszek
Athlete: Mariusz Kowalski
♫ [Blues for Ben] ♫ Store owner: Krzysztof "Dr Yry" Radzimski
Chess Players: Paweł Staszewski, Grzegorz Paraska
Arabic karateka: Łukasz Walaszek
Trader #1: Grzegorz Paraska
Trader #2: Krzysztof Żelazko
Sgt. M. Pięść (Police Officer): Bartosz Walaszek
Lt. Nos (subsidiary): Krzysztof "Dr Yry" Radzimski
Embassy Guards: Bartosz Walaszek, Grzegorz Paraska
The movie almost featured: Trader: Patryk Mihoń
Ate like a pig: Marcin Bieńkowski BUT he will appear after the movie!!!
Scenario: Bartosz Walaszek, Grzegorz Paraska
Director: Skurcz Movie Studio
Dialogues: very bad
Camera: Łukasz Walaszek
Post-production: Bartosz Walaszek
CGI: Bartosz Walaszek
Costumes: Skurcz Movie Studio
Light: Daytime
ASPARUH: [unintelligible]
[high velocity wind]
[UFO sounds]
[metal clanging] ALIEN: [panicked screams]
♫ [Fat Controller - Squarepusher] ♫
MAN: See, it tastes good.
[cameraman barely holds it together]
[cameraman giggles] DINER: Ah!
[cameraman snickers]
DINER: I got dirty a bit.
[cameraman snickers]
DINER: Good morning.
PEEING MAN: Good morning, Mister Pachlucy!
PEEING MAN: Why are we consuming in the hallway?
DINER: My wife threw me out of my house, because I eat like a pig.
PEEING MAN: My house has a defunct toilet, out of order, so you see, sir, what I am forced into.
DINER: Nice talking with you.
PEEING MAN: Well. Goodbye, neighbor!
[cameraman laughs]
[bowl shatters]
[everyone laughs]
Copyright - all right {Basically, it's their way to say this movie is on a free license as long as you tell who made it}
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